.... v - . ; - - . " ' " : - ' ' ; " " -' n. ' " - ' ' ' ' . - , " .- f T1 snd in mny.jpftiiMtU tha ltr UXOSmOJOCEEDINGaLilOl lliUiU l iilb I P"" waking 6fiDieledttad3arf eeema ANKINIWNTft:5fca3.IMf)YE:,IENT3. - r dJplaMs'offair; dJigltfut peace rr lJL. - 1 - 1.- Ll r j This body nvsts on Mja"Uy next, and the mem: here ev'atr'tfregBec2ingrt Wt anttV" wilh "regret, most of the awM wiLt occupied 1b the old L4'vftTet over sectional aadwa. vTTb tide of feeling will pro-' bfruo iighW-tuanvwe haw ever seen it, and may .hj. n onnuUty overbear and, twerp tway the break mt or ol the constiuti hat wo' hare more fsitiLtlfear, and aball continue to trust to that tore of country aod loyalty to government, I le-nounnated pRec a , faduonbut. fortunately which have, been our safety all atomic State, J"11- Theae are but the hegiuig..of the iiiu ui un yrtteui t m uaiy signs years since the first elected Radges of the court of appeals Hid supreme -court took their seats on the bench. Already we hare seen such-of 'them aa Samuel Jones, John WUlard, Gharlea Gray, Michael Uk- not vrrv prwtltcMa - v rl v - i .7 j-.i.fint'vv i ... - - ., . 1 venuoo. on account oftha adont judgwta wtrj ca$"U3e for rlectioaeacrt- Carolina withoat legtHUxtirvpetaroMOi&Hiie adi ad Wall lb tkX, r nlfe;rfiL. -l v.'Ui- Vantagea derived in the use of -wBVtTWflefrr: .v- -L.ka leh wociationa, witbWeWifinferii)en rrn-iT. WB reclearly perceived-hf rornWijf rMrallet'te cv- " ew,r- uemocraxtf paper ot aouity i twecn the rights of priTateldaividniU and brvfik and gfWketUh PoWja feT aw wfciaiw t money of . taking more' than jjer: centum pief - annum, tor loans ; .aod out of tiia, compenaation. Loneeting, which. not confined to the metropoUa i- pr ,. - T 1 7 V9 est -cn confined to city polities for personal attention in Ioanmilnf wing notes, aloae. ; hi the" niral districts wa bar known 7 a securing axtd collecting ttsi due ihe 5tt; i o suprenwfourf jusUce,adjoun'cocMnr to the debts and attorneys' fees, See., arelto' W tleilitftd, Ua - gum m me nowt wnare a norainaung conven-1 leaving only about ,6 .pea cnt;f clear annual im waa strong, ana "treat au nands 'oand." profits. .'Onihe.othat , hand, bank saociatieBo lie 'waa Tt-nominatedT We saw another.-dnrin? I are olacad in poanciyiinn.of all Avantao-rt this fidTs campaign, exerting himself most , active- I aggregated wealth ; they have the right and ecV is American Con- yehtioa, on account ofth adottihal irjiority of that holy of the Twelfth of Slavery Section. l - lawwD.afljQurnea nnaiiy tarn,. wo abontjnitBlghtf Vr-jr Th Tflajority report iraa adopted bf ifcf nincW4hree to eletrv' Tb report aiya that the Missohri CompirnW htMl4'bV;resfcWl,kiidif enorta to restart rt t ould ,'CongTeashotild Tefussto admit anynew Stat iatp.the TJulonlol erating Slavery. The report protests against ep' iy to procure a itomHisQoa, xunmag around" his I rural) district, and setting all tha inachinery in luouon wbjco uy at tua mspoeaL - tie was also I not permit orselves to doubt, are strong enough yet to resist the revolutionary aflattaaf tfcfacfiaoji .and faoatiral. 'Much of tl"eme cf th aeasioo wt may expect to be cc-cpved- jiq plotting and coontar-plotting for the MThe bead quarters of au the divi- afcJanTl o n Waamngton, and the friends of re-oommated by mracnty parties. t&i jnuMAr MpJranta wa'mananTre most assid- i.ysteniheae men, once placed li'l!il v-iij.s-."e.v-v--- bench, wonld have 'remained there, - sdraatagaaia' tar ha Tehoof f their favorites. W hope 'piople will keep their eyes on the f ri-ifr ft TX"T" that in the and they SByeil Wooxmag thaw dnpea. ' ;uU,;i 1 v. ' ii ffn thli Irea 'ad aBghtned5onntry, it is no Usa'iha'irw: Fke- Xajl;ai-wint Uunaelf with the policy of I bar Kational aflaks, as to be able to exercise with a tiiamintpaung and eangntenea jaagment mm h offer, &c. beaten by' the popular vote not be cause they were incompetent oof because they were partisans but bacanae they happened to be Under the npon the unaffected We, might al- moat hope, Kd we not remembec that .. "revwhi- tions never go backward," that the next constttu tiooal cventioaJn'J8M would restore! the ap point meat system Jot judges of courts' of jrecord, and with H,'taet0DQr of offiea during good he-, havior: :' Thert wis a thne when with our Bon- sanv Cowens, Vjelaons, WalwoHh ' and KenU , upon the bench, the juridical repute of New- York was tugtiest among, tbe sute-bat thai waa not under the elective system. Wa8HIMton Nxwu. The War Panic' is en tirely over. It is thought that the press flurry in England was intended to try th temper of the British people, who have declared their aver sion to any quarrel with the United Stalea. '-' The Central American question Is a snbject of earnest discussion, aod very serious difference -on some pointa, but the difference is still a matter of negotiation. ; - - - Minister Crampton, it is said, will surely 'be dismissed, (as he ought to be,) but the British Government has not made any counter deiuands upon our' Government for redress of the insults alleged .to have been offered' to Mr. Crampton, in connection with the Philadelphia trials. i'tia8 political rights under a Republican Government tha elective franchise. It does not luj'thW ahall aimpy know the peculiar tmrtt ifthf f nliti ' partka thai may exist hat WsbaB aaerelyi nnderstand the cardinal prin4ph 'by which they profess to be governed ; a ftp knowing and nnderstanding, he should wiULcalmaesi and ainoerity examine, strictly