3 54 NOW IS THE TIME, AND NOW IS THE DAY- TITHE beautiful Spring has arrived, and your I windows must be hoisted to admit itg balmy breezes. Having returned home, I am ready to serve the citizens of B V.eigh for a short time, in applying Ar nold's matchless sa.sh locks to their windows. On- lv think . fur twenty-five cents you can have your I s kept up at any height you choose, or fas- J win lows teaed down securely." You'would almost throw away nails enough in the year to cost the money, besides all your trouble and lost time. Call and see the locks at Mr James M. Towlks Store, and leave vour orders. WILLIAM COLE. Sole Agent April 23, 18.33. ' 1 IMPORTANT. TO HOUSEKEtPERS- . Something Mter and wore econonomical than Soda, Cream Tartar, or any Other prepara tion in existence far Baking. -TXURKEK'S Chemical Yeast, or Baking Powder II For raisins: Bread. Biseuit. Fried. Griddle and Johnny Cakes!' Puddings, Pot-Pies. Corn Bread Sweet Cakes, Apple Dumplings, Pastry, &e., &c. Thi article is one that every FAMILY, HOTEL, BOARDING HOUSE, Eating Saloon, Ship. Steamboat, Vessel, Canal Boat Lc. vrili find upon a careful trial, to be the very thing needed every single day of their existence. Its most important advantages over the old sys tem, are 1. It saves the expense of milk, eggs, shortening, poiled bread, and the trouble and expense of pro eurinff good yeast, ,-watcr only being necessary. 2. No time is required for the dough to rise before baking ; consequently bread may be made in a few minutes. . 3 cook can always depends upon having light, weet, tender and palatable bread aud biscuit, whether the flour be of the best quality or not. 4 Bread made by this process is much more nu tritious, easier of digestion, better fitted for a weak stomach, sweeter, whiter and lighter, than when made with yeast. 5. The bread made by fermentation does noaf ford the same amount of nourishment to the ys tcm, that it does when made with this compound : lwvme the vegetable acid contained iu fermented bread, prevents the proper action of the gastric fluid upon it. and consequently, a part only goes to nour ish the body, while the acids tend to produce dys pepsia an I its attendant evils. The article has been thoroughly tested, aud is ti niTersallv liked. When used according to the di rections, it is warranted to suit. n Bg Be careful to ask lor uiuivr.t. . r. KUNG POWDER, and take no other, and ynu will not be deceived. Principal office, 130 Wa ter street, New York. Sold by the best grocers and drui'ist generally. Feb. 2 'M. 17 18 Beckwith's Anti-dyspeptic Pills. riUE price of these pills is now reduced to ''; I- cents per box. The object of the proprietor in making this large reduction is mainly to place them within the reach of a large class of our popu lation who are in the habit of resorting to medicine in this form who have b?en, in a great measure precluded from the use of these pills by the high price at which they have hitherto been sold. The testimony of many distinguished Geutlcmen in various sections of this country, who have used and been relieved by these pills, could be given, but it is thought the following will be sufficient to interest those who need similar benefits. Extract, from the Hon. Beverly Tucker, late law professor at William and Mary, Ya: "Fourteen years ago. I was left by a most malig nant fever, with a diseased Liver, a disordered di gestion, and a Constitution in ruins my physician permitted me to hope, that with care and prudence I might have a few years of prcarious existence, and assured me that the least indiscretion would be fatal. I met with your anti-dyspeptic pills, and confiding in the accompanying certificates of res ponsible gentlemen whom 1 happened to know,- I took them according to direction. The result i. that I now eat what I please, do what I please, sleep soundly and enjoy life as much as any inai living. For this, it gives me pleasure to say. you have my thanks, and to add the assurance of my high regard.'' Rxtract, from the Hon. George E. Badger, L.L. D. United States Senator, who has used these pills for more than 'JO years : "I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable. saf and efficacious remedy in dyspep tic affections and believe them myself to be the best antidyspeptic medicine ever offered to the public.'" Extract, from Thomas J. Jolmsou .u. u. -aien ez, Miss, "I beg you to accept my thanks no formal, Btinted thanks, butthauks from the bottom of my soul, commensurate with the great liencfits con ferred, with the blessings or health restored by the hands of a benefactor, though a stranger, for I verily believe you have endowed with flesh and blood a skinny skeleton, the flesh ami blood are here, the appetite is rich, morbid sensations dissi pated, and I know of no assignable cause for the transformation than the use of Beckwith's anti-dyspeptic pills." These pills may be had in any quantities, on ap plication to the proprietor at Petersburg, Ya. Petersburg, Ya., May 2oth, 1803. 44 JAMES J. IREDELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW, R A L E I 1 H , N. C. W"T"1LL attend to all business entrusted to him W in the Courts of this, and the adjoining counties. Office: the one occupied by the late Hon. James Iredell. June 17, 1853. nios 50 THE LA R G E S T SILK, RIBBON, AND TRIMMING House in New York. THOMAS G. STEARNS, Importer and Jobber of SILKS, MILLINERY AX t) FANCY GOODS, At nett cash prices time granted by adding interest, lt'.li Broadway, N. Y., HAS NOW IN STORE AND IS DAILY RECEIV ING and offering at the Lowest Prices, a complete assortment of Goods in his line, comprising all the Trious stvles and designs, consisting of 15LACK AND FANCY SILKS, Marcelines, Florences, Shawls, Trimmings, BONNET RIBBONS, taffeta and satin ribbons, DRESS TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS EMBROIDERIES, French and English Crapes, Crape Lisses, Silk Cravats, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, Silk Lace Mitts, BAREGES, LACES, White Goous, Hosiert, L. C. Hi-kts. The undersigned would invite Merchants from the North, South, East and West, when in the city, XA favor him with a call and examine bis stock, be fore purchasing. THOMAS G. STEARNS, 102 Broadway, Between Liberty street and Maiden Lane, N. Y. Dec. 29, ISo-J. 1 b' FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD-" ry UNA WAY, from the subscriber, the last of October 1850, near Louisburg, N. C, negro man BOB. He is too well known to need descrip tion. I have heard several times since I left the State, that he was in the upper part of Nash or" the lower part of Franklin county, living with some low white people. I will give the above reward of fifty dollars to any person who will lodge him in the jail of Frank lin, Nash or Wake county, and address me at Jackson, Mississippi. My friends in North Caro lina will confer a great favor by having BOB se cured in jail. N. R. TUNSTALL. May 13, 18-53. 