J "-'y-j, nets iww,' a . . . --,71 "" v.:, ' s - . P: ------ V--V a-" t r. - INSURANCE COMPANIES. Nortli Carolina Mutual Iiifb Inari rance Company. OFFICE, RALMIQH, N. C. TElis Comp.nyuresthe lives of individuals for one year, a tern, of yean, or for life, on the Mataal Principle, the assured for life partici pating U the profiu of the Company. For poli cies granted for the whole term of life, when the premium therefor amounts to $30, a note may be giren for one half the amount of the premiwa, kring interest at 6 per cent, without guaranty. The prompt manner in which aUloaeee hare been paid by thia Company, together with the low i, rate of premiam, precent great indaoemente to raeh a are disposed to injure. Slaree are insured for a term of from one to fire - yeara. for two-thirda their ralue. All I3se are paid within 90 daye after aatisfac , tory proof is presented. DIRECTORS. Charles . Johnson, Wm. W. Holden, Wm. D. Cooke, R. H. Battle, Wm. H. Jones, P. F. reeead, Seaton Qalee. " m. u. Uayweod, James P. Jordan, Qaentia Bmbee,. . H. W. Hasted, Wm. H. McKee, Charles B. Root, 0FFICER8. Dr. Chas. K. Johnson, Preaideat, Win. D. TT-rwnnr1 Vim PrMidimt. 1 V J John O. Williams, Secretary, ' Wm. II. Jones, Treasorer, - -: E. W. Hosted, Attorney, Charles E. Johnson, M. D. ) Medical ' y" William H. McKee. M. D. Board 0 Richd. B. Haywood, M D. J Comultatutn. S R. H. BatUe, ) r W W. Holden, I Execulivt Com-yfi-. Charlea B. Root, J mitt .. - t ITTDIIU1U n t 1 1 uiiocJiAii, umer arm. For farther information, the pnblie are referred so the pamphlets, and forms of DrooesaL which - nay be obtaiaed at the OSee of the Company, or any of its Agencies. ., Wemmonioations shonld be addressed, (post .. paux,; to - JOHN Q. WILLIAMS, Secretary. , V Jnly 1845. 64 North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. RALEIGH, N. C. f I THIS Company has been in saccessfnl operation 1 1 for more than sexen years, and continues to take risks npon all classes of property in the State, : (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) . . mpon fa TO arable terms. Its Foboies now coyer '' property . amounting to $4,500,000, a large por- ,, ; tion of which u in Country risks, and its present capital is over Six Handred Thousaxd Dollars, t in bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company has been less than ene third of one : ' per cent per annum, on all grades of property em- " braced in its operations. THE following persons hare been elected Direc- t tor and Omeers of this Company for the present yean DIRECTORS. J. Q. B. Roulhac, C. W. D. HuUhings, Jno. R. Williams, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W Whiting, T. H. Selby, Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fay- ettenlle; Jos. G. Wright, Wilmington;. James E. Hoyt, Washington ; James Sloan, Greensboro : Jno. Cox, Edenton ; Josh. Boner, Salem ; Jos. H. Pool, Elisabeth City ; F. F. Fagan, Plymouth ; Alexan der JUtcheU, flewbern; W. S. H. Smith, Mur- freesboro : H. B. Williams, Charlotte ; John B. Barrett, Milton ; A. T. Summy, Asheville. AH Directors are authorised to receive applica tions. N OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. G. B. Roulhac, President. Henry D. Turner, Vict do. 8. W. Whiting, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. , John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hrsman, General A fetU. S. W. Whiting, Jno. R. Williams; V -.Executive Committee. John Primrose, I All communications in- reference to insurance Should be addressed so the Secretary, post paid. r; J, a, PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, MaJS X 1863.Ii. 25 T1 REENSBOBO' MUTUAL INSURANCE COM VJl PAN Y. At the end of Three Years, such aas been the Ore and economy of the effioers of this Company, that wt are still free from debt, V J nave maue no assesments, ana nave now snoj a large Capital in tath and notes, that we have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is ne . i-emer Company in the Southern Country. The i most of the Risks in this Company being in the " csiern pari oi we etaie, wnere me aangerrrom fire is much less. At the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were re-elected : JAMES SLOAN, President. 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President. C. P. MEN DEN HALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer, WILLIAM H. CUMMING, General Agent DiBscToas : James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. MendenhaH. W. S. Rankin, Rev. a F. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Jed 11. Lindsay, W.J. AlcConnell, E. W. Ogburn, J L. Cole, D. P. Weir, Greensboro'; E. F. LUIt. Wadesboro'; Dr. 8. G. Coffin, Jamestown; Joshua Taylo, Washington ; William A. Wright, Wilming ton; l. caaver, oaiisDury; John a. Cook, Fay etteville, H. G. SpruQl, Plymouth: Robert E Troy, Lumber-ton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox Castle. AU Communications should be directed to the beeretary, free ef Postage. PETER ADAMS, SeVj. Aug. 8. 1854. tf-66 FIRE! y m m TT V - mw a fvafm n . . - . ' i ' x. iiouxvAiMri uusifAinr or I Habtfokd, , Com., - offers to insure Buildinn w juMwiiBouo, against loss or , damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United SUtss, and pays its losses promptly. - Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vt- wut, m u maae to S. W. WHITING, Agent And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to " N. J. PALMER, Agent October, 1848. - 88 Surl Your Hair. KROLLERION. TvBSTReceiat for makinr this eelehratil rpouna, lately introduced into thia eonntrw 1 wiil be sent by the aubriber tn I .v.n.ii.j o.' , . " Jr I tae united SUtea or Canada for $1. TheKROL- wiU eurl or wave the hair ia the most oauuiui manner. Any person having the most coarse and uncouth looking hair can transform it law ma Uott Beautiful, bv the Ut of tki Ariii. The ingredienU will not cost over 12 cent, and ytik IU. rpt ... ... cu.mak.it iS573 to. Wm t w..o."V. March 6, 1865., . . . uaio. 16 tf I A VALUABLE FAB 91 FOR SALE. kbd in the County ol fLehoir, situated one mile from Neuse RiTer, and three milaa rV It i....;- ..j vv-r-r.