'Mi "' asJfc- f .kS?. - v i .' 7, M -a QV.i. J . - i - Ai . i . r,:.' --! - -....r.,M'-fr. iv ; RALEIGH S ATUR DAY MOltNING, APRIL 7 1860. X(K28 1 THE Ri IEIGII REGISTER. is! pcblibhb SEMI-WEEKLY AKD WEEKtT, BY JOHN SYMfi, JOHN THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER Is pablkhed rr Wednesday and Saturday mora in g, at $4 00 pr ,annm. iayWe in advwioei or i 00, if payncatia delayed till th iubaortptloa Jw h xpirM. IHE' WEEKLY REGISTER is published vrvrj' Wednesday morning, at $2 00 per toiwm, payable in variably in t.dvame. .;. -r-' .1 . Rates of Advertising in tke Semi-Weekly r BegUter: (quare (18 line O' on Inaartion, Tery succeeding insertion, 1 square ix months,' ; I twelve -'-. " three . " j six ' I twelre months, including; paper, SI 00 25 S 00 14 00 8 00 16 00 25 DO AdrertisemenU to be inserted on the iniitU of tk paper altogether, will be charged 60 cents per sqttare for every ipsertion after the first. Annual advertisers will be charged 50 per cent, more than the above rates when their advertisements are directed to be icurted on the inside. . 5 " In the WeeUy Register I 1 square foT the first insertion, f " . , and for eTery succeeding insertion, 1 square twelve months, - . six " . SI 00 25 10 00 10 00 2 " twelve months, inclnd'g Weekly paper 20 00 All advertisements not otherwise directed, will be inserted in. the Semi Weekly, and charged aceordinglv. Business Cards, not exceeding .eight lines, -will be inserted in either the . Weekly or Semi-Weekly six months for $5 00, or twelve months far $tO--hi both pipers at $8.60 fmjAx months, or $15 for twelve months. Contracts can be made at the office fox loager advertisements. ' " ' '"7 BUSINESS CARDS. CO I 3 1 S a s 9 1 5 $3) on C3 e e 32 S PQ o Z w i H 0 u H CO Pi o a 03 o CQ WII-LSOX & ALFRIEXD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, And deMert in Chemical; Paint, Jhe Stuff; OiU, e. Sycamore, opposite Bollingbrook Street, PETERSBURS, VA. yr. d. wiLtsox. jora iLram. au'5 N. M. MARTIN, BBO. & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Vsw N. M. MARTInT SO At CO., '! COM3IISSIOX MERCHANTS, )un 30 RICHMOND. VA. McILWAINESON & Co., GR0CER3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vurner of Sycamore and Tabb Street; g. mcilwaijte, "J Petersburg, Vsu R. D. MCItWAISK, f R. R. UILt. J - , , M I R . H. P CJR D , . DltALtCR IX . - ALSO, FINDINGS FOR Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. No. 39 Bnlliabroote' Street,' PETERSBURG, VA. mar 16 ly - f .DONNANS & JOHNSTON, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Vau da. 1 Itv v DONNAN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lucbmonu, va.. ja 1-1 y W. ROBBpT ANDREWS, Fajetteville Street, (One door obovr A'erander Creech's.) i Raleigh v N. C Kcp3 cnnstantly on hand a select assortment of Family tiroc.riss, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Ci gars, Ac. j. jan 14 M. M. DAVIS & CO , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G030S, SYCAMORE, CORNER OF BA'N.K STREET, Peterbarg, Va. IKSPCTFULLY SOLICIT AN 15XAMINA 4TION. of their-extensive W'ck oCt!iple and fc'ttuey Dry Goods, purchased for Cash of the Mun 'ufactiirers, Importers, and at Large Auction Sales. One ufthe trui reside in New York for the sole pur pose of buying goods on the moat advantageous cash terms. We receive Goods semi and tri-weekly though out the year. Independent of the purchase of American fabrics, we have entered into arrangements Tith reliullc Importipg firms, which will enable us to present the earning Spring, a large and varied assort ment of Got ds of French, German and English make imported to our own order. We shall present Goods manufactured in Virginia, North Carolina; Georgia, Tenuesse,- ke In order to reduce the stock, we shall offer until April next many desirable Goods at Re duced Pri" snch as Carpeting, Bugs, Flannels, Dress Good, Sik Kobes, Linen, Sheeting, Towels, Table Covers, Oil Cloth, Ac, Ac. M. M. DAVIS CO. M. M. xt. IXAVIS, "J KICHOLA3 CLARK, V JOUJt C. DRAKE. ) FALL TRADE, 1859. . 1AM NOW RECEIVING MY FALL AND Winter supply of Boots, Shoes aad Gaiters, f all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen, selected by fcTself, all of which are warranted to wear welL H. A. DEPKDJ. ABO, RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND 41 1 bent. ftyiAm.. -f l'.n..t. mwA inmriMn Calf Skin, s.11 nt whink will tw mmAm nn inta Boots snd Shoes, in the best style, for my patrons. Tbank al for past favors, I solicit a continuance of toe same. Pl7-tf! H A. DEPKLS; CJ.UANO. WE ARE PREPARED TO . utake orders tor the various kinds ef Fertilisers, '"eh we wili fnj.nigh to our trinnajs on the best terms the Manipulated Guano prepared by the "Teters "w? Fertilixer Monnfacturing Co will be ready for j- T nn or before the first September, and we would tect the particular attention of those who use Guano "lis ar-icle. McILWAlNF, SON A CO. 1US10 : , Petersburg, Va. vUlSTS FLOWER SEEDS BUIST8 FLOWER SEED II nfifl PApETtS OF THE MOST CHOICE VARI v JJ eties of Flower Seed, expected this week at ' - JPESCUiyS Drugstore PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . . . k THEO. H. HILL, Attorney at law, Ralbigh, "N. C. Especial attention given to the collection of Jan 25 ly. claims. THOMAS J. BAGBY.V v Aft and Commission Merobant, No. 8 Wall-su, ander-Kt. Charles Hotel, - RICHMOND, VA., HOWS on Negroes, RenU out Houses, and seils Produoe eC' Wnea Corn Won, and other Country ys strict attention to business, and prompt remittances made. Consignment respectfully solicited. Refers to Messrs- Cha. T. Worth am Cb. ; Tins y. Tardy. Williams j- Hunt A Brother, and Henry K, Ellyson, of Richmond. September S, 185.