6mos 40 IRVING OTEIj WASHINGTON, D. C. pHHE subscriber respectfully announces to his fl friends nd the travelling pub ic that he has tken charge of this large and well-known estab lishment, -which ha been completely and elegant ly refitted and refurniahed in every department. Having had charge for a long time of French's Hotel, Norfolk, and the Hotel at Old Point, and being experienced in all the details requisite to form a Hotel of the first clase, he assures the pub lic that every exertion will be made to render the Lrring. in every respect, deserving of their sunnort V. If. tttiLit July lt, 18'.. 3ra-54 PROFESSOR ALEX. C. BARRY'S TRTCOPH EROL'S, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, for Beautifying, Curling, Preserving, Restoring and Strengthening the Hair. Relieving Diseases of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Healing Exter nal Wounds. Rounded by no geographical lines, the reputation of Bakrts TmooriiKRors pervades the Union. The sales of the article of late years have increase ! in a ratio that almost exceeds he. ylef Professor Barrv, alter a c ireful eiamina- tion of his sale: jo.ik, hints t'.iat trie numoer to I . .i .i: 1 . l ... ;.. ........tiriev nf froi j UOllHTS Ml'lOCtCU to Ul 111, 111 "juaiiu" i half a c;ross upward, during Cue year 18o2, was ! within a trifle of 050.000. It is unnecessary to present at lengthen the evi dences of the wonderful properties of the Tricophe rous, when the public have furnished such an in dorsement as this. The cheapness of the article, and the explanations given of its chemical action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases ot super ficial irritation, first recommended it to the atten tion of the people. This was all that the inventor desired. Every bottle advertises itself. The effects of the fluid exceeded expectation. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without it. Country dealers in every section of the United States "found that they must have it: and thus was built up a wholesale trade of an extent hitherto unheard of as regards articles of this kind. The highest point has nt yet been reached, aad it iu beTieved that the sales this year will be a millioa and a half of bottles. Depot and Manufactory. No. 137 Broadway. New York. Retail price, -5 cents a large bottle. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. Sold by all the Merchants and Druggists througk out the United States ami Canada. Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, France, ic, and by A. B. Stith & Co.. Raleigh. May 24, 1S". 43 f.mp Niemeyer & White. COMMISSION M E It C II A N T S -l.Y General Produce Brokers, Portsmouth, va.. Offer their Services to the Shipping. Plant ing, Trading and Munufaruring Interest!. We will give strict attention to Siiirrixn on Sf.t.linc, Tobacco. Cotton, Flour. Grain. Provi sions Lumber, and Naval Stores: and For warding Merchandise with Despatch. grLime. Plaster. Guano, Cement and Salt, al ways on hand. "tH HENRY V. NIKMKA ER. JAVSST. WHITE. Auz. in, v,::. 3m ' W. R. Pepper, Commission Mehiiant ,V For.w arimng N o . 2 4 , High Street, Au EST, PORTSMOUTH, YA. YV I LI. cive his oer-oii.il attention to nil con Cotton. signiuents of Tobacco, lie.it. Flour, .Vc, whether prepared to make lib Particular i.ttenii. for sale or shipment, and is .-r.il advances when required. m paid to tiie receiving and forwarding goo.ts. an t ail orders tor merchandise of any description punctually attended to and till ed on the best terms. 11 i:f fkences : David S. Reid, Governor of the State of N. (.'. R. M. Saunders, of Raleigh. N. C S. H. Rogers, of Raleigh. N. C. Maj. C. L. llintoji, Raieigh. N. C. Yarboroug'i x Sfr ith-.-r. L-mNhurg. N. C. R. M. llyman. arrentoii. N. C. R. Nicholls. llil'.-boio . N. C Uan 1 X Dun:), lireeiisboro'. N. C. Col. Andrew Joyner, Halifax, N. C. J. F. Simmons, Weldon, N. t". Alex MeKae, Pres. Viiiniii'ton R. R R. C. .1 ii i. W. l'uh, u i.-ton. N. C. David McDaniel. Rocky Mount. N. C. M. Weston. Rocky Mount. N. t.'. Henrv Mor.lecai. Edgecombe Co., N. C. L. 11." 1!. Whitaker S..n, Enfield. N. C. A. W. Yenable. Oninville Co., N. C. D. E. Young. Henderson. N. C. 1?. 11. Weston. Casf .n. N. Perrin Kusbee. Raleigh, Richard 1. W vnne, Hyde Co. July H ISi:;. " mos CO New Arrival A T TIIE VAKIETY S T () R E '. T HE undersigned respectfu'.l v informs the citi- zens ot ualeigii. ami 01 me surrounuing country, that he continues at In oi l staiel. ami has just returned troin the North, where he "elec ted a good assortment "f articles I'uilly k"pt in a Family Grocery and Confectionary. GK(M LUU'.S Java. Laguira an 1 Rin Coffee : Clarified. Pul verized. Crushe I and Brown Sugars : Wax, Sjerni, Adamantine and T a'.'o'.v Candles : Molasses and Sugar House Syrup: Apple Vinegar. Tomato and Walnut Catsups, Ki-h. Rice, Lard. Salt, Starch. Chicking, Table Salt, Mustard,' Nutmeg Ginger, Mace. Clove. Cian anion. Spice. Sal. Soda. &c. MISi'LLLANKOLS Trunk". Valises. Carpet Bags, Walking Canes. Umbrellas. Wool and Cotton Cards. Nails, a full assortment of Tin Ware, Horse Combs and Brush es, Plouch Lines. Bed CoH. Coffee Mills, Spades. Shove's, Water 'e5sc!q. Horse Buckets, Brooms. Baskets. &e. CONFEv'TIONARY. &. Soda Crackers, R aiins, Figs. Prunes, Currant". Citron, Sardines, Pickles, Chocolate: Preserved Ginger, Pears, Damsons, pine Apple--, Peaches. Quinces and Limes: Olives. Almonds, Filberts. Palm Nuts, Pecan, by the bag or lb.,) Tobacco. Snuff, Soaps. Cologne, Looking Glasses and Fire works, together with many other articles too nu merous to