-"" .r"" At- J my ui uwuuhi Kail H..il . . I equi-aistant rrent Kinstoa. and Qoldsboro' 1 A.t.t fww, r,.. . uu aoout I distant from Kinstoa and Ooldsboro. I is tract of land contain. I Usi t 11O0 acres are pocosinr- Th- .W. .-' 17,. ca dated to the growth of Indian Corn, and a e" siierable part tothe growth of Cotton, which nrL duces 1200 to 1500 pound, per JZktZZ. about 400 acres in culUvatiou. - V. This is considered one of the healthiest looali. f lU, .coun- Ttte" ha. been a sinrle caae any kind. " iokn of Ian" fiftorixryes1"' 1 -th th. pucation to my Overseer u oe exanuued by n- risa u . - myseu at sunston - W WW J. 0. vTASFlHGTON. n it SALES; .NOTICE! - Roosas 8 roiz Post Orricx, Wake Co.,N. C., Nor. 12, lo65.. QN the3rddayofiJanaary, 1850, 1 shall offer for sale, if not sold before, Jfy Home Tract of Land, containing seven hundred and forty-three acres, and will deduct off said tract of land from 43 to 100 acres, to suit myself, or purchaser, if requir ed: lying ti aaid county and 8tate on both sides of Big Lick and Seawell creeks, and near Neuse river, and in one mile of the new Academy lately erected for school, fco. This land is well im proved, with a good Dwelling House containing four fire-places and eight rooms, and a new medi cal office- foi the accommodation of a practical pnysician, ana one amongst tae best stands for physician in our section of the county. This tract of land cannot be excelled for the production of any thing that a fanner wishes to plant, nor sur passed by any in said county, abounding with health and the best of springs, free and limestone water, and abundance of stock water, never fail tng in plenty at all seasons. Those wishing to purchase are invited to come and view the pro mises any time. wa y .1 . m - oeiore me appointment oi sale, 1 will sell at any time, on application, at a fair price, and make the payments easy to the purchaser by extending a soon croan in part ana c&su lor the balance. I will also on the same day, at my House, if not sold before, sell to the highest bidder for cash oue tract of Turpentine land, lying in the county of Nash, near Seco Meeting House and Mockerson creek, CONTAINING 400 ACRES. Also a tract of land well improved, lying in Johnston county, CON TAINING NEARLY 200 ACRES, it being tbt former residence of Dr. J. P. Rogers, now occupied by Dr. J. Owen; has on it a good two-story House kitchen, and out-buildings. Also, a new medical office, with a great and plentiful medical spring, never failing, with other good waters j a mill-seat a-near lor saw or grist mill. Timber in plenty and Turpentine orchard on it. Lands productive a common in that section of country. In fact, it is a beautiful situation, where roads and cro.s-ronds pass and not very far from where the plank and rail roads passes ; it is a desirable place for a physi cian or merchant, and as healthy a situation, per haps, as any in that section of the county. In addition to this, I will also sell to the highest bidder for cash some EIGHT or TEN LIKELY NEGROES, or more, consisting of Men, Boys, Girls, Women and Children, and none to say old, at my residence; and will also hire out for the en suing year, some two or three, or more, Turpen tine bands, good Distillers and Barrel-makers of Uakand fine Timbers, and likely. Also, some one or two good cooks, and girls and boys for farmers' use; and I will also sell, if not sold before, one team ol Mules and two Wagons, Gins, Blacksmith Tools, tc, and Horses. N. B. The agency ol Calvin J. Rogers, as here tofore, is mutually revsked and agreed to, the Stb of inst., Nov. hb. BENJ. ROGERS. Nov. 16, 1854. Ui 90 To the Creditors of the Mante o Manufacturing Company. GENTLEMEN: la the deed of trust executed by the Manteo Manufacturing Company ou the 9th of November last, and in which I am named trustee, there occurs the following clause : "And the said Daniel G. Fowls, as trustee aforesaid, shall sell the said property for eatk. unless thp creditors herein provided for shall otherwise di rect, in which case they shall prescribe tems " in order to carry out the intention embodied in this clause, a meeting of the creditors was r.aiUH on the 23d of last month. The meeting was well attended, and I was instructed by those present to sell the property as follows : "Five thousand dollars to bepid in cash, the residue to be paid in equal instalments at the end of one. twn nH three years," c. The day after the meeting, I consulted my Attorney and was advised by him that only those creditors who were present were bound by the aetion of the meeting, and that if I old without getting the assent of those absent to the proposed credits, they could hold me res- ponsioie as if the property had been sold for cssh, and advised me to make publication in the City papers, cal ing upon those who were absent tn. come forward and express their dissent, elss their assent would be presumed, and as a further carity to have printed letters to the same effect sent to the absent creditors. This was accord ingly done. To some of the creditors I tetters eaiiieg upon them especially to come for ward and give their assent James H. Rnr.