i - - ' , . . i 4 :"4:f1.,1.--"-.;-. no; ji r-' t ' J . ' v - v - - , - ' - ' -"f. . - 4,- . .-v - -, I -i.i , .., .. ii r , . n. . . THE "RALEldll REGISTER" Ij published Semi-wesklj aad Weekly, by J SKATOXjU ALKS, -1 r d i t R AND PKOrKii:iv-K TERMS: pr uanm ; pr annum ; f .r the -rai- Wj. K..r tlw Wwkiy. iu attrance $ 50. KATES OF APVEKTIS1XO: ' ti:5IEXT. For erery 18 Uiwa, flrrt ln-rtkia : b t tnO-" anJ Jadirial adTertlemnt wUI he rtiarsnl L'.Cfmm thuUr price to adTerU-rr. by the tK U-tter?" to th E.tor mast be wm f-iik FoUowine Schedule uas oeen oruerea py I 111 - l i v.. thtf l ost Master ycu u, uu iiata juuc "iiu this Road to-daY : ' " I . ive IVHlClirn tl C -A. t I tat. ii " tmuii t 1 ' I hi time tor uie express ii-aiu ituiuiug- I etve iitiuu ij i . ..j., ifc.u i.uo.4u i)ju-e ilaieiki Gaitoo RilroaJ Co. . September 13. 1853. "J N. C BOOKSTORE. ENRV l TL'UyEUliaa for sale the Supreme Cui't Uopoi ts, uniform sets or sialic vol- Ul.'. Irr-jeli'i digest, three volumes ; 6 waim's Jus lC: Nui tU Carolina Form Book. Vs . at grt!y reJaceii prices, in quantities, -bv rt't-iil. a complete assortment of School Boi.ks i 1. . . ..i.Ati....irL' unrl Pttnfr Vltirlis Jn- 'lirv L)v'OKj . aiawvouij . - - - - - - . - . r. r. .i... n i. v...- i.,i.i;,....: . pAi 1 e :tll'l t i'V looks ; nu tuc icw i uuiuanuin .',:. i??ued : the Standard Publications in i ...... ...... ..t t hiun.itr.rA Aft ami i il....i tj..t- 1 1 1 'j , . i . ill! LI L rv i...u , ... " evi-rv language. .Ancient or .MoUern. Hv-Cs and M apical Instruments; Wri : LKk? of Leather. K tsewcod and Mahogany, :i . . .. f u.itliai Itll.Dlf i.1 1 ami -TMil ,.i,e Walkai-r Canes and Whips, great variety. " ' 1 4 .1 1 I V ' i- ti iUI l ens m Oliver huu uuij vases, Vt.ocipeJes. Gigs. Hobby Horses, . i... H-.i ru-.vs. .K-.. Mathematical Barouches. Instraiaeut-i :. i TuenuJiueters. in gr$at variety. U jk Bin.iiii?. in every variety, promptly execu , j ii tbe neuteit inanucr. rj StLbOT G vRtEN'; Skeds every v jrietj- 1 - ; I .. . 1 ,...l V tl.r. 111..! atraUlOvl Il ciU 1.IU JiVW i?.tvvr ii iii luw hi'l. ... i i." "!.. -i i.. v. . I To " C 1 cceu5liicu X uniucunaiu uic .'vi . li - J.u 17. 04. tl O H R ROBERTSON, ;i:.U. FLUl K A. l U fc.N EjKA L 1 kuul lt. Co:I. MISS OX MERC II A XT, No. CO Sut1i St., BALTIMORE. references: V Lituiel J. Hill. ES4., Scotland Neck. N". C. J H Anthony, Esi:. do do Han. Fnincis Nlallory., Norfolk, Va. Mr.-r K. P. Tabb i Co. do L--fr. J. M. Smith $ Bro. do J II i:i Pleasants. Esq., Baltimore. tV.. George P Kane. do Mvir- F. W. Pl ane Sons, do 15. tan. rc. Sept. It), 1 853. ly 76 Raleigh Livery Stables. THK Subscriber has taken charge of, and fuMy ri:te 1. the Livery stables formerly occupied hy re. Nixon. n Wilmington Street, and solicits the itnmaire ot the travelling I uiltc lie lias on ml a number of tine: Horses ami Carriages, nteel. elegnnt, substantial, . comlortt4. ami !i le prepared, at the: shortest uotice, to furnish jvellers with conveyances to any part of the ate. Also, Larnaires iurnisaeu wttn- caretui .vrrs. to convey individuals or families to eveniui; rtie. oi for visiting calls. H.irsei will he kept hy the day, week, or year at r.ci-5 to suit the tiuie-l. Hv..r;e Drovers will find, at all times, good ac nmiodations. EDWARD YARBROUGH, Jr. R-.leigh. May 31. 1S53. 45-ly lg Owing to the present high prices of rruin 1 provisions, 1 shali.be compelled herealter to arge 37i cents for a isiugle feed, instead of 2- E. Y. Feb. 3. 1S54. 11 BOY'S CLOTHING DEPOT- 11 E subscribers have the most extensive and varied assortment of Clothing for Bovs, from lo 16, ever offered for sale in the Union. Or- rs for Geutlemeu's Clothing filled at the shortest ! btice. Persons purchasing Clothing at this Establish nt have the privilege of changing them, if they t nut sua. F. A. IIOYT & BRO , S. W. Corner of Chesnut 4. 10th Streets, J'hilaJelphia. April 1, 18o3. ly-28 CLAUDIUS B. SANDERS ATTORNEY AT LAW, SM1THF1ELU, NORTH CAROLINA, iTILL atteini the Courts of Johnston, Wayne T T and Nash. Jan. 14. Ib63. . 6 SWAMP LANDS-N. C. MLL sell at Publfc; Auction, at the Exchange, Philadelphia, on tlie 2nd day of May next, thir- t..Le Hundred Acre of Swamp La J in Beaufort lil.ty. N. C. This uact is worth v the attention apitsli-ts, being fijrty feet above the level of r an 1 Kuan. ike Rivers, and within til miles of i". thus rendering Its reclamation by draiuaere faslfiie lit ii small t-x bpnso It ilpiwplv timb.r- P itli CvTirss .Innliinr anil aAntp Pint. Tprma i lui tlit-r particular made known the evening of e. ur ui,.,u aDDlicatiu to JNO. LISLE. AsVnee. Feh. lo 1 KM S t.1-14 ordentown female col- L?EGE, EORDETOWN, N. J. Rev.JoHS H. BraVeley, A.M., Principal. IHIS In stitution, Chartered by the legislature of New Jpr rili PillAorintj. Tiowprs and C.-.t . V v - c .r . . i.ef. is now in ii-Mafiil nnprntinn. and has 'lie firmly established. The buildings are icious find eonvenit-at and iri nleasnatlv situat- the hank of tip Delaware Rirer, near the ""ids wf the late Joseph Bonaparte.;.-A.nample 'V erouml i nt..l Al .unn lUmal tp.it?. route liet ween tie North and South, it i con- U!t"t of access fronj all parts of the country. n fthcient board of well qualified teachers give r aodivided attention to tlie branches entrusted tlieir f:irp it ; i...:v.; .u,lil.a',i.i; . ll IJ . 