jwi v-.a ". V.,!. ' ..' ; . . v -tW f- - , f ; t ' -r.? ,;V-. irt voiniE lv.. ,- - . V - St Zt:Yy ?X;-i;f City jult -tt-isii' . .'-IT- , ' ' ' ' ' ' . c- : 7 - .... ... 'J : :. ", 1 : : ; i . ' ' .-- " ' ' , .. i. ; : - r--,..,. -, :.; V;'" KOv56-,; THK "RALEIGH REGISTER'-? ? b published Senii-wlyni Weekly; A ?i n P ft O F IHET Q Rv.v ,kly, 3 jvr kininl in dram) fj.5( ; BATES OF ADTKRTISINOf 1 vrvrs For etny 18 liiM- first tnwrtion fx;-- , hor: blrt doJueficn of 33' percenVvUi U T-,. rv--ii5-ur prf'-e tn sdvcrtiKen the yer. " . vl !-e ot rtrj5. tv.'1i,,-..i,U''.-.V- ... t , the Editor must le raPMATB. " ' '- .-.. o "mil SoLeduIe has been ordered ly i i:tnr General, and lia gone intA ti.:i lUd tf.-dy': '1 .IK jrh ai 8 A. Al , and reach Weldan at r for the Express train to Wilmiag-. at li r. M., and reach Raleigh ;-h & Gaston R.iilroadCo. Senu-inber 13, 1853. j 75 11 1 NOOR. "$5 Brand Thia brand of m is a mrity of X a tore.. It is made i-ustly, most beautiful, and most deli : irrovrn in Virginia, is pot up in boxes : 1 .i pounds with th; signature and like celebrated Manufacturer, James Thorn. i :iie label. A supply just received and v P. F. PESCUD. A Card. nr.- i -. I : T PHK ronoer wouia respecttuuv announce to i .nzens of Raleigh and Ticimty, that he 7 v 'i .v vaA rit OfKlota f nrr Ta rtAre .r : n--:'' r inger-rings, lsreastpins, Bracelets, v . .: Sotting Jewels and Repairing alt kinds of j-r!rv :n a manner warranted to gire satisfaction; Eufjrann uua cnasing oi every uescnpuon in a f:-.e :. f to be surpassed. A.i orJers may be left at F. Mahler s & Co., rhere he ha taken the rodhi adjoining the stcre- TT II 1 IT T T? r I'll. ; vianiibiv p. The most) reasonable rate given for Old I imi .-liver. . R:i!oigh. N. C , April 4. 1854. ly 28 T Spring Trade, 1854. TO NORTH CAROLINA MERCHANTS! Br the ATT et ?hip irrival of the Steamer Europa and Pack- up t'anama, we are in possession oi our SPKIXG IMPORTATION OF FOREIGN GOODS, - :. 1 for our sales by Mr. Wn. Weddell, in the Er.ia. sottish and Irish jlarRets. e have - received from the Eastern Cities a large and -sanding stock of DOMESTIC FABRICS, -vLased from First Hands. We are prepared to frris the Trade at as low prices as they can be ;- 1 in any Market. North C:irolina Merchants are respectfully in-e-i to call when ther Tisit our market. STEVENSON & WEDDELL. Sycamore St-, Petersburg Va M.ra. 1S--.4. ly-20.-. xs IN DOW ClLASS. rest qualities of French, Uak.n an I Baltimore brands of following :: b bv 10, 10by 12, 12 by 14, 12 by 1C, I-. 12 l v 20, 13 by 16, 13 by 18, 13 by 22, hx :-..l by 24, 24 by 0. - ier T-ejt'v- I for any size Coach and Picture G!.is for Green Houses, and Glass THea Floor nlied promptly by P. F PFSOUD. WATCHES & JEWELRY. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, SILVER WARE FANCY GOODS. rPHE subscriber has received and openea a I :i;ot eletr:tiit and fashionable assortment ol i ;i;,vc G ijJ)S. to which the attention of the public i? solicited. He has ail the new styles of Watches, Chains, Seals, Keys, Breast-Pins E-ir-Dmps, Lockets, &c. ALSO, a beautiful assortment of lii:ini .n 1. Coral and Pearl Brooches E tr-Riiijrs and Finger-Rings. ALSO, a very large assortment of Silver Spoons, Ladles Dutter knives, Cups, 4"C. Au-i an excellent variety of Spectacles, Raxor Strtf., Walking Canes, Perfumery, &c on hnd, aiso, a few fine Mantel Clocks. C. B. ROOT. Ealeijih. Nov. 1,'53. 89 tf NOTICE. 'HE candidates for Wake will meet and ad at the following dress their fellow-citizns taes and nlarp- vii s?:ke5, Monday, July 10 11 A Lilii Tuesday, eitnMripoons. Wednesday " Thursday, " Friday. " Saturday, ' Monday, " Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, " Friday, " Saturday, -Monday, Tuesday, " . Wednesday, " Thursday, " Friday, " 12 13 14 15 17 -18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 Gra ivj. '-"mpsona, Fink:;ns, 1 pchurch, "Prees, Ej-nv Jones, BaLk. Easbeeg, CucLTil'.e, I'-reitnile, R- Itsville, Honors, eeld, Saturday, 1 ii Collectors will attend, so that the people -ive an opportunity of giving in, and of pay- their taxes W. H. HIGH, Sheriff. June 20 60 TATE OF NORTH I -AROLINA. GraXTiixb Cocstr. SuDerior Court of Law, Spring Term A- D. 154. Eliiabeth Walker vs. Wdliam ; M. wi'ser. Petition for Divorce.- ' , - It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, th t wa M. Walker, the defendant in this cause, resides . ouj the limits of this State : it is therefore, on ffi.-ti-vn. ordered by the Court, that advertisement a l ie f.Jr axl weeks successivlv at the Court II. in Oxford and also in rth' Raleigh Re- fvr three ntonths. notifying the said de- iaat of the filingof this petition, and that unless u- ppe-r at the next Term of this court. ,io oe i i t the Couniv and State aforesaid, at the ,,Jt H j ise in Oxford on the first MondaV of v". !"!-'r next, and answer said petition, the 8 ae win be uken pj.0 confuse and heard ex parte itr.ess Eu-enp rriQom Tlork of onr said Court. OS at 1 1. in oxford, the first Monday of March, A. F. n KISSOM. O. c "xf-rL June 9. 1854. - -" w3m 47": J- M. LOVEJOY' ACADEMY. 'IE 27th Ses.sion will Commence on the" 10th o: li 1 S 54. J. M. LOVEJOt. R-.-'2u. June 30, 1854.