-t A Co., of New York, wek written to and infnrm ed of the resolutions adopted by the meeting. Their auawer aas oeen receive, luey hare not assen ted to the credits. Their letter has been placed before mv Attn. ney, and he has advised, that if I sell upon credit under present circumstances. I will remW self personally liable for whatever sum they may justly claim. I have again written to them, urg ing mem to assent and to answer by teleerraDh. The publeation of the notice of sale has been de layed to hear from them, but without an... Their debt is between fifteen and eiirhtotm thm... and dollars, and I am unwilling to render my self personally responsible therefor. I have th erefore puoiianea in to-day'a papers that the terms of sale would be cash. My opinion in retrard to the rjronertv'a .oil; for much more upon credit than for cash, has net been changed, and I am still willing to take the responsibility ef selling upon credit, if the credi tors, who are the only persona to be benefitted thereby, will give me an indemnifying bend. Un less this is done, I must pursue the line of con duct indicated by my Attorney, as that which the lw baa marked out for Trustees. The creditors uaewise directed that the land should be divided into four tracts, and each sold secaratolv Tki. direction was given under the belief that all the mortgagees had consented to a plan by which each bound himself to resort to and exhaust one of the tracts before resorting to either of the others. The division has been rendered impracticable by the dissent of Wm. R. Poole, Esq., who holds a mortgage upon the property for eight thousand dollars. me property win. therefore, be sold en matte. VAX U. M. HOWLB, Truttet. Raleigh, Deo. 10, 1855. W 8t Manteo Mills. rpHE above Mills will be sold at Publio Auction I en the premises, on Thursdav. tha 97th r f-T.he PP'T consists of a Paper Mill, a Grist Mill, a Saw Mill and a Farm, witlh a com modious Dwelling House. It ia ni f 11 t.awi A v County, at the Great Falla of Neuse Kir t thi. teen miles from Raleigh, and four miles from the Depots of Forestville and Huntavill. ti,- 1 1 .l . . iraci, " mimkm uiree nundred and acres. sixty-nine - The PaperTim is a massive stone buildinir two rntr.i r.. , j . lwo 7?.i7Z rr'S?-" oiJrjra nign. and IS CfiTAftWi mis-L a tin roof. The machinery consists of four en finea of great power, one RoUry Boiler, one Fourdienier machine of exeeUent quality, which nas turned off dunnsr the last hundred pounds of DSDer within tw.nt.f., - i ' together with all the other appliances necessary for paper making. The machin ;. a v7. Buf T .""f e7 .? ."". J l..Z. w ouiioing. rorty feet Ions- ana uurty two wide, ef four flnnr. li k. .v - pairs of tones, each nairdrivanhT a Ri.v. . w unci. . i i - The Saw Mill contains an excellent f!irM.i. This property will be sold tn mats; .nbiect r04.' abject mortgages now encumbering it. Ob f Jorvgages is now Deing liquidated amounU due on the whole wiU be at th. ..t -v.. . .v .... al f . . " and dollar.: - ' thou.. The Term of sale will be Cash. nnu. fv... . J V , - . ' W4W armigvu ociore uay or sale. p.-v 'OWLE, Trustee .6u, wv. iv, iooo. , - 8t S3 WANTETi TO HIRE, 300 Blarea to work on h. of the Atlantic and North Cayiivp.:i-1" j extending from B.chelor'. Creek to Goldaboro ' i the work or to John IX Burdick, on Ea.ton. Dee. 7, 1855 - 98 SUsK vA epea-rtrawBonnet and InJania Hata W. B.kaVg.xTOm: ' LET USREASON:TOGETflER HOLLOWAY'S PILLS- WHY ARE WE SICK J It has been the lot of the human race to be weigh- ea aown oy aisease ana sunertng. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Hollowsy personally su perintends the manufacture of his medicines in the United States, and offers them to a free and enlightened people, as the best remedy the worlj ever saw for the removal of disease. TIIfcSE PILLS PUBIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expressly oombined to operate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin and the bowels, correcting any derangement in their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half the human race h ire taken these Pills. It has ben proved in all parts of the world, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and Mtomach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however much de ranged, and when all other means have fa iled. GENER VL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments hvc pened their Custom Housos to tho introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medi cine of the masses. Learned Colleges sdmit th it this medieine is the best remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No Female, young or old, should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regu lates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is also the best and aafest medicine that caa be giveu to Children of all ages, and for aoy complaint ; consequently, a., family should he without it HoUomay't PUU are the best remedy known in th, rcortajor the foUovinp Dueuttt : Asthma Diarrhoea Dropsy Debility Fever and Ague Female Com plaints Headaches Bowel Complaints Coughs Colds Chest Diseases Costiverjesa Dyspepsia Indigestion Stone and Grnrel Secondary Symp toms " e Inward Wenlaitss Liver Cfmplsiiin Lowuess of Spiiits Piles Influenza luflammiticn Venereal Affec tions Worms of all kinds, Soldat the Manufactories of Profe..r H. t.owr, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 2'24etr,-n 1 London, and by all respectable Druggists and Peal-' ers of Medicine throughout the United States and thecmhxed world, in boxes, at 2h cts , 62 cts and $1 ech. ' BgUThere is a considerable saving by takine the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to ech box FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS GENEKALLY. fj Ik luff ATER POWER ON NEUSE RIVER EIGHT MILES EAST F nirvifiii ivn rm'D du.ui mh .. ".""" Y two. intit.MKALKAlLROAD The subscriber is desirous to sell his water power across the Neuse River, koown as the Stone and Cobb Mills, where there is an abundance of water at all lessons of the year, and a sufficient supply of rock at the old dam to build a new one Ten feet of water can be obtained with a dam eight feet high. Should it be preferred to form a Company for manufacturing purposes. I am willing to become a member with a good tnl substantial Compare of gentlemen. ' If a Company Is formed, it is desirous that it should be done soon, as I have this day berun to re-budd the old dam across the river. WM. R. POOLE. January 22, 1866. 7 Clarendon Iron Works- WILMINGTON, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKELEX, Proprittor. r HE subscriber, having purchased the entire in- I terest in the orders for liarenden Irou Works," solioits Steam Engines, of any power or style, Saw Mills of every variety. Mining Machinery aud Pumps. Grist and Flour Mills, complete, Parker. Turbine and other Water-wheela, Rice-field Pumps and Engines, Leavitt's Corn and Cob Crusher Rice Threshers, ' Shingle Machines, Shafting Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gins and Gearing, Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns Brass ' .. Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers,' Blacksmith work of all kinds, Iron Doors for Houses and Jails THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re-organised for the express pur pose of insuring punctuality in the execution or all orders, the publio may rt-st satisfied that any work which may offer will be promptly delivered according to promise, and of such workmanship as cannot fail to give satisfaction. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMEvt Being in charge of men of talents and experience I have no hesitation in savin thattha work k., ' after turned out shall eompare favorably in every respect with that of the most celeb-ated in the States, and at prices which will make it to the in. terest of all in want to send me their orders REPAIR WORK Always done without delay and naving a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing such to s-ive me the prefer ence without regard to expense of senJiug same from a distance. Orders will be addressed to "ClwenJon Iron Works," Wilmington N. C. A. H. VANBOK vELEN. Oct. 18, 1853. gi Louisburg Male Aoademy. rpiIE TRUSTEES take pleasure in announcing L tothe public that they have secured the- ser vices of Mr. Matthew 8. Davis a voun. n ha sought a solid education, vf uh express refer ence to the business of teaching, and has selected it, not as a stopping-stone to some other calling ut as a permanent profusion. Mr. Davis is a grad uate of the University of North Carolina, and was prepared for College chiefly in the School of which he has now become the Principal. Wo have had therefore, every opportunity of knowing hi. char acter and qualifications; and we contid.-ntly as sure those who may feel inclined to patronize the School, that they will find in Mr. Davis a teacher to whom they may with comfort and confidence entrust the moral and mental training of their children. Board can be had in the villag,, at $10 Der month. Tuition English Department, $10 00 "Latin and Greek, 15 00 I . Incidental expenses,' q The next Session will commence the 2nd Mon day in January, 1S56. By orderof the Board " D A. H. RAY, President Dail 8. Hill, Sec'y. , . v Louisburg, Nor. 20, 1 S55. . pa4 w r For Rent. THE STORE. AND DWELLING HOUSE at tached to it, formerly occupied by John Prim- 1044 - --. . -v- - ;ne ;&rellrn"f House oa Fayett.TQIe ' tCww oecupied by Edward Tarbrauri. Jnni-1- at this office, . .7 Sales. ;v.Vi8oo: I 8TEVENSOS&- W I DEL L.V Importers, a.' I riillelealera' IS FOItlUUi A&U U0HEST1C DRY GOODS. No.'fSor 86. Sycamore Street, wtjte ar0 now prepared to exhibit to the Mer- WW rhants of Virginia and North Carolina large and commanding stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Having purchased Hsavy Woolens earlyin June, we can offer goods at such prices as cannot faii to command attention. Onnnf our firm will remain in New York du ring the session, in attendance of AUCTION' SALES, and forwardine anything, t.ew and novel, a it may be reooived by tho waekly steamers from Eu roDe. Merchants who are compelled by competition to buy at THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. will find our styles and prices such as will enable them to compete successlully with those who pur chase iu the Northern markets, STEVENSON it WEDDELL, Petersburg. Sent. 1 I th, 7 3. Singer's Sewing Machines. '"I tllESS machines h lve I.ng sutiined the high - I est reputation in the United States. The First Prize a Gold Meds! hsi recently been awarded to them at the great Exposition at the Palace of Industry ia Paris, and tbm they have the World s verdict of superiority. Ureat improvements have just been added, so that they run without noise, with ease to the op enttor at doub'.a ordir.vrr speed, so that Twice as 31uch Work Can be Done in a Day. The greatest clothing and shoe manufacturing establishments in the country. use these m-tcbiuet-exclusively Thoy are competent U perforin every sort or work in the most perfect style. as mere are very great numbers or inrerior or entirely worthless sewing mnchines of the Lerow & Blodgett, Avery, Wilsou, Grover & Baker, and other patents, which have beeu sold, but cannot be used to any advantage, we hereby offer to re ceive all such machines, and also unimproved ones o: our own manufacture, in exchange for new and L:itet Improved Machines, on liberal terms Ail old machines thus obtained by us will be broken up aud destroyed. For particulars an ply by letter or personally at our New York Office. N. it.- L-hmI Agents wanted to make sales of our imprvvi'i! so-iug machines. To persons pro perly (uaiined tor the business, a rare opportuni ty tr profitable and pleasant employment ia of- ifrtd l. aj. BIUEK & CO , Principal Office. .128 Broadway, N. Y. iirancli Offices: 47 Hanover St., iiostou. 142 'hcstiiut Sc.. fail iJelthia 105 Baltimore St j Baltimore. 22S Walnut St., Cincinnuti. 18$ St. i tuni.es oi. ixe urieaus. tiloversville, K. Y. ) 3;u Urofid St., Newark, N J. N'ov. 19, 'if.. . 3m 93 K. S. THOMPSON fc CO.. Xo. 2G Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va MANUF Ware. fAViuniitta ot r-lain auil Jarn Tir. Copper aud feheet Irou Work. n.l j iet.ier in uruinuia ware, rianished Ware, Hol- i low ware, j in d and tnarndd Sauoe Pan? Brass md Euamel'd Preserving Kettles, Charcoal Fur- i mices, nip, apuiige and Plunge Baths, Cooking i i uurcn, I'arior, Olhce and Factory Stoves, fihen Iron, Sheet Lead, Force and Suction Pumps of uraiso auu iron, i in-piaie, ire, Zinc and a general rawiiurai oi Housekeeping Hardware, and other goods pertaining to that line of business, would respecttully tender their thanks to their friends for he patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed on meiu, auu wouiu lniortn taem that thev have since ia ure, opened with an entire new stock ol goods, wuich they will dispose of on reasona ble terms, wnoleale and retail. K. S THOMPSON & CO , No. 2b" Sycamore nL g" Roofing and Guttering done with despatch. i 03 6m Raleigh Female Seminary. RALEIGH, N. C. t. tt. O. CUKISTI.VV. A. M Pr..i. ( atted by a number of Teucht-i s sufneipnr uiei mi me uemanas oi tue tc!ol.) .