A-i,... vv.. a i V!'V -; .... .,t-.4. ........ - ..... v,-.--v-h-'k--vv c'rv?;" . I III 1 - -A V1--- V -A llptiir top ipgiMeti) - VOLUME LV. THE " RALEIGH REGISTER" SEATOX GALES F p , T O R A K D P RO P EI E T 0R . TI1MS: . . 5rtni-',k!y, $5 per annum ; In drw $ . tlrf WekiT, 3 pT annum ; ha tltuct f2 60. RVTKSOF ADVERTISISO: vrrr Fo' t"T 16 flrtt fauwrtios (1 ; ilTr "J wrtbit wUl Uchtuyrvf .bw; but eduet of 33 par cent. wiU b i. . . ,b, rfcrulr price to adTertiMn by thm yrr. "Jrmi inswtKl la tb SoU-WMkiy, trUl ala mfftv 1 1' "Vl,-,n u Editor must b nx-rwo. M1" . THE Following Schedule bu beea ordered by the ?o?t Master General, and has gone into rMon on this Road' to-day : Lv Raleigh at 8 A. M , and reach Weldon at j p M. in time for the Express train to Witming- Wdion at 1 J l.t and reaei jialeigh XT. Ofiee Ralgh & G w011 Hroad Co. , sptcmber 1S 1858- r FALL TRADE- SEPTEMBER, lgS4,'.v." E are now receding pee' Steamers Baltic. and Alps and f acckt Ship Camlikb our fii Importation of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, taivhaseJ for cash by our Agent, Mr. W. WeddeU. )t Tfrr low rates. We are also in receipt of a jre sod ciimmanding stock f . . - DOMESTIC FABRICS, piin:ha-4d from the first hands, and at the recent Auction sales, at great sacrifices rpectfully solicit a call from the North I'tnlina and Virginia. Merchants, feeling confi Jflll we can offer them goods at as low prices as on be found in any market. 1 STEVENSON & WEDDELL. Petersburg. Va., Sept. S;-!. tf 73 PETERSBURG FEMAU COLLEGE- rpHE first session of this Iastitutio will com I ntence oa the last Wednesday in this month .;ib dar of September,) and close on the 15th j'uly 1855. Rev. GEORGE W. CARTER, Indent, and Prof. Belle Lettrea, Ethics &c ROBERT KERR, A. M., Mathematics aud Natural Sciences. WILLIAM T. DAVIS, A. M., Ancient Languages and Literature. JOSEPH WALL, Modern Languages and Paintiag. J.FRED. WULFF. Music and Drawing. Miss EMMA J. TAYLOR, Ornamental Branches. Miss AMANDA D ARMISTEAD, Primary Department. TTtfJTS of TUITION for the Scholastic Tear: P-mry Department, $30 Actieaic, (advanced English branches,)......... 40 ullegiat higher bnglisn brancnea witn Ji-i ji or Ureek -----.".- '50 EXTRAS. Moiem Languages each 20 Music on Pisno or Guitar, 60 lrwing in Pencil, (per quarter,) 8 Painting in Oil or Water, (per quarter,) 10 Lectures an Experiments in Natural Scienees, i per course, i 6 Sacred Music Daily exercise, so cb abxjb. BOARDING. Young ladies from a distance will reside in the :nu!y of W illiam Lea, Jun'r, Esq , who occupies ccl'ollege premises, as will also President Car te ind iadj. F r further parUculars address the President, are of E. P. Nash, Petersburg, Va. wpt. 8, 1854. lm-73 PETER W. HINTON, Commission Merchant, 103. 85 AND 26 ROTHES YS WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. SPECIAL ATTBSTIOJ PAID TO SKXLIXO Tohacce, Flour, Graia, Cotton, Ac Also, to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. REFER TO - CUs. L Hinton, Esq. Wak.Co. N. C. J. B. G. Kouihac. and George W. Haywood, Esqs., Ksleign, S C. Wm. Plummer, Esq., Warrenton, N. C. Aaj. 2o. 1854. o NEW BOOKS. n HE Life and Epistles of St. Paul, by the Rev. 1 W. p. Oonybeare, and the Rev. J. S. Howson. M;iory of Greece, from the earliest times to toe omin Conquest, by William Smith, L. L. D. Captains of t je Roman Republic, by Henry Wil- iim Herbert. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres, by Vincent !Utt, Kitherin Ashton, by Miss Sewell, Author of Vmy Herbert", "Experience of Life," Ac, &c. Progress and Prejudice, by Mrs. Gore, Author rfthe Dean's Daughter," Mothers and Daugh 4e. Hiine in the Valley, by Emilie F. Carlen. Wtnds and Records, by C. B. Taylor, Author f 'Troth,'' "Lady Mary," &c, &c "ir Hinevmoon, and other Comicalities, from Punch."' Light through the Mist ; being a conversa tion between a mother and her children, on Luther ad the Reformation: by a Lady. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. . Sept 18, 1854. 6 Ykitors to the North Carolina State Fair. ITILL be carried over the R. & G. Railroad 1 1 and returned for the price of a single Ticket. Articles for exhibition will be transported free f charge, except incases when they are to be 'ihibited for pay. Only one sample of the same nicie belonging to the same person will be trans f"'rtI free. ' i . uitors and articles for exhibition will be car ou the same terms to the Granville Co. Agri taral Fair at Henderson, and to the Fair of the C. and Va. Agricultural Society at Petersburg, ,M to the Agricultural Fair at Norfolk. -V p;oial freight train will be sent from Weldon ' &!cigi, on such day as the Chairman of the Ex- ommitte shall designate, for the transpor '"'on of articles to N. C Bute Fair, and exhibi- a otherwise they may be disappointed In 'tung the Fair in time. Nj freight will be allowed in the passenger trains. D L. O B. BRANCH President. JM" GJI. R. Office, Sept. 15, 1854- td 75 H Notice. AVIS' g bought out Mr M. Einstein, I shall l continue the CLOTHING BUSINESS, as -f-tof.ire. in my own name and account , EMIL ROSENTHAL, of Market square and Wilmington St. ... Opposite Tarboro's Stable. JLT RECEIVED at the above store Thx La- Assortmkst or READT MADE CLOTHING . rf SLEN IN THIS CITY. Give me a call be- Mrehasinft anywhere else and yo will save t twenty nve per cent. Fact, and do mistaka S B. 8otoMoa Chxrt. Ja3. C(IHiii. CHERRY 5: CAHILL, Commission Merchants, NORFOLK, VA. Jan. 13, 1854. tf5 sakVl. m. wilsox. GEO. W. QUICK. WUSON & GRICE. GeskialCoiiiiission 4FomwADi.vo Msichants . Ao. II, High St. and Pierce's Wharf, - Portsmouth, Va GIVE their personal And prompt attention to the Sale and Forwarding of Produce and Mer ohandise of erery description, and make Uberal ad Taneea upon consignments. . RrM!fcs Geo. W.Mordecai, Esq., Raleigh; Messrs.