t - .j n;iala(x f bring m Bear V. .,1 Arrival au4 Departs : of .T-Benfs Turkish CVre ff- rf. A frfe Snr.dorw to Ale t lgmft Xt""' tJM lSyJ - If-"1 Vrw Tiac June Oth short thick set joung t tb S tnESr thn the other, arrited of one orer thfei.i?"! SL"1 rrche. he disclaimed, all alUance with 1! l.not m"J brick baunliin ,"1 -hich cnnot repienwn an emprj purse I " :""UK mere was some tall hsllrth rTkmev abroad, he tu himself pursued "'. tJebvIon and ppi Hjlt nieknoeket, who relieved him of ".hreuPon -he Irish of both I ZL-kei bo"k ro,B wa Poce oomining r K the Bakt)f England for two tbuae- L . ui - r . j i . . . I u m tw . . . - . r . r disnatches. Fortunately. th i th iui'A r - rf " of tr ten pound uotee were recorded, fltn f th draft in Kno-l.rwl ..II j the pjro , - Jrman.letl by Mr. Longbottom himself. K V TV I VI I . ' T- - w akwa n.SU ... i ... K firi". intllirniwi .f it- ",.1 there, he having left yesterday in Lmr America from. IWoo. The dis- be replaced. A dunatch M aw . : i t S Mternmeni frsiues in xoew Xurk Li ir PP""" . -..v mityj. I IIUI1B. ,h duty oi mo ,S' wiu uerws . . timers HuiOTriiwMin oi me inr ' i i . r j: ..i , cmrneni. A w uujwcaw leaves tere' prnicl " u&v mr t&i- fs,liehtdSh of honor attached to the ap. of brick Uu Wb as mueh nonchalanS T I Z iitm',nt. wnicn u xraveter ! l. ii;tinetion abroad, but thorn U Lf r rfeomp'nie. t ne Dearer, too, is liable to rot w ft' rUKi ' iu instance, L Longbottom may take hie leisure in deliy f ' ,,. budget to Mr. Buchanan in England. !t It U ifltnicted to give chase to Mr. Mason, )TIdeJ hi bfe lft Paris, and to over , him whTerer be is found, and hand over , p&per personiujj i uiu. 4.ues are some jwTjiaTsntages of being a bearer of die- jjjje unaer oruiuary cirvumsiancea. xiut. Lfithi""? tb6,e orawbacks, the honor ..Tenuou'lT nuugiit attar, ana tne appoint- Lou isne41 10 eRr applioanu for several is aJ ranee. A special bearer of dis Ure oeuer. as in me case or Air. .bjIow, f North i;anlina, who was recently Arrolhj Mr. Ikbbin, and has just returned m b . ff ' d him opportunity of seeing It ViiTiu m ' J i'- vi mic ruirraaidDl. 11 bill sre paia ana usually no question- h4. A to Mr. Jjongoottom, oe is unques Ljijlj a man oi very solid bottom, hut be b tiperiroce in ix anng atapatcnes tornoth- iad geum rouoeu iu me Dargain. lie either tracked or telegraphed. For. as es r telegraphed, so do they telegraph t Bien who are considered game, and n tit uxlvnl here and in other cities, they are one laentiDea by tne aescripuon, and bunt- 4wd until they are noosed. Siu of the Herald left in the Franklin j .r..II TL. D . HSSlaraav Mir uira. i ug puaipariH were r ". ;. .v . Unea reiurned from Pafis only a month or kiiiK. Bennett baa always attached great urUDce to loreign correspondence, and has (jfcrmlj pd liberally for it. The Herald took kind and set the example, in this res peer, tb American tress, lo an efficient corres- kdcat near tne seat of tne Turkish war, I t. l A nraUkl (win . rereafifiiir "To stay there forever, to wonder, and'.leep. UdJ The English paper complain of the .John Howard Payne ended the line with "weep" Cat cf prompt and accurate intelligence, and I but no body will weep in that lovely place, IirtfV or iuc ubuiiwm uiwtiuwp, iuu un uuir ten nia icarr, wuuiu uaruij wrru w uv vi9r I . un. -,, Van rtuimA tin jmUU una uui sy-v m a a sw m suk we t wS suci c sj J euu j euvu domisi siibvavs sb v z toerefis. I . :'. 1 , -, i leertaia, ana late rumors soouua m tne piace special iidoimiition. Kendall, also, of the csjune, is ouv in' re uuuiiBg up war news. d lookioe out tor correspondence, we shall 1 i .1 :i pprove our rugrifuiiw uj ura war, ii tj ouer oeneoi is umiou irwu it, aou occome Loer acquainted with Moslems, Hospodars U Wajwodee. Itu reported that Elliott, the late secretary tbe Know Nothings, and wbo was reported be a traitor, has since disappeared. lie con- ati himself in jeopardy and received a grest Lay threatening letters. No one knows what Vweome of bim. lne Know nothings are femeroQ in this City, and it is said will on Genin fur next Mayor. As an inde- M&Bt orranixntion. ther may not be able to pirt much, but as a third party they may site with some other and give preponderance . IV Earl of Elgin and suite, from Canada, rt at the Clarendon. This is a fashionable ailj hotel at tbe corner of 18th Street and i Avenue, juat above Calvary (Dr. Hawks') lurch. It will accommodate somewhat over sudred. The Earl of Ellesmere, the English fsuaiA-ujner to tbe Aew x or k Crystal falace. mprd there with his family, and since then a . . - r-.--- - I fcoogb the charge is half a dollar a day more Mo at the other hotels, and Irish girls wait on p abk. Upon these terms, if any of the rea- en of tbe Register are monomaniacs on tbe eajecta of titles and nobility, they can patron x the Clarendon, although it pays no better bu being Uarer of dispatches. Our New York nobility pay roundly for social tion and distinction. Aristocratic families. 'iMtance, leaving for Europe, sell off their ted furniture, and replace them with their return. Elites will not re-occupy lkoo that has been leased and lived in by They would as soon think of using the platter that another had appropriated. ' tbe Empress Eugenie brought loog trains is, the ladies of style here wear robes kirts trail upon the pavements. Il is hihionnow, too, to dress children in tbe ridiculous . and fartastie manner. They ewyerted into pat ti-colored popinjays, and mioda weakened, and corrupted by tie P "Biers. Young school ftrls also dress for MioM u they would for fancy balls, and head are all turned and bTSiturned by r . . j ... . "ti has two sisters living in New Xork ; P'knhi, jear into 9th street, near Broad- Uaodard-bearer for re-election. w r" Asche vlU all uwti nt WmmA rnttr. Isvces. tr Kgrj for dames and damsels, they should r r in mind The h;.7. "rnee tete ot I.K.of the Enanirer. took nlaee yesterday at married Cooper's daughter some years OQ ecb member the officiating clergyman at Mrs. Mow- DZ bis eaainz was aSweedenbonrian. and tbere vm have not t , P11'! nourish of trumpets before hand. 0Q..nrl f X tUm fjj uriutuuBB were isoueu, bu iii!f" and Cabinet invited. The ram rain- ie regret tn a. . iu to rtiueooro was coming iow Tt place on Friday last, it was onset aaW Pugers, of which there was a full 4, T We are glad to learn that most of "?wped without injury. W T D M B'nKer. late Minister to faino.' 