- "- " " ' ' - :v-(,f X.'.'t, :.''.'.,.' - - ii- .. in . . ! . -,- VOLUME LV. CITY OF RALEIGH, SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 14, 185i NO. 83., I - -. THE "RALB.1UU luwjAOA&tv. paused Semi-weekly SEATQJftf' To AN.P r TI RATES Of IT - gE Following- .... Pnt M-t' T in inis nw f Jj i, time for the E.. a SL RilVfb & GasfcnJUiLw. w. -. VplENDID JEW2LRY.L' an Elefa Fancy, ? ; B ROUT as rwtnw,nu u uvw en nST. OOP o uw wwtwir awa f . .1 . L. Lifted lot of JEWBLERY and iiNCY GX)DS CTer exhibitwt a thin narket. fe jortment, in either linmbraow the most Miwble beautiful Bpeiment ad the Terj strles-in part, aa foUows ; ' Pearl. , ' . Cimeo, and ' Mosaic Breast Fins, and Ear-Biogs, Gold and Silrer Watches, Elegant styles, wf Ctrl Bakits, V-ipkin Rings, Cird Cases, Porte Monnaie, Gold and Silver Pencil, 4e. Oft. "Kepairlng, Finishing, &o. HAVING secured the serricea of a highly ac tomolished workman in this department of ,t 5inVs, I shall be able to fire the most entire iirtion to the Public in all work committed to ilL ORDERS will be executed in the most ina-inlike manner, and with despatch. C. B. BOOT. wmberK, 78 1 " Fancy Goods ! Fanoy Goods ! ! r TT RLE for presents and unusually attrac C. B. ROOT. tive. ls.l. 78 Is that Watch out of Order ? T cn be put in order, by learing it at C. B. ROOT'S. Sqjt'mber 26. 1R54. 78 UNS, PITOLS, RIFLES, SHOT BAGS, J so. A larsre an-i vanea imporxaxiou. C. . ROOT. vpt. 26. 14. . 78 FALL TRADE- SEPTEMBER. lHi I. TTE are now receiving pr Steamers Baltic IT and Alps and Packet Ship Carolixb our Importation of FOREIGN PRY GOODS, farchnseJ lorotsH by our Apent, llr. MT. Weddell, : low rceK. We .tre :ilso in receipt of a '.rg in.l coranianiing stook of DOMESTIC FABRICS, wrcbiad from the first hands, and at the recent 1.7 Auction ales, at great sacrifices. repectfuly solicit a call from 'the North rr;.!ina nvl irsrinis Merchants, feeling conn- we can offer them goods at aa low prices as be found in any market. STEVENSON Pttfrsburg. Va., Sept. 8, 'W. WEDDELL. tf 73 PETER W. HINTON, Commission Merchant, 101 25 AKD 26 SOTHEBY'S WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. FECIAL ATTtSTIOK PAID TO SXLirKO Tohacco, Floor, Grain, Cotton, c. Ac Aio, to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. REFER TO L. Hinton, Esq. Wake Co. K. C. J- U.hc, and George W. Haywood, Esqs., Raleigh, SC. Wm Plnmmnr Van Wimnbin. S. C. Vg- 2o. 1854. 69 MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS ! H1RV large assortment of silk and black A lice Mantillas and Points. W. H. ft R. 8. TUCKER. MI i'riTD IT r . SSINO. of the "Raleigh Register." lu.1i, r lies Thoie having them in possession will please fcarn them immediately. ?t- 5, 1S54. 72 tf Splendid Lottery Oct., 1854. GREGORY $ MAURY, Managers Successors to J. W. Maury & Co.) 40,000, Lottery for the benefit of the State of Delaware, : , PI-.. AO tnr --: . ?' V ! t Iriwn at Wilminarton. DeL.' Saturday. Oct. 21, 1834 . - No. Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. , I MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, pnie of. 40,000 1 do 20,000 1 4 ..:. 16.000 1 1 10,000 4o 8-827 1 do 760 Lowest 3 No. Prizes. 300 &c. 4c. ''t, ID Halves, 5 Quar. 2,60. or r-kg's of 25whl. tickets, 140 OO do 25 half do 70 00 dn 25 Quarter do 35 00 I ) , " ncKem ana sii&rea iaatcruacBivivi in the above splendid Lotteries will receive BtHt flrnmnt nHanrn anil An nAAAnnf rt r irnwmg will be sent immediately aitor it w an wno order from me. ws3- p. j. BUCKET, Agent, W llmington, Delaware. V ' t. NOTICE ! ! NOTICE ! I ! THOSE . . a l m 10 &re iroinv VnrfV n Vnv tkaiv min rxf t I'XlM HnH Want . A . -.Z .1 . .Ml A V ' ,,n the Subscriber, who is now manufacUw j jAU kmN of Edge Tools, such as Club and . rUUW 1 . .. II 1 n l . rv . . i -,r'i uaciiers. croaa A.xes nueseu ,na crowding Knives, Foot Adxe, Ham .iiucr arucies 100 leaious to men- JOS. WOLTERING. r 3m-58 SaT0G.V WATER A l m,.r.t 1nl tn 1 in 'Und ., . l. T. e- rrv K"" .la 3L 13, lfcCi. uie urug store of WILLIAMS &-HAYWOQAT rwU -J i'vnBT. Jab. Cabal. CHERRY & CAHILL, "ton Merchants, tf-5 - ,W . , ox-o. w. OBICK. QR1CB, . . . A-CU HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, vrixass or nra Uhioh, Ton hare done me the honour a with one roiee, from one end of the Umoa to the other, to stamp the character of .my Ointment with your approbation. It Is scarce ly two years since I made it known among you, and already, it has obtained more celebrity than any other medicine in so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAT. So, Cor. of Ann and Nassau streets, New York. ASTONISHING CURE OF SORK LF.OR AFTER NINE YEARS STANDING. Copy of a Later from Mr. J. W. LangUy, of ii.uMtwt, i(w county, Jurth Varolxna, U. S. doled Mwember Ut. 1853. READ HIS OWN WORDS. To PaOFKSSOE HOLLOWAT, Sir : It is not my wish to become notorious, nether is this letter written for the mere sake of writing, but to say, that your Ointment cured me of one of the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine years I was inflicted with one of the most painful and troublesome sore legs that eTer fell to the lot of man ; and after trying every medicine I had erer heard of, I