sdzzm to -Znznn ?m or POWER PttE OFFICE-: I puts I 1 in new at i g ffBmi Itw a5m' AIKZXSts, itBMiwilli rtev wit nttsgirrwisT BiWMTTnf tot vromvt exe- tfSfSSf Ticket . tWal ft 1 1 if Mil tfSXJ0&T:MfM.Kii TtA HP SILLS, .JMB POSTS BLANKS AC., V-MeBflrtilyM1 wiy'.ttber Rsteblishment, -4uiBlilU Wl J ai H ! imi -ftfmrriW'C AT LAW, 2 ly L. wW-3 pm r h 1 p . jirii Atteney Cousaelltr at Uw, r, . &ALEIGU, H. C WILL anesjd promptly to all business entrust ed to them. ) S. K. LOdtSS. iCarner of the Rcorsrt Row, oppos- tftjtnw ryurt Heme; it4ML2b,XKA. - . tf&6 ui V VJ '!., XitJTPEB CENT. di inrottATiow "-i - '''Wmfto AS- tlrTOlTATiaJt PKICIS M KACT & CO, .c Mew J Wllnam. Street, Corner os AtaiJou Lane . - New York, JvZ" laTBBS OF ,"'1kNTLWEfr,3 FURNISHING GOODS, fltr jtityfiyQ determined to adopt the cash s.v eaaVaulil inrje buyers U an inspection..! JlaUhS esfaj'jj w)imeni may be found a large an. ?jw r5?i",0!cV consisting in part of riu. no aadCrTats Hosiery, Gloves, Under G a- .Inants, Suspenders, Stocks, London and Napoleon J jBf3tf all qualities, &c. Having been -letX"? wikia bnsuess for the last twenty yetrs, rwcmescessary, as they have made ,ucli -da u tTigwnwH i En rope that they are receiving -aJtqiaBlsnoalsttery etesur the choicest goods tht ad ltaaOsCsiCaa-iis,-aad purchasers need only to satisfy .S;&ttmmhntbckt every 'article in the furnisbinp uitrt MiKfJcmjomam nere.' "ifl; Jn2S;M86a. a. m. p. 6, 51 3 m Tff Kotloe. -i8iSEL' ESTATE nwa ta , pOR ALE. mWrrlbr Offers tbr Sale all that ITWVi ttr Stmtlr Side of Pollock Street : bmenU consist of a large and hand rwelinr HonseJ fiaishe,? in f ne mrwlrrn seftentis aLtrge Dining Room wiih feaitched an CeTlafs for Coal and Wood. , . wP0. Jirs floorae tlu,handfloiof Pr.rlor? witl "''W.e'lPiieis and onuui'uU Orates. t.?i?J?.,v'tl? ' J'iaxias. and Haaoganyjgoors alite.wiMLUie bei.t and heavi est SUver tMed"xtares4 Connected with tbe Din -rts-SinthelmfforSj arekirgc 1 'prunes and jSflffjp Closets, wit aljhf modern son venient s part riattn Wfl fiTtirreal On ths second floors, is a fin. lihraa fiaam adtlirSoek CasJisTidsomely fitted . ap, M three pldtsant Bed Rootc with Dressing ' Saimtfatose'alUcned. 1 In the Attic are . bCJfcer,, all neatly InishetL Connecteu - W-Wiuns:. Parler on the first floor, is the 1 &t rih njffssk Hau, Pump and Boiler, a U , Vtdiaining th Drelnng House, is a ssnmeJDfiea itn.twqAosas,-n..viaS nmamea. SKrKWHsrHH fottf eniew ceoa uases. aau connec ts tfWrt lUijr epscieu Hall, which mnnicates both withr the back vark and dwelliixr ISWKZers W the premises a House con- UMWfcWYJVeat-. ".comfortable ledges for Sets aSf5t "f "eonvenient1 Store House, and mnnrts id Oarden axe stocked with the best llsrmaTfeejsxKheAsmlea front on Which they are JPsWlrVWct t back with the Pwet -:afiJ,-(5.5Lwl thi Stables lor five horses, aTTarnage House, Cow House and tfc Trent iUver, a large BrieV JJW oamnneaa ana water. AO tTi in.;... .Tir.SH',1 11 WdeVed" a more desim- isir&rti11 ' 0f sale in New . vVc!'!a-1 JleTarnliur, much of which was made to JfW8? ??irS?ft l?ffing House if desi- i- tWWn tt YnlnajJPirelling Hons and. Lot -gadjsgjfasbc premlsW W tbe Sowth Side Mid a prsssK oeeupM by Mrs. -taAsssW4 This m owe W the beet built '!?!ifaS,B!T,rm- Th tofcT House is a 8Uri nnd has two Parlors ' 6 f w4th two Pries fa tbe back part ,.tstiMrfHaIl a4 pantry In tbe Piaita three Bel ""SJ?" ?fI,Bt,?d UrS d rpacions fl'.?M dry Cenars- On the premises euxWs that are desirable j JXf embrepMiaises hav just been put in complete - irttpizwai saw1aM order-: All of this properiv m mtuato Li rery desirable and pleasent part of 'r.?.1 " of Pnneipal and most ' 'T.lg"? fa tk P la the imm. - .fflUrlciJtty of the best water to be had in this pert efthei State. V - Tb Subscriber also Offers for sale his StL 1"?rOT?BlER rDENCE tl' thfi ?Xfif',rt Front Street, aod ffflmsAaUJy oppoajte the InTei and on the Pound rIT . ur ,u tn6a Coast. The of Cottage Vith six sgtfan wiui i ntana ack Puuu ti, . S'f' Urntgt House, 4c VBrnaf House. Ac n. re ntuate PS. a bluff nd ... kji. 'fvniJ-HTf?- furniture used ii .ttli HOOse will be sola verr cl. A n, n u. ft 2S?J5tk?.rftW J??ron deairom of purcha- sP H described Property, pimlaei-ariiy time. Tkiis or can new the -i ITTC-WJff nd application can be Tra, whe is duly authorixed to sell all of this JAMES WT. "BRYAN. Baltisaore, August 2,yl55. 61 4w . - " Wilt l.C XVJNt' made arrangemenu with the . -J 5L"rl?:i?Sll,tJ, owntyof Wake for tbe -! ?ttiirHeilx, Jaao,- antf Kerseys and w t g-r--:i -jt-f' Tire m '-TfSlf- 6foui MercfianU and farmer,, tjW examination of these articles. They wiH "id tkm much better and lower than they can Wcrypcw, to enabhs them to retail then ofit. To those who have i e1 ? it i to their interest for them '"bZ25kinomIad Kerseys, as they etalieturnunei-ty the Merekanta buyln at the usual prices or good Kerseys. , - 'uem SUtew'tWsi 'saek beltlr a .andweguar . - ajsjBt RUa.hsi quaju- ,' h,',T,r' nd con 5: i fssiajsetiae, - -y ot wool. Call and see .NsK,r S1 UrK8 assortment of efifc?1 Cawimer e Grey and Black, sad CoUd Black, manufactured' in Charlotte, at the Back Uswf factory. These Cassimeres makes : - wsvAekatifsi and durable suit for gentlemen, and i'seryNorth Oarellnian should have at least one Lut is.'mLl Walk ia aad see them. i;.'faBgSMVlstyLg&a; octr 62. -r - H : WOW 7QOSX8. . AfWBtWlMXed ialsoM White Duck and Brown " tit sut JHi : :-. . r-- HARDLVG. QOMTHIN FOR THK B0Y8.