II- ARt Si 1 rill .fc?Itt t'sfT3S YOLUME LYl CITY OF RALEIGH, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST U, 1855. - - - t rS if. ;isr .zi. r ; THE 7M KALIGS iRUOISTER" SEATOX GALES, B 1 I T O - A BB MOHI STOR. IIKM8: i pr uiu ; la adnias 4. $3 pr ulta ; In adruto $2 SO. For thr Si-writy, For Uw WmUj, XATXS OF ADTIRT1SIXO : Mr-Vor wT M ltaM trt hrvertioo $1 ' e addttioMl feaertfaa. S6 ta. Court (Mart &a iadislal Jm dttutii vO) b chanrl 16 prr (MV Mjiw; bt a dwtkm of 33' fr mul. will km autde boa Uw rajalsr prtr to mdrarUaar bt Ux yr. AdwrtfaonMaU iarted la ta Samst-wackly, will aUo appear a taa Watkly.&a of ehacg. Lttaa to U BdUoisaiaat b Nar-Ais. SPLBNDID JEWELRY! sad Elegmnt Fancy G43. B. ROOT b4 reTd, &ad Is now opesinf , one of the moat oostly and the boat weleetod lot of JEWELERY and FA-NCI! G00D3 er" exhibited in this market. His assortment, in either line, embraces the most fashionaVle and beautiful specimens and the rerj latest strles in part, as follows ; Piamona, Pearl, Cameo, and Mosaic Breast Pins, and Ear-Rings, Gold and Silver Watches, Elegant styles. Silver Card Baskets, Forks, Napkin Rings, Card Cases, Porte Monnaies, Gold and SiWer Pencils, 4 c. Sept. 2C, 1854. Repairing, Finishing, &c. HAVINQ secured the serrices of a highly ac eompliahed workman in this department ef my baainess, I shall be able to give the most entire ntisfaction to the Public in all work committed to my charge. ALL ORDERS will be executed in the mot workmanlike manner, and with despatch. C. B. ROOT. September 26, 1854 . 78 GtJNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, SHOT BAGS, Ac. A large and varied importation. C. B. ROOT. Sept. 26, 1854. 78 ILlCISIITlIXfi. E01SE.SE0E1NC. fcC. EDWARD' TARBROUGH, Jr., Having erected a new Blacksmith Shop at the corner of Har gett and Wilmington gt's., is prepared to have all work in the above One executed with care and dispatch. The well known Jn Atkixs, with com petent assistants, being permanently engaged, he is enabled to have the animals entrusted to his care hod in a workmanlike manner. Raleigh. May 26. 1864. tf 43 Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. VT"OTICE is hereby given, that from and after X the 20th January, all dues to this Road for freight must be paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, except on way freight, which must be paid in ad vance or on delivery of the goods, as the case may he This arrangement will afford great advantages to our customers, by superseding the necessity of their employing more than one forwarding agent between New fork and Raleigh,, and having thair goods er produce mbjected to only one handling. Agents 'cannot violate the above rule without subjecting themselves to removal. The greatest aare will. continue to be taken by the officers and agents of the Company in every department of its business to accommodate the public And promote the interests of its customers Whilst the WesUmsaeTchantsare going North a passenger tram will leave Raleigh ia. the after noon, on the arrival of the train from the West on the N. C. Road ; due notice of which will be given. By order of the Board of Directors, L. O B BRANCH, Prttident. As the Company has two Depots in Raleigh, merehastts orderiax roods to go up the N . C. Road are requested to have them distinctly marked, so that tbeiniestination may be known, and they may be loaded to the through Depot from Peters burg or Fartsmoatfc. Raleigh, Jan. 17, 1866. 6 tf FIRE! rv HE J&TXA ' LNSUlvAJlCK " tvMFAJ I OF 1 Hartford, Cork., offers to insur Buildings and Merchandise, against loss or damage by fire. at uieimuum to suit the tunes. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com paniM in the United States, and pays its losses. promptly. Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi einity, to be maae to S. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October. 1848. 83 Qunn's Domestio Medioine. TTlHIS book points out, in plain language, free I from doctors' terms, the Diseases of Men, Wo men, and Children, and the latest and most im proved means used in their cure, and is in tended expressly for the benefit of families. It also contains descriptions of the Medical Roots ass Herbs or ths Urtted States, and how they are to be used in the cure of diseases. It is ar ranged on a new and simple plan, by which the practice of Medicine is reduced to principles of common sense This invaluable book has passed throagh many exfitions ; it has now been revised and improved ia every respect, and enlarged to nearly double its former size ; and contains nine hundred octavo Pfe""Fo aaU by HENRY D. TURNER. Raj.ru a, M. C, 1855. 55. Turnip Seeds. rVHK followiag varieties for sale at the N. C. B Bookstore : Red Top, Early Fkt Dalch. Purple Top, Yellow, Rata Baga, Large Nerfotk, Large Globe, all ef new crop. Raleigh, July, 1855. 68 IT AND WARRANTS WANTED ! 50,000 DO Li U J LARS WORTH WANTED. Withing them lor the purpose of locating, the highest market prie will be paid in cash. Apply to E. L. HARDING. June 11th, 1855 47. COACH SHOP. , rSTk Subscriber respectfully informs the Pub- that he still occupies the well knowu "Stand . of Ja. Willie Johnson, on Wilmington St. about ene hv111 yards South of the Capitol Square, where u prepared ta execute every thiag in his la of business. Baggies Coaches Ac, made of iha bsL materials and in the most fashionable ana durable style. . He would say to thoe who may wish to pur-' chase Buggies or any thUig ia his line, that they would do well to call upon him before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to spare neither pains nor expense to please those whe may favor him with thair custom. He ia determined to sell at prices to suit the times, ; Also, repairing done cheap at the shortest notice JAMES BASHFORD. CTeh. 14, 185. 