-. - T 2f 63 ( 'EENSBORO' HIGH SCBOOL-The next v -t-.biou will commeuce on the 10th of July -i i uttnue five months, -t Tuition same as here- r"ju,r(d in advance. ;.i''.. t "'tJ DeDartment S20 00 fiematical 16.00 :,un"i English.. 12,00 '""h, Di a wing & Painting each extra; 10 00 j . """Kent Sinenses ... . . .1 w C. W. HOLBROOK. Principal. 1K54. 49 wBt- I ' 1 A Us '. CIGARS! 'A y b,ru of imported Cigars SdtoMox Chebbt'. J AS. Cabill. fi YjTriiWeekly Stake JUne:: : ' rpHK Stages will Wre ileigh, ery!Monday? -fotl'v11 ;Dd dy,-M 7 A M. bj the war t Pittsboro'radkliiwTille, Cedar fafls, AsLboro", Lopper.Mines, &c:, arriving t SaliaVury by 7 P. M, next day" " 1 - , ... ' Tare from Raleigh to ;-Pitlsbor6';U :...'..5!3,0O .qo &t. Lawrenfce, ...:...... 4,00 'da- FranklinsriDe, Cedar Fulls & Ashboro',...5.00 do Salisbury,' ......... ...... .'.....;."... 8,i0 Four JJorse Coafches, to Tittsboro', .... H. L. RpBARDS, & CO. . ' Proprietors, f Stage Ofl5o Yarbrougi House, RalH;b, N. c. t. Aug. 3, 1853." G3 ' ; ' SASi'l. S. WILSOS. OK0. W. GRICE. WILSON & GRICE, GkNRALCoM MISSION & FoR WARDING MERCHANTS, No. 11, Hifih Si. ami Pierce' Wharf, Portsmouth, Va GIVE their personal and prompt attention to the Sale and Forwarding of Produce and Mer ehundise of every description, and make liberal ad vances upon consignments. ; Rkfersxcks Geo. W. Mordecai, Esq., Raleigh; Messrs. W U. & R. S. Tucker, do ; King, Thomas & Barrow, Louisburg ; R. N. & D. C. Herndon, Ox ford ; Hon. Weldon N. Edwards, Warren county ; Col S. S. Royster, Granville; Messrs. John White Sl Co., Warrenton ; Montgomery &, Plummer, do ; CoL Walter Gwynne, Ch. Eng'r., Central Railroad. May 4, 1853. 37-1 y Tar River Male Academv. HE first session of this school for the vear 1854 will close on the 31st inst. On the 30th the public examination of the classes wid take place. There will be public declamation and other exercises on the 31st The patron of the school and its friends generally are respectfully invited to attend. The next session will commence on Monday, the 3rd day of July next, and parents are reques ted to enter their sons at the commencement of the session, if practicable. The price of boarding per month is five dollars. The prices for Tuition her session of five months, are: Elementary branches $7 50 Higher English 10 to 12 60 Languages. .a 15 00 The necessary expenses of the most advanced scholar, including boarding, tuition, &c, for five months, need not exceed forty-one dollars. This Institution is located in Granville county, nine miles west of Oxford, in a quiet and moral neigh borhood, and affords superior advantages for the education of youth. The school will continue un der the charge of the present principal, J. C. Rhodes, A. M. By order of the Board of Trustees. C. W ALLEN. Secretary. TsrsTixs : Dr. J A. Russell, Wm. Clement. L. P. Allen, Allen Waller. Jas. C. Cotart. May 26, ,54. wt2.Jy 43 SPRINGFIELD MALE: AND FEMALE INSTITUTE. 'I HE second session of this Institute will com 1 nience on Mondav, th. 10th of July. Elementary Branches, 6 00 Higher Eagiish, & to 10 00 Languages, lo 00 EXTRA EXPENSES. Music on Piano 20 00 C6e of Instrument, 8 l Needle-Work, 3 00 Board, per month, with Principal, 5 00. Fuel, lights and washing, 1 00 per month. Good board can be obtained in good families in the neighborhood, for 5 00. This institution is located nine miles from Kai- eigh, in a quiet and moral neighborhood, and af fords superior advantages for the education of 1 youth The school will continue under the charge of the present Principals, II L. mtonand Mrs M. A- V intou. and competent assistants. By order of the Board of Trustees DK. V. J. BLSUtfc, sec v. Jane 1854. 3t 51 Female School, HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. Mr. it Mrs. Burwell, Principals. Mai. Frederic Zerrlaut, Professor of Music, Drawing and Painting, and Modern Languages. TERMS PER SESSION, (20 WEEKS. ) Board and Tuition, , $80.00 Music on Piano or Guitar, 20.00 Use of Instrument for practice, 5.00 Modern Languages, each Drawing aad Painting, from $10 to 20 00 The next session commences on Wednesday the 12th of July. For further D&rticulars, address Rev. Booert Burwell. Hi'lsborough. June 9th. '54. w6w 47 . HOTEL Iff HILLSBOROUGH FOB SALE.. TTTE offer for sale that valuable property in 1 V Hillsborough, known as the 'Uxiox Hotel, nar th Court House. The terms made to suit the purchaser. Possession given the first of Jan uary next. K. B If not sold, it will be rented aa usual. LONG, WEBB & CO. June 9, 1854. 47 WHITE SULPHUR& CHALYBEATE SPRINGS WARREN COUNTY, N. C. W. D. JONES, Proprietor. S' I EASON opens July 1st. Ample preparations have been made for the acommoaauon oi Guests. RATES Ql xJUAtti Family per month Single person do $20,00 25,00 1,25 12,50 75 De?ot to take D. JONES, til A.I 60 Per Day Horse per month do do day Children and Servants half price. Hacks always at the Warrenton passengers to the Springs. W. Juni zu, SEA BATHLU UHESArEAKS HALb, tirv, r. will be re-oDened on Thursday, June 1st., - n TT . . - IT.unmAw mad the proprietor, having added a large and commodious House, Ball Room, BowUng Al- Jju leys, &c, "kc-j pledges himself to make every etlort to render tnesiay oi visitors ble. .-' - ' . It advantages for Bathito or ea air are noi surp864 b? other Waterifl Plac climaU is proverbial for health. ' ; yy. Boats. J isnmg a acme, otc, lc""uc" Board per day, Ar. H VME .... . ia. u do do 1 month;. ......V.....,..;-. 