VOLUME LV. CITY OF RALEIGH, SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 9, 1351 THE "RALF.IGII REGISTER" js pablished Semi-weekly ud "Weekly, by SEAT OX G A Ii'ES, . i m r AND r i " r i is t u , T K R M S: . IS per toiu ; la wtvntie X. (3 per annaai ; in advance ! M. r, VT F AnVKKTI-NG : x errr 16 liiu-A, flrrt insertion i) ; w,-pi an J Jmlii-isl advertisement will fceehr4 tub-'- ,'ut J,,Jjclion I-!- "ill. Mill U !" .i, -.-'ular prv-e to advertiser hv tho tilt. 1 ' . i . .i k.i iii i it iuirui in lur 'iurwrr i j , iu un appear Ir, in' i-hrw. j tW fcdilor mut V" FO&T-F.MS. j ' ! Schedule has been ordered lv I ,w p.-t M i"r General, and has gone into . : li - .l tu-dsy : : ... II ll.'l!' At A. M , and reach Weldon ri P X iu lime tor the Express train to Wilming- a- .,i .ill n .11 1 i n i - i eMOil ai - box rrwii ivaieiga si t'. "nfcee Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Co. September 13, 1853. rTtHI-I NOOR. $5 Brand. This brand of Tih" 0 i- a rarity or Mature. It is made -oaj irl. frown in Yirpnia, is put up in boxes U pounds with the signature and like. f ;"he relehrated Mannfacturer, James Tbora nn the labl. A supply just received and Spring Trade, 1854. TO NORTH CAROLINA MERCHANTS ! Brtii'rnTaioi me aieamer taropa ana rack et Skip rnnma, we are in possession of our jPRIXtt 1 M POKT ATION Or FOREIGN GOODS, .trtIfor oar sales by Mr. Wra. Weddell, in the .. . . . i i iri r . - i itdC. xmnMi and in&a isrkeis. m e nave i rweiTeii from the Eastern Cities a large and iindin? stock or DOMESTIC FABRICS. uithseJ from First Handa We are prepared to fflTt.- (he Trade at as low prices as they can be 'iml in ny Market. North Carolina Merchants are respectfully m- tfiitoc.ill when they visit our market. STEVENSON & WEDDELL. Sycamore St, Petersburg Ya. Mirch. 18-34. ly-20 WATCHES & JEWELRY. AMOXDS, PEARLS, SILVER WARE 4 FANCY GOODS. T HE subscriber has received and opened t most elegant and fashionable assortment ai ibove GOODS, to which the attention of thb ?ciic is solicited. H has all the new styles of Witches, Chains, Seals, Keys, Breast-Pins Eir-Drops, Lockets, Lc. ALSO, a beautiful assortment of Diamond, Coral and Pearl Brooches Ear-Rings and Finger-Rings. ALSO, a very large Assortment of SiWer Spoons, Ladles Butter Knives, Cups, c And an excellent variety of Spectacles, Razor Mrp3. Walking Canes, Perfumery, &c. On hand, also, a tew nne Mantel Clocks. C. B. ROOT. ardh, Nov. 1, '53 89 tf Once, Twice, Going! N OT at pablic, but at private sale, if early ap plicut on be made to me at Raleigh or upon im premises, the most beautiful and undoubtedly ktitiiy Cottage Farm in Wake county; with great inabilities for proht. It is witiun two ana a bait aues of the city of Raleigh, immediately in the fork of the Chapel Hill and Hillsboro' roads and vithin one hundred and fifty yards of the Central Biil Road; combining every thing to reader it a a st charmin family residence. The tract con- i'.ns 131 acres of good, arable land, about !00 of rch is in the original forest the residue has vn cleared within the last three years, liberally iiaured, handsomely and strongly enclosed anil rv. j a high state of cultivation. The Dwelling j is a strong two story, well built and taalely j tilted building, in modern styles it has six 18 j fe square rooms, each with a tire place besides wnou airy Halls above and below stairs, Porti- 0 inl every other convenience that heart can de 'n. The out houses are numerous and well built in of every kind a well improved farm can require, fctre i a spacious Store House, and a Black ia.Ja shop upon the premises, where I have ear ned on s very extensive business for the last twelve south' with great success, and can, therefore, pro ,0'4'ice it one of the best stands for a country n-iT within ray knowledge. The range for Cat t.. Hogs anil Sheep is very fine, and there is an t'-jun iance of fire wood and rail timber, and clay for brick making, npon the land. There is a most cei:ent well of water at the House and also m it tue Store, and three everlasting springs up che premises. Iii property being upon the great thorougb !'tf W estern trade and travel, and of pleasure r.irifrok; the city, and the landscape charming, the incite nerer find it lonely, but are ever gladden ed by the mcviug panorama of busy life. I have 1 Ureer body of land farther from the city, which interests require nie to improve and occupy ; 'ierefore I will sell this property cheap and ou mj terms. This is a rare chance for any person fcing a bandsomej Wealthy, cheap and profita ft family residence, all .new and in good order : immediate enjoaeot. - The schools in the city re convenient, being ojzly a few minutes ride or This property would eminently suit a pub k'tficer, or a Physician desiring a good country Pice, or a Merchant, wishing to be in tli city 'r7 dir. while adiisg U feis thrift by arocationa t huae. To any person willing to keep a pri Ttt bour'liag houxe, carry on the mercantile busi mike briek for D.ikX jth or without a managed ma ket garden and dajry, for the 'ipplv of the city, added to his farming .opera- this property would assuredly lead to Cw 1 '.. the day and now s the hour to prize. s;r-e fur the JOHN C MOORE. . ?erly, Co.. Aug. 28, '54. tf 70 Dr- Geo. Bettner, OF NORTH CAROLINA, Xo. 538 Broadway, or at his Lodgings, PRESCOTT HOUSE, Corner of Spring and Broadway. JVork, Feb. 7, 12 ly Daniel, g. fowLjE, KALElGH, b. C. t FAIRBANKS' PATENT SCALES Of every size, at the Manufacturer's prices, with coat Asportation only added, may be had by apply - JA9. M. TOWLES. Aa?