HIE RALEIGH REGISTER . IS FCBUSUB ..-, . ... I ' SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, i BY JOHN SYflE, XDITOB "aud pnorSiKToa. . THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER U published every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at $4 00 per annum, payable in advance, or $5 00, if payment is delayed till the subscription year has expire. TUB WJUSJiLI .ttAUIBlfin 18 puwimm ctot Wednesday morning, at $2 00 pea- annum, payable in variably in advance. , Rates of Advertising in the Semi-Weekly - -! , , Register : ' ; 1 square (16 lines or less) ono insertion, very succeeding insertion, , 1 square six months, 1 " twelve M " 2 three " 1 sixf " t " twelve months, ii eluding paper, $1 00 26 8 DO 14 00 8 00 15 80 25 00 Advertisements, to be inserted on the inside of the paper-altogetJHrr, will be c, larged 50 cents per square for every insertion after tl e first. Annual advertisers will be charged 60 per ecn . more than the above rata when their advertisements are directed" to be inserted On the inside. H . In the Weekly Register: . ' 1 square for the first insertion, - and- for every succeeding insertion, 1 square twelve months, $1 AO 25 10 00 10 00 a six . r - . : 1 u- twelve months, inelud'g Weekly paper.20 80 All advertisements not otherwise directed, will be Business Cards, not exceeding eight lines, will be I nserted in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly Six months for $5 00, or twelve mphths for $10 in both .papers at $8.60 for six months, or $ 15 fortwelve months. j&T Contracts can be made at the office for longer advertisements. BUSINESS CARDS. GO o 2 EH . to J 3 3 s 3 o a a PS r o 1 U 3 W & m M Q - M - m ;ta ' S m o W tf o T 63 o & C4 BANK AGENCY. FOR MANY TEARS I HAVE BEEN ENGAGED in the Bank Agency petting Discounts, making renewals for persons at a distance, and making remit tances, without the loss of a dollar, For a Small Compensation, from one to three dollars, according to amount. My thanks are due to those who have heretofore employed me, and I promise, to try to deserve the patronage of - all who need such services. ; ' Reference to all the Bank Officers, nov 12 3m LEWIS W. PECK. RALEIGH NURSERIES: - THOMAS. CARTER, Succeor to Hamilton & carter, continues the business of the above establishment inf all its various branches. Being daily connected, with the Railroads, I can for ' word Trees and Plants, with safety and dispatch to any part of the country. 3Sf Catalogues sent on application. sep 17 tf PETERSBURG, VA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALI3HMENT, , IITIIS BEES RECENTLY FITTED CP ASD SUPPLIED WITH ALL MODER.f CONVENIENCES, Now -offers to Travellers Attractions Unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Country, mar JOHN JARRATT A BRO. JONES & MOORE, GROCERS, Auction and Commission Merchants, Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, No. 18, Fayetteville Street, an 20 RALEIGH, N. C. WIL.LSON & AliFRIEND, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DRUGGISTS, And dealer in Chemicals, Paint, Dye Stuff's, Oil, tic ' Sycamore, opposite Bollingbrook Street, 1 -PETERSBURG, VA. , A w. n. wuxsoh. joHir Axraxan. au 5 4 ' PEEBLES & WHITE, Grocers and; Commission Merchants, I ' PETERSBURG, VA. Sole Agents for Reese's Manipulated or Phospho-Peruvian feb 27 Guano. ; ' :':v-: , N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., i GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Va. N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jan30 RICHMOND. VA. McILWAINE SON & Co., ; i GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Sycamore and Tabb Street, a. o. cii,wAiE, 1 Petersburg, Vaw B. D. MCILWAINE, V It. B. HILL. J au 5 R -H . P O R D , DKALKB IN . LHATMEIM AM KIDDIE. . '- ALSO, : FINDINGS FOR Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. No. 30 Bollingbrook Street, PETERSBURG, VA. mar 16 ly PEEBLES- & WHITE, H GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 22 Old Street, Petersburg, Ya. LZKTEL PEEBLES. THOMAS WHITE, J. DONNANS & JOHNSTON, ' GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Vu jal-ly. . ' . DONNAN & CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Kicnmona, a, . ja lly MUIR& STEVEN 8, 1 . ' - Importers and Dealers hi hina, U ' last. Earthenware, Lamps, Looking Olane, i nT'- a rtanithea Tin Ware, Waiter, Castors, .Refrigerator, Water Cooler, Qa Fixtures, Fame Good, Ae e., Sc, ' I i No. 55 SYCAMORE STREET, , (Immediately opposite Messrs. Paul A McIlwauts's,) wm. acocstus mulb, j j..;. Petersburg, Tm LARD.--50 bbls. No. 1 CincinnatLard ; 60 kegs Virginia Lard, in store for sale by - ; McILWAINE, SON A TOO., Pcbraburg,-Va. my 31 PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. BEATON GAL.ES, :, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Raleigh. N. C. fob 17 r- i ' THOMAS J. BAGBY. Agent and Commission Merchant, No. 8 Wall-st., nnder St. Charles Hotel, RICHMOND, VA., HIRES oat Negroes, Rents out Houses, and seils Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Flour; and other Country Produce. Pays strict attention to business, and prompt remittances made. Consignments respectfully solicited. Refers to Messrs Cba. T. Wortham A Co. ; Tins ley, Tardy A Williams ; Hunt A Brother, and Honry K- Ellyson, of Richmond. September 3,' 1859. tf , .. .' . TO PHYSICIANS, COUNTRY MERCHANTS P 4JJTERS, ' .7; A9D ALL WHO IMP : 'articles in the drug .INE. . IS POST PP. PESCUD IS AOAIN AT a after an absence of several weeXst New York nd other Northern Cttie, where he hai o en making his purchases for the Fall Trade, and'. gives him pleasure to be able to assure friend an A publte generally, that he is now better prepared than ever to supply all tbey require in his line or business at un- precedentedly low prices. His Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stufls, Per fumery, Toilet Articles, Brashes, Window Glass, Cigars, Tobacco, Spices, Condimeuts, are of the most mperb quality, and the prices and terms to c or prompt dealer, will be tatitactory tn every respect. Hi long .experience in business, and his knowledge of the wants of his customers give him su perior advantages, and he hopes his old friends, and many new ones, will call or seed him their orders when in need of any articles. It is useless to enumerate his tock ; he will only add that it is Complete and much Larger than Ever, and will be replenished by weekly arrivals from time to time. Goods put up neatly, packed carefully, and forward ed with the ntmott ditpatck to any part of the country in this State and Virginia. - sep 17 tf DRUGS AN D Fall Trade of 1859. