4 For thd Mercury, Mr. Editor: What mortal's that who so earnestly invitts all the (self .ttylttl) Democrats in the County to meet in Oxford on the 18th of De- - : 1 .t ill - cember next, and' what V ork' is that in which he would hive their 11 souls, minds, and strengi Ji" to eti- 1s it some political 'point c he provisions dear i mi to the lovers of 'iberly, equal rights and justice ?M if so, the cause is won. " . '' r I'll' I ' my oi ine zeai wnicn ne manuesis ; i : i , l 1 .ill? i-l and i as one wlu w ill propose, my hch 1 rom the I-'- . :! .1 such earlv attendance and best efloits to sustain it. But if the writerdoesf hot mean exactly whit he say, . 'have tome reason to doubt terms which he alterivairds I . . .' i f L as. " select such men as w .came justice,' j. &c. Tne cauie " seems to referj cratfe cause, in the sense wnlch mo- tlpm nnlitirMatii iinriprwtanrl it. ttr? '-r"-. 7i; - , Jicksoniim and Van Burenism, with I i il,1 hi Wbrds ? to the for a loan of twelve , i , ,.. t - millions," &c. These are acts so palpable and unauthorized, that , the people, as I believe are anxious for their repeal. And I entertain a mcst sanguine hope for the hour of reco i sideration. Retrenchment and reform are at jha rid." To re-elect th'w same Executive who authorized the "u must and imprudent measures of the extra h I.I i . . ' i -!-! ! h session, such as "tyrany" acts "wit h- so do our our emo- I I ! 1 ill the misrule and ed and ruins which are identified With 'darkhistorv of their adminis ... . . i i , i experiments, nam- nameless, and numberless the rations. out constitutional authority, acts palpable and unauthorized,'' that ! people are anxiously waiting for their repeat, anu ne nimseii is mosi san guine in his hopes that the hour is jal hand " To re elect this same leapt. Jack J udas Ty ler cannot be the 'work' ior io Depaitmint, that; the only - eKielent ,f l- JrrrfVZT romely ma,,beapplieclt:- Il w1U not 3PI&IiIi conunue in omce inosg wi)o.wui not them;selves give tjjTJimc and atten lion to t he discharge of its duties, "or whoviolate or sufier violations of the rules, of the Departments in opening and distributing the mail. fit Is also desirable that you observe the denoHment" of rail carriers and drivers" of mails, ahdi report any, Wi- conduct arising frpm jyilful ttegligence or carelessness anuj inattention to s tgp thi same JEx,lWideht: j1 .lh,e llabtiSWry jng letters ir u ',' j v ;4: j1' ' 1 latioiTof lawU-Wereby lessen in n, who stands head of tie oe--- : rX&T d . mocratic republican party hs-pleasVd:: Le done j;norance '0( the tb bestow on the administration 6T' you Avill inform ami instruct the .censure Jackso i If so, the efforts of the 4soul, mind, liberty, will be d despo- and strength ot every lovero equal lights, and justice, j reserved till such tyrany an tism as marked those disastrous Wmi nistrations shall call them t prompt and unyielding ; opposition. Think you the- work " will turn' aut.to be totchange the present adnin stration? This surely cannot be, if tl ey are, what do they j profess to b: Demt cratic : Republicahs for ? Tj" ieir Mo loch in his reply to those wh invited him to the Polk dinner in Nashville, some weeks since, congratulated them and the country at .large ori having at, the head of 'the1 government a Presi- -dent Who has not . ''swerved from his . integrity, who has preserved his own V consistency . lv averting 'the blow t- AmedAtt hbHties, who jias fean rlTft Vf I tessly, j uted ankl , faithfully ercised ieiiica ,ec their employers arjdltd ; the Depart- Many complaints having been made agairlsl the agents or''irayeli.ing Post mastrs oft t ailrdals Toiites? you are expected to observe the conduct of such ks may fall .vylthin the range of yourj supervisiot. I H i Inlnrmntmn ni hnpn Pftinniimi'a. vers ot liberty, equal rrghts anU tcJ ,0. lllis Department that drivers! slice could not engage in it, for and carriers of the! mail, on; the more atsline himself, deserves no higher distant and more important routes,are .vvirrvinn nuprs in Pin. the partment. As this law, con- Capti Jack Tyler. I tractors to charge the carriers and d- It !mightl)elhoughtbystrpenicial - vers ',not iolej the 1av in this reade'r that the above Rotations from 1 if."186 f -18251 S,f ln V tti1 .1 i i 20direcls that all carriers shall de- the Ex-PresidenU letter, were a hale RveKsueK lett; whetlw sealed or inconsistent with each other, but; you unsealed; 'to t&e rst , Post Office at will not -Gorwldpr theml so. i foi U-?ia which thev-mia-v arrive after re ceii' susceptible of proof, lhat they are pert! ng.iilhe Postmaster is di rectly cbnstent;wi'th:thiholesv; I 'i- , ' , ..... , v f ii you Decon-.e saiisneu mai a tern of the parly of which, jwji-flfostcVnotJof public lili I If. convenient, I wrHTalten"?! -the landnot requited for the public acco meet ng on thel Sth it I cannot I . m odalion; yp Hull report that faet wish t vou v'ou1d; and Jit me know and the reasons for the opinion, f t J - w . t -r I ; - Tit .nn thai iMivd ovnriian any! vim. what they are un to, ad1f -vcu, find , 1 , . vb - " : v . . lanisupervisrgn oi me special Acenis DANlEIi n. COODLOE;r TTTTAS krteJ at Louittwrf , nd wiU ttc nJ IQL the Court of Granville bhI Frmnlin. . ! -, mm 44 - s Shaw & Kin, ) R E F T. R T . O Pmtlcron, ) f Hon . U. B. Gillium, I) R. 5c R.H. KmgburvJ Oi J. .C. CoojH-r, " I J : H.'.W. Miller. Ra,'Ms- ; ' Hi: rTn II E Subscriber baving taken ihe Store -LLi Hoose,"in the Town of Henderson above the Inspection Ware Ilpusr, dnj nearly vp-.-te Mr. N. N. Southair Hotcj, would iiifarua thosc persons,' purchasing their suplin iti Hen-deraonr- that they have on hanJ at thi time a great ?vaietj of useful article i iivlisejionsiMe to the house-leejter. Among whijh.is a very om and tasteful selection of Drv tioo.!.1 AUo. a very excellent assort inent of 1 I i Hats, Fur and Wool, , 1 i i C:i, Fur, Hair & Scaled, 3"it, an;! Lhrr. Shoes, Coarse, ;! Brogat)s,! frvnn S'l to St 23, a ! - -very superior artif le for viintcrl Wear." -1 "Women's iJrjther Shoes sewed and triJ. ' li'Mla.'S. Walking bcal Shoes, i: i.V-'l? ; Slij.r, Kid. ; VT "' CLiltlrcns Leafhe'r Shoes. ' ' , "'.) .Kt-il Boote.-s.' ;' I Gentlemeii's Coarse Water Boots. Al4 SUGAR, COFFEE, ImOLASSKS, JW "Ip rAvj i.-u i , nui jiii u; i iiufiii i iaui il, Tini, a(id' Stone Ware, together with i a .general assortnient of Confectionaries and Lurs, a!J of which will he sold wry low fujr cash. - " . Havinsran ajencv for oueoftlie Manufactures inPcter.shiirg, we will le a!le a alljtimos to till orders for Stone Ware from merchants or others' fori. tf ITTORXEY A'IL.IV. i it' i - a " AS Uxrated himself in 0nl, N. C., and will practice in. the CoUrU of Granville, NksliL Wake and EdzieeomK tie will attend to the collecting .buMoess in eacli jof the surround ing Oounliew, and nhiler il;: intrusted to hi care in the line nt his rof.siofi, will meet .with ion. :; to . ; y jllis Excelfrncy J. M. Morelioad, Hon. D. L. Swain, - who may wish to buy, uiwn as jtood (terms, ami more rroinjtly, than they can bu--in Petersburg, allowing at all limes laiier centl' for! c"ash. . We restjectlully so'ieit a call. ! i i v A L;. K 11 1' i jL A LLK V, GEORGE W. WEST. , Henderson, Nov. '25. J 19 f 5t . rrcs'ulent of the UniveritT of N.C Hon. Thos. RuHin, Chief Just ice oi the State. Tt It . r 11 i. ri' - ot I, yj. nernuon, H.S&. H. ii. Kingsburv jJ. p. Coorer, Mercha ry, . Oxford. ... HAV R. 5c R. H. KINGSBUliy JUST i RECEIVED AD ARE N0Y OPK.NISG TH KIR SCei'l.Y, OP any accom- A BJ. & A 1 - . d " w n r w i n -i r-t t a ri rv n -a i hit hb i via w- fafc V J" - '&v. .;i,hj. Deplrtment. tnainlj depend vve nluit .tur ourselves, ;rf there