TII7TvALEI6h REGISTER'! tor th Sm-wrkly, ' (3 per niium ; iajTnrt$i. ' lor Um VTccVr, - $1 pf MBam ; to dT&o $3 iutcs or ATEimsixai2-.v.-y .j- A TU!THKiiTr-Fnr rrrrT 16 Hn'r ; firt-lncrtloii' $1 ! chdditkmlinerwfr25eU.r ..--; .- r ' Court OnWT nd,J udiriaK atlvemsemesta will m charged. 5 per cent hif;Wi drdnrttoo of S3'J per cent, will be mad from the reguUr prio to Bdrertisr( by the year. AdTrtaevBU iBrted iu th Sn"-eekly, will aiaoappaar th Weky, ftr of cluu. - s" : -' rT s " .es-Letters to th EJUor must be rocr-rAl. 7 ' - B REGISTER BCOKAXD JOB p i 1 1 1 I i Hrir ivy I II y " I 11VU 1 I' l l Ji. Tub subscriljcr having -recently refitted hia office with Dew. beautiful od ezteiuire, assortment of BOOK AXDMOMATERIAU ' . w prepared to.eiecute, with neatness, every variety of in tbe best style, and at but a trifling advance ou North era prices. To eiik We him to do thi, 1m has received an assortment of beautifully enameled Tarda, of dif-f'-rent tire, and fancy Stationery, with which he is prepared to SIT ord for Ball Ticketa, Circulars, aad all descriptions of 1 ' Bronze and Fancy' Colored Printing. lie haa,also. an aasortmrnt of extramtxed type for KAHHOTH POSTERS' and SHOW BILLS, - " aad will spare nopaiys to reader per eel iti&factioo. io the execution ofall work with which he shall keeniruaied. SE.TON GALES. NEW Y0RK PIANO FORTE V EMPORIUM. ; MESSRS. BENNETT & CO. ' : IX consequence of .the immense demand, and" un rivalled popularity of their Fes.nch (imo Ac tion Pi axo Fortes, have greatly .enlarged their Manufactory, a-ud opened a Spacious Wakerooh at 2o. 361 Croud way, on door above "Thompon' Saloon,'' wher they w VII 1 happy at all times to supply their numer ous fi iendsand patrons with Piaxo Fortbs, of ev ry variety of style and finish. AU . iastmments manufactured at ftes establishment tCre folly war ranted to stand any climate, and give perfect -satisfaction, both in Volume as i crAUTT of Tocch. Our prices are such that those desiring a-very su perior finished Instrument, as well as "those more economically inclined, caunot fail to be suited Dkalkrs, rROFssoRs, Amktki rs and otheriVwish- iag to purchase, are invited .to esul and" look for themselves. BENNETT k (iO., 3G1 Broadway, ' - ' : New York. : Sapt. 16, 1852. . - . - ly 77 : ,5 To Farmers and Others. BROGAifS! BROGANS! C" ' THE subscriber has now. on hand and intends to keep at all times during the Fall and inter seasons a large &ira -gt)td as- soruuenv oi .itegro onocs, lor male ana female, embracing alKkinds used" ; - for Plantation and other Purpose. . Amongst my assortment of Brogaus may be found the Hungarian shoe and Stitchdowns, to which I would call the attention of Farmers and others in waul of a superior article for their servants. My prices shall be as low as similar goods ran be bought elsewhere, and I would respectfully invite the at tention of all to an examination of my stock, as I shall sell low for cash. 1 have also on hand, and intend constantly to keep, a large and well selected assortment of ... Ladie' y Gtntlenettt Bool $ Shoe. including all of the latest styles and patterns. Also, BOTS' AND YOUTH'S BOOTS AN1 -SHOES, Mittt and ChildTtti ' Shoe of all "kind, ." Travelling and hair " Trunks. Valises, Bonnet Boxes, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Blacking Brushes, &o. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash, by ' A. J. PAETIN, Sign of the Big Boot. Raleigh, September 28,-1852. , - 80 4 Good assortment of Ladies, Misses and Chil J dren's dressed and undressed MOROCCO BOOTEES. Also a CTeaf variety of Ladie, Misses, and Children's Black and colored Prunella and lasting GAITERS. Come and supply yourselves at A. J. 1 ART IN 5 Raleigh, Sept. 28. Sign of tho Big Boot G1 E Two ENTLEMEN who are desirous, of good health rould do well to call at A. J. Partiu's and sup ply themselves with a pair of Cork Sole or Water proof BOOTS, whicn they can purchase for a small u of mouev, not exceeding four dollars and fifty csnts. Raleigh. Sept. 28, 1852. ' 80 COPARTNERSHIP. The subscribers have this dav entered into Copartnership, under -the name and stvle of A. S. "SHAFER & CO.. " for . the manufacture and sale of READY MADE CLOTH 1NG iu nil its branches, at the store on Sycamore street heretofore known as Parry's Clothing Ba- aaar. . A. S. 8HAFER, GEO. A. HALEY, ROB'T HUNTER. Petersburg, April 1, 1852. auccr's to N. Perry, The subscriber, having disposed of his entire in tsrest in the Clothing business ' at Petersburg to Messrs. A. S.SHAFER& CO.. takes this method of returning his acknowledgments to the public of Pe tersburg and vicinity for their liberal patronage dn ring his proprietorship of the Clothiko Bazaao, and would also recommend a continuance of the lime to his successors. . ; . N. PERRY. Angust 24th, 1852. 70 Boxes Best Brands, Spermv Adamantine and I f ) Tallow Candles, just received at Stareopy. .. ,' I. '. . TUCKERS'. C1ANDLES. Sperm and. Adamantine. Hull and Son's Tallow," 4's 5's ami i"s. For sale by J. BROWN. Raleigh, Oet. 5, 1852. 82 IE "F-S, FALL FASHION: Superior Black Moleskin Hats, , , Just Received - . . ' - . - J. BROWN. Raleigh. Oct. 1852. - - . ; ; : 82 12 DOZ. Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger just re ceived. Also, a fresh supply of very supe rior Cayenne Pepper, just to hand.aml for sale by -1, iv 1'tSUtlJ. Mareh 22. 1852. : - ; - ' 24 "A T" R S . WOLTERING respectfully announces j.JL tbe Ladies of Raleigh and 'Surrounding country that she is now receiving her Fall and Win ter stock of r ancy Goods,, embracing China goods. fine iron-stone dinner-sctu, tea-setts, and eupeand saucers' as fine as ever brought to this City-.T :- Also, Groceries of every description Musical Instruments, &c, which will be sold low for cash. Just received, a fresh supply of Confcctiortarics Thankful for past lavors, she solicits a continu anee of the same. - - -' - , WILHELMLNA WOLTERING: Raleigh, Sept 16tlcl851. - -y-75 Family-Groceries. - "VTrillTE and Brown Clarified Sugar, y V Loaf and Brown Sugar,' 7 V ' ' Old Java, Lnguiria and Rio Coffee,- Pepper, llspice, Ginger, Jfutraegsi Mace, Cloves. Copperas, Spanish Indigo, Powder,' Lead and Shot; U IJ 1 . . 