whAre t.rt tpbHm a rood. Bargain.? TpH&Subscriber, being nowrfollr pPl ;, -I-"supply thrwanta of families in. sundry .Unes.--calls the attention of his tHghber and Mtrons to the following article, nattering himselfthat botH quality ami price will prove satisfactory to all tiat will give him a ealL '7 V.-f) GROCERIES ANDCONFECTIOXARIES. Brown and WhitoSugarsYiCoffccsV Molasses and' SugarHouse 'Syrup, Mould, rnpYTallow -Candles, Adamantine -Candles, " brown, and' pale Bar Soap, Dried . Beef andBuffalo Tongues, Irish " Potatoes, Peas, Lindiea, Prunes, Wheat," Buckwheat Flour, Cheese awl Butter, Chocolate, Citron,1 RaislBS, Cur rants,; fine Rhino Wines, Cordial, Gaudies, hut. Clgara.aad Tobacco, &. " C - --' CROCKERY AND CHINA WARE. . . -Pine white and figured gilt edge Tea Setts, Soap! tureens, white and figd cor d JJisncs, 1 Coffee Pots, white ami ngurea v- -"1''w tT ; Pies, nne iwn'- ' -"I , and fancy Fluid tABip. wi8t' : i Khor Mu-rs. China 8tands, Y' f FANCY ARTICLES. '';..." Gold Vest CliAins, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Finger Rinw, SilTer Sugar Tongs, assortment of Canes, Porto-monnaies, Segar Cases, Snuff Boxes, superior Hair Oil, extracts for Le Mouchoir, Browta, Wind sor, Jasmin, Palm and family Soaps, Looking-glasses, fine and common" Pipes, Ootehet Needles, su perior Sharps, Kid Dolls, China, Wax, sad; Kid-doll Heads, Toys of all descriptions. V ' '" OuIt irive me a call and I hope to satisfy yon. 3 . . F. MAULER. ' At the RSleigh and Gaston Bail RoadPepot. Dec. 16, 1851. '- ' tf 100 LOOK HERB! THE Subscriber has received the foDowing good Good at his Store, immediately north of the Presbyterian Church, to which he would call the attention of families. - A splendid lot of Sugar and Coffee, a few bags of Buckwheat Flour, a splendid lot of Cheese, fresh Lemons, and Raisins in whole, half and quarter boxes, preserved Ginger in jns, Prunes,; do ; Al monds, Palmnuts, English Walnuts, Figs, &c. Also, a superior lot of Scotch SSUFF,? in bales and bladders ; an excellent arucie 01 imio wuuto, wholesale and retail ; Scotch Herrings, in boxes; the best Chewing , Tobacco ; Musical Instruments, such as Accordeons, Flutes, &c. &c -1 Also, every variety of TOYS for children always on hand. " ' Y CANDY MANUFACTURE. ': The Subscriber having .20 years experience, flat ters himself that he can please the most fastidious taste, and will make to order, and kaep always on hand, a variety of CANDIES, Medicated, kc, at wholesale and retail. The undersigned tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and customers, for their liberal patronage bestowed on him since his commencement in busi ness in this City, and hepes by prompt attention, to retain their confidence, and to- secure a continu ance of their custom. WM. J. ORIFFICE. March 23, 18u2. 24 N. B. Having had the misfortune to lose my account books by the late fire, I am unable to make out how much each customer owes me. I respect fully request all those who are indebted :to me to call and pay what they think is right, and I will be perfectly satisfied. W. J. GRIFFICE. New Goods. riTHE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends I and the public generally, that he has on hand the following large and beautiful assortment of Sta ple and Fancy dry Goods, vii : 5-4, 4-4, and 3-4, plaid, figured and dotted Or gandi Muslins, Steinback's printed and tape striped Paris Mus lin, a new article, Adolphus Meig's Paris Muslins and Ginghams, Plain and Printed Bareges, Plain and Figured Linen and Silk Poplins and Lustres, -Pink, Blue and White Tarleton Muslins, Plain and Figured Silk Tissues, Plaid and Figured Hernani Silks, . Jaconet, Swiss, Cambric and Checked Muslins, French, English and American Calicoes, Black and White Lace Veils Lace Mantillas, - French Needle work Lace and Muslin Collars, do do do do do Muslin Sleeves and Capes, Twisted Silk Lace Gloves Kid Gloves, Kid made Ladies and Men's Silk Gloves, White, Slate, Black and Brown Cotton llose, -Men's Brown and Bleached Half Hose, r : -Xadies Black Raw Silk Half Hose, " i r - Men's Berlin, Lisle, and Thread Silk Gloves, 10-4 Allendale, Brown and Bleached Sheeting, 6J- do do do - do do Pillow Case Linen Pillow Case CottonJ 10-4 Cotton Table Diaper 10-4 Linen do do, Wauinsetta, James, Hope Millsy and other Bleach ed Sheeting, ' "Fine James and other Brown Bleached Sheeting, Irish Linen Huckabuck Diaper, and Towels Birds Eye do, -Linen Damask Table Napkins, Bed Ticks, Checks, Cottonades Northern Ginghams and Stripes White and Colored, Linen Drills, Georgia Nankeen, Plain and Striped, Tweeds, Cassimcres, Brown Linens, and Paper Cambrics, &c . The whole stock was selected by A. B. Stith, and purchased with cash, and the greater part late in the season, after goods had. declined very con siderably, which wiQ enable hhn to offer; them to those who may favor him with a call, at unprece dentedry low prices. Having just commenced the dry good business, hit Stock is entirely new. N. L. STITH. June 11, 1852. 47 Edge worth JFemale Seminary. . GREENSBORO', N. C. '!. THE twelfth year of this Institution will eom" mence on Monday, the 2nd iay of ; August next, and terminate upon the last of Mayj follow ing. The Scholastic, year ia divided into two ses siona of five months each, with a recass of a few days only at Christmas. The primary design of this Institution is to se cure to its pupils every facility fur the acquisition of a solid and ornamental Education. The Princi pal is aided by a corps of able, accomplished and thoroughly accomplished Teachers. For Circulars, and other particulars relative to the School, apply to ' Pboiv.R. STERLING, Principal. Jnno 11th, 1852. , - Cw 47 Good News for Farmers. TlATI1 NT W 1: TT . I... ' 1 el - j. brown. Raleigh, March SO, 1852. I 26 Malone'a Iayery Stable. r BHE subscriber has again taken charge of -his J Livery Stable, on Wilmington Street and in tends to give his personal attention to the manage ment of the Establishment. ' He boss the ';support of his old friends in this honest effort to serve the public, and provide for himself and fanrily.t . ' . Drovers will find at Malone's Stables a convenient and economical stopping place for themselves, their servants and their horses or mules. - -! -' . 