i h'. ?: 8 t u - . v:J- .1 : id 5 53 1 it j m it LOOK HERE ! -s THE Subscriber has received the following good Gooda at his Store, immediately north of tbe Presbyterian Church, to which he would call the. attention of families. A splendid lot of Sugnr and Coffee, -a few baga of Buckwheat Flour, a splendid lot of Cheese, freak Lemons, and R aisins in whole, half and quarter boxes, preserved Ginger in jars, Prunes, do; Al monds, Palmnuts, English Walnut, Figs, Ae. Also, a superior lot of Scotch SNUFF, in bales nd bladders ; an excellent article of Tallow candles, wholesale and retail : Scutch Herring, in boxes ; the best Chcwiug Tobacco ; Musical Instruments, such as Accordeous, Flutes. &c &c Also, every variety of TOYS for oildrea always on hand. CAXDT MANUFACTURE. The Subscriber having 20 years experience, flat ters himself that he can please the most fastidious taste, and will make to order, and keep always on hand, a variety of CANDIES, Medicated, &c, at wholesale ami retail. The undersigned tenders Jus sincere thanks to his friends and customers, for their liberal patronage bestowed on him since his commencement in busi ness In this City, and hopes by prompt attention, to retain their confidence, and to secure a continu ance of their custom. W5X. J. GBIFFICE. March 23, 1852. 24 N. B. Having had the misfortune to lose my account books by the late fire, I am usable to make out how much each customer owes me. I respect fully request all those who ar indebted to me to call and pav what they think is right, and I will be perfectly satisfied. W. J. GRIFFICE. Good News for Farmers. T DOZEN Weeding Hoes, for sale by , ) J. BROWN. Raleigh, March 30, 1852. 20 c ITRATE OF MAGNESIA just received, and for sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. Aug. 27, 1852. 71 rrsr to hasp 10 bbls of Bryan, Mailand & Co's best Whiskey. N. L. STITH. Aug. 29, 1852. Negroes Wanted. f jHE undersigned takes this method of rcturn L ing his sincere thanks to the citizens of Wake and adjoining counties for the chance which they havethrown in his way, inUie purchase of negroes, and would respectfully inform them that he is still prepared with cash, to purchase at the highest pri ces 15 or 20 likely fellows, or girls between the ages of 12 and 20. He may bo found at home, "first door above Mr. R. Smith's residence. ' WM. F. ASKEW. Raleigh, July . 1S52. 66 riAHCO E S . 150 pieces various figures and l nades. For sale by the yard or piece, very .tfwV J- BROWN. Raleigh, March SO, 1852. 2G "TTT ANTED: At the Ncuse River Oil Mills YY 6000 bushels of Cotton seed. Flax seed and Palma-Christi, or Castor Oil Beans, for which cash and the market price will be given. February 3, 1852. tf 10 ISAAC PROCTER, (SUCCESSOR TO OLIVER & PROCTER,) MERCHANT TAILOR. HAS just returned from the Northern Cities, and is now receiving a new and beautiful as sortment of Goods in his line, embracing Black, Blue. Brown, Olive, Green, Adelaide and Dahlia Cloths, of best French and English Manufacture, of various grades of price. BEST "SIMON!" DOESKINS, warranted ; Fancy Casshneres, French, English. Scotch, and American, of every variety, style, and price ; Vestings of superior Silk Velvet, Plush, figured and plain Satins aud Silks, Grenadine, Me rino, and Cashmere, a splendid article ; Wedding and Party Vestings cant be beat. His stock of Furnishing goods is motl complete, consisting of Dress Shirts, with or without Collars, Silk and Merino Shirts, very superior all sites : Drawers, fine assortment all sizes ; Socks, Silk, Merina, Cotton, figured and plain ; Stocks, plain and fancy ; Gloves, a great variety ; Suspenders. very nice ; Dressing Gowns, very handsome; Pock et Hdk fs, Silk, Linen, colored, plain ana embroid ered. Ia addition to the above, he has a fine supply of READY MADE CLOTHING, which he would be pleased to offer to the inspec tion of the public, and being manufactured under his own supervision, he can confidently recommend them and ask a comparison with any other goods in this market, or out of it, either in quality or price. All he asks is a reasonable profit and will not bi undersold by any. Gentlemen furnishing their own goods to be manufactured may rely upon receiving the same attention and care as if sold by himself. Cutting done at any time, at usual rates. With sincere thanks to his numerous friends and patrons for past manifestations of friendship and re gard, he assures them no efforts or pains shall be spared to merit its continuance. ISAAC PROCTER. Oct. 1, 1852. bl Headley's New Work. tJUST PUBLISHED. Lives of Winfield Scoit and Andrew Jackson, by J. T. JJeadi.et. 1 vol. 12 mo., irilh Portraits. Uniform with "Napoleon and his MarslialU." $1 25. Scott an 1 Jackson arc here placed together as the two military men who have made the deepest impressions on their country since the time of Wash ington. They both achieved a brilliant reputation in the war of 1812, and by the battles of Chippewa, Niagara, New Orleans, etc., gave their country a reputation at home and abroad, and though differ ing widely in some characteristics, they were very simitar in others. The author has not only sketched the biography of each, but has given a faithful and graphic description of the brilliant battles in which Jhey were engaged. The biography of Winfield fckott, which constitutes the greater part of the volume, is full and authentic, the materials for it having been derived from public documents and from many officers who had served under Scott. It presents to the reader also a panoramic view of the brilliant campaign of Mexico, embracing the 6tonningand capitulation of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Churubusco, Contreras, Molino del Rey, Chepultepec, storming of Mexico, Triumphal Entry, with description of the scenery. personal in cidents, etc The author has fully sustained the reputation acquired by ' Napoleon and his Mar shals,' and other works, of wbiea over 200,000 volumes have been sold. Prank Freeman's Barber-Shop. A Tate for the South and North, by Rev. B. R. Hall, Author