5 00 do do 2 ' do... b0 00 s : An . 80 00 UU - uw r ww- -v.n. n nd servanta under 12 years of age, . . A 17 June 9. loo. -" - i " BANK OF WASHINGTON N. C. " ; i' ." : ' -. -, " : -v- - J one 6 1 854. ' " ' A V..;i stAk of this Bank, is to-day declared, - i o.nsl inmiitl Dividend of 6 per et., on the r.Ki J , ta Stockholders : on'- and after Monday T? JaW 161854: W 49 8wp -':' -r l COT HERRIUS.Prre -t,- " "3 ZiA iT.Keed, warranted fresh, just received at th. I l f - ' . v t 1 a A ska kaswi r9 itroMAi j-it- 0011 Honir tm a a ivicii.1 . uj)aja, x. . miuij ui uanian a lot the Terr - best ,1 .Kerta wwuai V-f.:. -."v - n M A T.I.RTT ' iSne' StowTaf 1 'BAW001V aCOTT " tiTrt: .-'J r- rrvZ'Zfr ha. just .been rV T Jastreoatfxe- tne wjm. ttiU21vlL 'T 2moa '45, 1 7 left. 8; 1854. t -i W A- J. n K' TTZTk Jewelry .and.Fancy -Goods, :i "J ClliiAPEit THAN UV'ER'l, ji :.S rl- ivi fc' u v a aaiv.' i 111 It.' tt citueos ( Raleigh' and" vicinity that they haT i just received on entirely, new stock of all the articles m ihrir lin.-. l,V . . ,. ; " Tha'nkftrl fcr'-tha iiberiii pfttroD,:ia always re ceived,t"hey will dd eveirj? thing in their power to deserVe' a continuance of the- name. - v- r. Their present stock consists In part of Jewelry : Gold ear-rings, breast-pins, cuff-pins, finger-rings, sleeve buttons, bracelets lockets, fob und 'guard chains, pencils, pens, -watches,' keys, jus. . Fanct Goons: Berlin and French baskets, fur nished leather reticules of nil sizes, papier mache work boxes, Spanish and French fans t"rm 50c to $7,00. portmonnaies of loatlier, Teh ot and pearl, Fieuch cigar cases. potket-lo.ks, W. -HenholnTs celebrated cutlery dressing and pocket combs of ivory, buffalo, inJia-ruhbor and plu H india-rubber round coinb3.-pufTvtuckiu; :mj sii!e-Coaii, Faber's pencils, French conserves of all description, fancy cups and saucers from 40 to ;i,th, tJothic 1 and 8 day elocks, Oermua Hiv.r c-or. wax. kid, crying and india rub! er A Is of nil site looking glne from f.Oc to $2..rirt : all kinls of Perfumery aud Toilet reqi isite : China ami glass ware of various descriptions, &e., &c, CONFECTIONARY .to. Common and French Cuutlios, pickl-3. preserve., brandy fruit, prunes, raisius, cumuli. eiti-uii, nut, wines, vinegar, porter, ale, cordial, bitters, schied am schnspps, 4c, MAULER a Co. April 11. '54. 30 GENERAL AGENT, RALEIGH, N. C. XT7ILL attend to the collection of n claims y due in the city of Raleigh, and 15. ink busi ness of all kirds to be transacted here. His terms will be moderate. The most ample and satisfactory references can be given. Raleigh, June 20, 1854. Cm-50 A Few Remarks- L. HARDING has made very recently large accessions to his STOCK, and can now cer supply all those who are in need of well SUMMER CLOTHING. He has on hand E. tainly made one hundred Lustre Alpacca Sacks, with Silk Vel vet C illars ; one hundred do. made in Dress Frock style; seventy-five French Drab d"Ete Frocks, Velvet Collars; fifty Crape Camblet Sacks and Frocks; one hundred French Linea Sacks; seventy-five Brown Duck Linen Frocks, cut in Dress Frock style, very handsome; Whits Grass and Gingham Sacks, in any quantity ; also, a very full assortment of White and Co ored Marseilles Vests; Black and Fancy Silk do.: twenty-five dozen Gauze, Merino and Lis!'? Thn-ad Ip. Ier Shirts. For bargains in superior Ready Made Clothing, always bear in min i that H.iRDING'S is the p aoe. E. L. HARDING. June 22 51 . CARRIAGE MAKING. RALEIGH COACH FACTORY!!! W7ILLIAMS & GORMAN", having enlarged w their eslablishmeut bv the addition of Jen kins' Shop, on Hargett St., are fui y prepared to execute orders for CARRIAGES of everv descrip tion. Employing experienced wotkmen and u-inr the best of materials, their work v ill nl-w .ya bo fiui.-hed in a style uarrunuri to givp atiractivii. Repairing dt.no with neatness and di'si iich. felf" Factory on Haigett St., uo;ir tlie dpiist Grove, and at Clarke s oid ?tan Jftaur tin- Masonic Hall. Raleigh. June 2-' '54. -1 R I) .WOKE MILLS Fdli SUF. IN pursuance of u (terrec of trte i ort "f for Northampton unty, in. id- at Term, 1854, in the case of Thoina (i IH' William H. Wesson, I will oner at pubi.e the highest bidder on Tuo-div, liio isi'i Eouir v S;niiiij U.'-r v. sale to da;, of July no xt, a VALUABLE MAM'I' Ai'Tl'UIMi MILL, known as the ROANOKE MILLS. iiua ted on the Roanoke River, in tin1 'ou:ity oi Northampton, about live miles above tju-t.n. These Mill are udvautageou.-!y l..'.iol f .r custom and the supply of water is inexhaustible : there are four pair of stones, and a crusher, toy-ether with all the fixtures usually foiin 1 hi Eiour l anutactiiring Mills. ; A credit of one and two ye ns bo aVowed the purchaser by giving bunds with approvod se curity, bearing interest from the day of s i e ex cept a sum is cash oufiii::eijt to pay iVats. The sale will take place at the said Mill JOHN RANDOLPH, C. M. E. Jackson. June 13. 