i I I ' 0"!. We sV r.,- red to-r execute all descrip- "orvu ' etrweeooeMe rates, aeetoesa t.i. Oar office b supplied .XZTZ 3 JJJXXMARLb' TTW. S T ei every aveacnpuoa necessary for the prompt J . AND : mniiifijicv job riura.. Pplilet Cireulara, Ball Tickets, m ;0ILL HEAPS, I v5'iBUSINESS CARDS, :V FREIGHT BILLS, HANDBILLS, jUSii" -PROGRAMMES, - - , , LARGE POSTERS. BLANKS AC. ! Muti style, as any other Establishment, ana lm any 4aaaunea . The American Friend ! y ICntod tum-and sincerely thank oa for IS Immense PiXOar Which TOU hava bestowed iupoa my Pilla. f tax this opportunity of stating that my 'Anceatova were aU American Citizen, and thf Ijertexlai for aU Oat CMtwii America aad the Ameeen3,-Ue most lively sympathies, ao mncb. aothaAjsrigiaaliy eempoaaded these Pflla ireelT.tf suit your, climate, habits, era sdtofaonCaodjajianej of bring, iateadiag to e tabB'sByel sjefa you, which I Kara aow done. lHJWWJ York , ; ! r7, tbomas. bollowa y, : PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD, -Aaa uria-avB Bruoca cobplajnt. ' Ths cilixea ef the Union suffer much from di orders, of She liver aad Stomach ; scarcely any . aiwirrsxroniTas aiMMt or these destructive BuJaJiaa, heoea lifo vmh fast. The! fair sex, periapathanoat handsome in the World, np to certla period whea, distressing to manj loose t' toeth aad good looks, while 'yet in the . hyd,j vi' life, sack aad erils may be Effectually remeaied ky continaany keeping the blood pare and. th Liver and Stomach in a healthy action k Then Ufa wiU'Sow smoothly, and resemble plant ,ia ' a con genial dime, where an eternal spring Tf I feigni;Aii it regards the preservation -;taf t havaa frame, and -the duration of life. , uu.a mimj uv iukmo, mct i say leariesaly, that health and fifa can' ba prolonged fcr m any years 'ikeyonl their orcfiaarr- limits, if Hollo way's Pills are tales topttrify the blood aceordwig to the rules laid dawn for health contained in: the direc tiaaa whieh seeoapany eabh box. A4 CASE O?1 WEAKNES AND -DEBILI TT Of 10 TEARS STANDING. i CURED .: BY HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. Cifj'of'a 'fjtOer Jrvm CapUim Johnaon. Artor Jfoute. New VotJu January 5ti. 1854. T Psora ssoa Hoixowat 38, Corner of Ann anJ ' ''. r. Faasan Streets, N. Y. Pir, It la. with the moot heartfelt pleasure I aave to inform yoa that I have been restored to health - aad streagth by taking your Pills. For the last tea years, I sofferad from a derangement of the IiTtr and Stomach, aad was reduced to each an extremity that I gare np my Ship, nevei xpeotlog to go to Sa aay more, aa I had tried every Bemedy that waa recommended to me, bui PtTP0? ,Bd' kad given myself up U despair, whea I was at last recommended to take your Pills After "asisg them for three months the result is that I am now in better health than 1 have' bee for eleven years past, and indeed ae wen Utttf r was in my lifn. Yoa are quite at liberty' to make' this known for the benefit of others. ' - I remain, Sir, yours respectfully. .'. '. ' C3"1!1); JOHN-JOHNSON. Then ctjldfrmUd PUU ar wonderfully ijficaciotit m jvuuwrng complaints Debility Asthma, -.. ft BiSveas Complaints Blotches ea the vSkiaVi,,,. . ,. Bowel Comj laiata Consti patio f the Bewels." Head-ache '' ' ' Iadlgestiaa 'i,' Jaasdics ft' liter Coav . . RetenUoa ef , Criaa-'. T - vrofsy Crysipelas Female Irregn - larities ; Fevers of all kinds , Goat j Scrofula or Kinr's EtU Stone and Gravel Secondary: Symp toms i . Worms of all kinds Weakness, from whatever Sold at taeesUllishments loway, SO Maiden Laas, New To k, and 244 Strand, LoBdoa.and kyaU respeeUble Dru ista-ind r.j. ersia Medicines throughout the I nitadSutes, in Boxea, at l etita,7 cents, and 1,60- eaeh. To be had. Wholesale of the princip.ii Dnur Hon MST There is a eoasiderable aaviag by takins the larger sixes. ' 8 K-KrectMBstor tSe guidance ofi patienU la every disorder are affixed to each box. ataax r.' 'lai1 Joscra a. trum RUSSElI& BROTHER. iGENEBiCOMllISSION MERCHANTS, Bfr to Thoataail. Wright, Esq Prea't Bnk Capay-Fsari .Edward P. Hall, Esq.. President BV.kx,8 ; " G- t-y, Kq., President CoaiatereisLBaak. Wa- have ampie WHARF AND STORE Room, aitaated to the moat central portioa of the Towu and art prepared la make Uberal eu mdianee, on Tt09 FLOVK COTTON, GRAIN, NAVAL STORES. r other tia !....: 1 ' " w aoipmeBtto our friends March 6r 1866 .- . . j9 . v GUevIeitoh. ATTORNEY -AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW . LoasKKTsay Robksok Co., N. Jan. 6, 1866 ' 2 ly W CsartiiejrBhlp. MTf.T.nR A ROGERS Attaraaya Coaaseliors at Law. VlT ILL aftead pro: f" " au Duainess entrust- f f eatathenu a. w. Hxra,j f .-; OmCECoraer of the R,,iSTa Bow, opposl a; H. aoOKBS. w-w - -swa a iiVHOO, Oct. 24th, 1854. tf86 The ConvenUon Question. OTHX ON HAND, at the "HaoisTxa Offic.. Tr t.r . . OI ,ne speeches of the Hon- WilUaro A. Graham, and of Messrs Gilmer mua x wwiH, un oe vyonvention (Question " Price of the former, f4 per hundred ; of the two latter (combiaedj X " V - - Raleigh. April 20, 1853. - 33 NW BAKERY AND CANDV MANU-FACTORY-' TtyTRS-HARDIE desires to say to the: public. XfX that gbe hat recently employed a superior Baker and Candy Maker. She will keep constant ly for sale CAKES aad CAJfDIES, of great varie ty, and is now prepared to execute onlr. t.. r- 1. .. lor uinners sua r amines and Hotels can ue suppucawiia any sua or any quality of Des setts.--;. .r .''