T 'gtsrn, BrfT m it-. , CiiiBiC. tlutuia Uft.to 'i : njxo Ctoxnpanyv : Tff2WSS. ZZSZtrZm JdtZ Ufepaxtid- peting the xaUtf ttaComxay. T f wuojiaiM.w t therefor amenta, to 830, a at' ina rnm ana wur (na ubobu 01 u r-- 1biiii i Ippt which U lo-j- hro v-lfirr;., w-uor with u. u ZT7ZZiiZi -r ImdooMMBt to l tor um of tnk jSmV p-i4 within $ Uyi ftitfAe torv prtfofif'rmtatod... V .' - 9ISCCT0BS. ' tcMV;Z&aiPLem- BoW ff -;I . t'sywood, i - CU. JlMfKjMdU, . B.H.B-lMo. .QitU StAMf' Wfc , H. W. tlMt ' P. F. Pweud, CkfaBBot, ,csr. ChM. B. JohMOB, ri Mid wit, ' Mm. IK Hwt Vic PrMidwt, v.- Joha O. WilliuM, 8oroUr7, ChttMX Joh, hi. D. ) Mmbcl Bidki. B. H.fWood, II D. ) CuUtwn. ?B.BrtO 1 CkarlMB.Boot, j tA t zrr...... . x RiRXUiN. armlAsmL xnklaM. 44 forma of propoMl, U ohULMd ftt U. Offle of tho Compuy, or bo Uro-ood, (port t: 1 iOHS 0. WILLIAMS, SooroUrr. north Oarolto Wutaul Iniuranoe - Company. v Rit'itott -:k. c. rr.?'!!rila v. ZL7ZL ' r nrtY in tho State, fexMpt -CtoaM lCHs oad TurpeBttno PistHlerieo,) MOJrrhvWabU ttm.: It. Polieie. bow cover capitals ore SxX JlaMraa xnows . Tk wraS-Wbf Insro wpo. ft. I-of tldo CbtepOmy aas been isos en.n mm w pay aat per r en au grauee l"'? v . THE lbQewimc person, kave bee elected Diree- son oad Offioon o? thin Cossnony for tho preaent WS ';" r'TirttTr!TORR. V " ' W wihai, f! W. D. HBtehinrs, Jno. R. DnnMift . Rmtt Dl Tmnter. 8. W. wvw. tt btVit vlh Geo. McNeiR, Fay- TT ! f T ' CT . , Vl niT. t wnrt,t wnminrton: James JS. I rw . w.-Li.-t. c j.KaaRInaA. Greensboro ; Jmo. :SZ3I. Her. Salem : Jos. H. Pool, v!lkk p;.' w 9' ruu. PlvmoBth Aioxaa- j ir;..v.n w. N. H. Smith, Mur- . i . u. enni Hharlotte : Joka B. if iitAa . . . T Rmuit. Ash.ville. An Director, are entkorisod to reeerve appHoB- OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. O. B. Roalhae, rrtndrnt. Hoary D. Taraor, Vie do. 8. W. Whiting, Trtumrtr. John a Partridgo, SerUary. " Joasl. Bryatv ttoraqr. - j: Hersmaa, Omtrml AftmL w. Vaitfair.' t ' Jno. R. WiliiamB. V Executive Committee. ' lakir FMmrrter in .MBBnuadmi in re faience to insurance aaoald bo Bddreeeed to tho aeretary, poet paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, Secy. Raloigk, Mar. 22, 1863 5 i manniuv MUTUAL INSURANCE COM -4t-PANT. At tho end of Three Years, such iTf K.. fWa avad tMXOBT Of thO Officers of cttia raanaar. that we arsatill free from debt. a..a a.aa a aasesments. Bad hBTO new fuca - i..rBUa io uii and Botes, that we kave no as.if.BffB a aayiag to th. public, that there is no OMfeCosaaaay ia sho Southern Country. The snoot of to Riaks U this CoBtpaoy being ia the Weaterm port of oho State, where the danger from Cm ia aaurb laas. At taa t " Mrrfiffg the tillo wing Officers wen re-sleeted t ' - 1AMES SLOAN, -President. 8. G. COFFIN, Tmo C. P. M1NDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary aad Treasurer. WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent. SraaCToa. : - j.nM Kla J. A. Mebaao. & P. Mendenhall, W.8. Raakia, Rot. & F. Doom. J. M. Garrett, Jed H. Lindsay, Yf. J. MeCbnneU, B. W. Ogbum, J. I. ru rf P. Weir. Groeaabofs': B F. Lilly, Wadooboro'; Dr. B.&. Cdfna, Jamoetown; Joshua Tavloo, Waehmgtoa J William A- Wright, Wilming ton; J. L, BbBTer, Battsbury ; John H- Cook, Fay etteviR., H. G. SpraSa, Plymouth ; Robert E. Troy, iABxoertoa ; Dr. R. H. Bealat, Lenox Castie. All Coatmanieatioas should bo diraatod to tho Secretary, free of Postage. vmr'' PETER ADAMS, 8eey. Aag.8. 1864. tf-66- , FIRE! m'atl .THiL'lNSnRC COMPANT of jLwHaBnaaa, Cofi offon to iasure Building, aad MorchaaoUo, agaiast loss or damage by Are, oAaroaxraaw to suit the tUaos. jtaie a me of tho uldeat aad .boat Insurance Com paniM im tho Called States, aad pays it. , looses aremati.. . -AapMoarton. tor lasuraac. la Raleigh, or its vi- aaaity; to M Btado to ; 8. W. WHITING. Agent. adfor Miltoa, OetobeWr:1848. C. aad vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. : 88 Llppitt's Speolfio , -FQR.TRB. CURS OF Dyaeaiory ,Piarrk ma . a aeTSaxoxaar Coatplalata, v: WILMINGrON, N. C.. Feb. 1, 1866. "If tt. H. LirrtTT .Dear Sir Without any iff, auggeotioa or ooUeitatkm wkatover oa your . part, I take plaeann in adding atytestimoaytotho afieasy af year Spec in for, th enre of xiyasawry ' and kiadrodaomplaUta., Haviag been tor three . jobzs afSiatod with ..disease of this character, and ' oaiployed t&o aorvtooo or taree ox xao doos paysi oiaas U this' plaeo With bat slight advantage, - was induced to try your medietas, aad after follow log the prescription. ad taking several bottloo, '.ia aow t erf eel v restored. I believe your Speoifie ao-bo a-saooft oxoolloat and valuable aaodUtno, and feel ao koaHatioa ia twooausoaaiag it to tho pub- Ba. - 80-fir from boiag a aoo4rjn, as tooatany of thereemiar msdiciaoo of the day are, I believe it waperierv eer tho euro of the dispose indicated a boTOt-to aay other asodidao. - - I asa arulyyoore, a a. M. BRYAN. Br apart a oadoeld, wksl..al. aad retail, by W. H. lieeaeb-Drarriet and Chemist. Wibxdasrtoa. N. C-, Wimaaxs Haywood, Ral.igh, aad by Praggisa. giaoraUy. - Jwna; 1166. , . k - f0 -i; . WIXITB BRANDY. JUST received at No. 18 FayottoviRo 81, two casks of 4th proof Whit Brandy, for preserv ing ft ait. - v JOS. B. a ROULHAC. Rataiga, Aug. etn, 1866. 68. : ;: i -h - WANTED J rYlHR Babserfber wiahoa to omnlov A GOOD A JOURNEYMAN, and aloo wanU a good ap- proauoo. r Til dot must eosae wou re mended . 0l2,ift6. . : : ' - 4t 82. . r ; -r" .it , PA RA 8 OLS AND UMBRELU8 , A LARGE aosorf sal of ovary shad, aad varied JtJt and at vary low ptieoa. Calf aad oxaxoino at . McuKE R WILLIAMS. May, 1866.. 40 I ' SALES. i ' " J - "SSromS for sub his -.