'eceive(i a severe though not serious 10 to behead.-MUo Carea. ' t n a . RwTvMf, June 8,1854 Mr .DtA04tii:iSi, mdt of mK a, ft "Ttf """. In the unar raoB At Brookl v xr Z; "IKS Irish m. f.:.u - ' of mftnkiud." TiZZStt" looker ThrK"11'' of the serin. uC .no whoemeout l.. r DIRff from tK. r t . . . . Wy1 t .rvUnl lst week sa bearer T dis- " V H owj and BooierouslV mttU L from rJ . ...i r v., I thouzhhot nmt.j.... attended. Tarriwd iu New York to pursue hi "Pn the wicked operar o? ofi abnd, he was himself pursued of Babjlon andaoK .. rpon, we Irish of both sexes set them etlrea to proTe. in the old Irish "Their doctrines orthodox a j Aposteho blows and knocks." But jou hate seen all this in the papers. The mcger excitement took a lullon the de psrtore o? the Ethiopian hero who caused itZ Bj the waj. Burns is said to have taken it all :er7 coonj. ana to bare amused himwlf. . l.h- 7- Jj ,UM"J of his ijm- pathismg fnends. He was Terj. wiIUnK Jre. iVaod it detolTec g him to hand hZ&7)ffiJil -mention, .bowo hLthU Cho? if i sougntan acquaintance with the. Marshall. Watson Freeman, who, bj the bje. is a near relatiTe of our friend of that name in Raleigh, and is a nobty represenutire of a distinguished inej wrre enjnw. nates talUne around Mm. Luckilj be was not hurt, and long maj he life to perform, as he will faithfully, whatever dutT his country may assign him, and long may his country give him high duties to perform ! In reply to an assurance on my Dart, that the South owed him much, and would long appre ciate his acts, he modestly remarked that he had done only his duty. " True," said I. " but you have done it tee and where others proved recreant and skulked." Yesterday and to day, I have attended the trial, in the U. S. Court, of a poor devil named Mingo, indicted for the murder of a fellow nam ed Johnston on the high seas ; both free ne groes. B. F. Hsllott protieouted him as District Attorney ; and I have taken much interest in the trial. There is no public excitement about this trial ; but if Johnston hsd been trAiVe, there would have been a rush to the Court House by sympathisers of all shades and stripes. The Jury have not yet returned s verdict ; but as I understand it, it is only a case of mannlauzhter. probably of excusable homicide, k cUj'endcndu, as the lawyers have it, I bare promenaded the beautiful Park, called " The Mall" twisted myself up to the top of the State House, and seen divers things from that lofty eminence rode by the fine old Uouae in Cambridge, that was once in Bunker Hill times occupied by "oldPuf' also the Head Quarters of Gen. Washington, when be firt took command of the Northern Army, (now owned by Professor Longfellow, the Poet. ) It is an elegant man-ion. with a glorious sir of anti quity about it. I aUo passed Elmwood, where the Poet Lowell lives a dreamy life. He is a dreamer, himself, and well suited to the place, which is a sleepy hollow in the shsde. The end of my ride was that beautiful and grand and glorious rural cemetrr. Mount Auburn. It in so sweet a place, that I had a great mind there are no loaas oi any consequence in I who has not some triend under the sod to wa . -L- wmn. A . u . I l : . 1 1 J u 1 1 .. v. l - all communications are tedious and I me such flowers all around and such glori ous songsters filiing the air with their music. Weep? oh no. Ob ! that we had in our beautiful City of Oaks a place for our departed ones, in which we might love to linger I out 1 am getting sen timental and sad by the contrast of our own naked and narrow house for the dead with this spacious and beautiful cemetery ; and so I bid you good-bye. U. BALLOON ASCENSION AT THE CRYS TAL PALACE ACCIDENT TO THE AE RONAUT ESCAPE OF THE BALLOON, dco. New Yosx. June 9 Mr. Wise, the celebra ted aeronaut, according to announcement, as cended in bis balloon to-day, from tbe Crystal Palace. An immense concourse of people col lected to witness the exhibition, lhenrocess of inflation was eone through with in due form nd successfully. The period arrived, after having sent off various pilots to asctertain the direction of the wind, when tbe aeronaut was to take his position in the car and mount up- . am a a J ward. He came forward, all prepared. Deiore the immense crowd, and got into tbe car ; the t loyal and royal English have felt it their tasteuings were cuu h,. J v r?i.i L ed upwards. A strong wind prevailed at the . . . i i : t n tin and alter ascenainz tne oauoon sieerru .1 v il J towards Flushing, where, coming within some fift fat of the earth. Mr. Wise fell out. He struck the ground with mueh force and was se--L.n.1 hat not dangerously hurt. Besides ural bruises, one of his front teeth knocked out. His escape was miraculous. The balloon took a quick upward flight, going towards Boston, and soon Cisappeareu, prora- bly not to be beard of in a hurry. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. ti.;. K;nr Court week at Brunswick, both narties made their nominations for the Legis r x..i;';.l msetinirs were held : and we under stand that the Republican Whigfsnominated as their candidate for the House pi uoinmous, n.ni f. Riiim L Jfiso-(a very wormy genuo- man and true Whig; ) '.he Lococrats, Col. Gas ton Msares. WiL Herald, 7M. " - Ms- WiLfcST. It affords us great pleasure to Mtate that the Senatorial Convention, which as- Saturday last. semoiea iumwu...... - . ; L nominated tbst sterling Wbic and Ckf a boarding h6use in Lexington Aven- Hot, HENRY WILLEY, Esq.. ho b" f the other. Madame Rutkay Kossuth, had rTi. and faithfully represented this District m fwe m Broadway, but the terrific rents have h last two or three Legislatures, as weir assured that no nomination co , " r made, which will gie more universal on to the Whigs of Chowan and Gas and the St?u I generally than that of Mr. Willet SS ?." ? .orvices in the last two or 'ttiwBi-l lii.i.Ij aJ , t -,.;.Ut..rA8 his orivate worlD nis un- VfSB&VrUBT 1 1 ti TAlilU VI ajsss. - . a 'd IT ?'ZZ7:u i; and nUemanly deportment ?Mrionic mateh made by two of the dis- Uis intelligence and Vu ''H F. Y'. of Virginia J President Ty mand tbe confidence of aU and party i ant kartv unnori. Cl I r - xeaious j . r r . advised, as yet, whether U W uir has accepted the nomination thus M j .1? Kim butit is generally understood 52f wiu 'JZU W.sball. en all probs MHtv be ablHo inform our readers fn our nexJ' In the meantime, we may be permitted Dtth . , . .vlL, that nothing short of ab- learn that as the bUge l Wt "TV hiro lrom agato sery- "2 h. LeeisUUre CounoiU of inar his xwir thf Stte.-JEitoto Whig. r', ytSvllitS UU oome to rKdU'- Xttookylcg.offI" -littslofM-. v.i A-rtW Wlb. NawTork BP;fK FEDERAL- COUBTtJNE StfC to 91854. "The cam of the. Jitk Statu .;ioHir. B. ;Dnr1Vld SMB J" Johkstom were Th District Attorney tongbt to continue the caaea on - the ground that ; material witnesses were absent, by whom it would be showu that the paper alleged to be forged were actually iTedat thePenaion Department, but the Judge refuted to allow any further continuance V r"' " ng that the Government bad alwaye heretof e continued the case, and, though it might bof great personal inconve nience to himself, he could not injustice to the u "ow tarther continuance a Hereupon, tne U. a. A j that he would try the Defendant, Johnston, who was pat on trial on the morning of the 7th about 11 A. M. vvThjcDUtri,t AttornJ w the defendant woodfin as a witness to prove that the papers al J?wl t 06 forged came to his hands in the State, that they were found at the Department, and that he, Woodfin, did not alter them. Woodfin sustained this in a clear and candid manner, exhibiting all the bearing of a man innocent or any offence connected with the transaction. Ue could not, as he said, exculpate the defen dant, because he did not see him. He, Wood l WM.from bme, and lived, then, about one hundred miles from Johnston. He came home and found the papers left for him, and, not doubting they were properly prepared, sent them, without more than a cursory glance, to the Pension Office. He could not say, therefore, whether there was any forgery or not, nor, il so, when it was committed. The evidence of this witness, if credited, left ,hVJr,8'rJ. if tbere was anv, between Mastin !in Waugh. or one of them, and the defendant. The case was fully arKued, and the whole matter apparently thoroughly understood by the jury, who were men ofhijjb character jnd good practical wnse. TtVy remained out wo or three minutes only, when, they brought in their verdict of ho! guiity! On Thursday, the 8ih. the District Attorney put Woodfin on his trial, and, as soon as the jury were empannelled, remarked that he had resolved the day before, when he had used W. s a witness, not to prosecute, and he should not now offer any evidence of his guiit; he was fully satisfied of his innooence, sfifr a thorough investigation of th cas. The jury very audi bly responded that in this they fully concurred. It is ibe general sentiment of the public that there men have been nrosecuted without Anv sufficient cause. Let it not be understood, by any means, that any intimation is held out that there has been any dereliction of duty on the part of the late, or the present. District Attor nies. Thev are both above anv aoch Riisnirinn N. " ' r or is it meant that there wa anv malice, any where, prompting the prosecution. but simnlv that the respective defendants were unquestion ably free from the crime alleged against them. CONGRESS. The Sknats met yesterday, and, nfter dispo sing of a few matters of routine, adjourned to aionaay. Th6 ilocas met, and, after spending an hour or two fruitlessly on a question of privilege, also adjourned. LU. Fridiu. Thk Six ati yesterday was not in session. In the House or Rxprssivtativis Mr. Faulk- er announced, in appropriate term. th death of the Hon. John F. Snodrass. a Representa tive from the Parkersburg District of Virginia. and on w red the customary resolutions of con dolence and resDect. Mr. Letcher added a feeling tribute, and the House adjourned. Int. S'llurdai. Washington, June 10. The Senate was not in session to-day. The House met at the usual hour, and im mediately resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Pacific Railroad bill. Mr. Chastain, of Georgia, proceeded to ad dress the Committee in favor of the acquisition of Cuba by negotiation. DEATH OF A MEMBER OF CONGRESS. Wheeling, Jane 6. Hon. J. F. Snodgrass died very suddenly to-day at his residence in Parkersburg. He represented the 12th dis trict of Virginia in the present Congress. The Baltimore Patriot, speaking of the election of Mr. Towers, Mayor of Washington, says : Mr. Towers is a most excellent man and well fitted for tbe post of Mayor. He is a gen tleman of high literary and moral qualifica tions. Mr. T. is a practical print&r, and was examiner general of public printing under Presi dent rillmore, from which place be was remo ved by the present administration for the only sin of being a Whig. He now occupies a more enviable piace, and will no doubt till it a great deal better than Gen. Pierce does that of the Presidency." We see that Virginia Interference in our State affairs still continues popular. We have