.- . VOLUME LIII. CITY OF RALEIGH. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1852. NO. 68. - Mglf THE " RALEIGH REGISTER" Is published Semi-weekly and "Weekly, by SEAT ON GALES, E-U ITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS: 5 oer annum : fn adanee $4. For the Semi-weekly, For the Weekly, $3 per annum ; in advance 2 60. RATES OF ADVERTISING: ApvmTWM.-For erery li Im. fiwt inrtk $1 ; ? TnTrJaJieirtlrerU-emenU will be char! LTJ?L hT'her but a deduction of per nt. will be fZ th 'l" pn 1rertisen. by the year. m tUZTJJLrLi in th. Semi-eddy, will aiao appr ,ktr. frve of charge. U tVor. to the Editor inut be WT-f.UT. REGISTER BOOK AND JOB PRITING OFFICE, Tue subscriber having recently refitted hit office with a new, beautiful and extensive assortment of BOOK AND JOB MATERIAL, is prepared to execute, with neatuss, every variety of ALSO uaasaactSiSBSB CSaaap JIsb in the Ivst ft vie. ami at but a trifling advance on North ern prices. To enable him to do this, he ha received a:i assortment of beautifully ename ed Cards, of dif-f-reni sizes, and fancy Stationery , with which he is prepared to fill orders for Ball Tickets, Circulars, a:id all descriptions of Biouze and Fancy Colored Printing. He lias. no. an assortment of extra-sited type for MAHMOTH POSTERS and SHOW BILLS, sud will spare no pains to remer periect oaiteiacuon in tlie execilion Ke entrusted. of all work with which he hi II S EATON GALES. C. B. ROOT, "IT"'' 01" LP respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Raleigh, and the public t-Pii r:inv that he has recently retifrncd from the North with a new. beautiful and splendid stock of WATCHES. JEWELRY. &c &c, &c, which he is prepared to sell lower than such articles have ever been sold in this market at any previous time. Having himself paid great attention to the selection of his goods, he is confident that, for Beauty and Fashion, no -uperior stock was ever before exhibi ted in North Carolina. assortment is made up of a very great vari etv. an 1 consists, in part, of the following articles : '.JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS : Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Anchor Cylinders, Vertical Escapements. Gold and Steel Uuard Chains, Seals, Kevs. together with a large assortment of Breast Pins. Finder Rings, Ear Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils. Gold Pens, Thimbles. Medallions. Gold Hearts and Crosses, Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silver in-muted Canes. Card Cases, Toilet Bottles and La dies' Toilet Work Boxes. Chessmen and Backgam mon Boards. Steel Tens. Gilt. Steel, Gloss and Sa tin Heads. Jet Combs, Segar Cases, Razor Strops, Purses &c. &c. SILVER AND PLATED WARE : Si'.ver Table. Tea. Dessert, Salt and Mustard Spoons. Ladles, Sugar Toner8, Butter Knives, Silver-mounted Cocoa Nuts. C.it.rs, Caudle-Sticks. Snuffers and Trays, Cake Baskets, Coffee Greques. Brittania Ware, in eetts or single peices. Silver and Plated Cups, Sil ver and Ivory Napkin Rings, &.C., &c. M'ECTACLES : Gold. Silver, Blue and polished Steel Spectacles, Perifocal Spectacle Glasses, anew article to suit the eyes of all persons; very supe rior Flint Glasses, that may be adjusted in any frame, at any notice. PERFUMERY : Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne and Lavender Waters, Toilet Powder Sha ving and Toiltt Soaps. Also Hair, Tooth and Sha ving Brushes. CUTLERY: A large assortment of superior Razors. Pocket and Peu Knives, also Dirks and I"wie Knives. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS : Spanish Guitars, Violins, Clarionets, Flutes, Fifes, Guitar and Violin Strings, Extra Violin Bows, &c, &c. Watches and Clocks-repaired in superior style. As his own personal attention will be given to the department, those persons having articles to repair may rely u their being well and faithfully execu ted. Gold and Silver manufactured to order. High est prices given for old Gold and Silver. TO SPORTSMEN .Patent Six Barrel Self-Re-v.Uing and Repeatiug Pistols. C B. ROOT has also received a fine lot of Dou ble Barrel Guns, Rifles. Pistols of all kinds. Powder Flasks. Shot Bags, -Bird Bags, Packages of Bald win's Improved Elastic and indented Gun Wadding, ic. &c, &c. Raleigh, May, 18-j3. 41-tf. UST RECEIVED. GO pairs Mens tine Calf Pegged Boots. 12 pairs Mens' line Morocco and Patent Boots. 12 pairs Mens' fine Opera Boots. -4 pairs Mens' fine Jenny Lind Shoes. Made bv superior workmen and of the latest style. N. L. STITH. January 31. 1R-Y2. 10 John P. Stagg's Son & co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ' LINES!. WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, STUFF GOODS, WOOLENS AND GOODS FOR ME.t's WEAR, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, Invite the attention of buyers to a desirable assort ment of the above named goods. No.21 John St, lnear Broadway.) New Y'ork. June 14th, 1852. 