1 1 M .J C, i w 1 V...... . vu 'on a pleasant home to the young ladies commit 1 to their care, as well as to furnish the best op- '"aliesfolr intelleutual and moral culture, hiplouias nre aarded to those young ladies who iipietethe full course of instruction as nrovided the elo.rti.i- T' School year ponimences on the 17th of h-r.l. aulu-11(.(, containinz particulars will be fur- '-"'I hi- ,.....); : ... . .. -j ... K "it km ('ol. F. D. Miller. Accomac coun- K. Col ton, St. Mary co., Md.; Hon. James . Bordeutwn, N.J. 5. lrW14. l8lo Steam Engine and j ' ' LAR AW MILL FOR SALE!! 1 THE Subscriber having made other ar- rangemenu, now offers fur sale a So. 1, t-lltV-fl.llV la..s.-.sia. WTL tU W v . . - p nwi f-uvr U t 4. Wa uI S V MILL, which, V, warrants to be 'r'"l'i lm liliirint i.f ika ...... 1. 'urine v.. vi .it i i. . t ...,. .mil Hair uvrn luiir irtiei. n? a- It urn.......... . " i j w a piurr ,hV. a.,Tfe,,eT purcaaae to Messrs. Silas Hums, "-juu,, or aay ether cuaiptnt Machi- THEO. H. SNOW - , Vatohes; and Jewelfyi ?7 'nWB haT ;jttst returned from' New Tort i egj5i.;nu rnuuuetphia witfc much the largest stock f Jewelry ever before in Raleitrh. Tt ik tn . 7 A Tv.... . . : - . . The ery finest gold mid ilver Watches""' 3 r.rensrpins,; Ear-rings nnl Rngcr-rings V- v Fine Kaxor Straps nn.1 Kiiives r" Silver and plated Ware : Clocks and Watcl.es " ' . rcrfatnerjr.ExtrACi ami Fancy Goods ' nUU antf, walking Ciuics ' Ciill nml tjee oilr Jetralry, a reduced prices ami less per ceut. than we have ucj-etnfrre sold at. Wc are detetiuiued to du a large business. " t"i ' . PALMEK k RAMSAT. - : " . . 87 October 2518 )3. Solomon Chfket. , JAs. Cahill. CI1ERUY & CAIIILL, Commission Merchants, .. NORFOLK, VA. Jan. 12, tf-5 DENTAL CIRCULAR. GREATTANU IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN M EC 1 1 A M C A L I EX T 1 ST U Y . IIji-'iikj ittrhwl the Uij'ic-it Premium anil a Di ph in a from the Slate Fair ' X. C. ant 'a. f ' Jllr. feulisv ritK-r respecttiillv respecuiiiiv m- foi nis the Liiil iiothat lie ha succeeO- od in tanking a Miueral Compuuud. an make fin ire Sets of TeelL on bv which Le i'LVTlNA PLATE, wiih c.iiitlmiuis Gum, which arc uiniii"! ?-ii ii to ii'.iural. Teeth inserted on tiiis la .ii i il l L M.d (Mil..- 1 1 1 c 1 i El.F lnethi.J in liiiit -iy sur.a. in e't.'caiiec and nutarul appeur rtlKe. all-, ntiiera that nave I if1? 6 heretofore plesen' ed to tl'.e i'.tLc. These tiv.rh ;re ccinei:t.' l 14 tlie plate, the ce-n.e-.t hciiii us - tr.n.vr a ihe 'Iee;h. It perfectly fn-c-s to tl.e teetli an 1 jii-.Lto, fanning u solid and continuous 'J tun, w.rhoiit crack or crevice. This Guiii cannot be acted upi. even by the mo-t puw erful acids . aiui t:as a erfectly tiatut al and life like uppearaiice : tiiv r Lec.-iiliiia i.ttcnsive or dis i;rreeuble to tlu weal er, as tht re is no place lor secretions to lorin. 'f Tl.e SitS--rtl. cr having ;.ei t inaiiT years in the proei'ii ii.it el" ' StTLNTl FlC AND MECHANICAL DLN'TISTKY. Can coi.Uili i.tly :iAmv the jtb'ic that v. liatever .j, r-i;..i.s i.i .v tn. entrusted to hi-' care. .il Le p i f. ru.i- l in 3iieh a i.i ,ii!.. -r ;is to g'.ve euliie sal Isl i . tiott to the in sj tasti.liotifc. li'.. BELLING Ii A 1. an :tii:t pli-hcl inlcotn- ;iet lit as-;statit. I. ecu eiaploVe.l to aid tlie uii-eiiber ill the inc.uaiiu.il execu.iou o( his work, and other,. ipctvitioiis. These int. ie-t.- I are reipli'sjed to call mi l ei- atiiine specimens! of the aho e together with his irt'autitil! llioek Teeth. 1)K. ALKilE!) WHITEHEAD. D:nti-t, t:iice, coiner of Third aiid Bo'.litiirbr.iok St's. pi:rK;isi;citG. Ya. X. P.. r..'ing l.irgdy eng iied in ina nufai t itrilig Mineral l'i-. Ci, D. riti-;- ,-.iii Iv Mipiivd on reas ou il-h- ! : in-. Ai-o. M. el. auk 'al w..rk di.tie lor DeMi-t- ri- ,.!in- .:. tin i-vunthv: and sill in. aeri als fori, ish.-.l. " U. WHITEHEAD. Fel.. J4tii. IS". I. ; 1 v 17 Tri-Weekly Stage Line, rpuE St. i We. hie: .fti-s will U ac Uaiii...i. exerv M.ui lav, ;day and rri :ay.a 7 A. M. bv the way ot Plttsl., ro hiai!klili...e. 'l -r talis. .A-IiIm.. . Copper Mines, a.,-., a : n ing .a.s.i.i-bury t.y 7 P. M. Iixt dav. Fare from Raleigh to l'ittsli.,ro' $:!.rt do do St. Li. virtue 1.IKI do Frankiin-ville. Cedar. I ' i.is Asahoi o'. ... .O.OO ! Salistuiry ; b.tXI Four Hoi -e Coaches, to P:U.si...r..", H L. HoB.lUDS, a: CO. 1'roprit t..r. Staee t Miic: Y.irbt ough H')use. Uali-is:ii, N. C. Aug. l', . t;d I SAM L. M. Wll.SdX. ; lil.o. W .KU'E. ; WILSON & GRICE, i jEER AI.ChM M s,lS A FoRM'AKDlNO MtRCtl ANTS, i .Vo. 11, lli'l'u Si. mot 1'ierce'a it haif, Portsmouth. ii ("1 IVE their personal and 5irornpt attention to JC the Sale and Forwarditi of Produce mid Mer chatidise of eei'y dosCi i .tioii, and make liberal ad vances upon consignment". References Geo. W. Mordecai. Esi., Raleigh; Messrs. W H. A: R. S. Tucker do: ivum, Thomas i Barrow, Lixiisbur P.. N. A D. C. Heriuioii, Ox- ford: Hon. Weldoii N. EdwaN, Warren county; Col S. S. Royster. Grnii iile ;: Messrs. John W hite 5: Co., Warreiitoii : Montgomery &. Plumnier, do; Col. Walter Gwyuue, Ch. Eng'r., Central Railroad. May 4. 1".:" ! 37-ly Stoves! Stoves! ! Stoves! ! ! E. the undersigned, would respectfully call the attention of Southern Merchants to our extensive stock ot stores, cauldrons; forges, &c, &lc. Our assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves con sists of some of the be.