VOJL f .. . .. . -r J tat- t-k ar. "...'-. : J 9 i -iilW I. ITS iX.VM JSCS! 4 a:ty JM4I tail 63 jtUKi e.rf-.'tww' 1 t.i t-i Sf 8 r.-.' t '-f ; x rff y ..' HJ f-i "ifa r 1? I4t tfttnl iwj it eX !.t. SW tjPsal mf " limit rr'fr-Tfr ' " J ti6 - HKt A 'B I A. WVM IrW A. ,IBI LM i iiS I i : .-J r,B . irj-VIJ'S av iv ic V:1 r 1 I If . 1 1 ? ".,11 . U . -mM I ..... J , I 1 1 Vt I . -i-'-'I lwowr tx iMfis5i lit nswaeai.i va' hU " A n aaaam' - m. ii i i, v i- i .1 r 1 1 k ij ii r sr ; atjr tc: iik tiriii- n Ai ;i j na-taauasi rim a . THE. BY JOll2lsir - STMB, teiuAm.ule in mdTsnce, or (3 60, tf tJjatttW Bales CJLTer"lBg 1 ih lCTi-Treeily 1 tqittrtBttmottl" i-ji- A M 1 u) . . . I fr r7 lwrtx Mtac or. r Ainu ufwum mn iaMTtio after firft. Aanaal dvrtiMn M IBM IM MOT nm direte4 to b iaMrted ImtaeWeeklr Jtecisteri ' :.i . . ad for rrcy nnrJiin iaawtfaM, . 14" . 1. j i- m. 1 J IkMrtod ia, .ithw .Uw ,Weklj or Bmt-Wmi&j cUt "J1 f tmlv UtobUii for fit ia both vaaoMif a aa -aaa at aa moo at Magar BUSINESS CAJIDS. i . BANK AGf!lf CY. EOB MINT TXAB8 I HAVB BEEN BNOAGBD la th Baak Agoaer . gaWgPiaoaaata,aakiag rnwalt for aonont at a diataaoa, and aakiBg remit taaoaa, witboat a lots of Aollar, ' Far Smmll CapeaatlaBf ' from oaa to t&to dollar, aeeording to ataoaat My taaaka ara daa t taoo who hmm heretofore employed jm, and I aroariM to try to dwui r the patroaaca of aU who aaad aaoa arrioea. Saiaraao to all ta Baak Ofieera. BOT IS 3m LKW18 : RCS. WtUUiOlf 4t AXFBIBND, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, AaaeoZm ta CktmiemU, Pmin., Dy Stufm, Oilt, 4. v 8yeaaore, opposite BoUiagbroak 8traa . PETERSBURG, TA, . tr. a. Viixaoa , vou GROCERS' AKD COMMESBIOir SCEBCHABTS Peterakart;, VaW ' H. MARTI, BOH & CO - BelLWAITCE SON A C., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Sycamore and Tbh Street, a. a, acitwAOic, Petanirf , Yu a d. adLWAnra, I , - a. Cilu ) ' t HI 1 r h. pord, f . DXAtSB lit . .y ALSO,, : . irf?' ' FINDINGS FOR vs. - Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. . No. 30 Bo41iac;brelr fltrvet, ' '! ) PETER8BUBO, XT A.' :' tr l-4y- v , ; D01VNA9S & JOII5STON, . grocers and commission merchants. Feterabara. 'BaW'-" Jal-ly. r DONNAHdkCO . COMMISSION merchants, i i-iy W. ROBERT ATTTJILDWS, FayetteriUe Street," ' (On dour above AcexaruUr Grtech' a.) . ft ' , "KAtKOH, Ni C. Ktft ODtanUy oa hand a lelert aseortment of Family Grooxriee, Wines, Liqaors, Zobaoeo, . Ci gars, . s ' jan 14 RALEIGH ANp GASTON RAILROAD t BAllMa, Nortmbof 1st, IBM. ON ' AND AFTER THia " DATE" THE MAIL Traia oa the Raleigh aad Gaatoa Railroad will taaaa follows ' Lear Raleich daily at ., A. M. Arrira at WoMoa daily at II A. M. Laaea "ffaldoa daily at 1L AvM. j. Arrira ai E.laigh dally at MO, P M. ly '' ' ' - "P.'A, DUNN, Saoi. ,ii .Mil ma.fi im t .Ii , FALAV -: TRADE 1859. I AM NOW . RECEIVING MY FALL AND Winter npprf Bowte, iMei aad altera, af all kinds for Ladtee aad GeatieiBeB, seteetod by atysalL all of which at warnated te wear wn. ' - : .1 .i H. A.DEPKXN.i? 4LS0, RECEIVED THB-LARGEST AND Wt aasortmeat of Freaai suia Aaaerieaa kAaa,Jl of which will be madaap tot Boots aad Shoe, U, the beet etylfof my paro.: Thank- t ivr pan larors, x souan a aoaunaaaoa ot th saa "BTAKE COUNTY COURT C?V FLEAS 2?."- fcaajaB, '""-V liases, ruaoaiaaeeea Weartoa:!Caa. that mrTwi iuH cnut, n sgtrftart UuBMaliear snTi iTIu a ' 'l; ?Tf 'MTT3 '!J.1Crt Baaa7ieUIaigB, en the trd Meagay af IMMtu, w pieaa 10 or aaswap bbm patittaa, r fadnaavMaw eonfaM wiU a easarad, aad tBTVa-aClwA P- ' '! 4't . ,-iMawjE omoe trd Monday ef-Verearaaty A. D., 186. - in; fobl 6w. j THQMASX UTLEY, ClarkV "R lWS!f!BU-I AND SMOBEDBEET kit. Cod , reeeived thk Jan 14 j p lintvatHvj ;.; - mm! 8 00 V .J'' -'"-'.: i-. - ?.-rtf' - i ' , A. WMTTAXER'S. i u wwiw uonr ; u trlea natal. 2 l 1 S pat Bhhm.1 Kanf MtfloaL Ul' W. -Py ftrietattaaflaa da tealaaai: aad itiroawt romittaBoas Bado., . J , 4 ; j .wpwuatiy Bouenaa. ' ; Refer to Momn.AT.iWtwthm ar-rrtm- ' BopUmaw 1, 1859-tf SEEDS, ' -r L-iL.rb!!lr:Bwi if-'.ffT'.'B -iO!SiS ASS'S BkaeUwr Raleigh, If. C. Larn BCAHIUwit; j:t1 Brova. j t'Baab or 8aa 6bori 0KRA-- ONION " . ' EarlT lis Weakj or Sarir iIlTrSBk.d2 or v-:.-yaKoj'",-',4j V ?B arfa-TotfoStoae-.brg;-f, V J Lara Bed Wethers- Topi or Button, IHuta,TaUoar (a,) , - Larga Bad, ur , ; Rod, (extra,)-is.:? ; Bad Bpaoklad Talawtoa,! '"ar-BadMafaawji ; jmn BpaaUaft TaWa tin. B.rmc, or! 4r Thoaaaad to On, - - , .Oraaaafry Baaa, mt Bstra.BarlT..Viotoria,i . :- Boj-U Dwarti or Whit KldMT, Early yUow U wek. PAR5LEY Chtaa Bod By, or Barly - ll China, . . ; .Largo Lima, or Battar, Carled, or Doable, Kaiir. or Sinjd. 1 . CaoUnaSw,r8ab,1 ffiorar. "N BEET-' S$?y-Lm UdwCrajmad, fred..) ladreth't Extra Early, Long Bd, (rod,) -Silarian, or Soger, , Mangel WarUel,' Early OvaagB dno do. Half-laag Blood. Tranoli Amber Barer. Early; FraatojT'.jj " do, Washington, ! do. May,e, j .i.-dail CbarJtaa, i . Bishops Dwarf Prolt&e, Dwarf Blae Imperial, ' Boyal Dwarf Marrowfat, - BlaePtUffiian, ; ' Early Champion o! Eag- z land, ' 4 Larga White Marrow- : fat v' ' CABBAGE v ' AairiT LBWia 1- 6.1 -- -ii taadreth'f Largo Toil Eerly PorarrLoef. ." " do. Battaraea. ; ; do. " DromBead, ' ' Gran Cvrlod SaTdyV ' PBPPEB r ! ' Large, Pweet, BalLahap. - Tomato; aFlat, ' -Charry,;; 1 CaTonn, or Loax.1 ' Large Drambaad Baroy, Bad Vmlii, not pt"- - Large Late Drumhead, ;Flat Dafch, ! Green Glased, K Mammoth. PUXPKIN ' Common Fie I d, or Cheese, , Mammoth.'' CARROT v Jjoog Orange, Early Horn; ; Altringbaia. or Field, , Larga Whita, or Field RADISH . Long Searlet Shot-top, Long Salmon, 'WJute Taraip-Too'ed, .