resigned in despair all hope of being cured ; but a friend brought me a couple of large pots of your Oint ment, which caused the soree on my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my health to my agreeable sumrise and deliizht. and to the ajitoniahinetit of I my friends. (Signed) W. J. LANG LEV. AX EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A BAD I BREAST. WHEN NEARLY AT THE I POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Ihtrant, Kew Or leans, Xorember 9th, 1853. To Pbofissor Hollowat, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau StreetA, New York. I Dear Sir, It is with heartfelt gratitude I have ! to inform you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved. For seven years she had a bad breast, with ten run ning wounds, (not of a cancerous nature.) I was ! told that nothing could sare her: she was then in duced to use your Ointment and Pills, when in the short space of three months, they effected a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us. We obtained your Medicines from Messrs. Wright ft Co., of Chartres-street, New Orleans. 1 send this from "Hotel des Prince," Paris, al though I had written it at New Orleans, before we finally left, at that time, not knowing your ad dress at New 1 ork. (Signed) R. DURANT. Tie PHI should be tued amjoinlly icith the Oint ment im most of ike jouoicing eases : Bad Legs Lumbago Contracted and Stiff Joints Sore-throats Stiff Joints Skin-diseases Fistulas Scurvy Gout Sore-heads Glandular Uicers 8 we 1 lings Wounds Establishment of Professor Bad Breasts Piles Burns Rheumatism Bunions Salt Rheum Chilblains Scalds Chapped hands Sore Nipples -Sold at the Hollowat, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets New York, also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States, in Pots, at 37 cents, 87 cents, and 11.60 cenU each To be had Wholesale of the prinoipal Drug Houses in the Union, and of Messrs, S. B & J. A. Evans, Wilmington, and P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. ggf-There is a considerable saving by taking the lirnr sixes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. FOR CHDLDREN. "7EL0CrPEDES, Gip, Coaches, Hobby Horses, V .Wheel-barrows, Nursery Swings, Sc., c For sale by HENRf D. TURNER, . - ' North Carolina Book Store. Raleigh, Aug. 18, 1854 ' ' 67 - ' Still they oome U?vt'". ti. ROOT eontinnes to receive aaaiuons xo l Ms large and elegant assortment of FANCY GOODS, JEWELS, 0;;v.. . y f Sept 29, 1864. ' : - ' ' Vnluable Land far Balo. . TV nnranance of a decree in faulty, uo suoscn I - Kr win exDose at nublic sale, on the premlsea, on the 16th of October next, tract or body of i.ni Mntaiainar from twelve to fourteen nunorea J O . m w e e acres, about twelve miles soutn-oast oi ttaieign, Atimerlv the DroDertT of James Hinton, deceased - ihnni ana-half of the said land is well timbered, and the whole of it lies on Neuae River. The im fertile, and valuable. Terms made known n tti Hr of aale. Also, will b sola at tne same nme auu pimc, nnmber of horses, cauie, nogs auu dbccu, iv, farming utensils, 4c. Aug. 25, 1864. W x To Contraotors- OEALED PROPOSALS will be received until IS Friday, the 13th day of October next, to build f!olleire in Louisburg, N. C , of the fol lowing dimensions, to wit: The front building to be 40x80 feet, with a projection in the rear 84x34 . a i)m whole to be three stories above the basement For specifications, apply to the under .j v.o.xxiul,, signeo. Ck,n of Committee TUhn.Seotnd,!. 77-w SALE OP LAND! I WILL sell to tbe highest bidder, as the prop erty of Thos. Meredith, deceaseJ, agreeably trtLl Zs r.art on the 10th day of Novem- w.xrt the Court House in the City of Ra- 1 Wee! of land, in the County of Wake, ISSnig he Und of' Mrs. Georgia Meredith, $!W lIiIli others, containing 11 acres. -William Ulii an Admiatr4tor t.i.;rb:Sept. 29, 1834.. "ZmraOTX PEAS. A small supply In store and ''aj' Jewelry and Fanoy Goods. CHEAPER THAN EVER ! 1 THE subscribers takes great pleasure tS inform the citixens of Raleigh and vicinity that they have just received an entirely new stock of all the articles in their line. Thankful for the liberal patronage always re ceived, ihey will do every thing in their power to deserve a continuance of the same. Their present stock consists in part of Jbwxlbt : Gold ear-rings, breast-pins, cuff-pins, finger-rings, buttons, bracelets, lockets, fob and guard V pencils, pens, watches, keys, &e. "T-fHoBs : Berlin and French baskets, fur r reticules of all sisea, papier maohe 'finish and French fans from 60c aies of leather, velvet and pearl, pocket-books, Woatenholm's -easing and pocket combs of ' er and shell, india-rubber X and side-combs, Faber's 3 -of all descriptions, ru'iOc to $3,00, Gothic t silver castors, wax. v-hiaa SAa guns- t u aaa, te., &c, CliONARY to: , j. i c ch Candies, pickles, preserves, , j nines, raisins, currants, citron, nuts, r, portef, ale cordial, bitters, schied : Prc, MAHLER a Co. .' l A lii '64. 