-t in the Market. We have a lare stove for wood, capable of cooking for from three to four hundred persons. Our Stoves are made heavy, and consequently are uurnble, ami ure warranted to give satisfaction. Our stock consists of the fojlowiug Cook and Parlor Stoves for wood viz: Buck, Modern Troy, Glole, tc, for Parlor, Providence Air Tight,' Union Air Tight, Ida Air Tight, W ire Plate "fee. Dealers would do w ell to give us a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. . NEMAN? & WARRICK N. E. Corner of 2nd and llatJeSts., Philadelphia. Jau 27th, 1804. ' Sui-9 v C; ANDLES 100 boxes AUieever $ Co. Ada mantine , lOO do ilyae i.jvimDerly .Mculd, in store and for sale by A. M. McPHEETERS & CO. Norfolk', Feb. 7. 12 ! NT0N SETTS. A large supply of beautiful : V silk-skin Ouiou Setts, received this morning. and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Feb. 21, '54. 16 1R0CKERY & GLASS WARE. W lute Granite Dinner Ware, by the set or retail. Cut Glass Tumblers, W ines and Goblets, ALSO, i Plain uud Moulded Glass, i Edged and C. C. W are. For sale by J. BROWN, . No. R, Fayetteville St. Words of Truth and Soberness. I MIY. Dolce Campaila Attachment: Mr. Demp ster, the celclir.ite l voc.iu-t, writes as tollows: vi..r- i L i a a 1 1 m a n tiRAV tieiitiemeii : in compliance with your request, that 1 should give you my opinion in regard to your newly invented Attachment to the Piano Forte, entitled the "Dolce Campana," I do so most cheerfully, as one of the best thiugvor the kind I have ever seen. '. Th effects produced by it-are novel and pleas ing to r conveying to the mind the idea of distant music or bells, witluttt any of the muffled tone which geuerally characterises those imita tions. I believe it may be used with advantage, either with or without the accompaniment of the voice. : Hoping you may realise benefit from your inge nuity aud enterprise, 1 remain, your. mat re Jevtfully WM. R. DEMPSTER. Th superb InstrnraeBtsi together with a t. ried aswtnienll'rom th manufactory of IUcob k i;ave. for .ale t Kftorf prioe b- BlNilUAo sa nilltajna. IVtrrsbiirg, March JW, 1 1VK 8 ILK t A ftxat rat Milch Cow.- A pply I i v T. II. SNOW. .2 s I FOR, NEW.. YORK UviTia StATBa'Uaia It tt 8tiAMsin ' Jamestown and EoanokeV ; rjnnB eleg&nt snr (Uatmstttpi JAnrror;Cp.' II ' taitt Parish, whioh U to tvA in connexion irith th - Eonnok,- het firsts trip, from Nw York t Ptnbar& a 9tardy th , 25th ttlt.,i "anl wtlT ontinu lo rnak regular trip weekly leafing Xeir York ivrf sHatorday, at 4 o'clock P. M , and Pttorsburg rrwy Tuesday eveninft. ." , , . : ' Th RoAjfoKi -will leT N'eir TirW Tefy Tuea--day, . and Petersburg every Friday evening. Tra vellers going North will thua be afforded an oppor tunity twice a week of Uklng one. of these splendid steamship and thereby- avoid the dust and fre quent changes of the- Railroads.' Passenger on board of steamer will find the Stat ronis fitted up in the most elegnnt style and the far and atten tion unsurpassed. " "-''- Parage and Fare from Petersburg to New York. (State-room included,) , -, $10 00 Steernge passage, 5 00 &3i.Tickets issued at my Office. ' 3. Q. BAPTIST, Syeamere St. Jalr6, 1853, - RALEIQ.-i BAKERY. Fayetteville Street. OPPOSITE THE MARKET HOUSE. riHE Subscribers having commenced the above I business at the staud lately occupied by Mr. L B. Walker, and employed competent workmen, in tend carrying on the Baking and Confectionary bu siness in all its usual branches, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of the pub lic patronage. Plain or ornamental CAKES made to order, on the shortest notice. CANDY MANUFACTORY. The Subscribers have in their employ Superior LamiV Makers, and will keen constantly on hand a supply of fresh Candy, of various descriptions, for sale wuolesa e or retail. W holesale price by the hundred pounds, fiUtn Dvlltirs. Cash. Orders from a distance will be promptly atteuded to. FRUITS, &C A fresh supply of Fruits will be kept constantly on hand, ot the hnest quality, at low prices. Coun try Stores are particularly requested to favor us with their orders, which will be forwarded on the shortest notice. JAMES PUTTICK. JOHN MITCHELL. Feb. ', lbo3. 17 G IN, LOCK-SMITH, AND BELL HANGER. Charles Kuester, A )ULD respectfully inform the Citiiena ol Raleigh audsurroundiug couutry, that be has located permanently in Kaletgh, and has opeuod a Shop on Wilmington Street, iu Dr. Cooke's brick Luilding. ) where he will he fouud at all times, ready to I'ln uti' any JtB" in his liue. iu a style that .shall not be surpassed ),y any other person, and the charges shall alwuys he moderate. CALL AND SEE. Kaleigh. March 2. 