'cv VOLUME LHL CITY OF RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY ilORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 185?. NO. 96. THE "RALEIGH K KG I. ST Kit" la published Semi-weekly aai "Weakly, by SEAT OX GALES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. K K M S: :A r annum ; l'. jnr an mini ; Tor tho Smi kly, For tL Wcvklr, in adranre $. KATKS oy ADVEPTISlMi : rr "cry Urns, first insertion $1 : l, .l.liTional ins tr n. Court nl""r anJ jii.h.-i! aiiTrriirapnM wui nc rnanrwi U per cent. Liiravr; but a ilrtion of ;! vr vm. will be IHJ from th- r.-.-.:l:ir pri. (. lvt-rfi-.-rs 1 y tin- ;r. A iv.rtis. menis iii-erosl in 1 lie S-iui-w ttKl v. will lao &;pwr th W- iiiv. five f !irr-. rs t E.iit..r mu.-t ! ros-T-Pwr.. REGISTER BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE Thi subscriber having recently refitted kis office with a new beautiful and extensive assortment of t BOOK AND JOB MATERIAL, js prepared to execute, with Deafness, every variety oi ta the bt style, and at but a lnflin advance on North ru pric&s. To enable him to do this, he has received aa assortment of beautifully enameled Card, of dif ferent siics, and fancy Stationery, with which he 11 prepare! to fill orders for Ball Tickets, Circulars, asJ ail descriptions of Bronzi and Fancy Colored Printing, lie has. also, au assortment of extra-iz?d type for MAMMOTH POSTESS and SHOW BILLS, and w.l, spare no pains to render penect (satisfaction la the execution of all work with which he shall ke entrusted. S EATON O ALES. NEW YORK PIAXO FORTE EMPORIUM. MESSBS. BENNETT .v CO. TN consequence "f the immense dem-ind, and un rivalled 1 oi i:'...ri:. t ;i:iir French Grasi ac tios 1'hn'i i'. uTH. ii.ive greatly eniargpTI their MauufiK't -Ty. and opened a SpuciuUS Warlrimji at out door a hove Tin-itj'vri i S.ilwn," where they will be happy it all ?;iu s to supply their numer ous Irieii1 13 and p.i.roiis ith l'l m Foktbs, of ev ry v:riety of style and finish. All instruments mnu!a..-turc 1 at this esta'oiishment are fully war ranied to ?Uan : iiv climate, and give perfect sat isfaction, l.oth in Vol.l MK ami 01 ALITV VT Totl'H. Oar prices are such that those des: t ing a very su perior tinisliej Instrument, as widl as these more eun 'Uiicaliy Inclined, cannot fail to be suited Dialers. I'KofEssur.s, Ametetrs and others, wish- lag to purchase, ire invited to call and look for 1 Uismselves. BENNETT i CO., o'il Broadway, New York. Spt. 1C, 1 So?. ly 77 To Farmers and Others. RUOGAXS! BROGAXS! f-v THE gubseribor has now on han I and int'-nds to keep at all times during the Fk.11 and Winter seasons a large and good as .sortnieiit of Negro Shoes, for male aud male, embracing all kinds nsed Fur ridHi-t.u-n and .''cr Puiyosts. Amongst my assortment of Brognns may be found the Hungariu!'. sh je and Stitchdowus, to which I would cad tho attention of Farmers and others in want of a superior article for iijeir servants. My prices shall be as low as similar g. ods can be bought elsewhere, and I wouid rcspecttul'y invite the at Mntion of all to au cxajitLnauou ef my stock, as 1 hall sell lo w for cash. I have also on hand and intend constantly to keep, a large and well se'.ecte I assortment of Ladfi v (icntle-ne-i's Iiv:s .V Sii-ttt. iatluliuga'i of the latest styI?:tn-J patterns. Also. KoYs AM) VolTU s il.iliTi 21 uses end Ch.'idr-"' s Sifs Travelling and h nr Trunks. Boxes. Carpet Bags. Satchels. 1 Ae. All of which will be sold a M j!l"1, i:7 vt.eij. aiis-s. Bonnet ! iciib g Brushes, tic lowest prieu for casdi, bv A. J. PA Sign of the 1 Raleigh, September 2 Bs.''. 'IN. Boot. Ml A Good assortm.';:'. of La iie". dren s dressed and u:i Ires M isses and Chil-s.-d Mi'lKK'Co BimjTEES. Also a great varletv of I. ..lies. Misses. and ("nildren s Black and colored Prunella and. laating GAiTERS. Cone and se.pr.lv voiirselves at A.Y. PARTIN S Raleigh. Sept. i'. Sign of the Big Boot Gi ENTLE.MEN who are desirous of good health r would do well to call At A. J. Partly and sup ply themselves w::h a puir of C.rk S..!e W ater proof BOOTS, wnieh they ra". purchase for a small sum of money, n jt es:e ling four dollars an j fifty cants. Raleigh. Sort. 2. 1S.Y. sa C10PARTNERH!P. The subscribers have this I day ei.tere I into (.'..partnership, under the name and st) le of A. S. Sil.U'KIl ,V CO., for the manufacture and sale of READY MADE CLOTH ING in all its branches, at the store on Sycamore ttxeet heretofore known us Parry's Clothing Ba aar. A. S.SHAFER. " GEO. A. H L-EY, ROB'T HUNTER. Petersburg, April 1, ls"2. euccr's to N. Perry, The subscriber, having disp,.(-.,i f his entire in terest in the Clothing business at Petev-l.urg t0 Messrs. A. S.SHAFER Co.. take? this m.-thud of returning his acknowledgments to the pu' lie of Pe tersburg and vicinity for their liberal patronage, du ring his proprietorship of the O.oTiiiv; Bazaai;. and would also recommend aconUnuaii.e ef t'ue same to his successors. N. PERRY. August 2 Ith. isl,J. 70 -l Boxes Best Brands, Sperm. Adamantine and J Tallow Candles, just received at Star copy. TUCKERS'. c 1ANDLES. Sperm i.nd Adamantine. Hull and Soli's Tallow, 4's o's and tVs. For s ,l,. ,v J. BROWN. Raleigh. let. . 1So2. S2 II ATS, FALL FASHION: Superior Black M 'iesk'.n Huts, Jast Received J. BROWN. Raleie .. ( let. Is.VJ. o 2 to 1 uvu.. 1 v In 7 1 o-n s l.ss. Jamaica Ginger just re A'o. a f re -Li so. nlv of verv simp. very supe nor Cayenne Pe; per. just to han and for sa.e iv P. F. FESCUE. 24 March 22, lSo. M li W0LTER1NG resjiectfully announces Ladies of Raleigh and s nTonndiu C' unq-y that she is now receiving her Fall ami Win ter M-nri; , i" Fancy Goods, embracing China g.M..U, fine r .,-m ne dinner-setts, te.i-setts. are! cups anil eaureis :t, f.. ... .,s cvcr brought to this City. A'o. Gi ,. 