rv- i! I, pi E U . i ft -f l.r. PI r f 1 1. , hi nt J I.? tr, i ; n i: ;t f ui 1 ' 1 I t i Pi 1 9 ft .1 iS ? i c. b. HOOT, 1 IAVING recently returned from the North, f with :i new njj 1 choice selection f Ci kkIi, is ii., w prepared t" invito his frieuds and tho pu'Jic geucrall v to an examination of hi stock. He i in jMss-i-!i it' tlie latest aii'l most fash ion tWc atyl-s A lift the inott uppr ved Washes, Perfumery, &o., FOR THE TOILET. Alao, a splendid assortment of Watches, Musical Instruments. Fancy Gwds, and all other articles auallv coutaiucd iu establishment nf a similar kind. " Grateful for pu.-t patronage, he respectfully so licits a continuance o! the .auie. Ieing cor.fidut that ungiHxIs of a suptri.r .puaiitj were ever be fore offered iu this market. In addition to the .u tides alcove atinumoratwd miv be fuiii!'! an extensive assortment cf Cctlkkv. Sii.vti: mj Plated Wahe, SrscTAii.t", with Perifocal g!.i-c to suit the eves of all person. Also very superior Flint jiss, that may be ad justed in any frame r.t the shcrtcst notice. On hand, n f.ne h.tef DtHT.LE DAKRKI. 'J I'NS, RIFLKS, lMTcLS of nit kin is. POWDKI; Kl.AKS, tHOT AND MUD V.M$, together w.th niany uther articles i:i tlint line t- tcli r. to en umerate, which 1 shall be pleased to exhibit to all thoae who uiav faror lue with a call. C. B- ROOT. Oct. L'O, 1H'2. 8'J tf Wilson Male Academy, Edge combe Co., J. J. Thomas, Principal. TIIHE F.XEKl'ISES of thin School will commence I on Mmi'Liy, July "J'"th. Stmleiit.t wish in jr to prepare for College will her? be accommodated. TW ueij;hl'rlieo 1 is Tory henlthr and mond ; peo ple hotipitnble mid intelligent. HcTe is out! of th Uan-Uouient little Villages in the State, and is march ing with giant step to unriTalled fame. Charg for Tuition rary from $10 to 1" per Session. Iioard, including waliing and fuel, $6. 60 per nunth. Fur further pnrticular apply to tho Pricaipal or 3. FARMER, Wilson, X. C. July I'D, 1 8-")2. CO 5moi Notice. TO MERCAXTS AXD TLAXTKIIS. t: IHE Richmond and rcter.btire Rail Road Com- p.inv hereby give notice, tnat on and after the lOth of VovemlK-r. thev will ilivontimic to net f.s forwardinjr agents fnr Tobacco, l'rMli!ce. or Mer chandief any lecriptioii. pa.-insr over their Ki:id, and will diicintmue to p.iy or receive any ch.iijiev fr Freight, Toll.-, Wwouape, i.r exj elites i f uny kinl. except the freight ever their Roa-I. All IVinluce or tj-jods coining to IVterhur!: to be sent over this Road to Richmond, or iod. shipped from Richmond, to go bey om 1 reterbnrp. by other routes, mast be consigned to the care of nie person or firm in Petcvburj:. who i'.I attem! to firwa rdinp them to their destination. Tlie Freight on all (Jood going,from Richmond beyond Petet burg. nm.it be paid in Richmond in advance. The Company also give notice, that a" Produce or Merchandise, liable to damage by weather, will be transported in covered cars, and they will not be responsible for any damages except those that occnr on their Road. In any such cases they will be promptly settled. TITOS. DODAMEAD, Supt. Office R. & P. R. R- ('o.M)ct. 2f . 1 ":;. 3m HL NEW CLOTHING STORE, IX RALEIGH. THE undersigned having aoiated themsolvpf together fr the purpose of carrying on t!.e Clothing business in ail it.i various brunches; and having made ample arrangements with some of the most extensive manufacturing establishments Xcrt'.. to keep their assortment complete, arc bow receiv ing their '. nnd Wii't- r St,r: ,.f Clthnj, consisting of every style and grade of (ioodi usual ly kept in similar establishments. We shall receive every week during the season a new lot ofClothing, which will keep us iu receipt of all the fashions as they appear in the Xorthem Markets. We respectfully erll the attention four former patrons nn! tlie public, to our present stock, !iieh will be sold on very favorable terms at rcUil or wholesale. Country Merchants in want of Goods in our Y.vo. would fi:id it greatly t ' their advant.-i'.'i to pte us a call, as wc have, from our arrangements, greater facilities for filling orders, than any house in th' aection. Our Samples and i 'rices will set competi tion aside, and secure for our limi'c the tra 1c of c discreet community. We can have goods delivered in Raleigh frun Xew York, to fill orders, in rive to eiglit day', p.-i Steamer Roanoke and via Rail Road t R dcis.Ii. S come and get bargains, g I go. id at low prices. CREECH , RVAI.S. Two doors below Williams, Haywood & Co., Raleigh, Sept. o'ttb., ltv:. hi U)TTOX YA RXS. A snj 1; of c of. t. yr.ri- nd carret wart', ju? t to haiid. L. W. l'lil K ( H ; c 1II1XA, G A ESS - E P.THEX WA R E. A era! as-ortment, ( 'ut Plain G'a- Wmte Gr.in:t" find Edned W are, for sale by Sept J4. l.i T.i tf. J. l'.R'lV. N. ISAAC PROCTER, (SUCCESSOR To ui.lVEK A PllOCTEK.) M KUCHA S T TAILOR. HAS juit returned from Jjic Xorthern Citiea. and is imw recei-. a new rnd Wiutifu! ai aortaient f Go.xls in bis lire. emhraci;t lilack. Rlue, Brown, Olive, Given. Adelaide nd ' Luhli Cloths, of best French an 1 English ' a lufvctuTa, of various grades of price. BEST -SiMOXl" 1M-K1NS, warranted ; Fancy t 'r.i'.i:i; re, l-'rei:' li. Engl sh, Scotch, and Ai.icricau, of every v u 'cty. style, and price: Veitirs of Kiiper'.r ."i's Velvet. Plush, figured a:id plain Satins and S:H.. Grensditie, Mu rino, airi C.fd.inrr-:. a spleiidid article ; Wc-idir.g and Party Ve-:';ir'- i .ii't be boat. Hit stock of Fur'-:sh:iit; go-ida is nir.st como'.c'.o, eonisting of Dross Shirt, with or will jut Cellar, J'ilk and Merino .Shirts, very aupi-rior nil sizei ; Drawers, fine assortment. .i'i ;7.".1 ; Socks, Silk, Meriii. Cotton, figured ami plV.u ; Stocks, pliiiu an fancy; ilov.', a great variety: Supc:ider, ery nice ; Dressing Jowi:, very hnndsonie ; Pock et lldk'fi, Silk, Linen, colored, plain and eiubioid rcd. In addition to the above, he has a fine supply of READY MADE CLOTHING, which he would be pleased to offer to the inspoe tiou of the public, and being manufactured under bia own fcupervision, he can coulidently recommend thorn and ask a comparison with any other goods la thia market or out of it, either in iii!itT or pric. All he asks is a reasonable profit and will not ba ndersold by any. Gentlemen furnishing their own goods to ba manufactured may lV.y iip.ni receiving tho taioa attention and care as if j-1 by himself. Cutting one nt any time, at usual rates. Witlt sincere thanks to his numerous friend and patrona for past manifeatations of frieadship and re fard, ha assures Cicui no afforta or paini ahall b aparad to merit iU coutinuanca. ISAAC TROCTER. Oct 1, 1S52. 