i " - Aw: 4 ' "3 5 IS:' if tar 4 1 ;:i . la- i - i a 1 rr-:T. ..r nm'unur 10 TUC lUVi NU YY J.5 Jt, A V I,wl: J J ""Z.JUER0V8, oa MEDICATED COMPOUND for j jnnoow T'.'T ";vTT" ettisen of Raleigh for a short time in applying Ar nold' matchless sash locks to their windows. 0 1t for twenty-five cents; you eaa have-your vwindows kefct P "j height TP choose, or fae- teued down-securely. s -Yourwo'uld almost throw eViy nail .enough in the year to, cost the money, -besides all your trouble and lost time. - - . , Call and see Ihe locks at Mr. J ax El M. Towles Store, sad leave your orders, i e r - i.-WILLIAM COLE. 86le lArent: t -: April 39,- 185$. i h-'4V"" -.IMPORTANT. -C T O'Htl U S E K E E-.Pvf RS i ,SbpetWi 6rffer nmdjmutre tcononomical ;V"- .CVieoaa' 2brfarr.or wy otW prtparw t ' - - wn m txiitence for Bakima.- . - t - TYTRKEE'S Qhemical Yeasti or BaLng Powder 1 XJ For raising Bread, Biscuit, Fried, Griddle and Johnny Cakes, Puddings, Pot-Pies, Cora Bread Sweet Cakes, Apple Dumplings, Pastry, Ae., Ae. This article Li one that' erery - . -' FAMILY, HOTEL. BOABDINQ HOtTSE, - Eating Saloon, Ship, Steamboat, VeeseL Canal Boat Ac, will find upon 4 careful trial, to be the eery tkm needtd eeary tingle day of their exutenee, "Ita most important adrantages OTerthe eld ija tem, are - "X . 1.- It seres the expense of mili, eggs, shortening, epoiledbread, and the trouble and expense of pro. earing good yeast, water only being neoessary. - 2. No tine Is required for the dough to rise before - baking ; consejuently bread may be made in a few minates.' . ' f 5. A orok eaAalwaje depends upon heTtng light, "sweet, tender and. palatable bread and biscuit, whether the floor be of the best quality or not. 4 Bread made by this process is much more nu .tritioiu, eerier of digestion, better-fitted for a weak stomach, sweeter, whiter and lighter, than when made with yeastr - 6, The bread made j fermentation doeenpaf fbrd the seme emqiw of nourishment to the . ys teav that it does when, made with this eompound ; because the vegetable acid contained in fermented bread,' prevents the proper action of the gastric fluid upon, it, and consequently, a part only goes to nour ish the body, while the acids tend to produce dys pepsia and its attendant evils. The article his been thoroughly tested, and is a niversally liked. When used according to the di rections, it iawarranted to suit. tSy Be careful p ask for DUKKEE'8 BA K1NQ. POWDEB, and take no other, and you will not be deceived, - Principaf office, 189 Wa ter street, New York. Sold by the best grocers and druggists generally. ' . Feb. So '68. . , - . ly lg " TBeckwitli'a Anti-dyspeptlo Pills. THE. price of these pills is now .reduced to 25 cents-per box. The object of the' proprietor in making this large reduction is mainly to place them witain the reach of a large class of our popu lation -who are in the habit of resorting to medicine in this form, who have been, in a great measure precluded from the use of these pills by, the high price at which they have hitherto been sold. - The testimony of many distinguished Gentlemen ia various sections of this country, who have used and been relieved by these pills, could be given, but it is thought the following will be sufficient to interest those who need similar benefits. Extract, from the Hon. Beverly Tucker, late law professor at William and Mary, Ya: "Fourteen years ago, I was left by a most malig nant fever, with a diseased Liver, a disordered di gestion, and a Constitution in ruins my physician permitted me to hope, that with care and prudence I might have a few years of precarious existence, and assured me that the least indiscretion would be fatal. -1 met with your anti-dyspeptic pi Us, and confiding in the aocompanying'eertincates of res ponsible gentlemen whom I happened to . know, i sook mem according to airtcuon, . The result is, that I now eat what I please, do what I please, sleep soundly and enjoy life as much as any man living: ' For this, it gives me pleasure to say, you have my thanks, and to add the assurance of my high-regard." Extract, from the Hon. George E. Badger, L.L. D. United 8tates Senator, who has used these pills for mare than 20 years : , 4I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe and efficacious remedy in dyspep tio affections and settee them myself to be the beet an tl dyspeptic medicine ever offered to the public." ' Extract, from Thomas J. Johnson M. D. Natch ex, Miss, .. .. VI beg you. to accept my thanks no formal, stinted thanks, but thanks from the bottom of my souL commensurate with the great benefits con ferred, with the blessings of health restored by the nanus or a benefactor, though: a stranger, for . I verily believe you have endowed with flesh and blood a skinny skeleton; the flesh and blood are here, the appetite is rich, morbid sensatiens dissi pated, and 1' know of no , assignable cause for the transformation than the use of Beckwith's an-ti-dyspeptic piHsJ . . ;'. . .; These pills may be had in' any quantities, on ap plication to the proprietor at Petersburg, Ya. Petersburg, Ya., May 26th, 1853. . 44 Notice to Country Merchants. "T17E have been making-' large additions to our 1 J . atoeK of - FANCnr AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, m.i i Hg u BuvruBBoi mo oouunanauig as at any uau uuiug uic season, v. .-,., Merchants replenishing their stocks for the sum mer months, would find it to their interest to give usacau. oiAVASDA & VIIWDKLL, VSyeamore st.'Petersburg, Ya. B. Orders shall have our best attention. May 17, 1853. 41 8. AW. JAMES J. IREDELL, ATTORNEY-AND COUNSELLER AT LAW Raleigh, n. C. Wf ILL tend to 111 business entrusted to-him Tf in the Courts of this, and the adjoininr counties. . TCEtll 0M oPi by the late Hon. James ' lredeu. June 17, 1853. Gmos 50 - HOWELL A BROTHERS. ALAVUTACTirRXKS AUD IMPORTERS or No. 207, Baltimore 8treeK Baltimore. Md. "TXVTTR ttntinn tn tt,.,. . .1 . I Uiisiteassortnient of Paper Hangings, embrac ing fine gold and velvet decorations, fine French in plain and rich colors, with an immense assort ment of ordinary satui and common paper.. Also, Curtain Papers, &WSore, Fire PrinurTester and Centre pieces, A H. A B. were awarded at the o wrvi uo jnaxjianu xnsutute, a Gold Midai " 10 oupcriurikjr 01 vaeirraper tlangings.. Jan 28, 1853. 