.I ' ' She arill fill ijrders for Candy at wholesale, and otwush many jwioi unouw. i, ; Raleigh. Itor. 2a. t tf oe Xetter and Foolscap Papei OAA REAMS' Good White Lettef Pi XV per; ZJJ If pnos 92 a Ream 1 worth $2.60i ! - -rpyv ti - 23M beams uood Blue Letter Piper. L Price $2 ' a raaa ; worth 2.60. A ; I- .4 3 u 7 200 Reams good while Foolscap paper. ! : Price $2 a ream;.worta $2:60. - : L; For sale by ;:; ,? $JB. D. TURNER, RaIstjly,lS35r: i.it iif -r . i 71' AOS 1 1 e -' -.:' KEW JEWELRY STORE. ' ' TTTOULD respectfully inform the Citizens f f Baleigh, the county aad the eouutry sdjoia ing, that he has fitted ap in splendid style the house formerly occupied bj the Insurance Company, on the west aid of FayetteviDe 8treet, aad between air. S. IL Yonng and Murray ft O'Neal's Dry Good Stores, where he has opened a rich aad bean tiful assortment of New Jewelry of all the modern styles, consisting of the ornamental aad the use ful, and to which he invites the attention of the with with exe - Ladles. lie has also for the gentleman a good lot of Gold aad Silver Watches, which will be warranted to perform well, when delivered to the customer also a few excellent double barrel gnus brough on expressly for the hunters of Carolina ; also great variety of walking Canes. In fact, at the !Sew ewelry Store, any and every thing usually xept in such establishments may be found at pn ces taat canuot fail to please the customer. Repairing executed at short notice and satis faction guaranteed. October 20, 1864. tf 8-5 COTT a.lTTl.K GIANT IN TOWN!! rliHE little Monster has at last arrived, and J may be seen daily in the rear of the Far mers' Mall. On feed days, (Tuesdays.) it is i perfect wonder to see it masticate Corn-cob, aud all at the rates of 10 bushels per hour. AJinis sion free. JAMES M. TOWLES. March 6, lS.'io. '20. lW. H. A R. S. TUCKER. NO. 8 JAYETTEVILLE STREET. NV1TE the attention of buyers to the most at tractive Stock of Staple and Fancy Drv Goods. mey nave ever before offered in this City, com prising Rich figured and Dress Silks. Watered Silks- Plaid and striped Pous de Soies ; Black Gros de Rhines; Canton Silks; Gros de Na ples; Marcellines; Florences; Sat ins ; Rich and printed Bareges : Grenadines and Hernaois Organdiee ; Jaconets ; Lawns, Prints, Caallies, Barege de Laines, Ging name; an wool Mousselin de Laines; Sum mer Bombazines, Alpaecas, Poplinetts and Crape ; Despagne Crape Shawls ; Bonnet and Cap Ribbons ; Taf feta and Satin Ribbons; Embroideries ; Gloves ; Laces and Hosiery. Also, 175 cases of Portsmouth, Hadley and Lodi Lawns, which will be disposed of from 6c to 15c. March 16, 185-0. 22 COACH SHOP. r pHE Subscriber respectfully informs the Pub J lie, that he suit occupies the well know?, Stand of Mr. Willie Johnson, on Wilmington St about one hundred yards South of the Canitol Square, where he is prepared to exr.it thing in his line of business. Barries TakI" ic, made of the best materials and in the mosi fashionable an J durable style. He would say to those who may wish to pnr chase Buggies or any thing in his line, that they would do wll to call upon him bef .re purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to spare n either pains nor expense to please those who may fvor him with their custom. He is det-nuined to sell hi prices to suit the times. Also, repairing done cheap at the shortest notice JAMES BASH FORD. reo. n, isa-i. 14 Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. JUST received from Robinson A Co., Philadel phia, a lirge supply of Ladies' Wlking Shoes Slippers and (iniurs of the very best quality. Alao, a geueral ascrtment of Eastern made Shoe for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children, all of which will be sold at the verj LOWEST PRICES McGEE A WILLIAMS. Baleigh, April 20, 1K6A a;. Diseases of the Eye! T7'ITHIN the last 35 years, the subscriber has ft frequently and successfully operated for Cataract, in persons of all ages, from .he States of North aud South Carolina and Virginia, aud will continue to operate upon those who need and de sire it. He will likewise atleud to such other diseu.-es oi u.e tye as iuy be susceptible of relief JOHN BECKW1TH, D . uti.-i'uig, a., Aprn i3a. 29 tf GRATIS! JUST PUBLISHED A NEW DISCOVERY MEDICINE! A rrTU 11 iD ItJ s-kv mil . IM it.it nunwouj itit, RATIONAL TRE. i.ATMENT, without Medicine, of Spermator rhea or Local Weakness, Nervous Debility Low Spirits Lassitude, Weakness of the Limba and tnuiaposiuon ana Incapacity for Studv and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, TimiditV oeii-imirust. u.zxiness. Head Ache, Pains in the ome, Auecuon oi tne tyes Pimples on the Face, u- luuruiuri in man. rnujj i iic jiuiiUH OF Da. B. DE LANEY ine important fact that these alarinioe com rilfkinf a mar oaarilar Kn 1 r . 1 J rrv icwutru WITHOUT MiDrriXF Ifl in this aM.II a a 1 . uw. cieany aemoQst ,ted; and i.e ruureiy sew anu nignly successful treatment UidontMl hTlkaiiiil.Ar . 1 , . - r j -"'t twiij npiainea, t.y meaus i wuitu eyery one is enabled Tp ecu himself "V. ' " AT TH LEAST POSSIBLE avoimug uiereuy all the advertised the day. COST, nostrums of cent to any address, gratis, and J 1 . . . ' 1 l in 1.1 i r. A . m . 'e'ope. y remitting (post paid) two post 1 Lispenard Btreet New York. March 15, 1855, 22 w6m Family Groceries. M! cGEE A WILLIAMS kn ,r...i hand a large supply of choice Groceri. Loaf, Crushed, Pulverixed, Clarified and Bro Sugar. Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee. a oupenor uunpowJer, Imperial and Black Tea Best Sperm, Adamantine and Taliow Candles o iew arc s uoiaen srrup. D ii .z- . "KP". auspice, winger, Btarch. Yellow SoaD and JAhnvm', Tr-riaita..... 