V ' v: - ." J . .k.,.. -VOLUME IJIL . - Jr'''-'- :v ' T CITY OF RALEIGH, SATURDAY MORNING,; APRIL 9. 1353, - .r 1 1.1 the nAij:iGn register Ii published Seml-Treekly iml WeeUy. by 1 -SEAT ON GAL:ESv'-f EDI TO R AND For th Pei!-eek!T, Forth Weekly," $-5 per tania; In adnum $4. KATES OF ADVERTISING ' rr. For ery M lines, first - Inantitn 1 Court Ordm ad JadicUI advertisements will b ducml ?5 ptr'cent. hifther: but a dedoctioa of S3?4- per eaat. will b m!wl from tb naUr price to adwrtisers by tb yrmx. - . AdTmueimnti ionerteJ in to 8entMreUy, will also appear a tb Wacltl.T, fre of diarga. -,--Z , '-. V . VT! -ltter to the Editor mart be raa-rtm.?. . . ' REGISTER BOOKAND JOB 1M(1XT1N!-0PF1CE, Thb safMCnber having recently refitted U'n office with a lu'wheatttifut-mnj extrirsive assortment of B0TK:A5DI'J6B material, ia prepared to execute, with Brat n , every rariety of Boose a 3uraiT.wK; ' - -ALSO - ia the lt tyk-, nnd at btit a iripff advnhc on Nor til er ii prices. T etiile Um to do this,' he has reretred an tueorffnout of beautifully eiMmeied tnrds. of dif-ff-rent ize, n:d faicy Stationery. -ith trhich he is prepniyd t fi-i order for Ball Ticket, Circulars, anil all descriptions of . . . '- Broc'ze and Fancy Colored Pilating. lie ha, alto. n asrortincnl of extra-sited tjrpe for KA3IM0TH POSIESS aai SSQVf BELLS, . - and will spare no puina to reader perect atiyfaction ia the ficciiioa of all work -with whici be hall Se entr-jgtrd. SEATQN GALES. . SW YOKKiPIAjfO.JORTE. EMPORIUM. MESSES. BENNETT &. CO. K IX consequence of the immensejdemftnff, and un rivalled popularity of their I'rkxch Graxd ac tios Piano Fortes, haTe greafly, enfarged their Manufactory, and opened a Spacious .Wareroox at ... .' .;' - IV o. SGI Brbadway,?.: oce door above "Thompson' Saloon ",. where they will be happy at all times to supply their, aumer- friends and patrons withPiixo FoBK,'of er ery vari3ty of sjtyle and finish. All '"instrumeiita Manufactured at this estaiilishment are fully war raated to sUud any climate, and give perfect sat isfaction, both in Vouiik axu orAiiTT of Tocch. VJur prices are such that those desiring ' very su perior finiihed Instrument's well is those more economically Lidined, cannot "Tail ,N to " be 1 suited Dkalehs, Pbofessoxs, Ametsubs and others, wish ig to purchase, are invited to call and look for themselves. . ' - ,- r BENNETT t CO.; 361 Broadway, - Nktt Yokk. Sept. 1G, 18-32. .. ly 77 . tlOPARTNERsUlP. The subscribers hATrthis day entered into Copartnership, under the aameand sty!af A- S. SHAFER & CO. for the manufacture and sale of READY MADE CLOTH ING in all its branches, at the store on 'Sycamore street heretofore known as Pirry's Clothing Ba iar. A,S. SIIAFER, . GEO. A. IIALEY, ROB'T HUNTER, ' -Petersburg, April 1,- 18-32." Succr'a to N. Perry, The subscriber, having disposed of his entire in terest in .the CSothin? business' at Petersburg to Messrs. A. iS.lIAFEIl &. CO., takes this method of returning his acknowledgments to Ute public of Pe tersburg ac J vicinity for their liberal patronage du ring his proprietorship of the Clothisg Bazaas, and would also "recommend a ; continuance of the same to his successors.. ' d:- ,1- . ' :: .N. PERBY. August 2Ith. 18-52. ro LOOK HERE I THE Subscriber has received the following good Good, at his Store, immediately north of the Presbyterian Church, to which he would call the attention of families. .'" A splendid lot of Sugar and Coffee,- few bags of Buckwheat F.oirr, a splendid lot of Cheese, fresh Lemon-?, and Raisins in whole, half and quarter boxes, preserved Ginaer in jars. Prunes, do; Al monds, P,ilmnuts, English Walnuts, Figs, &c. Also, a superior lot of Scotch SNUFF, in bales nr. J bladders : an excellent article of Tallow candles, wholesale and retail ; Scotch Herrings, in boxes ; the best Chewing Tobacco : Musical Instruments, such as Accordeons, Flutes, &C &c. Also, every variety of TOYS for .children always on hand. CAXDY XAXUFACTUBE. The Subscriber having 20 years experience, flat ters hinlself that be can please the most fastidious taste, andwul make to order, and keep always on hand, a variety of CANDIES,. Medicated, &c., at wholesale and re tau. --"" The undersigned tenders his sincere thanks' to his friends and customers, for their liberal patronage bestow? ed on him since his commencement in busi ness in this City, and hopes by prompt attention, to retain their confidence, and to secure a continu ance of their custom. WM. J. GRIFFICE. March 23, 1852. . 24 Is. Ii. Having had the misfortune to lose my account books by the late fire, I am enable to make out how much each customer owes me." I respect fully request all those who are indebted to me to call and pay what they think is right, and I will be perfectly satisfied. W. J. URIFFICJS. FEW DAYS MORE. In a few days more, I firmly believe shall have the finest and best assortment of Saddles, Bridles. Harness. Whips. Collars, &c., &c, that bus ever been offered in this- market for sale since the days of yore. I am in hopes ..that my friends and the public generally .will call 'and examine my stock without further notice. - Country Saddlers and Merchants will find it much to their interest by calling onme before-pur chasing elsewhere I have purchased' a large and varied assortment of saddle, Undies, Mar tin gals, Whips, Spurs, Bits, Stirrups, sc., fcc, expressly for wholesale trade. Cash bought them low. and cash can buy them Iow again, , Xook out t DAN .TT . . .PV . . .1 ItAs rutAOA&wi-a u run jwe jm ouy oargains. p. s. I am also very extensively engaged in - j. - - the CARRIAGE TRADE.,- You shall hear from me more particularly in a few.days,y A . "D. P. March 18th, 1853. . . - .. lm-24 SEALED PROPOSALS will b received at th office of the Raleigh and--Gaston' Railroad Comnanv. until Saturday. 