and mlnntelT. theJr-tendener and end. Bemember- ing'thUtWnot gold that glitters," the elector ahonhl aasidwoasiy apply himself to see if much that if prvftmi H not mere elap-trap intended to deceive the unwary' and nninspecting while the jjrwcnbs jdevelopea that the chief aim is the aggrandiaement of power and the ' participation l la cfScial patronage. iietore eoenecting huaeelf, or acting, wiu a party, M 1a the duty of every man to satisfy him- ael :WeW iniia?mation of its nrinciolea and con- deniption, under thadterttsement of the Secre- ' mauUoa) of ita Sesigna, whether they are best tary efia Tturf tfferit 19 ftjt gold for nil alsejl 1i prmias thn honor and advance the them!' The 'Washington Starsneets; hat the baterestaef fhe nation. Thia eondnsion having w arrives of the London Tunes are probably been arrived at he may boldly enter the ranks, designed not ,ony to, checkv the idispoMtion of and, witkthe nrood conariousness of a warm and English capitalisM U spnd money over here for ftowmg MAiTtrt. he may etrike for the success investment, on aocbhnt of h existing disturbed of his i'arty, hGeving H to be the cause of his state of English financial aoai,luieli to frighten CotniTarl them as far aa posuible into Increasing the stock We say, then, that in a government like ours, of bulliou in Engtend, bv reahamg at once, through 1 thfflt'd. to a certain extent, be a pot-1 tne sale 01 sucn mervcan secuntiea as tney cow hold. ' U. 8. GoTJcaSHSST Stock. It is stated that some $95,000 of U. SvJovernment Stocks came over from England, in the last steamer, for the last vertiseme re- We de not mean of that little, mousing kindwho peadet 4o the passions and prejudices ef the- weaker;- and inflame and embitter them . ngahut those who see proper to diner from them ; ' nor yet the paddBng political hack, who, like the envenomed, fool-mot thed slanderer, is ever ready tn fipmin'tt aome speech of low degree, as illib eral as untrue, to win proselytes to his particular party-We anean neither of these clssses would In Ties 1 an had none soch 1 Bat we do mean, that every man should be enough of a politician, and anfficitntly'Teried in political afEnrft) to be capable pi judging for himself, without "waiting for taw mam to oocne round to tell him how to Vote." Let-him read and hear both sides and . fben,'wita'aa noneat heart and enlightened judg ment, let him render p hia verdict, aa to which School-boy days ! Who does not feel a tide of joyous, nnqy reflections, flow to bis heart, as he thinks of them 7 Who does not love, occasion ally, to forget that be is a grown man T Who does not delight, now and then, to turn away from the stern duties and dark days of mature life,, and look back to the bright skies and fresh feelings of boyhood, and mingle again with his earliest companion's, aa Ac was, and leey were T It is indeed pleasant, though, when the vision of those days rises full to view, and we see how the world has changed us. When we see how much colder our feelings have grown ; what a freshness has passed away from nature, and how copy the position to control almost the entire ex change of the country ; to tecsive and speculate on deposits; to-issue and collect mlepst mr two dollars of their notes for every dhe'.of"fhetr' capi tal ; appropriate profits tariffl.ng ffrflnt-fhtSt'-lost notes ; power to enlargcr aji3 cdntet hfe!f esca lation at pleasure ; to make raohey' pfcnty'jot scarce; and thereby fluctuate the prices o'f pfSperty'ln market; to favor oneman aii.l oppress tniithtt - in fact, they are in.vested"vith power over -the circulating medium of the' ciirnry, an d ' of coh sequeuce an undue itifltience, :if thejr "'choose to exert it, over the polftieaf liplniofcfts well as the fortunes of the citizen. : :''' These peculiar privile? parceled'out hy the Legislature to Bank corporations jnxliiretleif legitimate results. '. While 'iudivii.Iuals are restrict ted, as we have shown above, ti the receipt bf 5 per cent profiU. the Banks ha ve.peeii able to 're alize, clear, of air expense, ah 'annual pr.jfit of 8 per cent or more ; for U'mhsVbe.remerauerctKat the saloies of officers, rent bupho&uv Holyent debts, Mtorncy'fees, ifaxea, 'and o$pftr- exf penses, are always deducted hefojredividepd "are declared, and the "income psfimated at 8 per. cent is a cear annual profit upon the investment,' : And not ouly is tliia pecuniary iucouieregulaiy ly and semi-annually received, bult.h-Hearovtber very important , ail vantages iiickWu o-such a connection with a mouied uistitutiu . rojbu,-V nese men fully understanding the; use of money, it ia worth at least 2 per cent more. He stands, as it were, behind the curtain, and u .cntmizant of the purposes of those wlr control this posent machinery . lie is informed in atlvance. jvhen they expect to enlarge and wlteo oomaetheir isuea, and tHmseqiiontlr when prices are likely to rise and when fall. Being thus forewarned he is forearmed. He regulates his speculation accord ingly, acts up to the indications of this, monied barometer, and let the times le ' tight" or "easy" he falls, like a cat, 'upon his fi?et.' :And Tier? it aras that Vpltaire .wrote, 'Here I km ti vmg in a way suited to' ray haLite, and caring hut Tittle for. to-morrow ; for I hav a friepd, a director, in the Bank of France, who writes to me whenever money is to be made yi thojuhJjo,f)inds. Some times he writes to me deniriijg me to sell because the Bank is going to withdraw its notes; at other times