if 1;'-, V-M- . . - I . V C. B. ROO T, V HAVTNtJ rtcently r turned ifrpm the North, with a new nd choic selection of poods, is bow prepared to inrite his friends and the pnbue reneraUy to an examination of hi stock. ' j4 He is in possession of the latest and most taan- iomble stjles or And the moat approved Washes, Perflunery, &o., f! FOR THE TOILET ' Also, a splendid ' assortment of Watches, Musical InstrumenU, Fancy Goods, and all; other articles snally contained in establishments of a similar kind. 4 , ; . ' Grateful for past patronage, he respectfully so licits a continuance of the same, being confident that no goods of a superior quality were trer be fore offered in this market. ,- In addition to- the articles aboT e imam era tea my be found an extensiye assortment of ' . Chtlikt, Silvir asd Platsd Waji, SricrrACies, with Perifocal glasses to suit the eyes of all persons. Also rery superior Flint glasses, that may be ad justed in any frame at the shortest notice. On hand, a fine lotof DOUBLE BARREL GTOS RIFLES, PISTOLS of all kinds. POWDER FLASKS, SHOT ASD BIRD BAGS, together with many other articles in that line too tedious to en umerate, which I s.hall be pleased to exhibit to al' those who may favor m with a call. , C. B. ROOT. Oct. 29 1852. m J. M. Lovejoy's Academy. THE 23rd Session will commence on the 5th of January, 1853. Raleigh. November 16th, 18o2. 94 ly THE LARGEST SILK, RIBBON, AND TRIMMING ": House in New York, v . THOMAS G. STEARNS, I m per tar a n d - J o- b b r f - S3J.KS, MILLINERY AMD - FANCY GOODS, 162 Broadway. N. Y., HAS NOW IN STORE AND IS DAILY RECEIV ING and offering at the Lowest Prices, a complete assortment of Goods in bis line comprising all the various styles and designs, consisting of . BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, Marcelines, Florences. Shawls, Trimmings, BONNET RIBBONS, TATTXTA AXD SATIN KIBBOHS, DRESS TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS EMBROIDERIES, French and English Crapes, Crape Liases, Silk Cravats, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, Si lk Lac e Mitts, BAREGES, LACES, White Goods, Hosikrt, L. C. Hdkm. The undersigned would invite the attention of his friends and the trade generally. He will offer in ducements to Cash asd Shobt Time Butebs. THOMAS G. STEARNS, 162 Broadway, Between Liberty street and Maiden Lane, N. Y. Dec. 29, 1852. 1 ly . V Hardware . PRATT 4 LANSING. (SCCCKSSOBS TO S. . A W. LAXSIXG,) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HARD VVARE. CUTLERY, GUNS, ic., NO. 201 FULTON STREET, Between Broadway and Greenwich Streets, NEW YORK. OUR STOCK will at all times consist of a full and cimplete assortment of English and Ger man Shelf Hardware, imported by ourselves direct from the manufacturers for cash ; and of Ameri can Hard Ware, Cut Nails, Shovels, Farming Tools &c, purchased of the makers on such terms as will enable us to compete with those in the Amer ican Hard Ware trade exclusively. Country Merchants are requested to examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. PRATT & LANSING. March 18, 18o3. ($5) -;Sm-24' Direct Importations. - TRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE IN CIIARLES 1 ton, S. C. C. & E. L. KERRISON & CO., Have, and are continually receiving, by every ar rival, CHOICE GOODS, which they are prepared to tell at small advance on the sterling cost. A look at their Dress Goods will well repay the trou ble. Their Stock of Hosiery is largo and complete, and in. Prints, many Styles will be found, not gen erally kept in this market. North Weet corner King & Market Streets. Feb. 9. 1852. tf 12 ROBERTS S COPPER, TIN & STOVE DEPOT. ROANOKE SQUARE, NORFOLK, VA. IN Store, a large and varied assortment of all kinds of Copper and Tin Wares, at wholesale and retail, lower than at any otficr establishment in Va. Copper Work for Steamers. Mills, Distilleries, &c. , &., executed in the best manner, with due regard to steam pressure. STOVES AND HOT-AIR FURNACES, OF ALL KINDS, FOR ALL PURPOSES, . METALLIC ROOFING, GUTTERS A PIPES FOB BUILDINGS, Block Tin, Tin PUte, Sheet Copper, Bar and Sheet LEAD, SHEET IRON, AC. , ETHEREAL OIL, AND LAMPS FOR USING IT. jShower Baths and Bathing Apparatus, of all THE NEWEST & MO-T APPROVED PATTERNS. WM. D. ROBERTS, JR. Roanoke Square, Norfolk, Va. April 19, 1383. 6m 83 ."Standard copy. APRIL, 1853. Everything Beautiful In its Sea son. TUST opened, a very extensive assortment of J fancy and staple GOODS, bought at the right time, and now offered to old -customers and the public on the most favorable terms. All are re spectfully invited to call at the old stand, 3 doors above the market, and see for themseWes April 26, 18.33. JAMES M. TOWLES. University of North Carolina. THE examination of the classes will begin on Monday the 23d My, and continue until the Co lege Commencement on Thursday, the 2d day of June next. There will be a general meeting of the Board of Trustees on Monday preceding Commencement, but the Visitorial Committee will be expected to give their personal attendance during the whale period of the examination. The Committe for 1853 is as follows : . His Excellency, David S. Reid, Pres't Ex-Officio. Hon. David L. Swain, L. L. D., Pres't of College. . '. V illiam J. Alexander, William H. Battle, James W. Bryan, Henry 8. Clarke, . Daniel W Courts, John R. Donnell, William A. Graham, Cushing B. Hassel, " Samuel P. Hill, James C Johnson, Cadwailader Jones, Jr. Andrew Joyner, Matthias E. Manly, k jSiles Mebane, George C. Mendenhall, John M. Morehead, Henry Potter, Walter L. Steele, Hugh Waddell, Jonathan Worth. CHARLES MANLY, Secretary. May 3, ? 853. 37 Star and Standard copy. NOTICE. fTlHE attention of the citizens of Raleigh is re I pectfully solicited to the new Gutt Percha aad India Rubber Pump, just put in operation "W.Tfc , . near uio corner ui ucvoveu ana tiargett streets. in the rear or Dr. Airu.ia'i Office. As to descrip tion and merits, the pump will speak for itself. Th right of the balance of the State will be sold a most reasonable terms, by A. G. BABCOCK, at Mr. Rowland May 8. 