before us an article from the Danville Re- Sublican warmly advocating tbe claims of Mr. "gg- . It is because the Democratic candidate lives so near tbe Virginia line, and has become so identified with Virginia modes of thought and feeling, interest and association, that he is re garded by these omcious presses as a member of the Old Dominion t It would really seem so. Ur, is his cause so weak, ana himseii ho impotent, as to require foreign aid and succor ? numingron neraia. Tbe Detriot Tribune says: "Not the least a- musing in the doings of yesterday May 2GJ was the fact that Urge bodies of people whole families from the country, came into the city, with their teams, to see the eclipse. This is a fact. The Fbeemasons of this State now number 15,000 members, and 286 lodges. The receipts of the Grand Lodge, which is now holding its regular June session in this city, for the past year, have exceeded $15,000 N. Y. Express. Holloway's Ointment and Pili-s, the only in fallible Remedies for the Cure of Eruption and Blotches on the Skin. John Younglove, (aged 46) was a great victim through tba follies of -youth to eruptions on the skin, being covereq wuu muse unsightly blotches; in tact, ne was uiieny unmieu by his apjearance to enter into Society. This young man, eight weeks 'back, tried Holloway's Ointment and Pills, and by the joint use of these remedies, his blood was so cooled and punned, that the whole of the blotches disappeared, and he new enjoyi excellent health. Tiiese medicines will cure any disease of the skin, even oi twenty years standing. 11 IN TIME OF PEACE, Pr.EPARE FOR WAR- Be advised, therefore, to use dally, In a glass of sweetened Ice Water, a tea spoon full of Brown's or Ltox's Essence or Ginger! and thus avoid the prevailing Epidemic. If you are suffering with it, send to Pesoud's and get a Bottle of Bernard s or Stabler's Diarrhoea Mixture, either of which will give immediate relief. You will find all the most approved Medicines for Diarrhoea and Dysentery tt, PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. GlksVs Trdx Vssbbxa Water This delight ful perfume, prepared by a chemical process, from the hot bouse plant, LEMON TRIFOLIA, is con fidently recommended to the Ladies In particular, on account of Its refreshing and delightful odor. It contains all the fragranoe of the plant itself In ' oooeentrated form, and will be found very useful for removing tbe languor occasioned by croe dd yoostt e. Ala 4elLdoua pacihme fee the TjAa(ftTr.ktr asA wUl Wfcwsd awrh, ehuspar. than tb Extraets, and yet equally: good, and. a pleasant change for the Ban de Cologne.: : H Y Alsalcnu's lluik .Toilet Water, Glenn's Citro' nella Wates(j Glenn's Kose Geranium. Water, for 8ale lir fUlpigTr by l F. ,Drngjjist and Chemist. '-. : v.." "-.iv,- REPORT OF. THE NORFOLK MARKET, roaifAKnso to thi ataisxiE,' bt A. Mi XcPH E EfERS t CO., Wholeskre Qroeers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, C Roanoke Square. Norfolk. June 10th, 1854. Breadjturf. The accounts per Niagara and Arc tic are adverse to Breadstuff's, but Flour has con tinued to hold its own, with us, owing to the light supply. We quote Supt-rfine $J; Extra- 1-2 a 10 ; C rn arriving very slowly, and no change from our last quotation. Co:ton Dull and drooping no sales to quote from. Naval Stores Tar is more plenty. Sales at $3 1-2; Common Rosin $1 3-8; Fine and nos3$2 a $3 1-12; Spirits Turpentine dull at 44 a 46. Staves. Pipe W. O. Pipe $36, hhd $13 a 44; bbl. $30 a $J1 ; Heading 70 j R. O., hhd dull at 35 a $30. Bacon Very dull, with heavy stock. No change to note since our last. Lard 10 a 10 1-2. Hay Very scarco at from store. 1 1-4 a 1 3-8 for parcel Lime Thomaston $1 1-4 a $1 1-18: W. C. $1 1-4 a a $1 3-8. Burnt Oyster Shell 20 per bushel. Groceries are quiet without change. Guano In good supply at prices before quoted. FAYETTE VI LLE MARKETS. Fatettkvills, June 10, 18i4. Bacon per lb, new 9 1-2 a 10 ; Cotton per lb, 8 a' 8 1-2 ; Cotton Bagging, per yard Gunny, 14 a 16 ; Uundee, 12 1-2 a 13 ; Burlaps, 10 a 12 ; Cotton Yarn, per lb, Nos. 5 to 10, 19 ; Domestic Goods, per yard Brown Sheetings, 7 1-4 a 8; Osnaburgs, 9 1-2 a 10 ; Flour, per barrel Superfine, $3 2i a $3 50; Fine, $3 00 a$3 25; Corn,$l 10 a 1 15; Wheat, $r 25 ; Oats, 60 ; Hides, per lb Dry, 10 ; Groen 3 a 4. REMARKS. The market is well supplied with Bacon, but no change in price. The principal sales of Cotton were made at 8 1-2. Corn is scarce, and wanted at $1 10 to $1 15 per bushel. The receipts of Flour are light, and demand good. Sales from wagons on Thursday at $3 25, tor superfine. Spirits Turpentine is in better demand at an improvement of 2 1-2 cts siles at 37 1-2 cts per gallon. Raw Turpentine, no change. Fay. Car. WILMINGTON MARKETS. June 10, 1864. Turpentine. Is in good demand and none on market We note sale of only 60 bbls. last even ing at $2,80 per bbl. of 280 lbs, for yellow dip. Spirits. Yesterday afternoon we report sales of 400 bbls. at 39 cts. per gallon, this berng a decline of 1 cent per gal.; buyers offering to-day only 38$ cts. The stock 19 light and demand only limited. Rosin. Sales yesterday of 550 bbls. common, la-ge site, at $1,40 per bbl. Also, this morning 210 bbls., mixed lot, at $176 to $2,50 per bbl. As to quality, stock light and demand good for common. Timber. Sales of 2 Rafts at $11,00 a $11,50 per M. feet. (Hek.) PETERSBURG MARKETS. June 10, 1854. Tobacc Our market for the past week has been very brisk, with an improvement in the bet ter grades of leaf. Lus are without material change. Wheat We bear of no sales since the steamer's arrival Cotton Nominally at 9c. Corn In good demand at 80c. Flour Country brands, $8Ja$8J.; City brands, $9ai. Bacon Sides, 7Jc; do. sLoulders, 6Jc. Guano Peru?iau Guano, $od per ton of 2,000 lbs. iIntbl. MARRIED. In E. City, N. C, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Snowden, Rev. C. M. Parkman to Miss Elizabeth Fearing. $500 Reward ITTHEREAS I am well apprised that my Dwel y f ling House, recntly burnt , down near the city of Raleigh, was burnt by an incendiary, I here by offer a reward of Five nundred Dollars to be paid on conviction, for any information that may lead to tke conviction of the offender. N. L. STITH. Raleigh, June 13, 1854. 