1 Ti 1 . ., Y - , j u luuei soaps. Raleigh, April 20, 1855. v 32 Virginia Springs. tlUL to the Hot Springs, Bath Co., Va bv VT Thomas Goode, M. D. Price 121 Moorman's Va Springs Comprising an account of all the principal Mineral Springs of Virginia wuu rtuiarxs on ine nature ana Medical can. r 1 v. t t . . . . Ha i.ijr ui tcu, uy w. Aioormaa si. u.. secon.l itiou, greatly enlarged, with maps and plates and rouiw auu uiatances 10 tne various sprinirs linn an . li. ....,.:: O 1 vuuwiiuiig mi account or the na- iufi curiwaii.es oi Virginia, 5l. W 1. - it i a - .... . lur,i" cpnngs wiin remarks on their use, the disease to which they are applicable and m which they are contra indicated, with a mio of routes and distances, $1.26. The above with all new books for $aje at the. , . ' , , - Book Store. Raleigh, June 12, 1855. V- FISH ! FISH J FISH ! T H. PUTNEV V . FIS11 AND una just received, at the rivuviaiu.N STORE, Salt Shad; and N. C. Cut Herrinoo do- uamm ."to. 1 200 do No. 1 which he will sell cheap for cash or barter Bacon, Lard or Flour. for He also has for sale nice articles of R u Lard, Flour, indeed, most all of th r;i ..... ally kept in a Provision Store. Country Produce received for storare and M on commission. W H piiTwrr May 16, 1855. tt39 Aylwin's Ocean House. PORTSMOUTH, VA. THIS NEW AND SPLENDID HOTEL fmn ting 180 feet on High Street 72 feet deep. is nearly completed, and will be readv for the reception of cumnanv .k. ' S.ij j.i. ' " . " ""I or ceive a tt r n Nnrno l.-.i vr .. . ..''aai h -iie "ivauonal Hotel folk. Nor- June 15, 1855. 48-td. LAW SCHOOL AT UILLSBORO', N. C THE next Sessioa of this School wiU beB on Monday, the 18th of Jane next g j. L. BAILET, NASH. 8-4w. the F. Jan MUt, 1865. NEW AI.D DESIRABLE GOODS t AT !.o 13 FAYETTEVXIXE ST,; ef nnHE Sabs ber has just received his Fall aad JL Winter supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, among whiea may be lound , . ?j French Merinos, all colours, Lopia's best make. . French Cashmeres of every variety sad pat'raT crenca jexauoes ei latest styles. 8nka, Plaid, Figured aad plain Woolen Plaids, aad Poplin Robes. : Rich Tamboured Monalin party dresses -r neavy tmo a Tjrape Hhawla. Damask diapers in piece and pt'ra. i aiaea miow case Liaea.. Table Doileys and Crash Linen Sheeting. 10-4, 12-4 Long and Square high col'd wool'n sh'la. rrencb work d collars, sleeves and chemicettea Liu n Cambric, Lawn Hd'kfs, all Qualities Hem Stich'd and rich Emb'd Handkerchiefs. Full assr nt of Richardson's fm'lr Lin' Bird's Eye diapers, towels and napkins t-4 ana col. shti gs and casinrs. v eisn ana sack r lanneis. White and red do all qualities. Ladies and gent's Merino Silk and cotton Vesta. English aud German Hose a great variety. Marseilles Quilts aad Furniture Dimities Lace aud Muslin cr'tns and Turkey red do Freuch woven and Fr'ch shape corsetts MOURNING GOODS. BIk Gro DeRhine and Pou deSoie Silks Lead colored and white and black do Blk. Fch. Bombazine and Merino "Lupin's." Blk Taniise and Canton Cloth. Blk Alpacas, DeLaines and Challis. Blk Love Veils and Lace do. Hdkfs collars si v's and Chemlxettea Gingham and Calicoes. CARPETS, Ac, Brussels, Venitian and Ingrain Carpets Uennan Hemp Moor and Stair do 6 and 12-4 Duggets and Hearth Rags. Alicant, Manilla and Sheep Mats Boston Valices and Carpet Bags. Hose Aiackanaw and vaai Blankets. Travelling or Shawl - do HARDWARE AND STEEL. Handsome setts knives sad forks. 61 picees sogers Deal acissore ana sneers Shears for lowers and shrubbery Porcelain lined Kettles and Pant Soapstone Griddles for B. W. Cakes Best Raton, warranted, kc FAMILY GROCERIES. Stewart's best refined Sugars. L,oai, crushed and Clarified do Golden 8yrup and dark Molasses. Cocoa, Worcester Saace and Eng. mustard. Imperial Gun Powder ana Blk Tmj Currants, Citron and preserved gn'r Capers, Olives and Pickles. Layer Raisins, Box and Mat do Mocha, Java and Laguira Coffee. Jamaica Rnm: Islay whiskey. Mon'crohela and old Kve.l.. Loudon dock and Pale Hennessee Braudr Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines Champagne, Hock and Claret Cette Madeira for Cooking. London Porter and English Ale. Sperm, Adamantine aud Hull's Cn'dls Starch in family boxes of C each. Cm'icl erasive soap, woman's friend Table's alt. Bags and boxes. ' J- B. G. ROULHAC, No. 13. Say. Street. tf 83 COPARTNERSHIP. The subscribers have thU y day entered into Copartnership, under the uaoieanu ityle of A. S. SHAFER & CO , for the manufacture and ;ile of READY MADE CLOTH l',uln an us branches, at the store on su-eei neretolore known as Perry's Clothing Ba A. 3. SHAER, GEO. A. HALMEY, ROB'T HUNTER Petersburg, April 1, 18 j2. Queer's to N. Perry, The subscriber, having disposed of his entire in terest in the Clothing business at Petersburg to Messrs. A. s. SHAFER 4 CO , takes this method oi returning his acknowledgments to the public of Pe tersburg and vicinity for their Liberal patronage du ring his proprietorship of the C lothi.no Baxaab, and would also recommend a continuance of the same to his suecessors. N. PERRY. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. 