-W H. & R. S. Tucker, do; King, Thomas & Ciarrow, Lonisbura ; R. N. & D. C. Heradoo, Ox rtK Uoa- Wldon Edwards, Warren, county ; 2iiA SBy,t'. Granville; Messrs. John White & Co.,-Warrwnten Montgomery ft Plummer, do ; Col. Walter Gwynne, Ch. Engr., Center Railroad. "Mav IRA o- i A CURE FOR ALL!! ! IIOLLOWAY'S OIVTMBKT iiTwass or the Usios, You have done me the honour as with one voice, from one end of the Union to the other, to stamp the character of my Ointment with your approbation. It is scarce ly two years since I made it known among you, and already, it has obtained more celebrity than any other medicine in so short a period. THOMAS HOLLO WAY. 38, Cor. of Ann and Nassau streets, New York. ASTONISHING CURE OF SORE LEGS AFTER NINE YEARS STANDING. ' Copy of a Letter from Mr. J. W. Langley, of HunlsciUe, Yadkin County, North Carolina, U. S. dated November Ut. 1853. READ HIS OWN WORDS. To PmorsssoK Houowat, Sir : It is not my wish to become notorious, nether is this letter written for the mere sake of writing, but to say, that your Ointment cured me of one of the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine years I was inflicted with one of the most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying every medicine I had ever heard of, I resigned iu despair all hope of being cured ; but a friend brought me a couple of large pots of your Oint ment, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my health to my agreeable surprise and delight, and to the astonishment of my friends. (Signed) W. J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A BAD BREAST. WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Letter Jrom Mr. Durant, New Or leant, hurtmher 9A 1853. To Psorxssoa Hollowat, 38, Corner of Ann and i Nassau btreets, ew York. Dear Sir, It is with heartfelt gratitude I hare to inform you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has bet-n saved. For seven years she had a had breast, with ten run ning wounds, (not of a cancerous nature.) I was told that nothing could save her: she was then in duced to use your Ointoent and Pills, wheu in the short spsce of three months, they effected a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us. We obtained your Medicines from Messrs. Wright A Co., of Chartres-street, New Orleans. 1 send this from "Hotel des Princes," Paris, al though I had written it at New Orleans, before we finally left, at that time, not knowing your ad dress at New York. (Signed) R. DURANT. j 1 nt I tils tfuniia oeusea coryoinlly tciii the Utnl merit in most of the following eases : Bad Legs Contracted and Stiff Joints Lumbago Sore-throats Bad Breasts Stiff Joints Piles Skin-diseases Burns Fistulas Rheumatism Scurvy Bunions Gout Salt Rheum Sore-heads Chilblains Olandular Scalds Ulcers Chapped hands Swellings Sore Nipples Wounds ,Sold at the Establishment of Professor Houowat, 88, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets New York, also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers In Medicine throughout the United States, in Pots, at 87 j eents, 87 cents, and $1.50 cents each To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union, and of Messrs, S. B 4 J. A. Evans, Wilmington, and P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. fP" There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. OLD BOURBON AGAIN. THE citizens of the "Old North Sute," who have on various occasions extended to me their aid and custom, in the purchase and sale of Stock, have my hearty thanks for their many acts of kindness ; and in justice to the citizens of the State generally, so far as I have had the pleasure of forming an acquaintance with them, I must say that I have traded North. South, East and West, through a great many States of the Union, and 1 have yet to find a more generous, hospitable and kind hearted people, and one more ready to bestow acts of kindness upon the stranger, than is to be lonnd in the "Old North State." I trust I shall ever feel grateful to you for the past favors and be enabled so act in all my dealings as to deserve its continuance in the future. Having engaged to deliver a number of MULES to my old friends and customers, at various points, during the month of October next, I take this method of informing them that I hare made a purchase for them, and also a large number beside, with which I hope to be enabled to accommodate all who may want to buy a Bourbon Mule. It is known that Old Bourbon is the great Mule Coun ty of Kentucky and of the world, and that the sub scriber handles none but the best Bourbon Stock. I will bo in Raleigh on the 17th of October, and will stop at the various towns between there and Plymouth, at which last place I expect to be on the 80th, ready at all places and all suitable times .i .si.k in thnxn who mav cive me a caU. and especially those who desire to purchase. 