mention. MUSICAL IN S T RUM EN T S Aecordeons, Violin1!, rines, Fife", Flutes, c Guitars, Banjos, Tambo- HENRY KEIM. tf 70 A lie. 2 iSod. Standard copy. Bamborough's Wheat Fans, &c I HAVE on and. and shall continue to keep a full supply d' these superior Mills, sold at Man ufacturer's prices. Palmer." Superior Threshers, Horse Powers, Clod Crushers, Field and Garden Rollers, kc, 4c. Send orders to S. MARCH, Norfolk, April 2G, lS-Vl. ly 35 Must Have Room. IN order to make room for our large and beauti ful stock of Fall and Winter Goods, we offer our present stock of Spring aud Summer Goods, at greatly reduced price1'. Let the Citizens of Raleigh and the country ad jacent visit our store on Fayettcville St.. and sat isfy themselves that cheap goods can be bought in Raleigh, of M. SCHI OSS & CO Raleigh, July 10, 1So3. tf 40 The Analysis of Soils and Marls. DR J. F. TOMPKINS, the editor of " THE FARMER'S JOURNAL," will, after the 1st of October, be prepared to make analysis of 6oils and marls, at his Chemical Laboratory, in Raleigh, N. C. All specimens sent "must be directed to him, to the care of Col. E. C. Yarborough, and they will receive prompt attention. cost of analysis: For single specimen, - - $5 00 Writing out analysis, - - -5 00 For single specimens of marl, - 5 00 Sept '6d. 74 4 1 John C Moore H AS for Sale a first-rate COOK. Anv one wishing to buy, had better make carlv appli cation or they wid lose a good bargain. Sept. 9th, 1 8.33. 74-3t Hardware Importation, 1853. MUIR & BRYAN, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, kc. Stcamore Street, Petersburg, Ya., VRE now receiving their Fall stock of Foreign and American Hardware, which they present to the consideration of buyers generally, believing that they can offer inducements equal to any other establishment in the Country. A large portion of their goods have been imported direct from Eng land, and the American cacefully selected from the beet sources, all of which ak-e offered for sale on the most reasonable terms. Merchants visiting this city are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing. MUIR & BRYAN. Petersburg, Aug. 15, 18o3. 67 TITRATE MAGNESIA: A freeh supply just to hand WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND IRON WAREHOUSE. THE Subscriber has the largest establishment, t and the most extensive assortment of I lows, F and other Agricultural machinery to be mumi in . the State co!iMtins in part of "JOO tons American. English, and Swedes Iron, of all sizes ; flat, from 3-4 to 11 inches wide, an 1 of round and square from 1-4 to 3 1 '2 inches. Nail Rods, Horse Shoes. Bands. Hoops Scroll. Oval. &c. Ameri can. German, Spring and Cat Steel. -00 kegs of Cut Nails from ;i to CO penny : every style of Corn Shellers, Fanning Mills. Straw Cutters, Hominy Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers. Harrows, Cultiva tors, and Plows, of which 1 have over 80 different sizes and patterns, of the most approved and im proved patterns for one, two, three, and four Horses. Farmers and Merchants favoring mtf with tlieir orders are assured that they will be filled prompt ly, and on the very best terms. " Every and any article described in the various Catalogues and Almanacs will be furnished on the lowest terms. All Goods delivered at the Depot m Portsmouth free of chanre. S. MARCH. No. 13 Wnter St., Norfolk Ya. April 2f.. S")3. 3" ly SAM'L. M. WILSON. liEO. W. ;RH K. WILSON & GRICE, General Commission iy ur .akimm; Mekciiants, -Yo. 11, Ihgh St. and Pierce's Wharf, Portsmouth, a ( 1YE their ersonal and prompt attention to J the Sale and Forwarding of Produce and Mer chandise of every description, and make liberal ad vances upon consignments. Refkekm-k.s Geo. W. M ordeeai, Es,.. Raleigh: Messrs. W 11. V R. S. fucker, do: King. Thomas P.arrowv l.oUiburg : R. N. .V: D. C. llei ndon. Ox ford: Hon. Weldon .V l.dwards. arren rmiiui . Col S. S. Roy ster. Granville : Messrs. John hite Co.. Warrentou : Montgomery A Pluniiner. do: Col. Walter Gwvnne, Ch. Lug Central Railroad. May 4,.IS". :." ::7-ly ROBERTS'S COT PER. TIN S T o V K DEPOT. POAXOh'K S(,( A!:i:, NORl ol.K. YA. N Store, a large and varied assortment of all kind-of Copper an 1 Tin Wares, at wl.. d .-.-ale and I retail, lower taan at .ihv .drier est . o:inineiu m a. Copper Work for Stunners. MilN. Distilleries. e.. .. executed in the bc-t l.iai.nof. with due regard to ?teaiu pressure. .s-T( I'.S AND IlnT-AlR FURNACLS. OF ALL MINI'S, 1R ALL PURPOSES, METALLIC KouFi V!. hi I I K K S A l'U'KS l-'i: 111 H.ldNi.s, Block Tin. Tin Plate. Sheet Copper. Biraiid Sheet LK Ah. SliLLT 1 R i.N. C. ETHEUKAL OIL. ANI LAMPS Loll USlN'tl IT. Shower l!.ith and P.-ithiiiL' Apparatus, of all THK NLWKSr. Mo-T 'APPROVED pa n i:i;s M. D. Rop.ERTS. JR. Roam.ke Square. Norfolk. Ya. April 10. i::l. "' F. W. SF.AP.l'RY, Id LIU in HOOTS, SHOES, J X W fa CV , rofirans. xruiiits 1 1 i . . i M 1.1: Tiir.iL m-. "WHOLESALE AM P.KTAIL. Ml. l:: M KKKT Sjl ALL, NOi;pLK, Ya. April -J IV-,:!. 3- lv BI.ooIiGooli .v; CO J. I. p.i.(,..i.i:.-ioi. : 1. . I M ors. . : 1. Norfolk Va. i P. iltim. re. STAPLE ii FANCY DRY GOODS, WilOLLSAI.K AND RKTAIL. XO 12 MAIN STREET, NORFOLK. YA. lv April IS.") TIloS. P.. IRWIN. I M P ( ) R T F. R & 1 E A L E R 1 N Brandies, Wines, s K : A US, Ac. NuRKUl.K. Ya. April -2C, ivy;. r? j ly CHINA HALL R. . I'KU.MM' NI CO. IMPORT!" IIS AM' WHOLESALE OF l!.FRV IN CHINA, r.J. ASS. And Queens ware, No . S M A I X ST K K K T , N0RI0LK. YA. IfF.RCnWTS SI ll'LIKI) AT NORT1IFP.V F Ft ! ' T Q . April -J'.. 1 ly 1 Peebles & White, GROCERS, Commissio and 1'orwaK' i.n'. Merchant, Old Street, Peterson rg . i. I EMfEl. IT RIM i:s. THOMAS WHITE, JR. Jan. 10, IS"..;. y 5 Whitfield's Hotel, (NEAR THE RAIL ROAD.) W E L I O X . X O III II C A R I, I X A W. T. Wuniir.i.o. W. .1. Sqi-mjoins. D1NNLR AND SUPPER V LN LWAYS ready on the arrival of the Car, and ie table furnished with the best this and other markets afford. fetr OYSTERS aud FISII received daily from Portsmouth. "'iX j April ISO:!. o " ly 1 Leather ! Leather ! ! Fall Trade ! ! ! 1 8 5 3. 