1K.1. ly-19 "X 1 1 K subscribers having just returned from a Northern city, with a rich assortment of ar ticles in their line, take this method of calling- the attention of ladies and gentlemen to the variety of their Goods, suitable for presents. FANCY GOODS. Fine Leather Reticules; pUinaud emb'd Bankets; French Cups and Saucers; Ctoina Flower Vases and Candlesticks; Portiiionu.iie and Necessaires; Jet and Gold Bracelets; Papier-mache Work Boxes; T. a Sett-; Children's gilt edge Cups and Saucers; Ivory Chessmen; tine Cutlery; kid, india-rubber and wax Dolls ; assortment of crying Babies; fine china children's Tea and Dinuer Setts; assortment of Games, boys' Guns, Vo. TOYS Tin Gigs, Carriages, Horses, Steam Engines, Sating Banks, beautiful Waterworks, fine French Tovs, Furniture, Menageries. Sham Fights, Farm Yards, in boxes. Bureaus, Tool Bauks, Kitchen Furniture, Cooking Stores, Pewter Tea Setts, Can dlesticks, Chandeliers, Baskets, Tin Bedsteads, Singing Meu, ,;c. &c. CONFECTIONARY. Raisin. Prunes, Currants, Figs, Citron, assort ment Candies, do sott Bordeaux Almonds, Wal nuts. Pecan Nuts, Pa m nuts. Filberts, Preserves and Pickles, Brandy Peaches, Sc. $c. Call and see, at F. MAHLER & CO. Dec. 13, 73. Smith's Virginia Premium Straw Cutters. A. NOTIIER lot just received at manufacturer's prices, witn cost oi carriage. menmonu ... . . - . i price !jil0. To small farmers, who want a cheap Vnife, that cannot cet out of order, and u-ill cut treruthing, we recommend this. JAMES M. TOWLES. Dec. 13, 'S3. 101 La Farge House, New York. BROADWAY, between Amity and Bleecker Sts T1I15 House combines in all its appointments, every modern convenience and luxury, and is fur nished in a style of unsurpassed elegance. The Proprietors will spare no efforts in minis tering to the comforts of their guests, and making it worthy the patronage of their friends and the tray- elling public. It will be open for the reception of guests about the 9th January. WRIGHT, LANIERS & CO S. Lanier & Son, formerly of Macen, Geo. Dec. -11, '53. 104 Cm SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, SOLE ANBCPPER LEATHER, Trunks, Shoe Findings, Shoe Thread, WRAPPING1 PAPER, AC. HERMAN & CO, NORFOLK, VA., TPvESIRE particularly to inform the Merchants I of North Carolina and the Eastern section of Virginia, that they have just received their Spring stock, comprising the largest and most desirable assortment that we have ever had the pleasure of offering for their inspection ; assuring then at the same time that we can and will compete with any house in the wholesale Shoe business, whether North, South, East or West of us, in regard to styles, qualities and prices. W hen the facts are taken into consideration, that we confine ourselves strictly to a wholesale and iobbinz business, that we purchase our goods chief- I ly for cash, and that we eonduct our business at a more moderate expense than any northern house. we think it will be apparent to all that we are pre pared to enter into the strongest kind of compe tition with other cities. We respectfully solicit a call from Merchants visitins Norfolk, when we can assure them of the truth of our assertions. We would be pleased to receive orders, which shall be faithfully and punc tually executed. March 7. 1S04. 2m 20 Spring Trade, 1854- TO NORTH CAROLINA MERCHANTS! I y the arrival of the Steamer Europe aad Pack- y et Ship Panama, we are in possession ef ear SPIUN0 IMPORTATION OF FOREIGN OOODS, selected for our sales by Mr. Wm. Weddell.ia the English, 'Scottish aad Irish Markets. W have also received from the Easter Cities a large aad commanding stock or DOMESTIC FABRICS, nnrchased from First Hand. We ar prepared U offer to th Trd t a low price a thry eaa be found la any Market. , ortk v-areiiaa aiercaants are rwwpecuauy ier vited tm call who they visit oar aaaritet. 8TKVKN80X WSvDELt. If, PetoTshoirgY, NEW YORK CITTBOSINESS ' .-tl w - riTr 'fwrnuv. . Si M. PETTENGILL t CO S ADYERTISINQ X- :'- Cy' 122 mama TaT, ww toek. ' -r y 'af -', And Jfo. 10 Sute street, Boston. P.-& Co.' are s Agent for; the most Influential and largest circulating Commercial Papers both in' the United State and the Canada. " ' The following list of Business Firms are among the best and most reliable in the City of New York; -3 V ' ' r Drv Goods. ; - HIL W ILL BROTHERS, Import of Embroideries, t'hite Ooods, &c.. No. 8 L-tberty street. ' COTTENET & CO., Importers of trench and other European Ooods, No. 48 Broad street. I7PSTEIN & HON'IQ, No. 158 Broadway, a few 2j door from Liberty St. Importers of Laces, Embroideries, SITks Sc. MITCHELL t POTT. 4-Txchange fl-, impor ters of British Dry Q4a, ftoch and Irish is, Dress Goda, &c. BORN SCHLIEPER& HAARHAUS, Importers of Qerman a d Belgian Broadcloths, Silks, Hosieries, &c, ao. tu txcuange riace. 1CHUCHARDT. FROLIC II & HOLTHAUSEN, Nos. 92 and 91 Liberty 8t, Importers of French. Swiss, and German SUks, Kiboons, ei- veu, Vestings, Satins, Serges, &c. Woolens of eve ry description. BERT RAND, FREKES 3. HENRY, Importers of Linen Cambrics and Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Linen Lawns. Embroideries, &c, (own manutac- ture,) '21 William Street. JOHN M. DAVIS, JONES 4 CO., Imptrs of Hosiery and Uetlemen's Furnishing Goods, ...... , w.-. , r. i 1 1 ' . Manuf. ol auiru aioans, iies, sc. jvh ninmm Street. KOHLS A AT BROS , 48 John Street ; Berlin Wool, Floss Silks, Elastis Braids, Gold and Silver Fringe?, Gimps, lasstls, Buttons, stars. Laces. &e. M tfTRAULUElM Jt CO., oW Broadway, Lup. S ol'Laue, Millinery Goods, Embroideries and Trimmings. GEXTLEMKX-S FURNISHING OOODS. V. B HTCIL & CO. v WILLIAM SI., ew xorit, .Muuunn-uiicia VI nud IiiiDorters ot .sLirU, Stocks, CravuU, Glove?, Suspenders, Ilesiery, &c. ' v ... II. ROBINSON it CO., No. 189 Broadway, luint and Jobbers. Lace Uoous, tuouous Silks. Embroideries, Hosiery, uioves, oua-u, small wares, Jc. . (1REPIN PAY EN No. 241 Broadwuy, Impor j Uts and Manuf. French Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Laees, Embroideries, eje. i manuf.) ACCORDEONS, SfRIXGS, Jtr. "1HARLES BRUNO, Imperter ana wholesale I i Dealer in German, Frepch aud ltaliau Mlsi- CL lSSTatMKSTi aUU BTHlJUS. Ni Maiden Lane. Daguerreotypes- J GURNET, No. 34'J Broadway, theoiueei aim most extensive establishment iu the U.Stu es. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. TAHLBORN & CO.. No. &4 Maiuen uane. (up stairs) and 29 Liberty St Importers of Toys and Fancy Ooods. Tilt for Floor and Chimin?! Tp MILLER. COATES H l OL LK, o. Zi? reari St., EXCACSTIC TILES, OABSKIRK CHIMXEV Tops, Plumber's Materials, Metals, etc. Window !:. Puiutt, Klc HI. BAKER J- BROTIUilt, irz water Impt. of raEticu window qlass, chemicals. PAINTS. A c. A SO, AgeuiS OI American nrnuu" Glass, Glass Ware, e. F HOPKINS J- BRO S. Imp'ts of raK.NCu win dow q Lass, NoCl Barclay St. Engravers. W Wood, No. 4S too r'ultuu St. Fioatt aud bast work done br. Expresses. EDWARDS, SANTO KB CO ForiD axpmai. -o. ao Broadwar. Uood alW parkagan tarwarUad to and from all parta af tba world. Afanu la Koriulk Adami Co. FANCY- GOODS. WARD, DICKSON & CO., (formerly Bailey, Ward & Co.) Imptrs and Wholesale Deal ers in Fancy Goods, Cembs, Brushes, Fans, Jew elry, Perfumery. 4 .Maiden Lane. T ROSENTHAL f BROTHER, Importers oi J . English and German Fancy Goods. No. 109 Libem Street. Hot Air Furnaces &c Rangw, ac COWLKS a CO., 177 rd St. Imsrovad Hot Air Vurnacat, Ranir, Rvltar, Ventilators, 1c. lurtin Rubber Good. Roocm 1 Wvcmrr, 23 Courtland it. India Rubber CoaU, Piano Covers, Clotha, bora, Lia PrcMrvars, CongTas BooU. Waubtnf, e. LijjTlitiiiiig Rod. AM. QcraiT sot, Dralart In Quimby a Improved kous. , Offlca 131 Kat27U t. and 18 Nassau street. Iookinff Glaw aud Picture Frame. MP- warruxt. Maaurartarar, -o- lUl uanai new iora. t Gilding In all Its branches. machinery and Ilacliiiie Tool. S chuck's Machinery Depot 2 Courtland street. Machinery, Machine Tools and Woodsworth's Patent Planing Machines. LSONARI9 Machinery Depot, 109 Pearl and 60 Beaver strs. MacbiaUt's Tools from the beat makers la the country. Needle. FUta lloke & Tackle See. THOMAS H- BATlVlate T. T. H. BATK.) 103 Maiden Laae. Needles, Ftoh Hooks, FUbJag Tackle, e. Paper Wareroomi. CYRUS W. riLLD 1 CO., 11 Cliff St, Imp'ta and Wnosesale Dealers la Americas. French, Uermaa and English Papers and every description of Paper Manufacturer s Materials. , Perfumery aud Fauey Soap: A J. RAM8KT, (Maaaf. and Imp..) sis Ureenwlrh st. or Lublas, Preroeta, O aria I as and other celebrated makers- Stationery Wareroom Wholesale. flf M. A. Wlitut 1 Co. Nor 13 and l Park aow, New York. YY Cltv. lmn'U f stasia and fancy stationary. Daalars in Aawricaa papers of every Ueecription. - r ' Kkmixs a mnsa. No. II Jova at. w noieeaie Bootsellan a ItalWi rs. aad Maaf. of all kinds af Blank Books. Safe. V. PirsKK, DeftaaM-e saljaadT satsa, (Oartor's Patent) Depot, No. m Pearl St. fcrmarlv W John St. R. T7 BROWN'S ESSK.NC'K OK JAMAICA GIN- . GER. This Essence is a preparation of un usual excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipi ent cholera, in short, in all ease of prostration of the digestive function, so common, it is or inesti , mable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer com plaints of children, it is peculiarly emeacieas: no family Individual or . . a a a f.a a la 1a . a a .a traveller aaeuiu D wiiaoas is aa is eaaoie ui system to resist th lalaencee ef lnclpiat disease, which lark Is changing eUaaat. Cacti. B ur $o ft ta ftauiM Essenc. I wbcl u pn?ta4 W f. Brews, at his Drug I aad Chesalcal tor. If. E. Corner of Fifth aad Cheoaat treeU. PUladelnhi. aad for sal br all rewpecUble ApoUariee ia th UalUd Bute, and U Eaieigh. K. c, ny wiia.iAAi uaxwixjd. Alf. Ad, lt&t. -' "' 1 J-M '"- GREENSBOROUGH :A Mutual Insurance, Company. I H tllE cost oMnsurance on the mutual 'plan is s- bata' small snm.coinpftled ivith n joint sto'clC Company. This Company - being locatcd.in'; th"e4 n estcVn part of the State, jconseqaectiy.mttch ti:i inrcer portion 01 me nsKS are. in iue--nMU?TCTr ifiany oi wtucn r.re in tne country. - .- . itry. The Company is entirely free from debt i: h.ye made no assessments, . and .have aj,vcry ; large a-j mount in cash and good bbndsV and is therefore j Confidently recommended to the public! ' " i At the last Annual Meeting the following Oncers were elected for the ensuing year : " " " JAMES SLOAN, President. " S. O. COFFIN, Vice President. C P. MENDENIIALL, Attorney. " " ' PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent. v DlBF.CTOES- James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, Vf. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Dr. D. P. Weir. W. J. McConnell, of Greensboro; Dr. Shubald G. Coffin. J. W. Field, Jamestown; Fr El liott, Guilford; W'illiam A. Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watkins. Carolina Female College; John I. Shaver, Salisbury; John H. Cook, FsyetteviUgf1 r. Laity, ttauesboro ; J. J. ctggs, KaleigU; Lieroy Springs, Charlotte ; J. J'. Jackson, Pittsboro' ; H. B. Elliott, Cedar Falls. PETER ADAMS, Scc'y. . Agent in Raleigh, GEO. T. COOKE. Dec. 14. 