-11.1 i ...! ine exercises of tins institution will commence on Weduesday. the 9th of next January. To the ouuoinga aireaay on the premises, which are sna- v.iuu wiu tuuiiurwuie. uua wiiicu ure to be im meJiately thorouhly repaired and fitted up, will be added forthwith a lnr$;o three Btory brick'buil ding. So that there will be room for a laree nil... ).n. ... 1 1 .'11 . . O "u,uuy' " '"ucis. .ur. iiristian, the Presi aeni, ia not on y a grodinti of U. M. College, but u bu grnuaucu in several schools of the Vir . r 1 Tt 1 O TT,,! v ,. r. I T 1... 1 . 1 . w ...... . iju uao naii extensive experi ence in teaching in Female Schools of high grade so mat persons commuting their daughters to hU charge may fcei atured that every effort will be iuhuc necessary to tlieir luiprovement. Teum? per Session or Five months: Board, including eating, sleeping, lights ,nuu uel: $60 00 ..unau i union, 25 (JO .uusicon 1'ianoand Uuitar, 20 00 U?e of Iiibtrumeut. o r.i r i-envn, ltanan, Anglo-Saxon. Ancient Langua gcs. Painting and Drawing in all their varieties, eJle work, &o., taught at the usual . .... uu ttt Pertom intending to board their davghtert with the President thould inform him of the fact at toon at thfy can, that he may make hit arrangements uccvrumgig. n is preieraoie that each young la dy should supply herself with her towels, with her name distinctly marked on them, as well as hei other clothing. For further particulars, address Prof. W.H.Christian, President; or A. M. Gor man, Esq., Sec. of the Board of Directors. Ra leigh, N. C. Payments one half in advance, the remainder at the end of the Session. It is very desirable that Pupils should be pres ent at the beginning of the session, as the classes will then be formed, and a delay of a few days may subject them to inconveniences. Students will be admitted any time during the session, aud charged from time of entrance only. DIRECTORS.. C. W. D. nutchings, T. H. Welby, J. C. Palmer, G. T. Coolie, Heurv Porter. M. Gorman, S. H. U"B. rt.- oieueoe, Keid. Raleigh. October 2, 186-5. wtJl 88 OXFORD MALE ACADEMY, OXFORD, N. C. J. H. HORNER, Principal. 1 Uh next session opens the 2d Monday in Jan- - j. . . Board anJ Tuition, without any extra charge Ot)0pur B63.?ion. Tho princ.p il will be assisted in the clas eical department, by his brother. T. J. HoRXEft. Tho Academy haviug been removed some dis tance fru:u the town, the school now has the ad vantage of acoun'ry school, without its disad vantages. Uxtord, December 10, 1855. 9 w5w. IMPORTANT PUBLIC SALE! I WILL sell, at Public Auction, on Tuesday the 8th of January next, on the plantation former ly owned by me, on the Cape Fear, near the town of Haywood, Chatham County, 700 Barrels Corn. 125 Stacks Fedder; ALSO : A large quantity of SHUCKS ; 8 or i,0 CV of.OATS 5 oer provender, such as rtAS, &c. &C. ALSO : Oae JACK, and nine Mules and Hor se.. And further, an excellent wt of Blacksmith's Tools. TERMS made known on day of sale ' ' R- W. HAYWOOD. ' December 17, 1855. 101 td. SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY- PURSUANT to a decree of the County Court of Wake. I shall offer for sale, at the Court rT ' r rth f KJ"h- Tuesday, the 29th day of January next, a part of the lot oc oupicd by the late Seymour W. Whiting, fronting on Jones Street, about 1 10 feet, and also the re ersion in that portion of said lot. on which the ui nuiung nas oeen allotted;. The sale wiH bo made on a credit of six and twelve month, and bonds with app roved security will be required of the purchaser, end no title wi be mede.untjl the whole purchase money ia naid V3EO. W. MOKDECAI: . : . , T Adm'rofs. W. Whiting. 1855 b, Autumn :PAIaItf STOCKS 1854? FARMERS HEADE QUARTERS, TkRDERS for Rbapfus may be aent us for, the ensuing. harvest, which willo filled at the! following prices : . . . Hpssit's Reaping Machine,...!. ....;.$105 00 .do - Mower and Reaper, 116 00 do Front Wheels extra,.. . - 20 00 . do Rear Platform for side delivery; 5 00 Buhrall's Va. Reaper, No. 2, 41fetcut,..$120 00 do do do Mo 3, 6 J feet cut,. loU UU A deduction of $5 will be made if the side deli very is not furnished, and $20 will be added to the a'jove price if front wheels are furnished. . 160 tons English, Swedes and American Iron, all sizes. 20 tona Hoop and Band Iron, to 4 inches wide. 20 tons Oval, half Oval and half round Iron 200 setts Coach and Buggy Axles 800 pair do do Springs 250 kegs Nails, 8 to 40d., cut and wrought r0 dozen Files and Rasps 60 Smith's Bellows, all sixes 1600 pounds Cast-steel Hammers 4 0 American Star Anvils 60 Vices, for Wood and Iron Work Stocks and Dies, Bench Screws, &c, for sale on the best terms STRA IF, HA Y AND SHUCK CUTTERS, Of every variety. Price $30 for the best, and warranted to cut anvthine in the Shane of Feed for stock. Cheap ( utters, from $5 to S25. CORN SHELLERS. Virginia Corn Shellers, $26 00 Goldsbrough's do 40 00 do.... 35 00 do 16 00 do 10 00 do 8 00 Heading s Double Spout Single Iron Spout do ood do WHEAT DRILLS.'. Pcnnock'a Slide Drills, do. Roller do., 7. 8. 8. 10 tubes, furnished at factory price, say $75 t' $125. All other kinds furnished by us upon thr same reasonable terms. Our facilities for procur ing these machines are superior to those of any other dealer, and we can guarantee dispatch in filling orders. Light and heavy Drags and flar rows for selling wheat, on hand, of our own make. warranted good and durable. BAMBOROUGH'S PREMIUM FANS. No. I Extra Premium Fans. $34 Of! No. 1 do do ;. 32 00 NTo. 2 do do 30 00 Sinclair & Co's. No 2 do 30 00 Do do 1 do 25 00 Grant's Premium Fans $16 to S30 Clinton's Fan Mills, $ 13 to $2t FIELD Rollers 3 Segments, 3 feet long, $35 00 ao ao a do 4! do 55 Ofi do do 4 do do do 6 do do do 6 do 4 do 46 OP 5 do 65 00 6 do 65 00 gg-Orders for any of the above goods will be filled promptly. Your orders are resDectfullv so lioited. BORUM & MoCLEAX. 