7E respectfully inform our old friends and patrons, as well us the public at large, that we have now in store the largest and best se lected stock of LEATHER AND FINDINGS, that we have ever had the satisfaction f offering them. The fact, that we are receiving more Lea ther from our own Tannery than we have ever done, together with what we get from the hands of importers and Northern factories, place it in our power to sell goods as low as any jobbing house of the same kind in any northern city. Merchants, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Far mers and nil others, who may need goods in our line are requested to give our stock an examina tion before purchasing, as we doubt not, that we can make it of mutual benefit to both the purcha ser and ourselves. Below we enumerate some of the leading ar ticles : 80 doz American Calf Skins, 80 " French Calfskins, ISO " Lining, Binding sud Roue Skins, ' Morocco Skins, 30 " Kip Skins, Hog Skins, Bag Hides, 1 000 sides Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, 100 sides Band Leather, embracing all grades of Bridle Leather, Harness Leather, Skirting Lea ther, Last and Boot-trees, Shoemakers" Kit or Tools. Also, a general assortment of TANNERS' AND CURRIERS' TOOLS. And last, though not least, always ou hand a supply of SEWED BROGANS, of our own manufacture, warranted to give satis- j Cattle aud French Town route, and arrive in Phil faction, and at prices to please, at our old stand, I adelphia by halt-past 12 opposite B. P. Harrison's Saddlery Store, and fiif Tickets for Philadelphia good for this route, three doors below Peebles & AVhitc, No. 21, Old ' or by any of the trains on the P. and Baltimore Street. F. A. & R. II. FORD. j Kail road to Philadelphia. N. B. The highest prices, paid in cash, for There are 8 Daily Lines between Philadelphia green ana anea times. Sept. ti, '.33. F. A. & R. H. F. Sin 73 Metropolitan Hall. rpIIIS newly erected, neatly furnished, and well J. ventilated Hall, situated on Market space, and fronting on Wilmington street, is now offered to let for Concerts and other public meetings five nights in the week. For particulars, apply to J. M. TOWLES, o Doors below Market st. Aug. o'O, lSo-l. 71 3m NATIONAL HOTEL. NORFOLK, YA. THE subscriber respectfully announces t fv;.! .uid the travelling public, that h has taken clwrce of this large ami u.,n. tablishment, which has been complete.y and ele- u.o ... - - ' ...11 1 I gantlv refitted and refurnished m every uep. t ! ment: Havimr had charge for a long time of the i Evchane Hotel, Richmond, and being experienced i in ,,d the details requisite to form a Hotel of the ! first ela-s he assures the public that every exertion .:n i i.. ,.. .l..r the National in every rcs- ,lcservir.r 0f tieir confidence and support r w j REYNOLlJS. Tuc Bar attached to the Hotel has been thonoighlv renovated, and iuruisneu mm Wines and Li'juors. .-1 1 inniilv.'ll tl I WIT 1 mi ft psaJT Lunch daily at 11 o clocK. Norfolk. April -J'i, lH".d. 3o 1 v R ICHMOND. PETERSBURG. NORFOLK frr AND NEW YORK STEAM 1'AC h. M COMPNY: The double engine and fast sailing Steamer CITY OK RICHMOND, Foster, master, and CITY OF NORFOLK. Post, master, are now on the line in complete order for freight aud pas sengers. To allow sufficient time for receiving and deliver ing freight in good weather, ami securing regulari ty'"'! n trips, one Steamer will leave AVw York fi ery ti, u - ". .,. ( '' !':' 'rvry FrtJ.ig. This arrange ment mav be relied upon as the most punctual, ac- ! comniodating and economical to shippers and pas sengers. Each ship is supplied with splendid sa loons and state-rooms for passengers. First Cabin pa-s.ige, Second do do . Freight per cub'::- foot. ' e THOMAS P.RANCH. Agent. Old Street. Peter-burg. April "0. Important to Millers and Mill owners ! X IIE Un.lerignrd would re.eetfu!ly inform those eu . a-e 1 in the" Milling bu -1 io-s m North! am- Una. that he keeps cotistaiitly on hand, and win mi p ply nt the shortest notice, that almost invalua ble artiel". i, if s t ...i-n.iv. .'"' Shtnt and Screening .V-t- The only Machine of the test and given s.iti-!'act;oii ,d tha t'ae ie rt has st. nblic. dlered .od the It has in the t. mi''!. mted every Smut Maehi; s:atc. la.'i e . r li"-- of whieh h t" make r n l'-r it. The p'i' T' .siti.'n. a t' ere s.ve imw . i i ,vi been taken down .ii.- need fear no im e 'Ml M aehi lies rilll- nii'g in N"fth 'an ! na : retefeliees than the gei,t h '-e e .oee! :t:"lis !i.i their 'Ci o .rin mo1. I ! n the W he-.t !" Smut, but ul-t:. llees, ::!ni'-t t-1 p'' a-. l I wi-h to otf.-r i. ."tfi'T elueti who are u -ing them. 1 . -.ti 111"! e than realized in otoi.lv thorough!;, ch-ansi's purities it of all other I le, ;:-.. It t ike- up but I id re iiiiie.s but little pow i v e ears agaia-t l r -ahing to retain its eicali-ilig .plal- U'e if. ;u.ire ; i is " li the :!.;! ai .rr aid ...t. a : ; tin.e a nil M l.H T e .1! .' ,tie tor 1 1 : 1 ai- There are : u iii. h pin.;" 1 and i ..e y h ., There is r h.ial State d'.il. at the I". mre. la-t !'a A-Mr. ( ra r.ge ( ' ..in. ..f t n'si? M '.ciiiues through f Wheat iia e 1 ee: l eh -u use' i-u out . .f oi ler one day. lit the Premiii in of the M a lie I I a Preiiiiom with a si! er me Marx ian. 1 Institute, at Balti ith I.one'.l Mil .l.NO. A. M MANNI'.N". tf int p..,-- in'o-r "J'i. Y II 1 I" I k 1: n n : v I'l.i.r.i.i.s. s. ti '. re I lN-ai I '. A X D 1 o. Willi r in A X S T A P 1 C V ( IMoli li S T H E K T ! L T K I 1! I' K ti , Y a . I .1 AM'KrW U 11 1 I R. M.-KKNNKY. t i: h .li. . Sii'iei" 1 V -'7 Man h . '. 1 -' JOHN C. BAKER & CO., -1 1 . I . I I 1 F '!' inn: ; .-.'e.-.v una 1 tfi it a :i . Stuns, in E eign una n t -'., ' iiv,(. ,n 0 .1,- 1!,; M d Glass . , Pain. Di, iV . A 1 1 1 1, 1 l! LPM I A at tel. ti. .11 . .t 11-11; NO 1-nI . :',r. ST.. 1 . ,V I 'I ). ite tin .1 . M M. j th- I lia- I ll:l lit ( i I'.'O-r laniitactiirrr. ur:... I tr.-sh ar.l :i'i 1 r rs t. 10 :;' t...'i of wc.l s.'i iar I g -o i-. 1 i-i-r- will ti:; l anion P.;: ,1-it as-,.rtiueiit rv- er- iriitv "t Piu M-r--haii i-.-c. Pert n la- r . Siir- ' gh- il ih-truiiii oi-. .vc. vvi.'o h 1 l.-y .-u'pply .f ' 011 y. j u . ! 1 1 . and at " prices tiM-.ui be , l.,m-iit in Phi'.idcphia or eN.-w lo-r.-. Or h r-. wii -t'o r i atru-tcd to u-pfi..n.i'.'y. . rl.y i: ii! j'.-.- -. v . pia". ;itt - nt i.-ii, and t l.e intcr- ictt.-r. : -t of ti i- 'licit 1 1 1 ! . v r- r n-.le 1 mi .nl ri-Npecl-. JtiliX '. HAKKR .V S 1 ..