- TeUow- : "xi Snmmer White. CELERY Whit Solid,: Red do. , CORN fPHtJB AW B OR PIE Begreea Sugar, Sweet or , do. Early Ctoada, do. York, or Adam earlT, Tseearora.' PLANT SALSIFY OR OYSTER j - PLAirr SOUASH- Early Bash or Patty !Pan. Early Apple Bash, or Bush Crookmck 8am . warn, ' ' ' Dvtoh Swmmar BeaBop, . .whita,- Dateh Summer Soalldp, yollaw, CAULIFWJWBB i Y Early AaiaUc, ' Lata Dutch. GBA88 " - Broenoti, Larga, Parple) Capa, Larga Watte Capa. CUCUMBER- r Whita Sptoed, Extra Barry Baartaa,' Early Frame, or Table, Short Priekly. " ; T Early Green Clutter, I do. Fraaaa, '. do. Short Green,, . i Long Groan Torkey, ' i do., do fKaene'i.1 f nYalparaiso, or Porter. 1SPINACM-S'' Roaod Saroy laaead, Priekrr Peed. TOMATO OR LOVE AP PLE Urge "Red, Large Yellow, Pev-shapoC, h. TURNIP , , , Sman Gherkin, tor pick - Early Flat Dneh, Strap. . leared, Bed-tapped, Strap-lear. MS, 1 . i e . EGG PLANT-"-; I , Large Porpje, Barry 'do. ,T LETTUCE . P arga Wolif, Large Globe, Yellow Aberdeen, Scotch YeHow, , ' Rate Baga, or Swedish. Early Curled, or Catl Salad, Barry Cabbage, ' Browa Dateh, ' Royal Cabbage, latperfcl, ' 'r Philadelphia Cabbag, Cnrled India, or lea, WhHe Coos, "' Green rdo. MBLON Ward'i Nectar, Pine-Apple, or Pertiaa Hera seeds. Lerendef, ' Lemon Balm. BesemarT, Sarory, Rommer, winter, Sweat Basil,' : Marl Skillmaa's Fine Net Thyme, tled. Peaohwood, (extra fltejj ' Grass Heeds. BytbePonnd Carolina Water, Moantaia Spout Water, Dndley,i . or Mountai bite Dutch CWer, baeeraa or French, Blae Grass, r u u: x Sweat, New Oraaae. Citraa. for bimnim " ' CaaarySead. V.. And a great rariety of Seeds not included in tots adrertsment. t . . jan 21 BU WAWAY '9 IXTXT WEAKEN CP AND COMMITTED TO THE JAIL 1 of Davidson eoanty, V. C , who sayt his Omo is Hanry, and that ha belongs to Jsckson1 Strong, of Rockingham county in this Stet. Paid boy is aboat years old. A feeVf Anohes th, and weiaks about 140 lbs.. The owner of said boy is hereby notified ta eomo forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. . ,i?Jfc D. HAMPTON, Lexington, Kept 18 tf I Sh. rJ. GREAT ATTRACTION AT ROSENTHAL '.-.A POJa.EJp, 7 Wae a FmvotttaitU SC'mmd Market Square. Ui v? m4amM BMH aft IMMENSE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING I prices Cheaper ihkh' eyer before i moi JL aam ally that SUBSjCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO amis lerhstl Maadet aad h aaalie rener- ly that they have aww ia store the largest and best READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GEN- TLEMBN'S FURNISHING GOODS, that they aver had tha plsaaara ff exhibiting, and as their paranasal weretoade npoahe' uost advaataga eas.ternav they prndn theaMarras Af sail apea, tha aheapeat possible terms. .They, invite atteatioa par. tiealarry te thetr spleadid assortamatoT "" Ftea Oaallemenl Dress and Freak Coats, ! BsvFreajm4Sa0va m -toextedX Cll Pants, Faaey Silk Velvet, Sattei ami Cassimar Vests. Cheaf CtotUag e sverxesaripttoq aad ftnll prtoaf. xiaia, vapa, awok eaim MBtieaa, atew mat aa aaaa aaality to tha Uwast prtea, Ahwgvetoak efahaaaaad rabstsfttal Negro Ctethlag, Aad, ia ta ewtTy tUnk ttat-aari h4 desired fog Gas. ttmfn'i rtsT m"' fu r'i '" Vt earnestly aeUrtt saw Meads to call aad exaeama mlaat Is nit j to thdtntorest aTan elasaes to toy at as. m mw -jwsaaiBAb iTVUbfi" r sap IT Coraat fAyottoviH Si and Market Souan STUNB-GOLO JBWlXBreTIlB 'tirft- J-aMJRIBRB has-ntstorsa apfeadid aaawrtmatf asBBraUa;'sT artsty of -tvlst f vatwai ot Brooohea. Breast Pin. Ear Rings, iJraealetfcTJngee Rinrs,LjK dish Aa4 weiOatBVatch ChainrnoiljVni Peas? Caff PtosV liniaaare Loekate; Gold Thitthkaa. Ae. TmTR IK aov t i CB. BOOT. -t- " ww. "i"!)' T f K. aW a. ww ' V oa Seviac Maebiaaal -9.aiiaL; 10 aaa i teL tiaadfor go4, wwTJ i - arkwd taatlly Ma, Mnu-mvnaBtaac'aaTa'iawoiwceu " . . S J J . v A Bw Strja,, working -ia aad aiaklng tta t amtltob thengh ,a Jiigh&yUieJ lr"-v-' - simelieil jya-fiN MEnuTALlM inn....M. tn hmV. ndlaaesnK'Sa ! chsrrid)rAOBe Zander sido: ;thr ooonomyi of. fabric, ha rendered this 'ia moit aseful and popa Jar Family Maehiaaaow' madiTt'f i'","1- V i- Wo aire instmtioM rreo of charge, to enable pari Bhasor (4porat the maohiaea sooeeesftilly.--' Aa examination of the anirersally , approred' afai ahlaoaia respeetfalry solicited at anr office, orer D. C. Mormy'sDry Goods St6ra.- 1 f wrM-Wi . WARREN A STEWART - BICHHONDrAifXXv FTlRSBirR& Alt -...v... iVROAD-.-- wf-. . t i. -. ! mi laam'Jwf'iftafceWr-'! THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN "RICH MOND AND NORTH CAKULIN A. i . ROM THE Tla TJAlT dF MARC If tJN s aa 1M af 8avtember aoxt. tk FreHtht aad AeoomatodatiOB train on thta'foadin Taare aUch jnond and.PeUrsbarg .MoadayWodneaday and Friday, at egkt o'clock, A.M., instead pf alna o'dockv ;a beforar"' ; ' : . -f . ArrangamenU'naTa Den tnade B fbf ooituny for the prompt and, petaal forwarding aad detiTary bf all prodaee, gnodit, or btbarartkslos of freight designed for .traaaportatMn althar way, between Rlehmond and points between Petarsbarg aad Raleigh; Bidgaway; ..Greensboro', 8alisbary aad Charistta, North Carolina,' at Uw rates, withoat aayeharge, for fbrwardtng, stor age, Ae. ; All anew artieles Seat to Riehmoad, akeald bo ooosigne4aad plainly marked " T th ear Of th Freight Agent of tha Richmond aad Petarsbarg Rail road, at Petefsbnrghy-whom they, will Va promptry lorwvded.. A to, rates of tolls on the roads foath ft f etershn'rg (which they toqnire to be prepaid