-A good aa AsorOMBX of Boys' Clothing Just received. & Bieoa. AftQ 11,1165, v it. 31 veW rittf tfTttv STORK. qTT7:OVLa reepeetfuAy inform the Citiieos of Y f Raleigh, the county and the country adjoin lac 4wthtJns fitted sp in splendid style tht hoaM rbrmeriy eccapiod by the Insurance Company, on to west aide of Fayettevillt Street, and between Mr. 8. H. Young's and Murray & O'Neal's Dry Good Stores, where he has opened a rich and beau tiful assortment of New Jewelry of all the modern Styles, consisting of the ornamental and the use ful, and to which he in rites the attention of the Ladies. Ue has also- for the gentleman a good lot of Gold and Silrw Watches, which will be warranted to perform well, when delivered to the customer ; also a few excellent doable barrel guns brought n expressly or the hunters of Carolina ; also a great variety of walking Canes. In fact, at the LJiew Jewelry Store, any and every thing usually kept in such establishments may be round at pri ce that cannot fail to please the customer. Repairing executed at short notice aud satis faction guaranteed. October 20, 1854. tf 85 COTTi UTTl.t GIANT IN TOWN J! THE little Monster has at lat arrived, and may be seen daily iu the rear of the Far mers' Mali. On feed days, (luesdays,; it is h perfect wonder to see it masticate Corn-cob, and all at the rates of 10 ba.-u.els per hour. Admis sion free. JAMES M. TOWLES. 5, 18-'..V 20 V. H, R. S. Tl'CkLK, NO. 8 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. r - - 7 NVITE the attention of buyers tu the most at tractire Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods they have ever before offered in this Oily, com prising Rich figured and Dress Silks, Watered Sitk Plaid and striped Poub de Soies ; Black Ores deRhines; Canton Silks; t.roa d Na ples: Marcelbnes: F.orence; Sat ins: Rich and printed Bareges; Grenadines aud Hernani.; Organdies; Jaconets; Lawns, Frmti, Challies, Barege de Laiues, Ging Lam-4: all wuol Mousselin de Lainea ; Sum mer BonibazineH, Alpaccas, Poplinetti and Crape ; Le-pugne Crape Shawls ; IScnnef ;ind ''ap Ribbons; Taf fetn and Satin Ribbons; Euihroideries; Gloves; Lace and Hosiery. Als.'i, 17") rwi r,f Portdmoutb, Ha.llt-y. and Lodi Litwim, villi lie dispost-d ..t" tr..ia .rr. 'o 1 5c. I March K, In.,.-,. .l ' Bricks ! Bricka ! ! Bricks ! ! rWU silBSCRIULKS HAVING AIADe'pER I manent arrsnjrementd lor caxiLug uU id-BRICK-MAKING bu-iiuess on an exteasiv -k re now prepared to contract for the delivery, dm , Ui ensuing sea-son, of from oiu to main, . ' Uricks oTlhtUit-ja.dity and at such ..-.'ma will j dfy all compftitioii. i Order from adisUnce will be promptly ,ttend fd to, and bricks delivered at either of the Derota ': u uesireu UUI. T. t UOKK A CO. Raleigh, March 12, 1866. 21 tf. Just Received, 4 LOT of F amilj Groceries, Crush'd and Brown Sugars. J ura, Bohea, Rio and Laguira Coffees. G. T. Tea, Candles, Sps, Pnuff an iiegars. Also a lot of chs-wiug Tobacco on comraihion at Facto ry prK-s, LITCHFORD & COOKL'S June, 185". Notice. TO NORTHERN AND EASTERN TRAVEL LERS. FliOM NEW ORLEANS. MO BILL, A I us. sf A. CHARLES TON, WILMINGTON, WF.L 1KJN, via the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad and Bay Line. TWr. . . ... , i Hi splendid new Steamer Lomsiana. Captain f .U : Iet HunUr Wh&rf' -Wf'lk' at . o'clock, p. m., on TUKSDAV, IHL'RSDAY, SATURDAY ; and Portsmouth on the arrival of the Southern Cars The Steamer Georiris Pontain Po... ! o - r "- ... u ar rives on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, at the same hours' arriving at Baltimore in time for the 1J o'clock, a. m. Train for Philadelphia aad New York. .- t LUG I SON i MILHADO, Afients. March 20 1.S. To The PubUc. f"pHB BBAJJDaBTH Horsa is now open on the Eu- j .upmumu, auureauy lor the reception of the ' traveling public, to whose comfort every attention wiu Be paiu, uj tne -Vleisrs U'Obatt, late ,f Jud son's Hotel. Brandeth House, Ne. 416 Broadway, opposite New Haven Depot. Private entrance. No. 41 Canal street New York, April C, 1866. BRANDRETH HOUSE RESTAURANT 8ITB NEW OPPO Haven Railroad Depot; entrance on LispeuarJ and Canal streets Meal- served at all hour : oystert m every style : tea and coffee of very superior quality; every delicacy of the season hand. The supply of tender loin steaks is intended to last until five o'clock in the afternoon. George Slater, late ot the Sew York Hotel, superintends tbe cook' log departmeru. No place in the city can supply a cheaper or better dinner- the many and tbe few will have equal cause for satisfaction. Remem ber Lispenard street and Canal entrance on either street. N B Dinner and supper parties ran Re ac commodated with private rooms, if desir 38 Znx. To Tftaohers. THEIrastees6(tiw..Ftjett,iii, Fern!. High School, saving nearly completed their build ing desire to obtain the services of a gentleman as i'rincipaL To a gentleman and his wife, qualified to take the entire superintendence of the SihooL, a liberal salary aiU begiveu.The building wUlaccommo date fifty to aeventyfijj boarders eomfortabl v. The first session will commence in October' For further information apply to S.J. HINSDALE, J D. WILLIAMS. JOHN H. COOK, D. S. WILLIAMS, E. J.LILLY, 1 ., Executive Committee. Faysttevde, July 10, 1865. 66 w4w. 10,000 FANS FOR JUNE AND 4U1,yT DURING the coming warm weather, the Ladies will find our Fans quite a comfort ' in My q11 from 8 cents to 0,UU. tall and suit your FAN-cy. xt 00 ,or. W' IL R- S. TUCKER. May 22, 1866. 