PflE&S-vANIT JOIT OFFICE. We are prepared to execute til de. np tiopa of JOB PRINTING. at reasonable rates, wit n;Mneaa and dispatch. Our office U supplied with , tiTrjJtirt ftyl of ' ! " T -."" I ; ' K7BT 1X3 TiZnSXLZLZ TITS cfrerjr desoripUoa ntcasifcrjfar th prompt s cutioajof - . --i . ' and; . ' - 4 : TLiniiis pisci Jos moths, PAmpliIete,Circul6Lr Ball Ticket, : BUSINESS CARDS, w- r FREIGHT BILLS 1UND BILLS, r PROGRAMMES, (V - LA MR POSTERS,; BLANKS AC... T'MrBeit-stjle.M JUiy other EaUblishment, f Tlie Aineriqan Friend ! ! .a rpo th, Crniii.-o IKS IJxitip Statw, I - I sot mbly nd eiawdjr 'thaok you for tlS inimentt pbroug which . yof tve bM9wd noa lay FtH. . I Uks thia cppgrjwijty f aUtig tifpkt my Aoecan were att Aefjca CitiieM, fttl tbat t enterUia for all tkt 0Berai Aneriea afli tael&mtTieana, the not 1Tly tympataies, ef much M. taai l origiaHy Maf ounJed tites 321a "ezpreaely to eult your cjlpat. habita, con tuUoua, mnd ataaner of liriijg, iatoudiog to es tlUIsh myself aaoagyoa, wbtoU I ante aow done, fcy caklag premises in New York 1 . - r . . ; THOMAS HOLLOW AT, S, Coraer cf Ana apd Ssapa st's.. New York. h PCRmCAtlON Of TPE BLOOD, AKB UTSa AKO BXlioVS OOVPLAUm. iTbaaitbeasof the Uaiea safer much fromdis erders the Lirer aad;ftpmaeb; soareely aay are free from the nflacaee of these destraetiTe maAdies, keaee life wetrt fast. The fair sex, Perhaps the most aadsofpe (a the Werld, ap to a certaia period when, djatreanac to aay. maay ' lope taeur teeth aad goad looks, while yet in the heyday of life, such sad arils may be effectually remedied tyoctiimalli keeping the blood pare, aid th Liver aad 9toytach la a healthy action, wyes Ufa will tow smopthly, aad resemble plaats iff a aOBgeaial clime,.; where aa eternal spring appears to reign. As U regarda the pre erratioa of tlie aemaa- frame, find thtt durstion of life, reach may bo effected, ad I say fearlessly, that health aad Ufa aa b rroloajed fcr many years bcyoad their ordiaary liaaita, if Hollow&y'a Pills ar takes to purify, thj blood acoordicg to the rnlea laid down for heth contaioed in the direo tloa which" aoeompaaf tabh box. A CASE - OP -' W$ 1 f NES AND DEBILI- T TV OF lO YKARf BTANDINQ, CUKEP s BY HOLLCRTAT'S PILLS. Copy of a Letter,' fr&k CfyUin Johnson, JLster HoumNvd Tor, Jaxuorf Stk. 1854. To Paorsaaoa Bollow4T 8, Corner of Ann aci " Naasaif ftratta, N. Y. 8:r, It U .with th moat heartfelt pleasure I hare to iaform yea that I have been restored to tfaHV aj&d strength" ly taking your Puis. For te-laattea years,! nfcred from a derangement of the liTerand.Stcaijeh, and was reduced to nveh aa extremity Gu( l gate op aiy Ship, nTei expecting to go to 6a any more, u I had tried every Remedy that wea' rteommende$ to me, bat all to ad pwrpoee; ao. had given tsyielf ap to despair, wheat I Was a) last recoinniejjdtd to take your Fuia. -After aspg them for tUea montbs, the resaltls that lam ow in better a4ik than 1 bare bean for eleven years past, and indeed aa well aa ever I was ia my if a. Yon are quite at liberty to make .thia(nowa for the. heaefit of others. - I reeaaia, Sir, yours resseotfally. ' (Signed)? , JOHN JOHNSON. There ctltbraUd PUlt f r vonderfuUy effcaciout in the foBavfay compiainU : Agae ' Pebility Arthma ' Droray BUlioua Complaints Erysipelas Blotches oa the Female Irregu- 8kia - laritiea Bowel Complaints Fevers of all Constipation of the kinds Bowels'" Gout Head-ache Borefola or King's Indigestion v yil Jaundice Stone and Gravel Lirer Com- Secondary 8ymp- v plaints turns PilS Worms of all kinds Retention of Weakness from Urine whatever cause , Soid at the aaUblimeuU of Profissor Hol loway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 2$i Strand, IyoadQa,aad by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers ia Medieinea tareughoiU the United SUtes, in Boxes, ai 871 cants, 87 cen)s, and $1,64 aeh. To be had Wholesale of the principal Drag Hon aes ia fhe Union. 4 lT There is a eonsideraUe saving by taking the larger aUea. ' B. DirecJjoas for the guidance of patients ia every disecdar an affixed L each box. " ani mvascsL, fosxm a. monitL. ' RTJSSBIil. & BRQTHUR, qENK&AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, h .v.ttHMOTOK, N. C. , " Refer to Thomas H. Wright, Km)., Pree't Bank Cane Fear; Edward P. Hall, Kq.. President Braach BaakStote; O. G. Paraley, aq., President vvnmeTCtaj vena. We have ample WHAkF AND STORE Room, aituatodJn the most central portion of the Town, aad are prepared to make UbtrtU tmtk adcancu on aU Consignments of FLOUR, COTTQN, GtiAlN, NAAL STORES, or other produce, consigned to us-. f .s41a, here or shipment to our friends Horta,ji.--";c " ' March. Vim 19 ly. . Boats, Shoes and Brogans. MEN'S heavy water-proof Boots, Doable soled, and extra thick Brogans, p Uned and botod Eip Brogans, With neved sanBl-r iaf EuUm Tjf. Pleas, avltaUe for servants, which we are offering tOet.'oa. 82. OTATK OP NORTH CAROLINA. GUlLFnur. OEVnr, Spring Term, 1865. Ia ebedieace w vfwv ei orv4osura in us case or rvuiiam Ogilrif mptvwt (he Deep River Mining aad SmV. ing Company, oa the 6th day of Jane A. D. 1866, on the aranusea, 3 mile South of Jamestown, on Deep aUtar, will sell, at Aactioa, lor cash 260, a cres of laad adjoining the lands of the McCulloch and Uadaav JUnea, trgethar with a new Engine, Pump, 4e belonging to said defendant. Thia Und iseoasidere4 by food judges to be the beat Copper U) ia this State. Givea ua4r my hand, at office in Greensboro', North (ota, this gOth day of April, A. D., - W "y ?' . 'V - - '.A. MEBANE.O. n-a. May B.18M.1 , 7 wtd. . TH CoriTontion QueaUon. CITLL Qlf HAND. at theR.,srxa Orricx," P "ZrX P' Speeches of the Hon. WiUiaia Af Qrahanu-and of Messrs Gilmer and Thomas, cm the Convention Question. Price f taa pmwT, $4 par hundred ; of the two latter (combined) tX , -' - L,aw Co Lrttoernhlm. gTTTiTiT!! 