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW RECEIVING their Fall supplies of Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stnfla, Fancy Goods, Perfumery, &c., which have been carefully selected in the northern markets by one of the firm, to which they invite an inspection from their friends and the public generally. PHYSICIANS will find our stock complete, and to those about com mencing the practice of Medicine, we guarantee an outfit for less money than they can purchase it north, as from one long experience in the business, we know, bet the articles and quantities wanted by beginners in this part ef the country. COUNTRY MERCHANTS we can supply with Srices, Soda, Dye-Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Snuffs, Ac., at a very small advance on New York prices, and request them to price our stock in this line before mak'ng their purchases. PAINTS AND OILS. We have given special attention to the purchase of, and having bought them exclusively of the manufacturers, for Ctfch, will sell them at such prices as cannot fail to please, and would say to cash and short time purehas trs, they will consult their interest by calling on os before buyinjr. PERFUMERY, &c, of the best Foreign and Domest'c manufacture, such as Cologne, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oils, Satchels, Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, and Druggists Fancy Goods generally, we have the largest and most complete assortment we have ever had the pleasure to exhibit. Believing our Home Journal a tujjicient medium for advertitimy, tee do not think we require the aid, and did not (jft up, whtle north, a npecial "Vircular pro claiming our "Speed oud Bottom" preferring our friend and the public thould judie tchether ice tell as good articles, ana a cheap, as any other house Orders solicited Irom tbe surroHnding country which shall have our prompt attention, and be executed with neatness and dispatch. Physicians prescriptions and family receipts com pounded at all hours of the day and night with care and accuracy sep 28 , WILLIAMS A HAY WOOD. RUNAWAY SLAVE. rAKEN UP AND COMMITTED TO THE JAIL of Davidson coun'y, K. C , who says his name is Henry, and that he belongs to Jackson Strong, of Rockingham county in tbis State. Said boy is about 21 years old, 5 feet 4 inches high, and weighs about 140 lbs. The owDer of said boy is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take Mm away. E.D.HAMPTON, Lexington, Sept 28 tf Sheriff. JEWELRY, PLATED WARE AND FAN CY GOODS AT COT. Intending to alter my store, I am necessarily compelled to vacate it for 30 days, during which time I will sell my entire stock of JEWELRY, PLATED WARE and FANCY GOODS AT COST I , I will occupy an Office over M. E. L. Brockctt's Fancy Goods and Trimmings store : entrance, two rioors below my store and one door below Mr. Brock- ett's. Persons in want of a handsome set of JEWELRY, can save one-third of its usual orst by examining my stock and prices. My Watch and Jewelry Repairing and Manufactur ing department will go on without interruption. - Per sons wishing their Watches or Jewelry repaired, can leave them as above, a.vi they will be prompty atten ded to. THOS. NOWLAN july 13 :-' Petersburg, Va. WATCHES, JEWELRY, c. 1 rfl HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO CALL I, ihe attention of those in want of rine Watch es, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, fcc., to his extensive Stock, which has been selected with great care, - and whieh has only to be seen to be ad. aired. His stock embraces 1 . ! Fine Gold, Bilverand Enameled Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, - t - Silver Ware and Albata Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spectacles to suit all eyes, Clocks, a beautiful assortment Double and Single Guns, RiSes, Pistols, Bowie Knives, Ac, To an examination of which he earnestly invites all who may be in want, feeling confident that he can please the most fastidious, both in quality and price. V. U. ROOT, Fayetteville Street. . P. S. Watches and Jewelry repaired in tbe best manner, nov 9 -T-TELOCIPEDES,GIGS, Hobby Horses, perambulators; WHEELBARROWS, &C.i TOR CHILDREN. For sale by H. D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store. Raleigh, April 29th, 1859. p l0 tf M TIaTOTICE.THE SUBSCRIBERS GIVE J3( their personal attention to all consignments made themfrom the country, particularly Tobacco, Cotton, and Wheat They keep a large stock of Groceries, Guano. Ac, on hand, which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. To cash and punctual buyers on the usual time. DONNANS A JOHNSTON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, mar 14 ly - - Petersburg, Va. ' T LACK BARATHEA SILK SKELETON: VESTS, Jj new style, cool and - pretty for hot weather. rTo be found only A X.L.HAltDLNG'S. . April M, 1859. .V-J J . ma 4 -lv MISCELLANEOUS. WHEELER & WILSONS SB WING MACHINES, WARREN STEWART, Agents, ; Fayetteville Street, RaUigh, Jf. C . WE OFFER THB Wheeler AWft. son Sewing Machines, with important . im provements, at a reduc tion on former prices 5 and, to meet the de mand for a good, low priced Family .Ma chine, hare introduced a New Style, working ' upon tba same princi ple. V and makin the ! 