1 11 lit .v j. jiHuMA. ." iT-r.i.r : . -- -.. ,7 j-krowx. . .- . ."' . 1; . w rcrs & ;.'. i urannue co ihtc nuics irotn ncnaerson-i : 1. - r,xocntrnoi m. xx. nsjwowi, or., aec o. . 1 .j xvccnt.-u uuia m v m -. xvoa ci'jrei. e. I Raleigh. 5er, 24.'l5l. -t i--c-'-.-tf " I r woJ lSRAf t i.v V VKLfiKAKhi. 'l' .i-b'.V :-4w-i ' -1 "t'-Jaxv l58.i 1.5 -. .V-J tetSxJBto -8 'J: Jan:'51853.VS:"ii-'"A lm Is. ?M X Raleigh;.Jan. 4il85S.; ? 'i-; 'f:rS --J vMuslc J. Musio ! IMusic ! ! ! mTCSTj received: at the NorUi CaroliBa iMusio ) i Store a hew and beautiful lot of Rosewood, Pii j anos, with 6 6 $ and octaves, v8electe4 bj my self and which are warranted for fiTe!yeara.'i. They; are of superior tope? having, the Iron frame which will last longer than those .'made., with - wooden frames and stand better in tnn, which ,1 will sell at low prices. 1 '"' ' m--'"' - tT'- xL.w.petersilia;1; ; Oct. 18, 1852.' : - i. r ? --8R - "PvISSOLUTION.-The co-partnership of E. P. J J Nakh &-C. was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st July, 1852."- E. P.Nash having pur chased the interest of J.1H. Simmons, the business will be settled and conducted by him alone. SOf All persons having claims against the late firm will present them for ettlfigcut, and those in debted please make payment.' ' E. P. NASH, ' f ' J. H. SIMMONS. E. P. NASH, Book asd Piano Foktb Seller, Petersburg, Ya., will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of goods. in his i4t North, to make it still more complete. He expects to sell at such prices, and to give such personal at tention to business, as may merit a continuance of former patronage.. - July ICtV 1862. . V 59-?ly LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Black 3ros De Rhine Silks Rich Brocade Colored ditto, from $l"to 4 ler yard: French Satin De Chcne, Embroidered Swiss Robes, Alba naise Robes, High Colored DeLaines for children, rreuch Cashmeres, Plain and Fijnired, New Styles English and French Merinos, just' received at -. - - . EVANS & COOKE'S. September, 1852. - : - . 78 ' LOOK HERE ! 7 I HE Subscriber has received the following good uoods at bis store, immediately nortn of the Presbyterian Church, to which ho would call the attention of families. .. " " A splendid lot of Sugar and Coffee, a few bags of Buckwheat Flour, a splendid lot of Cheese, fresh Lemons, and Raisins in whole, half and quarter boxes, preserved Ginger in jars, Prunes, do f" Al monds, PulmuuU, English Walnuts, Figs, &o. Also, a superior lot of Scotch SNUFF, in bales and bladders ; an excellent article of Tallow candles, wholesale and retail : Scotch Herrings, in boxes ; the best Chewing Tobacco ; Musical Instruments, such as Accordeons, Flutes, &c. &c Also, every variety of TOYS for children always on hand. . , CAXDY MAXUFACTURE. cThe Sul)scriber having 20 years experience, flat ters himself that he cifi please the most fastidious taste, and will make to order, and keep always on hiiut variety of CANDIES, Medicated, &c, at wholesale and retrfll. The undersigned tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and customers, for their liberal patronage bestowed on him since his commencement in busi ness in this City, aud hopes by prompt attention, to retain their confidence," and to secure a continu ance of their custom. ViM.. J. GRIFFICE. March 23. 1852. 24 ?f.. a Having liad tbe misfortune to lose my account books by the late fire, I am unable to make out how much each customer owes me. I respect fully request all those who are indebted to me to call and pay what they think is right, and 1 will be perfectly satisfied. W. J. GRIFFICE. F 1JS, VtKi riE WATCxiJiS. Just rcciev- ed an additional supply of W atches, making my assortment of Gold W atches decidedly the lar gest, as they will be found the most choice, that I have ever had the pleasure of offering to the in spection of the public. The assortment embraces those made by Cooper, Beesly, Uobmson, roruas, and lastly, though not the least, by AVm. Dixon, Chronometer maker to the Admirality, for whose Watches I am the Sole Agent for Petersburg. They are really fine Watches, and keep excellent rime. Call and secure ono, at the sign of the California Thimble, where nlmost every thing in the Jewelry line will be found in abundance and cheap. CHAS. LUMSDEN. Nov. 22ud, 1852 ' 9G COMMENCEMENT OF A NEW YEAR Harper's Monthly Magazine. TVIMILIES who wish a monthly issue of For- tix and Domestic Literatcre, a great a mount of original matter, by the ablest Americas Writers, a great number of Pictoral Embellish ments, and in fact to be posted up m the LlltliA TITRE of THE DAY. can do no better than send their names and address to - E. P. NASH, " " Petersburg, Va. Dec. 21, 1852. . 104 N. B. Harper's New Monthly Magazine owes its success to the fact that it presents wore read IXO matter of a BETTER QUALITY, in a tnore fleyant style and at a xheapeT rate than any other publica tion. ' "... ,w . - Also subscription for Godet, Graham, and other Magazines. . . " ; - . ,. - To Physicians Throughout the - , UNITED STATES. ; "TEEMING it unnessary torenund any regular ' mcnioer oi ine 3icuicai proiession, oi tne es tablished Medical properties of Pure Holland Gin, in many diseases of dropsical tendency, I respect fully invite your examination to a very superior ar ticle, manufactured by myself exclusively, at Schie dam, in Holland, by a process peculiar to my own Factory It is flavored and medicated, not by the common harsh berry, but by the choice botanical variety of the aromatic Italian J uniper Berry twhose more vinous extract is ' distilled and rectified with its spirituous solvent, and thus becomes a concen trated tincture, of exquisite flavor and aroma, al together transcendent, in its-cordial and medicinal properties, to any Holland's Gin heretofore known in "this country. .