1 : :es of every description. Musical Instruments, .c. which will be sold low for cash. Just li t.-, 1. a fresh supply of Coiifectioimrie-s. Thank :ul t. r past favors, she solicits a continu ancie uf d, . same. WILHELMINA W 0LTERING. Raleigh. Sept. loth, Is.",. r-75 Family Groceries. II and Browu Chuitid Su-ar, and Blown Sugar, aguiria and Rio Coffee, -pice. Ginger. Nutmegs, Mace. Cloves, Spanish Indigo, Porrder, Lead and Shot. J. BROWN. Seri. 21, 132. 7y a' HIT Loat 01. IV G Java. I. ''r. Ad . eras, : .:!('..!, Music ! Music ! ! Music ! ! ! Tl'ST received at the North Carolina Music Store a new and beautiful lot of Rosewood Pi anos, with f.J t"j and 7 octaves, selected by my self and which are warranted for five years. They are of superior tone, having the Iron frame which j will last longer than those made with wooden irames ana stand uctter in tune, winch i win sen at low prices. K. W. PETEKSILIA. Oct. IS, 1S52-. SO SOLUTION. The eo-partnershin of E. P. Nash & Co. whs dissolved by mutual consent on Ul lst Jnl.v. ,h-'-- r ash having pur chased the interest of J. Jl. Simmons, the business will be settled and conducted by him alone. All persons having claims against the late firm will present them for settlement, and those in debted please make payment. E. 1 NASH. J. II. SIMMONS. r. NAsir. r.ooK am imavo t j Petersburg, Va.. will keep t 'ortk Seller, constantly on hand a large ami well selected stock of goods in his line : and propoes. during hi contemplated trip North, to make it still in. re eo'up'.etw. He expects to sell st such pricv. and to g', e s'.ieh personal at tention to business, us may merit a continuance of former patronage. Julv IV... is:,;?. o'J It IADtf j j Black Gi JJKl.'SS ;o()HS. Plain and Figured ros De Rhine Silks, Bich Brocade i Cob. red ditto, from ."l to S4 per yard: French Satin De Chene. Enibioi lc 1 1 Swiss Robes. Alba naise Robes. High Colored DcLaines for children. Frvm-li Cashmere. Plain and Figured. New Styles English :md French Merino", just received at EVANS i COOKE'S. September, 1SVJ. 7S LOOK HERE ! THE Subscriber 1im received the following good Goods at his St .re. immediately north of thw Presbyterian Church, ;o whicl e Would call the ! attention of families. A splendid lot of Sugar and Coffee, a f"w bags of Buckwheat Flour, a splendid lot of Cheese, fresh Lemons, and Raisins in whole, half and quarter boxes, preser- ed Ginger in jars. Prunes, do ; Al mjnls, Palmiints. F.ngH-h Walnuts, Figs. oie. Also, asuperiorl.it of Scotch SNl FF. in bales and bladders : an excellent article of Tallow candies, wholesale and retnil : Scotch Herrings, in boxes; the best Chewing Tobacco; Musical Instruments, such as Accordeor.s. Flutes, .'ce. vc. Also, every variety .f TO S for children al wars i on band. ca v r .v.-i si'facti f,. The Sabsoriber having l'i vcars exiiericnce, flat- V ters himself that he can please the most fastidious taste, an 1 wid make to order, and keep always on han 1. a variety of CANDIES, Medicated, ic., at wholesale and retail. The undersigned tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and customer", for their liberal patrouage bestowed on him since his commencement in busi ness in tii i s City, and hopes by pioi.ij t attention, to retain their confidence, and to sevurc a continu ance of their erst..),,. H'M. J.GBIFFP'E. March ll:l. 1 '.-. 1 N. B. Having had the misfortune to lose hit account books by the late fire. 1 am unable to make out how much each cn-toi-ur owes me. 1 respect fully request all those v. ho are' indebted to me o call and pi:y what they th'.nk is right, and I wid'ov perfectly satisfied. " s . J. GRIFFICE. "X"" AILS Cut Sod Wrong Powder a:e! .-shot, Bax I ght Nails, ad sixes Lead, Blasting Powder for sale oy Octo!;.r s-,; J. McKlMMON. T ""I'.ltBEN V. ATKil. the H.'indkerchii '". Deliehtfu! Perfume for For sale by H. D. TURNER. 1--'.J 70 r-pt. Drugs, Medicines, Oils, &c. BY recent arrivals, ti.e subscriber haa r ceived the lurgc-t an 1 most desir: tock of Aljuicines, FanRs, O. is i'cr. inner , , ib usiies, Glassware; ':: iies, (digirs, Soaps, 'I'oImccd :illd FA N Y AR I iCLL..S. Which he has ever offered t the public, Jwinght on the most favourable terms uf Importers and Manu facturers, and which wiil bo di-possed of nt price a id upon terms to please niv frien Is and the public. Below is a list of a lew articles lately roceivwd viz: of 1 gallons Linseed Oil. f lu Ls-mp Oil. Summer and Win to. do T .n:. 1 r.- .!. -.'Ml lo Rosin d. C,i ' 11 Bh.kes '.Vait.. Fin I. Proof Paint. 1. No. 1. nnd I'm. 'MM Kc .-s 1 Cask f ,1. : W) do 1U do 2 do 600 lbs S ') Boxe -I.an.-'i ' row 11. .'-liver 11: al i 'amis!,. A-- nt. i Kiuia. Spirits Turjientiiie. Burning Fluid. Pure Castor ( i!. ip Curb. Soda. 1 English.) Yeast Powders. oo.imh Cigars very Superior and Madium. 1 Bbl. Blue Stone. 1 Box Babbits Celebrate ! Soap Powder. 2 gro-s Capsules, assoite d. 't ounces Ouminc. 10 lbs. Calomel. J2doz. Hampton's Tincture. 40 do Gum Arabic. 1'iH His. Cream Tarter. 3i do white and lirown Glue 12doz Ayers Cherry Pectoral, tl do Wistars Balsam of W ild Cherry. 6 do llooflaud's German Bitters. 20 do Sarsaparilla: Bulls Sands and Pelletieri. 12 do Low's old brown Windsor Soap. 100 do Brudies; Hair, Tooth, Cloth and Paint. b do Hastings Syrup of Naptha. 10O do Boxes window glass from bxlO to 18x24. 500 lbs. very superior Putty. iOeis.-s Apothecaries Glassware. A very iarge assortment of Perfumery, Syringes. Catheters. Bougies. Surgical and Dental lustrumeut Fishing Tackel, Patent Medicines, Fruit, and Gum Drops. Wines. French Brandy. London Porter, fresh Olives, Spices, Cooking Extracts, Gelatine, Trusses. Braces and Supporters, Vermifuges. Pow der Puffs, Matches, and Thompsonian Mediciues. Lumps, and many other articles too tedious to men tion. P. F. PESCUD, V, holeale and Retail Druggist. Raleigh, Nov. lo. Is.",!'