hi bids me buy, for we are goini to lssiea quantity of notes; aud f through the kiiiilofcu ot a mend, I always make money, -though living two hundred miles from paris.n Again: when a crisis overtakes the ciniiuuru ty and a favorite "'siockhoUer in a' B ink from accident or uudue caution caught nut fr nu ;vLore exposed to danger or temporary duara-sy he ran oumniaud loan wlten others kW I vor V- Kiuia ted cannot. Money is made scarce ,wth,othar that it. may be made plenty vith-im. Collec tions are pressed outsider forced & pay in or der to enable this Bank favorite to weather the storm and suatain bkeself. And why rIwwU thfy notdoso? P1acel by Iiei-laH partialUy in possession of a part tlie sovereisrnty of the owe, wim power 10 rnrnwn ana control tde cur rencyprotected against an increnf faxe and with the right speculi(P upon, the lMjustry of the coimrry without limit save' in one particiitar, is it expected that they will use 'their power other wise than for the accumulation of wealth and the buildiDg.up of their influence and power? To suppose that they will not thus act i to -re past experience and allow "to this . class a greater uegree of patriotism and liberality than can bt 'ustly claimed for the mass of mankind. It is kuman nature to be selfish ; and associations un restrained, as individual are, by ia fear of per sonal accountability to public opiuion, aim! that sympathy for suffering humanity which counter acts, to some extent, the inherent se4sbneM of the heart, are generally limited by little el than eaicnlatioas of interest. And hence all legisla tion conferring such privil eetnght to be enact ed with the understanding that the power grant ed will be used by the corporation fr th promo tion of then own iurerests : and public benefits, if they result at all, will be bqf an Incident flowing pear hereafter? eU? ito ' hi ? eon &c. CCoiTntrrlR rtwaoruaw MJUgtetarj ' ' tingui$ki ttritngerf th'tti' GOf:'- ' f ? . :ine weatner so nrJmi bsenunnsns I ly mud for the season, ing aU day, J: a.1 i - a . - - . . f . Xll tU oehtei at PhUadelphUou the 19 UM, Northern ciimVand an p bto inTa JlT W? thf me lids and the poor; It it alsoghlyvorabUv 6oOTeatl0n ; ' ' . business operations. Drummers are now circula- . "" : TT"i , ting throughout -the'lSouth and , West looking af" M0CT-There has never been word, ter the interests of trade.anditia atthu timethat lQ "e English language more pervertei from, its ordor jietidpQrtationaare going abroad, and I rue meanm8 than the word Democracy. ; Ifhas that many, pf the new-fangled;patterht are on I .m use of for the last thirty years, to de- naiT7i;iiiaf witii iuiw nanir apmnnainir iiw nirvnann 1 w u wtv : aua recommeaai a mwuiiK ui orj-iTsaafii.fewa l? -ThetPra&?hir1eoS WtlLswiljP - said Fund fcr the yenf $& aw'it the'asrsrgualw bf-the LgCaaJiflf:"Tl naveO-. -reeled the fotlewing tabuUr aMameat tobe-pttUsb-showujj rh 043 JfXhution to . each COTnty-nCthum-faa! dboled during thIJreiJJ 9f vwTZllZT?-- 'The amouflldr th& Fall DTsbu;will lie paidjo. ji parens njlid. ggreaalf-r;?:.l' - - . TOtlc4tf6n't0lVTreiMur Dep&iteMiit .?-'.: -t.biiw s5 VdJra e,t linai V - . 4 Counties having, pupils at theN. CInatiEution tr the;af, Dinbjandiihnd,thoi havihgr paidthe tax for-'tSsir rapija thePublie Treaawer pf the State, ncao r tedw? . f JT Jt if . a their way to the great . western, mart. There is no stand atilL Jt very thing has its rum, and every thing here turns upon a business axis. This is the. interval, if any;; for recreation, a word which' adircelVhas any meanii n.-tht aercait tile formulary. Theatres an4 fectwropmslook for crowded, audiences now " The lecture season promise to be nQusna?ly active. . Mr. Thacke ray has been thwacking away atthe four Georges, and a host of phi Icehers and 'pedant 'from' (not merry) New JgUnit isharging' their fanat ical artillery at.maoy rgets.J, .'There .'ire' aome people who lpy"e lectures and lecturing; and tt & certainly ofte of the characteristics, of Northern life. The spirit of the, thing ia kept' opedl the time, until it becomes an intolerable horm. , v . . Since Rachel left, last greek, the theatrical w$rid has been in a state of quietude. r Her eeeond ad vent did not: create-much eathusiaam, bnt -her carear in New York-wilL be the passport to her succeas elsewhere. At first she drew only Mac bouses, all mm,) ut finally alreGwaweushed to hear and see the tragic phenometKin'".- 'Since her departure, minor stars begin to show their lnatre o the brdS;"anl irfthe rtwtrum, and the cele brateil. Dr. Ilare has seized upon the present occa sion to' come'dver from Philadelphia to threw some light upon the dark mysteries' of Spiritualism. lie hplcls forth at theabernacle on Friday even ing, and will doubtless attract a large audience. Much curiosity is felt to, know what; will be the learned ' profensor's elucitlatione : of. the.' strange enignus counoctfd. ith the table-moving, spirit rapping, clair-voyance, and spiritual phUoauphy in general. Dr.. Hare ho devoted much time to the investigation,-and it i expected that he will sustain his theories by actual experiments. The result may be worth knowing, and, if important, the press will soon give it wing, .. - Until'vesterday Jhere-erere only 'two ora men in New York on a visit Mr. Clingman and Mr. Conrad. Bat both these have been eclipsed by the arrival to-day of two greater celebrities, Gov ernor Crittenden, and Governor Boeder. The rlisting.idsbed. Keatuckian. is -a middle-sized