"t -v CITY: OF jBALEIGB, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12. 1853. VOLUME Lffl. r-s 1 - 1 ' - . ; -. i -. , ' ' 'r - - .... i 1 ' . . a a a a aaa , i : " . - ,. . THE RALEIGH REGISTER" Is published Semi-weekly a' Weekly, 'by.';'? :; ' - S E A T. 0 N' . G A L E S ," " .7 'iditok.',od rori!TO.- : : . ,, - Tor tas tai-wMUr.Y P" hadvane.. Far th. WseUy, " $3 P" ' M" - XATKS OF ADTHTISDfQ : - U JT, but . drfuction of K Pjr t. wUl a. JTTfr tha rrular prtaa to adTwrtiasri by ths yar. dS-tod th 8-aMre.kly, will also appr a th Weekly, trt of eharga.., . . - jLattan to th Editor stmt b yogT-PUP- , " '" NOTICEiTO, W. CAKOLINA AND VIRGINIA MERCHANTS STEVENSON & WEDDEIjI, IMPORTERS AND' JOBBERS, OT iTAPLE AND TANCT DRT GOOD!, PBTKR3BUR0. VA. TOW offer to the trade a large an 0Brttttt?fHsryaf so Tatorably knewn Ja iviiisM l.1 . . . doittqh ivn PONTT Wakev and ourroundinr counties, as keeDine' I "VT i ;ir ksAortment of NESTAL GOODS, together with a Urge ssort meat of DOMESTIC FABRICS, purchased before the recent advance in prices. Merchants are respectfully UTited to call and examine our assortment, as we feel confident we can offer as great inducements to porchMer as can be found in this or any other market. N. B. Orders promptly attended to. . . . v , September 13th, 1853. - -.tf-76 S IN LOIS k CO. f BLOODGOOD a CO., 1 '"' ' Norfolk. Baltimore TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. BLOODGOOD & CO. fWlHE undersigned respectfully caU your atten 1 tinn tn their extensiye stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS, imported direct from Europe, and purchased from tne aianuiaciurers, Importers and Commission Houses, and at Auc tion, in the United States, by the package;- Beine equally interested in a WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN BALTIMORE, (J. S. Ixlois k Co.,). having a partner aiwats in the markets doing a business sufficiently extensive to purchase always from first hands, in large quanti ties, and on the best terms, justifies us in saying' to those disposed to patronise us, that an inspection of our stock and prices will convince them that we can and will seJl db,t goods oh as good terms as amy jobbixo hocsi, either North or South.' , Respectfully, BLOODGOOD & CO., No. 12 Main street, Norfolk, Ya. Sept. 20, 1353. lm 77 BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN , GER This Essence is a preparation of un usual excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipi ent cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of inesti mable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacieus : no family individual or traveller should be without it, as it enables the system to resist the influences of incipient disease, wnich lurk in a changing climate. Caution. Be sure to get the genuine TSssence, which is prepared only by F. Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E.. Corner of Fifth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all respectable Apothecaries in the United' States, and in Raleigh, N. C, by WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. Aog. 2nd, 1853. " ly-63 Hardware Importation, 1853. MTJIR & BRYAN, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c. Stcamo&s Strkit, Petersburg, Ya., A' RE now receiving their Fall stock of Foreign and American Hardware, which they present to the consideration of buyers generally, believing that they can offer inducements equal to any other establishment in the Country. A large portion of their goods have been imported direct from Eng land, and the American carefully selected from the best sources, all of which are offered for sale on the most reasonable terms. Merchants visiting this city are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing. MUIR A BRYAN. Petersburg, Aug. 15, 1853. 67 2m Soaps, &o. YARIETIES of Toilet, Shaving, and Fansy Soap. Also, Lyons' Kathairon, Barry's Tricopheroms Rowland's genuine Macassar Oil Bear's Oil and Beef Marrow for the hair. For sale by 8p. 13, '5375 HAYWOOD k 8COTT. Important Discovery! B.BLIIF IK TKH KINCTKS ! ! BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ARE unfailing in the cure of Coughs, Colds, As thma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, Incipient Consumption and Diseases of the Lungs. ' Thsy have no taste of me dicine, and any child will take them. Thousands have been restored to health that had before des paired. Testimony given in hundreds of cases A single dose relieves in ten minutes. ' Ask for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers the original and only genuine is stamped "Bryan." Spurious kinds are offered for sal. Twenty-five cents a box. Sold by dealers generally. v. --,4V:, J. BRYAN &.CO-, Rochester, N. Y. Proprie tors. Wholesale bye P. M. COHEN & CO. f Oct 4, '5S 3m 81 , Charleston S. C. - A CARD-; . ? v " JAMES M. TOWLES offers, to all Manufactu rers and dealers in Agricultural Implements, Ac, to receive on consignment all articles for ex hibition at the N. C. State Fair to be held on the ISth inst., free of cost, and will attend to having them properlv arranged and taken care of on the grounds. Articles not disposed of, at the time, will be held on consignment for sale, er subject to owner's orders. If told, the usual commission only will be charged. aai-i Oct. ''4; 1853.'-' 1 -l 81 ' Staple Goods. - ; PIECES Calico dark and light, 50 do Bleached Shirting, from 10 to 22. 