- Amid theintluxof inferior distillations with which the country is flooded, physicians find no little dim culty in procuring a good and pure Gin,'which they can prescribe with confidence in its beneficial effects. As an importer of twenty years' standing,' in the City of New-York, aud possessing a matured expe rience in the manufacture Of HollasO Gix espec ially, I beg t submit to your attention my "Aro- matic Schiedam Schsapfs.". as one which cannot tail to realise your utmost expectations, and I shall be happy to forward to you a bottle of it, free of charge, in answer to a letter intimating your read iness to accept it- " " - It is now one year since I have prepared and dis tributed my Schiedam bis exclusively for medio nal purposes ; yet, within that brief period, . I have received one thousand letters, both front physici ans and patients, testifying to its really extraordi nary" effitfacy in Gravel, Incipient -Dropsy, and af fections of the Kidneys and Bladder generally ; and I have no doubt that it would yield similar, results, with precision and ccrtaintyvin your, own, profes sional experience. Put upin pint and quart bot tles' wfSMnaine upon the bottle ; cork and label, with an Essay upon its properties. ..This article should be in the hands of every Traveller. ,j UDOLTUO WOLFE, Importer, - ' : V- .No 22, Brays StbekV HBccember 20;iS51f;v' t ; 104 )BIME BLACK "TEA,-! Chest "in half pound T-. I -.1 JF kma r ' I ' eutnatvavf stiffn Tni as n i ja -riV 1 ' - I vent Than wnFTh Af mnilAT - 1 . ' ti iU. -x iia it niiTn. t - 1 : . . ewuu -aa. . vw , 3 si nuejl B . - IUb uuvi v Lwm 7 . s uu n caaAat uiv w w mi vm, t vwa nawwf . , - . - 14 -a,- .-" . - . ' . X Great Excitement in INT. Carolina ! i m HE BATTLE IS BEGUN,. AND I INTESfrTO I ' Fight my waTUhron -A tor IIQME INPUSTRT F If Tduwant w Save' a toriple Bun JrMItollars; Bend on youicbrders fQl.,J)itjtxnSlxlUl CaP ,v- Aso, turanQjs.ouiisj-. una any jtinu .vi.yvpjicc;. work. Bras Machinery &c. '"S-.'S " tl The Tiroes Of Still-caps. Arnis, ftndVrorni8, re aa'foTlqwst-By the'pound 37 cent ; .'or by contact: .7 Jbarrel btill-cap," Arms and Y onus,..., , 10 do V do . " ?z 'do. . v. ; It 48a J 12 ; 14' 15 1C doV;T; do." do ' - ',U --685 do" : do " :?'d6 . 615 do, " do " do " 650 de -i-'do ' "'. S 695 20 25- do "do . . do' -i'-":'- ' ' 750 30 - do de i" do ; -:, - 850 85- do ' do ' " do . ..- ' 900 All work will be warranted for 12 months, fire and burning expected. His work will also be de livered within fifty miles jofBaleigh, at the short est notice ; and if I fail to deliver Stills in the time agreed npon, 1 will forfeit $S for each dav lost, to the purchaser. JOSEPH WOLTERING. ; Raleigh, Sept. 1G, 1851. . 7o ly Ta Jewelers and Silver Smiths! ROLLING MILLS of every description nuuiu , factured and warranted, and constantly on hand, by GEO. W. WICKS, No. 4, Liberty Place, Betxrem Maiden Zaue aif Liberty St., K. Y. May 1852. 43 ly 'A man can find nowhere so good a Saving Bank as by emptying his purse into his head. Anotw edge is the best capital lie can possess ; it is at his command every moment, and always above par. Dr. Franklin. O F I N T E R E S T To Merchants, Clerks, teachers, Students, and all Men JUST PUBLISHED ANEW and complete set of RULES by which all the fundamental opera tions of Arithmetic may be performed in an incred ibly short spare of time. To become a master of them will require not more thon a couple hours study of any good sound mind ; and the student will there by be enabled to Add, Subtract, .Multiply, or Di vide, in any sum no matter of how many figures, more accurately, (indeed, bnond the possibility of an error,) and in lest than onfourth th time required in the old system. These Fundamental Rules are followed by an Examination into the PROPERTIES OF NUM BERS, which even further facilitates the other op erations There is also embraced in the work, RULES FOR THE CALCULATION OF INTER EST. which will work out the iutenest at any rate upon any sum, with the utmost acuracy, and a simplic ity and quickness fully equal to all the other oper ations by this, and vastly superior to all courses in the old plan. Together, these form the MOST" COMrLETK TREATISE on thb Science of Numbers ever issued aud are incalculably valuable to all men from their never-failing accuracy, and to business nien from the immense amount of time they save from the most wearisome detail of business life. Particular ly ought they to be iu the hands of Merchants and Clerks, Teachers and Students, and Young Men generally. OKLlfcK. EAIIL1 I The copies of the few remainng hundreds of the present edition are being hurried off at a price greatly reduced from that ($5) at which the bal ance were sold, to niake room for a new editjion to be gotten up in magnificent and costly style imme diately upon closing out the present enc. Eir Every purchasecis bound (as a matter of justice and protection to the copyrightist) by his sa cred pledge of honor, to use the Processes for the instruction of himself only, and to impart the inlor- mation obtained from them to no one. kar To obtain the Processes it is necessary to give such a pledge, with the price, Three Dollars, enclosed in a letter, post-paid, directed to P. Mat- Marklkt, Funkstown, Washington County. Mary- laud. The Processes will be forwarded post-paid, to the given address. Be particular to write the name of Post Oflico, County, and State, distinctly ; with those neglecting this, mistakes frequently oc cur. BSji, Those preferring it, caiymler copies of the forthcoming edition, which will be ready about the holidays. The price will be $0 ; orders sent before its issue will be filled as soon as the copies lire rea dy, for $5. - LOCAL AGENTS" WANTED. In every town, and all through the country, great numbers of copies of these Rules can be disposed of by any one' who will only take the trouble to make their scope known. They comprise that which business men," and everybody, has long felt the want of, and will gladly obtain. The nature of the business allows any one to act as Agent, and to en ergy enmrr a large reward. As before explained, the business requiring privacy, orders from Agents areUcd in separate sealed envelopes for delivery thrmigh their hands." When a number of three copies or more are ordered with the remittance at one time, 33 percent, is allowed to.be retained as the Agents fee ; and 50 per cent, on orders for eight copies or more. ' Not. 1st, 1852. 