10 THE LARGE8.T sllb; ribbon, and trimming - House in New York. f " - THOMAS O. STEARNS, Importer and Jobber of : SILKS, MILLINERY FANCY GOODS, " 'j : ' At nett ca&h prices time 1 . - granted by adding aterest, ' 162 Broadway, N. Y HAS NOW IN STORE AND IS DAILY RECEIV ING nnd offering at the Lowest Prices, a complete assortment of Good in his line, comprising all the various styleeojid designs, eons is ting of -? V 'BLACK-AND FANCY 8ILKS, M&rceliaes, Florences, 8hawls, Trimmings. . t w BONNET BIBBONS, N ;aio' Sati' nrssoxs,' DRESS TBIMMING3 OF ALL KINDS St, . SKBKOIDEBXBS. 0 -' " French and EngKsh Crapes, Crap losses, Silk ' Cravits, . .' : GLOVES OFALL ENDS, -Silk L Mitts, ' BABEGES, LACES, Whttb Goons, Hosixxt, L. .CL Hosts. Ths ondefsigned won!) invite. Merchants from the a orttt Botun, East and West, when In the city, to favor bia with a call aa4 examine his stock, be-1 foreimrehasuig.-? V.w-: 5..--.. . I THOMAS RTR W its VlfArZ-tSi Broadway;" Between Liberty street and MsidenXane,N. Y OB. 8ALEjrsVri4 s iws mce.-j -k... 4A lAMPHINE. A fresh su to hand: A HAYWOQD. TWFESSORaXRX-BABBT'S TBtCOPH- owenguiening the Hair, "Relieving Diseases of the toe reputation of Sun! Tueoratton pervades uw umon..' The sales of tie article of late' tuti have increased, in. a "ratio- that almost exceeds be- uei. v . jrofe&sor Irknnr. after a careful examina tion ef bis salesV ltook, finds that the number of bottles, delivered to order, id Quantities of from naif- a rross UDward. .durinc the vear 1852. was within a trifle of $50,000. " It is nnheoessarv tn nrMnt t 1mrt)M tVa deuces "bi the wonderful properties of the Trioophe i rous,,wnen me puouo have furnished such an in dorsement as thlsi the eheapmess of" the article, and the explanations given of Us chemical action upon the hair, the moalp,.and In all eases of super: nciai lmiauon, nrst recommended It to the atten tion of the people. This was all that the inventor desired. Every bottle advertises itself. The effects of the fluid exceeded expectation. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without it. Country dealers in every section of the United States found that they must have it: and thus was built up a wholesale trade of an extent hitherto unheard of as regards articles ef this kind. The highest point has net yet been reached, and it is believed that the sales this year will be a million and a half of bottles. Depot and Manufactory, No. 187 Broadway, New York. Retail price, 25 cents a large bottle. liberal discount to purchasers by the quantitv. Sold by all the Merchants and Druggists through out the United State and Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, France, Ac, aad by A. B. Stith & Co., Raleigh. May 24, 1853. 43 6mp Spring Goods. . MARCH 18th, 1858. WHITE A McKENNEY have just opened their Spring stock of Foreign and Domes tie DBY GOODS, Embracing one of the largest and best assortments ever offered in this market; and having purchased exclusively for cash,- they are prepared to serve customers and the public on sueh terms as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Persons in want of goods in their line would do well to call and examine for themselves.- . i April 1st, 1853. ' tf-28 PIANO PaRTES. J. P. WARNER & CO., 411 Bkoacwat, Nxw Yobx. HAYE now on hand at their spacious and ele gant Piano Forte Warerooms at the above number an extensive assortment of Piano Fortes of the best manufacture and of Very Superior Tone. For chasteness of design, elegance of finish and ex cellence of workmanship, they cannot be surpassed, any more than in Fullness, Richness,, and Beauty of Tone. These Instruments are inlarge sixed eas es of very uftnunon strength, and have an Improv es Tubular car onegor the most valuable improve ments of Modern Times. The Piano Fortes of W. A Co., from their peculiarity and completeness of construction, possess a remarkable quality of keep ing in tune for a great length of time, which is an important uesiaeranim. ane prices or these su perior instruments will be found unusually reason able, considering their quality ; where they have been introduced they have in every instance given very marked satisfaction. Bgk- A Full and Unequivocal Warranty is Given in all Cases. J. F. WARNER A CO. 411 Broadway, N. Y. Junes, leois. 46 3m Western Military Institute. DixsxoN Sfsutgs, Hxxxt Cocktt, Kentucky. ' pHE rinsT term of the Seventh Annual Session M. of this College commences the second Mon day in September, 1853, and the second term on the first Monday in the following February. The Faculty consists of nine experienced Profes sors. The course of studies embraces the scientif ic course of the U. S. Military Academv. at West Point, and thorough instructions in History, Belles Lettres, and the Greek and Latin Languages. Students are admitted to a select course including CivU EngineeriBg, Modern Languages and Book keeping, with commercial practice. The Military feature is" not introduced merely to diffuse Military knowledge, but to secure disci pline and control, health, physical development and consequent mental vigor. The rapid growth of the Institute, and the par tiality of its patrons, affords the highest evidence of its merit. During its last session 227 Cadets were in attendance. Institute charges for tuition, boardins. rooms. washing, fuel, lights, servant's attendance and use of furniture and arms, $90 per term. Surgeon's fee $2.50 per term. For further information address A. O. Smith, at Louisville, Ky., Smith & Johnson, 67 Msgaxine St, New Orleans, or B. R. JOHNSON, Superintendent. July 29, Ibo3. lOtp 62 FATJST & WINEBRENER, 1 S POSTS RS a WHOLESALE DKALSRS IN FOREIGN $ DOMESTIC Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, &c. No. 68 Awtt Third Street, Between Arch and Race, West side PHILADELPHIA. nave aver nereioiore onered, and which we will dispose of at as low prices as any house in the country. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive our per sonal and prompt attention. July 29th, 1853. Qt-Q2 t" Fayetteville Observer copy and charee this Office. 6 Flour. A Lot of very Superior Family Flour just re ceived JAMES McKIMMON. may ou, isoa. 38 Niemeyer & White, MERCHANTS COMMISSION AND General Produce Brokers, PORTSMOUTH, VA., Offer their Services to the Shipping, Planting, Trading and Manufacturing Interests. SiPS" W will irin o - ... . v - " f . 7, iuuuu M) DHIPPINO OK mwwcw, vonon, elour, Grain, Provi 8ions,Lumbef, and Naval Stores; and For .wrdin Merchandise with Despatch. x laster, uuano, uement and Salt al- w HE5BT V. MIEMETER. Aug. 10, 1853. JAMES C. WHITE. 8m 65 W. R. p pper vSSIOR M ERCHAKT ' A FORWARPIHQ No. 24, High Street, v.... AOEST, tttt .KT8MOUTH, VA. IT ILL give his personal, attention to all con YV sigamenta of Tobacco,. Wheat Cotton TrepiUo ffi!LS f is prepared to make hberal advances when required Particular attention paid to the receiving IS forwarding goods,, and in orders for merch wo Vl niff. . . . Befersmces : yidS.EeiL Governor of the SUteoN C 8anders, of Raleigh; N. c. W ' L' 8. LL Rogers, of Raleigh, N. a Maj. a L. Hinton, Raleigh, N. C. Yarborough A Strother, Louisburg, N. C B. M. Hyman, Warrenton, N. C. B. Nieholls, HiDsboro'; N. C. 1n. ureensboro'y N. C. CoL Andrew Joyner, Halifax, N. C. J. r . Simmons, Weldon, N. C. - , ww WUn"ton R. B B. Co. i Jno. W. Pueh. Gaston, w n We,RockJ '-Mount, N. C a i wvuubi Um CoU SiC: Sotw Enfield. NC ri venapM,- uranviHe Co.- HI P ' x r . TT B. H- Weston, Gaston, N. c- - Zt-?ri Perrin Bosbee, Esq:, Raleigh,2 .RiBhirdi. Wynne, Hyde Co. J .Smbs tJO1- July 22,183. , ,. MaJl5 r VIRGINIA ANO .NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND IRON WABEHOUSB. 4 -J, . -,- - J", - iv - THE Subscriber has thelargest establishment, . and the most extensive' assortment ef Plows, and ether Agricultural machlnerr to- be found in the 8tat, consisting in part of 200 tons American, English, and Swedes Iron, of alt sixes ; flat, from 8-4. to 11 inches wide, and of round and wquare fvom 1-4 to 11-2 ' inches. Nail Rods, Horse Shoes. Bands. Hoops. - Scroll. OvaL Ac.. Ameri can, German, Spring and Cast SteeL 200 kegs of Cut Nails from 8 to 60 penny; every style of Corn Shell ers, fanning Mills. Straw Cutters, Hominy Mills Corn and Cob Crushers, Harrows, Cultiva tors, and Plows, of which I have over 80 different sixes and patterns, of the most approved and un proved patterns, for one. two. three, and four Horses. Farmers and Merchants favoring me with their orders are assured that they will be filled prompt ly, and on the very best terms. Every and any article described in the various Catalogues and Almanacs will be furnished on the lowest terms. All Goods delivered at the Depot in Portsmouth free of charge. S. MARCH, No. 13 Water St, Norfolk, Va. April 26, 1853. 35 ly SAX L. X. WILSO. OXO. W. QSJCC. WILSON & GRICE, GlirZKAl.CoM MISSION AFOEWAEDIWO Mxkchants, Xio. 11, High St. and Furors Wharf, Portsmouth, Ya l IYE their personal and prompt attention to VJ the Sale and Forwarding of Produce and Mer chandise of every description, and make liberal ad vances upon consignments. RimzKcxs. Geo. W.Mordecai, Esq., Raleigh; Messrs. W. H. A R. S. Tucker, do ; King, Thomas A Barrow, Louisburg ; R. N. A D. C. Herndon, Ox ford ; Hon. Weldon N. Edwards, Warren county : Col S. S. Royster, Granville ; Messrs. John White A Co., Warren ton ; Montgomery A Plummer, do ; CoL Walter Gwynne, Ch. Eng'r., Central Railroad. May 4, itso3. 37-ly ROBERTS'S COPPER, TIN A STOVE DEPOT. KOANOKE SQUARE, . NORFOLK, VA. IN Store, a large and varied assortment of all kinds of Copper and Tin Wares, at wholesale and retail, lower than at any other establishment in Va. Copper Work for Steamers, Mills, Distilleries, Ac , A., executed in the best manner, with due regard to steam pressure. STOVES AND HOT-AIR FURNACES, OF ALL KINDS, FOR ALL PURPOSES, METALLIC ROOFING, GUTTERS A PIPES VOE BUILDISG8, Block Tin, Tin Plate, Sheet Copper, Bar and Sheet LEAD, SHEET IRON, &C. ETHEREAL OIL, AND LAMPS FOR USING IT. Shower Baths and Bathing Apparatus, of all THE NEWEST & MOST APPROVED PATTERNS. WM. D. ROBERTS, JR. Roanoke Square, Norfolk, Va. April 19, 1383. 6m 33 BeB-"Standard" copy. Bamborough's Wheat Fans, &o- In a v ib on a ana, ana snail continue te keep a full supply of these superior Mills, sold at Man ufacturer's prices. Palmers Superior Threshers, Horse Powers, Ksioa crushers, r ield and Garden Rollers. Ac, Ac. Send orders to S. MARCH, Norfolk, April 26, 1858. lj 35 CHERRY & BIGGS, GENERAL Commission Merchants, CAROLINA WHARF TOWN POINT, NORFOLK, VA. April 22, 1853. 34 Wills & Gordon, Grocers & Commission Merchant. Norfolk. Va. A BE prepared to make liberal advances on all Xlconsignments of Produce to receive and for wara an descriptions of Merchandiie and to supply the Planters, Merchants, and others, with Uttuttsits, upon the most liberal terms. Norfolk, Oct. 4, 1862. 82 ly F. W. SEABCRY, PSALEBIX BOOTS, SHOES, Brogans, Trunks, LEATHER, Ac. "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NO. 13 MARKET SQUARE, NORFOLK, Va. April 26, 1853. 35 BLOODGOOD A CO. J. L Bloodoood, L S. Ixloes, Norfolk Va. Baltimore. STAPLE A FANCY DRY GOODS. nnuuLSALfi APiil KJSTA1L. ' w v THOS. B. IRWIN. IMPORTER A DEALER IN Brandies, Wines, SEGARS, Ac. NORFOLK, Va. April ao, 1853. 35 ly CHINA HA Till . B. Q. DBUMMOND A CO. IMPORTKBS AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS IJf CHINA, GLASS, And Queensware, No. 8 M AIN STREET. NORFOLK, VA. MERCHANTS SUPPLIED AT NORTHERN PRICES April 26, 1853 35 jy Peebles & White, CrROCERS, C.OISSIOW AND FORWARDINO MERCHANTS. Old Street, Petersburg, Va. LKMUEL PEEBLES. THOMAS WHITE, JB. Jan. 10, 1853. y 5 Whitfield's Hotel, (NEAB THE BAIL BOAD,) WELDON, NORTH CAROLINA. W. T. Whitfield. w. J. Sauiaains. DINNEE AND SUPPEB ALWAYS ready on the arrival of the Cars, and At. A. VI. JL 1 1 ...... .7 .JL. lunusnea wiin ue best this and other markets afford. t OYSTERS and FISH received dailv from Portsmouth. April 26, 1863. 