1st of aiaT next, at 10 o'clock, in the morning, for the- Graduation of the connection between the Raleigh and- G Alston Rail road and the North Carolina Railroad' at Raleigh.' The proposals must state the price per cubie yard for Excavation, and the price per cubic yard for Embankment, and must embrace the' entire earth work of the whole line.J , , s., Separate Proposals will be received until the same hour for the Masonry required' in m the line-'; stating the price per cubic yard for dry - Masonry and the price per cubic yard for mortared Mason ry. Map and Profile of the route can be seen en ap- i - . t . j : i - - .. -. plication lo me uauenigucu ur in ms aosence -W W. W. Vaas. . i " The successful bidders will be required to enter into bond to complete the work by 1854. : ' ; lstof January, " j oranthebids The right is reserved to reject any as me interest of tne company may . seem to re- qmB. L. O'B. BRANCH, President. April 1st, 1853. "-l-..f,. .;. X AMP OIL Winter Strained Oil in tore aad lj for sale by J. MeKIMMO. .Thousand Piano Fortes ! J trTvt I. m.r-. ' Sold ' and ne'yer "Sold a. bad' one." " "1 AXWAY3 naringhad the Sole Agency ff "A. "fljjf the Piano's of Stodart and Dunham in yirgiuia and North Carolina together with the unparelleled number we have sold, (more than one Thousand) enables us to assert with Truth and Confidence from so long and well tried experience, that they arej -- " ' V-U jswbpassed n "5ox ajid FrsisH ; . .,' embracing in the same Piano a - Morr Mellow axd Soft, as will as a Most . : i - Powerful ana Superb Tone. Tfe kwp always on hand a large and varied stoc1 of the Newest Styles, and at the Lowest Rates, so that purchasers can always find exactly the style etc, they may want. ' The difference in price being occasioned only by the outward finish enables those who wish to buy cheaper instuments, the same ad vantages of a fine and beautiful tone, as in a Piano of greater value. A large number we now sell are left entirely to our own taste and selection, by those who are not able to be present themselves, and as it always devolves much more responsibility upon us, all may .be assured who want Pianos, that with JLttoritkin- Caution A Promptness ta their or ders, they sballhave a Piano Forte at precisely the Northern Price, (as has been often tested) and an instrument from the best makers in the world, :. Guarantied and allowed to be returned if not all they are represented to be. E P. NASH, Piano Forte Ware Rooms, Comer Sycamore and Bank streets. Petersburg, Ya. April 1853. - 28 , JOHN C. BAKER & CO., . WlidltsaU Drug Importers und Dealers in JPwr , eiynuDid American Drugs, Cliemicals, Mad- . icines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass Dye Stuffs, Jbc., 4c. NO. lfJO N. 3rd ST., PHILADELPHIA. JC. B & "CO. invite the attention of Druggists, . Merchants, Grocers, Manufacturers and oth ers, to their stock of well selected fresh and relia ble Etandard goads. - Purchasers will find among their assortment ev ery varietyof Drug Merchandise, Perfumery, Sur gical Instruments, &c, which they will supply of very choice quality, aud at as iow prices as can be bought in Philadelphia or elsewhere. ; " Orders, whether entrusted to us personally, or by latter, shall receive equal attention, and the inter ests of the buyer fully regarded in all respects. T- JOHN C. BAKER Jb CO'S Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. This preparation is offered as a substitute for the many preparations put out under the same name, which are for the most part absolutely worthless, being entirely destitute of the active virtues of the root, and, by being prepared in an unskilful manner aud from inert materials, are highly injurious, and seriously impair the health of the patient. We, have received numerous testimonials, ex pressing in the strongest terms the great ei'Scacy of this" medicine, and its superiority over other preparations of Sarsaparilla. - Physicians can prescribe it with the utmost con fidence, relying upon its uniform strength, and that it is prepared from the'best material. It has elicited from the most eminent of the Fac ulty, in Philadelphia, who have employed it, fre quent, expressions of commendation, at the unva rying success attending its administration, produ cing the most satisfactory and beneficial results. It is highly recommended for the removal and permanent cure of the following diseases, viz : Scrofula or King s Evil, Rheumatism, Syphilit ic Affections, Tetter and Ulcers, White Swellings, Oom ty, Sisaralgia or Ti Polorw, Cunr, Goi tre or Brunei. . .cg-giiea-?M.ifc ) r iro ' 1 Chronic Disease of the Lung Jaundice; Hypertro phy or the Enlargement of tha Heart; Palpitatioa - . i , t e i. ir .1 u ana rremoting in ine negion ui uic ui t uu ow mach, Enlargement of the Bones, Joints or Liga ments. Alsn, all the various diseases or the Skin, such as Tetter, Ringworm, Biles,' Pimples, Carbun cles, etc., Dyspepsia and liver Complaints, Ner vous Affections, Dropsical dwellings, Uonstitntion al Disorders, and diseases originating from an im pure state of the blood and other fluids of the body. -Sold by P. Y. PhSULU, lialcigii. Raleigh, April 1, iS53. 28 COMMENCEMENT OF A NEW YEAR Harper's Monthly Magazine. TAMILIES who wish a monthly issue of For- etgx avd Domestic Literature, a great a- uiount of original matter, by the ablest American- Writers, a creat number of Pictoral Embellish ments, and in fact to be posted up in the LITERA TURE of THE DAY. ean do no better than send their names and address to E. P. NASH, Petersburg, Va. Dec. 21, 1852. 