4mos ' 00 s ARATOG A WATER the Drug Store of Constantly kept at WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. "THE LARGEST SILK, RIBBON, AND TRIMMING House in New York. - THOMAS G. STEARNS, "Imp o.r ter and Jobber of SILKS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, 162 Broadway. N. Y HAS NOW IN STORE AND IS DAILY RECEIV ING and offering at the Lowest Prices, a complete assortment of Goods in his line, comprising all the various styles and designs, consisting of BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, Marcelines, Florences, Shawls, Trimmings, BONNET RIBBONS, tatfeta and satin ribbons, DRESS TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS .. . . EMBROIDERIES, French and English Crapes, Crape Lisses, Silk GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, Silk Lace Mitts, ' : BAREGES, LACES, ' White Goods, Hosiery, L. C. Hdkh. . The undersigned would invite tbe attention of his friends and the trade generally. He will offer m ducementsto .'- Cash and SnoRT Time Bi'ters. , THOMAS G. STEARNS, ; ' - v, 1G2 Broadway, ; Between Liberty street and Maiden Lane, N. Y. . Dec.! 29, T852. - - 1 ly . . t . Mining Agency, NEW YORK, 62 WILLIAM ST., ROOM NO. 12, fTp HIS1 Agency is established for the purchase .1 and sale, on commission, " of unimproved Mines and Mining Stock, in companies organized and at work. - Also, for furnishing all kinds of Ma chinery and Mining Tools; as prdered. Also, the chemical analysis of ores and other substances, as forwarded from any part of the country A pnn ted 1 circular, giving full explanations, will be sent in answer to any post-paid letter, enclosing one three cent post-omce stamp. ' .., .- - . - ,. Jl'-i- -t J. R BARBOUR & CO.. ;jNkw Jobx, Dec, 30r 1852. ; - ly "tTTHO WANTS, GUNS-rCall on tu and buy r cheap Double, and Single ; Barrel Guns if Important . toXMillerg and Mill (owners . ' - rTnilE Undersigned wouidrespectfully inform those ? engaged in th,c- MjHing.busineas in North Caro- ' lina, that he keep" "constantly en hand'and will mippty -at tne snortesx notice, uiat aiiuosi invalua ble article, T'5i:'""'i""i'-''" -V'-A '" ' - Yoimg't Improved Patent Smutand Screening Ma- The only Machine of the kind that has stood the test and given satisfaction to the public. It has supplanted every Smut Machine yet offered in the State, more or less of which havo been taken down to make room for it The public need fear no im position, as there are now some 280 Machines run- jiing in North Carolina ; and I wish to offer no other references than the gentlemen who are using them, whose , expectations have been more than realized in their performance. - It not only thoroughly cleanses the Wheat of Smut, but also purifies it of all other substances, almost to perfection. It takes up but 4 feet square in the mill and requires but little pow er. . " It is- warranted for live years against breaking or wearing out nd also to retain. its cleansing qual- iuvo ,u mo ' There are a number of th bcJHachines through u.4thnve ten cleansed which 1W, not i bushels of Wh aud they have never been Vnt of order one day. There was awarded to it the Premium of the Ma ryland State" Fair, aud a Premium with a silver me dal, at the Fair of the Maryland Institute, at Balti more, last Fall. Address the Subscriber at South Lowell Mills, Orange County, N. C. JN0. A. McMANNEN. December 26, 1850. tf 104 Important to Manufacturers. rpilE Subscribers I kinds of are prepared to supply all COTTON AND WOOLEN MACHINERY, of a superior quality, SHAFTING and MILL GEARTNG, with improved Coupling and Pulleys, Self-oiling Hangers, (which require oiliug only once in three months;) LOO .MS of a great variety of Patterns, for fancy and Twilled goods, from one to eighteen shuttles ; also, for plain goods, capable of running from 150 to 170 picks per minute. They are enabled from their extensive improve ments, to produce Yarns and Goods, with compar atively little labor ; and all Manufacturers- before purchasing their Machinery, will do well to visit Philadelphia and vicinity, where they can see the Machinery with oil the latest improvements, iu full and successful operation ; or they can be referred to Factories in almost every State South and West bvaddreobing a line to the Subscribers. ALFRED JENKS & SON, JJridtsbury, ttrar Philadelphia. N. B. rians of Factories, with the location of Machinery, the simplest method of driving, and calculation of speed, furnished free of charge. Feb. 16, 1852 13 ly Direct Importations. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE IN CHARLES ton, S. C. C. & E. L. KERR1SON & CO., Have, and are continually receiving, by every ar rival, CHOICE GOODS, which they are prepared to sell at small advance on the sterling cost. . A look at their Dress Goods will well repay the trou ble. .Their Stock of Hosiery is large and complete, and iu Prints, many Styles will be found, not gen erally kept in this market. North West corner King it Market Streets. Feb. 0, 1E52. - tf 12 -. JOHN BANKS, Commission and Forwarding Agent, Wilmington X. C. "1XT1LL attend to the sale or purchase of Prod- V vce, and will ship with dispatch all consign ments made to him. Sept. 21, 1852. 