-tf browning;; MOORE & CO. AUCTIONEERS, SAIsEOIf NEGROES! VYiU Give their Uodivided Attention to the Sale of Negroes. , o?pfice on Franklin, a few doors be- Xrt'r WALL ST. RICHMOND, VA. 6. J, BROWNING, late of Rappahannock Co. E. C. MOORE, of the late firm of Harris A JHoore. J. T. WOOLFOLK, of Orange County..: C r .. P. S. DAWSON Nelson County A-r"te. .-"HOWELL & BROTHERS, MANUPATURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS, Curtain Papers &o., . 20(V Baltimore SU BALTIMORE, MD. Our Goods are Expressly Adapted to the Home and Southern Market, j feb 4 Zm. IT IS NOT TOO MUCH TO SAY, SINCE ALL, OLD AND YOUNG, i!Nfuia5il UTS IFiMJTria, Viz : That Pivf. Wood's Hair Restorative 'YY7' ILL preserve! infallibly tho growth and color of ff the hair, if used two or three times a week, to any imaginable age Perfectly, restore the gray, cover the bald with nsture's own ornament, the hair ; make it mnre soft and beautiful than any oil, and preserve the scalp free from all disease to the greatest age. Statesmen, Judges, Attorneys, Doctor, Clergymen, Professional men and Gentlemen and Ladies of allVlas ser, all over the world, hear testimony thai wcjdo not ray too much in its fvor. Read the following, and judge: HlCKaRT G botu, St. Charles, Co., Mo.j Nov. 1857. Pbof. O. J Wood Dear Sir : Sow time Inst sum mer we were induced to use-some ofyonrjllair Restora tive, and its effects were so wonderful,! we feel it our duty to you and the afflicted, to report it. Our liUle son's head ror some time had b en perfe ?t ly covered with sores, and some called it the su.ld head The hair almobt entirely came off in ccl seqnence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, dvi.-ed us to use your Restoratie. We did "so with little hupe of succesr ; but to our srpri'e, and that of aiT"T.ar friends, a few applications removed the disease ent'u- ly, and a new and luxuriant, crop of hair soon startled out, and we can now say that onr boy has as healthy a sc.lp, and as luxuriant a crop of hair , as any other child. We can, therefore, and do herebv, recommend your Restorative, a a perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. We are touts respectfully, CEO W. HIGGINBOTHAM, SARU A. HIGGINBOTHAM. Pr-f. Woon DearJ?ir; My hair had, for several years, been becoming prematurely gray, ccompained by a harshness which rendered the constant application of oil necessary in dressing it. When I commenced using your Hair Restorative about two mounths ago i it was ia that condition f and having continued its u?e rill within the last th"ee weeks, it has turned to its na tural color, and assumed a soltness and lustre greutly to be preferred to those produced by tb application of oils or any other, preparation 1 have ever used. I re gard it as an indispensable article for every lady's toilet, whether to be used as a Hair Restorative Or for the simple purpose of dressing or beautifving the hair You have -permission to re.er to me all who eutertain doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it MRS C SYMONDS, Cincinnati, 0 , Feb. !0, 1857. 1'4 Third st. Wellington. Mo , Dec 5, 1857. . Prof-Woob Dear iSTir : By the advice of a friend of mine, who had been using your Hair Restorative, I was induced to try it. I had tbefevrr, some time last May, and nearly every hair in my head came ouL Now my hair has come in a great deal thicker than ever it wa. - Nothing but. a duty and sympathy that I feel to coinmuDicateto others who are afflicted as I Mve been, would induce me to give this public acknowledgement of the benefit I have received from Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. Yours respectfully, " A. R. JACOBS'. The Restorative i put up in bottles of 3 sixes, viz : large medium and small the small holds Vi a pint and Is retail for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; tbe large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more ia proportion, and retails for ! $3 a bottle. 0. J. WOOD A Co., p'opnetorg, 41.4 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St Lout, Mo TSr. Sold ,bt all good Druosists aid Fakct Goods Dealers. mir 7 3m. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the aame essential elements, audgives of course the True Standard. 1 Analyze the BTood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsa, Scrofula, Ac, and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The Blood Food is founded upon this Theory hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS" adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, or any affection whatever of the Throat or Langs in ducing Consumption, use No. 1, which is also the No. for Depressioa of Spirits, Loss of Appe tie, and for all Chronic Comp'aiats arising from Over-use, General Debility, and Nervous Postration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. 