30 t SINGERS SEWING MACHINES, TTTHICH are the only Sewing Machines of any yy utility which can be used without making the owner liable to a suit for infringement of pat ented pirvileges, are still sold at, REASONABLE PRICES, A1TO WITH UNQUESTIONED RIGHT. Having termined our legal controversy with Elias Howe, Jr., and procured his full license to use his invention, there is not the sligbest claim that our machines infringe any other patent. The right to use the machines which we have sold, and shall hereafter sell, is unquestionable. We own ten distinct patents of Sewing Machines, covering all the nice points of the invention, and all the machines of other manufacturers infringe one or more of them. Our patent securing the spring whereby the cloth, tc, is held to the feed ing apparatus by a yielding presure, is infringed by all the machines now offered in the market Those who buy the inferior and practical machines, are hereby distinctly apprised that we shall com pel them to pay us for the privilege of using them. Our legal rights will hencetorth be rigidly enfor ced. THE IMMENSE SUPERIORITY of Singer's Sewing Machines has been completely established They are of universal appluation the same machine doing all kinds of work, and doing it perfectly. They are not only superior in contrivance, but unequal ed in mechanical finish. They perform all work . required and continue to do it with mt getting out of order. We desire to call attention particularly to our new. MACHINES TOSEW WITH A SINGLE THREAD which by ample trials have been proved superior to all others for stitching linen and all very thin fabrics also for sewing leather either with a waxed thread or silk and for quilting liuings. We are also prepared to exhibit and sell embroid ering machines, producing an entirely new and very beautiful result. Machines of extra fciie, both shuttle and single thread, may be had for a mall difference in frier. These are found to fee very popular. Machines for bat-binding, stitch ing rarpet-bag handles, and any other peculiar work, will be supplied at short notice. Machine Needles, Silk Twist on spools. Three Cord Linen Thread, and all other articles used with Sewing Machines, always on hand and for sale tt our offices. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 323 BROADWAY, bba5CH orricts. No. 57 South Fourth St. Phil., No. 47 Hanover St. Boston, No. 18$ 8t. Charles St. N. O., No. 159 Bait. St. Bait, No 247 River St. Troy, N. Y. No. 222 Walnut St. Cincinatti. I. M. SINGER ft CO. New York, Aug. 8th, 1864. 3m-64. Onoe, Twice, Going! "VTOT at pubbc, but at private sale, ii early ap plication be made to me at Raleigh or upon the premises, the most beautiful and undoubtedly healthy Cottage Farm in Wake county; with great capabilities for profit. It is within two and a half miles of tne city oi tuueign, lmmeoiaieiy in ine fork of the Chapel Hill and Hillsboro' roads and within one hundred and fifty yards or the Central Rail Road ; combining every thing to reader it a most charming family residence. The tract con tains 131 acres of good, arable land, about 1W of which is in the original forest the residue has been cleared within the last three years, liberally manured, handsomely and strongly enclosed and pat in a high state or cultivation, ine swelling House is a stroag two story, well built and tsstely finished building, in modern style it has six 18 feet eauare rooms, each with a fire place besides spacious airy Malls above ana Deiow stairs, rora ea and every other convenience that heart can de sire. The out houses are numerous ana weu duui and of every kind a well improTed farm can require. There is a spacious 8 tore House, and a Black smith shop upon the premises, where 1 nave car ried on a very extensive business for the last twelve months with great success, ana can, inereiore, nrouounce it one of the best stands for a country store within my knowledge. The range for Cat nan and Sheen is very fine, and there is an abundance of fire wood and rail timber, and clay for brick making, upon the land. There is a most excellent well of water at tne iiouse ana aiso one at the Store, and three everlasting springs up on the n remises. v" This property being upon the great thorough fare of Western trade and travel, and of pleasure rides from the city, and the landscape charming, the Inmates never find it lonely, but are ever gladden ed by the moving panorama of busy life . I have . i.,.tnd af land farther from the city, which my interests require me to improve and occupy ; therefore I will sell this property cheap and on easy terms. This is a rare chance for any person wishing a handsome, healthy, cheap and profita ble family residence, all new and in good order tar immediate enjoyment. The schools in the city are convenient, being only a few minutes ride or walk. This property would eminently suit a pub lic officer or a Physician desiring a good country nractice. or a Merchant, wishing to be in the city every day, while adding to his thrift by avocations at home. 1 To any person wmmg w m.vry Fi vate boarding house, carry on the mercantile busi m&ka brick for market, with or without i well managed matket garden and dairy, for the supply of the city, aaaea to nis tanning opr tir.na. this nrooertv would assuredly lead to for Knw'a the dav and now's the hour to strike for the prixe. JOHN C. MOORE. Waverly, Wake Co., Aug. 28, '54. tf 70 FIRE! H E .