1 i i same stiton. inougn not 'so highly finished, at Tift. Five Dollar, The elegance, speed, noiselessness, and simplicity of the Machine; the beauty ana itrengtn 01 aaien iuB mlike on hotK Mdam- imnnaWthla t ravel, and leaving tt nhnin nr ridn on thm mxW aiat th aeoBomT f. thread, &d adaptabURy to the thickest or thinnest fabrics, hare rendered this the most useful and popu lar Family Machine now made. We give instructions free of charge, to enable pur chasers to operate the machines successfully. , An examination of the universally approved Ma bines is respectfully solicited at our offloe, over D. C. Murray's Dry Goods Store. V! nqv 23 3m WARREN A STEWART, TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALEI I WISH TO SELL PRIVATELY THB FOI LOWING property in the City of Raleigh, vis : 1st. Tbe HOTEL at the corner of Wilmington nd Martin streets, formerly occupied by 0. L. Buroh, nd at present in the occupancy of H. L. Win ton. "his Hotel is admirably located, and commands a ge share of transient and permanent outtom. ' 2d. The two STORE HOUSES fronting on Market Square, one occupied by E. Rosenthal, as a ,'lothing Store, which also fronts on Fayetteville treet, and the other in the occupancy of A. Adams as - Grocery. These stores are situated in a position which canjnot fail to command an extensive patronage. 3d. ' Two DWELLING HOUSES, one on Wil ling ton Street, near the' Capitol Square, at present ' ccapied by Mr. Taut, and formerly the property of Wiley Johnson, and the other situated in the eastern art of the city, near Mr. Eldridge Smith's. - The above property will be sold on terms te suit any erson who may wish to purchase. For further infor l lation, apply to Mills H. Bbows, or to eep 17 ly SAM'L ROWLAND. THE AND CONFESSIONS EXPERIENCE VICTIM : DESIGNED FOR THE BENEFIT, AND AS A warning and a caution to those who suffer from ability, indigestion, lownees of spirits, want of sleep, remature decay, Ac;. as a consequence of youthful aprudence, or the baneful habit of self-abuse. At ' 'e same time pointing out certain mean of self cure. By one who has suffered from the above euse, and "om misplaced' confidence in medical humbug and . uackery.. Single copies sent (post-free) on the receipt .' a stamped envelope, bearing the address of the appli mt. Address. NATHNIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., dec 10 sw3m Bedford, Kings county, N. Y. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES J Id. f ls Mess Butt Rump and Prime Pork, OU 20 Hhdi West Smoked Baoon, 10,000 lbs N. C. Smoked Bacon, 10 bbls West. Lard, 20 kegs do., Ma,lwAMti, -Cmmil, 75 bbls N. 8. Herrings, 50 half do., 10 bbls Mullets, Oak and Pine, 50 bags Rio Coffee, 100 boxes Cheese, 50 bbls C Coffee and yellow Coffee, 25 hhds Cuba Molasses, 2000 packs L. G Salt, 75 bbls Glue, 600 empty Spirit Casks, 30 bales Cotton Bagging, 50 coils Rope, Ac, Ac. J. T. PETTEWAY A CO. Wilmington. N. C, December 3. . deo 3 2m ,' ATE PUBLICATIONS. At Home and Abroad : A Sketch Book of t He, Scenery, and Men, by Bayard Taylor. . 'irt Recreations : Being a complete Guide to Ornamental Work, by Madame L. B. Urbino, Prof. Henry Day, and others, with valuable receipts for preparing materials, splendidly illustrated. oethe's Correspondence with a Child. Jhe Logic of Political Economy, and other papers, by Thomas DeQuincey, author of "Confes sions of an English Opium Eater," etc Vhe Book of the First American Chess Congress, containing the proceedings of that cel ebrated assemblage, held in New York, in the year, 1857, by Daniel Willard Fiske, M. A. Women Artists in all Ages and Countries, by Mrs. Ellet, author of " The Women of the Amer ican Revolution, etc. Out of the Depths: The Story or A Wouas's Lirs. . The J Teacher's Assistant ; or Hprrs Ann ME1HQD8 IX SCFOOL DlSClPLISS AND ISSTRUCTIO, being a series of familiar letters to one entering upon the Teacher's Work, by Charles Northend, A. M., author of "The Teacher and Parent," etc Salmagundi ; or Thb Whi Whams and Opmoxs of Lancelot Langstaff, Esq., and others. New Edi tion. For sale by jan4 W. L. POMEROY. TYERETTS ORATIONS 3 VOLUMES. Wl For sale by W. L. POMEROY. : Standard Age, and Press copy, s ' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING HE undersigned is prepared to execute, on short notice, all kinds of painting, especially irresco and Ornamental, on reasonable terms, with punctual dispatch and in the best manner. -TT AUGUST FREUND. He refers to Hon. D. M. Barringer : Hon. Charles f Manly ; Wm.R. Cox, Esq.; Rufus S. Tucker, Esq- j Wm. fercival, Ksq., Arc&itect, ana jr. jr. rescua,irug gist, Raleigh, at whose store orders can be left, which will receive prompt attention. ' ' r: Raleigh, Aug. 10, T869. tf F1 IINE GOLD JEWELRY. THE 8UJI- SCRIBER has in store a splendid assortment of FINE GOLD JEWELRY, embracing a variety of styles of patterns of Brooches, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies ant Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, c Call and examine. nov 9 C. B. ROOT. FALL TRADE, 1859. I AM NOW RECEIVING MY FALL AND Winter supply of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen, selected by myself, all of which are warranted to wear welL . H. A. DEPKIN. A LSO, Received the largest and best assortment of French and American Calf Skins, all of which will bo made np into Boots and Shoes, in the best style, for my patrons. Thank ful for past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same. sep 17-tf H A. DEPKIN. GARDEN '& i FIELD SFED, I860. Tl F. 1 PESCUD IS IN RECEIPT OF wT the most extensive and superior stock of Seed, be has ever offered for sale, and he has only to inform this customers, that .they were raised by that Uelebrat- j ed Seedman, ROBT. BUIST, Philadelphia, to satisfy i them of their genuineness, and great superiority over 1 all ether seed. None excepted. ' 1 My customers can have upon application, one 5ef Buist's Almanacs and osmea nasnsii Gratis. 