11 Water Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Sept 15, 1864. 41 tf 2 TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA W AKE j County, Eleanor isorrell and others, ex parte. Pursuant to an order made at Fall Term, loi of the Court of Equity for WsiLe County, the un dersigned Clerk and Mastr will prooeed to sell on the premises, on the 27th instant, bwinir Thuis.l.iv .1.-1 I- .: j .t... r . iuc i.inus iiieiiLiuueu in me i etiiiou in above-written cause, to-wit : A tract of land, situate, lyinc and beinr ;n tl.. County of Wake aforesaid, adjoining thrt lands o Caddy Blake, Robert Abranis, Kichrird George and McLeod, Curtis Sorrell and others, about twelve miles west of the City of Raleieh. on or .,,-nr ti... North Carolina Rail Koui, embracing nino hun dred ucres, more or lesi, lately the estate of Ira Sorrell, dee'd. Terms of sale: Five per cent-of nnrchasp mr.. ney to be paid in cash on the day of sale : nrrn.Iit of six months for oue-half, and one year lor the residue ttiereol, will be given to purchasers. ..r, their entering into bond, with approved sureties This 1st December, 1656. ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, C. & M in E. Dec. 10, 185). 99 wtswtd. TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Guilford COUNTY. In Equity. Fall Term, A. D. 1855, Ann Mahonev and others vs Wm. Hittou and others. Ptitio to sxn, Land. It appearing 'o the satisfaction of th Ct that Elizabeth Mahoney and Wm. Hart r nnt citizens of this State that they have not been ueara irom lor a series of years: It ia thrrpf.r ordered, that the master make mihll.tinn weeEs in the Raleigh Register for the said Wm. and buzabetu to appear before Saturdav of the next term of this Court, to be held for the coun ty ol Uuilford and State aforesaid, at the Court House in Greensboro', on the 4ta Mondav after the 4th Monday of March next, either in person. or by attorney, to claim and receive their share of the purchase money iu this behalf, or thereaft r the mouey will be divided among the other heirs. lest, J. A. MEBANE, C. M. Nov. 13, 1855. taw6w 91 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.-Wam Coun ty. Alfred Mitchell and wife, liatsey ComDlaint's v Jesse Dunstan and wife, Margaret Defendants. Whereas, Alfred Mitchell and wife, Gatsey, have filed their petition in our Court of Equity, for Wake county, against Jesse Dun.tan and his' wife Margaret Dunstan, for the purpose of selling a lot of ground, in the city of Raleigh, wherein the complainants and defendant, are iointlv inter ested : And whereas, it has been made to apsear to our Court aforesaid, at the Fall Term; 1855, at which term said petition was filed, that Jesso Dunstan and his wife Margaret Dunstan are non-residents of the State of North Carolina : This, therefore, is to notify the said Jesse Di.r.. stan and Margaret Dunstan his wife, wherever they may be, to be and appear at our Court of Equity, to be held for the county Wake, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in March next at the Court House, in the city of Raleigh, thpn and there to plead, answer or demur to the said bill or petition, or the same will be tU-.n nm mn. fetto as to them, and a decree made accordingly. Uiven under my hand at officfe, this 6th Decem ber, 1865. ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD. C. M. E December iu, Ittoo. 99-wGw N EQUITY. Fall Term. 1855 ueorge rvert ana others vs. Lewis and w;n; reca. Whereas, it was made to auuear ta tli faction of our Court of Equity, for Wake Coun ty, that Willis Peck, one of the Defendants in the hnv. urrittan a moa .... n . . 1 F n 11 - " " vnuoc, wno ai lue ran term nt nnr saia oourt a non-resideut of the State of North Carolina : This, therefor, ia to nmlfv n wiuis recx, wherever he may be, to be and au ' J pear at our next tJourt of Equity, to be held for tne county of Wake, on the let Monday after the im rwouuay 01 aiar-h next, at the Court Honi in the city of Raleigh, then and there to plead answer jor uemur to ttie BUI of Complaint of weorge were ana others (filed for a ssle and Hi;. sion of Real Estate in the city of Raleigh,) or said Kill will ka t.b&n n . i , "... -mm.L uu.-iraasu as to mm ana a decree made accordingly. uiveu unuermybanu. at office, thia lllh f uecemoer, lHoo. ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, C. M. E Dec. 14, 1855. w6w 100 Valuable NEGROES FOR SA'E AT AUCTION. ON SATURDAY, the 26th day of December next, at the late residence of EnnTTin.u. lake, dee'd, by Virtue of a Decree of the Court of "l""! oner ior sale on a credit of six months, some 14 OR 15 VERY LIKELY, negroes, consisting of four or five men, two or three WOm,.llld b,anM0f boj end girl, and .mall children - . . i'k"1 gd 85Curlt' beariD "terest from ... . . WIU date will be required. i-erson. desiring to pay oasii can do so. THOS Deo. 4. 1855. K. THOMAS, (5. M. E. 8t 97. SALT ! SALT ! i moo is siifflsL k- s-s Also, in store, 800 Sack. Marahall'. - ,o TV filled 1 - Vnw .f. w ... ' V ' ao- ' J. J. L. HATHAWAY -4 CO PIILS :;. ': FOB ALL TEX PTXEP0SE or A FAMILY PHYSIC. Thxb.s has long' existed a public demand for ao effective purgative pill which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. .. . It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to -make the best of all pUu one which should have none of the. objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. If has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative, medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much . griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more ' than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pilit produce no irritation or pain' unless it arise f.om a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely -vegetable, no harm can arise from their use m any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the. com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever- and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con- ' sequence