- i i 11 1 WHflWEWilMH .IHW.H'I,-.,- 2 Ma. -k' SEPUBLicM5ptt2ricS ' TOBPBSTDENT,1; " GENlwmb-SCOTTr J!: ' H-. - v Mr .vice TUsatBttest .WILLIAM A. ORMAM. FOR GOVERNOR,-; ', JOHN KERR, of Caswell iLKiioif oh thuxsdat; atotoi FOR THE SENATE, JOHN TV, KAWi)5l3 FOR THE HOUSE OF .COMMON?. : SION H. BOGLBSmV Maj. WILLIE D.-JQXES;as Maj. waiJAMTCOIS.: f-:: Scott axd GiiW Clc, at the Cort . on Tuesday evenrag next, at i o'clock-vThe pabEc gfneraUj are invited to attend, vho have not thus fer associated ithamrolvM with the Club are earnestly reqiierted toay forward and do so. Speaking may b expected BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT-" v The members of the Whig watire Committee, appointed by the recent Whig Sfe CoDvention, are requested to meet in th City of Raleigh, on Monday, the 12tb of this miotic BY ORDER OF THE CHAIRMAJJv July 5th, 1852. N. C. RAIL ROAD COMPANY." The Board of Directors of this Company met to this City on Tuesday last, and had not joanied up to the moment of our going Jo Press. None of their proceedings have as yet transpir ed ; but it is generally understood that Dpo4 is to be located in or very near thik City;-bougk at what point is not known. , la. our-neilyns ohall probably be able to give if nil sad defiiutft account of the transactions of theBoar&;V The Stockholders of the Company eonTepfid in the Commons HalL in this City; ori Thursday last the Hon. Caitix Gkatxs ireidmg;- aid Messrs. Chablss Phillips, of Orange,:ni AJ niD Williams, of Raleigh,' acting ; .Secreta-j nes. There are a large humpet t v&ttcJiolt en in attendance e vincinjr xhere dt SkUvelT.mt terest-in the concerns of the-Cmpy?'?iTh entire amount of Stock represcntedrtXperaKm and proxy, is 7000 shares. 'j, Zr; From the Report of the President, we." learn that operations on the Roafar in a state iof rapid progress, with the protajs of as speedy a completion as could hav ee aidpated.- Tha expenditures for work thus tr doHi amount tothesoiaof $20161 04. The force aijpre- sent employed upon the different divisions ,6f the work consists of 1425 men, 403 boys," 560 carts, 50 waggons, "85 horses and mules, and 44 oxen. . "- ' The old Directory were almost unanimously re-elected, and the proceedings of , the meeting, generally, thus far, have been most harmonious ly and auspiciously characterised. ' Gov. Morehead was subsequently, re-elected President of the-Road by the Directory. ' . These are all the particulars we are able to jive up to the time' of our publication. The Stockholders meet again this (Friday) morning, at 9 o'clock. r -- - ' , - N. C. MUTUAL LIFE IXS. CO " The Annual Meetingof the Stockholders of misuisutuuon was held at the Office the Company in this City, on Monday last From the Report of the BartL we learn' that the bases of the Company :for'. theTpast year hav been upwards of $22,000 ; andihal the ? avail. ble assets, liable for tosebnnt to upwards: ot fw,(XX3 which affords a certain . euarantee for the prompt payment of all liaTnlkies the Company may incur. A Dividend to Life members Jtfieie. .pet cent, on tne premium paid in by those who have renewed their" policies prior; to theiErst Jlonday in July, was .declaredi : ' The following Board of Directors were re-eleer tea, vis : Dr. V. E. Johnson, W. D. Haywood.' u.i. ooroan, ferrm JJusbee, It. W. Husted, "Y II. McKee, W. W. ndden, W. D. Cook. W II Jones, 'Seaton GalesF. C. Hill, W; R. Scott and C. B. Root- The old officers of the Boad were also re-elected. , . . v An aocpant of the operations of the Company will, in a few daysi be submitted to the ' Stock- holders and PublicV in pamphlet form, 1 , ELECTOR TOR THLS ISTBIGT We learn that M. W. 'RixsoWj. Esq " of 4War ten, was appointed the Elector for thisTDistrici j "e vuicuuuu, wmeo assemoiea in Franklinton, on Wednesday last , A better epi rvoinhmont .WirilI tint. nmVI. l -I' v -r!l t 1 we have received the proceedings of this- Con - vention. They shall ppeat in our next. 1 We would iaqbire of die Raleigh Reels, ver how it Wnrxn thif: laf Wh; V. ITL al Convention did BOnaU'?&d--ia,W of nubueuS5 tte fithe aaIe-of the StStateeA'that a " ,upie r Standardise'. ? roper distnhntv . 1 1 . ; l n , r were not infeniinnA1 " esoiuuona. l , V . that the Whi- . 7 3 ' we tow be known i .fu? wougnttoj SCOTT AND GRAHAM There will be a meetmg.tf J00? -i - - . Jl?j . in"s1 th&ft and now i tis Ci the rtOemf VM5h.S dard that mrs&Tt, that poojntywfuwd ed his 46w-"pm tlwjB- witfal oerrewioabf thaoWayhat we th deaounced theie atatomentajtt the oeired. noomeriwormauon, vunwie,TOoun tbeniamraptothtandarcrtftinthat if considered Jecs- lAar.OK lMWetoxxtaABU asecruoa-asis pro per, here, for tw to atie;that,!withthe excep- tion oi a jew pcjBiarHwnam,wp bf the darerrBpdn ihall proceed ta.notide. the denial and denun ciation were lriide4Wcanea" mainly to dard,"v -hunelf,( had the -dlsingeBUouaness' to draw, til the efTxontery and reclleasrieas to pro claim'as fifit&i .Laithese 'partaculara,!;, hbwr ev erV towhich Ve propose now to refer, there art eroea misTeprewtaUrjna.