4c ROQERfl, l Attatiktya-i asstUen atUw, . BjULEJOU, J. c. U'i&lZ s. a. mooxxs. , w 0:t. 840,164, tftf jonr" jewejlrV store. tJHAIlIiES IL THOMPSON. tt?tD respectfully inform the dtitena of .!;... w. muintv a.Bd tit oonntrv adioin yniyi) m 0 w ing, that he has fitted ap in splendid style the house formerly occupied by the Insurance Company, on the west side of Fayetteville. Street, aad between Mrs. H. Toungfs and Murray & O'Neal's Dry Good Stores, where he has opened trica and beau tifol assortmeat of New Jewelry of all the modern Hies, eoasistiag of the ornamental and the use ful, and to which he invites the attention of the He has also for the gentleman a good lot of ; Gold and Silver Watches, which will be warranted to perform well, when delivered to the customer ; . A. lnahle barrel cans brought oa expressly for the hunters of Carolina ; also a great variety of walking Canes. In fact, at the New Jewelry Store, any and every thing usually kept ia such establishments may be found at pri ces that cannot fail to please the customer. Repairing executed at short notice and satis faction guaranteed. October 20, 1854. f scorrs little giant in town 1 1 rTIHE little Monster has-at last arrived, and I may be seen daily in the rear of the Far mers' Hall. On feed days, (Tuesdays,) it is a perfect wonder to see it masticate Corn-cob, and all at the rates of 10 bushels per hour. Admis sion free. JAMES M. TOWLES. March 5, 1856. 2Q- W. H. b R. 3. TUCKER. NO. 8 FAYBTTEVILLB STREET, INVITE the attention of bayers to the moat at tractive Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, they have ever before offered in this City, com prising Rich figured and Dress Silks, Watered Silks; Plaid and striped Pons de Soies ; Black Gros de Raines ; Canton Silks ; Gros de Na ples; Marcellines; F.orences; Sat ins ; Rioh and printed Bareges ; Grenadines and Hernanis; Organdies ; Jaconets ; Lawns, Prints, Cnallies, Barege de Laines, Ging hams ; all wool Mousselin de Laines ; Sum mer Bombasines, Alpaceas, Poplinetts and Crape ; Despagne Crape Shawls ; Bonnet and Cap Ribbons ; Taf feta and 8atin Ribbons; Embroideries ; Gloves ; Laces and Hosiery. Also, 175 cases of Portsmouth, Hadley, and Lodi Lawns, which will be disposed of from 6c. to 15c. March 16, 1855. 22 Geo. A- Prince & Co. PRINCE & CO'S IMPROVED PATENT ME LODEON, Geo. A. Prince Co., Manufacturers. Ho. 200 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Wholesale De pot. 87 Fulton street. N. Y. For the convenience of Music Dealers in all parts of the United States, we have made arrange ments with the following firms, who will supply the trade at our regular factory prices; GEO P. REED A CO., 17 Tremont Row. Boston, Mass , COL BURN k FIELD, 154 Main street, Cincinnati, O, 3ALMER & WEBER, 68 Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. General Agents for New York city, WM. HALL A SON, No. 236 Broadway, opposite the Park- PRINCE & CO'S IMPROVED MELODEONS. The eldest establishment in the United States. Employing two-hundred men, and finishing eighty Instruments per week. Dxsceiption or the MiLODiow, For the bene fit of those residing et a distance, and consequent ly unable to inspect the Melodeon before purchas ing, we will endeavor to giye a short description of the Instrument The cases are made of rose wood, and are an handsomely finished as any piano-forte. Tbe key-board is precUly the same as the piano or organ, and the tone (which is very beautiful) closely resembles that of the flute stop of the organ the notes speak the instant the kys are touched, aad will admit of the performance of as rapid passages as the piano. The pedal on the right supplies the wind, an-1 works eo easily that a chi d can manage it without any exertion. The bellows (which is something entirely new and for which a patent was granted in December, 1849,) is a reversed or exhaustion bellows aad it is this in a measure which produces the peculiar tone. The Tolume of tone is equal to that of a small organ, and by means of the sieall may be increas ed or diminished at the pleasure of the performer; it is sufficiently loud for small churches, and is well calculated for a parlor instrument. Hundreds have examined them, and all have been loud in their praise; and the best evidence of their merit is their rapid sale. But it is a new instrument a new inTcntion and is yet but little known in the musical world, and it is for this reason that we call to it the attention of all lovers of music, believ ing that there are thousands who would lose no time in securing one, were they aware of the existence of such an instrument, and the low price at which it could be obtained. The following letter from Low ill Mason, Bos ton, to G. P. Reed, we are permitted to use. Mr. Geo. P. Rked, No. 17 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Dsaa Sin At your request, I have examined one of the Melodeons manufactured by Messrs. Geo. A Prince & Co., of Buffalo. I think them in all respects equal and in some respects supe rior to any others of similar kind which I have seen, and in particular with respect to quality of tone and promptness of touch, or action of the reeds by which quick passage may be performed with certain and distisct articulation of tone. An instrument of this kind is the best substitute for an organ, in church music, with which I am ac quainted. Lowell Mason. PRICES. . Four octave Melodeon, extending from C to C $45 00 Four-and-a-half octave Melodeon, extend ing from C to F 60 00 Five octave Melodeon, extending from F to F 75 00 Large Five octave Melodeon. Piano Style 100 00 Six octavo Melodeon. Piano Stj ie, extend ing from F to F 130 00 Large Five octave Melodeon. Piano Style with two sets of Reods, tun ed