i .- V '" -, . ' tETTER BgM JlCWr; GARB EX AVIj " OI KENTUCKY . -'wtO 1 MERITS OF. THE PEESIDEN DIDATES-m.3 . PREFERS I nn... tllimf lotar fmni Hnn .arret Divis a ....... " a - - - was written ia reply to an invitation to be present it a meeting held ia Louisville to ratify the nom faatiorsof Bell and Everett: " . ' " ' i . . . . Kioti juir a. i sen . ileorge D. Prentice; Eaq-, itnd othert: : ., GiHTLiMiJTWpUtea JUj iuetojja, present and to participate in the proceedings of a public meeting, to takdplaiA yesterday? evening In Louisville, to rktify the nominations for Jlie Convention of the Constitutional Union' Parly at ii wl ...... w . tflnlv rAnnivAil T rnnl,T rirt tut uuuihuii J . " . i fwitb yon, but there was no actor there who is more U ani4 aiu.rif.at tnl-trO' trtatC kailaa 1'ariit V it heerless reoresentaUTe, John Bell, an Jd ward Everett, that 1 am. .And now, en tbia enniversa- sarv dT of the In dependence ef our country, again bledge -. to "the Union, the Constitution and -thf Enforcement oi tne. lATttf ana to tneaDie ana ity statesmen nominaiecr w upoom ueuAti t .pave jfor some yeare pas me mocraiic rauyf rrosaniiT asBumoa wmiu on it jiauomu panv. rhilst ft was constituted of two inconeruoub I sec lional factions, the leaders of the Northern one be-. ing deadly hostile to JglaveryVandt ie .fcaders'oC pat tioutn its nery supporters aaa : propagators, nd cresent ana prospecuve uisuniosusts. thousq jthe head woo ot the two. factions have long known. the nrinciples and wuiaaUdeugns of each other! jtbey bare bareLofora held their subalterns by Mtbe jcobesive power- of ; the th pluiwef,'- sd their , anasses by csprU du eorpt, and' by senseless shoots jfor party victories, to a united action, when there was nocommnnitT of princfBli amonr them. idauu cia,susswiv sputui, pan nuicri 1 1 i L. 3 a. , A. .ji. and from a vajue hope that some: chance moma jj?ive them h dominattBg'pewe. Bat their Tpective camos-bad become so crowded bf access ions of free captains and tnrcenary soldiers, men. bbo have tatdther fixed principfs nor fidelity; to" any cauaA, but who ngbt for pay. aTone, and who will desert the greatest ap'4 most sacred cause for pigber pay than thy are receiving, that it became impossible to satisfy or to lull the impatient crav ing: for spoils f their Jbuagry . legiotts.) fThfr veil with which this heterogeneous monster, modern Democracy, has so long covered itoelf.isat length, rent bv intustine strife, and feveab' 1ts"N6rieTn . and soauerB.segiau engagajtn-air 'frrepresSi- ble conflict, growing jouo! priBClplea.aBd.objects wnicn cannot logamer, ana otepnen, A. LluUg jus and Jobn (J. isrecicinnage are tne chosen chief- lin to hrincr the two HOOTAimtori hnSTI En tha nn. set. x-scu lackiuu ciaiois to ue aa a auosai uem- crtttic Party nd denounce the other and its chief i rebels. -9try i--f!..j ' vj ". r It is duo to tho country thaf ever pattv -whidi lakes evea a profession of nairiothm 'shoo Id bra. sent itt best men for office..,, Bat the Democratic Party has never acted upon this principle j' arid its recent disregard of H. and bv both of itsi facty tions, is as flagitious as at any former time. liThor is Stephen A. Douglas, that he should be "placed in' Woffice that was fashioned and vested with toO-wers tov men oi tne mourn oi vr asningion t w Here are the monuments of, Bis statesmanship? . When has ie shown a profound knowledge of andregard for rent constitutional principles ? I What 'wise' and u?elul measures of legislation has be devised, 0r supported with great ability, during his . long ca- a wa a aa sutj aauhvod Vt WUEiSJW t . Uf til Ufvl f id the Wilmot Proviso as an amendment) 0o4 rer in iuo two pauses oi vwngress i ue pronos- - a 1 a TM o trr Joint resolution for the admission of Texas into the lUnion, as to alt country rtorth of 36 degree's 30 blinutes ; and he reproduced it in the bill estab lishing tbe Territory of Oregon. He has often. advocated tbe principle of' the Missouri Comoro prise line. V Under the auspices of - Mr. Clay, be supported the compromisa pleasures of J850,jind particularly as a flasJity ot the whole slave subject. And yet, in a few short years, be repudiated the principles osu tnese measures, -ilestoleDickin-epn's thuaderj and embodied the repeat of tbe Mis- spun uompromise in tbe Kansas Nebraski bill ': nd thus created th Black Republican Party, and tyought it , born-monster, with teeming numbers thit this Kansas-jrebrask bULJihe aupport of which he cajoled the South, was the best abolition nibasurtllhat' Congress could pas6vJHe is sv.bcM, ambitious, reckless, talented demagogue, without ai y fixed principles of true statesmanship. Ha opposed the Lecompton Constitution because it wks necessaty to secure his re-election to the Sea atj( and upon the same condition ha would have supported it with all English's shameless profliga c.ij. He has been nominated by the Ftee State wing wholly upon bis Squatter Sovereignty here- y, and this recent and daring. . in novation he and n$s taction are striving to Interjiouite into the Con stitution, or rather to establish it as a great pri mjary principle, overridingthe Constitution itself. This sectional, reckless political savehturer will nt get an- electoral 'vote ia a Slave State, and be sqouia never nave been thought of in connection with the Presidency. ' - ' ' But the Seceders faction hkve done even worse. The men who led the seceders from' th Charles ton Convention have been for years. Open and ajowid disunionists. But the movement of Bouth Carolina in that direction last Winter met with &d stern a rebuke from, .the. States to which she made her treasonable' appeal, as to bring them to a more cautjoua, policy. Some years ago they sought to inaugurate ! disunion movement nnHor the guise of a Southern Commercial Convention, bht-U received no sopporteixceptfrOm a fe rest less spirits scattered over the Sou Jiern Atlantic ahd Gulf States. Even "John' Brown's raid did for an open strike. Tbev moat hnvn nthar'fii J Uke pooiuon with ,Souh Carolina: or, at anv . thiwrs inlLgie.Slav .States, , Their- eSbru'ta pr.iuce mese results nao tailed, and therefore thev must change i heir, tactics.,. Their see. ssion worn tee Charleston Convention was not disunion in fdrra ; but was intended.to lead to disunion : but eVert the movement tneVei'dlt euised ak it was! aid .. C.iwu6u ui,uiuuei7e strength,. jtLen- tqeky andTennesseestcfirin.'andlhedemonstrar tibn of