1808. 2tp 07 rxrv.. A..v. - . .. . - 1 - -T 1 ----V " ' - tz: J-" " r- -r nrwrrnT imUTOTA YfVfrn T k . WTfAW - r - -I NE WRINGING BOOK "'SX ' ' PATENT NOTES I f ;V -J THE HARP OF THE SOUTH 7 A new aad extensive collection of church ' music, " v BTTT. B. WOODB0BT, v Authob or thb pulcimib, libsb MtsiqrSj - o. . THIS book embraces many, new features, iand, it is confidently believed, will be found the most comprehensive, attractive and useful work of the kind ever issued. It has been prepared in an swer to numerous calls from the South" and the West, and embraces the Gems from all. .'the.. most popular round note books in the country, together with much new Music,. written expressly for its pa ge.'; ' By special arrangement the Tight to' use the favorite compositions of Lowell Mason, Esq,, the distinguished composer and editor, hae , been ob tained, and a careful selection from his very popu lar works, the Handel and Haydn Societies collec tion ; The Carmina Sacra, of which last work" alone over 800 000 copies have been sold,) : and others, -has been made. .- Selections have also- been" made from the worksof Thomas Hastings and William .B. Bradbury, Esqs., as well as from the other most distinguished American and Foreign Composers. The choicest pieces have also been inserted from the Dulcimer,, by Mr. Woodbury, a work which has had the astonishing sale of 125,000 copies in the short time since its publication. Some idea of the extent and variety of this work may be given by mentioning that beside a Very large number of Psalm and Hymn Tunes of all Me ters, Anthems, and Set Pieces, for all occasions, and Revival Hytns, and Music, it also contains a large number of J uv.enile Songs for the Sabbath School and Social Circle, and a collection of Secu, lar Pieces, but of a Moral Cast, for the use of sing ing Schools. &c. To the whole is prefixed the El ements of Music made easy, being a full exposition of the subject, illustrated by numerous Exercises and pleasing pieces for class practice. Teachers, Choristers and others interested are invited to ex amine this work.' V Retail price $1,00 For sale by Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Philadel phia; W. B. Smith & Co., Cincinnati; H. Critten den, St. Louis ; A Carter, Charleston ; T. 8. Bid good & Co. Mobile ; and by booksellers generally. Published by Mason Brothers (late Mason & Law,) New York. March 1st, 1853. (10) .Sui-19 THE RAILROAD TO WEALTH. FARE MODERATE. TICKETS TO BE PROCURED AT THE GREAT DEPOT FOR HANDSOME PRIZES. MARION & CO., Lottery and Exchange Brokers. OFFICE CORNER OF GAY AND FAYETTE STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. The following Grand Prixes have all been sold and cashed by us within the short time of two months viz : 1 prize of $:,S,000 2 prizes of 2 do 2 do $10,000 4,000 2.000 do do 20,000 13,000 Besides a great mar.' of a smaller denomination in fact not a d;iy passes that a respectable Prize is not sold by us. Try us ! Try us ! if you want a Prize. Magnificent Lotteries Drawing Daily. Tickets varying in price from $1 to $20. HERE IS A BEAUTY INDEED! 25,000 Dollars Going for Only $5. WHO WILL HAVE IT! $243,OfO. Thursday, May 5, Martlavd Consolidated .Lottery, Class 20. 75 Numbers 12 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize of $25,000 10 do 2,500 10 do G42 190 Go 100 50 Tickets $5 Shares in proportion. Certificates of 25 Whole Tickets $74 00 00 50 do do do Half do. 37 18 do -Quarter do. A SpT?n lid $10 Lottery ! TIIISJA.'T BE BEATEN ! Try A Cuaxce is This. Send us ou an X. S58'J,5S9 ! Wednesday, May 18, 1853. Class 25. Maryland Consolidated Lottery, 78 Numbers 12 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize of $30,909 19 do 3,0i0 100 do 1,000 100 do 400 G6 do 100 0(5 do 80 132 do 60 132 do 40 Tickets 510 s Lares in proportion. Certificate of Packages of 20 Wholes $150 do do 20 Halves 75 do do 2G Quarters 37 do do 2G Eighths 18 ONLY LOOK AT THIS ! The Best $5 Lottery ever Offered. GO IN FOR A PACKAGE IE YOU WANT A PRIZE $243,090: Ti-esday, May 24. Maryland Consolidated Lottery. Class Z. 75 Numbers 12 Drawn Ballots. 1 Trize of 1 do 1 do 4 do $20,000 10,lO0 4 4 5 200 do do do do 1,500 1,000 600 105 5,0-K) 3,000 Tickets $5 Shares in proportion. Certificates of 25 Whole Tickets da do Half do do do Quarter do $74 ..37 ...18 00 00 50 MAMMOTH LOTTERY FOR MAY, 1853. 1 .825.824 Dollars ! CA PITA L PRIZE $80,000 ! Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland. Class M. To bo drawn in Baltimore, Saturday, May 28th. 78 Numbers 18 Drawn Ballots. Magnificent Scheme. 1 prize $80,900 is $80,000 4 do 20,000 is 80,009 4 do 10,000 is 40,000 7 do 3.9G3 is 27,744 800 (lowest 8 Nos.) 500 is 400,000 41.850 $1,825,824 Tickets $32 ; Halves $10; Quarters $8; Eighths $4 The abovs scheme is one of great magnitude and beauty, it having a capital of $80 000, four prizes of $20,000, four of $10,000 and eight lwdrep Prizes of $00. We would particularly advise every one to nave a cnance in uns scuemo, in wnicn we will sell on certificates packages Of 26 Whole Tick's $400,00 20 Quarter Tick's $1 1 5,00 26 Halve do 230,00 20 Ligiit do 57,50 Orders from all parts of the country will meet with the most prompt and confidential if addressed to M Alt ION &. CO., Baltimore, Md. THE SMALL FRY LOTTERY Draws every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Capitals : 1 Prize of $5,000; 1 of $4,000; 1 of $2,000; 3 of 1,000, &c. &c. Whole tickets only 5Sf. A Certificate of a full Package of Whole Tickets in this famous Little scheme will cost but $15; Halves $7,50; Quarters $3,75; and a single Package may a raw tne iour Highest frizes in the Lottery ! Orders solicited through the Post Office. We sell tickets in all Lotteries advertised bv other venders, at the same price as advertised by mem. To get the big Prizes be sure to address your or ders to the old established house of MARION & CO., Corner of Gay and Fayette street. Baltimore, Md. DR. WILLIAM H. MOORE, H AVING located himself in Pittsboro'. Chat ham County, offers his professional services to the citizens of the place, and the Burroundine country. He will be found at his office at all times, except . i- , wnen proreseionauy engageu. April 1, 1863. 