-i v : k In Jth first place, iaking these "particulars"' J in the order in t wnicn tney ; comet uxe eorret jHmden'Vofihe '"Stkafaxtil assort thkt Mr.Kxut decla thatj'a majority bfvpeopl had a' right to Change their Cons titution; and that a Inqjorify cf. VUfeopU of tiu VriiUd States had a And upon the . strength of this state iaent, that pp Mks the question, with the' view of representing "JMr. KjtKB ito.hare . taken a position that would justly - subject him 'to the" odium w tae ' people; of ;.Nortn' "ajolina, Jr"vif5at iaTeould therelftduBlaTe pr- perjifthe Jrtght were,- conceded bjSoutAem men, xq tne people oi me niieu otaws, va cnaage IheFedeCctitatiorx .as the result of the ao tton or Tote'of a hare majorUj."- - Jfow we are iafcme1 upon evidence that .-does not acV jaif awbelief; that , Mr.' Kba took, this posi-tion.--He insisted jupon ; the Republican' princi pie,rthat a majority have the right' to 'govern ; aii. that, 'ahould a "inajbrity -of the voters of North -Carolina declare in favor of a Conven tion, "-although that fact 'would - not, of course; iit itself, be tnffioisrat for the calling of said Con entionstill he recogniied a ro7ivcU pbligation upon the part . of the Legislature to.earry the'peo jde'e wijshesinto executibn which it would not do Well fe'disregwdAnd in SinlrriiinffAi Bua ijheian4Tiivettto devotion io the sajoredeause of popular rights, he reraark pVikdi if'imtfrtt vf IVjVjay- ALL KhHXtilution, tte ewwt cAo tleaud Vtevr rxgbt to ijfcdfii tdZ'fowe'id'lie poKtiilatf, Does not theiewntertainedrby GoTReid really fcxsr.tais wjoatVU therXditofof the -gtan- dard .prepared. to deny it? " J ajrd'TJreperto deny Itf. 'if therealasbfoco leader in-North Carolina wlw.willtiir to stand tro antf rttnidiate thleWvilere T4 Did not these leadeidurjiig the lasiissipri bfKgiala-4 ture, on Uieeuer Jiana, jactuauy go so'iar,-ia their"eager desire to dissolve thlc glorious Upicer offcflrs, as TirtneMyto proclaim that a majority of e ple of ny iwif S(aaye-the'. right to, break ujp'ouf existing form-jof GovernfllCnt t ;The PStaajd's-correspondetit also aaysi t&snbjwtbTthe" basis of repfesenla tion JIri Kerr's remarks were few. , Me did not declare here, aVhe i reported in the Baleigh Register to hayedone itt.KaleAgn,! pua ju J m favor ef'tA6 pritenl batit remaining j, liw." We are authojTxed to state that Mc Kui did fipreesly-declare himself in favor of the preeeBt- bair of representation in. the Legislature r inaining as x is, and .that;, in'jmploying the term' -'aixed. basis," Frwaa Meiyocalry 'tanT-j derstood, ereiy man who eose5 to understand him 1 .StnnajA 'pritmt, bant basis upon which person are represented in thellousa e? Commons and property - inr . the "Senate. He aeciarea ix in vruzuorw, m ub xms ttanurmij ,utrr clared elsewhere, to be the duty of Government to protect the" te"ii weti i 'the otier; We neea say no more, wtatt on nj poinvvjenj seems to W Vqcof .ycracity between r informants and this corresporxdent of the HStan- uaru. ;, o teave roe issue oerween vuca, same pi j .express uig our own oeueiaye. eux ccntn fio(-tr4bat Mr; Kuut has' not variedlhe Wow 6f ihade iioti the position which he'has'hitti-" erto. assumed. x And every man who him I wm oe ww nB.jsk v v? .- ttr jL $ $$. tocie, "ie ftStantdVinformani wish es it understood that-1 Mr. Kit. emitted to de clare in Greensboroughas he had done 7in th'a present mode.'of distribnting the 'School Fond.? And y accbrjdng toth" ssjne writer; Rxii took' especial pauia bewrating the fact two or tbi'J.es, to'have jt jtinctly understood that Mr Kksr. ws opposed to.any'euchehange. Areeinfbnned th'at Mr.' Kxai denied havine axen any -sucn osiiiojJx pr wsu aougn Dy thii ; alq;hlst evaeioa indirectibni -ioeecape any V jsequehces3o rhiclif t might subject 'nim? Nb ntf tVXinjust and "slanderous impression js aoiii at w Dejieii inai ne sougns ip conceai nis opinions and to induce the people of Guilford to believe that tbliandt ben taJrly'J dwcu 4 i e learn xnat n one tunaerswoa ir Kiaa as cxmpying'aI groo.oerent"in"he minutest parficularfrbm Itbaf hicQheas' heretofore taken on this onesiioiiVrhe "Greens boro'; Patriot,'? a onaaad feV,W adro bate of a change in thesef Retire re' t0 :4 j report of the speechear becauW we hare copied fm the newpapwyr, full reporaof the die eussionw heretofore, and nothing i mdditicn or '.V -AX jk.cu wiuti viA-.