81 ENCOURAGE HOME IXDUSTRP BT l'ATHOXIZtSti TI1R Machine Shop and Foundry, OP STAFFORD, CLARK & DIXON, WHO MA y I 'FACT I 'Ii HAL L SZKS OF Horse Foicer and Threshing Machines, (both portable and stationary ;) STRAW-CUTTERS OF VARIOUS PATTERNS, W 11 HAT FAN'S, MiU and Factory d'ar, .Ktirmid Grist Mill fr",)U. Bark MiiL, Wool Curdhxj Machines, FAj TooU, r-. fr. Address Snow Camp, Ala-nance. Cjuntv. N. C. Oct 25tb, 18o2. ks-t SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, superior quality an additional supply just to hand and foraoleby M,'HMMoN': "XXTANTED : At the Neasc River Oil Mills W 8000 bushels of Cotton seed, Flax seed and palnu-Christi, or Castor Oil Beans, for which cash ind tkt market price will be given. Febniary o, 1S-32. tf 10 United States Clothing Emporium. "11 WHOLESALE WARERooM. XO. 177 & 177J Market St... (North Side above Fourth) at The Red Doors."' This Xew and Extensive Hea Hv Made Clothing Kgtablisbnient. recently opened by the Subscribers, offers inducements to Southern and Western buyers in regard to ..w prices and im mense variety of Stock, rarely to be met with. The increase of Sales from a very liberal patronage, has been such as to warrant their offering Clothing nt tmiMuu loir frvet, nnd carrying out the ays tern of I.urije Salrt and tmall 'rofiti .'"' gy- Orders from any part of the United States promptly executed and with especial care. REED, BROTHERS & CO., Philadelphia, Penu. P. S. Facilities will be offered Buyers to pur chase on r-'."i.'ir credit. Usual discount allowed to Cnh !'irrt. Dec. loth. 1 .". 1. CHARLESTON "HI II F. splendil g Charles Willy lv 101 AND FLORIDA NEW LINE. new Ste.iru Packet Florida. Master, is i.o-.v running regu- larly In-twcen Ch.-u b -t. n air! .1 ta and Pibitka. on the St. .b-.on of deparfire has been find tor k---n iile. l'icola !t i (-. 1 1 or t i me To. v . f every week, at k. P. M. 1 ai ;v : : o.i - 1 , doC-ir" be : i t;oi.-. This Boat r t'.i- l.i'iev vvitli special and safely of" na-cnger. tii'" nirr.-t experienced f '.r.-'is oft -iking tdis route on 1 1 1 : 1 1 day. wi! h.i been built ex ;.vi-s' icference to t!io en.! ut and coinmauded by olio . Navigator-. ' r-ons d. are inf' nned that t'jc j.assage through to Pilatka is made in a nit L'o Ii- ur. Fre to Jack-.,:, id) I'icolat ; and Pilatka Pi (Ml Any further information will 1 e given by the undersigned. Berths secured by addressing the Agent. .). W. CALDWEEL. Agent. Charleston. Sept. 'i. !.",J. " To F. BROWN'S" ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. f"MHS Essence is a preparation of unusual cxcel- lenee, In ordinary diarrlnv. incipient cholera, iu short, in all cr.scs of prostration of the digestive functi. ns, it is of inestimable value ; during the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer com plaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacious; no family or individual should be without it. C.xitioN. Bo sure to get the genuine es sence, which is prepared only by F. BROWN, at his ' d'hl Ch. ;n. il .V,r,- X. K. C'-'ruer of Fijih an I t'UfUiUt Sire!', l'lnl-id'!pha. and for sale by nil respectable Apothecaries iu the Lnited State". In Raleigh at the Drug Storca of Williams, llav Woo'd Co., and P. F. Pescud. At I.ouisbuiL' bv John i. King A Co., and X. B. Walker. At Tarboro by Dr. McNair and Baker. At Chape! Hill by J. S. Lucas. At Oxford by R.'.N. and P. C. Ilcrndon. and R. J. Mltcheli. S'pi Icinl.or lit1!. I w 2 . 7j Cheapest Printing Cards & Card SHEETS IN THE LNITED STATES, A! 4. J.'eu.l- Sir--. I, X ir V,,rk. fB'MIE S.ibserii.t.'- 1: is h.ld fifteen years expcri-B- ence ii: tin' in inuf ict ur of Printing Cards, in rommcio'li g bn-iiics f..r hi-n self, having every facility of the i.,. .-i inr roved in schi.iery. and being prie.ical '.v rknian. i:. ten Is to pnr.u a cash bu iurs, .i:.d -'d l-i.-r than any othir M .snufact urer n th ; country. AM e:,rds of l is nr.nuf:o'to.!-e are ?arr i t.-i to jo int an i all or lers will I - s-i:t ' y K.vpr.'-s. "'' r.t ', i.r i h. Full i.artic- u!.ir and samples can be .!'. ::ied by a-'.dressin,-per iiad, R. W. BOB Y, 4 Reade Streit, Xew York City. Se.it. s. l'.J. 7" For Farmers and Others. 1 xi I p.. '" .le . a:.-1 I . ,' . !'!-, j... ,,, J . f f lion v I"...;. - f V,o.. ,.- I.e. .-her S". is : :..,-: . -. ! G.. !:.... --. i . . . Uc-. S!.. (i II I . I . '. I. 1 1 r V. Bale Hope and Tur.c. S 'i 'li-riad, Paiute 1 an 1 i.rass B iuiim Buck-.-t'., and Br - m and r.!'.i'!.i. N'os. S, c lii. (.'..'ton Car is ni, 1 ', W do. ofl.iO li.s cut Nails ;.):! I'i 1 1 : . ! i : ! i .- Biu'i, Cast, German and Blister Steel. Collins ;:ud ,,t;,er A Ms, Pro:. I aesai. 1 ll tchets, DM) Twilled and Dufil Bl inkot-i. Wool Ha;.. Ames' Spades. N o 2 .v d. .i,v, j 11..'. !' i Sio.veX Kcrsey and 'ieor. 1'lai .-. J. i;';oN. N-'. I'sy et I e i c Stt eet. Raleigh. Sept. 21. i':o2. 7 tf CARPETING. OR W 1 VG R !.: nud Bed R.. a C.-.rp .!, St -:r ',,-i or-. Tui'fed i.n I -itia i' I 'l-I: Hearth Ru?s. I Fat.cv i : -int. d i o. ;,r i , u; ;' t "'..ihs. Rich fancy piui.o a.. ! I'.-i'.'.e . -. j J.'.s. M, KIMM0X. ' O.-t. 1, is;,2. i 8 MOKING TOBACCO Another upi.;v of that euj.crior 1 uoaceo, receive I ti.is .i.iv i.e. H. D. i I R N i 1 R , X. C. Book Store. RnleTgh, S, pt 7, l s.,2. 74 BARGAINS, BARGAINS. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS, ri "MI E undersigne 1 take this mi tin d of informing I the c-C.on of Itabdgli and vicinity, and the public generally, that hu has opened a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, JEWELRY, CLOTHING AXD FAN( ARTICLES, Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen' wear. ALSO, Boo a, II. its. nnd Shoes for gentlemen, Ladies, Misses and Masters, ail of which he will take j lcaiurc in exhibiting to those who are in want of articles in his line. Mr. S. deems it unnecessary to say anything iu commendation of his stock, but asks the public to examine for themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. S. takes occasion tosav to ladies particularly, that he lias unhand the most splendid assortment of Brocade Silks ever offered in this market. Hi stock of Clething is unsur-pas.