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY or Habttoo, Cosjr., offers to insure Buildings . , .otna l.aa nr iliniM h fire. and ana Mercnauui, -- -w at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its lossei PrAppUcationa for Insurance in' Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to J' 8. W. WHITING, Agent And for Milton, N. C and vicinity, to . ' - ;t N. J. PALMER, Agent October, 1848. - ' 88 , INEN SHEETINGS. A good assortment of these desirable goods In store very cheap also, Bleached and Brown Cottonhe" from JlttiZtr , JAS. M. TO, l.Tltf North Carolina Mutual Iaife In&i - , ranoe Company. T OFFICE, RALEIGH, N. C. 1 HIS Company continues to insure the Jives of j Jt h!tk WVU. .- (11. The greatest risk taken oa aldngle life is $6,000. Slaves are insured for a term of one to five years for ds their value. OFFICE. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vioe President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Wm. H. McRee, Examining Physician. J. Heraman, General Agent, All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfac tory proof is presented. Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of the Company, may be had on application at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All letters on business should be addressed to JAMES F. JORDAN, M v 1 "W 1 AAA . . - '--I. . f OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ojfiee, So. 538 Broadway, or mt his lodgings, . PRESCOTT HOUSE, Corner of Spring and Broadway. New York, Feb. 7, 1864. 12ly JUST PUBLISHED JONES' DIGEST OF REPORTED CASES DKTIRMINID IM THK RCPftElfi COURT OP NORTH CAROLINA, FROM the year 1845, (December,) to the year 1858, (August,) inclusive ; beginning with Sixth Iredell's Law; and ending with Busbee's .Re port, (August,) 1858 ; and beginning with Fourth Iredell's Equity, and ending with Busbee's Equity Report, (August,) 1853, together with an index to the names of cases two volumes in one Law and Equity. Prepared by HAMILTON C. JONES, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. For sale by the Publisher, WARREN L. P0MER0Y. Raleigh, Sept 19, 1854. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. HENRY A. DEPKIN, in returning thanks for past favors, respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has just returned from the North with a large and varied assortment of Goods in his line, which he will feel much pleasure in ex hibiting. Stobk Wbst Side or Capitol Square Raleigh, Sept. 18, 1854. 3m 70 VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. BEING prevented by my profession from atten ding properly to agricultural pursuits, I offer for sale my plantation upon the Roanoke and up pon 8 tone House and Pretty creeks, in the coun ties of Warren and Halifax CONTAINING 908 ACRES. The tr.-ict is situated about seven miles above Gaston, and four miles from the Littleton Depot on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. It contains about one hundred acres of excellent low grounds. The balance of the land is generally productive, and well adapted to the growth of the usual crops of this section of the State. The overseer's house, negro houses, stables, barns, and other plantation improvements are good. The water is excellent, and the situation of the buildings is believed to be hsalthv. It is deemed useless to give a more par- tlouhu 'desetiptiow of sfie property,' a it is" pre sumed that no one would purchase without a care ful examination. My overseer will show the land to persons who may desire to examine it. In order to allow a man of enterprise an oppor tunity to pay a considerable portion of the pur chase money out of the crops, I am willing to sell the land upon a credit of one and two years. The purchaser, if he thinks proper, can also buy, upon reasonable terms, most of my crop of corn, fodder and oaths, and also my stock and plantation uten sils. Letters upon the subject may be addressed to me at Warrenton. N. C. WM. EATON, JR. Oct 8, 1854. 80 2m Buy! and Tortoarii on tU Bmt Terms, Dry Goods, Groceries, Fanning Implements, Eooks. MUSICAL CISTBCMIXTS, CARRIAGES, FRUIT TREES, oa Avrnraw sua nu ca u bap n taa CITY OF HEW YORK, AT S3 PER CKNT. OOMM188I0M. Sttrt to Hon. W. A. Oraham, O. K. Badrar, D. L. Swain, J. tf. Morebead, C. P.MendenhaU, J. W. Oabora, N. W. Woodfln, and others. N. Ywk, IBM. Sohool for Imbeoile and BACKWARD CHILDREN. THE undersigned, late Prinoipal Teacher in the Massachusetts State 8ohool for Idiotic Children, has opened a private sohool in tbe vi cinity of Boston for a select number of children. He refers to Dr. a. u. Howe, and the Trustees of the State SchooL ' Address ALEXANDER McDONALD, Care of Dr. 8, G. Howe, Boston, Mass. Sept 12th, '54. lm-74 LUBIN'S DOUBLE EXTRACTS FOR Till? HANOIaCRCUIEUP. THE following compose in part the Variety : Jessamine. Magnolia, Mignonette, Rose, Sweet Pea, Verve na, Geranium,. MillefleuA Bouquet Carolina, Muok, Borgamot, Bouquet New York, Jenny Line, Spring Flowers, Bouquet ' Philadel phia, Jockey Club, .Tea Rose, Odisma, Eglantine, Garden Flower, Patchouly, West End, New Mown hay, Gysite. Esterlesaxq, Heliotrope, Heydoomia, Hawthorn, Quenia Bounner, o. 4c For sale by H- D. TURNER, N. C. Bookstore. September, 1854. 