as far aa Raleigh,) information aay ha: had at tha Depot of Ahls Company at Richmond.., s. ; ? v f ' f " ' ' T. H. WYNNE, Snp'fc- OffieeR.4 P.R.R. Co., Jnly55,185f. Jnly 0tr. ' THE ONLY ARTICLE UHBITAltE D J IN B1RK E T, i ' wrra urtxasx HOME AND -EUROPEAN DEMAND. The reason why, is that by Natnr' own proeess t restores the aataral color penaaaoatly after the hh- feeeomes gray rappUee tha Caataral aada, aad thus makes it grow en bald heads, removes all den4raa. Itching and heat from the toalp, quiets aad tones ap t 14 arya, an teas cares all aerrous BaMaen, ana isy be relied upon to core all diseases af th scalp I nd hairj it will step and keep U fro falling off; take ittot, glony, JmUtkf and heamtiful, and if nsed '. y the young two, or three time week, it will never f ill or beoome gray; then reader, read the following nd judge Cur yourselves : sj ? y : ' Nnw Yoait, Jan. 8,185$. t .-MESSRS , O WOOD A CO-GehUomenHari. ' g heard a good daaT about ' PWfeesor Wood's Hatr b torn lire, and my hew being quite gray, I mad ap y mind to lay said thaprejadi ' which I, ia com on with agreal uaay persons, had agaiBst all mini . t t of patent medicines, aad short tioa ago t jeeaar tr .encedasieg your article, to test it for myseit -; i . i. ; Th reealt has been so very aatismoiory that I aat iTj glad I did so, aad ia jaatiee to yon, a well ai fb i taeneoaragaoiaat'i othert whaBtay boas gray at t as, but wb4barlBgmypreiaioowithoamyreasonf i -r setting it aside, are anwilling to give yonr Retera. j re trial till they Imv farther proof, aad tba aeet t oef Jbeing aoeaiar aamoaatsatioa, I writ yoa this tter, which yea may show any wh, and- also dif i xt them to nie for farther proof, who am ia aad eat i t Aha N- Y, WiM Railing Eatahlkhment every dayi My . hair ia now its natural eelor aad mh improved I I appaaranea avery. amy, being -glassier and thfekof 4 mooh wore braitoy loasJog. i3 c ..-r- ; ...i '- .:' . v"! nuanni 'aauip. , Cox. Oolambia and CssroU am, Brooklyn. i ... i . J t LiriRflsiox, AlaVehj'lVlWS.! I Prof. Woon Dear Sfr : Tour rjatr Restorative bsi t eae much god ia this part wf the eonnrry: My hair I as been Slightly diminishing for several yeAra,' eaase4 aappoas from a ilhjht bum when I was quite aa ini nt. I harn bean nsiag yoar Uair Reetnratire for sit. t.eeks and I, find" that f, hva a Ane head af Aair aow 1 rowing, after having need all other ramaiHas tcaolfnj I no effect. I tbik it the most valaabl remedy bow ttanV' and' adrite all whor ars, afflioted .thAt , way A t.your remeiT. . , , i - Yon can pablish this if you think proper,.,- Yours, Ao, .. T .S. W, MLDDLETON.J - PBuosbnu, Sept. t, 185. Prof,, Wood Dear Sit t, Inr Hair Restoretire Ii V'oring itself benefioial to as -Tha frat aV atao 1 1 back part of my bead almost lost its covering was in l act bald, x nave oaea dui ivo sur pui ooi lies of yonr Retteratito, aad bow tbo top of my bead 1 well studded with a promising crop of yoaag hair, and the fr-nt is also receiving its. benefit. I hra tried itther preparations without any benefit whatever I think from my own person! rjcominenda'ion, X can Induce many otner to try ir. " Yours, respectfullly, D. R. THOMAS, M-D ' No. 44,'VIne atraat. The Restorative r pat ttp fa oVlel of three slies. ,'Ui larre, medium and small j the small Holds one- naif a pint, ar d retmils' for- Mie dollar -per botte : the Baediuss hold at least twenty per cent, mor in propor tion than the small retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart, '0 per eent more in proportion and WetaUs for ihre dollar a. bottle.- O. J, WOOD A Co., proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, $t Louis, Mov, tV ""af Soin ' Y.4j.L.,.eooB Paceaiara.aJio Jakct Geona DKataas. '.' ", , , aofl0-3m , the.;.., ',:.;, 3 . . CONFESSIONS ' ANDeXPERIENCE vr ' t T'. ':I::CT.iIM'?y 40&&&' BTh E3IGNED FOR THE BENEFIT, AND AS If waramgaadaeasdieato'thowwho suffer from Mobility, in4igastion,iowaai ef spirits, Bnaat of atep, premature assay, Aa (a- cnaaaqaeaeaWBsafal improdene,- tha kaefal habit of saifHibasa.) At th aame time feinting ant eartsM mmm of oelf-amr. By ana who has safiered frOnthA above a ass, and from wdepleoed .eonndanes in media' J hn;mbugBd qoacbery.' 5 Singto'copias seat (poat-tre) on the reoatpt ar a stamped envelope, bearing thaaddrcs i ortne Addraaj. NATTt AnT!EL' m'ATTAIR, EsqCj' awslwrta tBedfofd, Kiags eoanty, N. r. pOODIAT WHOLESALE.... M-w2Srft,i,,2 H 1 Lardy wd ym-""1 - Ctaekersi ..!' A,.--'- . Ceffea by the saek, ee- f. i . ai. tirdyUekB& ,; :Pftoda '1 Sf ''XewaasrwViBmWit 50" yjm iisajwmesr ai.a..JABL . ava ia i Vote Adamantine rlsfT . f raelbaM Soetota UarrlagaAr j y fyesaajs.Blaagi r'ii:'-hr 'airVaftr JlHaaA.K W-'Aicok fTnE AH ERI CAN ALMANAC, A flE-. 1 OY-'4 I BatmghjWtaUfi 7' rr --v. lllAL 'ESTATES &C.f TttA0BIirfARY,vtAIJCT10NTALg X!d f Caaal and Water Power AtbTowa 1 ef al4oftj Noith fiawa Jtt oonforaity .with per musion graniea ny reoent .acts r tha, MgisUtare of Virginia, and North Carolina, the Roanoke Narigatioa Company Win on the liUi dar of Anril. 180. In the f Town; af ' Weldon,i;prK)oeoI to s bj aacrloneir t Canal aad4 Water Power, at and Wear the said Town of f Watdovia aa State af North- CaroUna.' 