-ed in style, ijunlin, price and durability, hav ing bee:i made to order expressly for this market. X. B. Al-o, mi assortment of Gold ;.nd Silver imported Hatches, Chains Alc, which he offers to ladies and gentlemen, chutp h.r ruli. Mr. S.'s store is in the rear of Mr. Smith's new building, next door to J. Fiher'a Harness Etb lishmeut. M . SUII LOSS & C(J. Nov lb, 18,2 tf. Pleasant Grove Male Academy, Wakk FoitKsr, N. C. WLLLLIAM M. CRENSHAW, A. IL, Principal. TMI1E next session of this Institution will com- niencc on the 2nd Monday iu Jauu.iry next. Tho Academy is situated about 1 1-2 mil from Furcstville. No deduction for loss of time, except in case of protracted sickness. Board can h had t $1; 60 per month, including washing, lights and fuel. Tuition from $7 to $15 per session. For furtlior particulars address Db. w. IIARTSFIELD, Forestville. Wake County, X. 0. 0cuibcr 10, 1So2. wtl 'J I Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. 17 ROM . tid after the first of June next, the cars wid le Ye Raleigh at 5 o'clock, A- M. uu il fur ther notice. The rate of fare will Us as follows, Raleigh to Gaston " Littleb u " WaCoti WnrreHton Ridgeway Henderson M Frankliuton M Wake Forest 3.0O 2,.r0 ,25 2,00 1.7.' 1.K 60 50 " llautavillu W. W. YAS3, Tis'r. If.T oi.i, 1H52. 42. Just to Hand. ,"r BARRELS Soda and Butter Cracker. ) IU iioxea Raisotis 20 - 400 lbs soft shell Almonds, 200 lba fresh Pecan nut. L. B. WALKER. March Htth. 18'.2. 23 FOR NEW YORK. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1) EDUCTION of Passage and Fare 1 Tlie new and elegant side wheel Steamship ROANOKE! l,2il tons burthen. lewis Parrish. Coiiimander, will leave City point every Tuesday evening New York. Passage and fare froui Petersburg, including state rooms 'N' Steerage passage o 00 For speed, comfort and safety, the Roanoke is excelled by no Steamship on the coast, and travel lers will find it the most pleasant route to the North. FnY TICKETS issues! at my Office on Sycamore etrcct. SAMUEL G. BAPTIST, Agt. l'ttrrtburj, I'd. A passenger train leaves the Appomattox Depot at 5 o'clock, P. M., te connect with the Steamship at City Point June 4, 1W2. tf 45 General Agency. THE undersigned offers his service as agent for the transaction of any busincsn in the City of Raleigh, at the Public Departments, the Banks, In surance offices. &C. He may be found at the Office of the Secretary of State. All letters addressed to him will be promptly attended to, and his charges will be mode rate and satisfactory. RUFUS H. PAGE. REFERENCES: Got. David S. Reid. Win. Hill. Sec' v. of State. D. V . Courts. Bui.. Tith-uioi . !'.. B. Freeman. I Ik. Supreme C.urr, (leo. U . M... lo cal, Pre-t. of Bank State. W. .1. Clarke, Coiupr. State. W. II. Jones. Cash. Bank Cape Fear, N . H . Vii-s, Treasurer R. G. R. Road. Raleigh. Jan. ltt. 1.2. tf 1 CANDLES. I" RoXES best patent Sperm Candle a, 20 i j do Adatnantiuo do 20 do Hull's patent Tallow do Hu'd's No. 1 Bar Soap, Black Pepper. Spice, Ginger, Starch, Nutmeg. Clox es. Cinnamon, Mace, Indigo, fur sale bv JAS. McKIMMOX. Oct. 1, ls.Vi. cl -Zf Standard copy. 1ARPETINGS and Hearth Rugs, ,' Carpet Bindings and Drugget. For sale by J BROWN. Raleigh, Sept. 21. 18".2. 7 WHERE DO YOU FIND ALL THINGS CHEAP ? HE subscriber having laid in a clio.ee assort- nent of the follow ing articles, beg s h ave t. inform the citizen? ot Baleigh and vicinity, that he will sell all his good at such prices, as not to be undersold by any one in this city. Persons desirous of making a good bargain will therefore do well, to give him a call and be con vinced, that the above assertion is truth and no humbug about it. FANCY GOODS, c. Violins, Flutes, Accordeons, Guitars. Pocket Knives. Table and Tea-spoons, Ivory and woo ten pocket Ink?, Po te-nioniu.ies. Tooth-picks, canes. Ladies work boxes, H.iir-oils, German and Ameri can c.'ogr.e. Soap. Shaving. creams. 1 1 a: r-bru dies, ('l.-ili-brnrhes, Il.irand dressing combs, gold pen rils. pens. breat-d:i. finger-rings and studs," doils. purse,,, gum teething rings, looking glasses, guns, pistols, Me, Ac. DRY GOODS, Ac Calicoes. Ginghams, Fig'd Alpaca nnd Cobnrgs, Crown and bleached muslins, Cambrics, Irish-linen, Canton-flannel, Ticking, Linsey, Cotton and wool, len hose, oinforts. ( 'otton, silk, woollen and sheep skin gloves, edgings, hoots and shoes, Sc. GROCERIES. Mackerel, Herring, lard, cheese, bacoD, dried beef, Buffalo tongues. Sardine, nails, powder, shot, coffee, sugars, Ac., c. CIGARS, Of ten different Brand, oic. FREDERICK MAHLER. Oct. 11. 1SV2. j A LARGE L()T of Boys' Clothing dailv eij.ee- ted. CREECH ,J RYALS. Sept. HO, 162. Boot and Shoe Manufactory. MR. DEPKEN would respectfully announce to the citizens of Raleigh and surrounding country, that he still continues to carry on the above business, in all its blanche, at Mr. Wolter ing's Hardware Store. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore re ceived. I a-siire the public that I will give univer sal s itisfacticn to those who entrust me with their w, il-- HENRY A. DEPKEX. Ribdgh. Jan. Hth. 18o2. 3 Rail Road Sills. 1)RopoS.VLS to deliver Sills on the 2d. Cd and 4th Divisions of the Xorth Carolina Rail Road will bu rci--ivod at the Rail Road Office in Greciis .rough, i:- til the 1st December next. On the 2d an 1 ".1 Divisions, which extend from within six miles of Kalcigh to Lexington, the Sills aro to be nf o .-l White, Post Oak, or Cheanut, K feet long, Hat-t-ned on two sides, so as to show 7 inches heart, mi 1 t be 7 inches thick between the hewn or I'att.-ned sides ; the other two sides to be barked and tho ends to be sawed off or well butted. On the 4th Division, extending from Lexington to Charlotte, bids for similar Sills will be received. Or bids will be likewise received on this Division for Red ( ak or Black Oak Sills of tho same descrip tion, except these lat must show 8 inches heart on the flattened sides, and be 8 inces thick. The Sills to be delivered on the line of the Road, 10 at the distance of every 100 feet, by the 1st January, lhsVJ, for the 2d and 3d Division, and by the 1st of June, lHo.l, for the 4th Division. All to be inspected, and approved by the Engineer. Bidders will be shown the sections on each Di vision, and will designate in their bids the sections for which they bid, the kind of timber their Sills aro to be, and what proportion of their contract they arc willing to take in Sstock. J. M. M0REHEAD, rreeident. Not. 0th( 1W2. 8t 93 MARINE k POCKET CHROETERS MTLEX 4 nsrCATISG WATl'IIIi. BTAPPOINTMBNT TO THE ADMIRALTY. WILLIAM DIXON, CIiaONOilLTEU AXD WATTII M ANLFACTLRKR. 43 A'A'G' S(JUAH G O S W EJ-LJRO AD , LON D O N . T I HI IS certifies that the accompanying Watch X Xo. 140'3 is warranted by mc to be of my mau ulactnre, and no Watch with my name upon it is genuine, unless accompanied by a Certificate bear ing my signature. 