3 mos 28 - NEW BOOKS. "VTOTES and Emendations to the Text of Shaks- Jl peare's Plays, from early MS corrections in a copy or the rouo, lMi, in the possession of J l'ayne Collier, Esq., F. . A. The History of the Crusades ; by Joseph Fran cois Michaud. Translated from the French by W. Robson. 3 vols. 12mo. Harry Muir ; a story of Scottish Life. By the author of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, Merkland, 4c. New Edition of Smith on the Law of Coutracts ; with Notes and Appendix. By J. G. 8ymons, Esq'. Third American Edition, with additional Notes and References to both English and American Decis ions. By William Henry Rawle, author of a Trea tise on Covenants for Title. ' May 437 For sal by W. Li POMEROY. FOR JJCW YORK. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Ti EDUCTION of Passage" iFareP fi STti Jj The new and-elegant aidewheel-f Steamship9 R(KOK 1 : 1,200 tons j burthen. Lewis Parriah, Commander, . will leave City point every Tuesday evening for New York. . Passage and fare from Petersburg, including; state brooms ...,...10 00 Steerage passage..... "5 00 t For speed, comfort and safety, the Roanoke Is excelled by no Steamship on the coast, and travel lers will find it the most pleasant route to the North. ... -iw rtr- " -S&T TICKETS issued at my Office on Sycamore street." - . : ?. rr'V v ' SAMUEL O. BAPTIST, Agt. -- . ' ' Petertbuiy, Va. ,. A passenger train leaves the Appomattox Depot "at 6 o'clock, . P, to connect with the Steamship at City Point.' June 4, 1852. ' ' tf 45 ' Mining Agency, NEW YORK, 62 WILLIAM ST., ROOM NO. 12. THIS Agency is established for the purchase and sale, on commission, of unimproved Mines and Mining Stock, in companies organized and at work. Also, for furnishing all kinds of Ma chinery and Mining Tools, as ordered. Also, the chemical analysis of ores and other substances, as forwarded from any part of the country. A prin ted circular, giving full explanations, will be sent in answer to any post-paid letter, enclosing one three cent post-office stamp. J. R. BARBOUR & CO. New York, Dec. SO, 1852. ly . PINEY POINT LINE TO BALTIMORE. On Monday of each Week Fare $5 only. rMHE public are hereby informed. that the comfortable and expe ditious steamer POWHATAN, Captain Charles E. Mitchell, having been entirely refitted enlarged, aad improved in every respect, is now on the route between Richmond and Baltimore, once weekly. Passengers by this agreeable and economical line, will leave Richmond by the morning train on Monday of each week, at 7 o'clock, A. M.t and reach Baltimore in the course of the night, proba bly by midnight, thus securing a connection with the different lines out of Baltimore, the following morning, in any direction. Returning, passen gers will leave Baltimore on the afternoon of Wed nesday of each week, nt 3 J o'clock, P. M., and connect at the creek ou the following morning with the train of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, which arrives in Richmond on Thursday, at 3 o'clock. P. M. Fare iu either direction, $0 ; forward cabin pas sengers, (including meals,) $4 50. rare for hrst class passengers between Balti more and I'bilauelpma ny tue ew Castle aim Frenchtown line, !2 50. For second class do. $1 50. Making the whole fare from Richmond to Philadelphia by this agreeable liue $7 60 only for first cla&s passengers, aud $0 for second class do. For further particulars, or through tickets, ap ply at the office of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rai'roau Conipauy. J. B. WINSTON, Ticket Agent. Office R. F, & P R R. Richmond, March 29, 1853. April 22nd, 1853. 34 P. S. Through tickets can be had in Petersburg, at the same rates of fair, as from Richmond, on application at the Office of the Richmond and Pe tersburg Kail Road Company VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND IRON WAREHOUSE. T HE Subscriber has the largest establishment, and other Agricultural machinery to be found in the State, consisting in part of 200 tons American, English, and Swedes Iron, of all sizes ; flat, from 4 to 11 inches wide, and of round nnd square from 1-4 to 3 12 inches. Nail Rods, Horse Shoes, Bands, Hoops, Scroll. Oval, &c, Ameri can, uennan, spring ana t,asi aieei. -uu Kegs 01 Cut Nails from 3 to 00 penny ; every style of Corn Shellcrs, Fanning Mills. Straw Cutters, Hominy Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Harrows, Cultiva tors, and Plows, of which I have over 80 different sizes and patterns, of tho most approved and im proved patterns, for ouc, two, three, and four Horses. Farmers and Merchants favoring me with their orders are assured that they will be filled prompt ly, and on the very bebt terms. Every and any article described in the various Catalogues and Almanacs wil be furnished on the lowest terms. Ail Goodsdelivered at the Depot in Portsmouth free of charge. S. MARCH. No. 13 Water St., Norfolk Va, " April 2G. 1853. 35 lv Bamborough's Wheat Fans, &c I HAVE on hand, and shall continue to keep a full supply of these superior Mills, sold at Man ufacturer's prices. Palmer's Superior Threshers, norsc Powers, Clod Crushers, Field and Garden Rollers. &c, &c. Send orders to S. MARCH, Norfolk. April 2fl. 18"3. lv 35 SI'U'IAL LXPUKSS MH ICE. NEW YORK, VIRGINIA & N. CAROLINA FREIGHT, PACKAGE, AND PARCEL La"iS 3 U a3 S3 PER STEABSIllPS ROANOKE AND JlflKSTOWS. I HIE Proprietors beg leave to inform the Mer chants, Bankers, an I public sencriilly of Ra leigh, that having bought out the interest of Dodge's Virginia and North Carolina Express, and made arrangements, with the New York and Vir ginia Steamship Company for the transportation of their Express to Norfolk, Petersburg, and Rich mond, and concluded arrangements with Messrs. II. D. Byrd & L. O. B. Branch Esqs.. of the Pe tersburg and Gaston, anil Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, they are now prepared to transmit to nnd from New York, or either of their Agencies, every description of