" v I'll ; - .r ; ; 7"'" -t,- 1.. , -A I --i. ..-1 j . . .-. - . X 1.J-' ' f MjI . J . s ' X . W 1 . 1 - . . 1 - - - '- . , , . vcrrr of ralekhIotrjd oaraa april f ik - -1 : . ; , : . ; 11 U 1 ...4 s .ttp'N-yi;A:,L;E"s B 1 I T A -H ft,"? 0 IITOlV for Um fni-ww4l7, V 9s P u ; in tdraoe i. OF JLDTKKTISISO : v Am t m ajumrw. Toe ' wrary M Usm," first IsMrtkm $1 : 6 ilillniwt Uirtit, eU. -j. . - OnutOrdm sa ilm Unnutt wfll bdiarp4 ptwLkitar; lmt 4hKioooC 83 pnerat. will be Mote from tb rvgoUr prk to advertiaan by th year. Aa ii Mil eato toarted t b 81 wtakly, win aiao appear the Weakly, fteaafehana. ... , v . i m um jMtaor mrmt m SPLENDID JUWELRY! and Clcfait Fancy Goads. Si B. ROOT am rceieL" ajid is bow f av ; eptainjf, om of tkftnostaoatlT ad . bMt mImUmI lot . of JEWELER Y. ami FAJiCT QOODS . orer xbahiUd ttidckv Hi Mm null, ta Murr Iuv trwi th Moat fMbio Mo aad,bMtial Bpoeimons tad tbo rery latest tTls ia prt, u foHowo v PiaBMM, " "V 5T -lr- -v "" -'- ooova4 'Tta , ; f i MoMie BrMt Kaf, ; u Gold ud 8Qtt "Watches, :-..v Klegut itjleo, SOfer Cord Batkota,'.' '.j rorka,- ' v.',-- c RapkMRJap, Card Caaea, -- Porto Monnaiofl, ... -" 0oI4 and fiQrar Pencil, l-e. 0 " AJ IftlJ .... ... ."lb.. Rpairin, Finishing, &o. "A VINO aoevred tlto orrieoa of a highly ae- OOaBpoahM workaaa. ia tau dopartmont of Bj.wwawi, 1 1 Ball M una to giro tao moot cauro jfetia to tko Pablio ia ali work oommittod to 7 akargo-.'-'- ilT-".') . --! ALt O&DS&a wOt' W txoowted ia , tho most vorkBnuIiko manner, and with datpatck. s:.i:y .-; v 0B. ROOT. SoptenDor 26, lSM.'. J'. a: j 78 G TOS, PISTOLS,VHIFLES; SHOT - BAGS, otc A largo aMTanodiBtporuaoo. . Sept. 2S; 1854T vis; 8 lucmiTBisa.iiOasmomc, tc. EDWARD TARBROCG H,1 Jr., Having erected aaew Blacksmith Shop at the" corner of Har gett and Wilmingtoa St'a, is prepared to hare all work la the abore line executed witkearo and dispatch. .Tao well known Jut Atxws, with com peteat asaistaata, being permanently engaged,' ke is enabled to hare the animals entrusted to his care shod in5 a workmanlike manner. ' -Raleigk, May 26, ISU : ' Jr tf 43 Donn&ris " tc ' Johnston. Grocers & Commission Merchants, J PETERSBURG Vi! ' " ' DO Nil AN k CO. Cbutinisaion Merchants, , f , , ' RICHMOND VA." - - D. Donnan Jr, X Donnaa, J. A. Jokuston, Res ident. Partners, Petersburg, Ya, S. E. Donnan , Resident Partner, Richmond, Ya. Jan. 16, 1865,' T . 6m 5 Raleitjh and Gaston Railroad. NOTICE is hereby given,' that from and after the SOtk January, all dues to this Road for freight mast be paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, except on way freight, which must ke paid in ad Taace or on delivery of tho goods, as the ease may be -Ikis arrangement will afford great advantages to oar customers, by superseding the necessity of their employing more than one iorwarding agent between New fork and Raleigk, and having their goods or produce subjected to only one handling. Agents cannot violate the above rule without subjecting thems elves to removal. - Tke greatest care will continue to be taken by the officers and agents of the Company la every department of its business to . accommodate the pablio and promote, the interests of its customers. Whilst tke Western merchants are going North a passenger tram will leave' Raleigk in tke after noon; on tke arrival .of tke .train from '.the West on tke N. C Road ; ' due notice of which will be 3 'By order of tke Board of Directors, : I. CB BRANCH, PrtudenL As the Company, has two .' Depots In Raleigk, merchants ordering goods to' go up tke N- C Road are requested to have them distinctly marked, so that their desnnauon.. may oe . znown, ana tney may be leaded to the through Depot from Peters burg or Portsmouth. : . -v - -- Jaa.47, 1855 5:'-v ' : 6 tf :i -. - w av H a. A L .- rTVH E TN A' INSURANCE COMPANY b I Haxttobs,' , Con., offers to insure Buildings and Merchandise," against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times T - . . This is one of the oldest and beat Insurance Com panies in the United 'States,' and pays its losses promptly, .-vv--- -"V ." " .' Applications for Insurance in Raleigk, or its vi- oaity, to bo Baado to - :; : "-v. iv'l SV.W. WHITING, . af-"&e.---- if.'--r.T - v ' Agent. And for MUton, K. & and vicinity, to ... ... tr,.vlr N- J PALMER, Agent. October, 1843.. ; . rv. .,88 . i-,, .wNoUoeeVvi. TO NORTHERN AND EASTERN TRAVEL LERVFKOM NEW ORLEANS. MO ?r.3 BILE, AUGUSTA;' CHARLES- r . TON, W1UIINGTON, WKL- DON, vin tb Seaboard pd gbnaokn; Railroad nnd " Bay line. THE splendid new Steamer Loeusiaaa, Captain It ass all, loaves Hnnter'n . wharf, Norfolk, at o-eiocx, p, m-, on . - - TUESBAIV- " - - -;. THURSDAY, - -i-. -J f ; v :K SATURDAY ; and Portsmouth on the arrival of the Southern Cars. Tao steamer ueoreoa, vaptain rearson, ar- rives On Wf. -ic- , MONDAYr-" -1 WEDNESDAY, ':. r JBIDAY, at tke tame hours, arriving atlSaltlmore la time for tke 1 o'clock, a. m. Train for Fhiladelpa new York. . FERGUSON A MILHADO, Agents. March 20, 1855. 28 ly. ... v. t: por sale 1 nmo of the finest TROTTINO STALLIONS II that have tyer been n this country, named FLXINQ MORGAN .