14 EO LOGICAL 8URVEY OF NORTH CARO- VTLINA. Report of Professor Emmons on kit Grolagieal Survey of North Carolina, Priet o C tms. For sal by HENRY D. TURNER, North Carolina, Bookstore, Attlni5; W. SOLOMOX ClBKXT. JaS. CAHTIL. CHERKY & CAHILL, Commission Merohants, NORFOLK, VA. Jn. 13, 18-54. tf-6 NOTICE I U. S. LAND AND PENSION AGENCY. 'X all those for whom Ibave collected Land X Warrants, Ua than 160 acre. I have the num ber and particular of said warrant, and, by call ing on or writing to me. I can get each one an' increase of pay ; and to all the SoUUra whe ren dered 14 days service in any of the ware aince 1790, they, or their widows, or minor child or children, are entitled to land. TheXTt&dIl J to call at u 'A genfy. X" a&ve the rous Tor tne State of North Carolina. Also, all Widows of the Revolutionary War are entitled to land. Wagon Masters and Teamsters are embraced among the numerous Laws ; and all those who think they have a claim are respect fully invited to call and have their claims inves tigated. Aly terms are no charge, unless I succeed , After 15 years' experience, I natter myself that I understand my business, and all the numerous laws in such rases. Give me a call, and hare your claims investigated beTore it will be forever too late. Enlisted Soldiers, having located lands in Illi nois and Missouri, I will pay the highest cash prieea fur them. 1 have the number, Townships and locations of several hundred in whoe name they appear of record. The highest cash prices paid for land warrants. (Hfice opposite Lawrence's Hutel, at the Ex press Office. J. H. K1RK1IAM. Raleigh, N. C, March 12, 1855. 21 tf SPRING TRADE ! MARCH, 1855. H e are now prepared at our New storr, Nos. 78 and 80, Sycamore Street, (htpiite Moists. Mr limine. Son f' Co., T O offer to Merchants of Virginia aud North Carolina, the most commanding Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS we have ever had. One of our firm will remain in New York during the present month, and attend the Auction Sales, thus placing us daily in possession of many styles of goods much below regular prices. MERCHANTS VLSIT1NQ THIS MARKET would do well to give our Stock an examination. before buying elsewhere. STEVENSON & WEDDJSLL. Petersburg, Va,, Mar. 13; tf 21 SoWfar U hirhaat prie paK ia th Cnited States, aad imnaduta rateraa aiad ia Bah r Siht Drmrai to til m- Addraai JAMES M. ED NIT, it JUn &rvaV It T (lAotAAbviUa,N. C.) ' "mxrm r June 8, 1855. 46 6m a is n l. P. FORD, Manufacturer & Wheleaale Dealer f BOOTS & SHOES, Removal to No. 85, North Third Street, Opposite Cherry Street, PHILADELPHIA. TTAYING Removed from No. 47. to Store No. tl 86 North Third Street, where I shall keep on hand a full assortment 01 tne oeei quality 01 oois and Shoes of Eastern Manufacture, also a full stock of Citv made work, I shall be able to offer to the Trade a better and more desirable Stock of Goods than heretofore. Of persons visiting the City for the purpose of buying Boots and Snoea, 1 respectfully solicit a persoaal examination of my Stock, before purchas ing elsewhere, and of my former Friends and Customers a continuance of past favors. Very Respectfully, P. FORD. Ko. 85, Ninth Third Str., above Arch, Philadelphia. July '66. 60 tf S- PERRY Dental Surgeon, RALEIGH, N. C, RXrERETCES The Faculty of the Baltimore College ef Destat Surgery, Rev. Dr. Smedes, Raleigh. Rev. Dr. Lacy, do Rev. Mr. McDowell, do Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, do Dr. Fab. J. Haywood, do Hon. Jno. H. Bryan, do Prof. Owen, W. F. College. Prof. Wingate, do Prof. Wheat, Chapel Hill. Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, Jackson, N. C. April 3, 1865. . 2117 H KURT P. RUSSELL. JOSEPH R. RUSSELL. RUSSELL. & BROTHER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmihotox, N. C. Refer to Thomas H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank Cape Fear; Edward P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State; O. 0. Parsley, Esq., President Commercial Bank. We have ample WHARF AND 8TORE Room, situated in the most central portion of the Town, and are prepared to make liberoi cash advance on all Consignments of FLOUR, COTTON, GRAIN, NAVAL STORES, or other produce, consigned to us for sale here or shipment to our friends North. March 5, 1E65 19 ly. NEW IxLANTLLJaAS. McGEE k WILLIAMS INVITE the Ladies to inspect their novelties in Spring and Summer Wrappings, a large and beautiful assortment of which are now received and will be exhibited, commencing from this day. March 27, 1865. 