Merchandize, Valuable Package, Bank Notes, Specie, Notes, Drafts. Bills, &c, with the greatest expedition, and at the most economical rates. We shall spare no trouble or expense, in ma king this the popular Ezpres of Virginia and N01 ui Carolina ; our long experience in the busi ness North and West, and our ample means to con duct the same, we hope, will be a sufficient guar antee to the Merchants, to direct their correspon dents to dispatch their goods through Pariten $ King1 Exprest. We also wish it distinctly under stood that we are in direct pposition to the old monopoly. Give u a trial. W. B. P ARISEN, 1 Proprietors. JAS: H. KING, Astoe Hocsa N. Y. V. D GRONER, Norfolk, Va: ) H: D. TURNER, J. D. TOWNES Petersb'g Va. Raleigh, N. C WM. L. MAULE, Rich'd Va. J N B We would also ask the attentiou of merchants at the following places Chapel Hill, Hillsboro', Greensboro', Fayetteville, Salem, Cheraw, PitUbe ro', Ashboro' and Salisbury, to facilities offered them for the transmission of liaht package by eur Express from Raleigh ; and all orders sent to our Agent, II D Turner, Esq. for us, will meet with prompt attention. P. & K. Raleigh, March 22, 1853. ' ly 25 sax'l. m. wilsok. oko. w. oaici. WILSON & GRICE, GEXIRALCoMMUSIOX&FoKWAKDIXaMsrcHAjrTS, No. 11, High St. and Pierce's Wharf, Portsmouth, Va GIVE their personal and prompt attention to the Sale and F or warding of Produce and Mer chandise of every description, and make liberal ad vances upon consignments. - RirxuNCXS. Geo. W. Mordecai, Esq., Raleieh Messrs. W. H. & R. S. Tucker, do ; King, Thomai & Barrow, Louisburg; R. N. & D. C. Herndon, Ox ford; Hon. Weldon N. .Edwards, Warren county Col S. 8. Royster, Granville; Messrs. John White & Co., Warrenton ; Montgomery & Plummer, do CoL Walter Gwynne, Ch. Eng-rCjantral Railroad. May 4, 1853. -S t7-ly r OREENSBOROTJGII m., Mutual Insurance Company. ' ) HE cost of iMurance'ontheTmutual plan is but a small sum. compared with a joint stock Company. Thia Company being locatoa m the Western part of the State, coasequ eimv muuu vdb larger portion of the risks are in the W est, very many of whioh are in the country. ; 'V J V The Company is. entirely , free from debt,; hv made no assessments,- and ha vej: a verylarge"a mount in cash ancf 'good boncla and is therefor confidently recommended to the -public. - ; , At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were elected for'the ensuing year : ?" JAMES SLOAN, President. S. G. COFFIN. Vice President. C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney; PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM II. CUM MING, General Agent DlRKCTOBB. James Slean, J. A. Mebane, C. .P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Dr. D. P. Weir, W. J. McConnell, of Greensboro'; Dr. Shubald G. Coffin, J. W. Field, Jamestown; F. El liott, Guilford; William A. Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watkins, Carolina Female, College; John L Shaver, Salisbury; John H. Cook. Fayetteville , E. F. Lilly, Wadesboro' ; J. J. Biggs, Raleigh ; Leroy Springs, Charlotte; J. J. Jackson, Pittsboro'; H. B. Elliott, Cedar Falls. PETER ADAMS, Sec y. Dec 14, 1852 102 GREENSBOROUGH . MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COM PANY. THIS Company, as its name indicates, is upon the mutual principle, and embraces two dia tiuct departments, to wit: Life Insurance and Trust department. This attractive "combination offers to Policy holders double the ordinary securi ty, without destroying their right to a full participa tion the entire profits of the Company Premi ums will be received, in cash, either annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, as may be agreed up on at the time the Policy is issued." In the TRUST DEPARTMENT, or Deposit Sys tern, the payments made to the Company arc en. tirely optional with the Depositor, as regards the amount and the time at which they are made. A party may pay iu as much or as little, (not less than one dollar.) and as often, as may be conve nient for him, without any obligation upon him to continue his payments, aud may withdraw them at his pleasure. So that, on the plan of this Company, there is created at one and thu same time an assurance pay able at death a fund available in aickneti and a pro vision fur old age. w Sec Pamphlets furnished by the Company. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Director! Ralph Gorrcll, Lyndon Swain, John A. Gilmer. D. F. Caldwell, Richard Greene, David McLean, Richard Sterling, Jolui M. Logan, D. P. Weir, E. W . Oghurn, Robert M. Sloan, Kobcrt P. Dick, Hcury E. Ulliott. Iresidrnt Ralph Gokrei.i.. Vice Presided Lyudon Swuim. Secretary and Treasurer D. P. Weir. Attorney John A. Uilnier. Examining Phyieum Edwin Watson, M. D. Consulting I'ligsicians D. C. Mebane, M. D.; J L. Cole, M. I). D. P. Weir. M. D. General Agent William II Cumuiing. SQL. Any information relative to the Company may be had by addressing D. P. WE1K, Secretary and Treasurer Feb. 22, 1853. " tf-17 HOWELL & BROTHERS, Mantfactureus asi Importers or Pojer Hangings, No. 207, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. INVITE attention to their very elegant and ex tensive assortment of Paper Hangings, embrac ing fine gold and velvet decorations, fine French in plain and rich colors, with an immense assort ment of ordinary satin and common papers. Also, Curtain Papers, Borders, Fire Prints, Tester and Centre pieces, &c. II. & B. were awarded at the late fair of the Maryland Institute, a Gold Medal for the superiority of their Paper Hangings. Jan. 28, 1K53. 