- and- MORGAN RATTLER. They can trot in the neighborhood of 2.45,' are large and beautiful and of pure blood;? They ar- sob Wishing to see them eaa do so by calling at vv . j. m luiama Ataoies in rorumoutn, v a, - xaese uorees are irvm vanaaa eaa are . own ed by Truman Doric k. He has also 'sold one to tkcReaboard Agricultural Society,, of Norfolk, A . . w. .i. a . . - M. aau one. to uu mi i auauuui -pciey. j ins owner thinks that it would bo wise, in the N, C. State Society to buy one.- - It will pay, without doubt, twelve or fifteen hundred dollars a year. I : - ' ii Arril 24. x -v V r82L' .rVRXGON PEAS. A small supply ixf store and J 1st Sftla ry -. ; ' WIU.UMM A LLAXWOOD. - SotOHOi CmiT. ' - Ja. Cahiu. ; CHERRY & CAHILL, Commisalon Merchants, ... NORFOLK, VA. Jaa. 18, 1854.' tf-6 NOTICE ! U. S. LAND AND PENSION AGENCY. 1 X) all those for whom I hre collected Land X Warranto, U than 160 aert, I haTO the num her and particolars of said warrant, and, by call ing on or writing to me. I can get each one an increase of pay ; and to all tho Soldiers who ren dered 14 dars' oorrice in any of tho wan since 1790, they, or their widows, or minor child or children, are entitled to land. They will do well to call at this Agency. I have the rolls for tho State of North Carolina. Also, all Widows of the Rerolationary War are entitled to land. Wagon Masters and Teamster are embraced acuta tk,auneroaa Laws; and aft thee wwO ttiak e kaaw olaiai are respet folly iavited to call and have their claims inrea tigated." 1 - . t. My terms are no charge, unless I succeed After 16 years' experience, I flatter myself that I understand my business, and all the numerous laws in such eases. Give, me a call, and hare your claims inrestigated before it will be forerer too late. . Enlisted Soldiers, haying located lands in Illi nois and Missouri, I will pay jthe highest oash prises for them. I have the number, Townships and locations of sereral hundred in whose name they appear of record. The highest cash prices paid for land warrants. Office opposite Lawrence's Hotel, at the Ex press Office. J. H. K1RKUAM. Raleigh, N. C, March 12, 1856. 21 tf SPlUNCr TRADE ! MARCH, 1856. We are now prepared at our New Store, Noa. 78 and 80, Sycamore 8 tree t, Opposite Mam. Melltoaine, Son dc Con TO offer to Merchants of Virginia and North Carolina, the most commanding Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS we have ever had. One of our firm will remain in New York during the present month, and attend the Auction Sales, thus placing us daily in possession of many styles of goods much below regular prices. MERCHANTS VISITING THIS MARKET would do well to give our Stock an examination, before buying elsewhere. STEVENSON a WEDDELL. fy Petersburg, Va., Mar. 13, '66. tf 21 Notioe. R' AVING bought out Mr M. Einstein, I shall continue the CLOTHING BUSINESS, as heretofore, in my own name and account EMIL ROSENTHAL, Corner of Market square and Wilmington St. Opposite Yarboro's Stable. 7"ST RECEIVED at the above store Tux Lab oxst Assobtmbxt or READY MADE CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY. Give' me a call be fore purchasing any there else and you will save at least twenty five per cent. Fact, and no mistake about it. E R. Sept 12, 1854. tf 74 Splendid Lottery May, 1855. Sncewor to J. W. Maury Co.) $37,500. Lottery for the benefit of tne STATE OF DELAWARE. Class 98, fob 1855. Drawn at 'Wilmington, Del., Sat, May 7, 185f . 78 Number Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 Prise of. - ...$37,600 20,000 dc do do..,. '.. do.. do 10,000 7,600 ..... 6,000 ... ....8,695 60 60 do. ..... ......... ......... .... . ....OT .1,000 do,.. 600 300 114 'do. . ao. so. Ac Tickets, $10 Halves $5 Quar. $2.50. ' Certfs. of Pkg's of 25 whL tickeU, $140 00 do do 25 half do 70 00 do do 25 quarter do 85 00 Orders for Tickets and shares and Certificates of Packages in the above splendid Lotteries will re ceive the most prompt attention, and an account of each drawing will be sent immediately after it is ' over to all who order from me. Address P. J. BUCKET, Agent, Wilmington Del. Splendid Lattery May, 1855. GREGORY MAURY,' Managers (Successors to J. W. Maury & Co.) $50,0001 Lottery for the benefit of the State of Delaware, Class 104 for 1856. To be drawn at Wilmington, DeL, Saturday, May 16, lboo ' 76 No. Lottery 14 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 Prise of- 60,000 do.. - 81,876 do - 16.000 do do... do... do do... do.. 10,000 6,000 8,855 1,500 20 20 20 1.500 1,000 600 277 2t0 Ac. &. Ac. , Tickets 15 dolls. Halves 7,60 Qu'r 8,75 Eighths 1,87,. Certfs. of Pkg's of 26 whl. tickets, $175 00 do do 25 half do 87 60 do do 25 quarter do 43 76 do ' do 25 eighth do . 21 87 Orders for Tioketa and shares and Certificate of Packages in the above splendid Lotteries will re ceive the most prompt attention, and an account of o.h drawing will be sent lmmeoiaieiv aiier it is over to all who order from me. Address . P. J. By-- Agent, . ' Wilmington, DeL V. J ." ' ..' ' AV Y. Eiprut, - ' NEW MANTILLAS. . V McGEE 4. W1XLIAMS . V TfNVITE the Ladies to aspect their novelties in U Spring 'and 8ummer Wrappings, a large and beautiful assortment of which are now received and will be exhibited," commencing from thisdey? XMarch 27 1855.T 4ir i 25v i HOSIimYGIXVE, -ETC. . v f UR Assortment Complete. -r ' ".