7 Country Merchants and large dealers, supplied at very low prioes, and their orders will be filled prompt ly and dupatehed. - jm My friends will please send in their orders while I have all the usual varieties. jan T. E LIDE ISLAND GUANO.--300 BA.GI Elide Island Guano, in store and for sale by TtniTOANa A JOHNSTON. " augSO : ' Petersburg, Ya. REAL ESTATE &C. ' .1 . ! 1 II. '. I II.. ' VALUABLE LANDS AND TOWN PRO--,r - PJSRTY .FOB .JBALE!....-, I: OFFUR MY ENTIRE -ESTATE, OF TOWN Property and Lands ia North Carolina, with a view to settle seuth or southwest. The foil wing is des cription of the property : V ... ..... n ,,- ..-t MY FORMER RESIDENCE, In the city of Ra leigh, containing of an acre of land, highly Improv ed, and one of the most healthy and eligible lots ' in the ci ; a good house and in good condition, six nice rooms and every necessary out-housc - ' ; Also, two ether IMPROVED L0T8, and 5 acres unimproved as to a dwelling house.- The five acres are ia high improvement, and wUl yield 10S bushals of wheat annually Its situation is suitable to dj one that lives in the oity, or for a valuable grape nursery, or dairy farm. The foregoing, property, is all situated near the Central Depot ' ; '4 i - - " ' I also offer for sale SEVEENTEEN LOTS, in the town of Haywood, Chatham county. , One of these has a good dwelling house with six rooms and but-honses ; one other has a good store house, in good order upon it the ether lots ate unimproved, some tf them beauti ful buildin lots. :-i y-"::-:.". .. : : t: I also offer for sale the following real eStateTt-wit : jnlx jr.ui lAfiofl, -mu -4 a- nuia- xrom juurem Springs, containing about 508 acres of land, with anew and handsome dwelling house, upon it, with -five good rooms and two small apartments used as closets. ..This land is very superior Tobacco and Wheat land and it particularly recommends itself to those who are in need of a healthy situation.' " ' I will also sell my NEW HOTEL, six hundred yards from the celebrated Kittrell's Springs, with four aqres attached, and one hundred and eighty acres of land attached and running down within two hundred yards of these Springs. The 180 acres of land I am authorised to sell by its owner, GREEN STANTON. Upon these lands, near these Springs, are several beau tiful building sites for private residences. The Hotel has a basement dining-room the entire length of the house, 42 feet, and six large and convenient rooms, all well furnished for private and publio purposes, a good kitchen, and one of tbe finest free-stone springs of water in the State, very convenient. Lastly,! offer my RIDGE WAY" MILLS, in War ren county, one and a half miles from Ridgewar. 173 acres of land is attached to these Mills, and the entire tract of land is equal to any in Warren for Tobacco and Wheat I 30 acres of land in new ground, out down for the next crop ot Tobacco, and about 40 bushels of Wheat seeded, wbioh I expect will yield me from 000 to 800 bushels ; a fine young Apple nd Peach Orchard, Grape Nursery, to. The Mills need no recommenda tion, having been acknowledged to yield the best qual ity, or equal, of Flouf, oi any Mills in the State Upon this land ia a mineral spring, equal by Vest of analysis to Kittrell s Spring, several scrofula .eases having been cured the past season. The. Mills will yield an annual elear income of $1,500 per year, by proper attention, and I have made 18 or 20,000-lbs. of Tobacco from the farm this year ; so those wishu-g such property will do well te apply soon. The tract of land can be added to if desired. All the property of fered is in improving and desirable sections of the State, and all that is necessary for those wishing to purchase any portioirof this property offered, Is to ad. dress me at Kittrell's Depot for further particulars, or vint me at that place and enquire rur terms, Ac dee 25 w2m ,WM. F. COLLINS, GREAT ATTRACTION AT ROSENTHAL, & POOLE'S, Corner of f ayctteville St. and Market Square. IMMENSE STOCK OF READY-MADE ! CLOTHING 1 1 PRICES CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE ! T IHE SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO announce to their friends and the public gener ally that they have now in store the largest and best stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GEN TLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, eim iMwt-the-pleswui'e ef exhibiting, and as 1 their purchases were made upon the most advantage ous terms, they pledge themselves to sell upon the cheapest possible terms. They invite attention pat- ticularly to their splendid assortment of Fine Gentlemen's Dress and Frock Coats, " " Raglan?, Five and Sack Overcoats, Shawls, Ac, " DoesUh and Beaver Cass. Pants, Taney Silk Velvet, Satin, and Cassimere Vests, Cheap Clothing of every description and at all prices, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, from the finest quality to the lowest price, A large stock of cheap and substantial Nrgro Clothing, And, in fact, everything that can be desired for Uen- tlemen s wear. We earnestly solicit our friends to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are de- mined to made it to the interest of all elaae to buy of us. ROSENTHAL A POOLE, sep 17 Corner Fayetteville Si. and Market Square. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAIL ROAD. THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN RICH MOND AND NORTH CAROLINA. F IROM THE 9TI1 DAY OF MARCH UN til the 1st of September next, the Freight and Accommodation trains on this road will leave Rich mond and Petersburg on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at eight o'clock, AM., instead of nine o'clock, as before. ' Arrangements have been made by this company for the prompt and punctual forwarding and delivery of all produce, goods, or other articles of freight designed for transportation either way, between Richmond and points between Petersburg and Raleigh, Ridge way, Greensboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, North Carolina, at low rates, without any charge, for forwarding, stor age, Ac All such articles sent to Richmond, should be consigned and plainly marked " To the care of the Freiebt A gent r the Kicbmond and Petersburg Rail road, at Petersburg," by whom they will be promptly forwarded. As to rates of tolls on the roads south of Petersburg (which they require to be prepaid as far as Raleigh,) information may be had at the Depot of this Company at Kicnmond. . T. H. WYNNE, Sup't- Office R.4P.R.R. Co., July 25, 1859. july-SOtf. NEW BOOKS. ANNALS OF THE AMERICANS PULPIT, OR commemorative notices of distinguished clergy men of the Baptist denomination in the United States, from the early settlement of the country to the close of the year 1855, with an historical introduction, by William B. Sprague, D. D. r Everett's Orations, 3 volumes. An exposition of the second Epistle te the Corin thians. By Charles Hodge, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary, Prineton, N. J. Christian Believing and Living. Sermons by E. A. Huntington, D. D., preacher to the University, and Plummer, Professor of Christian Morals in Harvard College. Life's Morning, or Counsels and Encouragements for youthful Christians. By the author of 'Life s liven ing,' 'Sunday Hours etc., etc The Hart and the Water Brooks, a Practical exposi tion of the second Psalm. By Rev. John R. MsDuff, D. B, author of "Morning and Night Watches," " Memories of Genesseret," " Word of Jesus," " The Footsteps of St Paul," etc etc. The History .of the Reformation in Sweden, bv L. A. Anjon, Councillor to the King of Sweden, translat ed from the Swedish by .Henry M. Mason, I), v. t "1 . ... - For sale by, I W. L. FOMEROY. Raleigh, Jf. C. jan 11 tf. j RALEIGH- AND .GASTON RAILROAD t CHANGE OF SCHEDULE 1 ' Ralbigh, November 1st, 1859. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE THE MAIL Train on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad will can as follows s Leave Raleigh daily at 5.25, A.M. Arrive at Weldon daily at 11 A. M. Leave Weldon daily at 11, A M. Arrive at Raleigh daily at 3.30, P M. novo ly -n- - P. A. DUNN, Sunt, HIDRO-THORJHAL CHURNS. ANEW SUPPLY OJ THIS CELEBRATED Six Minute Churns at the Farmer's HalL , oetlS " JAMES M. T0WLE8, AgU w-Kirss iwn i wiWTF.n nirs ...jrT JlX received on sale, at the Farmer's HalL a I mall lot of prime Rye and Winter Oata, - t Cotton Yams and Factory made plow linee. deef k.-. J. M. TOWLES, Agent. IPS rt I A. BININGER & Co. t : (EsTASusunn':1778,) f ; SOLE IMPORTERS, No. S38 Bboadwat. NY. ,; , ; , if HI ' TIH18 DELICIOUS TONIC, ESPECIALLY i, i-f -designed,Xorthe use of the Medical Profession and the Famiry.li Bspassea those intntmg swidicdnal ttoaer- '-ties (Tonie-aiHr DHReetM) whtetu belong to an: QIaD and fUtUE U1JN. The business of , manufacturing spurious gins, ana ottering tnem as oeverages, unai the tittes, '" Aromatic,"" CordiaL'' Medicated etc, has become so common, that the public are justly suspicious of . nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has thus been brought into disrepute, it has remained for our honse (established in 11778) to supply the pressing popular need. land to. inaugurate a new era in the history or the Xrade. W 0 trust thai our established renntatioir founded unoa eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to publio conndenec " r n. if. A comparison or "J5iningers via jjonaon Dock Gin with others bearing similar names, trill es- 1 tablish its superiority, and make other cautionj unne- eessary. . . . . ... t ft ' Put up in Quart Bettles, in eases, of one and two dose each, and sold throughout the world by Drug gists, Grocers, etc f- . ; Druggists and Dealers supplied wida ' . , Wines and Brandies, J. direct from United States bonded Warehouses. , . The shove GIN may be had at ihe Drug Store of WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. - ! dee 17 m Dr. Bronson. having been so far reduced by eon- sumption, as to be considered beyond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of the medical profes sion, and also by himself a regular physician of twenty years practice as a last resort, conceived the idea of ANALYZING THB BLOOD, and applying tne subject or physiology to the more immediate eon- Section, and effect of the state of the blood upon the eelta and system. The result. ha been the produc tion of this "BLOOD FOOD," from, the jose of which Dr. UroBBon was restored to nerfeot health. J Within Six months after its introduction, over two thousand consumptives were effectually cured by it. .' If you bae any complaints of a consumptive tendency, Cough, Cold,' Headache, Palpitation of (he Heart, lot of appetite, or poi'a in ihe tide, lose no time in pro curing a bott.e of the FOOD." If you are suffering from Nervout Debility, or your sleep is bro ken and disturbed, if your taririi are depressed or yoar organs relaxed, yon will fine in this aa aa&dUug rem irdy, by commencing with tentfropa. If .your Liver is torpid OT diseased in any manner whatever, one or two bottles will ibSeure to invigorate, and bring it into lively and healthful action. In the most inveterate canes of Dyspvpsia the pa rti nt nn hm find the mart efficient enit mrmtal nlif. A : benefit is always experienced after taking only One bottle, tin Hale or Female Oomclaints and weaknesses, the gufferar. JaRer trying other remedies ia vain, may test assured, that a eertam core wm rerau mm in use or two or uireeoattM. The "BXOOB WOOfy ia Staeteat m 11 mm if Salt Rheum, Scrofulas and other like 00m plaint, i Pale and emaciated children and adults are immediately benefitted by its use It frive, rtreneth to tbe body and color and beauty to tbe skin. Physicians of all schools are using it With won- urerui sueeess. for full directions, see circulars. Price $1 per bottle. Woo. d nan cj sojij -psaonqj IrPPP q 1nra "snjoq ipu panoa paaau. suoiiafenp aqi 'mm rr nI -uaqtom if 01 rn(at tsoet atrj mm nn ipoammoo 11 uohboj am oqi i iatsiijaip sum sauadxe aroqe. uoqrn MOqt an vaacarjjaAp Sao qn pjojr foairas a m pax