.T.i 1 . i 5, t 3K 1 -.j "AVLNQ s recently returned from th North, ... 11 - -l rluji ia M with , im! hoie selection of Goods, iw prepared to invite his friend and the public .'generally to an examination of his stock;. Ho is possession of the latest anl most fash enable styles of ? , iU'S? ' , . - ' Aud the most mpproTed .Washes, PerfVuneryf c . .o ..r. a FOR THE TOILET. 'i: : & Also,' splendid assortment of JWatchea," Musical Instruments, Fancy, Goods, 'an Q other articles msoaQj' contained i4establihmenta ef a similar . Grateful for past "patronagei he respectfully so '-.licita 4. eoniiauafice -af the same, being confident that no goods f . a enperior, quality were (trer. be far ofFerad in this market.- 'i.'Lt r r l addition to the artieles abore ennumerated but be found an extensire assortment of CcrufeY, SavM ajmPiATin Waiai, SpwrtACxaa, with Perifocal glasses to-suitthe eyes of au persona. Also wy superior Flint glasses, thai may be ad justed in any frame at the shortest notice. . '-Oa na:fiAe lot nf DOUBLE BARREL GUXS. -RIFLES. -PISTOLS of ail kinds, POWDER FLASKS SHOT AND BIRD BAGS, together with many other articles hi that line too tedious to en umerate, "which I abaR be pleased to exhibit to al .those who may fYor me with a call. ' : . ' C B. ROOT. , Oct 29,1852. ' " " " . 89 tf 7 "Taylor Temperanoe. Hotel. .fTIHE Pronrietor Ukes this opportunity to in " I form the Temperance-community and the pablic inr general, that he still continues, as he has done for the last six years, te keep the aboTe- - s named house om nneuj xemperanca pnncipicB. .'Thankful for. past fa mt, he wouldagaia invite all who want a amies, comfortable and cheap home. while stopping in the city, to give him a calL This honse is well located for business men, being ,Ae 28, Corllandt Street Hear BroaJray, and the landing tr nuut nf tha steamDoats ana juubwwj ia m rftyjk. ELD AD TAYLOR. New York, Jan. 14, 1858. mos " J M. Lovejoy's Academy. rflHF 28rd Session win commence on the 5th of 1 1 January, jo. rTuOeis. NoTember 16th, 1852. 4 ly 1 THE LARGEST SLLKRIKBON, AND TRnVTTiTTNG House in JMew xoik. ' THOMAS G. STEARNS, Importer and Jobber of ; ; SILKS, MILLINERY , FANCY GOODS, 162 Broadway. N. Y, ' HAS "NOW IN STORE AND IS DAILY RECEIT- ING and offering at the Lowest Prices, a complete assortment of Goods in his line, comprising all the various styles and designs, consisting of BLACK ANDr FANCY-SILKS, Marcelines, Florences, Shawls, Trimmings, V-V -: BONNET RIBBONS, " - IAjrTA AXD SATT-BIBBOSS, DRESS TRmMINGa.OF,AIJ-KINIS French and E"gK Crapes, CrapoLisses, Silk . -. . - - Cravats, ' ' , GLOVES OF. vALL KINDS; v 1, Silk Lace-Mitts-, -.BAREGES , LACES, 1 TFhit Goons, Hosikxt, L. C Hnrrs. - -The undersigned would invite the attention of his friends and the trade generally. He-will offer in ducements to - Cash asd Short Tims Butirs. 4. THOMAS G- STEARNS, - 162 Broadway, Between Liberty street and Maiden Lane, N. Y. Dee. 29,' 1852. - 1 ly cr NOTICE. THE subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens of Baleigh and vicinity, that he wiU commence selling off at cost the first day of March, his stock ef Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Crotkery Ware, Cigars, &cf, as he intends to close his busi ness in the course of two months. Persons desirous of getting goods cheap, will da well to fall upon him and examine his stock. - - JNO. F. MAHLER, West side of the CapitoL P. 8. All persons indebted to me will have the kindness to come. up and settle their accounts with in six weeks, as I shall be bound te have them col lected after that time. . - Raleigh, March 4,1853. ; 20 )hauh's HAin urviGOBATon. Another supply just received at Peacud's DRUG STORE. CLAUDIUS B. SANDERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, sxrrarmjv fcoxTH cabolisa, "TTTILL attend the Courts of -Johnston, Wayne f and Nash. ' " -Jan. 14, 1853. y W. H- &. Ii' S-' Tucker. AYE in store,' and will take pleasure in show fl. ing to their friends,' and the public general ly, a stock of new goods, which was selected with .great care, and for variety of styles, richness of de sign nd relative cheapness according to quality cannot be surpassed by any similar Establishment in the place W They would take this method of returning to the community their warmest thanks tor tneir very libe ral patronage since their connection, and desire to retain it and increase their trade, by punctual atten tion, and correct management of business. They -would ask. attention to the following arti cles r . . - Black PouFt da Soi, , r. . " Greis de Rhine, : . " " Np,'. Zenie silks, - Rich. Brocade si ks, , Plain, Plaid, and striped silks, ' Marceline, Florence, and Lutestring silks, Plain and Figured Tissues, Solid colored Bareges, fall shades) -Printed, and satin plaid Bareges, Crape Marengos, . Plain, and printed Chaly, Chaly de Laines, Barege de Laines, Organdi Muslins, Printed Jackonet Muslins, '1 Brilliantea, ." . Ginghams, y?y V'v Prints, , v.'t' :'-w ' - White, dotted, and figured Muslins, ' Jackenet, and cambric " ; - Cross, bar'd and striped Swiss and Book- " 'Nainsook and Mull - - - -Bishop Liwns, Cambric D mety Berlin Cord Muslin for Bonnets. Jfarch 22, 1853. 25 - i Hardware. PRATT 4 LANSING. (successors to a. a. w. iaxsuo,) Importer ad - WkoUpaie Dealer in HARD WARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, c., NO. 201 FULTON STREET, Between Broadway and Greenwich" Streets, NEW YORK. UR STOCK will at all times consist of a full 1 and complete assortment of English and Ger man Shelf Hardware, imported by ourselves direct rrom the manufacturers ior easn ; ana or Ameri can Hard Ware, Cut Nails, Shovels, Farming Tools e., purchased of the, makers on such -terms as will enable us to compete with those in the Amer ican Hard Ware trade exclusively. Country Merchants ""are requested to examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. PRATT & LANSING.-. Mch 18,1853. '- ($5) 8m-24 Direct Importations. ' ; , : ; TV8 GOODS AT WHOLESALE IN CHARLES JL ton, S. Q. C. a E. L. KERRISON& CO., Have, And are continually receiving, . by every ar rival, CHOICE GOODS, which they are prepared to sell at small advance on the sterling cost. .A look at their Dress -Goods - will well repay the trou ble. .Their Stock of Hosiery U large and complete, said in Prints, many Styles will be found, not gen erally kept in this market. North Weet Corner King & Market Streets. Pfb. 9,.lS52.. - v ' tf 18 C. Bi ROOT UiiiWd States Mail Steam Ship .WILLUM ROLLIXS,' COMMANDER,:' , M rcjfic Mail Steam Ap Comptuty't ? , .