1854. td Is UNITED STATES HOTEL, ciiEsxuT siki:i;t, above fourth. PHILADELPHIA. CJ. McLELLAN, (late of Jones' Hotel,) has a the pleasure to inform his friecd aud tlie travelling community, that he has leased this bouse for a term of years, And is now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rate order: the rooms are large and well ventila ted. The Tables will always be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself that no effort on his part shall be wanting to make the United States equal in comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker City. Jury 4th, 1854. 2m-54 Turnip Seed, New Crop. AM able to supply the following Varieties, ei ther by the paper or pound : Purple Top, Yellow Ruta Baga, (Improved.) Early Flat Dutch, (strap leaved,) 1'urpie Top, Large Norfolk. Large Globe. Long White, &c. H. I). TlRtK, a. v;. iook store. Raleigh, July 1854. 54 Standard and Metropolitan copy. CARD. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY.. IN order to prevent disappointments in entermg scholars in Salem Female Academy, the un dersigned adopts this method of informing the public, that no more $cnottrs can oe recetrea at toe present time, unless tney are sucn as nave securca places by previous application. Being engaged in erecting extensive additional buildings for the use of the school, onr accommoaawons win in con seauence be considerably limited until the bew houses shall have been completed. At the same time all vacancies which have occured, or which are likely to occur for some time to come, have already been engaged. Parents and others, de siring to place their daughters,, relatives or wards under our care, are theretore requesrea nor to set out with them for Salem without having first as certained, by application in writing, to the sub scriber, whether or not, they , can be received. ROBERT DeSCHWEINITZ, Principal. . Salem Female Academy, N. C. June 30, 1854 w6w 63 Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. O LAVES are. not permitted to travel' on the Rxilroad, without a,written permit from their owners.1 Duplicates should in a 1 cases be given1, as the Ticket Agents are instructed to retain one copy of every pass. .t" JAMES M;POOL; . Jan. 10, '54. .4 Ticket Agent. - ' - Notice. IS hereby given that eertificate No. 925 for two j shares of Stock in the Bank of the' state of North Carolina, in th name of the subscriber, has been lost or mislaid and. that application will be made to the .Board of .Directof s of said Bank for ZA ," KEMTORIt CITY RtJSINESS ? TiTT?TTP'rni?V i - 9, MVPETTENGfLL i CO'S ADVERTISING A " V GEXCW, ; ; v,.: , .-. 1." 119SASSAU STMBT," NEW T0RK. . V 4 Arid No.. 10 State street, Boston. P. & Co. ari Agents! for the most influential and largest circulating CommercialPapers both in. the United States and th CdarC- EST The following list of Business Firms are amon the best and most reliable in the City of New Vork : HILL BROTHERS. Importers of Embroideries, White Goods, &c. No. 89 Liberty street. I"1 C0TTENET & CO., Importers of French and other European Goods, No. 48 Broad btretti. 1 EPSTEIN A IIONIG, No. 100 Liberty St., Im porters of Luces, Embroideries, Silks &c. flTCHELL 4 POTT. 45 Exchange PI. . linpor- ;er of British Dry Goods, Scotch aud Irish Linens, Dress Goods, &c. BORN, SCHLIEPERfc HAARHATJS, Importer! of German a d Belgian Broadcloths, Silks, Hosieries. &c. No. 50 Exchange Place. CHUCHARDT, FROLICH & HOLTHAUSEN, Nos. 92 and 94 Liberty St., Importers of French, Swiss, and German Silks, Ribbons, Vel vets, Vestings, Satins, Sergesitc. Woolens of eve ry description. LKH )of RTttAND, FRERES & HENRY, Importers Linen Cambrics and Linen I'ambric Hdku. Linen turej .- w ' ' i a I Linen Lawns, jcmuroiueries, &c., omu manuiac ture,j 27 William Street. L. J.-WYSTH r CO., Importers of Embroide ries, White and Lace Goods, No. 22 Broad street. JOHN M. DAVIS, JONES A CO., Imptrs of Hosiery ana uetiemen s rurnisning uoous, .lanuf. of Shirts Stocks, Ties, &c. 104 William Street. K OHLSAAT RROS , 48 John Street, Impor ters ot Ladies, iiress ininmings, Benin W ool. Floss Silks, Elastic Braids, Gold and bilver Fringes, Ke. Gimps, Tassels, Buttons, Stars. Laces, ti Sl'ltAHLHElM & CO., 09 Broadway, Imp. . of Lace, Millinery Goods, Embroideries and Trimmings. II. ROBINSON $ CO., No. 189 Broadway, lmpt and Jobbers. Lace Goods, Ribbons, Silks, Embroideries, Hosiery, Oloves, bhawls, small wares, Vc. G ENiEEX'SCRNISHIXO GOODS. C. B HATCH & CO. 97 WILLIAM ST., New York, Manufacturers and Importers of shirts, Stocks. Cravats, Gloves. Suspenders Hosiery. &c, &c. ACCORDEOXS. STRINGS, tc. c '1HARLES BRUNO. Importer and wholesale Dealer in German. French and Italian Musi cal lN.sTBi Mf.NTs and sjiRisop. o. iMaiuen Lane. TERDIN. den Lan AND ZoGDAUM & CO., No. 97 Mai ne, Importers oi 10'ins, uuuars, Ac- cordeon. String. Bra instruments, &c, kc. Daguerreotypes. rGUR . loot RNEV. No. 319 Broadway, the oldest and exteupiie establishment in the U.Sta'es. .1 OHN COLT.S TANLARD SAIL DUCK, H. C. Beach-X Co., No. 71 Pine St., New York. sole agents, (,'otton Csnvass from severai other mi!!-': aiso Osnabjrg's Priat Cloibs and corp.r rollers for Calico and Sattinett Printers. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. HLBoKN & CO.. No. 64 Maiden Lane, (up .stairs) and 2'J Liberty St. Importers of un 1 Fancy Ooods. J. rilv for l'looi-v mid Cliiimiey Tups: 1LLER, COATES YOULE, No. 279 Pearl St., ENCAUSTIC TILUS, GAR.N'KIKK CH1MXKT Toi-s. number s Materials, Metals, etc. W indow las, Iuiiit, Clc HOTKINS .j- BRO S, Imp'ts of French win Ibiw glass, No til Barclay St. Engravers. w 'HITNKY. Ji'X-ELVN ASMS, Artisan Knfmivers on here. Expresses. PDWAUDS, SANFUKD i CO., Koreiftn Express, No. 36 ij ItmaJwiiv. Hoods and puckkon forwarded to and from all parLi of the world. Agt-nta in Norfolk Adams & Co. FANCY GOODS CHAS. ZINN & CO., Importers of French and German Fancy Baskets, No. 53 Maiden Lane (near William st.) New York. HATS. FURS, &.c. THOMPSON & R0ESLER, No. 14 Maiden Lane, Importers and Manufacturers of Furs and W holesale Dealer in Hats Straw Goods, &c. Hot Air Furnaces &c DAVID Cl'LVKR, (lnventoraod pnentoe,) 52 Cliff St. Man. and Dealer, wholesale and retail, in furnace, Ventilators, Kangea. Ac IiKlia Rubber Good. nHHE NEWARK INDIA RUBBER CO., 59 Maiden Lane, N. Y., Manufacturers and Whole sale Dealers in Goodyear's Patent India Rubber Boots, Shoes, Whips, Clothing, Balls, Toys, $-c TTNION INDIA RUBBER CO.. 41 John street, I) make all kinds of Rubber Clothing, Cloths, Druggists' Articles, f c. : Coats from $2,60 to $6,00 each. Lightning Rods. A. M. Qcimbt ft aoira, DeaJara in Qulmby'a Improved Rods. Office 132 East Z7th at. and 11B Nuaiu atreet. Looking triads aud Picture Frames- ir p- wbtoocx. Manufacturer, No, 101 Canal st, Nw York. ill t Gilding In all j branch. JT ADIES' ELASTIC SKIRTS, Hough's Patei t I j p Bates, 31 Barclay street, opposite the Aswr House, New Yor!:, manufacturer of the above splendid and desirable article. itlaeltluery und .Uuciiitie Tools. nrorirr'j Macbloerv Depot, 62 Court land atreet, Maehinerv. O Machine Tools and Woodsworth'a Patent Planing Machinea. A NDREWS'& JESCP, No. 67 Pine t- New j York, Commission Merchants for the sale of -a - . . .... 1 1 a . an Kinds Macnimsts toois, ana tyotion ana w oolen Machinery from the best makers.; Exclusive agents . ..ii...i.:..oi... V - lor L.OWCU fliatuuuc uuvy. .etdlei, Fili Hooka & Tackle fcc rpHOMAS H- BATB, (late T. ft T. H. BATK.) 103 taiden A Lam?, Keedlea, Flab Uooks. railing- racue, c ' Paper Warerooms. . CYRUS TT. FIELD ft CO 11 Cliff 8U, lmpta and Whosesale Dealers ia American, French, German aad KngUxb Papers aad every description oi 1 aper jnanuiaciureri naterlsla. ' staiioiiery Warerooiii Wholesale. Trnani k Kduoaa. No. 88 Jotn at. Wholeaale Booksellers IV and stationers, and MaatoT all kinds of Blank Books. - . T - M. PatucK, Defiaaee aatamkudrt aaBM, aad Goffin"! Se lf fiance Jjocka and VToga aara, veytn, nu. ii rmii ay, 'TtW . YORK. AGRICULTURAL WAREUOC3K. R.r L. I Auxit. riata. A. B. Allen ft Oo) 18 aad 19 L Water st-. Aicrioaltunil and Horticultural InplemenU and Maehinerv. Field and Garden Seeds and Fertilisers, Uuano, Bona Dic Pbospate of Lima, Poedraete, Plaster, fte. - ; : , GREENSBOROUGH cj: s'T Mutual Insurance Company. TflHE cost of Insurance on the mutual . plan ia ' y but mall sum, compared with ft joint Mock' Company THSiCorapany . being-located in. the Western pflrt of tha State, , consequently much the larger pwtion - of the; risks are in the West," very many ot which are in the country. . ' .' Thef Company is entirely free from debt jhave made no assessments,' and have a very large a- mount in cash .Tind good bonds, and is therefore,! confidently recommended to the pubheC V ' At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were elected for the ensuing year: - - j ' JAMES SLOAN, President. . - - ' ' " S. G. COFFIN, Vice President. . V . C. P. MENDEXHALIv Attoraer.' ' 1 PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. - WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent DlBFCTORs. James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Dr. D. P. Weir. W. J. McConnell, of Greensboro'; Dr. Shubald G. Coffin, J. W. Field. Jamostown; F. El liott, Guilford; William A. Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watkuis, Caroli Female. College; Johali Shaver, Salisbury ; John H. Cook, Foyetteville , E. L F. Lilly, Wadeeboro'; J. J. Biggs. Raleigh ; Lerr; Springs, Charlotte; J. J. Jackson, , Pittsboro' ; H. B. Elliott, Cedar Falls. " PETER ADAMS, Sec'y, L Agent in Raleigh, GEO. T. COOKE. ? Dec. 14. 1858 - 101 North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. RALEIGH, N. C. THIS Company has been in successful operation for more than seven years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. Ita Policies now cover property amounting to $4,500,000, a large por tion of which is in Country risks, and its present capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. The "average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than one third of one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present yean DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Roulhac, C. W. D. Hutchings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whiting, T. II. Selby, Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fay etteville; Jos. G. Wright, Wilmington; James E. Hoyt, Washington ; James Sloan, Greensboro'; Jno. Cox, Edenton; Josh. Boner, Salem; Jos. H. Pool, Elizabeth City ; F. F. Fagan, Plymouth ; Alexan der Mitchell, Newbern; W. N. H. Smith, Mur freesboro"; II. B. Williams, Charlotte; John B. Barrett, Milton ; A. T. Summy, Asheville. All Directors are authorized to receive applica tions. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. G. B. Roulhac, President. Henry D. Turner, Vice do. S. W. Whiting, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hersman, General Agent. S. W. Whiting, "j Jno. R. Williams, ! Executive Committee. John Primrose, ) All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 25 HERRINGS. 300. Barrels 1 cut Large barrels, W. T. Sut- 'ton s curing. 75 do do family Roe do do 40 half do do do do do For Sale by, A. & H HARRIS. Norfolk, May 30, '54. 3m 44 A' RNOLD'S SASH LOCK. This invaluable window Faste'ner kept constantly on hand, and are applied to your windows at only 25 cents each. Try them if you wish to sleep in cool apartments free of bad colds. Agents and Owners of County rights will do well to send in their orders at once as 1 wish to send for a summer supply. JAS. M. TOWLLS. May 30, '54. 44 LAW SCHOOL, AT HlLtSBDRO'. N- C- rrUlE next Session of this School will begin on Monday, the 10th day of July. r. SASH, J. L. BAILEY. June 27, 1854. 4w 52 T ALEIGH AND GASTON ROAD. Dues to rV the Railroad Company for freights are paya ble in cash on the delivery of the articles. When articles are delivered without such payment in ad vance, and the owner fails to call at the depot and settle the bill before the expiration of the month, he must thereafte Bend the money when he sends for the goods. By order of the President, V. d. ALLEJN, Agent. July 4th, 1854. 54. DANIEL G. FOWLE, ATTOIMHY AT LAW RALEIGH, N. C. May 12, 1854. 8m 39 NOTICE. FIHAKEN up and committed to the Jail of Wake II County, 14 U.. on tbe Vita aay oi .May last, TWO NEGRO MEN, who say their names are EL- LICK and THORNTON, and that they belong to Garlon Smith, of South Carolina, Chesterfield District. ELLICK is a bright mulatto. 21 or 22 years old, and weighs 140 or 150 pounds. THORNTON is black, some la or ZU, and weighs 160 or 160 pounds. They say, they were purchased in ruenmona Va. The owner of said Negroes will come for- ward, prove property and pay charges, or they will be dealt with as the law directs. W. H. HIGH, Sheriff. June 30, 1854, tf 63 Standard copy. Jit OSENDALE CEMENT. 1 00 Barrels Rorea- dale cement for sale by NIEMEYER & Wjite. Portsmouth,' Va., June 13, 1854. 48 Standard copy. New and Interestiifj Books. LEA r HER Stocking and Pa Story of .Vir ginia. , . wy Twenty Years intheP.mippine fiid,,, withU lustrations. --.r, , ;.-' -: - Vara,-orthe Child Adoption, i. .'f' Farm Implemertr;, with 200 illustrations, by JJ. Thomas. - ; . - . - -.'T-'v Melbourne, and the ChincalsWsr with sketch esof Luna,anda Voyage round Use World, bjr G. W.Peck. ':. .r,-V:t- - Aubreya Novel, y Idrs. Marslu- -1 . Afl : TheQuietHearU NoveL -v: . Life and its. Avnsi in two parv " .4: a The Two Roads, orthe Riht and the Wrong. - The Virginia Mineral Springs, with remarks on their uae. the diseases to which thev are anoli cable: and in which they are contra-indicated ; accoinpa- mea oy a Aiap 01 Kontes ana Instances a new Work, by William Bark M. Dt - ' " W'i Travels in Armenia; A Year at Erxexoom,- and on the Frontiers of Turkey, Russia and Prissiay by the Hon- Robert Curxon. ? - -5 . The above for sale at the Publisher's prices', bV ." -:'. .-. ' -rfn .n 'TTttwwn".- ; Grprerr Forwarding and Commission,-Merchants BfZ- Va. Thos. Bragg, Jr.; Jaehat,;: CT,, . ' ' L. F. Hicks, Esq. 'vt' " t Messrs. L.D. & Wi G. CrenshaWjMwioni - Josiah Wills Esn AWnf i ' ir s rfJames George, Esq.. Balttmdrt. - tie3s. .uonauaa & jjeers, ssew jorK. rTTTAS constantly a hand : Prime Porto "Rico I 1 -and New Orleans Smrars. . " - Loaf, Crushed, Pulvtrised and Clarified do Rio, Laguira and .SV Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags; and Ground in Boxes , . Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson. Teas "v Tallow, Adamantine and Spcntt Candles 1 Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar' Lead i v, " Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread ahd Wrapping Paper, Good and Damaged Sole and Uppe:? Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt ; " '" Feme Virginia and Western Bacon and Lnxd . - - Nails, assorted, Triti fleering and Warehouse Together with a large- stock of .foreign- and do mestic Liquors, Wines, &c which he ; ' offers at the lowest market Tates. The -strictest attention paid to: receiving and for- Petersburg, March 5, 19; MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS! AVERY large assortment of silk and black i a iwc luituuuiu acu roiaui;-' ' - ' "s W. H. & R: S. TUCKER SILK and open-straw Bonnets aad Infants' Hats. W. II . & R. S. TUCKER, -FANS 1 FANS I ' M 0URNING and fancy Fans. W. H. & R S. TUCKER. D RESSj Trimmings and Embroideries. " i W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. RIBBONS and Gloves. w. h. & r" s. tucker . : HATS! HATS 11 UAT6!!1 V F you want a hat of any kind or description. call at W. H. & R. S. Tucker's, and yoa will hnd a mammoth stock Any one can be rutted, as their stock embraces all sizes,' from art. Infant's number to an Old Fogy's Extra, their object be ing to comprise Old Fogyiam and Young Ameri canism. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. s.' FARMERS' HEAD quarters; VA. . ' -l . NORFOLK, ORDERS for Reapers may be-sent us for the ensuing harvest, which will be filled at the following prices : ' Hcsset s Reaping Machine ...$105 00 do Mower and Reaper, 115 00 do Front Wheels extra,. '.... 