1 guarantee tho Watch No. 14003 to keep time to the satisfaction of the purchaser. W. DIXOX. f. These Wutdios have a high reputation in Europe and America as superior time-pieces. Imported ami for tale by PALMER & RAMSEY. Raleigh, November 14, 1802. Zl-'Jl J. M. Lovejoy's Academy. rpilE 2"rd Sessiou will commence on the otb of a January, jfon Raleigh, November IbtU, lS-1. 'Jl ly to I T . . . . . . . . . ...... . , , e- 11. i i l Flour. S Barrels No. 1 Herrings. HENRY KEIM. March 8, j L'O tf i tOD family M-j! asses, new crop, just U htud. m- J ,ir ir .. 1 v.' l'l'l'U'W'l W. H. o; K. S. ILCKER. Mav 1SVJ. J UST received, a supply of Crushed and Refined SU; ru:ra and lvio t oitee. X. L. STITIL 10 HAVENS' NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURE GALLERY, (OVEU THE I'llST illfll'L.) F.w!!eri!t Slr--t. lld.-ih, X. C. Feb. 2. 1NV2. 10 LoCR . Bairel-. Supirior. IV un t;i i.elgwav fr. iu the 1 Mi'lj wariMid.-i to be eon il to an 1 ichuioitu Cit Mills, or ai;v otiier. N. L. STITIL Feb. 20, lfc'2. I riio llorsil PA1NTI i;S..-.".il iVni eis o:' Cotton -t an 1 best ' b! for outside bv t lie Ban-el. A 1 p! v I VM. J. CLARKE. !.-'. 22 tf I S.-ed ! b! h Us3 paiii'.ii t'o- c',e:... ing for Maidi 1 I'.aleiih () ENGLISH CHEESE, an. Another .- apt ly iu-.t to hand. Maccan.ni. AT TUCKER S. Candles and Soap. ")'x"x B'). ES Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow J, ) ) Candles. loO Boxes very superior Washing Soap. Also, variety of fancy Soap. For sale bv. PEEBLES. WHITE, DAVIS. kCO. Petersburg. March 1 1S'i2. 22 tf ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. Already ha experience demonstrated the fact, that much pain and distress arc prevented in the family circles hy the using of a few select medicines; besides, it is the means, very freucntly, of saving a Doctor's bill. Quite in advance of anything here tofore offered, have Dr. Little's Pharmaceutical Me dicines succeeded in curing tlie diseases for which thev are prescribed. For i:itaiicc, his Anodyne Cough Drops have really cured more cases, and given more universal sati.-f.icti p. than any other known. For proof, he has ne re statements of its gr. at utility from er-. n of the fir-t respectability residing in different parts of the country as desig nated, than he can afford t publish or ex en wishes to crowd into his new pamphlet, besides the many instances of its success otherwise that might be re ferred t o The niedieiiw nev, r ?'.-.;! to cure jt ' cli ent iuuiiedi ite'v unr ea-e of Couch. C-.Ms. Dep se.,te. C.-uotjs. ..r C...,si!i;:j tive I i-ea s and A-th- m.i. a!-.. V. I pi:e: C..11 .h. l'ru., Odd- an 1 lu- M n.ni'..it.rv Foyer among children. This reined is iilr iviui to l ii,.-. an ! is ii" huiiibo.e; of a ha"-:,.,i ..r foreie;i extract, but is an extensive compound j j up- .11 oic!ii : 1 1 prmci pi'.'s. Dr. Ll m.: Sir : In my own cae fa i.iost vio lent cough of several xveks St.. p. ling last winter. I was cured etitlr- !v by y .-ir .''. ! tie Cough 1 ro s. in t iking les than one bottle. After tlie tir-t do-e .r two 1 fe't ercaCy relieved, and had but little ui..rr pain or trouble Cm!i it in any w iy. A week r two i.ii-v' .in 1 took a bottle of the Balsam of Wild Cherry, without, being much benefitted. Respectfully. Signed W." TAYLOR. Bibb County, July, l.H. ftnnirc ' imj'nsitntti and m "id (lie use of tuhitifitrt. The fir timtU of the signature of Dr. W. G. Lit tle will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicine. So! 1 Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, his Miinufacturir.g Depot, No. iv.t, Market Struct. Philadelphia. Tv be bad a' so- of J. D. 1!. vm:t g ,c ( .. Frai.k llins !:.',-. ", ' . ' . ; a: id Dr. Pescud. lintoii : 1 . 1 . ! E.avettov il'ie ; W.'F. Purs-: 1 1 P. M. Cohen. gent f..f Bali Nov. ls.1l. - ee. 1 .a: . Wat Dr. A. ' .1 - , on." F: Fit.;!,. V : S. .). -ral Colic, t 'obnubi 1 irlcstJii, S. t . P. F. Important to Families! S. CRANE'S PATENT t'oMPol ND WASH MIX TURE, OR, SoAp. Fr HI-.. and A' 1 ; '. ,,; II . 1 . ;" - 7 S'.n II ''-. II'- ' ('!- 1 j ..' j ' , S; 1 and d : . .' :i ,d- rs '.. ' - '-. ; 77,.- I'.-. (h ;.'.. . 5:- ... " Fmr; I; , .'i.i; Fk,:. '.'!- ';' .V.' ! '.' r.;,rC'lf In' ; I'.i . ' ' c- 7 r-Shi I IUnr.1 or Mt t iHi - S'unu .t, C, ,V". Pv R A X T E D t give entire satl-f ijt'o.u T f i;ii ! icstmc I to effect the busbie-s of the lauudrcs Preparatioti f .; W.-r liiiic C astonish ing facility and .lisp, iv to texture or r. l..-. Eve -'". ( ,!i all tl i ,r wasj i-u With -Ut the ;., ,,f ,-, ,).!,;; -. 'r the friction of a machine. iu entire rev.. In i.-u in being an iiu' i-.Tcd otlies p teh. and y f'.iiiiiiy rfeetly, Xiii'i without inju- of V h.!. -, 1- !-i K-ss t I O , 1 O!;, ; 1 oliielilcr 1 . 1 1 tho- .;,!- ti': hois, and Lii. r. ar. I -ecuiui oe:i n fi - in tne Inoi- di-erses ciu.-c i by the er.po-ure and li.l delli to the i;sii.-.', mode of V) a-iiing. wilili. Cl-.;.';:irg 'is.-b -,; , l.e -iiri from tin' wear an 1 tear 1 !' the va-h b. ird nnd friction, nnd hist much l.,o o.;-. The 11:1 1. r-iguc l having pureha.-i .'i Ir 1.1 tie Pa- lenicc. i!.e s..;e rilit am! inicre-t l. r t.'ie State ! I ..rlb Carolina, iu id- parent Compound Was, "dixi-ire, lureby infori.is the Pni.lic, that he wi-lo - to di-j osC of Famiiy r County Rights for the same. Persons living at a distance, wi'hing t pr .cure the right to make and use this Valuable Prepara tion, can do ho, by remitting five dollars t. me. nt Raleigh, which amount will entitle them to a family right: which right Khali he sent by mail immediately, xvitli the proper directions to make and u-e the same. I am in possession of :l large number of cert ilicates from Ladies and Gentlemen of high standing not only in this State, but in Ma ryland, Virginia ami South C.aioli;: i: but I de.-tu it unnecessary t . fill a long Advertisement x ith tie m. iiiilcs.-. ic.ue-tid, as the article will si.enk for it-. -it. anl is so favorably known in all the Xerihern and Southern States. I aim to visit all parts of the State nt as early a In as 1 os.si! !,., to e;ive the Public an opportunity of te-iing its value. JOHN J. CHRISTOPHER, is my authorized Agent tor this City during my absence. HESLE WHiTAKER, Jr., is tiie General Tra veling Agent. Fei ling satisfied by the use of thi Mixture in my own Family, that it cannot fail to please all who try it. I invite all to call and see or send in their order to J. J. RYALS. Raleigh, Sept. 2-, 18-11. 77-tf Marble Yard, Raleigh, N. C. TOMBS. MOXUMEXTS, HEAD-STONES, &C. f IIIE Subscriber liaving been Xorth and purchased X a large assortment of Italian and American MARBLE for Monument.'