3, Dyspepsia. Being already prepared for absorb ing it is Taken by Drops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what yen gain you retains The No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weaknesses, Ac. See special directions for this. For Salt Khenm, tsrapuons, croi nlous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 6. In all cases tbe directions must be s'rictly fol lowed. Price of tbe BLOOD FOOT $ per bottle. Sold by CHURCH A DUPONT, Druggists, 'No. 409 Broadway, New York , For sale in Raleigh, by Williams A Haywood, P. F. Pescud, and lredrll Brothers." And h sli respectable Druggists throughout the country mrf8 ' SELLING OFF AT COST. M . GRAUSMAN BEING DETERMINED TO , make room for a large stock of Spring Cloth ing, will sell his present selected assortment of Winter Clothing - - At Cost for Cash. January lth, i860. jan 11 s COTTS INFANTRY TACTICS, IN 3 .Volumes. For Bale at : POMEROY'S. Raleigh, N. C-, Feb., 1890, feb 29 PPLES At FRANTLIN'S. "mar 7 MISCELLANEOUS. HATHAWAY & CO., INPORTERS OF MOLASSES and SUGAR, Wilmington, N. C. O .FFER FOR SALE . " 900 Bags Rio, Laguayra, Cane and Java Coffee. 650 Hhds and 100 Barre's itrietlv choice neic erop Cardenas Molatt-, in new bright packages, mst receiv ed direct per BriS. P. Brown, and Bark Parana. 1 50 Barrels Crashed, Graualated, and Clarified tin. gar. 300 Bnrrels and 50 half do., first quality new Hali fax Cut Herring. 100 Barrels extra No. lJN-w River Mullets. 400 Kegs Cut Nails ol a good bran. 40 Hhds. choice Cincinnati Bacon, Sides, Hams' and Snoulders. .250 boxes of the very bett brands of Sperm, Adaman tine and Star Candles We also keep constantly on band for sale at whole sale Susjar in Hhds., all kinds of yrup, Lard. Poda, Havana Segars, Rice, Tea, Soap, Tobacco, Mustard, Salt. Lard and,Machioerv Oil, fie., o. Wilmington, N. C , February 23rd, 1860. feb 29 Imp d. SAMUEL J. GARLAND, Irapoi t e r an d Dealer in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Next 'Moor Jfo, th of Mitr. Hamilton, Oraham fc Co., , Peterebarg, Va., nuTlhisCiThi. nrin. and be satisfv them ' that it is to thir interest topuchtes of him, as be is determined to sell all goods in bis line at prices that will guarantee satisfaction. V SAMUEL J. QABLAND, ' 58 Sveamore Street. February 22nd, 180. feb S9 1860. SPRING GOODS. 1360 Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, &c, &o-, &c , &o. THOMAsT MOORE, No. 63 Sycamore Street. TT AS now in store, and ready for inspection, his sup- XI plvof ' Spring Hats, Caps, Suaw Goods, Canes, Umbrellas, Ac. Merchants ni others a-e requested to give his stock a trial An unusual effort has teen mad to procure ' the best assortment he has" yet offered to the trade, mar 10 lm. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. R lECOLLECTIOSSand Private Memoirs of Wash ington. Hy bia adopted Son, George Washing ton Pa-ie Curtis. Illustrative and explanatory Notes. 4By Benton J. Lossing. History of the Colony and Ancient Domin'on: of Vir ginia. By Char'es Campbell. History of Eurepe from the fall of Napoleon in 181, to the acccssi'm of Louis Napoleon in 1S'2 Volume S closing the aeries. By Sir Archibald Alison, Bart. D. C. L. The Normal, or Methods of Teaching the Common Branches, Ortboepv, Orthography, Grammer, ieo-g-aphy, Amhujelio, and Elocution. By Alfred Hoi brock. Sir Roha-'s Gho?t, a Romanc. Parlor Theatricals, or Winter Evening's Entertain mcnt. By theauthirof, "The Magiciau's Own Book," Ac. Twelve Yea's of a So'diers Life io India Beinir Ex'rarts froi t-e Letters of the 1 ate Major W. S. R. Hudson, B. A. Edited by the Bev. Georee H. Hodson, M. . Preachers and Preaching. By Rev. Nicholas Mur ray, D. P. The Principles of Harmony, and contrast of Colours, and their Applications to the Arts. By M. K. Cher reul. For ,ale by , W. L. POMEBOY- : Raleisb. V. C , March, 1360. mar 14. K VLEIGU AND GASTON RAILROAD I Change of Schedule 1 Raleigh, November tst, 1860. O kV AND AFTER THI DATE THE MAIL Train on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad will run as follows : Leave Raleieh daily at Y.l", A. M." Arrive at Weldon daily at 12 M. Leuve Weldon dailv at 11, A. M. Arrive t Raleijh daily st 3.'0, P M. TnE FREIGHT TRAINS will run as follows : Portsmouth Freight leaves Rale'gh Monday, Wed nesday and Friday ; Arrives at Ka'eigh Tuesday, Thursday and Satur dy. Petersburg Freight Leaves Raleigh Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday ; Arrives at Baleigh Monday, Wedne'day and Fr dav. P. A. DUNN, Sunt. November 8, 1 "59. feb 18 ly. 100 REWARD. R AN AWAY FROM MKSSR". J A N. A. CAM- H.ROX, of Cumberland Cucty. first of Ust June, lay negro man Southwell, or Southoy, (as usually call ed ) Said nee ro is thick set, aKout 5 feet 8 inches high, of a 'dark brown color, has small eve, and a downcast look. He has been hired for several years in Columbland Countv, as a Turi e'.tine hand. I will give the aSove reward, if taken out of the State $50 for his imprison ruent in any jail in this State, or $25 for information, that may lend to his recover?. J. B LITTT EJOUN. Louisburg. v. feo 4 tf. Jp3T- Fayetteville Observer and Wilmington Herald copy till forbia. BAGGING AND ROPE. 100 Bales Standard and Extra Heavy Bagging. 200 eoils Hope for salo at the lowest ru-rket rates by R. A. TOIJNG A BRr'., 93 Sycamore street, fep 1 1 tf Peter l ure, Vh. RUNAWAY SLAVE. rAKEN I P AND CMMlTTiiD TO THK JAIL of Davidson couti'y, w. C , who ays his came is Henry, and that he belongs to J.u k.