-i '; ;r?n 1 I .v . f. E. L.H ARDING. 27.V Kid Gloves. f Dosen Alexander's, Barom s.Connnior's ana J If Caldesaigers make, tor uents and Ladies. 'c..; j:".wmk r. 8; tucker. , t" . "-C T..,i r-i- -j. i- ... i - ' - eie- -i-S-.-4rsw?l rriO THE PUBLIC The subscriber is pleaed l to inform the public that his CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA MEDICINE affords more prompt relief in tne various affections or the Bowels; and consequently more satisfactory to all who have ufd it, than any other Medicine ever offered to the public The following are among many testi monials of its efficacy . Da. R. H. WoiTHiiCQTOJi Deau Sin: I take much pleasure in adding my testimony to others in favor cf your remedy for Bowel Affections, &e., having so frequently experienced its beneficial re sults in my own case, as well as in many others to whom I have given it. I carried a bott e of it with me to Baltimore, (and here permit me to say I would as soon think of travelling withoutmoney as without this remedy) and finding many among my acquaintances there who were suffering with various forms of Bowel Affections, I gave it freely, and in no ikstakci did it fail to afford the, most raoxrT aid dkcidsd axLiir as it has done here. I congratulate you, and especially the public, on the discovery of a medicine which is better calcu lated to protect mankind and alleviate suffering thanlny other ever brought before the people. . . VrS -.i -i. X. SPIERS. This is to certify that, some weeks back, I was taken with a violent Diarrhoea, which persisted for eight days. Being some sixty miles from home, I made use of all the remedies' I could think of, but without affording any relief? On arriving at home, I was informed that Dr. R. H. Worthingtou had prepared a remedy for Cholera, &c, and was advised to use it. I did so, and to my astonish ment, one single dose gave speedy and permanent relief, since which time I have used it frequently in my family ; and, ia justice to the Doctor, say I consider it much thk most valuable mcdicuib I have used in an experience of twenty years. F. M CAPEHART. Murfreesboro,' N. C; Oct 2, 1854. Db. Wobtbisotoh Dsab Sib: I take great pleasure in recommending your Cholera Medicine to the publio and more especially since I have had personal experience and observation of its benefi cial effects. I have tried several remedies put up for Cholera. &c, but have never found sush happy results from any as from yonr invaluable remedy. I have such unbounded confidence in its efficacy, that 1 am unwilling and will not leave home without a supply with me; and I regard it as one of the most valuable discoveries of the age. Yours, very truly. W. P. BEAMAN. Wiwdsob, N. C. Sept 19, 1854. Db. R. H. Wobtbimoton Dear sir I have made some effort, and have succeeded in introdu cing your Medicine to the public, and I find it is taking very well indeed ; and the result is, that I have nearly sold what you sent. me. I there fore, wish you .would send me some more as soon you can. 1 have not the slightest doubt but that this Medicine is the very best reme dy out for the disease for which it is recommend ed. I hope you will soon send me a supply, as 1 would not like to get entirely out of it. lours, tru.y, GEORGE W. McGLAUGHON. t From the Murfreesboro' Gazette. Missbs. Editors In looking over the last number of the Gazette, I found a communication from our friend. Mr. L. P. Spiers, rcommending Dr. R- II. Worthington's Cholera Mixture to tbe public, for the cure of diarrhoea, dysentery, and other kindred diseases. Having experience in mv own case, the happy effects of its use, as well as other members of my family, I can safely say that I regard it superior to any remedy we have ever used, in aa experience of twenty years. I would, therefore, recommend it to every tamily as an in valuable remedy, and every individual to procure a bottle and keep it by them in these times of cholera. R. R. PARKER. Murfreesboro,' Aug. 80th, 1854. This is to certify that I have used Dr. R. H. Worthington's Cholora medicine in my family for the last four or five weeks, in several cases of Bowel Complaint, so common in our vicinity, with invariable success. One of the cases was that of a negro child, some four or five months old, who was so emaciated y the effects of the disease, that its life was nearly despaired of, when my wife happened to think that she would try the Cho era Medicine, and did so with complete success in less than forty-eight hours. I am throughly of opinion that no family should be without so fine a medicine Given under my hand, this 3rd day of October, 1854. A. W. DARDEN. MUBFBESBOBO' N C. Dr. R. H. Worthington. It affords us pleasure to say that we have used your Cholera Diarrhoea medicine for the last twelve months, aad have found it invariably successful, in relieving speedily the cases in which we have had occasion to use it. We entertain a high ap; preciation of its value, and have no hesitation in expressing the omnion that it will prove to be a valuable family medicine. KlUHAKUU. UUnfbK. B. F. SPIERS Sold' by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, and by Drug gists generally. Oct. 17tb, 1954. ti David A. Bxix. Gioaos M. Bain, Jb. BAIN & CO. SUfCEORS TO BAIN HATTON A CO- WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission Merchants, Corner of King aad Water Streets. PORTSMOUTH VA. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SELLING Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, dc. ALSO, TO RECEIVING AND FORWARDING GOODS Jan. 8, 1856. 9 ly Hats, Hats. JUST to hand two cases Extxa Molisxijt m Hats, Beebe's Latest. i I nnej M wW V V . A ") GUN, LOCK-SMITn, AND BELL HANGER Charles Kuester, WOULD respectfully, inform the Citizens ol Raleigh and surrounding country, that he has located permanently in ttaieign, ana nas opened a Shoo on Wilmington Street, (in Dr. Cooke's brick- building,) where he will be found at all times, ready to execute ear "JOB" in his line, ia a style that ahaU not bo surpassed by any other person, and the charges shall always be moderate. CALL AND SEE. . Raleigk, March 2. 168. ly-19 -wnrTTINTER OATS. A new supply ia 2 bue vjf bags, just received at the FarmeTj Also. Clover. Herds, and Orchard Grass SeeoT shel all - ; J -" ". M:. ..' - JAMES M- TOWLESr r.D'ecembeTiI5,.11864. 101 i EDWARD tit ;LUTTERI.OH, General Commuswnand'JrorwardmgM fTHE, Subscrioer' keeps constantly on : hand' ."I. .supply of Fresfi Lime ; Calcined Plaster j Land Plaster j Hydraulic Cement & Plastering Hair which he is prepared to Bellas low as these ar ticles are W be had ia, any city; SoutkOrder will receive prompt attention u:ri '": . -'' ,v. v epwabd J. LUTTERLOH, PETER W. HINTON, Commission Merchant , TO 28 UTD t9 E0THEBT8 WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. a fecial attektiob r-4n to SEixiita Tohaceo,lour, Gndn,4cottoa, Ac die Also, to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. REFER TO Chas. L. ffinton. Es. Wak Co. N. C. J. B. G. Roulhac, and George W. Haywood. Esqs., Raleigh, . . m. mummer, Esq., Warrentoa,. N. C. Aug. 25. 1854. R9 Drj Good1 oisnaL ' Fitesi; Intagstg'.EwK ' atosicaa oisTBqMBirra.S :. V:' ; city oiirr?ri , At t HM'CBrr. COWBBBtOa. ': , 4(tv to Bee. W. aerakam, b U. UadirerB. L. iwaln, J. M- Merabaad. C t. Meadaahalt. J. W. Oebera, H. w. Woodaa, ane otbara Sntehwi 1855. THE CAROLINA CULTIVATOR, A Monthly Agricultural Journal, published BAttlQB. BY WILLIAM D. COOKE; 1 6 10 18 20 Copy do do do do .$ 00 00! 8 00 10 00 16 00 Farmers of North Carolina, you have now an opportunity to see ire for yourselves and families a monthly repository of the most useful informa tion on all subjects connected with the practical management oi tne I arm and the household, and a convenient vehicle for your thoughts and sug gestions on tbe same subjects which you may desire to communicate to others. It is our design to fid the "C u-olina Cultivator" with a variety of short, pointed, and usetul selections, adapted to tiie (teasons, culled from a large aumbeu of valuable exchanges; to invite contributions from every quar ter, wnerever experience may have acquired a new lesson iu th- art of cultivation1 of domestic in- 'JubU-y ; aad in our editorial columns to condense such important additions to our stock of recent ' informbtiou as ciiaiot be otherwise compressed into our limited pes. We will also present our reaaerj with nil ie more important items of in telligebce connected with the general advance ment of agricultural knowledge, and endeavor in every proper way to stimulate tke industry and enterp rise or our leuow citizens. Thp publisher of the " Carolina Cultivator will be aided in Lac EJ-'torial department of the paper by ger.tlemen fu'l y oompetent to make U one ol the beet Agricultural Papers in the country, and aiso dv stvtriu ab'e members of the State Agricul tural Society, at whose earnest soacilatioa tke work has b;cn uqJ i taken. Aprial6, 1856 " 28 2m. Our Principles are Onward ! TVr.riY SEASON WE MAKE RENEWED 1 exertions to Buppiy te wanU or our numt roos costomvrs. We have this season purchased A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and, to come to the point, are prepared to sell as Low it not Lower than any who sell OUR KIND OF GOODS. Our concern is connected with one of Tbe Largest Importing Houses in tke Union. with cap.' il -uffi -ieut to make all purchases for the l. ash; c jascquently the Proprietor of this, The only Clothine; House (Exclusively) in the City of Raleigh, cannot an J shall not be undersold ; and unlike the Town Clock (vide Standard 28th inst.) has not ceased to tick., but will continue to "tick" all those and those only who make prompt payments. a.Ys are located on r ayetteville St., where we hve beeu for the last seven years, opposite every body. E. L. HARDING. Raleigh. April 3, 1855. 