4 LARGE assortment of every shade aud varie ,.ty, aud at very low prices. Call and tmin. McUEE & WILLIAMS. May, 185--I. 40 1)ItDMONT SPRINGS This delightful water ing place is suited 21 miles westsf Danbdrr Mokes co., N. C, at the loot of Moore's K....h of the loftiest spurs of the Blue Ridir Th a: 4 a fine bold chalybeate, nushiuir from th. m.. sive rock, clear, cool, and inviting delicate peraons O n.l Aiil.iu.n S 1 F - ajr oue whom energies and spirits are worn down by the ceaseless toils and troubles of this bank note world," will find its tonic pro perties unrivalled. Gay votaries of pleasure can also find amusements suited to their tastes. A ball room, bowling alley, &c, have been provided for in-doors amusement, while the grandeur and man uificence of the scenery offer tempting inducement to a stroll; (aid strolls are very destructive to a certaiu class of insects known as Old Bachelor ) IV subscriber, having token charge of this estab lishment last winter, has been diligently employed in making various improvements, and pledges him self to use every effort to satisfy tae public. Open for the reception of visitors on the first of June .Board per day yQ Children and servants, per day... '60 Horses 75 , RICHARD JOHNSON. Jtiay, ibjo. tAug 1. 43. The Hannah More Aotdemv. WILMINGTON, Dblawak. Principals: Miss C. and I. Oiimshaw and A . Gnmshaw, A. M.. M D. ''IIHIS Institution has beeu in successful opera- ,-a. uima eieveo years. The course of uairucuou is tnorougn. The study of French loruis uanoi tne daily routine nf ..4. r hoUSe is new Prmmvrl;... i , ," - 1 ".-v.v,Uc, .uu cueenui : it is ueaieu tnrouirnout. The aesinna .th 1st of February and 1st of September. on ..ir'- soruoaroing and Instruction, inclu ding French, pupils underihii-tn fBf0,mOr2ldcla,, .8.0"d Sior Depart ment, $100,00 per ses-ion of five months R'fer",cn : Kght Rev. A. Lee, D. D- ReT H. V. D.Johns. U ly. Balf.mr . w 7. w Clayton, Delaware ; P. V. Daniel. Jr r... t R. Anderson Esq. Tredegar Nnn w-w.'. n' Wortham A Co., Richmond, Va : Rev Mr cr.u son, Petersburg, Va : Governor Br.0. h w Graham. W. H. Tuckr K uWX," 1 - u . . 1 "i-i'i. vr. 14. nag ger, Raleigh, N. C. February 1st, 1855, ly 10. Splendid Lottery June, 1855. GREGORY f MAURV, Managers (Successors to J. W. Maury & Co.) $37,000! Lottery for the benefit of the State of Delaware Class 144 for 185.1 To be drawn at Wilmiugtou, Del., Satordav J Xii lr. 3 ' " une 78 No. Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT 1 Priie of 1 do 1 do 20 do SCHEME. 37,000 15,000 0,792 3, 000 t00 197 do &C. AO. Ac. Tickets f 10 dolls. Halves $5 Q iu'r 2.50 Vrtis. 01 rxg 3 ot L'B whl. tickets. 15o (Ml do do 20 half do 75 00 do do 2b quarter do 37 50 Orders for Tickets and shares anrl .x;e.... Packages i,i the above splendid Lotteri. -;n the most prompt attention, and an account of n aa vaw t i m 11 L & . a . . "a wm immeaiatelT after it i. over; to all who order from me. u Address P.J. BUCKET, Agent, ' Wilmington, WL - FAWS, FANS, FANS. have received a laraa and eK!i-l-. FANS, comprising manv J!. ' most superb Chinese down to !t leat CaU at HcQEE A WILUaMST ! ReigX May, 1856. t 40. ' PAIL-t5TOCll71854r: FARMERS HEAD ; QUARTERS, XORfrXJLIC-.VA. V" GBDERS for Baarsaa may be seat as for the ensaing harvest, which will be filled at the following prices .i j ' . .' .- Hdssst's Reaping Machine.... ..$105 00 do Mower and Reaper, 115 00 do Front Wheels extra, 20 00 do Rear Platform for side delivery, 6 00 Bissau's Va. Reaper, No. 2, 41 feetcut,..$120 00 - do do do No S, 6j feet cut,. 130 00 A deduction of $5 will be made if the side deli Tery is not furnished, and $20 will be added to the aSove price if front wheels are furnished. 160 tons English, Swedes and American Iron, all sixes. 20 tons Hoop and Band Irow, J to 4 inches wide. 20 tons Oval, half Oval and half rohnd Iron 200 setts Coach and Bueirv Axles 300 pair do do Springs 260 kegs Nails, 3 to 40d., cut and wrought ov uoses rues and Hasps 60 Smith's Bellows, all sites 1500 pounds Cast-steel Hammers .0 American Star Anvils 60 Vices, for Wood and Iron Work Stocks and Dies, Bench Kerews, Ac, for sale on the best terms SmA W, HAY AND SHUCK CUTTERS, Of every variety. Price $30 for the best, and warranted to cut anything in the Shape of Feed for stock. Cheap Cutters, from So to $25. CORN 8HELLER8. irrginiaCorn Shelters. .$26 00 ... 40 00 ...36 00 ...16 00 ... 10 00 8 00 Goldsboroagh's , do..... KeadiafB , j. S do .......... Double Spout .sViIo.i: -- Single Iron Spout v do. ao rtood do do WHEAT DRILLS. Pennock's Slide Drills do. Rnll.t An 7 ft q 10 tubes, furniahed at factorv $126. All other kinds furnished by us upon the same reasonable terms. Our facilities for nnvnr. tag these machines are superior, to those of say other dealer, and we can guarantee dispatch in filling orders. Lirht sad heavv Dres and rows for selling wheat, en hand, of our own make uiuieg gooa ana auraoie. SAMiSOKUUUH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I Extra Premium Fans.. .$34 . 32 . 30 . 30 . 26 00 00 00 No. 1 do do No. 2 do do , Sinclair & Co's. No 2 do...t Do do 1 do.... 00 00 uranrw rremium rans, t... to 39 CUnton's Fan Mills, 13 to eon FIELD Hollers 3 Segments, 3 feet lonz, $35 00 do do ao 4 do 55 00 do do 4 do do do 6 do do do 6 do 4 do 45 00 6 do 56 00 6 do 66 00 st?Ordcrs for any of the above goods will be filled promptly. Your orders are resnectfnll . licited. BORUM HU'TFin 11 Water Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Sept. 15, 186 ' xtt Curl Your Hair. KROLLERION. -"IHK Receipt for making this celebrated com L pound, (lately introduced into this country.) will be sent by the subscriber to anv nrnnn. ;.. the United States or Canadas for 1. Th. KKtw . LERION will curl or wave the hair in the mnt beautiful manner. Any person havine the mo coarse and uncouth looking hair can transform it into the Most Beautiful, by the Use of thi AriirU. The ingredients will not cost over 12 cents, and with this receipt any one can make it equally eood in every respect to that sold for $3 a bottle If preferred, a package of Krollerion readv made ill be sent iree of postage, instead of th r.in with directions for preparing it in li.