( '.- tinman Liniment. l ids in-. -t exo ilri.i i i'.I.elai ii nt f ir the cure of RIiimi ii iti-;u. Niiinhiic-. Mitl;n--s of the -loint. j 1 n;ii, In u:-i s. i pi Mio-uneevi i.v tioo vi iio Have u-e 1 it to be riving i 1 ; mi la i bv a n v ar prep- I I a rat. on. ; taut relief and pel t'.. l ining many remarkable cure It h.-.s be.'ll c for the past o' ilo.NO'i with the utmost uc -ess 1-. and i- highly recommended by tin their It 1 testimony ot liunoreus who huve Used it to reat benefit and ad antage. al-o an admirable remedy for all disease- to which the Hor.-e is I in bit sue I pa in and 1 I Kingl.one. Mr.iins, Galls, Scratches, ! Cuts, Bruise-. .Vc, I No application ha- h- retofor. proved so useful i i 1 1 relaxing -till'iu-ss of the joints and tendons, the effect of Spavin or Ringbone, and producing su h immediate and beneficial effects in cracked Heels 1 brought on i.y high n 1 . 1 1 ling, splints and sprain., ill v ri t ..mincndcd to Farri i 1 "ls Liniment 1- h ers, Projiriet- i s of Livery Stable5. Warner. Stage Contractor, and private gentlemen owning Horses, as an invaluable remedy, and should be constantly kept in their Stables. Prepared only by J. C. l'.tKF.n & Co., and for sale by P- F. l'l-s. 'i I., R.aleigh, N. C. July S2. is".::. fin THIS WAY ! GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED. 1 XHK subscriber will pay the highest cash price fur Feathers. J. HENRY HARRIS lpholtercr and Mattress maker. Raleigh, N. C. August lUth, IS-VL tf-bo t) eduction of fare by the great Jlv northern mail route to Balti more, Philadelphia and NEW YORK. On aud after the loth inst., the rates of fare be tween Petersburg aud the ahove named cities will be reduced to the rates staled below. The follow ing iuick and comfortable schedule will be run o ver the inlaud route: Leave Petersburg daily at 4.1. A. M.. and 7, P. M.: arrive in New Yolk daily at A. M., and Ti. P M. Fare to Baltimore JjiG 00 Fare to Philadelphia U fM Fare between Philadelphia and New York, by the Camden and Aiuboy Railroad Line ijii, thus making the whole fare between Petersburg and New York only Sd 1 . It is deemed proper, in addition, to state, for the information of passengers, that four daily lines are in operation between Washington and Baltimore, by means of which the traveller who, through bu siness or pleasure, has been delayed iu Washington, has it always iu his power to proceed at a conven ient hour directly on his journey to any point north of that place. Passengers leaving Petersburg in the morning at 4J A. M., and who prefer stopping all night in Baltimore, can leave next morning by the New and New York. THOS. DODAMEAD, Sup't. Office of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Company, August 'Jlh, 1853. Aug. in, 18o.'5. 70 SAMUEL It. B0KUM, NEW AGRICULTURAL & IRON DEPOT. 11 WIDE WATER STREET, NORFOLK, VA. Mav 10, 185.".. :$y, y U V. ? t' o u. -a o X z a D C r H v Tins preparation hr.s now been before the pub lic for a quarter of a century. Its great intrin sic merits have steadly advanced the sale and use of it. and it now enjoys a prominent position in the public favor. . , It is mild in its operation and contains no calo mel nor other dangerous ingredients, and cau he given with perfect safety to the most delicate m- fants , . , , . It costs but Jo cents per bottle, and is sold by near ly all Druggists and Store-keepers in the country, and by Williams a: IIaywook. uait.j duly -J'.th. ISoo. lv-r.l Dr. Gale's Anodyne Opium, -m- t. - . .. ii I-.,,.,.-,, tlott manv 1'COpU .:.:V:o.. , Warn, use wit.nmtthe advice j of a physician, manv of the preparations of Opium God- Laudanum. Paregoric, i.aieniau a v t frev's Cordial and the UU. ( 'ordial and t! f'.e I'tt'.eT of these 11 ! I i C II C s is g fjeneral! v known ' l.-..n and while they are admitte. to possess .I""".'"11 ...,,t se.' it've l.r inert:'.'- not to he dispensed wnn. tl.v are still liable to serious .bjections in many eases and doubtless ar often ini-chievons in their tendency. , TI..- new chemical preparation, now submitted , the public. i believed M p..-o all their virtues and even more, without being chargeable wi ll their badefVects-i.ei.lior is this opinion hasti.y fain. lei. nor based on limited experience alter n trial of some years in which this remedy has been placed in tl. hands of eminent physician-, and tried inde and in all lieved to medieina' f..r the si I uie ler every variety 01 uin.iii-.....". appropriate cases 01 d lisease it is still he- :t iTi l iim-iva C' . not only for its rnre varieties as a preparation ' tv with whii h it ma v be ao f (p'uini. but ministered. P.. A. FAHNrT'K. Ill I.L x .. New York. Proprietors. Also Irug:i .luiv so 1 by WILLI WIS , II A WOOD, am: ts gem radv. Pro 0 cents per .t tie. 1 v "SMITI, It. 15'Hil'M. MAXl I'ACTniKi: AND 1'EAI.F.H IX VC.U'H'I 1.1 I I'. L Implements, ibrse Power M .ehinerv. liar and loin lie Ir.-'i Nail Horse ie.i--. Horse Na'N. t'ut and Wrought Nails. I'hain Pumps, h-.n Pumps. (I ir i.-n Lmrines, (lar den and I'irt I'.-irn.w-, and ever;-variety of Fann in? Implements, found in the most extensive es tablishments North in. 1 1'. i-t. Manufactures to order any style of Implement. and satisfaction guarantied. OrJers fr-mi dealers, farmer' l.roiiild'v attended to. an 1 planter SAM L P. . P.i Ml I'M. Norfolk. Ya. N".. 1 1 Wide ater St.. Mav Pith. ls"d. Norfolk The Union Steam Ship Company OF PHI LA IK LPI 1 1 A. X K AY A II II A X C. '. M Ii X T. T MIIS t 4 w r; reguiar. v the thrc- sui'.-i i.-r Stc ( t v ot !.:e!mi..n t Mitel. ell. re. Peuiis-. ivaiiia. ('al t llaxne Virginia. Oapt. Teal. And one ot these splendid Slc im rs will Richmond and City Point, ccrv M'.:i i.- v an leave I Fli- .iri V. Pin! R and :ind N rf .lk t-verv due. I iv .11 1 r-aturua v. lor id.- !.ia. 't'lrning. leave Pii'ilad.-lphi.i every W cine la S-mird.-iy. at In .'! , k. A. M. Shippers Ly this Line may rely up.' and .Uick .iisji.iteh . I'assengers will ti:i l every atte''.ti- i-oiufort. and iio-ot acromi.i. . lati'.ns by any other route. Pa--.iL'e ;'r..m Rhd'tn .n 1 ir-d Pt 1 low freights 1 . i I to their unsurpassed nrj and N..r:..ik meals inr'.n l,..). j R'tl'.LRT RANKIN. Ric-!.nio:id. Ai-ents. i;c v, 1.1: i t. HARhY.v f ... Pet-r.