35 ly WINSTON & CLARKE, COUNSELLORS AND ATTORNEYS . - Raleigh, N. O. P. H. Winston. W. J C.t .,. March 29, 1853. 6m 27 . SAMUEL R. BORUM, NEW AGRICULTURAL A IRON DEPOT . ii wipe watw imii, .v -: 'hoefols:, Ya. May 10. 1858. ' ' ,:. . 39 ly PETER W. HINTON, k Commiwioi tid Forvifding Berehtnt. " ' . NO 1, 2 A 3, SOTHEBY'S WHARF .- NORFOLK, TA. i Particular attention paid to the sale of flour Cotton, Tobacco,' and other Prodpoet, - ' Advances made on consignment. - r 8trict attention paid to forwarding and rermv. teg MeWhnadiBe, v ' 'BrinHCES.iMafiJ. Lvffinfan't wA. n low. Vlmrn taxaEmi.i WarrnXan-ci rOMrVWnufe k' - iK tusA... 1 V'A NATI0NriH0T'L.. " THE subscriber respectful! announces t his friends and the travelling public, that h - has taken ch&rjre of this urge and well knows es" tablishment, which has been completely and ele- gently- refitted anL refurnished La ivery depart, ment Having had charge for a long time of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, and being experienced in, all the details requisite to form Hotel of the first class, be assures the public that every exertion will be made to render the National in every res pect deserving of their confidence ana support 65"f The Bar attached to the Hotel has been thoroughly, renovated, and furnished with pure . Wines and Liquors. ff Lunen, daily at 1 1- o'clock. - Norfolk, April 26, 1853. . 85 ly ICHMOND, PETERSBURG, NORFOLK rh, AND NEW YORK STEAM PACKET j COMPANY : The double engine and fast vailing Steamer CITY OF. RICHMOND,' Fostur, master, and CITY OF NORFOLK, . Post, master, are now on the line in complete order for freight And pas sengers. , To allow sufficient tame for receiving and deliver ing freight in good weather, and securing regulari ty in trips,- one Steamer will leave New York every Ttmrda6, and CVy rotnt every trxday. This arrange ment may be relied upon as the most punctual, ac commodating and economical to shippers and pas sengers. Each ship is supplied with splendid sa loons and state-rooms for passengers. First Cabin passage, $8,00 Second do do 6,00 Freightper cubic foot, 7e THOMAS BRANCH, Agent Old Street, Petersburg. April 80, 1852. ; 3o Important to Millers and Mill- owners l THE Undersigned would respectfully inform those engaged in the Milling business in North Caro lina, that he keeps constantly on hand, and will supply at the shortest notice, that almost invalua ble article, Young' $ Improved Patent Smut and Screening Ma chine. The only Machine of the kind that has stood the test and given satisfaction to the public. It has supplanted every Smut Machine yet offered in the State, more or less of whichhave been taken down to make room for it. The public need fear no im position, as there are now some 280 Machiacs run ning in North Carolina ; and I wish to offer ao other references than the gentlemen who are using them, whose expectations have been mere than realiied in their performance. It not only thoroughly cleanses the Wheat of Smut, but also purifies it of all other substances, almost to perfection. It takes up but 4 feet square in the mill and requires but little pow er. It is warranted for five years against breaking or wearing out, and also to retain its cleansing qual- I ities for that time. There are a number of these Machines through which 100,000 bushels of Wheat have been cleansed and they have never been out of order one day. mere was awarded to it the Premium of the Ma ryland State Fair, and a Premium with a silver me dal, at the Fair of the Maryland Institute, at Balti more, last Fall. Address the Subscriber at South Lowell Mills. Orange County, N. C. JNO. A. McMANNEN. December 26, I860. tf 104 WHITE fc McKENNEY Successors to PEEBLES, SCOTT a WHITE, Wholaml ami Keteil Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY HQ OR. T CIS- CO ? LQ S3 SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, Va. J. AXDREW WHITE, R. A. McKENNEY, fLaU with Jno. Stevenaon.) ly 27 March 29, 1853. JOHN C. BAKER & CO., ' Wholesale Drug Importers and Dealers in For eign and American Drugs, Chemicals, Med icines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass Dye Stuffs, Ac., Ac. NO. 100 N. 3rd ST.. PHILADELPHIA. J. C. B. & CO. invite the attention of Druggists, Merchants, Grocers, Manufacturers and oth ers, to their stock of well selected fresh and relia- Die standard goods. Purchasers will find among their assortment ev ery variety of Drug Merchandise, Perfumery, Sur gical Instruments, Ac, which they will supply of very choice quality, and at as low prices as can be bought in Philadelphia or elsewhere. Orders, whether entrusted to us personally, or by letter, shall receive equal attention, and the inter ests of the buyer fully regarded in all respects. JOHN C. BAKER A CO'S . T&tZer' German Liniment. This most excellent rubefacient for the cure of Rheumatism, Numbness, Stiffness of the Joints, Sprains, Bruises, &c; is pronounced by those who have used it to be unequalled by any similar prep aration, giving instant relief and performing many remarkable cures. It has been employed with the utmost success for the past 30 years, and is highly recommended by the testimony of hundreds who have used it to their great benefit and advantage. It is also an admirable remedy for all diseases to which the Horse is liable, such as Spavin and Ringbone, Strains, Swellings, Galls, Scratches, Cuts, Bruises, Ac, Ac. No application has heretofore proved so useful in relaxing stiffness of the joints and tendons, the effect of Spavin or Ringbone, and producing such immediate and beneficial effects in cracked - Heels brought on by high feeding, splints and sprains. This Liniment is highly recommended to Farri ers, Proprietors of Livery Stables, Wagoners, Stage Contractors, and private gentlemen owning Horses, as an invaluable remedy, and should be constantly kept in their Stables. Prepared only by J. C. Baker A Co., and for sale by P- F. Pescud Raleigh, N. C. July 22, 1853. 