-.i'-, r -rv-S.s an aocopnt of asnbeeat -iscon ' in-'that place, :.etatesv' that iHerr aUuded'to;lhe1 newspaper reporU of tae nisctiseions, Asjsnbbf however, to j drawS tnlerejloos and make aeper i.'ii-"r,-Tn- v vlL.U -ii?"' urii - llna havi; alfit anbwining .Instramenf fbr.the wotbf pianqer jindalwiobd. frTwo yeari ago; it established iu'reputatibn, then not fully in iured;lmt habt ffiOgnV ne tomeuieu, nunseu jjj auBpiT-xvauuEung. he. texu t faix of ixed bmpt'it-. lquaift;b bhangV ang tnoseopinionir tor the eake, 6f concUiatingaW one .eecUon aWj4 wiWictlf perildil charges Jiinj and oprrnpJ fioriwHchHhe' thousands who know himj and cosattela p an, will hurbacs; with indignant wrn Ufto Km XtXUZW To the people of Nor&arbfinaof aU pfartleiC we wodrin'ttniv 6 onjfV guarcLCt lumpy ;Will be heaped ngoiiMjalumny--8lander ibeped lipen Blander-falseh'ood aftef faW hood will beaccnlatedm order Werpetii ,a)e!5B' theur plaeesC NV nwasureei tw foul "c to sub serve the purposes of the'" men who have deter mine J upon this. :.iWnat'5uU. beendone beforei wiUVbe. done,-again. .It-remains to be seen whether the honest and enlightened eonstituen CToflhe State:will not "detect' the 'means to which the locofoco party are compelled to resort to- prop:' their. 'sinking i prospects, "and brand them with the Infamy theydeserre , ' - WeaEaU doubtless be forced to allude to this matter' agahVv. In the meantime, we shi Jl.ga-' ther other, information. for 'the' publiia. . w ;beab it in mlnd., ,. ' ' - That David S. Beid is opposed to allowing the voice of the sovereign Pecpl to be heard,- in the matter, ef amending their own Constitution,' and that he holds a deaf ear to their wishes in this Vital matter 1. .v J. . . f ' ;. That David S. Jleid, in connection' with Da rJ WTtVno, GiddingiJ Handing Julian and Zur ibrr', voted for the Oregon, Bill, with the princi ple of the odioua" tFtfmct JVbcwo r incorporated in it t He does not deny that he voted for this Bjll, but has set up the miserable apology, that it conld not have contained the Wilmot Proviso because inaw didn't move its insertion there 1 Remember that Mrl Calhoun," Mr. Benton, Mr. Burt and Mr. Hamlin- all prominent members of Reid'a .own partyhare solemnly declared that it was the tiritablX; Wilmot and. that it was inserted for the special purpose of recognising the power of Congress over the subject in the TerjritoriesrAKn iixxif Bia"tHAt Wdaiot M self in a Jetter on some occasion, erulis W the fad, that ts Proviso passes hthi Or-. lx'TCTaiTORiAX Bii"forjckick the locofoco Candidate for Governor voted I - , "That David S. Reid voted for the Bill, after the purposes of the North lad teen made kuovi; by the swrnful Tejectipn'of T;Mr. Burf s amend ment applying the principle of the" Missouri Compromise line, and after the South had been. tauntingly told. by Hamlin,' the Abolitionist that the rcjacuott of that amendment had '"clear ly settled the" question, bow 'and forever; that we are to '. nave no new. .Missouri .compromise lines or compromises of a sunilar character." That this vote of David S. Roid for the Oregon 3UIi wife the principle of the WiSbt Proviso in it, has already Jbeen used by toe Abohtionwta and Free Sotferjf ar an argument against the South :! 'And. ;tiiat tte-" Antivery jStond ard, the leading free-soil journal of the coun try, claimed his election,' two years - since, as a triomph Of it own desteBtable prinoiples I T ', :V xnat, a? xne same tune in at jsana o. leia u claimed to be pecajiarly the soldier's friend be Toed,'whilt in t Congress aa'we' have 'hereto fore shown fjromtr record), a tne pay ei -we soMiera irom ioht so tiiv voir lara per,mbhtbX."Thia yeta wv'given during teJ oiexieaa ar, ;ai toe-? time -our.- g&uant- army were undergoing all the dangers and hardships of that -distaht" service, Wneo?Rim gafe this Vpte he himself waj receiving the aum Df Eight liio rea-bat l "And' pray what daugen- what hardeAtpe - was he undergoing T : Let us see" Wwat 'stands In figures - i'tv v v Raro'e semcos worihper year - $29Wf. V. xneiiexJcan,poiaiers wona per year ao $ . ain.'s worth pet dajf,C - $8 1 , t-The-Soldier'B worth, perdayi onluj 27 cts W'haiIpiture."And"yet he Tjjcalled the tuereinenoi r. - THE GAHD'BEtitUNt Wejiave elsewhere noced the fac'r that the fx leadersaro "at" their Ipld tricks", " ,The truth i&V the flattering' impressions' which John KtK hai left "behind him everywhere he has gone wgeiner wiu ine nomipaqqn .01 cott, have. frighienod whai.Iittle honesty.ofr purpose ,they eoiild"haVdlaid elahntdT oujf bf themplf the wple ofaorth CarohnXara to be' led as- my ;iy the jws3Trpulbus -inyentionsbf . these men, e hope, that MrKxtR-wiil still occupy a who'would glory in defeat morethan llies. il he enpppsed falsehood and TnisrepreBentotibli "we're . oevcBBorr uBiJnit flH,tyj er,osve jw- luee, hbwever,.!f .'aii'onest people tare thus4o.be led Mtray; Jf'StaBjojrm centihnd to maze as naaxry tmiounaea statetnenU "and cal- tfmhious chargea .the next fan? rVeekaVas it has - w.the JUisfr-Jbtir, yoaw .Kxaa will earry WHIGrJIOyEMENTS - IN GEORGIA.3 . a oiwungiaoing uie. wnniuun uip nomis atibn'bf theWhlg cajididate" "riojex'Jresidenty the ffM fret, of savannan, we ooserve'tnae a meAini ; ef WfcigV : that irf Sailed tor "in. dertbatfy the ,iiominaUoivTheHon. W'tirv uilt B. FLRrfnroj, ft Delegate to thff late!Natidn4 al CbTientJi,;Tsvto V " Another movement itf Georgia is ttTcall'of la SUtoCdnvention,' to.'bheRJr Macon On.