10 SEAB0AR& AND ROANOKE RIL ROAD BATES OF FARE A.iD DISTA.UES. FROM PORTSMOUTH TO Miles. Fare. Miles. Facr. Suffolk 17 $ ,50 Branchville, 58 .'5 Carrsville 31 1,00 Bryants' 60 2,25 Blackwater 37 1,25 Margarettsville C3 2,25 Murfees' 40 1,50 Concord 08 2,50 Newsonis" 50 1,75 Garvs' 78 2.75 Boy kins, 55 2.0 Weldon 80 3,00 REMARKS. Tickets to New York or Philadelphia can be ob tained on board the L;iy Mi-uukts. r are from oi folk to Philadelphia. V. '0, to New York, $8.50 Tickets to Kdenton or Plymouth from the Agents at Weldon. Fare Ironi Weldon to Edcnton, So, 00. Ticket to Raleigh from the acnt at Portsmouth FOR EDEN TON & PLYMOUTH. The Stag leaves Blackwater on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, immediately after the arrival of the trains from Portsmouth aud W eldon. The boats leave for Baltimore, daily, at C P. M (Sundays excepted.) or immediately nfter the arri val of the boutucru train. O. D. BALL, Agent. April 20, 1853. ly 3G PREMIUM IRON PIANO-FORTES. These instruments possess many advantages over those made of wood, and are Irom 20 to 25 per cent less in price for the same pattern. They are all 7 octave, ot the most superior tone and finish, and aro warranted to stand in any cli mate. The undersigned continue to manufacture Piano Fortes in rosewood case, from $235 to $800. Our catalogue of SHEET MUSIC is the largest in the country, and wc cau furnish EVERY ARTI CLE in the Muic lino. Sheet Mi sic sent bt Mail. FIRTH, POND, & CO , No. 1 Fhaxklix Square, New Y'ork. April 20, 1S53. 3mos 36 ry c. w J. ING ORTII, COMMISSION AND FORWARD- MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. July 1st. 1851. 53-1 y-p. c iiiiico. optTiu, .-vuamaniinc ana 1 allow Vtl L'tJ k 1. - 1 n. 1, Candles, all sizes, just received and for sale. JAMES McKIMMON. A Second supply of Garden Seed, just received and tor sale by P. F. PESCUD. halcigh, March 15, '53. 23 c A ANTON MATTING. 4-4 and 5-4 Fancy and l'lai 11 tarpct .Matting, received and for sale. JAS. McKIMMON. April 15, 1S53. 32 A New and splendid lot of Paintings, all in gilt frames, just received. Come and examine them. K.. W. PETERSILIA. A. FINE assortment of Guitars, Violins, Ban jos and Italian Strings received this day. K. W. PETERSILIA. April 26, 1853. 35 MACCARONL Best quality, imported Macca roni in store, and for sale by JAMES McKIMMON. March 29, 1853. 27 1 L EARY & CO'S HATS Just received one case of latest style Leary & Co's Hats. . L. STITH. April 29, 1853. w3w 36 ASplkkdid Articlk and no Mistake. White and Black Pomatum highly perfumed, and in very large sticks Just received, and for sale by tr. r. iMssuuD. NOTICE. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE, fTIHAT well-known Establishment, the WELDON fL HOTEL, is now offered for Rent or for Sale Possession given on the 1st day of Jan'y next It is unnecessary to enter into a description of mis very aesirame property, its location and ad vantages are well known to the traveling comma nity. WiLDOjr has now four railroads terminating in her town. All the trains meet there at Dinner hour. For terms, apply to M, FERRALL, Halifax, N. CL May 3. 1853. 37 2w "ri- Here is your RefjaedyV HOLI.OWAY'S OINTMENT. A most MibaCxjlocs cm or. Bad Legs, arrxa 43 YxarJs Sdffbbino. - . Extract 0 a Letter from MrtWm. Galpm, of 70 St. Mary's Street, Weymouth, dated May 19M, loox. To Professor Houowat : v Sir At the aee of 18, my wife fwho is now 61) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they nave been more or less sore, and gratly inflamed Her agonies were distracting, and for months together sue , was ae prived entirely of rest and sleep. ' Every remedy that medical men advised, was tried, but without effect her health suffered severely, and the state of her legs was terrible. I had often read your advertisements, and advised lier to try your rills and Ointment : and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had proved useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago, and, strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbed. Could j-ou have witness ed the sufferings of my wife during the last forty three years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel delight ed iu having been the means of so greatly allevia ting the sufferings of a fellow-creature. (.-signed) WILLIAM GALP1N A Person 70 Years of age cured of a Bad Leg, of 60 lears Standing. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens of Rushelife, near Huddersfield, dated May 31st, 1851. To Professor Holloway : Sir I suffered tor a period of thirty years from a baa leg, the result or two or three dinerent acci dents at the Gas Works, accompanied by scorbutic symptoms. 1 had recourse to a variety of medical xdvicc, without" deriving any benefit, and was even told that the leg must be -amputated, yet, in oppo sition to that opinion, your Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure in so short a time, that few who had not witnessed it would credit the fact. . (Signed) WILLIAM ABBS. The truth of this statement can be verified by Mr. W. England, Chemist, 13 Market street, Huddersfield. A Dreadful Had Breast Cured in One Month. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Feiihurst, Kent,' dated December 13th 1850. To Professor Holloway : Dear Sir My wife had suffered from bad breasts more than six months, and during the whole period had the best medical attendance, but all to no use. Having before healed on awful wound in my own lc;;s by your unrivalled medi cine, I determined again to use your Pills and Oint ment and therefore gave them a trial in her case and fortunate it was 1 did so, for in less than a month a perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have de rived from their use, is really astonishing. I now strongly recouimend lhem to all my friends. (Signed) FREDERICK TURNER. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases : Bad Lejrs. Chiego-foot, Fistulas, Sore Throats, Bad Breasts, Chilblains. Gout, Skin diseaseg, Bums, Chapped hands, Gladular Swellings, Scurvy, Bunions, Corns (soft) Lumbago Sore heads, Bite of Mos- Cancers. Piles, Tumors, quitos and Contracted and Rheumatisms,' Ulcers, saud flies, Stiff Joints, Scalds, Wounds, Coco-Bay, Elephantiasis, Sore Nipp'es, Yaws. Sold by the Proprietor 244 Strand, (near Tem ple Bar, ) London, and by all respectable venders of Patent Medicines, throughout the British Empire, and by tho-e of the United States, in pots and box es, at 37 cent?, 87 cents, and $1 50 each, Whole sale, by the principal Drug houses in tha Union, and by Messrs. S. B. & J. A EVANS, Wilming ton N. C For sale by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh. There is very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients arc affixed to each pot or box. Feb. 25, 1853. 