-on S rong, of Rockingham county in this State. Paid by if ahout it yeiirs old. 5 feet inches hih, and wuivli's about 140 lbs, The owner of snid boy is hereby no'ifieil to tome forward, prove property, iay churgt-s, and take bun away. E.D.HAMPTON, Lexington, Sept 28 tf Sheriff. COME ONE, COME ALL To FRANKLIN'S Opposite-Lawrence's, Hotel, - Fayetteville Pt-eet, Raleisb, N. C. mar 7 J. B. FRANKLIN. Aq't. JJ1INE GOLD JEVVELRY.--THE SUB ; SCRI8ER has in store a splendid assortment of FINE GOLD JE WELRT, embracing a variety of styles of pa'terasof Brooches, Breast P'ns, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies an 1 Gentlemen's ,vatch Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, te. Call and examine. . . nov 9 C. B BOOT. OTICE.--THE SUBSCRIBERS- GIVE their personal attention to all consignments made them from the country, particularly Tobacco, Cotton, and Wheat. They keep a large stock of Groceries Guano Ac, on hand, which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. To cash and punctual buyers on the usual time. DONNANS A JOHNSTON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, mar 14 It Pwtihirr. Vn. E L1DE ISLAND GUANO .300 BAG Elide Island Gusno. in store and for ale by DONNANS A JOHNSTON, aug 20 ' Petersbu'g. Va. . rnfiE SLAVEHOLDER ABROAD, or I Billy .buck's visuwitn nis Master to tingiana a iter to Englam series of Letters trom JJr, Jos. Jones, of Georgia. Pleasant Jones, to Major Leianre Moments, by Miss Butt, f Carolina sports, Ae. Ac, with other new works of recent cubR'Ation. ' mar 7 E. P NASH A CO. BOOKS. The Public Economy f tbe Athenians with notes and a copious Index: By Augustus Boeckh. Translated from the Second German Edition, By Anthony Lamb. For sale by mar. 8 W. L. POMEROY. w ALNUTS At FRANKLIN'S. . mar 7 -p ltEAI ESTATK, &G, EXTRAORDINARY J ACCTICW 'SALE of Caaal and Water Power at tbe Town uf , eldoo, JIru Carolina. In conformity with per mission grante4 by eoent Vsts of the tegislataxes of Virginia end North Carolina, the Roanoke Navigation Company will on w Jtthday of April, 18, in the Town of Weldon, proceed to sell by auction, their Canal and Water Power, at and near tbe said Tpwn of Weldon, In Ae State "of North, Carolina. The prop erty consists of one Canal abeut eight mile long, be ginning at the bed 6f the great falls of the RoanOke and terminating at the footef the same, in the .Town of Weldon. Also; anotb-r Ctnal,' three miles above the same, and ene-fou-th ef 4 mile long, at which there is a fall of eight Cset, and is around Eaton's faUa. With these CacaU win be sMd all tbe f-andson the margin of the save, belonging t the Roanoke Company, with all ita privileges and properties be tween the towns of Gastoa and Welden, Including Locks, A queducts, ill Sites, And every tther thing thereto appertaining. vThie propertr is deemed Of rare value, and presents a Md of capital and eh tet prise without a superior in the Southern country. There is a fall of over eighty feet, and the volume of water in tbi river is the same as passes over the falls ef James River. Weldon is the focus of four railroads, con necting it with Richmond.witb Norfolk, with Raleigh and wtb Wilmington, ' ft is tne centre of an'-xeeed-ingly produoiive country.. An ahondi noe Of cotton is grown in the neighborhood to supply the demands of extensive co'ton tnaDufactoriei ;The lower Roftnoke region is proverbial for its prodo tion of corn, aa the upper for its wheat, with wfejyfldoiaionwected bv raili'oadtldri JWnint-aun2 Purchasers are in 2 wUl "?P of Terms of sale will be one-third cash, one-third in six months and one third in twelve months, with in terest on deferred payment-, as is required by the act of the Legislature of North Carolina, THOS. McGEEHE, : Proxy State of North Carolina. W. 11. OLARK, Proxy Sute of Virginia. W. H. WESSON, For the Stockholders The sale will be conducted bv WM. PANNILL, Auctioneer, Petersburg, Va., Who will, a any time, furaish all necessary informa tion in regard to the property, either in person r by letter. jan 4 wfcswtd$ci IMPORTANT LAND SALE. -I WILL sll on the premises, on tb 5th day of May nex the lands known as Oak Wrove, the residence of tbe 1 te John M. Ferrell. The tract contains 270 acres, or thereabouts, and lies in the Northwestern part 1 Wake county, eighteen miles from Raleigh, and four miles South of Fishdam. This land is well watered, and adapted to the cultivation of corn, cotton, wheat, to bcc, Ao. It has on it a comfortable Dwelling House and all necessary ou-houses, together with a storehouse, cotton-gin blacksmith shop, c. Oak Grove is one of tbe best business stands in the county, and is a beauti ful and healthy place. Any prsdn wishing to examine tbe propertv will plee call on Mr. 3. T. Roger?, who now reside, on the premises, and is doing an extensive mercantile bu siness. Teriae: A credit of s!x months will e given en One halt the purchase money, and of twelve months on the other half. pii'chser giving bund with approv ed security. Title withheld until all the purchase mnev i.' paid J. J. TEhR" , mar 23 td Attorney. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE! I WISH TO SELL PRIVATE! Y TH"! FOL LOWING property in the City of Raleigh, viz: 1st. 7be HOTEL at the corner of Wilmington and Martin street, formerly occup ed by 0. L. Burch, and at present in the occupancy of H. L. Win too. This Hotel is admirably located, and commsinds a large share of transient and permanent custom, 2d. The two STORE HOUSES fronting on Market 8quare, one occupied by E. R'oEenth.-il, as a Clothing Store, which also frnots on Fayetteville Street, and the other in the occupancy of A. Adams as a Grocery. These store are situattd in a K.ition wbich cannot tail to command an extensive pairoKHire 31. Two DWELLING DOUSES, f ne ou WU Din gton Street, near the Capitol Square, at prevent occupied by Mr Tint, and formerly tbe property uf Wiley Johnson, and the other ituated in the eastern part of the -ity, near Mr. Eldridge Smith's. Th above property will be sold on terms to suit any perco who ru-vy wish -to purchase farther iulor ma'ion, app'y to Mills H. Browm, 'or to aep 17 ly ' AM'L BOWLAND. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE ! INOUR NICE DWRLI IG AND OUT-HOUSES, adjoining the Misi;-.ary C hsptl. 1 do. adjoining Mrs. L P Cotton. 1 do. do. African Chrch. 1 do. do. J. H. Ktrkham. All iu good condition. Possession given the 1st dav January, lSe0. dec lOtf W. IL A R. .S. TUCKKR. OAK CITY SAVINGS BAK. Dr. T- D. UOWO, Pmirtunt. JoHM G. "'lLLIAKT., Cailitr. DIRECTORS. Dr. T. D. Hogg, j II. S flffiitb. Q Bubec,. h John G. Williams. This Bank is now receiving deposits, at the Fx- I change OrTico of John G. Williams A Co. Discount day Tuesday, feb 18 tf. WHEELER & W1LSOM-S SEWING MACHINES, . WARREN & STEWART, Agents. Fixjf Ucxille Street, Raleij l, A. C W 7 E OFFER THK Wheeler Wil- euu St wing Mecbiues, 1 wi'h impo-tunt iiu j proven euts at a reduc- 1 tiou ou iorm-jr price :' ; and, to tueet the tie- j tuitsid for a good, low- piii ed ' u'ih Ma : chine, huirc intr idoced 1 H Ne tyio. -o'kin; upon tho shuio .princi ple, rd mxkii g the i same stitch, though not so hitrhly finished, at Fifty-Fire Dollars. Te olegST.ce, speed, noiselessness, and simplicity of the Ma-bine; the beauty and strength of stitch bei-'g alike on both sides, Impossible-to ravel, andle'ving no chain or ridge on the nnder s'de; the economy of thread, and adaptability to the thickest er thinnest fabrics, hve rendered his the most useful and popu lar Family Machine now made- We give instructions free of charge, to-enable pur chasers to operate the raa"hines successfully. An examination of these, universally approved Ma chines is respectfully solicited at our office, over D. C. Murray's Dry Goods1 Store. mar 7 tf WARREN A STEWART. NOTICE. A MKETING OF THE DTREC tors of th R anoke.Navigation Company, will be held at Weldon, N. O., "on Wednesday the 1 f th of A-rilnext. C H.' CAJJAISS, Sec'y. mar 28 it. THREE HUNDERD DOLLARS RE WARD. R1 UN4.WAY FROM TUB SUBSCRIBED N on the t th day of July last, a Conner Colored Meicro Man by the name of Bob. about Twentv-five years old, five feet eight or ten inche hijth, weighirg about one hundred id1 seventy -five pounds'! He his over the region of the stnmoch a small light colored scar, caused by a bJiter.' Ho Is very ere-1 and well formd, can rad and wite. ! Bob wee brought to this State last Spring, by Keytoo A Williams, of Iredell County, North Caroliua., Th y pucbeed him of Wiley M Cotverd, of Ashe countv. N. C . witnessed by G. A. Carietpn. - When Bob left he aid bit was V his intention to go to James K lver, Virginia. I hace no Idea thst he will pwn his right name or Mastenf T will pry tbe above reward, if he is delivered p me at WMt Pointy Troup county, Georgia, or I will pay one hundred and fifty dollars reward for him, if lodged in some safe jail so that I can get him. -V WILLIAM REID, wWest Point, Ga. ' February 2nd, 1860. 4r 4 .-. feb 9 tA XTO 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. 300 bags No Jl 1. Peruvian Guano, in Store and fur sale by iO.tftAft'a a. JOHNSTON. I t I i i i SPECIAL Is OTICE. HAIR DYEl HAIR DYE HAIR DYE ! M. A BATCUklJoWS BrAtaDYEl Thie Original aad Bent ' ia the: World 1 1 A XL OTHERS ; ARE ' MERE IMITATIONS, and should be aroided, If you wish to escape tidi eu'e, 'i, ' ' Orefi Red or Snttf Hair Dved instantly, to a beau , tiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to the Hair or Skin. . -.iz-:-. r. f - . j fifteen MtdaU and Ztiom- have been awarded to ' Wm A Batohelor since 1839, and OTer,80,000 appli cations hare been . made to th Hair of the Patrons of his famous Dye. j, Wm. A. Batcbelor's Hair Dye produces a colnr not to be distinguished from natire, and, is warranted not to injure in the leas', however, long it may be contin ued, and the ill-effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the Hair ; invigorated for Life by this Splendia Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by JOruvgista arid Fancy G"Ods Dealers. ? ' i3 The Genuine has the name and address upon . a steel plate engraving en four sides of eaoh Box, of 4 WILLIAM Ai. BATCH ELOR, , mar 1 swly - i ... 