4v-a1a t js,i , i . . - , m mm ucrv excellent arteniion paiu to their horses during their sojourn in thi4 City nt any of the Hotels. - t il Gentlemen of the City will find here good -and , cneap ooara lor their pleasure horses by the day, week,month or year. -. Ladies shall be accommodated upon short notice with carriages and horses for visiting or for attend- : c o x r . I And horses and mules for hire are on hand at all times for journies to neighboring places, and they will be furnished with carefgl, sober, honest drivers, upon moderate terms. , , . JOHN MALONE. Raleigh, Jane 18, 1852. ; ..r tf 49 To Jewelers and Silver Smiths ! EOLLING MILLS of every description mafiu . fac tared and warranted," and constantly on band, by GEO. W. WICKS - No; 4,-Liberty Place, " , Between Maiden Lane and Liberty StN; F. ,Mayl85a. . ; :Zlj r'i?- Select Classical Scrirml .' . ' .rilHJS next session or tba suoscriber's Schoolwill W. aujnoer i ouwimis 11 umutfl to thirty. A few places, are yet nnengaged. ' Circmlaw pontaiaing terms, Ac, will be furnished on pplioa&ML - ' '4ri:'i ALEXANPER WILSON. -Ti - . v - 1 4- 1: . .. . i Mel vffle, Alaraanc Conn ty, June 8th, 1852. ,.-V w8w 46 mm : . i-r-rl t United States Clothing Emporium. WHOLESALE WARDROOM, NO. 177 & 177 J Market St., (North Side above Fourth) at The Red Doors." This New and Extensive Rea dy Made Clothing Establishment, recently opened by the Subscribers, offers Inducements to Southern and Western buyers in regard to low prices and im mense variety of Stock, rarely to be met with. The increase of Sales from a very liberal patronage, has been such as to warrant their offering Clothing at unutnaUy low price, and carrying out the sys tem of " Largt Sales, and tmall jfrrofiu !" OrtlerH from any part of the United States promptly executed and with especial care. REED, BROTHERS & CO., Philadelphia, Perm. P. S. Facilities will be offered Buyers to pur chase on regular credit. Usual discount allowed to Catk Butert. Dec. loth, 1851. ly 101 THE. undersigned manufacture and offer for sale the following articles at Northern prices : Portrait Frames, richly ornamental and plain gilt Picture Frames of gilt and fancy wood, and gilt Da guererotypc Frames ; a large and beautiful assort ment of new goods. Looking Glass Plates, of all sizes and fitted in Picture Glass, French, first quality, from 50x86 inches down. Plate Glass, for stores and dwellings, furnished to order. Composition Rosettes, of all sizes, for builders' interior work - ALSO, Old Work re gilt and jobbing in the above branches Picture Glass cut to any pattern and large size French Mirrors furnished to order . Country orders by mail will receive prompt at tention. FRANCK k CLOVER, 198 Main St., between 9th and 10th st. Richmond, July 13, 1851. 57 ly ISAAC PROCTER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Successor to Olirtr $ Procter, the old Stand, "UGLY ROW, opposite A1 Longee's," five doors below Williams, Hay wood 4 Co"s Drug Store, has recently returned from the iMorthern CiUe, ( purchased) and has received a large and (all say f well selected assortment of vooda in his line, which, (from the universally "acknowledged reputation of the establishment) be deem it entirely unneeessary to enumerate ; but will skuply say his assortment comprises every article. belonging to the wardrobe of a gentleman- In addition to his complete stock of unmanufactur ed goods, lie has a fine assortment of Reaot Maoc CLorarxQ, of his own and foreign manufacture all of which he would be pb-ased to exhibit, free of charge. W ith sincere thanks to the 'patrons of the old firm, and of their ''successor," he assures them no effort or pains shall bo spared to give them entire satisfaction. . Gentlemen who are disposed to patronise the North, in preference to these who surround iheir owu hearth stone, he particularly solicits to give him a call If he does not give them as good a (better filling) garment as they can obtain at any fashionable establishment at the Nortbj thea ho is "bikm f Mr. G. L. Gould, the talented pupil of Mr. Olives, is stll with htiu, and his success as a cutter is rarely equalled, never excel'ed.- Mr. P. gives h a attention to the Pantaloons and Vest deportment. They speak for themselves. Gentlemen furnishing their own goods may rely upon tlieir receiving equal attention with those pur chased of the "Emporium." Cutting doue at alHtmes and at reasonable prices. ' In. conclusion, he witl say, although the Bcoo" has left trim', he retains, in his varied departments, genuine Kntomotogicil skill. ' - - RaUgh, Mar Ti, .X342. , ' 41 tf Standard and Age copy. Hay dock, Clay, '& Evans, Scccesbobs or Haydocit, " Coblies & Clat. No. 21 Peari Street, New York. TMPORTERS of Foreign Drugs and Wholesale I Dealers m Select Medicines, Paints. Oils. Var nish, Dye Stuffs, Brushes,- Surgical and Dental In struments, Perfumery, &c. - i Dr. Alex. Evans, late of Wilmington, having as sociated himself with the above Firm, respectfully invites the attention of Dealers and merchants visit ing the North to their "large Stock of Goods, and will give particular attention to the orders of his mends in Aorth Carolina. . Feb. 23, 1852: - - wfiraos 16 f)X Dox. white-Uappies,-fine Mags, phun and fj fancy Tumblers, &c,' 1 dox fino trap boxes, " -1" " Bush trays, 6 fluid' glass Lamps, ' " 5 ' white - carved dishes, bowls &c, " 'FR. MAHLER. , June 10, 1852. .. ' , 47 2m r ANTED: At the Neuse River Oil Mills t T 00 bushels of Cotton seed, Flax seed and Palma-Christi, or Castor Oil Beans, for which cash and the market price will be given. . February 3, 1852. - ." tfio JOURNALS pF. THE LEGISLATURE. Journ al als of the Legislatnre of IfjoOul, for sale at this Office. . 22 tf ': FRANKClNTON PEMAIjE ACADEMY. . fTHE Subscriber having taken charge of the X" Franklinton Fenrale Academy, will open," on Wednesday, the 7th day of July next, a. Female Boarding SchooL The health of the place is un questionably good, and is accessible by the Raleieh and Gaston Rail Road. , . v . . . . All the branches of female education' nsaallj teught in the best schools wffl here be taught, and parents intrusting their daughters to our care, mar rest assured that every attention will be given to their moral and mental training. " The school will be under the direction of my two daughters, who arv graduates of the Geenabroro' Female College. V Music on Piano and Guitar, with' French, will be taught Board can be procured in the best families, at moderate prices. J " ... - '. EDWARD SPEED. Franklinton, N. a, June 10, 1852. .47 6w :- .