60 PINEY POINT LINE TQ BALTIMORE. On Monday- of eaoh Week. Fare . $5 only. THE public are hereby informed! that the comfortable and expe-i ditious steamer POWHATAN, Captain' Charles E. Mitchell, having been entirely refitted enlarged, and improved in every respect, is now on the route between Richmond and Baltimore once weekly. ' Passengers by this agreeable and economic&l line, will leave Richmond by the morning train on Monday of each week, at 7 o'clock. A. M. n,i reacn Baltimore in the course of the night, proba bly by midnight, thus securing a connection with the different lines out ef Baltimore, the following morning, in any direction. Returning, passen- gero wm ict imiumore on me aiternoon of Wed nesday or each week, at Si o'clock, P. M.. nd connect at the creek on the following morning with the train- of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, which arrives in Richmond on Thursday, at 3 o'clock. P. M. r are in either direction, $o : forward cabin pas sengers, (including meals,) $4 50. rare for nrst class passengers between Balti more and Philadelphia by the New Castle and French town line. $2 50. For second "$1 50. Making the whole fare from Richmond to Philadelphia by this agreeable line $7' 50 only for first class passengers, and $6 for second class do. For further particulars, or throunh tickets, am ply at the office of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Bailroad Company. ! WINSTON, Ticket Agent. Office R. F,A PRR.Riohmond, March 2,1853. Apru unu, 1000. 34 P. , 8. Through tickets can be had in Peterahnrir at the same rates of fair, as . from Richmond, on application at the Office of the Richmond 'and -Petersburg Rail Road Company, ter At Business ItalL No 1. . . w . ... VB -m-mm a V UVUI A fj Bk, Hammers, Blasfinc Fuse, and alar ire sortment of Octagon ; and Sonars eassteL Lu . joint Ruts, Screws, Locks, Ac., which wo will sell L.Jv'-PECK. Aug. 8,1853. 8w 64 Ta WOBTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARD ING 41EBCHANTX Wilminfftom W. a. - Jnly lstl851 tS..f-.i '. . 8-lyxp. TKATE MAGNESlA:-i-A fresh su hand WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. : - s. LI LXbPheeters. ; K FORWARTiTNR A - 4''. -, COMMISSION MBROANT'';:UI' omen at ho 10 koaxoki squau .' '? - A LL packages to be .forwarded rded by me, to. J di - trtsmouth, Vv.where Attention.- All order. led to abd furnished o.-i! -Mr r - "A reeted to my 'care at Portsmouth they will receive my strict" attention.; for Groceries promptly attended at tholowest market price, wtthoct comisissioiisj-. Q. W. Mordecai Pres. Bk. of the State ofN C. C. Dewey. Cashier- - do do, do, - ,-do W. H. Jones do Branch do Cape Feaf Raleigh L. O'B. Branch, Pres. R. & Q. R. E r; Thos. P. Devereux, Halifax, N. C '.vt.. H. D, Turner, J. Brown,. Williams A- Haywood, James' M. Towlesand John Primrose, Merchants, Baleign. - - - ' May 10, 1853, 89 ly SAMUEL R. -B0RUM - MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN, AGRICULTURAL Implements, - Horse Power Machinery, Bar and Bundle Iron, Nail Rods, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Cut and Wrought Nails, Chain Pumps, Iron Pumps, Garden Engines, Gar den and Dirt Barrows, and every variety of Farm ing Implements, found in the most extensive es tablishments North and East. Manufactures to order any style of Implement, and satisfaction guarantied. Orders from dealers, farmers and planters promptly attended to. SAM'L R. BORUM, No. 11 Wide Water St, Norfolk, Va, Norfolk. May 10th, 1853. 39 The Union Steam Ship Company OF PHILADELPHIA. t- NEW ARRANGEMENT. THIS Company is now running regularly the three superior Steam Ships City of Richmond, , Capt- MitchelL Pennsylvania, Capt Baymore. Virginia, Capt. Teal. And one of these splendid Steamers will leave Richmond and City Point, every Monday and Fri day, and Norfolk every Tuesday and Saturday, for leave Philadelphia every Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Shippers by this Line may rely upon low freights and quick dispatch. Passengers will find every attention paid to their comfort, and meet accommodations unsurpassed by any other route. Passage from Richmond and Petersburg $8, and Norfolk $6, meals included. ( ROBERT RANKIN, Richmond,' Agents, ROWLETT, HARDY & Co., Petersburg, THOMAS P. CROWBLL, Norfolk, LEVI ELD RIDGE, Gen'l Ag"t, North Wharves, Philadelphia.' Passengers and Freight for Philadelphia, via Petersburg, must be at the Depot of the Appomat tox Rail Road Company, by 10 o'clock, A. M,, on the days' of sailing. ROWLETT, HARDY A CO. Petersburg, April 5, 1853. - 29-tf General Agency. THE undersigned offers his services as agent for the transaction of any business in the City of Raleigh, at the Public Departments, the Banks, In surance offices, Ac. He may be found at the Office of the Secretary of State. All letters addressed to him will be promptly attended to, and his chirges will be mode rate and satisfactory. RUFUS H. PAGE. ; REFERENCES : Gov. David S. Reid. Wm. Hill. Sec'y. of State, D. W. Courts, Pub. Treasurer, B. B. Freeman, Clk. Supreme Court, Geo. W. Morde cai, Prest, of Bank State, W. J. Clarke, Compt State, W. H. Jones, Cash. Bank Cape Fear, W. W. Vass, Treasurer R. & G. R. Road. Raleigh, Jan. 1st, 1852. tf 1 IMPORTANT AND CHEERING NEWS. STEAMSHIP X2B OP OS QB 633 S3 Per Roanoke and Jamestown. REDUCED RATES AND INCREASED EXPEDITION, C. rj1HE Proprietors having made new arrange- in cum iur iua buu oeiier aispaton 01 their Express by the Steamships "ROANOKE" and " JAMESTOWN," from New York, Jiey wish to keep it before the public, that P ARISEN A KING'S POPULAR SOUTHERN EXPRESS is always on hand for the accommodation of their friends, at