. 0,4 House and Lot for Sale. ISS Mallett v is'nes to sell her house and lot at Chapel Hill. The property Is in ihc west end of the village. The house is large aud convenient, with the nec essary out houses, all in good order. I hc lot is well lenced, contains about two acres, has on it an excellent vegetable and beautiful flower garden. For further particulars, apply to the unders'i "-ned at Chapel Hill. " E. MALLETT. Nov. lb, 1H52. '.14 ow Notice ' IS hereby given, that application will be made to the present General Assembly, for an Act to in corporate the North Carolina Mining Company. Nov. 10, 1S52. f-l-Ttt irrilO WANTS GUNS. Call on us and buy cheap Double and Single Barrel Guns if j you want the worth of vour money. I L. W. PECK & CO. j Nov. 13, ISoi 4w-01 J Great Excitement in N. Carolina ! ' T THE BATTLE IS BEGUN, AND 1 INTEND TO Fight mv way through for HOME INDUSTRY : ' If you want to save a couple Hundred Dollars, send , on your orders lor Tuipnitwe Siills, tups, Arms and W 'jrm : Also, Brandy Stills, and any kind of Copper work, Brass Machinery &c. j The prices of Still-caps, Arms, nnd Worms, are ' as follows : By the pound d,7 cents ; or by contract: I 7 barrel Still-cap, Anns and Worms, $400 j I 10 do do do I'll do do do ! 14 do do do 1 15 do do do ! l'" do do do , -''" do do do do do do , do d do j- lo ilo do 4S: j 525 j 5S5 ! :!! Gl5 I 750 I 8oi ' 900 All work will bo warranted for 12 months, tire and burning expected. His work will also be de livered within fifty miles of Raleigh, at the short est notice ; and it' I fail to deliver Stills in the time agreed upon, 1 will forfeit !5 for each day lost, to the purchaser. JOSEPH WOLT EKING. Raleigh, Sept. 1". IS", I. 7o ly CHEAP AS EVER. rpm 1 t, 'THE Subscriber would respectfully call tho at tention of his town and country friends to his well selected stock of groceries, Confectiouaries, fancy articles, c., and 1 ) ledge in-elf mt to be undersold by any one in the pi. ice; oti will find the following in p:lrt : G UO 'KB I US. . Barrels Brown, i'uk ei ied. ( 'rushed :uid Chiri- fie i Sogers, from Si to 1: 1 Bags Bio and l.aguvra .1 cents. llee. best ipinlity. S Bbls BioedlerririL'-. prime article lailovv, Ada- niaut'ne Caudles. A hue lot of Black and Green Tea 111 p: 1' Of1. 1 pound papers. i ( bests Gun !..w.Vr and Imperial Tea. Z Casks of New-Orlc. uis Molas-es. c., vc. 'Jtkj pound.s Baltimore Bacon. Sides and Shoulders FANCY ARTICLES. A finer lot 1 am confident never was offered in this market, to lie oi iverv cheap. Gl'N'S AND CUTLERY. 12 Guns from fue to thirty dollars. 1 1 i-t oisot various kinds. A line li t ot tablj ajid I pocket cutlery. CONFECTIONARIES. V fine l.-t of Candies of niv own make at the u- sual low j rice of ss; ", p,.r Imndre I pounds. - casks of preserved Ginger. Gum Drops of diffej - j ent kinds. i 4 cases of Prunes in g!as jars, 2 d fancy boxes. 1 -JIM lbs Cm-rants at the low price of ll'i cts. Pickles. Preserves. Catsups, Walnuts. Almonds, I Palm Nuts aud Filberts. Matches lower than j ever sold in !a.s market and many other articles I in this line 110! nccessar to meutiou. I CIGARS. I f)0.OM0 of assorted brands and cheaper than can i be found elsewhere in the city. Members of the Legislature and otl.ers who indulge Lu a smoke. are requested to call at my store. 1 have on hand a good lot 1 f Sio-.'T and Chewing Tobacco. BURNING FLUID. 3 Casks Burning Fluid at 11 luce 1 price and war ranted to boas good as any bp aght to the city. My town and country friends nia.y rest assure.! that the als.ve goods can i - bou-hi as cheap aa the lowest se'lrr dare offer them. NORFOLK OYSTERS. I have made arrai-venieiits with dealers in Nr foik. whereby I shaii be enai ltd to furnish the city and country witli Ovstt rs. Orders trom a dis tance will meet with prompt attcn:- n. L. B. WALKER. tf Raleigh. Nov. lSoJ. To Jewelers and Silver Smiths ! I ROLLING MILLS of every description maun , factured and wari.uitc l. and constantly 0:1 baud, by GEO. U. WICKS, No. 4. Liberty Place. lr- 11 Mai lai Lane awl Li'rri St., X. J ". Mav ls 2. 43 lv .in -Z 'jiil 'i Sarin; Hunk as !! i!i'i'jU' Zii.-t jiitrxc inl.i ins hfi'l. Anowl clje i. tin I ' .st C'.tjulnl hr van jn,ss-;.s ; it u a! its imii ui'inl f :i 1 1; iff mil. ut ', tiud tilwitys alVi. par. Ik. Kka.NaI.i.v. OKI N T E R E S T To Merchants, ClerUs, Teachers, Stn ients, and all Men IUST Pi'liLlsilE ci Rl EES by wl BLlsilED . NEW and conn lete set li ai! the f'lndanieni.il opera - I lions ot Ar !ii:;etic lin.y l e perl rined in :n 1 irrc j ;'.( xl.'-rt j:c- ' . To be onie a m. stor I theiu w.il require not more thou u couple hours stmiy , of ai' v goo 1 sound mi. el ; and I he student w ill tbore : by be enabled to Add. Subtract, Multiply, or Di i vide, iii any sum no mailer of lmw ninny figures, j more accuia'ely. 1 indeed, l-nund lite ...iii,Vv of : an rr"T. ) mi l in '. -1 ' . u um -f-jurili tht n;ne required in the o' ! system. I These Fundamental Rules are followed by au ! Examination into the PROPERTIES OF NUM- BERS. which even further facilitates the other op erations There is also embrace ! in the work, RULES FOR THE CALCULATION OF INTER EST. which will work out the infrest at any rate upi n any sum, with the utmost aeuracy, aud a simplic ity and quickness fully equal to all the other oper ations by this, and vastly superior to all couises in the old plan. Together, these form th- MOST COMPLETE TREATISE on the Science of Numbers ever issued and are incalculably valuable to all men from their never-failing