1 intend to sen as gwu owv e 7 sny man who hails from any County or State in the Union. Call and see for yourselves. Till then,lieu. J. P. HOUSTON. Near North Middletown, Bourbon County, Ky September 8, 1854. wtf-"3 FOR CHILDREN. VELOCIPEDES, Gigs, Coaches, Hobby Horses, Wheel-barrows, Nursery Swings, &c., &c. For WW HENRf D. TURNER, North Carolina Book Store. Raleigh, Aug. 18, 1854 67 -pfT YE, FISHERMEN. Run to Pescud H Jnd see his splendid assortment of Limenok HSoks. Silk and Grass Lines, Sinkers and Snella, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. ' CHEAPER THAN EVER ! THE subscribers takes great pleasure to inform I the citizens of Raleiirh and vicinitr that thc I have just received an entirely new stock of all the articles in their line. Thankful for the iiberal patronage always re ceived, they will do every thing in thlir power to deserve a continuance of the same. Their present stock consists in part of Jewels v : Gold ear-rings, breast-pins, cuff-pins, finger-rings, sleeve buttons, bracelets, lockets, fob and guard chains, pencils, pens, watches, keys, &c. F axoy Goods : Berlin and French baskets, fur nished leather reticules of all sizes, papier macbe work boxes, Sush anH French fans from 50c to $7.00, portmonn.Vies of leather, velvet and pearl, Fiench cigar cases, pocket-books, Wostenholm's celebrated cutlery, dressing and pocket combs of ivory, buffalo, india-rubber aud shell, india-rubber round combs, puff, tucking and side-combs, Faber's pencils, French conserves of all descriptions, fancy cups and sancers from ,40c" 4a 2,00, jGothio I and 8 day tlocksi German silver fiastorawax, kid. crng mid lndSa-ruirer dollsor'all sues, looking glasses from 50c to $2,50 : all kinds of Perfumery and Toilet reqt isitea; China and glass ware of various descriptions, &c, &c, CONFECTIONARY 4c Common snd French Candies, pickles, preserves, brandy fruit, prunes, raisins, currants, citron, nuts, wines, vinegar, porter, ale, cordial, bitters, schied am schnapps, ao., MAHLER a Co. April 11, '54. 30 SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, TT7"HICH are the only Sewing Machines of any utility which can be used without making the owner liable to a suit for infringement of pat ented pirvileges, are still sold at, REASONABLE PRICES, AKD WITH UNQUESTIONED RIGHT. Having termined our legal controversy with Eli as Howe, Jr., and procured his full license to use his invention, there is not the slighest claim that our machines infringe any other patent. The right to use the machines which we have sold, and shall hereafter sell, is unquestionable. We own ten distinct patents of Sewing Machines, covering all the nice points of the iuventiou, and all the machines of other manufacturers infringe one or more of them. Our patent securing the spring whereby the cloth, &c, is held U the feed ing apparatus by a yielding presure, is infringed by all the machines now offered in the mnrket Those who buy the inferior and praetic.-il machines, are hereby distinctly apprised that we shall com pel them to pay us for the privilege of using them. Vjur legal rights will hencetorth be rigidly enfor ced. THE IMMENSE SUPERIORITY of Singer's Sewing Machines has been completely established They are of universal application the same machine doing all kinds of work, and doing it perfectly. They are not only superior in contrivance, but unequaled in mechanical finish. They perform all work required and continue to do it without getting out of order. We desire to call attention particularly to our uew. MACHINES TO SEW WITH A SINGLE THREAD which by ample trials have been proved superior to all others for stitching linen and all very thin fabrics also for sewing leather either with a waxed thread or silk and for quilting linings. We are also prepared to exhibit and sell embroid ering machines, producing an entirely new and very beautiful result. Machines of extra size, both shuttle and single thread, may be had for a small difference in price. These are found to be very popular. Machines for hat-binding, stitch ing carpet-bag handles, and any other peculiar work, will be supplied at short notice. Machine Needles, Silk Twist on spools, Three Cord Linen Thread, and all other articles used with Sewing Machines, always on hand and for sale at our offices. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 323 BROADWAY, BRANCH OFFICES. No. 57 South Fourth St. Phil.. No. 47 Hanover St. Boston, No. 18J St. Charles St. N. (., No. 159 Bait. St. Bait. No 247 River St. Troy, N. Y. No. 2-22 Wulnut St. Cincinatti. I. M. SINGER & CO. New York. Aug. 8th, 154. ?.m-ti4. Once, Twice, Going ! "VOT at public, but at private sale, if early ap plication be made to me at Raleigh or upon the premises, the most beautiful and undoubtedly healthy Cottage Farm in Wake county; with great capabilities for profit. It is within two and a half miles of the city of Raleigh, immediately in the fork of the Chapel Hill and Hillsboro' roads and within one hundred and fifty yards of the Central Rail Road ; combining every thing to reader it a mnmt phirminir familv residence. The tract con tains 131 acres of good, arable land, about 100 of which is in the original lorest toe residue nas been cleared within the last three years, liberally manured, handsomely and strongly enclosed and put in a high state of cultivation. The Dwelling House is a strong two story, wen duiii anu tasieiy SnUKMl hnildinir. in modern stvle it has six 18 feet square rooms, each with a fire place besides spacious airy Halls aoove ana Deiow stairs, rorti co and every other convenience that heart can de sire. The out houses are numerous and well built and of every kind a well improved farm can require. There is a spacious Store House, and a Black smith hnn nnon the Dreraises. where I have car ried on a very extensive business for the last twelve months with great success, auu can, tnereiore, pronounce it one of the best stands for a country store within my knowledge. The range for Cat- t1. Hob-s and Sheen is very fine, and there i an iihiiniliinee of fire wood and rail timber, and clay for brick making, upon the land. There is a most PTpellent well