50 do Brown Shirting and Sheetings, ' 100 12-4 do Bleached Sheeting, Bleached Je- ans. Milton N. C. Oznabnrgs, Brown Jeans, Fine wool and coarse Bed Blankets, White and Red, English and American Flannels, Real white Welsh FlanneL'(doB't shrink.) 75 Heavy and Medium Negro'' Blankets. For sale low by " ; - J BROWN. Raleigh, Sept 27, 1853. -' . 79 NEW FLOURING MILL The Subscriber' New Flouring Mill is now in successful opera tion, and he is turning out a very superior article of flour. He is now ready for custom, which he respectfully solicits," The best cash prices paid for wheat . ?. . v , - My Mills are situated within about one mile of Raleigh, on Walnut Creek- '. - - W. F. COLLINS." Sept. 30, 1853. 4 " . 80 tf ? . rr- r For . the -Teeth. BAZIN'S Rose Tooth Paste ; do charcoal do ; Water's Tooth Soap; .Howard's Chlorine Soap; Rousell's Tooth Powdery Harrison's Rose Tooth Powder; do Dental Soap; Pescud's Tooth Powder; Scott's Tooth Powder, and a .verj large stock of English and American Brushes, of very superior quauiy, ior saie oy ,r Jr. PxiSCUD. Standard copy. - Oct 4, '63, 81 NEW'! YORK, 110 BROAD W AY ROOMS NOS. 8 rpHIS Agency is' established for the purchase Jl and lale, on commission of . unGnproTed Mines and. Mining Stock, in companies organised and at work. , Also, for furnishing all kinds of Ma-- chinery and. Mining Tools, as ordered. ' Also, the chemical analysis of ores and other substances, as forwarded from any part of the country. - A pnn ted circular, giring full explanations, will be sent in answer, to any post-paid letter, enclosing one three cent post-office stamp.' J. R. BARBOUR k CO, r- 110 BaoADWAT, Niw Yox. 'Deo. 80, 1852.' ' V ly , Come one," Gome all, before it is 1 - . : '-' J too late r ! COATS, PANTS, VESTS, BOOTS, SHOES, -'-.: v-v . ; 4c.,.;.- , CHEAPER THAN EVER nORNER of Market Vul Wake, and surrounding counties as keeping the "CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. tak this jaethod to announce, that they are now receiving their large and splendid assortment of Ready Made Clothing, which, being made up under their own' supervision, they can varrant to be made in the best and most substantial manner. As for ckeap neu, they are not only determined not to be beat en, but to sell every thing at from 10 to 25 per cent cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Their unusually large stock consists in part of Coats (Dress, Frock and Sack) from 56 cts. to $20 Pants, (every kind and color) from 50 eta. to 6 Vests, " " " 60 cts. to 6 A large and very fine assortment of Boys and Youths Suits, as well as every other article in their line, as Shirts, Handkerehiefs, Drawers, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c, all of which will be sold at astonishly low prices. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continu ance of the same. ' A. C. EINSTEIN, : :-. ; ' E. ROSENTHAL. E. & Co. are receiving new goods every week, throughout the year. March 25, 1853. ly 2 i HOWELL & BROTHERS, Masciactubsrs and Importers or Paper Hanging, "Sol 207, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. FIYITE attention to their very elegant and ex tensive assortment of Paper Hangings, embrac ing fine gold and velvet decorations, fine French in p&in and rich colors, with an immense assort ment of ordinary satin and common papers. Also, Curtain Papers, Borders, Fire Prints, Tester and Centre pieces, &c. H. & B. were awarded at the late fair of the Maryland Institute, a Gold Msdal for the superiority of their Paper Hangings. . Jan. 28, 1853. 10 Cheapest, shortest and most ex peditious route to Petersburg and the North.' TRAVELLERS coming down the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road are informed, that they will find at Gaston a passenger train ready to car ry them on to Petersburg, without any delay. By taking this train, they will not only save 50 cents in the price of each passage and shorten the railroad travel 15 miles, compared with the route via Weldon, but they will reach Petersburg before the Petersburg or Portsmouth cars start from Weldon, as those cars have to wait there for the Wilmington cars, and besides avoid the delay of 3 to 4 hours at that place. For further information and tickets, apply to the Agent of the Greensville and Roanoke Rail Road Company, at Gaston Office Greensville & R. R. R. Company. Gaston, Sept. 13, 1853. 2mos 75 BARGAINS FOR THE PEOPLE. JUST RECEIVED, at the BEE HIVE, from Auction, a magnificent assortment of Goods adapted to the Fall trade, consisting in part of the following : 1,000 y'ds super all-wool plain Delaines only 50. 500 " " 7cts. 500 " printed ' 75 cts. 600 " Plaid Silk, only 62J.U 500 " yard-wide Plaid Silk, $1 J. 506 " rich figured Damask Silk, $1, 600 " " Damask Silkr small neat fig. 87 300 " " figured Damask Silk, $2, 600 " plain solid colors Poult de Soie, very rich$lj. 4 Dress Patterns very rich Corded Gro de Indes $2, . 100 yards Black Watered Silk, 60 cts. A first rate assortment of Black Gro De Rhine Silk, from 75 cents per yard up to the best goods imported at $ lj per yard. A great variety of Cotton and Wool Delaines, at prices from 121; cents to very rich at 37 cts. - Black and Colored Alpacas, at various prices, very cheap. . Merinos, of various colors and prices. 100 Crape Shawls, of Plain and Embroidered, prices from $4 to $4. A variety of Printed, Plaid and Plain Wool Shawls 1 A first rate assortment of White and Colored Flannels. 