the lowest rates and unparaltleled dispatch: U : 1.. , , . A uicir uiin:n icsTjug new xorx, is genet ally de livered at almost every point of Virginia in 48 hours, and throughout North Carolina; in 66 hours, and at forty per cent, below the old HUMBUG MO NOPOLY. Parisex & Kino's facilities for the expeditious transportation ef Freight and Packages, cannot be beat by any Express Company ' in existence, and they deft ant competition, therefore, in the shape of Humbug, Imposition and Monopoly I 4 Be sure to order your goods by PARLSEN A KING'S EXPRESS, No. 2 Barclay street, NeW York. Rest assured, that all thet promise, they WILL FAITHFCLLT FULFIL ! ! P ARISEN A KING, 2 Barclay st N. Y. and Bollingbrook st. Petersburg, Va. AGENTS. Norfolk, Va Farmville, Va. Fredericksburg, Va, Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Charlottesville, Va. Liberty. Va. V. D. Groner J. W. Womack..... Wm. Bailey Wm. L. Maule W. Bagby Mr. Minor Thomas Johnson .. M. L. Harris W. F. Plunket D. H. Plane L. F. Jonson, J. R. A J. Sloan,.., John Campbell... . John Nuttt H. D. Turner Forrest Depot, Va. . ...Bufords, Va. ..Bonsacks, Va. Salem, Va. Greensboro', N. C. Weldon, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. James L. Reid Turnbull A Stallings ..Henderson, N. Warrenton, N. S. H. Hamlet Stark A Pierce Fayetteville, N. J. H. Whitfield ...Franklinton, N. James L. Duke -.RidVewav. N C. Allen. ..Littleton, N. C. I . O j 7 --' t" NOTICK Express packages for Norfolk, Petersburg, Richmond and the interior, intended for shipment per steamers " Roanoke" or "James town," will hereafter be received by Messrs. Pau ses A Kino, 2 Barclay street, New York, -who are the ONLY AUTHORISED A GENTS to for- fixPMM Packages by, those steamships. VIRGINIA. N. CAROLINA Jk TE vvrsshw. June 15. 1853. . . . 4$ j COAL. 300 Tons Furnace; Parlor and Smith's Coal, supplies constantly arriving. HERRINGS. 60 whole bbls., 60 half do No 1 cut and Family Boe Herrings. .' BACON. Hams, Sides and Shoulders, choice Virginia cured Bacon, hhds, sides-and shoulders. LIME. 1 1 00 casks eastern and W. C. Lime CEMENT. 125 casks fresh Cement PLASTER-Calcined and land Plaster SALT. Sacks fine and ground T. Island Coarse SUGAR All the varieties: Pork, Molasses, Coffee, Cotton Bagging, and M.wy. i CMe Vj nusjicxiSit & WHITE. Portsmouth, Va., Aug. 9, 1853. , 65 1m THIS WAY ! " OOOSE FEATHERS WANTED: UMmJS subscriber will pay the highest cash es j-uwiwrwuien. j. msttlr-HABED3 - i , - v Upholsterer and Mattress maker. . Baleigh, N. C; August 10th, 1 853. tf-65 XhAINT MILLS. A sreatlaborm xc JT for.grmdingooWandonewhlcbe ahouldnavej female at the Drug Store'of ' cwlLOJAMS A HAYWOOD. "Wv tltinnikwn w k a. k . - , , mm I "3 VTJli, van, iw sue iOW, Mr . , WILLIAMS 4 HAYWOOD r "-1 T YONtS BAT PILLS, the most effectualremedr I a Avar, niuul fnr ta -m t. . ' AcC, tor aalely f J WILLIAMS A xXAYrTOOD?' GLAZIERS' Diamonds and ' Knives: Int and for sale by WILLIAMS- & TL1YWOQD?- A ' &OJ COOK: OR WASHER WOMAlf. fcr iV14. ye. Apply at this officer Aug. v, inoa. 65 tf v.: -here' is your. Hcedy. nh 1 -" ' , S 2 J - J' If ?: i Vt f V V&V 4) , ? Q )t vl ,W 0 J) '- imJ - -T - B T ?.i HOIaLOWAS oIntiment: A most Miba?lou8 ctrun of Bap Laos, Ifter' ; 48 ExtracfofdLettet froth Jfr; WmC- Qalptn; pflbSL Marf t Street, Weymouth, dated May Ibth, 185J.- to nroreesor iiouowat : x , p- . - Sir At the age of 18, my'wife f who is now 61) caught a- Violent cold, whioh settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed Her agonies were distracting, and for months -together sheT . was de- pnvea enureiy ui resv ana jiieep., . Avery remtxiy that medical men advised, was trieL but without effect her health suffered severely, and the state of her legs rwas temNe. I bad often , read your advertisements, and advised, her to try jrour Puis and Ointment: and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had prqved useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago, and, strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs-: are painless, . witnout seam or scary and her sleep sound and undisturbed. Could you have witness ed the sufferings of my wife during the bast forty three years,, and contrast them" with; her present enjoyment of health"; you would indeed feel delight ed in haying been the means of so greatly allevia ting tbe sufferings of a feJlow-CTeature. (Signed) WILLIAM GALPIN A Person 70 Yeartof age cured of a Bad Leg, of jears ixanauig. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abis, Builder of Gas Ovens of RuthcUffer near Huddersfield, dated May Zlst, 1851. To Professor Holloway : Sir I suffered for a period of thirty years from a bad leg, the result of two or three different acci dents at the Gas Works, accompanied. by scorbutic symptoms. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that the leg must be amputated, yet, in oppo sition to that opinion, yotir'Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure' in so' short a .time, that few who, "had not, witnessed it would credit the fact, . ' .. t . - , (Signed) WILLIAM ABBS ' The truth of this statement can be verified -by Mr.W. E: England, Chemist, 13 -Market, street, Huddersfield. 1 ' A Dreadful Bad Breast Cured in One Month. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Penhurstf Kent, dated December 13lh 1850. , To Professor Holloway r . . -. ' .' Dear Sir My wife :had suffered ; from tad breasts more than six months, and during the whole period had the-best medical attendance, but all to no use. Having before - healed an swful wound in my own legs by your unrivalled medi cine, I determined again to use your Pills and Oint ment, and therefore gave them a trial iu her case and fortunate it was I did. so,, for in less than a month a perfect cure was .effected,- and the benefit that various other branches of my fsmilr have de rived from their use, is really astonishing I now strongly recommend them to nil my friends. (Signed) FREDERICK TURNEB. ine fills should be-used", conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following eases: ; 1 1 Bad Legs, Chiegofoot,' Fistulas, -.Sore Throats, lad Hreasts, Chilblains, " Gout. Skin diwaaes. rmrns, unappeo nanus, uiadular Swellings, Scurvy. mujwua, voms (boiij jbumoago. Sore heads, xuw) 01 iios- vancers, - rues, -, Tumors, quitos and Contracted and Rheumatisms, - .Ulcers, sandflies, Stiff Joints, calds, : Wounds, Coco-Bay, Elephantiasis, Sore Nipples, - Yaws. Sold by the Proprietor 244 Strand, (near Tem ple Bar,) London and by all respectable venders of Patent Medicines, throughout the British Empire, and by those of the UnitedStates, in pots and box es, at 37J cents, 87 cents, and $1 50 each, Whole sale, by the principal Drug houses in the Union, and by Messrs. S. B. A J. A EVANS, Wilming ton, N. C. ForsalebyPAF. PESCUD. RaWiT There is very considerable saving In taking the larger sues. .,-, . N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients turn aiuieu 10 ea.cn poior DOX. Feb. 25, 1853. . 18 ly AGRICULTURAL DEPOT ANO SEED STORE. R O W L E T TS W H A R F Petersburg, Virginia. ATthis Establishment Farmers can find always on hand, and for sale at the Manufacturer's prices: Whitman's Railway Horse Power, " Wheat Thresher' Hussey's Reaper, with or without Mower, Bamborough's Fan Mills;, various sises, Grant's Patent Grain Cradles, 5 and 6 fingers, Johnson's Revolving Horse Rakes," Whitman's ' do .do do Expanding Cultivators, for Corn, Cotton and To- Dacco, x Gedde's Expahdine Harrows, various sizes. Double and single Horse Plows, in great variety, Sub Soil Plows, assorted sizes, Straw Cutters and Corn Shelters, together, with a gcueiai asaunment 01 r armingxLtensiis. , , Also, in store constantly, . Peruvian and Mexican Guano, . - Bone Dust and Poudrette; - V- ' Lubec Plaster in 500 and 32d lbs Casks,1. Washington, Thomaston and Camden Lime. Grass and-Field Seeds. , Clover, Herds, Orchard, Timothy, Alillett, Kt- tocky blue and other varieties in Season..,- 'J Planters visitingsthe City are invited to calland examine our stock. 7 Orders filled with care. "' . , Consignments of Cotton, Wheat, Tobacco, Ac., always receive our personal attention. ROWLETT. HARDY A CO. Jno. Rowlett, H. C. Hardy, (of N. Ca.) formerly of Norfolk D. A. Weisiger. . , . June 7, 1853. John Rowlett has been an established Merchant ana xobacco .Manufacturer in Petersburg for the last 25 years, and for several veam S. A. WIii. has been his confidential clerk and book-keeper. Tr r tt 1 , , ...-... uonrjr v. naruy nas omy -resided in Petersburg since January let, 1853. and therefore proper to refer to some of his personaklnends who are Known 10 many or the ciU ens residing in that portion of his native State, which trades te Peters burg. ' j , , Dr. Henry M. Shaw, late Senator from Camden and Currituck. . X ' Jno. Barnard, Esq? former " Alfred Perkins, former raptntative from Curritoek. Burwell M. Baxter, a M. E. Caleb Bareo, late representative from Camden. :C" Cornelius G. Lamb.' former nmnuwntAtin frnm Camden. ' - venma D. Ferebee, former represenUtive, fromJ vuDtten. , ,- Thomas F. Jones, late Senator from Perquimans . and Pasquotank. - - - . George W. Brooks, late representative 'from Pas quotank. -: ' - :-ijt.c . George D. P00L former do J do '' .v Wm. F. Martin, Preset Branch Bank of the State, 1 . uwpnn.roo do " Jrarmera -Bank.-M' Wm W. Griffin, Cashier of do Sdo' v " Lucien Ds Sterke; Editor Of DemocraticTioneer Stephen D. Pool, do of Old North State, Dr.RufusK. Speed, formerly Senator from Gates,' James j; JredeH; Rev. El M. Forbes, Eliiabeth v.City,'- ' - Hon IMvid Outlaw. Henrv B. Hardv, Tlrrtlm f! Watsotf- Lewis DanieL,. late represenUtivefroBi Hertford.-' -v ' :':- Col, Sam;h . B. 8pruill, late represenUtiTe from JOsiab T. Granbery. WMdvtlla: trV;m.n. rJ! SSerwr oooert Yf. Lasai ter. James T- Littlejohn Titus T. Urandy,'OxforcLfc ST T . rr . '"''- - . . " J ""-J. . vi, vj HintbnT Norfolk, Va June 7, 1853. 1 47 1 m .1 w , ... T ; ' r - " ?AM,-STABCH.A beautiful ae Jut q1 WILLUMS A HAYWOOD. I Llexlcan Mtistane Linimt fTlHlS liniment is unequalled for the cure of JL Bheumatiam, Neuralgia, Bruises, Burns, strains Corns, pUes,rTtanors, Swellings br pain in any part of the bodyan external application can reach. A volume of certificates has already been publish ed from those that have been cured these and also from those thatbave lad Horses enrul Ring-bone, Scratches,Swellings," Stiffness, wind galls, saddle-galls, Old sores, or any enlargemeBt of bane ir muscle. ? J' 5 v . i. . THBOTJGH. BY EXPRESS H .. - . ihxs js, 10 CETrrr thatv i The' Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quit extensively in the stables of . Adaks A Co's great Southern,.Eastern and Western Expressts for curinff Galds, Chafes,' Scratches. Sprains nj Lbruisesy and it has proved'very- effectual. Manv of their men have also used it on themselves and their families, and they all speak of its healing and remedial quantities' in the highest terms. One ef our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised on bis knee as usual, the Mustang LntixxxT was resorted to, nd the ' soreness and lameness was soon removed'and it'was-perfectly well in three or four days. We fare not hesitation in reeom. mending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally on man or beast ' . ; ; V'r " J. DUNNING, - Foreman of Adams & CoV Express Stable, N. Y. We take great pleasure in recommending the Mexican Mustang Uninfent to all our friends and customers as the best article we have ever used ot Sores, Sprains, or Galds in Horses. We have used it extensively, and always effectually Some of our men have also used it for severe Bruises and sores, as well as Rheumatic Pains, and they all say it sets like magie we can only say that we have entirely abandoned the use of any other Lin iment, j."M. HEWITT, Foreman for AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., 10 Wall st. HARDENS EXPRESS, 74 Broadway. PULLEN, VIRGIL CO'S 16 Wall