in octaves 150 00 g-Just published "-PRINCE'S COMPLETE INSTRUCTOR FOR THE IMPROVED MELO DEON," to which is added favorite Airs, Volun taries and Chants arranged expressly for this In strument. Price 75 cents. CAUTION We commenced the manufacture of the Improved Melodeon in 1847, since which time we have finished and sold over Fourteen Thousand. During the past three years, we have finished over Thru Thousand Mdodtoiu per ya; we have nearly completed our arrangements for finishing Four Thousand annuttUy. The celebrity which our Mel odeons have attained has induced nearly every music dealer in the United States and Canada to apply for the agency; but as we make but on Agent in each city or town, many are necessarily disappointed. The result has been that our Namt Piatt has been pat upon Melodeous which were not msMuacturtd by u ; and again, (in a few instances wchch have come to our knowledge) dealers, who have been unable to obtain our instruments, have iacepted the agtncy of some other manufacturer keeping on of our instrument which had purposely btm put out of tune, and in bad order, as a foil to the inferior article they offered to the public. For these reasons we caution these who wish to satisfy themselves of the merits of our Melodeons to ex amine those only which are offered by our Agents or those who leal exclusively in our instruments. Many improvements spplied are exclusively our own and, being the original manufacturers, our experi ence has enaniea us to prouuee instruments which a discerning public have pronounced superior to anything of the kind hitherto manufactured. Many of the. most eminent musicians of the cities of New York and Boston have voluntarily given testimon ials as fee the high character of of our instruments, which aan be seen on application. All oVders from a distance will be promptly at tended to, aad a written guaranty of their dura bility giVt n if required. April 4,1856. 83 w3m. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. JUST received from Robinson ft Co., Philadel phia, a large supply of Ladies Walking Shoes, Slippers and Gaiters of the Tory "best quality. Also, a general assortment of Eastern made Shoes for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children, all of which will be sold at the very LOWEST PRICES. - "s - MoGEE A WILLIAMS. Balelgk. April 20, 1866. : ... : NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS " '," AT Vo 13 FAYETTEVUVAVE ST, . THE Subscriber has just ; received his FaH and Winter aupply-ef SEASONABLE GOODS, among which may be found ' ...' French Merinos, all colours, Lupin'a best make. French Cashmeres of esery Tariety and pat m. . French DeLaines of latest styles. Silks, Plaid, Figured and plain 1 Woolen Plaids, and Poplin Robes. : , -. Rich Tamboured Mouslin party dresses Heavy Emb'd Crape Shawls. Pamask diapers in piece and pf ra. 46 inch Pillow Case Liaen.. v , Table'Dofleys and Crash . . Linen Sheeting, 10-4, 12-4. Long and Square high col'd wool'n shla, French work'd collars,' sleeves and ehemliettea Lin'n Cambric, Lawn Hd'kfs, all qualities Hem Stich'd and rich Emb'd Handkerchiefs. Full assr'nt of Richardson's fm'ly Lin'n. Bird's Eye diapers, towels and napkins 6-4 and 12-4 coL shti'gs and casings. Welsh and Sack Flannels. White and red do all qualities. Ladies and gent's Merino Silk and cotton Vests. English and German Hose a great variety. Marseilles Quilts and Furniture Dimities. Lace and Muslin cr'tns and Turkey red do French woven and Fr'ch shape corsett. MOURNING GOODS. Blk Gro. DeRhine and Pou de Soie Silks Lead colored and white and black do Blk. Fch. Bombaiine and Merino "Lupin's." Blk Tamise and Canton Cloth. Blk Alpacas, DeLaines and ChaSis. Blk Love Veils and Lace do. Hdkfs collars slv's and Chemisette. Gingham and Calicoes. CARPETS, Ac, Brussels, Venitian and Ingrain Carpets German Hmp Floor and Stair do 6 and 12-4 Duggetsand Hearth Rugs. AlicanU Manilla and 8heep Mats Boston Valices and Carpet Bags. Rose Mackanaw and Duffle Blankets. Travelling or Shawl do HARDWARE AND STEEL. Handsome setts knives and forks, 51 pieeea Rogers' best scissors and shears Shears for flowers and shrubbery Porcelain lined Kettles and Pant Soapstone Griddles for B. W. Cakes Best Razors, warranted, Ac. FAMILY GROCERIES. Stewart's best refined Sugars. Loaf, crushed and Clarified do Golden Syrup and dark Molasses. Cocoa, Worcester Sauce and Eng. mustard. Imperial Gun Powder anu Blk Teas. Currants, Citron and preserved gn'r Capers, Olives and Pickles. Layer Raisins, Box and Mat do Mocha, Java and Laguira Coffee. Jamaica Rum Islay whiskey. Mon'gohela and old Rye do London dock and Pale Hennessee Brandy Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines Champagne, Hock and Claret Cette Madeira for Cooking. London Porter and English Ale. 8 perm. Adamantine and Hull's Cn'dls Starch in family box?s of 6 each. Cm'icl erasive soap, woman's friend Table Salt, Bags and boxes. J. B. G. KOULHAC. No. 13. Fay. Street tf-88 COPARTNERSHIP The subscribers have thl day entered into Copartnership, under the nacieand style of A. S. SHAFER & CO., for thr manufacture and sale of READY MADE CLOTH ING in all its branches, at the store on Sycamore street heretofore known as Perry's Clothing Ba zaar A. S. SHAFER, GEO. A. HALSEY, ROB'T HUNTER. Petersburg, April 1, 1852. Ouccr'e to N. Perry, The subscriber, having disposed of his entire in terest in the Clothing business at Petersburg to Messrs. A. S. SHAFER & CO., takes this method of returning his acknowledgments to the public of Pe tersburg and vicinity for their liberal patronage du ring his proprietorship of the Clothing Baiaak, and would also recommend a continuance of the same to his successors. N. PERRY. 