-.uid tnrm full directions for use. Send art letters tni,t H. A. FREEMONT, ., L,or. Warren, Trumbull Co. Ohio. March 6, 185--V 16 tf Agency at Washington City. JENNINGS PIGOTT and JNO. W. HANCOCK (late of North Carolina.) ITILL prosecute claims of every description I before Congress, the several Executive De partments aud Public Offices. Particular atten- bTuntland Uiu,s for PEN:J,UVa Mr. PIGOTI 'will practice "in the Supreme Court of the United States, aud the several Courts of the District of Columbia Address Piuott A Hascock, Washington, D. C. . J ext. o, 1 aoo. 1 1 wl y. Fjixina Cologne, &o. Piver'a Eaude Cologne, des Priuees, small Eaude Cologne. J. M. Farina, Place JuUers ocU- Eau de Cologne, J M. Farina, Place Juliers, Ions bottles. B This is the only genuine, and finest Cologne Water made in the City sf Cologne Eal!Co,0gn' J M Faria-. R Frederick tiniBm, octagon. E w n Co,8M' ' Rue Frederick William, pint, wicker. Eau de Cologne, Jos. Anton Farina, pint, wicker. t.Ml de Colome. Jna lnin .' . o sMiua. uau Dim. Anton Farina. Eau de Cologne. Jos. Anton Farina, octagon, wick- Eau de Cologne, John Charles Farina, short bot tles. Eau de Cologne, John Charles Farina, second quality. Lau de Cologne, J. M. Farina, lonjr bottles Romas Kaltdok A . . . loinuieie remeav lor fimri ea. Fm-Vl.. x phew or Moth, Tetter, and other obstinate affec- wuub 01 me Bain. Michaux's Frkcklb Wask. This ia a discovery of Dr. Charles Michaux, for rroiessor 01 Anatomy, at Leige, in Bel gium, anu is a certain and safe remedy for t reckles and other affections of the skin For sale By If. D. TURNER, , . , T , N. C. Book Store. Raleigh, June lat, 1866. 44. LOOK HERE, FOR THE HATS, WISHING to diminish our present wel! ae lected Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER Hats, in order to make room for the Fall Trade we will close them out at cost ' Now is the time to secure one of those Fashion able HaU, at the lowest price. May 22, 2855. "' TDCKE To the Pllriltn rpHE subscriber would respectfiJly inform the J cituess of Raleigh, and the public eenrll keeps constantlv on h..H . ...i J'r WALL PAPER, of varion- .i.FFfc Screens, Hindow Curtains, &e., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices; also, paper hangings of all kinds done in the neatest aad most workman ship manner. He also has on hand aad is still ntnnfoM-.. mallraaaaa -nf H V;- o . .. . . - cHu,aiuig 01 an Kinds dune with neatness and dispatch. J. HENRT HARRIS, Paper Hanger and Mattress Maker. April 18, 1854. 32 Dpnnans &. Johnston. Grocers & Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG VA. DONNAN & CO. Commission Merchants, w RICHMOND VA. v. ionnan j. Donnan, J. A. Johnston, Rea- .- rrveraourg, va. Resideut Partner, Richmond, Va. Jan. 16. 1166. S . DotHlain . t 6m 5 ISRAEL W. SCUDOER impoktir and NANuracTCKCR or GENTLEMEN'S FUBNSHfNG Wilrts, Stock. Cravats, Hosiery.; Suspende ers, pressing Kobes, tc, fcc. 296 BKOADWar, NEW TOBK. BIAK.W.SCUBDKK, a. D. HlIXlAKn, A. BlTCx" ne lSS . ,' 49w6r; GUR ASSORTMENT OF 0OODS. WE ARE ut possessioB of a full stock r 7, the t ha -wlwe4: . i. 4i i vHalelgh an! Gaston Railroad. SLAVES sre not permitted to travel on the Railroad, without a written permit from their owners. . Duplicates should in all eases he given, as the Ticket Agents are instructed to retain one copy of every pass.; -: '. JAMES M. ;PP0L Jan.. to, t4. " .4 ' . Ticket Airent. c. Dupr!i: & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COM MIS SION MERCHANTS. Deslxks in Sugar, Flmr, Coffee, Molatscs, Teas, Candles, Wood Ware, Rainnt, Ibbacco, gars, Scotch Ale, London Purler, Broomx, Starch, Suit. Mess Pat h, dbc, &c.. Col NEK FsoAt 1ND PsiNCE3 StS., WILMINGTON, N. C. C. DuPkk. D. B. Baker Wilmington. Mar. 28. 1S54. Iv 26 A. M. MCPUKKTKBS, H. GHISELIN. J. W. MABTIS A. M.MePHEETERS&CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Fonoarding dc Commission Merchants. 6 BOAMOKK SQFABK, NORFOLK VA. Retekekcks. Thos. P. Devereux, Halifax, N. C. G. W. Mordecai, Pres. Bk. of the State of N. C. C. Dewey. Cashier do do do do W. H. Joues do Branch do Cape Fear Raleigh L. O B. Branch, Pres. R. & G. R. R. Messrs. Reid J- Soutter, ) Dr. N. C. Whitehead. I Norfolk. Pre't Farmers' B'k of Va. ) Alex. Bell, Esq. Messrs. S'pence & Reid, Baltimore. B. Blossom & Son, New York. September 16th, 1853. 76 Books and Stationery H. D. TURNER, No. 1 FAYETTEVIIXE STREET, RALEIGH. N C , ITITHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bookseller T V nd SUUoner, keeps eonstanfly on hand a very large and complete assortment of Law, Medical, Classical, School aad Miscella neous Books. A complete assortment of Station ery, Blank Books, Globes, Mathematical Instru ments, &c , 4c. Blank Books made to order at short notice and in best style. Just received from the manufac turers direct 100 Reams Cap and Letter Papers, which he will sell at low prices. fej" Country Merchants and others are reques- . .1 . 11 1 . .... 1 tcu iaj can uu examine nia stocK. Raleigh. September 1854. go Cl REENSBORO' MUTUAL INSURANCE COM J PANY. At the end of Three Years, such has been the Care and economy of the officers of this Company, that we are still free from debt, have made no assesments, and have now sue a a large Capital in caA and notes, that we have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is ne safer Company in the Southern Country. The most of the Risks in this Company being in the Western, part of the State, where the dnnr f. fire is much less. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were re elected : JAMES SLOAN, President, S. G. COFFIN, Vice President. C. P. MEN DEN HALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer WILLIAM H. CCMMING, General Agent. ' Dikectobs : James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, W. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Jed II. Lindsay, W.J. McConneU, E. W. Ogburn, J. L. Cole, D. P. Weir. Greensboro'; E F. Lilly Wadesboro'; Dr. S. G. Coffin, Jamestown; Joshua Tayloe, Washington ; William A. Wright, Wilming ton; J. I. Shaver, Salisbury; John H. Cook, Fay etteville, H. G. Spruill, Plymouth; Robert E Troy, Lumberton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox Castle. All Communications should be directed to the Secretary, free of Postage. PETER ADAMS, See'y. Aug. 8. 1854. . tri HARWAag STOGIE K. SMITHS CORNEK, RALEIGH N. C. l E ARE now in receipt of our Serine Sut f plies of Wares, fc, embracing Hardware Crockery ware, Wood ware. Coach Trimmings House Furniture articles and Cutlery of all kinds to which we respectfully invite the attention of purcnasers. farmers. Mechanics and Ai-t;..n. can fiud at our establishment Tools, Implements and a general assortment of Hardware suited to their different vocations. Having purchased the largest Stock of Hard ware ever orougnt to mis market, with the de sign of coufiaing ourselves exclusively to this branch of business, we think purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. April 2133 PULLEN A BELVIN. CARRIAGE MAKING. RALEIGH COACH FACT0RY111 WILLIAMS A GORMAN, having enlarged their establishment by the addition of Jen kins' Shop, on Hargett St., are fully prepared to execute orders for CARRIAGES of every descrip tion. Employing experienced workmen and usinr th. K. a t stf m uIuk'.I., . 1 ! . - ... . .S . " . . iunr wora wiu always be finished in a style warranted to give satisfaction. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. saw ruciorj on nargett at., near the Baptist Grove, and at Clarke's old stand, near the Masonic nau. Raleigh, June 23, '54. 61 ly. Notice. HAVING bought out Mr. M. Einstein, I ahall continue the CLOTHING BUSINESS, as heretofore, in my own name and account EMIL ROSENTHAL, Corner of Market square and Wilmington St. , Opposite Tarboro'a Stable. JUST RECEIVED at the above store Tax Lab obst Assostmbnt or READY MADE CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY. Give me a call be fore purchasing anywhere else and you will save at least twenty five per cent. Fact, and nn ;..v. about it. g R Sept. 12, 1864. tf J Bricks ! Bricks ! ! Bricks ! ! J Hp HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING MADe'pER- BrTAo0 ,or carryin on the ottioa-AlAKlNO business on an extensive scale are now prepared to contract for the delivery, dur- ensuing season, ot trom one to two million of riCKa 01 uie oest ouaittv and at such n-....;ii dtfy all competition. Orders from a distance will be Droinntlv I c vi, uu one a ueiivereu at either of the Depots, if desired GEO. T. rontrc rr - 1 - 1 L ... . . ... ri -v. Raleigh, March 12, 1855. 21 tf! Boots. Shoes and B MEN'S heavy water-proof Boots, Double soled, and extra tfcick BroKana... Men s lined and bound Kip Brogans, With a rood supply of Eastern mada Riul. Tuoes, suitaDie tor servants, which we are offering oct, -04. 82. wm. j. baker. thos. i tumun BAKER 4i BARHAUJJ, GENERAL COMMISSION MISSION MERCHANTS, Mings, Town Point, ' NORFOLK, VA. Tabbs' Bui May 22, 1S55. 41-tl. JAMES E. METTS, Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, n. C. Aug. 24, 1854. 70-tf DISSOLUTION THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existinr ia the name ot Palmer A Raman v i. tk;. a dissolved by mutual consent, June 1,1866. . - PALMER & RAMSAY. THE SUBSCRIBER,,baTiugbought Mr Rant, say's interest., will continue tha hu.i... .1 old stand, and. bavin a Terr larre . "Those indebted to "P. &.R.1 are DartL.'nl.i quested to call and settle with cash or nt. ' T. KatinM4 nf Kaa flM .M.a l . . , Vs t Agent will ba- appointed to settle with those ho aegleetto do so. H i J. G. PA X. rv a IT w. mmmV axs km lUUOk U -aziuaea lAAIl Xtor V 185V - e iS "1 ;y-'- r.. !'.efr-c,,'-i-?----";. .- -- . .. - a . . . . 70S ALL THE PTTXPOSXl 0T A ... FAMILY-PHYSIC:? Tana has long existed a public demand for aa effective purgative pill which could be relied oa aa sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This baa . been prepared to meet that demand, and aa aive trial of its virtue has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pUl, bat not easy to make the best of all pills one which should have none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. Thia has been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been an fortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce ao much griping pain and levulaioa in the system aa to move than counterbalance the good tone derived from them. These piUs produce no irritation or paia,; unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm oan arise from their nse-oi say quantity ; but it is better that any medicine ahoaid " be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they ate ap- plicable are given oa the box. Among the com-' plaints which have been apeedily cured by them, we may mention liver Complaint, in its various forma of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of An- S;tite, Lutlessneai, Irritability, BOious Headache, lhous Fever, Fever sad Ague, Pain in the Side and Loina ; for, in truth, all these are bat the con sequence of diseased action iai the liver. As aa aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Coa tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body. Ulcers and impurity of 1 