V 1 isyw-rvv -JJOvlk UV U ViVAW viflAvV IJ-I III- f III - ilir-ill-"III ''All . .1 11,11 1 H ill Jif f I I .HI ' . ' 1 Ul'l ,r i ? Pi ! 1 Ktr-l VOLUME LV. CITY OF RALEIGH, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1854. THE RALEIGH REQISTEB SEATON GALES niTO r AND rKurKiBtun TERMS:' $5 per unntua; In adTiw $4. v $3 per tBDom ; la kdrat $2 KATKi OF ADTJCBTISIXO : - . FVTS.For ryrry 16 lines, firat Insrrtloa $1 ; . j. . I lltf'O' .,lij..n). will K. TV w . but a deduction of 33Ki fmr cent, will hi- C "I ,hr"realr prW to adTM-tlMr by the jrfr. tot br Editor most b rama T BE Following bcneaoie n&s oeen oraerea oy th, Pot MstPr Oeneral, and has gon Into 7"' n 1 ill 4 I 4iui MiA . i Tf naif v - -' . - Iko Ft11IM train tn W;inin. I p ) ia uuir r " r- t .,- .1,. 11 P f rl v.V b.i.:.v September 18, 1858. T6 . . n r r T .1 TV ; 1 1 r HOOH-l .mjviv. riuiu. -ion unuiu oi Tbi'oo is ri Uj of Xatare. ' It is made . . .witlv annst Ke&titiful uul moii ?li. H,,Bl..v.-"-v- . ,i JL :u iv. . a itti- r . - l' i i t ,.. T ni. . v .i 4 i r - j ti.1T- P. P. PESCCD. Spring Trade, 1854. TO NORTH CAROLINA MERCHANTS! Br tlie amrai oi we oieamer x.uropa ana racE m Ship Panama, we are in possession of our SPRING 1MPUKTATKUN UK FUKaIuN GOODS, Vi0I?lJ Ir Ultl .nrfl uj mi, n us. 11 ruucil, lit ue ih, Scottish and Irish Market. We hate reoml from the Eastern Cities a large and foBnuivUng stock of DOMESTIC FABRICS, panhi from First Hands. We are prepared to tier to the Trade at as low prices as they ran be joaad in any Market, North Carolina Merchants are respectfully in- iiti tn call when they visit our market. STEVENSON & WEDDELL. Sycamore St-, Petersburg Va. Mwch. 1854. ly-20 WATCHES it JEWELRY. MAMOXnS, PEARLS, SILVER AVARE t FANCY GOODS. - T HE subscriber has received and opened ni.i-t elegant and fashionable assortment oi -'itxive umtiii?, to idicu me suruuuuui ut Mt is solicited. ,. H h.3 all the new styles of Watches, Chains, Seal, Keys, Breast-Pina Eir-Drops, Lockets, Sc. AL0. a beautiful assortment of Diamond, Coral and Pearl Brooches Ear-Rings and Finger-Rings. ALiO. a very large assortment of Silver Spoons, Ladles Butter KniTes, Cups, c. And nn excellent variety of Spectacles, Razor Straps, Walking Canes, Perfumery, sc. Ob hand, also, a tew line Atantel llocas. C. B. ROOT. lUleigh. Nov. 1, '53. 89 tf NA MOTU: OR REEF ROVINGS IN THE SOUTH SEAS. ONE VOLUME, 8to, pp. 450, Ti'h Mnps of the Society and Sandtciek I$lttndx. and Tvdvt Eltgnnt IUwstratioru taken by Ike Au hor iron A tual Observation. J of the auThor in the Pacific, which extend o '?r a period of ti ve years. It ia divided into Three Pirts. to which i' subjoined a valuable and inter wing Appendix Prt I., which may be regarded as introductory v the narrative that follows, reeords a six months finence on board an American whaler, in rela- r. . ihich, the details of ship duty, usually unin-ten-ur.f . have been studiously avoided : while a combination of incidents, serious and humorous. panted in attractive form, impart an air of ro tae to the otherwise sombre shadows of the forecastle. Pins II and III , containing the more material Kbjeet of this narrative, give a graphic descrip tion of a free -and-easy life at the Sandwich, the Georgian and Society Islands. Glowing descrip tion of romantic scenery, rambles through paJm froves. yachting among isle, coralines from reefs na lagoons, evergreen valleys, snow-capped ffl mntains and volcanoes, transport, in imagina tion, the reader to the aiure skies and sweet scen- ti gle of the tropics. Points of character have twa fetched in bold outline, and the lights and Sadowi of Polynesia life are vividly portrayed ; fnihrcing the feasts and past-times -if the natives, fcrfir battles mythology, and all the more promi wot feitures, of semi barbaric life. An interes l ag chapter on Missions has also been appended, Ml though the whole plot is presented in a fasci Biting ireo, it will be found choice alike in senti ent aud dirtinn. It is believed, therefore, that ooQDetioQ with the Appendix and Illustrations, ! prove a valuable addition to our literature f the Pacific. ith respect to the Appendix, its firsl portion is "Glance at the Present Condition of Polynesia," 'inibiting, in a concise form the geography and 'wsification of groups their structure, natural productions, population, physical appearance and intellectual capacity of the natives their habits ad lanjtuase government and social conditions Purees and re ations with the civi'ixed world, w stestni navigation of the Pacific in short, ev- mbing of interest Dertaininz to this division of v-nica. Appen lix II., "The Island Kingdom of the North rniic, ig a comprehensive glance at tbe geog- phy. resources and commerce of the Sandwich Islands, lncludine elaborate statistics of their im- IW, eiborts. revenue- census. &C . also the inject of their acnexation to the United States m b-en considered. Appendix III., The French in the Pacific." Msimences with the conquest of the Marquesas H-wds, by Du Petit Thouars, in 1842, including cunt of the occupation of the Georgian, tuV,ir, I'anuiotu, and Wallis Islands, also the Vre of New Caledonia in 1803. This relates ftly to the Tahitian Islands, the capital of the ;reh po-session-s in this ocean, showing the il- 'r'Tll M,ll,-v ,,, Kr ll,it ntinn in its TC- . ' ... ' IMl l.Ol . V J ... "' foreigners, more epcc- j , since the dethronement ! :;'U5 y.:th natives and cf Oni.,, u .1 .. Vo m' ti Vnrt I I LIT P.nrr luh tli.cmn i uuiari- in into, n iiiciuiaco and r. li, . Ri. t.i,;5 . -m.rka unou lut J lVa! Htirl I f....am mnl rv.lKli.