1 )R0PO3ALS FOR A LOAN TO THE COUN J7 TY OF CRAVEN In accordance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly incorporating the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company," the County of Craven has subscribed to the Cap ital Stock of said company one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In order to meet the instalments which may b due, and which may hereafter become due on said subscription, the said County proposes to nego tiate a loan or loans, to be secured by the bonds of the County. By the order directing the issue of said bonds, they will bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the "Mer chant's Bank of Newbern," or at the "Fulton Bank of New York," at the option of the holder, These bonds will be redeemable on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy four, and not before, without the consent of the holder. The bonds will be issued with Coupons attached, which will render the collection of the in terest simple and easy. The security upon which the said bonds will be based will be the real estate and taxable polls of the County of Craven. The present assess ed cash value of the real estate of the County, is one million one hundred and nine thousand, eight hundred and twenty two dollars, and the number of taxable polls is three thousand five hun dred and eighty-two. Proposals for said loan will be received, and all other necessary information upon this subject will be furnished by the subscribers, on application to them at Newbern. GEORGE GREEN, Agents for GEO. S. STEVENSON, Craven County Newbern, Oct. 18, 1854. 88 QTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Waxx Cotjh-ioIT- In tne Superior Court of Law, 8pring Teim A. D. 1855. Mary Reid vs. Green Riid. Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant, Green Reid, ia not a resident of this State : it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Raleigh Register, for six weeks, for the said Defendant to appear at tbe next Term of this Court, to be held at the C ourt House in Raleigh, on the 1st Monday after the 4th. Monday in September next, then aad there to plead, answer or demur to the said Peti tion ; otherwise, the same will be taken Pro coa rxsso and heard Ex Paste. Witness John C. Moore, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A. D. 1865. JOHN C. MOORE, C. S. C. April 27 1866. Pr. Adv. $5,62j. wCw 34 STRAYEDoff from the Subscriber, in the month of January past, a black ahe Mule, and a Bay horse Mule ; neither to say large. I expect they are aiming to some of the lower Turpentine Counties, where they had been engaged in work. Sides worn by Gear. Information of them would be thankfully received, or a liberal reward given for their delivery to the Subscriber, near Rogers' Store Post Office, Wake County, N. C. BENJ. ROGERS. March 8th, 1855. 20. NOTICE. I SHALL sell at the Court House door in the City of Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of May next, at 12 o'clock, the following Town Lots, or so much thereof as will satify the taxes thereon, and the costs of advertising the same, to-wit : J. B. Hinton, for 1854, part lot No. 66. $1 HQ Dabney Cosby " No. 152, 163, 169 44 75 Jas. Chadwick 1853,-'64, part231, 20 874 J. V. Caldwell 1854. part 48. fi 7fi W!. H. Johnson " " 76,77,93,94,23 25 wm. Terry " N0. 1, 7 40 Mrs.C B. Clarke, 1858, -'64, 160, 166, 167, 49 60 Jes.' J By ale, 61, 89 26 Wm. Overbee, "1854, 75, " v 27 JAS. H. MURRAY, Collector for the City of Raleigh. March 17, 1856. ; , . 22 td! x JAMES E.METTS,; Forwarding Merchant, WILMLNaiON,K.C. Aug. 24, 1864. 7rjtf FAIal STOCK, 1854. FARMERS' HEAD QUARTERS, WORFOE.1C VA. ' RDERS for BaAraas may be sent aa for the If ensuing harvest, which will be filled at the following prices: " ' " - Hussar's Reaping Machine,. . $105 00 do Mower and Reaper,......... 115 00 . .do. T Front Wheels extra,...... - 20 00 do Rear Platform for aide delivery, 6 00 BuxXAXl'l Va. Reaper, No. 2, 41 feet cut.f 120 00 , do do : do No 8, 6 feet cut,. ISO 00 A deduction of $5 will be made if the aide deli very ia not furnished, and $20 will be added to the aVve priee if front wheels are furnished. 160 tons English, Swedes and American Iron, all sites, v.- 20 tons Hoop and Band Iron, f to 4 inches wide. 20 tons Oval, half Oval and half round Iron 200 aetta Coach and Buggy Axles 800 pair do do Springs 260 kegs Nails, 8 to 40L, cut and wrought 60 dosea Files and Rasps 60 Smith's Bellows, all sues 1500 pounds Cast-steel Hammers 70 American Star Anvils 50 Vioes, for Wood and Iron Work Stocks and Dies, Bench Serews, Ac, for sale on the best terms STRA W, HAT AND SHUCK CUTTERS, Of every variety. Price $30 for the best, and warranted to cut anything in the Shape of Feed for stock. Cheap Cutters, from $5 to $25. CORN 8HEIXERS. Virginia Corn Shellers, $26 00 Goldsborough's do 40 00 Reading's do : 86 00 Double Spout do 16 00 Single Iron Spout , do 10 00 do Wood do .! do 8 00 WHEAT DRILLS. Pennook's Slide Drills, do. Roller do., 7, 8, 9, 10 tubes, furnished at factory price, aay $75 to $126. All other" kinds furnished by us poa the same reasonable terms.' - Our facilities for procur ing these machines are superior to those of any other dealer, and we can guarantee dispatch in rilling orders. Light and heavy Drags and Har rows for selling wheat, en hand, of our own make, warranted good and durable. BAMBOROUGH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I Extra Premium Fans, $84 00 No. 1 do do..; 82 00 No. 2 do do 30 00 Sinclair & Co's. No 2 do 80 00 Do do 1 do 25 00 Grant's Premium Fans, $16 to $30 Clinton's Fan Mills, $ 13 to $20 FIELD Rollers 3 Segments, 3 feet long, $35 00 do do 3 do 4 do 66 00 do do 4 do 4 do 45 00 do do 6 do 5 do 66 00 do do 6 do 6 do 65 00 feOrders for any of the above goods will be filled promptly. Your orders are respectfully so licited. BORUM A McCLEAN, 11 Water Street, Norfolk, Virginia, 8ept. 16, 1854. 