accuracy, and to business men from the immense amount of time they save from the most wearisome detail of business life. Particular ly ought they to be in the hands of Merchants and Clerks. Teachers and Students, nnd Young Men generally. ORDER EARLY I gt The copies of the few remainng hundreds of the present edition are being hurried oil at a price greatly reduced from that ' i at v hich the bal ance were sold, to make room for a new edition to be gotten up in magniiieciit and costly style imme diately upon closing out the present ene. tfcrtf Every purchaser is bound (as a matter of justice and protection to the copyrightist ) by his sa cred pledge of Vionor, to use the Processes for the instruction of himself only, and to impart the infor mation obtained trom them to 110 one. teuf To obtain the Processes it is necessary to give such a pledge, with the price, Three llollar?, enclosed in 11 letter, poxt-jmid, directed to P. May Mahklky, Funkstown, Washington County. Mary land. The Processes wiil be forwarded post-paid, to the given address. Be particular to write the. name of Post Office, County, and State, distinctly: with those neglecting this, mistakes frequently oc cur. Those preferring it, can order copies of the forthcoming edition, which vvii! be ready about thu holidays. The price will be ; orders sent before its issue will be tilled as soon as the copies arc rea- tor So local AGENTS WANTED. In every town, and all through the country, great numbers of copies of these Rules can be disposed of bv any one who will only take tho trouble to make their scope known. They comprise that which business men, and everybody, has long felt the want of, and will gladly obtain. The nature of the business allows any one to act as Agent, and to en ergy ensures a large reward. As before explained, the business requiring privacy, orders from Agents are filled in sepurate sealed envelopes for delivery through their bauds. When a number of three copies or more are ordered with the remittance at one time, 30 per cent, is allowed to be retained as the Agents fee ; and 50 per cent, on orders for eight copies or more. Nov. 1st, 1K52. 4mos 00 SA R A T 0 G A W A T E R : Constantly kept at 'the Drug Store of W1LLLVMS, HAYWOOD & CO. FOR SALE! 0 L E HOTEL, CHAPEL HILL, N. C The j Proprietress of this well known and profitable establishment, having realized a sufficient income to warrant her in resuming the quiet of private life offers to the public generally the opportunity of bidding for its advantages. The citizens of the State arc so well acquainted with the advantages of its position, that but few re marks are,nccessary. to complete their information. The Hotel, itself, possesses all the requirements of room and comfort, which its purchasers can de sire. It has capacity for the accommodation of one hun lred and liftv boarders, and the recent and rnp i ! growth of the University, adjacent, makes it an easy matter to pos.-e.-s constantly fiirti or en 11 a greater number ot students. In addition to this, th ' frequent travel through Chapel Hill gives the Hotel, (being the only tie in the place) a transient custom cpnd to any in the State. The lots nnd stables adjoinirg arc exteucive and commodious and the country-market supplies abun dantly and on profitable terms much of its provi sions. The terms of sale require one third of the price to be paid on taking possession. A note v.iih safe security and time of payment suited to the conven ience of the purchaser, are the reasonable demands for the remainder. If further information be desired concerning the inducements to purchase, the President of the L ni vi r-ity or any other resident of the village, will fur ni ii it. possession ran be obtained .it any time, after the 1 st of Mav. Apply to ANN E S. HILLIARD. Proprietress. February L'T, Is.". J. ."standard. 17 Important to Millers and Mill owners : II E Undf rsignrd would respectfully inform those engaged in the Milling business in North Caro T lina, that he Ke supply at i he si bie article. V-jnnj's l.npr- r i-ps constant: loi test notice, d I,:;,' ',-, on that hand, alnn and wiil t invalua- n' S.i-.l and Si'"!ii tj .'.(- rhiitr . The only Machine of the kind that has stood the te-t and given s taction to the public. It has supplanted every Smut Machine vet offered in the State, more or less of which have been taken do wn to make room for it. The ! nolle need fear no im position. a there are lmu s.ene 20 Machines run ning in North Carolina : and I wi.-h to tier no other references than the gentlemen who arc using them, w' -e expectations have been more thai, realized in their pet form nice. It not only thoroughly cleanses the Wheat of Smut, but also purifies it of ad other substances, almost to perfection. It takes up but feet square in the mill and n quires Put little pow er. It is warranted l r five years against breaking or wearing out. aiet also to retain its cleaJisin qual ities for that time. There are a number of these Machines through id, IOm.OmO bushed s of Wheat have been cleansed and they have never been out There was awarded to it the of order one day. Premium of the Ma ryiaud State Fair, and dal, at the Fair of the more, hist Fall. Address the Sulwcr Orange County, N. C. December 21'. 1S50. a Premium w ith a silver nie Maryland Institute, at Balti- ber at South Lowell Mills, JN ). A. Mi MANN EN. tf 104 Important to Manufacturers. 1 1 II E Subscriber: '. re prepared to supply alt kitals of CoTi'oN AND WOOLEN MACHINERY, of gi: Sel in a superior A RING, with t-oioiig Ilaugt three months pi-i'ity. SHAFTING and MILL improve.! Coupling and Pulleys, rs. i which require oiling only once : ) LOOMS of a great variety of Patt-nis. for fancy aia eighteen shuttles ; a!