of water at the House and also one at the Store, and three everlasting springs up on the premises. Tkli m-nnpi-tv heinir nnon the irreat thoroueh A n - J'' J - - J o I o J fare of Western trade and travel, am1 of pleasure rides from the city, and the landscape charming, the ... i , i i ii inmates never nna it lonety, out are ever giauueu ed by the moviug panorama of busy life. I have a larger body of land farther from the city, which m intuHuia renuire me to improve and occupy ; therefore I will sell this property cheap and on ooaw irmi This is a rare chance for anv person wishing a handsome, healthy, cheap aud profita ble family residence, all new and in good order for immediate enjoyment. The schools in the city are convenient, being only a few minutes ride or walk. This property would eminently suit a puo lic officer, or a Physician desiring a good country nr a f prrhant- wishinz to be iu the city '1 ill, liLW, v. - - CJ . every day, while adding to his thrift by avocations at home. To any person willing to keep a pri vate boarding house, carry on the mercantile busi ness, make brick tor niarxei, wun or wiinoui a well managed niaiket garden and dairy, for the supply of the city, added to his farming opera tions, this property would assuredly lead to for tune. Now's the day and now's the hour to strike for the priic. JOHN C. MOORE. Waverly, Wake Co., Aug. 28, '54. tf 70 FIRE! rn tt E JSTNA INSURANCE COMPANY of I HxBTroBD, Cons., offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage oy nre, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest snd best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its lossei promptly. . Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to J S. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent October, 1848. 83 INEN SHEETINGS. A good assortment of these desirable gooda in store very cheap j also. Bleached and Brows Cotton Sheetings from 4tol2t. JAS. M. TQWLE3. CITY OF RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING. Valuable Land for Sale. NEAR RALEIGH. I OFFER for sale, in lots of one or two hundred acres, to suit purchasers, about 800 acres of , land, situated within one and a half and two miles j of Raleigh. j 450 acres are of wood land, and sufficiently near ! to baul 5 loads to town a day. The balance is clear ed, under a good fence, and in good condition to yield a fair crop the coming year. There are on the lands severaMiandsome build ing sites. I would also sell in lots, 23 acres of wood land, lying east of Mr. Rayner's residence, and adjoining the land of J. J. Ryals, within one mile of the city. nENRY MORDECAI. Sept. 15, .1854. 75 Standard copy. 4 ' ; NOTION TTAYING qualiied Va Executrt f the last XXTTill andTestapejit of AdamlL-fianks, Dec'dn Ckevaby xxtify ail persons tedUett said Estate to come f oi ward and make payment, and those having claims' gainst the Estate to present them, properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law ; or this notice will be plead in bar of tneir recovery. SUSAN BANKS, Exec. September8, 1854. I hereby appoint Linn Banks and Thomas L. Banks my lawfal agents to transact my business as Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Adam G. Banks, Dec'd. SUSAN BANKS. Sept. 8, 1854. lm-73 Itijr Star and Standard 2 1 and ch. "Reg." North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance Company. OFFICE, RALEIGH, N. C. flHlS Company continues to insure the lives of all healthy White persons and Slaves. The greatest risk taken on a single life is $5,000. Slaves are insured for a term of one to live years for fds their value. orrioxBs. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Bnsbee, Attorney, Dr. Wm. H. McKee, Examining Physician. J. Hersman, General Agent. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfac tory proof is presented. Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of the Company, may be had on application at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All letters on business should be addressed to JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'y May 2, 1853. 36 Dr. Geo. Bettner, OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office, So. 538 Broadway, or at his lodgings, PRESCOTT HOUSE, Corner of Spring and Broadway. New York. Feb. 7, 1854 12 ly JlST PUBLISHED JONES' DIGEST OF REPORTED CASES DETERMINED IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA, F ROM the year 1845, (December,) to the year 1853, (August,) inclusive; beginning with Sixth Iredell's Law, and ending with Busbee's Re port, (August,) 1853 ; and beginning with Fourth Iredell s Equity, and ending with Busbee 8 Equity Report, (August.) 1853, together with an index to the names of cases two volumes in one Law aud Equity. Prepared by HAMILTON C. JONES, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. For sale by the Publisher, WARREN L. POMEROY. Raleigh. Sept, 19, 1854. Devon and Durham Cattle for Sale BEING overstocked with cattle, I would offer for sale at reduced prices ten or fifteen half Devon and hlf Durham short horned cows and heifers of the roost approved breed, in calf by a thorough bred North Devon Bull of Pattersoa's breed, Baltimore. Also, several Bulls of half Devon and half Dur ham breed, two years old. This stock of Cattle is Baid by good Judges, to be the best breed of Cattle in England or the United States, for the practical Farmer. I have certificates in my pos session to prove the above fact. Those who wish to buy, will do well to apply soon. Also 50 Barrels best old Apple and Peach Bran dy fr sale. Apply to SETH JONES. Pomona, 15 miles North East of Raleigh. Sept. 19, 1854. 