3 48 The Husketh Heirs. VBOUT thirty-five years ago, Nathaniel Husk eth, (a one armed man) removed from the county of Granville, North Carolina, to the county of Logan, Kentucky, where he died, leaving only one child, whos name was Isham Husketh. Isham afterwards became a Lunatic, and died in the Asy lum at Lexington. Kentucky, leaving an estate of about $5000, which passed from the hands of his Committee into the hands of his Administrator Isham left no heirs nearer than first cousins. At the instance of some of said heirs in North Caroli na and Tennessee, as an attorney, I instituted suit and obtained a decree in the Circuit Court for Simpson county, to distribute the esute. . Some of the heirs have received their portions. The fol lowing persons, who are proven to be heirs, have not applied for their portions, viz: Lewis H. Kittle, Isham M. Kittle. Prudence II. Kittle, Nan cy Carroll, WiUUm Husketh, Jesse Husketh, and Thomas Husketh. Nbw, unless the above named persons shall apply for their respective portions, on or before the first of September next, their por tions wdl be decreed to the other heirs who have applied Tor and received their portions. Any of the above persons applying for their por t'ons, must identify themselves as the same person-: named in the decree; aud to enable them to '' o in a lejjal manner, either myself or P. H. Wscau, Clerk of the Simpson liroait Court, '"ii ky.1 will give the necessary information P'-n application. Mr. Boisseau has acted as and " V "t!,ers who nave drawn their portions, '' ln '"ed in procuring the decree. tin method to notify the heirs' with the ndge of the Court, havinir been "tiocessfu i fi;i ding out a portion of the heirs in f y imilar publications in the Nash- ' ciinessee. Mile papps J. C. WILKIN'S. Bow k;ling Ghees. Warren County, Kentucky, '"tli, 1852. Pr. Adv. $7.f 53-Cw. I une ' f1,1'11 1 L,L AS PARASOLS, Just received and Xprilf J. BROWN. 78 1 IME AND GROUND" PLASTERWelT J J '-nstantly on hand and for sale! bv ' I!.-r..i.r v- . , " l,LACKNALL. v . ., Julv L'fj 1852. 62 4t W J 1 Spring & Summer Goods for 1852. J "T7" H. & R. S. TUCKER are now receiving y . their extensive and well selected Stock of j Staple and Fancy Goods to which your attention is respectfully invited. Consisting in part of the fol lowing : Brocade Poult Pe 8oi silk Solid Col d and White do White Brocade .Silks Rich Plaid Chamelion Silks White and Bl'k Watered do Super Bl'k Gro De Rhine d Fig'd and Satin Striped shallaya Solid and Fig'd Barege Fancy Silk Tissues Organdi Lawns French Jackoneis Printed Muslins Brllliantcs Plaid and Solid Ginghams English and American Chintz Dotted, Checked, Swiss, Jackonet, Nainsook, . and Tarlton Muslins Bl'k Silk Lace Mantillas Plain and Emb'd Canton Crape Shawls Bl'k Silk Lace French Work'd Collars, Cuffs, Chemisettes and Undcr-sleeves Swiss and Jackonet Muslin Bands Scolloped Linen Cambric and Reviere Stitched Hd'kf Swiss and Jackonet Edgings and Insertings Heal and Imitation Valenciens Edgings Ladies and Gents Kid Gloves, best quality Alexander's Silk Gloves Rich Bonnet, Neck and Scarf Ribbons Silk Frinces, Buttons and Trimmings French Working Cotton, Linen and Cotton Floss, &c, &c. March 10, 1832. 22 Fifteen Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY' from the Subscriber, about the 8th of February, my negro man, Washington, dark color, 27 years old, 0 feet 1 or 2 inches high, weight 175 or 80 ponnds, long limbs, his right ankle bends outward caused by a hurt, when very young, which makes him hop when walking ; front teeth good ; had on, when he left, a brown woolen coat. He may change his name and try to pass as a free man. 1 will give the above reward to any person who will deliver him to me in Granville Countv, four miles South of Wilton, or ten dollars, to confine him in Jail, so that 1 can get him. Addess me at New Light P. 0., Wake County. JOHN TURNER. Granville, March 31, 18o2. 27 PIANOS. 7VTOW receiving at the North Carolina Music Store, 1 a splendid assortment or nanos irom me v.eie- bra tea ractory ot KnaDes uaenie, uaiumorr, who received the first Premiums three years m succes sion, in 1848, 1849, and 1850, at their anual Exhi bition of the State of Maryland. Grand Piano, in a modern style, handsome wood $050 do do with carved ornaments from $700 to $1000 Square Piano, splendid carving ornamental style. No. 2, $450 Square Piano, splendid carving Gothic style, No. 3, $400 Comprising 6 Octave either a Roxetcood or Maho gany, Built in an entire Iron Frame Sqcake Piano, splendid carving ornam'd ntyle, Drawing Xo. 3, 450 do do do do Gothic style, do 3 400 do do square cor. case, ogee Tablets, on a large lash stand, do do 4 375 do do round do do ornam'd with modern mouldings. do do 10, 375 do do do do do plain finish, of superior wood. do do do 350 do do hollow cornered case, ogee Tablets, on a scroll stand, do do 5, 350 do do do do do on modern legs, do do J, 350 do do square cor case, Goth, pattern Tablet and octog. legs, do do 9 325 do do hollow do do plain Tablet, and octogon leg, do do , 32 do do square do do do plain legs Comprising 6J Oelare, Entire Iron Frame. do do fashionable style ase, orua mented with mouldings, 300 do do hollow cornered case, and 8 cornered ogee legs, 280 do do square cornered case, gothic Tablets, legs to match. 280 Coruprixing 0 Octave, Iron Plate and liar. do do hollow cornered case, on a scroll stand, Iraving No. 5. J 6iO 250 do do do do do on turned fancv Tablet, legs, do do square do legs to match, do do do do 250 plain do 2: Drawings of the above numbers can be seen at the Music Store, or when desired any number can be sent to persons wishing to examine. DRAWING AND PAINTING. Bristol Board, superior quality, Albums, Tinted Board, Fabers Pencils, Tinted drawing papper, Can vass in the piece aim on stretchers, various sizes, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Palett knive, Pal- ett cups. Maul sticks, black and white Crayons, &c 4c in short every thing necessary for these taste ful and beautiful accomplishments. Piano Covers, Gutta Percha figured and plain. lined with cloth in order to secure the Piano against the dampness of the atmosphere, a new and splen did article. A choice selection of new aud popular Music this day received and for sale by ' K. W. PETERS I LL. Raleigh, Jan. 6th, 1852. ' 2 Oils! Oils!! Oils!!! 1 GALLONS assorted Oils, for Painting, JJJJ Burning in 'Lamps, Machinery, and Funning purposes. Also, a fresh supply just re ceived of Taper and Lamp OiL Also, a supply of the best burning Fluid I have ever had. Also, a goou supply of Olive Od, fresh and sweet, just re ceived and for sale low by P. F. PESCUD. March 23, 1852. 