104 N. B. Harper's New Monthly Magaxine owes its success to the fact that it presents mob bkad- isg MATTER of a better QCAL1TT, in a more elegant ttyU and at a cheaper rate than anj other publica tion. Also subscription for Godxt, Graham, and other Magazines. BOOTS. GAITERS. SLIPPERS. SHOES. &C. HENRY PORTER, FAYETTE VILLE ST, RALEIGH, N. C T IMIE subscriber is now in receipt of his f-prinff stock of Goods, selected in person, with rreat care, in various Northern cities, which he believes superior' to any ever before offered in this market, said respectfully solicits an examina tion by the public. - ilu. stocx. comprises every 1 1 character, variety and size, frdm that of a Doll to a seventy-four. - For the Ladies, he has some new styles of SLIPPERS and BUSKINS, very beautiful and tas ty ; GAITERS of elegant material and finish and WALKING SHUfcS Handsome and durable, in a word, every pedal luxury and necessary may be found at his extensive establishment. And the Gentlemen have not been forgotten. His stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS and MA TERIALS for manufacture, is unsurpassed ; and he is therefore prepared to furnish them with any and very thing in their line costly and elegant, as well as cheao and useful. - .-.tts t. r' niTcctfci J enva i i w " f; w i . .. z. ti a. m . f as to nucis, ne nas arucies ai ail raies irom 60 cents te $3 for the Ladies and the Gentleman, as cheap or costly as they may require. A full Stock Of FUKN13UINU MAIKlAU3 on hand, for sale low to the trade. 1 Call and examine, tSf Having greatly extended his business and removed to the great thorough-tare of trade In our city, viz : Fayetteville street, second door from PescuiFs Drug Store, he hopes to receive, as be is determined to merit, the liberal patronage of a gene rous community. His motto is "Live, and let live" and he hopes to be enabled to carry it out His Manufacturing Department is full and complete the best and most skilful workmen -su perior materials,' and a determination to give satis faction. ' ha napes will secure . ior mm a generous Datronaga Thankful for past favors, he respect- raiiy touciu a couunuauuu ui mo uin. - v-5 -" HENRY- PORTER. TT,iV-W;.- -3. A t Fayetteville St s ujelffb: Awa 6. 1858.V-;v? 29 4U . - N. B 1 wian n parneuiariy lutaerswoa, urn x warrant every arUcl 1 sell. -: - r-j I i aiH :PoTATOis,-i An additional, supply rof 10 I ' Barrel of those superior ; Curter Potatoes for Tabl and for Pf?, i J05 32!5mfBd March 15th 15S. - - - XsRIME BLACK TJUA. r uness in nan pouna r -Papers. Just received ana ior saie oy -i - I Raleigh, Oct 18, 1S52. - I ' v -f J 86- Great Excitement In N. Carolina ! fllHE BATTLE IS BEGUN, AND I INTEND TO X Fignt mJ way through fofcHOME INDUSTRY ! If you. want to save a couple Hundred Dollars, Bend on your orders for Turpentine Stills, Caps, -Arm und Wdtut: : - v" " Also," Brandy Stills, and any kind -pt Copper work, Brass Machinery &c. .. . The prices of StilJ-caps, Arms, and Worms, are as follows : By the pound 37 cents ; or by contract: 7 barrel Still-cap, Arms and Worms,.. $400 10 do do do - 485 12 do do do 52-5 14 do do do -685 15 do do do 616 16 do - do do 650 20 do do do 695 25 do do do 750 SO do do do S50 85 do do do 900 All work will be warranted for 12 months, fire aud burning expected. His work will also be de livered within fifty miles of Raleigh, at the short est notice ; and if I fail to deliver Stills in the time agreed upon, I will forfeit S5 for each day lost,' to the purchaser. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, Sept. 16, ISal. 75 ly To Jewelers and Silver -Smiths ! KOLLIK6 'MILLS ef very description manu , factored and warranted, and constantly on hand, by GEO. W. WICKS, No. 4, Liberty Place, Beticem Maiden Lane and Liberty L, A". I' May 1852. 43 ly Mexican Mustang Liniment. f BjMIE astonishing properties of this Liniment jj are unparalleled for the cure of Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Burns, BruLses, Swel ling, Broken or Caked Breast, Sore Nipples, or pains in any part of the body an external applica tion can reach. We have many certificates from those that have been cured of those diseases, nnd also from those that have had horses cured ol Ring-bone, Spavin, Windgalls, Swcucy, or any en largement of bone or muscle. WONDERFUL CURE. Messrs. A. G. Brago A Co Gentlrxex : One of our most valuable Express Horses has been much troubled by large swellings or tumors on the fetlocks larger than hen's eggs, the limbs and joints wero quite stiff swollen and lame. We had tried many, other Liniments, and other remedies, but nothing had any effect upon them. We wouiu willingly have given $25. to have had the hors restored to soundness Our hostler obtained yoir Liniment, and applied it without our knowledge A few days ago, he called our attention to the horse, and to our surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly smooth, (he tumor karing en tirely ditapptared. We asked him by what magic he had enectcd so remarkable a cure ; he replied the Mi'staxg Lixi.ve.nt has been used for ten davs, aud the tumors are entirely removed without any soreness, or leaving a scar. KINSLEY & CO. Southern & Eastern Express, No 1. Wall St., N. Y. Jan. 30, 1852. Savasnh, Geo., June 25th, 1852. I have used the Mexican Mustang Liniment for some time in my stable upon my horses in cas es of Sprains, Bruises, Gads, Strains, and Sores of different kinds, incident to a large number ot hor ses. I used it upon a horse which had been suddle- galled for nearly a year. I hd tried many reme dies, and one in particular, that I had been in the habit. of uning for years, and had generally proved successful. Nothing appeared to give it any relif until I tried the MUSTANG LINIMENT, which cured it in a very short time. I consider it an in valuable remedy, and would not be without it. WM. H. HOLMES. :o- Savannah. Geo., June 25, 1852. We have also used the MUSTANG LINIMENT remedy we have ever used for 6ores or lameness oi anv kind. SAH lL,ri. UUJ..L.I-V1 bK i u. MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON, for thelast five year a citizen I inis c;iv, anu now me proprietor oi me . - . . i . i r.i. Hotel in Savannah, known as the Marshall House, has favored us with the following certificate : The MEXICAN MUaTANG LINIMENT has been used in my family, and on my plantation, for a great variety of tu.