and middle iged rhan,itof a farmer--life phlfnnias of manner, a genial address, and cheerful stone: f.ie has a good face ftnd head, but.' without the ssen- strari digifa, would be' allowed to part by with out especial nofifie.'Not ao with 1 the ex-GoTern-"oVof Kahsas; who evidently feebv and acts, and lvoks, as if he. were a" real live Governor. .With a bob-tail ckiak", a Kossuth hat, a fierce moustache Jo ve-t ailed into thft, whiakera, a prominent nose and, cheata firm, auick step,, and a positive.. air arid nianner,v the" Governor oisblaya his cbnse jqnence in Wdmlrabltf . style. ' He" seems as if he might set" Tip for admiration, and win it too. Pos.4bTy he may oiake a figure in the elegant sa loons of the St. Nicholas,, but the one-sided poli ticiajas will soon be ..aftex him.. Perhaps some otpec Vuetnous characters may, turn up in a few days. Qa the .eye of a Congressional session, BH uibera make it cou veaient to take New York in the route, Jo roc are a fitahionahle outfit, Uy in a supply of pleasure and good living, and a few of them a little addiikmal stock of notoriety. To sock heroes a great city is a fine field of specula tion aud -enjoyment. It gives them a cordial welcome, bnt makes them pay up well for it. Greatness i gwierally aa expensive commodity, bat -the most of oar greet -me have very lean persesy but they are bled as if there was a ple thora. .' CM; agnate a party which has no claim to it. . Let us first examine the etymologx.of the word, aud see if his statement cannot be verified; 'It is derfved from two Greek wordi "Demos," a peo ple, and Kratos," power and signifies "the power, or government by" the people," Of course, then,' a "Democratic" government is one where the people rule themselves. Now in this broad sense we are all "Democrats," and it is absurd to style any 'particular party the "Democratic,'' be cause all in the United States recognize this as their, primary principle. But, above,' all, it is most absurd thus to denominate the so-called "Democratic party." Who are th Pxofl of airy-rcountry f .Common sense at once" an swers, THJB NATIVES OT.TJtAT CopSTET ' Would it not be absurd, were it asked "What are the people of Ireland called fto reply, "Americans," or "English " If, then, the PtopU of Ireland are the natives of its soil, so we say that the. Peo rr of America are the natives of the country they are American, and not French, etc. Now apply this, test to the so-called "Democratic" party. Will any sane man pretend that the self styled "Democratic party" is composed of the People of the United States T Is it not noto rious that that party has maintained itself by the fact that it is largely composed of foreigners ? The People, then, of the United States do not rale themselves, but are controlled . by .. the na tives of other countries, who have come to this country to reside. ' We repeat, that it is a gross misnomer to call the party of office holders, many of whom the Priesta direct, the Democratic party. The truth is, it is a party of politicians, who care chiefly for the spoils of office ; having held and hunted office so long, they do not care to be ousted, aod will support any party which seems to them to promise the best pay. Having had control of the country, through the aid of foreign prelates and votes, for the major part of the last tnirty years, tney have deemed themsel ves invulnerable, and have resisted a'l attempts at reform. But now they begin to quake at the prospects of the campaign ofl85G. We should not wonder, now that they find that political Priests are poor sticks to lean on, that they will leave them in the lurch, aud for i&e take ef re taining office, will become loud mouthed Ameri cans. Can a party of men, political tricksters, holding office through foreign votes, be hi any sense a Democratic party ? We maintain they cannot. - J. rue Democracy is, when a people of a coun try, the natives of its soil, rale themselves, either directly or through their representatives. But, with some neble exceptions, ttfe so-called Demo cratic office holders represent chiefly the foreigu vote, for which they bargained, and which elect ed them to their places. But the American peo ple intend, henceforth, to be represented by men who will not trnckle to foreign Prelates, or con suit them in any political matters. . N.T. Express. counties: Alamance, . Alexander Anson, Ashe, Beaufort,,,: liertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke. CabarriB, Caldwel Camden,. Mr. Knight, who has been treasurer of the Howard Society of Portsmouth, N. H", for twenty ! rears, has resigned the place, and is very proper y succeeded by Mr. Day. The people of Bangor, Me., have named the new market house " Norombefea Hall," which is : supposed lo mean, being interpreted, " iVo aunt, by Gar. . mneh less magic and beauty there ia fn life itself, beouki co-operate with, for the good of his J one almost wishes that he had not been so happy. I from' the exercise of the power wielded primarily country and lot, the cause of loerty. V e were au of as happy, uen, lor we couiiitiot Bnt there U a kind of partisanship heady, be otherwise,, We had just planted onr feet on stubborn, fool-hardy whkb we do most cor- the shores of existence, and every thing waa new dhuly deprecate and abhor. It ia of that species I and wonderfhl around us. We had no long, sad which can ae no-good In opponents, admit , of a patruan and deny aU honesty having the preaomptuena selfishness