18 ly To the Public. A PERFECT LUXURY IN SUMMER & WINTER! T HE subscriber has on hand a supply of the best quality of curled hair, and is still man ufacturing a superior quality of hair Mattresses. He would respectfully inform the Public, that he can furnish them with the best articles in his line as cheaply as they can be bought in New York. Persons from thu neighboring villages and coun ties, who have heretofore sent North, can provide themselves with as good an article at the subscri ber's, nnd at 113 low a price ; as he is prepared to and will furnish them, at the shortest notice, at prices ranging from $4 to .30. ALSO, Constantly on hand the much improved Shuck and Cotton Mattresses, at the lowest prices. Al so, sofas, lounges, &c, manufactured in various styles. Repairing of sofas, easy-chairs, ami reno vating old Mattresses, &c, doue with neatuess and despatch. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. My Ware-Room is on Faycttevillo St., three doors above the Y'arborough House. J. HENRY HARRIS, Upholsterer and Mattress Maker. taJ"" Good Feathers taken at the highest prices in exchange for Mattresses. Raieigh, Feb. 10, 1853. - tf 14 NIEMEYER & WHITE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL PRODUCE BROKERS, PORTSMOUTH, VA , Offer their Services to the Shipping, Planting, Tra ding and Manufacturing Interests." E will give strict attention to Shipping or selling looacco, Uotton, r'lour. Gram, Provisions, Lumber, and Naval Stores; and For warding Merchandise with Dispatch. jJaST Lime, Plaster, Guano,.Ccrocnt and Salt al ways on band.-gg HENRY V. NIEMEYER. JAMES C. WHITE. April 8, 1853. 80 3m- CHERRY & BIGGS, ' GENERAL Commission Merchants, CAROLINA WHARF TOWN POINT, NORFOLK, VA. April 22, 1853. 34 Superior Linen Goods. r HOUSEKEEPERS are respectfully invited to an examination of a fresh supply of Goods, consisting of 11-4 and 12-4 Bornsley Linen Sheet ings, 9-8, 5-4, and G-4 Pillow Case Linens, 8-4, 9-4, and 10-4 Table Damask, 8-4 and 10-4 Brown Table Damask, Table Damask Napkins, Bird's Eye, Russia, and Huckaback Linen Dia pers, ' , Towelling of all kinds, Crash Russia Linens, 50 pieces best make Irish Linens, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4, and 12-4 Marseilles Quilts, Table and-Piano Covers, of Cloth' and Worsted, Furniture, Dimity, and Curtain Muslins. The above Goods are of the best quality, "and will be sold very low by " :- JAS. McKIMMON. NOW IS THE TIME, AND NOW IS THE DAY- THE beautiful Spring has arrived, and your windows must be hoisted to admit its balmy breexes. ;,v Having returned home, I am ready to serve the citizens of Raleigh fof a short time in applying Ar nold's matchless sash locks to their windows.- On ly think, for twenty-five cents yon can have your windows kept up at any height yon choose, or fas tened down , securely, f- You, would almost throw away nails enough in jtbe y ear to cost the money, besides all your trouble and lost "time," - s Call andseethe "locks at MrrJaxEs MTcnrMs' Store, and leave your orders. . WILLIAM COLE, Sole- Agent. April 29, 1858. 36 XAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC, PR NEIU I -vous debttify, disease pf thf ; Kidneys,7 and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver; or Stomach, such: as - constipation, - inward .Piles, fullness or blood to.thtf head, acidity: of the stomachy Nausea; Heartburn,-Disgust for Food, FoUnessj- or ;Weigh in the Stomach, Sour eructations, sinking or flntterr ing at the Pitt of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head,' Hurried and difficult Breathing,' 'Fluttering at the Heart. Choklhff.-or Suffocating Sensations when in "a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, -Dots or Webs beforethe Sight Fever and ?Dull Pain 'in the Head, Deficiency 'of. Perspiration, Yellowness of. the Skin and Eyes; Pain far tue Side,' : BackVChest, Limbs, &c, SaddenV Flushed .of Hea.Bjurningld the Flesh,-Constant Imaginings. of Evil," and..' great Depression of Spirita f can be effectually cured,' by DRr UOOFL AND '8? Celebrated German 'Bitters, prepared byj Dr. C.4M. Jackson, at the German Medicine Store, No. 120, Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the'abote diseases is not exeeMed, if ' equalled by any other prepardtion in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skil - ful physicians had failed. . A ; These Bitters are worthy the attention pf invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weaknesses and affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, cer tain, and pleasant. ; ? . ' - " , READ AND ' BE CONVINCED. 4 From the "Boston Bee." ;. . The Editor said, Dec. 22d. "Dr. Hooftand's Celebrated German Bttters, for the cure 01 laver complaint, jaunaice, uyspepsia Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one the most popular medicines of the day. ihese iSit ters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. W e are convinced mat, in uie use ef these Bitters, the patient constantly gams strength and vigor, a fact worthy of great Consider ation. They are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any circumstances. We are speaking from experience, and to the af flicted we advise their use." "Scott's Weekly," one of the best Literary pa pers published, said, August 25 "Lhr. Uoojiantfs German JJUtcrs manuiacturea Dy Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by soma ot the most prominent members of the faculty, as an ar ticle of much efficacy in case of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle and thus save themselves much sick ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health as we know from experience the salutary effect that they have upon weak systems." Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman of great literary and scientific attainments, said in his- "New York Weekly Messenger," January 5, 1850 : "Dr. Hooand's German Bitters. Here is a pre paration which the leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians of modern times, the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, Professor to the University of Jena, Pri vate Physician to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever pro duced. He was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the iu venter and endorser may be confidently relied on. We specially recommend it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity of the Stom ach, Constipation and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the Liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of the editors speak of its effects from their own individ ual experience. Under these circumstances wc feel warranted,, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family newspaper published iu the United States, the editor savs of DR. IIOUFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers ; and, therefore, when we recom mend Dr. Hootiiuid's German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after tljey have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the prac tice of the regular physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined a fact that can be easily established, and fully proving that a scien tific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even iu this form. That this madicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver ; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases ; the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female or ixfast with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high character which is necessary for all medicines to attain, to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. - ... LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS Or THE GESCIXE. They have the written signature of C. W. JACK SON upon the wrapper, , and the name blown iu the bottle, without which tue y ark spcmobs.. -For sale wholesale and retail at '- ' -- " GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120, ARCH Street, one door .below Sixth, (late of 278 Race street,) Philadelphia,; and by re spectable dealers throught the. country. : Also for sale by ' V - . J. B. RAMSEY, Druggist. . Pittsboro', N. C, May 29, 18ol 44 ly And for sale also by . P. F. PESCUD, Gen'l Agent, " . - ' -Raleigh, N. C. North. Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. R A LEIGH, N. C. THIS Company has been in successful operation for more than seven years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in' the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. Its Policies now cover property amounting to $4,500,000, a large por tion of which is in' Country risks, 'and its present capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plan ef this Company has been less than one third of ona per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations." - THE following persons have been.elccted Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Roulhac, C. W. D. Hatchings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whiting, T. H. Selby, Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fay etteville ; Jos. G. Wright, Wilmington ; James Hoyt, Washington ; James Sloan, Greensboro' ; Jno. Cox, Eden ton; Josh. Boner, Salem; Jos. H. Pool, Elizabeth City ; F. F. Fagan, Plymouth ; Alexan der Mitchell, Newborn; W, N. H. Smith, Mur freesboro' ; H. B. Williams, Charlotte ; John B. Barrett, Milton ; A. T. Summy, Asheville. All Directors are authorized to receive -applications. : . . v 4 . 4 . . - OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. 3. G:B. Roulhac, Presidents ' S -''-Henry D Turner, Vict do - 18. W. Whiting, Treasurer. ':"'Y John Cr Partridge, SeereUtry. ; ;y ' John II. Bryan, Attorney, -. j s J. Hers man, General Agent. s. w: whiting; y .V Jni Ri Williams, V Executive Committee. John Prinw8e,-:rt- . "V-" ft'j'V All communications-in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. - .3.,viJi C. PARTRIDGE, See'y; RaleighJIafi 22, 1863. ; :m:Tti 25v: - CLAUDIUS B. SANPERSM vIttorneY; at Law, SMITHraiJ), 0KTH CAXOIJXA, W1 attend the Courts of Johnston, Wayne and Nash-W Jau. 14, 1853. HIM YE SICK ! NO MEDICINE BUT HAMPTON'S VEGETARi n TmcrrrmE EVEii had such a mass of tf? REVYJ2RN0N?ESKRID GE, U. S. X Ml? ' CWWBIH Va., Aug. 18. lae, Mr. J..Boush-.-Dear Sir : While I am in cen era! opposed tor Patent s Medicines candor conm me to state that I have, great: confidence in the r - . " ,.6.v imume. t or eral months past I have used it in my family, in(1 pepaia, loss of appetite, dizziness, and general d bility,with wUre sHccessSo far as my exwrj" ence extends, therefore, I . take pleasure in reco- mending it to the' afflicted" as" a safe and effici q remedy. . . I am, respectfully, yours " . -,V" VERNON.. ESKRIDGK CftChaplain U. S. Navj. COUGH VERTIGC-Rheumatism, 0f 15 years standing, cured. Testimony of one' of onr best known citizens :' ' Vf - vfBAXTiMOEE, Feb. 9th, 1852. ME8SES. MOKTIMEK $ MdWBEAT Gtntlemt n:1 is with real pleasure that L am able to attest to th general healing and curative powers of Dr. Hamn ton's Vegetable Tincture; - Sonie time during last November:, was' taken with a very bad and serious cough, vs ;l ajasv advised tctake Cod Liver Oil and did so, but getting no better, I was induced to trv your Tincture. I got one bottle, and before I had used it all my cough had left me. Permit mo to state that for the last fifteen years I have suffer- ea yery.mucn irom Acute itneumatism and Vertigo confining me at times to my bed. I am fullv con vinced that I owe my present good health to the use of the Tincture and a kind Providence. You are, my friends, at liberty to use this as tou may think proper,' and believe me I'ours, very respectfully, G. DUNAX. N. B, I ean he seen at anv tim at the Mavor'i Office. . " g. i). o A MONUMENT From whose base to the to stand out in bold relief the names of our own citi zens who have been restored to health by Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture, a medicine that curei more than nineteen out of every twenty