- 8, 1854. - 64 JAMES E. METTS, Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. AaS- 24, 1854. TO-tf CLERK WANTED. A GiKJb yeang man, having experience in the bry (Jvods business, who can come well re "uieu ied ms salesman, may find a situation, by Pi.wugto McGE-E 4 WlLLLAJdS- - sleigh, .Vug. 8, 1854. " 8 ALT ! SALT ! 1 SALT ! 1 1 . ' 3,000 'e afloat. SAC KS factory filled Urerpool iwn Salt momently expect. loat, by ; -" '?" S ' Solomon Cherry. . jA,. c,. C1IEUIIV-& CAIIILL, Commission Merchants, NORFOLK, VA. '3, 1854. ,f.5 Jan. T! Tri-Weekly Stajre Line, nB ttagea will leave Raleigh, every Monday. ednesday and Fri.tay, at 7 A. M. bv the war ol Pittsboro Franklins ville, Cedar Falls. Ash horo f opper Mines, &c, arriving at Salisbury hv 7 P M I ne it day. rare from Raleigh to Pittsboro", ,io do St. Lnwreuoe do Frankliiisville, Cedar Falls &. Ash horn do Salisbury $,G0 . 4.(MJ ..5.(10 . 8.00 rour Horse Coaches, to Pittsboro', II. 1 RORARDS, & CO. Proprietors. Stagefrffice Yarbrough Home, Raleigh, N. C RAM L. ta. wilsox. , oto. w. orioe. WTXSON & GRICE, GEERAl.CoMMISRIONl;F0RW.RDINr; Mff HP HANTS, Ao. 11, lliijh St. and Pierc's Wharf, Portsmouth, Va GIYE their personal and prompt attention to the Sale and Forwarling of Produce and Mer chkndise ef every description, and make liberal ad vances upon consignments. j Refexkncks, Oeo. W. Mordecai. F.sq., Raleigh; I Messrs, W H. L R. S. Tucker, do ; King, Thomas t & Barrow, Louisbnrg; R. N. & I). C. Herndon, Ox tford; Hon. Weldon N. Edwards. Warren countv : f Col S. 8. Royster, Granville; Messrs. John White & Co., Warren ton j Montgomery & Plummer, do ; CoL Walter Owvnne. Ch. Eug r., Central Railnad. May 4, 1853. 37-1 y i A CURE FOR ALL ! ! nOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, j Iitizess or thi Unios, You have done me S Vy ne honour as with etne voice, from one end j of the Union to the other, to stamp the character of my 7inxment wun your approDation. it is scarce ly two years since I made it known among you. and already, itiias obtained more celebrity than any other medicine in so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 38, Cor. of Ann and Nasnau streets, New York. ASTONISHING CURE OF SORE LEGS. AFTER NINE YEARS STANDING. Copt of a Letter from Mr. J. W. Langley, of Huntanue, ladlnn County, AurA Carolina, U. S. dated November lt. 1853. READ HIS OWN WORDS. To Professoe Hollowat, Sir : It is not my wish to become notorious, nether is this letter written for the mere sake of writing, but to say, that your Ointment cured me of one of the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine years 1 was inflicted with one of the most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying every medicine I had ever heard of, I resigned in despair all hope of being cured ; but a friend brought me a couple of large pots of your Oint ment, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my .health to my agreeable surprise and delight, and to the astonishment of my friends. (Signed) W. J. LANGLEft AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A BAD BREAST. WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Diirant, New Or leans, November 9lh, 1853. To Professor Hollowat, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New York. Dear Sir, It is with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, tk life of my wife has been saved. For seven years she had a bad breast, with ten run ning wounds (not of a cancerous nature.) I was told that nothing could save her: she was then in duced to use your Ointtaent aud Pills, when in the short spare of three months, they eflfected a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us. We obtained your Medicines from Messrs. Wright & Co., of Chartres-street, New Orleans. I send this from "Hotel des Princes," Paris, al though I had written it at New Orleans, before we finally left, at that time, not knowing your ad dress at New York. (Signed) R. DURANT. The Pills tkouid be ued conjointly irith the Oint ment in taosl of the Joi lowing co Bad Legs Lumbago Contracted and Stiff Joints Sore-throats Stiff Joints Skin-diseases Fistulas Scurvy Oout Sore-heads Gi&uduLir U.cers Swellings Bad Breasts Piles Burns Rheumatism Bunions Salt Rteam Chilblains Scalds Chapped hands Sore Nipples Sold at the Yi ounds Establishment of Professor Hollowat, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Street New York, also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States, in Pots, at 37 J cents, 87 cents, aud $1.60 cents'1 each To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union, and of Messrs, S. B & J. A- Evans, Wilmington, and P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. JBfe3 There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N- B Directions for the guidance of patients n every disorder are affixed to each Pot. AT 9T8 TO make room for a large Fall and Winter 8tock. we will sell many good and desirable articles at nett Cost. Among them are Fancy col'd. Cloth Coats, Fine Tweed do Fyanch and American Cass. Pants, Paney Uk Yeats &e. Ac. These are ajl of good styles and well made. E. I,. HARDING. Aug. 23rd 1854. PETER W. HINTlON, Commission Merchant , 90S. 25 AKD .26 BOTHER Y'S WHABJ, NORFOLK, VA. SPECIAL ATTKHTI9 ?A.,D T Wa Toh4CXV, Flour, Grain, jCotton, 4tc. t. Also, to Reying and Forwarding Goods. REFER TO Chas. L. Hinton, Esq. Wake Co. N. C. J. B. G. Ronlhac, and George W. Haywood. Esas., Rleigh, N- C. Au Wm. flummer, rsq., n urmuwu, . ... 