41 tf T. O, & 3. Q. WOaTM, Commission and Forucarding MERCHANTS, Brown's Building, Water Street, WILMINGTON. N- C. USUAL ADTANCK3 MADE ON CONSIGN MI NTS. March 6th, 1956. 19 ly. W. P. ELLIOTT, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant WILMINGTON, N . C. Feb. 13, '55. 1317 COACH SHOP. I THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Pub I lie, that he still occupies the well know?. Stand of Mr. Willie Johnson, on Wilmington St. about one hundred yards South of the Capitol 3quare, where he ia prepared to execute every thing in his line of business. Buggies d Coachea ic, made of the beat materials and in the most fashionable ani durable style. , He would say to those who may- wish to pur chase Buggies or any thing in his line, that they would do well to call upon him bef re purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to spare n either pains nor expense to please those who may favor him with their custom. He is determined to sell at prices to suit the times. Also, repairing done cheap at the shortest notice JAMES BASHFORD. Feb. 14, 1854. 14 Curl Your Hair- KROLLERION. THE Receipt for making this celebrated com pound, (lately introduced into this country,) will be sent by the subscriber to any persons in the United States or Canadasfor $1. The KROL LERION will curl or wave the hair in the most beautiful manner. Any person having the most coarse and uncouth looking hair can transform it into the Mori Beautiful, by tkt Ute of this Article. The ingredients will not cost over 1 2 cents, and with this receipt any one can make it equally good in every respect to that sold for $3 a bottle. If preferred, a package of Krollerien ready made will be sent free of postage, instead of the receipt, with directions for preparing it in liquid form and full directions for use. Send all letters, postpaid, to. a. A. FREE MONT, Warren, Trumbull Co. Ohio. March 6, 1855. 16 tf GRATIS ! JUST PUBLISHED A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE 1 A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TRE. ATMENT, without Medicine, of Spermator rhea or Looal Weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Averoion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Head Ache, Pains in the Side, Affection of the Eyes Pimples oa the Face, Sexual and other Infirmities in man. FROM THE FRENCH OF Da. B. DE LANEY. The important fact that these alarming com plaints may easily be removed without Mxpicma is, in this small tract, clearly demonstated ; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cues himself FSarSCTLT, AXD AT TUB LXAST FOSSIBLX COST, avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis, and post free in a sea ed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two post age stamps to Da. B. D3 LANEY, No. 18 Liapeaard Street New York. March 15, 1855, 22 w6m Agenoy st Washington City. JENNINGS PIGOTT and JNO. W. HANCOCK (Lite of North Carolina.) WILL prosecute claims of every description before Congress, the several Executive De partments and Public Offices. Particular atten tion will be given to Claims for PENSIONS and BOUNTY LAND. Mr. PIGOTT will practice in the Supreme Court of the United SUtes, and the several Courts of the District of Columbia Addreaa Piaorr & Hancock, Washington, D. C. Feb. 6, 1856. 11 wly PLANED LUMBER FOR SALE AT THE RALEIGII PLANING MILLS!! 200.000 feet Flooring from $21 to $25. 100,000 , Ceiling 18 to 21. 100,000 " Inch boards " 18 to IB. 80,000 Thick boards " 18 to 20. r 60,000 Weather boards 16 to 31. . All the above is of the best seasoned long leaf lumber, brought to an exact thickness, ready for immediate use, and will bojmt on board the Cars, free of charge. '-.;- T. D. HOGG ft CO. April 24th, 1855.- 33-tf. . Everything- la beautiful la Its Season. JAMES M.' TOWLES la now opening Ala anu. ply of SrBINO and SUMMER GOODV mi kingvhis assortment complete. Call aad sea for yourselves the' latest, freshest, newest goods ia the market. They were bought to suit the timet aad will bo sold accordinxJv April 27, 1855J Raiaierh and Gaston Railroad. SLAVES are nol permitted to travel on thr Railroad,-without a written permit from their owners. Duplicate should in ail cases bo given, as the Ticket Agents are instructed to retain one opy of every pass. . - JAMES M. POOL, Jan. 10, '64. - 4 Ticket Agent V C. DuPRE & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMIS . . SION MERCHANTS. DxALXki ur Sugar, Flour, Coffee, Molatsts, Tea, Candles, Wood Ware, Raisins, Tobacco, is. gars,' Scotch Ale, London Porter. Broom.', Starth, Salt, Mess rorx, ace, etc., CoRNIR FROXT AND PRINTS !TS., WILMINGTON. N. C C. DuPke. D.B.. Baker Wilmingtnn. Mar. 2S. 1X54. ly A. M. MCPHXETBRS, H. OHISELIH. J. W. MAKTIS. A. M. McPHEETERS & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Forwarding & Commission Merchants. 6 ROANOKK SQUARE, NORFOLK VA. Refebencxs. Thos. P. Devereux, Halifax, N. C. G. W. Mordecai, Pres. Bk. of the State of N. C. C. Dewey. Cashier do do do do W. H. Jones do Branch do Cape Fear Raleigh L. O'B. Branch, Pres. R. & G. K. K. . O B. Brancn, rres. n. w. r. essrs. Reid 4" Soutter, 1 r. N. C. Whitehead, Norfolk. re't Farmers' B'k of Va. J Messrs. Reid $ Soutter, Dr Pre AIat Bell. Esq Messrs. Spence & Reid, Baltimore. " B. Blossom & Son, Nev York. September 16th, 1853. 76 CARRIAGE MAKING. RALEIGH COACH FACTORYU! WILLIAMS & GORMAN, having enlarged their establishment by the addition of Jen kins' Shop, on Hargett St., are fuliy prepared to execute orders for CARRIAGES of every descrip tion. Employing experienced workmen and using the best of materials, their work will always be finished in a style warranted to give satisfaction. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. tST" Factory on Hargett St., near the Baptist Grove, and at Clarke's old stand, near the Masonic Hall. Raleigh, June 23, '54. 51 ly. Books and Stationery. ! H. D. TURNER, No. 1 FAYETTEVILXE STREET, RALEIGH. N C , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bookseller and Stationer, keeps eonstantly on hand a very large and complete assortment of Law, Medical, Classical, School and Miscella neous Books. A complete assortment of Station ery, Blank Books, Globes, Mathematical Instru ments, &e , Ac. Blank Books made to order at short notice and in best style. Just received from the manufac turers direct 100 Reams Cap and Letter Papers, which he will sell at low prices. ffeW Country Merchants and others are reques ted to call and examine his stock. Raleigh, September 1854. 80 GREENSBORO' MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY. At the end of Three Years, such has been the Care and economy of the officers of thia Company, that we are still free from debt, have made no assesments, and have now suci a large Capital in cash and notes, that we have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Company in the Southern Country. . The most of the Risks in this Company being in the Western part of the State, where the danger from fire is much less. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were re elected : JAMES SLOAN, President 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President. C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent. Directors : James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Jed H. Lindsay, W. J. McConnell, E. W. Ogburn, J. L. Cole, D. P. Weir. Greensboro'; E. F. Lilly, Wadesboro'; Dr. S. G. Coffin, Jamestown; Joshua Tayloe, Washington ; William A. Wright, Wilming ton; J. I. Shaver, Salisbury; John H. Cook, Fay etteville, H. G. Spruill, Plymouth; Robert E. Troy, Lumberton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox Castle. All Communications should be directed to the Secretary, free ef Postage. PETER ADAMS, See'v. Aug. 8. 1854. tf-66. HARDWARE OT!rt! I R, SMITH'S CORNER, RALEIGH N. C. WE ARE now in receipt of our Spring Sup plies of Wares, j-c, embracing Hardware, Crockery ware, Wood ware, Coach Trimmings House Furniture articles and Cutlery of all kinds to which we respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Farmers, Mechanics and Artisans can find at our establishment Tools, Implements and a general assortment of Hardware suited to their different vocations. Having purchased the largest Stock of Hard ware ever brought to this market, with the de sign of confining ourselves exclusively to this branch of business, we think purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. April 2183 PULLEN A BELVIN. Diseases of the Eye. WITHIN the last 35 years, the subscriber has frequently and successfully operated for Cataract, in persons of all ages, from .he States of North and South Carolina and Virginia, and will continue to operate upon those who need and de sire it. He will likewise attend to such other diseases of the Eye as may be susceptible of relief. JOHN BECKWITH, M. D. Petersburg, Va., April 9, 1835. 29 tf University of North Carolina THE Examination of the Classes will begin on Monday, the 28th of May, and continue until the College Commencement, on Thursday, the 7th of June next. Tbe visitorial Committee of Trustees for the year 1 855 consists of the following members : His Excellency, Thokas Braoo, President Ex officio of Board of Trustees. Hon. David L. Swain, LL. D., President ot the College. John L. Bailey, John H. Bryan, John R. J. Daniel, John M. Dick, James C Dobbin, John A. Gilmer, Robert B. Gilliam, Calvin Graves, John D- Hawkins, Charles L. Histon, John Kerr, Walter F Leake, Willie P. Mangum, Charles Manly, James T. Morehead, Samuel F. Patterson, Thomas Ruffin, Romulus M. Saunders, Lewis Thompson, John D. Toomer, By order, CHA8. MANLY, Sec'y. May 8, 1865. 37 ftST Star and Standard please copy. Bank of Cape Fear. THE Books for subscriptions to the increased Capital 8 tockof the Bank of Cape Fear, accord ing to the provisions of the Act of the " General Assembly" of this State, ratified on the 16th day of February, 1866, are now open at the Principal Bank, and at the following places, six s Raleigh, Fayetteville, Newborn, Edenton, Hillsboro', Salis bury, Greensboro', Salem, Lexington, Concord, Charlotte, Aaheville, Lineolnton, Butherfordton, Morganton, Wilkasboro', Ashboro, Milton, Pitts boro , Carthage, Wadesboro', Rockiagham, Tar boro', Elizabeth City,. Windsor, Washington, Ply. miutb, Murfreeaboro, Halifax, Warranton, Ox ford;' and Goldsboro. Books ar to be left open for sixty days. " . '" : ,THOS. H. WRIGHT. President. April leti, 18&S. 31 2a A YE ITS r riiiiS FOR ALL TEX FOUPOSXt OF A r FAMILY PHYSIC.". Tksbx has long existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill which eould be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and aa exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pitta -one which should have none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. . This has been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow. . els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more -than counterbalance the good to oe derived from them. These piUs produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap- gstite, Liatleasness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, ilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the 8ide and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the eon sequence of diseased action ia the liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced some singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and 8ide. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare tne system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose ia advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any taingwhich has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need o? a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. prepared by . JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Priee 26 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Care of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-IOC til, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it haa been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at-t.-V. nmn the lnnsrs. but for the milder varieties of Cods, Coughs, Hoabsehbss, 4c; and for Children it is the pleaaantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been, and that the genuine article is sold by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, and by Druggists generally. FOR NEW YORK. United 8tatxs Mail Line per Steamships Jamestown and Roanoke. THE elegant new steamship Jamestown, Cap tain Parish, which is to run in connexion with the Roanoke, made her first trip from "New York to Petersburg, on Saturday, the 25th ult, and will continue to make regular trips weekly leaving New York every Saturday, at 4 o'clock, P. M , and Petersburg every Tuesday evening. The Roakokx will leave New York every Tues day, and Petersburg every Friday evening. Tra vellers going North will thus be afforded an oppor tunity twice a week of taking one of these splendid steamships and thereby avoid the dust and fre quent changes of the Railroads. Passengers on board of steamers will find the State rooms fitted up in the most elegant style and the fare and atten tion unsurpassed. Passage and Fare from Petersburg to New York, (State-rooms included,) $10 00 Steerage passage, 5 00 gs3ftTicketa issued at my Office. S. G. BAPTIST, Sycamore 8t. July 5, 1853. 65 RALEIGH AND GASTON ROAD. Dues to the Railroad Company for freights are pay a. ble in cash on the delivery of the articles. When articles are delivered without such payment in ad vance, and the owner fails to call at the depot and settle the bill before the expiration of the month, he must thereafter send the money when he sends for the goods. By order of the President, C. B. ALLEN, Agent. July 4th, 1854. 64. Now for Cheap Goods, MURRAY 4 O'NEAL "FT AVE taken the store lately occupied by W. t A A. Stith, and are receiving their stock of fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Ac. Being new beginners, they have to build up a trade : to do this, they are de termined to be undersold by nouein the city. They will sell goods cheap and no toistake; to be convinced of this fact, call and price their goods before purchasing elsewhere. All they ask' is a showing, and if the goods suit, they guarantee to make the prices right. Don't purchase before ex amining their stock. If you want cheap Goods, call at No. 25, White Front, Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C. March 31, 1864. 27 Plastering, Brick-laying and Brick-Snaking ! rrMIE Undersigned would inform the Public that I he continues to oarry on, and has made large ly increased preparations for carrying on, the above branches of his business. He flatters him self, and those for whom he has done work will bear him out in the opinion, that he can afford to contract for it on as reasonable terms and exe cute it in as masterly and expeditious a manner as any other contractor. He will shortly have on hand a large quantity of good FIRE PROOF BRICK. . All orders for him are to be at left at the Ya.r brocoh Hocsx. CHARLES W. PALME1. Raleigh, April 20, 1856. g2 tf Family Orooeries. h - McGEE & WILLIAMS keep constantly on band a large supply of choice Groceries for families, consisting of ' Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugar. - - .-.-.j-t - ; Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee. ' ; Superior Gunpowder, Imperial ' and Black Tea Best 8perm, Adamantine and Taliow Candles. Stewart's Golden Syrup.- ' ' ' '-Pepper, Allspioe, Ginger, Starch, Yellow Soap suau jwnmwHi lnuaparau sura toilet soaps. Raleigh, April 20, 1855. 82. " hi.i r P. FORD, - MAHCrACTCRltR AXD WHOLESALE DEALS IS BOOTS AND SHOES.. No. 47,-Nosth Third Strut, bfiiceen Market and Arch.) . "PHILADELPHIA. Intondins to' keep a large stock of Eastern work. also to in umfacture more extensively, I will be able to offer to the trade a very superior stock of Goods In,the above line, which I promise to sell at as low prices iwd on as favorable terms as any other house , 5- - - ' With this assurance l would most respectfully invito yonr personal examination of my stock. Particular attention win be paid to orders of Goods., - Deo. 5, 1854, . tf, v ! " ' " Dissolution. w - Ji, the Wholesale Grocery and General Commis sion and Forwarding Business. Messrs. Baker it Barraud succeeding them ia theOeneral Commis sion Business. 2 ;v ri-'v.i - They avail themselves of thia opportunity to f!iinfc ihtr frieiulK for the tifttronaffe extended to them, and beg leave enrnestly to recommend their successors to the confidence aad employ- - . . . - . 1 1 ? 1 1 ment 01 tueir irienas uu me puuuc geoeruu) . WILSON & GRICE. Portsmouth, Va., Jan. 1. 