-. llUDrOVC' An allusion is also made to the decline of ,h ci mim rcial prosperity of these Islands, since Iu uhiishment of the Protectorate, as evidenc J tMOiparing the former with the present eon 4ll'''U uf ihtir resources. Appendix IV., "American Whaling Interests in u I'Hcific,' includes statisticts pertaining to this tt maritime branch of our commerce. Whal- 1L?i" classified and rniiiiiiT crronnds are described : f?!trpnr i . i e .v.. 'hat of our merchant m&rin and to the XOndi - n 4ipu Luitue iu luc rciiuvu w -Ait- - - - : .A tb rondi- n of American seamen in this ocean, their rela- to masters and consuls, and their wsnts. la illustration of the above, it will contain a Msp ."ivu, auu vu ui uie uniiji. - ' lJ Island ; also twelve elegant tinted engravings , scn7 in the South Seas, in the execution of ""-a. ariMtocradr! merit tut f.itfal delinestion f the original views Uken by the author on the Vi, bare been twinallw um,l.t Vn. Rla bw -i - M fc - - i W. L. poJaJttMJi-69 80LOKOH CHWt. JA4. CAHTIL CHERRY & CAHIU, - Commission Merchant, NORFOLK, VA. Jan. 13, 1854 tf-5 MWlUJ1T wich, erery Monday, of KttsW,FTnklinsTille, Cedar Falls, Ashboro', Copper Mines, &c, arriving at Salisbury by 7 P. M next day. Fare from Raleigh to Pittsboro $3 00 do St. Lawrence, ;. 400 do FMnklinsTille, Cedar FaUs & Ashboro',. ..5,00 do Salisbury,- g qq Four Horse Coaches, to Pittshoro",' ' II. L. ROBARDS, & CO. . - Proprietor. Stage Office Tarhrough House, Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 8, 1863. C3 sam'l. u. WIL50V. .WILSON. GEO. W. OSiCl. Genekai.Com mission &Forwaidiwq Mkkchakts, No. 11, Hioh St. and Pierct't Wharf t Portramuth, Vs G1 IVE their personal and prompt attention to T the Sale and Forwarding of Produce and Mer ehaadise of evtry description, and make liberal ad vances upon consignments. Rxfesbxcks. Geo. W.Mordecai, Esq., Ralejgb: Messrs. W H. & B, S. Tucker, do ; King, Thomas 4 Barrow, Louisburg: R. N. & D. C. Hemdon, Ox ford ; Hon. Weldon X. Edwards, Warren county ; Col S. S. Royster, Granville; Messrs. John White & Co., Warrenton ; Montgomery Sl Plummer, do : Col. Walter Gwynne, Ch. Eng"r., Central Railroad. May 4, 18T3. 3,-7-y Hopkins, Hull & Co . NO. 258, BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE. THE Store occupied by us having been much en larged and improved in order to display to ad vantage a great variety of Ladies fashionable Dress Goods, we shall in addition to our large stock of Staple Dry Goods, be prepared to offer on the most favorable terms to Merchants visiting our City, during the coming season a new and elegant assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, consisting of Black and Fancy Silks. English and French Meri noes. Cashmeres and DeLains. Some of which are of superb quality and design. Also a handsome assortment of Ribbons, Em broideries, Shawls &c. &c. To which we invite the attention of Merchants generally. B. B. HOPKINS, ROBT HULL, WM. H. RYAN, THOS. W. ATKINSON. Baltimore, Aug. 22, 18o4. 6w 8 AY TO make room for a large Fall and Winter Stock, e will sell many good and desirable articles at nett Cost. Among them are Fancy eol'd. Cloth Coats, Fine Tweed do F ranch and American Cass. Pants, Fancy Silk Vests sc. sc. These are all of good styles and well made. E. L. HARDING. Aug. 23rd 1854. H'.i PETER W. HINTON, O o m mission Merck a n f . X0& 25 AWD 26 ROTHEJtT'8 WHAKF, NORFOLK, VA. SPECIAL ATTISTIOX PAID TO SELLING Tobacco. Flour, Grain, Cotton, 4c kc. Also, to Receiving ami Forwarding Goods. REFER TO Chas. L. Hinton. Esq. Wake Co. N. C. J. B. G. Roulack, and George W. Haywood. Esqs., Raleigh, N. C. Wm. Plummer, Esq., Warrenton, X. C. Aug. 25. 1854. 69 Valuable Land for Sale. JN pursuance of a decree in Equity, the subscri ber will expose at public sale, on the premises, on the 16th of October next, a tract or tracts of land containing from twelve to fourteen hundred acres, about twelve miles south-east of Raleigh, formerly the property of James Hinton, deceased About one-half of the said land is well timbered, and the whole of it lies on Neuse River. The land is fertile, and reliable. Terms made known on the day of sa!e. Also, will be sold at the same time and place, a number of horses, cattle, hogs and sheep ; also. farming utensils, sc. JOHN V. .POWELL, Executor. Aug. 2 , 1854. 69 Lost ! Lost ! ! IN the City of Raleigh, on Tuesday lat. the 8th instant, somewhere between Buffaloe s Store, on HilUboro' Street, and the Court House, my Pocket Book, containing SIX HUNDRED AND Jrlf Ti 1MJLLAK3 in money. I will eive a very liberal reward for the recov ery of the Pocket Book, and ask no questions. Wake County, Aug. 12, 1854 . 65 5t Franklin House, Chestnut Street, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH. PHILADELPHIA OLIVER IL P. Parker, of Ohio, and James H. Laird of this City, having leased the above well known and popular house, for a terra of years, are now prepared to accommodate guests in a manner equal to any house in the City. The location of this house is superior to any other, being in immediate proximity to business ; also to most of the Banks, Public Offices, Post Office and the Exchange, where omnibusses start for all parts of the City. The house having been put in thorough repair, and new furniture added, with many modern im provements, will add much to the comfort of guests. The tables will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and nothiug shall be wan ting, on our part, to make the Franklin truly the Travelers' Home. Your patronage is most respectfully solicited. July 18, 1864. 