A- . - .. t,.., .JrJ. --n.-y -.i. j. - Jt - ; ' Hi :, . ".7" VOLUME LIIL CITY OF RALEIGB, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 8. 1853. NO. 47. ft rj J f '..- kJ.. . aT- .aanBaw' - " aV A H..Vts.." Is wiMiihtd StmUnuVl ..,) w.vf v SEAT ON GALES,;,- OITOK AND PKOPRI 1JT.O K 1 TERMS: v $S par iua ; ta mtnaem $4. $3 par iiihh ; la ad-raae $3 40. KATES 07 ADVERTISING: mmwun For vary 1 linM, Ant iaserUon 11; a addiUoMl ianrtloo, 26 eU. OaartOrdan and JmlioUl advartiaeBesta wm ba charted ta aar aaat. hfebar ; aat a dadoctioa of 33 pareeat. wUl ba Mda from tka racalar prica ta adTartiaara by tba jaar. AdTartiasaiaaBi inserted ia tha SaiaJ waakly, will alao aopaar tba Weekly, ttnm of efaarga. ATUttin to tha Xditor maat be roaAl. . ( REGISTER BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Turn Mibscnber bavio recently refitted hia offic witk a new, beautiful and exteti&We saaortment of BOOK AH) JOB MATERIAL ! prepared to execute, witb Beataea, erery variety of 0OO5C AAfiWPSHtET WOirr ALSO . ia the bert style, and at but a inflinjrdYance on North ern price- To enable bim to do (hie. be has roreiTed ti aaaortment of beautifully enameled 'arda ofdif feretil aiaea, ami fancy StatioNery. with which he prepared to fill order, for Bail Ticket, C'irealara, and all description of Bronsa and Fancy' Colored Printing. Ha kaaalro aa asaertmeot of extra-aixed type for XAlOrOT 70S17XS and SHOW HTT.TJit aad will tpare no pains to raade per ect tir faction ia tbo exacxiioQ of all work wi'h which he ball Wo entnated SEA TON GALES. NEW YORK PIANO FORTE EMPORIUM. MESSRS.' BENNETT & CO. I If consequence of the immense demand, and ua ri Tailed popularity of their Fbkxch Objlkd ac' tiojt Piamo FoaTs, haxe greatly enlarged their hfaaafactory, and opened a Spacicrus WAaxaoox at .. Wo. 361 Drondwar, one door above "Tkompton't Saloon," where th will be happy at ail time to supply their numer eaa friends and patrons with Piaxo Foarcs, of ev ery variety of style and finish.; I All instroments taaafactored at this establishment are folly war ranted, to stand any climate, and give perfect Sat isfaction, both in Volgxz ad qcajjtt, of Touch. Oar priees are each that those desiring a very su perior finUhed Instrument, as well as, those more eooaoiajeally inclined,' cannot fail - to be : suited Duuu, PaoFKssoas, AKETKuas and others, wish ing to purchase, are invited to call and . look for thamselves. BENNETT & CO., . S61 Broadway, " Nrw Yobk. 8ept 16, 1852. ly 77 COPARTNERSHIP. The subacribers have this day entered into Copartnership, under the name and style of A. S. SHAFER & CO., for the manufacture and sale of READY MADE CLOTH ING in all-its branches, at the store on Sycamore street heretofore' known as Perry's , Clothing Ba saar. A. S." SHAFER, GEO; A. HAL-EY, ROB'T HUNTER. Petersburg, April 1, 1852. Queer's to N. Perry, The subscriber, having disposed of his entire in terest in the Clothing business at Petersburg to Messrs. A. S. SHAFER & CO., takes this method of returning his acknowledgments to the public of Pe tersburg and vicinity for their liberal patronage du ring his proprietorship of the Clothisq Bazaar, aad would also recommend a continuance of the same to his successors. N. PERRY. . August 24th, 1852. " " 70 LOOK HERE ! f -V r lHE Subscriber has received the following good M Goods at his Store, immediately nortlrytf the Presbyterian Church, to which he would" call the attention of families. -' 1 A splendid lot of ugar and Coffee, a few bags of isucawneat riour, a spiencua lot or uneese, iresn Lemons, and Raisins in whole, half and quarter boxes, preserved Ginger in jars, Prunes, do ;' Al monds, Palmnuts, English -Walnuts, Figs, &c. Also, a superior lot of Scotch SNUFF, in bales and bladders ; an excellent article of Tallow candles, wholesale and retail ; Scotch Herrings, in-boxes ; the best Chewing Tobacco ; Musical Instruments,' such as Accord eons, Flutes, kc. &c. Also, every variety of TOYS for children always on hand. CANDY MANUFACTURE. The Subscriber having 20 years experience, flat ters himself that he can please the most fastidious taste, and will make to order, and keep always on hand, a variety of CANDIES, Medicated, kc, at wholesale and retail. .The undersigned tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and customers, for their liberal patronage bestowed on him since his commencement in busi ness in this City, and hopes by prompt attention, to retain theif' confidence, and to secure a continu- ance of their custom. WM. J. GRIFFICE. March 23. 1852. ,-2i N. B. Having had the misfortune to Jose my aecountbooks by the late fire, I am unable to make out how much each customer owes me. ' I respect fully request all those who are indebted, to me to sail and pay what they think is right, and I will be perfectly satisfied. W. J. GRIFFICE. CLAUDIUS B. SANDERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, " " SMITHFIXLD, KORTH CAROLINA, . "VTTTLL attend the Courts of Johnston, Wayne W and Nash. Jan. 14, 1853. ' 6 BOY'S CLOTHING DEPOT. FT1HE subscribers have the most extensive and I varied assortment of Clothing for Boys, from 4to 16, ever offered for sale, in the Union. Or ders for Gentlemen's othing filled at the shortest notice. Persons purchasing Clothing at this Establish saent have the pri vilege of changing them, if they do not suit. F. A HOYT & BR0., S. W. Corner of Chesnut & 10th Streets, - '-.. .U'Z.'J'hiladelphia.i April 1, 1853. . ."tfv-, 'Jg8 j'iisOPuned.' S OME verv handsome -Bracelets, Jul! setts, of 1 Breast-Pins and Ear-Rings, something new, May 24, 1853. PALMER & jtlAMaAY. Ofiici Raleigh & Gastos R. R. Co. Msy5.185S; fN and after Monday, 9th instant, the ' Accom- J modation Tnun will leave Raleigh at o A. M Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and return . the same days, leaving Gaston at 4 P. M., or on ths ar rival of the Carsfrom Weldon '- " -; " K vi - The train wi.l connect both ways with the day rain to and trom Wilmington, and the train on the Seaboard Koad. . - , . t ,' Raleigh, May 18. 1853. t -' - BANK OF THE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, Raleigh, May 4." 1868. X) ESOLVED that the Branch of this Bank, at X.V xuiaoeui jbiiy, e oiscouunuea, trom and w we nrsi aay 01 one, 100-t. By order of the Board of Directory. .C. DEWEY. MT 13. 1853. . .V-'- 6w -40 QODA WATER. Our Fount is now open for the Kj season with all the choice syrups. . Drop in ana reiresn yourself at- ; ' i- WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD'S. THE " RALKIGH REGISTER One Thousand Piano Fortes! "Ufwaxds or oki Thousaxd Pianos Sold ktiSt never Sold a bad one." jrCTZ' 1 ALWAYS having had the Sole Agency fY"2pJ-"jf the Piano's of Stodart and Dunham ia Virginia, and North Carolina together with the anparelleled number we have sold, ( more than one Thousand). enables as to assert witu Truth and Confidence from so long and well tried experience, that they are, . UsSPEPASilD I! TOXK AKD FlITISH ; , embracing ia the same Piano a . Most Mxllow and Sort, as will as a Most . f Powerful and Superb Tone. We keep always an hand a large and varied stock, of the Newest Styles, and at the Lowest Rates, so that purchasers can always find exactly the style etc., they may want. The difference in price being occasioned only by the outward finish enables those who wish to buy cheaper instuments, the same ad vantages of a fine and beautiful tone, as in a Piano of greater value. A large number we now sell are left entirely to our own taste and selection, by those who are not able to be present themselves, and as it always devolves much more responsibility upon us, -all may be assured who want Pianos, that with Attention, Caution ft Pronrptness to their or ders, they Shall have a Piano Forte at precisely the Northern Price, (as has been often tested) and aa. instrument from the best makers ia the world. Guarantied and allowed to be returned if not all they are represented to be. t . - E. P. NASH, Piano Forte Ware Rooms, Corner Sycamore and Bank streets. Petersburg, Va. April 1853. 28 JOHN C. BAKER & CO., Wholesale Drug Importer and Dealers in For eign and American Drugs, Chemicals, Med icines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass Dye Stvffs, &c , &c. 100 N. 3rd ST., PHILADELPHIA. NO. JC..B k CO. invite the attention of Druggists, Merchants, Grocers, Manufacturers and oth ers, to their stock of well selected fresh and relia ble standafd goods. Purchasers will find among their assortment ev ery variety of Drug Merchandise, Perfumery, our gical Instruments, Ac, which they will supply ol "very choice quality, and at as ow prices as can be bought in Philadelphia or elsewhere. Orders, whether entrusted to us personally, or by letter; shall receive equal attention, and the inter ests pf the buyer fully regarded in all respects. " JOHN C. BAKER & CO S Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. This preparation is offered as a substitute for the many preparations put out under the same name, which are for the most part absolutely worthless, being entirely destitute of the active virtues of the root, and, by being prepared in an unskilful manner and from inert materials, are highly injurious, and seriously impair the health of the patient We have reoeived numerous testimonials, ex pressing in the strongest terms the great efficacy of this medicine, and. its superiority over other preparations of Sarsaparilla. Physicians can prescribe it with the utmost con fidence, relying upon its uniform strength, and that it is prepared from tlie best material. It has ("ticited from the most eminent of the Fac ulty in Philadelphia, who have employed it, fre quent expressions of commendation, at the unva rying success attending its administration, produ cing the most satisfactory and"beneficial results. It is highly recommended for the removal and permanent cure of the following diseases, viz : Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Syphilit ic Affections, Tetter and Ulcers, White Swellings, Scurvy, Neuralgia or Tic Doloreux, Cancer, Goi tre or Bronchocele, (swelled neck,) Spine Disease, Chronic Disease of the Lungs, Jaundice, Hypertro phy or the Enlargement of the Heart, Palpitation and Trembling in the Region of the Heart and Sto mach, Enlargement of the Bones, Joints or Liga ments. Also, all the various diseases of the Skin, such as Tetter, Ringworm, Biles, Pimples, Carbun cles, etc.. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints, Ner vous Affections, Dropsical Swellings, Constitution al Disorders, and diseases originating from an im pure state of the blood and other fluids of the body. Sold by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh. Raleigh, April 1, 1853. 28 JUST IN TIME ! PAPER-HANGING OFEVERY DESCRIPTION ! ! fT!HE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Pub- I lie that he has just received 22 dox. rolls of superior Paper, consisting of gilded, glazed and va rious other figures, together with bordering of all kinds, which will enable him to do all kinds of paper hanging in the neatest and most workman like manner. ALSO, a supply of WINDOW-CURTAINS, FIRE SCREENS. REFLECTION PArJSK. All persons wishing anything in the paper line could not fail to be suited by calling on me, as I have paper at prices raneinz from fifty cents to $1.50 per roll. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. J. HENRY HARRISS, Upholsterer and Mattress Maker. Raleigh, April 15, 1853. 32 rp C. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, JN. U July 1st, 1851. 