-bun:. (TIInls p. CIloWKLL. N .:;. '.k. LEYl LLDR1DGE, Gen'l A- t. N- rth h.irves Pinhole!. hia. Pa--.. Mgers and Freii-iit for Peter-buri;. uia-t be at the I). -,. t"S R-ii! Km 1 t'omp.inv . by In the -lay- of -ailing. k v'i.;: i t. Ph-a I. t of th. o dock. pir.a, via M.. on HARDY ev Ci . Peter-bur -. A id ... Is'. :. -J'i tf General Agency. Mil. nil. ler.-, gin-. 1 the transaction 1.1.- bo e a a in tin the I". gcit for City of i.ks, ln- ivrctar y will be e mode- lie:-.'!:, at the I'nl. p.o. siirauce ! He mi i of State i ice-. ,v.c. b t an, 1 -, VI letter it I tided t .. al'.-'.act'.rv t t! ce of d to barge- promptM rate and and will 1 Ri' David ? 'UN-. P US 1! Reid. V Ti V i i E. REFERENCES : G, v. d. V ni. Hill, .. . surer. E. Sec y, ot t :t.-. D. W. ( lt, tree in an. cai. Pro-t. o State, W. H i. C; .supnine C ..n t. ti. of Lank State. W. .1. 1 i. V, . Morde- ike. Coiupt. Fear, W. W. tf 1 one-, t ash. Rank C u. V ass, Jreasnrer R. .v. ti. U Kjleich. Jan. l.-t. 1 ")'. R.al. IJirilKTAM AND UlllEUlMi NLWS. P H 3 S E N & xaa STEAMSHIP IS L UU gj --53 a Per Roaiiokr uiid Jamestown. RKIM'i F.I) K TKS AMI INCREASED K.tl'EDITI"X, 4C. 'THE Proprietors having made new urrange- ments for the still better dispatch of their Expres- by the Steamships " kOAXoXE '' and " JAMESTo WX, - from New York. J,ev wish to keep it before the public, that P vlflFN t KING'S POITLAK SOUTHERN EXPULSS is always on hand for the accommodation of their friends, at the lowest rates and nnparalllebd dtpateh: their Express leaving New York, is genei ally de livered at almost every point of Yirginiu in 48 hours, and throughout North Carolina, in 5(5 hours, and at forty p.reent. beluir tiie. uld III A1IJCG M( NOPOI.Y. ' P.v risen .V Kinu's faeiiities for the expeditious transportation ef Freight and Packages, cannot be beat by any Express Company i.t existence, and thev i.EiY ANY. oM.KTiTioN, therefore, in the shape of Humbug, Imposuinn and Moiiopoh .' &jf Be sure to order your goods by P UUSEN & KING'S EXPRESS, No. '2 Barclay street, New York. tir Rest assured, that all they promise, they WILL FAITUH1.I.Y FI LKII. ! I PAULSEN i KING, 2 Barclay st N Y. aud Bollingbrook st. Petersburg, Ya. AGENTS. Norfolk, Ya Farmville, Ya. Fredericksburg, Ya. Richmond, Ya. Lynchburg, Ya. Charlottesville, Ya. Liberty, Va. Forrest Depot, Ya. Bufords, Va. Bonsacks, Va. Salem, Va. Greensboro', N. C. Weldon, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. V. D. Groner J. W. Woiuack Wm. Bailey Win. L. Maule W.Bagby Mr. Minor Thomas Johnson M. L. Harris W. F. Plunket, D. II. Plane L. F. Jonson, J. R. & J. Sloan, John Campbell John Nutt H. D. Turner James L. Reid Turnbull & StalEnjrs. Henderson, N. C. ... W arrentoii, N. C. ft. 11. Hamlet Goldsboro, N. C. Stark & Pierce Fayetteville, N. C. J. II. Whitfield Frankliuton, N. C. James L. Duke Ridgeway, N. C. C Allen Littleton, N c! fijgT NOTICE. Exprass packages for Norfolk, Petersburg, Richmond and the interior, intended for shipmentper steamers " Roaxokk" or "James town," will hereafter be reeeivedby Messrs. Pari sen & King, 2 Barclay street. New York who are the ONLY AUTHORISED AGENTS to for ward our Express packages by those steamships VIRGINIA, N. CAROLINA & TENNESSEE " June 15. 1853. 49 jv S w.rkaoLaitj "l'iri Ml'l Here is your Remedy. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. A most MiKACit.ors cfite ok Bap Lkcs, after 43 Year's Sitfurino. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Ym. Galpin, of 70 'SI. Mary Street. Weym-nth, dated May loth, 18ol. To Professor Hollowly : cir U the age of IS, mv wife (who is now 61) cauoht a violent cold, which settled in her legs, amfever since that-time they have been more or less sore, and greatlv inflamed Her agonies were distr .cthi". and for months) together she was de prived entirely of rest ami sleep. Every remedy thfitnio.lit.il lucn advised, was tried, but without effect her health suffered severely, and the state of her legs was terrible. I had often read your advertisements, and advised her to try your 1 ills and Ointment: and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had proved useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago, and, strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbed. W.d you have witness ed the sufferings of my wife during the last forty- three years ami contrast them with her prescui 1 I" 1 I fn .1 ,Ii;rrl.t. enioyment 01 liealtti. you wouoi imieeu icei ed in having been the means of so greatly allevia ting the s-ifferings of a fellow-creature. r ;L; WILLIAM GALPIN 4 Perton 70 Years f age cured of a Pad Ley, of .,D Years Sfandiny. C..pi of a letter frean Mr. Ym. Abbs, Builder of Gas Ocens of RnsheluTe. near Huddersjield, dated May ol.'f, 1801. To Professor Holloway : S,jr suffered for a period of thirty years from a bad lo". the result of two or three different acci dents at the Gas Works, accompanied by scornntic symptoms I had recourse to a variety of medical a'hi'ce without dedving any benefit, and was even 1 that the leg must be amputated, yet. 111 oppu- sition to that opinion that opinion, your nils ami imitnieiu l.., , 0 ..H'eete.l n ColIlliletC CUT in so short a time. that few who had not witnessed it would credit WIT.ITAXI AliP.S iMgnea; .. , i The truth of this statement can Lie vermeil uy ( Mr. W. P. England, Chemist, Id Market street, j Iludiersfiehl. " ' A Dreadful Had P.rcast Cared m One Month. 1 Elrart nf a I.ett-r from Mr. Er-d'-ruk Turner, of I " I'- ;hiie.!. K ut.dai-d De--emb r lo.'A 1S50. To Protessor ll 'iloway : 1 (,..r sir Mv vi!e had snffere 1 from bad ( breasts more than six mouths, aud during the i period had the best mclica: attendance, but ... ... 111 i . 1 ; all to no use. Having neiore wound in mv own legs by your iieaicd an av. mi , unrivalled medi- ! e:ne 1 d. t. rmine 1 araiii to u-e ur Pills and (.lint- ment and therefore gave them a trial in her case and fortunate it was I did so. for in less, than a month a perfect cure was effect 'd, an the ln'iietit tltat v .rious other hraneho 'd' my family have de- rived tiom tlieir 10. i; re.aliy astonishing. 1 now stroiig'v recommem 1 Sign.-d j then to all mv friends. FREDERICK TURNER, uld be used conjointly with the Tiie PilN si,, lint ment in i!i--t the l.dlowiiig i';c.