of " Something for Everybody,'' " AV Purchase," fe. vol. 12uio. 75c. This work, while it advocates the cause of the African, would do justice to the South. It would awaken sympathy, but not excite wrath, nor turn pity for the Negro into vengtar.es against the Wltiie, nor inculcate treason under pretence of lore and freedom. It would have love to do the work of halt. It will be marked with the characteristics of the author, so well known to the public by his previous works, of whom it was said in the publication of "The New Purchase," that " He was master of many Style, and had stepped to the highest round of the ladder at once." The work is no defence of slavery; but it would be a balance-wheel, not to stop, but to concentrate, equalize, and direct other motives. It treats the ultraism of the North to tka Lex talioni. The writer witnessed much that he describes, and real persons are introduced under new names, so that the work, while it will posseJs the interest of fiction, is pot only true to life, but m many of its seenes and characters is true in faca. Will be published in October, CHARLES SCRIBNER. 30 Park Row and 145 Nassau si N. B. Either of these works will be forwarded by mail (prepaid) to the address of any party send ing the prices annexed. Sept 30, 1852. rjjrtO 85 Notice, APPLICATION will be made to the General As sembly of the State of N. C. now sitting, for an Act to Incorporate the Frankliusville woolen man ufacturing Co., in Randolph Co, ALSO. For a charter for the constructing a plank road from Evans Mills to Greensboro,' by way of the Factories en Deep Pivcr, Oct. 11, 1852. 3t 83 ft ia(rraSMSKVEsnqcsj f.ig Chelan ftPsTAPU . f A.MCV URtSS COOUSj m BO0JTASH0C' United States Clothing Emporium. TYTHOLESALE WAREROOM, 0. 177 & 177J Market St.., (North Side above Fourth) at The ' Red Doors." This New and Extensive Rea dy MadeClothing Establishment, recently opened by the Subscribers, offers inducements to Southern and Western buyers in regard to low prices and im mense variety of Stock, rarely to be met with. The increase of Sales from a very liberal patronage, has been such as to warrant their offering Clothing at unusually low pricts, and carrying out the sys tem of " Large Sales and small 1'rofili .'" Orders from any part of the United States promptly executed and with especial care. REED, BROTHERS & CO., Philadelphia, Penn. P. S. Facilities will be offered Buyers ty pur chase on regular credit. Usual diCealit allowed to Cash Buyers. Dec. 15th. 1ol " ly 101 CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA NEW LINE. TH E splendid new Steam Packet Florida, Charles Willy Master, i now running regu larly between Charleston and Jacksonville. Picola ta and Pilatka, on the St. John's River. Her time of departure has been fixed for Tuesday of every week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. : passengers ly the Cars on that day, will always be in time. This Boat has been built expressly for this Line, with special reference to the comfort aud safety of passengers, and commanded by one of the most experienced of Navigators. Persons desirous of taking this route are informed that the passage through to Pilatka is made in :. "out 25 hours. Fare to Jacksonville $8 00 Picolata aud Pilatka 10 00 Any further information will be given by the undersigned. Berths secured by addressing the Agent. - J. W. CALDWELL, Agent. Charleston, Sept 0, 1852. 75 F. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. THIS Essence is a preparation of unusual excel lence, In ordinary diarrha:, incipient cholera, in short, in nil cases of prostration of the digestive functions, it is of inestimable value ; during the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer com plaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacious ; no family or inlividual should be without it. Caption. Be sure to get the genuine es sence, which is prepared only by F. BROWN, at his Drug and Chemical Store N. E. Corner of Fifth aud Chesnut Sireets, l'hiladelphia, and for sale by all respectable Apothecaries in the United States. In Raleigh at the Drug Stores of Williams, Hay wood & Co., and P. F. Pescud. At LouLsburg by John G. King & Co., and N. B. Walker. At Tarboro by Dr. McNair and Baker. At Chapel Hill by J. S. Lucas. At Oxford by R. N. and D. C. Hemdon, and R. J. Mitchell. September 11th. 1S52. 75 Cheapest Printing Cards & Card SHEETS IN THE UNITED STATES, At 4, ReaJe Street, Ncio York. THE Subscriber has had fifteen years experi ence in the manufacture of Printing Cards, in commencing business for himself, having every facility of the most improved machinery, and being a practical workman, intends to pursue a cash bu siness, and sell lower than any other Manufacturer in the country. All cards of his manufacture are warranted to print well, and all orders will be sent by Express, eah on delivery of good. Full partic ulars and samples can be obtained by addressing per mail, R. W. ROBY, 4 Reade Street, New York Citv. Sept 8, 1852. "75 For Farmers and Others. X l pair Mens and Boys Heavy Brngans, Mensi Bovs Kip and Calf Skin Shoctccs, Womeus ticathcr bhoes aud Bootees. Do Goat Bootees and Children Shoes, Gunny and Anchor Bagging, Bale Rope and Twine. Shoe Thread, Painted and Brass Bound Buckets, and Brooms and Brushes, Nos. 8, '., & 10. Cotton Cards and No. 6 Wool do. oOOO lbs cut Nails and Finishing Brads, Cast, German and Blister Steel, Collins and other Axes, Broad axes and Hatchets, 100 Twilled and Duffle Blankets, Wool Hats, Ames' Spades. No. 2 & 3, Long Handled Shovels, Kerseys and Georgia Plains. J. BROWN. No. f Faycttevillc Street. Raleigh, Sept. 21, 1852. 78 tf CARPETING. DRAWING Room and Bed Room Carpets, Stair Carpets, Tufted and other rich Hearth Rugs, Fancy printed Druggets for Crumb Cloths, Rich fancy Piano and Table Covers. J AS. McKIMMON. Oct. 1, 1S52. 