sympathy fromj.most ,pf iba other-Slave States was not sufficiently encouraging The bulk oB the Convention re-essembled Baltimore and Dpuglas is nominated by a large majority of the ere bodyinclnding large fraction of the Ken- vjr g"wn1.rlxnereaaaseeondrbolL which was joined by as many of the, Kentuckyelega gation as had vpted far Douglas, and another frae: rrient of it was suspended like .Mahomet's coffin, and could fall nowhere: Tnese bolters go into , a separate Convention, and nominnto aa.tbeircandi. bv all tha .l ' rP,r uwaecona tune to Klehmondand who refused to go oft to Bal ifinore. Mr. Breikin: rjdge approved the secession, and then received tbe ?tnTUA v-f tkeSecederr, and thus he and hta nartv are -hitched on t,K-L-..u V.j - .' l - ymn who v'l Ca.lf weins; d4ve te the dev. IS . Wri do not' bl rllA ;recainriage and his Kerttuckr Mend meta disunion at this Jim; hotlhose wiA tainly do His nomination, by a fragment of The Democratic Convention produced, with!? & i feeling of revulsion. Circumstances and his ol! associations rged him SSSiZ u,lUDaW ends- It is common caee fa, bnrkedlhkKT'toW6nd re e, 3Z Tei .dl er" D" in the same at once to abandon th. TZr r an i u u 1IW wlHantMu . U . e,locuUon. His ha)ii-i-4jVi?!T ' -TfaA nenu and tKjSuJ ffif tU 3 jmi not enaoie mem to proselyte; many to the opinion that dissolution Nvas 'i remedy for ahy e'iis'tihg evil. Thnir nhinKrH 4m. a i 1 I w u n V. V W ,CW Bill. UMI HHU . 7 i , ,v " "aency John u. Breckinridge, the idol of the mass of the Kentucky peoiooracr-nd uis nomination ia ratinad He bat been- a practicing lawyer for years, frequently a, candidate for. pufar office and 11 fd where itre hM evtdncWtfntertSct stales-, tuanabip? Echo Mnssrers wWe? WIat has be over ooneor saio or wrwii4 vtrT,wi totbxtgeoerU6i?' Hklife'ind bisiorfSan, be embodied in v phrases: "Lawyer," "Jlm ber of the Kentucky Legislature,'' "RepreewWiive in Congrws,? : Vice-Pe9idflnjl,' and' f Senator elect," and there can be neitber addition ' or am- Slitkauon. Uiscretion andlucK nave acnievea,ior iro all this official elevation. I- have not taken into the account that he was a Major in the Mex ican war, tfecause ne orotignt not 'me isurai ift want of oDoortunitv. the war Lei nz over., before reached the field of ..peratioiiaClor ltslji Breck iridge Js unquestionably a gallant and chivalrous gentleman and soldier.' Avfewemrs ago 'lufck promise vo comer tne crowning nonor u on law young Fortunaius, Old Buchanan like to have djod at the National Hotel in WaibjngUx), and Mr. Breckinridge. left -tor .Kentucky, without Wz bibing any of the poiion. As old Buclcdid not die, X then -began to suspect mat nis iuck oaa abandoned him; and (bis suspicion has been eon firmed by tbe fact' that pit? Buck; from being, liis enemy, has changed.to.be hi friend,' 'anar b ma king stumpipehefc tor him. Hit discretion, too, has Jeft him, or be! ntver' would vhav accepted tbiC Dmipatkh"Ad with luck and- discretion both tone, how can Mf.t Breckinridge's friends hope that be can ever Teach the PreiidencyT ' " Hut Kflntuckv has k .Democrat wbe i' an AbasericaU stateetnan of approved executive ability ;1 OI oroaa nauonai principiesoi inuomiiaDie wiu, ind of unbending integrity; and whose public lire wonlit Wtha onlv ' nlatlorm which the "countrv would have tetjufred for hitn and tbat Democrat Ik James Guthrie; - Had he been ' tbe nominee of the enure invention, De wouia nave csrrwa Kentecky by an unprecedented Domocric. ma- Ability Jo nproinatft. :)ougland preserve its unitv had. witn a view lOtorm a union or naiiost- al roen'to defeat Lincoln, recommended Guthrie an4 Everett to the support of the American pec nla opt as partisans,' bntas tutesmen of ' enlirged. views and eminent ability, and demoted: to tbe Unkm and f very pational Interest, they " would, have beaten dowri all sectionalism, and have been triumpban.tly elected. " "Ko, Covode ' Committee wohld have been required, as fr Buchanan's Administration, to lav bare to the scorn ?of the world the reeking end thorough corruptions of the Government under the administration of James Buobabant for- he would nut the knife to -them and cut them all off, boorninr to b the ig noble tool of anv clique or canal, he wouln himself H3 xrwmcuu xi o uiu ik'i iuii vue risuiuonisH, because with all the power of the Government backed up by the resistless Union hoets.in every State, be would crush her machinations and bring tbe traitors to punishment oa the,, comtnuskm of their first overt act .H vWas . rejected vby.the friends of Douglas, beoausa they know that he hflld the gquatter Sovereignty doctrine of. their "chief o be an anconstitntional heresyjf He was itnf acceptable to the treasury leeches, because they had experienced that he would not permit them to fatteht.apofl his l polls. Ohnoxious to' both of Jie sectional wings, and to tbe spoilsmen of the Dem ocratic Convention, Mr. Guthrie found but small Isvor in It, , Vv ',..". v . (. ThO' Blacli Kepublican candidate is an honest man of fair ability; but for some years p-ist he has fbeA possessed of but pneidea, hostility to Slavery. He, and his eoadjatoi for theJVioe-Presidency, are Doth residenuof a jree state. . .They were nomi nated by an intensely sectional party which with . . . mm . - . T.ll '? ?n fined to the Free States: and in none of them does it eonsti&ito the majority of the people?' Tbeonly common bond which unites this party is fanatic al hatred of Slavery, or its JVpocritical simulatfoi: and if its candida'e shoulcrie elected, tbe Goviirrr- ment would b administered with the iturntie to imbue al its branches, and especially, the $uproin Churl1,; with Anti-Slavery J fanaticisui That would te the I'olar atw by which tb 8lnp of tbw State ruiId bo, steered, and the Lord sav hff Irom uch a commander 'andh from such' a crew,' for whomever. thevTun her opon the AhU-lavery 1 i .sit ". '", either of these factions, with the aid f its cbo8a,cfiieft could bave, J or Died IheConstitytion Hf 1 twserve who etecste that t me.tf)bst be enlightened by the same sort of intellect; augmented by the same patriotism,, ana elevated by the same great ness ot bou) wnicn ruled wnen tne Constitution was formed- : It k. tbe contracted felt spirit of section alism which menaces the dissolution of the Un ion, and the chaotic rum cf our magnificent poli tical planetary systtjm, and, unlets the' national conservative men of every section and State burst from their party trammels and crush it . out by placing true and able men in the office, it will bring on the catastrophe. There is now no rea son why the 6)ave subject should awaken' fanati cism, or . intense interest, North or South. In the States, where it exists, no' authority but tbat of the State jan interfere with it so long as the Consti- .tuuqno tne united states rules. In the Tvr litorief norm oi the cotton region, climate, soil tiBmjnicriion exciuae it to mexo'sMv as to b require no aid by Congressional or territorial lej; I Ifi tlinti ttirr nn,A whu.k Ik . . 