80 STEAM BOILERS. HOIiDEN & GALLAGHER, (Late Leonard, Holden & Co.) M ANUFACTURXR or Locomotive, Stationary nd Steamboat Boilers, Of all descriptions ; also, WATER TANKS FOR SHIPS. GAS HOLDERS, Li WIS 8TKUT, (Six doors from the Ferry) EAST BOSTON, MASS. May 30, 1854. w6m-44 Agricultural Fair ! THE Executive Committee of the Union Agri cultural Society of Virginia and North Caro lina have the pleasure of announcing to the pub lic that the first Fair of the 8ociety will be held in the city of Petersburg on the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, of October next . The premiums amoan(, in the aggregate, to five thousand dollars. Ample accommodations will be prepared, for stock and other articles for exhibition, and exhibitors are respectfully solicited to attend. Nearly all the Raftvoad Companies will transport the various ar- jicles, and the members of the Society, without charge; Ahd in those oases where any charge is made.it will only be upon members whose fare will b reduced to balf price. -September 8, 1854. 74 wtd ARDEN '8EED.Av full supply of Garden I T 8eW. warranted fresh, just received at tit) lctoxeef " .. . - HAYWOOD SCOTT. .ft, 1864V. ' ' - , rr' North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. RALEIGHN. C. npHIS Company has been in successful operation I . f xf ... 1 for more than seven years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. Its Policies now over property amounting to $4,600,000, a large por tion of which is in Country risks, and its present capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bends properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than one third of one per oent per annum, on ail grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Roulhac, C. W. D. Hutchings, Jho. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, 8. W. Whiting, T. H. Selby, Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fay ettevillei Joir. Q Wrfst Wllm'""-" J-"- " Hoyt; V ' : r. .. ..u. Cox, Jt.v. -ihfoMfc.Ai,, ; EHaaBCiryT,F.1,'aifinHriynwu der Mitchell, -ITewbern; wTli. tt ' Smith freesboro' : H. B. Williams, Charlotte; iJonnB. Barrett, Milton ; A. T. gaaamy.'AsheviUe. All Directors are authoriaed to reeeive ap uona. . .- - . p OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. G. B. Roulhac, PresidstU. Henry D. Turner, Fk do. - S. W. Whiting, Trsantrer. . John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney, . J. Hersman, General Agent. 8. W. Whiting, Jno. R. Williams, v Executive Committee. John Primrose, J All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Boc'y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 26 REENSBORO MUTUAL INSURANCE COM- VJT PANY- At the end of Three Years, such has been the Care and economy of the offioers of this Company, that we are still free from debt, have made no assesments, and have now buca targe uapitai in coin ana notes, that we nave no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Company in the Southern Country. The most of the Risks in this Company being in the Western part of the 8tate, where the danger from fire is much less. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were re-elected : JAMES SLOAN, President S. G. COFFIN, Vice President C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent DiaxcToas : James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M Garrett, Jed H. Lindsay, W. J. McConnell, E. W. Ogbum, J. L.Cole, D. P. Weir, Greensboro'; E. F. Lilly, Wadesboro' ; Dr. S. G. Co fun, Jamestown ; Joshua Tayloe, Washington ; William A. Wright Wilming ton; J. 1. Shaver, Salisbury; John H. Cook, ray- etteville, H. G. Spruill, Plymouth; Robert . Troy, Lumberton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox Castle. All Communications should be directed to the Secretary, free of Postage. v PETER ADAMS, Sec'y. Aug. 8. 1864.- .tf-66. North Carolina Six Per Cent. State Stocks. TbXASUBT DsrABTMBHT, Ralkiob, N. C, September 18, 1854. OEALED PROPOS4.L8 will be received at this O office until 10 o'clock, A. M., of the 20th of October next, for the purchase of 130,000 BONDS, running thirty years. These bonds are issued by the State of North Carolina for the construction of the North Caroli na Railroad ; and in addition to the faith of the State, all the stock held by the State in said Road, and the dividends arising from said stock. are pledged for their redemption. Proposals will also be received, at the same time, for the purchase of $152,000 BONDS, running ten years, issued by the same authority, for the construction of the Weldon and Gaston Railroad, and the improvement of the navigation of the Neuse and lar rivers. Both classes of Bonds are, by express enact ment, exempted from taxation for any purpose. They will bear date the first day of July, 1864, and will have coupons attached for the interest at six per cent per annum, payable the first days of January and J uly, in each year. Both interest and principal will be payable at the Bank of the Republic, in the City of New York, unless where the purchaser prefers to have them payable at the Treasury