81 N. C. FASHIONABLE JEWELRY STORE. PALMER & RAMSAY, DEALERS IX GOLD AXD SILVER WATCHES, ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY, OP THE LATEST STTLHS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, Verfumery, Fancy Goods and Clocks. THE subscribers are now receiving their Fall pur chase, which is one of the most extensive ever offer ed for sale in tbe State. Consisting of 100 Gold and Silver Watches, Large collection of Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, A fine lot of Diamond Rings and Pins, Fasliionable Earrings, Breastpins and Rings, Bracelets, Cuff Pins and Armlctts, Very large assortment of Gold, Silver and Steel SPECTACLES, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens and Lockets, Steel Pens and Keys, Razors, Strops and Pen Knives, Silver Table, Deserts and Tea Spoons, Laaies' Forks and Butter Knives, and Pickls Knives and Forks. Castors, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Baskets, Waiters, Coffee Urns, Girandoles, Coral and Card Cases, "C Perfumery and Fancy Goods. AR kinds of Watches, Jewelry and Clocks re paired in our usual manner, October 11, 1852. tf 84 SMOKING TOBACCO .Another supply of that superior Tobacco, received fhis day by. 11. D. TURNER, If. C. Book Store. Raleigh, Sept. 7, 1852. 74 Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. 17 ROM and after the first of June next, the cars 1 will dears Raleigh at 5 o'clock, A. M. uniQ fur ther notice Tbe rate of far will be as follows, Raleigh to Gaston " Littleton " Mocon Warreafon Ridge way " HenJt-rn " Fr-anklinton Wake Foret " Iluutivillu 8,00 2,50 2,25 2,00 1,75 1,00 85 50 W. VASS.Trsr. 42. W Mar 24th. 1852. Just to Hand. BARRELS Soda aud ButUr Cracksrs. lj 10 Boxes liaisons 20 400 lbs soft shell Almonds, 800 lbs fresh Pecan uuta. L. B. WALKER. March 10th, 1852. 23 FOR NEW YORK. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. T) EDUCTION of Passage and Fare ! JTt- J; The new and elegant side wheel Steamship ROANOKE! 1,200 tons burthen. Lewis Parrish, Commander, will leave City point svery Tuesday evening for New York. Passage and fars from Petersburg, including state rooms $10 00 Steerage passage 5 00 For speed, comfort and safety, the Roanoke is excelled by no Steamship on the coast, and travel lers will find it the most pleasant route to the North. TICKETS issued at my Office on Syeamore street. SAMUEL O. BAPTIST, Agt. reterifiurg, Va. t& A passenger train leaves ths Appomattox Depot at 5 o'clock, P. M., t connect with the Steamship at City Point. June 4, 1852. tf 45 General Agency. T lH Eundersigued offers his services as agent for I the transaction of any business in the City of Raleigh, at the Public Departments, ihs Banks, In surance offices, &.c. He may be found at the Oflfies of the Secretary of Stite. All letters addressed to him will be promptly attended to, and his charges will be mode rate and satisfactory. RUFUS H. PAGE. REFERENCES : Gov. David S. Reid, Wm. Hill, Sec'y. of State. D. W. Courts, Pub. Treasurer, E. B. Freemau, Clk. Supreme Court, Geo. W. Morde cai, Prest of Bauk State, W. J. Clarke, Compt. State, W. H. Jones. Cash. Bank Caps Fear, W. W. Vass, Treasurer R. & 1. R. Road. Raleigh, Jan. 1st, 18-52. tf 1 Wills & Gordon, Grocers if- Commission Merchants, Nor folk, Va. VRE prepared to make liberal advances on all consignments of Produce to receive and for ward all descriptions of Merchandize and to supply the Planters, Merchants, and others, with GROCERIES, upon the most liberal terms. Norfolk, Oct. 4, 1852. 82 ly Notice. IS hereby given, that application will made to the next General Assembly, to amend the Charter of the Corporation of Oxford, N. C. By order of the Board of Comm'rs. Oct. 5, 1852." 82 NOTICE IS hereby given that application will bo made to the next General Assembly to form anew County out of portions of E lgecombc, Wayne, Johnston and Nash . Sept. 11, 1852. wGw-75 "VTOT1CE Is hereby given, that application will be made to the next General Assembly ol North Carolina for an Act, granting a Charter of incorporation to the Trustees of Science Hill Male and Female Academy, in Randolph County. Gray's X Roads, Sept. 30, 1852. 82 tf CANDLES. 1 BOXES best patent Sperm Candles, J fj 20 do do Adamantino do 20 do Hull's patent Tallow do Hull's No. 1 Bar Soap, Black Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Starch, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, Indigo, for sale by JAS. McKIMMON. Oct. 1. 1852. 81 JS?" Standard copy. C 1ARPETINGS and Hearth Rugs, Carpet Bindings and Drugget. For sale by J BROWN. Raleigh, Sept. 21, 1852. 78 WHERE DO YOU FIND ALL THINGS CHEAP ? THE subscriber having laid in a choice assort ment of the following articles, begs leave to inform the citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that he will sell all his goods at such prices, as not to be undersold by any one in this city. Persons desirous of making a good bargain will therefore do well, to give him a call and be con vinced, that the above assertion is truth and no humbug about it. FANCY GOODS, &o. Violins, Flutes, Accord eons, Guitars, Tocket Knives, Table and Tea-spoons, Ivory and wooden pocket Inks, Torte-moiinaies, Tooth-picks, canes, Ladies work boxes, liair-oils, German and Ameri can cologne, Soaps, Shaving-creams, Hair-brushes, Cloth-brushes, Hair and dressing combs, gold pen cils, pens, breast-pins, finger-riDgs and studs, dolls, purses, gum teething rings, looking glasses, guns. pistols, &c, &c. DRY GOODS, &c. Calicoes, Ginghams, Fiir'd Alpacas and Coburgs. Crown and bleached muslins. Cambrics, Irish-linen, Canton-flannel, Ticking, Linsey, Cotton and wool len nose, Comforts, Cotton, silk, woollen and sheep skin gloves, edgings, boots and shoes, &c. GROCERIES. Mackerel, Herring, lard, cheese, bacon, dried beef, Buffalo tongues, Sardines, nails, powder, shot, coffee, sugars, &c, &c. CIGARS, Of ten different Brands, &c, &c. FREDERICK MAHLER. Oct. 11, 1852. 84 A LARGE LOT of Boys' Clothing daily expec ted. CREECn J RYALS. 