25 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Grarvillr Cocktt. Superior Courtof Law, 8pring Term, A. D. 1855. John West vs Susan West, Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Susan West, the Defendant in this canse, resides beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made, for six weeks successively, at the Court House in Oxford, and also in the Raleigh Register and North Carolina Standard, notifying the said Defendant of the filing of this petition, and that anless she appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday of September next, and answer said petttieav the same will be taken pro conjmso and heard ex par Is as to her. Witness, ugene Grissom, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Oxford, the first Monday of March, A. D., 1855. JL GRISSOM, C. 8. C. July 12, 1856. Pr. Adv. o,62. 56 ww. RaleLeh and Gaston Railroads 1 OLAVES are, not permitted to .travel en th I H Railroad, witheat a writtoa permit from their IT! "owners. Duplicates ahoald in ail mim be givsev, . 1 as the Tkt Areola are instructed to retain eae t copy of every passv JAMES .laUPOOV 1 Jaa-lOW. " 4 Ticket Agent. rpO THE PUBLIC The subscriber la pleased I to inform the public that his CHOLERA" AND DTARRHCEA MEDICINE affords more prompt relief In the various affections of the Bowels, and consequently more satisfactory to all who have used it, than aay other Medicine ever offered to the public. The following are among many testi monials of its efficacy . Da. R. H. Wobthimotoh Dsa Sir: I take much pleasure In adding my testimony to others in faver cf your remedy for Bowel Affections, &c, having so frequently experienced its beneficial re sults in my own case, as well as in many others to whom I have given it. I carried a bottle of it with me to Baltimore, (and here permit me to say I would as soon think of travailing without money as without this remedy ) and finding many among' rflT. -AVMuaintancee there who were suffering with. yaxloaB forma of Bowel Affections, I gave it freely; f BWT XS 0 1ASTA9CS UIU 11 IH11 lO Htuiu U1C us i pkomft and Pccided relief as it has done her. ( congratulate you, and especially the public, on the discovery of a medicine which is better calcu lated to protect mankind and alleviate suffering thn any other ever brought before the people. L. T. SPIERS. This is to "certify that, some weeks back, I was taken with a violent Diarrhoea, which persisted for eight days. Being some sixty miles from home, I made use of all the remedies'I could think of, but without affording any relief On arriving at home, I was informed that Dr. R. H. Worthington had prepared a remedy for Cholera, ftc, and was advised to use it. I did so, and to my astonish ment, one single dose gnve speed)- and permanent relief, since which rime I have used it frequently in my family ; and, in justice to the Doctor, say I consider it much the mokt valuable medicine 1 have used in an experience of twenty years. F. M. CAPEHART. Murfreesboro." N. C; Oct , l-".4. Dr. Worthinoton Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in recommeuding your Cholera Medicine to the public and more especially since I have had persoual experience and observation of its benefi cial effects. I have tried several remedies put p fr Cholera, &C, but have never found such happy results from any as from your invaluable remedy. I have such unbounded confidence in its efficacy, that I am unwilling and will not leave home without a supply with me; and I regard it as one of the most valuable discoveries of the age. Yours, very truly, W. P. BRAM AN. Windsor, N. C, Sept 19, 1854. Dr. R. H. Worthinqtor Dear Sir. 1 have made some effort, and have succeeded in introdu cing your Medioine to the public, and 1 find it is taking very well indeed ; and the result is, taat I have nearly sold what you sent me. I. there fore, wish you woald send me wmt more as soon you can. l have not the slightest doubt but that this Medicine is the very best reme dy out for the disease for which it is recommend ed. I hope you will soon send me a supply, as l would not like to get entirely out of it. lours, truly, GEORGE W. McGLAUGHON. fFrom the Murfreesboro GAiette.l Missrs. Editors In looking over the last number of the Gazette, I found a communication from our friend. Mr. L. P. Spiers, rcommending Dr. R. H. Worthington s Cholera Mixture to the public, for the cure of diarrhoea, dysentery, and other kindred diseases. Having experience in my own ease, the happy effects of its use, as well as other Raembers of my family, I can safely say that I rerard it aaneriat to anv remedy wa have ever used, in OAoxpatria oftt-raaAT.j-Mraw I womkl, therefore, reoocamand it to every family as an in valuable remedy, and every individual to procure a bottle and keen it by them In these times of cholera. R. R. PARKER. Murfreesboro,' Aug. 30th, 1854. This is to certify that 1 have used Dr. R. H. Worthington's Cholora medicine in my family for the last four or five weeks, in several cases of Bowel Complaint, so common in our vicinity, with invariable tract-ess. One of the cases was that of a negro child, some four or five months old, who wag so emaciated y the effects of the disease, that its life was nearly despaired of, when my wife happened to think that she would, try the Cholera Medicine, and did so with complete success in less than forty-eight hours. I am throughly of opinion that no famrly should be without so tine a medicine Given under my hand, this 3rd day of October, 1854. A. W. DARDEN. MURFRESBORO' N C. Dn R. H. Worthinirton. It affords us pleasure to say that we have used your Cholera Diarrhoea medicine for the last twelve months, and have found it invariably successful ia relieving speedily the cases in which we hare bad occasion to use it. We entertain a high ap preciation of its value, and have no hesitation in expressing the opinion that it will prove to be valuable family medicine. RICHARD G. COWPER. B. F. SPIERS. Sold by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, and by Drug gists generally. Oct. 17th, 1854. tf David A. Bair. George M. Bain, Jr. BAIN & CO. SUCCESSORS TO BAIN, HATTON & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission Merchants, Corner of King and Water Streets. PORTSMOUTH VA. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SELLING Tobacco. Flour. Qrain, Cotton, etc. 7 , ALSO, AND FORWARDINO TO RECEIVING Jan. 36, 1855. GOODS. 9 ly Hats, Hats- JUST to hand two cases Extra Molrsk.ii UaU, Beebe's Latest. McGEE WILLIAMS. .GUN, LOCK-SMITH, AND BELL HANGER Charles Kuester, XTT0ULD respectfully inform the Citizens of Y y Raleigh and surrounding country, that he has located permanently in Raleigh, and has opened a Shop on Wilmington Street, (in Dr. Cooke's brick building,) where he will be found at all times, ready to execute any "JUB in nis line, in a style that shall not be surpassed by any other person, and the charges shall always be moderate. CALL AND SEE. Raleierh. March 2, U53. ly-19 Virginia Springs. GUIDE to the Hot Springs, Bath Co., Va., by Thomas Goode, M. D. Price 12J. Moorman's V a Springs Comprising an account of all the principal Mineral Springs of Virginia, with remarks on the nature and Medical capa bility of each, by J. J. Moorman M. D . second ed ition, greatly enlarged, with maps and plates, and the routes and distances to the various springs ; alao an appendix, containing an aoooont of the na tural curiosities of Virginia, $1 - Burks Mineral Springs With remarks on their wm, the diseases to which they are applicable and tn-whieh'they are contra Indicated, with a map of rote and distances, !. 25. The abovv with all new books for tale at the. N. O. 'Booh Store. Rleagh, JttBt 12, 185$. 47 PETER W. HINTON, Commission Merchant, HOS. Hi AJTD 26 XOTBXRTS WHART, NORFOLK, YA. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SILXrHa Tohaeeo, Flour, Grain, Cotton, dtc Vc. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. REFER TO Chas. L. Hinton, Esq. Wak Co. N. a J G. Roulhac, and George, W. Haywood, Esqa Raleigh, N. C. Wm. Plummer, Esq., Warrentoa, N. C. mm hi in'fci iiTiii ? 1) 1 - , aria'iat Buy 9nd TreonU on fiU Bad Trm. Dry ZrX GroceiiesiMsg Impleisexiix .Boob, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, . ' CARRIAGES, FRUIT TREES, om uniuM ua taxi 9am as a ata CITY OF NEW YORE. At tH PER CNT. COMMlmOH. Rtftrt to fioo. W. A. Graham. Q. IV Badatr. . L. Swain, J. M. Merchead, C. P. MeuJenhall, J. W. Otborn, N. W. Woodfia, and othara. W.w Twk, l&M. Oxford Female College. THE next session will commence on the first Monday in January 1855, and close on tne last Thursday in May. RATES TUmOM (PATABLR ONI HALF IS ADVASC1.) For Reading, Writing, with the first rudiments of English Grammar, and Geography, $10,00 English Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, 12,50 For any thing higher, 16,00 For the College Classes, (without any extra charge for the Languages,) . 20,00 Extra Expenses. Music on Piano, 20,00 Use of Instrument, 8,00 The same on Guitar, Drawing and Painting. 12,00 Oil Painting, 16,00 Needle Work, 6,00 Board per month, 8,00 Washing per month, 1,00 Musical Soirees will be given during each term. T. T. GRANDY, Sea. of the Board of Trustees. Dec. 22. 1854. 108-ly A FIR8T RATE MISSISSIPPI PLANTATION For Sale. A OREAT BARQAIR WILL BE CUTE. WILL positively sell on the 26th day of De cember next, at public outcry on the premises, if not previously sold at private sale, on a credit of one, two, three, and foar yean, my well known Bogue Chit to Plantation, In Hinds county, Mississippi, within five miles of the Jackson and Vicksburg Railroad, at Clinton, and eight of the great New Orleans Railroad, at the City of Jack son, containing. 1120 Aores. all under good fence, of which 900 acres are clear ed, and the balance well timbered. Its advanta ges are almost unrivalled in position, fertility of soil, splendid bottom land, and fine adaptation to the production of corn and cotton upwards of 300 bales of cotton, and 6000 bushels of corn, hav ing been made on the place lar a year. Its pasture lands are uaavjrpassed, fetr-grass, cane, and never railing watem ana ronsiaeziBgrUi aaorfcec, ror out- tor, beef, and toMttoa, at toe seat of government. is of itaelf a great aooiw of revenue. 'And hen its improvements, with paled garden, two-taste rna, dwelling house with brick chimneys, Rabins for 100 negroes, with plank floors and raltor. roots, gin house, horse mill, cotton press, &., Ac, make it one of the most valuable estates) m the. country Possession given on tne first of January next To any one who may wish to buy tne planta tion privately, my terms shall be liberal, which may be known by application to my brother, Gen eral Patrick Henry, who resides near the premi ses. He can have the option to take the provisions, stock, &o on the place, at a fair price; other wise, I will sell on a credit of twelve months; at the same time and place, 20 or 80 likely mules, about 100 head of cattle, 150 stock hog 19U head of sheep, corn, fodder, peas, and potatoes, and far ming utensils of every description. G. A. HENRI, Of Clarksville, Tennessee. June 5, 1855. 