53-ly-p. VARIETY STOVE WAREHOUSt. BARTLETT BrTT, Jr., Itnnfactdrer k Dealer la the moit kpproTtd STOVES, HANGES. Farmer' Boilers. Sbip Cabooses, Gas (hens, Charcoal and Hard Coal Furnace, Oven Fronts, eVc, Iron Castings generally, 23 Wnler SI reel New Tork. William S. Mason, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WILL practice in the Courts of Chatham and Wake. He may be found at his office, at the corner of the square upon which Mr. McKix- moh's residence is situated. Raleigh, Tan. 25, 1853. 6mos 9 A &, H. HARRIS, GEJTEBAL COXXISSIOir XEBCHAJTT8, SORrOLK, VIBQIMA, "7TLL make liberal advances on consignments, y if desired. Norfolk, April 19, 1858. 33 ly A FRESH supply of brown, clarified, crushed and pulverized sugars, Rio, Xaguyra, and Java Coffees, Beef Tongues and Dried Beef, Soda. Water. Butter and Sugar Crackers, re ceived at F. MAHLER & CO'S. ALSO 4 Casks Scotch Ale, and London Brown Stout, 1 Cask Port Wine, a superior article. 1 laret Wine, St. Julien. May 24, 1863. M8 HOCOLATE AND COCOA. Of superior qual- I 1 ity in store, and ior saie Dy WILLLIAMS & HAYWOOD. i - Mining Agenoy, NEW,YORK, ,62 WILLIAM ST., ROOM NO. 12. rriHIS Ajcency is established for the purchase I uul sale. ' on commission, of unimproved vn-l.T.d ' Minim Stock, in companies organized and at work. Also, for furnishing all kinds of Ma chinery and. Mining Tools, as ordered.. .Also, the v ainB of ores and ether substances, as t from a.nv Bart of the.countrv. - A prin ted circular, giving full explanations, will be sent in answer to aay ppaid, letter, endcLuj on three cent poat-ooe .3 k . ' 5w Yobk, Dec. 80, 1852.y?'; ly Raleigh Livery Stables. THE Subscriber has taken charge of, and fully refitted, the Livery Sta bles formerly occupied by J ere. Nix on, on Wilmington Street, and solic its the patronage of the travelling Public He has on hand a number of fine Horses and Carriages, genteel, elegant, substantial, com fortable, and will be prepared, at the shortest no tice, to furnish Travellers with conveyances to any part of the State. Also, Carriages furnished with careful drivers, to convey individuals or families to evening parties, or for visiting calls. Horses will be kept by the day, week, or year, at prices to suit the times. Horse Drovers will find, at all times, good ac commodations. EDWARD YARBROUGH, Jr. Raleigh, May 81, 1851 45-ly TAKE NOTICE. P arisen & King's Express. MESSRS. P. & K. would urge upon the mer chants of Raleigh and the surrounding country.. (A importance of ordering their freight and packages from New York. Norfolk, Petersburg or Richmond, through Parisen & King's Express, as our Express, leaving New York Saturday at '4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive in Raleigh on Tuesday at 4 o'clock. A. M., and the Express leaving New York on Wednesday at 4 P. M., will arrive at Ra leigh on Friday at 4 A. M. Packages for Chapel Hill, Hillsboro', Greens boro, Fayetteville, Salem, Cheraw, Pittsboro' Ashboro, Salisbury, Charlotte, Ac, will be for warded immediately on the arrival of our Express at Raleigh. The unprecedented increase of our business since he establishment of our Link to Raleigh, is tha best evidence we can give the public of our low charges and great expedition. H. D. TURNER, Agent, Raleigh, N. C. May 13, 1853. 40 Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road. 'lMlE Pas'sengar Trains on this Road are duo as I follows : Mail Train. Accommodation. North. ; South. North South. Raleigh, Forest vi lie, Frankiinton, Kittrell, Henddl-son, Ridgway, - Warreuton, m.!4 a m 18 a ni 25 50 p. 10 6 m. 45 25 5 30 15 30 50 25 13 2 ''2 1 12 10 9 30 jlO I" 30 ;12 11 30 30 30 10 4S 15 15 I0!0 137 517 6(7 ills &9 Is 30 50 2 12 25 2 112 10 3 11 35 4 Macon, Littleton, Gaston, 0 25 p. ni. II p ai',o p. m.t 30 a. m. The accommodation train leaves Raleigh on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and returns Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Passengers neglecting to provide themselves with Tickets before taking the Cars, are liable to an extra charge. Office of the R & G. R R. Co. Feb. 22. '53. tf 17 Ed. Graham Haywood, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RAIJUGH, N. C. TILL practice in the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the Counties of Wake, Johnston and Chatham. He is to be found at the office lately occupied by Hon. Wm. II. Haywood, Jr., deceased. Jan- 4, 1853. 6mos 4 To the Public. A PERFECT LUXURY IN SUMMER k WINTER! THE subscriber has on hand a" supply of the best quality of curled hair, and is still man- utacturing a superior quality of hair Mattresses. He would respectfully inform the Public, that he can furnish them with the best articles in his line as cheaply as they can be bought in New York. Persons from the neighboring villages and coun ties, who have heretofore sent North, can provide themselves with as good an article at the subscri ber's, and at as low a price ; as he is prepared to and will furnish them, at the shortest notice, at prices ranging from $4 to $30. AI-SO, Constantly on hand the much improved Shuck and Cotton Mattresses, at the lowest prices. Al so, sofas, lounges, etc., manufactured in various tyles. Repairing of sofas, casy-chairs, and reno vating old Mattresses, kc, done with neatness and despatch. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. My Ware-Koom is on Fayetteville St., three doors above the Yarborough House. J. HENRY HARRIS, Upholsterer and Mattress Maker. US?" Good Feathers taken at the highest prices in exchange for Mattresses. Raieigh, Feb. 10, 1853. tf 14 NEW FANCY AND CONFECTIONARY STORE ON MAIN STREET. BXTWBBK MBS8R8. POMXROT S PORTER S SIGH OP "BIG BOOT." THE subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that they have just opened a Store on Main Street. They are deter mined to give satisfaction to every one that will honor them with a call, and will endeavor by all means to render the establishment a superior one of its kind. Their -stock consists of the following articles: FANCY GOODS, kc. Frenah Cups and Saucers, Vases, Children's Tea setts, fine Baskets, Fans. Portemonnaies, Purses, Marbles, Pocket Inkstand, Looking Glasses of all kinds, Bronze Candlesticks, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Essences, Hair Tonics, side, tucking and dressing Combs, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Hairpins, Needles, Tooth, Nail, Shaving, Comb, Cloth and Shoe brushes, Accordeans, Violins, Flutes, Banjos, Walking Canes, Whips, Guns and Pistols, sc., &c. CONFECTIONARY, ko. Candies of all descriptions. Chocolate, Maocaroni, Bunch and Layer Raisins in whole; quarter aad eighth boxes. Figs, Prunes, Currants, Preserved Ginger, Citron, Sardines in whole, half and quar ter boxes, Oranges, Lemons, Pickles and Preserves in 1-2, 1-4. and 1-8 jars. Filberts, Almonds, Peaoau Walnut, Palm, Cocoa and Pea Nuts, sc. CIGARS. The choicest brands of Havanna, Principe and Re galia Cigars from 16 to 60 dollars per thousand. Best lump and twisted chewing Tobacco, from 25 eta., to $1,15 per pound. GROCERIES. A general assortment, F. MAHLER k CO. Raleigh, Mv bth, lo3. 38 NEW BARBER SHOP TDHN JONES would respectfully inform tha a I public that he has associated himself with Os car Alston, next door to the Courthouse, where they are prepared with all the prerequisites to neat hair dressing and a nice shave. Their long experience in business, gentility of person, and gentlemanly deportment, together with a consum mate knowledge of the latest fashions of the day. warrant them in the indulgence of the hope that a liberal share of pubbc patronage will be given them. He would also remind tho public of that wonder of the times JONES' HAIR PRESERVER AND BEAUTIFIES which needs no praise save the mentioning of daily receipts of unsolicited acknowledgments of its almost incredible virtues for preserving and beautifying . the hair made only by "John the Barber." - . . ,-vrN. B. - A separate box and brush kept for each customer..- - t .."' ..- - - , Raleigh, March 11th, 1858. -22 PERFECT LUXURY. That 'Same Ward brand of Chewing Tobacco, at " . . WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD S. V"A'. Important to Millers and Mill owners ! THE Undersigned would respectfully inform those engaged in the Milling business in North Caro lina, that he keeps constantly on hand, and will supply at the shortest notice, that almost invalua ble article, Yoimtft Improved Patent Smut and Screening Ma chin. The only Machine of the kind that has stood the test and given satisfaction to the public. It has supplanted every Smut Machine yet offered in the State, more or less of which have been taken down to make room for it. The public need fear no im position, as there are now some 280 Machines run ning in North Carolina ; and I wish to offer no other references than the gentlemen who axe using them, whose expectations have been more than realized in their performance. It not only thoroughly cleanses the Wheat of Smut, but also purifies it of all other substances, almost to perfection. It takes up but 4 feet square in the mill and requires but little pow er. It is warranted for five years against breaking or wearing out, and also to retain its cleansing .qual ities for that time. There are a number of these Machines tnrougn WBieS 100,000 "bushels of Wheat have beow clean and they hav never been out of order one day. There was awarded tsit the Premium of the Ma ryland State Fair, and a Premium with a silver me dal, at tho Fair of the Maryland Institute, at Balti more, last FalL Address the Subscriber at South Lowell Mills, Orange County. N. C. JNO. A. McMANNEN. December 26, 1850. tf 104 Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. THE Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road has been relaid with Iron and furnished with first crass Passenger Cars, and notice is hereby given that Tins Regular Mail Trains Leave Ra'cigh daily, Sunday included, at 4 P M. Arrive at Gaston, - - - - - - at 9 P. M. Leave Gaston at ------ 11 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh at ----- 4 P. M. On and after the 11th inst,, a tri-weekly accom modation train will be despatched, going and re turning in the day time. Due notice of the days and hours of arrival aud departure will be given. The best attainable arrangements will be made with all conrecting lines for the cheap, comfortable and rapid conveyance of passengers. Office R. & G. R. R Company, 1 Feb. 11, 1853. 14 Spring and Summer Goods, F()R 1853. rpiJE SUBSCRIBER TAKES PLEASURE IN I announcing to his friends and the public, gen erally, that he has recently returned from the Northern Cities, and ia daily receiving his SPRING AND SUMMER SUPPLIES, Embracing every thing new and beautiful, all of which were selected with great care, purchased on favorable terms, and will be sold at low rates. He is at this time in receipt of the following. Black, Brown, Blue, Olive, Green and other cloths of various grades : VSimoni," Black Doe-skin Cassimere, Fancy Ciissimere, a beautiful assortment, some very pretty Vestings, of every variety and style. Light Silk Vestings, for Weddings and Parties, very rich ; Cravats, Stocks and Tics ; plain and fancy Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Silk and Cotton Half Hose, Gloves, Silk and Gauze Under-shirts, Fine Dress Shirts and Collars, a large assortment very cheap Linen and Cotton Drawers, in fact every article usually found in a Gentleman's Fur nishing Store. He has ahsa on hand a fine supply of Clothing, both of his