-euecs requiring an external application, aud has never failed to give immediate relief and effect a permanent cure. 1 have cured several ca.es of Rheumatism thut ha.l resisted the skill T our best physicians. It has cured Ring- wornn by a sing'e application, Chilblains in a few days, Toothache immediately. Fro.-t bif-s. Cuts, Sores and Corns, bv a tew applications ; Aervous Headache cured entirely. In fact. 1 have ued it for almost every thing, and it has always cured 1 consider it the best medicine I have ever used. WILLIAM JOHNSON. Savannah. Junc21tli, 18-32. G. F. SECCHI DE CASALI, Editor of the ' V Eco D' Italia," No. '., Spruce-street, New York, had a very severe ataicK. oi neuralgia in me iace, oc caeioned by taking cold in a decayed tooth. At first it was real 'jumuins tooth-ache,'' but 6O0n the whole side of the face nd jaw beceme swollen anu inflamed, and the pain was most excruciating, lu this condition he came into tue btore a lew u.iys ago, with his hands couvu sivcly pressing his cheek, and his features very mucn distorted into expres gions of great agony. We immediately applied the Mustang Liniment and gave him a bottle to continue its use. Tins morning he cahed wttn smiles ol pleasure and feelings of gratitude illuminating his countenance, to say that the Liniment gave him almost instant relief, and had effected a perfect cure. Comments are unnecessary. Facts speak for themselves. June 19, 1852. PRICES. In consequence of the increased de mand for the Liniment, we are now putting up 25 cents. 60 cent and $1 bottles. The 50 cent bottles contain three times as much as the 25 cent bottle, and the $1 bottle contains three times as much as the 60 cent bottle, so that money will be saved by buyine the laree bottles. A. G. BR AUG & CU., Sole iTopnetors, oVM Broadway, N. Y. and corner 8rd & Market St St Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggists generally, and for sale by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh. March 8, 1853. broos Zi Spring Goods 1853- T AM. receiving my Spring Goods, which I offer I to my old Customers, on the usual terms, and invite them and the public generally, to call aud examine my stock. I havo received among other goods, the follow I in rZocb. Worked Collars, New and Old Styles. Swiss and Cambric Insertings and Edgings. Thread, Bobbin and Lisle Laces and Edgings. Thread and Bobbin Insertings. Linen Cambric, Long Lawn, and Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. White Pongee and Fancy Silk Pocket Hdk'fs. Ladies and Gentlemen s Gloves, a variety. Tapes, Bobbin, Spool Cotton and Sewing Silk. Black Lace and Demi Veils. - J. BROWN. ' No. 9 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, March l5th, 1853. . 23 v Peebles & White, LrROCERS, v Commission and FoBWARnma Mxrchakts, Old Sired,. JPdersburff, -Fa. 1 --.- - ... LEMpxb rrcui-iLs. -. i Jan. 10, 1853. .'J v THOMAS WHITE, JR. UiotnwK! uaoimng 1 1 , . " . ' ar a a -la F.fTEJYED this morninJr : W--f 50 Plam 1 Grenadina SnkVesti.- 60 Tig, 'do' ao" do do 100 BlkrSatin 1? do,'; - 4. ailrlft TUIn'.Vblta IfavaaniM.-:. dau V-V 100 Fig;.;'dV: dooY-" ' do Vrf60 Farmer's Satin. Vests, "a new article.'' Cheap for Cash! - -.-' ' ; " E. L. HARDING. AriIlil?58.-;-:' ' 1 --. - ' t 28 important to 'Millers and Mill ; owners! ''.'' . ! THE Undersigned would respectfully inform those engaged in the Milling business in North Caro lina,, that he keeps constantly on hand, and will supply at the shortest notice, that almost invalua ble article, jrountfs Improved Patent Smut and Screening Ma chine. -The-only Machine of the kind that has stood the test and given-, satisfaction to the public. It lias supplanted every Smut Machine yet offered in the State, more or less of which have been taken down to make room for it The public need fear no im position, as there are now some 280 Machines run ning in North Carolina ; and I wish to offer no other references than the gentlemen'who are using them, whose expectations have been more than realised in their performance. It not only thoroughly cleanses the Wheat of Smut, but also purifies it of all other substances, almost to perfection. , It take op buf 4 feet square in the mill and requires but little pow er. It is warranted tor live years. agftir nreawuiR; or wearing out, and ulso to retaiu it? ck j uuat-1J)4 5..- r -- ,1.1 1UU9 1UT V1UM UiUC Wt C'' Thereartfs aunbor of theJaJnes thanuu . which 100,000 bualielsof Wheat hare been eleansed and tlidy haitje never been out ordor ane d&y. -' : There was awarded to it the Premium of the Ma ryland State Fair, and Premium with a silver me dal, at the Faijf the Maryland Institute, at Balti more, last FhJ : Address the Subscriber at South Lowell Mdls, Orange County, N. C. JNO. A. McMANNEN. December 2C, 1850. tf 104 Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. riHE Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road has been relaid with Iron and furnished with first class Passenger Cars, and notice is hereby given that Tin: Regular Mail Trails Leave Ra cigh daily, Sunday included, at 4 P. M. Arrive at Canou, - - - - - - at 9 P. M. Leave Gaston at ------ 11 T. M. Arrive at Raleigh at ----- 4 P. M. On and after the 11th inst., a tri-weekly accom modation train will b despatched, going and re turning in the day time. Dae notice of the days and hours of arrival aad departure will be given. The bet attainable arrangements will be made with all courocting iaes for the cheap, comfortable and rapid conveyance of passengers. Office K. & Gt R. R. Company, Feb. 11, 1853. 