$rb nesaay,tn inoi ,vugTis lctae purpose rsuijuiK ho uviiLiiiauuna juv vue t nig auonai Cnvention,And'tolect. piejLjtyjScjora w;j? ,i.?.'y 'C'.'i j" ' ' rf1.1". ;' fij ';""' lThetaiiaaidiS Gen;'' Scott's letter of acceptoiceV thai; it baW unrnlstaka de.maVu Jt ceirefu' revision ithire is Bothing b'Temark wiarwhich Irec&tagreerAnd' when ii speakfl the'trtlth, like a toar the people ougns to an t T" . t WedVwitli during thl Jiixt, jJMIdS, jpstitutioiiaUy expi4 'JojcorocajaqTTO.vi-i iiii iSJrvifio-vr.ur.- riCE; no malferwhat NorthCarblinA'by jWeVa majority as w have i by other djstiuguiahedi Whiga's h i r Ww"'f TO-t--ra;.A oM THeceit killed Polk and'Mary at-wieend, s campaign. .A-,-..-..;-JfVx3 , i:u:ji-.xtiii wwB-wvrClU- ,tyv; .tf.rf a. I.V..U, ; piavery, uw-wegoa-Bu ; w mm- x . i jv. Ma. AJAiSi our charire to ltomev is.eaia jo, , ne . Decomce ox uo rigaHoi clnnTsaprxirt GenrScbWo for tnVPyewden-; ,woipuexits,paper.nTer,enn&iirvni -;JFirj4'eyo hlnbecause' he Batej yefinp. );.fa time bf ;lusom- u;. vvutiyini0e iBeasureSj, y uvuu frya hecQtalwaya"jc approval pxhDsejasi often, that he labored, whilef acting as tompora-J ? -'1' Silly-1 n-T' i.-'., J' f, '-- m ' ' ' 1 1 -xi A xj. oecjBjary oirv ar, as iaiuuajuy ana earuesuy as; any niembe of ngress rcer of tie. 0. vernment,- to procure the-passage of those meas-: P1?8 uAnvl?ere no tnese conversations maae piN.,What greater publicity was. needed, when every body knew ; 'the facts, 5 and not one off, these genUemen,' them wnndnesf.XnScpTT. t ' But; it seems, they wanted not & public but & written, pledge before hU'nbmination.'. GenV Scott had 'determined, long before, the assembling of fhV Convenfibn;; to write no ,-more letters, as CtATr;PotK,.jyAJf Brttiw and Taylor did; previous to" their nom inations. , So that; if ...Gen: Scott was so very obstinate, he was so in very respectable compa ny'.' For ourselves, we regard it as t a feather in his cap," that he refased to let himself down to make written pledges, after the appliances that were-Drought to bear in order to coerce him to do so. ' First, the locofocos commenced the game of brag. . They challenged, coaxed, dared him to write -attempted to goad him on by calling him the mum candidate, and this cry was caught up by a few indiscreet Whigs. But H this could not induce the old General to put himself in the trap set for him by the locofocos. Hence the real cause of grievance. ' But the recusants say that Gen. Scott " has not, since his nomination, made any declaration of his approval of these measures, as a final ad justment of .the issues in controversy.". Is this true f If he approves hie own nomination, he approves the Compromise; for, in his letter of acceptance, he says : " I accept the nomination, with the resolutions annexed." But that b by no means all of the approval of the Adjustment contained in. this letter. He says that if elect-j ed, he wQl neither retain in nor appoint to of fice,' any one ."deficient in capacity, or integri- iy, or in. ; aevouou V onstuutwn ana vie Union This language had a meaning when he wrote it and has a meaning yet Who are and have been called the Constitutional Party thb Union Party f AreVthey not those who, par excellence, supported the Compromise' acts, agaum ine maugnani aiiacKS oi.ine.iree-eouers and abolitionists at the North, as well as a much more honest but" equally misguided faction 'at the; Bputh r ; r; V '''t : .' Again, Gen. Scott saya in his letter : -"-.' V-:" Convinced that harmony aindegood will be tween the different quarters of our broad coun try is essential, to "the present and future inter estsj of 'the :repablic,;ndwith a 'devotion to those' interests that can know no South and no Nprh, I should neither coon tenance nor tolerate any sediUon',' disorder;. factkiv or .resistance, to the laws or .the Union," on 'any pretext in any parsj.et ineAana.' . - -. "O .J" y . : . - ;.This surely looks much: Like an approval since his nomination, of those measures,' which have done ec much to quell this' resistance to aaao en 4tu HI vaiv VUlUU. - -. . . . The reMnt admits that -the Resolutions of the: Convention . are as clear and as explicit upon this question,' as need be." It would seem, then, that; when pea ScQTt accepts the nbmifi-. atiob with the"joIudonar-annexed,M his posi'-. tion is t. pind aineed be.'' SJt ' .-t ' The recuaants coiaplairj tliaOHhe only pledge and guaranty be pfiers, for "his adherence tothe principles of ' the resolutions are the known in cidents of a lontt publio ' life,'' vc. "What bet- tei pledge could - they ask ff. Would .these un-; happy , gentlemen have one letter, er ten, or a thousand, "promising faithful adherence to the prihciplbs of;theeblutibni,t. You hafe themi, gentlemen 1 written in lis own blood.. Words are - - " " ' '-J - " -4 '-.mar air r-paper- -promisos ;-are.' easuy -maae. jjien sometimes rnftte themvthouany yery serious intention" to keep them; '.But he- who has; by hie own- strong arm and bold heart, spent fort yearf in' protecting his native larid," has prom ised Already to save his tuntry.s. Hie.heart is in the deed; end its beet ' blood has-sealed ' the covenant I'Ask? no. written pledge" from such, a nian; that h jrill ; bapVlrii.; hereafter. vHs 'who has feught alt over lua country and cover ed himseif all over'with'glbrywin surely khbw no North" and no South, if called io be the head of ihai glorious eouatry he hae fought for and loved so" well. 