-, running from ! 50 t 11 Twilled goods, from one to . for plain goods, capa.hle of 0 picks per minute. They are enabled from tin merits, to produce ai ns ai d ir extensive improve- Goods, with eompar- 1 atively little lab-. r; nnd all .Mauiita 'turi is beiore i Machinery, will do weli to visit purchasing their Philadelphia and vicinity, where they can see the Machinery with all tho latest improvements, in full j and successful operation ; i r they can be referred to Factories in almost every State South and West j bvad'Uessii'.g a line to the Subscribers. ALFRED JENKS i: SON, .'.;.fV..',(4.-7, Car P.'ll!i-d- tllll. B. Plans of Factories, with the location of Macliiiurv. ti.e simplest method of dr.ving, audi en of . peed, turn! IS 52. he d free of char; Feb. P Id ly Direct Importations. DRY GOODS AT W HOLESALE IN CHARLES ton. S. C. C. & E. L. KEKRISON : CO., Have, and are continually receiving, by every ar rival. CHOICE GOODS, which they are prepared to sell at small advance on the sterling cost. A look at their Dress Goo Is will well repay the trou ble. Then- Stock of Hosiery is largo and complete, and in Prints, many Stvies will be found, not gen erally kept in this market. North We-t coiner King & Market Streets. Feb. '., 1S-52. tf 12 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. T" HE annual course of Lectures in this Insti tu rn cotnnieiiees on the first Monday in No vember next, on the following branches : Anatomy, bv .). E. HoLBRooK, M. D. Surgery", byE. GEDD1NGS. M. 1). Institutes and practice, by S. HENRY DICK SON. M. D. Physiology, bv JAMES MOULTRIE. M. D. Materia M'e.Uca. bv HENRY R. FROST, M. D. Ob.-tetrics. by THOMAS G. PRlOLEAU, M. D. Chemistry, by C. L. SH EPA RD. M. D. Comparative Anatomy, by L. AGASSI., M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, by ST. JUL1EN RA VEN EL, M. I). Assistant Demonstrator, F. T. MILES, M- D Protector to the Professor of Surgery, J- M. GEDD1NGS. M. D- CLINICAL INSTRUCTION. D. J. CAIN, M D. Physicianto the Marine Hos pital and Clinical Instructor, lectures twice a week on the diseases of that Institution. J. FORD PRlOLEAU, M. D. Physician to the Hospital of the Alms House, at which Lectures are delivered twice a week on Diseases the diagnosis disseminated, and the student indoctrinated in their treatment. Demonstrative instruction in Medicine aud sur gcrv at the College Hospital by the Professors of the Medical College. At a special meeting of the Trustees nnd Facul ty of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina, held on the 3d day of January, 1S52, Dr. L. AGA.SS1Z was unanimously elected Pro fessor of Con. niirative Anatomy, with the distinct understanding that the collegiate expenses of the student are not to be increased by thi: addition to the course. HENRY R- FROST, M. D Dean August 31, 1K52. wbw 7 Gents' Furnishing Goods, IN GREAT ABUNDANCE. MERINO, Silk and Woolen Shirts and Drawers, Handkerchiefs, Stocks and Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, and Half hose, Hats, Caps, Boots, Umbrellas, &c. &c. together with many FANCY GOODS, too tedious to mention. Call and exam ine. CREECH & RYALS. Sept. 30, 1852. 81 Patent Starch Polish. I0R giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Cam- bries, Collars, Shirt Bosoms, &c, aud also prevents the Iron from sticking to the Linen. II. D. TURNER. November 1st, lb-52. 00 Great Northern Mail Route. VKW AND COMFORTABLE SCHEDULE Twice dally from Petersburg to New York, With transfer of passengers and baggage through the cities of Richmond. Washington, Baltimore ami Philadelphia, free of extra charge. On and after the first of March, the following quick and comfor table Schedules will be run over the inland route between Petersburg am! New York. Leave Petersburg dxiiy at 4A A. M. nnd 7 P. M. Arrive in New York daily at "1 A. M. and I'd P. M. Fare to Washington 1 st class seat s !') oO Do do 2nd do 4 50 Do to Baltimore 1st class scats 7 50 Do do 2nd do 5 50 Fare between Baltimore and Philadelphia by Railroad ::, by the New Ca-tle and French Town Rout.-, Ste.-.mboit and Railroad, ss2 5u, and be tween ''iii'adelj.hi 1 and New Yolk S; 1 for first class passengers, and -2 each for the 2nd class passen gers. It is deemed proper. In addition, to state, for the information of passengers, that four daily lines are in operation bet ween Washington and Baltimore, by nieans of which the traveller who. through ousiness I or pleasure, has been delayed in Washington, has it always in his power to proceed at convenisnt hours directly on irs jourm'y to any point north of that place. Passengers leaving Petersburg in the morning at 4J A. M.. and who prefer stoppii-aH night in Bal timore, can leave n.-xt morning by the spleli'i: 1 New Steamer Gknkkal .McBc-xalk. via the New Castle and French Town Route. . n 1 r.i.i.c ;,i l'h.1 adelphia by half past 12. "o only 2 50 : making the whole tare from Peterabuv..; w i' ly ilM. For Through Tickets to Wa-!..n more, app'v to the Agent at the I ters'ourg Depot. Tl'oS. 1C;I ' Ofllce R. & P. R. R. Co. Apr For Norfolk and Portsmouth. rpilll FA V Ml i'l'l A"') BEAUTl- I ful steamer AUG "T A. 'apt. V.'n: Richmond and Petersburg R. Road. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ou and alter Monday. March the 1st. tw... Pas.-eu- get- 1 rains wni rtv.i ilaily eacti way iiCivveen 1 eters burg an t Richinond. both Trains carrying the Uni ted Si itcs Mail, and connecting with the Trains on the R. F. P. R. R.. Fredericksburg, Washington, c. and with the Virginia Central R. R. and Canal Packets for Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Staunton, Lexington, etc. :i 1st Train leave Petersburg daily at A). 