18-33 101 .' North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. RALEIGH, N . C . THIS Company has been in successful operation for more than seven years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries.) upon favourable terms. Its Policies now eovei property amounting to SI, 000.000, a Itirge por tion of which is in Country risks, and its prestui capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, iu bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plm of this Company has been less than one third of one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc- ! L tor and Olficers of this Company for the year: j DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Roulhac, C. W. D. Hut hings. Juo. R Williams. John Primrose. Henrv 1. Turner? S. W. Whiting. T. H. Selby. Ralei-h : "Geo. McNe il. Fat etteville: Jos. G. Wright, U iliuin zt..u : Ja.nes E. Hovt. Washington : James S'oati. (ii .en-lioro' : Jno. Cox. Edcuton ; Ju.-.h. Boner, Salem; Jos. H. Poo'.. Elizabeth City ; F. F. Fagan. Plymouth : Alexan der Mitchell. Newbern: W. N. II. Smitii, .Mur froesboro' : II. B. Williams, Charlotte: John B. Barrett, Milton; A. T. Summy, Asl.evillc. All Directors are authorized to receive applict tious. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. G. B. Roulhac, J Henry I). Turner, I cr do. S. W. Whiting, Titusurn: John C. Partridge. SLrr, rurif. John H. Bryan. A:r-ri.-n. J. Hersman, t,iuiul . jnt. S. W. W hiting. Jno. K. William-. . Executive ( uniuittee John Primroire. J All commanications in reference t.j should be addressed to the Secretary. pn J. C. PART RI L'(i E. Sec'v. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. :lo Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. O LAVES are not permitted to travel on the Railroad, without a written rmlt from tl.eir owners. Duplicates should in a 1 cises be given, as the Ticket Agents m e instructed to retain one cop;, of every pass. JAMES M. POtiL, Juu. 10; '64. 4 Ticket At;eut. To the Correspondents of HENRY CLAY. T "HE subscriber being now enuajred in an e largemeut and completion of his Lip a: Tim is of II ens v Clay, tiuds, on examinauoli Mr. Clay's papers and correspondence at Ashlsn that his Private Correspondence is of material ii portance for a complete exhibition of his charact and history, and of those portions of the hist of the times with which he was connected. Mr. Clay wai not in the habit of taking copies his own letters, they ate now scattered over t country in the hands of his numerous correspo dents, and have doubtless been preserved, matter how private or even confidential the t; respoudence may have been, if not of a nature render its posthumous publication improper, it a very effective mode of illustrating charact and is often important in history. The subscri therefore respectfully and earnestly requests correspondents of Mr. Clay, whether in the ear or Inter periods of his life, in public or io prix stations, who may be in possession of original ters from Mr. Clay on any subject whatever sacred to privacy after death, that they will pleased, if not inconsistent with their feelings forward such letters to the publishers of the w A. S. Barnes & Co , 51 John-street, New Y and they may be assured that the letters wi returned, or subject to their order, accord in instructions that may be given. The subscriber will also be greatly oblige any communications relating to Mr. Clay that be thought new and important, addressed U care of A. S. Barnes & Co.. as above mentii As the design is to publish the work in the co spring, it will be seen that immediate aitenti this request will be necessary to make it at ble. The subscriber will be greatly obliged t Editors of Newspapers who may take, auffi interest in this notice to give it circulation. C. COLTC Ashland, March, 1854. tf , I SPRING TRADE Books, Stationery and Piaftc FORTES. j JAMES WOODHOTJSE, (Late Nash & Woodhouse,) . OFFERS for sale at Wholesale and Retail extensive Stock of Books and Stationery dapted to the wants of the trade in Virginia elsewhere, at prices as low as can be obtained Northern Cities. In connection with nis a and Stationery business,he has a ware-room apt priated to the sale of Pian6 Fortes, filled 'with assortment as extensive as can be. seen at f any tablishinent of the kind in the UNION. ;He 1 participated in the sale of over ONE-THdUSA PIANO FORTES in the States of Virginia, No Carolina and Tennessee, all of which have gh entire satisfaction. They are warranted super in every, respect ; offered for sale at manufaci rers' prices and will be packed securely to go a distance without injury He has also attached to his establishment Book Bindery, and Blank Book Manufactory, wh all kinds of Books, Periodicals, Blanks, Mas J-c, are bound , and Blank Books of every t scription suitable for Merchants, Banks, Pub Offices, Clerks of Courts, Factories &c, are mat factured. , '-- MAYOS GUIDE TO MAGISTRATES N8 EDITION. J. W. publishes Mayo's Guide to M istrates, new edition, with practical forms, fort discharge of their duties out of court, with, am' ay rendix containing Form for Drawinx Bonds. Notes Deeds, Contracts fc, adapted to th New Codaf j irgima. r k- , v - -'- - jyr Persons at a distance, unable to visit Rich mond, can have their orders as faithfully executed a if personally present. r . f Richmond, March 7th, 1854, 1 m-20 I i I iv, id. Llf t.wi'f-ill.'l AV CI0AR8 1 CIGARS ! I A lot the very best brand of ImporUd Cigar, ha. just been r. wt4 bj IIAYWOOD 4 8C0TI. ; JAMESOUTHBERT;."C" stTCEssoii-Tb kerr & cuthbert.v ,:famff,ana, yommutum; aierekant.JSofr .ti,-retenbHrgr.a.' .:'.;N.