-1.1... InTwaUlalv TPOSite j lm..vtlv opposite th. Beak of lk oTTvl" TV.Tnt fM 810 feet on Newborn .treet, The TmeTu eeneist tf th.dw.Ulnc .afad. Poomrorteble now, a Mrwfi kj with ft. ? "nTZr 1 larre end -orf productive in lj-well stocked with fruit tmi. 52L."2fi52! Lhaee will be sh.wa the rnww b - r Raleigh, Jan 26th, 1865. ftl tf. r.I-.Vl. OkarnHv af KcmM for 8oi I in wsisTraa f a MAN. hi WIFE, and FIVE I FEMALE CHILDREN, botwoen tho ogw o a. wm. Tho moo is on experienced manager of a Farm and tho woman a flm-rat cook. T tuq Jane IS, 18i5. 48 tf. For Sale. A VFBV lirhlA raaideneo autoimu A of Raleigh, on tho eaat, one-half mUe from tT i. MuiMlnln ahnut twenty mo S i - r at preoent occupied bf Robert H. Jooea, Eq. Peraooi wuhiog to porcnae can premiwa, and apply for particular, to the .nbcri- ber at Onion no. r T rtT T Trn SepL 4, 1855. 7l'w4w- For Sale. w. t Yonnr Heroo and Roekaway. Apply AS W. U. f n- o. 100,000 ready on' or abeet no-iaaSoutt Lloyb's Uosat H.imlfllT WOmX Will DO tho twenty-fourth of October. CtllllTI an . m .K..rin af Steam. Ufi oFSok. Ftteh-BngroTiBf of hi. Jrot Boot n. iw Wartoe Enrrarinr of hi. fint A- lJ!K5rnd UvUgito-'s first Ohio River Rob 1 rmRoa aa I BoaV-Correct iAKoneos rw jrai. First Exploaion oa tho Western Water-, from an ":- xf of the Western Waters : (Sties and Distances Lirt of Steeabooi Exploaiona since 1812 ; Names ' . m a I -a. A OtaamkAa4a of Killed and wounaea; w b.uh. j afloat. Correct views of Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Loaisville, St. Louis and New Or leans, in 1866 ; 8ketch of each place ; Popula tion, Basins.. e exo. the Ohio and Mississippi LUt of Steamboat Officer, on tho Western Waters. The Now Steamboat Law w k. wneo- . Am tkae Names of Lost, Killed Jksimmm i - m and Woemded. The High Water La 1810, 1882, 1847. Important United State. Supreme Co art 8teambeat DeeMoaa. .. . Throe hundred page, with one bonarea engrav- iare. kaadeomely boand. By remitting One Dol- Ur, (post-peid,) yoa will receive a copy ot I puu .... i . rwlara from the traao BOJCitea. "" anted in every town and city to canvass for the work. . Address JAB. T. uimiu Post Office Buildings, Cincinnati, 0. OcL 8d, 1855. &0 tJ,B-1- Moore 4 Taylor's PASTILLES DE PARIS. THESE PASTILLES are an invualable remedy for the cure of Couqhs, ixlo abd dboicbitis, as, K.hai action on tne tnroat anu lonn, uier ro- moro aU hoarseness in a few hours and wonder- fuBv increase th power ana nexiouuj o me voice. Heooe they are of great service to and ,;V!. Mcommended dt Clergymen, Aacuouwri, Public Speakers, and all those whoso oallipg re- . A . ....I . m M. n . quires sucb rreque" b-" N R -Ask for "Moobb A Tatiob's Pastillbs D, paais," and observe tnat eacn nox Dears neir nMui ai mature. . Pa aaJa bv the principal Druggists and Apothe caries throughout the United States and Canada, and at whole sale by MOO Kb s TAftuB, importers. 81 Maiden Lane, New Vork. Sept. 19, 1866. 5 a, m. p. 8m 76. vnRTH CAROLINA wrrut w air aim i .- . x-w-v rTnr rrxri. a vtt Ll Xbp undersigned will sell at public auction at k. fti nf the Company, No. 69 Beaver Street, m. Ynrk on THURSDAY, tho 18th day of Oc tober, 1866, at 12 o'clock, tbe. following stock of the North Uarobuia juoppei juPuy, f-wifc . o s 55 a a s 8 w 85 Jan. 140!Feb. 31, 1855. 18 28 600 1263 Peb. U, )864 100 100 60 SO 12801 22 28 163 166 1342 1345 Mar. 60 60 196 Mar. 14 100 1360) 29 1 7 17 200 196 601 1881 Apl 25 197 10OJ 141&J 1462j 100 198 60 60 283 API 6 14 16 I6O1 1463 1679 60 807 60 May 16 18 100 810 6PI 60 60 I5?8 100 817 1697 820 1618 " 28 1 89&py 8 6 16 19 100 100 162fHMay 27. 300 600 Anal i 1662UTunel0 486 446 1 1669 " 12 100 800 250 40 1670 478(June 8 1679 16 17 19 21 498 " 8 If j 800 100 1706 100 17 1709 100 669' 609 610 July 8 LAug.ll &9 40 1710 100 17(31 100 20 26 1764 600 200 624 648 10 28 27 80 6 24 26 29 11 17681 177W lOOi 25 666 100 1786 22 27 300 200 871 100 100 108 1805 691pept 1868(July 15 300 745 7481 1908 19671 Nov. 2 100 100 JP0 Apl 21, 1855 200 760 782 803 843 894 1979 198P May 16 260 260 250 K)ct. 100 " 21 24 " 8J - 18 28 Nov. 7 Dec. 15 100 1983 60 1991 150 100 350 376 60 100 1998 10661 1202! 1994 Jan. 26, 1864. 60 160 wih'tl 1246Feb, 9 crti'e Said stock la forfeit to tbe Company for non payment of tbe assessment by reaototiPD of Sept. 15. 1865. and is noil by the Treasiirer piirsuut to section 12 of tho bye-laws. Only so much of said several parcels of stock wiu bo sold as sh all be aaxjaajiary.to pay tho assessment of one dolls izii per snare w nam uaargm. ' K . . VT X J UITI I PD , October 9, 1866. ", ... 81-ta. retersbart; Female CoUega THE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION will oommenoo on Wednesday, the 29th Septom- The Direetors are maxine- urp aoaiixens ea to tho College Building, and to the Boarding De nartmant. which will be completed by tho beginn ing of the Session. Tho large and increasing fw. aaa aada theses rlditintisrtec so. arv. Am- nle aeeommoaaavne mrw nnu . . . tAA TJ 1 For fall information respecting tho coarse of Sta fivee. terms of Tuition, t., see tho Annual Catalogue, which will bo sent upon application to the Proaideat, uao. W. UABTBB, or to any oao ofthe Directors. D" ARCY PAUL, Ch'mn W.T.DAVIS, J. H. COOPER, -. WESLEY GRIGG, B. P. NASH, WM. LEA. JOHN LYON. Potorabarg, Vn, Aag. 13. 1866. Directors. 66.w8m. Niemyer 4t White , TTTAVR RESUMED BUSINESS,-and are pro ti nered to'reeeiv.' ccxstqxbkxts, fill orders foTMERCHANDIZE, euU forward food to oa ex a. ' ' jartameuU Va , Ooi, U, 1866. 