ap- lheVegalbritsecurity, and efficien pears'to be any possibility of their! cy of Mail tit nsporta t ixia, nd I can 8iU)?. for to nrerpnt sft disasir-nn, noUo'o'stroffcl impress tipon you 1 1 4 k' 4 . . ii rV r'the importanje?nd high responsibiJ an event as that. - would be worthy of .. - I.. m . . a . ' i J . ity of your f Mions. It is to you the ine energy wnicn -out aumor caiis out post master ( on, the lSth. Permit . me, in conclu you eneral must Uok for sc- atfon upon ll subjects the outIoor operations .curate infor; slon to say that no man'shall ."vvork t perlainin 1 harder (accordin your . humble ser . -- irm i r .... . a . State of North Carolina. j - Granville County.' J : - jCourt bf Pleas and Ctuarter Sessions, ) , j ' obs'b Terv,. A.lD.,l8tI y Frederick J! Carter, and wife and ! other., r. Wm. Russell, Adm'r. of Rich! Bullock, dee'd. fetrtion ior sale of Slaves. FAX,I & WINTER GOODS, BEING one of the most Splendid and Fash ionable Assortments ever Offered for rale in Uxtord. Our stock is large, wfcll M-Iected by a coini)etent jude, coinprUinc every variety. anH cannot tail to hit the t incy and iIrae the tatte oT II .1 l . 1 .L ' ' .i. t it! r J i ' an, auu tnosc wuo wish ptou oargaina ani gnoa articles' arej respectfully requested to call an4 It appearing to the s;Uisfactirfi off the Court, J examine for thcmicites. ' In vheir asortnant in ije iuuiiu i mi Sleridid Challies and MoueIi De Lanes, Fi-urcd jnd LMain Hlack and $lue-Ulack Silkt, trench worked Capes ami Colt?!i, 1 "L Hosiery of all kind, I'iij ' . Limdbnand American Print,!;! Chersc ; ! do i : A large assortment of Clotlia, Cassinieres,! Vetingi", &c. . Carpetingr Ann, Thomas that'Baxter McLean, and wife! Bullock, Monroe Bullock, Emma Bullock, and Wdharn Bullock, reside beyond the limits of this State; II is therefore ordered, that! publication lie made in the. tixford Mercury, -for six weeks succcss'hveiy, nouiyingsaui uaxipn ici-eaii anu wife Ann, 1 honlas Bullock, Monrbe Bullock, Lmma Bullock, aud William Bullock to 1h? and appear jbefore JLhc Justices of the Court of Pleas aiid GTuarter Sessions to be held; for ihc County ofl Granville,1 at the Court House in Oxford, on Blank'eU and Negro Clothinir. i a l 1 4 ... i n.i t i i .1 i I ri Tr 1 J I ft ti . 35 ine nrsi. monuay in reuruary pext, l inen anu i rjr, y ooi ann merino iiain, f there to answer ox demur to saidl petition, other- I Coarse and Fine Shoes, . - I IA3 ..Oil' 1 AVUIJ - I, VA J 1 1 ll MlfcUl I .. . a. ...w wvm, -j l il ; r .t. L uU... .i I l TT T utiu UiC iraj c ui ine peiuiuners graiueu. I uic fiiu ujiju i jjiiiiiiri, t.1 Witness, James M. Wiasins, Clerk of said Calf SkinsJ Harness Leather, Uourt, at omce in Uxtord, the nrst jiNaonday in op and Curtain tildes, iovcoiWj A D., 1811. t I J I '! ' Elacksmith's Tools, I . II ! j j i JAS. M. WIGGIN'S, Clerk. Groceries, Hardware an Pec 9 '! to strength). than oi ine wep .pern, uive me your ... . r 17 , iin IKk il'nslvT lltina llonnrl ant i ours:7-- Ior I never l:r-:.il-.- rr:r ".i . v : : ... eminciiv.' us luiauu uuuuiai. . . i , fum f , . w ... i r n-l-l 1 M 1 I V , f if his constitutional prerogatives in be half of this free and. most system of govcrnuients, & lentlemen,,, says he, "I that iahe ability ,and deterjrninalion perfect :'And liav add 1 h: the 0- yly re I abiding admi-- k,-"far eotld detcL disjjise, and Ominate the acts, doings anil pro fessions of Capt. Judas Tyler thtn does your cot respondent, h i ! i ; a whig. Granville, N.;;C.-:;- ;i,..: : ;.