Of diseased action ia the liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief ill Cos ttveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood; in short, any and every ease where a purgative is required. They nave also produced some singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify tho blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. -An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and -bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their, stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtucs are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. ' Being sugar-wrapped they are Eleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no arm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper ou the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical CliemUt, . LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Sox. Five Soxes for $L AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, t!rat it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the eases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored " from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upon the lunirs, but for the milder' varieties of Colds, Cotjghs, Hoarseness, ire. ; and for Children it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever bin been, and tnat trie genuine article is sold or . . -V. I', t. PfcSCLD, Raleigh, and by Dmggiata generally. I i V A L. P. FORD, Manufacturer b Vv bolesale Dealer IN BOOTS & SHOES, Removal to No. 85, North Third Street, Opposite Cherry Street, PHILADELPHIA. TTAVING Removed from No. 47. to Store No. XX85 North Third Street, where I ahaU keep on nana a run assortment ot the best quality of Hoots and bhoes of Eastern Manufacture, also a full stock of City made work, I shall be able to offer to the Trade a better and more desirable Stock of Ooods than heretofore. Of persons visiting the City for the purpose of ; Duymg .Boots ana &noes, I respectfully solicit a personal examination of my Stock, before purchas ing eisewncre, ana or my former Friend. " and Customers a continuance of past favor. Very Respectfully, - P. FORD. Kb. 85, Nbtth Third Sir., above Areh, Philadelphia. July '56. . ttO tf JAMES E. CUTHBERT. (SUCCESSOR TO KERR & CUTHBERT.W Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Bat- ungorooK street, Petersburg, Va. BIFEBENCES : Thos. Bragg, Jr., Jackson, N. C. L. F. Hicks, Esq. D t v Messrs. Kevan & Bro. Pehurg. Messrs. L. D. & W. O. Crenshaw. Rihmnil Josiah Wills, Esq., Norfolk. Jamee George, Esq., Baltimore. Messrs. Monahan & Beers, New Yerk. 1 Ai constantly on hand: Prime Porto Rieo JL.!. few Orleans Sugars, Loul', Crushed, Pulverised arid Clarified do Rio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspioe Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperai Candles Brown, Pale and Varieguted Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper, viuuu auu l .ILU71 ooie ana upper ieathtr Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard mcstic Liquors, Wines, which he offers at the lowest market rates. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for wardintf Foods. i"s. t - - - - - o o - . ' - Petersburg, March 5, , yt - 19 The Hannah More Aoademy. 7 -WILMINGTON, Dblawa. v , :? tt -".'t-" w wm, unmshan, and A H. Grimshaw. A. M.. M n ; - - 'I'lHlS Institution has been in sucoeasful oper ens year, xhe eourse of "ivrougn. xhe study of French forms part of the daily routine of : .tadr. ThT house u new, commodioua, and'clieerful : it i ucavpuuiruugnout. xne wssioM. commence the 1st of February and 1st of Rnt.mv... Term : For Boardinir amT ,.?:enCh, ?UpUa nni"teen years of age,' '',nilelaa8' '0'00 , Senior Depart! ment$l00,00 per ses-fon of five month. ' lieterenees : Rieht Rev. A. r. r T.-n fL ri r.i... tv :r " y aiv 1..UUUS, u. u. D umnn Mnn T r- "'T.' w"ware, jr.. v. uanieL-Jr. Esa. -i v 011 . Jti3U.--i railAlTftr Im. TIT 1 w. Wortham & Co.. Richmond. V-.. h. u. on, Peteraburg, Va ; Governor Bragg Hoi; Wm V aus, assorted, witn noonng and Warehouse Said esUte i.egana, mncipe, ana uavanna Cigars ; ; W. D.Hs .bvu.vi n.u. ikii SHiCHOI loreim and fin. I mot thoraar tn OlO.. ft. - frtrssjry lrt, ISU, I I lU lHfi ;VBUU.-T!ie subscriber is plead mj iuiuj-iu me paonc tliatiiis (JJIOLEK AND DiARfiHOJA 'MEDICINE ioH more prrr.imt relief U' the Tarioua aflVtiwis of the Bowels, and' consequently, more. satisfactory to all who have usedit-'thau any "otfier MiHioine pver nfFJ i fine public. The foU.iwin' nre iiui-iiis; many testi- momals of its efficacy . , Dr. R. H. , Woktuisgtox Dear Sin: I take much pleasure in addiug my tertiraony to others in fayer cf your remedy for Bowel Affections, &c, having so frequently experienced its beneficial re sults in my own case, as well as in many others to whom I have given it. I c;:rried a bott e of it with me to Baltimore, (and here permit me to say I would, as soon think of travelling without mouey as without this remedy) and fiuding many amoug my acquaintances there who were suffering with various farms of Bowel Affections, I gave it freely, and in no instaxck did it fail to afford the most feompt and decidri) relief as it has done here. I congratulate you, and especially the public, on the discovery of a medicine which is better calcu lated to protect mankind and alleviate suffering than any other ever brought before tho people. L. T. SPIERS. This is to certify that, some weeks back, I was taken with a violent Diarrhoea, which persisted for eight days. Being some siity miles from home, I made use of all the remedies I could think of but without affording any relief". On arriving at home, I was informed that Dr. It. H. Worthington had prepared a remedy for Cholera, &c, and was advised to use it. I d: 1 so, and to my astonish ment, ope single dose gave speedy and permanent relief, since which time I have used it frequently in my family; and, ia justice to the Doctor, say I consider it uvea th most vaxhabli mbdicisk I have used in an experience of twenty