45 worn. IOC00HTT. Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term 1805- Isaac Uaskins & others vs John L. Jenkins s others Petition to Sell Land for Division It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Jonn L. Jenkins and Elizabeth, bis wife, James Moore, and Martha, his wife, James W. Haalcins, and the children and heirs-at law of John Has kias, deceased, and the children and heirs at-law of James Haskias deceased, named as defendants in this cause, reside beyond the limits of this 8tate : It is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made for six weeks succes sively in the Raleigh Register, notifying the said defendants of the filing of this petition, and that unless they appear at the next Term of this Court and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro coxFEsao, and heard EX parte as to them. Witness Augustine Landia, Clerk of said Court, the first Monday of May, A. D., 1856. A. LAIN DIM, j. 1 t;. June 25, 1855. wfiwpd 61 To Dealers In Land Warrants. TAM extensively engaged in the purehi of I Land Warrants, and wish to buy within the next 60 days $100,000 worth. Persons dealing in War rants would do well to send them to me, as 1 am at all times paying over New York prices. I am now paying!! 11-100 per acre. Correspondents sending me warrants may rely upon prompt re turns, by checks on any of the principal cities. WILLIAM T. SMITHSON, Banker, Washington City D. C. Refer to Hon. Thos. S. Bocock, C. W. Purcell A Co., Richmond Vs., Samuel Harriss & Sons, Bal timore. All Bankers. July 26, 1855. 60 Imp. Plastering; Brlck-laylng and Brick-making 1 THE Undersigned would inform the Public that he continues to carry on, and has made large ly inoreased preparations for carrying on, the above branches of his business. He flatters him self, and those lor whom he has done work will bear him out in the opinion, that he can afford to contract for it on as reasonable terms and exe cute it in as masterly and expeditious a manner as any other contractor. lie will shortly have on hand a large quantity of good FIRE PROOF BRICK. All orders for him are to be at left at the Yar b rough House. CHARLES W. PALME 1. Raleigh, April 20, 1855. 32 tf WM. J. BAKER. TBOS. L. RARRAVD. BAKER & BARRAUD, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Tubbs' Buildings, Town Point, NORFOLK, VA. May 22. 1855. 41-tL Andrew J. Stedman. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having removed to Pittsborough, N. C, will at tend regularly the Courts-of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties. Pitfsbaro', July 18r 1865. 66 tf. FAXX 8TVI.E OF HATS. O CASES of Beeba A Co. superior Moleskin Hats fjfor the Fan of 1560 by -express this day. W- R. J R. S. TTJCKRR. North Carolina. Xftuiu&l InsurfUio . Company. - R AiH. N. C. . ; . rpHlS, CorapWhas(heB 1x1 sooceaafhl operation I for more than seven years, and continues ta take risks ttpoa all classes of property in the Bute, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine' Distilleries,) upon favourable terms. lis Policies now corer property amounting to 114,600,000, a large por tion of which lain $oantry rlaka, -;aMit jbzitat capital if oter Six Bhadred Thousand Dpllaxtt fastendii rpatfj Meared.' The average aoat of Ifttorancw pba t ftoctaf it oxupitEgPaa bd Mm thaa thirdV one Mrapii it mi ill 41s af jUjllll) rtttd i tfTTjil) atlsji " 1 1 u.---' ' THE following pewoiaa kava hien elected Dirfl tors and Officers of this Company for the present year: - -.: ' DIRECTORS. J. G. B. Houlhac, C. W. D. Hatchings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Heary D. Turner, S. W. Whiting, T- H.SeUy, R4aeighi Go. McNeiPiy etteville; Jes. G. Wright, Wilmington; Jamas . Hoy Witungtoq ; James Sloan, Greensboro' $ Jno. Cox, Edenton; Josh.' Boner, Salem; Jos. H. Pool, ECzabeth Citv : P. PFaitan. Plymouth : Alexan der Mitchell, Newborn ;'.W. N. H. Smith, Mur- freesbord' ; H. B. Wulfams, Charlotte ; John a. Barrett, Milton; A. t. Suauny, Asheville. All Directors are authorized to receive applica tions. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J: G. B. Roulhac, President. Henry D. Turner, Vice do. S W. Whiting, Treasurer. John C.'Fartridget Secretary. John H. Bryan, 4erny. J. Hers man, Oeneral Agent. 8. W. Whitiag, ) Jne. B Williams, V Exeoutiver Committee. John Primrose, ) All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec y. Raleigh, Mar. 22, 1853. 26 100,000 Copies I Steamboat Disasters on the Western Waters, and Steamboat Directory. fllHB undersigned have aow in course of pre II paxation a NEW STEAMBOAT DIRECTORY which will be issued in October next; the book will contain over two hundred pages, illustrated in the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be one 01 the most interesting books ever published, and will be a book that will be interesting to all classes of people. The Steam boat Directory will contain a complete list ana des cription of all the s teamboats now afloat on the Western and Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power, and tonnage of each Boat, where and by whom built, the name of the boat with the trade she is in. Also, the Directory will con tain a history of Steamboats and Steam boating on the Western waters, sincelhe application of steam ; also, a sketch ef the first boat built for the Ohio ... . 