23 tf DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership of E. P. Nash &. Co. was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st July, 1852. E. P. Nash' having pur chased the interest of J. H. Simmons, the business will be settled and conducted by him alone. SsS All persons having claims against the late firm will present them for settlement, and those in debted please make payment. ' ." x E. P. NASH, J. II. SIMMONS. Ev-P. NASH, Book and Piaso Forte Seller, I. Petersburg, Va., will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of goods in his line ; and proposes, during his contemplated trip North, to make it still more complete. He expects to sell at such prices, and to give such personal at tention to business, as may merit a continuance of former patronage. July ltith, 1852. . 59ly Hats for the Season. I "FASHIONABLE Black Moleskin, latest style, made to order, Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats, White and Black Round Crown Hats, Call and examine for yourselves. J. BROWN. Raleigh, March 3Q, 1852. 3G Great Excitement fn NV Carolina ! rpHE BATTLE IS BEGUN, AND I INTEND TO Ji Fight my way through for HOME INDUSTRY ! If you want to save a couple Hundred Dollars, send on your orders for Turpentine Stills, Cap, Arnu and Worms : Also, Brandy Stills, and any kind of Copper work, Brass Machinery &c. The prices of Still-caps, Arms, and Worms, are as follows : By the pound 37 cents ; or by contract: 10 do do do 48-3 12 do do do 525 14 do do do oSi 15 do do do 013 16 do do do 650 20 do do do 695 25 do do do 750 30 do do do 850 35 do do do 000 All work will be warranted for 12 months, fire and burning expected. His work will also be de livered within fifty miles of Raleigh, at the short est notice ; and if I fail to deliver Stills in the time agreed upon, I will forfeit $5 for each day lost, to the purchaser. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh. Sept. 10, 1851. 75 ly Boot and Shoe Manufactory. MR. DEPKEN would respectfully announce to the citizens of Raleigh and surrounding country, that he still continnes to carry on the above business, in all its branches, at Mr. oltcr ing's Hardware Store. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore re ceived, I assure the public that I will give univer sal satisfactiou to those who entrust me with their work. HENRY A. DEPKEN. Raleigh, Jan. 9th. 1852. 3 RS. WOLTERING respectfully announces to the Ladies of Raleigh and surrounding country that she is now receiving her Fall and Win ter Stock of Fancy Goods, embracing China goods. fine iron-stone dinner-setts, tea-setts, and cups and saucers as fine as ever brought to this City. Also, Groceries of every description. Musical Instruments, &c, which will be sold low for cash. Just received, a fresh supply of Confectionaries. Thankful for past favors, she solicits a continu ance of the same. WILIIELMINA WOLTERING. Raleigh, Sept. 15th, 1851. -y-75 GOOD NEWS FOR COWS. IW. PECK & Co., keep constantly on hand a j supply of Cotton Seed Meal and Flax Seed Meal. Raleigh, March 15th, 1852. 22 Fresh Supplies, Just Received. FOB SALE AT P. F. PISCUD'S DKCQ STORK. C1USTOMERS will do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part of the following articles, viz : Low's Old Brown Windsor Soap. Cowslip and Myrtel Pomatnm. Black and White Stick Pomatums. Rousell's aud Haule's Pomatums and Hair Tonic. Phalon's Hair Invigorator. A large variety of Extracts, Cologne, and Soaps. Perfumeries Foreign and Domestic. A Wautiful lot of French, Euglish, and Ameri can Teeth Brushes, . Brushes, Tooth-Soap, Charcoal Paste, and Tooth Powder. A lot of first rate Matches, in tin and wood boxes, free from sulphur. 20 doz. Orvis Corn Starch. 2 gross Essence of Coffee. 1 " Pain Killer. 4 doz. Lyons Magnetic Powder, for the destruc tion of Flies, Bed-Bugs, Ants, Roaches, and ether insects. 1 gross English Mustard. A large supply of Bathing Sponges. 1 gross boxes Capsules assorted. Congress Water, Londou Porter, Sherrj', Port, Madeira, and Claret wines, and a great varietv of Fruit and Gum Drops. P. F. PESCUD. July 9. 1852. 57. Standard copy. IINE HAVANA CIGARS .' If you want a good a Cigar as ever tea puffed, or as delicious Tubacc ) as ever Kent betveen the grinders, call and see a fresh supply just received bv P. F. PESCUD. July 9, 1852. " 57 SODA WATER ! Having incurred much ex pense in refitting my apparatus, I am enabled to offer to my friends and customers, as pure and delightful Soda Water as can be made in any City, flavored with either of the following Syrups : Lemon, Orange, Pine-Apple, Ginger, Orzeat, Pepper, Vanilla, Winter-Green, &c. Having a good supply of bottles, families can be furnished at all hours, by sending to P. F. PESCUD. Julv 9, 1852. 