14 DR. WILLIAM H. MOORE, HAYING located himself in" Pittsboro', Chat ham County, offers his professional services to tne citizens of the place, aud the surrounding country. He will be found at Ids ffiee at all times, except when professionally engaged. April 1, 18oo u mos "is TO TEACHERS 4 Manual of History of the United States, for J the uc of Schools,' by David B. Scott. 1 have used Scotts History in my school for six months, aad from the success which I have met with in porting scholars up in the dates and events. 1 am convinced that it is the nest hooK of its kind use, and is peculiarly adapted to our common schools. WM. II. REUCK. Principal of Public School No. 7. New York, March 2d, 1852. For sale by If. D. TURNER, N. C. Book-Store. Raleigh, April 1, 1S-33. 28 THE WORLD'S LACONJCS ; OR, THE REST THOUGHTS OF THE BEST - v - '"' ' - - AM) TOflCALLV ABIASOtD. Bv Everard Berkely, with an Introduction by William B Snrague, D. D. 1 vol 12mo. So fir as we know, this is decidedly tho best book of the kind in the wh"!e of English, and we believe it may be safely added of the world's Lit erature. Hartford Daily Timrg. This volume contains a mine of valuable sayings and sentiments from tho great masters of language. CUrttitan Advocate. Th's is by fur the best book of Laconics ever published It is a perfect storehouse of thought md truth, sparkling ironi beginning to cua Willi il.e richest gems, gathered from the pages of the oest authors of ancient Mid modern times. -Yew London Daily Star, For sale at the N. C. Bookstore April 1st, 1853. 23 Ijl 1l.-s i. oats oi a.i t ours y Green, Blue. Brown, Drab and Black Marsitles V ests, (every variety of ttyte. ) Cassimere Pants, 200 Pairs Beautiful Patterns, just received. Cheap for Cash, at E. L. HARDING'S April 1. U53. 28 BOY'S CLOTHING DEPOT. rHE subscribers have the most extensive and raned assortment ot Clothing lor isoys, irom 4to 16. ever offered for Bale in the Union. Or ders for Geutlcmcn's Clothing filled at the shortest notice. Persons purchasing Clothing at this' Establish ment have the privilege of changing them, if they do not suit F. A. HOYT & BR0-, S. W. Corner of Chesnut & 10th Streets, Philadelphia. April 1, 1853. ly-28 B" (bown s 1-.8SESCE OF Jamaica lunger. sup ply is to hand, and for sale at PESCCD'S Drug Store. March 22, ISi. RANGES. A few Boxes good Oranges by the f box, or at retail, cheap W. PECK & CO. 3w 25 March 22, 1853. PRIME CHEWING TOBACCO. Just Receiv ed- J- BROWN- ..... a' ff Ralsigu Nov. Za lOOZ. w NEW BARBER SHOP- TORN JONES would respectfully inform the I nublic that he has associated himself with Os car Alston, next door to the Courthouse, where they are prepared with all the prerequisites to a neat hair dressing and a nice shave. Their long experience in business, gentility of person, and n-ontlpmnniv denortmeni. wkcuiw wiin a luuaiuu- mate knowledge of the latest fashions of the day, wurmnt them in the indulgence of the hope that a liheral share Of public patronage will be given thi.m He would also remind ine puoiic or mas - . .1 ml 1 1 wonder of the times JONES' HAIR PRESERVER AND BEAUTIFTER which needs no praise save the mentioning f rlailv receipts of unsolicited acknowledgments of its almost incredible virtues for preserving and heautifvimr the hair made only by "John the Barber." a O N. B. A separate box and brush kept for each customer. - Raleigh, March 11th, 1853. ow-Z2 BARGAINS. 200 pieces shades and prices, . s . of Calico, of all .-. For sale by J, BROWN. . 27 kilarch 29; 1853. EARL STARCH. A large supply of beautiful starch just receive ana ior saie Dy . - -A V Pi F. PESCUD ia.XF.W ,JsOVEL BT Mrs. juarsn,uasue Avon hv the Author of 'Two Old Men's Tales." "RaTPPtO11" ' js-o- -t.usk uwtauou wiu iur sain oy T I t. Iim . - .-,. A. A UXfcnjSJfc,- . ' N. CL Book Star. Raleigh; March.1, 1853. , - , - ,19 For Norfblk and -Portsmouth. SHE FAVORITE AND BEAUTI-" 'v 1 ful steamer AUGUSTA, Capt Wm i HftT" imith, having been, thoronghlyjo-' Vluri" verhauled and repaired, and finished with a new boiler and a new mainshaft of wrought iron is now running between PorfWalthaTIand the above places, in connection with the Richmond and Petersburg, and City Point Roads. - - The Trains from Petersburg via City "Point Rail Road, running in connection with the AUGUSTA leave the City Point Depot at 7J o'clock, A. M. ev ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday. - - Returning, the Augusta leaves Norfolk on the al ternate days, viz : Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at 6 J A. M., and arrives at City Point at 1 o'clock, P. M., where passengers take the cars for Petersburg. Fare from City Point to the Grove Wharf and alt intermediate landings $1 00 Do To Norfolk. 1 00 Do ?. Children not over 12 years of age Do - Servants to tha Grove Wharf and all intenrfe- ? V.- diato laitaifcrs - - To .Old Poant and. Norfolk. - c . For servants 2ocent8. T HOS.- DOD AM BAD. Sun't, X Office R. P. R. -Co.' April 27. 1852. , 84 Richmond and Petersburg R. Road. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, March the 1st, two Passen ger Trains will run daily each way between Peters burg and Richmond,- both Trains carrying the Unit-ad States Mail, and connecting with the Trains on the R. F. & P. R. R., Fredericksburg, Washington, &c, and with the Virginia Central R. R, and Caaal Paets for Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Staunton, Lexington, etc. - 1st Train leave Petersburg; daOy at -4 A. M. 2d do do do do . : at 7 P. M. - 1st Train leave Richmond daily at 7 A. M. 2d do do do do ttS P.M. Fare,' when paid at the office, $1 00. Children over 3 and not .over 12 years ef age, servants and colored persons, when Tickets are pro cured at the Office, half price. Servants travelling by themselves must be fur nished by their masters with two passes, so that one can be retained at the office ; and it must be expressly stated on the pass that they are to be permitted to go on. the Cars. N. B. No freight or packages of any kind will be allowed to be carried on the Mail.Tetiin. Tho Trains will ran by Richmond tfaje.