20 00 do Rear Platform for side'deliverv. ' 5 00 CcRRAtL's Va. Reaper, No. 2, 4Jeetcut,..$12000 ao do do JNo 3, feet cut,. 130 Oa A deduction of $5 will be' made if the side deli very is not furnished, and $20 wiU be added to the a'jove price if front wheels are furnished. ? A FEINS' SELF-RAKING REAPER, , A great machine, and taken more Premiums lhan any other. Price, complete, ....,....$175 00 STRAW, HAT AND SHUCK CUTTERS, Of every variety. Price $30 for the best, and warranted to cut anything in the Shape of Feed for stock. Cheap utters, from $5 to $25. CORN SHELLERSs Virginia Corn Shelters, ... ...... $2& 00 Goldshorough's do ..40 "00 Reading's do.. 35 00 Double Spout do ...;.16 00 Single Iron Spout do '10 00 do Wood do do g 00 BAMBO ROUGH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I Extra Premium Fans, $34 00 No. 1 do do 32 00 No. 2 do do 30 00 Sinclair & Co's. No 2 do 30 00 Do do 1 do .....i 25 00 Grant's Premium Fans, $16 to $30 Clinton's Fan Mills, ...$ 13 to $20 FIELD Rollers 3 Segments, 3 feet long $35 00 do do 3 do 4 do 55 00 do do 4 do 4 do 45 00. do do 6 do 6 do 65 00 do do 6 do 6 do 65 00 gOrders for any of the above gqods will be filled promptly. Your orders are respectfully so licited. BORUM & FISHER. 11 Water Street, Norfolk, Virginia. May 19, 1854. 41 tf Mr. Lefebvre's School, RICHMOND, VA., , (Scccessor to Mrs. Mi ad. . THE Scholastic year of this Institution hegins on the first day of October and endr, on the last day of June. - .--. Terms : For Board and Tuition in all the En glish branches for the year, $240; Modern and Ancient languages, each 20; Mric on . Harp, Piano and Guitar, each tS0; Drawing, $20 ; Painting on Oil, 5U ; Waahinp , $20 No ixtra. CBAROSS. There is one department ; the School in which everything is taught in French, and where that language is spoken exclr iSiTeiyf as well aa in the family of the Principa,. the accommodation of Southerner $t pupila will be received during the holidays, (July, August and September,) and charged for Baru at the same ratio , as in the session. They wil l be exclusively engaged in the study of the French and Mnwc, for which they will be charged for French, $7 per month, and for music, i per letaon. The follow ng references will be considered suf ficient Riy'at Reverend Bvahop Meade, Right Reverend bishop Johns, Hon. William H. Macfar land, Etr B. j0hn M. Patton, .' ' i"- . .,-4. All Vette stole directed to J C HUBERT P. , LEFEBVRE, A. M.'-.; .1 '' '. . . Principal Richmond. June 16. 1854 2awtNovl 49 VIRGINIA SPRINGS. VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD OPEN ALL . THE WAY TO STAUNTON. :v 0! N the 1st day of June, the passerjer train will' 1 leave Richmond, after breakfaf it. and arriv in Stauutos WDiKHER.?, Paaseng-ers will go on the same evening and reac the White , Sulphur Srjrioes the ' next dt:ti.- $if-' lj- ft t The Railroad tracjt, over ftne f op ot. the Blue Ridge, which has been. in successful operation for acreral months.' is an obiect -of great attractloir. presenting .from various points , prospects, of jre-: markable grandeur ahd beauty, ?,'.- ?:Si:;0 , Passen ers' from'thet.Sonth niaj come to Rich mond at i jr.-aireoa unui uver an eariy preait- fast next "morning or, if' they desire'eo deten tion' they .'may- arrive in,, the inornine; bfaia 'T and" . Anptner suction 01 me tuur iwoau west oi piaun ton will be opened early in the season. ? ' e- - -1- " f .H HO.W H1TOOM B," Agent. . -RichmondMay 19, '54. iXirySi: 41 K ALEIGH AND GASTON; RpAp.- ON AND after 3d July the Passenger Train5,will leave tue Depot at ttaieign ax nan, past o a. j.J-fitop 3a'xainuWs'ai'FrankUnto,,Ji!id ..reaoht Weldon at half past U,y in time for pangera.'. to .take the Wilmington train going South, and the Petersburg and Portsmbuth'trains going" .IJortitVr-'fc'lr- -'-. BeturningV itwill leave -WeldoaTat 2 P. 'Ml.after the arrival of the train froni Wilmington, and reach Raleigh at half past6 P.M. Office Raleigh t Gaston R. KColYTifr xNortn uaroiina yiutuai Liiie xuku- -tin rannfi fnTn-naTitr-i, V'V OFFICE, RALEIGH, tfl-XT ' rriHIS Company continues to insure the uvea of Jr ail hoalthy White persona and .Slaves.7'. The'trrpfttmt risk taken on a single life is $5,QO0 Slaves are insured for a term of one to five years for: ds thein value. , . " ' ' " ' Dr.i Chas..E. Johnson, President,-1 . . .v' WmvD. Haywood, Vice Iident,-. -, c.".A v James F. Jordan, Secretary,-. v-?- , v"m, H. Jo ik Treasurer, . -t . x I J - Perrin Busbee,. Attorney, X . . , L i jDr. Wm. H-McKee, Exiimining Physician, 5 J. uersman, ueneral Agent. - -- , ,. -- ? :- All losses re paid within 90 days after sausiac toryprobf is presented. , - - r Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of the Company, may be had on application at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All letters on business should be addressed to " . t - - JAMES F. -JORDAN, S?lffr" May 2, 1853. ' ' ,36 FIRE! E -ETNA INSURANCE OMPANT- 1 Ha Hartford, Cohh.. offers to insure Buildings and Merchandiae. asrainst loss or damage by fire. at premiums to suit the timeai ' ; . . -j . This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the . United States,, and pays ita Iossefc promptly;; - - "tf.; . ' '( Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to "i - v-j- , v. j V-V"'--4ty', 8. VI. WHITING, J i v " - v- "t-. i Agent, r And for Milton." N. C "and vieinitv. ta.r . .si ; y V s N. J. PALMER- AmL 83 PANNElVjwpRK. T'. RiMRALL; No78, 5 BEEKMAN ST-V New Tofk, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sashes, Doors, Blinds and.all kinds of BuUders", Pannel Work, made of' the best material,' in the most thorough manner and ' Kiln dried so as to entirely prevent, shrinking by exposure to heat in 1 any form or. 