57 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF HAMPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE, RICHMOND VA. The fifteenth annual course of Lectures in this Institu tion will commence on Monday, the 1 1 th of October, and continue until the ensuing March. R. L. Bohannan, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. L W. Chamberlayne, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. S. Maupin, M. D., lofessor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Chas Bell Gibson M. D., Professor of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. Carter P. Johnson, M. D-, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. David H. Tucker. M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. A. E. Peticolas, M. P., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The study of Practical anatomy may be prosecu ted with the most ample facilities, and at mconsid erable expense. Clinical Lectures are regularly given at the Col lege Infirmary, and Richmond Alms House. The Infirmary under the same roof with the Col lege, and subject to the entire control of the Facul ty, is at all times well filled with Medical and Sur gical cases, and furnishes peculiar facilities for clini cal instruction. Many Surgical Operations are per formed in presence of the class : and the students being freely admitted to the Wards, enjoy, under the guidance of the Professors, unusual opportuni ties for becoming familiar with the symptoms, dia gnosis' and treatment of disease. EXPENSES Matriculation fee, $5, Professors fees (aggregate) $105 ; Demonstrator's fee, $10; Graduation, fee Sj2v. The price of board, including fuel, lights and ser vants attendance, is usually $3 to 3 50 per week, The Catalogue, &c, containing fuller information concerning the Institution, will be forwarded to those applying for it, ' or specific enquiries will be answered by letter. S. MAUPIN, M. D. Dean of the Faculty. July 22, 1852. 61 General Agency. mHE undersigned offers his services as airent for J the transaction of any business in the City of Kaleigh, at the I'ubiic departments, the Jtsanks, in surance offices, &c. He may be found at the Office of the Secretary of State. All letters addressed to him will be promptly attended to, and his charges will be mode rate and--satisfactory.. - ; v , - , - ' ; - RUFUS H. PAGE. REFERENCES : Got. David S. Reid, Wm. Hill, Sec'y. of State, D. W. Courts, Pub. Treasurer, E B. Freeman, Clk. Supreme Court, Geo. W. Morde cai, Prest. of Bank State, W. J. Clarke, Compt. State, W. H. Jones, Cash. Bank Cape r ear, w. W. Vass, Treasurer R. & G. R. Road. Raleigh, Jan. let, 1852. ' tf 1 A r( PIECES new and splendid" Music receiv EtsVj ed this day at the Music Store. - K. W. PETERSILIA. Raleigh, May 25th, 1852. 42 American and Foreign Agency. " CITY OF WASHINGTON. Under tub Direction of Aaron Haight Palm er tjf New Y'ork, Counsellor of thb Su preme Court of the United States, for the fol lowing orjects. 1. Conducting professional business in the Su preme Court of the United States. Especial atten tion will be given to cases of California Land titles coming up on appeal. 2. The prosecution and recovery of all Claims, in law or Equity, against the United States, before Congress or the Executive Departments, or against Foreign Governments before Boards of Commis sioners. 3. The settlement of accounts with the State, Treasury, War, Navy, Post Office and Interior De partments, and obtaining the remission o'f'Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures, for alleged violations of the Revenue, Post Office, or other Laws. 4. Securing Letters Patent for Inventions from the United States or from Forign Governments, and procuring Land Warrants and Pensions under the various Pension Laws of the United States. 5. Collections generally, embracing Debts, Leg acies, and Inheritances, in the United States and Foreign Countries. 6. Investment of Funds in the United States and State Stocks and Loans, and on Bond aud Mort gage of Freehold Estate. Mr. Palmer was Director of the New Y'ork American and Foreign Agency which he established in 1830, and which became extensively and advan tageously known in all parts of the commercial world. He has visited Europe twice on the busi ness of said Agency. Hi? second tour was made under the immediate auspices of Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sons of London, with their special letters of introduction and credit in his favor to the different branches of that House, and their corres pondents in the chief cities of Europe, on busi ness connected with the negotiation of American Stocks and is favorably known to many of the lead ing foreign bankers and eminent gentlemen of the legal profession abroad. All Communications addressed, post-paid, to the undersigued, will receive prompt and faithful at tention. 8, He is solely authorized to settle the Agency Business and Concerns of the late firm of Palmer & Snethcn. Translations from the leading European langua ges executed with fidelity and despatch. Office South side of Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury Department. B?3a Refers to the Heads of Departments and Bureau at Washington, and to Senators and Mem bers of the two laot Congresses. AARON H. PALMER, At Willard's Hotel. Washington, Feb. 1st, 1852. 10 FOR SALE! IAGLE HOTEL, CHAPEL HILL, N. C The j Proprietress of this well known and profitable establishment, having realized a sufficient income to warrant her in resuming the quiet of private life offers to the public generally the opportunity of bidding for its advantages.' The citizens of the State are so well acquainted with the advantages of its position, that but few re marks are necessary, to complete their information. The Hotel, itself, possesses all the requirements of room and comfort, which its purchasers can de sire. It has capacity for the accommodation of one hundred and fifty boarders, and the recent and rap id growth of the University, adjacent, makes it an easy matter to possess constantly such, or even a greater numler of students. In addition to this, the frequent travel through Chapel Hill gives the Hotel, (being tlie only one in the place) a transient custom equal to any in the State. The lots and stables adjoining are extensive and commodious and the country-market supplies abun dantly and on profitable terms much of its provi sions. The terms of sale require one third of the price to be paid on taking possession. A note with safe security and time of payment suited to the conven ience of the purchaser, are the reasonable demands for the remainder. If further information be desired concerning the inducements to purchase, the President of the Uni versity or any other resident of the village, will fur nish it. Possession can be obtained at any time, after the 1st of May. Apply to ANNE S. H1LLIARD, Proprietress. February 27, 1852. Standard. 