1 -m . . , 1 1 river, with tne name 01 tne Duuaer, comm&uuer, and owner. The River Directory will contain a list and de scription of all the Steamboat Disasters that have cur radon the Western and Southern waters, beau tifully illustrated, with a list of all those who have perished by their burning, sinking and exploding, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red. Ouachita, Yaxoo, and other rivers, with the towns and cities laid down, with correct distan ces ; also, many other river and commercial Items of interest to the people at large. The book will contain the' cards of the various United States mail-boats, with the trade they are in, Ac, to. The Directory will also contain a complete list of all the responsiDir steamboat .Licensed umcers, their pi aces of residence, Ac, &c; the new Steam boat Law, its requirements, with comments, show ing wherein it benefits the incompetent officer, and injures the competent officer, Ac, See., and all the important United States Supreme Court Steam boat Decisions up to date ; the Rates and impor tant Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, im portant Decisions of tbe various United States courts, in regard to Freights lost and damaged, Ate.. Ac. ; with many other things of interest The Directory will be illustrated in the best style and printed in the best manner. The author has for six yeir been gathering together all the facts axd items in regard to the numerous steam boat disasters on the w estern and Southern wa ters, and now intends publishing them in book form The price of the work will be put at the low sum ef One Dollar. Ten thousand copies win oe issued for the boatmen ; all others desirous of subscrib ing will have to do) at once, as none will be print ed unless ordered in advance. 1 This work is destined to have a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, as the publishers are receiving large numbers 01 subenbers. per mail. from all parts of the country, daily. Some of the oldest boatmeu, as well as most scientific men of the times, are contributors to the Steamboat Direc tory. The Directory will be issued in October, and will be aa ornament to the parlor as well as steam boat. By remitting One Dollar (post paid) you will receive a copy of thebove work. ffclP"' All communications and letters should be addreoed to. JAMES T. LLOYD &. CO . Post Office Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 9, 1855 65 O TATE OF NOBTH CAROLINA Bertie Coun- F. C. Miller, Trustee, Ac , vs Jos. B. Cherry A others. Original Bill. In Equity. It appearing in this cause, that the defendants, Solomon Cherry, James Cahill, and Beverly Irwin, are residents of the State of Virginia, they, the said defendants, are notified in the Raleigh Reg ister, according to the act of Assembly, to appear at the court House, at Windsor, on the third Mon day of September next, and answer or demur to the eoniplainant's bill or judgment pro eonftsso will be rendered against them. L. S. WEBB, C. M. E. for Bertie Co. Windsor, Aug. 5, 1855. G3 w6w. OTA 1TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chatham 'dPntt, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1S65 , Robert Sturdevent, The heirs at-Law of Francesrmstead, J-c Probate or wiu. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that there are mauy heirs at law and next ef kin of the said Frances Anui'ead, &c, whose names and residence are unknown tc the Court:. It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Raleigh Register, a newspaper published in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks successively, to all persons interested in the es tate of said Frances Armstead, to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held at the Court Hcuse in Pittsborough, on the second Monday in August next, then and there to enter their caveat to the probate of the will, or see the proceedings which may be had touching the probate. Witness, W. P. Taylor, Clerk of our saidC ourt, at office, the 2nd Monday of May, A. D. 1855, and in the 79th year of American Independence. W. P. TAYLOR, C. C. C. July t, 1856. pr. adT. $6.62j 68 w6w. NOTICE. The,Board of Directors will receive Proposals for furnishing the Lunatic Asylum with ore thousand cords of Seasoned Pine and four hundred do of Oak Wood, deliverable at the Asylum during the months of October and Novem ber. Bills for the whole or portions of each are soli cited. Address ' ED. C. FISHER. Superintendent of L. A. Raleigh, July 24,' 65. tSeptl 69 North Carolina Mutual Lift Xa! sah4Lp,fi9ipan7 Q&fC&eRAjJkVQB, M Z - i HTlHia Cocapaay insure the Uvea of Indivhtoala JL for on. yfar;tora of yeara, or for ttf,!n tha Mutual BriauajaVatRM aarurd-for Ufa parted pofing Ia the. pn fit eXsAtiCflanpany: ufr- pU .ciea granted fr tw wha Jr of life, the premium thenamoants to &30 a note may! be given for one half the amount of the pjm4dm,: baarijBg. jfltorasf at 6 par east, without guaranty. ' Zha promnt mannar Lo. which all loaaaa have Sln paldy Qua Company, tegethar with thjesr-h rateaojX- pranuoaa, preeeas great lnuucezaacxa ie 'a4edl4rfe4.to -"Staves are Insured for a term of from one to are years, for two-thirds their value. All loaves art; paid within 90 days after satisfac tory proof is presented. VIBCUIUKS. Charles E. Johnson. Wm. W. Holden. Wm. D. Cooke, Rv-H. Battle, Wm. M. Jones. P. F. Pescud, Seaton Gales. Wm. a Haywood. James P. Jordan, Queatin Bushes, H. W. Hasted. Wm. H McKee, Charles B. Root, OFFICERS. Dr. Chas-E-Johnson, President, Wm. D, Haywood, Vic President, John G. Williams, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, H. W. Hasted, Attorney, Charles E. Johnson, M. D. Medical ii" it. - fw . -r I r f f rriiuam sx. iuun.ee, so., v. ttvara oj Richd. B. Haywood, M. D. J Consultation. RH Battle, ") W. W. Holden, V Executive Com- Charles B. Root, ' J mittee S. HERS MAN, General Agent. For further information, the public are referred to the pamphlets, and forms of proposal, which may be obtained at the Office of the Company, or any of its Agencies. Communications should be addressed, (post paid,) to JOHN Q. WILLIAMS, Secretary. July 1856. 