48 Dissolution ! THE co-partnership heretofore existing under the name of M. Schloss & Co., bwi this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Persons indebted to the Firm are earnestly requested "to call and make settlement of their ascounts (at the Estab lishment in this City,) by the 1st of July. THE UNDERSIGNED will continue to carry on the Mercantile business, in its various forms, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to the former firm. J. SCHLOSS & BRO. Raleigh, June 13, 1854. 48 Rockbridge Aliun Water. HAVING the Agency for the sale of this valu able Medicinal water, we are now prepared to lurnish it by the barrel, half barrel or gallon. Pamphlets containing the Ana'ysin and certificates of cures may be hsxl on application to the subscri bers. WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. Raleigh, June 13, 1854. 48 t Star, Standard and Age copy. KU A.MIKE HILLS FUR SUE. IN pursuance of a decree of the Court or isquity for Northampton County, made at Spring Term. 1864. in the case of Thomas G. Tucker vs. William H. Wesson. 1 will ouer at puDiic sale to the highest bidder on Tuesday, the 18th day of July next, a VALUABLE MANUFAUTUK1JNU vi ILL. known as tne nuArsune. wiiibo, suua- n r - wr - v V V T CI " aH nn the Roanoke River, in the County of Northampton, about five miles above Gaston. These Mill are advantageously located for custom and the supply of water is inexhaustible; there are four pair of stones, and a crusher, to gether with all the fixtures usually found in Flour Manulactunng Mills. A credit of one and two years will he allowed the purchaser by giving bonds with approved se euritv. besrine interest from the day of satft ex o.nnt a sum is cash sufficient to pay costs. The sate will take place at the said Mills. JOHN RANDOLPH, C. M E. Jackson, June 13, 1854. td 48 PIEDMONT SULPHUR AN O CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, Or BURKS COUNTT, N. C, 16 MILES NORTH Or MQRGANTON. THE Proprietor of the above eelebrated Springs respectfully informs the public generally, that he is iow prepared for the reception of company. Having made very considerable improvements, he believes he can accomodate a large Company, and render their stay during the season both pleasant and interesting. At least, no pains shall he spar ed on his part tQ contribute to the benefit and grat ification ot those who may favor him with their company. This delightful Summer Retreat cannot he sur passed by any of the fashionable Watering places within the State of North Carolina. Here Invalids, as well ss those seeking pleas ure may find a Summer Residence calculated to restore the lost energies of the physical constitu tion and gratify the most fastidious taste seeking pleasure. By calling on Dr, Happoldt, proprietor of the 'Mountain Hotel," in Morgauton, every neoejwa ry information, pertaining to the Medicinal Quali ties of these waters, can be obtained - JAMES E. E3TES, Proprietor. June 18, 1854. 3m 48 a Large lot of Calicoes, Ginghams, Marlboro J 8tripea and Plaids, for sale by Afixa IaV'64. SO M.URRAX 4 CSEAL. SOUTH LOWELL MALE? ACADEMY OBAJiGE. COUNTV, w, Cv - Rr.".TAHr.s A .DsAJt, M. A., Priacipal. Uf . WuV W. RcKTAs,,MrA., Associate. fllft' next session of this Institution will oom I n ence on Thursday, Jnly 13. Students will be thoroughly prepared for enter ing any of our Colleges, or for engaging in busi ness, or for studying the Professions. Especial at tention will be given to preparing young men for J teacher?. Exercises will be required in Compo- siuocs. Declamation, and extemporaneous Speak ing. Vocal Music will be taught to all that de--u re, free of c harge. TurnoH : In the Classics $15 ; in English $12.60; in tbe Primary Department $10. Board, including every thing except lights, $32.50 at the Boarding House, and something less in private families. . Students can come by public conveyance' to Hillsborough, 12 miles West, or to Oxford,' 25 1 miles N, East ; and at either place private con veyances can be obtained. Circulars containing particulars will be sent on app ication to the Principal, or the Executive Committee. Executive Committee : Dr. A. W Gay, Col. D. C. Parish, Rev. J. A. McMannen, J. B- Leath ers, Esq., Williams Harris, Esq. South Lowell, June 13, '54. 4t 48 BELLAMY'S HOTEL, WARRENTON, N .C. THE undersigned takes pleasure in informing the public that she has entirely refitted her house from cellar to garret, and is now prepared to ac commodate all who may patronize her in the best style. She has added twenty rooms to the house, all of which, together with the old ones, (which have been. refitted,) are furnished with new and comfortable furniture, and are pleasant and airy. The dining saloon is large and pleasant, and her table will at all limes be furnished with the best the market will afford, prepared by experienced cooks. ...... ' No little jatteawion has been paid to fitting up the stables (belonging to the house, which are dry and furnished with best provender and attentive ostlers. The servants are well trained and trusty, and attentive to the wants of guests. Her BAR attached to the houxe will at all times be furnished with the best of refreshments in that line, by an experienced bar-keeper, ho will at all times be as ready to serve guests as to suppress everything tending to boisterousness or rowdy ism. With all i he advantages for ease and comfort which the proprietor can offer, she feels confident in assuring the travelling public that they will find her establishment equal to any in the coun try, and such as to entitle her to a liberal share of the public patronage. ANN BELLAMY. June 13, 1854. 