-:. Raleigh Academy. : J V: rjHIS School will again commence its exercises I on the 7th of July. J. M-rLOVEJOV. ;RaleUch. June 29th. 1832. B2 At standard and Star insert four times. jjm V LOOKING-GLASS 1 p picturFfra3ie I l ; ITIannfactory, it IXi KICIIJlOtfD. VA. J cRaieigh & Gastonr Railroad TTROM and ffr'U first of Juno next.- the -ca ra il wiil1eavlUleich t3 'cloekV-A: Mvontfl tar- tbwf notice. fjTj wV :-&-r-V'':'?2Z3 - The rate of fareruT bV m follow,1 Llttleio,?".- Macon, r. , . Warrfenton -Ridge way .0" Hendersea Franklinton -: ; Wake Forest Huntsviilo - 2,25- 2,00 - . . 1,75. : .65 . ;'0 VASS,TrsV1 v- ' . 42. W. May .24th, 1852. - , Just to Band. : . 5 BARRELS Soda and Butter Crackers. 10 Boxes Raisons - -20 f " '"- " ' ' : 400 lbs soft shell Almonds, - - 800 lbs frcah Pecan nuts. . - - ;- L.. B. WALKER. March ,19th, 1852. 23 . k BR.VUTIFUL assortment of BoasiTS, from 60 'Ji nt8 o $7 ,50. Also, Bonnet Ribbons, Col-, o P7 50. - A Capes, ' Kid lam. Cuffs, Capes, Kid and Silk Gloves, Cuffs, super. quality.' ETANS & COOKE. , V March 1852. 23 " FOR NEW YORK. . SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. X EDUCTION of Passage and Fare ! JAi The new and elegant side wheel Steamship ROANOKE! 1,200 tons burthen. Lewis Parrish, Commander, , will leave City point every Tuesday evening for New York. Passage and fare from Petersburg, including state rooms...... $10 00 Steerage passage ' 5 00 For speed, comfort and safety, the Roanoke is excelled by no Steamship on the coast, and travel lers will find it the most pleasant route to the North. TICKETS issued at my Office on Sycamore ' SAMUEL G. BAPTIST, Agt Fetertbrtrg, Va. A passenger train leaves the Appomattox Depot at 5 o'clock, P. M., to connect with the Steamship at City Point. June 4, 1852. tf 45 CLOTH SACKS AND FROCKS . We have on hand a very large assortment of Cloth Sacks and Frocks which are now selling very cheap. E. L. HARDING & CO. December 4th, 1851. 88 PR. MAHLER S CHEAP STORE. THE 'subscriber respectfully announces to his customers and Town friends, that he has re moved from the Depot to "Locust-shade" opposite the Capitol. Thankful for past favors, he flatters himself that the public will encourage him at his new stand with the same confidence as shown him heretofore ; wherefrom he pledges himself, that the prices and qualities of his goods shall prove satisfactory to all that will honor him with a call. He keeps constantly on hand a fine assortment of Family Gbockries, as well as Cokpbctioxa eics, Cigars, Fruits, Nuts, and a choice selec tion of Fasct Articles & Crockery Ware. FR. MAHLER. Raleigh, June 8th, 1852. 47 ORE NEW BONNETS, receiv.d this day. Leghorn, Horse hair, Tuscan and open Straw Bonnets and Flats. N. L. STITH. June 22, 1852 50 tf s ARATOGA WATER: Constantly kept at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. Mourning Goods. LUPINS best Black Bombasine, . Plain and Plaid Black. Hernani, do Grenadine and Crape de Paris, Half Mourning do do do Second Mourning Paris and Organdi Muslin. Black and White Ginghams and do Lawns. ; Mourning Sleeves, Collars and Capes, kc. N. L. STITH. June 7th, -1852. 47 : fOTICE. The subscribers are ready to contract for Steam Engines of any site, or an kind of Mill gearing. To any one wanting Machinery of the above description, they will offer inducements equal to any establishment, North or South. Please give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. SUTTON, SOUTH MADE & CO. Wilmington, May 1852. . , - 3m 40 NOTICE. candidates for Wake County will meet nnHE B and address their fdlow-eitixens at Spikes'," Monday, Adams,' Tuesday, Weatherspoon' Wednesday, July the do d do do do do do do do do do . , do do " do do do do 12th, 13th. 14th. 15th. 16th. 17th. lyth. 20th. 21st. 22d. 23rd. 24th. 2Cth. 27 th. 28th. 29th. 80th. Grady's, Thursday, Laws, Friday, Simnis', Saturday, Franklin's, Monday, Unchurch' s, Tuesday, - DuPree's ' Wednesday, Barny Jones', Thursday, Banks', Friday, Busbees', Saturday, Dunnsville, Monday, Forestville, Tuesday, Rolesville, ': Wednesday, Mortons', Thursday, HoodsV Friday, Wakefield, Saturday, 31st Opportunities will be offered at the various places above named for persons to pay their taxes. WM. H. HIGH, Sheriff. Jnne 15, 1852. . 49 Negroes Wanted. 'fiHE undersigned takes this method of returns 1 big his sincere thanks to the citizens of Wake and adjoining counties for the chance which they have thrown in his way, in the purchase Of negroes, and would respectfully inform them that he is still prepared with cash, to purchase at the highest pri ces 15or 20 likely fellows, or girls between the ages of 12 and 20." He may be found at home, first door above Mr. R. Smith's residence. . ' . WM. F. ASKEW. Raleigh, July 7, 1852, , 66 NOTICE THE Stockholders of the Cape Fear k Deep Riv er Navigation CO., "will meet in Pittsboro', on Friday, the 28rd of this month. ., ISAAC CLEGG, Pres. July 7, 1852. 66 td Raleigh & Gajston Rail Road. A ' SPECIAL Meeting of the Stockholders of the XJl. Raleigh & GatSixn;Rail Road Company will be held at Henderson,35DnThuraday, the 15th day of July next, tor the purpose of taking Into conside ration the negotiation of a loan, for the completion and equipment of said Road, and formbg a Con nectioja with the North Carolina) Rail Road. " punctual attendance is requested. -Y ; V . GEO. W. M0RDECAI, Pres. Junel, 1852- 44 4w Standard, Petersburg Intelligencer, and Norfolk Argus, copy 4 weeks. - -. -v v - GA L I C 0 E S 1 50 pieces various figures and shades. -For sale .by the yard or pieoo, very Io . : . J. BROWN. Raleigh, March 80, 1852. . - r28 rr C. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARD I ING MERCHANT, WilniingtohN. C. July 1st, 1851. - : " . 53-ly-p: SAVAGE & MEARES, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmitirton, . 43. -August 9th, 1851. " - - ly-65 08SUTH., HATS; With and with out Pltunta.'.'C t - 'r": -? , :" v . j ust reeeived and for sale by ' '. "t -V . yrH-.k. b, s. tucker. . - .. : ' ;? NOTICE z., , , - IS hereby J given that I shall: attend at the Court House in the City of Raleigh, on .Wednesday, the 14th lost., and will continue ; from ay to' day the .balance' of tie week, to take the Tax list tor the Raleigh District" I am determined to return thei list very soon thereafter: " r.,"';.'- - . ;Vs o;.l;bdmh,7. P.;r ? JaJj T, 1802. - r , :: - . I shall attend at the same time 'and place for the purpose of- collecting the Taxes for the year 1851, in the Raleigh District - T. J. UTLEY, Col. July 7, 1852. 