- i i Line for Calif ornitu1' S: THIS Splendid Sea Steam Chip will: hereafter leave Charleston for Havana on the 15th - and 30th of Each Month, and from Havana for Charles ton, on the 8thand22d of Each Month.,- The Isabel will connect at Havana with: the U. S. Mail Steam Ship Company's Lino to Aspinwall and the Pacific Mail Line from . Panama to Califor nia and Oregon. v, ' " .Passengers win be Unded at tne Kauroaa wnan at Aspinwall free transit of the Isthmus at the Passengers expense.1- -v ;-v H ' . ' . - ; . -. The Isabel will also connect at Havana with U. 8." Mail Steam Company's line to New Orleans. . r Tickets for Key. West, Havana, New Orleans, Aspinwall, and Son Franciseo, can be had by ap plying to V?" - t - MORDECAI 4 CO., , . -,. . . 110 East Byr Charlestons. C-M Through Tickets f.r the Isabel to Charlesion, via Havana, can be had from the Company's Agonts at the points above named. -. , . . - j Jan. 18th, 1853. , - . ($10)-7 NEW SINGING BOOK ' PATENT NOTES!:; THE HARP OF THE SOUTH ; A new and extensive collection of church music, BY t B. WOODB0T, Author or thb nvLcins, libxr mdsicvs, Ac TfHIS book embraces many new features, and, I it is confidently believed, will be found the most comprehensive, attractive and useful work of the kind ever issued. It has been prepared in an swer to numerous calls from the South and the West, and embraces the Gems from all the most popular round note books in the country, together with much new Alusic written expressly tor its pa ges. By special arrangement, the right to use the favorite compositions of Lowell Mason, Esq,, the distinguished composer and editor, has been ob tained, and a careful selection from his very popu lar works, the Handel and Haydn Societies collec tion ; The Carmina Sacra, of which last work alone over 800 000 copies have been sold,) and others, has been made. Selections have also been made from the "works of Thoftas Hastings and William B. Bradbury, Esqs., as well as from the other most distinguished American and t oreign- Composers. The choicest pieces have also been inserted from the Dulcimer, by Mr. Woodbury, a work which has had the astonishing sale of 125,000 copies : the short time since its publication. Some idea of the extent and variety of this work may be given by mentioning that beside a very large number of Psalm and Hymn Tunes ef all Me ters, Anthems, and Set Pieces, for ' all occasions, and lieTival tlyms, and Music, it also contains a large number of Juvenile Songs for the Sabbath School and Social Circle, and a collection of Secu lar Pieces, but of a Moral Cast, for the use of sing ing Schools, Ac To the whole is prefixed the El ements of Music made easy, being a full exposition of the subject, illustrated by numerous Exercises and plea si Ug pieces for class practice. Teachers, Choristers and others interested are invited to ex amine this work. Retail price $1,00 For sale by Lippinoott, Grambo & Co., Philadel phia ; W. B. Smith & Co., Cincinnati ; H. Critten den, St. Louis ; A Carter, Charleston : T. S. Bid- good & Co. Mobile ; and by booksellers generally. Published by Mason Brothers (late Mason & Law,) ew Xorfc. March 1st, 1&33. (10) 3m-19 CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA STEAM PACKETS. United States Mail Line. SEMI-WEEKLY. COSXECTIKG WITH THE JT. T. STEAMERS EACH WAT. THE CAROLINA, L. M. Coxetter master, will leave every Saturday Af ternoon, at 3 o clock, touching at Jacksonville, Pico lata and Pilatka, on . the St John's River : returning, will arrive in Charleston on Wtdnetday. The FLORIDA, Charles Willy, master, will leave on Tuesday Afternoon of each week, at s.inie hour, and, in addition to the above ports, will stop at Black Creek ; returning, will arrive on Saturday Morning. Due notice will always be given when the Carolina makes an extra trip to St. Augustine It is only considered necessary to aay that these boats have been built especially for this trade, and are commanded by the most experienced naviga tors. Fare to Jacksonville $8 Fare to Pilatka $10 For Freight or Passage, apply on board, at Southern wharf, or to JOHN W. CALDWELL, 89 East Bay. Feb. 18, '53. tlj Io Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A fresh supply of Ayer's Cherry Pectori a Just received at Pescud's DRUG STORE, Copartnership Notice. THE undersigned have this day entered into co partnership, under the style and firm of Shefpabo & Chaxbxbxatke for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Busines, and of fer their services to their friends and the public generally, for the sale of Tobacco, Wheat, Flour, Corn, and all other produce, with the pledge that they will use their best endeavors to advance the interest of all who may patronise them. They are prepared to make liberal advances en all produce consigned to them. JOHN M. SHEPPARD, EDWIN H. CHAM BERLA YN B. " Richmond, Ya., March 1st, 1853 Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on me for the last ten years, I respectfully solicit a con tinuation of the same to the new concern, with the assurance that every effort will be made to please all who may be disposed to patromxe it. JOHN M. SHEPPARD JR. March 22nd. 1853. lm-26 WINSTON & CLARKE, COUNSELLORS AND ATTORNEYS , Raleigh, N. C. P. II. Winston. W. J. Clarxx. March 29, 1853. 6m 27 A Splesdio Article and no Mistake. White and Black Pomatum highly perfumed, and in very large sticks. Just received, and for sale by Jr. '. FESUUD. TtfACCARONL Best quality, imported Macca- 11 1 roni in store, and for sale by JAMES McKIMMON. March 29, 1858'. . 27 - General Agency. fTIHE undersigned offers his services as agent for the transaction of any business in the City of Kaleigh, at the Public Departments, the Banks, In surance offices, sc. He may be found at the Office of the Secretary of State., All letters addressed to him will be promptly attended to, and his charges will be mode rate and satisfactory. RUFTJS H. PAGE. REFERENCES .