1 I : T "'r--" """" wi.n-u kucjr wuiu give wouia force it 4here. The country west of Arkansas, and inhtbited by Indian tribes, is tbe only thea tre where the Slave Question can ever have a real and practical interest, and not even there so lonsr il.. 4k j ... P wn tuun hiiu meir rignts am respected The whole question is settled by the logic of events and not by the debates or legislation of men Aii intelligent men nave long known this troth uiu m jrBr me siave supject nas merely been kept in motion as a loljtical foot ball for coctand- vV uwitun biiu paruiw.ns. it is nigh time iOT H WD9 lgnoreu IN national nnliti: .... . a.. j the Presidency to be sUked upon other more an. Thi ery spirit of the Union and the Constitu tion presiaeu over the convention that nominated bur cndidates, and inspired it to select men fit and -equatiothe present needs of the country. "The ijuiuir, me vonsniution, and toe enforcement of u,O MW'.; w "e snort political creed of the greatatesman of Ash!an' uttered whan the darkf clouds of sectionalism began,, to.rise above thehOrizorv It i, omprebeosive and complete entmgh for every good and patriotic citizen from Ocean to ,wenltJ&rmA .the ark ot American liberty, and( who ill not, rally, to it 7 , Of all tbe living, none thai t Bell and "Everett are more worthy to be Its . representatives. Tnev r wi. statesmen pf:, the , ashington' achoot ot great notional abllltv.of nrof-und raadino in tK of government, and of thorough practical knowU T . 7 M J-uwemargwa policy, principles n4 patriotism embrSuaJapd pervade the whole Ofwur' great eountryf and all its diversity of toil climkte,pr,pAictjon1aD4 miefets.,. They. are not Z . i ' lucJ "XD "ooreainL me moderation oronjightenid, matursd, national and nhilosophic statesmen. Evereit has the moregenius, learning andeloquence. , Bell mprepraotical rtatesman ship, and tfte. wore nerw to mett and hb!1 th storms of dtf union. -Bat devotini-A tt4. tit Zi - ' """""""""i iMuumitaoie pur- xmhto enforce tbe laws have hcmirMiAMMLti ith tbe intellectual and moral ttrtctu re of both.- y v , l3J Wishingtan; end the founders of our Governaent, if tjow upon, earth would support for the office til which tbev haf eeen Bamed;-and I trust that the Prese nt feneration rf our cttuntrymen .will have tbe' wig. om,' firmness end patriotism to forget all eke buV the imperilled condition jof the Union nA h- country and summon Bell and Everett tr ih rese, t ; . , . hHi GAKBKTT, DAVIS. , J DUOUTH1 IN THE KXTKEMB HJUT H.'' Tfst AJUINK.w.,., ,,,, t,. I AVf have alrcadv iriven omo ,...... . .u Democrat pqMwhed at- Columbus. MWissinni. -1 . ' V i ..V . 'j :1 1 1. a i n r, muieuiaie neiirnuortaoad i.f i.. .i throughout be .eter(i .and. sogthern wirtion of the county, the effects of the, drouth are n Tin W I p be si, andif rkiH oes'nol come uTanS y abundantlvHhe r'im.l 4n4eabt Missuip y writes- aal I" garde ralinn wMdthv,th..mUotLr1 VwoicD4assfo-tnvr t,,i. .. .. f RVirTtb at wrvteff." But tnn dopuMWss- wm iH!i,freew?fw a rju to mmt scarcity f tKid in Texas InteJIigentef front Mississipnt and paru of Ala bama aud Arkansas' is ;"o less dLirvi- rp. . ' 1 BO 470QS AM Alii. tV ns have fil4 fV 1... vT.TT " "f f "0 wer ot ItWt-w-ewiw borne lo the gnmndynd the lattewas witalli? piece.- - ' vlV-- i , The Lutlt, tA'rkazetoFO IP saya: Tne nj awunfinrwuchfir rai j in ibis and tbr adfotnlngg cHsnuens oaTBaie i ; ,i.,jyl ! -. The news lrm Texas wte cheerless, as has been hitherto represented. EvHryltbing is being burned to a crisn bv the scorch inejrays of the sun. Famine is bginning to distrws-ihe 'poor In seve counties, th people are boHing. public, prayer ,1 with life preserving shwers sufficient to avert the . "".i'T'""r. .w-r TKa .nnrlitinn of uHTairii ia ' not IaUltO, 6Q Did in - Alabama, but we are sat i that the crop of trn Alabama and' W estern Georgia will fall far short of theineadOolhonie eoRtiunierg ; and if fthere. should ,0 ibeifi cron is SHith Alabama, backed by . lww itrices in tbe West, tber cannot but be impense suffen ilf 1 1 iy.T! t j Fronl tho'Baltimort CltppeR cjThe eet8 of ,he last few -wwk jiaVe jvirought wonderful obngii the prospeets of tbeDnion A little hila bM thintMtlf lUTMirnrl hoped to accomplish Was' to hro wj e flection j ...t I,, . - ' r-tt! T pf irresiaent into tne aoust popwHwufo, where tt is said to be absolutely sure - that -John . . f . tt ' . a i Bell will be elected. Bat affairs) have assumed i quite. different aspect; The Bell uid Everett ; ineft are no longer striving faere! to get the elec Hon into the Uouse they are encouraged to ex- pect tne eteotton oi. tag u niuu vpmumi yj -, uo electoral sJoBffltlfijhej for this hope, and activity, energy? xeal, confidence, and oj'ndnizatiok will, nnduestionably, achieve yifiaiirj desirable mult:,C; ' . , it is Vrw everywhere ooncoueu even . ui suw sBrewdest leader s of both factions of the Denao- Oraucrparty, uiat miswu ju.rvjauu, aeniuv kr, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri; art & eten Virginia, will go for ,BelI and Jlverett by over, whelmini; majorities. It is hardrv denied that the J fospect ia almost equally a promisUti; for -their uccess in Florida, Alebama, Geofgia, Louisitna. Mississippi and Arkansas. ' There? retnaiti of the Southern States' Ooly Sdutfi Carbtina and Teta The vote of South Carolina will, in all probabui- ty, pe given oy nr legislature tp DrecninriugB, and Telas will either be carried for Houston upon an independent movement, or for Bell and. Ui er ett. Thd Utter is the most -pronable. j ; " 1 -. This is no vain boasting.; - With the. single ex ception of Sooth Carolina, the vote of which' is usually thrown away upon some ultra Southern favorite, the prospect is that all tbe .Southern States will be carried for the Uniori paty; candU dates.' It is Utterly impossible for either Breckin- ridceor Douglas to Carrv a sinerle Northern' State without