68 lOt STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wake Coln tt, In Equity. Whereas Dil-y Chambler has filed her bill of complaint in the Court of Equity for the county of Wake against Raeford Chambler, Wm. B. Cham bler Woodson Chambler, Brittou Pearec and Nim cy bi wife, Sally taiou, Aiauiew wonusuu anu Piety, his wife. JosiaU wilder ana tteiua, uis wife, Michael Whitley and Frances hi wife, Hob ert Chambler, Amarihla Chambler, Emily Cham ti... i..i Jane Chambler. John Augustus uici, - - nhamhler. Catharine Chambler and Helen Cbaui- bier the last named seven ot wnoni are inianis to whom WilUam H. Hood is guardiau. And whereas affidavit has becu made according to the statute in snch cases made and provided that Britton Peaxce and his wife, Woodson Chambler, Sally Eaton, Josiah Wilder and his wife, reside beyond the limits of this State now therefore this is to notify the said parties non-residents of .l- a... f Korth Carolina, and they are hereby notified to sppear at the next term of the Court of fr the countv of Yieke, to be neia ai lue cuiu.i ----- . ; rrt House, in the city ei naieign, on the 1st j , , 4th Mondav in September, then mber, t i .v. . nlead. answer or demur to a.. iiuim mi - d bill of complaint, or the bill wUl be Uken ,o coseesso as to them and a decree made ac cordingly. GWan nnd mJ nnd office' Ul" 21st dT of Aagust, 1854. . . . - -'An. 22.; 1864. - 68 Jewelry and Panoy Goods, ' ' CHEAPER THAN EVER!! THE subscribers takes great pl6ore to inform the citizens of Raleigh and vicinity that they have just received an entirely new stock of all the articles In their line. Thankful for the liberal patronage always re ceived, they will do every thing in their power to deserve a continuance of the same. Their present stock consists in part of Jbwxlkt : Gold ear-rings, sreast-pins, cuff-pins, finger-rings, sleeve buttons, bracelets, lockets, fob and guard chains, pencils, pens, watches, keys, &.c. Fanct Goods ; Berlin and French baskets, fur nished leather reticules of all sizes, pupier mache work boxes, Spanish and French faos from 60c to $7,00, portmonnaies of leather, velvet and pearl, Flench cigar cases, pocket-books, Wostenholm's celebrated cutlery, dressing and pocket combs of ivory, buffalo, india-rubber and shtdl, india-rubber round combs, puff, tucking and Mde-cimbs, Faber's pencils, French ennservrs of all deriptions, fancy cups and saucers from 40c to $3,00. Gothic 1 and 8 day slocks, German silver castors, wax, kid, crying and iniin -rubier do!l of all sixes, looking glasses "from 50c to $2,50; all kinds of .rinjorjr sad ' ryim gUaa. ware of various descriptions, so., &r CONFECTIONARY A. Common and French Candies, pickles, preserves, brandy fruit, prunes, raisins, enrrants citron, nuts, wines, vinegar, porter, ale, cordial, bitters, schied am sehmpps. e., MAHLER a Co. April 11. '54. 30 A Few Remarks. L. HARDING has made very recently large accessions to his STOCK, and can now cer E. tainly supply all those who are in need of well made SUMMER CLOTHING. He has on hand one hundred Lustre Alpacca Sacks, with Silk Vel vet Cellars ; one hundred do. made In Dress Frock style ; , seventy-five French Drab d'Ete Frocks, Velvet tJoIlars ; fifty Crape Oamblet Sacks and Frocks; "one hundred French Linen .Sacks; seventy-five Brown Duck Linen Frocks, cut In Dress Frock style, very handsome; White Grass and Gingham Sacks, in any quantity ; also, a very full assortment of White and Co ored Marseilles Vests ; Black and Fancy Silk do. ; twenty-five dozen Gauze, Merino and Lisle Thread Under Shirts. For bargains in superior Ready Made Clothing, always bear in mind that HANDING'S is the place. E. L. HARDING. June 22 el. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, "HlCHarethe only Sewiug Machines of any utility which can be used without making the owner liable to a suit for infringement of pat ented pirileg8, are still sold at, REASONABLE PRICES, AND WITH UNQUESTIONED RIGHT. Hayjftg g terminea our legal controvcrv with ElmsfHowe, Jr., and procure'! his lull license to use his invention, there is not the sliphet claim that oir machines infringe any other patent. The right to use the machines which we have sold, and shall hereafter ell. is unquestionable. We own ten distinct patents of Sewing Machines, covering all the nice points of the invention, and all the machines of other manufacturers infringe one or more oftheiu. Our patent securing the spring whereby the cloth, Slc, is held to the feed ing apparatus by a yieldiug presure. is infringed by all the machines now ottered iu the market Those who buy the inferior and practical machines, are hereby distinctly apprised that we shall com pel them to pay us for the privilege ut' uxinji them. Our legal rights will hencetorth be rigidiy enfor ced. THE IMMENSE SUPERIORITY of Singer's Sewing Machines has been complete'y established They are of universal app i ;ation the same machine doing all kinds of work, and doing it perfectly. They are not only superior in contrivance, but unequaled