-U V rk . ; JS. A WICKL1FFK. of the kpreeident to mointa Yernmer.t on principals p publican, have the mo ronfitlpnee'' To chamrelth - - o- i j nitration cannot be the vp vVashineton himself deserved no higher eulogy than Ex-President Jackson, who stands head ofj nissame Democratic party has pleased to bes tow on Ty ler. Such a "vp could not be consistently en by those who "feel the fta berty, equal rights, and "justice glow ing. in their bosoms.7' Some have . iniest that the "work" will be ah ef- t Oxford JTemalecsidemy . rrn E first session of this School for the next I JJ. year, will j commence on the lQth day of !. f .TEailS PER SESSION: -r- ! i ! Tuition in the English Branches. i7 50 to 12 50 THK POST OFFICE ESTAB- Latin, Greek aid French Langoajreg each 10 00 I I ; l.ISHMRNT . J : 1 Wwic on the Kuno Fwrte, . '20 00 Ve have been favored by the prop. DraW nJ naintins. ' - . looo eir authontv Willi the tollowinH conv Bwar? . r - - i - - - - - 4000 a; s,tnPl rk ; then jifireu in. e oi u- Letter containrns Instruction-s the Postmaster General, the1 execution of which cannot fail to reach a class of abuses w not Very glaring, do not the nuire ine nanu oi reiorm to ded to them. ; i t i Oxli iwJ, N.C Dec. 9 BENJ. SUMNER, Prtn. State of North Carolina. ! j .1 Granville County. ! ! Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions'. . 4 November Tkrm. AJ D 1811. vnn u. ; urcen auiijx. oi j-ewi : crcen. v$ Leonard JL.Tavlor. lv i; n Original attachment Levied 'on 300 acres land ' . . xraucif in r isuing -rees. uisinci; 21 3t lich, tho' less re be exten- ; The Register; "Star and Standard will give the ahove two insertions, i I I I ! tl -F" CmqULATl LETTER TO THE SHE CI A L A Ij E T?S O r 1 1 1 E PO ST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, fort to re-elect this ((ableynsitent and fearless77 statesman. AlisI Capt. Jack Tyler ! Their Moloch in his reply, also says, "the hearty congrar- tulation which you tender to tne "signal ''triumph's of De Hpmih inn nrincin m n e upon ncea in mocratic the; late vows of Main, Maryland, . andsUeorsia. ana other states are re- - " ' .... , . ' M ceived with -the most grateful crationi" 5tc. He goes on Ihnt the events i of 1840 ha republican principles, and ll . maining hqpe then, was, j would effect a resurrection, the means of a reaction of ous peoplo, when they shauld, coolly reflect, t which Iim happened, sooner than he expected. Among tne causes which have awakened the people, he ; mention the -unjust and imprudent measures of the late extra session of : 'Congress," as also " the tyrihy of a Iictatorul. cnajoruy; tee distribution of j the proceeds, of the salt? of the public lands, without -' constitutional .authority; tlve system of Iath1riipty ; ; considt o state d killed ;t( his re Vat time the virtu- ii ' ; 'Post Office Department, Sot. 4,1811 !sir: 1 o" the duties assigned you by any former insltuctions, as Special and Confidential j Aent of this De partment, I desire, to. add that bf l. - , i : i - i strictly observing the manner in which tpe Post Offices hie kept in the section and along the lines of route! yoil may expect to travel. 1 ! '';. -: :p'u. ."U- The Post Master General expects nat even Post Office, whatever may be its 'importance,1 shall be attended . i: -i ; . it,. . to or supervised by the Deputy Post, master. Ihe practice which; I re gret to learn, nasiooiaineu in- many portions oi tne umieu aiaies, pi one man holding the commission of Post master whilst another discharges" its duties, must be stonu&d; and when such cases fall within your knowl edge, I desire that they shall be made tne subject of special report, i Great carelessness in ; the and keening the mail in insecure pla ces. and nernnttinr persons1 other opening tpan the Postmaster, or his sworn as sistants, to have access to the same when opening, or after it is opened, lias been charged; in general terms, upon, many of the Postmasters in the. small towns and vtuages.' " This evi must oe correcieu, ana wnen vou have evidence of the fact, it is ex- peeiea you win maKe n Known io in TT appearing to the satisfaction of - the Court. iL'r that the defendant Leonard I L. , Taylor re sides beyond the jurisdiction of thia Court, it, is therefore ordered , that publication be made in the Oxford Mercury for six weeks successively; notify $g said Defendant to be aiid apjiear at the CourtUo be held- for the county if; Granville, at the Coiirt Hsuse in Oxford, on the first Atonday in! February next, then and there to1 plead ir replevy, otherwise judgmcntfinaj will !e rendered against hini,i and the 'property levied upon, con demned sul'jfct to plaintiff rrcavery. !