of North Carolina. They will be issued in sums of one thousand dollars each. Parties bidding will please address their letters endorsed " Proposals for Nortk CaroUna Stock," to the undersigned at Raleigh, N. C, and will dis tinguish in their bids the particular class of Bonds for which they bid. They will also state in what kind of funds they propose to pay. The bids will be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. of the 20th of October next in the presence of the Governor, the Secretary and Comptroller of State, and G. W. Mordecai, President of the Bank of the State of North Carolina. The undersigned reserves the right of accepting such bids in whole or in part, as may bo deemed most advantageous to the State. Successful bidders will be required, as soon as informed of the aoeeotaace of their bids.- to de- posite in Bank the amount of their bids, with the accrued interest from the first of July last to the credit of the Treasurer of the State of North Ca rolina. This deposits may be made in the Bank of the Republic, New York the Bank of the State of North Carolina or the Bank of Cape Fear, Ra leigh, Documents showing the great resources of the State and the small amount of her indebtedness may be had at Ibis office, or an application to Messrs. Brown and DeKosett, City of New York. D. W. COURTS, Pub. Dr. of y. Carolina. September 22, 1854. td 77 Notice. HAVING bought out Mr. M. Einstein, I shall continue the CLOTHING BUSINESS, as heretofore, in my own name and account EMIL ROSENTHAL, Corner of Market square and Wilmington St. Opposite Yarboro s Stable. JUST RECEIVED at the above atore Tin Las gist Assobtmbb or READY MADE CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY. Give me a call be fore, purchasing anywhere else and you will save at least twenty five per cent Fact, and no mistake about it. - E R. Sept 12,1864. t ; tf 74 Family Groceries. T OAF. crushed, powdered, and clarified Sugars. I a Rio, Laguira, and old Government Java Coffee. (perm, Aiwuauwu w tiuv vanities, Very best Green and Black Teas, . Superior Golden Symp. All ot which we are sell ing on the most reasonable terms. ' V 9 ,'McOEE 4WILL1AM8. Qot '64. ; r- ;'- 82. 6&V)00 PUBLISHED I ' TBI MOST CHAXJtCIO OF AXIBICAX XOMaJTCIS. J0HS P. JEWEITCOMPABY, ; JAMES E. CUTHBERT, ! (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT, ) Grocer, Forieardmy and Comvtvskm Merchant, JJol linybrook Street, Petersburg, To. - , f.. bjetbhmoes: -Thos. Bragg; Jr.,' Jaekson, C. Messrs. It D. Jt'Wi G. Crenshaw Richmond. ; Jesiah Wnisj Eeq.,AfcrW.; , -James George, Esq., Baltimore.-,, Messrs. Monahan ft Beers, N"ew'Torh: S"A8 constantly on hand: Prime Porto Rico . and New Orleans Sugars, ; , rushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Laguira and St Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bagsy and Ground in Botes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles itwn Palo and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder. Shot and Bar Lead Blackir-, Ink,- Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, i' and Upper Leather - taii; . . ..'archeuse IlavaniML Cigars ,v a stock of foreign1 and do- ..a a L mesuaLijuors, Wines. &:. which he offers at the The strictest attention paid to tocelving and for warding goods'f 'gt-S'' -' '' Petersburg, March 5r- ? - " i - 19 - HORJSE POWER WHEAT THRESHERS. I have still on hand several of the very best make, brought for exhibition at the last Fair, which I offer at the manufacturer's jrioes. free of charge for transportation. Farmers will do well to look to their interest and buy at once as they cannot have such another op portunity for the present Crop JAMES M. TOWLES. Farmer's Hall, June 8, 1864. 46 To the Public 3HHE subscriber would respectfully inform the L dtixens of Raleigh, and the public generally, at ho keeps constantly on hand a suddIv of WALL PAPER, of various kinds ; also. Fire Screens, Window Curtains, Sec, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices; also, paper hangings of all kinds done in the neatest and most workman ship manner. He also has on hand and is still manufacturing mattresses of all kinds. Renovating of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. J. HENRY HARRIS, Paper Hanger and Mattress Maker. April 18, 1864. 32 a Mr. Lefebvre's Sohool, RICHMOND, VA., (Succzsson to Mas. Miad. THE Scholastic year of this Institution begins on the first day of October and ends on the last day of June. Tebks : For Board and Tuition in all the En glish branches for the year, $240 ; Modern and Ancient languages, each $20; Music on Harp, Piano and Guitar, each $80; Drawing, $20; Painting on Oil, $60 ; Washing, $20. No bxta CHABOBS. There is one department in the School in whldi everything is taught in French, and where that language is spoken exclusively, as well as in the family of the Principal. For the aeeommedalton of Southerners, pupils will be received during the holidays, (July, August and September,) and charged for Board at the same ratio as in the session. They will be exclusively engaged in the study of the French and Music, for which they will be charged for French, $7 per month, and for Music, $1 per lesson. The