27. NEW SPRING GOODS! McGEE Sc WILLIAMS, k T their new store. So. 10, Fayetteville street, t most respectfully ask an examination of tuwr RKU1 AND ELEGANT STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which, having been bought for cash, they are enabled to offer such inducements to purchasers as will make it greatly to their advantage to call and look before purcha sing elsewhere. Our stock is entirely ne jr, and selected from the latest importations in New York, consisting. in part, of very rich plaid, striped and solid Dress Silks ; Heavy black Gro de Rhine and Fig ured Silks; Plaid, Foulard and India Silks ; Strip ed Percais ; Piaid Uernanis ; Solid and Plaid Be- rages ; Moire Antique and Plain Ckallies ; Print ed Linen Cambrics ; Grenadines and French Or gaudies ; Barege. Volante and Jackonet Robes Brilliantes ; Lawns ; Ginghams ; Prints ; Chal- lies : Delaines ; Alpacas ; Crape de Paris and Bombazines ; French and Scotch Embroideries. Honiton ; Maltese and English Thread Edging Bonnet : Taffeta and Trimming ; Ribbons ; Jack- ouet and Swiss Muslin Bands ; Cambno Floun cing ; White Dotted and Figured Swiss Mus lins A large assortment of Hosiery and Gloves of the most approved make ; together with a Large Stock of Staple American and British Goods, all of which will be sold at the lowest possible pri ces Raleigh, March 27th. 25 tf L. a w Copartnership. MILLER & R0GER8, Attorneys Jt Counsellors at Law, KALEIGII, N. C. w: ILL nttend promptly to all business entrust ed to tueui. H. W. MILLS B, S. H. BOOBBS. OFFICER Corner of the Reqisteb Row, oppos- ite tho Court House. Oct, 24th. 1854 tf86 NEW CROP CARDENAS. MO- CASSES: 1II1D?. nme new crop Cardenas '. i) lasses cow landing from the Brig S. P. brown, from Cardenas, for sale bv J. & J. L. HATHAWAY k CO. Wilmington, Marob '11 , 1866. , 26 lm . RUNAWAY" T71ROM the Subscriber, on the nirht of the I1 2Mb or March, my negro Man GEORGE. U J mj - btout Dual, with ratner a lair ; complexion, for negro. 'cad kboot 20 years-old. ' s: Inasmuch as said negro left without provocation, the pro bat-ili ties are (aad circumstances tend, to confirm' the suspicion,) that he has been entieed v.;lt I also probable that ke has gone in'the di. rection of Wilmington, "rr J'-J J. um p so that I can. IWaka Co ;rSttfe it. rtr Wf l( KrU 1 J. O. B. Roulhao, C. W. D Jx Wfinil!h'i 'filrv-'" .F- Wnit5ngtT. H-Selby. Raleigh: r. 1 f" 2 ' z 1 A ettevilLs Ja. O. Wright, W i n ---A y 1T aT.-.t. neam a. Mwyo MAmnllM Me 3m Tm m - : I ' ' - iswr w IHBUMUI TEEMS, advance,.. do do .. do do w Ml ill for his aoaBnantAnt in fa.il. I nnnhaM.WneU IOT tne aoove nuua. ? --. r a .mm mm. mm -j ni.f -jr-..' .. .w . , - North Carolina Mutual Insuranoe - Company. RALEIGH, N. C. 1 1 lHIS Company has been in successful operation I for more than seven years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. Its Policies now cover property amounting to $4,5004000, a large por tion of which is In Country risks, and its present capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than one third of one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. ' THE following persons have keen elected Uirec- Company for the present DIRECTORS. Hutching?, Jno. R. Henry D. Turner, S. W. Geo. McNeill, Fay ilmington; James E. James gfoaal Greensboro' : JoO- Cox, .Edenton ; Joah." Boaer, Salem ; Jos. H. Pool, Elisabeth City ? RragunPlymoeth Alexan der MitcheD, Newborn; Wc N. H. -Smith, Mur freesboro' H. B. Williams,' Charlotte ; John B. Barrett, MBtone A. T Summy,- Ashevule. AR lArectors are authenxed to receive applica tions. ' .--" -t'-Wt . ' OFFICERS OF THE. COMPANY. 3. G. B. Ronlkacv iVsruW. . -Henry D. Turner, . Fies do. . , 8. W. Wkiting,' Tnaturwr. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney.. ... J. Hersman, QurL Agent. 8. W.Wkiting, - . ) Jne. R. Williams, Executive Committee. John Primrose, I All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE. Sec'y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1863. 25 AYER'S PILLS, . . . 1 . l t .v Abbw ana sinruianv suecessnu -remcuj iw m cure of aQ Bilious diseases Costiycneag, Indi gestion, Jaundice, lropay, iwneuraauBiu, rc.cia. Gout, Humors, Nrvousieaa, Irritability, Infiamma- ma, Uesdacbe, rams m me nreaai, duw, dki, JtimhaL remale Conrolainta. Ac. Ac Indeed, wmrw tmm km the in which a Puivative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevenxea, a n&rm- less but effectual Uithartte were more ireeiy unt No Deraon can fsel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often ratal iVurefii. which miKht have beeu avoided by the timely and judicious use of a gooa purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish avmptoeBS, and Bilious derantementa. They all tend to became or produce the deep seated and formidable diatempcrs ... . ... f 1. V I J tJ wtucn loaa tne nesrses au over toe tuuu. uraw reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any trn, hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons ol sucn exaiteo position aou character as to forbid Ihe suspicion of untruth. Asoong tne many esnment pnuonn win, testmedtn favor of these PilK we may mention Da. A. A. Haras, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character ia endorsed by the Hon. Edwabd Evbbistt, Senator of the T. S. Robsbt C. Winthkof, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. Abbott Lawbbhcb, Minister PI en. to England, f Johh B. Fitzfatbicx, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Also, Da. J. R. Chiltoh, Practical Chemist, of Hew York City, endorsed by Hoic. W. L. Mabct. Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astor, the richest man in America. 8. Lblabd & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is ound In t)iir effects nnon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and fi study, are offered to the public as the best ana most complete which the present state of medical science can atford. They are compounded not of the drun themselves, but of the medicinal virtue only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical . process in a state oi punty, ana comoinea logciaei in such a manner as to insure the best results. 1 his system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a ' more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula; by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of suy Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realised by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, aud by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box PKEPAkEO BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and analytical Chemist LOWELL, MASS. Trios U Cents per Box. Five Boxes for SI - SOLD bt P. F. PESCUD, and by Draggists generally. fl OLDSBOROUGH STEAM, GRI3T, AND TFLOUR1NG MILL". The Subscriber has eniargeu nie sjsvauuauui u, us viv.bw. v , uvi now prepared to grind Wheat as well as Corn, r . . 1- 1 1... 1 .i ei a more entensive scale.- One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Bushels of Wheat and Com will, be re quired vo keep the-miHln operation for tbe car rent year, for which tke highest market price will be paid. The farmer of this county and tbe counties along the line of the N. C. Rait Road and the interior will find it to their advaut .ge to cal on or addresa'me at the MilLi "before selling, and thus build up a " market vin this Bute for- their Wheat .and a manufactory 01 our own nour.? . ; Constantly on hand a fresh supply of superfine Family Fl iur, Meal,' Homony. Horse feed, Crack- 1 f . - J Un.VT- ll' Lima nrl H.irr" WTioat and Corn grouad a tofl. ;r : i MrV Lynn Adams, 01 Kaieign is aumonxea to is .' ir- .-. - j; -.- -. s North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance Company. OFFICE, RALEIGH, N. C. THIS Company insures the lives of individuals for one year, a term of years, or fr life, on tim Mutual Principle, the assured for life partici pating in the profits of the Company. For poli cies gr -nted for the who e term of life, when the p-emium therefor amounts to $id, a note may be given for one hi If the a"nout of the premium, bearing interest at 6 per cent, without guaranty. The prompt manner in which U lories have been paid by this Company, together with the low rates of premium, present great inducements to such as aredispoed to injure. Slaves are insured for a term of from one to fire yeara, for two-tuiri their value. , All losses are paid withit 90 days after satisfac tory proof is presented. DIRECTORS. Charles E. John-ton, Wm. W. H ridea, Win D Coke. R. H. Battle; -----Wot. H. Jaes, F. C. UilU - Seaton Gales. wm. V. 11 ly woo J, James P. Jordan, , Quentin BimImcu ir. w. jff useed, " Wm.,H.MoKee, Charles J. Root, . OFFICERS. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, . . Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer,. H. W. Husted. Attorney. CharleE. Johnson, VI. D. 1 Medical William, HV MoKee,. M- D. V Btaxi of Richd. B. Hay wood, M, D. J Pouuliation. v William D. Cooke, - ' .-W, W,. Holdeo.- ; J- Executive Com . harles li. Root, .J 'miilee . s J. HERSMAN. General Agent. , For further information; the public are referred 'o the p.tmphlets, and form of proposal, which may be obuine i at the OJije of the Company, or any of its Agencies. . Communications should be addressed, (post paid,) to JAMES F. JORDAN, Secretary. - JAMES E- CUTHBERT, (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT,) Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Bol- linff brook Street, Petersburg, Va. REFERENCES : Thos. Bragg, Jr., Jackson, tf. C. " L. F. Hicks, Esq. Petersburg Messrs. Key an & Bro. " Messrs. L. D. & W. G. Crenshaw, Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk. James George, Esq., Baltimore. Messrs. Mouahan & Beers, tfeic York. HAS constantly on hand : Prime Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugars, iAat, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Kio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and AUspice itace Ginger in Bugs, and Ground ia Boxes liuupowtler, imperial and Young Hyson Teas 1 allow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles urown, 1'itie and Variegated boaps viuupowder, Shot aud Bar Lead slacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, J oo d aud Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring aud Warehouse tlegaua, rriricipe, and Uavanna Cigars ; Together with" a larg stock of foreign and do mestic Liquors, Wines, &c, which he offers at the .owet market Kates. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg, March 6, 19 The Harm ah. More Academy. W1LM1NG ON, Dxlawakk. Principa s : Miss C. and I. Giimshaw aad A. . Grimshaw, A. M., M D. r I11S Institution has been in successful opera tion more th in eleven years - Tbe course of instruction is thorough. The study or franco onus part of the daily routine of study. Tne iouse is new, commodious, and cheerful : it is leated throughout. The sessions commence on be 1st of February and 1st of September. Terms : For Boardiug an I Instruction, inclu ting French pupils under thirteen years of age, $TO,00, second class, -0,00 and Senior Depart ueut $100,00 pr session of five mouths. References: Right Rev. A. Lee, I). D; Rev. il. V. D. Jobni, U. D Baltimore; Hon. Juo. M. .'layton, Delaware ; P. V. U.iniel, Jr. Esq. J it. Anderson Esq,. Tredegir Iroa Works ; E iVortham & Co., Richinoud, Va ; Rev. Mr.-Gibson, Petersburg, Va ; Governor Bragg, Hon. Wm V. Graham. W. H. Tucker, Esq., Hon. G. E. Bad ger, ttaleigh. N. C. I February 1st, 1 855, ly 10. Standard copy. GRATIS ! JUST PCBLISUEU A NE.V DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE ! A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TRW ATV'ENT, without Medicine, oi Spermator . nea or Local Weakuess, Nervous Debility, Low I'irits. Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and Back, Indisposition aud incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Appreheusion. Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity. .Self-Distrust. Dizziness,.Head Ache, Pains in the Side, Affection of the Eyes Pimples on the Face. Sexual and other Infirmities in man. FROM 2 HE FRENCH OF fE. fi. DE LANEY. The important fact that these alrming 00m' plaints may easily be removed without Mkdicibe is, in this small tract, clearly, deuionstateu ; and the entirely new and big lily successful treatment, as adopted by the author, luily explained, by means of which every one, is enabled to ccre himself PEBiECTLV, AND AT THE LEAST POSSIBLE COST. avoiding thereoy ail the advertised nostrums of the day. Seut to any address, gratis, and post free in . sea ed euvelope. by remitting (post paid) two post age stamps to Da. B, D.'.LANti', No. l&Lispenard -trett ftew XurK. March 15, 1855, 22 w6m I)B, E. C BORM0". SURGEON DENTIST, ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen Wi tlemen of Raleigh, that he wih make a pro- tosaiuual visits to that place. He proposes to pay such visits three or four times every year, so that those who may desire to n trnnize him will be enabled to do so at stated periods. uwie sets of Teeth put up by Atmospheric pressure, with Artificial Gums, so perfectly na tural that noue but a practised eye could detect them. ' - v - tie most respectfully refeVs to' the undersigned gentlemen, vix : His Excellency, Thos. Bragg don. W Dallas Haywood Hon. Asa Biggs, Major Walter Gwynn, Ed. Uraham- Haywood, Esq.,- Dry W. H. McRee, Dr. w. liur, im U. J. Macon, War- jcQr lr.' R. will be in Raleieb la a few weeks. AU orders left with CoL Yarbrough will be at tended to immediately on his return. Jan, 23. 1U55, ' - Tl4f PJL.ANfeJi LUMBER FOR SALE AT TUB lULEIUUr PLAN ING -MILL? I J - 200.000 feet- Flooring from $41i6 $2-5. ; 'ltW.000 ,,CeU.ng " 1& to '21. iSs3t".100,tWO-?-i'fiMn boards, lb to-in. iSOOOj; i TtKck. bordc to r 20'. 't tW.ooO Wathe boards IS to 2i; 4jAB.Ukt4tboye 1s of pcg.beat Setwon.nl 'ioftg leaf tumUer, Drougut to a exact. iiucxnes, ready fof ' . III.' . t ? . unuMtuaut ujuiiu wu do yui oil txard'tlu' Clrs -'oat . u.A.- KADER BIGGS & CO., a . . GENERAL V"WV,'. COMMISSION "MERCHANTS Turn Wharf I P7v " " , , , NORFOLK -VA V p " RtFEBEHCEs. Messrs. Bloolgood Co., r. Tabb & Co., Alexander Ball. Esq.; Norfolk? "on j , Asa Biggs, Williamson, N. C.j CoU J- B. O R"' ; hac, Raleigk; Lewis Thompson, Esq., HotT- " , Oct.;2jth. 1R5. f . " ' - 85 FIRST PREMIUM I? SMUT AND SCtiBESiXG MACIXE, . YOOXG'.S PATENT.-.:';. : m IMPORTANT TO MILLERS A BILC O ...: rTHI3 Machine receive I the first preu... attko, , ' I North Carolina.3t.au Fairrand was rec immen- .;, Jed to the jublie as the boat uo in use ia the , -State. Seven Hundred of them are n0w;. Funning- -in North CaroUnt f all of wnich are novw U opera- tion and have given the most entire satisfacttoa, in regard "both Tto "performance unJidurabiVv some having run six years, aad perform "as . wed . uoWasHhyTiid atHfstTkad h.ive- eat of order one day. We have thrown out too difftrent smut Machines to make-room f hts.;-They , warranted for five years, and v ed at the, am. snv wherein the state. Manu. ured. nnd sol. by .? - 1 - JNO. A. MoMANNEN, .. !Anth T,nweTUOrange eo April 1 1.' 'vtf- t-l Page's Improved 'Patent ClrQular s GEORGE PAOtE Jb CO. V , v N. SCHBOBDBB, MSAU .WfST BAttl0EST., Ra-' ,T1M0BbV MB., , f " v." RESPECT FULLY iuwrm the pubUe that they have greatly increased their manufacturing . estaolishmeut, jtod are pow, prepared to execute :. all orders with prwuptaess for their' ', -CE LE BRAT KD P A l'E X riCIROOLlR.POR- -x - iTABIE.SArV'JMltLS.