years. F. M. CAFEIIART. Murfreesboro., N. C ; Oct 2, 18&4. Da. WoRTHtxGTo.N Duae Sir: I take great pleasure in reemnuieiiding ymr Cholera Medicine to the public and ni )re especially since I have had personal erperionce and observation of its benefi cial effect. I have tried several remsdles put up for Cholera, &c.j but have never found such happy results from any as from your inv.ilu ible remedy. I have such unbounded conSdop.ee iu its efficacy, that I am unwilling aud will not leave home without a suppiy with me; and I regard it as one of the most valuable discoveries of the age. Yours, very truly W. P. BEAMAN. Windsor, N. C, Sept 19, 1854. Da. R. U. Worthington Dear Sir . I have made some effort, aud have succeeded in introdu cing your Medicine to the public, and I fiud it is taking very well indeed ; and the result is, that I have nearly sold what you sent me. I there fore, wish you would send me some more as soon as you can. I have not the slightest doubt but that this Medicine is the very best reme dy out for the disease for which it is recommend ed. I hope you will soon send me a supply, as I would uyt like to get entirely out of it. Yours, truly, GEORGE W. McGLAUGHON. From the Murfreesbore' Gazette.' Missb.3. Editors- Iu looking over the last number of the Gazette, I found a commuaicatiun from our friend, Mr. L. P. Spiers, rcommending Dr. R. H. Worthiujfton's Cholera Mixture to tho public, for the cure of diarrhoea, -dysentery, and omer Kinorea diseases Having experience in my own ease, the happy effects of its use, as well as other members of my family, I can safely say that I regard it superior to any remedy we have evetj used, in an experience of twenty years. I would, -therefore, recommend it to every familv as an iu valuable remedy, and every individual to procure a bottle and keep 1 it by them in these times of cholera. It. R. PARKER. Murfreesboro,' AugT 30th, 1854. This is to certify that I have used Dr. R. H. Worthingtooi's Cholora medicine iu my family for the last four or five weeks, ia several oases of Bowel Complaint, so common in our vicinity, with invariable euceess Oue of the cases was that of a negro child, some four or five months old, who was so emaciatnd ty the effects of the disease, that its life w.-ij nearly despaired of, when my wife happened to think that she would try theCho.era Medicine, and did so with complete success in less than forty-eight hours. I am throughly of opinion that no family should be without bo fine a medicine Given uudor my land, this 3rd day of October. 1854. . J - A. W. DARDEN. MuaPBESDOHO' N C. Dr. R. H. Worthington. It affords us pleasure to say that we have used your Cholera Diarrhoea medicine for the last twelve months, aud have found it invariably successful, in relieving speedily, the cases in which we have had occasion to use it We entertain a hiirh an. preciation of its value, and hare no hesitation in expressing the opinion that it will orova to ha a valuable family mediciue. - ' - . ': ' ' RICHARD G. COWPER. B F SPIERS Sold by P. F. PESCUD Raloieh. and bv Drug gists generally. Oct 17th, 1854. tf FIRST PREMIUM ! SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE. YOUNG'S PATENT. rtrOETAHT TO MlUStl AND MILL OWWSES. THIS Machine received the first premium at the North Carolina State 'Fair and was recommen ded to the public as the best now in us in the State. Seven Hundred of them are now rnnnin. in North Carolina all of which are no w ia opera tion and have given the most, entire satisfaction, in regard both to 1 performance and durability, some .having run six year, aud perform as well now as they did at first, and have not bsen out of order one day. We have thrown out. ten different smut Machines to make room for this. They are warranted for five years, and delivered at tha Mil any where in the state. . Manufactured and sol. y - - JNO. A. McMANNEN. ; South Lowell, Orange oo, April II. tf-80 VALUABLE REAL' ESTATE FOR SALE. UNDER, the authority of. power, of attorney executed by fire of the vheirs of the late RoDert Cannon, deo'd, of the city of Raleiirh. will be offered at publio sale, for cash, (unless sooner disposed of privately,) on Saturday, the 22d instant, at 12 e'eiock, in frpntof the store-house now occupied by Mr, J. Brcwn, in the city of Ra ieigh, five sixths of said store house and lot ap- purtenaut. ' Also, at the same time and olace. funlass h. fore that Jay sold privately,) five sixths of a tract of land containing in the whole about 276 acres. situated, a'joat four miles north-west of Rileigh, adjoiniag ihj lands of Georga W. Mordecai. and the land -owned4 by; the late -Richard Smith, and recently purchased by; Mr. Winder. The store house is most eligibly Ideated for mercantile busi ness, and is well known'' The- wood land is alto gether, wild, an J would mako a ffood farm, the clearing of whioh alone,by aalaof the wood, it is sur-posed,' would repay handsome price for the lanL-. rr-j-' wiU be sold without reserve. lywood, Esq7 will show the land and "y wb Huy desire to purchase. .'z ; Deo. 6, 1865. swtd 98 Gold lxllne Stock I f'"f?'SAT;AUCTlON . -, ' nnHE Undersigned will sell at public auction, on .1. Thursday, the 20A Dec. next in front of the Court'- House, in . tlii. oity Ona -tertificata for 2,00 shares of stock in the Ward Gold Mine, loca ted in Davidson County, in this State, belouu-inir te the estate of W. R. Scott deo'd. Also.4 at the same time and TTa tl, ;d Scott'. iatoresU in the follvwins-min.,. pat ten. White and Walker Copper, and Gold Mines, wmcn are located in "Uailford county. : Terms : Sir montha credit for annrnvnil netrnti- bl note, bearing, interest from day of sale. -r--.." i.c-?i:.v-., F..PESCUU, -W--- J. F. JORDAN, Adxa'r. with wilt annexed of W. R.Soott, de'd. Raleigh, Nov. -2dJ856. wtd 85. lgaStandard copy. Superlor'French Cass. Pants I 6' ,UR Assortment of Fine Black and Fancy Caas Pauts is much, better t'uaa usual. We have endeavored to select such style, of Fancy Cass as we tbiiik will please those who desire something seat and genteel. - . L. HARDING. OetVW 80 --