16 Bond Street,: New York. MISGELliANEOUS; SPRINGlMPORTXTlON H ' . " FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. ! HAIILT0N & GRAHAM Importers aad Wholesale Jobbers OF DRY GOODS, No. fO Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. WV E ARE NOW PRa PARED! TO OFFER j OUUIUSIU UXCi VAACLAAVOj the largest and most attractive stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods that we have ever exhibited. W would especially invit attention to eomplet. lines of LAWNt. CH'LLIES, BAREGES, ORGANDIES, Ac, and also to a fu'l stock of j Southern Manufactured, Goods as well as to the fuliest assortment of Linen Fabrics we have eve bad ; such as Brown and White Ducks and fPrills, Blay, Brown and Iri-h Linens. We feel confident that we can and will, offer to prompt enstoraer, inducements equal to any whole sule establishment North or South. Orders shall bare our prompt and person n.1 atten tion. HAMILTON k GRAHAM. mar 10 NEW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR REVIEWS AND BLACKWOOD, COMMENCE Jajtt., ISoO.; j TERMS. ! Per annum. For any on of the ReTiew, $3 00 r or any two cf tbe four Reviews, 6 00 For any thrs "f the four Reviews, 7 00 For Wll four of theReriewa, 3 8 00 F.r Bla kwiwid's Magntin, S 0 Fvr Blackwood and one Bericw. 5 00 For Bli'ekword and two Reviews, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, ; 9 00 F.r Blackwood and Four Beviews, '10 00 ilm ey Current in the State where issued will be re ceived at par, : CLUBBING. i j A idisconrt of twenty five cent, from tbe;abT prices will be allowed to CLTBS ordering four of more copies of any one or more of tbe abuve works. ' Thu.: Four copies of Black cod or of one Review, will be sent to one addr.s for $9 ; fo"r copies of the four Review and Blackwood for $30 ! and so on. . ' l!e-"itiauces shouH alwars be 'addressed to the PuW'shcrs. , LEONARD SCOTT, CO. mar 1 8 tf. No. 54 Gold Street, Nw York. ;OTICE--TO WHUu IT MAY CON CER.N. HAVING LOCATED IN THE Ciry of Raleigh, I take this opportunity to inform ttie P jMic eaaeraUT, that I am rem o )cKSr tract for puvli or private Buildings In any part of tbe SlH'e, on- the most favoarble terms. 1 am ; al'o prepared to ; furnish Granite in its rough stito for Building or other purpose, or dressed to or der in any shape rcu"irod. at reasonable rates. Oriies for Stone addrdased to me through the P j.t Office, Box 219, or left in care of James Puttir k, who wiii att as my Agf nt, will meet with prompt at- tection. THOMAS COATS'. Man 7 3m. Standard copy. SUGARS I SUCARS1I--A Coffee, B Coffee, and C Coffee Sugars. A A B Crushed, and New Orltans Sugar at BOON A BROTHER'S. J AVA. LAGUYRA, AND RIO! COFFEE at BOON A BROTHER'S. c BUT T E R AND Piime Eastern Cheese at - BOON A BROTHER'S APPLES.--A few st Bbls , nice Northern Apples BOOK A BROTHER'S, I FISH POTATOES. A Fine Lot at BOON A BROTHER'S. B E E F TONGUES, BROILING AND Chipping Beefat BOON A BROTHER'S. mar :; LAW COPARTERSHIP, RALEIGH, N. C. TI. W. MTLLER and WM. J. SATJNDER?, HAVE FfSnMED A COPARTNERSHIP iu -he practice of the Law, t" extend to all busi ness in the County and Superior Courts of Wake and .'obnson. and the terms of the Supreme Court at Ra-If-iti. all tiffi" business and the collection rf claims Office in the brick room opposite Lawrence's Hotel. In: addition to the Courts of the above named coun ties, T bhall attcrd regularly hereafter, the Superior Coi- ti of Granriile, Edgecombe, Sampson, Warren, II xl fa , and Wilson, and the County and Superior Cotiits of Nash and Franalin, and the Circuit Court of the United States a Raleigh. dee 2i tf H. w.;;millkr. EMMON'SGEOLOGY.Mannual of Geology, Designel for tbe use of Colleges aa Academies. by Jibeneser Emmons, State Geologist of North Caro lina jj Late State Geologist of vew vorkj:: Professor of Natural Bistor and Geology in William Coll- ge ; Cor responding Member of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, Ac . Ac ; ! For sale by ! W. L. POMEROT- HXLBlon, N. C, March. I860. r mar 14. OLD NASH BRANDY. ThU is to certify that E. A. WbiUker has purchased a 10', of my Old Nash Brandy, which I know to lie five years old, JOHN J. TISDALE. ,2Sr Tbe bove Brandy is for sale by uiarH E. A. WIJITAEER. PARASOLS, PARASOLS, PARASOLS, New stvles of handsome designs, at mar 10 3t. W. H. A R. S. TIICEER'S. 'TOBTH CAR O L IN A MASD FAC. jj iT' RES. --Black and Grey Cassimeres, Ladies Gaiters and Walking Shoes, "laid Homespuns, for servants; Osanbutg. nd Domestics. ,re intend patronising North Carolina Manufactures as far si possible , mar 10 -St. W. H. A RJ S. THCKER. : , i ARCTIC REFRIGEi ATOR. S ASOTH KR of this celebrated mike just received af Farmer's Hall. Every family who use ise should have one. " . ; 51 ; Aug. TO, 1859 JAME8 M. TO WT.E", Agent. ? I EM ON S At J 1 FRANK LIN. it mar 7- 505 BUSHELS OF CORN MFAL, JUST hand, and for .-ale at ft 05 per husoel. by , . r BOON A BRTHER -. mar (lHEESE ICHEESE 1 1 J -mar lL'-r: .' . At FRANKLIN'S, -I MISCELLANEOUS. I8 60; RIBBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods. : Armstrong Cator & Co. ' :' , IMP0ETBS8 AHT JOBSSSS OF '- RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS and SATINS, Velretn, Rncbes. Flowers, Feathers, STB4W BONNETSiri.ATS, &CL r No .237 and Lofts . f 239 Baltimore St. , , .. BALTIMORE, JUL D,. , Offer Stock unsurpassed in th United States in . . '. Tariety and cheapness. Orders solicited and prompt attention given. Ixaaa, ft months, sin pereeat-ofltfor cash, par funds. '.; . .- JeeH--inpd. ' HT' Wfi R DiS'BAUQ-H&l. 0 Qy (StuxesAorB w Werdebmtgh, &nitV Cb.) . - IMPORTERS, aad DEALERS IN fancy goods;-; i Hosiery, tilores and TrimBsing generally, 292 BALTIMORE STIj, ,CuraaoVEaa, U B. WBRPSABUGR, V - eao. o. cock, V , " .