17 Important to Millers and Mill owners ! THE Undersigned would respectfully inform those engaged in the Milling business in North Caro lina, that ho keeps constantly on hand, and will supply at the shortest notice, that almost invalua ble article. Young's Improved Patent Smut and Screening Ma chine. The only Machino of the kind that has stood the test and given satisfaction to the public. It has supplanted every Smut Maclune yet offered in the State, more or less of which have been taken uown to make room for it. The public need fear no im position, as there aro now some 280 Machines run ning in North Carolina ; and I wish to offer no other references than the gentlemen who are using them, whose expectations have been more than realized in their performance. It not only thoroughly cleanses the Wheat of Smut, but also purifies it of all other substances, almost to perfection. It takes up but 4 feet square in the mill and requires but little pow er. It is warranted for five years against breaking or wearing out, and also to retain its cleansing qual ities for that time. There are a number of these Machines through which 100,000 bushels of Wheat have been cleansed and they have never been out of order one day. There was awarded to it tlie Premium of the Ma ryland State Fair, and a Premium with a silver me dal, at the Fair of the Maryland Institute, at Balti more, last Fall. Address the Subscriber at South Lowell Mills, Orange County, N. C. JNO. A. McMANNEN. December 20, 1850. tf 104 Important to Manufacturers. fTUlE Subscribers are prepared to supply all I kinds of COTTON AND WOOLEN MACHINERY, nf . Runerior oualitv. SHAFTING and MILL GEARING, with improved Coupling and Pulleys, Self-oiline Haneers, ( which require oiling only once in thr months:) LOOMS of a great variety of Patterns, for fancv and Twilled goods, from one to eighteen shuttles; also, for plain goods, capable of running from 150 to 170 picks per minute They ore enabled from their extensive improve ments, to produce Y'arns and Goods, with compar ativery little labor ; and ull Manufacturers before their Machinery, will do well to visit Philadelphia and vicinity, where they can see the Machinery with all the latest improvements, in full and successful oDeration ; or they can be referred to Factories in almost every State South and West by addressing a line to the Subscribers. ALFRED JENKS & SON, Bridesburg, near Philadelphia. N Tt Pln of Factories, with the location of Machinery, the simplest method of driving, and calculation of speed, furnished tree oi charge. Feb. 16, 1852. Vi Ij Direct Importations, j -TRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE IS CHARLES I I ton. 8. C. C. & E. L. KERRISON & CO., Have, and are continually receiving, by every ar vT THOICE GOODS, which they are prepared to sell at small advance on the sterling cost A look . their Dress Goods will well repay the trou ble. Their Stock of Hosiery is large and complete and in Prints, many Styles will be found, not gen erally kept in this market North Weet corner King & Market Streets. .Feb. 9,1852. tf 12 Great Northern Mail Route. "TTEW AND COMFORTABLE SCHEDULE- Twice daily from Petersburg to New Y'oxk,' With transfer of passengers and baggage through the cities of Richmond, Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, free of extra charge. On and after the first of March, the following quick and comfor table Schedules will be run over the inland route between Petersburg and New York. Leave Petersburg daily at 4J A. M. and 7 P. M. Arrive in New Y'ork daily at 5i A. M. and 6J P. M. Fare to Washington 1st class seats $6 50 Do do 2nd do 4 50 Do to Baltimore 1st class seats 7 50 Do do 2nd do 5 50 Fare between Baltimore and Philadelphia by Railroad $3, by the New Castle and French Town Route, Steamboat and Railroad, $2 50, and be tween Philadelphia and New Y'ork 3 for first class passengers, and $2 each for the 2nd class passen gers. It is deemed proper, in addition, to state, for the information of passengers, that four daily lines are in operation between Washington and Baltimore, by means of which the traveller who, through business or pleasure, has been delayed in Washington, has it always in his power to proceed at convenient hours directly on his journey to any point north of that place. Passengers leaving Petersburg in the morning at 4J A. M., and who prefer stopping all night in Bal timore, can leave next morning by the splendid New Steamer General McDonald, via the New Castle and French Town Route, and arrive in Phil adelphia by half past 12, fare only $2 50 : making the whole fare from Petersburg to Philadelphia on ly S10. For Through Tickets to Washington and Balti more, apply to the Agent at the Richmond and Pe tersburg Depot. TH0S. D0DAMEAD. Sup't. Office R. & P. R. R. Co. April 24, 1852. 