'His broad breast will swen, and his eyeTflaah with etuitanripiidej. as he looke. -.i'l t-i. ---i-jr. r j. v: arviUAMj7 aaa7 (,aywi vvuuuj i. - . y iVutGenv Bern1" h a s'uffef eb! WnameitoLe held iip before fb people of several of the States as acanaiuaie-ior.yne jrreaiuencv oj me open, avow'etremiesbf the" com Pray.'whai ought ,G.en. Scott to have done in the premises f -Should hoiave written to Jthese 'eni collectively.' eVmay haveone .sound .coyner in. their. heartfle"ft'iKw bueiuess" to-' nave torn himself troni' tharmall corner, and called thenV nimes,' because with pp. their faulte, uW lo veium J3tiH ?.' These vervjrea8anaDieKenuemei 'wtniu pu mut uir- like? thenu-f He has his ways"; .if people wiS like jout wnere are ineae Aeruura-vuiaojies gping ia. their jtrepidfaon the bara-menUonof the nanta oi oewaru t. uiuiev u uw wu, diuj i j oiac, with Chat sweeVUtfleNojChert : man wit SoothernJ ieeiuucB-r'iancL uis soiku ourvtu uu u4 dlhffsifand 'Preston Kingi and Chase and Sum ner, aid a&a&'BaynoQ of worimeBwnof.areneivswi-Aawt" " mv:jf good i1,lhWwrft'i'1ilhv FreeiSbil .question ViitfReatoand VWe Cwill:en6ire arrphecy J-rThat tberWbtytb" 7rMnto -sUte: PROVISO UDEDand thef4ssqfcri P$m: prWieVftricken qu hae ie come 7 liwalcigX.&anaird, AW' thft same bt any 64e iim&Det-of minent'tneni: r on. pracusing wiaiuug vara luiutw tutu iio hiin7' ? But fixe-? OJHerbii nppbetwat 1 : f Si: IffrAWWJ KVjEtl-r I ? TbiP5 th Wa 4nth the if rThiasihb identical bJlJfwhicfr;D& epnij- -LnshmerxV Ai ij iAssisUXIjj-jMtiiUg' the ' ActofRetaliafignj ,laasr- . a j rnw. w: jt. ii. - - Cmmand'' the advance guard - in the'.eapture' jyoioneiiOtaounie-regiBMnvjury, Cmanilseria'dTO in ihevdescent ..oi tne at Jtawrenee ovemDer, 191$.. I made Brigadier General, March 9, 1814. ' Drills the troops ib the camp of Buffalo, April, Commands - the -advance , brigade fighting the -Battle of. Cawo, July ;j5;:181f ' ? Commands' the advance brigade in the Batfft -:'ef Niagara (Lundy's Lane),'July 25,' 18I4..j Is -padly, wounded, 2518,14,, C.-iS Receives3" the honorary degree . of Master of , ' Arts, at Princeton, September, 1814. -" Declines the 'appoinfaient of Secretary at War, ,. Febraaryl815e gfc -..v'. v. ;-', ' -:- ' Travels in Europe, March, 1815-'I6. Is married, March; 'l81T. "Tj ';f '" ? ' . Writes the Jfditary Institutes, 1821." . 1- . Again travels in Europe, 1827- 28 E,mbarks on the Lakes, commanding troops for Black Hawfc war, July 8, i832; Nurses the sick, August L832. . - : - r' Is commissioned, to- treat with Indians, Sep , tember, 1832. y'. -'- i - " Concludes treaties, September, 1832. ' Commands. in Charleston, jNovember, 1832. Commands in' JFVorwia, February, May, 1836. Speech before a Court of Inquiry, October, 1836? Favorable opinion of the court, October,. 1830. Commands on the Canada frontier, Dec'r, 1837, Harangues the people, January t 1838. Maintains peace, January. 1838; ' - Removes the Cherokees, May, 1838. Addresses the Indians, May, 1838. " . Commands in the Disputed Territory, March, 1839, Corresponds with Gov. Harvey, March, 1839.- Receives votes in the ' Whig Convention for the Presidency, December, 1839. , . Supports General Harrison, 1840. -Nominated for the 'Presidency by the: State v Convention "of Pennsylvania, "J842. .'y.' : Ordered to Mexico, November 23,. 1846. Lands at Vera Cr-nz, March. 10, 1847- , ; Capture San Juan de XJttoa ', March 27, 1847. ' Wins Ihe-BattleofCcrro Gordo, April 18, 1847. Enters the city of Pueblo, May 15, 1847. ' ' Commands- the army of Mexico , in. the battle lot Coias,ikugiCl0ii8i7: " In the battle of Churubuseo, August 20, 1847: In.'thVbaUle of Molino delRey, Sept. r8, 1847; In the Btonoing of ChapuUepec,- Sept 13, 1847, Captures the City of Mexico, September 14, 1847. Levies - contributions for the comfort "of the ar my,ptemberj8, 1847.' y,X'' IJevisea1 system of revenue, rpTember,-1847I Appears efore'a Court of Inqurryj'April, 1848;: Keturns hmey Ma 1848, Is Teoeived '.by, the corporation of NewYork" . withjnilitary and civic honors; May 1848." . Nominated -by the Jiational Whig Convention '-'for the Pridency, JunVa;'i82 ' - J7.eneEal, Scotthajralways.. been, 'and. is.