following references will be considered suf ficient Right Reverend Bishop Meade, Right Reverend Bishop Johns, Hon. William II. Maofar- land, Hon. John M. Patton. " All letters to be directed to HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, A. M. Principal. Richmond, June 16, 1854 2awtNovl 49 jiIFE'S Oblique Pointed, medium, in reverse JP and extension cases. Fife's Oblique Pointed CommerciaL in extension Cases. Government Pens, medium, in reverse and exten sion Cases. Government Pens, Commercial, in extension Ca ses. Benton's medium Pens, in extension Cases, do large do do - do do Commer! do do do do do do do do do Leviathan Pens, in extension do GOLD PENCILS AND PEN CASES. A variety of Patterns, at low rates... For aale by H. D. TURNER N. C. Book Store. J Raleigh, Oct. 1864 80 Wanted. A STEADY and Industrious man as an AS SISTANT IN GUION'S HOTEL. One thirty years old, or more, would be preferred. Enquire Of . E. P. GUION. Raleigh, Oct 10, 1864. S2 tf flOLDSBOROUGH STEAM, GRIST, AND TFLOURING MILLS. The Subscriber has enlarged his establishment in Goldsboro', and is now prepared tornna Wheat as weu as Corn, on a more entensive scale. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand tsnsneis or Wheat ana Corn will be re quired to keep the mills in operation for the cur rent year, for which the highest market price will be. paid. The farmers 4 or this county and the eountiea along the line of the N. C.Bail Road and the interior will find it to their advantage to call on or address mo at tne Mills before selling, - and thus build up a market in .this State, for. their Wheat and a manufactory of our own flour. Constantly on hand a fresh supply of superfine family imr. Meal, Homony, Horse feed; Crack ed Corn and Husk. Also, Lime and Hair. 'Wheat and Corn ground on tell. ' " :v(, Mr, Lynn Adams, of Raleigh, is authorized to purchase Wheat for the above mills. D. L. BURBANK. Goldsboro', September 8, 1864. wtf 73 House of Entertainment. JACOB COOLEY would inform the public, that he has recently purchased and fitted up the . . - S ... Ml- V . . r.. . Bosidenoe on xayetroviue oveet, near vne city Hotel, (formerly occupied by Dr. W. G. Hill,) and designs opening a He will be glad to accommodate, and- will use every effort to please, the traveling community day boarders and monthly boarders. His table wiu be suppiiea wita ut uou miunn kae aaarae affords, and every oomfort will be extended to .r. . , i ..1 .i i . i : , i . those who may stop witn aim. April 26 tf . 34 QtTXXTIjr Bvibxk. v - KMf p. Battlb BUSBEE & BATTLE, attobkbts ajto covbsxlloxs at law, RALEIGH, N. C. WlXiLi atiena promptly va any ousiness in trusted to their can in the central Coun ties of the State, and in the State-and Federal Courts. Qonsns Busbbb, Cvmmitmner of Deeds ie. Jot the States of . New York, Pennsylvania, -Virginiv South Carolina, 'Alabnmaj S v. s MiaaissippL, ' ; ; '- Taxasvr Arksnsas, ..v:r-? V JWtX fib 26 MSswjJ Maryland, Georgia.- " Moridaiv Tfffli times ai ' FIRST PREMIUM I T: ' " " - SMUTAN'JtSCREENINQ MACHINE, -. f; YOUNG'S PATENT. ntPORTAKT TO JtllLXnS AID MILL OWHEBfl. FT1HIS Machine received the first premium at the I North Carolina State Fair, and was recommen ded to the public as the fxt now in use in the State, Sewn Hundred of them are now "running in North Carolina; all of which are now in Opera tion and have given the most 'entire satisfaction, in regard both to performance and 'durability, some having run six years and performi as wetl now as they did at first and have not toon out of orderone day. - We nave thrown out ten different smut Machines to make room for this.? They or warranted for five years,-and delivered at tile MiM any where in the sUte. , Manufactured 'and soU by -A.. , JNO. A. MoMANNEN. . South LowelL Orange oo. April 11. j i :.i, tt-SO S . Bricklaying' and Plastering. GHARLE3 W.' PALMER takes this method of informing the public, that he is now prepared to carry on the above named business In all , its branches, nnd in a masterlv and expeditions manner. - - W4S?iSnoTd to.intract for werfrot this sort on as reasonable terms as any person in. tbe1 State; navingrihade extensive arrangements for so doing. He flatters himself that the Work he has already done in Raleigh has given entire satis faction, and he hopes " by strict ttention'-to his business to merit a continuance of public favors -Jan. t-lSM:V;vi;-Nt'-5''i-'-Vis-ly-" Page's Improved Patent' Circular .-v v. -.? Saw,Millsr-Ai " ' OEORGfi PAQK 4CO. ; ? - N. ScBKOSDBSV- xiABt WxsT BALTUfO&B St Ba2- - --Tnibn, Mi.!, 'T TESPECTFULLY inform the public, that they XV greatly increased 'their; manufacturing establishment and are now prepared to execute all orders with promptness for their- - CELEBRATED PATENT CIRCULAR FOR- - TABLE AAW; MILLS, V. . which have given se much satisfaction throughout the Union, aa-also STEAM POWERS, of all sizes and kinds, HORSE POWERSGRIST MILLS, and various other machines and implements for economising labor, " :. , - -. t - Sinoe their. Portable Circular Saw Mills; wees invented by, and patented to, their jenier partner, they have made many impro vements, which render them perfect in all their details and justly entitle them to be considered .first among the labor ear ing machines of the world. 