1 Th prop. I artor aoasists of na Canal abont lrht miles ton r. be- 4 fianicgatthehaad af th great &11 of th Roanoke i aad terminating at thfbot aff tke aaiaa. ia the Town ,4 at Weldoa, ' Alsoanother eaaaLhre ,mUabTe th saiae and .one-foanh. of my lftBgia which there, is aU of eight feet, and Js arooad fiaton'a fan.'' With these Canals, wU be told an the Lndson the margin of. the fame, : belonging tn th Soan-ke Company, with air.iU prirneges and properties be-' ween the towns of Bastba and Weldoru icludnir IkA AqaadwjteiltiB Sites, and-f otner thing tnereto appertaining . Tki. property Is aemed of Tare Thse, aai1 ants a fiU of capital aad -enterprise wjthnafr- aaggrigr ia the Soatbern eoantryi There is iaUtf,OTe aixhtr feas. aadtha Tolnme of 'araiar f tha rirer 14 ft same as pajwaajoxar th ialk of James I Rarer. , Weldon is tha, focus of four nnn..Mn. 1 aeeting It wid'RichndieWJ?--w "8 ao WltB ,WUminn i is in ceoue i , an eioeea iflgly prodnetire country. ' An abundance of cotton is grown la' the neighborhood to- snpply the demand of extensfre botton maonfaetoriee The lower Roanoke region is preaaroiat for its production of corn, and th ppr for itawhat, with which Weldon is connected by taunad aad rirrnagatioa.- - Pnrcfaaser are in yited to xaaun tab property, and Mr, Bass, residing aear Weldon, will thaw it ta all whe desire to see it, and will exhibit a map of th same. ' itimis. i , ' Terms of sale wilt be on-third eash, ooe-third in six months and one-third in twelre month, with in terest on' deferred payment, aa is roquired b y the Act of the Legislature bf North Carolina, "-," - . THOS. McGEESE, cfu' li-r,- pyoiy gtata of North Carolina. ' -': W. H. CLARK,' . i ms -: - -vy&tv.-i, - ' Proxy State of Virginia. W. H. WE8S0N, i yi. : A I'-!' For the Stockholders .JSTjThe sale will b conducted bT a.v : j ... :nfW .'.Ptrsbttrt, Va., Who w3L at any time, furnUh all necessary informa tion in regard to the property, either in person or by letter. ' ; '' ' ; ''. " ' : -'Jan '4--wswtd$ci . VALUABLE LANDS. AND TOWN PRO ' V.FERTY FOHi; SALE! , s I OFFER . MY ENTIRE , ESTATB OF TOW Property and Lands in North Carolina, with a view to settle sooth or southwest. . The following is a dei eription of the property : ; ,s ...if MY FORMER RESIDENCE, in the city-of Ra leigh, eontaining of aa acre of land, highly improv ed, aad On of tneatest healthy and eligible lots in ihe eityi a good house, and in good eonlition, six nioe rooms and avery naeessary ont-bouse. ' ' ' Also, two other IMPROVED" LOTS, and S aeres unimproved a to a dwelling hone. Theee ire aeres ar in high improvement, aod will yield 104 bushels of wheat aaouaUy . It situation is suitable to any one that Uvea ia the city, ot for a valuable grape naraery, or dairy 'farm. The foregoing pryprty is all situated ar the Central Depot . : -. J' I also offer for sale 8EVEENTEEN LOTS, jn the towa of naywood, Chatham eonnry. ' One of these has a good dwelling house with ix room and out nouses ; aa othar has a good tor noaaa, la good order upon it th other lots ar anim proved, some of them beauta- nl baildiog let. :- ' ' ' c I also offer for sale the followinr real estate, te-wiu MY .PLANTATION, half a mile from KtetreU'e Springs, eontaining about 400 aeres af land, wHh a new and handsome dwelling bona apn it, with .Ave good room and two amalaparunenta, used as eloaota, This land is very superior Tobacco and Wheatland, and jt partfenlkrry invnends itself to these who are la need of a healthy situation. . '. I win also sell my NEW HOTEL, sia baad-ed yards from the celehrsted Klttrcll's Springs, with four aeres attached, aad ooe hundred and eighty acres of land attached aad running down within two hundred yards of . thee Springs. The 18 aeraa of land I am aathoriMd to seu by r'-WMr, liKBKM STANTON. Upn these lands, neatO Springs, are several bean tiful bnildioa: sites for private residences. The Hotel has a basement dininx-room the entire lenrth of the honse, 42 feet, and six large and convenient rooms, all well furnished for private and pablio purposes, a good Vtobea, aad And of th tnst free-stone springs of water Bil&e state, verycoavenieBt. H-nv-iasoyl OBor aty AllHjarTAX MILLS, to War. ran eoatyren aad a half miles from Ridgeway. 172 aa of land is attaehed to thee Mills, and the en tire l.traotof land ia equal, to any ia Warrea for Tobacco Ana n neat; ew aorei ot tana la new grouoa, eat down for the next crop ot Tobaooo, sad about 40 buahels of Wheat Neded, which X expect will yield me from 400 to 800 bushels ; a fine yoaag A pple nd Peaeh Orchard, Grape' Nursery,' Ae. The Mills need no reoommenda- Bon, having been acknowledged to yield the best qual ity , o eqaaV of Floor, o. any Mills ia the State. fjpan this mad is a mineral spring, equal by best of aaalyaia toKittrell'a Spring, several aorofnla eases haviag been eared the past seafon.VTh Mills will yield aa annual eleer inoome of $,M0 par year, by 5 roper attention, aad Leave made 18 or 20,000 lbs. of obacco fxom the arm this year; so thoss wishing inch property will do well to apply soon. The traetof t land can be added to if desired. , AU th property of fered ia in improving and ' desirable aoettoa of the State," and all that la necessary for those wishing to purchase any portion of jhta property offered, is to ad dress ue at Etttrelfs Depot for farther particulars, or viH ma at that plar aad enquire for terms, 6. : dee 24 sw2m WAT Ti COLLINS.1 LAND FOR SALE. i THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE A ValuabI tract of land in tha Southern part 01 Wake County, immediately en the stage road from Raleigh to Fayet'eviile, and within 16 miles of Raleigh, eontaining 900 acres. Said land is nearly all in native ft rest-pine, aad has aboat four crops of Terpentine boxes o and is within a very short distance of two goad saw mills. There is on this land an excellent : dwelling honse, containing five room's a piazaa and four fire-pis ees. . The baildiags are near th road, and j the diataae from any town, makea it a mostaxoellent j stand, both for a store, and house of entertainment Thelandhasa light and free soil, and produces corn and , cotton finely; and in the low grounds of the branches ; ana ereeaa on wmcn ii itcs, tnere is an abundance a mud aad muck for composting when the land shall need it U I will sell it cheaply, having no use for it, but enough besides. Terms made to suit the purchsser. ddrea, T90. G. WHlTAKEW. .jaa 28 iC , Middle Creek. N. C. TOWN PROPERTY FOR, SALE I i I 'WISH TO SELL PRIVATELY THE FOL LOWING property in the City of Raleigh, rial' . .. 