oqi jo flaopunddad jaqo usirt loui qoam on uco tx I)sT 1 8uxnMid nj m oa eo( 0 mat puamuiooaj Xj-jiaajw 'ng 10 iao3piAuoa jo aama n U ofpoamdi fuv njja&od a Saiaq pua ! aouapgum ojjd ir)ii uo paipj a u3 ) 'gassasip jo S)aii) puv irri )aom am daOHO-ioa 3JHinssiJ!ps3qmuptooi perub -un 8,jioq m SariwinJtai jo 4 -vaed Safx9tu pus t uraS am Smuayos jej Mf r 'OHOO 'iT5fiK3Sia pus :niHiaaxoKi(majj.T SiKividKoa iiv uoi 1 : riA 'nopal udaid Mifjo i& mao sjmoui joiqa i st qotqa s Jiuiaoroj aqi ui pru puu onto uivmo st pus 'juvjui a)3!ep )iom eq) ojufur oaava pan ssoruuuq Apoojaad si ji Anmoj tpaq aso aiq .tq meq) jo Ausm uo2 -jq jo uopoojip eqj japan stsojoj eq moij Snp Suioq penpsip s qojqa moaj sooji aj eqi aoqs init stursidmoo omatnni aoi aisiue jauio uw qiiit i jo uosindmoa ss 'aja teaiS ujiut dn jnd sx i 'IpjiqX saivjiqtsuas s" Suiuapesp o puajsui 'pjiqo jnoX 10 Sauanue am Stniomaj q ssaoiim Xnttanbesaoo pus 'pui5 u jo ajeido jo oijoSajod raojj aajj ajpae si x 'Arpuooaa mqi toi equoaajd 0 Stuiutdmoa oib -uqjui ui oauauadxa qanm mojj pagifsnb rjea Sf oqa usioiiAua jivinSM u jo uogrsaejo: an si i snj no pejajjo ejejotajaq suq qaenb jo asjuu eq turLrjsou ajsao joao uouadns n; ?s 0 ajisap eja i'iviaSOO 3111 -NYaNT SJIOXYE "Ha "f aunueswd u Sold by CHURCH DUPONT, Druggists, No. 36 Maiden Lane, a New York; j And by all respectable Druggists throughout the coun try. ' " ii nov IS CHRISTMAS HAS COME! ALL AT THE WELL KNOWN ii STAND, heretofore known as BAIN'S HOTEL, on the west side of the Capitol, and you will find a large va riety of TOYS, suitable for little folks at Christmas. Also, all kinds of Stick Candies, Fresh Nuts, Pickles, Fresh Peaches, in Cans,. Raisins, Prunes, Brandy Peaches, all kinds Preserves, Figs, Apples, poeoanuts, Citron, Currants, S. S. Almonds, Walnuts, tiPalmnuta, Filberts, Pecan Nuts, Fig Paste, Lemons, Sates, Ital ian Macaroni, Coeoanut Candy, Fire Crackers, Fresh Pine Apples in Cans, Fresh Strawberries in Cans, Fresh Figs, Soda and Butter Crackers, Sardines, a full sup ply of Basket and Willow Ware, Ac, Ac. l! FRENCH CANpiES, jj Ladies' Cream Drops, Chocolate Cream Drops, Gum Drops, Brandy Drops, Burnt Almonds, Sugar Almonds, French Kisses, Popping Kisses, French Sugar Cream Figs, Sugar Cream Dates, and a large variety of aQ kinds of French Candies. I j' FANCY GOODS, and a great number of other articles. j; I am determined to sell as cheap as any: one in tbe eity : and I hope everybody in need of anything in my line will rive me a call. HENRY FENDT. Remember the place Directly west of the CapitoL. formerly Bain's .Hotel. I V i'ueo zx HENRY MAHIaER, : JEWELLER AND ENGRAVER, CP STAIRS, OYER LOTOKE'B TINA BTOTK BTOSX, Fayetteville Street, -w s NOW PREPARED TO M ANUFAC X TURE all kinds of Gold and Silver Ware, such as Tea Sets, Goblets, Cups, Spoons, Masonic Jewels, Gold Chains, Bracelets, Breastpins, and every thing of the kind. i ' : ij " - " Engraving of all descriptions done in the best style and on short notice. ' 'i ?l ' ' ' ' Repairing of Jewelry of all sorts neatly executed. Bavins established myself In f Raleigh for the pur pose of carrying on the above business, I hope to re ceive a liberal patronage, to merit, which I shall spare no pains. . ... ..-5-;.:- ; jaa-jv y. , i- -r TlkT OTICE--THE PARTNERSHIP IDF . Mo ,1 ILWAINE. SON A CO having expired by imitation, Mr. ROBERT R. HILL retires therefrom, and the business will be conducted under the taraa .1 1 II . l 'r ' ' ' Sf. nrm DV uie auuscriuers. . - X - A G. MoILWAINB, jaat.'- ROBERT"-D. ' McILWAINE.- M. MISCELLANEOUS. . jpfeospifjTus op; i The ClauxGh : Intelligencer ! ' HlHB UNDERSIGNED PR0POH; .t TO PUB- , h aosjh. UUi Ultr f tU.iK .u att Carolina. a weekly newspaper deigned te advance the interests 01 toe js.piseopaj unurjeh at the South, and te disuse uuuuigenee concerning its labors and iU progress. Ia this enterprise, he has reason to hope for the approba tion, and to some extent the aid ef the Bishops of Ten. nessee, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Flor. ids, South Carolina,' Forth Carolina,' Texas, and the Missionary District of the Southwest.- - In eaeh of these dioeWa he expects to have a resident eoatriHntor to the columns or ais journal, vh shau give information te its readers of any event f iatamt eeewing la the din. Hei to'whiohthe writer beloncs. i ? sfcj- j xae nenents or saea a saner, a well eons acted, will Uawknowtedjradte be great, wheal it is reenlleeted that ia au tneee oooeses Just enumerated, ennsatutint in l.. ..1 - iV.k 1 J - f I ; M"f"wn mituiy auu rapiaiy growing mmjuv-v there is net a single newspaper expressing the senti ments and re sordini the eontempniaaeoas- hiatorr of the Spiaoepal Churcbyiatwhat Is known by its eletw Ry aad people nrtog in this extensive and prosperous region oa these subjects is gathered mainly tVota news papers published at raneCs points at the: North in which the interests of these die noses and toe especial duties, of the eaarehavsa therein are onnaratrreiy ob scure and neslect smbieets. In the meantime the principles, the past history and present eondition ef .the enurcn are often misrepresented la that region 01 coun try and still more frequently misunderstood, and there is no organ and ao Opportunity by which, publicly and effectually to refute such niispresentations and correct sue a mistake. "- ,',. By means too of a newspaper tn these dl eses, con ducted in a religious spirit and oa judieica principles, the members of the' church might be assisted not only in the general improvement of their spiritual state, hut especially la the performance of th . ties imposed upon them, by the eonstitu in the southern country duties whieh the hearts of many of them. It is furthermore intended to enrich the columns 01 the paper with as many as possible of t iose treasures of thou eh t and learn in z wbioh the Periodical reli gious literature of our mother-church is now so anun- dantly pouring forth and to give occasional views of the state of religion and learning on the continent of .Europe. But there is one subject closely connected with the highest welfare of the South to which it is designed that this paper shall give solicitous attention. It is the realisation of the magnificent idea of the' University of the South at Sewannee, and in order there to the dissemination of intelligence concerning it, and the issue or appeals in its behalf. Designed then M tbe contemplated paper is to effect objects so important and so beneficent, the undersigned confi dently hopes: to reoeive-the active aid of his b ethren of the clergy and laity in tbe southern country. It is In tended to give the paper the name of tbe Church In telligencer, and to issue the first number,, if possible, early in Marco, I860. ; Its terms will be two dollars and a half per annum payable te advance-. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates, and a liberal discount made for standing advertisements.. The paper will he sent free to any clergyman who will forward the names and the subscription price of ten subscxiDers. ttiCMKY Jf. UJiKHN, i Presbyter of the Diocese of N. C. We approve of the publication and circulation of a newspaper for tbe purposes and on the principles set forth in the Prospectus of the Church Intelligencer, and we cordially recommend it to the clergy and laity of our dioceses, designing ourselves to make use of its columns for the communication of intelligence to them. ' JAS. IL OTBY, Bishop of Tennessee. . LB0NIDA8 POLE, Bishop of Louisiana. STEPHEN ELLIOT, -' Bishop of Georgia.' N- H C0BB8, Bishop of Alabama. , WTLLIAM M- GREEN, Bishop of Mississippi. JAS. H. RUTLEDGE, Florida. THOMAS F. DAVIS, Bishop of South Carolina. THOMAS ATKINSON, Bishop of North Carolina. . HENRY C LAY, Miss. Bishop of the Bouth-West. ' The clergy and other friends of this enterprise are earnestly requested ti interest themselves in pro curing subscribers,-and forwarding their "lists to the Aditor at Kaleigh, Raleigh, December 1, 1 859. . " ANX OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA A Dividend of Four per cent, on the Capital Stock has been declared out of the profits for the last sx months payable to the Stockholders on tbe first Monday in January next. : Also, a Dividend of Fifty per cent, lot the Capital Stock, has been this day declared payable to the stoek holders en Monday the 16th day of January next, at their Uankmg House in this eity. The above Dividends will be payable to the Stock holders at the Jtranebes aa heretofore. Stockholders will be required to hare their certifi cates of Stoek present when applying for th'ir Divi dend. ! C. DEWEY, Agent. deo It t20jan THE CHURCH j INTELLIGENCER. NOTICE. Those who wish to subscribe to the Churrh Intelligencer may find Subscription Lists at the Book Stores of Mr. Pomeroy and H. D. Tur ner. . The terms are 8)2.50. Payable in Advance. dec 51 tf . BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. mEI BOARD OF DIRECTORS REQUIRE I that all aotes of FIRMS to be offered for discount at this Bank or any of its branches have the name of each of Jthe parties written out in full in the body ef the note and that the notes be dated at the place ef residence or tbe. Principal. i By order of the Board, nov 13 2m C. DEWEY, Cashier. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE The dspo TUAna heretofore conducted by me, will from this date he conducted under the; firm of N. F. RIVES A Co- WAB. Joan ax and Josara Cabb having entered into Co-partnership with me. , j JN. JT. 1UYJS9, JO.. AJ. N.jF. RIVES & CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL DRUGGISTS, HAVE and will keep on hand a full supply of a such articles as are usually found in a Fibst Class Dana diobb. They will conduct the business on enlarge and liberal scale, having ample experience, force and facilities for doing so, and hope, by their promptness, (energy . and untiring efforts to please. to secure the liberal patronage Of their friends and the public generally. The Prescription Department will be nnder the immediate supervision of one of the firm, both day and night Orders will he attended to with neatnets and dispatch. . ; , : Jv. aIYKo, Jo.. JJ. , .WALTER B. JORDAN. JOSEPH CARE. Petersburg, Jan. 2. jan t. NEW FIRM. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY FORM ED a Co-partnership for the purpose of conducting a general urocery aad . , . C O MM I SSIO N ? U SINE SS IN THIS CITY, UNDER THE FIRN OF JNO.R. PATTERSON & CO., ) . , They have taken ' the Four Story Building, No. 6 Old Street, directly opposite Sycamore, where they Will keep constantly oa hand a full assortment of Gro ceries, wbioh they, offer a tne lowest marnec rates. ' Orders for Goods wilt Je Promptly Filled. All Ceasigaawata ot produce will have their per sonal attention, and their beet resorts wall be used te get tfte ughest prwes. t ' - , i T iT JOHN JL. PATTERSON A,CO. ip, ATtsasea. . , , DoxvAm johsbtos". u , q .' Fbtxwcbo, Jannarj 1st, i860. .. . f jaa JV .THE AMERICAN ALMANAC, AND RE POSITORY OS. USEFUL RNOWLKDGS FOR THE YEAR 160.? : , ?or sale by ....-!: . f RaWgh, Jan. iS, I860 .? . f j14"3 . at i.' , v'.'-:it wt 41- EDUCATION.: ; WARRENTON FEMALE COLLEGE. WAaannoa, N. 0. .. z '4-. THE SPRING SESSION WILL OPEN ON Wednesday, the 18th of January, I860. Parents are urged to enter their daughters at the beginning' of the Session, as it will eonduoe much to their improve ment to advance regularly7 with their classes., Ja addi tion to our present corps of Teachers, we have engaged an rceomplished Assistant in the Academic and Musis Departments, thus rendering our Board of Instruction more complete andeffioient than ever. - Taaas fob Fivb Months, (half inadvanoe.) Board, iacludins lights, Ac ,-, ... ; 'gflf 60 Wsshing and Fuel, ' " " , .;v 80 English Tuition, 813 50 te It 60 LaunGreek, French, German, Musio, Painting and Drawing Extra. ? . -J .,s.;-"-" The Boarding Department -will be eondaoted in the same liberal manner as heretofore, - and parents may rest satisfied that great care will be taken to seeur. tbe health aad prompts tbe comfort tf tbeir dangh ten. r For Catalogue,-apply to : r ' i . dee 81 swOw ., t . E. B. PARHAM, Pres. WARREN TON FEKALE COLLEGIATE : , INSTITUTE. . THIS SCHOOL WILL COMMENCE THE LAST session ef its 19th Year the 12th of aext Jan uary. The various departments are filled by efficient teachers, of experience, and acknowledged ability. The course of study is thorough, and so extensive as to embrace the Solid and ornamental branches. Board, including washing, per session,' 7 ' - f 60 00 Tuition In regular classes, from 13 SO to It 80 Tuition in Musio and Oil Painting, each, I , . 