48 w4w NEW BOOKS. THE TRIALS of a Mind, by Dr Ives; Cum ming's Lectures in the Apocalypse ; De Quincey's The ologjeal Essays ; The Priestand Huguenot, by Bunger. My Schools and Schoolmates, by Hugh Miller, Author of "Foot Prints of the Creator," "Old Red Sandstone," &c, &c. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. Raleigh. June 13, '54. 48 IT ENDERSON MALE ACADEMY. The se cond Session of this Academy will commence on the first Monday in July and continue five months. Good board can be obtained in the vil lage or adjacent country at $7 per month. It is very desirable and important that pupils be in at the commencement of the Session. RATES OF TUITION. For Primary Branches per session, $10 00 For higher English Branches, 12 50 For Mathematics and Languages, 15 00 For further particulars address H. D. BRACEY, Principal. June 13, 1851. 48 4t OXFORD MALE ACADEMY, J. H. Horner, Principal ; Mor&on Venable, Assistant. The next session will open the 1 0th July and close the 1st December. Board and tuition for the session $05. Oxford N. C, June 13, 1854. w&swt20T-47 AT0 1 1 Noi CUT HERRINGS. 80 barrels of No 1 orth Carolina Cut Herrings. Just received from the Fisheries fbr salebv NIEMEYER & WHITE. SHAD by A few Barrels of salted shad for sale NIEMEYER & WHITE. OSENDALE CEMENT. 100 Barrels Rosen- dale cement for sale by NIEMEYER & WHITE. Portsmouth, Va., June 13, 1854. 48 Standard copy. House and Lot for Sale. ON Wilmington street, opposite the Market house, and now occupied by m. H. Putney. Apply to JAMES L1TCHFORD. Also, A Kiln of good Bracks J. L. Raleigh, June 13, 1854. 4t-48 )LEASANT GROVE MALE ACADEMY. Wake Forbst. N. C. William M. Cren shaw, A. ts., rnncipai. ine next, session oi mis Institution will commence the 2nd Monday in July. Terms the same as formerly. W. tlAKTSr 11SL.D, Secretary. June 13, 1854. tl5J. Oxford Female College. THE next session will commence on the first Monday in July 1854. rates tuition (patablk ons half in advancx.) For Reading, nting, with the hrst rudiments of En eli8h Grammar, and Ueography, $10,00 English Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic,! 2,60 For any thing higher, lo.uu For the College Classes, (without any extra charge for the Languages,) ' Extra Expenses. Music on Piano, Use of Instrument, 20 00 ' 20,00 3,00 The same on Guitar, Drawing and Painting, 12.00- Oil Painting, 16,00 6,00 8,00 Needle Work, Board per month, Washinz per month, 1,00 Musical Soirees will be given during each term T. T. G RANDY, Sec. of the Board of Trustees Dec. 20, 1853. 103-ly FOR SALE. a: Good, eentle Work Horse works in single or double Harness. Apply at this office. June 6, 1864. 2t 46 Eagle Hotel" for Sale X AM authorized by the owner of the E vgle no- I tel. at Chapel Hill, to offer it for sale. Miss Hilliabd, who has beon in possession of it for about twenty years, desires to retire to a more Drivate life. This Hotel is probably as good property of the kind as is to be found in the State, its income for several years past nas ranged from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars a year ; and at present is rather beyoud the latter amount. As buyers will probably examine the property for themselves, any forth -r description here is unnecessary. Possession will be surrendered on the 10th of June, if desired. For further Information, address the subscriber at Chapel Hill, N. C. SAMUEL F. PHILLIPS. April 14, 1854. vr3m 81 Standard. Wilmington Journal, Fayette ille Observer, Goldsboro' Telegraph, and Norfolk Re&oou copy three months, weekly. Bricklaying and Plastering- CHARLES W. PALMER takes this method of I j informing the public, that he is now prepared to carry on the above named business in all its branches, and iu a marterty and expeditious manner. He thinks he can afford to. contract for work of this sort on ss reasonable torms as any person in the State, having made extensive arrangements for so doing. ' He flatters himself that the work he has already done in Raleigh has given entire satis faction, and be hopes by strict attention to his business to merit a continuance of public favoy. Jan. 6. 1864. - ly IIUAKSI CIGARS 1 1- A lot the vary bast Vf brands ot imjgiUiOgars has jwet been re eeuetspT- Minwv ovvu. , . . ; REOISTXCEt POWER -. PRESS AND JOB OFFICE. Sf We are prepared, to execute all descrip tions of JOB PRINTING, at reasonable rates, with neatness and dispatch Our offioe is supplied with the very latest styles of . ' . "J HEW ASH FASHICnr ABUE TOT of every description necessary for the prompt exe cution of . PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, SUCH AS Pamphlets, Circulars, Ball Tickets, BUSINESS CARDS, - FREIGHT BILLS, II A XD BILLS, PROGRAMMES, LARGE POSTERS, BLANKS C In as neat style as any other Establishment, and in any quantities. - ' NOTICE. THE Subscriber having, at May Term 184, qualified as Administrator upon the estate of John McPherson. deceased, hereby gives gene ral notice to all creditors of said estate, to present their claims duly authenticated within the time limited by law for that purpose ; otherwise, this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. N. B. All debtors to said estate will please make payment immediately, as indulgence cannot be given. L. T. TEAGUE, Adm'r. Mud Lick,' Chatham Co. May 30, 1854. w6w 44 STEAM BOILERS. HOLDEN & GALLAGHER, (Late Leonard, Holden & Co.) van?? actcks&s or Locomotive.,. Stationary and Steamboat Boiler, Of all descriptions ; also, WATER TANKS FOR SHIPS. GAS HOLDERS, LEWIS STREET, (Six doom from the Ferry) EAST BOSTON, MASS. May 3Qt 1854. w6m-44 TO THE AGRICULTURAL PUBLIC. TT7"M. RUSSELL PALMER, Esq , a native of V y N. Carolina, late of New