1st. The HOTEL at the corner of Wilmington and Martin streets, formerly occupied by 0. L. Bwrch, and atpresent in the occupancy of H, L Winton. -This Hotel is admirably located, and .commands : a large share of transient and permanent emtom, , j ' Sd.' The two STORE HOUSES fronting at Market Squar, one occupied by E. Rosenthal, arc Clothing Store, which also fronts on Fayettevill Street, aad th other in the occupancy of A. Adams a a Urooery. TMse stores are situated iu a positiO) which cannot fail to eommaad aa extensive patronage AL Two DWELLING HOUSES, one onWfl Biingtoa Street, oear the Capitol Square, ' it" preset '' occupied by Mr. Tant, and formerly the property i Wiley Johnson, and the other situated ia the. ess tar part of tha eity, near Mr. Eldridge Smith'a -; --. fe Th abova piupoitr will be sold on terms to suit an I perioa who" may wish to purchase. For fuxther infor atation,app'y toMitta & Bnow, or fe t -sep- IN-ly SAMlV ROWLAND. -OAVISN OBIjE & CO. ImpiilrteTh Sclbbexa of . t .-. - .. 6 RKADE STREETf 4 Ifew Yark, "JbCBAyli, 4'i-.' .wav wmi?i'- saaaxwAjTB- BtaiMT, aaTi"f - " i a.-, cwaaraxti. ai w Jan 21 ewlai; OTICE.--THB PARTNERSHIP OF M ILWAINE, SON 4 CO, havinr expired 1 tation, Mr. ROBERT R- HILL retires thersfrot aad he business will h . eoadoctod aadar the aaa j Si ill k, tha IimiIIi. i . : .-, .., , i A. G. MoILWAINB, 1 tea T. ROBERT D. McILW AINE4 T5 - jmapm1- i A. M. BININGBR: SOtilMPCMirfs, No. 831 BxoA.nwaX. hT. V. VtlUt DELICIOUS TONIC SPECIALLY ..designed for the two of h Jtfedioal Professica aad' J wnTcn-BeTdnfe- 'an OLD iitoe ore, Tin business ;of manof&cturmr spurious gins, and off-ring them atf be.verages, under the- titles, "Aromatic," " CorffinsT ' Medicated, ttt., has become so common, that the public are lastly 1 suspicious of nearly eye: irvthinr that i- offered nader i 'similar form, and aha trade has -tout been Drought into uurepu'e. . xt naareaaotned for ear house (established in 1778) to supplj the pressing popular ned, and to inaugurate a neto era in the history pf the Trade. We trust' that our established reputation founded upon eighty years of experiedce--abundantly vindicates our claim to pabtie confidence. . ';..' ' ' ; n i . ' N. B. 'A comparison of tBinlhger'el Old London Dock Gin" with others hedrtn; similar tames, will es tablish its superiority, and make other caution unne cessary. - 4- 5-;-i:V:. - I- ' Put up in Qnart Bottles, in eases oT one and two dosen each, and sold throughout the world by Drug gists, Grocers, etc . i' riKi' !. i 1 Druggists and Pealers supplied with: Wines uidiBraadiea, direct from United States bonded Warehouses. The above GIN may be had at 44 Drag Store of WILLIAMS. HAIWO0D, n;c-r i dec 17 8m ' FAIRBANKS S T A N D A R D ; S C A X. E S I ' Adapted to every branch of bnsiaeaa, where a correot and durable scale i required. Scales for Railroads, 'Seales for Miners and Coal Dealers,' ' ' Warehous and Transportation Seales,'; , Portable and Pormaot Scales for Stores, ' Scales for Onthm and Floor Dealers, Counter Seales ef aU descriptioua, f All of which ar varraoted in every particular. For sale at Nfw York price, delivered ia; Petersburg, Ya.,by GILLIAM DUNLO, ; - ' , Petersburg, Va. Agenfs for Fairbanks A Co, New Ycrh. ! jan 4 3 in , C HR1 S T M A S - C 0 M ES ; 6 U Tf &NC E . A YEAR! T UT WHOT iT7i0R COME,! THIS SUBSCRli JJ BER is always prepared for iu. lie bag just laid in a large of STOCK. OF fOODSJn hi line, embrac- Toys, of all descriptions. , j, . Fresh Candies, in grett variety. ' Fire-works of afl kinds. V - Fresh Baked Cakes, of"ilf:xind. . . Brandy Peaches, Apples, Figs Raisins, land, Indeed, almost everything thai canVbe railed for in the way of Fancy Goods Confeotiodarles, Ac. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR TfiE LITTLE ONES! i I in great variety and of much beaut. ' Come one 1 Come all! ' Ij Both Great and Small, if At FRANKLIN'S call, .i : and if you cannot be suited with his stock you need not try elsewhere, that's all. - .;: JT. B. FRANKLIWI Agent, dee 21 Opposite Lawrence's Hotel. NOTIC E--TO WHOM IT MAY CON CERN. HAVING LOCATED IN THE City of Raleigh, I take this opportunity to inform the Pablio generally, that I am prepared to make con tracts for pablio or private Bsildinga,; in any part of the State, , on the most favoerbie terms, i am slo prepared to furnish' Granite in its rough state for Building or other purposes, or dressed to order in any shape required, at reasonable rates. Orde-s for Stone addressed to, me through the run umce, box. aav, or leu m caraoi James rnnici, who will act as my Agrnt, will meet with prompt at tention. THOMAS COAXES. ; ijjan 7--3m. Standard copy. 1 Ii LAW COP ART ERSHIP, , RALEIGH, N, C t H. W. MILLER and - WM. I. SAUNDERS, BY AVE FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP IT in the praotio of th Law, to extend to all busi ness in the County and Superior Coorts of Wake and Johnson, and the terms of the Supreme Court at Ra leigh, all office business and the collection of claims. Office in the brick room opposite Lawrence's Hotel. In addition to the Courts of the above named coun ties, I shall attend ' regularly hereafter the Superior Courts ot Granville, Edgecombe, Sampson, Warren, Halifax, and Wilson, and the Connty and Superior Courts of Nash and Franklin, and the Circuit Court of the United States at Raleigh. i f: dec 21 tf B-. Wf MILLER. FRESH GARDEN SEED. CROP OF 1859, , E AR ' NOW IN RECEIPT QF A LARGE supply, comprising all the most popular varie- tics. These seed have been tested several years, and have given great satisfaction to our customers, aod we can recommend them with' confidence si being equal to any in the Country. '!" I J January 24th, 1860. , Druggists. ! t jan 25. TNRESH HOPS.CR',P OF11859, IN STORE WILLIAMS f HAYWOOD. ' jan 25 January 2Uh, 160. E A MEKY 600 POUNDS ASSORTED NCM- bera, ef best JCnglish imery. , i ' -. v aw ; ,. . WltLIAMSl HAYWOOD. January 24th, 1860.' ; 'i !" t laU25 TOWN PROPERTY FOR ALE 1 IJtOUR NICE DWELLING AND OUTHOUSES, ' adjoining the Miarionary ChapoL 'i -1 do. adjoining Mrs. L. P Cotton. ,. . 1 do. do. , African Church. 4 I do. do. J. H. Kirkhanu j' l. All in good condition. January; 180. dee 10 tf ' !" . Possession: given the, 1st day W. H. A B. Si TUCRTBB -'' TBOMAS BLLBTT, 1 ...1 of.. .V y JiUktnemd. r. J i I FOMArAX WX18IOXB, , i .'-"formerly of . "' ; ' i7torZtcAtaai Weitiger. EL LETT &, j WEISIGER, yiW SAT A1W CAP STQRE. '' Nov 167 Haia Street - -- Adjoiaiag Messrs. Keaty Paiae A Ce.f -' RICHMOND, MA J 4 Th undersigned invite the atteption of their frehds and th pabli to th AVarg e, Cennplete, Ad WelLBeleeteal, Stock. Hats3asac Sta Straw Goads, Which they have justj.cpned,eiDg assured that they can satiifj tha jsranU of tha mast fastMtoaar. i-i-xv.-- "?;.TA.yl They especially invite aa-examiantioa from Merchants, to whom they can and will . offer indaea mente in regard to extent of stock, variety and price. mar en It ... .(. .T-.. j , - rX' t. . k-LlJ - '--f t . 1 a IHB CNDERSIGNED PR(SP0SE TO PTJB-, H LISH in the City of Raleigh in iWth Carolina,' a weekly newspaper dewgned to adyance the interests of the Episcopal Church at the. South, rand to diffuse iateUigenee e noting its Ubors and its progress. In this enterprise, has reason to nope for the approba-l tion, and to some extent the aid f the Bishops of Ten nessee, Louisiana, Georgia, Miaaiasippi, Alabama, Fr ida, South ,Carolw-Korth Cataliaa, Texas, and the Misgionary District the Southwest.. In each of these dioceses ha expect to hare araaident eontri' ntor to the columns of hs journal, vE", shall give information to iu readors of any event of Interest occoxring in the dio cese to which the writer belor-gs. p- . The benefin'of rtcV'a'pap6rJ jf SfeTJ conducted, will he acknowledged to be great, wheri H iarecpllocted that in all theee'idioe it eaumerated,-eon titu ting .in themselves, atmiahiy and-rapidly- growing empire there' ia not a sineaawapaaer. expteasing the senti ment and icordingthntamprneous history or t.sBtfyiypjrr region on these subjects is gathered mainly from news- J papers, published at remote pemta at. the, JNc.ti in which the Interests of these dioceses and the. especial duties of the churthmen therein are eomparatirely. ob-. aenre and' negleArf autHects; In the' meantime the ehurcb' ire often misrepresented in that region -Of coun try and still more frequently misundevetood, and (here ia no organ and au Opportunity by which, pabHoly and effectually to refnte sucSnlspxeseDteAioas and correct J1 tud P --Byjneans tao ef, a nawspaner in these di eses, eph- ducted in a religious spirit and, on judioion -priaciplos, the members of the fhurch might be assUted net eniy in; the general iraproyenient of their Bpirftsaf state, butespeeially id the performance, of the pecujir du ties impowd upon theni By th rttfsilfxrrton-ofiocijy in'the aoajpicrn country --dutiea whidr lie" very eAr th hearts of manW'of-them.-' " . af-v It is furtkertD6r intended to enrieh the eolanrns of the paper wi'h ae many as possible of fioee trensorM of thought and learning which the jranOdical ireli gious literature of our .mother-church is now so ahua dantlyfouring forth aod to give occasloiial, views of the state-of religion and learning on the eontinont ef Europe. ut'turo 'isoaa s'object ejoAer ;onneted with the highest'welfaVeyof the South' to wliiah it s designed that this paper shall give solicitous attectioa. It is the realization ' ef the Dingfiificent idea 'of the University Fbf -thd -South at' Sewannee, And in order there 'to the dissemination of Intelligence "cOttcetnliig it, and the isjue ofl appeals in its behalf. ' Designed then aa tbe contemplated paper is to effect Objects so ;mportantand so beneficent, .the undersigned xonfl dently hopes t ) receive the active aid of hie b ethrvn of .the clergy and laity in jho souther country? It i in tended to gire the paper the name of the Ch arch 1 n telligencer, and to issue the first number, if possible, early in March, I860, y1; '. V ' C ! if v '. 1 Its terms will be two dollars and a half pe annum, payable ia advance. " Advertisements will be inssrtei at the usual rates, and a liberal disoondt made foi' staodinr adyertiaementa. . ? yf-,A siiK, ! The paper -will be sent free.' to any clorsnrraan' who .wTl forward the names aad the sabscritptton price-of ten subscribers. " HENRY iF, GREEN, i- . . .