6m 78 )1NEY POINT LINE TO BAL TIMOR E T w it-f. Weekly be tween I'ETF.BsnUMO and ualtimore. WINTER ARRANGEMEMT. Fare $5 (X) only. The public are hereby informed that the comfor table and commodious Jow pressure Steamer MA RY LAND, Captain CHUrles E. Mitchell, having been entirely refitted, enlarged and improved iu every respect, with State-rooms for those who pre. fer being retired, is now ou the route between l'e tersburg and Baltimore- Passengers by this agree able and economcial line will leave Petersburg by the morning train on Tuesdays, at 4 o'clock, A. M-, and reach Baltimore on the following morning in time to proceed with the early trains of those days to Philadelphia, or by the splendid new Steam er GENERAL McDONALD, via French Town and New Castle, at the low rate of $'J 50 from Balti more to Philadelphia for first class passengers, and $1 50 for second class passengers : making the whole fare from Petersburg to Philadelphia only $7 50 for first class and $0 50 for second class passengers (meals on board of the Maryland for 2d class passengers inclusive). Returning, passen gers will leave Baltimore on the afternoon of Thursday, at 4 P. M., and connect at the Creek, on Friday succeeding' with the train which arrives in Petersburg at KJ, P. M., of the same day.. fare in either direction, ."so IX), (State-rooms and meals for cabin passengers extra, except iu the ease of Ladies and Families, who will have the privilege of State-rooms free of charge.) Forward cabin passengers (including meals and lodging on board) $4 50. ior further particulars or tlirough tickets, apply at the office of the Richmond and Petersburg Rail road Co. J. W. SMITH, Agent Office R. & P. R. R. Company. 3m 100 MACKEREL A few half barrel No. 1 Macke rel in store. J AS McKIMMON. Nov. 30, 1852. 98 tf DOMESTIC CLOTnS. clieap, to hand. A good article, and I W. PECK, & CO. .88 tf. Oct 26, 1852. BAGGING & ROPE. A fine supply, and will be sold very low. ' L. W. PECK, & Co. Oct 26,1852. - 88 tf ANOTHER supply of French; Baskets, Carpet Satchels, Travelling Bngs,:' and real Sole Leather Trunks, just received at s TUCKER 5. fi ROUND Ailum and Blown Salt just received VJ by BROWN. Dee. 1852 100 J. M. Lovejoy's Academy. fT'HE 23rd Session will commence on tho 5th of January, 1853. rt 1 ' v 1 . 1.1 -t r r, e i , xtaieign, iovemoer 10m, -j ij CITRATE OF MAGNESIA just received, and for sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. Aug. 27, 1852. ; 71 REEN TEA. 1 Chest superior Gun Powder It just Received J. BROWN. Raleigh, Sept 16th, 1852. 77 VSWEGO CORN STARCH. If your are fond of good Puddings, Pies, Custards, Ac. try it For sale by- . WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. ' Stop the Rascal! . ON the" 29th inst, a man, calling himself diffe rently John Wagoner, and John Foster, a small man,; not mere, probably, than 5 feet 5 inches hi en. rather dark complected, having a scar over one of his eyes, and small black whiskers, and professing to hail from Raleigh, -came to my residence, in Granville, in a state of utter destitution and applied for work on the plantation. 1 gave him employ ment .and supplied; his necessities but, on the night of .Thursday! the 30th., he robbed me of a fine Gold Watch and Chain and absconded. , ' I will give a liberal reward for the reooyery of the watch and the apprehension of the scoundrel. naMnino, For Norfolk' arid'Portsmouth flHE FAVORITE . AND.BEAUTI-.- I ful steamer AUGUSTA, Capt.Wnu Terhanled and repaired, and nnishe3 V. smith, having been .Uiorouguiy Or with" a new -boiler and a new niainsliftft Of wrought' iron, is now running bet ween Port Walthall and the" above places, in connection with the Richmond and" Petersburg and City Point Roads. - . .- ri The Trains from Petersburg via City Point Rail' Roadj, running in connection with the AUGUSTA leave the City Point Depot at "Jo'elock, 'A. M. evr ery Monday; Wednesday and Friday. . ' Returning, the Augusta leaves Norfolk on the al ternate days, viz : Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at i.J A. M., and arrives at City Point at 1. o'clock, P. M., where passengers take the Cars for Petersburg. '" Fare from City Point to the Grove Wliarf and " ' nil uiteriiicuiate landings ...--;.,.'."Jtl"UU To Norfolk... ..I......:.:t 1 00' Children not over 12 years of age ' -iVr Servants to the Grove Wharf and all interme diate landings To Old Point and Norfolk. Do Do Do D sf Meals 50 cents. For servants 25 cents. T1IOS. DODAMEAD, Sup't. Office R. P. R. Co., April 27, 1852. 34 Richmond and Petersburg R. Road. OPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, March the 1st, two Passen ger Trains will run daily each way between Peters burg and Richmond, both. Trains carrying the Uni ted States Mail, and connecting with the Trains on the R. F. & P. R. R-, Fredericksburg, Washington," &c, and with the Virginia Central It. R. and Caual Packets for Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Staunton, Lexington, etc. 1st Train leave Petersburg daily at 4 J A. M. , 2d do do do do at 7 P. M. - 1st Train leave -Richmond daily at 7 A. M. 2d do do do do at 5 P. M. Fare, when paid at the office, $1 00. - Children over 3 and not over 12 years ef 'age, servants and colored persons, when Tickets are pro cured at the Office, half price. Servants travelling by themselves must be fur nished by their masters with two passes, so that one can be retained at the office ; and it must be expressly stated on the pass that they are to be permitted to go on the Cars. N. B. No freight or packages of any kind will be allowed to he carried on the Mail iraiu. The Trains will run by Richmond time. THOS. DODAMEAD. April 24, 1852. Superintendant. T)ICHMOND, PETERSBURG. NORFOLK JX, AND NEW YORK STEAM PACKETSj COMPANY: The double engine and fast sailing Steamer CITY OF RICHMOND, Foster, master, and CITY OF NORFOLK, Post, master, are now on the line in complete order for freight and pas sengers. To allow sufficient time for receiving and deliver ing freight in good weather, and securing regulari ty iu trips, one Steamer will leave Xeic York every Thursday, and City Point every Friday. This arrange ment may be relied upon as the most punctual, ac commodating and economical to shippers and pas sengers. Each ship is supplied with splendid sa loons and state-rooms for passengers. First Cabin passage, $8,00 Second do do C,00 Freight per cubic f.