8t-76 BOOT AND SHOE STORE. HENRY A. DEPKIN, in returning thanks for past favors, respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has just returned from the North with a large and varied assortment of Goods in his line, which he will feel much pleasure in ex hibiting. Stoee West Sids or Capitol Squabc Raleigh, Sept. 18, 1854. 8m 76 STATE AGRICULTURAL FAIR. AT RALEIGH. OCTOBER, 1854. TO my friends and patrons, who intend visiting Raleigh in October, to attend the Fair, and to buy their supply of Winter Garments: The Clothing Trade at the present time is at tracting considerable attention in the Mercantile World, and every year more capital is being em ployed ; and when we consider the amount of Clo thing manufactured, we cannot but be surprised to know that so few manufacturers pay particular attention to getting up their Stock in good taste, and having their goods well made. We believe from our experience in business that too much care and attention cannot be given to the manufacturing of Clothing ; consequently we pay the best prices for all kinds of work done ; and af ter having under daily training for years certain hands, it is but reasonable to suppose that we can offer for sale the best made Clothing in the State. We shall have, therefore, on exhibition, during Fair week, at ou r Store, the most beautiful Stock of Ready-made Clothing in the State Scott & Baldwin, of Wilmington, not excepted ! E. L. HARDING, Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 18, '54. 76 NOTICE. XT ILL be sold, at the late Dwelling of Peyton V Hitrh, Dec'd., on the 6th of October, the tract of land wnereon ue uveu, wim a good DWELLING HOUSE. Also, on the 6th prox., I will sell, at the same place, another Tract of Land, 13 miles North west of Raleigh, on Brier Creek. The Tract contains about 500 Acres 1 Terms made known on day of sale. W. E. PAGE, For the heirs of Peyton High, Deo'd. Sept 18, 1854. 3t 76 Valuable Land for Sale. nru nursuance of a decree in Equity, the subscri I ber will expose at public sale, oa the premises, on the 16th of October next, a tract or body of land containing from twelve to iourteen nundreu acres about twelve miies aoum-easi oi riaieign, formerly the property of James Hinton, deceased About one-half of the said land is well timbered, nd the whole of it lies on Neuse River. The land is fertile, and valuable. Terms made known on the day of sale. Also, will be sold at the same time and place, a number of horses, cattle, hogs and sheep ; also, farming utensils, 4c. JOHN D. POWELL, Executor. Aug. 25, 1864. 9 SEPTEMBER 21 1854. North Carolina Mutual Insuranoe Company. RALEIGH, N. C. THIS Company has bean in successful operation for more than seven years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except 8team Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable - rins. Its Policies now cover property amoun. x to $4,600,000, a large por tion, of which is. in C aatrj risks, and its present capital is over Six I: ndred Thousand Dollars, in bonds 'properly BecuicL The average cv-t of Insurance upon the plan of this Company bus been le ss than "one third of one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. a';-; THE following persons L ive been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: -.,., ? ; v-; Dir. T ?ks. J. G. ,B- Boulha'-, l. . ? Jutohinga, Jho.R. Williams, John TV , -, rx. Tttner) & W. .ifliag,.T,.fe.ii.v-ftJv3e. McNeFay etteville; Joa, G. Wright, Wilmington ; Jamea E. Hoyt, Washington; James Sloan, Greensboro' ; Jno. Cox, Eden ton ; Josh. Boner, Salem; Jos. H. Pool, Elizabeth City ; F. F. Fagan, Plymouth Alexan der Mitchell, Newborn; W. N. H. 8mith, Mar freesboro' ; H. B. Williams, Charlotte; John B. Barrett, Milton ; A. T. Sammy, Asherille. All Directors are authorised to receive applica tions. OFFICERS Of THE COMPANY. J. G. B. Roulhac, PrtsidenL Henry D. Turner, Vict do. S. W. Whiting, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hersman, General Agent. S. W. Whiting, Jno. R. Williams, Executive Committee. John Primrose, J All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 25 GREENSBORO MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY. At the end of Three Years, such has been the Care and economy of the officers ef this Company, that we are still free from debt, have made no asaesments, and hare now such a large Capital in cash and notes, that we have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Company in the Southern Country. The most of the Risks in this Company being in the Western part of the State, where the danger from fire is much less. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were re-elected : JAMES SLOAN, President 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent DlBBCTOBB : James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. JTM. Garrett, Jed H. Lindsay, YV. J. McConnell, E. W. Ogburn, J. L.Cole, D. P. Weir, Greensboro'; E. F. Lilly, Wadesboro'; Dr. S. G. Coffin, Jamestown; Joshua Tayloe, Washington ; William A. Wright, Wilming ton ; J. I. Shaver, Salisbury ; John H. Cook, Fay etteville, H. G. Spruill, Plymouth; Robert E. Troy, Lumberton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox Castle. All Communications should be directed to the Secretary, free of Postage. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y. Aug. 8. 