25. 1854. WIN DOW GLASS. Best qualiUes of French, Union and Baltimore brands of following sixes -li 8 by 10, 10hy 12, 12 by 14, 12 by 16, rby 18,' 12 by 2o! 13 by 16, 13 by 18, I by 22. li r 20 18 by 24, 24 by 30. Orders reaeived for any size Coach and Picturs ni-.a for Oresn Houses, and Glass Tiles for Floors filled promptlyby P. F. PESCUD. WTVTtii.fif'HNAPP3-A larre stock on Jewelry and Fancy Goods, CH,APtt THAN r. VKK ! ! THE subseribors Mkes great pleasure to inform the citizens of Raleigh and vicinity that they have just received an entirely new stock of all the articles in tbeir line. Thankful for the dbpr patronage always re ceived, they will do every thing in thair power to deserve a continuance of the same. Their prest-nt stock consists in part of Jewelbt : Gold ear-rings, sreant-piuA, cuff-pins, finger-rings, sleeve buttons, bracelet, locket, foh nnd guard chains, pencils, pens, watches, keys, &c. Faspv Gooifi: Berlin and French basket?, fur nished leather rt'fiiles of nil si.!s, papier mache work boxs, S ..mish Mud French fsiis from 50c I to !J7,"M) purlmoiinaii-H of lentlier. velvet and pearl, I Flench cignr eaes. pcket-loil;s, Wo.stenholm's celebrated eutlery . dressing and pocket combs tif i ivory, hiiHtlo, in.iiaulbcr and shejl4-india-rubber I rounil combs, pull. I ucniu and sidNvmh, Faber's j pencils, French conserves u all doscriptionSj ' fancy enps and sauccis from 4Gc to $3,()0, Gothic ! 1 and 8 day flocks, Cermun silver castors, wax, j kid, crying and iudia-ruhl r doiN of all sizes, , looking glasses from 00c to Jfci.OO ; n! kinds of ' reTfaery nod Tftfletraqrtsitex-: iir u4 flasa J"ware of various descriptions, ic., io., ; CONFKCTIONAHY .vc. I Common ajid French Candies, pickle. reserves, I brandy fruit, prunes, rnisins, currnnl . citron, nuts, wines, vinegar, porter, ale, cordial, bitters, sohied- am schnapps. c, .M.VllLER i Co. April 11, V,4. 30 A Few Remarks L. HARDING lias made very recently large accessions to his STlX'k, andean now cer E. tainly supply all tho-e who are in need of well made SUMMER CLOTHING, tie li,s on hand one hundred Lustro Alpaeea Sacks, with Silk Vel vet C. illsrs ; one hundred do. made in Oi oss Frock stvle ; seventy-live French Prl d'Eie Frocks, j Velvet Coilars : nfty Crape Caiiibift Sacks and I Frock; one hundred French Linen Sacks; se I venty-tive Brown Iluck LiiP'ti Frock-, cut in Dres ! Frock style, very handsome; White Grass and Gingham Sacks, in any quantity ; also, a very full assortment of White and Co orod M-irseilies Vests; Black and Fancy Silk do.; twenty-five dozen Gauze, Merino and Lisle Thread Uudcr Shirts. For bargains in superior Ready Mide Clothing, always bear in mind that HARDING'S is the piace. ' E. L. HARDING. June 22 51. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, AY HICH are the only Sewing Machines of any utility which can be used without making the owner liable to a suit for infringement of pat ented pirvileges, are still sold at. REASONABLE PRICES, A5D WITH UNQUESTIONED RIG M T . Having termined our legal controversy with El ins Howe, Jr., ami procured his full license to use his invention, there is not the slighest claim that our machines infringe any other patent. The right t use the machines which we have sold, and shall hereafter soil, is unquestionable. We own ten distinct patents of Sewing Machines, covering all the nice points of the inventiou. and all the machines of other manufacturers infringe one or more of them. Our patent s.-curing the spring whereby the cloth, tf ., i held to the feed ing apparatus by a yielding presure. is infringed by all the machines now offered in the market Those who buy the inferior and practical machines, are hereby distinctly apprised that we shall com pel them to pay us for the priv ilee of usinji them. Our legal rights will hencelorth be rigidly enfor ced. THE IMMENSE SUPERIORITY of Singer's Sewing Machines has been completely established They are of universal application the same machine doing ail kinds ef work, and doing it perfectly. They are not only superior in contrivance, but unequaled in mechanical finish. They perform all work required and cuiitinue to do it with mt getting out of order. We desire to call attention particularly to our new. MACHINES TOSEW WITH A SINGLE THREAD which by ample trials have been proved superior to all others for stitching linen and all very thin fabrics also for sewing leather either with a waxed thread or silk and for quilting linings. We are also prepared to exhibit and sell embroid ering machines, producing an entirely new and very beautiful result. Machines of extra size, both shuttle and single thread, may be had for a small difference in price. These are found to be very popular. Machines for hat-binding, stitch ing carpet-hag handles, and any other peculiar work, will be supplied at short notice. Machine Needles, Silk Twist on spools, Three Cord Linen Thread, and all other arti-les used with Sewing Machines, always on hand and for sale it our offices. PRINCIPAL OFFICE N.. 323 BROADWAY, BRASCH OFFICES. No. 