the blood ; in short, aay and every ease where a purgative is required. They have also proa need some singularly ane eessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, PahnUtion of the Heart, Pains in the stack, stomaea, and Side They ahoaid be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of are sons. An occasional dose stimulates the atomach Td bowels mto healthy action, aad restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action oa the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence aa occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing ahoaid never be carried too mr, as every purgative medicine reduces the atrength, when taken to excess. The thousand eases m which a physic m required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed thia pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankiniLWhen their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they axe pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. ' For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Cnemist, LOWELL, MASS. Trie 15 Caata par Box. Fir Boxes for $L AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL sr Uae mrM Cwre er COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and ao numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persona publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other 'medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Cooqhs, Hoarssnbm, Ac; and for Children it ia the pleaaantest and safest mediciae that can be obtained. Aa it has long been in constant use throughout thi section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been, and that the genuine article ia sold by r. r. imsou 11 u, Raleigh, and by Druggists FOR NEW YORK. Usitkd Stars Mail. Lisx rxa Stkams mrs y - - - - - . II tain Parish .hfeh . J "T! V?P with -mm -1 B SXJ 1U CUUUCA1UB tne Koanoke. niAde hr Grt fVnm New York to Petersbnrr. on fla.tnrd&v k. or.k ult, aad will continue to 'make regular -trips weekly leaving New York every Saturday,-at 4 0 clock, P. M , and Petersburg every Tuesday evening. . The Boasokb will leave New York every Tues day, and Petersburg everr Pridav ran!. r . vellers going North will thus be afforded an oppor- t unity twice a week of taking one of these soleidid steamships and therebTwoidtte dw? and quent change, of Raiiroasstn chanaea of the RuilrL p " board of steamer, will find the Storms fitted up in the most elegant style and the f aJZZ I tion unsurpassed. i Passage and Fare from Petersbura to New York. (SUto-room, included,) W flofe oteerage passage, 6 00 mx.Tickets issued at my Office. v, 8. G. BAPTIST, Sycamore 8t July 6, 1853. 55 BT V A T XTTT a aVTW a nmm. Ko.ux.xu a ajxu uABiofl RUAD. Dues to the Railroad Company for freights are pava ble in cash on the delivery of the articles. When articles are delivered without such payment ifl a4, '"c owner iaus to cau at the depot and nattl Kill .u .- . . - uvwiv vu vapirauon 04 tns month 1 he must thereafte send the money when he sends a'wn- dj oraer 01 tne r'resident, July 4th, 1854. Agent. Now for Cheap Goods. MURRAY A O'NEAL TT AVE token the store lately occuuied brW -lX A. SUth, and are receiving their stock of I Fancy and Staple Drv Goods. nmiu n I uu uiaasware, s.c. Being new bezinner thV 1 A 1 " . ' . ' vm.cil I nsve to buUd up a trade : to do thia, they are de- tAminb i K. 1 1. . "c luiueraoiu oy none in the citv They will sell goods cheap and no mistake; to be 'aci, cau ana price their roods before purchasing elsewhere. All they ask is a j "'vw'1 u4 11 tne gooas suit, they guarsntes to we rignw von i purchase before ex amining their stock. If you want chean Gonna - No. 25, White Front, fayettevUle street, March 81, 1864. BalrilKCL Plastering, Brick.lsylna: and Brick-kmr t THE Wndersigned would inform the Public that a Awa:... a. . J- e conUnuei Tto carry on, snd hZ VaAallrat J iacreased preparation for carryg onfhs abT branches of his business. He flattwa'ldm- felf.-and those fcr whom he t. dan.H work -Til otsar nun out in the oninion that h. -ov. to contract for it on aa reaaonable terms andexe- cute .tin a masterly and expeditious a manners. any other contractor. wuer aa He will shortly have oa hand a lartre oaantir of Kood FIRE PROOF RRlr-ir K 4auuiy good FIRE PROOF BRIOBT All orders for him are to be at left at the Tab- 82 tf Hata ! Hats ! Hata ! ' HJ fr well SSed a -aa-"-vi na, lor tbe oprins aad vu waar ,w men, boy, and ehUicViuS "luvrn , tM'r -.L'auada 8traw, tP?m' : China PearL' V i ;r- PP- U AlnoniJockey , i ? r:Jhwl v o,.. ; Wide AwakJ . redale Straw- --'- Sh.-.aTt . May, 1866 . v-. 401 ?Iajc?a ""a'Ajro) Waousait Daaua c : - J AND SHOES. Xr 47, IIoiTt Tim 8riKlT - 1: Vxtvxc Maria and Arch.) -' V . PHILADELPHIA. , 4 Iateadlngte keep a large stock of Eastern work, alao to mnufactare more extensively 1 .m the trade a sery savior sTock of Goods in the above line, which I protahie t sell ,t - mthaas assajanoel would oat respectfully invite your personal exjm.-. r Jl I. J Particular attention will h n.;i f 1 . Goods.- . v . ' UI Deo. 6, 1854," tf, Piney. Point Line 'To BalUmar: 0N.SUNDAY 0P EACH WEEK. ! - Pare Only $4 THE public are hereby informed that the com i fc. Mitchell, having been entirelv reau.i I ed and impro red in every respect, is now oa the route between Petersburg: and Baltimore, one weekly. . . ; sr.