42 College of the State of South Carolina. riiHfi annual 1 ourse of Lectures in this Iisti I tntmn will oomnience on the first Monday in November on the following branches Anatomy by J. E. HOLBROOK, M D ' Surgery by E: GEDHIXG3, M. D, lincwTyLv'g0 bjS- HEN- Physiology by JAMES MOULTRIE, M D Wmtria Me-lica by HENRY R. FROST M n. Obstetrics hyTHO. G. PRIOLE.AU M D Cheniistry by C. U. SUEPARD, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy F. T. MILES, M. D. Projector of the Professor of Surgery T F M GEDDINGS, M. D. ' CLINICAL INSTRUCTION . D: r C M- D- Physician to the Marine Hos piUl and Clinical Instructor, lectures twice a week on the diseases of that Institution. H. W. DeSaussure, M. D., Physician to the Hos pital of the Almshouse, at which Lectures are de livered twice a week on Diseases, the diaenosii discriminated, and the student indoctrinated in their treatment. The anatomical rooms are opened the latter part of October, and the dissections conducted daily under the direction of the Demonstrator Much attention Is directed to this department the material being abundant, and illustrations of va rious character being afforded for acquiring eoretent knowledge o this all important branch of studyr HENRI R, FROST, M. D , Dean. N E W AND DESIRABLE GOODS C . T. He? 1 FATETTEVIIXE KT. rrHK Sabscriber has, just received his Fall and X Winter supply .of SEASONABLE GOODS, among which may be found Frenoh Merinos, all colours, Lupin's best make. French Cashmeres of every variety and pat'rn. French DeLalnes of latest styles. Silks, Plaid, Figured and plaid Woolen Plaids, and Poplin Robes. Rich Tamboured Mouslin party dresses Heavy Emb'd Crape Shawls. Damask diapers in piece and pt'ro. 45 inch Pillow Case Linen.. Table Doileys and Crash Linen Sheeting, 10-4, 12-4. Long and Square high eol'd wool's ah'la. French work'd collars, sleeves And ehemisettes Lia'n Cambric, Lawn Hd'kfs, all qualities Hem Stich'd and rich Emb'd Handkerchief. Full assr'nt of Richardson's fm'ly Lin'n. Bird's Eye diapers, towels and .napkins 6-4 and 12-4 col. fhti'gs and casings. Welsh and Sack Flannels. White and red do all qualities. Ladies and gent's Merino Silk and cotton Vests. English and German Hose a great variety. Marseilles Quilts and Fnrnitute Dimities. Lace and Muslin crtns and Turkey red do French woven and Fr'ch shape corsetu MOCRNINO GOODS. Btk Gro. DeRhtne end Pou de Soie Silks Lead colored and white and black do Blk. Fch. Bombaiine and Merino 'Lupin's." Blk Taraise and Canton Cloth. Blk Alpacas, DcLaines and Challis. Blk Love Veils and Lace do Hdkfs cqIIats slv's and Chemhettes. Gingham aau Calicoes. CARPET8, Ac, Brussels, Venitian and Ingrain Carpets German Hemp Floor and Stair da H nnd 12-4 Duggets and Hearth Ruga. Alicant. Manilla and Sheep Mats Boston Valices and Carpet Bags. Rose Mackitnaw and Duffle Blanket. Travelling or Shawl do HABDWARR AND STEEL, Handsome setts knives and forks, fl pioces Roger' best scissors and shears Shears for flowers and shrubbery Porcelain lined Kettles and Pan Soapstone Griddles for B. W. Cakes Best Raiors, warranted, &c FAMILY GROCERIES Stewart's best refined Sugars. Loaf, crushed and Clarified do Grdden Syrup and dark Molasses., Worcester 8ance and Eng. mustard. Imperial Gun Powder and Blk Teas. Currants. Citren and nreserved ra 'apers, Olives and Pickles. Layer Raisins, Box and Mat do Mocha, Java and Laguira Coffee Jamaica Rum. I slay whiskey. Mou'gohela and old Kye do Lendun dock and Pale Henneswee Brandy Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines Cbaiupague, Hock and Claret Cette Madeira for Cooking. London Porter and English Ale. Sperm, Adamantine and Hull's Cn'dls Starch in family boxes of 6 each. Cin'icl erasive soap, woman's friend Table Salt, Bags and boxes. J. B. O. ROULHAC. No. 1 3. Fay. Street. tf-88 COPARTNERSHIP. The subscribers have thh day entered into Copartnership, under the i name and style of A. .S. SUA FER & CO.. for the ; manufacture and side of READY MADE CLOTH- ! j i-u in au its branches, at the store on Sycamore : street heretofore known as Perry's tTlothing Ba ' 1 '' A. S. SHAFER, ! GEO. A. HALSEY, ROB T HUNTER. Petersburg, April 1, 1862. ouccr's to N. Perry, The subscriber, having disposed of his entire in- terest in the Clothing business at Petersburg to ( . .. ... t o on I Pl'li i ... . . 3- --on.irti. i i.u., taKes this method retutyiug his acknowledgments to the public of P trg and vicinity for their Kberal patronare d, .i.aon.iriiiiii.u., xaKes wis metnou ol patronare du. i ring his proprietorship of the Clothino Baxaak, and would also recommeud a continuance of the I same to his suecesitors. NPERRY. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS 4 LARGE assortment of every shade and varie- 73ty, and at very low prices. Call and examine i a If .I I'D 3 tn.i . .. . T May, 1855. 40 New Auction and Commission House. YV E beg leave la announce 10 our t'neuds and the public generally, thai we have associated ourselves together for the purpose of doing a Gene ral Auction, commission and Agency buiiiess in this citv . at the cornprfnrmilvnv 1 1,1. 1 . B. B. Smith, and hope by smct personal attention 10 Business to merit a liberal patronage. JAS. J. LITCHFORD. WM. H COOKE. REFERENCES. C. Dewey. Cashier of the State Bank. Raleish. V. H. Jones, Cape Fear " " E. B Freeman, CleVk Supreme Court, ' Heartt k. Jones, Merchants, A. M. McPheetMs Co., Norfolk, Va. Thomas Loring, Esq., Wilmington, N C. Raleigh, Mayjd, ISC.j. ss Buffalo Springs. MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA. THIS establishment is now opn. The comple tion of the Roanoke Vaey Railroad has greatly increased the facLUOeiof reaching Buffalo Springs. Leaving Petersburg. Norfolk. Wilminrtn Ra. I lh " tu morning the visitors will reach the ! Springs the saiae day.