- T"1 which have giveu so much satisfaction tfiroagkout the Union, as also STEAM. POWERS,' of all sixes and kinds, .HORSE POWERS, GK1ST. MILLS, .; and various other -machtnea aadimplemeats for oconomiaing labor. : - Since their Portable Circular .Saw Mills-WM invented by. and pateuted to,. their senior partner, h they have made many improvements, which reader . them perfect iu aU their details, 'and justly euuue s them, to -be considered first among the labor ftT; - ,j ing machiues of Jthe world. v t ' . " 4 j- . " -Pamphlets containing, full descriptions of their r . : several classes of uulU, prices, termsr capacity for j tsawiug, Oio.. will, ou appUoatiop by letter,.be for , -, y warded to anv trentleuiaa wautinit Uieul.",- ? '. r-. .. . Havkig receutly abuiuel iam iss in aft action brought, iu the. U rS.i Cirouit; Cvurt for the Dis irici oi Jiryiuua 10rjaB.1atJ-1u4TuiDuv. y1 . Patent B-ights, thst usaxst WAa.s.-Tiis Pcblio aoaihst roacUAsutu. Faon usACTuoflaxao saiup Eas.o& TUXUAqests.. 'Address . . ' V iCcaro'eder &tf near Baltimore Stf . - ? - ss,' Baldinore,"Md.t Msy 28,54.'. 'w ' " v42 J. St. 'J: Is. HAthaway St Co., T . IMPORTERS OF MOLASSES C05JMISS to.v ai fclRCH ANTS,U , :vviLMiai'uN c J. HATHAWAY. . J. L HATHAWAY. Wil, R. UfLEY iJ'V' . 2 ivpif-; Jan. 6," 1855 Sale-of VaUabla ReAl Esttttd.; PURSUANT to an Order made at th Spring "J term of the Court of q Vty fir the County " ' ' ot tvace. in tae in ttitir or 1 joa m Kam 1, rem- ; uah R ififi'i ant others, the uu ir si. ned Clerk . " and Master, will proceed to sell, at the Court"' House door in the City of Raleigh, on Thursday of May Court for the county of Vake, beiug the - -4th day ot May, the following real estate, to w.t: " V - .' , The residence of the late Dr. JosiaE O. Watson, "i V in Wake county, together with nineteen or tweuty . acres of laud upon which it is situated. Therls- upon the premises a very handsome brick Dwell-' '"-' . ug HoUie, large and Comnodious,' an office on the maiu road .near the- corporate limits nf -the City of Raleigh ; also a.kitouen, stabfes," an Joe -" nouse and alJLu cessary uUt houses' for a geti tie-1; miu's residence; as well as au excellent Spring f. of water and a good garden.. v '-Z ' , Also, at the Same time and place, rune lots of - bi f an acre each, just outsiue of the corporate .units of the city of ttaleig't, aud immediately fa.-:- - v ciug the Dwelling House aforesaid." . - r Possession will be jgiven oo the day of tale, r: Persons desiring to examine the premises can eall , V upon Mr. Dunn, who-f is'sfaViug upou' the lot, or on Willianl H. Jones, Esq., t asuier of the Bafik of Cape Fear. , . v--, - Terms of Male : Bonds payable twelve months-; . v after day of sale,with two, turee -or'mre; good,- - -bureties, at the discretion, of the undersigned. ' , -Enough to be paid in Oash on the miin purchase 1 : to pay costs of sale, &C,-i-say JOO." . ? ", ELI. UB" ILAJdr LI A XVI UOU, U. M. U. k April 16, 1855. . .JJtd 31 v LADIES, MIS 3ES AN0'CHILO.M'S SHOES. ; : WE afe aow receiving from the Manufactory ' of Robinsoa- AxVo.-, Philadelphia, "fine . ? assortment of - s i. "h V . Ladies Kid Walking and Baskin Shoes, v - ' '. Tipped, Foxed" aad Creole Gaiters, J.w Blisk Kid Ties and Slippers,-, -White" do, -Mo r-dav'-. ; -k4 r".' . Thick and Tiitf Sole-Kid Bootees, I . " r do do- do-'Moroccovs-do " 'J, Misses and Chilurea's J Morocco ' and Goatskia Bootees,5 " "' McEE Je" WILLIAMS, - , ' Sept. 29, 1854 7; t TATE OF - N OA tti. CAttOLtN'A-itokad4 " ConsTT Court of Pleasaud Quarter Seewous, Feoruary Term, l55.- --r Henry L. Johnson, ' Washingtou S. Johnson- - Harriet Johnson. ? Gilbert G MoFheraoh and wife, Petition for' Joshua James and wife Mary, Partition -Mary mcaucoio, t. V v Ma.com Mclntyre and wife, J. Anna skiphia. Johnson, y2.,r frauds ifouuson. Mary Johnson, and arn John Mi Johnson. -- - - lt appeanug to the- satiafaetiou of tk- Coort that tue defeudents in thiS rCase,Vvixj Johhu' James andwife, Auna tfppbia Johnson- Frances " Johnson, John M ' Johuaou'aud,. Mary Johnson, are nou-residents-of thw 'State i It' is ordered, s -therefore, that publication b made in "the Ra- . J legh Register lor six successive weeks, for the " C: said Joaltua James and wito Mary,' Anna Sophia J i Jouuson, iFraaoes Johnson, J.jba M ' Johuaon 'and Mary Johnson to appear at the next Term of our Court, to be holdeufortbe Couaty of Roue- -sou,yat -the- Courts Houia iil Lambtirtyu on tu fourth MOuday 'Of Mayv next, thou end there, to show by. their 'pleadings, answer' ok. dewarraui -show cause,-if any tuey nave,-Why the prater of the said Petition auall not be graaud ; otherwise,' judgmPuts- will be taken fro tanjem as tolhenx aud beard c parte, r- -. ... -u, a . Witness Suadrach'Howell, Clerk of said Court, ? at Office. 1tt Lumberton,' : the fourth Monday ia V ' Febrdarv; AD.L 1S55, and- of Auicrieaa' Iadepea-. dduoe tht Tytfa year. v-Issued luh day of vrca, " lfss.?"- jr.-". ui- uovveul, a c c. - -Marck 23, 155. , l'r. Adv sX 4 ww Parasols 'and. UaVbrjiias. - .'f - A large au varid j ass aal-of Parasohv and Umbrellas, heW styles., LiLiR.'S.TCCSE a. v.- i. -J"; XSmC&. 5-- eZkA 1? . ,v.t V -21 i- fir "i A - A. V.U . - 7-: A; 4!

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