- '' jWithessj James M. Vj"icrgins , Cletk of said Court t of&ce, the first Mondat ii "'.November, At Djbll. . : -.. ! 1 I i 1 1- JAS. M. WIGGINS, Clerk. Dccember 2, 1811. J . 20 1" 6t -r nd Crockery, Iron, bait, ,&c. &.c. &c. I AnjuiiTiaci a complete agsortment or etsrj thing;usually kept in store, iwe do not say th U st, hut as good as any in the ?tte. , . ' 'l Our Goods were purchased cith .cash'and w are cdnseqacnlly prepared tonrl them on aou4 .. termsas any others. Returning to the.publie oijir" sincere and 'grateful acknowledgments for their Former liberal patronage,r e solicit, a con tinuance of their favour, to coikiliat which, w have spared neither labor nor raoney. WWW jIDS WE have just received oir FALL AUD WINTER supply ofjGoodv and now pner Ior sale the largest supplyjever seen in this plac.ej at unusual low prices, s- ! U. N. & D. C. 11ERNDON. 15 Oct. '38.' Ofoijd Jflale Academy. fill HE exercises' of this Institution will H resumed on t hie second Monday in January nr.Ai, uiiuci inu iiiuii suLH-iiiiieiioeiice. ui l uos. H. Vtil!ie the former Principal and Marcellus i V. Lanier al gracfeute jfrom Hie University ot recompend the Institution to 'the patronage of the public. Tlie tiwnof Oxford combines in an eminent degree, me; advantages ot beauty, liealth, and excelleHt society, with: the opportunity of obtaininc board m trood 'families, wion reasona ble terms. . I If - j j. . i . "" : : ' i'l .' ' !!! if.: -.-.' i' r . - . PRICED OF TUITION' PER SESSION Ij I r I OF FIVE MONTHS. i ; ftfadingl Writing and Arithmetic, iisli tiranamar and iieocruphv. jn- State of Nortlr Carolina. 1 j! ; Granville Countv.i 1 Court of Pleas and Q.uarter Sessions. Il,e I ! i : " OVKMBKItlTKKM.1841. HMary Elixson, Ex'x.-of AVm. Elixsiii dee'd nos. 'TS. James King and Wife and other j. En i 1. iciudoa. Siooo 10 50 Pi'tition of Iiitri)!nior. li i . i'l ii i i . 1 ! U appearing ; to the Coi&rtjthat Edward Gala ham one of the defdhdants, fsa non-resident, it is ordered, tliat publication be made for six weeks successively in the Oxfwrd .Mefc.uryJ notifying him to; be and appear befoie the Court of Pleas aiid GLuairter Sessions,; tof be held for the county ot Granville, at the Court House in Oxford, on the hrt xlonday in February next, then and Heady Made Clothing, DUV GOODS, JEWKUUY, &c, &e rilHE! Subscriber having mside arrangements JL S at Philadelphia and Wilmincton, N. C is prepared to furnish the citizenbf Granville ami t, Dry Goods, Jewelrv, &.c. at $5 ier cent. chyajicr, than they can jwssibiy obtain them here or, in khe State. He also woutl inform the pub lic! generally, that he has two l;jrge Clothing and Dry Goods ; Ettablishments, one at Philadelphia and the other at Wilmington who arc constantly engaged in forwarding him giods of the latest lasmun, anu sucn as may oe ofuerco by loose ot his customers that he may n have articles to suit. He is willing, if any one. purchasing good from im, who may become diseased with their bargains, to take them backmrfd refund them the. money. The reason he is so' well-assured he can sell goods very low, is that he has a partner at thejnorth who is a constant .f attendant at th sales of goods, and of course can obtain better l.