56 tTUSTKECEITErx- -'.MarcB 8,;18o2. rs. r. -v ViJiZO. tf- v --.- , ; ..' ?rtltfYSY' 'iYi zi TlK?PJfiumly:Molaasea; ew,crop, tost to hand. I T i" . ":",T- II. SK. Si TUCKER. May 1832;' 30 JUST received, a supply of Crushed and Refined Sugars--Java, Laguira and Bio Coffee. K rrr: HAVENS' i -' NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATJJRE GALLERY, , Vv(ov thr post rncR.) , ' .,' FayettevtiU r Street, Raleigh, N. C. .; Feb: 21852 1 ' - 10 ; LOUR- Barrels, Superior, from the Ridgway JM Mill warranted to be equal to any from the Richmond City Mills, or any other. - - ... - N. L. STITH." ' Feb. 20, 1852. . . 15 - TO . HOUSE PAINTERS. 50 Barrels of Cetton Seed Oil, the cheapest and best Oil for outside house painting for sale by the BarreL Apply to WM. J. CLARKE. Raleigh, Marcb 16, 1852. ' . 22 tf . ZiLD ENGLISH. CHEESE, and MaccaronL- J Another supply just to hand, AT TUCKER'S. Candles and Soap. BOXES Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles. 60 Boxes very superior Washing Soap, Also, variety of fancy Soaps. For sale by, PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS, & CO. Petersburg, March 16, 1852. 22 tf ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. Already has experience demonstrated the fact, that mnch pain and distress are prevented in the family circles by the using of a few select medicines; besides, it is the means, very frequently, of saving a Doctor's bill. Quite in advance of anything here tofore offered, have Dr. Little's Pharmaceutical Me dicines succeeded in curing the diseases for which they are prescribed.' For instance, his Anodyne Cough Drops have really cured more cases, and given more universal satisfaction, than any other known. For proof, he has more statements of its great utility from persons of the first respectability residing in different parts of the country as desig nated, than ho can afford to publish or even wishes to crowd into his new pamphlet, besides the many instances of its success otherwise that might be re ferred to." The medicine never fails to cure or ben efit immediately any case of Coughs, Colds, Deep seated Coughs, or Consumptive Diseases and Asth ma, also Whooping Cough, Croup, Colds and In flammatory Fever among children. This remedy is pleasant to take, and is no hnmbug of a balsam or foreign extract, but is an extensive compound upon scientific principles. Dr. Little -Sir : In my own case of a most vio lent cough of several weeks standing last winter, I was cured entirely by your Anodyne Cough Drops, in taking less than one bottle. After the first dose or two I felt greatly relieved, and had but little more pain or troublo with it in any way. A week or two previous I took a bottle of the Balsam of Wild Cherry, without being mnch benefitted. Respectfully, Signed W. TAYLOR. Bibb County, July, 1848. Beware of impotition and avoid the use of substitute. The foe smile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Lit tle will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 264, Market Street, Philadelphia. , Te be had also of J. D. II. Young & Co., Frank linton ; C. C. Barbee, Barclaysville ; S. J. Hinsdale,. Fayettevillc ; Alex. Watson, Floral College, N. C ; W. F. Purse and Dr. A. Fitch, Columbia, and Dr. P. . M. Cohen, Charleston, S. C. ; P. F. , Pescud, Agent for Raleigh. Nov. 1851. 91 Important to Families! S. CRANE'S PATENT COMPOUND WASH MIX TURE, OR, SOAP. For Washing Clothes-Also for Washing, Cleaning and Beautifying Painted Surface the Walls,1 Ceil- ings and Entries; the Halls, Parlors and Rooms of Jttrate antt S'ulUic JsuUding; the Fronts, -Doors and Window of Fajtcy Dwellings; . The Petes and Interior of Churches; Furniture; the Berths, State Rooms and Cabins of Steamships, Steamboats and Packet-Ships; Passenger Cars, Brasses, Iron Railing, Glass or Metallic Surf (tees, ftc.t .jr. -TTyT-A RRA N TE D to give entire satisfaction and destined to effect an entire revolution in the business of the laundresss being - an improved Preparation for Washing Clothes perfectly, with astonishing facility and dispatch, and without inju ry to texture or color. Every family, of whatever size, can do all their washing in less than one hour, without the labor of rubbing, pounding ; bleaching or the friction of a machine, thus saving time, ex pens anil labor, and securing exemption from the diseases caused by the exposure and fatigue inci dent to the usual mode of Washing, while Clothing itself will be saved from the wear and tear of the wash-board and friction, and last much longer! The undersigned having purchased from the Pa tentee, the sole right and interest for the State of North Carolina, in his Patent Compound -Wash Mixture, herebr informs the Public, that he wishes to dispose of Family or County Rights for the same. Persons living at a distance,-wishing to procure the rigBt to make and use this Valuable Prepara tion, can do so, by remitting FIVE DOLLARS to me, at Raleigh, which amount will entitle them to a family right; which right" shall be sent by mail immediately, with the proper directions to make and use the same. I am in possession of a large number of certificates from Ladies and Gentlemen of high standing not only in tis State, but in Ma ryland, Virginia and South Carolina; but I deem it unnecessary to fill a Jong Advertisement with them, unless requested, as the article will speak foritself, and is so favorably, known in all the Northern and Southern States. - I Mm to visit all parts of the State at as early a day as possible, to give the Public an opportunity of testing its value. - . ''J0HM J. CHRISTOPHER, . is my authorixed Agent for thia City during my absence. :. WESLEY WH1TAKER, Jr., ia the General Tra velling Agent. Feeling satisfied by the use of this Mixture in my own family, that it cannot fail. to. please, all who try it, I invite all to call and see or send in their orders to j. j. ryals. " Raleigh, Sept. 23, 1851. . ; v . . - 77-tf. ICECREAM. - . HE Subscriber would resvectfullv sav to the citizens, that he is prepared to furnish them mrougn tne season witn ice Cream of a superior quality, and of different flavors, at the. following low rates: .... .. . . From 1 to 2 gallons..!.....'. ...... .l..