64 Freah Family Grooeries. WE have now in Store a well selected stock of Family Groceries, comprising the fol lowing : Stuart No. 1 Syrup, Best Family Molasses, Loaf, Pulverised and Crushed Sugar, Brown and Clarified do., Whole grain Rice, Rio, Laguira, Java and Mocha Coffee, Imperial, Hyson and other Green and Black Teas, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, Starch, Bar Soap, Spice, Ginger, Pepper, Maccaroni and English Cheese. Indeed, all articles in the Grocery line. W. H. It R. S. TUCKER. 26. Dbnnans & Johnston. Grocers & Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG VA. DONNAN & CO. Commission Merchants, RICHMOND VAi D. Donnaa Jr- J. Donnan, J. A. Johnston, Res ident. Partners, Petersburg, Va. 8. E. Donnan , ttesident Partner, Richmond, Va. Jan. 16, 1866.. 6m 6 Plantation for Sal, FOR sale a valuable Plaatatton, o the South aide af Panvltoa rirer, at the mouth of South Creek, opposite the Steam Mills of Respaas 4 Jor dan, consisting of between 18,00 and 2,000 aores 5 160 of which are cleared, well fenced, and in suita ble condition to cultivate. Upon the premises are situated a large and commodious dwelling-house, in excellent condition, forty feet long by thlrty-fiva wide, containing five rooms and two large.passage or halls ; a fine dairy built of atone ; ail the ne cessary out buildings, barns, kitcheoa, stables, Ac. Also, two Mills, one worked by horse power, and the other by wind; the latter of which ia capa ble of grinding from four to six bushels per hoar. To the horse mill machinery is attached a cot ton gin, wheat thresher and oat cutter. The whole tract of land is bounded by water except upon one side, and any vessel sailing from the port of Washington can load within one hundred yards from the shore. The adjacent waters a bound in fish of superior quality. There is upon this place one ef the best orchards in Beaufort county. Upon the wood land there are three crops of new Turpentine boxes, two of which have, been cut since last January. The purchaser can obtain upon tne premises, at reasouaoie terms, an un proved stock of cattle, hogs, Ac. For further particulars, address tbe subscriber at Washington or Greenville. WM. T. MARSH. July 20, 1865. tf 68 Agenoy at Washington City. JENNINGS PIGOTT and JNO. W. HANCOCK (Ute of North Carolina.) A 7ILL prosecute claims of every description I f before Congress, the several Executive De partments and Publie Offices. Particular atten tion will be given to Claims for PENSIONS and BOUNTY LAND. Mr. PIGOTT will practice in the Supreme Court of the United States, and tke several Courts of the District of Colombia. Address Pioott & Hahoock, Washington, D. C. , Feb. 6, 1856. 11 wly. LOOK HERE, FOR THE HATS, WISHING to diminish our present well se lected Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER Hats, in order to make room for the Fall Trade, we will close them out at cost. Now is the time to secure one of those Fashion able Hats, at the lowest price. W. H. j R. S. TUCKER. May 22, 2856. 42 SuporiorFrenoh Cassimere Pants. W B WOULD CALL PARTICULAR ATTEN tion to our style of Summer Panto. They are "just the thing." One hundred pair just re ceived, March 80th, '65, at E. L. HARDING'S. Cotton Seed Oil. All persons, wishing to purchase COTTON SEED OIL will please apply to ANDREW J. TERRELL. Raleigh, Jan. 19th, 1855. tf. Hopkins, Hull tc Co., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 268 Bait. St-, Baltimore. We take this method of calling the attention of the Southern trade to our Stock of FALL A. WIN TER DRY GOODS. The encouragement we have met with in our endeavors to get up a better stock than has usually been kept in this market has stimulated us to improve it both in extent and variety. Besides a full assortment of Foreign and Domes tie Staple Dry Goods, we shall offer a large and elegant Stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. We shall sell at short profits, as we wish to secure the best class of trade that comes to market. Orders for goods solioited, which shall have prompt at tention. B. B. HOPKINS, R. HULL, WM. H RYAN; ' : THO S W. ATKINSON. ' Baltimore, Aug 4, '55. 68 8m, t v WTtTTANTE D,r tmmediatoly atLawreaeVe Bo- Ui a coed diaiag-rooaa Servant whe can come well recommended for honaatv AaA aiaHrUt Raieigh, Aug, 6th, 1866. 