. Tomlis, and llradsttints, and Ihar'h. paint stows, rial for Sod.i Fount, Hahrrs Slab, and Xova Scotia grindstone-, solicits the pa tronage of the citizens of Raleigh nnd the surround ing country. He invites the citiicns to call and see his monuments, tomb and head stones and drafts, or send their orders, which will be punctually at tended to. The subscriber has been in business in this place sixteen years, and you can refer to any of the citi zens of Raleigh. His Marble-Yard is ten minutes' walk from the State House, at the South-East Corner of the Grave yard. The subscriber Las examined tlie Xorthem prices, and lias no hesitation in saying Le can do work on as reasonable terms as any. ILLIAM STROXACIL Raleigh. Sept. 1.,, 1852. 71; y. 1 FARMERS TAKE XOTICE. Portable Steam Engines for driving Thrashintr Machines corn, cider. Portable saw and other mills, made by the Subscriber. The Franklin Institute in 1801, a wnrded a silver medal. ' A Hoisting drum can be attached, and the En gine used for pile driving, loading and discharging cargoes of Coal, Pig Iron, oic., the Engine bein-r under the control of one person. Two Horses can move it from place to place. One ton of 'coal is sufficient fuel for one week. Persona wishing in formation xvill please address A. L. ARCIIAMBAULT. XoU, Drinkers Alley, Philadelphia Aug. to, loo;;. ru VXOTHER supply of French Basket, Carpet Satchels, Travelling Rags, and real Sole Leather Trunks, just received at TUCKER'S I I trsJ i;MMM,i. A ll or unv ua neat I j Feb. 2, 10.12. I HEAR HIM YE SICK ! xo medicine but iiamttoxs VEGETABLE; TINCTURE JIVEH HA1 SUCjl A MASS OF TES TIMONY. II VL'IfXOX ESKJUDGi:. V. S. A Pi'UTs.uofTir, V:i., Aug. IS, 18j1. Mr. J. E.Buiisli Dear Sir: Wiiilo I nm in L'en j Cral opposed to Patent Medicines; candor compels me t- state that I have great coufidciice in the vir tues of Iiami't'Oi's A'egetaide T inctiire. For sev I cral months pist I have -s-l it in my family, in dys- pepsiii. loss of appetite. di.zin"ss. ;1id g iieral de- t ility, witli er.tiia- ''i -i'i's. 1 ir as iuy exi.cn ence extend.-, ilo-rcfore, tt.le j 'e i- ire in rccotn mendiug it to the nil'i. ted a sa:'.- am! cfiicieut remedy. 1 utu, respect fully, vours, VEiiNo'X ESKB1DGE, C'oijdiiiu U. S. Navy. r, COCGII VERTIGO. Rheumatism, of 1". yc-:rs stan ling, cured. 'I'estimoiiy of one of our best known citizens : l'.M.TiM.ir.Ii, Feb. ! th. lsrcj. M:si!s. M..i:TtM-.:r. M..v. ;; v (,'. ';'- ti: It i i it'i r.'ai -.iiT that 1 am aide t 1 attest to the :'.o i oiiya'-ve 1110.,' i's' of fir. Hainp ThicPiro. Soi'ie time during last LCll'T'll bo.-' Ii 1 ;-.!. i ton's Vegetable i'i; November 1 was t.,; cough. I xv. s advi :i with .-; very bad an I serious 1 to t-iko Cod Liver Oil. and did so. ,ut e- t 1, , f.ettcv. I was iu luced to try your Tincture. I got one b.,tt'". and before I had uic-1 it all miv cough li id left me. Permit me also to state that for the la-t fifteen years 1 have suffer ed very much from Acute Rheumatism and Vertigo, confining me at tiiiuv t my be 1. 1 am fully con vinced that I owe my present good health t j the usj of tlie Tincture and :. kind Providence. You are. my f riends, at liberty to use this as you may think proper, and believe nu; Yours, vcrv resi.ectfiill v. f G". DUXAN. N. B. I can be ssen at any time at the Mayor's Office. G. D. A MONUMENT From w!ioe base to the top stand out in bo! 1 relief the names of our own citi zens who have been restored to health by Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture, a medicine that cures more than nineteen out of every twenty who try it. Wc have certificates from Hon Henry Clay, and R. M. Johnson one from Captain Caiiot, brother to the emin.o.t Physician to the President of the French Reje.'.i; -, n i... v ;lj cured of a Rheumatism of 7 y.-ars stan ':u,r also, one from Robert Gault. Rheum 1 1 : -in 7 ye .:r. Mr. o! lli.iui. Bait Cu-tom IIou.- dreadful ease .!' Dypep-i-i. and from lmu drc Is of others. Ail 11111-: a Ituit there never lias b.-eii such a iia.i of testimony given in fax or of any other medicine, which is so plea-ant and taken in such small iu.-u'ti:ies. MOS'I" WmNPEEFU. : T'.o foVx ir.g enTficate is from an . 1 1 - 1 : ' : 1 1 L.uvyer of i-i'tiuv, w':o i known i'i al! of ti.- St; h r.ittg for -. number of ear- r pre-c:. .!-s i -tit. ii ( ' stat. ' ted It. S.-n. gross : that Dr. Jesse . most cxtraordi- The patient was nil (bis father It all ,1. :isur ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I u s 'l'iie ture has effe c my ive boy Al ' .-" old, .- i 1 - ha i the nary cure t Id ee ea is scrof'ul s -res fr.-i 11-. 1 T l.t : 1 t boy i--;is a moving max, of !t--t!: upper i ds i' tlie eyes 1 t urn"-1 iii-'e ii; o" i. e x lobi- were mile ting le-rri tt'C exe-i strange v die as a : h s,v, 11. n tit. '.g lO-'. I's, t.. !-..;. i t', r tril led over j-i 0.1.10.' '...iielness. It is i' i. that I felt resigned to ring, has Reel; restored to nt of Dr. Hampton. t ttai". t! .bef from -oil- health utider tlie trcatni. W. P. TlIOMASSoN. Lot isvn.i r, Mii:U 20. Js.11. GREATER WEIGHT oF TESTIMONY CANNOT PE GIVEN. This medicine when u-ed a r l'ni to 'liroct:oT.. WILLCURi Evil, I 'atieei -i ei.i-'. ( hr wniior 1 mi.; scrofii . Tumors, r.uptiot.s ,.t t!i. ,:c S.-ro ev. s. Biugu 1 ,rni ia r 1. Skin. Ery .r Tetters. . Bones Li the Glands. i S.-al I Head. I;;,. uniat'.Mc. i';'.i;is in t". d I ii rs. Sw.-Iiit.g 1 Joints. ( C I .-'- r 1 Sxj hi!:::.; Dy- I K". ,'iiC S. i.o-s j t'.e M ... . I M e j t ieliera! 1 -e! I . j t: Cla ss, S u e j We 1 Is 11 ; "S of t ! .a 'I other ,;ise.: j Lix or ' in j l b i pl-.int. Sic!. ) E; o.-ui c of I I ti. n ,1 1 ;-, ..... si.l. S d Ap;e.:l "V. Pain II l.oui-i i ",eases of t lie ! 'I -eases arising from 1, leand Shoulders. ... Jaundice. C,s f. fr..; Ti i-o.it. a e I "liost -es to;,-! t I'i -i.fMt:-, Coughs. Colds. Piduionaiy Affections, and g to pi- ( '. es.si '.1 1'Tlovl le I rv- ii'.. 1 1 lies unit '. m .o',v s: j r -. X:ht Swiats. ' iu Lite. 1 'on tiic Cotisi'iu- t:-!'i -m l G-.ttt d. Fay. tt-ville St. Raleigh bra., Baltimore, and Dni-g- nt. eli For X. '.. : L-! -f s e bv P. 1- Pes,- M . Ent. 1".- t ; 1 ' 1 1 tig to n n Ac; k-.1. s. Ho; i; ;i s Office of the E.i-t- rn Dl -trl of ( llgl" ss. in the year !'. in tho ".it t f r sl- 1-11, 1 ToX. M Di.-iri.-t I .'t of Pel; c tlK X .1:' 1. (UlEAT I II1K foil .x sen I xsorill'tl -0 I KNTiriC wonm.k; 1R. j. s. HolGllToX'S XT- -V '-l'f1 wi5-i The true Digestive FJuid, Oil G S RIC .Ii"( II. I his y:-,.,....' t,.r ., v.- -,, .,, a sis p. i .x ( ;.,,.. o...', cm ing after Nature's oxvu Mnhod. b the Gastric Juice. P EPS IX or Great IKgcsting I'liucilde V ui ure's "vn Agorr , is the chief element, f the Gastric Juice the '..'