1854. tf-65. H SMITH'S CORNER, RALEIGH N. C. WE ARE now in receipt of our Spring Sup plies of Wares, Sec, embracing Hardware, Crockery ware, Wood ware, Coach Trimmings House furniture articles and Cutlery of all kinds to which we respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Farmers, Mechanics and Artisans can find at our establishment Tools, Implements and a general assortment of Hardware suited to their different vocations. Having purchased the largest Stock of Hard ware ever brought to this market, with the de sign of confining ourselves exclusively to this branch of business, we think purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. April 2133 PULLEN & BELVIN. V-OTICE! NOTICE ! ! NOTICE !! 1 THOSE X who are going North to buy their stock of Edge Tools and want a good article will do well to call on the Subscriber, who is now manufactu ring all kinds of Edge Tools, such as Club and Turpentine Axes, Hackers, Broad Axes Hatchets' Drawing and Croweling Knives, Foot Adze, Ham mers and many other articles too tedious to men tion. JOS. WOLTERING. July 18, 1854. Sm-68 IF Y'OU want to save labor, come and get one of Woltering's Morticing Machines, whioh I war rant to be good, and as cheap as you can buy at the North. JOS. WOLTERINU. July 18, 1854. 3m-58 Page's Improved Patent Circular Saw Mills. GEORGE PAGE 4 CO. N. SCHBOIDKR, X1AK WEST BaXTIMOKK St., BaL- TIM0BC, MD., RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that they have greatly increased their manufacturing establishment, and are now prepared to execute all orders with promptness for their CELEBRATED PATENT CIRCULAR POR TABLE SAW MILLS, which have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, as also STEAM POWERS, of all sizes and kinds, HORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, and various other machines and implements for economising labor. Since their Portable Circular Saw Mills were invented by, and patented to, their senior partner, they have made many improvements, which render them perfect in all their details, and justly entitle them to be considered first among the labor sav ing machines of the world. Pamphlets containing full descriptions of their several classes of mills, prices, terms, capaeity for lawiug, &c. will, on application by letter, be for warded to any gentleman wanting them. Having recently obtained damages in an action brought in the U S. Circuit Court for the Dis trict of Maryland for an infringement of their Patent Rights, tbbt ukbbbt wabs thx Public AGAINST PUBCHA8INO FBOM UNAUTHORIZED BUILD- IBS, ob thxib, Agents. Address GEORGE PAGE & CO., N. Schroeder St, near Baltimore St., Baltimore, ML May 23, '64. 42 MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS 1 VERY Urge assortment of silk and black lace Mantillas and Points. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. A Letter from Mr. Harding. New Yokx, Aug. 24, 1854. Wm. H. Williams Dear Sir : Upon examina tion of purchases already made for Fall and Win ter Trade. I find the assortment more than usual ly attractive. We shall introduce a variety of m St It A J IT A it new styles oi uoais, rants ana eoia ue nana somest selection ever exhibited. Our importations of Cloths, Cassimeres and Ves tines are nearly complete. The steamer 'Ara bia,' daily expected, will place in our hands the residue of the truly elegant supply. You are hereby instructed to close out the Stock of Summer Wear (at any price to save coat) now on hand, to make room for the New Goods. . The entire assortment will be ' opened by the 15th September. Yours hastily . E.L. HARDING. r JAMES E. CTJTHBERT, ; (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBEBT,) j Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Bol ! linpbrook Street, Petersburg, Va. , rekkixcbs : Thos. Brare. Jr.. Jackson, N. C. Messrs. L. D. & W. G. Crenshaw, Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq.. Norfolk. James George, Esq., Baltimore. Messrs. Monahan & Beers, New York. TTA3 constantly on hand : Prime Porto Rico XX and .New Orleans Sugars, ;v Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Laguira and St Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas TaQow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Guapowtier; 8aot and it"Li&&-7r" Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, . Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring and Warehouse Regalia, Principe and Havanna Cigars ; Together with a large stock of foreign and do mestic Liquors, Wines, &e., which he offers at the lowest market rates. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg, March 6, 19 HORSE POWER WHEAT THRESHERS. I have still on hand several of the very best make, brought for exhibition at the last Fair, which I offer at the manufacturer's prices, free of charge for transportation. Farmers will do well to look to their interest and buy at once as they cannot have such another op portunity for the present Crop JAMES M. TOWLES. Farmer's Hall, June 3, 1854. 46 N1 O. 1 CUT HERRINGS. 80 barrels of No 1 North Carolina Cut Herrinzs. Just received from the Fisheries for sale by NIEMEYER & WHITE. CIGARS 1 CIGARS !! A lot the very best brands of imported Cigars has just been re ceived by HAYWOOD & SCOTT. rpiIE RESCUE GRASS. Persons who engaged I this seed of E. Hall, Esq., will find it deposi ted at the Farmer's Hall for delivery. JAS. M, TOWLES. WHEAT FANS. Warranted to clean well, even of cheat and cockle, kept constantly on hand at the Farmer's Hall, at Manufacturers prices. JAS. M. TOWLES. June 30, 1854. 53 To the Public. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Raleigh, and the public generally, that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of WALL FArtn, ot various kinds, also, Fire Screens, Window Curtains, &c, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices ; also, paper hangings of all kinds done in the neatest and most workman ship manner. He also has on hand and is still manufacturing mattresses of all kinds. Renovating of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. J. HENRY HARRIS, Paper Hanger and Mattress Maker. April 18, 1854. 