York, and inven tor of the AMERICAN ROTARY FLAIL SEED AND GRAIN THRESHING MACHINE, is at preset in the city of Raleigh, and wishes to ex hibit his invention to the planters of Wake and the adjacent counties. The machine hereby introduced to the notice of a generous people has been thoroughly tested in New York, and confidently recommended by scien tific growers of grain in that State, to both Euro pean and American grain growers, as the very best for threshing purposes, ever invented either in that country, or this. It can be satisfactorily shown that this Rotary Thresher will, by being properly adjusted, thoroughly thresh out the seeds of clover, flax, &c. It is perfectly adapted to the threshing of wheat, oats, pea's, c. Indeed it threshes thoroughly from the straw or pod all grains, indian corn ex cepted. several of the machines are now at Wilmington, N. C, in the care of Messrs. Freeman & Houston, and can be brought to this place, whenever any gentleman wishes to see one of them at work. They range in price from $75 to $100, thence to $125. To the truth of the above statement, the most unquestionable testimony can be given. Mr Palmer can be seen at the City Hotel, Ra leigh, at any time, and would be pleased to have his wonderful invention examined. June 6, 1854. tf 46 RUNAWAY, Subscriber, one DARK SORREL TROM the MARE, 3 years old this Spring, with a white spot in the face, and a long taiL Any information addressed to me, at this office, of the said mare, will be liberally rewarded. ROBERTSON RASSER, St. Charles P. O., Johnston. May 16, 1854. wlm 40 GREENSBORO' HIGH SCHOOL. The next session will commence on the 10th of July and continue five months. Tuition same as here tofore, required in advance. Classical Department $20 00 Mathematical 15 00 Common English 12 00 trench, Drawings. Pain tine each extra, 10 00 Contingent Expenses 1 00 C. W. HOLBROOK, Prinoipal. June 6, 1854. 46 wSt War rent on Female Institute. ri HE 14th year, (27th session) of this Institu- tion. will commence on the 8d of July next A large addition has been made to the building this year. For terms, &c, apply to GRAVES & WILCOX- June 6 61 46 NOTICE. THE Subscriber, having been at May Session, A. D., 1854, of Wake County Court, duly duly appointed and qualified as Administratrix, with thewill anrfeied, of the estate of James G. Jef freysdeceased, hereby gives notice to all persons having Hepts, claims or demands against the said James G. Jeffreys, deceased, to present them to her for payment, properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law ; otherwise, this notice ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And those indebted to said James G. Jeffreys, de ceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment. MARTHA H. JEFFREYS. Administratrix, with Will annexed. Wake Co., May 19, '54. w4w 41 Valuable Land for Sale. rTIHERE will be exposed to public sale, on the JL 8t next on tle premises, (by the heiis) a Tract of valuable Land c jntaining FOD4t HUN DRED A' RES. Said land belongs to the estate of AuguBtm .Norwood, deceased, and adjoins the lands ot J no. r.arp, Sr., Edward Channel! and Gilley Jeffreys It is located 7 miles north of Ral eigh, near the Raleigh and Gaston Rjtilroad. On the said Tract, there is a good Dwelling House, and most of the neoeasary out-houses. Terms made known on the day of sale. Wake Co,, May 19, 1864. wtd-41 Tar River Male Academy. HHE first session of this school for the year B lS5i will close on the 81st inst. On the 30th the public examination of the classes will take place. There will be public declamation and other exercises on the 3 1st Tbe patrons of the school and its friends generally are respectfully invited to attend. The next session will commenoe on Monday, the 8rd day of July next, and parents are reques ted to enter their sons at the commencement of the session, if practicable. The price of boarding per month is five dollars. The prices for Tuition her sessioi of five months, are : . Elementary branches ,,..,...$7 50 Higher English , 10 to 12 60 Languages i 15 00 The necessary expenses of the most advanced scholar, including boarding, tuition, &c, for five months, need not exceed forty-one dollars. This Institution is located in Granville county, nine miles west of Oxford, in a quiet and moral neif h- borhood, and affords superior advantages for the education of youth. The school will eontlane un der the charge of the present tuHaoipaL J. C. Rhodes, A. M. By order of the Board of Trustees. . C. W. ALLEN, Secretary. Trustees j Dr. J A. RusselL 'Wm. dement, L. p. Alien, Allen Waller, Jas. C. Court, May 2o, '64. ,Wt3Jy 43 Notice. "TS hereby given that certificate No. 925 for two I I shares of Stock in the Sank of the State ot North Carolina, in the name of the subscriber, has been lost or mislaid and that application will be made to the Bard of Directors of said Bank for the issue cf another certificate in place thereof. C. B. MALLETT. Fayetteville, June 2, '54. 2m os 45 TJERFUMERY AND SOAPS. Pescud has tbe I V mnt nlndid aaaartjoanl nf PtrfMn mad. I aps whkk he wffl. tell yerj low, eall aa4. ml t AiOurpibTv All J HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT' "liTttsirs or ins Urios.rou rhave done 5n$e j the honour as with one. voice, from on a end T of the Union to the other, to stamp the character of my Ointment with your approbation. It is scC&e- -ly two years since I made it : known among you, ; and already, H has obtained more celebrity than ' any other mediciae in so. short a period.