-::--ri5SC; , V Thosi BrnJr.,VcitwiCV.' C. Ji.r''VA.rtiefcsr FMr.-!' icks;,Esq- l RoTwi i wj- h Petersburg. -.' .'aiessrs . - . .... . - , - & ' yMtts i. v. wr u: Crenshaw, tachmona. ,-,,Josialr,Willsr.EsqCj Norfolk, f .. f V iiJaJies George,:Esq., lkdijgtite'y'-f '"Xf'l Messrs. Monahan & Beers, New Yorkl TvTASionstantly on hand Primes Port -Rico JLdLnd New Orleans Sugars, - l-.f.r-' Loaf. Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified -do W , . ; Rio. Laguira AndC Domingo Coffees -. j& - -lil. ek Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice' Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes, Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas . ' , Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candle . ; Brown, Pale and Variegated Sorfps .-.,s g' V Gunpowder, Shotand liar Lead 1 f .;" Blact;ing,-Ink, Shoe Thread iand Wrapping Paper, Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Aluni Salt " Prime-Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard . i.assortd'wittt flooring and Warehouse Uegalia, Principe, and Havanna Cigars : Together with a largs stock of foreign andR mcstic Liquors, Wines, &o., which he offers at the lowest market rates. The-strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg. March 5, 19 A- & H. HARRIS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, Y T'ILL make liberal advances on consignments, t if desired. Norfolk April 19. 1853. 33 ly Isaac Proctor MERCHANT T A I L O R, (SUCCESSOR TO OLIVER 4 PROCTOR.) 0ULD respectfully announce to his patrons and the public generally, his return from YV the Northern cities, and that hu is now receiving his Fall and W inter supplies of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Furnishing Goods and Ready-made mthiug, which, being bought principally for cash, e is enabled to offer at very low rates. He h is now in store, at the ola 6tand. oDDosite Cue Post -Office . ' A A Superfine bl'k. blue, brown, dahlia aud other fancy Cleths, of various goods Supertine French, English and American Cas simeres, of ail prices, plain and fancy Superfine Sirnoui Dooskins, for pants and Overcoats Superfine bl'k Satins and Grenadines Plain and fig'd and fancy silk Vestings l ine assortment rich silk Quiltings, for wed dings and parties Plaiu and fig'd Plush and Velvets, very rich. FURNISHING GOODS A eomplete assortment, consisting in part of, Supertine plain and fancy dress Shirts Do 3-ply Collars, large variety Do Canton Flannel, blea'ched Drill Merino and oilk Under-shirts and Drawers :M!k, cotton and merino plain and fancy Hosiery Gloves, i' i superior kid, bl'k, white and fancy Cravats, black and fancy, and a rich assort ment for weddings and parties c.ocks, Ll k. white aud fancy, with and with out ties Su-"i, aiders. Dressinor Gowns. &c. fact, everything necessary for a gentleman' com pli-le outnt. ? Willi sincere thanks to his numerous patron far the i.i.'. i al eneonrsgement heretofore extended to h.m, he hopes, by strict attenti&n to their Wants,' an i a determination to please, to merit its continu ance. ' Gentlemen furnishing their own goods t be niMiiUiactured, may rely upon receiving the tame care and attention as though sold by himself.v The latest Paris and London fashions just received. C utting and repairing done promptly at all times. rTTnuni tr- L -vriHn.1rt general, that h ias moved from WiliningtonStreet, to the hous lately occupied by F Mahler a a fanF store, West sidtf of the wpitoL'-X---1 jrviV:' w " Tfianlful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he solicits 4' continuance of 'the same, nrumisins to use the tery best materials and em- i 1 V I . ploy only superior workmen, t j - - 11 HENRY A. -JFJ 1 Bl'ijV Aag. 26, '63. : y . 40 tf North Carolina Mutual Life Inai x . .. . . ranee Companyr OFFICE, RALEianN. 'C i THIS Company continues to insure the lives of : all healthy White personsand Slaves z " - The greatest risk taken on a single life is $5,000. Slaves are insured for "a term bt one to five years for ids their Taluev ; orncsas.' . Dr. Chas. E. Johnson,", President, - 1 Wa-D. Hayw6od,'ice President, 1 ,. . j 1 ' James F. JbrdanSWetary. :? " Y Wmi- Hrfonw?tteattrer? f , -; Pewin'Bubeet' Attorney,'" ' ' ' Dr Wm.-avMcKeeExamining Physician. - - J. Hersman,8 General Agent f " ' All losses are paid within $0 days after' satisfac tory proof is presented ' Y ' Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation ofthe Company, "may be . had on-, application at the Office, or; any-of tbe;.AgtMun - AUletter ' on business Bhould be addressed W ' s.i . JAMES P. JORDAN, Srcy May 2, 1S5S. . V. - . ;. ' . 36 vx FIRE' E ITNA INSURANCE COMPACT or ARTFoan. CoKii.. offers to insure Buildimrn anu Aierenandize, against loss or damage by are, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pay its lease promptly. -3fcr , Applications for Insurance in- Raleigh, or its vi- . cinity, to be made to S. W. WHITING, Agent. ) And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to j N. J. PALMER, Agent. i October. 1848. 