81 6t tET XJS RfiASOTf TOQETMIl u if HOLLO WAY'S ' PILLS- " WHY ARE WE SICK? It has been the let of th. human race to be weigh- mA Aam h-r diaeaM an J Buffering, nui-w WAY'S PILL8 are .peciauy adaptea to ine reuw of tho WEAK, the NERVOUS, tne uxuivax, and tho Di FIRM, of all climes, hgei, oexea, and n.tihiHntii Professor HollowaT personally bb- nerintends the mannfacture or nis meaicme. in . n . e . .LAMB.d. m aA n the United Btates, ana obwi - enlightened people, as the beet remeiy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. fttbuv prr.T.q PtlRIFY THE BLOOD. Thm famaua Pills are expressly Combined to operate on the stomach, the lirer, the kidneys, ute lunge, me iuuuu wwi, ...--e j j.n..mmi in their functions, purifying the blood, theverr fountain of life, and thus caring disease in all its forms. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nurlt h&lf th. human race hare taken these Pill. It has been proved m-all parts oi tne world, that nothing has been found equal to them in eases of disorders of the lirer, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to those organs, however mn.cn ae ranged, and when all other means hare failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. ilu,, of the most 'despotic Governments have opened their Custom Houses ft the introduction " . . v .V . .J2 of these rills, inai mey maj dnvuh u in. of the masses. Learned Colleges admit thai this medic ine is tho beet remedy ever known for person, of delicate health, or where the system r h-.;u invuroraUns properties has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. v VamaJe ' vnnnff or old. should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regu lates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in tna.av cases like a charm. It is also tne dosi ami aafaat iaMtifline that can be riven to Children of all ages, and for any complaint ; consequently, no family should be without it. rrjn', PWs art the bett rrmrdv knotcn tn tht rid for the Jouotnnj wttair : Asthma Diarrhoea Bowel Complaints Dropsy Debility Fever and Ague Female Com plaint. Headaebes Stone and Gravel Secondary Symp toms Inward-Weakness Liver Complaints Lowness of Spirits Piles Coughs Colds Chest Diseases Oostiveness Dyspepsia Indigestion Innuenxa Inflammation Venereal Affec tions Worms of all kinds. .Hold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol low at, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 224 Stran 1, rmUn and bv all respectable Druggists and Deal ers of Medicine throughout the United States, and the civilised world, in boxes, at 2 cts., bcus , and 1 each. eft There is a considerable saving by taxing the lartrer sues. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. . . Ufa niWVATTV tUlt 3ALC 111 UBMUUIOig ummunmi Oct. 9, 1865. eow ly 81 Notice to' Contractors. arnvUVINQ to tbe failure of tne commissioners Q V of Beaufort to make the subscription of that Town to tne auhduc wu hoi m uunua Railroad, in accordance with the resolution ortne nirtors. in terard to the Eastern Terminus the Road, the period for receiving proposals for the work between Newbern ana ueauiort was not closed on the 28th, as advertised, but will be suspended for a few weeks, when the estimates will he nrenared for the lines to Carolina City and 8hepherd's Point, and proposals invited for the woak upon tne lines also at some mture uay, f m-hi-h due notiee vAl be given. N B Those proposals already sent in win not be opened until the day above relerreu to. a .. - v -v ai' HUT tI I It T '. l.A JiNU. U. ill l r vyifct, r ruaiucuu W.TJEVfiRHOUT THOMPSON, Chief Engineer. ulytVl8j6: 4 Hopkins, Hull & Co-, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 268 Bait. St, Baltimore. Wa take this method of calling the attention of t us Southern trade to'our Stock of FALL & WIN- 1 ER DRY GOODS. The encouragement we nave et with in our endeavors to get up a better stock ban has usually been kept in this market has stimulated us to improve it both in extent and TBesfdes a full assortment of Foreign and Domef tie Staple hy Good, we shall offer a large and elegant Stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. We shall sell at short profits, as w. wish to secure the best class of trade that comes to market. Orders for goods solicited, which shall have prompt at tention. B. B. HOPKINS, W ' R. HULL, WM. H. RYAN, TH0!S W. ATKINSON. Baltimore, Aug 4, '65. 63 8m Notice. TXAVING bought out Mr. M. Einstein, I shall - continue the CL6THING BUSINESS, heretofore, in my own name urn ntcuuui 1SM1L KUSKflTUAL, Corner of Market square and Wilmington St. W " :. x' i cvl. LpuuBiic m i uvi u a UkBUIQ. JUST RECEIVED si the above store Thb Lab- obst Asscbtbbnt or READY MADE CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY. Give me a call be fore purchasing anywhere else and you will save at least twenty nve per cent, ract, ana no nustaxe about it. 14 t. 8ept. 12, 1864. tf 74 Patent Elastic? Skirts I BATES i FRANCE, No. 1, Barclay St., N, y. "CAUTION. None are genuine except they bear the stamp of the Patent. All Manufac turers and Sellers infringing will be prosecuted according to law. March 23, 1856. ly 24 Baperior Silk Velvet Vests. VUR assortment is mueh better than usual in VFine Silk Velvets of the newest and most do sizable styles. E. L HARDING. Oct. 12th, 1865. 82. PIANOS AND MELODEONS. TUNING, c. KERN, late of Baltimore, would res pectfully inform the ladies and gentleman of Raleigh and vicinity, tnat he is making his third annual tour of the state, and will be in town a few days to attend to auy tuning or repairing of Pianos, Melodeona, ae., that may be entrusted to him. Provided nth a very complete set of tools, and the beet of materials, he is prepared' for every emergency. AU work warranted to give satisfaction. . j N. B.