- , . . . Passengers bv thia amM A line will eae Petersburg by the .Moraiag Train "oa B7 " cu wx; at vo'clock A, M and reach Baltimore in tha course of the wight,' thus securing a eonnecUon with the different lines out of Baltimore the following morning in any direction turning, passengers wui leave Baltimore on the afternoon of Wednesday of each week, at 5 oelock, P. M.aad arriToat Petersbarg by a apecial traia, at aa early hoar next evening. Fara in either direction, . L : Forward Cabin passengera game price, but with meals on board of the steamer Maryland included. . Fara for first: class passengers; between Balti more and Philadelphia, by the New Castle aui Freachtowa lias, $ 2 60; for second class do $1 60 making the whole fare from Petersburg to Phila' delphia by this agreeable Khe; $9 50 only, for the first class passengers, aad 60 for second class do. including meals Tor tka, tatter oa board the f.mM U.M1.J .. i- For further parUculars; or through tickets ap ply at the Office of the Richmond, Petersburg and Potomac Kail Road CompaBy.: RICHARD FURT. Jk," Ticket Agent P. S. Fare to Piney Point, with privilege of re turning at any time during the boat season, $4 0n&- v Vo;';'V?"J"'F-;Jl-TiAat. March, 2, 185or -yty;?.-r ij- ig tf 1 NEW SPRING MANTILX AS! ht h A R. 8. TUCKER ar now eThiKJt. IT . tug to the pablioi their aew Stoek of French, Spring and Summer Mantillas, consis tin r 01 a targe sna very select assortment of novelties in Silk, Lace, c, to which they beg to invite atten . tion of buyers from every section of the countrv March 16, 1855. , , 22 Impost and 8pirit of the Age copy. DL K. : C- MBHSflS. " S URG EON, DENTIST. RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies lad Gen tlemen of Raleigh, that he will m.k. . fessional visits to that place; He proposes 40 pay aoxh viatta thret or four times every year, so that those who maw deair. patronixe him will be: enabled to da aa .t 4 perioda. M-JS -.iXQ'Z-'Z. Whole sets of Teeth pat an lr 'Atmom.hri pressure, with Artificial Gums, so perfectly na tural that Bone but a practised eye could detect them. .':.-:?i'.r-- He most respectfully refers to the andersigned gentlemen, vix : His Excellency, -Thos. Bragg Hon. W Dallas Haywood, Hon. Asa Biggs, Major Walter Gwynn, Ed. Graham Haywood, Esq.. Dr W. H. McKee, Dr. W. Hill. Dr. H. J. hW War. renton, N. C. Dr. R. will be in Raleish in a fear wl. All orders left with CoL Yarbrough win be at tended to immediately on his return. Jan 23. 1855. 7 tf Patent Elastio Skirts ! BATES & FRANCE v . No. 1, Barclay St N. Y . CAUTION. None are . genuine except they bear the stamp of the Patent. All Manufac turers and Sellere infringing will be prosecuted according to law., c ' . - . March 23, 1865. ' r ' ly 24 Gazetteer of the United States, EDITED BY T. BALDWIN AND J. THOMAS . , f -J' With Md woarh Map of the United States, Engraved on - SteeL Above 1200 pages, 8to. v; The publishers take pleasure ia announcing the completion of this, the most elaborate, comprehen sive, and perfect Gazetteer of the United States, that has ever issued from: the press. In its pre paration, no considerations of expense or labor uave oeeu auowca to interfere with a work desirn- ndlI ot iU details. Nor hare the successive issues of other Gazetteers, hurried thronrh the UIMmiir press to claim the- market, tempted the publishers to offer their book before ail the ample Census (of 1 860) and other material in the hands of the Edit ora were fully digested and accurately arraaged. When this Gacetteer was first announced, 800 pages, or, at the most, 600, were deigned a the hmit of the book. But so. vast was tha: amount i matter accumulated by . the personal lahora of the Editors and their ami.t.ni. tLTJL X. "eir, ssistanw- we Z2T!Z& Cor- "-P M pan of th United States, the JZ TSEffl?9 .tw ch lt eontsJns,all of a recent oier, is very large, and in many iostaaoea env ?- Papalatioaa to 1854. This ffT.10 work Tha oaly complete and thonnrl.uui:.Ki.'n.. tetteer of the United 8tates yet pSblfshed! For sale by , H. D. TURNER, Baleigh, May 18. 1855. svr r oa Dr. Geo. Bettner. OF NORTH CAROLINA; Qffiee, No. 538 Broadajf, or al his loiaingt, PRESCOTT HOUSE f" Comer of Spring and Broadwaw ' New York. Feb.TVl&M , ?&?S?U IS-Iy a r 8AVB -"WR-QRAIK. ? A f-W "apply of the most improved Cralles XA Jwt received at tha Farmer'- rr.it . . ao-. new "PP of Sinclair's improved Pro- , Hrw Shack cutter, both for horse sad aad powh and the no less fkm.ii. .n rK I. 1 . ... Mr, ne iitue uiant. -May"2L:i865; JAMES M. TOWLE3. 4a Oregon Peas. ! . r A v SUPPLT of thau m .( rY 1, ,. -OLpeas Jot sale at the FARMER'S- HALL -at reduced price.; Dry at tat UaraeaaoQ 31 .W.eM kao"ra y64 to of aoo busheUto oas acre and: tha best of hay ia proportion. Time to plant during ths months of May and Jane. " .- ;: c- .- Apra 27, 1866. mmii "Wiea m Onward ! T?VEY 8EA WE t AKR-RENE WED ,-tto plrtte f.u lulla Ow Prtnciplea are Onward! TTl tbseasonpurchMed . varusu jsTOCILOF nZ"? Uemen'a Furalshiag Cioods, Sot a '.T P"P eettas wilnot Lower than any who sell OUR KIND GOODS. - Our conceruis connected with one of . , , - r v . Largest Importing' llona la" the Pale. , with capital sumcient to n-ke all purchases for isnen j cooaequenuy iue : foprietorof this. The aaly Clothing . Ilea j ( Llxcluslrely) - la :: c ' tne City of luih. " cannot and shall net ba undersold ; and unlike the -Town Clock (ride Standard 28tlw inst.) has not ceased to tick, i bat will continue to 'tick' all those and thoseonly who aiake prompt payments. v IQuWe are located on Fay etteville St., where we have been for the last . seven veara. onnnait. eteryaody.,, , - - ' " . i' i " ' C -E-1- HARDING. Raleigh, April 8.1865." - ,27.. j-'i" Lllloh Cows. . , . J WILL aeQ SIXTEEN M.L.U Cows, with young ealves. - Terms reaaonable. - " WM. F. COLLINS. June 8ta, 1866. . 46 3w . r ., i i,'