-e : R.i'l l.eL's. Chiego-foot. Fistulas. Sore Throats Bad P.rea-ts. C hi ibla i n . Gout. .'-kin diseases. I Ro.ri.s. rh.,;.;..'.i haiel--. (iia.lu'arSwe'lii'gs. Scurvy, R.riions. Corns , -.oft) Lumbago .ue heals. 1'iite of M-s- Calieefs. Pib-s, Tumors, .jiiit..- and ('..ntraeted a;id Rheumati.-iii.s, Ulcers, and ;!ies. Stiff Joints. Scalds. Wounds. Co.-o-Pav, Elephatiti. .-!-. Sore Nipp es. Yaws. S. ld by the Proprietor - I I Strand. (nearTeui- v'.r- P,ar. ) London, and by all respectable venders of Patent Mo-ii: III throughout the Jlriiish Eiajiirc, and bv tho-e oi the United States, in Pots and box es. ;it .,7'. ..pts. s-7 cents, and -SI " each. Whole sale. I.v t'e i.rinc'pal Dni'j hou.-es in the Union and by Messrs. ton N. C F..r s: There is very 1 larger -ies. N. P.. Direct; ec J. A EYANS, Wilming- !e by P. F. PESCUD. Ralei-h. oiisiderable saving in taking the ns for the guidance of patients o; to each J . 1 So'-!. t i- box. Feb IS 1 v SALES OF LOTS OX BEAUFORT HARBOR. THE Carolina 1 i;y L.uid iJouipany will sell to j the highest bid ler on their premises, at White Hail, on Monday, the -list day of October ' next, a large 11'im' er of valuable Lots. The Iatnis o! miles on the in U lib r. f-I 1 a this (. oiniiaiiy front about two 1 e--Ui:o and be.-t part o! the ; i h-i-i-d the most valuable 0:1 j view .f the Ocean, and will ! lit. 'i hi v are i oe ii:ui-i!:iieiy an c-n . . ;.i..-::i . y ,ai i "...it lor ousi- i lies an i pleasure. No iuij.r ovenient can be made i with Central or Wi stern Carolina, or the waters j connected With tie- Haib-.r. without benefitting the- i..-- is. d ne Carolina City Company, aware of t.d- f..ct. 1 eg leave to -av tli.it ihey have no ( ag.a'.t- . r .iruiiiiii'Tj in tiie we.-tern part of the t Mat. . ! any wli.-re else, ottering to sell Lots at a low rate to secure influence, but that all the sales t.f their lan 1 are re. j.iired. by tho articles of agreenierst. to be -,o tiie bighe.-t bidder. The g.-i!t'i..-!ii.'!i who compose this Company have made arran amount ot a 1,'iiieuts t.. in.i-roe their lands to the nit Noil. i mi . During the winter ami ensun. ing. a i-irge hotel wiii be bui't. Wharves, I Turpentine Pir-tillerics and a Steam Saw Mill will be put in operation. There i excellent clay on the premises for ma king brick and also oil the adjacent waters; and as expedience has proved the importance of tire proof buildings in a commercial pi-ice. the 1 .ir-J will not allow any but substantial fire proof build ings to be permanently erected on any lands they may sell. To persons who may prefer, the boar 1 will lease lots for a term of years. Thv respectfully invite all persons in any way interested to be present at the pale and see lor themselves, especially me chanics, snip carpenters, brick masons, etc., a for them 110 richer harvest can be promised than the future prospects of Carolina City. Terms of Sale. One fourth cash the balance iu instalments at 12, 18 and 2 months, interest from date. ! All letters on business of the Company address to John M. Rose, Sec'y. Fayetteville, N C. By order of the Board, T. R. UNDERWOOD, President. September 2. lhoo. ow 72 DUNN & SPENCER, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Fine and Heavy Hardwire, Cutlery and Guns, ALSO AGENTS FOR THE BEST FRENCH BURR VND ESOPAS MILLSTONES. "1YTE are now receiving by the Packet ships 0- rient aud Constitution, our Fall Stock of English Hardware and Cutlery, consisting iu part of Cutlery frem the celebrated manufactories of Messrs. Joseph Rodgers j- Sons, George Wosteu holni & Sons, W. .ij- 8. Butcher, and W in. Craves Jc Sous, Edge Tools and Files from Messrs. W. & S. Butcher and Earl Smith & Co. Saunderson's aud W. tj- S. Butcher's Imperial, square, round aud Octagon Cast Steel; English Blistered and Wedge Steel Also a very complete assortment of heavy Birmingham Hardware and Double and Single Guns, (some very fine) all of our own direct importation. Together with a large stock of Domestic Hard ware, direct from the Manufacturers. Collins & Co.,Genuiue, Simmons, Roots, II. Collins and oth er Axes. Ames cj- Rawland's Spades and Shovels, Cotton W ool, Horse aud J im Crow Cards. ' Brown's warranted Platform and Counter Scales Springs and Axles, Block Tin, Spelter, Antimony! Gum and Hemp racking, and all kinds ofbuildin materials and Grates; all of which we offer to the trade on the most accommodating terms. DUNN f SPENCER, , Sycamore Street. Petersburg. Sep 9th, 1853. 4w-74 A- &. H. HARRIS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, V7'IUL make liberal advances on consignments, Y if desired. ' Norfolk, April 19. 1853. 33 iy I)EARL STARCH. A beautiful article just to hand. WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. I Mexican mustang juiujjxiciiu. THIS-Liniment Is unequalled for the cure of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bruises, Burns, strains Corns Piles, Tumors, Swellings or pain in any part of the' body, aa external application can reach. A volume of certificates has already been publish ed from those that have been cured these diseases and also from those that have had Horses cured of Iling-bone, Scratches, Swellings, Stiffness, wind galls, saddle-galls, Old sores, or any enlargemeut of bone or muscle. , , THROUGH BY EXPRESS!! THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT The Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams & GVs great Southern, Eastern and Western Expresses, for curing Galds, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and bruises, and it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have also used it on themselves and , tlieir families, and they all speak of its healing and remedial quantities in the highest terms. One cf our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised on his knee as usual, the Mcstaxg Ljnimk.nt resorted to, and the soreness and lameness n4, . soon removed, aud it was perfectly well in tl,rec 1 VI" 1. Ly.t-in i An in - or four days. vt e nae uu uv.ni..i..v.. ,..im,m mending it as a valuable preparation, to U utfe,j exterualh' on man or beast. J. DUXXIXO, Foreman of Adams &. Co's Express Stable. X.y, We take great pleasure in recommending the Mexican Mustang Liniment to all our friends and. customers as the best