own and foreign manufacture, any or all of which he would be pleased to exhibit without price and dispose of at a small advance for Calh or six months credit to punctual Customers. Cutting done at short notice. ISAAC PROCTER, Merchant Tailor. (Successor to Oliver k Procter.) April 15, 1853 32 SPECIAL EXPRESS NOTICE. NEW YOKK. VIRGINIA & N. CAROLINA FREIGHT, PACKAGE, AND PARCEL 3JQ 2 IP m IS ti3 S3 . EB STEAMSHIPS ROIXO&B AND J1SEST0WN. BIIE Proprietors beg leave to inform the Mer chants, Bankers, and public generally of Ra- eigh, that having bought out the interest of Dodge's Virginia and North Carolina Express, and made arrangements, with the New York and Vir ginia Steamship Company for the transportation of their Express to Norfolk, Petersburg, and Rich mond, and concluded arrangements with Messrs. H. D. Byrd & L. O. B. Branch Esqs., of the Pe tersburg and Gaston, and Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, thev are now prepared to transmit to and from New York, or either of their Agencies, every description of Merchandize, Valuable Packages, Bank Notes, Specie, Isotes, Drafts. Bills, sc., with the greatest expedition, and at the most economical rates. We sbull spare no trouble or expense, in ma king this the popular Express of Virginia and N01 ui Carolina ; our long experience in the busi ness North and West, and our ample means to con duct the same, we hope, will be a sufficient guar antee to the Merchants, to direct their correspon dents to dispatch their goods through Parisen Sc King's Express. We also wish it distinctly under stood that we are in direct opposition to the old monopoly. Give us a trial. W. B. PARISEN, 1 fropnetors. JAS: H. KING, Astor House N. Y. V. D GRONER, Norfolk, Va: ) H: D. TURNER, D. TOWNES Petersb g Va. V Raleigh, N. C. WM. L. MAULE, Rich'd Va. J N B We would also ask the attention of merchants at-the following places Chapel Hill, Hillsboro', Greensboro', Fayetteville, Salem, Cheraw, Pittsbe fo'. Ashboro' and Salisbury, to facilities offered them for the transmission of light packages by our Express from Raleigh ; and all orders sent to our Agent, H D Turner, Esq. for us, will prompt attention. meet with P.&K. Raleigh, March 22, 1853. ly 25 For Sale. ZnilE undersigned havtng determined to ex iuL change Merchandizing for Agriculture, offers for sale all his REAL ESTATE In the Town of Tarboro', to icil: Hia Store Lot on the Court House square, well known as the THE BRICK STORE, with all neces and other buildings for Mer- The Lot is considered one of the most desirable in Town, and has been tenanted as a placo of trade without intermission ever since the foundation of the Town. . ALSO. THE RESIDENCE Of the subscriber, which has a good dwelling house AfT moms, abasement and cellar, and all neces sary buildings for a town residence good fruit mntfn. etc. The residence is located in one of the best neigh borhoods of the town, and was successively occur pied by the late Jos. R. Lloyd, James WfcddeU, and K I at Hftnrv I. Toole. All the buildings and improvements are in good repair. Also, for tale, a veil assorted stock or ooons. JOSEPH H. BOWDITCH. Tarboro', April 19, 1853. tf 88 ABLE SALT: Vary fine and white in small bags in store and far sale by 6 WILLIAMS k HAYWOOD. GQR3L STARCH: A fresh supply jus received atthe Drug Stoat of - - WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. GREENSBOROUGH Mutual Insurance Company. THE cost of Insurance on the mutual plan is . but a small sum, compared with a joint stock Company. This Company being located in the Western part of the State, consequently much the larger portion of the risks are in the West, very many of which are in the country. The Company is entirely free from debt ; have made no assessments, and have a very largo a mount in cash and good bonds, and is therefore confidently recommended to the public. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were elected for the ensuing year :v JAMES SLOAN, President. S. G. COFFIN, Vice President. C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent. Directors. ' James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C..F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Dr. D. P. Weir, W. J. McConnell, of Greensboro' ; Dr. Shubald G. Coffin, J. W. Field, Jamestown; F. El liott, Guilford; William A Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watking, Carolina Female College; John I. L&haw, Salisbury ; John H- Cook, FayoUevilln , E. F. Lffly, Wadeaboro'; J. J. Biggs, Raleigh ; Leroy Springs, Charlotte ; J. J. Jackson, Pittsboro' ; H. B. Elliott, Cedar Falls. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y. Dec 14, 1852. 102 GREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE k TRUST COM PANY. THIS Company, as its name indicates, is upon the mutual principle, and embraces two dis tinct departments, to wit : Life Insurance and Trust departments. This attractive combination offers to Policy holders double the ordinary securi ty, without destroying their right to a full participa tion in the entire profits of the Company. Premi ums will be received, in cash, either annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, as may be agreed up on at the time the Policy is issued. In the TRUST DEPARTMENT, or Deposit Sys tern, the payments made to the Company are en tirely optional with the Depositor, as regards.. the amount and the time at which they are made. A party may pay in as much or as little, (not less than one dollar,) and as often, as may be conve nient for him, without any obligation upon him to continue his payments, and may withdraw them at his pleasure. So that, on the plan of this Company, there is created at one and tha same time an assurance pay able at death a fund available in sicknesi and a pro vision for old age. S&" See Pamphlets furnished by the Company. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Directors Ralph Gorrell, Lyndon Swain, John A. Gilmer, D. F. Caldwell, Richard Greene, David McLean, Richard Sterling, John M. Logan, D. P. Weir, E. W. Ogburn, Robert M. Sloan, Robert P. Dick, Henry E. Blliott. President Ralph Gorrill. Vice Presided Lyndon Swaim. Secretary and Treasurer D. P. Weir. Attorney John A. Gilmer. Examining Physician Edwin Watson, M. D. Consulting Physicians D. C. Mebane, M. D.; J. L. Cole, M. D. D. P. Weir, M. D. General Agent William H Camming. B?3L. Any information relative to the Company may be had by addressing D. P WEIR, Secretary and Treasurer Feb. 22, 1853. tf-17 North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. RALEIGH, N. C. THIS Company has been in successful operation for more than seven years, and continues to take ri. ks upon all classesif property in the State, (except Stenru Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. ' Its Policies now cover property amounting to $4,500,000, a large por tion of which is in Country risks, and its present capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than one third of one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Roulhac, C. W. D. Hutchings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whiting, T. H. Selby, Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fay etteville; Jos. G. Wright, Wilmington; James E. Hoyt, Washington ; James Sloan, Greensboro' ; Jno. Cox, Edenton ; Josh. Boner, Salem ; Jos. II. Pool, Elizabeth City ; F. F. Fagan, Plymouth ; Alexan der Mitchell, Newbern; W. N. H. Smith, Mur freesboro' ; H. B. Williams, Charlotte ; John B. Barrett, Milton ; A. T. Summy, Asheville. All Directors are authorized to receive applica tions. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. G. B. Roulhac, President. Henry D. Turner, Vice do. S. W. Whiting, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hersman, General Agent. S. W. Whiting, ) Jno. R. Williams, Exccutivo Committee. John Primrose, j All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 25 Spring & Summer Goods, 1853. f HHE subscriber takes great pleasure in an J . nouncing to his friends, and the public gen erally, that recent arrivals have placed him in pos session of a large and varied assortment of For eign and Domestic Staple Dry Goods ; also Hard ware, Cutlery, Queens-ware, Glass-ware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Groceries, which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Having been care fully selected, and purchased by himself on the most favorable terms, he is persuaded he cannot be under so. d by firir competition. He respectful ly solicits a call from purchasers. The following consists of a portion only of his stock FOR GENTLEMEN. Cloth Cassimeres and Vestings of nearly all shades, and prices; a complete assortment of Sum mer Goods for Boys. FOR THE LADIES. Black Gro de Rhine Silks, " Nap, " Soi, Brocade, and other fancy silks, Fancy, and Plain Silk Tissues, " " Bareges, " " " Shallys. Plain Black Shallys, and other mourning Goods, Fancy Barege De Laines, " . Organdi Muslins, " French Lawns, and Jaconettes, " Solid Color Lawns, and Jaconettes, " Brilliantes, " French, and English Ginghams, " French, English, and Domestic Prints in great variety, Jaconette, Cambric, Nanseok, Book, and Mull Muslins, - Bishop Lace, Dotted and Plain Swiss Muslins, French Work Capes, Chemisettes and Collars, French Work Lawn, and Muslin Undersleeves, Linen Cambric Hkfs, a complete assortment, Black Lace Mantillas, Black Lace Shawls and Scarfs, ' Black Lace Veils, - - ? Black Crape and Mourning Veils, Mourning Collars and Undersleeves, Alexander's Fanfty Black and White Kid Gloves, : Silk t X large assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas. . . JA8. McKTMMON. RBleigb;March 25, 1863. 5 JAMES E. CTJTHBERT, (SUCCESSOR TO KERR $ CTJTHBERT,) Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, BoU Ungbrook Street, Petersburg; V. -biferixcks: The. Bragg, Jr., Jackson, N. C. iZtT. tersburg. Messrs. L. D. k W. G. Crenshaw, Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk. James George, Esq., Baltimore. Messrs. Monahan k Beers, New Tork. TTAS constantly on hand : Prime Porto Rico tl and New Orleans Sugars, Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Laguira and St Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground ia Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread aud Wrapping Paper, Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt v Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring aad Warehousw Regalia, Principe and Haranna CIgara j ' . " " logcther with a large stock of foreign and do mestic Liquors, Wines, &c, which he offers at the lowest market rates. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg, March 6, 19 LOOK --OUT ! Now is the time for Bargains ! ! THE subscriber, wishing to decrease his stock on hand, in order to make room for a fresh supply of Goods for the Fall Trade, offers from this time any article that may be wan ted in his line of business at a very small advance on prime cost. His stock at present is larger than any other that will be found in the city, consisting of fine Gold Lever and Cylinder Watches, from the most noted manufactories in London, Livepool, Paris and Geneva, and a fine assortment of Silver and Lepine Watches, varying in prices from 10 to 45 dollars, with a guarantee to perform well, or they will be exchanged for others that will ; Gold Fob, Vest, Guard and Chattalaine Chains, Bracelets, Armlets, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings Silver and Gold Specks, with glasses to suit all ages, Silver and Gold Pencils, and many other articles generally kept in a store of the kind, too numerous to mention. An examination of his Goods and prices will prove to the purchaser that tirenty per cent at least can b saved, by purchasing' from CHAS. LUMSDEN, sign of the California Thimble. Petersburg, Nov. 11, 1852. 