-Got. David S. Reid, Win. Hill Sec'y. of State, D. W. Courts, Pub. Treasurer, E. B. Freeman, Clk. Supreme Court, Geo. W. Morde- eai, Prest of Bank State, - W. J. Clarke, Compt State, Yl. il. Jones, Uash. Bank: Cape rear, V. W Vass, Treasurer K. & U. .a. Koad. - Raleigh, Jan. 1st, 1852. . ."- tf William S. Mason, ... ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, L practice in the Courts of Chatham and Wake. . He may be found at his office, at the corner of the square upon which Mr. McKik vox's residence is- situated, rv-- Raleigh,. Jan. 25, 1858. 6 mos 9 nmXTRACTS. Pi F.'PESCUD has just recoi J2i ved a supply fit Extracts for the Handkerchief and for flavouring 1'ies, jruaoings, vustard, slc, mnch superior to Lubins or any other i ever sold consisting in part, of the following; vis : Upper Ten, Ess. Bouquet, New Mown Hay, Sweet Clover, Honeysuckle, Musk, Joeky uinb(-Ueuotrcpe, CiU ronella Rose, Sea Rose, Magnolia, Verbena, Cle matis, Geranium, Hedjosnua, Violet, Patchouly, rraine ir lower, jrarina . Uoiogne, Extract .Lemon, Bitter Almonds, Peach and Velery; also Fresh Gel atine, Corn Starch and Arrow Root. March 25, 1863. 25 ; v FOR NEW YOIllI. ' SPRINGAim SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, ; 3) EDUCTION of Passage and Fare I TV The new and elegant side wheel : Steamship ROANOKE ! r 1,200 tons burthen. Lewis Parrish. Commander, will leave (Sty point every Tuesday evening rpr NeW,York.-rt. . .. ' i--iV , asssge and fare from Petersburg, including state rooms..."....j.......... $10 00 Steerage passage ...... .' W For speed, comfort and safety, the Roanoke is excelled bv no Steamship on the coast, and travel lers will find it the .most pleasant route to the 'orth. - : - tSSFL TICKETS issued at my Umce pn Bycamore street SAMUEL G. BAPTIST, Agt Petertburg, Va. tSf A passenger, train leaves the Appomattox Depot- at 5 o'clock, P; 1L, te connect with the Steamship at City Point. - : .June 4, 1852.- m a - SPECIAL EXPRESS NOTICE. NEW JTORK, T1RGINIA & N. CAROLINA FREIGHT, PACKAGE, AND PARCEL PER STE1SSHIPS ROnOIE A.1D JAMESTOWN. IHE Proprietors beg leave to inform the Mer chants, Bankers, and public generally of Ra leigh, that having bought out the interest of Dodge's Virginia and North Carolina Express, and made arrangements, with the New lork and Vir ginia Steamship Company for the transportation of their Express to Norfolk, Petersburg, and Rich? mond, and concluded arrangements with Messrs. H. D. Byrd & L. O. B. Branch Esqs., of the Pe tersburg and Gaston, and Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, they are now prepared te-transmit to and! from New l ork. or either of their Agencies,- every description ot Merchandize, Valuable Packaga, Bank Notes, Specie, .Notes, Drafts, Bills, Ac,, with the greatest expedition, and at the most economical rates, n e shall spare no trouble or expense, in ma king this the popular Express of Virginia and North Carolina ; our long experience in the busi ness North and West, and our ample means to con duct the same, we hope, will be a sufficient guar antee to the Merchants, to direct their correspon dents to dispatch their goods through P arisen $ King' Exprtst. We also wish it distinctly under stood that we are in direct spposition to the old monopoly. Git us a trial. W. B. PARIKEH, 1 Proprietors. JAS: H. KING, Astor Hocsb N. Y. V. D GRONER, Norfolk, Va: H: D. TURNER, D. TOWNES Pctersb'g Va. Raleigh, N. C. WM. L. MAULE, Rich'd Va. J N B We would als ask the attention of merchants at the following places Chapel Hill, Hillsboro , Greensbero', Fayetteville, Salem, Cheraw, Pittsbe- , Ashboro and Salisbury, to facilities offered them for the transmission of liahl package by eur Express from Raleigh ; and all orders sent to our Agent, H D Turner, Esq. for us, will meet with prompt attention. . P. & K. Raleigh, March 22, 1853. ly 25 TV TM. B. P ARISEN has this day associated ' with, in the Express business, Jas. H. King, Esq. , and the business will hereafter be conducted under the style and firm of Paruen J- King. New-York, Feb. 14, 1853. THE subscribers having bought out the entire interest of Dodge's Virginia & North Carolina Ex press, the business hereafter will be conducted by Messrs. Paruen $ Amy, at present ro. 2 Yesey street. NOTICE. Having disposed of my entire interest in the i. i press business, heretotore known as Dodge's Virginia and North Carolina Express," take pleasure in recommending to the community at large, the enterprising gentlemen composing the firm of Messrs. Parisen $ King, who have assumed that business as Express Forwarders. LEVI DODGE. Feb. 14,1853. . 25 EXTRA EXPRESS NOTICE. PARISEN & KING'S EXPRESS. Mr. W. B Parisen having visited this City for the pur pose of completing arrangements for the running of their Express, daily, between Raleigh and Pe tersburg ; and having learned the general sentiment of the Kaleigh merchants relative to the old sys tem of Expressing, he is desirous of giving a few illustrations of Parisen and King's system, contain ed in the principles of Watchfulness. Expedition and Economy. 1st. Our Express, leaving New York on Satur day, at 4 o'clock, P M., arrives at Norfolk at 5 P M, Sunday evening," and at City Point 4 o'clock Monday A M, and the only freight delivered at City Point is our Express. It then takes the Mail Train on the Appomatox Railroad, and is delivered in Petersburg by 9 o'clock, A M ; and the Express for Raleigh, . and intermediate points, leaves the same evening, at 6J o'clock, P M, and is delivered by 9 o'clock, AM, on Tuesday, at this City. The same time will be made by our Express leavine New York on Wednesday, per steamship James town, thus anurding to the Kaleigh merchant a direct communication with JNew lork twice per week. za. uur r-1 press nas no connection with any other concern, but is in direct opposition to monopo lizing imposition ; and the proprietors are alone re sponsible for any loss or damage occurring in the transportation of their Express, from the time of the receipt of a package until the delivery of the same ; and any loss or damage sustained will be most cheerfully and promptly paid. 3d. If the merchants will give us a list of the houses at which they trade in New York, or either of our Agencies, our own Express Wagons will call for their goods in time for our dispatch, and there by save them the expense of