'u South Fourth St. Phil.. No. 47 Hanover St. Boston. No. 18 St. Charles St. N. O.. No. 159 Bait. St. Bait. No 247 River St. Troy. N. Y. No. 22J Walnut St. Cincinatti. I. M. SINGER & CO. New York, Aug. 8th, 1854- 3m-64. HERRINGS. Barrels 1 cut Lnrpe barrels, W. T. 300 Sut- do do ton s curing. , i c :it .1 O QO ao iainiijr nue u 40 half do do do do For Sale by, A. k U HARRIS. 3m 44 Norfolk, May 30, '54, Medioal Department of Transylvan i a Un ivesity. THE Faculty having determined to resume the Winter Sessions of this School, the next course, (the 37th.) will be commenced OS THE FIRST MON DAT IS NoV'FMeF.R next, and continue Four Months. Preliminary Lectures will be given during the month of October. A College Clinic has been established by the Faculty in which many Surgical Operations and cases of disease are exhibited to the class Fee for the full course, $70 ; to those who have attended two full courses in other Colleges, $13 Matriculation and Library ticket. $5 ; Graduation fee, $25: Demonstrator's ticket $10; all payable iii advance. Boarding and Lodging, $2 50 to $3 o0 per week. ROBERT PETER. Dean of Med. Fac. T- V. Lexington, Ky., Ang. 29, 1854. 7 70 ICE ! NOTICE ! ! NOTICE ! ! 'THOSE list n to amino' Nfi rth to buy their stock of ri and wnt a o-ood article will do well I pa call on jth fofcw&er, who js now manufactu ! rimr ail kinds of Edze Tools, such as Club and Turpentine Axes. Hackers, Broad Axes JUtchets Drawing and Crowding Knives, Foot Ade, Hamr mere and'many other articles too tedious to men tion JOS. WOLTERJNG. July 18, 1854. 3-58 T F V0H want to save labor come and get one of I Wolterinsr's MortielnJt Machines, wnicn i war- Ko D-nnd ami ucheiD OS VOU CaD bUT at the North. JOS. WOLTERLNG. July. 18, 1854. SmSS Henry K- Nash, ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW. -f TTILL hereafter practice in the County and V Superior Courts of Wake. Oct. 7. 1853. 82-tf Corn for Sale. THE Subscriber has a quantity of Corn for sale. Those who want will please apply to Jesse Brown, Raleirh.or mTaelf. a, riwvJS- Aug, t&a. 68 2t NEW YORK CVtt BUSINESS DIRECTORY. S. M. TETTRNGILL St CO'S ADVIBTISINO A OENCY, 119 MASSAC STBEIT, BKW T0KK. And Noi lOSUte street, Boston. P. & Co. are Agents for the most influential' and largest circulating Commercial Papers both in the United States and the Canadas. f The following list of Business Firms are among the best anl most reliable in the City of New York : Dry Goods. HILL BROTHERS, Importers of Embroideries, White Ooods. &c. No. 89 Liberty street. 11 COTTF.NET At CO., Importers of French and other F.nropcan Goods, No. 48 Broad street. E Line HOMO, No. 100 Liberty St.. Im porters of haA.es, Embroideries, Suks &c. MITCHELL & POTT: 45 Exchange PL, Impor ters of British Dry GWs,Scotcn and Irish Linens, Dress Goods,-fte. ORN, SCHLiEPERi H AARHAUS. Importers of German a:d- Belgian Broadcloths, Siiks, hosieries, &c. No. W hxchnnge riace. -1CHUCUARDT, FROLICH k HOLTHAUSEN. Nc os. 02 nud 94 Liberty St., Importers oi French. Swiss, and German Silks, Ribbons, ei- vets, Vestings, Satins, Serges, &.c. Woolens of eve ry description. 1)ERTrlANl, FKERES k HENRY, Importers ) of Lineu Cambrics r.nd Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Linen Lawns. Embroideries, &c, (own manufac ture.) 27 William Street. r J J. WViTII Jr CO., Importers of Embroide- ies. White and Lace Goods, No. 22 Broad street. TOHN M. DAVIS, JONES & CO., Imptrs of Hosiery and Getlcmen s Furnishing Goods, Manuf. of Shirt Stocks, Ties, &c. 104 William Street. T-OHLSAAT BROS, 48 John Street, Impor V ters of Ladies' Dress Trimmines, Berlin Wool, Floss Silks, Elastic Fringes. Gimps, Tassels, &e. Braids, Gold and Silver Buttons, Stars, Laces, ti Sl'UAULHElM &CO., 69 Broadway, Imp. of Lace, Millinery Goods, Embroideries and Trimmings. ROBINSON 4" CO., No. lnipt anil Jobbers. Lace 189 Broadway, Goods, Ribbons, Gloves, Shawls, Silks. Embroideries, Hosiery, small wares, d-c. G E NT LEA I EN'S FURNISHING GOODS. C. B HATCH & CO. 9 WILLIAM ST., New York, Manufacturers and Importers of Shirts, Stocks, Cravats, Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, &c, &o. ACCORDEONS, STRINGS, &c. C1HARLES BRUNO, Importer and wholesale Dealer in German, French and Italian Mrst cal Instrvmksts and Strings. No. 2 Maiden Lane. 1 KRDINAND ZOGKAUM & CO.. No. 97 Mai- den Lane, Importers of Vio'ins, Guitars, Ac- cordeons. Strings, Brass instruments, &c, &c. Daguerreotypes- GURNEY, No. 319 Broadway, the oldast and most extensive establishment in the U.Sta'es. J. JOHN COLT'S STANDARD SAIL DUCK, H. C. Beach & Co., No. 71 Pine St., New York, sole agents. Cotton Canvass from severai other mills ; also Osnaburg's Print Cloths and copper rollers for Calico and Sattinett Printers. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. AHLBORN & CO., No. 54 Maiden Lane, (up stairs) and 29 Liberty St. Importers of J. Toys and Fancy Goods. Tile for Floors and Chimney Top MILLER, COATES & YOULE, No. 279 Pearl St., ENCAUSTIC TILES, OARNCIRK CHIMNEY tops, Plumber's Materials, Metals, etc. Window GlaiM, HOPKINS J- BRO'S, Paints, Etc. F Imp'tS Of FRENCH WIN DOW glass, rsotji Barclay at. Engravers- WIIITVET. JOTE1.YN A ASNIN. ArtLts and KnfrtTfnon V VVoimI. .Nok. 5S I W Kultoq SL Klnent and best work done here. Expresses. SANFoUP A CO, FotvtKD ExprcM, No. 36 TOWARDS, Li Bmailirav. Unod and packages hriarded to aad iron all part of the world. Ap-nti in Norfolk Adams A Co. FANCY GOODS. C1H AS. ZINN & CO., Importers of French and ; German Fancy Baskets, No. 53 Maiden Lane (uear William st.j New York. HATS. FURS, &c. THOMPSON & ROESLER, No. 14 Maiden Importers and Manufacturers of Fxxrt Wholesale Dealer in Hts. Straw Goads, &c. and Hot Air Furnaces &o- DATID CCLVKR. (Inventor and Patentee,) 52 Cliff St. Man. and Dealer, wholesale aad retail, in Furnaces, Yantilatars, Kaaxea. Ac India llubber Ooodi THE NEWARK INDIA RUBBER CO., 69 Maiden Lane, N. Y., Manufacturers and Whole sale Dealers in Qoodyear's Patent India Rubber Boots, Shaes, Whips, Clothing, Balls, Toys, fc. UNION INDIA RUBBER CO., 41 John street, make all kinds ef Rubber Clothing, Cloths, Druggists' Articles, yc. ; Coats from $2,60 to $6,IK each. Lightning Rods. M. Qcivsv A snxs, Dealer in QulmhT'n Improved Rods. Offlre 13J Kaiti7U kL and 119 Masaau atnet. A. Looking Via ttild Picture Frames. MP- WBrrLocX, Manufactaror, No. 101 0anlt,, New York. Uildlof la all it branches. LADIES' ELASTIC SKIRTS, Hough's Patent p. Bates, 31 Barclay street, opposite the Aator House, New Yor, manufacturer of the above splendid and desirable artiole. Maelilnery and Xlacliiue Tools. rtrvn'i Machinerv Depot, 62 Co art land gtreet. Machinery , O Machiue TuoU anu VVoodawortlT Patent Planing Uachinea. a V DREWS k JESUP, No. 67 Pine st Ne A York, Commission Merchants for the sale of au a.inds Machinists tools, anu cotton ana HooUn Machinery from the best makers. Exclusive agents for Lowell Machine Shop. Needles, Fil ilookti & Tackle Sf,c. milOMAS H- BATE, il1 T- T- H- BATK.) 103 Maiden 1. Lane, .N mxile, finh Uooka. Fishing Tackle, Ac. Paper Warerognja. rtTRUS W.FIKLD SCO, Jl Cliff SL.lmp'U sod WboaeMle J Dealers la American, Frencn, Uerman'and KngUsh Papers and every deacripuoa ol raper masiuactarera aiatariaJa. itatiouerj Warerooui -Wkoleate. moawi a Kh-logo, No. RS Join st. Wholesale BookaeUan eV Li. T . 1 U.f Af.1l lrlnl.AUl..k tk t- sfcSU f)Ufcfjftlpt, kfsU .tuuu.vi aaaa m va iiu OlSJU. Safe's. BM. p&rucx, Deflanpe salamander safes, and OoSn'f P. nance Lock and Crow Bar. Depot, No.1V? Pearl at. NKW T0RK AQKICULTURAL WAKEIOD3E. R. L. Auo. i,laui A. B. Allan Co,) W and 191. Water it, Aurtrultural and Horticultural Implement and Machinery, ieiij and garden beeu and Fertilisers, U llano, Buna Dust, Pboapate of UyePoadWt, PlaatT.Sa. GARDEN SEED. A full anpply 0f Garden Heed, warranted fresh, just received at the lmig Store of HAYWOOD A 800TT, ' Vslv 8, 1864. . .; - - U II. North Carolina Mutual Insuranoe , Company; v ' ' ! HALE I Q ft, , N C . ! f iH 13. Company has been in successful operation j jL more . wan seven years,- ana cvnuaun u take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Stoani- MiUsand Tarpen11nvPiseties,) upon favourable terms. k It Polioles now cover property amounting to "3! 4, 500,000, a-larg por tion of which is in Country risks, andjts present espital - is over Six Hundred. Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly seenred. ; , , . ' :, Tlie average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been Jess than one third, ot one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em tmced in its operations.' THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Rnulhac, 0. W. D. Hutchings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whiting, T. H. Selby, Raleigh;1 Geo. McNeiU, Fay etteville; Jos. O. Wright, Wilmington; James E. Hoyt, Washington ; James Sloan, Greensboro ; Jno. Cox,- Edenton Josav Boner. S&lmn : Jos. H. Pool, i der Mitchell, NewbernTW. lT?ESRnr3ta treeshoro ; ii. B. Wuliama, Charlotte; John z. - Together with a large stock of foreign and do Barrett. Milton ; A. T. Summy, Asheyille. estAC Lionora. Wines, ie.. which he offers at the au Mrwioji are nuwonzeu hi receive appuca- ft ii xvi . . i , l : aons. OFFICERS OFiHJE. COMPANY. J. O. B. Roulhac, President. -Henry D. Turner, Vice do. S. W. Whiting, Treasurer John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hersman, Omeral Agent. S. W. Whiting, Jno. R. Williams, I Executive Committee. John Primrose, J All communications in reference to insurance should be adilressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 25 G1 REENSBORO MUTUAL INSURANCE COM T PANY. At the end of Three Years, such has been the Care and economy of the officers of this Company, that we are still free from debt, have made no assesments, and have note suci a large Capital in cask and notes, that we have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Company in the Southern Country. The most of the Risks in this Company being in the Western part of the State, where the danger from fire is much less. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were re elected : JAMES SLOAN, President. 