st, .WELLS, FARGO $ CO'S, 16 Wall Street Dover, N. H., Jan. 26, 1853. Messrs. A. G. Braqo A Co. I had a horse that about-three weeks since was wounded severely in his thigh, with a sharp hook, openinr a ga&h' three inches in length and an inch or more deep.;;! tried various articles to heal it, but inflam mation getting into it it caused large quantities of matter to collect, and the limb was ouite stiff a friend of mine asked me if I had tried the Mustanr Liniment, to which I replied in the negative, but thinking' it might do some good, was induced to try it: I had only used one half bottla wln inflammation began to be removed, and the wound to heaL Now it is entirely healed and th growing over the wound, making it look as well as xiupmg uiai omers may be benefitted by a trial of your valuable compound, I remain yours . - CHA.8. E. WHITEHOUSE. . -P88WJ.Co., Ala. Feb. 1st, 1853. In justice to thO-proprietors. and for the twin. fit of the afflicted,'! feel it mv dutv to RtAtennhi;. lyr the remarkable cures that have been effected in my family by the use of the Mustang Liniment A Negro of mine had what was called a Bone Fel sn, or Whitlow on her middle finger j the pain was most intense and exeruciatine. The infiammationliui been so extensive that the whole finger had become almost a mass of corruption, and the only hope of """S r anna, ana pernaps her life, appeared to be to have it cut off. As her generarhealth was very delicate, the physician advised us to try the Mustang Liniment a few.days, till she could be sent to a surgeon- in Columbus, as jt could do no harm and might prevent mortification. To the astonish ment of the doctor, and myself, the pain soon ceas ed, the inflammation subsided, and the wound rap idly healed The finger is now perfectly well and sound!. One of my boys; was severely burned. The skin was entirely taken off from the knee to the ankle. The Mustang Liniment was freely ap plied, and nothing else was used The relief and cure was almost beyond belief but a short time e lapsed before the Wounds were- perfectly healed I consider it an invaluable remedy, and it should bo in every family and on every plantation. jJAS. VAIUPS. . PBICESr In consequence of the increased demand ar ths Liniment we are now putting up 25 cent. 50 cent and $1 bottieev The 50 cent bottles contain three times as much as the 25 cent bottle, and the $1 bottle contains three tuneirae much as the 50 cent bottle, sothat money will be saved by buying the large bottles. A. C. BRAGG & CO., 804 Broadway, and St, Louis, Mo. Proprietors. 8old "by Druggists and Medicine dealers, everywhere, P. F. PESCUD, and WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD, Agents, Raleigh. June 80th, 1853. - ' 54 EOOER T & C O., nanufacturers or- GRASD, 8QUARE AND UPSIGHT PIANO-FORTES. NO 232 PRATT STREET. BALTIMORE. The Subscribers, respectfully call the attention of . the public to their . GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS; ' . 0 6J, 6 7 "and 7f octaves, ' t : "' for which. The Maryland Institute for the Promotion of - Mechanic Arts has awarded Tl?E -FIRST! PREMIUM ever awarded by that institute for improvement ia JLOI DliUABJS rlAMOS. .Thes Pianos are inrlarge sized, highly finished ' ' CASESi OT ROSEWOOD, , a with entire iron frame, constructed in the most substantial manner, with all the . ' MODERIT'IMPBOVEMENTS. v . The manufacturers use N , none butj, the Very best seasoned timber, and Material ofJhe.Ch6tcett Qualities, that enable pisni to warrant their instruments i I "to stand any climate. " " ux wur bas a aust aien action, operating. on ( such principles that fric tion is almost: entirely relieved orNivoided ; and their piano' can therefore never get -,'v': but brorderi roa CHAsriiri op MsioN.RLMAirci or rnnss, 4 . f M well fnr FULLNESS, RICHNESS A BEAUTY OF TONE, uivov x-ianos ranx ioremost, and are equal . to any made here or in Europe. Wherever these Pianos have they have given in every instance entire satisfaction. " warrant, our Instruments to stand good ". . ;rovsrAa under careful treatment and will receive them back and substitute others, anv time within, tha first six months from the sale of it, if it shall . , not prove satisfactory. " EGGEBT A CO. Baltimore June4853. JS"" Mr; CHARLES. - BXIFFMILLER is eur sole . agent for the sale 6f our pianos in the Stete of NorthCarolina.'. June 17, 1853 " 41 50 6m - BALEIGH- BAKERY. Fayetteville Street, OPPOSITE THE MABKET - HOUSR. TIHE Subscribers, having commeaoed the above business at tha atn.nl IaaIv ncrnin! V. Xf r 1. BTWalker, and employed competent workmen, in- tena carrying oa the J5aking and Confectionary bu siness in all its usual branches, and hope by strict attention to business to merit s share of the pub- lie patronage. Plain or ornamental CAKES made to order, on the shortest notice. ., . .. i., CANDY MANUFACTOBY. Tne.Subscribers have in their emplov SnneriAv Candt Maxxbs,- and will keep constantly on hand n supply of fresb Candy, of various descriptions, for sale wholesale or retaiL Y ' i -- "Wholesale price, by the hundred pounds, fifteen , Dollars, Cash. - Orders, from -a distance will be promptly attended to. , . .! ( .'. v .j V. H J-RUITS, AC . A fresh -supply of Fruits will be kept cons tan tlv. on band; of the. finest quality, at low prices. Coun,-. try StoresarepartifiiilarIy. requested to favor ua. with: their orders, which will be forwarded on the. shortest botice. S v- : . . , : . ' ..JAMES PUTTICK.- JOHN MITCHELL. FeW22,;185oV- W GUJii ICKSKSMaTH?' AND BELL HANGER, . y t.- Charles iguestei-. OULD respectfully .inform th,e, Citixens of? 1 'Yf Raleigh andsurrounding country that he has locaxea permanenuy in luueigh, sfld nas opened a Shop on Wilmington Street, (in Dr.: Cooke's brick buildih. where he will be fonad at all times. readV to execute anyfJOB"; hiBne iu,a style tjhal aliaU notbe"eurpassed by any other person, and tte charges shall Uways be m.o4erate. CALL AND SEE, Raleigh, March 2, 1853, ly-1? s -