cartage, generally add- eu ou uieir uuis. 4th. Anierchant, a lady, or a child, wanting anv thing, from a paper of Cambric Needles, or a crying Baby, to a heavy case of goods, a coop of China fowls, or a span of Horses, has but to leave a cor rect order with our Agent to forward on to us, and on the return of our Express the order will be com pleted, " if in the line of possibility," without any trouble or advances, until such order is delivered at the door. 5th. Our arrangements being complete, of the first class throughout our entire line, and upon the strict principles of Permanency and Security, we are enabled to transact our business with greater r.xpeainon and Economy, than by any other way . i it. . . J ur menus me jjuuuo can uevise. r Hence the utility of a well conducted Express. peuorming its oougauons to Uie puonc. r a a m we nere ena, and asx ior a liberal encourage ment in this new and expensive enterprise : and ia return we shall strive to encourage our patrons by Politeness, Punctuality and Economy. Having secured the services of one of the most intelligent and popular merchants of this City, H D Turner, Esq., we take great pleasure in savin? we have the fullest confidenceln that gentleman's abil ities to make our Agency as popular as his ownbu- , J rm m ,. , siness aireauy is. ine puDiic s servants, PARISEN & KING. Baleigh, March 22d, '53 25-4t Miniature Painting. T fR. SIGFRIED HIRSH,- Artist, from Vienna, IT I again offers his Professional services to the citizens of Raleigh. He has returned to this City, at the solicitation of several of its citizens, and will be pleased to re ceive further favors of the community. Applications for Miniatures must be made imme diately ; as his stay will otherwise be shortened. His Rooms are above Turner's Book-store, next aoor to the ixlxoraph Ufficr. Raleigh, March 10, 1853. tf 22 Mining Agency, NEW YORK, 62 WILLIAM ST., ROOM NO. 12. THIS Agency is established for the purchase and sale, on commission, , of unimproved Mines and Mining Stock, in companies organised and at work. Also, for furnishing all kinds of Ma chinery and Mining Tools, as ordered. Also, the chemical analysis of ores and other substances, as forwarded rrom any part of the country. A min ted' circular, giving full explanations, will be sent in answer, to any post-paid letter, enclosing one taree cent post-omce stamp. - . S J- R- BARBOUR & CO. Nxw York, Dec. 80, 1852. ly T)xiatixr'b SaRsaparixla. A fresh supply just Sj receivea, ana ior saie oy . P. F. PESCUD. .'r GREENSBOfiOTJGH Mutual Insurance Company. 4 rrnilE cost of Insurance ,n the mutual plan is 11 but a small sum, compared with joint stock Company. This Comnaay being located in the Western part of the State, consequently much the ( . larger portion of the risks are in the W est, very many of which are In the tquntry. : ? :f f The Company is entirely free from debt ; have made no assessments, and have a- very large a mount in cash and good bonds, and is -therefore confidently recommended to the public. I At the last Annual Meeting, the following Officers were elected for the ensuing -year : ; JAMES SLOAN, President. . . ; . , S. G. COFFIN, Vice President ' i 7 C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. i PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING; General AgenV Directors.' 5' Cj-.-v-W-fv. James. Sloan, J. A. Mebane, CLP. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. a F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Dr. P. Weir. W. J. McConnell, of Greensboro'; Dr; Shubald G. Coffin, J. W. Field, Jamestown ;' F.- El liott, Guilford; William A, Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watkins, Carolina Female College 1 John I. Shaver, Salisbury; John IL Cook, Fayetteville, E. Lilly, Wade8boro ; J. J. Biggs, Kaleigh ; Leroy Springs, Charlotte; J. J. Jackson, Pittsboro"; II- Elliott, Cedar Falls. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y. Dec. 14, 1852. 102 . GREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COM PANY. THIS Company, as its name indicates, is upon the mutual principle, and embraces two dis tinct departments, to wit : Life Insurance and Trust departments. This attractive 'combination offers to J'olicy holders double the ordinary securi ty, without destroying their right to a full participa tion in the entire $roata of the Company. Premi ums will be received, in cash, either annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, as may be agreed up on at the time the Policy is issued. In the TRUST DEPARTMENT, or Deposit Sys tern, the payments made to the Company are en tirely optional with the Depositor, as regards the amount -and the time at which they are made. A party may pay in as much or as little, (not less than one dollar,) and as often, as may be conve nient for him, without any obligation upon him to continue his payments, and may withdraw them at his pleasure. So that, on the plan of this Company, there is created at one and the same time an assurance pay able al death a fund available in sickness and a pro vision for old age. SkS See Pamphlets furnished by the Company. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Directors Ralph Gorrell, Lyndon Swain, John A. Gilmer, D. F. Caldwell, Richard Greene, David McLean, Richard Sterling, John M. Logan, D. P. Weir, E. W. Ogburn, Robert M. Sloan, Robert P. Dick, Henry E. BUiott. President Ralph Gorrelx. Vice Presided Lyndon Swaim. Secretary and Treasurer D. P. Weir. Attorney John A. Gilmer. Examining Physician Edwin Watson, M. D. Consulting Physicians D. C. Mebane, M. D.; J. L. Cole, M. D. D. P. Weir. M. D. General Agent William H Gumming. KQ Any information relative to the Company may be had by addressing D. P WEIR, Secretary and Treasurer Feb. 22, 1853. tf-17 HOWELL & BROTHERS, Mahcpactcrers and Importers or Paper Hangings, No. 207, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. NVITE attention to their very elegant and ex tensive assortment of Paper Hangings, embrac ing fine gold and velvet decorations, fine French in plain and rich colors, with an immense assort ment of ordinary satin and common papers. Also, Curtain Papers, Borders, Fire Prints, Tester and Centre pieces, &c. H. & B. were awarded at the late fair of the Maryland Institute, a Gold Mxdax for the superiority of their Paper Hangings. Jan. Z6, 18o3 10 DOMESTIC CLOTHS. A good article, and cheap, to hand. L. W. PECK, & CO. Oct 26, 1853; 88 tf Spring Millinery. THE subscriber invites attention to a coxflrtx stock of Spsiao and Suxm zkv Milukxrt Goons, which will be sold by wholesale or retail. Straw Bonnets trimmed, and Silk Bonnets made to order, in small or large quantities, at short no tice. Prompt and special attention given to orders from the country. N. C. BARTON, 109 Main St., Richmond, Va. Feb. 22, 1853. 