88 j JUST RECEIVED Another Suppiy of Musical Instruments at the N. C. Music Store, where may always be found Sheet Music and Musie Books for ail instruments. Pianos from the celebrated Factory of Knabe At waehle, 'Baltimore. Guitars, Violins, Violincellos, Drums Fifes," Flutes, Clario netts, Flageolets, Octavo Flutes, Accordeons, rang ing from 60 cents to $15,00,Banjos, Tamborins, v 101m ocrews, fins, Undges, Bows. ' A new lot of Italian Strings both for Guitar and Violin. A large assortment of Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Porte -lontues, etc., &C. - : s-J " - i - ARTISTS' MATERIALS. A beautiful lot of Landscape Patterns for Oil Painting, Japan Boxes, Paints, Brus.es, Oils and Varnish ; Canvass in pieces or on stretches. Drawing Patterns, Pencils, Paper, Bristol Board, Mill Beards, Graduate Tint Paper Pastel, Water Colors, Pictures, Picture Frames, Guilt Moulding, Glass &c, kc. K. W. PETERSILIA. Raleigh, Sept. 16, 1853. ' , 75 IRON RAILING, AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK. THE subscribers respectfully inform the citi zens ef the United States, that they are pre pared to fill up orders for all kinds of Iron Work, such as railings for Public or Private Parks, Gar dens, Steps, Balconies, Verandahs Cemeteries. &c. Also, Settees, Chairs, Tables, Greyhounds, Cast Iron Lambs, New Foundland Dogs, Iron StairB, Doors, Shutters, Guards, Gates and all kindaT'of ornamental and architectural Iron work.--gi'..- B3u They pay particular attention .to. nctoj sing cemetery lots, having the largest and hand-To?-somest .assortment of patterns of any establishment in the country. Persons desiring to Tck selection of patterns and know the cost" of work, by address ing the subscribers, will receive, by return of mail, printed designs of work and list of prierrAll orders entrusted to us wm receive prompt attention. HOOD & CO No. 121 ICth Tonih str; Philadelphia. Nov. 2-'nd, I853.-s. ' 95 . - PAKTTEI, -WORK. "VT P. KIMBALL, dTo. 78, BEEKMAN ST., XH a ,NewJTork, Wholesale and Tie tail Dealer ia hs, Doors, Blinds iand all inds of Builders' eifteiWork, made of . the best material, in the ' , most thorough manner and Kiln dried,; so as to entirely prevent shrinking by exposure to heat in any form, or degree, , is prepared ! to furnish -'any .,.: : amount at short notice of the, very best' article,' . - . " made in the Country, and at extremely low prices fa -fo; cash. Orders by mail promptly attended to, y.' i and goods put up and dispatched 'with care. .... ? -. ' Strangers visiting the city are invited to call, and '-' . . examine before purchasing elsewhere. "t'C'-"' , I f; Jan 19, 1854. wpv. . - 6mo-7 -C SPRING jUPPLIESOFW- I BOOTS AND SHOESrvTtr W. H. ADDIN0T0N k CO., would call ' the attention of every Merchant in.Vir-' -ginia and North Carolina to their Whole sale steck ef . , , fe BOOTS AND SHOES, . Offered for sale at reasonble prices, en a credit of r"' " 6 months, at their Large NEW STORE, t No. 87, - -Main Street. ' -5 - lw -j :iv.The stock consists in part as follows, vixj,f ; v 10,000 pair Men's Kip Brogans, various q'lities,' , - . 8,000 Gent's CTf and fine Wax Lth'r Boote's ' - 2,1)00 " Men's split Bregans,' 1 X.000 " Gent's Calf Oxlord Ties,-,, . j f00 -" " , Fancy Gaiters, Patent Leather hoes and other fashionable styles of Dress Shoes, ; ,600 - Men's fine Calf Seotslong legs. Al o,T5;ip Boots, an qualities, "f: ?, fc ZJbOQ " Women's peg" Buskins; different kinds. "1,000 " "M sewed V Calf and Goat Skin, prime, . i. .1. - S l v 16,000 " Ladies' Gaiter ' Beets- Jenny Lind hoes, and other Fancy styles of Ladies ishoes, ,000 " Women's cheap Morocco Shoes, various iVnds. 1 V- . ' 4,000 "Misses and Children' Shoes, all kinds 8,000 's Boys and Touth' Bootees, &c."-' " ijj.r W. Hf ADDINGTON & CO have just added $100- ' '. 00 worth of Boots and Shoes to their Spring stock; -. jwill be found very complete,-and they hope eve- - f Merchant will call and examine; 'their stock. Terms 6 months' eredity't:-..Jrfi jW-' " ; W. IL- ADDINGTON. il CO. Feb. 7, 1854. i.J.tf-12. 3ROWN WINDSOR SOAP. 12 doten. just re ceived. Also, a large variety of Lubin's and i asin's Perfuraeryrat the Drug Store ef ' j WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. , October II, 1858.; J. IT pmmission and Forwarding Bu- . t NORFOLK VIRGINIA 1854. xt . ... W- ,..r"lr ' M "1. ' -..VI-:. OHE undersigned respectfully tendeis his ser Jaj vices to MERCHANTS and PLANTERS, dng business with this City K as a COMMISSION j' ' 4 FORWARDING AGENT.'? ; v- C , r He will give prompt attention'-to all Consign- . .. ants 'of PRODUCE ahdMERCHANDISE, and t hi best exertions toeffect sales at the high pi market prices, making immediate returns and -mittances. - V Vitr .. Connecting with his experience and knowledge ' business, a closeappUcation 'to.the interests tt may be confided Jp.hi.m, )ief hopes to receive ' I merU harepatroiiage.UA5y iT 'v v ftl .i . R.-Air.,W0RRELI feEFixxcis'--onFjMallory,- President of w Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad; Messrs. Har 6r4sJr'Shtppto5 Merchants and Government "sAnfs" for Cthe;. sale; bf,Guano (Herman & Co., Uesalehoe Makirs;lyn; Rose &1 Caps, f Tholesalo Hardware Aieaiers;: ciooagooa & Vo., DrJ Good" DealersY Kin & ' Toy; Drug Dealers; R." (J. Barclay, Esq i Bookseller Norfolk; Va. . rJIdnT Kenneth TUyner,J2aZe,JV. C. . s,CsL4d,9 oxSaies, yia t- For Cotton, fifty cents per-bale Tobaccoon dollar per hhd.; all other articles 2 per cent "commission. - -January 17, 18546 mov - !l t -fit "wijh. i,. li 14,1 March, lt&4. tf-10 Feb. 7, 12 tt t UFRY Tl RHTI Y ROIINH

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