to appropriate these redeeming 'rfaafltiaa. to themselves alone and ex- dnaf verr and there are such! There is another xipeciB- which. we equally contemn the imcorri ' nVW-aevoUs -at the shrine of Party, who, for- jptSint b6uiitr , pamotiatn liberty, every thing, witS such hew glaring the inconaistenciea, how grcea the abuaea, nor. how damning the heresy promulgated fronhaouerter ; as base menials nndalBtaanfallow the wbxb dose, without past, to look back upon, filled up with foT"y nd indiscretion. There were no dark years behind os, scattered over with wrecks of happiness, be neath which the heart lay crashed and buried. Life wss all before us, and it seemed to stretch on without a shadow. The world was full of no velty, beauty and enchantment. ' ' But it ia pleasant, sometimes, t& forget that we are changed ; to lose ourselves in the illusion that we are still tight-hearted ; ignorant of the struggling, selfish world j cherishing the gay dreams of boyhood ; looking around upon hap piness, and forward to bliss ; filled with wonder stopping for aafctneut to analyse ita properties, I .t the prepent, and sunny anticipations of the . orio pjonoer upon na correcoiesa. neea are itrrare. it is pieasant u uruig oacn, wct-iision-, Jt"rZ.iVl-.'. I ally, the old Academy with its grave and vene- s r ""WW bend'the suppliant ldngee of the kn rable rulers, and ita heedless, impatient subjects ; Jlathfifl nay ftohw fawning." - to see ourselves strugglbig to comprehend Baker ... jtWe Utf nK HtnTnn thst tht mansro tho hnnrst, and Briar; stock, emphatically stuck, on Cider; . lerd-4sted yeomanry of. the land are not of foHowmg out our progrese fromCwprf to Lu- . - IhuVelaaii welgblne and earefuBy examinins minary; and recollecting our wonder at the eru t- themasUss they will sever all party tiea and I dition of those who knew why Slot was a noun, obngatwava whenever their jndgmwita are oon TncecT that the uitareats of their beloved country aty danger'. And in the signs of the times, -near, may riM aeon the free and independent up- rkunga of ihe.PsortJt, who, casting aside' all party covidVationa, lie preparing to snake a mighty ao4 decisive blow, which, we trust, will be -the death fcaaU of deception, fraud, misrule and lwwgfigism in etar hitherto happy land. and who bould parse, " John read hi hook." Then, too, the words "Boys may go oat y what thrilling words they were ! . The were tike an electric shock. They quivered through every boy's whole frame, from head to heels. Tho were joyous day;, but they will never . 1 1 1 - i come back.' iney were toe -origin noura ei a rosy morning-they were the first playful leap ing of a stream at ita fountain-head, flashing in for the purpose aforesaid. These remarks have not been 'elicited by per sonal hortihty.to tliis cbss, .or a convicpou that they are worse than' other, rrieu. I mean no such thing. - In the orrghinl cteatkm-'of 'these mstitu tions equal chances- were offered oil to become tlie owners of the stock. -That Bome aecum) it while others did not, only argues" that" thy stood ih a more favorable position to do o, smd understood the ail vantages of such a" relation much "better : and in avaiKnz themselves of the franchi ten dered, they were but acting out the principles' com-1 mon to all men in laboring to improve the condi tion of themselves and families. . ith such mo tives I have mAra te'Wage'is'yr do I purpose Saying that the BaataarrfalemHibtsibie f?r the monetary re vnkixmenv kit h periodically sweep over the country to the derangement of business and ruiu.of tluMisands, . ,Not at alL H has been well said that '.'to enumerate all. the caue. tliat efiect expanaiooa andoontractions of Jlaak usues, would be to enumerate aU the cftuses, immediate or remote, that! efiect trade or --etfeot the confidence-man has in man; lAnytLioii - that excites the spirit of enterprise, has a tendency toinerease the amount ef Bank wsue.- - Whtttever damps the spirit of enter prise or specioatrAn.f has a ten dency tomhice the amount of Bank issues.- As the wild spirit of ipecnlatioh hnih most cases its origin, anc 1 in all its alhnenf, in Banking rrartsac- tions, these various causes operate in a circle. The Banks, by expandfag their"-'issues' ' give sA. ment lo the wild spirit of speculation when It be- gins; .ana dj ineir Qoniracnoa8r.iuey aggravate the evils of the natural reaction."' . A . , ' The Banks in. North Carolina are numorous and with limited capital, and it may be said, that, being managed by different boards, qf directors representing different interests,- the authorities of the one can t know what policy will be pursued by the others'; that when erne contracts the others may enlarge tneir nnuea, and In tin war operate as checks on eaeh other Air the protootiftrr of the people: and if so, nndfieimportsrioo1 r Vttaehsd ' roB the axonrru. HOPING AND BELHTVING 1 Hoping and believing f , " Two bright and magic words, .To which the heart's harp sweetly rings When breathed upon its chords. Al9l,fbr-those who hope fot naught -BeybnAahfe or care Believing that Dfe's rose-tree i For' them is acre and bare. ' " Hoping and believing f" - Oh ! what a waste Were earth Without the Irurt thatJbears uaup, A nd tlie hope tbagave it birth. Each rill would seem to run ViAtears, Eachiglng gate" to gneya I . ' Tis a happy, blessed privilege, ' v' , To. hope and to behere. , X. or 0. REPORT OP THE NORFOLK MARKET, roavaaoao to the " aaoisTia," bt A. Jf. McPHEETERS & CO. Norfolk, Nov. 34, 1856. . - - rW.