article we have ever usr ot Sores, Sprains, or Galds in Horses. We liaT, used it extensively, and always effectually Some of our men have also used it for severe Bruises and sores, as well as Rheumatic Pains, and they all say it sets like magic we can only say that we have entirely abandoned the use of any other Li iment. J. M. HEWITT. Foreman f.,r AMKRICAX.EA'l'RESS CO.. b) W-jd st HARDEN' S EA'VRESS, 74 Broadway PVLLEN, VIRGIL ,- CO S Hi WallVt WELLS, EARGO ,y CO S, 1G Wail Stre; Dovi:u. N. If.. Jan. i'o, JS.o Messrs. A. G. Braci; & i,;J a valuabl horse that about three weeks since whs i oundi severely in his thigh, with a sharp hook, openii a gash three inches in length and an inch or moi. deep. I tried various articles to heal it, but inflam mation getting into it it caused large quantities of matter to collect, and the lim), was quite stiff. A friend of mine asked me jf 1 had tried the Mustang Liniment, to which I replied in the negative, but thinking it might do s uae good, was induced to try it. I had. oiily u- d one half bottle when tiio inflammation began t he removed, and'the wound to heal. Now it i- ei rirely healed and the hair is growing over the wound, making it look as well a8 ever. If oping that others may be benefitted by a triil of your va. ie .mi. onml, I remain v.jurs, ( M AS. E WllITEHOLSE. Rrs-r.r.i. Co.. Ala. Feb. 1st, lS-jd. In justice t 1 the proprietors, and for the bene fit of the attiicte I. I feel it my duty to state public ly, the remark h- cures that have been effected in 111 v family ! v::e- ;i-e .! the 1M nutans Liniment. A Ncl-h f mine ha I what was calied a Rone Fel- sn. or U nitlow ..u her middle tinger : the pain wad most intense and excruciating. The iufiamniatioithad bom socxteii-iveth.it the whole finger had becotno alino.-t a mass of corruption, and the only hope of saving her hand, and perhaps her life, appeared to be to have it cut ..if. As her general -health was very delicate, the phyr-ieiun advised us to try the Mustang Liniment a few days, till she could be sent to a surgeon in Cohnubu-, as it could do no harm and might prevent moitili-'ation. To the astonish ment of the doctor, and myself, the pain soon ceas ed, tin- inflammation subsided, and the wound rap- illy healed The finger is now perfectly we'd and sound 1 One of mv h was severely burned. The -kin was entirely taken off from he knee to th'e ankle. The Mustang Liniment fus plied, and nothing else was used The freely ap- relief and cure was almost beyond belief but a short time c- lapsed before the wounds were perfectly healed I 1 consider it an inyaluabie reoiedy, and it should be illiailj iuiiiin aau iu e . ci . j.i.iui ic;oo. JAS. YAILIPS. PRICE0. In conseipience of the increased demand for the Liniment we are now putting up Uo cent, o't cent and $1 botiles. The ."tj cent bottles contain three times as much as the '1 cent bottle, and the Sl bottle contains three times as much as the -"HI cent bottle, so that money will be saved by buying the large bottles. A. G. BRAGG x CO.; :04 Broadway, and St. Louis, Mo. Proprietors. S"M by Driiggists and Medicine dealers, everywhere. P. F. PEsi'CD, and WILLIAMS HAVWOOD. Agents. Raleigh. Jime-'.oth, -S4 EGGERT & CO., MANCFACITREKS OF CHANT). SQI AUK AMI ri'illUHT I'lANO-VOi'.TK?. NO -'.j'2 1'KATT sntFFT, BALTIMORE. The Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their GRAND. SC'IWRE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, of . t'.i. 7 and 7; octaves, for which The Maryland Institute far the Promotion of M- '-tan ic A r'.i has awarded THE FIRST PREMIUM ever awarded by that institute for improvement in GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS. These Pianos are in large sized, highly finished CASES OF ROSEWOOD, with entire iron frame, constructed in the most substantial manner, with all the MODERN 1MPHO VEMENTS. The manufacturers use none but the very best seasoned timber, and Materials if the Ciiuv csl Qualities, that enable them to warrant their instruments to stand any climate. THE Fir.M 11 A3 A PATiNT BICBT ACTIOX, operating 011 such principles that fric tion is almost entirely relieved or avoided and their piano can therefore never get out of order roa chasten ess or PE.-ir;.-. elkt.anci: or fixish, as well as for FULLNESS, RICHNESS & BEAUTY OF TONE, these Pianos rank foremost, and are equal to any made here or in Europe. Wherever these Pianos have been introduced they have given in every instance entire satisfaction. We warrant our instruments to stand good FOH FIVK VEAR? under careful treatment, and will receive them back and substitute others, any time within tha first six months from the sale of it, if it shall not prove satisfactory. EGGERT k CO. Baltimore. June 1 80S. Mr. CHARLES KL1FFMILLER is our sole agent for the sale of our pianos in the State of North .' irolina. 1 June 17, 18-jS. 50 bm .'EY YORK PIAXO FORTE EMPORIUM. MESSRS. BENNETT & CO. IN consequence of the immense demand, and un rivalled popularity of their French Grand ac tion Piano Fortes, have greatly enlarged their Manufactory, aud opened a Spacious Waheuoom at IVo. 361 Broadway, one doer above "Thompson's Saloon.'' where they will be happy at all times to supply tlieir numer ous friends and patrons with Piano Fortes, of ev ery variety of style and finish. All instruments manufactured at" this establishment are fully war ranted to stand any climate, and give perfect sat isfaction, both in Voi.fME ani qi ai.itv of Touch. Our prices are such that tuuse desiring a very su perior finished Instrument, as well as .those more economically inclined, cannot fail to be suited Dealers, Professors, Am f.tecrs and others, wish ing to purchase, are invited to call and look for themselves. BENNETT & CO., SGI Broadway, New York Sept. Id, 18o2. !-vL" CHERRY & BIGGS , GENERAL Commission Merchants, CAROLINA WHARF TOWN POINT. NORFOLK, VA. April 22, 1853. ol " Wills & Gordon, Grocers & Commission Merchants, Norfolk, la- ARE prepared to make liberal advances on all consignments of Produce to receive and for ward all descriptions of Merchandize and t' supply the Planters, Merchants, and others, v;t!' GROCERIES, upon the most liberal terms. Norfolk, Oct. 4. 18-VJ. 1 1

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