$2 per gal. 3 5 " ;..........;...1.75 per gal. All over ; 6 .............1.60 " My aim will always, be. to give a good article at fair prices. ; The citizens are well aware what Ice Cream sold for in Raleigh three years ago. AI have,' since my i residence here, : always employed good workmenfor whom I have had to pay high wages, and the , knowledge I. have of Ice Cream J. haver dearly paid for, i leave it with the citizens to say whether or not I shall be .'sustained.' Your "kind patrynage is respectfully solicited and will be ap preciated. --. - . -. , .v . ' ' . . T. . "I- B. WALKER. , June 22, 1862. . v -60 ' -tfSfKi City Papers eopy. -.v" ' , " - -' Watkins! & Morton. . j.vuniaiaoiuiaBnuaAil k o, J". PTERSBURoVbiaIA. J OFFER for sale on consignment " . 2000 Sacks Ground Alum Salt 10 to the Ton, -full Saekv nd in. fine, "order. - 80 ihde. Prime Bacon Sides; and Shoulders. .',50 bM Stuart's refined Sugars. V? vi? I 200 tons Gentdne Guana . A ; . 1000 bhla Kettle wellVpure Ground Plaster. " v 2000. Snperior Grain Bags: - :-i"Y-r -, They .also keep constantly on hand at Maaufao tnrer'8 pricet . - v. Y. v,- ,,YA- Y.- ... ,Y Herrings patent Fire'proof Salamander Iron Safer Cirdwell, : '4r, 6 & 8 horse power wheat Thrashers. Grants : J - Wheat Fana,iY: c x: v - - Y Y Corn Shellera,"and-Straw cutters' of tie tnortp proved construction. " - June 1, 1852. 44 3m 200 1 HEARVH3M' YE SICK -1 , SEV. VERNOViESKRIDGEirU. & W .. : ' r- V- POBISJIOCTH1rV.f;ABg.T 48, - Mr; J; E.lWnshDeaT Slr iiWMejI am in geni eral onnosed to PateiitvMediobjeB rid!pr: compels ne to state that Iliave great eonfidehce in the vir-: tuea or Hampton's vegetawe 'lTncroro.,- xor uev era! months past I hVe used it in my family,lii dys? -pepsia,' loss, of appetite, dia xinieas.'rtaid. general .de.; bility, .with : entire jsuceeBS Bo faraa, myexperiV: enee extendi, therefore,"! take pleasure fin reoom-. mendmg it to the afflicted aa' araae andT efficient remedy.; -v:-1 am? respeetfully.' yoarsr- - - ! viYj; YVERNONESKRIDGE, '.Y- - -Y Y- Chaplain VtS, Navy., r ''-:'""- ' ' '0 '-f--- -i' -Y-''- jQt. COUGH .VERTIGO. Rheumatism, , of 15 years standing, ciired. vTestimony-of enolof oar best known citizens : - -j, t - - - -; ' ' ; - ?. V YBAiTiMOMj fob. 9th, 1852. Messrs. Mortimeb & MowjtMTentletnmi-lt is with real pleasure that I am able. to attest to the general healing and curative powers of Dr. Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture. Some time during last November I was taken with a very bad and serious cough. I was advised" to take Cod Liver Oil, and did so, but getting no better, I was induced to try your Tincture. . I got ono botfle and before I had used it all my cough had left me.". Permit me also to state that for the last fifteen years! have suffer ed very much from Aente Rheumatism and Vertigo, confining me at times to ray bed. , I am fully con vinced that I owe" my. present apod health to the use of the Tincture and a kind Providence. - You are, my friends,, at liberty to UBe this as you may think proper, and believe me -i .. Yours, very respectfully, G. DtfNAN. N. BVJ ean be seen at any time at the Mayor's Office. , Y G.D. A MONUMENT From whose base to the' top stand out in bold relief the names of our own citi zens who have been restored to health by Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture, a medicine that cures more than nineteen out of every twenty who try it. " We have certificates from Hou Henry Clay, and R. M. .Johnson one from Captain Canot, brother to the eminent Physician to the President of the French .Republic, who was cured of a Rheumatism of 7 years standing also, one from Robert Gault, Rheumatism 7 years. Mr. Oldham, Bait Custom House, dreadful case of Dyspepsia, and from" hun dreds of others. All must admit there never has been such a mass of testimony given in favor of any other medicine, which is so pleasant and taken in such small quantities. MOST WONDERFUL : The following certificate is from an eminent Lawyer- of Kentucy, who is known in all of the States, having for a number of years represented his State in Congress : It affords me pleasure to state that Dr. Jesse Hampton's Tincture has effected a most extraordi nary cure of my slave boy Albert. The patient was three years old, and had the Scrofuhv (his father is scrofulous.) The boy was a moving mass of sores from head to foot the upper lids of the eyes were much swollen, and turned inside out, exhibi ting horrible mattering ulcers, that protruded over the eye-bail so as to produce blindness.. It. is strange yet true; this child, that I felt resigned to die as a relief from suffering, has been restored to health under the treatment of Dr. Hampton. W. P. THOMASSON. Lociavii.LB, -VireA 20, 1851. GREATER WEIGHT 0F TESTIMONY CANNOT BE GIVEN. This medicine when used according to directions, WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL? Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of the Skin, Ery sipelas, Chronic Sore eyes, Ringworm or Tetters, Scald Head, Rheumatism, Pains in the Bones or Joints, Old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilitic Dyspepsia, Salt Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Diseases arising from the use of Mercury, Pain in the Side and Shoulders, General Debility,-Dropsy,' Lumbago, Jaundice, Cos- uveness, bore Throat, Bronchitis, Coaghs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest, Pulmonary Affections, and all other diseases tending' to produce Cosscmptios! Liver Complaint, ' Female Irregularities " and Com plaint, Sick headache. Low- Spirits, Night Sweats, Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Chroiiic Constitu tional Diseases, Rheumatism and Gout ' - For sale by P. F. Pescud, Fayetteville St Raleigh N. C, Mortimer & Mowbray, Baltimore, and Drug gists everywhere. . - 1 SELECT CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL . SCHOOL ; - . WARREN TON N, C. ."-'" R. A. EZELL, A; M. " Principal, J. D.; NICHOLS, A, B. Ass't Instructor. fTIHE Fall session will commence on Monday, the I 5th of July.