- - ! ''. I : a I 1 - ' t . ... thereto answer petition, land litigate his claim; "W'f18 cn,cc. l"n no wnopmy tiieM i! .t : 1 :.. ...:n ii -J . the sates of goods once or twiLe a vear. and ar a. - -. . m i . : . l " . i ? I -1 otlierwisc; the same wilt Lie heard exparte as to hi V itncss, James M. "WijrsinsJI'Clerk of said the firit Monday in iSovcmber. Latin Greek,! French, German, & An- , glo-feaxon Languages, Sciences, &c. 15 OCT TtlOS. B.iLlTTLEJOHN, Pres. J cikmy Mi!mrd, Sec' nj. . Oxford, N; C. Dei?. 9( " 21 Zt ' ' The Raleigh ReUter ami No. Ca. Standard will insert the above three times, and forward their accounts to Thos. fi. Willie. . j !-' 1 ;. THE PEOPLES 31ILL. ilt is! ah old iadage, I've often heard it said j That many jjcopte 'perish for the tvaiit of bread. FlTjillS Mill is situated two miles east of Ox I JkL jford and! was fonierly owned by Robert Hick It is jnowrjiin oovl order for; grinding Corn Mid Wheat-j-it hns a superior set of stones and bolting cldtlis,! whieh manufactures as good bread stuils as aHyiihiill jin the State. The sub scribe! is thankful: for former custom, and hopes to receive a )ortio;n .'of trie patroriag of-.Uis neighbors, to whiqnj lie Jpledges himselt to give entiresak factional;. j ; .. '. i' ' .:( i. ill wish to purchase a quantity of cood Wheat for which I will Jive a liberal price,; delivered at r my luMl. Court, nt otlice, Al D. I S il . Dec; 2, IS 11. JAS. MJ E! 5 have on hand .VlGGl.N'S.Clerk. . U 20' v 6t a large assortment of ALSO, - ji ; .;,.i; i1.! PEASE'S CELEBRATED HOAR HOUND CANDY, Inch Us la never failing cure for COUGHSi i. w compiled to buy immediately And return. He will, be in Oxford and through the connty ' atjNoYember Court, those wishing to purchase on gooll terms will do well to 4 rail themselves of - the opportunity. He will aUq be in Oxford and thirougji the county every two! Months after.. , ) ' . 1 A credit of three or four months will be ffiva- io punctual persons li reqtnrep.. . i I H . il: - . M; tTLDA. &Co. '1 ' 13 yad COLDS' : i h Dcc9 R. k It, II. KjGSBURY. Dc9 T JAS, P. 21 PARROTT. . ; i tf ! WANTED JJ!tX3lQersl which goods '"ca will be given by ! r It. INI ot D. C. HERNDON. Decembers, 184 L: j . 20 v r-V . or JOB PRIXTTINQ J NEATLT EXECUTED AT THIS I OFFICE. I-::- emale Teachers ! Want ins: .! I Situations, t I airi requested to obtain situations for several Ladies of unexceptionable character consider able experience and undoabtrd tqualifications as Teachers of tlie various English branches, to gether; wjih the French iLansuace and Music on the Piano Forte. Salary S1Q0 ahd board for the scholastic year of ten, months. 'Otheis not sol esprienced in teaching, but btherwise desir' able, S300 and $350 and board. , Communications adtTrclsed toi the subscriber. aa - i ...mi i. .i . ' , i . - lvc i'iu, nai uc promptly auenueu io. L. P iNAStl. Book and Pi i no-Forte seller, ' . ! Petersburtr. Va 'il have for sale about 30 Pianb-Fortes of dif ferent kinds, all of which will belsold uj. n the condition that paynvent may be withheld, until 50 DOLLARS REWARD. 1Tp UN A WAY from the j Glenn Springs Spartanburg district, Soth Carolina, a ne gro man nmed N ED, about thirty yeani of agejdark em- . rlexion, anil very J tout. Said Ned was raised in GranvUU or Person obuntr; North Ctr- clina, wtiere he. has many relatives, and will, no dvubt, ttteinpt to get back liere. 1 will pv thea bote reward of fifty dollars to any pcrstua; who apprehends said negro Ned and lodge him tujdii wiuai i gck nun again, -i -. r i 1 S I i n W. SMITH j.overrier lo, lell. i. j-i : 18 tf f.niHE Subscribers liae ort hand and fur IL 2 POO sides SOAL V jJPPER LeathcK r .. :'u . ...i a. ij-. i si i. li uu m vuiiiuar uiuti. li ' .1 il. the instruments aro fairly tried ir Rj P. NASH.. j WANTED, (TbrKrtK AVeight of TALLOW deliver! APS -th Office, for rthich the market i i-as:i; prfe will' be paid. . ;s j ."I ,1- I j ' .P.-' i : .

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