who try it. We have certificates from Hon Henry Gov, "and R. M. Johuson one from Captain C:mt, brother to the eminent Physician to the President of the French Republic, who was cured of a Rheumatism of 7 years standing also, one from Robert (lault. Rheumatism 7 years. Mr. Oldham, Bait Custom House, dreadful ense of Dyspep.sia, and from hun dreds of others. All must admit there never' ha been such a mags of testimony given in favor of any other medicine, which is so pleasant aud taken in such small quantities. MOST WONDERFUL : The following certificate is from an eminent Lawyer of Kentuey, who is known in all of the States, having for a number of years represented his Stitc in Congress : It affords me pleasure to state that Dr. Jesse Hampton's Tincture has effected a most extraordi nary cure of my slave boy Albert. The patient was three years old, and had the Scrofula (his father is scrofulous.) The boy was a moving mass of sores from head to foot the upper lids of the eyes were much swollen, andsturned inside out, exhibi ting horrible mattering ulcers, that protruded over the eye-ball so as to produce blindness. It is Ftnnige yet true, this child, that I feit resigned to die as a relief from suffering, has been restored o health under the treatment of Dr. Hampton. W. P. TIIO.MASSON. Locistiue, March 20, 18-31. GREATER WEIGHT OF TESTIMONY CANNOT BE GIVEN. Thi medicine when used according to direction, WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL? Scrofula or King's Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of the Skin, Ery sipelas, Chronic Sore eyes. Ringworm or Tetters, ScaldHead, Rheumatisnj, Pains in the Bones or Joints. Old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilitic Dyspepsia, Salt Rheum, Dist-ases of the Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Diseases arising from the use of Mercury, Pain in the Sidejind Shoulders, General Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice, Coi tiveness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest, Pulmonary Affections,- snd all other diseases, tending1 to produce Cossumttio! Liver Complaint, Female Irregularities and Com-' plaint, Sick headache,' Lbvr: Spirits, Night oweatu, Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Chronic Constitu tional Diseases, Rheumatism and Gout For sale by P. F. Pescud, Fayetteville St. Raleigb N. C, Mortimer & Mowbray, Baltimore, and Drug gists everywhere. Wills & Gordon, Grocers tf Commission Mer-chaids, Norfolk, Va. . ARE prepared to make liberal advances on all consignments of Produce to receive and for ward alt descriptions of Merchandize and to supply the Planters, Merchants, and others, with .-GROCERIES, upon the most liberal terms. Norfolk, Oct. 4, 1802. 82 ly General Agency. TjHE undersigned offers his service.? as agent for I the transaction of any business in the City of Raleigh, at the Public Departments, the Banks, In surance offices, &c. .He may be found at the Office of the Secretary Lof State. All. letters addressed to hini will be promptly attended to, audhis charges will be mode rate and satisfactory. : rufus n. PAGE. " REFERENCES : Gov. David S. Reid, Wm. Hill, Sec'y. pf .State, D. W. Courts, Pub. Treasurer, E. B. Freeman, Clk. Supreme Court, Geo. W. Morde eai, Prest.,of Bank State, W. J. Clarke, Compt. State, W. H. Jones," Cash. Bank Cape Fear, W. W. Vass, Treasurer R. & G. R. Road. Jlaleigh, Jan. 1st, 1852. , tf 1 important; Si i v .T-0 H OUSEKEEPERS- Something belter and more econonomical than Soda, Cream Tartar, or any other prepara " - tion in existence for Baking. DURKEE'S Chemical Y'east, or Baking Powder For raising Bread, Biscuit, Fried, Griddle and Johnny Cakes, Puddings, Pot-Pies, Corn Bread Sweet Cakes, Apple Dumplings, Pastry, &c, &c. This article is one that every FAMILY, HOTEL, BOARDING HOUSE, Eating Saloon, Ship, Steamboat, Vessel, Canal Boat &.C., will find upon a careful trial, to ho the very thing needed every single day of their existence. Its most important advantages over the old sys tem, are 1. It saves the expense of milk, eggs, shortening, spoiled bread, and the trouble and expense of pro curing good yeast,, water only being necessary. 2. No time is required for the dough to rise before baking ; consequently bread may be made in a few minutes. 3. A cook can always depends upon having fight, sweet, tender and palatable bread and biscuit, whether the flour be of the bent quality or not. 4 Bread made by this process is much more nutritions,- easier of digestion, better fitted for a weak stomach, sweeter, whiter and lighter, than when made with yeast. 5. The bread made by fermentation docs no af ford the same amount of nourishment to the ys tenv that it does when made with this compound; because' the vegetable acid contained in fermented bread, prevents the proper action of the gastric fluid upon it,'and consequently, a part only goes to nour ish the body, while the acids tend to produce dys pepsia and its attendant evils. -"Tho article has been thoroughly tested, and is u niVersally liked. When used according to the di rections, it is warranted to suit. Be careful to ask for DURKEE'S BA KING. POWDER, and take no other, and you will not be deceived. iMncipal office, 139 Wa ter street,. New York- Sold bj the best grocers and druggists generally. Feb. 25, '53. . ly 18 GeoM. Tracy & Co., N0; 84 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Maiden Lane.) NEW-YORK, ? r ; Importers of - -,'. ... arTMB3S-IU"BNISHINO GOODS. IirtnlsestaDlishment, being the largest in the city, may be fonnd a large and. well selected stock, consisting in part of rich Scarfs and Cravats, Hosie ry, Gloves; Under Garments, Suspenders, Stocks, London and Napoleon Ties, Shirts of all qualities, &C. H.ing been engaged in this business the last twenty years, - comment is unnecessary, as they kavemadesuch arrangements in Europe that the are receiving by almost every steamer, the choicest goods the market affords, and purchasers need only call to satisfy themselves that every article in the Furnishingline may be found here. Feb. 25, 1853. . 8m-l