-ol, 7e THOMAS BRANCH, Agent. Old Street Petersburg. April 30, 1852. U5 HA TS ! II A TS ! .' HA TS .' .'.'12 Cases of Be- bce's and others of the latest and most approved styles, "bought of the Manufacturers them selves and no mistake." Those wishing the last Agony call at EVANS & COOKE'S September, 1852. 78 SOUTHERN BOOKS, JEFFERSON'S Memoirs and Correspondence, 4 vols, 8 to. Lee's remarks on Jefferson's writings, 8 vo. Virginia Resolutions and Debates of 1798-9, 8 vo. Proceedings and Debates of the Va. Convention, 1S29-30, 8 vo: Plantation and Farm Instruction, Regulation, Record, Inventory and Account Book, 4 To. Rev. J. D. Blair's Ser mons, Octavo. Constitution of Va, 18517 8 Vo, For Sale. At the N. C. Book Store, By H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, December 1851. 101 A GOOD CHANCE, EVANS & COOKE have on hand a fine lot of Dress Goods, which they will sell at cost. Rich Brocade col'd Silks, French Satin Dechene, Embroidered Robes, Alboniso do French Cashmeres Si DeLnnes, "All other goods at very low prices, Received to-day, Black Silks, Cheap Delanes, English Merinos, Men's wear Clothing aud Shoes, which will be sold cheap. Call on ns at the old stand, No 29, Cheap side. Raleigh, Nov. 27 1852. i7 JpRIME CHEWING TOBACCO. -Raleigh Nov. 2nd, 18-52. lust Recciv-r . BROWN- ' 90 ' RALEIGH AND GASTON ROAD. - ; -"ORDERED that the President advertise for sale, under the charter, all Stock on-which the In stilments shall not have been paid in fullt on, the 1st day of February next.". : '-" -t ;.'1". The attention of subscribers to the Stock of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company is particu larly called to the above order. Payments may be made to W. W. Vass, Treasurer and Secretary, or to any one of the Directors of the- Company. . I,, u u. jiitAtn, rresiuent. Office, Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company. : December 28, 1852 104 td. Wanted, 7f OR Sixty Bales Fnme Cotton, ior which a m fair market price will be paid in Cash. April 7, 1852. . . 28 i MUSICAL CARD. EROFESSOR CHAS. E. LOEHR offers his ser vices as a Teacher of Music in a Female In stitution ot Learning, eitner in mis or any 01 me adjoining States. He would like particu'arly to be located tn some place where he might have an op portunity of teaching a Bras3 or; Stringed li&nd, and a Vocal Choir. ' 1 Prof. LOEHR can produce the most flattermg testimonials as to his qualifications as Teacher, Performer and Composer,r and amonghem. let ters of unqualified recommendation ;from the Yes tern Carolina College, in this State, and the Ten nessee Odd-Fellows' College. "' ,. ' C Address Prof. L., at FayetteviUe, N. C. -Jan. 4.1853. .. 3 tf - L a w ,S Ch 0 0 1 , ; . HILLSBORO OGHvNi C. THE next session of this institution Trill H. 1,1, .t Tnnnr 1019 com- . . , . , - ' F. NASH, ' ' . - J. L. BAILEY. ' Jan. 4, 1853. SUndard copy 4 w. 3 4w . ; ' Executrix' Notice. A LL persona indebted to the Estate - Haywoody.Jr., decd, are hereby notifiedto make immediate payment and settlement, as long er indulgence cannot be . given ; and, all persons having claims against said Estate will present them for payment within the time prescribed by Law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recove ry. - ..EL Graham Haywood is my authorized Agent to receive and discharge all accounts and settlements, and to receive what is due to the Estate. This 1st dav of January, A. D. 1853. - ' -- , i" T - -.- . i i -o n i mrrrT JAMES Ev CUTHBERT "Grocer; Forvsarding and Cowwiswn- Mhaht,Boh . tingbnoi Street, Pelrsbtirgr'ii '..- - REFERENCES S... a' X.-'-L ft .-' - - - - - V -a, W j x.iTb.oa. Bragg, Jr.,; fac&ony. ..C-.VtV - ' b IXiS' ES? Petersburg. A Messrs! L. 1). & W. G. Crenshaw, XithmncL i J osiah Wills, Esq.r Xorfolk. " , ; l ."f James George, Esq. Baltimore. -7 $: . "' Messrs. Mninihan & Beers. 'A"! HAS constantly on hands-Prime rortflr ;BJed and New Qrlcaus Sugars,. , - '' Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified Ie Rio, Lnguira and St Donungo Coffees t . -Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Bexes Gunpowder, Imperial and Y'onng Hysou Teas i allow, Auainantmc ami fcpcrin uanuics - T -v Brown, Pale and uricgated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, ; Good and Damaged Sole aud Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt - . "" Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring and Warehouse . Regalia. Principe, and Havauna Cigars ; Together with a large stock of foreign - ami do mestic Liquors, Wines, kc, which ho offers at the lowest market rates. - ' . . - The strictest attention paid to receiving aiwTfof'-., warding goods. - ' - ' - Petersburg, March 5, ' " Piney Point Line to Baltimore. rilWlCxi WKEKLi; BETWEEN." FE-g I tcrsburgjand Baltimore Fare !$5 '. only! rThepublic are hereby informed that the comfortable and commodious low-pressure Steamer MARYLAND, Captain Charles Et Mitch- - Ie, having been entirely refitted,, enlarged, and im- who prefer being retired is now on the route be between Petersburg, aiid" Baltimore. Passengers by this agreeable and 'economical line;;" will leave Petersburg by the morning trairt,- on Mondays and Wednesdays, at 4 A. M; and reach Baltimore on the followiug mornings in time to proceed with the early trains of those days to Philadelphia, or by the splendid new Steamer General McDonald, "via French Town and New Castle, at tbe rate of S2T &0 from Baltimore to' Philadelphia for": first class pas-' sengcrs, and il vtU -for second class passengers, making the whole fare from Petersburg to Philadel phia only $7 50 for first elass aud $6 50 for sec ond class' passengers, (meals oh board of tho Ma-:; ryland for the 2nd class passengers inclusive.) jS-; turuing,passengers will leave Baltimore onthe after-: noons of Tuesday and Thursday, "at 4 P..