8. G. COFFIN. Vice President C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUM MING, General Agent. DiRKCTORe : James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. MendenhaH, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Jed H. Lindsay, W. J. McConneU, E. W. Ogburn, J. L. Cole, D. P. Weir, Greensboro' ; E F. Lilly, Wadesboro'; Dr. S. G. Coffin, Jamestown; Joshua Tayloe, Washington ; William A. Wright, Wilming ton; J. I. Shaver, Salisbury; John H. Cook, Fay etteville, H. G. SpruiU, Plymouth; Robert E. Troy, Lumberton ; Dr. R. U. Scales, Lenox Castle. All Communications should be directed to the Secretary, free of Postage. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y. Aug. 8. 1854. tf-65. R SMITH'S CORNER, RALEIGH N. C. TTTE ARE now in receipt of our Spring Sup- y plies of n ares, f c embracing Hardware, Crockery ware, Wood ware. Coach Trimmings House Furniture artlolea and Cutlery of all kinds to which we respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Farmers, Mechanics and Artisans can find at our establishment Tools, Implements and a general assortment of Hardware suited to their different vocations. Having purchased the largest Stock of Hard ware ever brought to this market, with the de sign of confining ourselves exclusively to this branch of business, we think purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. April 2133 PCLLEN k BELVIN. "WTJTECOME AGAIN ! HARDWARE! HARD WARE ! ! At reduced prices. Also, Jail and Store door Locks, warranted not to be picked nor broken open his own manufacture. ; also Barn and Smoke-House and Ml11 Looks,- all at reduced pri ces. Come and see. Guns, Piptols, fee, &c. JOS. WOLTERLNG. Raleigh, July 18, 1864. 8m-5S PEETE, PEPPER & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WARDINOAND COMMISSION PORTSMOUTH, VA., All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. PERSONS with .whom we are not acquainted, wishing goods forrarded by us, must send the money to our office, as we find great difficu.ty in collecting small debts scattered throughout the country. June 30th, 1854. 6m-&3 Page's Improved Patent Circular Sayr Mills. GEORGE PAGE k CO. N. SCHROIDBR, XKAS WgST BALTIMORE ST., BaX TIM0RR, MD., RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that they have greatly increased their manufacturing establishment, and are now prepared to execute all orders with promptness for their CELEBRATED PATENT CIRCULAR POR TABLE SAW MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction, throughout the Union, as also STEAM PQVYJiRS, of all sixes and kinds, HORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, and various of her machines and implements for economising labor, . Since their Portable Circular Saw MJJU were invented by, and patented to, their senier partner, they have made many improvements, which render them perfect in all their details, and Justly entitle them to be considered first among the labor sav ing machines of the wqrld. Pamphlets containing full descriptions of their several classes of mills, prices, terms, capacity for rawing, ko,f wilt, on application, leAtar, he for wardtTd to any gentleman wanting them. Having recently obtained damages in an action brought in the U 8. Circuit Court for the Dis trict of Maryland for an infringement ,of their Patent Rights, thrt hkrxby iax thi Pcslic AGAINST PURCHASIItq FROM irSACTHORIZXD BUILD ERS, or Their Aokhts. Address GEORGE PAGE k CQ., tj Schfoeder St- ear Baltimore S Baltimore, Md. Jlay 23,, '64. 4? To the Puhlio. fTIHE subsepbef would respectfully inform the I citUena of Raleigh, and jhe public generally, that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of WALL PAPER, of ranoos kinds , also, fire Screens. Window Curtains, &c.. all of which will be sold at the lowest prices: also, paper hangings of all kinds done in the neatesfand most workman ship manner. He also has op band and is still' manufacturing mattresses of all kinds. RenoraUng of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch- J- HENRY HARRIS, Paper Hanger and Matiress Maker, April 18, 154. 83 ALSO. 10 Dos. Ames Shovels just tohamL JAMES E. CTJTHBERT, (SUCCESSOR TQ KERR A CU-THBERT,) Grocer, Forwarding and.CotnnusionSfer(hant, Bol Itnpbrpok Street, JpetertSurf, , . ...',- ..-mittMNCM.? ' " Thoa. Bragg, Jr., Jackson, If. C. Messrs. L. D. ft W G. Crenshaw. Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq., JTorfM. . James George, Esq., IktLimor. Messrs Monahan k Beers. -Vcw Fori-. AS ppnstantly on hand -Prune Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugars, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes ' Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, Good and -Damaged Sole and Upper Leather urerpool and Ground Alum salt Prime v;a iWn. d T.rd . ' ' ' loret market rates. I IIH mT -! DUX HTUTlTIin TTX in Y r rBUBI vinir III i iiaw I war' Petersburg, 'March 5, 19 MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS! VERY large assortment of silk and black lac Mantillas and Points. W. H. k R. S. TUCKER A s ILK and open-straw Bonnets and Infants' Hats. W. II. & R. 8. TUCKER. FANS ! FANS ! rOURNING and fancy Fans W. II. k R S. TUCKER. DRESS Trimmings and Embroideries. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. T) IBBONS and Gloves. JX w. ii. & R. S. TUCKER. HATS! HATS! ! HATS!!! IF you want a hat of any kind or description, call at W.' H. k R. S. Tucker's, and you will find a mammoth stock. Any one can ' be rutted, as their stock embraces all sizes, from an Infant's number to an Old Fogy's Extra, their object be ing to comprise Old Fogyism and Young Ameri canism. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. FARMERS' HEAD QUARTERS, NORFOLK, VA. ORDERS for Reapers may be sent us for the ensuing harvest, which will be filled at the following prices : HrssEt's Reaping Machine......... $105 00 do Mower and Reaper...... 115 00 do Front Wheels extra 20 00 do Rear Platform for side delivery, 5 00 Bcrrall's Va. Reaper, No. 2, 4 J feet cut,.. $120 00 do do do No 3, 5 feet cut,. 130 00 A deduction of $5 will be made if the side deli very is not furnished, and $20 will be added to the a"ove price if front wheels are furnished. ATKINS1 SELF-RA KINO REAPER, A great machine, and taken more Premiums than any other. Price, complete, , $175 00 STRA W, HA Y AND SHUCK CUTTERS, Of every variety. Price $30 for the vbent, and warranted to cut anything in the Shape of Feed for stock. Cheap Cutters, from $5 to $25. CORN SHELLERS. Virginia Corn Shellera $26 00 Goldsborough'8 . do 40 00 Reading's do 85 00 Double Spout do 16 00 Single Iron Spout do . 10 00 do Wood do do ...8 00 B. MB )R0UGH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I h tt Premium Fans, No. 1 . do do... No. 2 do do... Sinclair k Co's. No 2 do.... Do do 1 do.... Grant's Premium Fans, Clinton's Fan Mills, $34 00 32 00 30 00 30 00 25 00 .$16 to $30 $ 13 to $20 FIELD Rollers 3 Segments, 3 feet long, $35 00 do do 3 do 4 do...,.,.., 56 00 do do 4 do 4 do 45 00 do do 5 do 5 do 55 00 do do 6 do 6 do ..455 '00 tOrdcrs for any of the above goods will be filled promptly. Yoar orders are respectfully so licited. RO RUM & FISHER, H Water Street, Norfolk, Virginia, May 19, lg54. . tf lVfr. Lefbhvre's Sahool, ' RICHMOND, VA, (Successor to Mrs. Mead. THE Scholastic year of this Institution begins on the first day of October and ends on the last day of June. Terms : For Board and Tuition in all the En glish branches for the year, $240 ; Modern and Ancient languages, each $20; M,vsio on Harp, Piano and Guitar, each 0; Drawing. $20; Pamting on Oil, $50 Washing, $20. No extra CHARGES. There is one department in the School in which everything is taught in French, and where that language is spoken exclusively, as well as in the family of the Principal.., For the accommodation of Southerners, pupils will be received daring the nonaays, jniy, August andv September,) and charged for Boarq at the same ratio, as In the session. They will he exclusively engaged in the study of the French and M,usif6r which they will be chargeti for" Frenoh, $7 per month; an4 for Musie, $1 per let son. 'r The following references will be considered suf ficient Right Reverend Bishop Meade, Right Reverend Bishop Johns, Hon. William H. Macfar- land, Hon. John M. Patton. All lette.-s to be directed to HUBERT ?. LEFE.BVRE, A- M , principal. Richmond. June HL 1854 SawtNovl 49 XTORSE POWER WHEAT THRESHERS. tl, I nave' still on hand several of the very beBt make, brought for exhibition at the last Fair. which I offer at the manufacturer's puoea, tree of charge for transportauon. ' Farmery jr cl rell to look to their Interest and buy at onoe as they eannot have such another op portunity tor the present crop JAMES M. TOWLES. Farmer's Hall, June 8, 1854. 40 "YTCL 1 CUT, HERRINGS. 80 barrels of No 1 X 1 North Carolina Cut Herrings. J ust received from the Fisheries for sale by . NIEMEYER k WHITE. C CIGARS I CIGARS ; !-A lot the very best brands of imported Cignra has just been re ceived by . HAYWOOD tt SCOTT. THE RESCUE GRASS. Persons who engaged ' this seed of E. Hall, Esq., wlH find it deposi ted at the Farmer's Hall for uelive'ry. JAS(..M,'TOWLKa. XT T HEAT FANS, Warranted to clean welL i : 1 1 rm y even of cheat and cockle, kept constantly on hand at tbe Jrarmer a I 'ail, at .ilanulaoturers prices. 4 AS. bL' TOWLES, June 30, 1864. '52 INCLAIR'S IMPROVED STRAW CUTTER ! O Another lot just reoeived at the Farmer's Hall. Orders ahead tor almost alt or yon must waif for the next. " JAS. M. Mend quiok TOWLES. fllURPENTlNE SOAP. A large supply just North Oarbtfria Mu . ranoe Company. r'tf : .. t fXIHTS Company onthmea to inawrw tha lifes o V UtnSrWhib9 pexsons.ad SlaTea. The greatest risk taken on a single life is $000. Slaves are insured for a term fone W n?e ysars fbt fda their value. . :- j :'i . -. Dr. ChaA, E. Johnson. President, wnu v. Haywood, ion rresiaui - . s,5 . t J ames F. Jordan, BMrpNl 1 Wm, H. JonfaTwaiarer , . Perrin Basbce, Attorney, - . .''- . Dr. Wm. IT. McKe.e, Examining lysician. - J. Hersman. OeneriT Agent, ' All losses are pad within 90 days, atter tory prooris preaented.' --"' i. 9.r Blanks Vnd Pamphlets, shewing tnplaOf opfr alion of the Company, may Ke na4 oappli8i at the OAee,W any of the Agenies.r Att. iHtergr on business should be addressed to-"- V .-'.Jf'i - JAMES F. JORDANS, May 2,:l8o3X v v -t fmllsrn,,! Bunding. at OTeminm's la smt th's !Jme.V: 1 i ?V ' ThUjs-one pf the oldest; iand WVWursiiW Cftinv A. ' V 1- 15 . - X :? .S.'.i, lv. Applications for lnsnrancs ifr RsVfen flts ciniry,' to bo made to ' - '-v " '.