100 dozen White and Colored Cotton Hose, among which may be found very thick for the appcoach- - ing season. 500 French Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs , prices from 85 cents to $4 each, cheapest ever before offered. 190 plain' All Linen, Scolp'd. brd'rt only 60 cts. 100 do do do do $1 to $1 each 100. Black bordered Linen Handkerchiefs, only 75 V cents. Mourning .Collars, Under-sleeves and Under Kerchiefs, , 500 Pointed Collars, only 25 cts each ; 500 do 50 cents, each ; 1,000 do. 75 cents, to $2; 300 do. richest imported. $4 to $6 each, 600 pairs Lace Muslin and Cambric Under-Sleeves, prices from 25 cts. to $3; 100 Under-kerchiefs with Col lars, only 25 cts; 100 do. at 37 cts: a great va riety at prices from $1 up to $4 each. 50 deten best quality real double and twisted half finger Mitts,' worth 75 cts. only 60 cts ; 250 pairs colored Silk kid made Gloves, only 37 cts. 200 pairs light Kid Gloves, for Ladies, slightly spotted, only 37 Cts. ; 100 large for men Linen Handkerchiefs, colored borders, 37 cents ; to 62; 250 lage Linen Hdkf s, for men, $3 to $4 per dozen; 6 cases Whalebone, wheel-top, Gingham Umbrellas, only $1 each. 2 do. very large only $14 each, cheapest in the city ; 500 Gingham Head Kerchiefs, only 6 cts. each, a lot of splendid Lace Visettes and Capes ; a cartoon Real Bobin Edging; Edgings, Laces, Prints, . Ginghams ; Cambric, 8wisse, Nainsook, Dotted and Figured Muslins; Ribbons ; and a variety of other articles too nume rous to mention, making, altogether, the largest stock of goods, bought at suction, to be fouud in any one store in the State of Virginia. . I ... . - "THE BEE HIVE" is pre-eminent or bargains. - - J. SMITH k CO, Proprietors. k Norfolk, Sept 20, 1853. . fJ . tf 77 N. B. Broad Cloths, Pantaloon Stuffs and Car peting!. ;,-' 7 ' . il ' ': -" v CLAUDIUS B.' SANDERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, " "sKirKriXLD, XORTH ' CABOUKA, TT7TLL attend the Courts of Johnston, Wayne Y Y and Nash.,- . -.- . . v ..Jan. 14,1853.,: . 6 WINSTON & CLARKE, , r COUNSELLORS AND ATTORNEYS ' s " ' RaleiKh,N.O.: P. H. WI58T01C. : . - .W.J, Cxahi. March 29, 1853. 6m 27 Raleich Ii very Stables: THE Subscrioer has taken charge of,- and fully refitted, the .Livery .Stables formerly occupied by Jere. Nil 00, on Wilmington Street, and solicits the patronage of the travelling Pablic He has on kand number of fine Horses and Carriages, gmteel, elegant, substantial, comfortable, and will be prepared, at the shortest notice, to furnish Travellers with conveyances to any part pf the State. Also, Carriages furnished with careful drivers, to convey individuals or families to evening parties, or for visiting calls. " . ' Horses will be kept by the day, week, or year, at prices to suit the times. . - - Horn Drovers will find, at all times, good ac commodations. EDWARD YARBROUGH, Jr. Raleigh, May 31, 1853. . ... . , 45-ly FOR NEW YORK. JJnitid Statis Mail Lisi rn Sti amships Jamestown and Roanoko.' riTIHE elegant now steamship Jamxstowx,. Cap- doo.from Liberty 8, Importer, 1 TLa alt, and will continue to make regular trips weekly leaving New York every Saturday, at 4 O'clock, P. M , and Petersburg every Tuesday evening. The Roanokb will leave he-w York every Tues day, and Petersburg every Friday evening. Tra vellers going North will thus be afforded an oppor tunity twice a week of taking one of these splendid steamships and thereby avoid the dust and fre quent changes of the Railroads. Passengers on board of steamers will find the State room fitted up in the most elegant style and the fare and atten tion unsurpassed. Passage and Fare from Petersburg to New l ork. (State-rooms included,) $10 00 Steerage passage, 5 00 .Tickets issued at my Office. A S. G. BAPTIST, SjcamorcTft. July 5, 1853. 55 EDICAL Department or Hampden Sidney Collese, Richmond, Va. The sixteenth an nual course of lectures will conimenee on Monday, the 10th day of October, 1853, and continue until the 1st of the ensuing March. The commencement for conferring degrees will commence about the middle of March. R. L. Bohannan, M. D., Prof, bf Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. L. W- Chainberlaync, M. D., Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Martin P. Scott, M. D., Lecturer on Chemistry and Pharmacy. Charles Bell Gibson, M. D., Prof, of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. Carter P. Juhnson, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology. David H. Tucker, M. D. Frof. " of Theory and Practice of Medicine. Arthur E. Peticolas, M. D., Demonstrator of An atomy. The study of Practical Anatomy maybe prosecu ted with the most ample facilities, and at very tri fling expense. Clinical lectures are regularly given at the Col lege Infirmary and Richmond Almshouse. The In firmary, under the same roof with the College, and subject to the entire control of the Faculty, is at all times well filled with medical and surgical cases, and furnishes peculiar facilities for instruction. Many surgital operations are performed in pres ence of the class; and the students, being freely ad mitted to the wards, enjoy, under the guidance of the professors, unusual opportunities for becoming familiar with the symtoms, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Epeneee MafancnlatioB fee, $5. Professor's fees. $105. Demonstrator's fee, $10. Graduation fee, $25. The price of board, including fuel, lights, and servants' attendance, is usually $3 or $3 per