3mos pr. $5 17 W H 1 TE & McKENN E Y BcccissoBS to PEEBLES, SCOTT k WHITE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia TAPLE AND FANC ca y cn 3 3j rm SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, Va. Y S3 j. axdrew wirrrK, R. A. McKENNET, (Lata with J no. Stcvenaoa.) ly-27 March 29. 1853. IMPORTANT. TO HOUSEKEtPERS- Something belter and more econonomical (hah . Soda, Cream lartar, or any otter prepara tion in existence for Baking. DURKEE'S Chemical Yeast, or Baking Powder For raising Bread, Biscuit, Fried, Griddle and Johnny Cakes, Puddings, Pot-Pies, Corn Bread Sweet Cakes, Apple Dumplings, Pastry, Ac, &c. This article is one that every FAMILY, HOTEL, BOARDING HOUSE, Eating Saloon, Ship. Steamboat, Vessel, Canal Boat sc., will find upon a careful trial, to be the very thing needed every single day of heir existence. Its most important advantages over the old sys tem, are , 1 . It saves the expense of milk, eggs, shortening, spoiled bread, and the trouble and expense of pro curing good yeast,, water only being necessary. 2. No time is required for the dough to rise before baking ; consequently bread may be made in a few minutes. 8. A cook can always depends upon having light, sweet, tender and palatable bread and biscuit whether the flour be of the best quality or not. 4 read made by this process is much more nu tritious, easier of digestion, better fitted for a weak stomach, sweeter, whiter and lighter, than when made with yeast. 5. The bread made by fermentation dees no af ford the same amount of nourishment to the . ys tem, that it does when made with this compound ; because the vegetable acid contained in fermented bread, prevents the peeper action of the gastric fluid upon it, and consequently, a part only goes to nour ish the body, while the acids tend to produce dys pepsia and its attendant evils. The article has been thoroughly tested, and is u- niversally bleed. When used according to the di rections, it is warranted to suit. B Be careful to ask for DURKEE'S' BA KING POWDER, and take no other, and you will not be deceived. Principal office, 189 Wa ter street, New York. Sold by the best grocers and druggists generally. Feb. 25, '53. ly 18 STRAW GOODS. Fisher & Plimpton, No. 189 Broadway, Opposite John Street,) NEW YORK, ' 1 AVE constantly on hand one of the laRQxst I l ana most coxplxts stocks of Straw Goods, Silk Bokkrts,'" Ac. of their own manufacture. comprising every variety of Straw Borrrts, Foa- xias and Dokrstic, and adapted to both Mxr- chaxt and MUurxrt trade. i Having the rxclusivr costrol of various styles of goods, they offer inducements the most attract tive, as well in " regard to quality as price, and would invite buyers to call and examine before purchasing their goods. " Jan. 28, 1863. ; 5 10 rni OVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE. Thirtr ban T Government Java Coffee, landing this day, for MM.bj " -C j'..- --- v. v , PEEBLES & WHITE. Petersburg, Jan. 28, 1858. 10 ii : : " Here Is yoTjr.Reinedy. nOXsIsQWATPS OINTMENT.' A most Miraculous curs or Bap Lx98,rra 48 i ' Yrar's BvrmtKQ..' . c . -3 Extract of a Letter from Mr.' WmJ GalpvC, oflQ SL Mary's JStreet, Weymouth, dated May J5fA,"1851. . To Professor Hollowat : ' ;- i . . - Sir At the age of 18, my wife (who is now 1) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed Her agonies, were distracting, and for months together she was de. prived entirely of rest and sleep. Every, remedy that medical men adrised, was tried, but without effect her health suffered severely, and the state of her legs was terrible.; I had often read your advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and Ointment : and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had proved useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago, and, strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbed. Could you have witness ed the sufferings of my wife during the last forty-, three years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel delight ed in having been the means of so greatly allevia ting the sufferings of a fellow-creature. (Signed) WILLIAM GALPIN A Person 70 Years of age cured of a Bad Leg, of 30 Years Standing. C"py of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens of Rushcliffe, near Huddersfield, dated May ost, 1851. To Professor noMoway : Sir I suffered for a period of thirty years from a 'bad leg, the result of two or three different acci dents at the Gas Works, accompanied by scorbutic symptoms. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that the leg must be amputated, yet, in oppo sition to that opinion, your Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure in so short a time, that few who had not witnessed it would credit the fact. (Signed) WILLIAM ABBS. The truth of this statement can be verified by Mr. W. P. Euglund, Chemist, 13 Market street, Huddersfield. A Dreadful Bad Breast Cured in One Month. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Penhurst, Kent, dated December ldth 1850. To Professor Hollo way : Dear Sir My wile had suffered from bad breasts more than six months, and during the whole period had the best medical attendance, but all to no use. Having before healed an awful wound in my own legs by your unrivalled medi cine, I determined again to use your Pills and Oint ment and therefore gave them a trial in her case, and fortunate it was I did so, for in less than a month a perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have de rived from their use, is really astonishing. I now strongly recommend ihcm to all my friends. (Signed) FREDERICK TURNER. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases : Bad Legs. Chiego-foot, Fistulas, Sore Thvoats, Bad Breasts, Chilblains, Gout. Skin diseases, Burns, Chapped hands. Gladular dwellings, Scurvy, Bunions, Corns (soft) Lumbago Sore heads, Bite of Mos- Cancers, Piles, Tumors, quitos and Contracted and Rheumatisms, Ulcers, sand flies. Stiff Joints. Scalds, Wounds, Coco-Bay, Elephantiasis, Sore Nipp'es, Yaws. Sold by the Proprietor 244 Strand, (near Tem ple Bar,) London, and by all respectable venders of Patent Medicines, throughout the British Empire, and by tho-e of the United States, in pots and box es, at 37 J cents, 87 cents, and $1 50 each, Whole sale, by the principal Drag houses in the Union, and by Messrs. S. B. & J. A EVANS, Wilming ton. N. C For sale by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh. There is very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients are affixed tp each pot or box. Feb. 25, 1853. 18 lr m Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road. T THE Passenger Trains on this Road are due as follows : Mail Train. Accommodatien. North. (South. North. South. Raleigh, 4 p. m.i4 a m 10 30 a m. 25 50 p. 10 5 15 m. Forestville, !3 45 !S o-: Franklinton, 11 o 10 80 11 30 Kittrell, 1 W5 5 8 30 t- fa !12 Henderson, 30 12 30 50 2 10 Ridgway, Warrenton, Macon, 137 57 57 118 9 15 30 50 110 10 18 30 45 15 15 10 3 35 J4 p in 5 30 25 30 a. m. Littleton, o 11 Gaston, p. m. ll p. m The accommodation train leaves Raleigh on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and returns Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Passengers neglecting to provide themselves with Tickets before taking the Cars, are liable to an extra charge. Office of the R & G. R R. Co. Feb. 22. '53. tf 17 To the Public. A PERFECT LUXURY IN SUMMER & WINTER ! THE subscriber has on hand a supply of the best quality of curled hair, and is still man ufacturing a superior quality of hair Mattresses. He would respectfully inform the Public, that he can furnish them with the best articles in his line as cheaply as they can be bought in New York. Persons from the neighboring villages and coun ties, who have" heretofore sent North, can provide themselves with as good an article at the subscri ber's, and at as low a price ; as he is prepared to and will furnish them, at the shortest notice, at prices ranging from $4 to $30. ALSO, Constantly on hand the much improved Shuck and Cotton Mattresses, at the lowest prices. Al so, sofas, lounges, Ac, manufactured in various styles. Repairing of sofas, easy-chairs, and reno vating old Mattresses, &c, done with neatness and despatch. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. My Ware-Koom is on Fayetteville St. three doors above the Yarborough House. J. HENRY HARRIS, Upholsterer and Mattress Maker. E2j Good Feathers taken at the highest prices in exchange for Mattresses. Raleigh, Feb. 10, 1853. tf 14 William H. Jones, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C, w ILL attend the Courts ef Chatham. John- ston, and Wake. March 4, 1853. 6m-20 Bull's barsaparilla. A fresh supply of this justly celebrated Extract, too well and highly appreciated to need any comments,' is just re ceived and for sale at , PESCUD'S. M' ovvat's pills & phoosnlx BiTTsas. Another supply just to hand. - Those who have been in want of these highly approved Medicines may be supplied at Pescud's .' ,DRUG 8T0RE. . 7T Groceries ! Groceries ! ! IN Store and for Sale, by W, fl, & R. STUCKER. A prime Iot of Cuba Molasses ; - Fresh -whole grain Rice; Crushed,1 Powdered,' -Clarified 'and Brown Sugars, by BbL or retail ; Laguira, Rio and Java Coffees.' ' " - " '"-.7 -y , Maich, 1858y ' - -' '-; 19 , KID AND SILK GLOVES.' 65 doxen pair La dies and Gents Kid Gloves, 12 c do do " do do Alexander Sifk.Gloves. ' Real twisted Silk Gloves for-Ladies and Misses. , : -W.H. & R. 8. TUCKER. ' SWORDS' Pocket Almanac and Church Register for 1853. " ' ' "--filar, sale by ; ; ' ' ' H. D. TURNER. ' - .1 N. . Book Store Raleigh, March 4, 1853. 29 t - tJVER OMPItAINT, TAUNDWDTSPETSIA, CHRONIC, OR NER I ;teus debility, diseasef the .Kidney s,r and all disease arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such aV-constipation;; inwrd;Piles, , fullness, -or blood to the head,' acidity of the stomacli, . Nausea, HeartburnDisgust for Food, Fullnesscr -Weight in the Stomach, Sour eructations, sinking or flutter ing at the Pitt of .the Stomachy Swjmming of the Head, Humea ana aimcuii -ireaiu"6 -d at the Heart, Choking, - or Suffocating Sensabons when in a Lying Posture; Dimness of ,Vtaony Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain m 1 the lleaa, uonciency 01 rersoirauou, . the Skin and Eyes, Pain in tao Biae, iaca, iuwv... Limbs &f.j Sudden! Flushes of Heat, -Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits ; can be effectually curedr by DR. .UOOFLAND'S Celebrated German JBUlers, prepared by Da. C. M. Jackson, at "the German Medicine Store; No. 120, Arch. Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not -excelled, if equalled by any other preparation '"in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skO ful physicians had failed' - - s. X ' These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exereisingthe most searching powers in weaknesses and affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, cer-, tain, and pleasant. , - - V'- READ AND BE CONVINCED. From the "Boston Bee.'? . The Editor said, Dec. 22d. .-" - '. . - "Dr. Uoofland's Celebrated German Bitters, for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice,- Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. These Bit ters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use ef these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor, "a fact worthy of great consider ation. They are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be used by persons with the ,most delicate stomachs with safety, under any circumstances. We are speaking from experience, and to the af flicted we advise their use." "Scott's Weekly," one of the best Literary pa pers published, said, August 25 "Dr. Hooflands German Bitters manufactured by Dr.' Jackson, are now recommended by some of tBe most prominent members of the faculty, a an ar ticle of much efficacy in case of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle and thus save themselves much sick ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health as we