32 TTWTE COME AGAIN 1 HARDWARE ! HARD ff WARE ! ! At reduced prices. Also, Jail and Store door Locks, warranted not to bepicked nor broken open his own manufacture. ; also Born and Smoke-House and Mill Locks, all at reduced pri ces. Come and see. Guns, Pistols, &c, &c. JOS. WOLTERING. Raleigh, July 18, 1854. 8m-58 PEETE, PEPPER & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION PORTSMOUTH, VA., AH business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. PERSONS with whom we are not acquainted, wishing goods forwarded by us, must send the money to our office, as we find great difficu.ty. in collecting small debts scattered throughout the country. June 80th, 1854. 6m-53 Mr. Lefebvre's School, RICHMOND, VA., (Successor to Mrs. Mead. THE Scholastic year of this Institution begins on the first day of October and ends on the lost day of June. Teems : For Board and Tuition in all the En glish branches for the year, $240 ; Modern and Ancient languages, each $20 ; Music on Harp, Piano and Guitar, each $80; Drawing, $20; Painting oa Oil, $50 ; Washing, $20. No extra CHAROES. There is one department in the School in which everything is taught in French, and where that language is speken exclusively, as well as in the family of the Principal. For the accommodation of Southerners, pupils will be received during the holidays, (July, August and September,) and charged for Board at the same ratio as in the session. They will be exclusively engaged in the study of the French and Music, for which they will be charged for French, $ per month, and for Music, $1 per leison. The following references will be considered suf ficient Right Reverend Bishop Meade, Right Reverend Bishop Johns, Hon. William n. Macfar land, Hon. John M. Pat ton. All letters to be directed to HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, A. M. Principal. Richmond, June 16, 1854 2awtNovl 49 New Publication. TYPES OF Mankind, or Ethnological Research es, based upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, nnd upon their Natural, Philological and Biblical His tory, by J. C. Nott, Mobile, Alabama, and George R. Gliddon, formerly U.S. Consul at Cairo, with over 400 illustrations, complete in 1 voL L. G. & Co, have made arrangements with the extensive Publishers, W. & R. Chambers, of Edin burgh, to publish and supply the trade with their publications in this country, and hereafter wiD. issue their Dooxs simultaneously with their pub lication in Great Britain. The following works will be ready in a few weeks : Chambers' Information for the People, an en tirely new and improved edition, 2 vols, royal 8vo. Chambers' Cyclcopedia of English Literature, 2 vols, royal 8vo. Chambers' Miscellany of Useful and Entertain ing Tracts, 20, vols. cap. 8 vo. Chambers' Repository of Instructive and Amus ing Tracts, five volumes issued, Chambers' Papers for the People, 12 volumes crown 12mo. Chambers' Pecket Miscellany, in moathly vols. 18mo., 21 volumes issued. This work consists partly of amusing papers re printed from the early quarto volumes of "Cham bers" Edinburg Journal" now irrecoverably out of print, and unknown to the young generation of readers and partly of articles of a similar kind for which space has not been found in the current numbers of that periodical, and is an excellent lit erary companion for the railway and the fireside Chambers' Library for Young People, in 20 vols 18mo. neatly done up in cloth. This series embraces Moral and Religious tales, History, Poetry, and subjects of general informa tion. For sale at The N. C. Bookstore and at the Publishers' prices. , ffesfember 1854. 71 NO. 78. ' .1 .W'lX- FIRST PREMIUM I v Z'M:: SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE YOUNG'S PATENT. IMPORTANT TO MILLERS AND XTXE OWNERS. THIS Machine received the first premium at the North Carolina State Fair, and was recommen ded to the public as the beet now in use in the State. Seven Hundred of them ar n6w running ' in North Carolina, all of which are now ia opera tion and haTe given the most ' entire satisfaction, " in regard both to performance -and durability, some having run six years and perform' a -welt now as they did at first, and have not been out of order one day. We have thrown out ten different smut Machines to make room for this. They are warranted for five years, and delivered at the Mill . any wherein the state. Manufactured and- soli fay L T JNO. A. McMANNEN. -k , South Lowell. Orange eo. April 11.. T tf-80 Bricklaying and Plastering. : CHARLES W. PALMER takes thjsmethodf informing the publb, that he Is now prepared ' to carry on the above named business in all Ita" branches, and in a masterly and expeditious manner. ' He thinks he can afford to contract for work of this sort on as reasonable terms as any person in the State, having made extensive arrangements4 for so doing. He flatters himself that the -work he has already done in Raleigh has given entire satis faction, and he hopes by strict attention to his business to merit a continuance of publio favor. ' Jan. 6, 1854. - y . : ' ,. . , , iy I Land for" Sale in Wake .County ' wiU sell the follloiring Tracts, to wit : One, Tract containing near seven hundred acres, on the waters of big Lick Creek. The otherJTract, con-, taming nearseven hundred Acres, on the waters of Neuse River and Laurel Creek. . Both of . said Tracts are