week. DAVID H. TUCKER, M. D., Dean of the Faculty Sept. 23, 1853. tloOe. "8 Peck & Belyin, BUSINESS HALL, NO. 1. (Late Richard Smith' Corner.) HAVE received in part, and are still receiving and opening their, entire purchase of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which they can, without "boatting," confidently recommend to their friends and customers. Believing that our Good3 will speak for them selves, without the aid of any other assistance than SUN LIGHT, both as to price and quality, they only ask their friends to give them a call or an opportunity to enter the list of "competition," being modest and therefore not wishing to go toe far "shead"' in that line. Their stock consists in part, as follows: Ladies' Dress Goods, of every description, Gentlemen's and Boy's Wear a great variety, Bonnets Ribbons, &c, Prints a good assortment, Worsted Goods a large stock, Domestics, Blankets and Kerseys, Hats, Caps, and Shoes a great variety, Glass, China and Earthen Ware, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, &c , Cutlery and Hard-ware of every description, a larger stock than is usually kspt in any retail es tablishment ALSO, A very large stock of Iron, atioried, all of which can and will be sold very low. Oct. 4, 1153. 8w 81 Hair Brushes- A LARGE and beautiful assortment, just re ceived and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Standard(copy. Oct. 4, '53. 81 TTT'INTER SEED OATS. On consignment 200 T f ifushels of this admirable Oat JAMES M. TOWLES. Oct 4, 1853. 81 The Union Steam Ship Company OF PHILADELPHIA. V& NEW ARRANGEMENT. - T I HIS Company is now running regularly the I three superior Steam Ships City of Richmond, Capt. Mitchell. Pennsylvania, Capt Baymore. Virginia, Capt. Teal. And one of these splendid Steamers will leave Richmond and City Point, every Monday and Fri day, and Norfolk every Tuesday and Saturday, for Philadelphia. Returning, leave Philadelphia every Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 o clock, A. M. Shippers by this Line may rely upon low freights and quick dispatch. Passengers will find every attention paid to their comfort, and meet accommodations unsurpassed by any other route. Passage from nienmond and retersburg o, and Norfolk $6, meals included. f ROBERT RANKIN, Richmond, Agents, ROWLETT, HARDY & Co., Petersburg, I THOMA8 V. UltU WJK.L..L, JMortOlU, LEVI ELDRIDGE, Gen'l Ag't, North Wharves, Philadelphia. Passengers and Freight for Philadelphia, via Petersburg, must be at the Depot of the Appomat tox Rail Road Company, by 10 o'clock, A. M., on the days of sailing. ROWLETT, HARDY k CO. Petersburg, April 6, 1853. 29-tf FALL AND WINTER, . MILLINERY. TVT C. BARTON, 109 Main Street, Richmond. JJ Va., will keep on hand, through the Fall and Winter, a full assortment of choice Silks, Vel vets, Ribbons, Flowers and Millinery Goods- gene rally. . . "' .' ::.t", h-. .S-:- . Dress Caps, Head Dresses, Silk and, Velvet Bon4 nets, Cloaks and Mantillas, made to order at short notioe."' Orders by mail will he met with prompt a&d special attention. " , - - NEW YORK CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. S. M. PETTENGILL & CO'S ADVERTISING A ' '' GENCY, ' --" y , ' 122 NASSAU STREET, KEW YORK-. - . And No. IQStatoatreet, Boston... P. k Co:, are Agents for, the most influential and largest circulating Commercial Papers both in the United States and the Canadas. - The following list of Business Firms are among the best and most reliable in the City of New York: Dry Goods. TTILL BROTHERS ILL BROTHERS, Importers of Embroideries, 11 White Goods, &c, No. 89 Liberty street. FCOTTENET & CO., Importers of irencb and othtr European Goods, No. 48 Broad street. T7P3TEIN & HONIG, No. 153 Broadway, a few Laces, f ITCHELL & POTT. 45 Exchange PL , Impor ters of British Dry Goods, Scotch and Irish Linens, Dress Goods, Ac. BORN, SCHLILPER& HAARHAUS, Importero of German a d Belgian Broadcloths, Silks, Hosieries, &c, No. 50 Exchange Place. SCHUCIIARDT, FROLICH & HOLTHAUSEN, Nos. 92 and 94 Liberty St., Importers of French, Swiss, and German Silks, Ribbons, Vel vets, Vestiugs, Satins, Serges, Ac. Woolens of eve ry description. y A & G.H. W1TTHAUS, 51 Exchange PI., LV imp'ts of Men's Furnishing Goods, Tailor's aua Lailies' Trimmings, Tram Silk and Worsted. CI STHAilLUEI.M & CO., Oil Broadway, Imp. of Lace, Millinery Goods, Embroideries and Trimmings. 1 B. HATCH 4" CO., 97 Wilhani St., Imp ts of Kjm Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, J- Mauuf.-of Siuris, Stocks, c. r If THOMAS MUNROE, No. 34 Pine St. Colored Cotton Goods, Silesias, Cambrics, Vest Pad dings, Wigans, Nankeens, dc. II. ROBINSON J- CO., No. lnipt and Jobbers. Lace 189 Broadway, Goods, Ribbons, Gloves, Shawls, Silks, Embroideries, Hosiery, small wares, J o. C1REP1N PAYEN. No. 241 Broadway, lmpor- ters and Manuf. French Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Laces, Embroideries, J-c, (own manuf.) Daguerreotypes- GURNEY, No. 319 Broadway, the oldest and most extensive establishment in the U.Sta'es. J. Dentists. 