-Tho BMne towns and village, visited regularly every year. ' Order, mat be left at Lawrence's Hotel. He has also made arrangement, with several of tho best manufacturers in the country, by which ho is enabled to supply purchaser, with- very sa potior Pianos, Melodeona, Ac. BkAT Factory fbicbs I Every instrument will be accompanied (if desired,) with a written guarantee by the ma ker, aad will bo kept in tune, wuaoM thsrae,- for a number of yean. Oct. 12, 1866. It 82- OOMBTHlNr3 FOR THE BOYS. A good a- Osortmont of Bey S ClotkUg just received. KING & BIGGS. April 16, 1866. , 4t. 81 S, ... c " -, sV ' ' . , it i'i U the Karto xmprtaslna ranarl ? , FOB writing wita,tpa or UK, , P7J"T th ftowert, piclaies, patterns for mbroiJ rycxeerkintvJunsn Indelibly, tad senIfold;wrI; , a' Ma article ti o-oiBteiy u . r'"- 7,,4 stand ia the known World, for ft . small 4oJ folded end placed in the pocket eoiisfitutesi 4rt- elllnr Inkstand wnlcn cannot oe 5-;-1. needed," 1ft ;mir lck M1o,d, write, eqhany as wen a. me oe gv f-- " universe. For drawing It I. inaipnm"i. indeed, tho whole art of drawing taaght In one lessoa. Any leaf; pUat Bower, caabo transferred to the pages of aa album, with a miBBie and dUtinot resembleao of nature, wiU facility that pictar and bidery pat- tern, are tax en, aaaaavereoiTu Citua. from the fair sex ; and. indeed, a more tasteful p reseat ror a laaj vvuu 1 " This mag U Pper wiU aUo-mak. Um - other articles, so as to remain perfectly indelible. All the washing la tho world fails to bring It out, Any n.a u with nerfact ease. With th. magic I . , . . ,i .v.a' m.kin it the eheapoat and moot wvan hb m iMnna wiuw mi nonvenient article extant. It l aeea 10 X" vantage by reporter, of tho public press, teiegrapu tAre. and hosts of Others Each package contains four different eolors black, bine, green and jyd-with fall aini printed inetruetions, ror ail to use, aaa wiu im- 1. La ahtxia tra kmadred distinct isnprossiona. It is put ap m peaaarnuy """'k .h a. truth fnl Hkeaea. of tbe propn.tor ihwui- ed. Each and every paekago warranted. Price 9 . Hnn ,. for HI Single package Zf cents. . , Address, post paid, N. HUBBKWU, croaaway. N.Y. . 0P1NI0N8 OF THE ritKsa. Hcbbil's Maoio IarBtssiox PAraa. Wo refer our reader, to the advertisement in another col umn, setting forth the merits of taia pleasing ana ingenious invention. Its cheapness should induce all to givolt a trlal.HPW111Ph, haat. It is unsurpassed for neatness and atlHty. and should moot with tho Bale It-richly deserves. Tribuao. Jnst what tho vublio aaoloar desired, aad re commends itself to every Individual of taste and refinement. Journal aad Courier. Aug. , Foo. y 1855. Auturnn Sales. 1855. STEVENSON WEDDELL, Importer, aad Waaleaale Dealer. IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. or SO Sycamore Street, WTE are aow prepared to exhibit to tho Mer WW chants of Virginia and North Carolina a large and commanding stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Having purchased Hbatt Woolbbs early in June, we can offer goods at such price, as cannot faii to command attention. Dneof our firm will remain in Hew Xorlt du- riug the aession, in attendance 01 AUCTION BALKS, and forwarding anything, new and novel, as it may be received by the weekly steamers irom tu rn ne. Merchants who are compelled by competition to buy at THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, wiil find our styles and prices such as will enable them to compete successfully with those who pur chase in the Northern marxets, STEVENSON It WEDDELL. Petersburg, Sept. II th, "73. TUN DQLLAR9 REWARD STRAYED of stolen from my plantation in Franklin county, on Saturday night, the 4tb mat , larfe Sorrel liorte. The above reward ol ten dollars will be paid for his recovery and deliv ery to me. j LouUburg, August 13th, 1856. S. PERRY. 56 tf. MONUMENTS. TOMBS ANO HEAD STONES rPHE Subscriber would take this method of ro- X minding the public,' that he is still engaged in tbe manufacture or urave vruameuw, iu au vane- tv and the best style of finish and workmanship tie keeps always on hand a large .took of Marble, both of American and Italian, suitable for Monu ments. Obelisks. Tombs, Head Stones, Ac.; aad havinr in his employ a first-rate Northern Carver and Letterer. he is prepared to put all kinds of Ueaiirna and Inscriptions, to suit the tastes anl 0 . wishes of all. Hewould respectfully invite a visit to his Mar ble Yard, at the south-east corner of the Raleigh Grave Yard, where may always bo seen specimens of bis workmanship and a variety of styles or Urave Ornaments. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he respectfully solicits a continuation of Uie same, pieuging nunscu u im au wo munr lira to please all. Orders from a distance win do iaitniuiiy and promptly attended to. Address, WM. DlaURAin, xvaieign. October 81, 1864. wly 88 rpWENTY-FIVE LHJLL.A1LH will bo given a for the apprehension and confinement in faf jail or aeiivery 10 tsv a aiai WILLIAM, WHO ran away rrpm my piantauoa about 3d July last. Said negro is about 6 feet high black, and about 19 year, old pure baaed by Mr. Thomas Galloway, of Brunswick county, of ill. VY. r. Asxew, oi naieign. nuuw was raised near Raleigh, and may kayo returned to that neighborhood. W . N. HOW AKII. Oct. I, '&6. t Splendid Lottery October, 1855. GREGORY MAURY, Managers (Successors to J. W. Maury & Co.) 87,6001 Lottery for the benefit of tke State of Delaware. Class 237 for 1866. To bo drawn at Wilmington, DeL, Saturday, Oct. ZU, looa 78 number Lottery and 13 drawn Ballot. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 Prise of. 87,600 1 do 8Q.0QQ i do....; ..... 