33 For Norfolk and Portsmouth rpilE FAVORITE AND BEAUTI ful steamer AUG UST A, Capt. Wm. C. Smith, having been thoroughly o verhauled and repaired, and finished with a new boiler and a new mainsliaft of wrought iron, is now running between Port Walthall and the above places, in connection with the Richmond and Petersburg and City Point Roads. The Trains from Petersburg via City Point Ran Road, running in connection with the AUGUSTA leave the City Point Depot at 7 J o'clock, A. M. ev ery Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Returning, the Augusta leaves Norfolk on the al ternate days, viz : Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at Ch A. M., and arrives at City Point at 1 o'clock, P. M., where passengers take the cars for Petersburg. Fare from Citv Point to the Grove Wharf and all intermediate landings $1 00 To Norfolk 1 00 Children not over 12 years of age Servants to the Grove Wharf and all interme diate landings Do Do Do To Old Poiut and Norfolk. Meals 50 cents. For servants 25 cents. THOS. DODAMEAD, Sup't. Office R. T. R. Co.. April 27, 1852. J54 Richmond and Petersburg R. Road. OPR1NG AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On iTiand after Monday, March the 1st, two Passen ger Trains will run daily each way between Peters burg and Richmond, both 1 rains carrjiug the uni ted Stsjes Mail, and connecting with the Trains on the R. F. & P. R. R-, Fredericksburg, Washington, &c, and with the Virginia Central R. R. and Canal Packets for Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Staunton, Lexington, etc. 1st Train leave Petersburg daily at 4$ A. M. 2d do do do do at 7 P. M. 1st Train leave Richmond daily at 7 A. M. 2d do do do do at 5 P. M. Fare, when paid at the office, $1 00. Children over 3 and not over 12 years of age, servants and colored persons, when Tickets are pro cured at the Office, half price. Servants travelling by themselves must be fur nished by their masters with two passes, so that one can be retained at the office ; and it must be expressly stated on the pass that they are to be permitted to go on the Cars. N. B. No freight or packages ot any kinl will be allowed to be carried on the Mail Train. The Trains will run by Richmond time. THOS. DODAMEAD. April 21,1 832. Superintendant. RICHMOND, PETERSBURG. NORFOLK AND NEW YORK STEAM PACKET COMPANY : The double engine and fast sailing Steamer CITY OF RICHMOND, Foster, master, and CITY OF NORFOLK, Post, master, are now on the Une in complete order for freight and pas sengers. To allow sufficient time for receiving and deliver ing freight in good weather, and securing reguian tv in trips, one Steamer will leave Jetc 1 ork erery Thursday, and City 1 uinl every rruiuy. lhis arrange ment may be relied upon as the most punctual, ac comniodating and economical to shippers und pas sengers. Each ship is supplied with splendid sa loons and state-rooms for passengers. First Cabin pussagc, JfS.OO Second do do 0.00 Freight per cubic foot, 7c THOMAS BRANCH, Agent. Old Street, Petersburg. April 30, 1852. 35 Southern Female Institute. FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA. THE next Session of this institution will open on the 1st Monday in October, and elose on the last day of July, 1853. There are two classes, the Junior and Senior. The mode of instruction is by daily lectures, and text books accompanied by rigid daily examina tions. The Young Ladies are required to be present only during the lecture hours of the Class to which they may belong. Their recitations are prepared at their homes. An hour and a half a day is devo ted by each Professor to each class. ' Quarterly reports, giving the average of claas and conduct marks, will be sent to parents or guardians. The trustees of the Institute have prevailed on many of the most respectable private families in the town to receive young ladies as boarders ; thus enabling parents to subject their daughters to whatever social and religious influences they may prefer, ond at the same time to avoid the evils nec essarily attendant upon large Boarding Establish ments. FACULTY". Processor of Moral and Mental Philosophy and History. D. LeC Powell, Professor of Mathematics. Guillaume R De Rinzie, Professor of Languages Latin, French, Italian" and Spanish. Robert J. Morrison, Professor of Natural Philos ophy and Chemistry. Until an appointment is made to the vacant Chair, the duties thereof will be discharged by the other Professors. TERMS : Board for 10 mos. (exclusive of washing) $150 00 Professor's fees, for entire Academic course per session 10 mos., half payable 1st Oc tober, the remainder 1st March, 70 00 No deductions made except in cases of protracted illness. . . . MUSIC. .This valuable branch is taught at Instructors own charges Messrs. Nax, Kehr and Adams, In structors. For further information, address " Dr. BEVERLY R. WELLF0RD, President of Board of Trustees, Frederickburg, Va. July 22, 1852. (til Oct. 1st) 61 CITRATE OF MAGNESIA : Having. made ar rangements to prepare this celebrated aperient on a large scale, I am enabled to have a supply constantly on hand for my customers. P. F. PESCUD. ' March 22, 1852. 24 Spring Trade. I take this method of returning my sincere and unfeigned thanks to my frends and the public generally, for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed upon me for the last five years, and I hope, that by a strict attention to business, to merit a continuance thereof. I bate on hand, at my manufactory on Bank street, a good supply of Car riages jf my.otm manufacture, which I will sell an as accommodating terms as the same work can be procured in the State. And I would also state, for the information of those who are in tlie habit of pa tronizing Northern Manufactories, that having in my employ the best workmen to be found in the City, using none but the best materials, and being myself a practical Coach Maker, I am prepared to make to order anything in my line, from a ne horse Sulkcy to the finest Coach that runs our streets, which I will warrant to render as much ser vice to the purchaser as any to be found either North or South. I am also prepared to do repairing at tlie shortest notice and in a superior manner, and on the most reasonable terms. " JOHN CAMP, Bunk st., opposite the Exchange Bank. Petersburg, March 11th, 1852. 