1 W. BALLARD. M.D.. (surgeon wnuiL) . n.iiuo- Toys A Fancy Good. 1 LTHOF A AHLBORN, Nos. 59 and 61 Maid- 2 en Eane, Importers of Toys and rancy Goods. CHARLES W. L1LLIENDAHL, Imp'rsofGer- Vj man, French and English 1()I3 and iaah GOODS, and Dealeri in r 1REWOKKH, 4'J Maiden Lane. lle for Flowrruiid Ciimiir Tps. MILLER, COATES & YOLLE, No. 9 l'earl St., ENCAUSTIC TILES, G A RN KIRK CHIMNEY ... . . . . ...i. Tops, riumber s .iaienais, .neiais, eic. Window las, Paints, Etc H I. BAKER .j- BROTHER, 142 Water St., Iuipt. of FKENCH WINDOW ULASS, CHEMICALS, . a- : u- i AIMS, J"C. Also, Ageuis oi Auiencaa nmuow Glass, Glass are, d-c. F HOPKINS .j- BRO S, lmp'ts of fbk.scu win dow glass, No 61 Barclay St. Wines, If randies, Havana CJigars. PETERS .j- CHAMBERS, No. 3UO Broadway, lmp'ts of wines, b bandies, and iiavaxa CIGARS. Engravers WHITNEY, JiDCEl.Y.N AN MX, Artt-ta and EnRTavera on WojI, Nos. iS it 00 i'ulton tt. I'iaest and beat work done here. HYATT 4 CORNELL, General EuRraTeri and Printers, No. 3K9 Broadway, entrance in Walker St. Order by Mail or Telegraph promptly attended to. Expresses- E DWARDS, SANFORD A CO., Foreign Express, No. 38 Broadway. Ooodi and packages forwarded to and from all parts of the world. AgenU in Norfolk Adama 4 Co. liooomotive Needles Goods. and Pancy THOS. 4 EDWARD GILL, Imp t of Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Glores, Laces and Embroideries. Agents wanted for their Locomotive Needles, No. 14 Dey St, N. Y. Guns and Sporting Apparatus. HENKY TOMES 4 Co., Agents for W estley Richards, of London, Importers of Guns and sporting wares of eTery description, 291 Broadway. Hot Air Furnaoes &o- DATrD CULVER, (Inrentorand Patentee,) 52 Cliff St. Man. and Dealer, wholesale and retail, in furnaces, Ventilators, Ranges, 4c. COWLES 4 CO., 177 Grand St. ImproTed Hot Air Furnaces, Ranges, Registers, Ventilators, 4c. India, Chinese & Persian Ciioods. J P. FOUNTAIN'S No. 53 Broadway, is the only fetors fully , supplied with tie aboTS Goods in yarieties. Also imports to order. India Rubber Goods. Roc tas 4 WicEorr, 33 Oourtland st. India Rubber Coats, Piano CoTers, Cloths, shoes, Life Preseirers, Congress Boots, Webbing, 4c ..igsttniiigJaftds. AM. Qctmbt 4 sons. Dealers in Qnrmfey'a Impcoysa Root. i Offloe 132 East 27th St. and 18 Nassau street. Looking ila and Picture Frames. MP WHrrLocx, Manufacturer, ao. iui tauai si., jew xors. Gilding in. all Its branches. iTIachinery and Machine Tools. SCBicm's Machinery Depot, 62 Courtland street, Machinery", Machine Tools and Woodsworth's Patent Planing Machines. LEONARD'S Machinery Depot, 109 Tearl and 60 Beaver strs. Machinist s Tools from the best makers in ths country. ITIarblcized Iron. and Wood...,, FREUND 4 CO., Manufacturers of Ligneous Mar Wo. Wan room No. MS 1-2 Broadway, Factory corner of Centra and Franklin Steeets, 4th story, room No. il. -v . iveedles, Fish IIook dc Tackle dec. fPHOMAS H- BATE, (late T. 4 T. H. BATE.) 103 Maiden X Lane, Needles, Fun hooks, iisiuug xacaie, c Paper Wareroonis. CYRUS W. FIELD 4 CO., U Cliff St, lmp'ts and Whosesale Dealers ia American, French, German and English Papers and every description of Paper Manufacturer's Materials. , - - 'Pencils. V" i'-T: TViPot roa MUSBOl'i Celebrated Pencils, 8hip and House. 1 1 Percenters. Drawing and Writing, Rubber Fencns for Schools, , Taos. Munroe, 34 Pine St. - - Perfumery and Fanejr Soaps: a J. RAMSEY. (Manuf. and Imp-) 318 Greewwioh, i i.' Lubins, PrevosU, Curtains and other celebrated maker- Stationery Tfarerooins Wholesale TTT- A- WMUr A Co. Nor 13 and IS Park sow, Nsw York. II fst. Tmn'ts of staple ana saner Lauonsrr. Maun in American paper of every description. ' . ' TTiooixs a KzLLoosi No. "88 Jovn st. Wholesale Booksellers JV and stationers, ana mmju.w mx i Safes. w Ti-ws. Defiance is, (Savior's Patent) Depot, No. W9 Pearl si. Inrnrsrly 90 John , GREENSB OROUGH . - Mutual Insurance Company. fTHHE cost of Insurance on the mutual plan is "LL "l but small sum, compared with a joint stock Company. - This Company being located in the Western part of the State, consequently much the larger portion of the risks are in the West, yery many of which are in the country. , The Company is entirely free from debt ; haxe made no assessments, and have a very large a mount in cash and good bonds, and is therefore confidently recommended to the public. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were elected for the ensuing year: JAMES SLOAN, President. S. G. COFFIN, Vice President, C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent. Directors. James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Dr. D. P. Weir, W. J. McConnell, of Greensboro' ; Dr. Shubald G. Coffin, J. W. Field, " Jamestown ; F. El Hotv kxilfbrd f - William A. Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watking, Carolina Female College; John I: Shaver, Salisbury: John H. Cook, Fayetteville , E. F. Lilly, Wadesboro' ; J. J. Biggs, Raleigh ; Leroy Springs, Charlotte ; J. J. Jackson, Pittsboro' ; H. B. Elliott, Cedar Falls. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y. Dec. 14, 1852. 102 GREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COM- PANY. THIS Company, as its name indicates, is upon the mutual principle, and embraces two dis tinct departments, to wit : Life Insurance and Trust departments. This attractive combination offers to Policy holders double the ordinary securi ty, without destroying their right to a full participa tion in the entire profits of the Company. Premi ums will be received, in cash, either annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, as may be agreed up on at the time the Policy is" issued. In the TRUST DEPARTMENT, or Deposit Sys tem, the payments made to the Company are en tirely optional with the Depositor, as regards the amount and the time at which they are made. A party may pay in as much or as little, (not less than one dollar,) and as often, as may be conve nient for him, without any obligation upon him to continue his payments, and may withdraw them at his pleasure. So that, on the plan of this Company, there is created at one and the same time an assurance pay able at dtath aund available in ticknes and a pro vision for old age. Bia& See Pamphlets furnished by the Company. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Directors Ralph Gorrell, Lyndon Swain, John A. Gilmer, 1). F. Caldwell, Richard Greene, David McLean, Richard Sterling, John M. Logan, D. P. Weir, E. W. Ogburn, Robert M. Sloan, Robert P. Dick, Henry E. Elliott. President Ralph Gorrell. Vice Presided Lyndon Swaim. Secretary and Treasurer D. P. Weir. Attorney John A. Gilmer. Examining Physician Edwin Watson, M Consulting Phgsicians -1). C. Mebane, M. D. D.; L. Cole, M. I). U. P. Weir, M. D. General Agent William II Gumming. KS- Any information relative to the Company may be had by addressing D. P. WEIR, Secretary and Treasurer Feb. 22, 1853. tf-17 North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. 11 ALEIO fl, N . C . rrHIS Company has been in successful operation I for more than seven years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. Its Policies now cover property amounting to $4,500,000, a large por tion of which is in Country risks, and its present capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plan ef this Company has been less than one third of one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Roulhac, C. W. D. Hutchings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whiting, T. II. Selby, Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fay etteville; Jos. G. Wright, Wilmington; James E. Uoyt, Washington; James Sloan, Greensboro' ; Jno. Cox, Edcnton ; Josh. Boner, Salem ; Jos. H. Pool, Elizabeth City ; F. F. Fagan, Plymouth ; Alexan der Mitchell, Newbern; W. N. H. Smith, Mur freesboro' ; II. B. Williams, Charlotte; John B. Barrett, Milton ; A. T. Summy, Asheville. All Directors are authorized to receive applica tions. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. G. B. Roulhac, President. Henry D. Turner, Fi'ce do. S. W. Whiting, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John II. Bryan,. Attorney. J. Hersman, General Agent. S. W. Whiting, " Jno. R. Williams, 1- Executive Committee. John Primrose, J All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 25 Tri-Weekly Stage Line, THE Stages will leave Raleigh, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 A. M. by the way of Pittsboro', Franklinsville, Cedar Falls, Ashboro', Copper Mines, &c, arriving at Salisbury by 7 P. M. next day. Fare from Raleigh to Pittsboro , 3d,00 do do St. Lawrence, 4,00 do Franklinsville, Cedar Falls & Ashboro',. ..5,00 do Salisbury, 8,00 Four Horse Coaches, to Pittsboro', H. L. ROBARDS, & CO. Proprietors. Stage Office Yarbrough House, Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 3, 1853. 63 A. 51 MCPHEETSBS, H. OHISSLIM. J W. MAKTIX. A. M. MePHEETERS &. CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Forvarding & Commission Merchants. 6 ROANOKB SQUABS, NORFOLK VA. Refebexces. Thos. r. Devereux, Halifax, N. C. G. W. Mordecai, Pres. Bk. of the State of N. C C. Dewey. Cashier do do do do W. H. Jones do Branch do Cape Fear Raleigk L. O'B. Branch, Pres. K. & O. K. R. Messrs. Reid j- Soutter, "J Dr. N. C. Whitehead, V Norfolk, Pre't Farmers' B'k of Va. j Alex Bell; Esq. Messrs. Spence & Reid, Baltimore. e lwiBBlossom & Son, New York. September 16th, 1853. Cosmetics BANDOLINE Amandine Comp'd Ox Marrow philicome and Pomades i Bear's Grease, in Jars and bottles Genuine Macassa Oil Ox Marrow, in jars and pomade L Enne bottles phalon's Hair Inrigorator White stick Pomatum, Eau Lustra! . large and small . Pescud's Hair Tonic Curling Fluid -, 4 .. i . i . - Balm of Columbia . j . And a very large stock of American and Foreign Colognes, Verbena Waternd Bay Rum, for sale by -ff.- . , v-jur. x. jwum Standard copy. Oct. 45 , JAMES E. CUTHBERT, (SUCCESSOR TO KERR At CUTHBERT.) Grttr, Jbrwardmg and Commission Merchant, Bet- hngbrook Street, Petersburg, F. ufkuhcxs : Thoe. Bragg, Jr., Jackson, If. C. L. P. Hicks, Esq. 1 t.k V Messrs. Kevan & Bro. tersbwTg. . Messrs. L. D. & W. G. Crenshaw, Richmond. ' Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk. James George, Esq., Baltimore. Messrs. Monahan k Beers, New York. H AS constantly on hand :-r-Prime Pert Rico and flew Orleans Sugars, Loaf. Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified de Rio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspiee Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Bxee Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot And Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and WrappinfTapr,. Good and Damaged Sole and. IInpr ieathar. LIrerpdor and Ground Alum Bait Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and" Lard Nails, assorted, withfcooring and Warehouse Regalia, Principe, and Havanna Cigars ; Together with a large stock of foreign and do mestic Liquors, Wines, 4c, which he offers at the lowest market rates. . 