10,000 1 do 6,000 1 do 4,000 1 2,639 60 do ' 1,000 60. do : 600 180 do 800 Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets $10 dolfs. Halves $6,00 Qu'r 2,50 Certfs. of Pkg's of 26 whL tickets, I40 OO do do 26 half do . 70 00 db do 26 aaarter do 86 00 Orders for Tickets and share, and Certificate of Package, in the above splendid Lotteries will re ceive the moat prompt attention, aad an account of each drawiac will be sent immediately after it is over to all who order from see. Address P. J. BUCKET, Agent, ' ;..ttnxtofton DeL Age no y at; Washington City. JENNINGS PIGOTT and JNO. W. HANCOCK ilatt of Horik CmroU.) w xriLL prosecute claims of every description YY before Congress, the several Executive De partiaeata and Public Of&oea. Partioula atten tion will be given to Claims for. PENSIONS and BOUNTY LAND. . Mr. PIGOTT will practice , St tho Supreme Court ofthe United State., and the several Courts of tho District of Columbia. Address PraotT A Hancock, Washington, D. C Feb. 6, 1866. . 11 wly. Transylvania TJnireriity. . . MEDICAL, DBPARIMENT. , rnHE 28th Session- .will eonuaenee,.o. tho 1st . X-Msoday in Nov., 1866, and .will, ooattnae as oauat boob Boontaa. i ?'..,..-., a . i nt The dissecting rooms will be open on, the .lsfaf October.. . . . . k J ! , The cost of the tickets to the full eoarsa f lpjiin advance; Graduation Fee Vli. MatnoulaUoa and library 96. Demonstrator's Ticket 910. Board- log from 92 60 tp f3 60per week. , ' ' , - 'I ROBERT PITER, M. D 1 r . -a ed, ;raoJty. Lexiwrton. Ky., 1866. U xiit.t.' ROClT. 1854. FJIMEIIS' HEAD :QARTTJRS :,woRroOkV.VA. - ' . v. ..- for- tho ORDERS for kbapbbs J.""".,r; t ib fning narve.V which will bo filled, at, the foUowihg prices t-. ' 105 00 Hcssbt s Heaping ssboouw, y do : Mower ana Beap-r,- do 1 Front Wheel, extra, . . i : .nra, .ida delivery, 6 00 da . do do no , i - ,. A deduction of $5 will bo made if th. 1 side deli vsry Unt foriiished, and $20 will be added to the aVivo price if front wheels are furnished. 160 tons Engliak, Swedes and American Iron, all XOton. Hoop and Band Iron, f to 4 Inohes wide. 20 ton. Oval, half Oval aad half round Iron 200 setts Coach and Buggy Axles , 800 pair do do Springs 260 keg. Nails, 8 to 40d., out and wrought 60 doxon File, and Rasp. 60 Smith's Bellow., all sixes 1600 pound. Cast-steel Hammers TO American Biar An tub 60 Vices, for Wood and Iron Work Stocks and Dies, Bench Screws, Ac, for sale ou the best terms STRA W HA T AND SHUCK CUTTERS, Of every variety. Price $30 for the best, and warranted to cut anything in the Shape of Feed for stock. Cheap I "utters, from $5 to $25. mUW 8HGLLERS. Virnia Corn Shelters $26 00 nnldahoranrh's do 40 00 Reading'. do.... 00 Double Spout 00 ; Singl. Iron Spout do : - 10 w do Wood do do w WHEAT DRILLS." . bb A A Pennock'a Slide Drills, do. Boiler do., t, o, v. 10 tabes, faraished at factory price, say $o to $126. All other kinds furnished by as upon uk same reasons bis terms. Our facilities for proeur lav theae machine, are superior to those of an other dealer, and we can guarantee dispatch in filling orders. Light and neavy xn-ags anu ux rows for Bailing wheat, on hand, of our own make, warranted good ancTdurable. BAMBO ROUGH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I Extra Premium Fans, o w Ha 1 do do 32 00 rr A Im No. 2 do do ou uu Sinclair k Co's. No 2 do 80 w Do do 1 do s zo uu Grant's Premium Fans $16 to 8t Clinton'. Fan Milla, $ 13 to $20 WTKT.n Rollers 8 Serments. 3 feet lone, !wo u do do 8 do 4f do 00 w A An, 4 do 4 do 45 00 do do 6 , do 6 do 00 w do do 6 ' do 6 do 65 00 Orders for any of the above goods wm oe filled promptly. Your order, are respectfully so- licitod. rsuiiuai a. miuyjunan, 11 Water Street, Norfolk Virginia. Sept 15, 1864. " Curl Your Hair. KROLLERION. THE Receipt for making this celebrated com pound, (lately introduced into this country,) will be sent by tho subscriber to any persons in the United States or Canadns for $1 . The KR0L- T.ERION will curl or wave the hair m tne most beautiful manner. Any person having the most I coarse and uncouth looking hair can transform it into tho TUauiiful. bvtke Use of this Article. The ingredients wiil not cost over 1 2 cents, and i with this receipt any one can make it equally good in every respect to that sold for $d a bottle, ii preferred, a package or nrouenon reaay mauc will be sent tree oi postage, insteau oi tne receipt. nth directions for preparing it in liquid form ana full directions for use. Send all letters, postpaid, to. H. A. FREEMONT, Warren, Trumbull Co. Ohio. March 6, 1855. lbtl JAMES E. CUTHBERT, fSUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT.) Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Bol lingbrook Street, Petersburg, t a. BXrBBIRCBS : ' Thos. Bragg, Jr., Jackton, tf. C. L. F. Hicks, Esq I Petersburg. Messrs. Reran A Bro. j Messrs. L. D. A W. O. Crenshaw, Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk. James George, Esq.,' Baltimore. Messrs. Monahan A Beers, New Fork. HAS constantly on hand : Prime Porto Kico and New Orleans Sugars, ijoaf, Crushed, ruivenseu anu usnoeu ao Rio, Leguira aad St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper ia grain Ind ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and sperm candies Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Guapowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring and Warehouse Regalia, Principe, and Hevaana Cigars ; Together with a large stock of foreign and do mestic Liquors, Wines, Ac, which he offers at the lowest market sates. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg, March 5, i R. 8. THOMPSON 4T CO., Ne t9 Sycamore Street, Petersburg:, Va MANUFACTURERS of Plain and Japan Tin Ware, Copper and 8heet Iron Work, and dealers ia Britannia Ware, Planished Ware, Hol low Ware, Tin'd and Enamel'd Sauoe Pans, Brass and Enamel'd Preserving Kettles, Charcoal Fur naces, Hip, Spunge and Plunge Baths, Cooking, Church, Paxloyj Office and Factory Stoves, Sheet Iron, Sheet Load, Force and Suction Pumps of Brass and Iron, Tin-plate, Wire, Zinc and a general assortment of Housekeeping Hardware, and other good, pertaining to that line of business, would respectfully tender their thanks to their friends - -. . , - . i i .n i t i for no patronage mineno eu uuerauy uestuwvu on them, and would inform them that they have, unco the firs, opened with an entire new stock of goods, which they will dispose of on reasona ble terms, wholesale and retail. B. S THOMPSON SL CO., ; - No. 26 Sycamore st. Roofing and Guttering done with despatch. Aug. 6, '66. 63 6m SSaaULW. tteae ef tee Daioa, aw , .taoaof One ikOarfirZA eteeot . The bast lAMKS BT. KDKXT. MJUaSrai. It T. Qateet taaeriHe, X. a) June 8, 1865. 46 6m A Proclamation, By Hi FrroHmry Tsictmab Baaoo, Governor of th Stat of Morth Uorolma . WHEREAS, BY A RBSOLUTiqN OP THE General Assembly, it i. made tho duty of the Governor of the State, for the time being, " to set apart a day in every year, and to give notice thereof by Proclamation, aa a day of solemn and pub lifl Thanksgiving to Almighty ' God for past blessings, and of supplication 'for his continual kindness and oar. over njaaafftato and as a na tion:" - - , T. . ; New, therefore, I do by this, my Proclamation. set apart Thursday, the 25th da of October next, as such day. aad do most respectfully and earnest ly reoommend that It be observed accordingly by sm vue goou peupia m uim dhw. iHven under my Hand and tne great Beat of L. 8. the State, at the Executive office, in the : mty or juueiga. on tne i i tn nay or sep- ' tetaber, 1866, and in the 80th year of Amerieaa ladepeadence." ' - H r , THOMAS BRAOa. By order ef the Goveraor i ! . PptAS ki Cowrn, Prioat Secretary?' Raleigh. Sept. 21, 1866. .. . 76 4w. I RICE .JLEDUCED. Ireden oa Executors s ILK and open straw Boaneta'and Infanta' Hats w . a. m tt. 0, TUCKER. XX .JL . JLl Aa1 ?! FAMILY PHYSIC; rwil i I... a nnblifl demand for an. eflectiT. purgative8 pig which "v! sure nd perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, sndnten sive trial W its virtues has conclusively shownwith t what access H"" ' none of the objection, bat all the sdjtagea, ot . every other. This has been attempted here, and , with what success we would $Z & the public decision. It has been unfortunate tor t. the patient hitherto that almost every purg medJctoe is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els This is not Many of them produce so mucn SpinVpahs and revuWon m the systemj-to more ISiterbaUnce the good toderW from them. These jhJU produce no imtafaon P unless it arise from a prerwosly Hon or derangement in the bowels. Bemg purely hUwTnarm can arise from their use m anv quantity - "but it is better that an; inedianejnouw be Ukin judiciously.; Minute -J0 use in the several disease, to which therreap pucable are given on the box. Aung te oma olaints which have been speedily cured by themwe Lsy motion Liver CompUt, in iu ? of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap Pti", Ustlesanees, Irritability, Boas Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pam in the Side and Loins; for, in tenths jdltW but the con Muuenee of diseased action at the bv. Asan aTScurvy.d. 007 mcerTsnrWurity of the Ji j 0 eeasful cure, ta Rheumatim, Gout, P"P7. ; Rrvstoeus, lalpitatiew f!he Heart. Pains mthe : SntachTand Bide They ahouU . W fteelv , taken to thOspring of the year, to punfy the blood 5 Innlrepsxotbtemfo i St oecsmonsa doio stimuUtes thojitoxaaek and bowels Into healthy aetion, and restore, the appe-: ! tand vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their uUntionTn the irculatory system, ren" 1 vate the strength of the body, and i restore tbe wasted or diseased enerriee of tie whole orgarusm. TSZZ -;-l inaa ia adTantaeeous, even MrfAa unnnmou auaw necessary dosing, should never oe camea mo nfCfy.,.t, medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases i r.rJlu ircannot be enumerated here, but they sui .nrceat themselvBs to the reason of every it is confidently believed this- piU body; W AAA ZZZL' . w,., ,mn than anv thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. m thaw virtues are once known, the public will nolonger doubt what remedy to employ when nneedef a cathartic medicine.! Bemg sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take," and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. riEPAUD BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Cbemiat, LOWELL, MASS. Pries 26 Coats per Box. FiTa Boxes.for $L AJER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Fer the rspW llnn COUGHS, COLDS, nOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPISC-COUGn, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself sucb notoriety teom cureff every variety ol P' that it is entirely unnecessary to recount theevi denees of it. virtue, m any .' has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, snd so numerous the cases ofite cures, vhaTahuost eTcry sectiop of the country abounds hi persons publicly known, who hare bn reatored from alarming ana even desperate disease the lours byits use. When once tried its superiority ofevery other medicine of tototonttpar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are knovrn, theubbc no longer hesitate whatntajst. to employ for the