- THOS. DODAMEAD. April 24, 1852. Superintcndant ICHMOND, PETERSBURG. NORFOLK s: AND NEW YORK STEAM PACKETjtr COMPANY : The double engine and fast sailing Steamer CITY OF RICHMOND, Foster, master, and CITY OF NORFOLK, Post, master, are now on the line iu complete order for freight and pas sengers. To allow sufficient time for receiving and deliver ing freight in good weather, and securing regulari ty in trips, one Stcr.mer will leave Aw York every Tlncrulay, and City Point every Fiitlay. This arrange ment may be" relied'upon as the most punctual, ac commodating and economical to shippers and pas sengers. Eaeh ship is supplied with splendid sa loons and state-rooms for passengers. First Cabin passage, $3,00 Second do do 6,00 Freight per cubic foot, 7 THOMAS BRANCH, Agent Old Street, Petersburg. ' April SO, 1852. S5 WATCHER, GOLD AND SILVER WARE. L H MILLER & CO , WHOLESALE WATCH & JEWELRY HOUSE No. 227 Baltimore bt., S. E. cob. Charles st., TM PORTERS of English and Swiss Watches and Tftrr .flfirBacxurWIrHifr jCrA. We call the attention of Southern and Western dealers in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, to our very extensive stock, assuring them that in no article in our line shall we allow any establish ment to surpass us, either in quantity, quality or low prices. We arc the only Wholesale House in this branch of business in Baltimore, and shall use every fair means to induce Southern and Wes tern merchants to open accounts with us. Our terms shall be as liberal and accommodating as can possibly be found in the United States. ewul hike great pleasure in showing our gocis to soutnern anu rt estei-n mereuanis, w uem er they open accounts with us or not. L. II. MILLER & CO., Importers of Watches, Baltimore. Jan. 28. 1853. 3ml 0 FOR NEW YORK. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, The first class Side-Wheel Steamship Roanoke- 1i(f TONS burthen, Edward IM Cavendy, Commander, leaves Petersburg every Tuesday af ternoon, and Norfolk every Wednes mm day morning at eleven o clock, with the United States Mail, arriving in iNew I ork next day. Passage nnd fare, state-room included, from Petersburg do do from Norfolk $10 9 Steerage passage half price. The Roanoke has now been running about eigh teen months, during which time she has never miss ed a trip, and has always kept up to her time. Travellers going North, will find this route the cheapest and most comfortable. For passage ap ply, in Petersburg, to Sam'l G. Baptist, Norfolk to M. Smith & tiro. The Steamship Jamestown, of 1400 tons burthen, now building in New York, and to be commanded by Capt Lewis Parish, will be added to the line in this Spring, giving to travellers and shippers a commu nication twice a week between the above places by first class Side-Wheel Steamships. , Feb. 1, 1853. 11 8mos Musio, Pianos, Guitars, Viblins.&o. AT THE N. C MUSIC. STORE. - TCST received and ready for inspection and sale, I a beautiful assortment of Tat h'd Rosewood Guitars, beautifully ornamented, - Violins, a larger and cheaper lot than ever do fore offered in the Stale, 1 Violin Boxes, Boxwood, Logwood and wmte, Violin Cases, varnished wood and paper, - Octave Flutes, E. D. and C-, Ivory and Silver keys,- - j- -,t -j-?-- - VioUn Bridges, ' Clarionets and Clarionettas, : i . ; Violinoellos and Bows, v -Triangles, Banjos, Castinetts, &C, &c, &c. Raleigh, Feb. 4, 1853 12 Ed.' Graham Haywood, ATTORNEY AT. LAW RAIJEIGH, N. C. "VTTILL OTactice In- the Courts of Pleas' and W Quarter Sessions for the Counties of Wake, Johnston and Chatham. - He is to be found at the office lately occupied by Ron. Wm. H. Haywood, Jr., deceased. .' -'s Jan 4, 1853.5 ; -; s f 6moa 4' RALEIGH 4 GASTON RAIL. ROAD. CO. V k SPECIAL "Meeting of the Stockholders of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company will be held in Raleigh, on Tuesday, the 8d day of May next " v . - -By order of the Board of Directors. . ' ' - " - W. W.VA8S, Treasurer. Raleigh, Apra 1, 1853. ' . ' ' ,' V 28; JAMES E. CUTHBERT, - (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT,) Grocer, Forlrardiny and Commission Merchant, Bot t'r tingbroot Street Petersburg, Fav4 " " BEFKBIXCXS: - -" ' v; ' : Thos." Bragg, Jr.," Jackson, iVL.Ci V : j-4 v- -Messrs. Kevanl B-? Flr Messrs. L. D. & W. G: Crenshaw Richmond. - Josiah Wills, Esq Norfolk 'j" v ; " James George, Esq., BaUiinore. ' v . - - Messrs. Monahan & Beers, 'New, Torle. HAS constantly on hand : Prime Porto Rico and NewOrleans Sugars, Jf .". 'f' :i ' Loaf, Cruslied, Pulverised and Clarified de -Rio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and groand, and Auspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial aud Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown; Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Ahua Salt V Prime Vmnnia and' Western Bacon and Lard . ' Nails, assorted with flooring and Warehouse, . i: in-feMHi,, x riiiciuc, anu navanna vigara ; , "Together wi to I large stock of foreign and do mestic Liquors, Wines, &., which he offers at the lowest rharket tates. ' K . . The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. " Petersburg, March 5: ' ' . . 