1 " ' - The strictest attention paid te receiving and for warding goods. ' .. Petersburg, March 5, .19 LOOK OUT ! Now is the time for Bargains ! !,' THE subscriber, wishing to decrease his stock on hand, in order to make room for a fresh supply of Goods for the Fall Trade, offers from this time any article that may be wanted in his line of business at a very small advance on prime cost. His stock at present "is larger than any other that will be found in the city, consisting of fine Gold Lever and Cylinder Watches, from the most noted manufactories in London, Livepool, Paris and Geneva, and a fine assortment of Silver and Lepine Watches, varying in prices from 10 to 45 dollars, with a guarantee to perform well, or they will be exchanged for others that will; Gold Fob, Vest, Guard and Chattalainc Chains, Bracelets, Armlets, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings. Silver and Gold Specks, with glasses to suit all ages, Silver and Gold Pencils, and many other articles generally kept in a store of the kind, too numerous to mention. An examination of his Goods and prices will prove to the purchaser that twenty per cent at least can be saved, by purchasing from CHAS. LUMSDEN, sign of the California Thimble Petersburg, Nov. 11, 1852. 93-ly Augusta Hotel. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SAM'L. C. WILSON, Lessee and Proprietor. Situated North Side of Broad-etrect, three Doors West of Washington-street. THE Subscriber having taken a lease of the First Class Hotel, will give his undivided atten tion to the accommodation of his friends ana pa trons. His best efforts will be directed to promote the comfort of all those who may favor him an op portunity to serve them, with permanent or tran sient boarding, as well . as such through travellers, as may pratronize his daily ordinaries. The constant aim of the undersingned will b to preserve the character of the House, and to add to its reputation daily. SAMUEL C. WILSON. September, 2, 1853. IstN 72 A- &. H. HARRIS. GXKZ&AL COMMISSION HS&CHABTS, ' NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, TXTILL make liberal advances on consignments, W if desired. Norfolk. April 19, 1858. S3 ly HENRY PORTER would respectfully announoe to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Raleigh and the surrounding country, that he has just re turned from the Northern Markets and is now re ceiving his FALL STOCK, which embraces nearly every article usually found in a Boot and Shoe Store. The following comprises a list of Goods constant ly kept on hand LADIES' Black, Bronxe, Blue, Green, Light Cel'd. Whole Gaiters, do Ditto, half do do White Kid - do do Black Prunella Buskins, do do Thick and thin soled Morocco Bootees do Brenze ditto, ditto. -do Black and fancy colored jenny lands, do do Thick and thin soled Kid and Moroc co Buskins, do Bronie ditto, ditto, do Black and Bronie Plain Morocco slip'rs. do Ditto, Imperial, a fancy artiole. do Embroidered Cloth Slippers, do White Kid do A good assortment of Mistet' Gaitsrs, BeeUes, Slippers, and a variety of Children' mnd Infant's Shoe. GENT'S Fine Calf Stitched and Pegged Boots, . do Calf and Kip Sewed and Pegged do., do P. L. Cloth and Morocco top Congress Gaiters, do Fine Calf Stitched Bootees, do Palo Alto Shoes, do Goat Bootees, do Goat and Cloth Slippers, BOYS' Calf and Kip Boots, do do Shoes, YOUTHS' do Boots, do do ! Shoes, Also, a good assortment of Plain and Faney Trunks, Valises, Bonnet Boxes, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Kits, Finding Lasts, c, always kept em hand. mO THE TRADE. To his old Customers he I returns his sincere thanks and hopes by ths inducements here offered, to retain their patronage. and also secure the patronage of all who desire good work and good materials. "Small profits and quick sale, is my motto.- . HENRY PORTER, Sign of the "Bio Boot." Fayetteville Street. "It TANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT! The If I Subscriber would respectfully inform his old customers and the community at large, that his Manufacting Department is still in full blast supplied with the very best Workmen, and a plen tiful stock of No: 1 Lemoine Calf-Skins, as well as every thing else requisite to make the finest Boots. Shoes, &c, that can be made, and will warrant his work not to be surpassed any where. Bg, Repairing strictly attended to. CaU at the Sign of the MAMMOTH BOOT. Fayetteville Street. Raleigh, Sept. 28, 1853- w6 78 Lubin's, Bazin's, Haule's and Har rison'd Extraots. a LISMA: Sweet Clover; Ashland Flower CrvsUl Palace: Violet; White Lilly; Mea dow Flowers ; Lilac; Jenny Lind; Jockey Club; Musk; New Mown Hay; Poppinack; Tea Rose; Sweet Lavender ; Hawthorne ; Boquet de Arabic ; do California: Lilly of the Valley; Patchouly; Jasamine; Clematis; and Upper Ten, a new and favorite Extract For sale by . , P. F. - PESCTJD. Standard copy. Oct. A, '53. 81 Mathew O'Brien, G. W. Grafflin. J. p. Hanson O'Brien, Grafflin etc Hanson,' JOBBIB.8 Of FOMION AHD DoiISIIC " No. 6, Hanover Street, Near Market, : 5 BALTIMORE. i July 5;1853 55 m T AMP OILw-A Large Supply of Very Supe- j jrior Lamp uu, for sale vj r.4 x. rx-ayuw. North Carolina Mutual Xife law. ranee Company. ' ' -OFFICE, RALEIGH, ' tf.C.- 7 1 litis Company continues to ' insure th HTtf lall healthy White persons and SlaTss. " The greatest risk taken on a single life is ff.wtt Slaves are insured for a term ef en te tve yean fit ds their value. , . .7" v orrtoBM.-. " r.; .; ' Dr. Chas. JL Johnson, President, " " Win. D. Haywood, Vice PresidenVf -James F. Jordan, Secretary, " cWm. H. Jones, Treasurer, i , MPerrin Busbee, Attorney, . , ifiv - . Dr. Wm. H. McKeeV Examining PkysielsA i J. Hersman, General Agent.': All losses are paid within 90 days After, safiafce tory proof is presented. 