-t , i Presbyter of the Diocese pf:N.C J ! '. -i ' i !; d'itttH M .'41 . We 'approve of the publication and circulation of A newspaper for the piy-posea and oh Aoejriooipieset forth; id r the Prospettu of the. , Ch urch . in telligenoer, and we eordisHy.recommend it to the clergy and laity of eor dioceses, dsghlng ouVselveg'ttt nAke use of jts columns for tho cukmionicati6n of intelligence' to thetn. i ' ' 'Bishop of enoepoe.0 ' r'.. i K-, .' r. IlBONID AA POLtt, S ; - t.j ,i--:K .Jfiishopref Lohisiani.' U 1,4, . STEPHEN! ELLIOT , , . - i -.-,: Bishop of Georgia; ;'. : . .. x h cobbs,-: '' Bishop of .Alabama.' ' W'Ll-IAM M".; GREEN, Bishop of IftssUsippL JAS. H. ItUTLEDGE, '-'' Florida. THOMAS F. DAVfS, Bishcp of South Carolina. . THOMAS ATKINSON, - , i . Bishop of North Carolina. ; , y, henry clay, .. " '.., ,, Miss. Bishop of the South-West. , ff1 The clergy and other friends of this enterprise are earnestly requested to interest themselves ia pro Coring snHseribers, and forwarding their lists to die Editor at Raleigh. .. ' Raleigh, December 1,1859.' DIRECT, IMPORTATIONS 1 . IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE, ' ' No. 121, SjcamOre Street, Petersburg, Va GILLIAM A DUNLOP invite the attention, of wholesale dealers, manfactirers and railways to their well assorted stock ol Iron and Steel, comprising : Iron. Swedes, Himmered, Refined, English, Ovals and Carriage, Horse Shoe, Hoop and Band. Steel. --Cast, German, Msohine, Spring, English and Swedes Blister. Nail Rods, Sheet Iron, Pig and Bar Lead. . Importing direct ad dealing exclusively In metal, they feel confident of giving satisfaction, and respect fully solicit a calL jan A THE CHURCH INTELLIGENCER. NOTICE. Those who wish to subscribe to the Churrk Intelligencer may find Subscription Lists at the Bonk Stores of Mr. Pomeroy and H. D. Tur ner. The terms are $2.50, Payable in Advance. I dec 31 tf O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Thennuo teadb heretofore conducted by me, will from this date be conducted under the firm of N. F. RIVES A Co., W.B. Jordan and Joseph Care having entered into Uo-partnersnip with me. N. F. RIVES, M. D, jr.- F. RTVES & CO. WHOLE&pE& RETAIL DRUGGISTS, H AVE and will keep on hand" a ful supply of a such articles aa are usually found in a First Class DruO Stobb. They will oondttct the business on alar .e and liberal scale, having ample experience, force and facilities for doing so, and hope by their promptness, tnegy and untiring efforts to please. to secure ihe liberal patronage of their friends and the ' publii generally. The Prescription Department ; willhe under the immediate supervision of t ne of the I firm, both day and night. Orders will be attended ': to with neatness and dispatch.' ' t N. F. RITES, M. D. WALTER B. JORDAN. I JOSEPH CARR. i Petersburg, Jan. 2. " jan 7. NEW FIRM, THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY FORM ED a Co-partnership for th purpose of conducting a general Grocery, and 7? -; OOMM is s ioi'b u s in ess IiCTHIS CITY, UNDER THE PlRN OP JNO. R. PATTEESONJCO., They have taken the Four. Story Building, No. 0 Old Street, directly opposite Sycamore, where tbey will keepeonstant'y a 1 hand a fuU assortment of Gro ceries, which they Jer at the lowest market rates. Orders for. Goods will be Promptly Filled. ' AH Consignments of prodsce- will have their per sonal attention, and their beat efforts will be used to get tha highest prises. f , oJOHN-RJ PATTERSON A CO. J6.' K. PATTIKeK. ' SOWXAHS A JOHN6TO. - " 4 PBTBBSBoao, January 1st, 1860. ' Jan 7. SWAIM'S JUSTICE REVISED. THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practi cal guide to th Laws of th State, aad the decisions of tne espresso v vut, denning toe antics ana junsaicuoa of Juitioes of the Peace, under the Revised Code of i 854 '55, together. with, full instimctions and num erous .tones and precedents. , . v.i-i ;i- Bx EDWARD CANTWELL, Es XL. B., r l i M : ft?: -' CoaBseOer mt Immmr- ''f? . ; OneroL 8ve. eontammg nearly' 400 pages, haaA somely printed aa good paper, and stolt bound in law binding. ! ' retft&tti'21f's ..Price S3 80. Postage 36 eeaia iwistt; Pabliahod aad foraal by HENRY D. TURNER, jan. 21 at tha Forth Carolina Bookstor The Churoll'-lntelllffenoer ! :,RGISTKR-bXJIA'NAC"F- I860. SELECT BARDtNriAA SCHOOL YOUNO'LADIE,S , . THE WiMesf 11 ASH jAKlTliM KOL LOCn witt rerpe'n; thefr Pchool'on the 15th of January, ItoVf rntiA on tlioilsfe'oT May. The course of instrwstfen 5s tnhfonghjwmbraeing all the branches nsnaliytaaglth stiits9ehools. Tui tfa0 And Board, including fueVigntyVashinir. etc., $100 per sestiOA, payable aaaAalf laavaAce, and the remainder at 'the close of theessionc I Day schMsiiran j of t Eagiish olaarn, Musio on -Piaaa, - g.gr . " 3iliaepB5.- vi(rJ-; Use of iiujenjor, .Sifr Ui , ValtTpalntrnin. $"0 20 2" 5 1 20 lfr 10 Circalarg containing all neceMej7-inrorniation wili be forwarded on application. &A astMio 7 --2m -a a ,v VT.O.T I C K .-PROPOSALS ;WILL BE RE - irTJBlVRD bytheunderiiguedt.antilFshuary 1st , for furnishing, t,h Inaana, yisylunt wa:3barrels of Flour prime qnhlity, on tlie. Tel; flf eachCajonth during the present ycaV,6' Tfropolats Karv aiap4inVited forfur- nwing 120 bn'snclrorCoffi'meaTfoncC a onco a wonth. Sf. Af BLSDSOE, WMf If. 'Jf'ARRISON WM. 'B. COX. jan 7 tfy- 4"-"- . i l" KieetftiveComrnittoe TVTOTIC.E.--MR. HENRY LPlfflfMER. Jh., yi has this day-rithdVawh'from the. tjroJs of N Martik, SorA CotRjehMond; ''and -K. M. Mai Bbo. A Co.. Petersburg. ' .TftJitJ . ttjroJs of N. M. 1KTKV, December i 1,318; . r i'fH -5". ii !