- now, a steaoy but moderate member of tne lro testant 'Episebpal Church, iVee'frota'ait yiolen' sectarianism and has evihcedin all tiie ictf his life, ajBteady devotlbn to'TeligiouB freedomi anu ne uuwxjhx oouscKnce. inu ruw aas been oowirveq' mallthe militlwy "orders he ha issued to those under.hia j in Mexico, -his first rder on entering a. city was; mat me rpugion. w. iuo pwpio auuuu e respeor ted and p'toteqted,' and that any 'deviation froni this rulej 6n the part ,cf officers or men, ehouhi receive thb verestrYuVishmenfeiA portioii of General; Seott's jfilyawpaAolicsjVbujf he is now, ana nag .been; tof :. manyyears, a regular attendant of one; of roe-Protestant J Episcopal Th i northern 'locbfoco .papers glory in the fact th,at th.rnbid Pcee-Soiiers all refuse to eb-. for Seorr.' -Admitted i andadnitted furfherr that they intendto 'follo w theu usual AboUUoh ipMitN-. yjr .faH! - ML mon n. ;,Tnerei KAyTOgtioofflonsted.1 rromj j ConVeUtioli,"wbjpsvm the' nee There is HAideclining to. oppoeb Mr Purpb, oi what . he " chooses to calT personal grounds- And'io .throilghont the ten categories' of Afolition?eBut what ehie.does ,if signifyvaf 1'allV thttRih" thevt reoognixejilfeWhlgs theahry irue.Natiotf 8tonton tolifiistthe auspices f . ; If.'the - thing mean btEerwisKray what-? '"-I ".V'Stf-. -ijr .44' 5gQT- TereT ;rWyot!a;which46hbd;p cailV'Oauui iiuj umu jaaiurm yuvuiift,!: ;JtA:'wte'fpjf" thoWitnoT pRbttsdinthVOre frotf'Bill'rr" 4?M-5 i"2. A- Vote " agaiust- increasing the payjofthe gauani soKuer, in iou - .axeuean n arirpn eign H'm9TP!f '.ah ejei 'of a pemocracyr-a fned of the' Southpa geherouis nc4atfd3tedAt soMiers, grbedASCUSflibu'at Greensboro' was cloe- f ed oy an amusing ana spicy couoquy concern substiuaoeaS lMrSrr wsaid tilatiCkm Rbid'ePiroe taUnt' upon;tthe Whigs for Toktoring up their, .a n with 'avVGeneral? "came with k nobr trrart tiom .hun", Wheii,1iirpar;bM p3uc(df 6 JieceVa4 rvto:trTifcIenerartoo& ilereJtyas,this.Twf!f ferehee. howeveri-iii.tb3f JSunoowdeejEraWr tha Democrats could only start pocket ptstol,rwli the . Whiffs hajlrtweiiJMt)otoi "had inanyiime jarred the continent by its tremen-t doua. reports. T-ft jneur. r pucaaifc-piswA,-oinetHnes aocs grca execuliont partlariy in. dose, qoarters f and. I doUb net t& gentl tlrill;!-. found breech "pi the inniz ufftrrihif&orii a disease of the eves, and Co: nliteWmakinir artoPari$.-rCia, jHia Tftternai ancestor ir suffering from MM of the be.- riven to him at the late fxxo National convention, ano coowmpwe V olj2eer?in Hd. batfle ef i $U iv- manns on uie neiiruuf. tuiu o-viiuwum, wi a .Deafborn,,at Nuwrara,-Mayi loloV; 'w- cnurcnes m u asrungwn city, muess wnen ngntj ing the battleabf his country, ef absent on du-' tjV.'-?V-r. ?.':-.--.-.-' ?-5.".4'"-''V to tenQars r-ouW; .f v.?0 Div'SRsrooiviHvOT emao'S twenty-tour pounder 'to .do as much execution at.the e '?.; '(-;V.'v':- Jlolfiijad i Sanders, Equity; front Tohfrafan Argued byHustec?)' for plaintiff ancl Haywoodi ;for defendant 1 -, lJ-c'A' -t'f v oanders e- Jones, in lvquity Iront JqhnstOTU Argued by Husted, for plaintiff, and Haywood ? Peck e Thompsbn, r in Equity rlroniWakei--!' Argued by Miflerfor jlamtiffv and llayw'ood, . Foster t Watsbn, in Equityfronr KashAr-"! gued by Haywood, for plaintifiv andJMoore, for. defendant- ; " v.- f - iWT?D!iRsAT; 30. State ' Ivesj. from KJurrVi tucku . Argued by Attorney General, Heath and Ehringhaus. - - . ' State if Godsey, from Rockingham. Argued, by Attorney General and Miller. ' :' . v Williams t Lanier, from Martin. " Argued by Moore, ibr plaiatiiT, and Biggs, for defendant, v ; - Moore Hymanr from Martin. - Argued by plaintiff and Biggv fo defendant V . ... " Debnam t Lawrence, from Franklin- Argued by Saunders, for plaintiff, and. .MooreYs for de fendant - i PiAssox; J. delivered the opinion of the Court in Huntley v Huntley, in. Equity;, from Anson,1 directing a decree for plaintiff. v -Afaoin Coch ran v Gordon, in Equity, from Orange,. dismis sing the bill with coste Also, in Better Stutts, in, Equity,, from Moore, affirming , the order ap pealed from. , 'Sf w .-j, - r THrRSDAT, July lw Reves e Frizzle," In Equi-; ty, irom ntt Argued by. Biggs, for aefend ant , ""i Latham v Hodges, from Pitt" Argued hy Biggs and Donnell, for defendant ' Bell Jeffreys, from Wake. Argue'd ' by G. W. Haywood and Busbee, for the plaintiff, and Miller and Moore, for defendant "f i. Pearson, J. delivered the opinion of the Court in Peck p Thompson, ,in Equity4, from' Wake, dismissih": the bill with coeta. Also. invA vera e Sexton, from Cumberland, directing a venire do novo. Also, in State v Boon, from Samuson declaring that .there is -no error in' the record J ana rroceedings of said Court - - -. r . .. -t Fripat, 2. Washington v Blount, in Equity, from Lenoir. Argued by Bryan for plaintiff. Spencer t Roper, from Hyde. Argued by DonnelL for defendant ' - .' - . . : Gibbs v Berry, from-Hyde. Argued by Don nelL for plaintiff, - .T ,.. A-: -- Burnett v Thompson, fropi Bertie. Argued by Biggs, for. plaintiff; and.; Heath, for defendant- : . X , ' v' - V" , Nash, J. delivered the opinion of the Court in Sinclair Williams; ft EquitVi fron Moore, making the injunction perpetual, and directing the defendants to convey.