93-ly Lyon's Kathairon, Fot Preserving, Restoring & Beautifying the Uair Causing it to grow luxuriantly, and giving it a soft and curling appearance, of the most delightful character. '"HE KAITHAIRON neutralizes the effects of a. disease, climate, and old age, in preserving and restoring the Human Hair, even after a BALD NESS of many years; cleanses the scalp from DANDRUFF, and all its natural impuritiesjmmediately relieves sympathetic attacks of NERVOUS HEADACHE. And cures all Cutaneous Diseases of the Skin, such as Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Itch, Inflammations, kc, kc. As a TOILET ARTICLE For giving the Hair a rich, soft, glossy and curling appearance, nothing has ever been discovered to e- qual its jncon tasted Its inooatestibla virtu. .It exhales the perfume of the most delightful and ex otic flowers, and is free from all mineral proper ties, or any substance which can color the skin, or stain a lady's hat. For BALD AND GRAY HEADS It is pre-eminently beneficial. "The Kathairon has fully restored my hair, af ter a baldness of 12 years. A JAY COURTRIGHT, 76 Bond-st. N. Y." The use of -the Kathairon is adopted by the first physicians in Europe and America, and has a pat ronage and sale unprecedented in the history of the Materia Medica. Sold by all reputable dealers throughout North and South America, Europe, and the Islands of the Ocean, in large handsome bottles, for 25 ots. Profits only in extensive sales. i Sold to the trade at a liberal discount, but cotn- mttsioned n no'instance. E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist and Manufacturer. D. S. BARNES, Proprieter, 161 Broadway, N. Y. To whom all orders should be' addressed. Sold in Raleigh by P. F. PESCUD. Lyon's Extract or PURE JAMAICA GINGER. OTIIING need be said to command the atten tion of the public to this article, when con vinccd that it is PURE and unadulterated. Medi cal men, or those seeking a harmless beverage to destroy the unwholesome effects of brackish- and turbid water, can rely upon its genuine character, as it is also extensively used for culinary purposes, in flavoring cakes, preserves, kc. To the aflicied with Dyspepsia, Summer Complaints, Cholera, Nervous Debility, Fever and Ague. Dizziness, gen eral Prostration, sc. nothing has evor been pre scribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, l'il Broadway, N. 1, Inquire for LYON S PURE GINGER. Sold by reputable Druggists throughout the worlds Sold in Raleigh by P. F. PESCUD. Jan. 25, 1853. Cmos 10 Bradbury's Piano and Melodeon Warerooms, No. 423 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. T1R0M enlarging my Warerooms I am enabled 1 to keep a much greater assortment of Instru nients than heretofore. All Pianos furnished are of an elastic touch, and of an even quality, and deep, full, rich and purely vocal tone, qualities most de sirable inasmuch as the voice will assimilate to the tone of the instrument. All my Instruments are fully warranted, a guarantee accompanies every bill of sa e, and are sold as low as can be purchased elsewhere. Second hand Pianos at all prices. A NEW INVENTION. The Organ Melo deon with two banks of KXTS, the only thing pf the hind in the country, having two .stops, coup- lcb, swell draw etops, &c, a sweet and powenul Instrument, pronounced by Organists to be superior for churches or Organ practice to the medium sized Organs, price $200. Also the common melodeon of all styles and prices. Being the extensive Agent foi these Instruments, orders are solicited. - The usual discount made to the trade, and 10 per cent to clergymen purchasing for their own use. 423 Broadway, New York. March 18, 1853. , 24 I PERUVIAN GUANO. 20 tons Peruvian Guano I (which will be ready for delivery pearly next weea, ) ior saie oy i juxiil,CjO ol n niiii. . , ' Old Street. Petersburg, May 6th, 1853. ' 38 GUN, LOCK-SMITH, AND BELL HANGER . Charles Kuester, , . :C. 1TT0ULD respectfully inform the Citizens of W Raleigh and surrounding country, that he has located permanently in Raleigh, and has opened a Shop on Wilmington Street, (in Dr. Cooke's brick building,) where he will be found at all times, ready to execute any "JOB" in his line, in a style that shall not be surpassed by any .other person, and the charges shall always be jnoderata.- CALTi AND SEE. ' " ' Rakigh, March 3, 1853. , : . r - lyl TITRATE MAGNESIA: A fresh supply just to fjhand WILLIAMS k HAYWOOD. North Carolina Mutnallatfe lii 'k . ranoe Company ' . . k OFFICE RALEIQHi-N. V fTlHlS Company continues to lnsuTtb 111" H I all healthy White persons and Slfe. ft w The greatest risk taken on a single Ufa la Slaves are insured for a term of on to ftvO yatrs fiaf ds their value. - A1: ' - -j-" - omcm. ' Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, I 4 Perrin Bus bee, Attorney, Dr. Wm. H. McKee, Examining Physician J. Hersman, General Agentt All losses are paid within 90 days after aatirnvo tory proof is presented . ' y Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of 0p ation of the Company, may be had on appucaneft at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All letteia on business should be-ad dressed to . J AMES F. JORDAN, SsJf? May 2, 1852.. V - . . 8ft - fT, H K, AJTNA . IN SURANCS - COMPANY. f . 'JL'HAB3HXBlSjt4-U and . Merchandise against loss ov damage by fire. at premiums to suit the tunes, s ' This is one of the oldest and best Insurance coot panies in the United States, ani P&7 i promptly. -1 , . , Applications for Insurance in . Raieigh, or Its vt cinity, to be made to A - - - " - r. . , t S. W. WHITING - ' ..: -, a- Agenki- M And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to v7v. XT T. . t T AfPTt ' A MI( .... AVW October, 1848. ... . 