-.Boya desiring to. avail them telvei'of the advantages of the school are particu larly requested to be present at the formation of the classes in the first week of the term. Charge is made, however, only irom the period of admis sion;'' ;. -J ' - . Y' - This is a Select School, established by, and un der the independent control of the Principal, who has had a successful experience of more than twen ty years duration-ia the education and government of Southern Boys, The Academy has been recently; erected on his own. Lot, in a quiet and retired por tion of the village, and surrounded by a handsome prove. The School-room is spacious, airy and com fortable. - ' In the Select Classical and.Mathcmatiil School, Boys are taught to tdikk, , and are furnished with the best means for prosecuting their studies. .. The memory is' cultivated," but not at the expense of the solid faculties of the mind.' The understand ing is enlightened and .the reason improved by mental .discipline : and . boys are taught to rely chiefly -upon their own powers for improvement and success in scholarship. !'They are required Thoroughly' to COMPREHEND -and, when necessary, satisfactorily ToYsxPLAii what they .recite. .Their training is calculated to make them under stand us principiss of the various' branches of science which they study, and to qualify them for severer, and more elevated.. duties. . In. fine, the roc n DAT 10 s is made strong and steadfast, as upon this must rest the entire superstructure of their education. n Boys are fitted for. the higher classes of any College in the Union and for the useful pur suits of life. ' Y : '' " '. Y : Mr. Nichols, the" able and accomplished coadju tor of the Principal, .completed his education : at Dartmouth and Yale Colleges, at each of which he spent two years previously .to his -graduating in 1845, - Since ; that period, he has been constantly employed in teaching, except for a short time when he was employed aa a Civil Engineer, in the service of the U. S. Government. Amonggt the testimo nials which he brought with him, are found those of the host emihekt teachers in the Union, to which ay now be added the fact that he taught in .the school, the last term, with marked success and with Jhe entire approbation . of the Patrons. Ilo'is on?"xf the ablest" Mathematicians, in the countryj as well aa an eacelleut teacher of the French Language. ... . :- .. ' .... . Boys from a' distance are required to "board.ui the family Of tVe Principal, where'they receive evr ery attention conducive to- their moral and intellec tual improvement, as well as totheir cleanlinees and comfort In the absence :of .' their parents, they are "taught toT regard , the Principal and his family as .their , best friends, and a kind, parental government is exercised over them. V Their morals are vigilantly guarded, -and. the .principle of total abstinence from all that intoxicates is ' rigidly n foroedYiJNo student!) permitted to visit the town atu any. time : unless . accompanied by one of the Teachers, nor.to be absent from his roonv which is under the same roof with the Teachers, after nightfall-- 'Boys are requiredto attend : one of the ' Churches (at their own or at the discretion of their pajrents)v tice-every. Sabbath; and 'whilst Chris- tiari morals are diligently inculcated, every thing tending to sectarian bias is studiously avoided. ! ' ' r-c-y- terms: -'-: , Board, , ftw; the Session of fiTeTmbntiis..i...$50;00 ; Tuition in the Languages and Mathematics. 17,00 " & lEngush Branches...........i.YtI2,50 () ".."V.:;:.;..:.c..io,oo - WUUW . 1002. . -.V. i.VTfwi -Kft- n. NTorth CarriH ti a 'Ma mi fa n-,, .T BATTLE & SON i ARE STILL MANUFACTURE ing, t the RWKO.UNT-MIIJJbot; 3OP,Q00 IbeYpf CottoniYarns, per avnnwnYf equal to Vert Georgia, yarns,) ; which ihey Will deUver to Merchants; free of extri charge, it New York pri- er? Mewed to Battle & Sow, Rocky Mount, N. d -win receive prompt attention, r February 18, 1852. - ly 13 ! 'AeVBittoUST TypHlia'ahdall - Fe - erssjLryseniajyzf ltKeeommencemOTtlW of pills 'be'Xakeniit once; bense'lhhunforsw prbduefr dlseMe'elrithl ciafis,reK':aIwayS'. 'of -JtHe: mosx mangnant, -poisoiious quuiy,-Bu uvMietv to life'exista.wliQe'ariy.portionjranains .in the bow- 1 iMt alarmed.bat reiterate that dose. 'Should, the eyanafions 1 Ter-ptittid a day. taite also, a- tea spooarui ot-powaerea cnarr eoaL- in watcri.'everTTdav while .these symptoms 4 gaiAO"i rruw iwi, nwc, jtuuuuig,' uufwiH gruel ; alsdi- sheep's' head' broth "with rice, and - : v:ij ' tk.Ji,.!; Sheep's nead makes the test diet if it btflwDed un til the" "bet$e are clean.. l Asra -rulej t3i first .doseva or puis cures wucb uhioit, useu. . oomeumw urcc or four dose may be 'necessary.; 7 There hrj'-iases in which it takes weeks to cure, but they .'do not occur onee in a thousand' times. Iniany ereni, no, medicine or plan of. treatment is" better thanihat aoovo recomm?naea,or win : sooner. curOi'po: soon as tho irritating matters are removed- so; soon youj will be well,' and not before. V Anodynes and astrin gents iave a deleterious' effect ; because theyooea sion tiio retention f thAt:jdeath, principle wbieb' a-, lone causes dysentery, djrht cholera and all other diseases, according to its excess oyer the prin? ciple of life. ' But Brdndretli's Pffla areoppoaed'toj this as water is to fire, or s heat is to cold ; , and when they are. token itd;aiiani tiiey;: go tq work boldly to drive this death principle Apm thebody, and all they can dc- but if there be' werk for fifty doses," one dose mnSt nbtf be. expected - to !. d'' the work of fifty. And this jtrtrfh - should always be kept in" mind. " ' Z Y ' . -"YH '.-. '.. Y lr , Let not the patients tVigbtoiiemaervea with" the idea that they are too weak? to bear much ptirging but bear in mind that these mitdlyropcrartiBg Pills of Dr. Brandreth put not weakness "into the frame, but draw weakhfess out,1 leaving slrength inits place and gives composing sleep t night, and an appetite to relish any food. - , v I' - 3, , u- . THE BRANDRETH PILLS are composed whol ly of medical herbs,' and do not contain any mine ral or chemical substance ; are perfectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame ; and nev ertheless sure to search out. the, cause of the sick ness and produce a CURE, "whatever "may "be its character, when taken in time, and in quantity suf ficient.. . ' . . J'. -Y The Brandreth Pills are sold at 25 cents per box, by WILL PECK & SON, Raleigh, and by one a gent in every town in the United Statesand in al most every city throughout the . world. . Let all be careful where they buy .or they willjobtain a coun terfeit. Buy only of men whose "character "you know to be above so - mean an action as to sell false for the true Brandreth's Pills. - Observe, the six signatures of Dr. Brandreth on each box. : August 22, 1849.' LIVER ; COMPLAINT, ..TAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC, OR NER- t . vous debility, disease of the Kidneys, "and., all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such. as constipation, inward Piles, fullness, : or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach,. Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness' or Weight in the Stomach, Soureructations, sinking or flutter ing at the Pitt of the Stomach,"; Swimming of the H ead, H nrried and "difficult -Breathing, YFinttering at the Heart, Choking, tor -rSuffocatirige-Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness 1 of" Vision,-' Dots or Webs before the Sight,'' Fever and DuUrPain, in the Head, Deficiency of Pctspiratidnj Yellqwness'of the Skin and Eyes, Pain, in the Side," Back, Chest, Limbs, &c. , Sudden Flushes of Jleat, - Burning in the Flesli,- -Constant Imaginings 'of Erilj'- aiKl ; great Depression. Of Spii-its ; can be effectually cured, by DR. HOOPLA ND' S :- Celebrated GeriuanJiUters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, at; the , German Medicine Store; No. 120, Arch Street, Philadelphia., Their power over tie abov$ diseases is not excelled; if . equalled by any-'jother preparation - in the -United ' Stales,-as the' cures attest in many eases.- after skil ful physicians had failed. '' - These Bitters arc worthy the attention of invalids." Possessing great virtues in the rectification of, dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most scarchiug powers in weaknesses and affections of the digestive organs,- they are withap safe,- cer tain, and pleasant. "' -; -"' .. READ AND BE CONVINCED. ' Fronv thd 1 Boston Ree."J The Editor Baid, Det.:22d. ' ".- ' r- " " " "Dr. IIooftantTs Celebrated German Bitters, for the cure of . Liver Complaint, Jaundice, "Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous1 Debility, is deservedly one of tho most popular medicines of the day. These Bit ters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says" he has himself received an effectual and pernianent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. -'--We are convinced that, in the use of these BItfers, the patient constmtly gains strength and vigor, a faet worthy of great consider ation. They are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be used- by persons with the most delicate stomachs with-safety, under any circumstances. We are speaking from experience, and to the af flicted we advise their use," "Scott's Wkbjcly," one of the best Literary pa pers published, said, August 25 V ' "Dr.'Hoofland's German Bitters manufactured by Dr. Jackson," are now- recommended by some of the most prominent members of the faculty, as an ar ticle of much efficacy in case of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle and thus save themselves much sick ness.' Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health as we know from experience the salutary effect that they ; have upon weak systems." Judge M.- Mr'NoAH, a gentleman of great literary L and scientific attainments, said in his-New lork Weekly Messenger," January 5, 1850.: ; "Dr. Hoofland's German Biter. Here" Is a pre paration which the leading -presses in the .Union appear to be unanimous in recommending,-, and the reason is obvious. It' is made after a DrescriDtion furnished by one of the niost celclrated physicians of modern times, the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm lloonamt, joTessof to the University of Jena, Pri rate Physician to the KTng of Prnssia,'; and due of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever pro- auccu. .: He was emphaticallythe enemy of ktimbug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the in v enter and' . endorser ;;may ' be" confidently relied on. - We specially recommend it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, -Lbilityv-Vertigo, - Acidity of the Stom ach,. Constipation and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of tho stomach, the Liver and the intestines. - Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of the editors Speak of its effects from their own individ ual exneri enee. - Under these circumstances we feel. .Warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor s (ur. v. m. j sen son's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." . - MOKE EVIDENCE, . ,A ' The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family newspaper published in the United States," the editor says of - ' " - .-' ' " ' ; DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. -."It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our renders ; and, therefore, when "we recom mend Dr.' Hoofland's German. Bitters; we ".wislf it to be distinctly understood, that we ' are not speaking, of the nostrums of the. day, that are jnoised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of inlschie,"but ofs medicine long established, uiiiversally prised, and which has met the hearty approval .of.the faCuIty,itoel.',; .. . Evidence upon evidence has eeu "received (Hke the foregoing) from aJraeetions "of 'the Union, the last three Jwxt'aMdTAttStHMuUm m it favor, is, that thereis more' of it used in the prac tice of the' regidarplrysicians of Phaadelphia. tiian all otiieros&iinu roainbmedYa. fact that can : be easily ;esUbnah,;d;fully proving Ithat a scien- uuutroparun. wur.meet witn tneir quiet approval when presented rvt a this form.'- " Yt iThat thfr- medicine will cure Liver Coihnlamt -and Dyspepsia qtr one can doubt,- after using it as uirccieo. - it acts speciflcaUy upon the stomach and livery if, ir preferable to-calomel inAti "Biagvs piSEABiss ; "ihe effectsis immediato.-v They .can' be administered to fcmale or infaht with, safety and relmble benefit' at any time. . , " . 1ftT-T' :'C --':-YYf ''tYY":;'' 't.cBEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Y . This .medicine has. attained that high, character, which is neceasary for "all medicinea to attain, to induce counterfeiters to put forth, a spurious article at the risk of the lives; of. toose who are; innocently deceived. - YYs': -''- '"T-. -' . ' r y. -.r-'y .. ' LOOK-.WWi to m mm of ths Qvxvnns. ' . - They, have the. written signature of .C. W-, JACK SON upon the wrapper, and the name blown- in the bottle, without which thet abc srcRiors. 