21 do do do do at 7 1st Train leave Richinond daily at 7 2d do do do do at 5 A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Fare, when paid at the office. SSl 00. Chi! Iron over ! an 1 not over 12 years of ago, servants and col- rc l per-ons. w lieu Tickets are pro cured at the OtV.ee. half price. Servants travelling by themselves must be fur nished by their masters with two passes, so that one can bx- retained at the office : and it must be expressly stated oil the .ass that they lire to be permitted t" go on the Cars. N. B. No freight or packages of nny kiud will be allowed to be carried on the Mai! Train. The Trains w ill run by Richmond time. THOS. DODAME VD. Superintendaiit. April 21, 1S52. ICHMOND, PETERSBURG. NORFOLK tt N'I NEW YORK STEAM PACKETjd COMPANY: Tho double engine and fast sailing Steamer CITY OF RICHMOND. Fostku, master, and CITY OF NORFOLK. Post, master, .-.re now on the liue in complete order for freight and pas sengers. To allow sufficient time for receiving and deliver ing freight in good weather, and securing regulari ty in trips, one Steamer will leave .V.-r- Turk em it T'i.Txd r.'. iiud Ci';i '..'..'(; !-'i id :y. This arrange ment may be relied upon as the most punctual, ac commodating and economical to shippers ami pas sengers. Each ship is supplied with splendid sa loons and state-rooms for passengers. First Cabin passage, " " SN.00 Sec nd do do - G.00 Freight per cubic foot, 7c TIB I.MAS BR NC1I. Agent. Oi l Street, Petersburg. April 30, 152 Prints, Prints, Prints, 1 FRENCH, English, and American, several new designs, including Merinniek, Spragues Coteh eco, Hayles, Madachintz and Omlic Watered, Ruby Green and Orange, fast colours for pe.tch Work, Oil Chintz and Turkey Red tig'd and plain, Mc , ice, W. H. i. R. S. TUCKER. September 1 1, 152. 75 it; HAD Y' MADE CLOTHING. Black Cloth Sacks ,au't rrock ( oats, iimme'i assimere unto, Blue and Drab Felt Over Coats, Drab Petershams, Clouded Pilots, Black and Fancy Cassimere Pauls, Black Satin and Figured Silk Vests, c:c, .c. op posite the far-famed and woi ld-renowne 1 establish ment of E. L. Harding & Co. EVANS & COOKE. No. 29 Cheap Side. September, 1S52. 78 JOHN BANKS, COMHISslo.N ani Fouwahkim; Agf.xt, Wdminjton X. C. TXILL attend to the sale or purehaso of Pitou y i;f, and w ill ship with dispatch all consign ments made to him. Sept. 21, 1S52. Cm 78 Baereriner, Rope and Twine. -JlOOO Ul1"-' Gioth and Dundee Bag- i 40 t oils best Jute and Hemp Rope, lower than ever beiore offered in this market. Call and exam ine for yourselves. W. II. tV. R. S. TUCKER. Robinson & Co's. Shoes & Slippers. V Pair Mo. and Kid Walking Shoes and f). Slippers, Ladies, Misses, and Children's Goat Skin Bootees, White Kid Slippers. J. BROWN. Sept. 21, 1852. 79tf CIOCOA, ' y English Chocolate, Maccaroni and Vermicelli, and F'rench Mustard. For eale at TUCKER'S. tiinore. can leave n.-xt morn.ng by t..e splelio: 1 iliac-: 1; .iiiadeiphm on- i lirown. P ton ami "Maid- i Blacking. Ink. SI '. Mm m l ai-u Pe- j G..od an 1 Dam. Liver, o d an i ME '. Sup t. . 1'ilme Yirvml.. an I I 21. is"'2. :':'. V iN. as.-..!"" 1 i. r-2 lowest in.li I C. Svini'. having la-eu tiioi-oughly o- yMfl'yW The str: ' ,.-;ti. .. ...... t . ., , ,.w si. -ct of . o.i.t i Pi ter-'b; i rg. Marc!) 5, iron, is ti..w :-a.i.. ' et:cen !'. rt Vi'ah! .ill and the j ..I. ..v.. .. i.. ... -ow.. -: . ..Wl, rl- . :o l . , .,.,,1 . : i i - ..ir r i . i o.n noa. .s. g i 'r i -I-..:. . ..' i ... - . : . j .. n . : . . . r -i .& l : . e : i a 1 1 1 s 1 1 ' 1 ii. l e . i . a . i -. . la . i o i o ; , : i i v , i , .... . .,-..,-...r . ": 1 be : i.oa i. r. inning in e mnc.aion i;,i . i .- : .v , t;,. , .. . , ... .( .',,!,. leave the t :'y !'-.int Dep.,: at is., cloc.c, .V. .1. ev- j... -, , cry M md v. .'i ...ie -day ! Fri'lay. I ',.!,),,.. i Rcturnieg. the d. jgtisia leave-Norfolk on th.eal- I "' ' ','.' i ' ... , .,. , . ... , i. roved in c , "" .'' " .,"' , ' . ' ' " ' ',',"'.' ' " " who prefer being iv'ui""! day. at '.1 A. M.. and avnvcs at t ny P. int at 1 ,.; v (l.01 ; ,....,... I o cloeK. r. vp. wli -re pj-sengers taKe tne cars i..r i ..... .... ... , ,.. , - - oi uos ;.gl et T.r I e.ersourg. , . i. i ... ,i j idi inteneeoiate landings the MQ mo-- ! P ,;l.l"'l-lk ;; 1 00 carle .raim, of tie l-- nil. ii- t ry J '2 ve-jrs oi aire , . , i , ,iilf . Io JMTVans r t!;o Cirovc W hurt un l all lrUerme- , i , , ' r i vnca l -i Mil l . .hate landings . Baltimore t Do To Old Point and Norfolk. sengers. and Nl . vv'd :': ' . - .' niakiiig the w TllOS. DODAMEAD, Sup t. 1 Office R. P. R. Co.. April 27. 152. 34 dj f PIECES OF PRISTS of every variety, JcJv style, quality and price; a very large lot of Shawls, embracing every quality, &e. EVANS & COOKE. September, 1852. 78 JUST RECEIVED AT HARDING'S Z.f FANCY' silk Velvet Vests, of Superior qual- 0U ty. 150 Fine Blk Satin Vests. 200 Prs. Superfine French Blk Doe Skin Cassi mere Pants. Oct. 11, 1852. M Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, &c. , AT E keep constantly on hand a large supply of ; French Brnndv of every grade, j OrdftndNew Apple Erandv; Superior old Monongahela, and the Old Pure Rye- Whiskey Double and Single Rectified Whiskey, ' Champagne, Madeira, Sherry, Port, Malaga, and Claret Wine, i New England and Old Jamaica Rum, t Rose and Holland Gin, . All of which we offer for sale very low, PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVES, & CO. 1 Petersburg. March PI, IS 52. 22 tf JAMES E. CUTHBERT, ! (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT,) Orocr, F'irrrr.rding and Comi:iisio:i Merchant, Bvl lingbruok Stn, Pe!srsburg, Va. references : Thos. Bragg. Jr., Juclson, .V. C. L. F. Hicks, Esq. 1 petergbur Messrs. Kcvan i: Bro. j " Messrs. L. D. & V. G. Crenshaw, Rithmend. Jo-iah Wills, ;;,-., Xnr'dk. James George, Esq.. H.tliiniore. Messrs. Monahan .i Beers, Xew York. A c.'tista'i.ly on hind: Prime Porto IUoo and Nev.