know from experience the salutary effect that they have upon weak systems." Judge M. M. Noab, a gentleman of great literary and scientific attainments, said in his "New i prk Weekly Messenger," January 5, 1850 : ; , ' "Dr. Hooflantfs German Bitters Here is a pre paration which the leading presses in the Uain' appear to be unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the moat celebrated physicians of modern times, the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, Professor to the University of Jena, Pri vate Physician to the King of Prussia, and one of thejjreatest medical writers Germany has ever pro duced. He was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the in venter and endorser may be confidently relied on. W specially recommend it in Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Debility, ertigo, Acidity of the btom ach, Constipation aud all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the Liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of the editors speak of its effects from, their own individ ual experience. Under these circumstances we feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette" the best family newspaper published in the United States, the editor says of DR. HO O ELAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers : and, therefore, when we recom mend Dr. Uoofland's German Bitterswe wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day; that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universaUypxued, and whieh has met the hearty approval of the faculty ltseU- Evidence upon evidence has ;Deen received like the foregoing) from ail' sections of the Union, the last three jt&rsand ther strongest, testimony a Us favor, is, that there is more of it used in the pzae- tice of the regular physicians ex Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined a fact that can be easily established., and fully nrovinir that a scien tific preparation will meet with.their quiet approval when presented even in this form. . That this medicine will cure Liver .Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, after using it as directed. It acts specifically upen the stomach and liver ; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases ; the effect is immediate. They can- be administered to fkhalk or ixfaxt with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high character which ia necessary for all medicines to attain, to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. ' . LOOK WELL TO THX MARKS OF THE GKXUIKK. They have the written signature of C W. JACK SON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, WITHOUT WHICH THRT ARX SPURIOUS. For sale wholesale and retail at GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. , No. 120, ARCH Street, one door below Sixth, (late of 278 Race street,) Philadelphia, and by re spectable dealers throught the country. ' Also for sale by J. B. RAMSEY, " Druggist. rittsboro', N. C, May 29, 1851. 44 ly And for sale also by . . - . ; P F. PESCUD, Genl Agent, Raleigh, N. C, Geo. M. Tracy & Co., r NO. 84 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Maiden Lane.) J ; NEW-YORK . : IMPORTERS OF ' . QINTltHKX'a FURNISHING OOOB8. IN this establishment, being thelargestin the city, ' may be found a large and well selected stock, consisting in part of rich beans and Cravats, Hosie ry, Gloves. Under Garments, Suspenders, Stocks, London and .Napoleon Ties, Shirts of all qualities, Ac. Having been engaged in this business the last twenty j years, comment is unnecessary, as they have made such arrangements in Europe that they are receiving by almost every steamer, the choicest gcods the market affords, and purchasers need only call to satisfy themselves that every article in the Furnishing line may le found here. , . - Feb. 25, 1853. , . . 8m-18 ; NEW SILK HOUSE. l TuUer,fiutchins; iaseilJS Importers : and -Wbolxsaia :Dsalebs 9 1 TJBERT Yl, STREET,; N.-X'fH Are now receiving and opening n vtTy ' Varg'imi nrr vv rr a arr w- ' ivAiix'v..' .'-T v GOMPRIS1NG DRESS SILKS, DRESS GOODS and Trimmings; ; BONNET and TAFFETA RIBBONS,- SHAWLS; KID, f SILK.; .'and; LISLE GM)VES, WHITE GOODS, JLACES.ind EMBROI DERIES, together with a general assortment of ev ery variety ol goods in this line.-? Cash and' time buyers from every section will find ibis stock - Very aesirauie ana at tow pnoea. ' v.v-v-vs,.-: :-ji'. ..WM. U. XUi.L,J5R. :WHD- HART f. WM. S. HUTCHLNGS. L STEPHEN ISELLjW t - i .H." Mi McCOREXE. JanT 14, 1853. -j r g 3mo' Drrss iTGoons. Printedrand- Plaid Bareges, Lawns, Organdi, and Printed Cambric, Plaid Gingham, and Silk Lusters, Black Gros De Rhine SSilK, andBIaek Muslin De Lain, Cambric, Jaconett, Swiss, Checked, -Mull, ' and Nansuck Muslins, Ta great variety. Black and white, and fancy Barege DeLains.- .'. v . X . - .-' ' JBROWN : VRileigh, March 22,1853 i '&'Si4r ' " :' 2&h a ART) 8 XAKXR'S BARSAPARILLA.' A fresh SUP- ply just received, and for sale by 't' . P. F ppuznrrn y i:iLLLaM. UITJT.YE SICK ! NO MEDICINE BUT HAMPTON'S VEGETtd TINCTURE EVER HAD. SUCH A MASS OF tpq iT.'V- TIMONY:. lt,s' REy VERNONESKRIDGE, U. S. x. vVC 7rPORsiiOPTff, Y., Aug. 18, l85i Mr;'JE'.BmshDeiir Sir: -While I am in gen eral opposed to Patent ' Medicines candor compels me to state that I have great confidence in the vir- era! months past Ihaveused it in my family, in dv .u v. u .wu.vvu 0 , A. Iiiv tui c .XOr 8Cv pepsia, loss of appetite dizziness, and general H Duitywim, enure success. 