.,. ;. '..-.. the I'.irij and Stint 11I n i.i : Agent of the Stoic tines. It is cxtr.ictel fr. m the ph. in-,'. a.-t; e-tli I'.:- 1 lntes- of the . tilt.- f. nn and J it- ! S !-.- parat'.. II. the pain a ! ,! life removed j thy Stomach. D is CM'-ii;c vases of '. . '.; ' and )' ' in A -v tic a 1 lei evils .,;" ,.. .-, in I 'y. 1st -, t'l -x would be by a l.eal doing w-u.'iel's for Dx.-pejitie-. ili'i. Fr-t -;.-:,', X.:r-il- u:;t li-.-.i, sllpp. cl to lie on the verge of the grave, upon which it is based, i l'he Scientific Evidence in the highest degree Cu- ri'.us and Remarkable. RARoN LU'.BIG. in his celebrated work "n Alli um' Chei-.i-iry, '-An Artificial Digestive Flird, analogous to the G istrie .1 nice, maybe j.re ptred from the mucus, membrane of the Ox, in which varioui articles of bu d. as meat and eggs, will be s.ft.nrd, clnini;-il I'tid .tijr't d, jutt i.i the t.ime tiiniKiir as th. o ir.,uld hr in tin .. .a.;; stnlltlud.', Half teaspounful of pure Pepsin, infused in wa ter, xvill digest or dissolve Fir, founds of Roast Bn f in nh.iiit tier. to. in s out of the stomach. DR. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN' is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs and popular medicines throughout the United States. It is prepared in Powder, and in Fluid form and in Prescription Vials for the use of Physicians. PRIVATE CIRCULARS, for the use of Physi cians, may be obtained of his agents, describing the whole process of preparation, itjid giving the au thorities upon which the claims of this new remedy nre based. As it is not a secret remedy, no objec tion can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectable standing and regular practice. Price ON E DOLLAR pe bottle. PEPSIN IN POWDERS SENT BY MAIL, FREE OF POSTAGE: For convenience of sending to all parts of the country, the Iigettire Matter of the I'epgin is put up in the form cf Powder, with di rections to be dissolved in water by the patient. These Powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, and will be sent by mail, free tf I'ost,;;.- for One Hollar sent- (post paid) to Dr. J. S.. HOUGH TON, M. I).. Philadelphia, Pa. fifer OBSERVE THIS: Every bottle of the genuine Pepsin bears the written signature of J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D.. proprietor. Philadelphia. Pa. rr" Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Med icines. For sale wholesale and retail by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO., and Druggists generally in Xorth Carolina. June SO, lS-11. 63 SW EGO CORN STARCH. If your are fond of good Puddings, Pits, Custards, x;o. try it. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD X CO. Wanted, OR Sixty Bales Prime ("otton, for which a ) fair market price will bo paid in Cash. J. BROWN. April 7, 1812. 2S L'.1 mv Pkii'ki Stt; xits ilOhlidsXew (rleans Sugar 10 do Muscovado uo lu store and for sale bv Pkkui.es, W'uite, Davis, & Co. Petcrslruiv, Sept. 10, 1S12. 77 IB til - U. . - -? r cjr salo by ; Ague, Bilious, Typhus and all Fe- vers Dysentary and Diarrhoea. IX the commencement, it is of absolute impor tance iu view of a speedy cure, that a full iioe J of pii!s bo taken at once, because tlie humors which j produce disease of tliis class, are always of the I most malignant, poisonous quality, and ;io safety ! to life exists w'uile any portion remains in the boxv- els or tho blood. Should the first dose not cure, be not alarmed, but reiterate that dose. Should the evacuations be very putrid, of bad odor, unnatural color. ,.:c. Sc., besides Using four or six pills twice :i day, take also, a tea spoonful of powdered char- coal, in water, every day while those symptoms continue. Let your diet be light, and of easy di gestion, as arrow root. rice, pudding. Iudiau meal gruel ; also, sheep s head broth with rice and ;v piece of cinnamon boiled in it, or calves head broth. Sheejs head makes the best diet if it be boiled un til the bones :;re clean. As a rule, the tirst dose oi'pill.s cures xv lieu timely use I. Sometimes three or four doses may bo neeesai-y. There are cases in which it takes weeks t 1 c u e, but they do Hot occur once in a thousand times. In any event, no medicine or plan of treatment is better than that above; roe-.iniuiiiide .1. or wid s oon.-r cure. . So soon as the irriiiitiTig matters are removed, so soon von will be well, and not before. Anodynes snd astrin gents have a deleterii r.s effect : because they occa sion the retention of that death principle which a loue causes dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, and all other diseases, according to its excess over the prin cinle of life. But Brandreth"s Pills are ormosed to this as water is to fire, or as heat is to cold; and when they are taken into a man, they go to xvork boldly to drive tins deatli principle from tlie body, and all they can do but if there be work for fifty doses, one dose must not be expected to do the work of fifty. And this truth should always be kept in mind. Let n-t tlie patients frighten themselves with the idea that they are too weak to bear much purging, but bear in mind that these mildly operating Pills of Dr. Bi-iiiidrctli put not weakness into tlie frame, but draw weakness out, leaving strength in its place and gives composing sleep at night, and an appetite to relish anv food. THE RRAXDRETII PILLS are composed whol ly of medical herbs, and do not contain any mine ral or chemical eubstancc ; arc perfectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame: ami nev ertheless sure te seaft-h out the cause of the sick ness and produce a CURE, whatever may be its c haracter, when taken iu time, and in quantity suf ficient. The Bran.lreth Pills r.re sol 1 at 2-1 cents per box, ' by WILL PECK , r. SOX. Raleigh, and by one a- I gent in every town in the United States, an I in al- j most every city throughout the world. J.et an ie careful xvhere they buy or they will obtain a coun terfeit. Buy only of men whose character you know to he above so menu nil action as to sell a !'.i!-e f..r the true Bran-Ire; h' .- Pills. Oi.-erve the .six -'go. at ores of In-. Biaudrell: on each box. ll.'ll-t IS V.I LIVER COMPLAINT, J Al ft Vi U'X'DICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC. OR XER- us debility, disease of the Kid-icy-, j.?,, Hi lli- ea-cs gris'.ng troin a di -ordc 1 ed Liver or Stomacii, ;.-'.! as coiistipatioii. inward Piles, fullness, of blood to the head, acidity of the stomach. Nausea, He i tburn. Disgust for Food. Fiil'm--s, or Weight in the Stoi.i.acli. S.iur er'.ictatioi.s, sinking or butter ing at the Pitt of t! e Stomach. Swimming of tiie Head. 1 1 unied ami di flicult Breathing. Fluttering at th" Heart. Choking, or Suffocating Sensations when i-i a l.;:ig P' stu:e. Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the sight. Fever and iull Pain in the He Doticieticv of Perspiration. Yellowness of! ... . . - . f ... . . . : the Skin tin Limb:-, c., the Fiesh. ( l.ycs, I'am in the Side, Back, Citett, 'uddcu Flushes of Heat, Jiuriiing in n-tant Imaginings of F.vil, and great Depress".. :i of S '.ints: tan lie 1 iject'.ial.r cured, bv l-J'. iitjfif. j.axijs rv.'. propaM 1 by Dk. C. M. Ja (i-rm.tix Uili'rs, N. at tiie (jt rniiiti reet, Philadrlphia. Modi, in.: Store. Xo. 1 '' (;' . .('' i t r lii-. ( y o '7 fi-' t-o-v. ,(, iit en: :; . !"c o- ' J i; '.re..';'. . i"0 i...-.i.'i.-( in ti,: ( ';'? l;i ! ; .','' f..:j ;,'.t ;.i- A-.- - T:i se Bitter.--Pos-r-.-.-ii.g gr. -a worthy thy attention of invnii-ts. at virtues in the rectification of dis-ivt-r ar.d lesser glands, exercising the g powers in xveakliessea ain't uffecti .ns Cases of the I most se.irciiii of th tain, : digc-five organs, they tire withal, safe, cer iin i pleasant. UFA If A.VJt LF COXYIXCED. fFt-.ti. the os toil Bee.'' Tlie Edit, r said. D.'e. 22d. '.Or. If... ;l-;ud' C-'-KmU cure "f Livtr Comtdaiii'' C'--r:zi IH'f rs, -for the Jaundice, Dyspepsia, hi-ooic i.i' Xi'ivoii- i 'i . is deserve. t,y one et if !! d-.r. These Bit- the most popular m- d lets h;lvc bg. n used our clboxv says he has and permanent euro o x tie iii.-a lids, and a friend at i I'.ir.i-clt red. ived an effectual : i Liver Complaint from the .1 We are convinced that, in the j tho patient coj'start! v trains 1 use of ihi-- leiiied Use -if these Pitt'. strength aiul vigor, a fact worthy of great consider ation. They are pl-a can be use by tiers it in taste and m-!l. mi.- with tic: mo.-t delicate stomachs n !i safety, uaiicr any circa instances. W e are speaking fr .in experience, and to the uf fiicti'.; xy.j a ...-e their n.--c." 'S'..':"i' W'kkki.-.,'' w- of t-e best Literary pa per pub?:-:!... I. snid. August 2-1 "'. ....,' ..ft frt.-tiftu Uii'.-rj i:ianufao''uiv.l by Dr. Ja.-k-.-n. .-. : e i.ow rev mine, .J y some of the most j r -inii. i nt members vf tee faculty, r.- an i.r licic o!'iiiik1i !i:cacy in cits.' of female, weakness. As s'lob is the case, we would a hi.-e ail mothers to obt till 1. let t';e -,ti ! th us save tin 111 - elves liiiicl: ; iek ness. Persons of debi'itate ! e-m-titutions will find tie. se P.:".:. r advantae.e..u t . tii.-lr be.dtii as xve know i'i .. ta c:-.pej ieuev the salutary cru et that they have upon xic.iii systems. J lire M. M. Noam, a gentleman of great literary and rciciittric attiri.nieiu.--, n.-iid in bis "Xew York Weekly Me--enger."' January -1. lS-11): j '-. ,, .().",'" Grriioin Finns. Here is a pre paration xvh'ch the leading presses in the Union appear t be unanimous in recommending, and the reason obvious, it mr.de alter a prescription. fV.riiislied by one of tlie ntost celebrated physicians of modern time-, the late Dr. Christopher Wilhchn Hooitainl, Professor to the University of Jena, Pri vate Physician to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany Las ever pro duced. He was emphatically the enemy of IrnnLug, and therefore a medicine of which lie xvas tiie in venter and endorser may be confidently relied on. We specially recommend it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity t.f the ctoiu acli, Constipation and all complaints arising from a disordered conditiou of tlie stomach, the Liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express ilieir conviction of its pTcelleiieio and several of the editors speak of its effects from their own individ ual experience. Under these circumstances wc feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Lr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommending tho article to all afflicted.7' - MORE EVIDENCE. Tho "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette." the best family newspaper published in the United States, the editor Bays of DR. IIOOFLAXD'S 'GERM AX HITTERS. 'It is seldom that xve recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers ; and, therefore, when we rocom mend Dr. Hootland'a German Bitters, we "wish it to be distinctly understood that we aro not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noiseid about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally priied, and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like '7 lms uer ' premature grave, through your insti u,..-:.u-all sections ol the Union, the ; i, thc. proVidence of Go.!, I will take the l'!,,i;.' 1 i the 8(ronpst testimony in its r. , i-. i the foregoing; U'oni last three years, and the strongest testimony furor, is, that there is more of it used in the prac- ; tice of the regular physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined a fact that can be I easily established, and fully rroxing that a scien- tific" preparation xvill meet with their nuiet approval when presented even in this form. That tins medicine will cure Liver ( oniplaint ami dyspepsia, no one can uouoi, aue. using as uirected. It acts specifically upon the stomach and ,, . . , . . . uxer; il is prcieraoie to caioniei in iiinocs ihscasKs; the effect is immediate. They can be administered to fk.xi.xi k or imam with safety and reliable benefit, sit tiny time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ! This medicine lias attained that higli character which is necessary for all medicines to attain, to ; induce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article j at tho risk of tlie lives of those who are innocently deceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS" OF TilK GEM'I.NK. '! t They have the written signature of C. W. JACKV SOX upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which tui:v akh si-vuitas. f . . , . , -. . . 'TORK. -or bea.w , r.l.t 1 . (i;i'e o! o.y J..,(v ,.cf.t , P,:ia ! ?!. .:." a,... .li.ai.-p.s tliroJght tlie country A.io for s.ilj bx' ru- J. 15. RAM.-TV Pi'ii;.t Pittabor..', X.; Mav xri-t j-jr s'jii' air. , P. F. PESCUD, Gend Agc,.t Raloi.-l, y r W. AX HORNS ,p.