- Orleans Sugars. Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified de Lag. ;irn Mid Si. Doming.) Coffees pe.- in grmti and ground, and Allspio cr in Bags, and Ground in Boxes r. Imperial and Young Hyson Teas datnantine and Sperm Candles de and Variegated Soaps ir : Lead hivad and o ra pi 'ing Papor, ; .sole and t pt er Lcea: , . v. tier round .Muni ."salt Vo-pr:i Bacon and Lard i flooring and Warehouse 'rio' lpo. ami llav enna Cigars : r v ita a large stock of foreign and do- jiiors, Wines, ic, which he offers at the feet rates. test attention paid to receiving and for- 19 Piney Point Line to Baltimore. raWTCL WEEKLY BE 1 WEEN l'K-s tev.-burg ami Baltimore Fare $5 rl-ggieag-J ire hereby informed lumo lious low pressure A 11 I N 1 . Captain Charles K. .Mitch 1 ec.i entirely refitted, enlarged, and im vety ie-pect w ith Staterooms for those now on the route le iltlmore. Passengers and eeomunical line, will leave morning tiain, on .Mondays aud A. M. and reach Baltimore on id::- in ri.iie to jirocced with the se uav s to Philadelphia, or by the ..mer General McDonalu, via New Custie, at the rate of S2 50 Philadelphia for first class pas- for second class passengers, lole Iarelroiu 1 etelsliurg to i lillauel- n7 o') for f.iel class and s:; 50 for sec passouger.s, (meals on board of the Ma r ilie 2nd class passengers inclusive.) l'e- turning. passengers v. ill leave Baltimore on the after noons of Tuesday and Thursday, at 4 P. M., and connect at the Creek on Wednesday and. Friday suc ceeding v.ith the train which arrives in Petersburg at ''. P. M.. of tl Fare in cithe :lno (lavs r direction, passengers. 5. (state rooms and extra,) except in the meals or en !un case of La. lies and families, who will have the privilege of st.-ite rooms free of .charge. Forward ' cabin passengers, (including meals and lodging on boar 1. ) I 5ii. For further particulars or through Tickets ap ply at the eriiee of the Richmond and Petersburg R. R. Co.. in Petersburg. TItOS. DODAME AD, Sup't. Ju'v 17, 1S52. 59 BILLIARD TABLES. V" Y. BILLIARD TABLE MANUFACTORY'. a No. !.m Ann Street. New Y ork City where a lar-e stock may be !'...';::d with several new and Important improv einents, which we have brought to a degree of perfection attained by no others. The improvements e uisist of forming the Cushions so that t'ney will give the angles; correctly, they being made of Cloth or the patent Vulcanized In dia Rubber, w hich we have within the last year in troduced to the public. Gentlemen at a distance wishiag to purchase Tables with wood or marble beds, can have tin 1.-ci K :-s fdled the same as if they were present, by addressing by mail. Always I on nam., l lotas. 1 ..:s, (. ues, freneli Leathers, and j Pockets of the best description. Tables packed and shipped to all parts of the country. GRIFFITH & DECKER, I U Ann St., N. York. October 15th, 1852. r 3m-84 RALEIGH BOOK-BINDERY. J - L. 1. li ; t; A 51 T i: it lu rJT & SO.T I'i'opfjolovs. Ii. rJt'i'. & So;i return their grateful acktiow de.Jgor.ients to tlie public for the lib J. eral pati-onage v.iiicli lias been extended to them, and l'e.-pect'iuiiy announce that tiiey still continue the business of l'o''k-J'.inding in all its forms, in the City of Raleigh, where it is conducted, us here jofore. over Tin: XQ11TH CAROLINA BOOK STORE. (Nfxt Door to the Telegraph Office.) The Junior partner having acquired a thorough k' low! edge of every branch of the business in N. York, and having recently visited tint City for the pur pose of selecting a choice assortment of the newest and best materials, we are n..w prepared to exe cute Binding. Ac., of every description, in any form, from plain to ornamental. Blank Books of every descrpli ,n rule land bound; New spapers, Music and Peri idi- ais bound to match. All orders promptly attended to. pdf A smart, active B- y wanted. Raleigh. Sept. 1S52. 78 4w To Rail Road Contractors. SEALED Proposals will be reoeived at the office of the New Orleans, Jackson and Great North ern Rail Read Company, in the City of New Orloaus, until the Sot It of November next, for the grading, masonry, piling and bridging of that part of their road from Lake Maurepus to the line of tho Mute of Mi.---issii.pi : a distance of 51 miles. Also for miles of ros, Lake at the The inst the Masonry required on the first 36 from the City i f New Orleans to tiie ;uih pass M .nediae. miles of the Seciicnto the State line i s r I roll ' lU'i uie i.aiie. ."v.. ami's, una memoes tlie pa ing an. and N ri d;. ing i with one draw) of the South aud h passes ; the remainder is through a heal- thy pine Country, wu'.cn v. :th the contemplated let tings of tlie reiiia'ning 10J miles to Jackson, Miss, render this work well worthy the attention ot North ern contractors. Payments vvii! bo made in cash with twenty per cent retained until the completion and acceptance of the work. it: ict. rv eviuer.es el ity will be require with propo Is. Plans and m-ofides wiil be ready f. r Examination tsn dnvs before the letting. JAMES CLARK, Chief Engir.eer. New Orleans. Oct. 2Sth, 1852. t20 Nov 89 TEACHER WANTED. TE wish to employ a teacher for '-Elba' A- I cademy 2 miles eabtolBrinkleyville, iu Hal ifax Co., iu an entirely healthy neighborhood. The , school is not a large one, being designed primarily ; for the instruction of our Own children. This we . w ish to be thorough and shall require the teacher to prepare for College. His morals must likewise ! be unexceptionable. Address cither of the under signed. W. II. WILLS, JAS. S. SNOW. Nov. 11, 1852. tf-?3 