- ' . - - -THOMAS- HOLLOW AY. 38, Cor: of Ann and Nassau streets New York. ASTONISHING CORES OPSORE LEGS AFTER NINE YEARS STANDING. Copy of a Letutr fro Mr. . W. -ZangUy, tf Huntttille, Yadkin CmntyS'Nortk Carolina. U. S. dale X.vembtT L 485S. READ-IIIS OWN WORDS. To Faorxssoa HottowAT, , ' '. Sir : It is not my wish to" become notorious, nether is this letter written for the mere' sakebf writing, but to say, that your Ointment eured me of one of the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was Considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine years I was inflicted with one of the most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying -every medicine I had ever heard of, J resigned in despair all hope Of being eared; but a friend brought me a couple of large pots of your Oint ment, which caused the sores on my legs to hsaL and I entirely regained my health to my agreeable surprise and delight, and to the-'aitoalahmeht of my friends. (Signed) W. J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A. BAD BREAST. WHEN NEARLY -AtTHE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Letter from Mr; Durant, 27kiB Or leans. November Sih, 1853. " To Paorsssoa HoLtowaf, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New York. - Dear Sir, It is with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved.. For seven years she had a bad breast, with ten run ning wounds, (not of a cancerous nature.) I was told that nothing could save her: she was then in duced to use your Ointocrit and Pills, when in the short space of three months, they effected a perfect cure, to-the astonishment of all who knew us. We obtained your Medicines from Messrs. Wright & Co., of Chartres-street, New Oilcans. I send this from "Hotel des Princes," Paris, rsl though I had written it at New Orleans, before we finally left, at that time, not knowing your ad dress at New York. m, n , (Signed) R. DUBANT. The Fills should be used conjointly with the Oint ment in most of tlie following cases : Bad Legs Contracted and Stiff Joints Lumbago Sore-throats Bad Breasts Stiff Joints Piles Skin-disesses Burns Fistulas Rheumatism Scurvy Bunions Gout Salt Rheum Sore-heads Chilblains Glandular v Scalds . U.oers Chapped hands Swellings Sore Nipples Wounds Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holiowat, 88, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets New York, also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States, m Pots, at 87, cents, 87 cents, and $1.60 cents each To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union, and 'of Messrs, 8.' & J. A. Evans, Wilmington, and P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. . M& There is a considerable savinz by takinz the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. i T Notice. HE 6th Annual meeting of the Members, of the N- C. Mutual Life las uranee Company will be held at the Office of the Company, the first Monday in July next, for the purpose f electing a Board of Directors for the JAMES F. JORDAN. Seo'y June 5th, 1854. 46 BANK OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLI NA. A. Dividend of. rivs and ons quaktik rsa ckht on the Capital Stock of this Bank, lor tne last six months, has this day been declared, wib atocanoiaers less the tax of twenty-five cents eh each share owiuH k. Tnrt;oi. -t the Principal Bank, "on the first Monday in July next, and at the Branches, fifteen days there.' alter. . - . rn.r, " ,. - aner. - . - 4 - r. newvv- nl.ii Raiefgh, JuneSnd, 1854. -td-45 ia Standard, ; Star and PosVeopy. ' , . Mornlnr Sun THE next , session of this school, under the care of T, J Horner, commenaes on the Let Monday in July. The Academy is located tnid way between Raleigh and Chapel HilL in one of "U"""' uwuuiy ana desirable neighborhoods in Wake. . : . Tkrms .--Classical department, $!5 00 JSngtiSh jo 00 Board can be obtained in the men. ramAt&hU families at $5 or $6 per month. . - r ay order or the Trustees, ". 4 w TH0S- HICKS, Secretary. May 80 4w ,. 46 To the Public. I THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citiseus of Raleigh, and the public generally, that he keeps constantly on hand aunnlv tf WALL PAPER, of various kinds "1- also. ' .Screens, Window L'urtalns, &c, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices; also, paper hangings of all kinds done in the neatest and most workman ship manner. - . ; i He also has on hand and is still manufaoturirir mattresses of all kinds. , Renovating of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. . - J., IIENRY HARRLS, Paper Hanger and Mattress Maker. April 18, 1864. . -.. Si - VALUABLE ROANOKE LAND FOR. SALE. WILL be sold, on Thursday, the 22d day of June next, at the store of. John. Hywaa, Jisq., at falmyra, Martin county, that viluable . plantation formerly. belonging to Benjamin Dunn, adjoining the lands of John Devereux, Whitmell J. nut, Messrs. urquehart ana otasrev ooBtaininz about 400 ACRES. J S Terms made known on dar of aateJifiA Uberal, credit will be giyen. .-. 'feU' ivt - ' ' GEU TV. M0RDECAI, ' Trustee.; Raleigh, May SO, '64. - y td 144 HORSE POWER WHEAT THRESHERS. I have still en hand several of the very best maxe, nrougnt lor exhitwtion at the .last Fair, which I offer at the manufacturer's prices, free of Charge for transportation. . x armors will do well to look to their interest and buy at once as they cannot have such another op portunity tor the present Crop . JAMES M TOWXES. Farmer's Hall, June 3, 1854. . , 40 VINEGAR -A good article just received and for sale by JAMES M. T0V7LES. - TJAPER. A huge lot of superior Writing Ps JT per, just to hand, embracing every variety of Letter, Cap and Note Paper ruled and Plain. For sale by SIMMONS A WHITMORE. Petersburg. Jan. Z4,laa. . . g A L80. 10 Dox. Ames Shovels just to hand. - - W. tt. & K. 8. TUCKER." WEEDING HOES !--A large assortment of Meel weeding hoes, at the Farmers Hall' Jf AJSMiau BATES $ CO. May 13,1854. 39 THE Subseriber will receive few good boys lute his School, near Uttit toa Depot, If sp- plication he mad before tfie Istef July The next Seesioa. wttt on Thursday. W9 Wlu- J.DeB. HOOfEiL 3 .,.v; ?."Wfik 88. Mvofit, ' . - tjiaMfaiYiasv .. -