the aid of the' friends of Bell and Eve ett. , It is don btful t f either ene of them ' could carry a single one of the' Nor.!hern States- with this aid. - Tbe intenltT1 of the hostility belwven tbe Douglas and Breckinridge faction-precludes ail hope of Inducing the Iriend of either to vote for the other, ai)d thus .all oppoctuoi ty is preclud ed for a perfect combination of all the opposition to Kepublicanism in that section 5n favor of either Douglas or Breckinridge. - , Vs. -. There is, however, one way sure bevondperad. venture to defeat the election of ; Lincoln, and that is by a combination ef all the opposition to the Republican party in favor of Bell and JEverett, in the , Stote of ; Pennsyfyaniaj. NeW" York New J ersey, Connecticut arid M assacbiissets. That such a combination is neither impossible nor imnroba- bla the advocates or JLXnca&n and Hamlin ha ve not been slow :to perceive.. They are moving Heaven and -Earth to prevent it. i Theyjsee in it the utter Srostration of all tiierx hopes and an fetea't how and forever.-. ?( ; - ; h , If by any untoward accident jLiiicoln flKniId be elected, the result will be bttribUtitblesolel to the obstinacy ol the Dcmocrats in; these J'rthern Stales in refusing to' perfect thejonly contbhiu'tiort that promises beyond question ,U,. prevent a puDiican iwrtv success. J no massea ot uie Uotn- ocraticpnrty there e not ignoniu.t of; bjs,?;fact. Ihey begin to see that, even if it were possible to obtain here and there few . Northern ; votes for either Breckinridge or DoUghfe.jthey wo$ be of no avan, wnno tne encrt o olaln them would i-r , , li-tr 'iTiTi iT ni- ii,,... ttTiitll.r 1 2 WDicA tne itepuni ican party i actoallv in a minor ty, a complete and cordia and effective comhma- lion oi me majority oppisni to liincom rann.-l possibly 1-e accompiislMHi iri vWff nfiy' kthW than the Union party candidates Iro preoed with this idea.- the jmasses- are every' where preparing VveffeCt tiriswmbination and are rallying with enthusiast to thej jtell, and Everett sianaarq. iney wait not Jor their leaders. They have learned wisdom, from, the tessoni of the past. Tbey have drawn sage ct) inclusions froni the h te contest for the speakership In thje House of Rep retentatives at Washington, Tbey seethe whole roirth. copatns up m solid pbalanx m favor of tbe Lnion party ticket. They jknow that by giv ing their support to it, Lincoln 'IwiU'serolv be d. feated. and that any other-eouree will oirty serve to increase his chance for success - They perceive too niaiuiy tnat an nope lor tne election of either of the Domocratic candidates, is utterty gone, and tne alternative is presented to tnetijf Ben or JLincoln . They cirnoi they dare not, tbey wHT hot hesi-. taw to choose in uch a way asjoinsurejbo defeat oi wncoin and the noalvverthnow of Bepublican-. isx even should it, as it mo!, result in the., elec tion of Bell and Everett by tbe electoral a college. VVesay to our friend, therelbre, wNow, by St. Paul, the work goes'bfavelv 1" The nlficttmi of the unhM ndidate 1 hdloner ttattftr'Of simple desire ad speouhuiosu iltii notonirres uui urauMio. ,DH, iq jiox POj 410nt JS. to push on tbe column, niore and in'ore,. , vigorously. Let us march forward With, puf banners high ad vanced against this conraon enemy .if nationality and conservatism, and ihn whole,opposition to the Bepiiulican party in the Eastern and Middle States will aocn be found arrayed wn tiie side of our carv aiaates, Because there 4 bi where le tot them to go if they would.;'' 1H uU;iv :.-;. BRECKINRIDGE: ANDiiriW NBtHG. ISM. John Savage has itteri!a: Uer, ' hjcti el ff M .h wuo)1(rr, hiajv;,. r vq, eauing tiuntten tion to Breekin ridged Know NOtblngproclrvTticvi We'extract the ffellting j ' j' J,,f ,fc ' "T&ven while jrou were earrying out the, pvo 'ftf ,.S ntionalilT inVIrrinia to whh you tu boldly pledged yonraelf, MR Bre2kinridge whom ome journals say you will supr.ort for the ported .v..7 . fag, ani t was .copied, with the complimentary introduction of the Ken tucky editor, into the govvrninentinrgnt Wash ininn, (ist unions .ay 6, I8&5,.i 1 wuid ;Wt t Previous to entering Oponhe'aoppertnf rr Breckinridge, I would suggest that you,- oner who would hold n fmprom.9b,JYBrW,-of term' with Ovnow-N'othingism fnf eVr)gato!'!nim! upon3' "Pf PMe M lhai speech.! ;0nfof theeeiaa alreadTbee brought to his hetfcv but failed to elicit a replj. It is thus given! t . , t . T t- "II w UatoJ,fpi: a mad ta prefer tloseeriis' pwn religioue taitb in votio?trrd h htmlf would vote for one of his way of thinking in re MgiOn rather-tbanE for nrthcr.lallHOth iWng. tome; equaL jut aa he wunld voteJoB ii.r.vi. ;. Merenneto aforeignhxrt-iOzerijlothet thing! being eaual. i .....-. , I .mA IJ i.' . .. to C"""S tins Kuirceguve text in vnn- hi if, ty.suoiuiinn tnefoctrine W !H as here eipre4rf; Tntrtldiifliea ,tute not only V discrimination between' native and naiuralizTd raliwdcnsbjanoVnaJJaina diykion t n native citizens oXaVjintVeigion e'te'lrt vnifft"""te and undernocrat'c brfiw The! nature of Mr. B reck i n r idtro's statement ia nhius1 ! by a ! knawfclgw.f4,titwvt which- it i s uttered, and the ctmteramirafioous liiterv . nf hi Stile give if :thHnig eetml and proacrintiTe f tmportance. ... -J-v Tbe ltMwade4o A4awiwe'.t&i' IvJiX-fSl ... " Were I e inclint-d, thwe-tprfar tnrghtfuVhfi-h 1 matter f. irelahrji4ef duitWnVbut in wri-'f .matter place, and my, j Ari UOaaOkSUU U'U'llClUUni;LniHt.tWrTiat:vji4 ! aeama. to W tnat i-i LrAZTni if '57-: yWcdjnrtio..tfl, the tJ - Bwtw!, ft s?et association, evidently bv a friend' v nn 0r.u-i : Jbriet- n'-wotildMAAI. lv . : - ; . I.--"- , , - and grippiieuWat' yitfi tDd' "i V bis with JejBer." -.' - IjlSave lot! LrskmUi b. mt. W.J JOHN av a v,a. v. t'TnRRATtuRfTirnTTRrw..tN VIKltffASeaveMiid:an4 iiosy, ndt:wi!I optinuo foaaj, .. . . T, .