1 FcVsale wholesale and retail at ' YlPntlAVKlflMfllVIl; NV120 ' A!ieH"Stret; -one door below (late of 278 Race street,! Philadelphia 1 Xth. spectablo dealers --thrdn'finl the count Y a by re. VgiAlso Wsale; byV Y c J- R- R.VMStv :W,N,C.?May29,;1851. " And for sale alto bv . ' -T V. F. PESCUD, Gcn'l Agent. W. VAN HORX T'TTV --- . vjY BRACE, the onlv iw? iUDER Wred that does ' v;l , ma"ufac- ce TTi:, 1, tinder the arms, and c'.n ? with b.jth ease and coiutV,rt ' 'Jt Jhosc who have orn other 1. ees are requested to pive L a' trial, to test t.j,;, ...J5' , .tllcse . atf others. Cles, Students, Tailors C, 7' Ter ClnhWof both Sexe, .ndduS tL?? from a wealth . constitution bendih forward, . (Roun4 pressing the Chest and jraee to renied v the abnve .lefeot and the above wcbi tau-riage, With ninm,! of bodv to the 'vJt; s?try and,fo: ensure aa anu neaitliy action and exj,allsipn of t luu removing the Comprcio., Y . Lu"S9 bJ the Pulm0uary oSs fron" tPreV "tiD thereb diseased. 0 r0m bc"g weak and , . - . . illSO ai mrin . C. W. VAX Tirmx- 0. Manufacturers of Surgical Bandar tions, Philadelphia. Ses of all descrip- w. VAN HORN'S IMPROVED ELASTIC UTERINE SUP POUTER. f oe i'ROLUsis Uteri, (Fali.ixu &' &C, &o. OF TIIK Wo.MB ) : This instrument is light and elustic -m.l U , 1 without the Steel Spring ich nre oh - , S on account of. their chaliog the Hips. &e S ' them extremely unpleasffnt'to be w.'rn ' g " -fferinS ft;oi the nl.ove iav.m -r-T,' : i"""v,i..rij, are solicits to ,UCU1 mm, 10 prove tneir superiority Steel Spring, and other Banda-'e.s. .v fver the Several Pi-ofessors of Obstetrics. &c. anj nl . number of Physicians in this City,'n.l tin-,,,-) the.lmted btates,. have adopted thorn in tlmY n ticewith tho most decided beneficial results ;highly recommend and approve of them TUtT '.'iiiciimati Ohio;; ' "51 haye:exammel and used to a cdnVni.lea tent during a practice of nearly Trentv-iive veiM a-greaOariety of Spring an Laced BaU.ia; fj signed for the reb'ef- and cure of the several affec tions torliioK'yur instruments are applicable, but ir inecoanicni execution, as well us the aeonrata adaptation 01 the instruments to thei signs,, I have never"" seen auy that 1 i&ore satisfaction. r seyeral iJe 'i'S given me ;HARLES WOODWARD, M. D.. rinfo,,or of ObstetrksK and diseases of Women aii'l t'iiilJren' Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' Yfianduges for Females, Vter Partui-iti,,n. -wpoT-ters for Weakness,. Debility, &c., True of all descriptions fori Hernia, Instrument fur tnv. I kneeaj Club..footvBow legs, dislocated nrivcakWmt spiniu.wuments ior curvature ot tUe i-v'i ami also f9r alj "derangements requiring the u-c .,f Bau dages," for restoration, t r'n f-,W.'' VAN HOilN ('(.. riiiln UWILLUMS, HAYWOOD a- CO., AUEXTS Raleigh-'X.'C. " -, October 6th, 1851 . 9-Oml ,." : Entered according to an Act of t '011" ress in the voa ; ' 1851, yj. S. HOUGHTON. M. D. in tho" " 'P. Clerk's Office of the District Court for J the Eastern. District of Pcnnsyl . ' vania. GSXAT CVRK FOB DVSrKPSIA AXOTUKR srlr.ST:rilj TfoxDiK ; DH. J. S. HOUGHTON'S The true Digestive Fluid, OR GASTRIC JUICE. This is a great Xunl Remedy for Liujeslion, ami Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own Method, by Nature's own A jrent, the Gastric Juice. PEPSI'S is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifyin;, Prerrrinij and Stimdaimg Agent of tho Stomach and Intes tines. It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the' Ox, thus forming an Artificial Diyestivc J'liwI, and Perfect Substitute for it.. By the aid of tliis re paration, the pains and evils of Indigestion ami lti pepsia are removed just as they would be by a heal thy Stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyrpcpti'-s, curing cases of Debility, Epiaeiation, Xrmiu In cline and Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to be "i! the verge of the grave. The Scientific Evidence upon which it is based, U hi the highest degree Cu rious and Remarkable. , 1 -". i BARON LIEBIG, in his celebrated work on Ani mal Chemistry, -,says iv.-' An , -Artificial Digestive Fluid," analogous to the Giurtric Jnice, may lc pre pared from the mucus membrane of the Ox, in whicli various articles of food, as meat nml egzs, will be softened, chanaed and dirrested. i11.1t in iff " . . . , . - w ' 'manner as they would be in the human stomach."1 " Half tcaspoonfnl of pure Pepsin, infused in wa ter, will digest or dissolve Five Pounds of R.ut Beef in about two hours but of tho stomach. DR. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is sold by near'; all the. dealers in fine drugs and popular medicines throughout the United States. - It ia prepared in Powder, and in- Fluid form and in Prescription Vials for the use of Physicians. . ' PRIVATE CIRCULARS, for the. nse of riivi cians, may be obtained of his agents, "describing tho whole, process of. preparation, 'and giving the au thorities upon which the claims of. this new remedy are based.-. As it Is not a secret remedy, no injec tion can be raised against-its use by Physicians in respectable' Standing and' regular practice. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle. , - . PEPSIN INrPOWDEES SENT BY MAIL, FIiE OP PTAGEtfYIt oconyenience of sending t. all pats 'tjMmibrjt:ft i Digestive Matter ' -''; Pepsin. ispt".up in the.Yorui of Powder, with di rections to be dissolved in water by the patient. These PowderstcoTitain just the same matter as th bottieV-and will: be sent by mail,re? of Postny ll,r One-DoSor'ent Ypost paid) to Dr. J. S. HOUGH TON. flL D.hikdelpbiffl, Pa. J.OBSERV3J-'TniS : Everj- buttle of the genuine-Pepsin bears- tho written signature of J. h. HQCGHTON, M. D-proprietor, Philadelphia. P Ai l". Sold by all Drfl&isists and Dealers in Me-1- ('Icines. ; :- . 7, Y' Y JPor "sale. wholesale andf retail by WILLIAM1-, HATWOOD.& CO., and 'Druggists generally " North Carolina. ' Jnrie 30, 1 801 . 0 ''" 12 DOZ. Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger just re ceived. ' Also, a fresh. supply of very f uliC rior Cayenne Penner. iast to hand unci for ty i,-;,",X-.-., - P. F. PESCUD. Yldarctf22ri852v ; : , . jTOHNSONS- CELEBRATED ICE CRM - jj FREEZERS: A supply just to hand. ..'' - W. 11. K. . in.rvr.o. May 4th, 1852." ' " ::" Salad Oil DOEN Fresh and Sweet ; jiist received at tae r Drue Store" of 1 ;: . WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & MILL, CROSS CUT, &. PIT SAWS. H"11 Son's Tallow jCandles." ' 1 and Grass Scythes and 'Scythe Stones. Stone Jars, Jugs and Churns a general nsrt" ment. For sale by ... '; . J. I5I!OW Italeigh,"ApwI 261852, 3 "'. QP PERM and A-Usmantiiifr Caudles just receive - . ' J. 11'U -- - RaleifJIay 21,1852. PIECES: new aid splendid .Music rce'T' ' edthis day at the Music Store. Y;"ri- " K. W. I-L'TEi:sl" Raleigh, May 2oth, 1 852.