- .: fa 10:166 J SW19P"S2? - I219 92 i S2.439. aiw, 1W W"IllJl tit T " 8.689. 1,P24;68 1,024 68 .,, 2,04? tip3.Ml ". - ' 9,978 1,196 6 ; ;i4,196 1& : 262,,. ??Xli-' ' 6,961" 714-12 12,838' 1,480 6 ;-5s ii9 ' r R30 28 8,674 fi40 '8V 4,040 88 ?r. t Carteret. 1' Caswell; Catayha,.' Chaticanj , ' Cherokee,. . . Chowan, fcV J Cleveland,. .. Columbus Craven, '' Cumberland, Currituck, Davulaon, - - Davi, Duplin,' Edgecombe ' Forsythe. TVahkHn,' Craaton Gates. Granville, "' ureene, Guilford,, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, ; Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, - Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Madison, McDowell, Macon, Martin, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Moore," Nash, ' New Hanover, Northampton, Onslcrw, Orange, Pasquotank Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, . Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham; . Rowan, Rutherford Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Union, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, ' "e.2d8 :7447g744 96 . . l,ra r-TO tl6ir:' 1354 A459 82 ; 2,918'-64-f 16,055 ' 41 12 1,480 66 6.919 v 830 28 830 28 r 1 ia ri'Xil X.-' n3 We." ' 1926 60 -(- -;t926 60 jcrmmt 24 .9,697 , 64 -"jj v-1,168 64 ' "fcaor ;WTf;t! 63fr 96 2,829 ;I"S7',?8,7u;i,479 48 6.267- p.L76 84 tSif 82. 88- 988 08 . A96t T2 i."4! n 1 4o59iir' . - V .evJla M tmp "ftt-ia 2,827 28 ( , ; iin -H :.' 11M Tft ..V 47B S& W.tfl nO . .-. : 2ntT, Tt ?:. i'7S0 4J(i..s'jaj6ak64Tit .r: k.j-t 14,128 6,99S '.11,111 18,770 10,627 9.510 ,7,22 o,o 17,808 tK 5,820 18.480 13,007 2160 ' 1 6,883" ,666 6,585 13,062 1161 8,985 6,182 " 6,924 6,741 6,169 6,964 , 11,724. 6,163 8,662 9,034 14,236 10,731 7,040 14,967 7,708 6,080 8,825 10,745 16,176 7.986 11,080 12,863 12,329 . 12,388 12,811 6,848 8,49q 17,643 4,462 9,258 21,123 10,866 4,780 3,848 11,478 11,642 8,068 828 84 96 ??98 72 7020 1,567 !44 1,694 76 1,694 76 ,- t ,88 52 . t j JTfcOOiv i? .IJ 1 Ji -889 -76-J - ' 88976To'i'l,n7 6StvA 4. vejurf'v v am 1,88 82" '1,833 82 .... .2,666 64 . v jwnfejAJ-'iiki "-.1,652" 40'!', 1,66240' -8,o4 80 ' 1,87 ?4 1,275 24w':vl,275 14 . 2,560,W ' rt'.il'Sjt v67 86f 1 "867 86 1.734 72 6-0ft. "tt ifcrtir ' - t our' on "I ggii-o1 11 ' ' m 21160 4.4X5. A .1! jaujBB a 8,C37 99 AWH&ZmM . a" j t i'irh 1 TOfl 90 1 ROT -A A r- 7.i4i -i, 8,134 6i( rutAi,.; w d,Jao - 1,423 32 2,846 64 . ! n1eVUiJbU 472- 29 "J -- . 44-4a-siJal fc irs iT - 741- 84 ; '-, 1,483; 8 s7 M. uS: . r"3tr 8a' I' " 3,661 Tea? .-i- y ii p-w ? . . .JuWJi6' fcil at t!1'! '68r2' fejj 4if,3n u4r-'i'fwUJl 740 28 iis i 48tfrWJv """ f-1-- is 835 82 l!670 64 , ' C t 1 Aftfl 88 . 2 818. 781" ' ,'?u -1,423 82 472 ttO "741 84 830 88 -j 688,92' 740 28 ; .. 835 82 ' 1,406 88 ,' 739, 66 1,026 2ft 1,084 08 1,708 82 1,87 72 844 80 .1,794 84 ' 924 96 723 60 1,059 00 1,289 40 1,821 12 952 82 1,829 60 1,488.66 1,479 48 1,486 56 1,477 81 761 1,018 2,117 16 684 24 1,110 96 2,584 7ft 1,243 92 673 60 T 401 76 1,877 36 ' 1,8904 1,026:26;5,V 2,053 t2 1V,J ."-:.TIW U 844 ,80,. a 1,794! 84 , : 92 9 723.60 -I,05t 00 : -189 40 n rfr A A 1,689 6tti , -6,689 68 4;v .-fiijtft rb a49. 92 ,, 00 n u 1,447, . , . -vA-; nt .irmiil 1,821 i 962 1,329 1,483 .1,479 12 82 60 66 48 " i 7ft 004 '4JUA 'l2 1,486 66 ; 1,477, 32 r 761 76 1,018 80 2,117 l& - 634 24, 1,110.96 2,634 76 148, 92 -O ' 673 60 i 40i ' 1,877 '86 -19704' ' 2,118 60 2,578 80 iW i ' 8.642 24 1.904 64 i -U.xwA 4 2,669 20 dw i '"" w -w 2,96V12""'' '5 imjsTt .w ' 2.973 2,95464 1,523-S2 2J)37.40L 4,284 2 tl)68,48. 2,221 92 6,069 62 2,487 84.' 1,147 20 v !803 62 2,764 72 ' 2,794 0 80 K J i J 958 i6 :6;i6;; . . "S..-; : VIRGINIA. -- .! The-Auditor of Public . Accounts haa recently transmitted hia annual synopsis ef -the financial operations and condition of his Department, at the dose of the fiscal year ending the 80th day of September last. The following statement shows the entire reeeipteof the Treasury, the difference between the estimates and receipts, ' and the a mount of deficit ; . . The' enure Receipts- with which the Treasurer is j charged on the books of this office, ae appears froav. statement A, amount to . $2,146,968 08 Deduct temporary loau " obtained from the llnks,;. V'. 400,000 00 Actuaf receipts frrim an 'screes' of ' ' ' revenue, including the earnings, . lie..- of, the Internal Improve- , , - . mentfuud,-., 11? ,. gl.746ia8 08i The . annual ouiumunication . made . : . ,to thOj Geuerai-. Assembly, when , : Uconymad in 4ecember, 1868, .r . lil 1 I I . esimiaiea me jpropaiMe ,racipi8, during the year ending" the 80th day of September, 1865, at 1 2,247,146 02 The actual receipts amount te 1,746,968 08 Butiness ts again going on as usual, and we note little or no elf eel from the late epidemic. We quote Flour scarce 8 F$ 10a 101; Extra lOlalO Corn measured 85c; Weight 90; N. C. Hog Round 13a'4c; Wetern Sides I2J.il3; Shoulders 11 al 2; No 1 Lard I4al4. Pipe Staves $C5; W O lILd 50; R O Hhd 30a 35; DreMed Bbl 30; Rough do 20a22: Cotton 9ta91: Tar la2t Spu Turp 44a45c. No sates Rosin. T I 8att afloat 5c; L B Factory filled, 1 S0al90; G A 1 35a40, tiol R R Sugars advancing Refined, Cruslied and Pulverized 10al0; toaf llall ; Clarified 9a9J; Rio Coffee 11 Jul 2; ; La -gurrm 12al2; Java 4at5. Mould Ckndles 16Jal7; Adamantine 31a36; Sperm 40a45c. Guano as last quoted. PETERSBURG MARKETS. . Nor. 24, 18561 Wheat Sales of prime White to day at $2,26. Market active and good to prime quality in de mand. 11 floor Country $9,50 to 9,75 ; City Mills Ex tra $10,50. ' Cotton. Stock small, with aa active demand. W hear of sales at 81 eta. A prime lot would bring a fraction more. Tobaeeo. Tne market not so active to-day. Lags 4.60 to 6, Fair to good Leaf 6 to 10. Bacon. In good demand. Balto. sides IS J to 14c; V. hog round 14 to 14 ots. 8alt. Liverpool Fine 1 95 to 2 ; Ground Alum 1 40 to 1 60. 