-"-s. ' www uiwu..iw inam, iui,B ..... v. " - . publicans at Occaquan, Prince William county, Vaf, bid erected a Lincoln and Hamlin flag-pole Rt4bt placer, Thi prcedinS? (oiife pan of a I tew representatives of the , Nortnem sectional aatlaveyparty eems in have-atwedi?wnra' erable fueling on the part of the okizens of that and the adjoining counties, as'wfll be seen 'by the following lfef received t Alexandfy5"a .jt : 4 OCCAQDAsr, J Uty 257 Dear Sirsu'' village jfrs been in 'cfuror f ecitementf.r the last two daysroing to,' infot mf tion b'viog beea received by the leaders of tbe republican party that there was an armed foree cowling here en Friday nests for' the purpose of destroying their pole. Jk meeting was held in Bren tsille and Fauquier oa ' Saturday last, when k was determined that some three ' hundred men f-ahottld be seht here to take the pole down. tCap tain xnorntooone ot our magibtraies anu a pap tain of militia, resigned for tbe purpose of taking command of fan They, called on Gen. Hutton, our commanding ofilcer and county at torney, to know-whether they could get arms. He replied that be could not loan them for a& a' purpose, nut would say nothing ir they cnose to take tnem. . a nis gave them -ttneouragement, na thev notifled .the yvtmatMtfSwmtjmin coming atd that the pole most come downt ' The folks coming m from the upper part of tbe county kept adding to the news, and appeared to be very arixlouv to know whether the republicans would fight-, .( f h ?'' On Monday night tbe republicans held meet- ing and dispatched parties to Alexandria and TvasntngtOn, and it was reported on Tuesday that thejrhad sent up for ammunition, and had dever- raineu w outiu a tort aruuau. tun, poie anu protect it atallbaaardii. Tbi feporf bnly addadto lieex- cUement, and it was supposed they- could master nut twenty men, and it would appear like wasting their lives to oppose so many. They commenced axing toetr guns, etc., ana seat a dispatch to Gov. .uetcner tnat tney were, toreatent-a by an armed force,'abd that they looked to him for protection; put it n oia not protect tnem they would take up arms ami pme theniseiTet Thr ' fjhJveraof answered them by saying lhat.ha would immedi ately order General HUttoh' here with nis regi ment to protect them. This will be .bad news to the general as he has said the pole should come down at the risk W hit" life, when the repnb'i- caos received this newt last night there was great fejoioing. They fired a salute in honor of the U4uig, which were brought by a mesBenger here dispatched by themWe am 4 now waiting to hear . from Gen. Hutton, and suppose he , will ; be here this morning to see about the affiurT There has been sixty volunteers from this republicans "to die by the pole. 11 'Some of their friends adv&e them to give np if Hutton dots not come and they twear they will not. - ,.-.-.:-- -r,.,, , ,. ; , ' There is a later note, dated vesterdav eveninsr. stating that Gen. Hutton has resigned bis position in tne miuiia ' A specia 1 correspondent of tbe 4 lexandria Ga zette of Saturday morning announces the Occo- quan difficulties ended Fridayy happily without nipogsneo. J oe Joiiowing particulars may be in teresting i ; .p' ' On the 4th of July last, the Black Repitblioans. of whom some sixty reside in tbe vicinity of Oceo Huan, instituted an asRiation and agreed' to er-" irecl anol- to bear aloft a fiag with the names of uuwiii wu usiuiiii. i no iiuic was aocoruingiv errectuu, tne loiicwtng persons participating in the pole raising : " . JobB Undjrw-HKi, W. C AUjt,y, Robert Curtis, tur unuarwyim, Jt, v ,.nives, w .... Jtti tier ' VI mt Davis, (boy Stephen HjamniUl, John Tay lor, ivnurew underwood, Marion Grigg, T. O Doulter, James Gould, Thos.' Hives, Jr., H. F, Duty, VV . U. Johnson, T. h. Se'eeman, John T Vt ! . 117 lir . . . . . . 1 iv "S", "J- v esternv a. a., oeieeaaan, JSdward Lfber (EnbtoajjlTasco Harris, irree negro I Jim Snyder. (frer-1iegrQ nibitiimB I-' i "i '-HTwrVwiaihg of the pole, tbe nartioi. pants were armed 'Uh muskets, nnd naadn nnit a military demonstration. . nieetipg was held Htwhich Black Kej,ut!ican speeches' were 'made V- A"ej and J, Vight, the; latter, of waom, a new comer, is said to be quite an orator juany jie-sons i tne efgnbrJtod opposed the errecUon of the polebeiieyieg it to be a stand ing menace U- the jveaee of the County, but at first wibh was no inuicauon oi an attempt to disturb u. An inaignaiion meeung,' however, raised much feeling in the neighborhood, and itit BrenUvilK gome time tboatlftfit crtnrt it v. agreed that the flag was'an insult to thejWple of Virginia, and incendiary in the object it was rais- eu 10 promote, anqsnouiai'etorp down 0a Kridiy, Beih apprised of this determlnalian, the Be publicans dUpatched Mr, Athey to - Washington for aid in supporting their cause. . Whilti wv ingWn, Athey- made arraneements with BepuWioai,.'' to fiirniah forty er tfty " flre-arms or approved make, with ammunition therefor which were' to be fent to Oecoauan on Tuesday nifiht bv a wairon. The donath fmm ri. Letcher, however, Induced the abandonment, of wIbo. a a meeting at uccoquanvand amid great jntbusiasmj i was resolved that the pole huld be defended to the dca h, unless the assail irita numbered more than three to one of the Re-puulicana4..---.-,bf, :. , ; , . ro the night r.Thursday, several of the wives of the residents at Oocoquan fearing: bloodshed would occur the next day, attempted lo demolish the pole. In the attemj, the wife of Mr: Dut war serumelv wotlnded bv Wow Vr.m ii- 1 Th fnen gathered, hdwover ind took the women .,tj, vu o uuject w. ujeir attack. :.t)n.the morning vt the 2?th (yesterday) the E publicans hoisted the American flag and the party ensign bearing the jnameiLof ''Lincolii and Ham rJ5L"Ur Duriog "nmg eovt ef the women left the village and the place seemed uite desert ed, but no preparations were "made for defence - yo m vviuun asEing- protection waa prepared and numerously signed. ; At SJ O'clock the Prince WiHiam Cavalry, Captain Thornton ;cpmmanding, entered the vil age and ganged thernaelvea in the neighlrhood of the pob.; , Xhei, were ialtowed by; n eomnaoy, tihout forty strong,, under the cemmand of Can. Uin M. Piuhugh and Major Carter, who paying no attenthm .whatover to the ' Horsemen. forined i bolloir square around the pole, facing Whilst this company was surrOnriding4' Mi Joseph T,Janney advanwd id theCaptalri Of the.Tjroop of Horse and. claimed pw)bctui for $kP(,Prly UP which the i.le stood.P i .M .the word f command a W jeokaosu of IWax, atiilwart eoman fprang forward and gAt.the first blow, others followed; -rdoublm(r stroke on stroke. " During ikis tam w. Jt f iaterrnption, save the Kepublicans and others who f yeuf Ixe iaKi;ope you're .bavingrA; tfme, Ac - In a few tntnntea, hO wevef , ther was a cry of "staifd from ahder.imdhe pole came to the ground and aniveredr InsUntl the crowd elnt whn the 'Bepublicans'l re-J wnded hy gCvg tWeeeri;- fn7l4ncc(rwrana1 """ were qmekry at work on the fillen g.., -..w. .u w j.u.g ii,ttUu(, ten, it was pmipijeu up ana tne pieces carr'ed off. The Ifl was apnt w urentsviue. u eip.loon ah -la f-olej'war teveHadiCatiin Fitzhugh ordftred about race. and5 .f41 off' ?lu,d-- N'they' ehi mingled applause. '. :' ; . A ; ' During the Ovening there was some excitement Rfla A rrflMAtftl r.'T.ft.lnl .Jin! bil . - 1 . ' fawner aad Jos Janneyv in which the Kilter nwefHsSderably iftinriHL ? wi ? . - , -t , j . X. f co imtween jol. Thocrod cleared away during tlie everdisr and at sundown all waa'dnieLJ Th RoAnMSiiTr ytfvv w11fnhit'anaei rWlot J makiagngai jrU chea't a pustomor ! w Maiux a, Ar itK.t.w-i i vin 1 mini u..t. In the long run, ajt stto pjamjs 91 .u..Kl. 1 ' flHf V.t 44etetoatiaitoa ,-1- 3 IL'.. - than the other roan. ' , wuosrj, JtiO t i.w. Jtvi,k ..Tlie Pkri !uf 3lr.