-M.iand connect at the Creek on Wednesday and Friday supxj 5 ceedmg with the tram which arrives in retersbnrg at 6 p: M., of the same days. , .JX v'J- Fare in .either direction, $5,' (state rooms and meals or cabin passengers, extra,) except- in the case of Indies and families, who will have the privilege of state rooms free of charge. Forward cabin passengers, (including meals and lodging on board,) $4 50. - " " . For further particulars or through" Tickets apr ply at the office of the Richmond and Petersburg R. R. Co., in Petersburg. - . THOS. DODAMEAD, Sup't July 17, 1852. 59 LOOK OUT! Now is the time for Bargains ! ! THE subscriber, wishing to decrease his stock on hand, in order to make room for a Sfresh supply of Goods for the ' Fall Trade, otters from this time any article that may be wan ted in his line of business at a very small advance 011 prime cost. His stock at present is larger than any other that will be found in the city, consisting of fine Gold Lever ard Cylinder Watches, from the most noted manufactories in Loudon, Livepool, Paris and Geneva, and a fino-assortment of Silver and Lepine Watches, varying, in prices from 10 to 45 dollars, with a guarantee to perform well, or they will be exchanged for others that will ; Gold Fob, Vest, Guard and Chattalaine Chains, Bracelets, Armlets, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings. Silver and Gold Specks, with glasses to suit all ages, Silver and Gold Pencils, and many other articles generally kept in a store of the kind, too numerous to mention. An examination of his Goods and prices will prove to the purchaser that tventy per cent at- least can be saved, bv purchasing from CHAS. LUMSDEN, sign of the California Thimble. Petersburg, Nov. 11, 1852. , 98-ly ' IOR SALE! 4-- EAGLE HOTEL, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, The Proprietress of this well known and profitable establishment, having realized a sufficient' income to warrant her in resuming the quiet of private life offers to the public- generally the opportunity of bidding for its advantages. Tlie citizens of the State ore so well acquainted with the advantages of its position,' that but few re-mift-ks are necessary, to complete their information. The Hotel, itself, possesses all the requirements of room and comfort, which its purchasers can de sire. It has capacity for the accommodation of one hundred and fifty boarders, and the recent and rap id growth of the University, adjacent, makes it an easy matterio possess constantly such or even & greater number of students. ." - In addition to this, the frequent travel through Chapel Hill gives the Hotel, (being the only one iu the place) a transient custom equal to any in yie State. -"- r. .-. '. . The lots and stables adjoining are extensive arid commodious and the country-market supplies abun dantly and on profitable terms much of 'its provi sions. '" ' . , .--!' ' ' ' '' Tho terms of sole require one third of the price to be paid on-taking possession. A note with safe security and time of payment suited to the conven ience of the purchaser, ore the reasonable demands for the remainder. " " ' "T'' ' If further information be desired concerning the inducements to purchase, the President of the Uni versity or any other resident of the village, will fur nish it. - . Sn. . - V - Possession can be obtained at any time, after the 1st of May. Apply to '-" - ' ' ANNE S. H1LLIAKD, Proprietress. February 27, 1852. - Standard. 17 . THE NINTH SESSSION' ; OF the Chapel Hill Academy will commence oh the 17th of January. 1853. Charges as follows. Ordinary tnglish urancnes, 1U,UU -Higher English Branches, " 12.50 C'assical Department, . 15,00 . . . . . '. .Jones Watson,'"".' ."-.-ft.-"r.'!'.,-s:'.WK.,H. Rattlr, . "i. ' . -' -.- Wx, Houan," .. .. ' 1" -1, - Rey. Dr. E. ittTCttst ' '- ' " ' ' - "t;i BTII. Lee. ;t t- - , Trustees.. " '' .'.' 95 : .Not. 18, 1852. RESTAURANT. '- y fTTHE undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and tbe Public, that his Establishment is fitted up in a style'of' neatness, and furnished -with the best NORFOLK OYSTERS, Flsn, &ci and every delicacy that can be got in such Establishments. -The Establishment, is also'. rurnlshett with, two irood B1LLIA1U) 'J.'A1LJU ' TJOitS RASE. V.j DeS.;T,-18.32.- 100 tf 7 '.; Book'-for every House-keeper. fWy H E , American : Housewife, or . Hap.d Book it '.jBL- Domestic Cookory, .Containing directions for preparing upwards of four hundred "dishes, in the mostapprovcu.oijiea.' - - . .: For sale at the N. C. Book Store. lUleigh, Jajj4, 1853.W;!.C' Y; Ti R ITLSH , ELOQ UENCEi Embracinz the best J3 Speeches of the most eminent Orators of Great iiriUin, tor tne last two centuries, dj t-ur uietj'A. Goodrich,- V. l) North" Carolina Mutual Insurance iGompariy; fl IRIS Company- has been in successful peratiom xJ; j- for- more than five years, and -eontinues te , take risks upon all claeses of property in' the' State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine, Distilleries) . npon favourable terms. c Its Pelieief now cwve ; pippertamoTOting :4,500,000. a lerge pew'". toon-f whicli lain .Country risks and its, present , eupi tal is nuarly Six; Hujh1kc4 Thouni'PoII8" - '. iu bowls' properly; 8ecuTed . ?! '; , 'S'sS 5-? r -The .aTe.rafee CQst of. Insurance upon the pla e ' this Company has been less than one third of one per cent per an-numv en all grades of property n ferncwl ia its operations. ;.: . ' - " THE tbOowing persons have been elected .Diree-' tors and . Officers of this Company for the preset. yean i ; ..." "-'" r DIRECTORS. .. Joaah O. AYatson, Raleigh. xvicliard smith, John Primrose,-?-1 ' -' Henfr'Dl Tumer,,- do do do do do J.