in mechanical finish. They perform all work required nud continue to do it with mt getting out of order. U'e desire to call attention particularly to our new. MACHINES TOSEW WITH A SINGLE THREAD which by ample trials have been proved superior to all others for stitching linen and all very thin fabrics also for sewing leather either with a waxed thread or silk and for quilting linings. We are also prepared to exhibit and sell embroid ering machines, producing an entirely new snd very beautiful result. Machines of extra size, both shuttle and single thread, may be had for a small difference in price. These are found to be very popular. Machines for hat-binding, stitch ing carpet-bag handles, and any other peculiar work, will be supplied at short uotic. Machine Needles, Silk Twist ou spools. Three Cord Linen Thread, and all other articles used with Sewing Machines, always on hand and fov sale at our offices. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 323 BROADWAY, branch orricxs. No. 57 South Fourth St. Phil., No. 47 Hanover St. Boston, No. 18J St. Charles St. N. O., No. 159 Bait St. Ealt. No 247 River St. Troy, N. Y. No. 22Z Walnut St. Cincinatti. I. M. SINGER & CO. New York. Aug. 8th, 1854. 3m-C4. HERRINGS. 300- Barrels 1 cut Large barrel, W. T. Sut- Fton s curing. , i c :it .1. i ,; (10 uo lamiiy rvoe uo uo 40 half do do do do do For Sale bjr, A. L U HARRIS. Norfolk, May 30, '54. Hm 44 Medical Department of Transylvania Un ires it y . THE Faculty having determined to resume the Winter Sessions of this School, the next course, (the 37th,) will be commenced OS THE FIRST MoSDAT 15 NOVEMBER next, and continue Four Months. Preliminary Lectures will be given during the month of October. A College Clinic has been established by the Faculty in which many Surgical Operations and cases of disease are exhibited to the class Fee for the full course, $70 ; to those who have attended two full courses in other Colleges, $45 Matriculation and Library ticket, $5 ; Graduation fee $25; Demonstrator's ticket, $10; all payable in advance. Boarding and Lodging, $2 50 to $3 50 per week. ROBERT PETER. Dean of Med. Fac. T. U. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 2'J, 1854. 7t 70 MCLUS1VE WHOLESALE ESTARLISUE.T, Fall Supply for 1854. - Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans and Trunks. -L'R stock embrace upwaras oi two tiioi sand II packages; all seasonable goods purchased by one of the firm in person, who spent the largest portion of the past three months amongst the manufacturers, which enables us to offer a stock to the North Carolina and -Virginia Trade, which we feel satisfied cannot he surpassed either in variety, quality, or price. Also, a large stock of Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather of all grades, American and French alf Skins, Lining, Binding, Kid, Morocco and Goat Skins' Shoe Makers Material and Wrapping We return O r sincere iuuiu iur iue iiuerai patronage heretofore extended to us, and pledge our mobt untiring assiduity to satisfy those who are disposed to give us a trial. ' We solicit a call from the Merchants visiting our city. S. DRLMMUND S CU.r i. Opposite the Court House Square. reiersuurg, a, S.DncxNOKS, I J. M. Wtchu. Antv28vl864. 4w 70 NEW YORK CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PETTENGILLt C0S ADVERTISING A- GENCv, 1 1 9 X A8S AC innr TO- And No. 10 Stats street, Boston. . P. & Co. are Agents fot : the most influential nnd largest circulating Commercial Papers both in the United States and the Canadss. " t& The following list of Business Firms are among the best and most reliable in the City of New York: A ' Dry Goods. HILL BROTHERS, Importers of Embroideries, White Goods, sc.. No. 89 Liberty Btrcet. COTTENET s CO. Importers of French n - and other Euronean Goods, No. 48 Broad street. EPSTEIN s HONIO,No..l09 Liberty St. Im porters of Laces, Embroideries, Silks fce r-TTriIELL & POTT. 45 Xxchhngs PL , Tapor- j j tors of British DryOf.wtchjwaWs I LIU' en. Dress GoclsT Sc." BORN. SCHLIEPER&. HAARItAUS, Importer of German a d Belgian Broadcloths, Silks, Hosieriss, 4c, No. 60 Exchange Place. SCHUCHARDT, FROLICH HOLTBAAJMN, Nos. 92 and 94 Liberty St, fcapertsrt. of French, Swiss, snd German Silks, Ribbons, Vel vets, Vesting, Satins, Serges, sc. Woolens of eve ry description. i ERTRAND, F RE RES & HENRY, Importers of Linen Cambrics and Linen Cambric Itdxts. linen Lawns. Embroideries, sc.. (own manufac ture,) 27 William 8treet. L.i WY ETH 4- CO., Importers of Embroide- ries, White and Lace Goods, No. 22 Broad street. JOHN M. DAVIS, JONES & CO. tjsiptn of Hosiery and Getleinen's Furnishlnf Goods, Manuf. of Shirts Stocks, Ties, sc. 104 WHliam Street. KOHLSAAT BROS, 48 John Street, Impor ters of Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Berlin Wool, Floss Silks, Elastic Braids, Gold and Silver Fringes, Gimps, Tassels, Buttons, Stars, Laces, Lc. M STKAHLHEIM S CO., 69 Broadway, Imp. of Lace, Millinery Goods, Embroideries and Trimmings. II. f ROBINSON J- CO. No. 189 Broadway, mpt and Jobbers. Lace Goods, tub Dona, Silks, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, shawls, small wares, j"C G EXT LEMF7NrsTlJ RnTsIIING GOODS. C. B HATCH & CO. 9 WILLIAM ST., New York, Manufacturers and Importers of Shirts, Stocks, Cravats, Gloves, -Suspenders, Hosiery, sc., 'sc. ACCORDEONS, STRINGS, ic. c 1HARLES BRUNO, Importer and