ill i Lout' Phi. Race Gin; G r. ;shc,vo. Tallow. A ! Guniiowdcr. Shot auo 1 ! Rc -da. m-t,c 1. N orth Carolina Mutual Insurance tompany. f B THIS Company has been in successful operatiom I l:r niore than five years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the SUto, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine DistiUeriee,) upon favourable terms. Its Policies bow cover property amounting to $4,500,000, a large por tion of which is iu Country risks, and ita present capital is nearly Six Hundred ThousaHd' Dollar. in bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plaa e this Company has been less than one third of one) per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. Josiah 0. "Watson, Raleigh. Richard Smith, lo John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. G. Ii. Roulhac, S. W. Whiting, T. H. Selbv, Geo. McNeill, Jos. G. Wright, James E. Hoyt, James Sloan, John Cox, Josh, lloner, Joseph Pool, Michael Brown, Alex. Mitchell, W. X. 11. Snuth, II. Ii. Williams, John B. Barrett, do do do do do Fayettevflle Wilmington. Washington. Greensborov Edenton. Salem. Elizabeth Clrja. Salisbury. Newberu. M urfre e sboro Charlotte. Milton. A. T. Sunnily, Asheville. All Directors are authorized to receive applfc. tious. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Josiah 0. Watson, President. J. G. B. Roulhac, Vice do. Richard Smith, Treasurer. . John C. Partridge, Secretary. John II. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hersman, General Agent. . W. Whiting, Richard Smith, I Executive Committee John Primrose, J All communications in reference to insuranoa should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, Jan. 13, 18-52. j North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance Company. OFFICE, RALEIGH, .V. C. rpHIS Company continues to insure the Uvea ot all healthy White persons and Slaves. The greatest risk taken on a single life is $5,000. Slaves are insured for a term of one to live year for jds their value. OFFICBRS. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Rustle, Attorney, Dr. Wm. II. McKee, Examining Physician J. Hersman, General Agent. All losses are-paid within 90 e!ays after eatisfao tory proof is presented. Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of the Company, may be had on application at the Office, or any of the Agencies. AU letters on business should be addressed to n JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'y May 2, 1352. g Greensborough Mutual Insuranoe ' Company. PURSUANT to an Act of Incorporation, a Com pany has been formed under the name and style of '-The Green siioitouciH Mutual I.xscraxck Com pant," and fully organized by the appointment ef the following Officers, viz : JAMES SLOAN, President, S. G. COFFIN, Vice President PETER ADAMS, Sec. and Tre't v-. i. -uii.Mjr,.xu.iiin Attor v. JOHN A. MEBANE, ) V .1 Ar.C(vvi.'T Execut Executive WM. S. RANKIN, j Committea. DIREUTOIIS. James Sloan, Jolin A. Mebane, W. J. McCoiuicl, William S. Rankin, Jed H. Lindsay, ShubaFG. Coffin, Williai i II. Reece. Andrew AYeatherly, C. P. McndenliaU, Lyndon Swaim, Jesse Shelly, Jonathan W. Field. Tyre Glenn. This Company has now been in successful opera tion for several months, and will take risks upon Dwelling Houses, Stores, and other Buildings, Mer chandize, Furniture, Produce, &c. Tho object of this organization is to afford a system of Insurance which shall operate for the mutual benefit of all its members. The peculiar advantage arising from this mode of Insurance, is, that the assured pay no more than the actual losses and expenses of the Company, and experience has proved the safety of Mutual Insur ance Compan.es, as well as the great saving to it members ; nnd no stronger argument can be pro duced in their favor, than the confidence which they receive from the entire community, where suck Companies arc in successful operation. Any information respecting the principles of th Company will bo cheerfully furnished by the Sec retary, or any of its Agents. ti v , KR ADAMS, Secretary. Ilie Subscriber, having been appointed Agent, wiU receive applications aud make surveys to effect Lisurance in said Company. t GEG. T. COOKE, Agent for Raleigh. December 8, 1851. 99 1 FIRE! E .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY o rp II 1 Ha AETEOKi), Conn., offers to insure R.inHi.. and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies iu the United States, and pays its losactf promptly. Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, ct Ha cinity, to be made to 8. W. WHITLNO, Agenik N. C. aod vicinity, to N. J. PALMER. AirenL And for IMilton, October, 1848. w o 88 THE BROTHER'S STEAMBOAT COMPANY OR BANK'S LINE AS" prepared with Steamers " Brotfun," arul "Jotfjla," and a compliment 'ot xow L.oats, to carry with dispatch, all , freights stiipped by them, between FayetteviUe j and Wilmington, or to any intermediate landings on j the River. JOHN BANKS, Ag't, Wilmington. D. & W. . At LALUl. , Ag ts. Favettevillfc Sept. 21, 1852, lim. 7 b 1IA TSt HATS'. : HATS ! ! ! 12 Cases of Be, bee's and others of the latest and most arnrov! steles "l.nio.ht nf ll. M.. ......... --j , . ..s- ..i,iuvu4iiun;r" IJUelU- selves aud no mistake." Those wishing the laot Ayowj call at EVANS & COOKE'S September, 1852. JUST AltKIVED,700 lbs, best Ohio hams, G00 lbs. best Goshen chees6, :. 200 lbs. best Goshen butter, 200 lbs. dried beef, , 500 lbs. bacon lard, 2 barrels fine Northern apples, 2 boxes lemons and oranges, 0 bbls. frcidi butter, soda, water, and sugar crack ers. 3 bbls. fresh herrings and mackerel, c. Call and sec. FRED. MAULER'S., At the west side of tho Capitol-' Raleigh, Oct. 1S52. t it 8$ n i t ; - .4. 4 x r. V