2:'si-kiri. Pamphlets containing full descriptions of their several classes of mills, prices, tenns capacity for awing, ftc, will, on applicationby letter, be for warded to any gentleman' wanting them. J; y ' ' Having recently obtained damages In an action brought in the U 8. Circuit Court for the Dis trict of Maryland for an infringement, of their Patent Rights, thbt Bbbkbt wabs thb-Pvbuo AOAINST PCSCHASUIO TKOM WAVTHOBISXD BUILn- xns, ok thkik Aqkhts. Addrnss H -'-'--tV! $ GEORGE PAGE ft CCv N. Schroeder St, near Baltimore St, ' . Baltimore, Md, May 23 '64. . V -42 Groat Excitement In New York I PIANOS AND MELODEONS FOR CASH. HORACE WATERS, the greit Music and Pi ano Forte dealer, 833 Broadway, New York, prefering to share a large per cent with his cus tomers, rather than pay it to the Sharpers of Wall Street to raise available means to enable aim to stem the present tight tunes, - offers his immense "f "1i;""tji4.tt p-- unit Melodeons at a large discount from xaetory Prices, for Cash. His assortment comprises Pianos from three of the Largest, and most Celebrated Boston Manufactories; also those of several of the Best New York Makers, including the beautiful and much admired Horace Waters Pianos from his own Factory, andMelodebns of the nest Boston, Nevr Haven, New York, and. Buffalo Makes ; affordiaw an opportunity for selection not to be had else where. Each Instrument Warranted. "Second hand Pianos at Great Bargaina-Pricea from $60 to 160. Music and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Dealers, Teachers and Heads" of Schools supplied on the best terms. .-Musie -sent niraail poet paid.' General sand Select -Catalogueli ,of Music and schedule of Factory :Prioea of Pianoe. Melodeons and musieal instruments forwarded to any addresa, free' of postage. Bept ZI, 1864.: r u - C !W8a OLD BOURBON AGAIN; if, . THK citixens of the "Old Norui State.wnb have on various occasions extended to ' me their aid and custom, in the purchase and sale of Stock,' nave my hearty thanks for theicmany acts of kindness ; and in justice to thecttiiens of-tiie State generally, so far as I hate liad the bleasure of foraaing an aoquaintanet with them, Inrast smjr that i nave traded North, south,: East and West, through-a great many States of the Union; and I have yet to find a more generous hospilabla tnd kind hearted people, and one more ready to bestow actsjof kindnoss upon the stranger,' than-is td be lound in the "Oki North State." i I. tout J ahall evec teei greteiui o .you lor uie paw iavors ana be enabled so act in all my deallngf aa to deeervs its continuance in the future, . 4-f Hating engaged to deliver a number of i , to my old friends and customers, at various Doints-. dnring the month of October next, ' I toko -this method of tnfQjrmtng them'; that. 1 Jimf made a purchase for them; and also a l&rgeaumber beside. sni wnicii Bope.-tu oe enaoiea io ae commodate all who may want to buy a Bourbon Mull It 'm known that Old Bourbon is the great Mule Coun ty of Kentucky and of the world, and that the sub scriber nanaies none but the best Bourbon Stock. I will be in Raleigh' on the 17th of October,- and will stop at the various .towns between there ; and Plymouth, at which- last place. I expect to be cn the 30th ready at alt places and all suitable timea to show my. stock to, those who may 'give me a call, and especially those who desire to purchase. Iaintend to sell as good stock on aa good terms as any man ,who hails from any County or Eta te lh the Union, Jau and : see for yourselves. - Till then,.adieLfe SV-'- J. P.: H0U8TON Near North Middletewn, Bourbon County , Ky September 8r 1864. . . -WU-78 i TALEIGHAND GASTON R0AD.Daes ; to Xi' the Railroad Company for freights are paya ble in cash en the delivery of .the. articles.", When articles are delivered without such payment in ad vance; and the owner fails to call at too depot and settle the bill before the expiration of the month, he must thereafter send the money when lie sends for the goods. By order of the President, C.B. ALLEN, Agent" - Jtnly 4th, 1864. " ,-;;V',,: .64. ' TITY7INDOW GLASS. Beet qualities of French V Union and Baltimore brands of following sixes, vis: 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 12 by U, 12 by 16, 12 by 18, 12 by 20, 18 by 16,18 by 18 13 by 22. 16 by 20tJ8 by 24, 24 by SOu. x- g Orders received for any sise Coach; and Picture ' Glasa . Glass for Green Houses, and Glass Tiles for Floors filled promptly by ; .p.. F. PESCUD. TTOI YE, FISHERMEN.-Rnn: to PescncYa JlJL and sec his splendid assortment of Limeriok Hooks, Silk and Grass Lines, Sinkers and 8nells, which he haajust received and will sell very cheap - -- w;P;PESCUIXi: FArBBANKS PATENT. SULES--Of erery sixe, at the Manufacturer's prieeg, witn' oost ef transporUtion'onlyadd4,-tnay bo had by ar. ply ing to - '-.. t.'frJAS. M. T0WLES. Aogs 1854, - r v p y 64 FEATHERS t FEATHERS I f ; FEATHERS! f fr fllHB subscriber has; on- hand and for sale- Jh supply -oil .tk:vwrjl)eit New Goose Feats n..VV' ' J.fiENBY,HABBIS,x, v, . -1ateiate2o,18M. ' , ' ' ' " . ti :l t - f V t 1