-AiVNi k - n -vnij A A1JAV . .... - fi iKv iir- 1 nnraira ftwczic, uW-nyj-niri .,irz,u ass -i a w -m fi rii a . t r it:--..... .t is. a . s . sjainniasi.. saw-asi jk -iK'jtl 17 I ll" t Tl 1VAI V5 T I 1J f f ' I t "-I 1 T f -. ' .. f r 1 r X I V sT 1 V f. ll" I Tf Lsl .IV , ....... ... , Yravt-, - .; '.v, :-.-w -xV- v cm liALEIGH WEDNESDAY MOItNlNQECEMBEIt 261860 , i, - 7"f f -1 i.i - wiu'.; . . . . f i'C-- '14,,,,' w v 5 . v . . . ..- ... .-S ... . .1 . . - .; , 5- K ' " ' ' ' VOL. -LX. , - - '" aV1 ,.$. i . 't." ' -l i . !-V" RIsEIGH REGISTER SEMI-WEEKLY AWX-TOKLT,.. -BY SYME & HALL, KDITOXl ABB PBArarBT3. ' -HB SEMI-WEEKLY -REGISTER to published Wednesday and Saturday morning, at $4 00 per 'l 1.1. :- a . nn tf MTHnt ll num. paym " ' "r v- red till the subscription year has expired. TnE WEEKLY REGISTER is Tblished every ejnesday morning, at Z oo per annum, pj- ably in advance. - .- - i fate of Advertising in the seminr . Register ; 1 Luare (16 lines or less) one insertion, jyery succeeding insertion, jjquare sis months, . " : twelve " J " three . " 5 it BIT " $1 00 25 14 00 8 00 8 00 15 00 25 00 ," " twelve month including paper. UvertiscmenU to be inserted ipr altogether, will be charged ; r every insertion after the first. on the inside of t 50 oent per square Annual advertisers ill be chargea ou per oeut. uuwi uu w "i,on their advcrtUementa are directed to be inserted ,D the inside. . In the Weekly Register t 1 square for the first insertion, and for every suceeeding insertion, 1 square twelve months, ..six $1 00 M 10 00 10 00 , twelve months, includ'g Weekly paper JO 00 All advertisemenU not otherwise dlreetcd, will be ,nierted in the Semi-Weekly, and ebarged aeeordfngly. Bu-inefs Cards, not exceeding eight lines, will be n,erte.l in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly six month fr $5 e0- or twelve months for $10 in both lapcr? at $8.50 for six months, or $15 for twelve months. ' pjr-Contrarts can be made at the office for ledger ,4-.ertiienients. I BUSINESS CARDS. J. D. MYERS, AND - WHOLESALE JROCER.- E&- Keeps always on hand a supply of Coal for iras anl Moves. XeSeer.s, February 22, I860. feb 25 lypd. PETERSBURG, V A. THIS WELL KNOWN KSTALISHMENT, BIVINO BEEX RXCESTLT riTTSD Vt AKD SUPPLIKS WITH ALL MODKBR COS VXXIEKCXa, .Now offers to Travellers Attractions Uasnrpassed by any-'Hotel in the Country. mar 5 JOHN JARRATT A BRO. WILLSOX Ac ALFRIEND, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, And dealer in Chemical, Paintt, Dye Stuff's, Oil, tie. Sycamore, opposite Bollingbrook Street, PETERSBURG, VA. W. D. WILLS 05. JOHS ALFBWn. au 5 N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO., iKOCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Ysw . N. ML. MARTIN, SON 4t CO., McILWAINE SON A Co., (i KOCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Sycamore amd Tahb Street, k. a. MciLWAixB, 1 Petersburg, Ya. R. I. MCILWAIKB, V ' - R. R. hill. J an - - DONNANS & JOHNSTON, i KOCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Ysu ja 1 ly. DONNAN & COM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Richmond, Vaw ja 1 ly RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAIL ROAD. HJ ROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN RICH MOND AND NORTH CAROLINA. 1,1 ROM THE 9T1 DAY OF MARCH UN til the 1st of September next, the Freight and Accommodation trains on this road will leave Rich 'u .ii'i and Petersburg on Monday, Wednesday and r'-i!.iy, at eight o'clock, A.M., instead of nine o'clock, before. Arrangements have been made by this company for "l.e prompt and punctual forwarding and delivery of produce, goods, or other articles of freight designed ..'vr trun.oportation either way, between Richmond and nits between Petersburg and Raleigh, Hidgeway, KrcenKboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, North Carolina, at low rates, without any charge, for forwarding, stor age, &c. AU such articles seat to Richmond, should be consigned and plainly marked " To the care ef the Freight Agent of the Richmond and Petersburg Rail road, at Petersburg," by whom they will be promptly forwarded. As to rates of tolls on the roads south of Petersburg (which they require to be prepaid as fares Haleigh,) information may be had at the Depot of this Company at Richmond. - . v . T. H. WYNNE, SupV Office R. A P. R. R. Co.. July 25. 