50. jar as my experj ence extends,; therefore 'I take pleasure in reco--. mending it to the; afflicted as a We and efficLat remedy. -vf 'I am, respectfully; yours, l -"-....v v j 4jj Chaplain U. S. Navy 0 COUGH VERTIGCkr-Rheumatism of 1 1 years- standing, cured. Testimony of one of our best known citizens : . ; T , i . Baltimore, Feb. 9th, 1852. Messes. Mortimer & Mowbray Gentlemen: it is with real pleasure that I am able to attest to the general healing and curative powers of Dr. Hamp ton's Vegetable .Tincture. . Some time during last November I was taken with a very bad and serious cough.' I was advised to take Cod Liver Oil " and did so, but getting;no better; I was induced to try your Tmeturfc r"got;one bottle, and before I had. used it all my cough.had left me. Permit me also to state, that for the last fifteen years I hate suffej ed very much from Acute Rheumatism and Vertigo, confinirig;me at : times to my bed. I am fully coal vinced that is"pwe my present 'good health to the use of the Tincture and a kindProvidence. YoWaiey my friends, at iibertyto use thisasyoa may think proper, and believe me ' " Yours, very respectfully, ' ' , . G. DUNAN. N. BVI can be seen at any time at the Mayor" Office. - (j. j) A MONUMENT From whose base to the top stand out in bold relief the names of our own citi zens who have been restored to health by Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture, a medicine that cures more than nineteen out of every tweuty who try it. We have certificates from Hon . Henry Clay, and R. M. Johnson one from Captain Canot, brother to the eminent Physician to the President of the French Republic, who was cured of a Rheumatism of 7 years standing also, one from .Robert Gault, Rheumatism 7 years. Mr. Oldham, Bait Custom House, dreadful case of Dyspepsia, and from hundreds- of ethers All must admit there never has been sueh a mass of testimony given in favor of any other medicine, which ig so pleasant and taken in such small quantities. MOST WONDERFUL j. The following certificate is from an eminent ; Lawyer of Kentucy, who is known in. all of the States, having for a number of years represented his State in Congress : It affords me pleasure to state that Dr. Jesse . Hamptoa'&rTincture has effected almost extraordi nary cure.ef my slave boy Albert." "he patient was three years old, and had the Scrofula (his father is scrofulous.)' The -boy was a moving; mass of sores from head to foe-the upper lids of the eyes were much swollen, and turned inside out, exhibi ting horrible mattering ulcers, that protruded over the eye-ball so' as. to produce, blindness. It is strange yet true, this child, that I felt resigned' to die as a relief from suffering, has been restored to health under the treatment of Dr. Hampton. - -r W. P. THOMASSON. LouisyiLLxy March 20, 1851. " o GREATER WEIGHT OF TESTIMONY CANNOT BE GIVEN. This medicine when used according to directions,.- WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL, Scrofula or King's Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of the Skin, Ery sipelas, Chrome bore eyes, Ringworm er Tetters, Scald Head, Rheumatism, Pains in the Bones or J oints, Old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilitic Dyspepsia, Salt Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Diseases arising from the use of Mercury ,Pain in the Side and Shoulders, General Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice, Cos tiveness. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest, Pulmonary Affections, and all other diseases tending to pvoduee Consumption! Liver Complaint, Female Irregularities and Com plaint, Sick headache, Low Spirits, Night Sweats, Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Chronic Constitu tional Diseases, Rheumatism and Gout For sale by P. F. Pescud, Fayetteville St Raleigh N. C, Mortimer & Mowbray, Baltimore, and Drug gists everywhere. . ' ' M'i-?.aoo' Goods, v , FRENCH Worked Cottars, v " ' -4V.-r" '"- 'NiCapet'- . " '".". Chemisette's. " Undersleeves. Honiton Collars. Muslin Bands, sl Swiss and Cambric Flouncihgs. " ' t " Edgeings and Insertings Yalencieur " " ' - Thread and Lisle " ' " " i; Thread Bobbin . - " " " - Blk. and White Lace Veils, &c, &c. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. March 22, 1853. 25 " , ; UNPARALLELED DISPATCIL Daily Line! . THE Undersigned informs the public that he is now running a daily line of light draft Steamers on the Cape Fear River, consisting of the following boats:. - " New Steamer Zephyr, - " " " 1 Major Wm. Barnett, 13 inches draft. " - " Fanny Lutterloh, 14 " " '' : y, '.Rowan. , - ' ' VOne of these boats will leave Fayetteville every morning (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock; and Wil- mington jvery day-"(Sundaya excepted) at o'- clock, landing goods and passengers in Fayetteville in fifteen hours thereafter., t - ... . - , Goods intended for these boats should be sebt to the care of J. &D. McRae&Co., brE. J. Lutterloh, Wilmington, -who will forward at the usual rate of commissions. Ihe feteamera .ephyr and Major Wm. Barnett are elegantly furnished for the accom modation of passengers. . Passage to or from Wil mington, $3. .-. ... ., . . . . - T. 8. JUUTTEKlAJH, Agent, Fayetteville, .Feb. 10, 1853. 14 3m B ALM of Columbia. A very popular article for the Hair, it reduced prices. For sale by - ' P. F. PESCUD. ; ; .Wills & Gordon, Grocers & Commission Merchants, Norfolk, Va, v A RE prepared, to make liberal advances on all consignments of Produce to receive and for ward all descriptions of Merchandise and to Bupply the' Planters, Merchants, and ethers, with GROCERIES;, upon the most liberal terms. V Norfolk, Oct. 4;1852. 82 ly Saddler, Ferth Ross' Mustard. A large Case of this Mustard which is considered the best in the world by many persons is just recei ed at Pescnd. DRUG STORE. YTiUJSAj GLASS- & EARTHEN WARE. A gen V era! assortment, Cut and Plain Glass, White Granite and Edged Ware, for sale by Sept. 24 1852.,, 79 tf. J. BROWN. EAMILYGR:0CERIES. 25 bbls. Crushed, Clar ified,Loaf,and Brown Sugars. Old JavaK Laguira; and Rio Coffee. Superior Green Tea; al so lluack Tea. . For sale by i-:' ' - J. BROWN. Raieigh, March 29; 1853. ' , 27 fTTT ATS V iHATs 1 ! Fashionable Black Moles Jjt;.kin, White, Drab, and Black Summer Hats, Leghorn "Panama, and Palm Leaf Hats. Black and White Wool Hats, for Sambo. . ; ,1"-' - V--'- ; --'"J. BROWN. Raleigh, March 29 1858. 27 BARGAINS.200 t piecestr Calico, of all Shades and prices, . .. '' "" For sale by 5-i -''T ' V, v- ,a ... J. BROWN. March;19,'l853.- r 27 i A ,PPJiES.rrA few Barrels of good Apples, just r to hand. and cheap; by the barrel or retail. 1 0 r -;. - ---- '- - ia. n. rxiA. March 22,: 1858. 3w 25 "hEARL STARCH. A large supply Qf beautiful : ri starch 'just received and for sale by J!at ir ; . " P F-PESCUD. TTEWNOVEL By Mrs. Marsh, Castle Avon , JAbty the Author ef ; Two Old. Men's Tales.'t ''Ravenscliff" &c. Just published and for sale by 'i r . H. D. TURNER "r- l N. C. Book Store. Raleigh. March 1, 1853? 1 - ' . -.-" ... - '-aw . - S. ik v:.. - -V;