- Also, in Watson v Williams, in Equity; from Moore," making the injunction perpetuaL- and- ilirecting the defend ant-to convey. Also, in' Ayres and Turns t Wright from New Hanover, in Equity over? ruling uie uemurrer. ', - r Satcroav, 3. Bailev Pool. -from.. Pasauo- tank. . Argued by .Moore, .for plaintiff, and Heath,"Ehnnghaus and Jordan, for defendant vi Hetfield v Baunu from Currituck. Arimud I by Heath and Ehringhaus, for plaintiff," and Jordan, for defendant ' J' " ' . Ferebee r Oordou.'-frora Currituck.'Arffued by Heath, for plaintiff, and Smith, for defend ant,-7 . - v- ' ' ", Coffield Roberta.' from Chowan: Armiedbv Heath, for plaintiff, and Smith, for defendant. JNash, J.; delivered the opinion of the Court ;n ll"TT" Lane,, fronv fl ew .Hanoyer, affirm mg thexidgmeot. Also, in Pridgeu PridgenT tfOm. Columbus, affirming the judgment AIso. in State c Thornton, from Johftstofl declaring that there isno error in the order annealed from. Also, in State v Anman. from Randolnb Judgment of Superior Court reversed aa to $20, autt qirecting a. -proceUenao to toe County Court. -vv ro--.-;v; Jury u. The" State t Brav.from PasnnofAhlr Argued by Biggs; for. the-State and Heath and J&nringnaus, tor defendant ..' ' - : Z ; Taytoe Bond, in Bquitv. from Bariie lAis gued .by Winston, of Bertie. vs. '- -Saunders .Welch; irLjEqurtv. fromPeramnV aift. Argued by; Jordan rand lleath for plain wn, ane omitntor aeienuant.w e-- BcririN- C. J. " del ivered the oniniorf of th Court iu JV'hite c: White? from' Randolph, af firming the judgment Als& hicBrilea trPace, fronlltahdolph, ? awarding a.' venire de novo-- Aiav, ui uue, ex uin , mason -u luoAiean; irom Cnmriorl.ind nffirmTncriTia tiu)iVnianf-. A 1. VI in Jtham and. Perry HodgesV from. Pitt ; judg ment reyeTOQd,, aiMi mgtior disaiiowed; s rAlso, in tate lason, i from Stanly,-awarding a ve nire denoyo. Also, in- Swindaler in Equity, from Bladen,- directing a decree according" to me report - ." - Tfm'VAfrinil:'- old tricks. ,.One of their charees a-rainstGen. ifierce is, tnat ne declined to reply to the letter 1 of Robert G Soott Well," what of it t He de-t cunea . K) repiy sunpryecause . be . was not a candidate for - the Presidency.SiOHAiro!: --1 v And fii fien.ScoTT jsdenounced and'vaified rt.",jij l 1 1 j xt." 3 usvouso w.uiu i(ut inaJLQ -n-u iur1uic IlUuunit tion, bywriting tetters immediitefy before-"his nomination iters ii consfstency; jTofy dutwith '-;:-. r-'-il- ..-." v a. - f-.r la vengeance VT'-iek :t . , ' yj.1 . . .r.. THE KKClSTEbv- iff NEW:LOCOF0C6 MELODYi- "v. -S -..-iFO;.tBKDSUCCWTIoa4TJl BOVSi s Respectfully dedicated to the" rine'aj descendant o rejeey; AiukeolJSorth umberland, wbe mar ried into onirortAtf-First Aristoeratie families f;iluTirgiUiv ridB'.on 'thit' account; 0ther4 4.W1W uis uxhreiuu ctwaouur ior iiiuo COTS. -ia nw the jchoicT Of tholocofocd' Party iot &SV-?v?' t- . 1 - "T- ; j"'1' WhenPierce is weia!ttofthese United States. ."WhenlPierce,is president a these Unjteo States When'iHerce is president of these United States', WV ii aU sUcltcandy sticks; and swing Upon the c-f Pirates ' f, .5. 04-hen.Kerc:isprtbt of these, United vates, 4 j -- v t -.v-x'-t Ting Vhng;a, ting a libg; ting a lipg m ting, Ting b; ling Vting a ling a,,ting8i ling acting; OH T-Ting a ling a-ting, a ling a, vting Ajinga, Tin ying -av ihig lirtg'a; JrfisaNanicie. Slingf peat as.oiten as. you pieaseay--" fclf as'stfoiigly opppeeclto the movement id fa-J f v orof -;iau;.- independelrtturdnatftr.''-, neii sees i thAtitwpuld.be, - miserable failnreMind.h oesire w oe piaceura uefr ffiortirying position. TbepvPresuletiia: -rwritteB-v a't i that John Scrris-oppoeeti to Equaluffraieei and that one of the bbiecta ofthi Convention tooVementa-to defeat that Republi can measure. Catvlina iteimblicaiz'-r y?.. - ; toucmag letter, vx oectctary uraDamvuporr the l 'venneTeetoe JbMVxe 'Aoxta pr South know ;Geno. Pierfre, ' . JThe "-coincidence b' truly atenvl -i-l-H' -r- SPST " f??- ',1 together .with the vetes d th People.,; Also, the." SmSr i -. T.'t-irn 'fi UHm V TtajrtTw, 2 1 - - ' - - . CT t fTTTT . lS. W V?nlat' "P0 Gea' J500" the. , koown' as tfaa eomnromW gx, i r. - - . i".- , j- .-;.. : v iiuuuieDfnain-.-? ; -": 'r t tenanoeof which, mth i8 a question of oara- ; tl mount pwrt0r W ho sinS h? no' V those mesurQs,as A,natdjugtaient of-the-is- sues of controveTsy,VA t , It Ej trno the resolutions 0f-thu-Convention ; " that noxninated hrnre, 0a clear and as explicit S upon, this question as need.p btrt Qeri Scott, " ' in his. letter of acceptanccvtitfhich: Gonial tie all:' that.we.have fromiLUn.thtmate giveihencthe approval 'of hist iudgmenfe This' he eeema studiously to" haveoWed -He ao. cepts the nomination Vith the resolutions annex ' ed. . Thatia, he takes, thet notainatioif 'cam ncre, as an mdividualtakes an estetewrtii whalt-' incumbrances it loaded with, -And" adheren.ee tothe principles of theesoinBona"h:v to ? O8 long pubh life fcT8 aware, ofrtt favor of tiie ppnQiples of the compromised In ' sed Sentiments (mncal to the institutions of fi -teeStates of the Dnfon. .