wholesale Dealer in German, French and Italian Musi cal I.nsteitmkxts anu STRINGS. iNo. i Aiaiaen Lane. F ER DIN AND ZOGBAUM & CO., No. 97 Mai den Lane. Importers of Vio'ins, Guitars, Ac- corJeous, Strings, Brass instruments, sc., sc. Daguerreotypes. RNEY, No. 349 Broadway, the oldest and most extensive establishment in the U.Sta'es. fOHN COLT'S STAND VRD SAIL DUCK, ft H. C. Beach s Co., No. 71 Pine St., New York. ole acents. Cotton Canvass from several other mills ; also Osuaburg's Print Cloths and copper rollers for Calico and Sattinett Printers. TOYS ANn FANCY GOODS. AH I. BORN s CO.. No. 54 Maiden Lane, (up stairs) and 29 Liberty St. Importers of J. Toys and Fancy Goods. Tiles for Floors and Chimney Tops. M' ILLER. COATES s YOULE, No. 279 Pearl St., ENCAUSTIC TILES, OABNKIBK CHIMSET tops, F lumber a Materials, Metais, etc Window UIiin, Faiuts, Etc F HOPKINS $ BRO S, Imp'u of fbemch wm dow QL.vsi, NoCl Barclay St Engravers- UITNET, JOCELYN ASMS, ArtinU and KngTmvenoa Woe I, Nos. S GO Fulton St FlnmU and but work done Expresses EDWARDS, SArORD CO, Foreign Express, No. 36 Broadway. Goods and package forwarded to and from all pru of tlx world. Agent la Norfolk Adam Co. FANCY GOODS. " iHAS. ZINN It CO., Importers of French and j German Fancy Baskets, No. 53 Maiden Lane (near William st.) New York. HATS. FURS, sc. THOMPSON s ROESLER. No. 14 Maiden Lane, Importers and Manufacturers of Furs and Wholesale Dealer in Hats, Straw Goods, sc. Hot Air Furnaces &o- DAVID CULVER, (Inventor and Patentee.) 52CUff 8t. Man. and Dealer, wholeanle and retail, in Furnace, VentUatora, Kantf. 4c I ml in Rubber Good. THE NEWARK INDIA RUBBER CO., 69 Maiden Lane, N. Y., Manufacturers and Whole sie Dealers in Goodyear's Patent India Rubber Boots, Shoes, Whips, Clothing, Balls, Toys, c. TT NION INDIA RUBBER CO., 41 John street, I J make all kinds ef Rubber Clothing, Cloths, Druggists' Articles, $6,00 each? J-c. ; Coats from $2,60 to Lightning Hods. A M. Qlimbt k MX, Dualer iu Qoimby'a Improved Rods. A Office 132 . 7Ui ft aud 119 Namau (treet. Looking Ulas aud Picture Frames. 1 r P- wHrrLocx. Maoufacturer, Xo. 101 Canal at, New York. llii GUdlng in all IU braacnea. LADIES' ELASTIC SKIRTS, Hough's Patent l. Bates, 31 Barclay street, opposite the Astor House, New Yori , manufacturer of the above splendid and desirable article. iUaeliluery aud Mac Ii iue Tools. CtcHtxca'n Machinery Depot, 83 Coortland street, Machinery, O Machine Tool and WoudjiworUi'a Patent Planing Uaehioea. a N DREWS & JESUP, No. 67 Pine st., New York, Commission Merchants for the sale of kii Kinds Machinists' tools, aud Cotton and Woolen Machinery from the bet makers. Exclusive agents for Lowell Machine ishop. Meedles, Fib Hook V Tackle dec. THOMAS H- BATE, (late T. T. II. BATE.) 103 Mali Laue, Needles, FUh Hooka. FUuiug- Tackle, Ac. Paper Warerootns. CYRUS W. FIELD CO., 11 Cliff St, Irap'U and Whoraaal Dealer la American, French, Uermaa and Kngliah Papers and every description of Paper Manufacturer' Materials. stationery Hareroeiui Wholesale. Kioouti a Koxooo, No. 88 Jorn st Whole! Bookaellen and ptatiouers, and ilauf.of all kinds of Wank Books. Safes. RM. PiTRlcE, Deflaoor salamander fates, and Qodn's De- fiance Locks and Croas Bars, Depot, .No. 19 i Peari at. vw YORK AQRICULTORAL WARKHOC3C R. L. l Atla. (law A. B. Allen Oon) 189 and 191, Water at, Arieultsrai and Uortirultural Lmpkemeau aad Machinery, pid and Uarden Seeds aud Fertilisers, ttaano, Borne Daat, ybotpaUiof Limn, Pouureef, Plaster, c GARDEN SEED. A full supply of Garden Seed, warranted fresh, just received at the Drug Store of HAYWOOD A SCOTT. Iahv8,186A tt North Carolina Mutual Insurance i Company.. - fTlHIS Company has been In successful operation 4 I for. more than seven years; and continues to take risks upon all classes ef property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Terpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. ' Its Policies, now: coyer property amounting to . $4,500,000, large, por tion of which is in Country risks, and its present capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. The, average cost ef Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than one third of one per eent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Roulhac, C. W: D. Hutchings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whiting. T. H. Selby, Raleigh ; Geo. lcNeiU, Fsy etterille; Jot. G. Wright, WamttgtetK-James E. Hoy t; Washington j JsjesSIoen,ttAsbQro': Jno. Eiixabeth City ; V. F, FafaxvPlysaeU der MatcUli; NwrbsrK ' W. jiJL. Sad ; Aiexao- Newtevs W. -NjOL. Sadtiu' tfstv. freesboro' - U. Jk WJijLBa,;CheJe4te; iftol B. BTtVltUarA. TsHtMAAiri2..: Att wrectOT.ejwunthsrirnd t wmirwsfim- OFFICERS CO? TUX COifPAXT. t. Q. & RulhsA, JrmdmL , Henry D.. Turner, YiA io. JRW. Whiting, Treasurer. John C. rartjrWge, Secretary. . John H. Brysn, Attorney. J. Heramau, General Agent , S.W.. Waiting.. ) Jno. R. Wmiams, V Executive Committee. ' . Jaha rimrose, J AH communications in Teference to- insurance shewld be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. -' J. C. PARTRIDGE, SWy. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 26 GREENSBORO MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY- At the end of Three Yeans such has been the Care end economy of the officers of this Company, that we are still free from debt, have made no aasesments, and have note sue a a large Capital in so and notes, that we have no hesUaiieu in saying te the public, that there is no safer Company in the Southern Country. The most of the Risks ia this Company being in the Western part of the State, where the danger from fire is much less. v At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were re-elected : JAMES SLOAN, President 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President C. P. MENDENH ALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUM MING, General Agent DlKECTOKg : James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C P. Mendenhall, W. & Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Jed H. Lindsay, W. J. McConneU, E. W. Ogburn, J. L. Cole, D. P. Weir. Greensboro'; E. F. Lilly, Wsdesboro'; Dr. 8. G. Coffin, Jamestown; Joshua Tayloe, Washington ; William A. Wright, Wilming ton; J. L Shaver, Salisbury ; John H. Cook, Fay etteviile, H. G. Spruill, Plymouth; Robert E. Troy, Lumber ton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox Castle. All Communications should be directed to the Secretary, free of Postage. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y. Aug. 8.J854. tf-65. HARDWARE SYOI&g 2 B. SMITH'S CORNER, RALEIGH N. C. ITE ARE now in receipt of our Spring Sup- Y f plies or ares, j-c. embracing Hardware, Crockery ware, Wood ware. Coach Trimmings House Furniture articles and Cutlery of all kinds to which we respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. . Farmers, Mechanics and Artisans can find at our establishment Tools, Implements and a general assortment of Hardware suited to their different vocations. Having purchased the largest Stock of Hard ware ever brought to this market, with the de sign of confining ourselves exclusively to this branch of business, we think purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. April 21 8 PUL1JSN & BELVIN. Hydraulio Cement. THE Subscribers are now receiving and will contract for the delivery at the depot of the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road of any quantity of James River Hydraulic Cemest any guaran tee of its Superior quality will be given on enqui- '7- Herring s Patent Salamander, Fire Proof Iron Safes, any sixe or style with or without patent Gunpowder and burglar proof locks, furnished at Manufacturer s prices by his agents. ROWLAND S BROTHERS. Norfolk Va. Aug 21, 1854. lm 68 WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE 1st AUGUST. THE CABIN BOY'S STORY. k Semi-Nautical Romance of intense interest. by the Author of the "Pirate Doctor," the Lawyer s tory," tne 'uia uocior, " sc., se. The success hitherto enjoyed by the author of the above popular works is a sufficient guarantee of the favor with which any productions coming from his pen will be received by the public. "The Cabin Boy's Story" is a romantic narrative, illus trating the horrors of the Slave Trade, as carried on in the Coast of Africa. The author has served in the Navy and the descriptions and characters are painted from personal acquaintance with them. The story is as full of exciting interest and adven ture as the celebrated work of Defoe, "Robinson Crusoe," and has the advantage over that glorious fiction, inasmuch as it is founded on facts of every dsy occurrence. The history of the heroine of the Story, Zuleika, the Circassian Slave purchas ed at Constantinople, educated and married by the recklesayet chivalric, Seymour, the commander of the Albatross, is simply the narration of a fact painted from the life, and all the numerous char acters portrayed throughout the story are vividly snd graphically drawn. The publishers have already received orders for the whole of the edition it was originally their in tention to publish ; consequently, they have been obliged largely to increase it ; and theyjreepectful ly request that all orders may be sent in immedi ately. They confidently expect that the work will create as much interest as any work of fiction that has of late years, emanated from the press, as notwithstanding, since the publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," works relating to slavery in Ame rica, pro and oo5, have been numerous, none have appeared having relation to the system of puronasing stave on iuo oinosa voast, written by one who has witnessed it in all its hideous deformity. The work is written in chaste and Dure language, and will be a welcome and in structive addition to the family library. The work will form a beautiful octavo volume of 400 pages, handsomely illustrated with fine engravings, and elegantly bound in cloth. Price, in cloth, ojrdpllar ; in paper, 75 cents, at which rate copies will be sent by the publishers to any part of the couutry, free of postage. t&m YT wholesale and retail by the pub Ushers, ELLSWORTH A STREET, No. 22 Eeekman t., N. Y., And by all the Booksellers throughout the Uni ted States and British Provinces. " Aug. 8, 1854. 64 8t Henry K. Nash, ATTORNEY A COUNSELLOR AT LAW, VT7"1LL hereafter practice in the County and w w . Sopener Courts ex wake. gejl,ltt&. ' 82-ttV JAMES BtrtJTHBERTV v SUCCESSOR TO KERR, t CUTHBERT,). Oroeerr Forwarding and Conpihnon Merchant, JBoU lingbrdok Street, , Petertbvry, PoC . , ;'. EEFEBEKCES: . -Thos, Bragg, Jr., Jackton, JV. C. Messrs: L. D. & W. G. Crenshaw, Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk'. James George, Esq., Baltimore. , Messrs. Monahan k Beers, Xew York. HAS constantly on hand : Prime Porto Ric-i and New Orleans Sugars, . Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Lagulrn and St Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder,' Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine, and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale snd Vsjvgated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead . Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping' Paper, Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Lvaiher Liverpool "and Ground Afura Salt ' ' ' Prlilfg TlrlUa UlAVesfero Bacon lifalArd" ' Hails, asserted, witofloerifig nod Warehouse fUslls-PrincisndnavenM .. T WTbgether witive large stock of foreign aJTdo estie Liauors. Wines, so., which he offers el.ttfe lo1re8tKet:rateft. V'1 vsiig goods. ; PetBTShqrg,-March 5, ' : i9 1 MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS 1 " r A' VERi"' Wge assortment ef' silk and black ' lace Maritifias and Points, . I " W. H. & R. A. 'TUCKER r OILS and open-straw Bonnets andInfani''UffL O V. H. fc R. S, TTjCKER. FANS-!' FANS ! ? MOURNING and fancy Fans. ' W. H. & R 8. TUCKER. DRESS Trimmings and Embroideries. - W. H.B8.TUCJLER. RIBBONS and Gloves. W. H. &R. S. TUCKER. HATS! HATS!! HATS!! ! IF you want a hat of any kind or description, call at W. H. & R. S. Tucker's, and you will find a mammoth stock. Any one can be ft'Mi',J as their stock embraces all sizes, from an Infant's number to an Old Fogy's Extra, their object be ing to comprise Old Fogyism and Young Ameri canism. W. H. A R. S. TUCKER.- FARMERS' HEAD NORFOLK, QUARTERS, va. - ' ORDERS for Reapers may be sent us for the ensuing harvest, which will Be filled at the following prices : Hcsset's Reaping Machine,; i.......$l05 00 do Mower and Reaper, 115 00 do Front Wheels extra, 20 00 do Rear Platform for side delivery, 5 00 Bcbrall's Va. Reaper, No. 2, 4Jfeetcut,..$120 00 do do do No 3, 5 feet cut,. 180 00 A deduction of $5 will be made if the side deli very is not furnished, and $20 will be added to the a'jove price if front wheels are furnished. ATKINS1 SELF-RAKING REAPER, A great machine, and taken more Premiums than any other. Price, complete, $175 00 STRA W, HAT AND SHUCK CUTTERS Of every variety. Price $30 for the best, and warranted to cut anything in the Shape of Feed fori stocx. Cheap t utters, from $5 to $26. CORN 8UELLERS. Virginia Corn Shellers, $26 00 Goldsborough's do 40 00 Reading's do do do do .85 00 .16 00 10 00 ...8 00 Double Spout Single Iron Spout do Wood do BAMBOROUGH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I Extra Premium Fans, $34 00 No. 1 do do 32 00 No. 2 do do 30 00 Sinclair & Co's. No 2 do 30 00 Do do 1 do g5 00 Grant's Premium Fans, $16 to $30 Clinton's Fan Mills $ 13 to $20 FIELD Rollers 3 Segments, 3 feet long, $35 00 do do 2 do 4 do 65 00 do do 4 do 4 do 45 00 do do 6 do 5 do . 55 00 do do 6 do 6 do...:..... 65 00 flap-Orders for any of the above goods will be filled promptly. Your orders are respectfully so licited. BORUM & FISHER, 1 1 Water Street, Norfolk, Virginia. May 19, 1854. 41 tf Mr. Lefebvre's School, RICHMOND, VA., (Successor to Mrs. Miad. THE Scholastic year of this Institution begins on the first day of October and ends on the last day of June. Terms : For Board and Tuition in all the En glish branches for the year, $240 ; Modern and Ancient languages, each $20; Music on Harp, Piano and Guitar, each $80; Drawing, $20; Painting on Oifc $50; Washing, $20. No extra CHARGES. There is one department in the School in which everything is taught in French, and where that language is spoken exclusively, as well as ia the family of the Principal. For the accommodation of Southerner; pupils will be received during the holidays, (July, August and September,) and charged for Board at the same ratio as in the session. They will be exclusively engaged in the study of the French and Musio, for which they will be charged for French, $7 per month, and for Music, 3l per lei son. The following references will be considered suf ficient Right Reverend Bishop Meade, Right Reverend Bishop Johns, Hon. William H. Macfar land, Hon. John M. Patton. All letters to be directed to HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, A.: M. . Principal. Richmond. June 16, 1854 2awtNovl 49 - QCESTIS BOSBEB. ' " KEMP P. BaTTLB. BUSBEE Ai BATTLE, ATTORNEYS ABD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. I il.Li attena promptly . to any ousiness ut- Y f trusted to their care in the central Coun ties of the State, and in the 8tate and Federal Courts. Qi'Entin Busbee, Commissioner of Deeds $c. or the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, - Arkansas, Tennessee. Raleigh, July 25, 1854. . Xm-60 Warrenton Female Institute. riUE 14th year, (27th session) of this Iostitu I tion, will commence on the 3d of July next. A large addition has been made to the building this year, r or terms, sc., apply to . June 6 6w 46 HORSE POWER WHEAT THRESHERS. 1 nave still on hand several of the very best uae, brought for exhibition at the -last ' Fair, which I offer at the manufacturer's prices, free of .1. fr.r tNnaTtnrtalinn. " Farmers will do well to look to their interest and I Buy at once as they cannot have such another op- Qoxtaaity for the present Crop - r. T- Vt- ir ' A.Xi MarTTilll". A'WAUl Lf AAU.LUVA ? " Z.J fTlHlS Company continues to Insure S$ Uffl -9f !J U ietdthy White persons d.lxrfex;r yr ''TThegreatest risk taken dzta gleieifuP0(L Slates are insured ftr s term of one t fire fears to fds their vsjue. - ' t r i . omcto. ' 'Si ' 'I-. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, president f "t , , , , .Wm. D. Haywood, Vlco President, K t James F. JordAn, Secretary,'' '.'., Wm. H. Jones; Tresaurerj-v'r""' , Perrin Busbee, Attorney' I . 4. Dr. Wm. H. AIcKe,,Ejtmining Phjciwt 4 J. Hersmao, General Agent ; V ) Alilosses are paid within M dj ftr W tory proof is presented. , ' . Blanks andf Pamphlets, showing the plan f ope atioifof the Company, may hi: ns4 en': appUoatioei at thfe Office; or any or the Agencies Att. letteee on tinsiness 'should I'W addressed feJ,iAt J via is i j jiMvd 9J'JOltiU:Mli4 Mm rnH RiTNA INSURANCE COM? rjVi fletWfonlQ jelfeifis?e.B)iadinj M exdiie,;'aJnB loec; Auaige ffgf. . : This is one of the oLdest and hni Insurance Com. 4mws ,j titsa., P$rJfi&l& . -AppUcai4phs ctf Insurance "ltaftHglfii,i" ciuity,fche made to --'r S?yJ & i -: , ' k'X. masmi . l; " - - " f-'1 -Agetffc Aid for Mflton," N. C. WleiulJ?H-Wr ; k " N.XaMER:g October, 1848. ' ' " f4.'i New Shoes and GalteTa fcby.fCat- and White' Kid SrTppers, Qoat lk6tees; Tlppe4, Flail and Heeled Gaiters. 7 '- - - w. h. r5 &4xjrcstra- June 28 . - " -y ';;M-AfAh ADAMS & CO'S D A I LY EXJ? HESSES, TO AND FROM ALL TBI N0RTHIRX CITIES. T)R0MPTNESS, lM8patch ah4 Ecendtny are the X. leading features WspuI.o4ff ?cf transit for articles o Alt taMmtMioxi. ' 8. El PHILLIPS.- Agent? May 19, '64. - - -- i Qf ' -' - 'ToVih PuoHllg' THE subscriber would respectfhllyjnfbirja, the citizens of Raleigh, and tnejpuhUe generally, that he keeps constantly on" hand pupply of WALL PAPER, of . various iino!sls6,FiM Screens, Window Curtains, &c.ull. of which Vill be sold at the lowest prices; also, paper hangings of all kinds done in the neatest and most workman ship manner. . ' . - - j--- - .,-tr He also has" on nand and is stiU mWufacfurrng mattresses of all kinds." Renovating ftf R kinds done with neatness and dispatdu' ' - i f- J. HENRY HARRIS,' Paper Hanger and Mattress -Makers April 18, 1864.' - - - ' S3t Page's Improved Patent Circular Saw Mills. K 4 -t' GEORGE PAGE & CO.rT ' N. ScmoEDER, hear Wrst Baltimor St.,' Baj,- Tim oRs, Mb.,' RESPECTFULLY inform the publiov that they have greatly increased their manufacturing establishment, and are now prepared to, execute all orders with promptness Tot their ; f ;,' ; : CELEBRATED PATENT CIRCULAR POR TABLE SAW, MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, as also STEAM POflfERSof.sllsUes and kinds, HORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, and various other machines and, implenients for economising labor., : : V- .H X Since their Portable Circular Sa,w Mills, were invented, by, and patented to, their sei4erpartaer. they have made many improvements, -which render them perfect in all their details, and justly entitle them to be considered first' kmong the labor bat ing machines of the world. ' :- ' : ' " Famphlets containing fuU descriptions Or their several classes of mills, prices,; terms. Capacity for r"iSi ovv.. win, irn appucauoa uj leixer, -ow ior- wardea to any gentleman Wanting them.? -- Having recently obtainel damares in anaction brought in the U S. CiretuV Court for the -JJis- : If J t . m . . - . wick n M.arjrtajtu lor au 'iui(ingeiBeii& oa .usir Patent Rights; Tusr axRXBT.WA&Hn Pjrniic AQAIXST PORCH AfTUtQ VROM VNADTBORIXRB BU.- brs, OR their Aqrmts. . Address., 'J iJ- GEORGE PAGB.4 Ca. N. Schroeder Se near Baltimore St., vrvVrBa4tiiaQn,.iMd. May 23 '64.., ,u ' -'.fkX 42 m yPEETE PEPPER A C!0.5r?v: WHOMS AI GROCJJIlSi FOREWA RNING AN&aMMlS0 N S PORTSMOUTH, YA:, AU business entrusted tobem will be punctually f attended to... SMtiWr' PERSONS with whom, we are. not acquainted, .wishing goods for warded by us, must sen4 the money to our office, as we find, great difficulty; in collecting small debts scattered" throughout the country ' ; ..V "f .V ? June 80th, .1854. , , t?-r.-9mi3 bn Consignment, 4" Ski Bales superior; NORTHERN HAY, and for ssielTermsv CASH-1- 4 . -. , --'. BROWX,' No.9 FavetteviUe St Raleigh June 20, 1854. , ':w-60 Splendid Lottery- Sejyt 1854. ' ' .'.i.r faft'4 GREGORY $ MAURY Managers (Successors to J. Wi Majsry A Co.) . v TEN PRIZES Fit r w:" ' ' the benefit Afih Lottery for the .. oiaw w eawaio,' ... , ,Class.207 lor I86C r To be drawn at Wilmington, DeL Saturday, pt. 9th.-1854' y 78 No. Lottery 16 Drawn BaHots. MAGNIFICENT 8CHEME. 1 Priie oL...... 69,000 1 1 1 6 10 10 400 do .... do . do...; do...... do.'....- . ................... 18,000 eeeiiea w '" ;ej wis fw eft e mm m 6,000 4; ,VW do....,.. do .........Lowest I Ho. Prixea,, 200 sc. :&c, &c,v v Tickets 1 6 dolls. Halves 7,50 Qu'r Af5. Eh-'ts l,87j.:-!- .;;.u'i, ' Certfs. of Pkg's of 26 whL tickets, $170 00 do . do 26nalfdo S5 1 do do o 26 quarter do 42' 60 do do '.26eighUtdosn3'2t25 Orders for Tickets and shares and Certificates of Packages Lithe above splendid. Lotteries .trill re ceive the most prompt attention, knd an account of each drawing wfH be seat Immediately after' it ia over to au "Who oruer xrom me.-' " Addjess-- YCtXXAffaO, r- ii i ,itya . i A ' LSQ.' 10 Doc ABaer Shovelsiust tehanuL- JknMTU 4farriVal8hoWtnd AV: Ositeribp)rincIpslm u PTnlhVBeli-t7n!ib I! L- W 2, 1854. : : ' r- ----- Jk-

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