-JoSn J WJSorwood' in the Ijiandard of July Slstefln- . . N j.i.i'Li'nf hi Prwiden u" .ii- NtnnH i dneliired Jot Belt and that, he "- i ' Everett, and Pr an ad vatoreuj t -M r Norwood said, if eleVteL be would offer bill ' - . 2' Ul.. nuf iiAlh oBstiiiiiai .io Asltoflax slaves ae CUI UlUg ! - ' 1 . lwir value in Oranirt. tl'U "ft Juw"' '., H- ihan valued the .test fieli hnni' tftO'Mfle a jn,T .nri n Omne 'farnier lkiad nk nv VW UV4'Si . D sdford to give roord..Dr Jflnesdvclared ftr:Ureck! iiirikgland Lane, and spoke of Mr, Yancey as dUunionist. Mr. Norwood, was about concluding bis tpeeub, wbn Mrf Gu&rie ttkedt. who he was 'or. 1br President . Mr Norwood repliea,, py f ay- " r:- t...1 V mnA vmi will fl&VA ins,, soswer wou " -- - - nrmrh to dO.' ? 'After Mr. Guthrie had spoken for an bout; mr wili iniko airain for 20 minutes. As Mr. wv , -f O Norwood! was iaking; Ws seat, Wr,N.. Ppi MIA TUIH1 s m UUI b aw DOMHtwareu WUUUO wa . . . . . . 1 . 1 t Jl . 1. n WB for, for President end called upon him to answer. air. Jrorwooa spoae tor.aonw mot., mhi wu the; Union, . the Constitution, an J . too - design of the Biaok BepuWicans.' He seemed to cosclude when attejBotf jattleo' ana wff Ha then spoke of tb ? CpUoil Sutos a for disunion and for forming aoou them contederacyTtney were IOT It, OWWIjU T'Vi m77T irf?vl", Yancey ' was the great leader in -tito move and it was Abe duty of the grain-growing State, he said, to check them, and keep them in the, Upion, ' ' Aftor : Patterson bd - repeatedly, denian.ded, an answer, and failed to get it, he seemed to threaU M, by tayinlir.f N thand an answer from y., Mr, Jtorwood said, these people demand posncb thing. Then I do, said jranerson, anu. a luaut vh an whww. -, , ....j- Mrv Norwood said, I will be candid, X have no concealment in this matter. I am for any body to beat Lincoln, and save this Union; ; but I am. noC for Douglas,. be wont-do to trust, nor . for Breckinridge, he Is a y oung man, and I don't know enough of him to say that he will da, for Presi dent. ' ' i . ; - Mr. Norwood appearing to coneluae-and Patf terson despairing a' getting an answer, said, Mr, Norwood i-will say to these people yen. are for Bell and Everett .'"Under the. present circum stances," said Mr. Norwood, "I am." A great shout went up irom tne people, and the matter end 'This Was not done in a corner, nor was it M bast tily" donev it was more than an hour from the time the question was answered. If this ttatet meat needs to he corroborated, it can and will ne done by the affidavit, of more than fifty men who Heard It.' ' ' WM. a. PATTEKSON, HUGH JB. GUTHBIK LANIER BROTHERS CO ! IMPORTERS A JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. Noa. 254 and 35e Baltlaiore Street,;, j ' BAtTIMORE, Maryland, ARB now rseeivins; nr sipply ef goods for the fall trade, I860, which embraces a very larre and vaiiad assortment, of Domestio aad Staple Goodsi of l l. . 1 j j -.. . 1. . v ; . . . itv db DTuua bkh in tne country, ia coretgs goons we will be prepared to offer an unrivalled Stoek nf both .British and Centinental 'Fabrics, boaght 1n person, by ourMr. L. L. Lanier, ia the differeat larketr of Earope. To elose and respoaaible buyers we are determined to meet any market. ' . N. B. Orders have prompt attention and the same care as though the buyer were present ' , ' july 28 wMw2m,a.j N. C. SIX PER CENT. STATE STOCKS. j TkBASUBV DaPABTMBT, K. C., ) ' - ! July Wthj lSeOT rjf niiMm t MVOujomxtXrnAritB RE C3 CEIVED at is office untU 10 o'clock; A. M.", 10th Aug. next, for .the purchase of $0,B0 of Bonds of the State of North Carolina, issued ander "An Aet for the benefit of the Western North-Carolina Railroad Cons pany," dated Jaly 1st, 1860, and rannina tkirtv years. Xheabovo bonds will havi Coupons for interest at au pr coot, per annam attacaed, payable lt Jaouarr and July in each year.. ; ; ., , The principal and interest will be payable at tha Bank of tha Kepablic, In the City of New York, aaiom where the party prefers to have then payable at the Treasury of the State. ( Sneeessfnl bidders upon being informed of the ao ceptanoeof their bids, can deposit the amount of their bid iscladiagihe aosmed intent, to the.ereditof the nadersigned, in the Bank aforesaid, or in the Bank of North Carolina or Bank of Cape Fear, Raleigh. . Parties bidding wiU please address their letters era., dorsad "Proposals for MV C. Stocks" to the and Signed at Raleigh, N. C. The bids will ae opened in the preseaee of the GovL ernor. Secretary, and CosaptroUar of State, aad the President of the Bank of the North-Carolina. - i i t. . "D- W. COURTS, -! July 11th td. Pah. Trees. " ' ' 1 IiASTD FOR SALE."" ' - ' HAVING DETKRMTNED TO MOVE fiOTJTit I jBffer for sale tbe tract of Land on .tUtZl lire, containing 635 aeres, sitoatod ia the County of Franklm, sbovt 6 nule from Loakbarg. A milo, bmmi rraiitimtottIan4 mil from Kittr.U'i Snrinn. Wl in on Tal Si m.A. t. -i i , T'-f . acres of which is rich bottom tend, 100 am of which is open and in cmltiratioa, tbs balsnov ia origiaal .'w Th "Plaad iall open exospt about aorwfa which is well timbersd and very rich. ' tfThef 1 a larg two story Dwelling Hous upon ft land, containing six room which, with a little repairs, eoald b mad very eosafortehl and plcaaant. Thar ar all other aaoeasary i opUioas na th pUnteOon, surt as BT,, Negro.CsJiaVe .U new and in good order. v"1 s Persons tnm th Eastern part o the State wishing a Sumaiar residene to resort to daring the sickly sea son, would Snd this place remars.aMy .well adapted to that parpos bMides being coDreBient to three Miiv ral fcpruigs KittreU's, Joner' and htf .e. 7 uuwipuoB u aanaeatsary-, a that wish iBgtopnrchss wUlaOeertaiw, to oxalate-before pnri ehaamfj. .