6m 21 Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, &o. VT7"E keep constantly on hand a large supply of T French Brandy of every grade. Old and New Apple Brandy; Superior old Monongahela, and the Old Pure Rye lnskcy, Double and Single Rectified Whiskey, Champagne, Madeira, Sherry, Port, Malaga and Claret Wine, New England and Old Jamaica Rum, Kose and Holland Gin, All of which we offer for sale very low, PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS, & CO. 3, WJ1TJ re atttr a Petersburg, March lhlE, 22 tf GROCERIES XOCERIES ! ! AT T E have in Store are now receiving the following Goods, wkich will b sold at the lowest rates : 50 Hhds P. R. and N. 0. Sugars, 60 Hhds and Bbls Molasses, 70 Packages Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Re fined Sugars, 275 Bags Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee, 8J Pipes Cog. Brandy, ; 15 Casks Mada., Port and Sherry Wine. 100 Bbls. Rectified Whiskey. 20 20 30 10 ii. Rectified do. ngahala do. ndy, Gin, N. E. Rum. int Cordial and Cherry 40 "SouthamOon Apnle Brandy. 40 Baskets Champagne, Pints and Quarts. 150 Boxes Tallow Candles, 50 " Christaline do. 40 " Adamantine do. 10 " Sup. Sperm do. 00 " Pale Soap, 75 " Brown do. 20 " Family do. 200 Gross Matches, . 100 Reams Letter and Cap Paper, 200 " Wrapping paper, 30 Tons Swedes, American and English Iron. 1050 Kegs Cumberland and Rapid Pall Nails. 75 doz. Bed Cords. 100 Cotton and Hemp lines. 10 Coils Manilla Rope. 500 lbs Shoe thread. o and J Chests Gun Powder, Y'oung Hyson ana liluck Tea. 20 Bbls Cider Vinegar, 100 Kegs Powder. 5 Tons Castings. 150 Bags shot. 50 Bbls Mess and Prime Pork, 5000 lbs Western sides. 20 Bags Ginger. Pepper and Allspice, 150 Sides Hemlock and Oak Tan Leather, 100 Boxes window Glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12. 20 Bbs No. 1 Mackerel. 30 Bbls No. 3 ditto. 10 Bbls Copperas. 10,000 Cigars, 0 doz. Demijohns. 12 Cases Saddles, 10 doz. Horse Collars. 12 Doz. Blind Bridles. 1 5 Casks Brown Stout. 6 Casks Ale. 40 Boxes Cheese, Blacking, Mace, Cloves, &c B1UTTON & TODD, Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. March 1852. JAMES E. CUTHBERT, (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT,) Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Bol- lingbrook Street, Petersburg, Va. referesces : Thos. Bragg, Jr., Jackson, N. C. L. F. Hicks, Esq. 1 Pctersburz Messrs. Kevan & Bro. rctersDurg. Messrs. L. D. & W. G. Crenshaw, Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk. James George, Esq., Baltimore. Messrs. Mon&hnn & Beers, Kew York. T "TAS constantly on hand : Prime Porto Rico JLJl and New Orleans Sugars, Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Lnguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in gruin and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, und Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Y'oung Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale nnd Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring and Warehouse Regalia, Principe, and Havanna Cigars; Together with a large stock of foreign and do mestic Liquors, Wines, &c, which he offers at the lowest market rates. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg, March 5, 19 Nails. Iron and Steel. "1 f f Kegs Cumberland, Avalou, and old Do- J tJJ f minion Nails. 85 Tons Swedes, American and English Iron. ALSO, a fine assortment of Cast, Shear, German and Blistered Steel. For sale by PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS & CO. Petersburg, March 16, 1852. tf 22 Molasses. 25 5 R,,t X HHDS prime New Crop Cardenas Molas- ses. 50 Barrels choice " " " New Orleans In fine order, for sale bv PEEBLES, WHITE, Petersburg, March 16, 1852. DAVIS & CO. 22 tf Excelsior Building Hardware A' ND Tool Store Exclusively, The Largest and Only Establishment of the kind in the U. S, WM. M. McCLURE & BRO., No. 287 Market Street, above 7tb, Philadelphia. Manufacturers' Depot for Locks of all kinds, war ranted quality; Premium Porcelain Knobs, over SO patterns; Silver Plated Hinges &c, with the most complete assortment of all the modern patterns in this line. Builders and dealers are invited to call and examine our stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired. - Hot Air Registers and Ventilators at Factory prices. May 18, 1852. -, 40 6m Just Received. 1DOZ jars sup. Bordeaux l'lums, 10 do extra fine Rappee Snuff in bottles. 5 dos Pickles, Brandy Peaches, Preserved Pears, 4 drums fresh Smyrna' Figs, 200 lbs Superior Smoking Tobacco, 5 bbls Soda and Sugar Crackers, Oranges, Lem ons, &c. June 8,1852 FB. MAHLER. "II rERCER POTATOES : A lot of iMaroer Po- If Itataes just in time for planting. L. W PECK &CQ. Jnaag; 1852. 2w 46 or pi ) 7 North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. THIS Company has been in successful operation for more tjian five yearSjjmd continues to take risks upon all classes of r77 T" c State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. Its Policies now cerer property amounting to $4,500,000, a large por tion of which is in Country risks, and its present capital is nearly Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. 