distressing and dangerous Bffec . tions of the pulmonary organs which axe incident to our climate. And not only m f?rmdable a tack, upon thelungsbutfor the mUder etie. of Colds, Coughs, Wksehbss, Ae. ; i tndfer Childkbh it is the nleasantest and safest medicme that can be obtained. As it has long been to constsnt use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the pX!fiU quality is kept up to the bes t that rt er Gs been, ind that the genuine article sold by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, and by Druggists generally. The Hannah More Acaderny. WILMINGTON, Dklawabb. Principals : Miss C. and L Gfimshaw and A. H. Grimshaw, A. M., M D. THIS Institution has been in successful opera tion more than eleven years. Tho course of Instruction ia thorough. Tho study of French forms part of the daily routine of study. The house is new, commodious, and cheerful: it is heated throughout. The sessions commence on the 1st of February and 1st of September. Term : For Boarding and Instruction, inclu ding French, pupils under thirteen years of age, $70,00, second class, $80,00 and Senior Depart ment, $100,00 per session of five months. Reference ; Right Rev. A. , Lee, D. D ; Rev. H. V. D. Johns, D. D. Baltimore ; Hon. Jno.- M. Clayton, Delaware ; P. V. Daniel, Jr. Esq. J- . R. Anderson Esq, Tredegar Iron Works; E. Wortham & Co., Richmond, Va; Rev. Mr. Gib son. Petersburg, Va ; Governor Bragg, Hon. Win A. Graham, W. H. Tucker, Esq., Hon. G. E. Bad ger, Raleigh, N.C. - r " : February 1st, 1855, ly-10. IrlEMO WAT-. -; P. FORD, Manufacturer & IVholesale Dealer , IB BOOTS & SHOES, Re moral to N on 8 5 . , North Third Sirtei,' OppoaiU Chert f Street PHILADELPHIA." . " J HAVING Removed from No. 47, to Store No.. 86 North Third Street, where I shall keep on hand a full assortment of the best quality f Boots and Shoe, of Eastern . Manufacture, j a&sa a full .took of City made work, I shall be able to offer, to the Trade a better and more desirable Stock of Goods than heretofore. , r-!.:Xi rnJ f ii. jl persona tuuuiik m wj r piuw i buyinrBooU and Shoes. I respectfully soliettnr. personal examination of my Stock, before purehas-. ?ng elsewhere, and of my former Friends and Customer, a contiuuance of past favorsv Very Respectful ry, P.FORD.. No, 85, MrtfA Third 8f t., above Arch, I July GOLDS BO ROUGH STEAM, : GRIST, i4ND FLOURING MLLLS.-n-The Subscriber 'has nilmed his eetablishaieat in Gol Jsboro'. and - 4s now-prepared to grind Wheat as well, aa.Corn,und a more entenaive scale, une nunureu .and ruty Thousand Bushels of Wheat and Corn will sf re rearws: UO pai ltluo uuuiccB uiu t vyuukj . -auu . uir counties along the line of the N. C." RailRoadjand the interior will find it to their advantage to Call on or address me af the Mills before selling, and thus build up a market in this State -for- their Wheat, and a manufactory ef ear own floar.i ' Constantly on hand afresh supply of superfine Family Fl ur, Meal,' Homony, Horse feed, Ciiaekv ed Corn and Husk.,: Also, Lime and Hair Wheal and Corn rreund on toll., "-';?. i. v , -i ? ' - Mr. Lynn Adams, of Raleigh; Is aul purchase Wheat for the above mills. ii 41X- 1.;1URBAN Gold8boreJ, September .8854, wtf f '' Diseases of llxe'Eye T ITHIN the last Syeara, theaubscri t f .freqntljind Bisooeaslullyoi Cataxaot. i persons ef all agea, from of North and South Carolina and Ylrginla, an eontinne to -operate upon those who- need jair It rv-wiiAwli.-i' t Ho wul likewise attend to such other ais of tke Bye as may be susceptible of Belief: taitu -Bvirvittu f ?0 PfUrsbwrs, , April , 1866. 2d - Pd X aCl"'"l1' I .la Is 1 'vl i.h5'pubUcr:Thrto,vwipg are suiuugmany testi- r;y,n- - '.fc ' ; de. r, t. .Tili4lM 1 uke TOR ALL THE FTJRPOtXS OFi A ,aacv, Dieasure in adding my testimony to others ' 1 RV berhaa lerasea ior .he States I wilt ana e eases tf 1 .3 : reUeTinrte rtrtus-affei'of.heiiowel. nuj ooosequentlx mr eatostHCtoryiito. au nk We ' . r . n Aku ? f a.1iitina Avar a-rfaraJ t .. . pteaure U fu.vr cf your remedS'.f.or Bowel Affections, &c naviug so-frqnenfly'exprrencedirs-beneficlal re sults in my own case, as well sts ,in many others to whom I have giveB4trUrried a boUie of it -ith me to Baltiniorejaud here permit me to say t would'aa 800? tMukf ti-iveltrnr witnbiif nreney without tiils'remedy) ni findiBg msuj. among ny acqpaiutancerthr?' who were, suffering witu various form, of Bowel Affections,' I rave it freely, iiu in ko,instascb did it fail to afford :he most PR6MPT aSP PBC1BBB llFsi ts an. uone nere. I congratulaie you, and espejcially.Jhe public, on the discovery, of a medicine which ,is better calcu lated --to" protect mankind and alleviate suffering than any ther ever brought before the people. .'?;-vMiwv'-i.. - ' ..-v.- . L.t.3C- SPIERS. This is to certify that, some weeks back, I was jiken with a violent Diarrhoea, which persisted for :ight days. Being some sixty isiiles from home, i made use of all -the-remedieI eonld think of, but witiiout afforJing any; reliefv On arriyiug at U9uie, I wa informed that Dr. R. H. Worthington iiad prepared a remedy for Cholera, &-., and was idvised to use it.:' I did soy and to. my-atonish-.nent, one single dose" gve speedy and permanent relief, since which time I have used it frequently in my family ', and, la justice to the Doctor, say I jonsider It mPch thx host valbaBlb mbuicixc I have used in an experience of (weuty years. r. M UAfsnAKl. Murfreesbbro -N . a; Oct 2, 1854.1 Dr. WoKTHmaTnn Dmab Six: I take great pleasure in recommending your Cholera Medicine to the public and more especially since I have had ..ersonal experience 'ibd observstion of its benefi AtA effects-. - .urr ." ; I have triedseveral remedies put up for Cholera, ic, but have never found Such happy results irom any as from yonr invaluable remedy. I hsve mch unbounded confidence iu its efficacy, that I tra unwilling and will not leave home without a Supply with me ; and I regard it as one of the most valuable discoveries ox me age. iouto, very iruiy, W. P. KEAMAN. Wwoson, N. C Sept 19, 1854. Da. R. H. .WonTuiHaTOH Dear; Sir .,. I have made some effort, and have succeeded in introdu cing your Medicine to the public, and I find it is taking very well indeed ; and the result is, that I have nearly sold what yeu "sent me. ' I there- 'OTe, WISH you WOUIU seuu ms u muio bo wuu os'yod can. I have not the slightest loubt but that this Medicine is the very best reme iy out for the disease for which it Is recommend ed. I hope you will soon send me a supply, as I would not lfke to get entirely out of it Yours, truly, - -GEORGE W. McGLAUGHON. "r-Vli ' - .' , . f From the Murfreesbore Gazette. Missus; Editobs In looking over the last number , of the Gazette, I found communication from, bar friend, Mr. L. P Spiers, rcommending Dr. R- H. Worthiugton'8 Cholera Mixture to the public, for the euro of diarrhoea, dysentery, and other kindred diseases Having experience in my own case, the happy effects of its use, as well as other members of my family, I can-safely say that I regard it superior to any remedy we have ever used, in an experience of twenty years. I would, therefore, recommend it to every family as an In valuable remedy, and every individual to procure a bottle and keep it by them in these times of cholera. . R. R PARKER. Murfreesboro, Aug. SOth, -1 864. This is to certify that I have used Dr. R. H. Worthington's.Cholora medicine in my family for the last four or five weeks, in -several eases of Bowel Complaint, so common in Our .vicinity, with invariable success,; yQne.of tbe pases was that of a negro child, some four or five mouths old. who was so emaciated by the effects of tbe disease;- that its life was nearly deepalred ofj'whenvtny wife happened to think. that sherwould try pie Cholera Medicine, and did $o with complete success in less than forty-eight hours. t aid throughly of opiuion that no faraHy should be without so fine a medicine Given under my hand, this 3rd day.of October, 18M' ' A. W. DABDEN. . w - MHBrBXSBQBQ' N Dr. R. H. Worthington. . j n ; -., Lt affords us pleasure to say that we have used your Cholera Diarrhoea medicine for the last twelve months, and have found it invariably successful, in relieving speedily-the cases in. which we have had occasion to use it. :e entertain a mgu ap preciation of its valneTand bare "no 'besitotion in expressing the opinion xhaf it -will nroTO to be a valuable family medicine RICHARD G- 00WPBR. Sold by1 P. P. PESCUDi?Raleigh,audby Drug gists generally-' --v.vr. - rte v 4 -v Oct. Htii, 1854. .r,-. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Cabtbbs Couhtt. In Equity.-4 - - - Alice Pi Davis vs.-Francis B Davis, . . Petition for Divoroo. ' - It appearing to the satisfaction ief , tho Court of Equity of. Carteret,County, that Francis B. Davis, the defendant, is not an mnaoivau ji dphvi it is ordered that advertisement b made in the "Beaufort naleyoa'f and Raleigb Register, for six weeks, notifying ; saicLdefendant ta appear be fore the Court of Equity to be holden for th. Coun ty of Carteret, at th Court' Hbhse in Beaafort on tne Seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in Septomber next,- there nd, then to plead aniw" or demur, or said bijt will b toke,po oombssq and heard accordingly. . - 'Witness Benj Tf Perry, .Cler and 'Master In Equity.for the Oountj; of Carteret A Beaafort, the Seventh Monday after the fourth Monday of March, A. D185S i '?? BENJ.?LPERRYi tlM. E. Beaufort, Aug 80th 15-. s W6w 70 c Tate op nOe ft Mxbii na ObaIivillii 03draTT.onytQf PWs & Q." Sessions; Angust - --' J-TernvlSon-Ii v- . Johnson Leyjaler vs, William Levisler. others Jt.appearingj.to the satisfaction of tke (?ort that A. G: Bragg, one of the .defendants Ita'this cause, resides beyond the fimlts oMhls taU, it i u Kr.fflrna motion, or Jerei hr the Court that , . , - . , V . . ,MrrttseniM.tf ly at the Court Wse Oxford, and at three ether public places rGfatt-vaie-Counand- alao m dantthaAiUng of this petitioBL and. that un less hoVppear at the next Term of this Court and answer the' petttionVTftg inte" wirf betake pr eonfesso, and. beard ex-pArteas -tf him.a Witness AjHruatlnoLandia. Clerk of said Court, at office ia Oxford, the "first Monday- ofT'Angust, 'A. D 185S -ic-- ICI-tATB OFiNORTHAROMNAri Gaby ii" O Coomtt; Ippnrt of Pleas and Othrtor Sessions, At mm a IasM V ' rk Petition to Sell f .n.1 fliviainn. Merith hw s eahsrfc -vr It appearing ith satisfaction. (of the Court that John. Valentine, and Parthena, hi. wife; two or the defendaBtt Intthis ausei;wshH"byd tbe timita- -of: this 8Uto; Jt is; tkereforjs,; on motion, oxdered by tM Court, tht advertisement be made for six weeks successively at the Court-House in Oxford, aqd at three Olher public7 places In Gran ville tToanty st'otify iug theaid: dWori0to.C.t,1 filwgrf this Petition, u4 that unless they appear at the next Termftltiv Court, and answer the Petition, the same win be Mi6a proeoofud and WitBaaviBSjrtaeLandis, at pffice in Oxford, the first Monday of August. A. D, 1856V -.c if team I A. LANDIS.'Cl'k. eptemfier 20ij86Vf4 Jgarflwjid. rfiHat AanualMeeting-or l?ie tookhol iers of s 1 ths Raleieh and GaSton Railroad will be held ntheoUy of Kftleigh,tt Thdraday, the"st day if Nevenioer.iw iit'1-.: - ' iWVE. A. CRDDUfVPresl. Raleigh, 8ept,25thv 1856, ' 77 td. . -