- BALTIMORE. c s a. sans at. J we offer for the Spring Trade a splendid assort ment of Goods that cannot fail to give satisfaction. either in variety, quality or price. ...- J ; Orders solicited, to which we will give prompt at tention, feb 22 2rapd. CUSHING8&, BAILEY, WH OLE8ALE BOOKf ELLERS AND STATIONERS, . , No 262 Baltonsore St., opposite Hanorer, BALTIMORE, ARE prepared to offer to the Country Trade, Goods in their line, at prices that will eompare favors biy with thoe of any other toarkeL' Their Stck 'f SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AJt MISCELLANEOUS BOOES is large and well seleot- ed. - ; 4l large and Taned assortment-' of Foreign and American Stationery can always be found at 'heir ear tahlisbment. .i- Tbev kep constantly on hand a full snr-ply o: Blank Books of different styles and of their own manufacture. Hariug a Bindery connected with their Sto-e they are, at all times, able, at short not'ee, to fill orders for Blank Books, ruled to any pattern, or of any aesir-a style or Binding. Orders, received by mail, will meet with prompt at tention. , . . You are 'eouested to call and examine onr Stock and Prices before purchasing. feb 22 lropd. I860. SPRING TRIOR. " 1800. fTIH1! erehanrs-Of Virgin's, North Carolina, and g xenneseee, are arnestiy requested to examine our stock of ' Dry Goods 'rtr the ensuing season, con fiet:ne of a large as'orfne&t of English and trench Dress Goods for Ladies: white Cambrics, Jaconets, Swiss and Emb'd Muslin, : Flay Linens, Farmes Drill P-rilliantes, Cloths, Cassimeres, ' Vesting, Burlaps, Alps eras, Plain D'Leiues, Spool Cotton Threads, Cottoaades, , Hosiery. Irish Linens, Farmers Satin, English and French Drap DEtes, ' Gingh'sDS, Prints, lUTUn Cl.tbs, Linen Cambric, Hilk, Cotton and Gingham lWortd uorcs, Hsndkerchiefr, ALU OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION, And selected id the' Euroneaa markets in neraoafbT i ar emptgi0mm-m Jodie-" ous - agents K.Williaas Bertjlonnerly lne2ry ifofe lbiag t6tn In this place, i Also, a large and a'wcTive toek of American Fabncs, all of wh'oh we will sell to the trade as low nd upon as favorable terms as they can be bought in any market in this country. ELLETT DRBWRY, No. 1 7 Pearl Street, February 1st, 1860. Richmond, Va, feb 4 sw-'m. SPRING, 1860. B. B. HOPKINS. KOBT. HULL. T. W. ATKINSON HOPKINS, HULL di ATKINSON, 258 Baltimore St. BALTIMORE. We respectfully invite the attention ef buyers to tbe large and attaractire stock of BRITISH, FRE.tCH D AMIRICAH DRY GOODS, which we are now opening. Being determined to of fer every advantage to our friends and customers, and desirois to extend the trade of our house and city, we invite buyers who have never looked through our mar ket to call aad see ns. To cash and prompt dealers, we shall offer superior inducements in prices, as well ss in the variety and extent of our stocks. Orders sent tons shall be carefullv and promptly attended to. HOPKINS, HULL ATKINSON. Baltimors, 15 h January, 180. febl 2upd. Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of Dr. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? because it never fails to afford instantane ous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magic, andtit trial aon will convince you that what we say is true. It contains NO PAREGORIC NOR OPIATE of any kin i, and therefore relieves by removing the sufferincs of your child, instead of by deadeniny its sensibilities ; For this rason, it commends Itself as tbe only reliable preparation now known' for Chil dren Teething, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Griping in the Bowels; Acidity tn the Stom ach, Wind. Cold in the Head, and Cronp, also, for softening the gum; reducing inflammation, regulating the Bowel, and. relieving pain, it has no equal being an erari spasmodic it is used with unfail i ng success in all cases of Convulsion, or other Fits. As yon vain the life and health of your chil dren, and wih to save them from those sad and blight tag consequences which are certain, to result from the use of n'irentiesof which all nther remedies fariufun tife complaint are composed, take none but Dr. Ea ton' Infantile Cordial, this you ean rely upon I is perfectly harmless, and cannot fniure the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions ac company eaoh bottle. Prepared by r tiURCH A DUPONT. mar 31 No. 4"0 Broadway, New York. . For sale in Raleigtfy Williams A Haywood, P. F. Peseud, and Iredell Brothers. SOFT SI mar 7 I OFT SHELL ALMONDS At . - - . . i FRANKLIN'S . tECAN N UTTS At FRANKLIN'S tnai 7- IILBEKTS At FRANKLlN'ii. JT " mar 7 SWEET C1DERI SWEET CIDER fl A LITTLE MORE CIDER 8 WEET.--Just received at . FRA5 KLINS Agency. The Best in' Baleigh. - W 7 VEMONjYRUP At FRANKLIN'S. i-. . mar ' s SMALL LOT: OF nicely cleaned, in store. -'v.- " " i ! J. M. T0WLE8,Ugen SI ) - - ' Farmer's Hall. f - ' MINERAL TOILET SOAP i MRS. E. R. MCGOWAK nHB PROfRIEIREPS OF THIS CELE JU D OAB, which is made from the dspOi KtvKlTTRELL SPRING, ) I s been rery ttttch flattered 'end encouraged lent evidences of its wounderful efficacy. It in diseases of all kinds, f tbe meat aaplees otracted character. The rapid sale it has to ; .id the increasing demand, has iudu'ed her t4 . ore extensively in . the manufacture of if Wntry merohants. -au whe want to sell it again . pplied by making: application to her, or i . ke. .': ' i -s Pr S-Jf an ene doubts tbe-raluaof the SoA " ill be referred to Tarions persons who narc tocttsfully m the most obstinate eases. , .