1855. - Co-Partner ship. The undersigned have this day entered into Co -Partnership under the firm and style of BAKER & BARRAUD, as successors to. Messrs. Wilson & Grice, for the purpose of conducting a Produce Brokerage and General Commission Business, for which purpose the" have taken the large Ware house occupied by Wilson A Grice. They solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally, assuring them that all busi ness entrusted to their care shall have prompt and personal attention. WM. J. BAKER, of North Carolina. THOS. L. BARRAUD, of Virginia. Portsmouth Va i Jan. 19, 1855. ly. Piney Point? Line To Baltimore ON SUNDAT OF EACH WEEK. Fare Only $4. T,HE public are hereby informed that the com I fortable Steamer, MARYLAND, Capt. Charles ETMitehell, having been entirely refitted, enlarg ed and improved in every respect, is now on the route between Petersburg and Baltimore, one weekly. i . Passengers by this agreeable and economical line will leave Petersburg by the Morning Train on Sunday ot each week at 4 J o'clock, A. M., and reach Baltimore in the course of the night, thus securing a connection with the different lines out of Baltimore the following morning in any direction. Returning, passengers will leave Baltimore on the afternoon of Wednesday of each week, at 5 o'clock, P. M. and arrive at Petersburg by a special train, at ar early hour next evening. Fare in either direction, $ t. Forward Cabin passengers same price, but with meals on board of the steamer Maryland included. . Fare for first class passengers between Balti more and Philadelphia, by the New Castle and Frenchtown line, $2 50; for second class do $1 50, making the whole fare from Petersburg to Phila delphia by this agreeable line, $9 60 only, for uo first class passengers, and $5 &0 for second daas do. including meals for the latter on board the steamer Maryland. For further particulars, or through tickets, ap ply at the Office of the Richmend, Petersburg and Potomac' Rail Road Company. RICHARD FCRTv Ja, Ticket Agt P. S. Fare to Piney Point, with privilege of re. turning at any time during the boat season, $i only. R. F. Jr, Ticket Agent. March, 2, 1855, Sr i 18 tf. - '' 1 i To the Public. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Raleigh, and the public generally, that he keeps constantly oa h.uid a supply of WALL PAPER, of various -kinds, also, Fire Screens, Window Curtains, Ac., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices ; also, paper hangings of all kinds done in the neatest and .most workman ship manner. ' " i. He also has on hand and is still manufacturing mattresses of all kinds. Renovating of all kind done with neatness and dispatch. J. HENRY HARRIS, Paper Hanger and Mattress Maker. April 18, 1864. . y 82 NEW SPRING NATfTIlXASl WH. & R. S. TUCKER are now exhibit m ing to the publio their, new Stock of French, Spring and Summer Mantillas, consisting of a large and very select assortment of novelties ia Silk, Lace, &c, to which they beg to invite atten . tion of buyers from every section of the country. March 16, 1855.5 : ' 22 Post and Spirit of the Age copy. DLL E. C ILOBUKON, SURGEON DENTIST, trp ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Geo UQj tlemen of Raleigh, that he will make a pro fessional visits to that place. He proposes to pay. auch visits three or four times every year, so that those who may desire to patronize him will be enabled to do so at Btated periods. Whole sets of Teeth put up by Atmospheric pressure, with Artificial Gums, so perfectly na tural that none but a practised eye could detect them. - - - He most respectfully refers to the undersigned gentlemen, vis : His Excellency, Thos. Bragg, Hon. W Dallas Haywood, Hon. Asa Biggs, Major Walter Gwynn, Ed. Graham Haywood, Esq., Dr. W. H, McKee, Dr. W. Hill, Dr. H. J. Macon, War renton, N. C. ' jgy Dr. R. will be in Raleigh in a few weeks. All orders left with CoL Yarbrough will be at tended to immediately ' on bis return. Jan 23. 1856. -i-- . -. 7 tf Patent Elastio Skirts ! BATES FRANCE, No. 1, Barclay St, N. Y. CAUTION. None are- genuine except they bear the stamp of the Patent All Manufac -turers. and Sell era infringing will be prosecuted according to law. Maroh23,1866. ly 24 VALUABLE LAND FOR, SALE.. rriH Subsciber, being anxious to remove West, will sell his house and lot in Germ an ton, with six Acres of land attached ; on which is situated a comfortable and commodious Dwelling house, a fine brick kitchen, also ra brick smoke house and an excellent well of water. He will also sell a valuable farm lying on Town Fork of 360 acres more or less, one mile west from Gerauinton, with, about sixty or seventy acres of good bottom land. Those seeking a heathy location of country will find it here, with aa excellent opportunity afford ed to educate their Sons and daughters ; as there is in this place a fine and flourishing "male school, known as the -Germanton Masonic High School,'' under the supervision of Principal W. T. Garma way, (formally Principal of the Floyd Institute, Va.) Thja school needs "no encomium. Also the Female High School ;- md under the guidance of Mrs. Ann Elixa Mays, and her qual ifications, as Instructress, we have no doutt that thia young Institute will flourish; having procured the services of omptent Female Teachers, she ex pects to instruct th e young Ladies under her care in all the branches of Female education, taught in the highest of schools, ' V Those wishing to purchase will call aeon, eith er personally or otherwise. LEE R. GIBSON Germanton N.C, April, '65. -': 4w 27 Teachers Wanted fTlHE Trustees of Wilson Institute desire to en . I gage the services of a Male teacher to assist ia the instruction of the English and Classical classes, and discbarge the duties of the Principal, In bis absence. Also; for the Female Department, a young lady to give lesions in Mnic on the Piano and Guitar, to iuntruct tuo Laliu and a portion of the English class. . -C.',-' " - Those desiring the situation will address either of tlws sabscribers at Wil-ott, N. C, stating terms and forwarding testimonials of character and scholar ship, i The next session of the Institute will apt'rx oa the second Monday ia July. r t E. W. ADA Mi, TrincipaL B. H. BARDLM, Sec. Board Trus. Ajril 27, 1855. 34-w4w,

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