-At Ridgeway, on the j Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, the visitors will take the Roanoke Valley Railroad to Clarksville, where "acts will belnieadiness to convey them to the 1 Springs. Our accommodation is ample fur 40 i persons. DAVID SHELTON. July -JO, 1 55. 68jtr3wProprietor. Form Book. rpHENORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK ; con J taining all the most useful Forms which occur in ijsiness transactions between man and man, aa well as in official stations : torethr with I the Constitution ef North Carolina, and of the U j ui ted States : the act fixing the Fees of Clerks, J Sheriffs, &c. Calculated for tht Vie of tht CitC- zene oj onn Carolina, and miuie confoimabl to law. Compiled by a member of the North Carolina Bar. For sale by Raleigh, 1855. HENRY D. TURNER, North Carolina Bookstore. 65. 'ATER POWER ON NEUSE RIVER, EIGHT MILES EAST OF RALEIGH AND FOUR FROM THE CENTRAL RAILROAD The subscriber is desirous to sell his water power across tbe Neuse River, known as the Stone and Cobb Mills, where there is an abundaaco of water at all seasons of the year, and a sufficient supply of rock at the old dam to build a new one. Ten feet of water can he obtained with a dam eight feet high. Should it be preferred to form a Company for manufacturing purposes, I am willing to become a member with a good and substantial Company of gentlemen. If a Company is formed, it is desirous that it should be done soon, as I have this day begun to re-build the old dam across the river. WM. R. POOLE. January 22, 1866. 7 Candle Moulds. A Superior article of Moulds for Moulding Can dles, of Hard Britannia Metal, and warranted. Manufactured by John Calve-rley. Also, Syringes, Surgical Instruments, 'and Britannia Ware JOHN CALVERLfcY. 109 Race street, Philadf lphia. July 31, 1855. f,l 1 mp. JAMES E. METTS, " Forwarding Me r oh ant, WILMINGTON, H. C. Aug. 24, 1864. 70-tf FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS. WE HAVE rently received quite an addition to our af aortment of fine summer pants. E. L. HARDING. MaySa, 1835. 4 CHECK MARSEILLES PANTS, 60 PAIRS received wrday by Eipresi. r 00 , E I' HABDINO. jfa7 2i, I860. 43. FAZsL STOCK. 1854.J W FARMERS' HEAD QUARTERS; NORFOLK. VA. VBDERS for R (Areas may be sent us for the f ensuing harvest, which will be filled at the foUAwinc prices : HosaST's Reaping Machine, $ 106 00 : do Mower and Reaper lit 00, do Front Wheels extra, 20 00; do Rear Platform for side delivery, 6 00 i BcMAia-'sVa. Reaper. No. 2,4, feet cut,.. $120 00 j do do do No 3, 6j feet cut,. 130 00 .A deduction of $5 will be made if the side deli very is not furnished, and $20 will be added to tbe nove price if front wheels are furnished. 160 tons English, Swedes and American Iron, all sixes. 20 tons Hoop and Band Iron, f to 4 inches wide. 20 tons Oval, half Oval and half round Iron 200 setts Coach and Buggy Axles 800 pair do do 8prings 250 kegs Nails, 3 to 40d., cut and wrought 60 doxen Files and Rasps 60 Smith's Bellows, all sizes 1500 pounds Cast-stcel Hammers 70 American Sur Anvils 60 Vices, for Wood and Iron Work Stocks and Dies, Bench Hercws, &c, for sale on the best terms STJiA W, HAT AND SHUCK CUTTERS. Of every variety. Price $30 for the best, and warranted U cut anything in the Shape of Feed for sioca. i neap UirUers, from a to $26. CORK SUELLER.4. VirginUCorn SheUei,. . $26 00 uoia borough's Reading's Double Spout Single Iron Spout do Wood do do , ...40 00 ...ES 00 ..,16 00 ... 10 00 8 00 do do do do WHEAT DRILLS." Pennock's Slide Drills, do. Roller do., 7. 8. 9, 10 tubes, furnished at factory price, ey $76 to $126. All other kinds furnished by us upon the same reasonable terms. Our facilities for procur ing these machines are superior to those of any other dealer, and we can guarantee dispatch in uiung oraers. .ugnt ana heavy Drags and Har rows for selling wheat, en hand, of our own make, warranted good and durable. BAM BOROUGH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I Extra Premium Fans, $34 00 No. 1 do do 82 00 No. 2 do do 30 00 Sinclair A (Vs. No 2 do 30 00 Do Jo 1 do 26 00 Grant's Premium Fans, $10 to $30 Clinton' Fan Mills $ 13 to $20 FIELD Rollers 3 Segments, 3 feet long, $35 00 do do 3 do 4$ do 66 00 do do 4 do 4 do 46 00 do do 6 do 5 do 66 00 do do 6 do 0 do 65 00 at-Orders for any of the above goods will be filled promptly. Your orders are respectfully so licited. BORUM & McCLEAN, 11 WaUr Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Sept. 15, 1854. 41 tf Curl Your Hair. KROLLERI0N. THE Receipt for making this celebrated compound,-(lately introduced into this country,) will be sent by the subscriber to any nersons in tbe United States or Canada for $1. The KROL- LLKION will curl or wave the hair in the most beautiful manner. Any person having the most coarse and uncouth looking hair can transform it into the Jfo Beautiful, by the Use of this Article. Tne ingredients will not cost over 12 cents, and with this receipt any one can make it equally good in every respect to that sold for $3 a bottle. If preferred, a package of Krollerion readv made I will be sent tree of postage, instead of, the receipt, j with directions for preparing it in liquid form and . full directions for use. Send all letters, postpaid, to. H. A. FRERMONT Warren, Trumbull Co. Ohio. March e, 16 tf JAMES E. CUTHBERT, (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT.) Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Bol lirutbroek Street, Petersburg, Va. SKrcaENCES : Thoa. Bragg, Jr., Jackson, N. C. L. F. Hloks, Esq. ) . . Messrs. Reran I Bro. j P,trburS Messrs. L. D. & W. Q. Orenshaw, Richmond. -v Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk. James George, Esq., Baltimore. Messrs. Mon&han k Been, New York. SrAS constantly on hand: Prims Porto Rico L and New Orleans Sugars, (, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground is Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles j Brown, rale, and V anegated Soaps j Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead j Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, i Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather ; Liverpool and Ground, Alum Salt j Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring and Warehouse j Kegalia, Principe, "and Havanna Cigars ; Together with a large stock of foreign and do j mestic Uquors, Wines, 4c., whioh he offers at the lowest market rates. The strictest attention pid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg, March 6, 19 T. .&3.Q. WOCtTM, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, UrvwM'a Building, Water Street. WILMINGTON. N- C. USUAL ADy ANTES MADK ON CONSIGN VENTS. March 6th, lS.r5. ly jr A New Literary Work NOW UNDER VIGOROUS PROSECUTION, Entitled "NATURA :" By Roswell Linden Covper ; Book of some four hundred pages, a Poem in blank verse, prefaced by a lengthened A treatise on American LiKeratnre, and to be dedi cated to the "distinguished American Literati 1" The book will probably be published by Lippin cott, Grambo & Co., of Philadelphia, and gotten up in superior style. Such Editors, favorable to the Author and his effort, as may notice the above mentioned work, will, by transmitting their papers containing such notice, directed to Dr. R. L. Cowper. Murfrees- K' v n :. . v 1 . . .. . " f -i 'tvT, uu 113 puuuciuvn, a sptenuid copy of the book. June 29, 1855. 62 tf. Notioe ON the second Thursday (the 9th) of August next, at the Village of Summerville, Harnett county, on a credit of nine, twelve, fifteen, and eighteen months, will be sld the LOTS OF LAND constituting the Town of "Toomer,,, the county site of said county of Harnett. JOSEPH T. REARDON, 1 a. s. McNeill, C. H. COFIELD, rComm'rs NEILL McKAY, I a. d. Mclean, J June 29, 1855. 52 ts SAVE YOUR GRAIN. A Large supply of the most improved Cradles just received at the Farmer's Hall Also a sew supply of Sinclair's improved Pro peller Straw aud Shuck cutter, both for horse and band power, and the no less famous Corn and Cob Crusher, the Little Giant. m o, ,OIt JAMES M. TOWLES. May 21, 1865. HOSIERY, GLOVEsj ETC u n. Assortment Complete. April, 3, '65. L. HARDING. 27. W?ITE DUCK LINEN PANTS. 100 PAIRS T T JQ8t received direct from our Manufactory May 28, 1866. 43. Valuable family f Bfeeroe for 8ai 1 "CONSISTING ofaMANThUWIFE wdFIVP 1 jFF.Mir.P 011 1 1 nscu v and r IVE " r"' wween ha aires f i o-- - - uiu me yroinan I coolt. - , W. F. COLLINS. 5 tf. June 15, 1S53. .iJ h. d: turner. ; V Mo. 1 FAYBTTEVlLLR 8TRGKT,, raLeigh.' n c;1" p WHOLESALE AND RETAIL N Bookseller and Stationer, keeps constantly on hand a very large anr complete assortment f Law, Medical, Classical, Sehoel and Miscella neous Books. A c implete assortment of Station ery, Blank Books, Globes, Mathematical Instru ments, &e . sc. Blank Books made to order at short notice and ! in best style. Just received from the manufac- t turers direct 100 Reams Cap and Letter Papers, j which he will sell at low prices. Country Merchants and others are req nes ted to call and examine his stock. Raleigh, September ir-54. 80 GRATIS ! JUST PUBLISHED A NEW DISCOVERr IN MEDICINE! - - A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TRF. ATMENT, without Medicine, of Spermator rhea or Local Weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness - of the Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity. Self-Distrust. Dizziness, Head Ache, Pains in the Side, Affection of the Eyes Pimples on the Face, Sexual and other Infirmities in man. FROM THE FRENCH OF Da. B. DE LANEY. The important fact that these alarming com plaints may easily be removed wiTHonr Mkdicim is, in this small tract, clearly demohstated ; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment,' aa adopted by the author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to ccrk himself PSKrCCTLT, AND AT THg LEAST POSSIBLE COST, avoiding thereby all tbe advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis, and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting (postpaid) two post age stamps to Da. B. D3LANEY, No. 18 Lispenard Street New York. March 16, 1865, 22 wCro il SMITH'S CORNER, RALEIGH N. C. "ITE ARE now in receipt of our Spring Sup 1 w fclies of Wares, Jc, embracing Hardware Crockery ware, Wood ware, Coach Trimmings House Furniture articles and Cutlery of all kind? to which we respectluUy invite the attention ot purchasers. Farmers, Mechanics and Artisans can find at our establishment Tools, Implement and a general assortment of Hardware suited to their different vocations. Having purchased the largest Stock of Hard ware ever brought to this market with the de sign of confining ourselves exclusively to this branch of business, we thiuk purchasers will find greatly to their advantage to examine our etocl before purchasing elsewhere. April 2133 PULLEN Jk BELVIN. CARRIAGE MAKING. RALEIGH COACH FACTORY!!! WILLIAMS & GORMAN, having enlarged their establishment by the addition of Jen kins' Shop, on Hargett St., are fully prepared to execute oraers lor UAtltUAUfcS of every descrip tion. Employing experienced workmen and using the best of materials, their work will always be finished in a style warranted to give satisfaction. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. JQ Factory on Hargett St., near the Baptist urove, ana at Ularke s old stand, near the Masom Hall. Raleigh, June 28, '64. 51 ly. Hats ! Hats ! Hats ! McGEE & WILLIAMS, HAVE in Store a large and well selected as. sortment of HATS, for the Spring and Sum. mer wear, for men, boys and children, consisting 01 Leghorn, Panama, Manilla, Campeaohy, Marieaibo, Canada Straw, Paha Leaf. China Pearl, Alboni Jockey, Wide Awake, Pedal e Straw, Shanghai. ALSO, superb Moleskin Hats of the latest style. May, 1866. 40 Notioe. HAVING bought out Mr. II. Einstein, I shall continue the CLOTHING BUSINESS, a heretofore, in my own name mod account EMI L ROSENTHAL, . Corner of Market square and Wilmington St. Opposite Yarboro's Stable. JUST RECEIVED at the above store Thx Lar gest Assoktmxst or READY MADE CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY: Give me a'call be fore purchasing anywhere else and yoa will save at least twenty five per cent. Fact, and no mistake about it. E R. Sept 12, 1'864. tf 74 Eaton's Practical Forms. THE above work is still fcof Salt at the Book Store of the subscriber in Raletjth. ' It contains most of the forms. which ssealbers of the .bar will be likely to need in their practice, and. which Cle rks of the County and Superior Courts win have occa sion to use intbe dlschargeof tnefr ofBcral duties. The forms contained in the roruare ar considered by good jedgee to be concise, plain,' and nccuraU, and have been and may continue to be craed with en tire safety. The work has been a popular one with the legal profession, and has been highly recom mended by the Judges of the Supreme Court, and by other eminent jurists in the State. The Judges of the Supreme Court have expressed the opinion that the office of the Clerks of the County and Dupenor courts inrougnout tne State ought tc be furnished with the book. Price $4. Postage 28 cents. Persons at a dis tance remitting the price and postage will be sup plied. W. L. P0MER0Y. July 16, 1865. . 57. Seabrook Male Aoademy. ROB'T GATEWOOD. Principal and Teacher or Mathematics and English. C. S. STRINGFELLOW, iNlttBCtOt.lK LaNQCAQIS. THE Exercises of this School, will commence on the 10th of October 1866, and continue 'till the first Monday of the following August. t&Terms $220 per session, payable in ad vance by tht half session. . IQuFor further particulars and circular, direct to the Principal at London Bridge P. O. Princess Anne County, Va. Jnl7 19- w8w 68. Splendid Lottery July, 1855. GREGORY MAURY, Managers (Successors to J. W. Maury ft Co.) 2 of $30,000 ! Lottery for the benefit of the State of Delaware, Class 185 for 1866. To be drawn at Wilmington, DeL, gatnrday, Au 18, 1866 78 No. Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT 80HEME. 2 Pnxe of 80,000 2 do 16,000 2 do 8,100 do 1,000 40 do 500 200 do , 250 Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets $10 dolls. Halves $5,00 Qu'r 2,60 Certfs. of Pkg's of 26 whl. tickets, $140 00 do do 26 half do 70 00 do do 2a quarter do 36 00 Orders for Tickets and shares and Certificate of Packages in the above splendid Lotteries will re ceive the most prompt attention, and an account ol ach drawing will be sent immediately after it is over to all . wa order front ta$ v . ' ,...(.v Addres- F.J-BlIGniynt, - - t ' tr Wnba&F&imt DoL " . . WMtolJucJt iirien pxoc E. L. Harding has' jiut opened- tstsr. iotot 1 00. Those w bo have been noxiously wsitW can be supplied. ''.. t tts,- K.L,HAlVDLa. June llth 1859 47. afc t?ji t .t"w.V "V J Jb lA li 3 FOR ALL TBI PXTRPORI OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Trzu has long existed a public demand for an affective purgative "pOl whick coda be relied, oh as ' sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has oencluarrely shown with what success it accomplishes thepurpose designed. It is easy to make a physical ptS, but not easy to make tne best of all pilis one which ahould have none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been'attempted here, and with what success wo would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more . than counterbalance the good to he derived from 'theisL' -These piils produce no irritation or pain, unlets it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use m any quantity ; bat it is better that any medicine afcoula be taken judiciously. Minute directions foe their use. in the several diseases to which thev are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which1 nave been- speedily cured by them, we mai mention liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice. Indigestion. Languor and Xoss of Ap petite, Listleasness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, FWer and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins; for, in truth, all these are bat the con sequence of diseased action ia the liver. As an aperient they afford psoeapt and sure relief in Coa trveness, Piles,. Colic Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds.. with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity f the blood ; in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. Thev nave also produced some singularly suc cessful eures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation oT the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare tne system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in w hich a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need ef a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. . PREPARED BY JAMES G. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist LOWELL, MASS. Fries 26 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For tne rapid Cwre of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROHrY ASTHMA, AND 4 CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount tht evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its'nse fulness, and scnumerous the cases of its eures, that almost every section of the country ahonnds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our cnmste.j And pot only m formidable at tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Coughs, Hoabskksss, ftc. ; and for Ckieskkx it is the pleasantest and safest medki&e that can be obtained. Aa it has long beA in constant use ghiuighout this section, yveneed not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it evet baa been, and that the genuine article is sold hr P. F. PESCUD. Raleieh. and by Druggists generally. FOR NEW YORK. Units d States Mail Like per Steamships Jamestown and Roanoke. rniHE elegant new steamship Jamestown. Cap tain Parish, which is to run in connexion with the Roanoke, made her first trin from New York to Petersburg, on Saturday, the 26th ult., rand wilt- continue to make regular trios weekly leaving New York every Saturday, at 4 o ciecav r. M , and Petersburg every Tuesday evening. Tbe Roa!TO3 will leave New York every. Tues- dayt nd Petersburg every Friday evening, Tra vellers going North will thus be afforded an oppor tunity twice a week of taking one of these splendid steamships ami thereby avoid the dust aud fre quent changes of the Railroads. Passengers on board of steamers will find the State rooms fitted up in the most elegant style and the fare and atten tion unsurpassed. Passage and Fare from Petersburg to New York. (State-rooms included,) $10 00 Steerage passage, 5 00 BTickets issued at my Office. S. G. BAPTIST, Sycamore St. July 5, 1853. 65 RALEIGH AND GASTON ROAD. Dues to the Railroad Company for freights are nava- ble in cash on the delivery of the articles. ' When articles are delivered without such payment in ad vance, and the owner fails to call at tbe depot and settle the bill before the expiration of the month, he muet thereafter send the money when he sends for the goods. By order of the President, C. B. ALLEN, Agent. July 4th, 1864. 64. Now for Cheap Goods. MURRAY & O'NEAL TTAVE taken the store lately occupied by W.' XM A A. Stith, and are receiving their stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Ac. Being new beginners, they have to build np a trade : to do this, they are de termined to be undersold by none in the eity. They will sell goods cheap and no mistake : to be convinced of this fact, call and price their goods uciure puronasing eisewnere. An they ask Is a showing, and if the goods suit, thev srnarantee tn make tht prices right Don't purchase before ex amining their stock. If you want cheap Goods, cnll at No. 26. White Front. Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C. March 81, 1854. 27 FANS, FANS, FANS. WrE have received a large and choice supply of FANS, comprising many varieties, from the most superb Chinese down to a sixpence Palm leaf. Call at McGEE A WILLIAMS. Raleigh, May, 1855. 40 EDWARD J. LUTTERLOH, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant WILMINGTON, N. C. ercnant- THE Subscribes- keeps constantly on hand a supply of Fresh Lime ; Calcined Plit . J, Land Plaster -r Hydraulic Cement A Plastering Hair niuvii m is prcpareu to sen as low as these ar ticles art to be had in any- city South. Orders will receive prompt attention. - - tb. EDWARD J. LUTTERLOH. . Wilmington, M.C Jan. 80, 55. ly 9 Diseases of the Eye. VTT-ITUL tht last 86 years, the subscriber has .jtIJeatljr n4 successfully Operated for, CAraaACT, in persons; of all ages, from .he States Of North and Sonth rimllm Vtt.' k-A :h BntinWto-opert upon, those who need and do- . Hti will ' likewise attend to such other diseases of the Eye' as may be 'uabeptfole d relfer JOHH, BfiCKWITH, M. D. Petersburg Va,, April 9, 1&35. 23 tf -o it-po t rn i vni" " i.No. I." fiarclav .St N. Y. fVXTJTIQN.Noait, are genuine except thy ftoar taestantp. or the fatenL Ail Manufac turers and ellert infringing, -will be prosecuted according to, law. ... March 23, 1855. j j ) - r ly 24 The Hannah More Academy. WILMINGTON-Pxulwa!. Principaie.; Miss C. .and JL Giimshaw and H. Grimshaw, A- M., M D. . THIS Institution has been in successful oper.i tioQBrore thsB oltveo 'yeanr The course of Instruction, is thorough. The study of French forms part of tht daily routine of study. The house is new, commodious, and cheerful : it is heated throughout. The sessions oommence on the 1st ofLFebruary and 1st of September. Teruu : For Boarding and Instruction, inclu ding French, pupils under thirteen years of age, $70,00, second class, $80,00 and Senior Depart ment, $100,00 per sesion of five months. Reference : Right Rev. A. Lee, D. D; ReT H.V. D. Johns, D. D. Baltimore; Hon. Jno. M. Clayton, Delaware ; P. V. Daniel, Jr. Esq. j. R.- Anderson Esq , Tredegar- Iron - Works ; k' Worth & Co, Richmond, T.;: Rev. Mr. Gibl son, Petersburg, Va ; Governor Bragg, Hon. Vm A. Graham, W. YC Tucker, Esq.,Hoa. G. E. Bad ger, Raleigh; N. OY - - February lst,.l86&' - . ly io. ; Dissolution of Partnership. T I HE partnership heretofure-ex tstihg ln tjie uwme of Haywood, A .Scott is this dissolved by mutual consent. . . All those indebted to the concern are earnestly requested to make immediate payments V E. BCKKE HAYWOOD CHARLE3 G. SCOTT July 2, layj. t Dr. E. Burke Haywood, VlfTlLL continue, the Drug Business at the f'Y Store heretofore occupied by Haywood s Scott, and will keep a large and general assort ments of Drugs, Medicines Chemicals, Dye Woods A Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils k Varnishes, Window Glass & Putty, Perfumery & Soaps, Teeth Hair Brushes, Segars, Tobacco, Ac,' To which he calls the attention of his frienJs and customers, being determined to sell as low as any house in the City. Orders from the oountry promptly attended to, and prescriptions put up by a careful and comp.