30 00 F8r further particulars apply to the Principal. dee 14-tlfeb JULIUS WILCOX. Standard and Spirit of the Age please oopy till February 1st and send -account to Jl W. OXFORD FEMALE COLLEGE. - TEACHERS: . t : Literary Department: Jj R. Mills, . ; VAUCHTurn Jfansa, t , Miss M. A. FowLua, ,t . Miss E. J. Baaasju., , . , Department of Flae Artst -Miss M. A. HAastairn, , Departmea't of Mnsie t ' Mrs. E. N. Mills. S. A, Fadcxtt. Expeasee : Tuition in Elementary Braaohes, . US 33 60 it college Classes, Drawing (materials included.) " Painting in Water Colors, Oil Painting (materials included,) Wax Work (materials included,) Embroidery (materials included,) u . u il " iesie (instrumeat zurnlsned, , Board (washing included,) - : t -', j Extra charges aad needless expenses are strictly prohibited. Nec ssary purchases are made by the teachers." Picayune peddlers are not allowed to enter the premises, aad aa pocket money is required. "Remark t The school is supplied with apparatus sumaieat for thorough iavestigatioa aad instruotioa. l r : . The hoarding department is so arranged that the comforts of a home are combined with the advantages of a school v: r Oxford is sitnated on the healthy hills of Granville 13 miles from the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and it connected with Henderson Station by a line of daily stages. ' ' The scholastic year is divided into' two sessions The first opens oa the first Monday in July aad closes ' on the last Thursday in November. Theseoond opens on the first Monday in January aad pluses with 'the Annual Commencement on the last Thursday in May. For admission apply to . J. H. MILLS. dee 10 Otpd , , , . SELECT BOARDING AND SAY SCHOOL . . 70nNa T-ATlTtlflw f it. 1 r r- 9 W":;. THE Misses NASH AND Miss KOL LOCH will re-opea their School oa the 16th of January, 1860, aad close oa the list of May. The "course of instruotioa is thorough, embracing all the branches usually taught in first-class Schools. Tui tion and Board, including fuel, lights, washing, eta $100 per session, payable one-half Ui advance, and the remainder at the olose of the session. - Day scholars, in any of the English classes, l0 : musio on fiano, Melodeon, ',.i...-r--. .--h .Use of instrument for practice, . . Drawing, .: ; . , . .-. ... . , Pastel Painting, f . .. , ...... " Grecian Painting, . j .'" . . French and Latin, each. " ' 20 so . s : IS .10 .10 10 Cirenlars eontaining all aesessary Information wQl he forwarded on application, ; ' ' . dee t 2m . LAW COPARTERSHIP, W. MILLER and WM. J. 8AUNDBRS. HATE FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP . in the practice of -the Law, te extend to all busi ness ia the County aad Superior .Courts ef Wake aad Johnson, had the terms of the rJupreme Court at Ra leigh, all office business aad the collection ef claims. Office in4he brick room .opposite Lawrence's HotaL In addition to the Courts of the above named eoun ties, I s,hall attend regularly hereafter the Superior Courts of Granville, Edgecombe, Sampson, Warren, Halifax, and Wilson and the -County and Superior Courts of Nash and Franklin, and the Circuit Court of the United States at Raleigh. - deoll tf ; H. W. MILLER.' :; DIRECT IMPORTATION! I swt . XBON AND i 8TSXL WARKHOTJBE, ii-t, r-;$ Sit. tn, Bgtmmewi atnmi:1 f , .t- i - Petenaarr, Ta . l GILLIAM DUNLOP Invite the attention ;ol. wholesale dealers, awnfaetarers aad railways to their well assorted stoek of Iroa and SteeL eomprising t : ; Iroa Swedes, RaauaereeVBsflaed, TugUsh, Ovals and Carriage, Horse Shoe, Hoop aad BaaeV y-f-SteeLCast, German. Machiaa, epring, XagUsh and Swedes Blister," f . , . - Nail Rods, Sheet Iron,Tig and Bar Lead." , '-i Importing direct aad deaUng exclusively laatetnl, ' theyteel eoafideut ef firing satisfacUoa. aad respeet- - ; fully solicit a call. . . -' - - - jaa f 1 O fa EXTRA FINS DTfARP PEAR aUUUXRS 49 cents each. .. : ?fSW-a ir ,r a.5 BehNarserma, 1 A 8FARAUTJS 'ROOTS TOlY jmSo :n.H cu per nuBarea. , . . j,u.v9. utaisa, -t. deelOtav: 4Brh,Nurserias; ' HRG1STEK JJLHANAC JTOR 18Qi S Tf.t vTTjT S B MT WiX,lf LS . t 10 11 13 IS 14 vi 8 9 10 11 ulu 14 . 5 15 10 It 18 19 30 31 . j U U 11 18 19 30 31 t ss 33 2 u so vt js g. 32 ft it u 30 at u , - 39 80 31 " " 29 3( U t :: ( . 'i8 - 1 afs 4 v 6 t 8 91011 . 5 t 8 91011 r a 13 13 14 IS 10 It 18 i g It 18 U 15 18 It IS 19 SO 31 33 38 34 3 - O 18 It 31 33 38 34 3ft n g ; 38 3t 33 39 t ; ; 2f 31 38 39 30 81 ; . J " i 111 S -2; a ;t qli if j 4 8 t 8 910 . -.j J 1 4 S t 8 ,ft gUl 1313Ul181t , tUUItUUU t p4 U 19 20 31 33 23 34 t,g U t', f it 20 31 13 s 2 20 11 28 29 SO 11 !: g: 2J 24 IS Jfl 2 38 2 4 V 18":' S 6 t 1 '1 : 8 f 4 '"6 M d. ' S 9 10 11 13 18 14 .5 t S f 10 11 13 18 5 ; U IS It 18 1920 31 S ; iv IS 16 17 18 19 30 -t j 23 23 34 3 38 37 38 II 23 ffi 3424 26 2T 39 30 ' B UM W 31 i ' . - V lfJ 4'S y ' - -a-.l Vf f- 'si V . ' : v 1 f i t i is- 1 In 13 14 U W IT 18 19 swft U I iS 14JI8 10 IT 4, d 20 31 S3 33 8412$ 36 t . It B 3liS3 33 24 i 28 39 SO 31 , , g Si ? ii 1&139 30 s, , ' . , I S , - : v. ,. - 1 ; nntu -. .; j i s ii i :-a' 1011121314,1516 " s4 t U 1 1313141ft If 18 19 30 21 33 33 ." 1' ! 19 30 31 33 g 34 26 16 3f 38 39 30 H S S H A 20 St S8 39 i L 4 j U4 s : - Ih lSilJl - I I t 4 V

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