81 Sept. 30, 1852. s ARATOGA WATER: Constantly kept at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, ITAYWOOD & CO. BILLIARD TABLES. VT Y. BILLLARD TABLE MANUFACTORY. No- 90 Ann Street New York City where a large stock may be found with several new and important improvements, which we have brought to a degree of perfection attained by no others. The improvements consist of forming the Oushions so thnt they will give the angles correctly, they being made of Cloth or the patent Vulcaniied I dia Rubber, which we have within the last year in troduced to the public. Gentlemen at a distance wishing to purchase Tables with wood or marble beds, can have their orders filled the same as if they were present, by addressing by mail. Always on band, Cloths, Balls, Cues, French Leathers, and Pockets of the best description. Tables packed and shipped to all parts of the country. GRIFFITH & DECKER, 90 Ann St, N.York. October 15tht 1852. $5 3m-84 Grand Lodge of North Carolina fTlHE Officers, Members and Representatives of ths I Masosic Body are requested to meet at their Hall in this City, on Monday Evening, Cth of De cember next, at 7 o'clock, for the transaction of such business as may be submitted for their consid eration. In pursuance with a resolution of the last com munication, the Masters of Lodges will cause to b sent with their annual returns, the dates of their respective Charters, that they may be placed apxm the records of the Grand Lodge. Transient Brothers are invited to attend. WILLIAM T. BAIN. Grand Ssorsksiy. Bal(fh, Oot. 10, IMS. M t4 ANTED. A room and board, in a rrivats lamily, for a single gentleman. JUST RECEIVED. A lot of fine Buckwheat Flour. 8 Barrels No. 1 Herrings. HENRY KEIM. March 8, 1852. 20 tf - (1 OOD family Molasses, new crop, just to band. X W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. May 1852. 30 JUST received, a supply of Crushed and Refined Sugars Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee. N. L. STITH. Feb. 2, 1952. 10 HAVENS' NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURE GALLERY, (OVEE THE POST OFriCE.) FaifcJteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 2, 1852. 10 I"! LOUR. Barrels, Superior, from the Ridgway Mills warranted to be equal to any from the Richmond City Mills, or any other. N. L. STITH. Feb. 20, 1852. 15 TO HOUSE PAINTERS. 50 Barrels of Cotton Seed Oil, the cheapest and best Oil for outside house painting for sale by the Barrel. Apply to WM. J. CLARKE. Raleigh, March 16, 1852. 22 tf o LD ENGLISH CHEESE, and Maccaroni. Another supply just to hand, AT TUCKER'S. Candles and Soap. OA A BOXES Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow ) Candles. 150 Boxes very superior Washing Soap, Also, variety of fancy Soaps. For sale by, PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS, & CO. Petersburg, March l'', 1S52. 22 tf " ANOpYNE., CQUG& DROPS,-. Already a? ipencfrmonstrnteo! tnV.jfcct, that muchrinjitn46rsa s'pw Mb- fainjiyIrcbas by tTl taring. f few pdeciiacioines;" Jsides, it i4thfeeans jerf frequently, f saving Doctor's WU. 7Qulte in advance of anything here tofore offereOjjs Dr-Iittle rkamaeeuticsi Ma dicines succeeded in curing the diseases for which they are prescribed. For instance, his Anodyne Cough Drops have really cured more cases, ami given more universal satisfaction, than any other known. For proof, he has more statements of its great utility from persons of the first respectability residing in different parts of the country as desig nated, than he can afford to publish or even wishes to crowd into his new pamphlet, besides the many instances of its success otherwise that might be re ferred to. The medicino never fails to cure or ben efit immediately any case of Coughs, Colds, Deep seated Coughs, or Consumptive Diseases and Asth ma, also Whooping Cough, Croup, Colds and In flammatory Fever among children. This remedy is pleasant to take, and is no humbug of a balsam or foreign extract, but is an extensive compound upon scientific principles. Dr. Little Sir : In my own case of a most vio lent cough of several weeks standing last winter, 1 was cured entirely by your Anodyne Cough Drops, in taking less than one bottle. After the first dose or two 1 felt greatly relieved, and had but little more pain or trouble with it in any way. A week or two previous 1 took a bottle of the Balsam of Wild Cherry, without being much benefitted. .Respectfully, Signed YY." TAYLOR. Bibb County, July, 1848. Deirare of imposition and avoid the use of substitute. The fac simile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Lit tle will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 2G4, Market Street, Philadelphia. To be had also of J. D. H. Young & Co., Frank linton : C. C. Barbce, Barclays ville ; S. J. Hinsdnle, Fayetteville ; Alex. Wat.son, Floral College, N. C. ; W. . Purse and Dr. A. Fitch, Columbia, and Dr. P. M. Cohen, Charleston, S. C. ; P. F. Pescud, Agent for Raleigh. Nov. 1851. 91 Important to Families! S. CRANE'S PATENT COMPOUND WASH MIX TURE, OR, SOAP. For Washing Clothes Also for Washing, Cleaning and Beautifying Fainted Surfaces the Walls, Ceil ings and Entries; the Halls, Parlors and Rooms of Fricate and Puldie Buildings; the Fronts, Doors and Windows of Fancy Dwellings; The J'etcs and Interior of Churches; Furniture; the Berths, State Rooms and Cabin of Steamships, Steamboats aud Packet-Sliips; PassengrrCars, Brasses, Iron Railing, Glass or Metallic Surfaces, fee, fee. TT7" A R R A N T E D to give entire satisfaction y and destined to effect an entire revolution in the business of the laundresss being nn improved Preparation for Washing Clothes perfectly, with astonishing facility and dispatch, and without inju ry to texture or color. Every family, of whatever size, can do all their washing in less than one hour, without the labor of rubbing, pounding bleaching or the friction of a machine, thus saving time, ex pense and labor, and securing exemption from the diseases caused by the exposure and fatigue inci dent to the usual mode of Washing, while Clothing itself will be saved from the wear and tear of the wash-board and friction, and last much longer. The undersigned having purchased from the Pa tentee, the sole right aud interest for the State