'degree,r is prepared to furnish . any amount at short ' notice of the very best ' article made in the Country, and at extremely low prices for cash." ; Orders by mail promptly ..attended to, and jroods put up and dispatched with care.V Strangers visiting, the city are. idvited to "call and , Jan 19, 1854. .' 6mos. Commission and Forwarding Bu-, ""5tr- siness ? e r' : - NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, 8&L:t?" ;. 2TKI HE undersigned respectfuBy tenders jus ser- 5Tjcesp5;KMERCHANTS and PLANTERS; ' doing business with this City, as a COMMISSION - and FORWARDING AGENT. 4,:. " He will give , prompt attention" to all Consign-, ments of-PRODUCE -and MERCHANDISE, and use his best exertions to effect Bales at ; the high- 5 est market pricesj making; immediate' returns and " v reinittan9es.ciV '.x- ,;. . . ' Connecting with Mr experience and knowledge,' , or Business, .a close application to the interests ' that may beonnded to himi he hopes- to receive and merit ahare of patronage I "i.i.,:-, - Refkkekoes : -Hon. ' F. ' M allory,-. President of ' the Norfolk and Petersburg; Railroad; Messrs Har-t' dy & Bro8- hipping Merchant,- and Government Agents- for the 3ale of Guano Herman -Co., W holsale Shoe : Makers 1 Allyn, Rose & Caps, Wholesale' Hardware Dealers ; Bloodgood. & Co Dry Goods'Dealers j King & Toy, Drug Dealers; R. CTBarclayV Esq.; Bookseller NorfolkVa,. Hon. -.'Renneth' RaexS'iZaa.'Jr'. ?. --"' Charges on. Salks, via; For Cotton, fifty cents per bale ; Tobacco, one dollar per hhL; all Other articles Zi per cent commission, -v.! - January 17, 1854 fa mOs. V. " ' . Neyr Shoes ? and Gaiters by Ex- - '-. ;;-v, P.re.ss:. . ; VERY large and late arrival ef Shoes and Gaiters front the principal manufacturers in hiladelphia, . embracing Walking Shoes, .Black and . White' Kid - Slippers," Goat Bootees, Tipped, Plain and Heeled Gaiters.- s f - . . . v,, t , w. .It & R S. TUCKER. June 23-i : t . . . . , 61 ADAMS.& CO'S DAILY EXPRESSES, TO AND FROM ALL THE NORTHERN CITIES. BR0MPTNESS, Dispatch and Economy awr the leading features in this - popular . mode . of transit for articles or xth nascniPTioss .j- , i-: - ' V;.; 8. E. PHILLIPS, "Agent, v-May 19.-,-54. -. ' f ..5 41 LTa the ; Public . r I iHE subscriber would . respecttully inform th ' X' 'Citizens of Raleigh,' and the publio generally,' tbat ne. keeps constantly . on , hand j a. supply of WALI-:,PAPERiof5 variotts-kinda ajso. Fire Scrftens,Windw;urtaIns,&cJ;all of which wid e sold at the lowest prices; also, paper hanging of ail kindfl dene in the neatest and most workman ' , tBIp.,naiineri'v?t.j? Js, - t' i' - t v i He also has on hand and la still manm&ctaring mattresses : or all kinds. Renovating of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. ?. - , '' '- :. '--i i i J. HENRYv HARRIS -n 1 TT J -kx 11 .1 . t draper rtanger ana naurewmstcr. April 18, 154.;. - - 1- t 82 WHOLESALE j O KOCJK!l ANU COM MIS mi: VISION JHERCHANTS. - - .1 Dt a tiM in Sugar? Fl.itr',l Coffee; Molatses, Teas, Candles Wood Wart,' Raisin' Wobaeeo Se s garsScoteh i Atet London Porter, Jirooms, '- 'Siareh; $alt, 'Mess Pork, c.', Ac, :---s - '' CoBNXR FbONT AND PkINCBmS StS , ' -4 4 WILMINGTON, N. L. C DtViMrf: : nr- D. B. Bakki. . WilmingtonlHar. .28, 1 854.' 1 Law Notice. mHE Subscriber, havine removed to Raleigh, of I fera bis f services to persons having businees ni XBereupreme wourx ana in ; m oupenor , ana County Courts, of Wake and the adjoining -counties,'.: as an Attorney nd Co saseuor. r " - BaleW'Jan;m:i864. s, H v , .tf 7 ;DrGeQ. Bettner, - - , O WAV 0 RTfl C A RO LISAV' 'OjRee, No. KS MrtxidYxty, or at hit lodgings; -, Corner "of Spring and Broadway. ri; NeYork, Feb?7r 12-ly HORSE POWER WHEAT THRESHERS. L nave still on .hand several of .the very best niajceiibronghttforexhibition at -. the': last Fair, which I offer at the manufacturer's prices, fre ef charge for.transportationi i-; ! , V-v . 'r Farmerawill.do wetlto look to their interest and buy at once as they cannot have such another op portunity far the present Crop . " 5itr viVlAMES- MTOWLES: ; Fjtrmer'e HaB, Jane 31J864-. J 46- frSAPER-Alai ge lot of nrperior; Writing Pa-j-"PrrJ hand, embracing every variety of Letter, Cap and; Note-. rper ruled and plain. For sale by .': IPIMMONS, s WHITMURE. K Petersbargr Jan.4, 28&4.'1 ? , 8 ClaAUDlTJS TB.:'; SANDERS, ,M ra l Vt?W 'am i iit . ... - w, SKITUriELD, KORf H . CAROLTSA.' .' t TTrrxLL "attend the Courts ef JohnBton," Wayne VVandNashtJ ; . Jatv '14, vm'S,ia-e ft " T) ALMER'S .IMPROVED .AGRICULTURAL Jp MACHINE. sApply at the Farmer's HaiVR. kighi N. e"--. ;? JAS. JI. T0WLS Agent. -rr r 4 , ' V .- 'tf v - 4 T -; - h u X r ,0 -. - 1 yl 6 -I 4w 1eu fy HAYWOOD r ? - j ,-- ... . ". -.' .- -. . "' - ..' . . .. .. - O . ' . .;..:;"..' : ' . -- - . " " . . -