- Any other ae-eallel f Mineral Soap? than mpaned by my tame and advertisement, is . -auine Kittrell Soap " ' ' f '. - . i - MRS. E. R- McGOWA Raleigh, March th, 1860. . " marl ' . 'r .. .. . F; 8TE AR ITS COi t y UtTfTr T"t tn vn iaft flTns1 ' e ea naviog been- ror.ar ' number of years large- S iy engagwd in distillini, I Withe Merchants of Vlrri i North Carolina. -a laical tensive ' s t o ek of don Liquors, Tlx: ' ' Vhiskies .of afl jrradJ ' s ieea, som very fine and old. . 1 Im.Fr. Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Sweet Wl 1.- They are prepared to offer sues inducement Verebants of Virginia and 'North OarolinaJ .. ke it to their interest to buy tn Richmond, V r They desire to call particular attention to theii :ye Whiskey, made from Pur Rye, Malted,' ' biskey ia entirety pure, and pronounoed by finest Whiskey to be found. , '. t feb 8-m. . - , F. . STEARNS., jf ' Is JA8. H. BOOK, M. 9. BOOIl& BROTHER, ! -EAtSR in Fin Family ad beary 6r J Imported and DuMnestie LUrnors in Great 1 ' . -ots Shoes, Wooden and Willow Ware, o A . -FayetteTiUetr, m (, , . - . Raleigh, BOOTHE A PARMENTER'Sl , CELEBRATED SEWINO MACHII Y , ilHESE Machines sew from two snoohtas miO from the store, requiring nn rewinding ,efj , ey stich, b'nd, fall' and gather, in a superic j 1 eXoelall maehiues in embroidery. Frioe. t tchiase,' SSt." - 1 " ,VV.;' . i: 0." H. THOMPSON", sgH for Bal JOS. JONE3, Xien'l Sff"t for : feh 25-.3ia. - . HEERING NEWS TO THE LO OF '00D THINGS. CODD & SCHEIB t HOLESALE AND RETAIL UEAJ IN COrFECTIONARIXiS 1 (fin I .-nits, Faaey Articles, Toys, Segai ' Tobacco. . ' " ' ' NO. 12 ' F ATEITE VILLB RE NOW IN RECItJ OF THK UN: . isortment of Goods in tSeir line of busing r1 -red in this Market, and to wbloh they moot h ' , I invite the attention of their easterners, aad tl 1 ; generally. ' 1 j i PPLES, VERY CHEAP, ANf ' 'i the fiaeet quality, kept eohsmntly oo han; , .,,,,', ......aoBfj--6CH 4,, , 4 " -.iii I ht i- Xfi tf 3 f f b RANGES. LEMONS. FIGS, RAV 'II AND CITRON A FRESH SUPPLY iUeieed; ..., '-.-.. PODD 4 SCH ' EST OLD HEifc&aEYrinTa3T; 1 ftBflftcfe ptardpapnr Brand; : ?? f . .dodii. . Bern I . CHOICE OLD BYir isKEYJ t - v4 . - ; - i'': ,D ;:6CHE ; - ' ,. T: - f1; A 1 H A3IPAGNE, VARIOUS BRANDS i' 'i J Muscat, Claret, Bleine and Port Wine. DODD A 8CHJ j" S ANC Y ARTICLES AND TOy ,V erery description. ' DODD A SCH. i R E 8 E R Y R S. PICKLES, BRA f t ; eg, bauoes, and every thing of the kino usual, i '' a Variety Store, constantly on hand. , - i V - - DODD ! i .FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR CI A'HO TOBACCO, v ft I', The best brands of Harana Segarg, Just reoe . . -DODD A SCH f I nliiu ..11.. . J ti t; nr..' ' i. 1ANDIES, f-CAKES AND ALL UUI-W. IW M BUWi t wwiwu ivr (ninitt ... iftl,, Ao , furnished with Neatness and Dispat i ' i very low prices, by DODQ, A SCH . ' feb 4 ly. - . ' f ' i - i . , ' ' . J,' ; J J. O ntniim.T - Tun A'mntA J NORTH CAROLINA BOOK; BIND DeGarteret & Armstron : I ok Binders and Blank factnrers, Book S Ralcioh, N. C, p : I AVE ASSOCtATED THEMBELvf G ETHER, for the purpose of .carrying , ' . -. ok Binding business extensively, in all its f I .-tBebss' '. '' '"' f . fbeir advantages are such, thai they are n-V ; ' ed to do alt kinds ef Binding, from plain tf !' ntl, in a manner and at a prioe tbateanno j 't e satisfaction. Sj ' They would caQ particular attention to their f " , i ' vie ef half Calf and Morocco Binding, whioht, '., 1 ( idsome and durable. , Jr'1, ' Newspapers of all kinds, bound in a Strong j j . ilfnial wanner. Muio lBook, and. Period tf i Ty description, bound to any patten, in bar ."- .. .. vt,: . Suareme Court, Jtroorts. 10.000 Tola, bavin i" I , ind at this establishment, we are still prep J j id theaj to match. . v, ' f i. ' - a. ilaTiog a One Catting Machine, we are pref ' , .tr a large editioosor tfookam cloth, in . a mani nriee almost as eheao as it ean he don ' ertberu riries. - ; - Pampuletaof all kinds, take from tbe nrml 1 t jio up in a superior manner, at very low rate? . : Work sent from'- distance will be done t-.-, .patch, and eSrefulfy repacked and forward .ifjioat delay. J. Q. DsCARTRH ;" i ' v JOHN"ARMRTROI U . . RAtpwa, i, , January 6th, 1880; . . . Jn Ji J . '.; i . , ,. ; ... ' i,. . , Tn . SPAULDING7S PREPARED GUI' ; - I PATiLDTNO' S PSARES ' tfLUltf . . ') same thatVaa Ambargh glued his lion ti- vith, i doing, wonders, hereabouts. : f - y , A boy . up toira glued hie play wagon tc ' : rong side up," and the glue did its duty sow; - I wagon had to be broken again before itwc , .j iiide right.. ..,.,? ,v j ... 1 -rXt ; v.? ai'-v.-. If Mr. fipaulding desires to become aeaadit, t i 'Presidency, and bis friends stick like hi G J il be sure of aa election, t ' fa Xreblteeta and Draftsmeu who bar j'trina on" paper for drawings, .this Glae will J j eonriderableattouutef tuueaad labor.. . f V Damaged book-eerera, loeened leares, dflaf fi ps and herbariums, wm remind jne staoen. Nobody should be without It. Ask for Bps T tpared Glue. . For sals by ? T- apr t H. DTU - . iTf

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