-Since the passagef t . tiie compromise he har suffered his name to be , ' held upbefore the peopiW several of the State"', wwiuaM, ior we presidency by the. open ' And .avowed nemie ofjhose iaeasures. And in the' Convention that cofif erred this nominal' tion upon hro h permttednintself to be osed by the . Breodert in that Jbody to defeat Mr. s Fillkork and MrWxasTisbecauge of their adtocMytcfjthese;measares and- their firm adho rence to the policy that sustained thenv Tn men, and nid them in compk--: ting their triumph oveiyand dcrfocf,the tW; ': T t-astitutionand the. faithful discharge of all its obligation is what ' we can never do, -The dictates of duty and pa t tnetisna sternly forbid it . - S - t . IrTu r? uen t as the favorite candi- ? and to elevate them to nawr i iKa ...-..L.! tion of the Govcrruneat, can but. he considered - viuiuuj ant proaawe. result; And, be- r' henpg as we do that the viows.of that faction -ot , mischievous mfenare dangerous not only to the just atiU epnstitutional rights of tile Southern tates,,( which we represent In part.) but to the peace and quiet pf the ? whole country, and to ' the; ianmi.inic of -the- Sta.te3; we regard it as the highest duty of the-welKwiahfirs nf Jv. ootryeveryjwherewhatover else they may' part , This; we intend to do. " .W. BROOKE bf Mia.t . V ATiEX. WTITTE t aC s ts?-" JAMES ABERCROMBIE. of Ala. f ; R TOOMBS; of GW ,4 TAMtSS JOHNSON; bf Gi. v. For reasons to ' eome extent- Inmiti tu speeches and addresses heretofhw. undersigned, theydeeniit to-be, theirduty to ouuuurv jruni-uen ocott as a-1- candidate tor the Presidency, If it should seent " to he necessary; we will hereafter, in' some form exhibit more fuUy.vtoT our constituents the facta" and reasons whiefi haye; brought us 'to-this de termination. , r-r -. , Jtt. f.'-WJfiNTRY, Tenfi.- C J C. IL WILLIAMS,' Twin-, f v V -,roa als at , nscun's pbwstobk.- - , 1 - 71USTOMEB3 will;do -well to iatt-and examine '4 vowBup-anu.oivnet JKomatuM. ,s: . ,-- mafjt ana wjuita gtiek Pomatumirvei" -' RouselT and Hdle's Fomatums arid Hair Tonier- Soaps. o. i y?' y ------ s.-V,,3-V' v, r . A beautiful. lot jQf French. fentrfUk' can Teeth Brushes., T rjX ,v t , v -t Uirushes; loothSoap, Charcoal Paste, and Tooth 4 boxeST free from Mnttsi.TM. - 4.i,?7i-;- .- s- 2 gross Essence of Coffee. I 't-Pain filler. 2 date of the Veevwi wing of the WhiffUartv ' - That his Tpolicv. if heahljld be eleeTScf be warpea and shaned tn mnrnm, w .- "" the stock consisting !u part of the following';' -, , Low's Old .Brawn Windsor finrr- ' ' - ? . 4 doss. Lyons MaetrcPowtLr fr WiS'J . ' ' iioX Of tya, Btigii ArUtRwhtro!h , ' V ' aw, -- .y .f 5" . -4"- ugiian mustard.. " v-"t-' ' ? r- - c ? U gtossJboxes CapsuJes-issOT-t- '7 " Conetese Waters Lflnrfnn- Pfo ? - ' Madeira, and Clal-stwines,. and rreat variety of X Fruit &ndam1Props , K PESCUD. V Standara copy. .' , V t fTnSS'midersigned 'arei prepared tdfurnishy'it? ptaettcablex Pavi melits In 11 cases ta'be CASH deli .Fayettenllett1y: V 18a2t -t, 67--8w. - , wAaitivWdL Ineorted'mlicli tx- in any required qtintii.iea'nd feu th most fat-ora- 4 . - . J k ble tems. . Persons-raating sitpplk,- will pleasu JV f P jAfrefitting my p para tosl ant extled, r . ; to we -tajfly4rieud9 and costomers, 'spurjn4' - - dhod&ate.t'cihJbe mode hi any City, , - ' flavored , with iihMiu,4ir.v ha- n-.- iat.: ICri jitc -v mon, Orange, IWAfiple, Ginger, Orzeat, Pepner.' j' vaaiua, Wintcrfipeen. km? v - 'V J ' t a4 'July 9 K7. rpiHTJSfQETU CABOLWACSTKEfcoBtein cXme 5nimnaiyttemwt.ofrthe Stetute airf CfeBunw iw.-et1 Sta Decision C the -Supreme, Court, -and all tlie most approved forms and -precedents relafiiifr tothe officeoud 'fluty ef a ' Justica ibf ttrf rPinkntr '- ether public" officer-acaflrdin 9"fA MArf aim maISm . --Havrnga goodwppiyifuiea, families caibeC ?i" ' funushed t all honrs,r,py sendmg to 1 s - 'T i fdiawilueveTJarent bettcee-iheyrtndertt ecu snoTscer'j' avimhjmppWjustrwervedby PFPESCTJD.W;' ''July 9, a85i. " '- .-. f 7 Second Edition revised, and cencteiyBEN- ' - - ' 1 V?Utr asp- North CrouaaBoolt .Store; O ' - - ' j- .T' r . ... i f. ! -.'7 tinHB"NOSTH -CAROLiTfAORM" BOOKMnv 'l?;tainjiig Qrthe'moef.Befur i&rms rwlucA'-eeeur m basmest trausaetitons between jnair and nian;"1-- weu aa in omciai stations? together with- the Cou-'-X.'. stitutton of the 7nied States 5 the Act llxing the ' - Fser.oTCkrka, Sheriffs. &c. calculated for he"v ' use;t -the citizens- of,Uortbi CaroUnfcind toi.ti fconformaWe ta Jaw. - Compiled by-aj Membei? fH:? thajs'orth Carolina Bar For suits -fey TKdCEEDfKGS and rf -""V - T T K araena e voni ,. c shtuttoo of -the State iMrhich .asMMhUl-ka. lULoits f f, " r I Jnnejth, J835; to winch, arebj(miedtheBven-; V muic AMvut ia jamenaraents to tn vonstituaon; 4 r i ? - :1 - ''Hi -fc..."v-"- ., 4m 1 i ? ... 4 V 1 ftBookatore.; r :

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