88 William HJones, " " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, RAXEIGH.C.A '-1 -t" IT ILL attend the Courts ef . Chatham, John- 1 f ston, and Wake. March 4,1853. Cm-20 Come one, Come all, before it is too? late I . COATS, PANTSTtTESTS? BOOTS, SHOMf, CHE APERTHAN -EVER 'V EinstemX&: Co., . CORNER of Market Square, and Wilmington St, nearly opposite Nixon's; Stables, for tho ast year so favorably known to the Citizens or Wake, and surrounding counties, as keeping the 'CHEAP CLOTHING STORE,", take this method to announce, that they are now . receiving their large and splendid assortment oT Ready Made Clothing, which, being made up under, their ..own supervision, they can warrant to be made in the best and most substantial manner. As for cheap ness, they are not only, determined not to be beat en, but to sell every thing at from 10 to 26 par cent cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Their unusually large stock" consists in part of Coats (Dress, Frock and Sack) from 5o eta. to $20 Pants, (every Kind and color) irom ou cu. w Vests, " " .. " 60 cts. to , A large and very fine assortment of Boys and Youths Suits, as well as every other article in theif line, as Shirts, Handkerchiefs,- Drawers, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c, all of wbih will, ue soul av aaiAiuiauiY iww -ytiiioo. t Thankful for past favors, we solicit a eontum ance of the same. A. C. EINSTEIN, E. ROSENTHAL. E. & Co. are receiving new goods every weea. titrottghout tha year. '; rS March 25, 1853. ly SO NOT ICC. THE subscriber, at May Session, 1853, of Wake County Court, qualified as Administrator on the . Estate or miiiam buipp, Dec a. .Notice Is hereby given to all persons having debts, claims or demands against the said William Shipp, Decd., to present them to me for payment, properly authen ticated, within the time prescribed by law : other wise, this notice will be plead in bar of their reooT ery. PELEG ROGERS. May 20th, 183. Ct-td Notice , .j..-. IS ALSO given that the .subscriber will, In par suance of an order of said Court, proceed to tell at the house of Albritton3f cDade, in said county, on Thursday -the 16 th. of June, seven likely negroes consisting of men, women and boys, on a credit of nine months. . Bond and security will bo .required of the purchaser. . c:&- . . -, , PLG ROGERS, Adm'r. May 20, 1853. -. td-4IU. Beokwith's Anti-dyspeptic Pills THE price of these pills is now reduced to 28 Cents per box. The object of the- proprieter in making' this large"rduction is mainly to place them within the reach of a large class of our popu lation who are in the habit of resorting to medicine in this form who have been, in "w -great measure precluded from the use of these plus by tho high - price at which they have hitherto been sold. J The testimony of many distinguished Gentiemea in various sections of this country-who have used and been relieved by these pillars could be given, but it is thought the following will be sufficient to ' interest those who need similar benefits. r Extract, from the Hon; Beverly -Tucker," 1st law professor at William and Mary, Va: " "Fourteen years ago, was left by a most malig nant fever with a diseased Liver, a disordered di gestion, and a Constitution in ruinsr-my physician permitted me to hope, that with care and prudence 1 might have a few years of precarious existence, and assured me that the least indiscretion would be fataL I met with your anti-dyspeptic pills, and confiding in the accompanying certificates of res ponsible gentlemen whom 1 happened to ttofjrr I took them according to direction. - The result is, that I now eat what I pleasej" do what Iptaso, sleep soundly and enjoy life as much as aay- man living. For this, it gives me pleasure to say, you have my thanks, and to add the assuranea -of amy high regard" - - , . K . Rxtract, from the Hon. George E. Badger, JUL. D. United States Senator, who has used these pill for more than 20 years: . y'i-sS- . .. ' "I do not hesitate to recommend them as. aa agreeable, safe and efficacious. remedy in dyspep tic affections andfWiere them myself to be the best anti dyspeptic medicine, ever offered to the public." Extract, from Thomas J. Johnson M. D. natsn. "I beg yon . to accept my. thanks no formal, . stinted thanks, but thanks from the bottom of " my soul, commensurate witii the great ' benefits' con ferred, witii the blessings, of health restored by tho hands of a benefactor, though j a' stranger, for I verily believe you have '' endowed with1 flesh and blood a skinny skeleton,' the 'flesn and blood re here, the appetite is rich, morbid sensatisns dissi pated, and s I know . of no. assignable cause for the transformation than the use ofBeckwRh's an ti-dyspeptic pills," j;-. Vr- ' .,: . These puis niay be had in any quantities, On ftp plication to the proprietor at Petersburg; Va, -f ltoirsburgfVa:, May 26th, 1868. f-; v 44! V-. " HOWELL & BROTHERS, "I . MaBCT ACTUBEBS . . AJTB IMPOKIBBT'Or : , - Paper TSo. 207, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. . TNVITE attention to their very elegant, and - - tensive assortment of Paper Hangings, embrac ing fine gold and velvet decorations, fine French in plain aad rich-colors,? with an immense' assort meat of ordinary satin and common papers. Also, . Curtain Papers, Borders,' Rro PriaWTaato and.' Centre pieces, 4e. i'H. kB. were awaededntth late fair of the Maryland Institnta, a Got tfO-, for tie Bperiority of their Paper Baafrw'- Jan. 2feV 1853. - yf t 'it""f" . 1 1 V ! 1 i. i - s t ( U , - f V -1 - JC.-4-, i