1st. 762,542 $90,426 04 Raleigh, November 13, 1855. $90,425 M 186;860 '08" mm- a - ' r a m. a m 4 w- - c,aa ,j 31 lmi ya WS3e 1 U'm. ii - m ' JT A . ' 43aA j if f4' Receipta less than estimates $500,187 94 - llMTvfit -feme W continue these remarks eunlight, and winding its way through grass andl tri an 'intimate connection -with any 6P'thni nov,4"rt ay wear 4o4his subject again. a HI njil i I Mil. ; i -' Fctrkai. Cacnr. This tribunal is in session , the.jpnjseoi weeirwjith much business before it. Jurlgea Wanra and Fdttk are in attendance. flowers, that has" flowed on, till It has become wider aud deeper a little turbid now and then. but, on the whole, clear, mild and peaceful Baskbupt CiTira. San Francisco is burden- ' ed with a debt she cannot pay,' and her treasury is empty ; New Orleans has disposed of the ue nf her-nubKe wharres for the term of three rears. . . . . . I . . . . r ! j i i so as to raise money sxrfficwmttb pay the salaries 1 Jy rrarmng to tneir inenrw, This great difiEnrenee letween the estimates and , receipts may be eeoountcd for as follows I Estimate of earnings, or "surplus revenue," to be derived from the ' j Brternal ImprowSmont fund $630,978 69 The-receipts from said fund were . 162,69100 Showing a rl?ndf in tlilsltenj'alone, t ..' ' . . .-. $468,887 69 FAYETTEV1LLB MARKET. Fatsttbtulb, Nov. 24, 1855. Bacon, per lb. 16. Cotton, per lb 8t, Fleer, per barrel Family, .8 76r Superfine, H 60, fine, Zo. Cross 8 uo, Feathera. per lb. 8540 Grain per bushel Corn 75, Wheat 1 60, Oats 40. - Remarks Baeon has been very scarce and has ecnsiderablv aJvaneed eales at 16 from wagons, beg round from store at 20 ots per lb. Corn in better supply with sales at 76 seats per bushel The Oottoa market haa improved and the article i hV good demand at quotations. The receipts of Flour are large ami prices lower. Can. " Sr JoncHr Wrjuajcb", convicted of the mur der of us fa&erjTrancU WUuama.has been sen tiwnaii by the'Qrauit Court of .Person county to nafcnnthellthdar of December next. I . -i ...'.n hL.i.ij,i..' -jV:. - I nositire knowledge cf the coiW?-f A evrruel " - jr . nruiui The position carries with It (mS .forcer and may be pa'rtiany admitted.'' Hi?" Tatgfr" the' capital ana more ?xtenucii tne op(ran.ns 01 apy d.ihk4 country. , But ii raufil be remehtlKrcd tlftit Banks J Estimate of ta'jtei to"o0 aVefrom, are.cioseiy aiuea in ousiuess, ami in liiTeresrs. j uPYr.- ?:u -' At their head (ganileiueu -Ol kiyr.anl lmancial sagacity are pi.ireii, who nave time ana opportu nity tt) atudrtbe cw tonf oUit paiiks, watch the tendeue? of finiffebir matters, htufgivc time- i f, iarth a ATTENTION, INDEPENDENT - GLUED&. VOB are eonunanded te meet a ftdeexaaic't BVu. en Saterdav next,-(the 1st.. Dee..) at 2 o'doekYbrperade, armed and equipped ac cording to law, hi winter c Uniform - By order of the Gaptaitt, 1 JU C S. LUMSDEN, a S. Nor. 27, 1855. , ' ! 96 2 :1 TJniveBity, flTIHE Annual Maetincotithe Board of True Jl 1 tees of the TJhlterait ot North Carolina will be held at theExeeatrve eOce In this City, en M mvlKV taik loth nr IWMUumlUi But L o CH. SaAMLXi Paleigh, Not. 27, 1856; y . f-6iarand Standard. ' - it leau'' f ' H .Tv8ee'tV. Splendid LoOeryCkhber, 1855. ORE0ORT 'f MATrBTanageri (Successors to J. W. Maury t tJe.) r "" LotieryreV the--enefit af the ' ; - State ot lelAimut9lt r . ' - ' ' Clasa m for 1858; -h" . To be drawn at WanunjrWn,trel Saturday .""Dws. 78 numbe Lottery ftnd l4 drmaXUt v,- AI-A.WEEW0.IQ?; THE CREDI I JQRofbtiMteeIaamnwnMlnf W- , i . ComDaur. held at the Tewe Matt, ia RaleMth. e rfdagfjNerebec 2d,T Oetge W. Mordeeaj lsq., ww eaUed .jP the chair, and the fottowmt reutiqrisvadopted unanimooslf a vide tne, real estate Deionfmz to tue Manea van- eJactejrinf Company jntq lour Iraets, one Of Which atiau inciuae me raper. aim witn .mry acrer ei SJrd. ueSaw Mfll with Jts yard i thVburth-,'tae .welling housed Vvth'riuM. hundred and Cfteen acres or landT , .w .tt.,.wv ' Resohed, That.ari.',Oeorg-V?T Petersen lhmd -and -T Ferl eppeiAtad committee to confer tbeXrilta nearthaCde- tans bf the-dltisrdrt.' a v ' ' JnWMi That th TrnitM haaribkASl Sa sail V teach uact separately, the sale to take gilaus an saw iy between the Uaaiend 28th of Dseernbes Mtmdmd. riThnt the tisineoC sale bar aa tgRfm FiTPihnsand doUars jo.bpid ,ln eaeh. The reartee JftbViPeid, hoaJ,bafUt-ner,v.he end of one, two and ,tbreej y ears,. 1 brunr ratergsf . frojUett.jirth.; psrtooav 'cari"-,..te he , 4. iUe to tne properly w oe wut,3.a we fspaid." DAITL. C.TOvrL-SrTraiie. N it rrii 1 1 1 1 i r i iii i ifcl i in ii rt ui n em ai me meeting on r riaav, sua vim i irasw ffod with the action UiereoL 1 woald be r'J to- -i?L-k- m.:M.;A. w - l .1 , . -,'..i. iicaij Hum uiib uvtni e whole M A a N 1 F 1 0 KTjS C H i;; 55.000 . 1 U(J.M...Hfn..M.f..H.iHiM...rtU-. . 1J.UUU 2 . . J t do. do do.... 1 ' rd 12,000 IA rVlA ,.esMawaitetef!t -,.6,000 ov,27856 V . - ' ,s W 61 2 da x.i-' " i.oooL 2,0001. 