- ' if s. wiwrnrnfa,- f - -sii, -f Agent..: And for Miltroi, N. O. and vielnity? to:rf '. : N. J. PALMER, Agent. -- October, 1848. -'iM 7 ' 1 ' New Shoes and Gaiters by ; Ex- p r e b 8 , ". ----- AVERY large and late arrival of Shoes and Gaiters from th principal manufacturers In Philadelphia, embracinf; Walking -' -Shoes, Black and 'White Kid Slippers, Goat Bootees, Tipped, Plain'and Heeled Gaiters.' " V , I . W. H. A R. S. TUCKEBC June 23 61 TRS. J. WOLTERTNG keeps constantly on jjJL hand Confectionarles snd fancy Goods; also family groceries, such as Coffee Sugar, Molasses, Tea, Rice, Bacon, &c." China and glass ware. Come and see. W ILHELMLN A WOLTERLNG. Jhly IS. 1854.' , " ; v 8in-o8 : JRIME CHEWING TOBACCO Jones' Premi. urn, pride of Virginia, Rock Candy Extra Dan . vet, and other popular brands in store, and for aale by WILLIAMS. tUYWOOD. FOR CHILDREN. VELOCIPEDES Gigs, Coscn Js nhby fjorses, ".WheeUbarrows, Nursery Swings. Ao; 4c For sale by . . 1 1 rtniTti tf'rx - awirrw ayr-ws aa npB F'n nmD North Carolina Book Store. Raleigh, Aug. 18, v 1854 w- p.tr v 67 v.' HO! YE, FISHERMEN. Run ta Pescud 's . and see his splendid assortment of .Limerick Hooks, Silk and Grass Lines, Sinkers and Snells, which he has just received and will sell very cheap v P.J, PESCUD. . J. C. Wilson & Co., " GROCERS AND GENERAL COATMlsJlON MERCHANTS, u . v EXCHANGE PLACE, SALTTKORX. Y ' J. C. Wiijun. R. W. Hi MAM, ' Lait of Warrenton, Jt. C. Aug 8, 1854. 64 6m OREGON PEAS. A imall snpply in store and for sale by WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. MISSING. s EVERAL Files of the :"Raleich Reeister.' Those having them in possession wilt please return them immediately. . , ;tf '""' Sept. 5, 1854. ; ' ' ? '-'' , GREAT ATTRACTION ! A 0 M 1 N S T R A T 0,!V-&$tEf ; VT7"1T4 be sold at public aucticuL; at the Store f T latelT occcunied bv John . Primrosavrds- ceased, a few doors above the'Martei .House," 00 Fayetteyille Street, in the;oity bf-RaleignV -on credit of six months, the entire stock! 6fJ" "' l" DRY GOODS. SHOES. AfilAi AKfl - CROCKERY, Ac, kc. Also- HQUSEJiOLD AND ...;,:, kitchen fovmpjf The. stock of goods ia verj extensive: -embrieine a large an general assortment of goods of efery deacripOA, and ia well wdi-thy jot the attention of co.un.try meronants, as a rare; oppoxtnnity.wiQ be offered for renlenishin? their atorM on tha mnt taVorahle termi. Many of the gods are InUieVrigL- tu piece or nacitage, ana are goo Wleev beinz Ute purchases. " ' "!,r; ?r1-H'A 4 a? awe m commenoe at eleven ,0 ciock, a. 'bn' Monday; the 2nd of October el?--einz Superior Court weeVand will tihaelrdm day w-ua-y. ionu, witn appro v eu secnnxies',' will; ue required othe pWchasers '' f-Xf--m r Baletgh, Sept s, 1854. !'. - fit-y s -) ' f -V ' J ' 1 j.l. " r Letter from Mr.ifiartiixijr. '- New Yotv&s2i, 4teir : .WK.H.- WiLUAtts Dawr- Sir fVpar exajBlna tion'of "purchases alreidy taa4e faorFall'and Win ter Trade, I find the' assortment -morelhan usual ly artraoUve. - We shall intrbdee-e srarletT ef neir tt-fWof Coa.tVPs'nto andYestiNi4t(e asnd- acunes.t seieeuon ever exJdtnte4.'S.K--t iv.yC,Af- -i Oar Importationiwoe. Cloths, tWiaes Bd v Yestingi are nearly winpastej- The tamer Ars . hia,l tiaifc ejrpte4,jr will plavee is ear handstthe '- residue of the truly elegaot Wjvtfl&'i&Qg Yo are hereby yistruetad to ekM'bt th Steele oS, Smifier ,.Ja (at.any pxiee , tosate costl now on, hand," to .make ;room fur the JUjiw QMu$i, ; '. ' Th.e enjy-e aaaojOBaenV will- be .opened , b the lothSeptaber, . 'l.-- V-,' Ijv-'v'A;, -.tours hastay, r : E. Li IIARMNO: Sept; f, '64-. r '':v;;yvl-2 "VrOTtCE Applieation will ne made at the next Session of the General Assembly of the Stat e ot North Carolina: for-'a renewal of the Charter, of the Bank of the State- of North Carolina, and - an increase of its Capital.- . :':v-:l--rii- ' . . GEO W. MOBJECAlrresfdnt , Raleigh, Sept. ft, 1854. wln;72 STATE Of'jNORTH CABA3IJNAlUvygicK Cobs-rr,uperior Court of Law, 8pring Term, Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company . Vs.lliehaMBrMle-fv:i;.-' " petition for - ajrtlttotj.' i ' 3 5 It appearing that the said Richard BriuUr is not a citizen oX this SuWr it Unordered by : the Court that advertisement be niade Tor the said Richard Bradley to appear at the holt Terra of said Court. to be held at the Court tr House in" Smlthville, on" the third Monday after : the fourth vManday in O 1 . . r 1 ... . , . . . - . . " oepiemner next, ana answer (ne - aaiq fenuoa, or it will he taken rso oonfrsso and heard ex abtk. Witness Asa Ross, Clerk of said Conrt; ktOffire. the third Monday alter the foarth1 Monday;, ia ,1 . . . ' ; . . ... jnarcn. a. a. 10-n. - - j rs jh -r - cepi, u, .n,. '- i raaT s.sji ji T2 StOCK FOR THE STATU FAlK It Persons who intend to exhibit Stock of any kind at the North Carolina State Fair In October -next" will please to address 'Jere. Nixon, i Chainkan Committee of AfrangementM3, and ttate what 1dad of stock and how manykhey intend efferbir fbrv x hibition. This will fee buttery little taabl to those who Intend ho wlng ' stock at the Fair .nd itistert necessary thattheConuniueeof Arrange- :- ' ments sheald know as hearly as possible what wiH be the nkmber vf stock ef varioas kinds te bei tmA tered. - V f-1-; vj. F.. TOMPKINS, Re. See, .a'-.- awM Pg- N AOOel, ; -; -t-.i . -j - iVJie 1 4 it 4 'I1 1! V . WILSON & GRICE, " f-ruuth, Aug. 8, Ci 5t 4 - ti -4 ;