1 he average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than one third of one per cent per annum, on all grades of property om- oiuicu iu us operations. 1HL following persons hate been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. Josiah 0. Watson, Raleigh. Richard Smith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. G. B. Roulhac, S. W. Whiting, T. H. Selby, Geo. McNeill, Jos. G. Wright, James E. Hoyt, James Sloan, John Cox, Josh. Boner, Joseph Pool, Michael Brown, Alex. Mitchell, W. N. II. Smith, II. B. Williams, John B. Barrett, A. T. Sammy, do do do do do do Fayettcville, Wilmington. Washington. Greensboro.' Edenton. Salem. Elizabeth City. Salisbury, Newbern. Murfreesboro' Charlotte. Milton. Ashcville. All Directors are authorized to receive anDluiat- tions. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Josiah O. Watson, President. J. G. B. Roulhac, Vice do. Richard Smith, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attonxey. J. Hersman, General Agent. S. W. Whiting, "I Richard Smith, I Executive Committee. John Primrose, J All communications in reference to insurant. should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. u. rAritiiiUGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, Jan. 13, 1852. 7 North Carolina Mutual Life Insu ranoe Company. OFFICE, RALEIGH, N. C. THIS Company continues to insure the" Utes of all healthy White persons and Slaves. The greatest risk taken on a single life is $6,000". Slaves are insured for a term of one to five years for jua men fame. OFFICERS. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm, D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Wm. II. McKee, Examining Physician. J. Hersman, General Agent. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfaa. tory proof is presented. . . Blanks and Pamphlets, Bhowing the plan of oper ation of the Company, may be had on application at the Office, or any of the Agencies. .All letters on business should be addressed to JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'y May 2, 1852. 3$ Greensborough Mutual Insurance Companv. PURSUANT to an Act of Incorporation, a Com pany has been formed under thejiame and stvla of "The Greensborough Mutual Insurance Com pany," and fully organized by the appointment of the following Officers, viz : JAMES SLOAN, President, S. G. COFFIN, Vice President. PETER ADAMS, Sec. and Tre'r. C. P. MENDENUALL. Attor'v. JOHN A. MEBANE, ") W. J. McCONNEL, I Executive WM. S. RANKIN, J Comml' ' DIRECTORS. James Sloan, Wr. J. McConnel, William S. Rankin, Jed H. Lindsay, Shubal G. Coffin, John A. Mebane. Andrew Weatherly, C. P. Mendenhall, Lyndon Swaim, Jesse Shelly, William II. Reece, Jonathan W. Field, Tyre Glenn. This Company has now been in successful ODera- tion for several months, and will take risks trnon Dwelling Houses, Stores, and other Buildings. Mer chandize, Furniture, Produce. &c. The ohiect of this organization is to afford a system of Insurance which shall operate for the mutual benefit of all its members. The peculiar advantige arisine from this moda of Insurance, is, that the assured pay no more than the actual losses and expenses of the Company, and experience has proved the safety of Mutual Insur ance Companies, as well as the great saving to its" members; and no stronger argument can be pro duced iu their favor, than the confidence which they receive from the entire community, where such Companies are in successful operation. Any information respecting the principles of the Company will be cheerfully furnished by the Sec retary, or any 01 11s Agents. - PETER. ADAMS, Secretary. The Subscriber, ha vine been aDDointed Airent. will receive applications and make surveys to effect Insurance in said Company. UEli. T. COOKE, Agent for Raleigh. December 8, 1851. 99 ly - FIRE! rp H E JETNA INSURANCE COMPANY -or I Hartford, Co.vs., offers to insure- Buildings and Merchandize, ngainst loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. r This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to 8. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848. . 83 LO O K A T T H I S.-3000 lbs. Cut Nails and Brads 4 to 40; 100 pieces Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings; Prime Old Java Coffee,' Laguira and Rio Coffee; Brown, Clarified and Loaf Sugar, Superior Green Tea, and Old English Mus tard. For sale by . J.BROWN. Raleigh, March 16, 1852. 22-tf. WESTERN HOTEL. TniS HOTEL, a short distance West of the Capitol Square, is opened for the accommoda tion of the Travelling Community,, and the propri-t etor would be much pleased to board gentlemen by the week, month or year. He will use his best ef forts to please and reader comfortable all who may visit him, and he respectfully solicits , a share of public patronage. His Stable will be attended to by an active and attentive Hostler. ' , - - WM. T; BAIN. Raleigh, Feb. 4th, 1852. ? i n ANDY AT $12,50 PER lOOlbs. warrranted to keep in any, climate. " ; CLARKE 4 JONES. (Successors to JOSEPH R- MANN.) Manufacturers of STEAM. REFINED CANDY, Sugar Toys &c., and wholesale dealers in Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Segars, Syrups, Cordials &c. .- No. 20, Light Street, Baltimore, Md. Particular attention given to orders and a list of articles with- prices anexed forwarded to order, ' August 10th, 1852. 5t66 fp C; WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARD- ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. "Suly 1st, 1851. 53-1 y-p. .4. "S'H i ml M1 - 4; I: 'I 'i .5 -I "-if m II jit Ml s4 7 , r ' '-"Xi Vi v : 'ill , - -Vt-- -

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