well adapted to the culture ofTobaoco." and Cotton, and all kinds of graini There is sufficient amount of cleared land on each,' and good" improvements on both tracts. And if tt be desired ' by the purchasers of the above Tracts, I4 will sell my HOME TRACT, containing about Eight huh- dbkd Acres, which lies between the two Tracts ' specified above. There is aUarge two story house,4 with four good fire placea and seven reams, a gout1 kitchen and all necessary eut houses, situated on ' my home tract a , -2:VV.t These tracts will be disposed of at private sale., Entire possession, given the 25th of Dec. next, and the privilege of sowing wheat in good time. -CALVIN J. ROGERS, .Ayatffor V : ? :. t B - BEN J. ROGERS. . May 12th, 1854. , 89 tf Oxford Female College. r THE next session will commence oa the first Monday in July 1854. a a; a ' RATES TUITION (PAYABLE ONE RALV IN ADVAHO ) ' For Reading, Writing, with the first rudiments ' of English Grammar, and Geography, , $10,00 ' English Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic,l 2,60 ' For any thing higher, , -a ,. ,15 00 For the College Classes, ( without any extra f charge for the Languages,) a-! 20,00 Extra Expenses. :;H;'A'. '. Music oil Piano, .' '; V 20 00 Use of Instrument, .- a 3 00 The same on Guitar, t '' ' Drawing and Painting, . 12,00 OU Painting, 15,00 Needle Work, . sjoo Board per month. - ft an Washing per month, 1,00 Musical Soirees will be given during each term. T. T. GRAND Y, See. of the Board of Trustees. Dec. 20, 1853. 108-ly North Carolina, Six Per Pent. State Stocks. ' Treasury Department, Raleiqh, N.' September 18, 1854. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 10 o'clock, A. M., of the 20th of October next, for the purchase of r $130,000 BONDS, ' " running thirty years. j i Aa ,' lhese bonds are issued by the State of North Carolina for the construction of the North CaroU na Railroad; and in addition to the faith of the Sute, all the stock held by the State In said Road, and the dividends arising from-said stock, are pledged for their redemption. - a-. Hr? .. Proposals wiU also be received,, at the some -time, for the purchase of . - ., -. Ti $152,000 BONDS,5 ( running ten years, issued by the same authority, . for the construction of the Weldon and .Gaston Railroad, and the improvement of the navigation 4i of the Neuse and Tar rivers. ...R,; , .lyVfe'iC'', Both classes of Bonds arer by express enact ment, exempted from taxation for any purpose They wUl bear date the first day of July, .1854, v and will hav coupons attached for the interest at Bix per cent per annum, payable the first days of January and July, in each year Both Interest and principal will be payable at the Bank of the"' RepubUc, in the City of New1 York, unless where ' the purchaser prefers to have them payable at the Treasury'of North Carolina "A '"' ' They will be issued in sums of one thousand ' dollars each. . ''V:.;i.-'-,u- Parties bidding will please addressr their letters ' endorsed " Proposals for. North, Carolina StOcX,,',-f to the undersigned at Raleigh, N ,C, and will dis tinguish in their bids the particular olasa of Bonds , for which they bid. They wUl also State in'whsi kind-of funds they propose to pay.r :t iy 'tjb. ' The bids wUl be opened at 10 o'clock Ai of " the 20th of October next, in the presence of the w Governor, the Secretary and Comptroller Of State, and G. W. Mordecai, President of the Back, of th ' '' State of North Carolina. . ' . ;, ,, v.- , , The undersigned reserves the right of accepting , , such bids in whole or in part, as' may be deemed ' most advantageous to the State. T : . '- :,'.'.'. Successful bidders will be required, as soon as v informed of the acceptance of their bids, to der posite in Bank the amount of their bids, .with the" accrued interest from the first of July last, to the" credit of the Treasurer of the State of North Ca rolina. This deposite may be made in the Bank ' of the Republic, New York the Bank of the State 1 of North Carolina or the Bank of Cape Fear, Rs- . leigh. - '' ' t-'Ttiy-i-f.r.K? Documents showing the great resources of-the State and the small amount of her. indebtedness maybe had at this office or an application to Messrs. Brown and DeRosett City of New York. D. W. COURTS, r , Pub. Tr. sf mCmroiinalt September 22, 1854. A j4h td 77 -i- , A Farm Wanted. -. . A GENTLEMAN from the. low. ountryr in . search of health, wishes to purchase a small form, containing four or five hundred acres of good land, with a good, dwelling house and conve-. nient out-houses thereon.' A location near. one, of the Railroads, suitable for a practising physician, is desired. ' ' Wc8 Apply at this office, or to H- W. Hosted, Raleigh. J " ' July 28, 1854. , ; w6w--61 MISSING. ' - SEVERAL Files of the Raleigh Regi8tej-.,. , Those having them in possession will please return them immediately. ; . : Sept. 5, 1S54. ' -j '-P.; .-"TO-itf " STOCK FOR THE STATE FAIR. !,tPersona who intend to exhibit Stock of any kind at the North Carolina State Fair in October next ) will please to address Jere. Nixon- Esq.,v Chairman Committee of Arrangements, and state what iind tf stock and how many they Intend offering ; for ex- hibition. This will be but -ver little trouble to " those who intend showing -stock at the Fair,' and it is very necessary that the Committee of Arrange v menta should know as nearly as possible what will be the number of stock of various kinds to be en 1 ' tered. t - J, F. TOMPKINS, Roe. Sec. - . Babigl, sWpfefi186v. t-v.-je --74 5 : i. ' i .1 i if t s 12, 1654. tr n

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