1 .-'.""fi"" Blanks and Pamphlets, thou inghe plan of wer - , uob or ins company, may D had on ,. appuaue at the Office, or any of tbe: Agendes. - All letters on business should be addressed to "--, . -. . JAMES F. JOKDAJf f 99 FIRE! TH B TNA INSURANCE COMPAIlT er Hakt70kd, Cokn., offers te insure Buildings and Merchandise, against loss or damage by ire at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurants Celt paniei in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. Applications for Insurant in Raleigh, or its vt einity, te be made te l.,W. WHITING, -.-V. .Vl :, v'Ageni. And fer Milton, JC. 0. and vicinity,' to" , -If. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848. 81 JUST RECEIVED Another Supply of Musieal Instruments at the N. C. Music Store, where may always be found Sheet Music and Music Books for all instruments. Pianos from the celebrated Factory of Knabe & Gaehle, Baltimore. Guitars, Violins, Violincellos, Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Clario netts, Flageolets, Octavo Flutes, AccOrdeons, rang ing from 60 cents to $15,00, Banjos, Tamborins, Vioun Screws, Pins, Bridges, Bowa. A new lot of Italian Strings both for Guitar and Violin. A, large assortment of Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Ports , Monaies, &c, ke. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. A beautiful lot of Landscape Patterns for Oil Painting, Japan Boxes, Paints, Brushes, Oils and Varnish ; Canvass in pieces or on stretches. Drawing Patterns, Pencils, Paper, Bristol Board, Mill Beards, Graduate Tint Paper Pastel, Water Colors, Pictures, Picture Frames; Guilt Moulding, Glass &c, ke.' K. W. PETERSILIA. . Raleigh, Sept. 16, 1853. . , . J, 7 General Agency. THE undersigned offers his services an agent for the transaction of any business in the City of Raleigh, at the Public Departments, the Banks, In surance offices, &c He may be found at the Office of the Secretary of State. All letters addressed to him will be promptly attended to, and his charges will be mods rate and satisfactory. 1; RUFUS H. PAGE. REFERENCES: Got. David S. Reid, Wm. HilL Sec'y. of State, D. W. Courts, Pub. Tienreri B. B. Freeman, Clk. Supreme Court,' Geo. W. Morde cai, Prest. of Bank State, W. J. Clarke, Compt. SUte, W. H. Jones, Cash,5 Bank Cape Fear, W. W. V ass, Treasurer R. & G. R. Koad. ' -'-- Raleigh, Jan. 1st, 1852. , j tf 1 Michael Tracy, WHOLES ALU DEALER IN -CONFECTIONARY TRUITS A GROCXRIU, No. 204 MARKET St. AB. 6th SO. SIDE Next Door To Red Lion Hotel, ' PHILADELPHIA, PENN. Sept. 27, 1853. 2m 79 THE Following Schedule has been ordered by the Post Master General, and has gone into operation on this Road to-day t Leave Raleigh at 8 A M., and reach Weldon at P. M. in time for the Express train, to Wilming ton. . . 1 Leave Weldon at 11 P. M., and rcaeh Raleigk at6J P. M. , f . Omee Raleigh & Oaston Railroad Co. . September 13, 153. 10 ogiiivi iii 9 lasr y uvu COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR W A RDINO AOEWT, Mcintosh's , Wharf, , No. 12, FayettStreet, NORFOLK, VA Oct. 4, 1853. r . . ' Cm tl FAXiIi 1853. t THE subscriber has for the past two weeks been receiving his usual large supply of Fall and Winter Goods, 'comprising a varied assortment for the Fall and Winter Trade, which has been pur-' chased invariably for cash, and which he assures the public generally he can furnish at prices to it- i . f, jjieaoe. xiis otuuav vuuoisvo 01 nearly any uung wanted by the Farmer and Mechanic;1 also, the City Trade, and would respectfully invite all to an examination 01 tne same. JAMES McKIMMON. October 7, 1853. " . 82 New Books. NAPOLEON in Exile; or a Voice from St. Helena, by Barry E. O'Meara, Esq." 7 The History of the Crusades, by" Joseph Francois Michaud, translatedjrom the French; by W. Rob son 3 vols, 12mo - '. . . Regal Rome, an introduction to Roman History, by Francis W. Newman. i, Memoirs of the Life of the Kt. Hon. JUehera Thomas Moots 2 vols, Brinsley Sheridan, by 12mo. " The Poetioal Works of William Motherwell with a memoir of his life. . New and complete ' edition. Personal Sketches of his own Times, by Sir ' JonahiBarrington, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty in Ireland; te. -w - . Our Village by Miss Mitford. - For sale by " -. Oct. 7, '53, f ' - - W. L.T031ER0Y., N OTIOB.. r - LL persons indebted to J. J."RIGGS, either hv nnt ft or account, are requested to ea.ll and settle the same without delay, as longer, indul gence cannot be given. . - Either of his present partners, or his late part ner, Mr. S. Smith, are authorised to receive pay ment and give receipts for me. ' - .. .v , It is hoped that all who are in arrears will call st once, and save the unpleasantness ef my having to collect accounts through an officer. . '.v. . Oct-7, '63. 82 w4w s .---: J. ) - BlGGS.V Ho! for. the Fair. rTMIE undersigned intends to exhibit,- at the ap I proaching SUU fair,' ONE FINE JA CK, Tears old, THREE J A CK8, of large size, two years old each, and TWO YOUNG JENNIES I They art for tale, and the attention of those fond of fine Stock is invited to these animals.' - HENRT GILL. WskV Ci:. Oct 7, 1868. ; IT: - :- 82 2t . Henry; K. Nash, ' ATTORNEY V COUNSELLOR "AT" LAlfE, f-fTTTILL hereafter practice in.tbaCejBny and W Superior Courts of Wake. - l OcL 7,1868., - . - ; .;.". ; W., ;-! - w-rt -j .

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