62 8k ia aj3 Tail tofhm mmss aic is??iJ .Ml. "'- - 1 . i.vv a.iM ?MlIj.i.aiu Sf.er-skB.fm ft mm Machine leodst! J thafij at VJattACTtha 1 North tuHBUFmJrpkMAwmtSm' del to thafablieas thw beBt aawft a g State, Seven awtiirtvUttmPf1t?FJuv in North Carolina, tionaodhfevf given th 1 i7-'ilwa-xijraa. smut riMESTi. warranto? ior ore ywanaewT any whore Ilhe f MC1 by -V WMai Page's improved PalanfrClar N.oBaoaoaa, axia Was aUWaWVeP" " T4M QU, M0 ' t 5r- RESPECTFULLY ihfbra tae pttiUc, liiV they have greatly iraaaaad taaiy atanr. rrtartaf establishment,1 and ira opTparid tototaato an orders with prompUeiw tor'thaiia"': ' CELEBRATED PATENT CTROTLA31 fOV which have given so, muoh aatisfaetioxl hrba.at the Union, as also 8TXAM rowr, cfJlaitoa and kinds, HORSE VOVZXSiTlZlZZ tZLLB, and various other maahiaet etsVl tmtfiWSA to economisiiig labor J'is, sj Swsfc - i. Sine their Portelfe ClMofe t&iZZXSIvn invented by, and pataniai &atow&pB&m they have made maay hiiawexaftfta; rllirtaatat them prfect in all thair a ttsili, WsAjuZ? t9 them to be ootisidexed. $Hii39mM hitAajaa- ing manhmaw of the v$kfchi ed Wafer Pamphlet oaataialagd&aarj! several classes of mills, pricea, taraia, wt7 sawing, Ac., will, u,appJllcaaa4Wfhe far Having recently obtained goatarea to t attaa brought in the U S. CiwulV rurt thet Pfce. trict Marylahd r La Mngamant; Patent Rights, faT utotr Alt aoaikbt tntmiabi t'lJaAwtaaJaiirtma sas, R tiara Aaairjaf iMriaFJ.f uauaur r aua a V. SohreederSt, aeaf Balflmotw St., , -f i-r, 'BhttiaaHf MA. 54. 1 '.-.WiOil May 28, ' ".I'M I '!M"j ' "'J NEW SFRINaialQOlJa mcOes a KWnasMSS A T their neyr atorej No 1Q, fij ilia tfa aat, V moat respeetfully aak; av Waaahttttoa ef their RICH ANDiLEGANT kXtOGS.QMtTXJXa AND SUMMER fiOODS;: whiolu iarliias bought for eaaavtteyfanabIatSRWa inducements to purchasen aa will ataksis graatl to their advantage to eaUand lo0k befotmrehay' aing elaewhere , . . : hii3h-.j , Oar stock U .etrely fdi aectoAjfroBi the latest impertaUoae ia,Nef Xtt- aohsif tlag. la part, i rich plaids atri -and . aUl JDraas Silks t Heavy black Gro de $M 4 rif ared SOWPIaM, yoalarf atrf xna Tfttip- rages ;' Moire Antique af d aCbaw Priat ed Linen CambrioB ; Genaeaiuia.J rc Or gandies Barege, 'Volantoahd'aOko4ie4' Hobto ; BrilUantos; Lawns; Ginirhama f lintsV.Chal Hes ; Delaines Alpacas f' Crap tfe raTla' aad Bombazines.; French and Scotch1 abroideriea. Honiton; Maltese and English llea4 sMglng ; Bonnet; Taffeta and Trintming1;' RiShear ) -Jaek-onet and Swiss Uaalitf -Bdada Cahtbrifloa oinga ; White Dotted axUl )edwiakt- lina. . . . ; io4a;4ffi4sisrH.,e.'' Alarge aasortmejit uf : Hhaiexai af the most approved make 1 together ritm-'alArge Stock of 8tapleAnorteaaeart Brttia4Qaoda.- all ef which will be sold m tk lawijl pmi&m jti- cee. .j Raleigh, March27ths $aif T General Gommisn(mGfcl Porwardi n rlat & t , WILMIN G TO K j H -ffll! . Feb. 13, '66. ' ' ,VVW Claudius b. a ATrfey:?. ATTORITET' AT' fcA M RHTrrurM, aom 9 caawfirtraa'.t TXT1LL attend the Courts ef Johxurtoai ayne f w and rtasn. Jan. 14. 1868. '! '-'.LI' ,', ' JK'l. ' '" A highly valuable watsr-ptwer .wiC k as an fuQinf stream, with an- abundant . supply 4fwatse, and near ths Railroad. l A ,Aef! iK,'! THE subscriber, Utendfeg te tatao to th southwest, wishes to eels Mi isfsvf ' OIL, GRIST, AND AW. MILLS-a situate on Neuse River, about utao aineaaortaeast ef the city of Raleigh, and tsre ata) I)siijRallee from Huntaville Depot, en the RaUlgttjtfid flaatoa Railroad. , ,'. . n i)rw tjt - The mui tract contains ,aaex(ittirBX two , 1;. Wt mlAm .til, wlmm ' ' The OIL MILL it ia, perfect order,' ftkmUk ry is of the most approved eojiattTictJoa 4 la capable 01 producing piieeea ininuasa gaivna, per annum; of cotton seed, linseed and" eestof eil. There are also attached to it ohh ef Camera lar gest site cotton gins and i eottoii eclww. 4 flftoea years' aequalaUne with 'the oHaklng liTniaaai juatifieshka bi the remark thatitlroha of the Moat profitable and satisfactory thathestad ay kaew. ledge of. ' ' (.' t" - The SAW MILL, re-built two' year age, and running with Hetehkiaa'a ealkeeU, fa enr passed byftw U tb eoaatry aad aala ii found for the lumber at the tnfll.; & ts Li,i The GRI8T MILL has 1 in a thioJdw aeOhtd and neichboahoed would, withalichi twaaim 1 a custom yielaing 60XX aamUtejaaf Twavr. while at a aaaalL expeaee a ftwt aeeJA.fce at tached to it which would yield aa aaaoaioa ef ene thousand bushela of wheaA..! . ' i" nirii " A mora favourable ojapo7tBit7 fer asrotabl investment, ia. Wake count, hu Aeve beea pre sented. In' the hands' ef a prodeat and jeaargetia man, who would gire r'"!' rTtHaatita. these mills would pay for themsetreer ta a Terr short time. ' ' t, Raleigh, Jane 261835 Kf , NEW UKiM HtttjtUH FACtORyrafctmi TifRS-! HARD1K. deire eajt to the-.traUie, dllL that she has recently emUrye mtpmeUe BkcT and tndy filaxer, hewilLkeep constant ly for aaleCAKS aad CADIESW great, varU ty, and Is now prepared to'exeduff orders for Cake lor yinnersaaa rarues. ? rsrniiesana: tioteis can be supplied With any kind or aay iaadily kifDes erQ. K A ' m t2f t.. She will fill orders lor Cand ttBAlesele. and rWardtttoaay-pRtthei8s - Raleigh, Now. 28, IK; - y leS Jm ' Tff 0TICB- Something hew lir the way ef ladia XT Rubber crying Doll BAbte- aBV CA 1 aeoni'lr Tbuwould like W see UkeaaV at Oe K. G. 1 RoakitAra. -( -a Aii.4 utore. HVV Raleigh, July 20, leWtv all f wMk9A1W VT mtmlaM'.duraUlity. aoma.hjrtlngaixjiaj aaierr now as they dvi at first, a4 jWv! ATflffV AAA dsVV. Wet hLs tHjMaWXl COT 1 I .'4 tf P is i I'V m ii Ii h I K

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