of North Carolina, in his Patent Compound Wash Miiturc, hereby informs the Public, that he wishes to dispose of Family or County Rights for the same. Persons living at a distance, wishing to procure the right to make and use this Valuable Prepara tion, can do so, by remitting FIVE DOLLARS to me, at Raleigh, which amount will entitle them to a family right; which right shall be sent by mail immediately, with the proper directions to make ami use the same. I am in possession of a large number of certificates from Ladies and Gentlemen of high standing not only in this State, but in Ma ryland, Virginia and South Carolina; but I deem it unnecessary to fill a long Advertisement with them, unless requested, as the article will speak for itself, and is so favorably known in all the Northern and Southern States. I aim to visit all parts of the State at as early a day as possible, to give the Public an opportunity of testing its value. JOHN J. CHRISTOPHER, is my authorized Agent for this City during my absence. WESLEY WHITAKER, Jr., is the General Tra velling Agent. Feeling satisfied by the use of this Mixture in my own Family, that it cannot fail to please all who try it, I invite all to call and see or sendin their orders to J. J. RYALS. Raleigh, Sept. 23, 1851. J 77-tf T) OBINSON'S SHOES, best quality ; also, com J, Slippers for Ladies. EVANS & COOKE. March 23, 1852. 24 ITRATE OF MAGNESIA : Having made ar rongemcnts to prepare this celebrated aperient on a large scale, I am enabled to have a supply' constantly on hand for my custssners. P. F. PESCUD. March 22, 1852. 24 PRIME SUGARS 20 hhds prime Porto Rico Sugar 15 " St. Croix do., in store and for sale by Peebles, "White, Davis & Co. Petersburg, Sept 10, 1852. 77 SYRUP. 20 barrels New York Syrup, very good quality, in store and for sale by Peebles, Wuite, Davis, & Co. Petersburg, Sept. 16, 1852. 77 II ORSE SHOE IRON. 60 bundles Horse Shoe iron, best quality, for sale by PEEBLES, V BITS, DAVIS & Co. Petersburg, Sep. 16, 1852. 77 M olasses. 15 hhds Sweet C.nhn. 1 - , lino day, for sale by Peebles, White, Davis & Co. Petersburg, Sept 16, 1852. 77 JOHNSONS CELEBRATED ICE CREAM FREEZERS. A supply just to hand x, ,- w- H. & R. S. TUCKER. May 4th, 1852. 36 Salad Oil. DOZEN Fresh and Sweet ; just received at the Druj Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & 00. 8 WTHAR HDM YE SICK ! ' NO MEDICINE BUT HAMPTON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE EVER HAD SUCH A MASS OF TES TIMONY. j; REV. VERNON ESKRIDGE, U. S. N. Portsmouth, Va., Aug. 18, 1851. Mr. J. E.Boush Dear Sir: While I am in gen eral opposed to Patent Medicines candor compels me to state that I have great confidence in the vir tues of Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. For sev eral months past I have used it in my family, in dys pepsia, loss of appetite, dizziness, and general de bility, with entire success. So far as my experi ence extends, therefore, I take pleasure in recom mending it to tho afflicted as a safe and efficient remedy. I am, respectfully, yours, VERNON ESKRIDGE, Chaplain U. S. Navy. BgU COUGH VERTIGO. Rheumatism, of 15 years standing, cured. Testimony of one of our best known citizens : Baltimore, Feb. 9th, 1852. Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray Gentlemen: It is with real pleasure that I am able to attest to the general healing and curative powers of Dr. Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture. Some time during last November I was taken with a very bad and serious cough. I was advised to take Cod Liver Oil, and did so, but getting no better, I was induced to try your Tincture. I got one bottle, and before I had used it all my cough had left me. Permit me also to state that for the last fifteen years I have suffer ed very much from Acute Rheumatism and Vertigo, confining me at times to my bed. I am fully con vinced that I owe my present good health to the use of the Tincture and a kind Providence. You are, my friends, at .liberty to use this as you may thi.uk -proper, and believe me Yours, very respectfully, G. DUNAN. N. B. I san bp seen at any. at the Mayor's Jt "MoNlIMESiP TPronv -rhoai Las 1 1 tW &p stand out lit ' bold relief ths names rburw XCytiJ- f Wlltf lull B VtUlfrliW-T- 4AJ UUUUI W.' WuyVegetabV' Tii that' eurea more than rrinetefn out fi'f every weaty-rhe try rf We have certificates from Hon Henry Clay, and R. M. Jolinson one from Captain Canot, brother to the eminent Physician to the President of tho French Republic, who was cured of a Rheumatism of 7 years standing also, one from Robert Gault, Rheumatism 7 years. Mr. Oldham, Bait Custom House, dreadful case of Dyspepsia, and from hun dreds of others. All must admit there never has been such a mass of testimony given in favor of any other medicine, which is so pleasant and taken in such small quantities. MOST WONDERFUL : The following certificate f" Lfroui an eminent Lawyer of Kentucy, who is nown in all of the States, having for a number of years represented his State in Congress: It affords inc pleasure to state that Dr. Jesse Hampton's Tincture has effected a most extraordi nary cure of my slave boy Albert. The patient was three years old, ami had the Scrofula (his father is scrofulous.) The boy was a moving mass of sores from head to foot the upper lids of the eyes were much swollen, and turned inside out, exhibi ting horrible mattering ulcers, that protruded over thw eye-ball so as to produce blindness. It is strange yet true, Uis child, that I felt resigned to die as a relief from suffering, has been restored to health under the treatment of Dr. Hampton. W. P. THOMASS0N. Louisville, March 20, 1851. o GREATER WEIGHT OF TESTIMONY CANNOT BE GIVEN. This medicine when used according to directions, W1LLCURE WITHOUT FAIL? Scrofula or King s Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of the Skin, Ery sipelas, Chronic Sore eyes, Ringworm or Tetters, Scald Head, Rheumatism, Pains in the Bones or Joints, Old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands. Syphilitic Dyspepsia, Salt Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Diseases arising from the use of Mercury, Pain in the Side and Shoulders, General Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice, Cos tiveness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest Pulmonary Affections, and all other diseases tending to produce Consumption"! Liver Complaint, Female Irregularities and Com plaint, Sick headache, Low Spirits, Night Sweats, Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Chronic Constitu tional Diseases, Rheumatism ami Gout For sale by P. F. Pescud, Fayetteville St. Pwalcigh N. C, Mortimer &. Mowbray, Baltimore, and Drug gists everywhere. Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1851, byjt S. HOUGHTON, M. D. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsyl vania. great cvrf for ptsvetsia axotheb scientific wonder; DR. J. S. noUGHTON'S The true Digestive Fluid, OR GASTRIC JUICE. This is a great Natural Remedy for Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own Method, by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice. PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving and Stimulating Agent ef the Stomach and Intes tines. It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, and Perfect Substitute for it By the aid of this pre paration, the pains and evils of Indigestion and Dys pasia are removed just as they would be by a heal thy Stomach, it is doing wonders Tor Dyspeptics, curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous De cline and Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to be on tho verge of the grave. The Scientific Evidence upon which it is based, is in tho highest degree Cu rious and Remarkable. BARON LIEBIG, in his celebrated work on Ani mal Chemistry, says : " An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be pre pared from tho mucus membrane of the Ox, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed and digested, fust in the same manner as they would be m the human stomach." Half teaspoonful of pure Pepsin, infused in wa ter, will digest or dissolve Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours out of the stomach. DR. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs and popular medicines throughout the United States. It is prepared in Powder, and in Fluid form and in Prescription Vials for the use of Physicians. TRIVATE CIRCULARS, for the use of Physi cians, m8y be obtained of his agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving the au thorities upon which the claims of this new remedy are based. As it is not a secret remedy, no objec tion can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectable standing and regular practice. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle. PEPSIN IN POWDERS SENT BY MAIL, FREE OF POSTAGE: For convenience of sending to all parts of the country, the Digestive Matter of the Pepsin is put up in the form of Powder, with di rections to be dissolved in water by the patient These Powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, and will be sent by mail, free of Postage for One Dollar sent (poet paid) to Dr. J. S. HOUGH TON, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. B- OBSERVE THIS : Every bottle of the genuine Pepsin bears the written signature of J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D., proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Med icines. For sale wholesale and retail by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO., and Druggists generally in North Carolina. Jnne 30, 1851. 53 SWEGO CORN STARCH. If your are fond of good Puddings, Pies, Custards, &c. try it. For sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. Wanted, kA OR Sixty Bales Prime Cotton, for which a fJVfair market price will be paid in Cash. J. BROWN. April 7, 1852. 28 Low Priced Sugars 10 hhds New Orleans Sugar 10 do Muscovado do In store and for sale by Peebles, "White, Davis, & Co. Petersburg, Sept. 16, 1862. 77 Ague, Bilious, Typhus and all Fe vers Dysentary and Diarrhoea. IN the commencement, it is of absolute impor tance in view of a speedy cure, that a full dose of pills be taken at once, because the humors which produce disease of this class, are always of tho most malignant, poisonous quality, and no safety to life exists while any portion remains in the bow els or the blood. Should the First dose not cure, be not alarmed, but reiterate that dose. Should the evacuations be very putrid, of bad odor, unnatural color, &c. &c, besides using four or six pills twice a day, take also, a tea spoonful of powdered char coal, in water, every day while these symptoms continue. Let your diet be light, and of easy di gestion, as arrow root, rice, pudding, Indian meal gruel ; also, sheep's head broth with rice and a piece of cinnamon boiled in it, or calves head broth. Sheep's head makes tho best diet if it be boiled un til the bones are clean. As a rule, the first, dose of pills cures when timely used. Sometimes three or four doses may be necessary. There are cases in which it takes weeks to cure, but they do not occur once in a thousand times. In any event, no medicine or plan of treatment is better than . that above recommended, or will sooner cure. So soon as the irritating matters are removed, so soon you will be well, and not before. Anodynes and astrin gents have a deleterious effect ; because they occa sion the retention of that death principle which a lone causes dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, and all other diseases, according to its excess over the prin ciple of life. But Brandreth's Pills are opposed to this as water is to fire, or as heat is to cold ; and when they arc taken into a man, they go to work boldly to drive this death principle from the body, and all they can do but if there be work for fifty doses, one dose must" not be expected to da-tko da - tko work of fifty. And this truth should always be kept in mind. Let not the patients frighten themselves with the idea that they are too weak to bear much