-! .-n.-. ' ' j t?S HENRY L. PLUMMERtAlaOOFFERS his sinoere thanks tot the Jibeml suvperl extend ed to the firms, .from wyi , he new wiAh.draws, and t kes the opportunU.v to solicit ititeurther encourage ment of his friends jin f the ,nayuinosj connexion which he ha& 'formed. , ' . ' " -1 December-SlSt, 185"' -S Di'.is.Ttif THE rrU.W Op;P:EBlJiK JVIIlTE is this day dissolved, by tuutual.coBseot, WA-d-aire to close up' the business JT)ju!ptTj,' and, 'lo'tiii end, request' tfaoee indebted to n b,,bon'tf or open ac count to arrange fortthe settlement of the'samo. The style of the firm will be continued' 'for the pur pose of closing the bu8ioes8,srt?'l l;.V.t4at - .,:.,( fXSMUBLt PEEBLES, ;s , i .THOMASsfWniTE. Petersburg, January 2d, 186(h (-; ,7;:-ivj , ; . co- PARTNERS rtrh? Ikot inr k . mHE irKDERKinwnn uiVa -rnro t J formed a Co-rartnership upderthe style of PEE. ' BLES, PLUMMER A C0 for.ih'e purpose of con ducting a General Commission and Gro cery BuineAS At the old stand of Peebfca A White, No. 22 Old street, and respectfulff 'solicit the patron age of their friends.4' 'LBMTJ EL' PEEfBLE", Late of the firm of Peebles A, White. HNJRY L? PLUMMER Jr., Late ef the firm of N. M. Martin, Brov A Co. JNO. JJ THOMPSON. Petersburg, January 2d, I860.? a " . r. ,i'.f iC . Vt VCARD.--In retiring from the firm ef Pubblfs A White, I desire ti express my sincere thanks to my friends and the public generally, for their lioara! s' p ort, and to solicit a continuation' to the firm of Peebles, Plnmmnr Co., who are in every Way worthy of their patronage.. , ,!.' ' " ' .., ; . ' THOMAS WHITE. Petersbu'g, January 2d,1860.J"i'"i jan 7 if. - r- . ... r. - . . . .j Ajrx, - DAVIS & CO-, AND RETAIL DEALERS WHOLESALE STAPLE AND. FANCY- DRY GOODS, . SYCAMORE, COBJR OP. BANK STREET, , , - " , Petersburg, Va. 1 RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT AN EXAMINA TION of their extensive Stk of fttaple and Fancy Dry Goods, purchased for CuA of the Man ufactory's, Importers, and at Large Auction Sales. One ofthe firmresidei in New York for ; the sole pur- pose 01 oujing gooos uu uie most aayaoiageous cash terms. We receive Goods semi and tri-weekly though out the . year. Independent of ' the purchase of American fabrics, we have entered, into arraogemeats with re?t'o6 IUipoftiog -firms; which will enable us to present the coming Spring, a "large and varied assort ment of Goods of French, Sermao and English make imported to our own: orders -We shall' preach t Goods manufactured in Virginia, North Carolina, Georria, Tennesse, Ao In order to, redaee thestoolc,' we shall offer until April' next many -desirable -Goods as Re- -daeed Prices such as Carpeting, Bugs, Flannels, Dress Goods, Silk Robes, LinenSheeting, Towels, Table Covers, Oil Cloth; .-' fV. .i ; a- . . , - - . .45 -vS-'l to MM TAVIS A CO. -.rt lti m: datis, NICHOLAS CLARK gy I ,tjl 'J! .11 -!!?. JOHX C. DRAKE. Jan It WATCHES, JEWELRY,5 Ac. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO CALL ihe attention of those in want Of Fine Watch es, Jewelry; Silver aadl Plated. Ware, AVc, to his extensir, Stock, which B''boen Selected with great care, and whieb.has eniy' to he seea to be ad mired.. His stook embraces . v - - Fine Gold, Silver and Enameled Watchos, . Fine Gold Jewelryi w , Silver Ware and Albata Ware, , rTaWe and Pocket JCBtlery, ' Spectacles to suit all eyes, '. Clocks, a beautiful assortment " Double and Single Gens, -' py Rifies,' Pistols, Bowie Knives, AcriT To an examinhtioa of whioh haearnaiay invites all who may be in want, feeling- confident -that he can please the most fastidious, both ia.. quality and price. 4f fe TtJUVJW StUUX, , '.'.Hi-'-'. tBfvetOV4U BWOBi. Jewelry repaired in the best ... VI L. fit- P. 8-rWatches an manner, r nor 9. j-.-";"' : and i 0) Is. BAGGING AND HOPE. ' 1 1 100 Bales Standard and Bw HeaVy 1 Bagging. . .200 coils Hop for sal atthelaweat market rate by ' rB. A. YOUNa' B BRO, 4;6ewnarsstreeJ, sep 14 tf Patorsbarg, Va. rANTBDlOtk" BUSHELS OF"EN , CINE Winter; Oats", to fill an order, and Atnut juaatityof well elsaaed Rye for seeding Apply at eaoato iAAWMi TOWIganart y aor t . t:t, a;- i-h ".&?:'-.. U -J E LIDE f ISLAND GUANO.300 BAGS BSd Island Gaaao, la store and for smlsny , DASUSR,jnHEKTI)N 20- Petersburg, Va, fiR EOB MT WT Fi ,a64pBpa iW T F 8 H i rrtip. U'jfi i j l P.i 8 10 11 12 13 14 1 rg J8 ' 10J1 12 13 u ia id u a1 ia sbi ut is ri iris i 20 i? ti.' 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 Uf & 22 W S4I25 26 it og T ; 29 3011 i i!Av2Jp."JM - e: jl s 4 id U 4 e 3 I tf 8 4' 6 fi I ,8 ,91011 Jiv, tm 8 9lOn tK 13 13 14 15 16 irnkiSv 1? 13 Ijki 16 17 g gf 19 20 21 82J3 34,25 i91(20,2l3 23;24 35 , 26 372S 29 -F fg, Zp&te 30 31 J 4 hr f3t:T'-:' g 11 13 13 tt i.$ 18 Ifr f iff" rtf tl 12 13 14 15 ISM" -'0 21 22 23 24 ! rtf5 111819 20 21 25 26 27 28 8 JW f "R' 28 22wf 26 27 28 2 S .jffis 5' "HBO30yq ' ef 1 2 3 4 5 8 112 hf.Vt 3 4 5 s T 8 tUt- U 13 18 14 kfiffcl 7111m 9l0 11 12 13 .-2 15 16 17 18 201 LoS.liiull6!l7 18 19 20 'ft. 22 23 24 25j.6 37 2S Wi '3l)222SjT4 25 26 27 29 -i : is wwmu . J 20 21 22 23 24 22 P4 Jfl f 20 il 22 28 2i 27 28j29 3li., i'' '. l4' 25,2a 27 18 29 30 i'M.ti :;t it"v7A 'S'il 1 ' . 3 4 r j58 ' fi & 5 6 7 8 W 10 lllW 13 U15 J6akb i10H 12 1314 1 5 17 -18119 2M3E 23j23 U-rfi 16 If IS 19 20 2l2, ' 24 25lStjo 2f28 29,30 j-j Sji 23 24 236 27 28j29 u Ui'y , 1 h4 9 V

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