-.-,: , ,1 j f will Uk fdeaSur - hv h owing- the. land So may YTmAm!ii'1 WM1? l . N P. WARD.'Af yj,ip4Stflj, rAl iBJU OFFICE. ? H fl w-ir. rtL ii?i .iait-H irfflr-i Law;-iea IS pemaBenayi lituated . mt vWesAurgtea, D. C where he will attend to C1m1. nwn and eepoaiaii to- ebfrwaifljf Tateater for livenw """"i 'Jura 3afckwlyj B, V. KVAHS.. . B. WILUAlia. E VANS & WrI L H AMS. AVCTtONEERS ' tJENRRAL AOBNrf . . VOWS, OiC., C, GREBN8BORO, ALABAMA. JTit. - - V ;""" "reen'ooro.- fs. SOUTHERN JOBIT . LOKSOK, v 'V !: rfwrt... t - HOtlSE.i ohb-b: naitir Jr, 32 INDIA .STREET, joao J pd6tn. T.y ..BOTOlf I " g ' " -8- r a,'V rr4a com m JsaioN: m CrohXnts;; x-eari street. -H'? .' SotTciToa "'or, PirtW! ! tVofm.l ..ii'L: jrans wjjljturn k .."si -.v.f??VPHV, 1' iinkini ? i: AXv'. UAflCY tc Cfsi ' wflMMlrAimJllEDAT u . 1 13 1UV' - ' , -- -j-r -. . f I jfor a Citculaf adirtss the Superintendent. Ja.yY4.lfc0. li.vill'V TWO TEACH ERS W ABiTED. . fV BE! UNPKKSION 0 WISH' TU UHUAUB X the services of a Male teacher of classical attain-4 meats, and it Female Teacher versed ja Masie on the the Piano and Guitar, and other ernattental branches, for the next Scholastic year, commencing on the 1st Monday of September, I860. : Pohool J sailes from n. uoodntfiienosaixeai Address. H. B. Snx,Lr JWashinrtoa N-& iif vmmmm'd "', 1 , , -.., ..v',' .kV.v. NORTH CAKOUPf A INSTITUTION, For the Deaf aadDaniB Mud &ila riiBE next Session ef this Instiwaoa wfU ooanmence I eft the first Monday in- September. VThe oompli tion f the new huildings will enable us to reoaive a larger number of papik, "and ajJord .mucTi better .a. eomedatioa t&an nerstotaae. i fapos aboaic ae prompt in their atteiidane) at ah. eeBMnen assnt srf thiS- on, ;in ,-.'vwH'-?MmMrt .oauianication. in regaritoJh admiSiUm X pu- nils, should be addressed tea i WM, D. C00JU . 1 n jjs '- . . 1 - W jwUj io-w&vvT'.-rw fc-ri.r4.,v?;irm'ewXtwv MRntmi. rnT.t.F.r.R ntr imtRinriA. 'j;A.AT; BICHU 0,N.Dw ; f ? f 8 e a a I e m!TIB 0-j6 1 fflHl ANNUAL COtTESTS OF LECTURS3 WILL - ' eomsaenee en the first lUnday in OCTOBER, and eeiUnaenntfl the first of MAECH. J f-ii-'!. CB. BELL OD3MN. M, DJ Professor of Burrerv.' " JAVD H?CEEE1C: rOiSsisor 6f ThsOi -.-ana rraeiieeei aisaicins. -.. v BEVEELYxE WELLTQED; ; JI-Tfi,? Professor ' of w Matsna Medioa and Therapeatiea. ,th ' " AETHUE E. PETICOLAS itVD-, Prsiossor fAisa-' L. 8, JOtNESXProfaMr of lastiwta of aedi oine.", ! ' ; : ,1 f--- , "iVm-i I JAMES H. COSAXt itmm mV. 1 .. iT- 9il rtfJ VT'. ;v r 1 wwa if-A 1 in . F m rx . ChBis7V A9 m$J&p&tomm This institution offeri to Southern" Etodenti everj acility .for the attaiament jf complete' Medical Ed- aeation xnrongh the uoerauty of the lglsiatre at its late session, in aperoBriatinc th sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ia airof the Collet, these facilities 1 will now be MBckaxteBded. Large and isnporntatad- 4 diUoas are being made to ta Moseanu the Chenucal Apparatus aad ether meat employed to illustrate th Lectures ia the several) dspartasfats.it The Cnllofw bnilduifc ia undergoing paifS d dseirable altera uoub, aa a bow aospihu is m coons oi ereouon, ut unmadiate proximity to the College,, Waieh will great ly enlarge the wi s ef Chssaieal instraetien. Ample facilities will be afforded for the proseuattea of Practical Aaatomy aV Instead of the single " Warren Prise" of Qae Son dnd Dollars bveSofm -ecend to awatbsa of the gradaating class, tieo prime tfj'iftg JMlmn each ar no w oflVred, one for the beet Esaayn a,ny Snrginat aah ject, and the etner for the best Essay t en any subject pertaining to thaTheory or Fractioe of Msdluino. a ass : .rroiessors xicxeu teacn l.l . - 10A j Msiriculatioa. 'li'' ...':'r: ss . Graduation,. : $ Damonstrator af Anatomv.. . .r Jt For farther information, or for a sod v of the Cam- logae containlag full particulars, address ' . , , ' " ' '-;-L; B.-JOYNES;'M.,I).t: -Dean.ttliaTaeulty;''';: Richmond, July J.1I60." ' ' ui T7 ARRENTON FEM A Ii K. COLLEGI V V ATE 1NSTITUTE-THM SCHOOL win begin ite 20th year the 13Ut of July. Its advantage and terms are-elievwl-to ne na fererahle as -those ef aA.litioa'ln thiajiart qftheoountry. ,fm .-"""ft t Tl-J ' , ; i Job 12th, U60. iJULirjS WILCOX' Sit. jaae 16-ntlaa. 1 AETHOD1ST PROTESTANT- FEMALB ' Th3rd Sosaion of this Coltege will commenco July 1 1th, I860. , ., , . k y , f j . , J!r" Catalogues or Circulars, Ajdwes, ' . I ! i t THE WILSOIT SCHOOLS, : : Wimoh, N C MB. and Mrs., Richardson, .aided by a corps, of ten Awristant 1twseiieM.' - Toe Fall Tern eonaefosiThiirsds'a loth of - .For a Catalogue, adiSeiss the PrincrpaL .. . " "ARRENTON FEMALE COLLEGE, iae jrau Besswn wilTopew on Wedisesdavi ta ssth of Juiy, I860. In addition to tha Department of Bng J lisll Literature, instruction will be given in Latin, '"" wonaan ttaegnages f : Vooal airtt w ja"J, ramungrawug, Ae. f . - a i Terms, for ive months (Half in advance) board, in eluding lights Ac. $M i0 WashmgandEBeLi v--tjtj T. AA ngUsh i iBmon, i 4, J U o$tw-.tV$-ev TBJ ,B;kM 'DI! favcrably known for its healthfulaess, aad ite superior adran tares for the at f-lL'i Wa.havaia, fiiileorpeof s8 soLd aud practieal, as well as in the Ornamental -r w u vouege wiu dc aacter ttaeeon stent raaervunon of the Pruilut t. i j i i . """"-j fwweaooress. . w :r , .-juiy 4-iQ., H,.. parh1ma?mV HILLSBnnniiRn. w MILITMXAOADBifv riiaiaAwusai will k k cnvnnirrvn a thpktnf,. Firfanisv . S.:0atliaa State "Wrira Mnttaiilut ...... - Printendat ;ani-ily ini. wja4aiM VKHHTifj WrillllNAIlTr'' MX ; RAUtiom- K. c. '.' -. - Th nxt Term eitnV2wthm wttbm.lkt Tnesday in J.ir A u frfi J" f'eker: will bavaehargeef she elaaeu ta wanaegie. a 1 ,'sMH,-.wl-tJ V .Mf "" ntii Natural &feMe, a .SSl'- lodra lgAgaad raiait in fW..w . .. - : X. MW1S, MBSt. iAi SJW r:V VT "inrwaat:- ill .T Fw r further iaformatioa a5y.aT.aB4:j. "' 01 sa oetniaary. - -paa mst - -te4Aiif i-XH&l, -v--'. -v J,-, .Bowrf'eVtVtolea j labor pf eiakt ieaiim.' .atJtoaa badrastetf vo a. toaTahtfepnat maj dasindV and to eiWtht)ettotf Wi Wastendmeanvnl.tn-:w Z2?!??L f Theiareatorte desiroa. waa? twe Persoaif desiring ''iiU-Ti;d Newber Pr, biladvrlir 1 V fVAXUABLR : rk Vvsw. Mii - . - 1 f I 1H1 -ir.i . I . WJa.ai,M u. eruer or tbe Cnuito tOait '6fSnv v U hUeUJat.ib!tevatiofc i AugMt nA Mthe JMlyenenf 'flarahFaHerH D Aetrto-slaVeir Ixt-vrt i l .V . " i tor, Adaiioe, francs, and Jiinerva, valaahk yan women. Rufiu. chUd f Minr. Caa iJl!!l,7,a.r t'lf" yM:g rrraeter, anlamold fat dirinoai tti fivt. iti?.iC5r, 'iTmw: a credit of six months.' with in t.j ahd approved security. ii j """" tT ' v-1- 1 July ssZJjw . mUBfi WISHlWR'i M NO. I LONG LKtr viwaF & - I LONG LEA PaJHf -r ' CAX aa BDPPLIn cflfsu 11 OCT pfi JfA tyHljh CAMIpriAlilCOUiasilCtOR, T E NBf El iS 8 T H t A li . . . HVHICIf. SHQULDi BB; u UFf XC1SNT T6 eONVlNCKtVERY 8UFFESING WOMAN v X tf V Great Value of the t i CATAMEN1AL CORRECTOR!! . I AND THAT IT IS WITHOUT MCEPTI0N rif? THE BEST MEDICINE k 'C y BEFORE THE JPQBLIC DISEASES ARISING FE0M IREEOULARTIES. 