19 LOOK OUT ! "Now is the.time for Bargains ! ! THE subscriber, wishing to decrease his stock on hand, in-order to make room for a fresh supply of Goods for the Fall Trade. offers from this time any article that may be wan ted in his line of business at a very small advance on prime cost. His stock at present is larger than my other that will be found in the city, consisting of fine Gokl Lever and Cylinder Watches, from the most noted manufactories in London, Livepool, Paris and Geneva, and a fine assortment of Silver and Lcpine Watches, varying iu prices from 10 to 45 dollars, with a guarantee to perform well, or they will be exchanged-for others that will: .Gold Fob, Vest, Guard and Chattalaine Chains, Bracelets, Armlets, Breast Pius, Ear Rings, Finger Rings. Silver and Gold Specks, with glasses to suit all ages, Silver and Gold Pencils,-and many other articles generally kept in a store of the kind, too numerous to mention." An examination of his Goods and prices will prove to the purchaser that twenty per cent at least can b taved, by purchasing from CHAS. LUMSBEN, sign of the California Thimble. Petersburg, Nov. 11, 1852. 93-ly ' Lyon's Kathairon, For Preserving, Restoring d Beautifying (he Hair Causing it to grow luxuriantly, and giving it a soft and curling appearance, of the most delightful character. T MIE KAITHAIRON neutralizes the effects of disease, climate, and pld age, in preserving and restoring the Human Hair, even after a BALD NESS of uiauy years ; cleanses the scalp from DANDRUFF, and all its natural impurities; immediately relieves sympathetic attacks of NERVOUS HEADACHE, And cures all Cutaneous Diseases of the Skin, such as Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Itch, Inflammations, &c, &c. As a ' TOILET ARTICLE For giving the Hair a rich, soft, glossy and curling appearance, nothing has ever been discovered to e qual its incontested its incontestible virtues. It exhales the perfume of the most delightful and ex otic oyrtsAsViSiSlfiSi stain a ladv's hat. For BALD AND GRAY IIEADS It is pre-eminently beneficial. 'The Kathairon has fully restored my hair, af ter a baldness of 12 years. A JAY COURTRIGHT, 76 Bond-st. N, Y." The use of the Kathairon is adopted by the first physicians in Europe and America, and has a pat ronage and s.ile unprecedented in the history of the Materia Meatca. Sold by all reputable dealers throughout North nd South America, Europe, and the Islands of the Ocean, in large handsome bottles, for 25 cts. Profits only m extensive sales. Sold to the trade at a liberal discount, but com- mwnoned in no instance. E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist and Manufacturer. D. S. BARNES, Proprieter, 161 Broadway, N. Y. To whom all orders should be addressed. Sold in Raleigh by PJF. PESCUD. Lyon'sExtract OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER. TOTHING need be said to command the atten tion of the public to this article, when con vinced that it is PURE and unadulterated. Medi cal men, or those seeking a harmless beverage to destroy the unwholesome effects of brackish and turbid water, can rely upon its genuine character, as it is also extensively used for culinary purposes. in flavoring cakes, preserves, &c. To the aflicted with Dyspepsia, Summer Complaints, Cholera, Nervous Debility-, Fever and Ague, Dizziness, gen eral Prostration, &c. nothing has evor been pre scribed with equal effect - Manufactured by E. THOMAS LION, Chemist, 101 Broadway, N. Y7 Inquire for LYON'S PURE GINGER. Sold by reputable Druggists throughout the world. Sold in Raleigh by V. t . PESCUD. Jan. 25, 1853. 6mos 10 Bradbury's Piano and Melodeon Warerooms, No. 423 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. "flROM enlarging my Warerooms I am enabled I' to keep a much greater assortment of Instru ments than heretofore. All Piaaos furnished are of an elastic touch, and of an even quality, and deep, full, rich and purely vocal tone, qualities most de sirable inasmuch as the voice will assimilate to the tone of the instrument. All my Instruments are fully warranted, a guarantee accompanies every bill of saie, and are sola as low as can be purchased elsewhere. Second band Pianos at all prices. A NEW INVENTION. The Organ Melo deon with two banks. or keys, the only thing of the rind in the country,- Having two stops, coup ler, swell draw stops, sc.. a sweet and powerful Instrument, pronounced by Organists to be superior for churches or Organ practice to the medium sized Organs, price $200. Also the common melodeon of aU styles and prices. ; Being the extensive Agent foi these ' Instruments, orders ; are solicited. - The usual discount made to the trade, and 10 per cent to clergymen purchasing for their own use. ' 4 - ' -- r. M. UltADUlKX , ' t-'- -' 423 Broadway, New York. March 18, 1853. ' - V24 .-Wholesale T,x&e. MARCH 7th, 1853.: UR Spring stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, yj STAPLE 4- FANCY DRY GOODS is. how complete, ing. xne assortment is large ana command- wW A a mm. - 5 - Are invited tocUaridexamme5ryoj'Prfc' feelinz confident that we can 'offer them as treat inducements as any Jobbing Honse, ' North of ---i v ... STEVENSON & WEDDELLv 1 ' -Syeamore street rx Vm llaV 1 f TQH9' , -TTTANTED LMMEDIATELY-16 WhitI boys , from 12 to 15 years old,-f or whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to Raleigh, April 1; 185. . , B O North Carolina Mutual Life Insu ; . " ; ranee Company. " . ' - - 'OFFICE, RALEIGH JV. C. , . THIS Company continues to Insure tha lives ef all healthy White persons and Slaves. . The greatest risk taken on a single life is $5,000. Slaves are insured for a term of one to fire years for fds their value. J" :rv ' Vi . v. v . - : -i omoiu.vr - Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, . - 2" . - Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, , '-v-' James F.ordaJvSecretaryVr . , Wm."H.'Jonesj-Trea8urer, Perrin Bnsbee. Attorney, - -' v Dr Wm. H. McKee, Examining Physician, ' J. Hersman, General Agent, " - . All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfaa- tory proof is presented. . Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of tho Company, may be had on - application at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All letters on business should be addressed to - . . " JAMES F. JORDAN, jSmV, -: May.2v l862.c;;. .a, ? - . t 88 : jrifM TNA.f rNSURANCE . COMPANY or ..jLfrJlTroBD CosH.,! ,offfira. to insure Buildings and Merchandiie against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. ' ' " -t - y. This is one of th oldest and beet Insurance Com panies in 'the United Stites, and pays its losses promptly." ";' - J&''- Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its V cinity, to be made te . - ' - - 1'?x .. ;-; , .i S. Wt WHITINGI v . - ' ' - ' Agent. - And for Milton, N. C and vicinity, to. ?4 " ' ' - ' N J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848, " . i S3;-i ; -SPRING STOCK.., . ' ' i Boots, Shoes, .Leather, Trunks, Findings, Wrapping Pa per, &q.t" HERMAN & CO having removed from their old Store, to No. 2, Main street and Market square, aud declined retailing, have taken" the above large and commodious Warehouse, for the purpose of conducting their business1 upon an ex tensive scale, and now invito the attention of North Carolina and .Yjrginia Merchants," also the City trade, to' the largest stock of - .,. ' - - - BOOTS; SHOES AND LEATHER " r Ever before , brpught to this market - Their busi ness In future will.be an exclusive Jobbing one of. the above articles, by ike ease and dozen pairs, r We ; are satisfied!. that with our long experience and fa cilities for 'obtaining goods we are justified in say ing that we defy competition, and therefore guaran tee that our stock shall be as large, as good,' and our prices as low as those of any house in any Nor thern city, We" ask an examination of our stock, ' when buyers will be satisfied that it will be to their interest to ,buy of us before going North. . ' : . j HERMAN & CO. March 18, 1863. r g '. , tM 24 A RNOLD'S PATENT SASH LOCK, OR WIN J DOW FASTENER. I invite the attention of the citizens of Raleigh, and of the whole State of North Carolina, to this wonderfully simple,1 though-, decidedly tho best invention,: ever offered them, for keeping their windows either up or down, and v now introduced for the first time in to .this States I have just received an assortment of these .beau tiful little locks' and am prepared to put them on, and will warrant them in every, instance to give complete satisfaction. For one. quarter of a dol lar, you can have your upper sash let down, or lower sash kept up, at any. elevation you choose, and when, down perfectly safe from any intrusion from without ; V ' As . there .is no. spring, nor any friction bout them, theyan never flt jiuj. tt nrriyj-. fy .irrtT Mr. JAMES M. TOWLES' Store, where order left will be attended to immediately. As I expect to leave for Fayetteville and i Wilmington soon; I would like to attend to your wishes in my line at once. lht io(yner the better, jot ail toneernea -. i WILLIAM COLE, Sole Agent for selling Territory, and applying the Locks in this State. - . - ' March 18, 1853; . - ; tf 24. -: ; : Spri n Go o d s .: MARCH I8th;i853. ; HITE & McKENNEY have Just ' opened w tic their Spring stock of Foreign and Domes- DRY GOODS, 1 ',- Embracing one of the largest and best assortment ever offered in this market; and having purchased exclusively for cash, they are prepared to- serv customers and the public on such terms as .cannot fail to give satisfaction. Persons in want of goods in their line would do well to call and examine for themselves- v--- . ' -r ''---' fr---f3 April 1st 1853. - - W . : --r::-v ? tf-28 , NEW. BOOKS. 2f p HE Poetical and Prose Writings of Dr. v John L!L Lofland,' The' Milford Bard, consisting of Sketches in Poetry "and Prose,- Moral,'' Patriotic, Sentimental, Sympathetic and Humorous With a Portrait ef the author, and a sketch of his life. Voices from the mountains and from the crowd, being a collection of Poems, by Charles McKay.' The History of the Restoration of Monarchy ,on France, by A phonse De Lamartine, VoL III, now ready.', flfr Parisian Sights and French Principles 7 aeen through American Spectacles, Elustnited.iS " " Corneille and his times, by , M.- Guixot; Lift ei Sir Walter Scott, by Donald McLeod. - r-- Livesof great men all remind us ; ;.-- We may make our lives sublime." - A Winter in Madeira .- and a Summer in Spain and Florence, by John A. Dix. ,: - English Items . or Microscropic Views of .Eng land and Englishmen, by Matt . F. Ward, author of "Letters from three continents... ; ; - ; no?p Life and Memorials of I I Webster from the N Y. Daily Times, 2 Vols. . Aeton's Popular Li brary. .For sale by W- L-iPOMEROY. March 11, to....!fe'..N-. The Union Steam Ship Company OF PHILADELPHIA, f' t SGST: N E W A R R A N G E M E N.T. , rTHIS. Company is now running regularly the I ' three superior Steam Ships jjU -- Viiy 01 iMcumouu, , vapb- ouicneu. - y Pennsylvania, :'l ' Capt Baympre. . Virginia,' ; . : - Capt TeaL And one of these splendid Steamers will leave Richmond and City Point every Monday and, Fri day, and Norfblk every Tuesday and Saturday,, for Philadelphia;. : . ;.uf.!-is w Returning, leave rnuaaeipnia every. Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A M,' .-, Shippers by this lane may rely upon low freights and quick dispatch.'-' ;:, ' CX!f'';4 Passengers wui nna every attenuon paidto toeir comfort, and meet accommodations unsurpassed iry any therlroute.'x;- - .'f -n!.t ..1 "B.i. , :: - fassage'irom Atvumowx anu jreiersourg . 90, and Norfolk $6; meals lnctaded. ;' - '.i f ROBERT RANKIN, Richmond, ; jf Aeents;"4 ROWLETTf HABDr&Cd.J Petersburg, xilU3La.a r. mju, nonoix,. . XEYI. ELDR1DGE, Genl Ajr, Horth Whartea, Philadelphia ; - v ZZT " ". raSSengers avou xragm n uuauiiua, iia Petersburg; must be at the Depot of the Appomat tox RaU Road Company, try 10 o'clock, A. M.a.on thadys"of'saIU.'i- , Petersburg, April 6, 1853. - --m f ANTILLAS AND SHAWL " Vl-i M-e-Ai. -ittin-. , ANTILLAS AND SHAWJA--Plata and, Im- Tig! t ' Flaiwand Embroidered Crapa fihawlsU- ''ft-! 1 k isr w

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