- G.;B. Roulhac. ' do ' - : - 8w: W. Whiting, T.II. Selby, -do ' " . Fayetterillo, Wilmington. Wasliingtojii'i -- Greensborot 5 Edeuton. . Salem. - . , Geo. McNein, Jos. G.' Wright, -James E. Hj . . .-'James Sloan,,; John Cox, '-4-'. Josh. Boner,. .v ' Joseph Pool,l ; JElizabeth City. ki5 Michael Brown;, bausbiirjw .... -.4 a '.'.s- Alex.. Mitchell, Newbern.". . .? ' TV, N. H. Snntb, Mui-freesboro' . V-- xi- -B. Williams, -Charlotte. -A , ; . v s - - - John B. Barrett, Milton. ,. , l' -A.JF. Smiiiny,' '' Ash.eville v" ' r -'AIl' Directors are authorized to receive applica tions.'. - -4,"- - '; ". ' . -' v OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. ' ?- Josiah O. Watson, President. , y z ' : J. G. TS. Rpulhac, ' Te tfo. , : V; ' ',':. -.Richard Smith, Treasurer. ' .' ; 1 ' . John C.:Parlridge, Secretary. v. . ' ( Jehn-H;;Bryan,-Jlffortjy. " "' ' ' t; , 'J. Hersman,.Genmili7ef. . : , S. W;Yhiting, V) : v - 1 ' Richard Smith, V Executive Committee, John Primrose , .... . - ' All .communications in, reference toiinsuranee should be addressed to. the SecretirypoSt paid., i : ' V J. Cv PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, Jan. 13, 1852. ? ' , .'. . 7 North Carolina Mutual Life Insu Tance Comnanv. -VJ-I1VE, RALEIGH, 'JST,r C. . J, rriHIS tomr'any continues to insure the lives ef - all healthy.White persons and Slaves lie greatest'risk taken on a single Hfe is $5,000.' ' Slaves are insured for a term of one to five years for fds their value. . ? ' ' . . : k- '.?!. ' . OFFICERS. ,- "' ". - " :Dr. Chns. E. Johiiion, President,. r" - - Wm. D. Hay wood, 'Vice President, , , . '; James F. Jordan, Secretary, -4, , J V -Win, H. Jones, Treasurer, ' ' Perrin Busbee, Attorney, . Dr. Wm. H. McKee, Exanuning Physician, , :( ' J. Hersman, General Agent . - - , All losses are paid within 90 daysvafter satisfaiTV ' toi-y proof is presented. ' '"JrX ? ':-' Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of the Company, may be had on application ;i at the Office,or any of the Agencies-: All letters" on business, shoidd be addressed to V - v ; - JAMES 'F. JORDAN &c'y -J May 2, J 852 38 FIRE! . II E JETNA INSURANCE COMPANY oi- abtford, Conn., offers to insure Buildings and M( Merchandize, against loss or damage by fir at premiums to suit tho times. - This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Cons panics in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. . .. ; Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to bo made to - ' t " ; V - S. W. WHITING, V :;r Agen " And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to n. J. Palmer, Agent' October, T848.' 83 THE BROTHER'S STEAMBOAT COMPANY, OR BANK'S LINE j -prepared with Steamers "Brothers," p5sgFg3ad' ''Douglass,'' and a compliment of i.i ni-ii jQW Bo'ats to carry with dispatch, all Freights shipped by them, between FnyettevilU and Wilmington, or to any intermediate landings o "" theRiver. JOHN BANKS, jlg't, Wilmington. D. & W. M LAUREN, Ag'ts, FayetteviUe. Sept. 21, 1852, - - . , 6m. 78 STARR, SON po., Lat JIALTBY & STARR,) - 147 WATER STREET, NEW YORK. I- EEP constantly on hand a large assortment of nATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of '-.-their own Manufacture which they offer to Cask and Time buyers on the most ? liberal - terms, at a slight advance from cost -Their long experience . in this branch of business enables them to offer it- .' duccmcnts to buyers seldom met with, and an ex--, animation of their stock isjparticuhirly ..invited. Orders respectfully solicited,' nud especial attention paid to packing goods for distant trade? ' . o r ABU. SON & .CO. ,. - :" T47;ater StreeVlSew'Yorfc ; Dec. 14, 1852.' , : 102 8ni . - (BILLIARD TABLES. : "VT 'Y. BILLIARD TABEt; MANUFACTORY. Ji ."No: 90 Ann Street. NewtYork City-Owners a large stock may be found with several new. and ' important improvements, which we have brought to a degreeof perfection attained by no' '.others'. ' Thes'improvements consist of forniing the Cushions so tbHt they willgivo. the angles correctly,' they being made of Cloth or the patent Vulcanized In dia Rubber, which-we have within the last year in troduced to. the public' Gentlemen at a distance wishing to purchase Tables with wood or jnarble beds, canhave their orders filled " the same": as if they were present, by addressing by mail. - Always on hand, "Cloths, Balls, Cues, Frenpli Leathers, and Packets' pf the j best -description. -.Tables packed and shipped to all parts of the country.. - .-V'v-n:' . -, ,. UOirrilll . XJX.UXVJiXV, - ' ' " "' ; : V,r : 190-Ann St, N. York. . , , October 15th, 1852. ; - ijs5 - - 3rn-84 "WARS A large lot of those superior import ed Havana'Cigars just to hand. . . - ? irnCiwiiAv ' - Novrm 1852- ; - -&: -.-- '98 tf . 7 ARMORS TAKE NOTICEi -Portable Steam 1 Engines for- driving Threshing Machines. corn cider? Portable sajir and other mills, mode by the 8iib8cnberTne.prnkJiii Instute in 1851, a--?, warded a silver medal. 'V ' r ? . : , A Hoisting drum can be attached, and the Eru gine used for pile driving, loading and discharging cargoes of Coah Pig Iron &c," the Engine being under the control Of one persbh.--- Two Horses can move ,t trom -place to-place. One t6n of coal is '' sufficient fuel for one-week, I Persons' -wishing in formation will please address " ' ''f.t'; -f-T No 13, DrmKcra Alley, Philadelphia. Aug16, 1853.- : r.v - C8 i!". i Varrenton N.- C -, &:t E M'A.LE .SEMINARY. i THE thirteehtR-session of this Institution, under the ditection "bf the "present Principal, will com- f inenee oh the. IJtfa of January. iAu experienced corps of Teachers in the various Ldepartmeals of a thorough education,; will act as assiBianus. .xerm mkicwiui r Circulars contaihiBg more minute' information, will "be furwarded to those' who may desire it DANUJTCliERPriiicipa!. riWarrenton, Dee; JJ, $So2i til Jan. 20.1 ". ''Jit v., -.-.fev. 3 v. Pi '-;-' . .if. ; -c . - . w .r ' " '-,7 . v: ; V ; i":- . .'-.-- ' ' i'"'" civ--: S-'ii-, v-4.5J?-; : ; :'lfeM-".