60O 800 7 y '....' .. i ly i ry in. June, 1856. $2641)00. OQl. , Th reipbjTsom ;tlu..i,r ., W'y t ' 1J"yw,?. uencii in mis uem Li ,."J l 1 -r. i v e A AAA J o l .Kt $522,417 17 Icrwaaded to the GoTeinarpeayiag the pardon of WUUaasa. ' : ITh tondon Tiinea:; aaya' oln BuD thiaknof a. -jpSi what thent ; SiJolrtxT Traaoir at. The following from the .Harmbitrgh (Pn.) Telegraph' smacks aomewhai ! o( f sraanility t ? --':sT ; y ..." r t3ne Tehfiot 'and tTnion winds1 up a 'very "abov ire article against ourselTea by saying, 'an' he ancral condition her treasury is entirely empty, and those In the employ of the; .city go begging Cor the wages doe them. - '-'ii'Kt i - - - - I. . . ' T BttHor AtgrasowThe Petersburg' Express gpcakain glowing terms of a ThaakRgivujg ser- aaon preachedjn Grace 3turch, Petersburg, by Bishop Atkinson; of North Carolina? ' Bwhop At kinac u undoubtedly one of the most vigorous and clear-headed divines, and thorough theologiaes, in uie American Lai area rA prc4oiiuareaoner, an pUreAon a haru of a UKmaand-atrines-pereI "'J TJZl rm2.m toTtfor, toithe dioense of . " r'".fy -rr- - a Krwth Cnratma. ana to bM nafve Ktate.'.Viroinia of civeaioBe in some Jfeiree Xi iW fiittnMiat locality) with power 'cmjjj, jicfpmuv'Kl- Uw u penods,o geoejal etjr.iRrncnt,.ponHT advantages ahusinesinen otmneotod with, thrm best appreciated byhoae who havAvenjoyed 4liera tbelongestA-Sutb with many others, are the neiar'rVah4ici enirel bv tluwe to whom Xhe State delegates a part of ite-wereign $ owey is demanded to sustain tha m ..1 1 . 1J.J . wnjcmmay ee aoaeu b avnoenLio. ,. i ef interest doe en-ihe James Hi: f . - T '1 . vse and Kanawha-"ompanye : . , - i -bond, which has not been paid.f M.118 " WILMIXGTWX MARKET. WiLxiNarox, Nov. 2, 18S5. Turpentine. Sales yesterday ef 4S1 bbls at 3,10 $3,15 for yellow dip, and fri lor hard lxing an advance ot o cis par bbl tot the' former. quality No trnnsactions to-uay. Spirits. Sales yesterday of 8S casks at 411 ets. and to-day of 26 do. at A-i cts per gal. - Rosin. No transaction in either quality. Tar. Sales yesterday of 175 bbls at $2,25 per bbl. . Flour Further sales yesterday of 50 bWs'Fay- etteville, at $10 for super, and $10,25 for Family. Cotiad. Sales yesterday or So bales good mid dliog ori private terms,' but believed to be an advance-' Her. ,. ,1 .1 X 1 1 . 5 do- 100.de., 251 d.. ....... TickeU $15; dolls. Halves $7,60lQn-r.lt76 Certfs. of Pkg'sof 26. whL, tickets, $180 00 ;de,s , , do : V, , '26 half, V..;do VJ 0 do . "So ; . 2 auarter do ;46 00 do do 2B eighth, , do i . 22 60 -, .Orders forjtickets and shares and Certificate el Packages in the above splendid Lotteries WiU ceive the most prompt attention, and an aeeountef each xtrawuur wiu, be sent unmediateiv alter it -is over to all who order from mes 5 , : ; Address P. J. BUCKET, Agent, oiJ o VI Wilmington, DeL i T E TR TJSTEES take pleaMte in 'annoaneiew to the oublie that they have seearcd the' set- iwn!jiit.jlidiiiitcatr reftw- 4ee'trttkb,.sia.fe'ett, iv "eelad fhaniilif Jhe! I3n1veTs1tT, T NotthCifoUnaad wee TyMparad faeCrjlnaeehirfly in the flaboolef whtek MTtuiMVMRwNsmMKwrnri nee. therefore, every onpoaai0krfiaSrtt T ; ehee- sacs those who mar feel inclined to patronise the School, that they will And io MrDavis eker to whom they may w3h CCiarri and.ejon-ienoe entrust the otbral and inentai training Q their enndnWL i.""-.- f r ? Board ein btf hAd tn the VinarWat fl per month. f e.vrri J.f!?t TnltJoni-Biigliah Tpannti r0 sku snjtatin-'and Geki--WH At-4)9 sv"lBldsnnVeapnajsvr;t v Thenact Sssfcm wtU eotnrnsuce the tod Uen- day to Jamuwyr lao.flr ordevef the SoarnV ,-'v.t 00 MakingMefidl Wfbese threeehb-1 -r- jecta areveTTue,,or v- r - - - $&sb,635 17 ftKij-- l ' ur-VVi'v-'i :.- ' 1 " . . V - ; MARRIED. ; In Wake county, on the 22nd inst., by JTathan Ivey,Esqk, Mr. John H. Norwood, to Miss Sarah fs a VafnaBleTranchise and a p the ?he above acconSToT tfie. ''difference between Jpno ano ,paex piwiuu wwon uyr avenue, dnrinj; 0. W IW,. 4,il TbelaaJ0W9LMNvrBR fund vjykU wiTOl (an rnnmt of revenue aa G., dangatrr of Captain D. B. Grimn and if addition; minn mat but to.rwr (p soueht after WhenetearJatM Opportunity oftc-rs, the ktrrK nrmninma vhiiltit iuiVava mram!llU41il the mtrketf ttetSsfllftV wltlMictfiW BWxorno-1 huticipatedrU attributed mainly to-iheJeclinein ;,a iinJ)urr ki4 an.l thn lnrlna.1 brm"TrMalhe tends of the tjibta'rwhichr was trywith whjchJaylahQr J an elteni4f UniaAP0uatntB heara. etonof their corpwale ixlatenc Vlien about to 1 186X MU evaria 3 xH fcT.rf "I VN.JL- -RALEIGH, NOVEMBER SM), 1855. -.i it' ll - ;! RE-OPENED , npnvTHE'nifln w.AW All the deUoactee ef the season served at SeeBill of Fare.) , - ; v Rat Hi RA Preaident. yBA.yM,4W&$ ft. the 4 Ikratabnrg, Nov. 20, 185"4t't-4w. i r VkiknAirANA.' i fjliOiV' lKatojvalUyw: aoir'fcvorite taaedA. now ia storeana ioc eats at reaaceq prices by the quantity,.- Call and examioe at the Drag! Store ol . fc, twuifcWTOJUy-WyVl Nov, 26 1865. lv' v'J'5';- wt 5, ,.j.o rv-. -k:a. w w w a rv .1 ivPotTaa aho MAinrraCTPaMaoi;'. i r rr tzwr rim ino tthd tr tottt trrt fiM jt4tmru BteeaninKrsewe94,iMfnenieTS, J ?AT AT&tjC:, Ji ' V fllf imwaigneoVin seH'ai pat.' i'i -.en Thursday, the IS Ji" Tec. next.li. Courthouse, ' Ju'th' c'tyene, U.jharea ojf atock : 3 tha War d Cv i, . MLui.JaTiaBnvooiTiB -tcis i f v tv tlaa,- thrcstate of SrS'f evtV? ;7',i tt's intereiula th':f.'w ,. ,4si'Fse o tn..x i .u t. m iiiiug ji anas, uwy e' i x kwi , iJj"'flu,c - w7..,-f'f A, . k..i - : i.. . . : f. i . "c ! T O: wJ 1 1 f nf la (tt) - CI.:--. '.'- ' -.t Wrfi.:8A laH". rfnoHieopj ijaiw-.L1i-i-- a 1. s afle& tsTUe