11 i PalDltationof the Heart. 'sg'i' -Vertteo or IIsJnee,,,J,, "-PiUtosTlB thetHkUteyaHf 4 . - Paine In the amaltof the Back,, l I Palna wnder the Bhouldertv 'i slowness of plrte, , ';. iXaoeuor and Nervouenesa Generally, , 4 rvDillicIt MenitnuOlon, a i -v : ; ;'s Aiepeiuled Jieastriatlon,i ? f - Or Cessation f the-Meaewsri?; ri jaZ- w.. And an almost endless variety of other diseases atten- "ZTAm;;;,.: exertkna, by weak eon stitntion, sever mental or phy sical tabor. The simple remedy for all is to get at the priinaryj b . -4aae i remove , jtp nad yen assist Nature to reamlate. Thisj eandone by the . !fcATEN3LAKCoi Which has never failed to affect a euro when properly , sued, aeoording to the directum, and a fair trhtl given . ..It is prepared from the recipe, and under, tb per aojmLanpervisioa of a most Skillful Physicial, who. fur a number r yean oon&nea its ase so am private prac tice. For th fw year that-it has bsea before the public it bus riined for ite!f a position that will seoa of all remetue neretoiore ouereaior w omen s aisease. z r y ''-i . - ... ; m . . --a . The mere espaeiauy those anevo nnmersu-d -whioh s.-Haften.fV'-'-' ?""7'av-: m "'I - Eor sale by most respeetabl Drnggisii throughout the QateBiaaA Cteaadaa, -ivs Vt-vi t happena that yonr Draggist h sot tbe-artiale, th money een be remitted direct to u, a4 if nwdj or mor bottles are rdered st one titne, tb madieta will be seat fr ef charge for. .transporta. meji. 4f; 4..y-i-'- -' , Partieolsf . dirsetiona :. ns. . Jemse, ;.,, accompany X, Druggists an be supplied direet f roa ooi; Laborato ry; of by sending their orders to.';.- ' . , v BARNES A PARK, New York, T. C, WELL8 CO., Nw Tork,S. B. HANCE, Baltimore, Ma. DYOTT'8, ! PldladIphPr,X,a,WRTOHTl TCorNew Orleans, La. JOHN D. PARK; OneianatL-lObio Jf.IL HATS, .Portland, IfVhf toany' respeetable whole'-4 ' sal Draggiste in NwTS)rk r Philadelphia. - Cu-eu- " lars, with Trad Priees,t., for th Corrctor, and our ofher medieinfi, sent free to Wholesale Bayers." No Msdioinis placed oa .Msamissloa v "'f' I. DXTNTSB, ' Oraeral'Agvi) for the United Star-snad Canada, July 7-4l2. " 4e" Ana Street; Nw York. art NaTs an Pamihi PhTitoian.'nreMnU tojtbe attention of matar,ar " whfeh gTwtlyaalitatestheprooer ef thing, by soft ,. nmg"th gum redVciag aQ iaflstoar tion will allay mtt pi and spasmodis action, and ia-a. i . , -Sore to Regulate tbe B4we.. j 'v -DPnd apoa i mothers, ithrill give rest to yenrelvs, saf Pi: ,-r-"rr- Ai " eiieine Health, io your Infants -Whava pat an and sold this article fofover te years, ana cm av,, canfidetUHmnd truth -f iU-wht w have nerer been any other medi Hfi$4, iaa o rirt o.e r , anediNvV"didj Stan of dissat-' . 1 fnin ; DI tO SST 01 MRS. eise Hrer Aa pngU fne, whn timely n know anin- WINSLOWSl suuiuinu f iefaction by any oa who aaed it-t r Ob th atrarv. - all : are drlizhted witKtewporationa, and speak i& terns of commenda tion of itsf magical cffee ; and medical virtues. We speak ia this matter - WHAT WE DO KNOW," after tea years? experiejoe, AND PLEDGE OCK REPU TATION 10 R TBS FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE HERE BECLARE. Jv alsnost vry intteac when the latent is infferUg from, pain and animation,' rfW wiUbafdoad in Afteea. or, twenty miaato after th This valaable preparation . is the PresciPtiaa ef one f ther iaosV.,rEXPERIENCED aad SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been a ted wHh NETfRiFAIXING SUCCESS in , :t J THOXISANbs.tffiAtiE,. d . "It not tnly Miev th child rrem pain, bat invig orate th4 stomach and boweli, aoneete aiditj, and gives tone and energy to the whol system. It will al. motJbflantlyrlive . rti; ,r. t i- . ' ' CMpineKpfreiv.iiel Wil.i;eUc s ; and oyreaai pi on .r.,.i; onva lsi o n whiejL4ifat FOR v speedily reme di4f aad ial CulXDRENi Aeath?;W W TfCVA TV AltOREN, whether it arise from teething, or from , ny wntmi rraweuasay to vry mother who "f" biii safferiag from any of tha foregoing eoa t$i?V0Ji0T LET( jTOUBJ PRSJUDIiJE NOR THE SRXJUDICEB OF OTHERS, stansAwaen your safferiag ehild, and th Mliaf that.wUl be VVKf-f, ABSOLUTELY SURE to follow th ofthhi modioiiM, if timely asedV FnU direetiom for using will accompany eaoiv VottW Nhs ajaanin aabMWthla.aiiauef CCATIS PEEK INS, Nw 7Js!.?,T.th uid wrappms ariie ? it? Solftby Druggist throughout th world. . . . . . 1- 1 , , -:. ; i-t. ' ) mti't : f'4tt TIN FOtt- M ETAIitM-CAPr ilANUFACT OR Y 1 1 j' a-fM r.rMsf ennkii-., . '' ' Jl "CtOht-U9t, :N. Y. .. . . . j .-w-;.' Spicea. Ae. . . ' Thiae and .'. -.1 1 tr tet&aimperted article. ' ,-.Wl ;t2T . i .atAUbiv that's, """SKff .eontommg Wine, of other liquids, f :.?T W W dW riirU Alo-tf:w-Jv3'v & si- itj-.-. aw rirs,.ou,m ttpb-ahb aaiTAint amts. rKT?Ti1CT:rS?, ?erlbwr Bar ; 4or ! JLjIr 6imer Besideae. eontaiaiag 130 aerei of mead ?lf ettaated about 4 mU wst af Rateieh. mid Zir.?- N-A RallW, jAteriVweH -- tweumg U.MJ, with the aessary out M . am na- them aa lea Haaaa. R.M ..a di J o' TTwdwerpBrTwa-' WaV" "'Fn.iaA vary desirabl. Wfc for a School, orhadac Liberal term of- jf...Tlh abovt(OT ;n W....1J ., .-.M -4. "WH F. B, CARRAWAY. taulilaL ;i '-i . Hwv. . lYtfaT. ST month and forward PUl to this Offlcay, - G. Brerdaa. 4 JtiK ; 13 00 11 75 12 00 11 50 10 2j ... sir r in....t AL B.J5haw; "' ' " ft . M MTIl. I ?el ' 1. 'i- e-lwW, ' - ' .. . 1 1 ' 1 ' ' ' T U ABLEPKOPERTT iTiVSh" ! .offrted to' tontfrom th 1st of Au f. th "OUl ? u Mroh, W61 or afterwards, tb dlertlon f tka fii.i.k.ijJ'.r .u- n.nti.n epUCngJ5;.'i-. .. V a opportunity 4ha ottered a proBteble rTi" ufiaS toaensulag: State Fair and And Session ,?yor7tmH apply Wl ..'rlF 4 ,TTllIl!v4 ANDSURIST BM I DT JN ... I THE WORLD. la all earns of JXT 8 EN TKK.Y. ,AK n titarr 3 HaaVIn!:B r: 7. iT """ v t-5 rSlH 29 PESCUDS DRD6STUKK." " '"-.

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