purging, but bear in mind that these mildly operating Pills of JJr.. Brandreth. puLnot weakness, into tho twrne,! jm oraw weajtneas rrai, . leaving auxngtB ui uayws and gives composing sleep at night, ud an appetite to relislv any fv of medical herb and do Hot contaia anrihine-" rl iti ekemieal subatanci "utf rfectty ,hnnless to thfTSost trtdcr agerekeBrrraHter-'wftnev- erthclcss sure 0 search out the cause of the sick ness and produce a CURE, whatever may be its character, when taken la time, and in quantity suf ficient. The Braudreth Pills are sold at 25 cents per box, by WILL PECK & SON, Raleigh, and by one a gent in every town in the United States, and in al most every city throughout the world. Let all be careful where they buy or they will obtain a coun terfeit. Buy only of men whose character you know to be above so mean an action as to sell a false for the true Brandreth's Pills. Observe the six signatures of Dr. Braudreth ou each box. August 22, 1840. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC, ORNER vous debility, disease of tho Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as constipation, inward Piles, fullness, or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach, .Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness, or Weight in the Stomach, Sour eructations, sinking or flutter ing at the Pitt of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking, or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits ; can be effectually cured, by DR. IIOOFLANDS Celebrated German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, at the German Medicine Store, No. 120, Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skil ful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues iu the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weaknesses and affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, cer tain, and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. From the "Boston Bee." The Editor said, De. 22d. "Dr. HoofiaiuTs Celebrated German Bitters, for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one ' of the most popular medicines of the day. These Bit ters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor, a fact worthy of great consider ation. They are pleasant in taste aud smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any circumstances. We are speaking from experience, and to the af flicted we advise their use." "Scott's Weekly," one of tho best Literary pa pers published, said, August 25 "Zr. Hoofiand' German Bitter manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the facidty, as an ar ticle of much efficacy in case of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle and thus save themselves much sick ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health as we know from experience the salutary effect that they have upon weak systems." Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman of great literary and scientific attainments, said in his "New York Weekly Messenger," January 5, 1850 : "Dr. HoojlandT German Bitters. Here is a pre paration which the leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians of modern times, the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, Professor to the University of Jena, Pri vate Physician to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever pro duced. He was emphatically the enemy of humiug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the in venter and endorser may be confidently relied on. We specially recommend it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity of the Stom ach, Constipation and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the Liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of the editors speak of its effects from their own individ ual experience. Under these circumstances we feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family newspaper published in the United States, the edkor says of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Tatent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers ; and, therefore, when we recom mend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally priied, and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in it favor, is, that there is more of it used in the prac tice of the regular physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined a fact that can be easily established, and fully proving that a scien tific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in this form. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver ; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases ; the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high character which is necessary for aU medicines to attain, to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. LOOK WELL TO TUB MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have the written signature of C. W. JACK SON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, withovt which they abb srtBiovs. For sale wholesale and retail at GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. Un t OA t nnrr ai x ., . .AiMjii oireei. one uoor hoi-. c (late of 278 Race street,) Philadelphia, and bv speetable dealers thronght the country. y re" Also for sale by J. B. RAMSEY, Pittsboro', N. C, May 29, 1851. ffj-' And for tale also by P. F. PESCUD, Gen'l Agent, ivaieigii, X. C 41 W. V A N H () R N S iMl,r j VED ELASTIC Slioffit BRACE, the only Brace tured that does not bind or ,1 T under the arms, and. can be ''i with both ease and comfort. t Those who have worn other V ccs, arc requested to trivo i,.rs" trial into .: ... . snnoi.1. all others. Clerks, Students, Tailors, Scamstres, Children of both Sexes, and all others, from habit or occupation, or from a weakly or J bilitated constitution have acquired the 'habit f bending forward, (Round Shouldered) and co pressing the Chest and Lungs, will fil tlic a) Brace to remedy the above defect, and ensure erect carriage, with improved symmetry and f' of body to tiie wearer, and also allowing a full ft." and healthy action and expansion of the r , ' removing the Compression, ami preventing tlferebr the Pulmonary Organs from becoming weak and uiseasou. C. W. VAN II0RV fc cn 1 -. j- n " vink 'ws of all descr'ip- - L - -.tiopSj-.Thiladelpliia. , W. VAN HORN'S IMPROVED. ELASTIC UTERINE SUPPORT. f Pvnr ivara TTptt IT. -,TAl instrument is light and elastic, and is mad without the Steel Springs, which are objectionable An npprtnnt nf ilia nltnfin. 