-l tent person. liaJeigh, July 10, 1855. 65. PISH ! FISH ! PISH ! H. PUTNEY has just received, at w the riou anir rnuiioiu.1 BlUKE, 50 Barrells No. 1 Salt Shad : and 200 do No. 1 N. C Cut Herrings, which he will sell cheap fr cash or barter fur Bacou, Lard or Flour. He also has for sale nice articles of Bacon Hams, Lard, Flour, indeed, mostjt.ll of the articles usu ally kept in a Provision Store. Country Produce received for storage and sold on commission. W. H. PUTNEY. May 16, 1855. tf 39 PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN TO THE COUN TY OF CRAVEN. lri' aordance with the provisions ef tbe Act of Assembly incorporating the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company," the County of Craven has subscribed to the Cap ital Stock of said company one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; ' ; v": -; In order to meet the instalments which may b due, and which ifiay hereafter become due on said subscription, the said County proposes to nego tiate' aloan or loans, to be secured by tne bonds of tht County. . . -j . - By the order directing the-issue of said bonds, they will bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the "Mer chant tfaax or ixewbern. . or at the "Fulton Bank ef New York," at the option of the holder, These bonds will be redeemable on tht first dav of July, one thousand 'eight hundred and seventv- four, and not-before, without the. Consent of the holder. he bonda Jssaed with Cannons attached, which will render the collection of the in terest simple and' easy. ' . ' The security' upon which tat said bonds' will be based will be the real estate- and taxable ;polls of ths County of Craven. p Tht . present . assess ed cash value of (he real estate of tht "County, is one million one ' hundred and nine thousand, eight "hundred and twenty ' two dollars, and the number vf ' taxable poU is three thousand five hun dred and eighty-two. ' - - Proposals for sard loan wiH be received, and all other necessary information upon this subject will be furnished by tht subscribers, on application to them at Newbern. . 4 - GEORGE GREEN,- . v Agents for ' GEO. S. SI E YENSON, Craven County Nowbeni, Oct 18,1864. . u - ,88 Aylwin's-Ocean House. PORTSMOUTH, ' VAld-.-. r. ;HIS NEW AND SPLENDID HOTEL, froD tini? .1 HQt feat aa Hirh Rinwi'knrf .vKalno. r faet deD. is nearl v omnlsll . anil v?rt lu for the reception of company about the first of NOLDS, Esq., late of the Natjonal Hotel," Nor folk. June 15, 1855. " " ' ' 48 td, fSQ Beward Bach, for Runaways I RANAWA J from the subscriber THREE NE , GRO MEN, Aleck, Sam, and Johnson. ALECK iS a MaHOn. nirnenlAr Tll, smithy of yellow oomplexien, inclined td oo bald 1 . X 1 .1 . . . snarp jeaureu, stout, ana acuve,wita good long foot, abont 30 years of age. He took off with him a carpet bag. and I nrpuima ha tank ltu him a memorandum book, in which I authorized mm to aeep ana collect his accounts for work done in masonry. SAM is a younger brothm-' nf AfaUV '). nf w 7 . - J .0V (. tun- son, may be known "by " his' being very 1 ik el v, straight, with a" smiling, good humored expres sion of countenance & shade darker than Aleck. These two may be trying to get employment a masons, or at sosst ther mechanical work. JOHNSON was raised h afra p.HnB .( Orange county, JJ. C, to which place, I suppose. w. rcovrk. juuuwu is somewnai ex a black smith and ckrnenter. Hm ! a Vtt x ...i size, '-topper Complexion, 80 year of age, teeth uwtgwil, eyen rout. as UlOUgn At VU Tond Ot drinking, quick of motion and of speech, a little inclined to stoop, in the shoulders as he moves. in . . . . x win give tne aoove reward ror the apprehen sion and confinement in jail of each of tht above negro men, so that 1 get them again. ": sinntwir- M C Jnnt 28, 1865. t. o. w. Sm 61 Jone's Sulphur and Chalybeate Springs . WARREN CODJiXr,, C. rpHESE SPRINGS axe sitqated in a healthful 1 nd pleasant section of country, miles fro, Warren ton, and " miles from Henderson, at each of which places hacka.may always be found ready to convey visitors to the Springs. The climate is salubrious, the medicinal qualities of the waters undoubted, ss tested by an experience of .fifteea years, and the accommodations, in all respects,, good. , The establishment is now open for the re ception of guests. : TERMS. ' For Board per month, ' $25 00 " . week, i 9 00 " day; i go For Children "and Servants, half priee. Persons remaining tht wiole season, say three months, will be charged at the rate of $20 per month, or $60 for. tht season- A daily mail will be brougnto the Springs throughout the season. July 10r 1856. . . . ' 66 w4w WM. HDaS'fiALE, Wilxijcotok, N. C "Wholesale and retail dealer in Foreign and Donvestio Rruits, Confectionary, Ao , being in con stant SOBeint. . ner. arrivals wceklv b nknlrntji Hi. root from New York, of Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa- nuts, Heuuii, tlgs,IfuU, Ac Having one person mosteeastintly in the City of New York, for the pjuchs of goods in our line of the boat, which will enable u to sell as low as any house South. All orders respectfully solicitffd and punctually attended to by tht can or bc. Jant25 ci tL

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