(: V. vku elastic snor. ,,;! ; BRACE, the only P,r..... l'U iuiii'1 tnat itoe- not under the arms. :U:d with bf.th ease and c c- ' ' a.'e 'in! !":; 1 nose w :;o ii::ve x ces. :ire reijiiested to ve t' inai. 10 lesi iiicm Mil, -rv. - a all others. Clerk--. Students. Tailors. S..;,i Ciiil.h-eii nf both. Se v, and all otlicrs. w from liablt e.r oc-L-n nation, or from a weal v!r'-t., o c;u.H -v or do- .ilitaic:1. const i: iitjon 1: live iicjui,,.. ? f' it'll it 0f ' J . -x-1 :'' t: c'--"!"' n . . .1 r I ben din d iVrward. (Round Shooidii j pressing the C!i-:-t atid L'jr.gs. W;il i I Brace t' remedy the above (iefeci, an I ' erect carriage, with improved symni j'rv 1 i.,i.i ji 1 , '1. . "flB 01 oooy 10 tue xxer.rer. an-i iiso alloy. ,Tig a f. Hi I. frna and healthy action and expansion of -, removing the Compression, and prev ' ; tli.-r.i,; i the Fulmoniry Organs from becoming K. and j i.sea.sej. C. W. VAN Horn Mantifaeturers of Surgical Baiulages of a; tions, Philadclvdiia. ro.. IMPROVED ELASTIC UTERINE SUPiui;Tgru For FuoLArsts Uteri, (Fallik. ur tdb Wo. 1 &c, Sc., &c. This instrument is light and elastic nnd :s ir( without the Steel Springs, which are objectiorablt! on account of their chafing the Hip,, Jfc0 makia them estrt-mrly unpioasant to bo wort- J..ad;e.s ?ittb riiK lic-m the af-ovv-iticul.ariv. nre s i--: g-aetil, ted t 1 ri.Tv ami 1 l.y iiiliiis them a trial to oroxe t;;e;r in.eriority ovcr'tae tec-1 Sovi:;g. rnd otlu-r Hen, Several Professors of o!,---.n 1 number cs. and a'?-, a tliroitchont t 1 hvneians in il t'itv. ami I the I m.ed Stites. ive adopted them iu their prao- : tiee xvo, the i.o.st .iccid 1. en. ial big! ''. I -co results. sn,j in. The foj. Cincinnati, .ppn.e f ti b : :g i i 1 - - 1.1 0; OilM 1 - 01:111,; ing n i v 1 u-e-t .!' nea g MK-i to a c, -cif-rai.'.e ej- tent a gr nee Sprit Ti ty-fie vears treat x anety -1 , ti" ! f..r the 1 a 'i. tiS t" XV J 1 1 r-1 y..u mecf iiiii'c:;! ex iptatii 11 of the O'e 1 Baiiilagps.de e sevrral nfieo- applicable, but r.s ti o :tccurata : and cure . i th :i:-truiiiei:t- ::r-. "'.ti -n. as well iistrumcMs to tl vei'iil ijV j sign.-, I have never I more s:itisf-..ction. mat liits givca me I CHARLES WOODWARD. M. D. Obstetrics, and diseases of W'.-tuen j Medical Institute, Cincir.naLi. (diio. Pr. fe -r of 1 Old rcn. I uamiages lor females, niter P: I ters f..r Weakness. Debility. ,S, vi tur.tn 11. suppcr c. "l ru.-;,- .,f ; descriptions tor Hernia, In-truim ::ts f-r krrnck- o .. .. .. o .. 1 c s i 1 1 : 1 . . ... KllLl-i ' uun legs, uistocateu ,.1 weaSijcinta, spinal iiiMruments for Curvature ..f tl:t s-:n sad ! H,s" l'"r "R dfrs-.igcmetits rcquiritig the uu f i'.aa- 1 also for all dorstigcmetits rcquiritig th.. ! daires. for restoration, j C. W. VAX HORN" v I WILLIAMS, HAY WO OH i j L'al'v.. X. C ! October f.tli. 1S11. PI :sts, "ml s & ?. 1 Pm 7 For he Cure of COUGHS, COIiDS, HOAHSHWESS, 33 II OU CHI TIS, WlIOOPITxTC-COUGH, CROUP, ASTKEfIA and COIxIS UIVIFTIOM- Ui a;: the ntittu-rous medicines di.dpfts extant, land Sum of them valuable; f. plaiti:-, in. thing hiiii r the cure of pulmonary com cver been found which could c" tnj : ' ::i its ettect.. vtitli cur. M..ii!::tiiiit. but al all ti. 'I,: 1" lar.nion. Utnera times u i in all distasea at where medicine can give It is pleasant o take, and i la-ice with the .'"rectioiis. "Wo tb:? iiifor- ia-' -ti of those who :so who have not. Families value xvill not be without it, relief, this xvill do it. perfectly safe in :.ec. do not i.dvertise i' have tried, it but th' that have known its and by i f.'.iiei v rse, Gi-y tire secure from the igii.s find Oeds wliicli, danger... neglect.. is conse-iiictices o f 0 :, liiiei; into fatal uisump ii . The L-''p.oma of the Massachusetts Institute wita iwar.ie-i to this preparation by the Board of Judge u September 1S47: also, the Medals of the li.ret ireat Ir.ttitutes of Art. ill this country: also the . I Diploma of the Ohio Institute at Cincinnati, hus been given to tlie Chef.hy Pf.i tuiiai.. by their Gut ermuent in consideration of its extraordinary ex cellence and usefulness in curing affections of the Lungs and Throat. Read the following opinion founded on the long experience of the eminent l'bvtician of the Perl aud City of ST. JOHNS, May 8, 1851. Dr. J. C. Avr.n: Five years of trial of your CHERRY PECTORAL in my praciice. has proven what I lores:' w from. its composition, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to which xve. in this section, are peculiarly liable. 1 think its e.p'-iil has not yet been discovered, nor do I know how a better remedy can be made for the distempers ot' the Throat and Lungs. J. J. BURTON, M. D., F. 11. S. See what it has done oil a wasted constitution, not only in the following cases, but a thousand more : Svi.jivnrTan. 24th. 18.11. Dr. Aver: In the month of July last I was at tacked by a violent diarhoea in the mines of Califor nia. 1 returned to San Francisco in hope of re ceiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My diarrhoea ceased, but was followed by a sevtro cough and much soreness. 1 finally stin ted fr r home, but received no benefit from tne voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, and when I ar rived iu New Y'ork, lwas at once marked by my k acquaintance as a victim of consni'ipo u. I must confess that 1 saw no sufficient ta-. ;i in uouov what my friends all believed. At thN 'line 1 com menced taking j our truly invalual !. iu. lirine x:th little expectation of deriving any bcact.t from its use. You would not receive these lines did I not regard it my duty to state to the afflicted, through you, that my health, in the space of eight months, is fully restored. 1 attribute it to tlie use of yoa CHERRY PECTORAL. Yours truly. WILLIAM W. SMITH. VASUNGTl-, Pa, April 12, I Dear Sir : Feeling that I have been sp::H fiom t'. lo Cipiess i'j uu inv ,i allium?. A Cough iind the ularmiu Jymj'v ir.-: 1 l,n unntntwtn li-iil i'nilnr riolfit lit iv to Itll-iV T"lli' SiTlV thinir bko bone, when mv nhysician hi li.e a bottle of your Pectokxi.." It teemed to uf immediate relief, and now in a few weeks tine restored me to sound health. if ; t-;ii it.. f,.v ., fliers what, it has for li e. .id :ai , iin,,iiiv..i'io..".- , rtailJ o10 oi t)0 benefactors of maiiK. j siuccre!y ishillg you every blessing. I an ly 'wishing yuu every blessing. 1 am very respectfully ' - JOHXJ. CLARKE, Rector of St. Pet. r's i With such assurance and from .such lai ' 1 stronger proof can be adduced unless it Le in ito effects upou trial. l'Riir.uiED am) Sold by JAMES C. AVER. PRACTICAL C'llKMIST, Loxvell, M. -S. Sold ill Ivaleigh by W ILLIAMS, H A YW 'OD o. -In Warrcnton, by Alston ei Macon. In Fayetteville, by S. J. Hinsdale. And by Druggists aud dealers in Medicines g re ally. Feb. P i- C10C0A. Warranted pure and c f superior .ua-.r 1 ty, for sale at lt;t KHb - f,r saie wtioiesaie aiM retail -jt GERMAN MEDICINE . Xo. P.M. ARCH Street, one ,1,, I - ljrC. W. VAN HORN'Sf I'