1. Ti: . . . on account of their chnfinrr the Hips &c. making them extremely unpleasant to be worn. Ladies suffering from the above derangement and Physicians particularly, arc solicited to givi them a trial, to prove their superiority over tkt Steel Spring, aud other Uandages. Several Professors of Obstetrics, &c. and also a number of Physicians in this Citv, and throughout the United States, have adopted them in their prae tice with the most decided beneficial results, and highly recommend and approve of them. The fol lowing is from Professor Woodward, Cincinnati. Ohio : "I have examined and used to a considerable ex tent, during a practice of nearly Trenty-five years a great variety of Spring and Laced Bandages, de signed for the relief and cure of the several affec tions to which your instruments are applicable, but for mechanical execution, as well as the uccu'rata adaptation of the instruments to their several de signs, I have never seen any that has givon mo more satisfaction. CHARLES WOODWARD, M. D., Professor erf Obstetrics, and diseases of Women and Childrw, Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bandages for Females, after Parturition, suppor ters for Weakness, Debility, &c. Trusses of all descriptions for Hernia, Instruments for knock knees, Club foot, Bow legs, dislocated or weak joints, spinal instruments for Curvature of the spine &aj also for all derangements requiring the ua f Bao dages, for restoration. C. W. VAN HORN & CO., Plila. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD .j- CO., AGKSTS, Raleigh, N. C. October 6th, 1851. O-Cml For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONS UIYTPTIOir Of all the numerous medicines extant, (and some of them valuable) for the cure of pulmonary com plaints, nothing has ever been found which could compare in its effects with this Preparation. Others cure sometimes, but at all times and in ail disease of the lungs and throat where medicine can give relief, this will do it It is pleasant to take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the directions. "We do not advertise for the information of those who have tried it but those who have not. Families that have known its value will not be without it, and by its timely use, they are secure from tho dangerous consequences of Coughs and Colds which, neglected, ripen into fatal consumption. The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in September 1847 ; also, the Medals of the threo creat Institutes of Art. in this country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute at Cincinnati, lias been given to the Ctterky Pectoral, by their Gov ernment in consideration of its extSIJirdinary ex cellence and usefulness in curing affections of the Lungs and Throat. Read the following opinion founded on the long experience of the eminent Physician of the Port and City of ST. JOHNS, May 8, 1851. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Five years of trial of your CHERRY PECTORAL in my practice, has proven what I foresaw from its composition, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to which we, in this section, are peculiarly liable. I think its equal has not yet been discovered, nor do I know how a better remedy can be made for the distempers of the Throat and Lungs. J. J. BURTON, M. D., F. R. S. Sec what it has done on ja wasted constitution, not only in the following cases, but a thousand more ; SuDBrKT, Jan. 24th, 1851. Dr. Ayer : In the month of July last I was at tacked by a violent diarhoca in the mines of Califor nia. I returned to San Francisco in hope of re ceiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My -diarrhoea ceased, but was followed by a severe cough and much soreness. I finally started for home, but received no benefit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, and when 1 ar rived in New York, I was at once marked by my acquaintance as a victim of consumption. I must confess that I saw no sufficient reason to doubt -what my friends all believed. At tlr. tinic I com menced taking your truly invaluab'e medicine with little expectation of deriving any bcacfit from its use. You would not receive these lines did 1 not regard it my duty to state to the afflicted, through you, that my health, in the space of eight months, is fully restored. I attribute it to the use of your CHERRY PECTORAL. Yours truly, WILLIAM W. SMITH. Washington, Pa, April 12, 1848. Dear Sir : Feeling that I have been spared from a premature grave, through your instrumentality, by the.' providence of God, I will take the liberty to express to you my gratitude. A Cougli and the alarming symptoms of Con sumption had reduced me too low to leave mc any thing like hope, when my physician brought me a bottle of your "Pectoral." It seemed to afford immediate rehef, and now in a few weeks time has restored me to sound health. If it will do for others what it has for me, you are certainly one of the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am Very respectfully yours, JOHN J. CLARKE, Rector of St. Peter's Church. With such assurance and from such men, no stronger proof can be adduced unless it be from its effects upon "trial. Prepared and Sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Raleigh by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & Co. In Warren ton, by Alston & Macon. In Fayetteville, by S. J. Hinsdale. And by Druggists aud dealers in Medicines gene ally. Feb. 10-12. COCOA. Warranted pure and of superior quali ty, for sale at TUCKER'S-

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