1859. inlv-30tf. AT NEW YORK PRICES 1 FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE I CI ALL AT Thos. Nowlan's and see the largest. finest and most fashionable assortment of Watches, Of all the most celebrated makers, . eased in 18 carrot Sold, Uunting, (Magic open Cases, and warranted to keep perfect tim. Purchasers will find that they can be bought as low here as in New York City. A beau tiful lot of Ladies Watches, richly chased, and set with . : , Diamonds; 1 Diamond Rings, Pens and Battens; anew and beauti ful assortment of Coral, Lava, Philagrane, Jet, Cameo, Opal, Mosaic, Pearl, and the rich Etruscan "V." Jewerly, In sets of Breastpins, Bracelets, Necklaces and Ear Kings, Ladies' Chatelaine Etrnsean Chains and Hooks, Jazaroon Etruscan, Plain and Chased Band Bracelets, an J an endless variety of Charms, Seals and Keys of hair and gold ; .Bridal Birthday Presents ; rich Jewel-Watch and Odor Cases,' handsome Musical Boxes that play from two to six tunes each. SilverWare, . 01 every possible description, Tea Sets, Breakfast Sets, Ice Cream and Desert Sets, Pitchers, Goblets and Cups, .Salt Stands and Spoons Sugar Baskets, Tongs and Spoons, Cream-Pitchers, Ladles and Spoons, Pie, Fish, Cake, Fruit, BuUer and Pickle Knives, Tea, Ta ble and Desert Spoons and Fcrks, Silver Porte Mon- naies, Card Cases, Ac., Ac. - ' ?':': Sign of the Eagle. - ' At No. 34 Sycamore st : -June 27 tf Petersburg, Va .a CO . Sv 1 IE I I 1 - .. . v .. .,. , ,i. . . - .. , '. . ; : j ... 1 1 ' r ; PROFESSIONAL ,CAB,DS ATTORNEY AT LATTj t KiiiwijJT. C. , Especial attention" given to the" eollectJoa of : ' 1 liJV-';jan5--ly. :rr ' THOMAS -J4BAfi8tlt ? Agent and Commission' Herohihf , Jfo. 8 ; ? WaU-et.i nnder 8U Cnarles Hotel; i 7 KlCHMONDVAi Avr TTIRB8 out "Negroes,. Rentr rot House's, and tells JUL Tebacco, Wheat, Corn, Flerf'and otherConntry Pvodaee. m. Pays strict attention to boslaess. and rstaanA CossignmenU respeetfully selicited.A mi Refers to Messre. Cbaa. T. Wortk&m r . t; ityJ - - WiPn. Hnnt Brother, andfleary K. Ellyson, of Richmond. September 3, 1859.--tf OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK. Da. T. D. BOda, Prtidimt. . , . :' ; , Johk Q. Wixuaks, Catker. ! . DIRECTORS. , Dr. T.D.Hogg, H. 8. Smith, Q. Busbee, . John G. Williams. , This Bank is now receiving deposits, at the IXJ change Office of John G.Williams' Co. Discount aay Tuesday, j :; v - fgb 18-r-tf. R ANA WAY VROSg TUE SUBSCRIBER on the 1st of August, mv If erro man Jos. Miller.. The said Negro is forty six or seven yean of agMark 1 1 . A . f . - 1 . . I H wjiuuimiuu, uti iet nine or en inones nurn. iu;ni about one hundred and sixty or seventy pounds.- .The aid Negro is near-sighted and very quick spoken. Be is a ditcher by trade, and mav be nassinr bv the taame ol John or William Tk.tiiiiin. T will n tha reward of Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and de livery of said Negro or confined in. any jail in the State, o inat lean get nun again. ' ... . . . A. SORREItWt Raleigh, N. C, September 1, 1860. . sept 8 tf. , . sjtahs. ? .' i ; 't u : . b. wiluajis EVAJTS&; V I LIil AM S . AUC1IONSERS A GENERAL AGENTS For the Saie.dc Hire of Negroes, Land, Mer- curaaue, uoous, etc., etc, GREENSBORO, ALABAMA. After the first of November 'Mr. Williams will be in Mobile aid Mr. Evans at Greensboro- - jnty 35-ly. ' A. C. PGXLIAIf , a. F.FUU.IAM, . K.WBI8I8KR. PULL X AUS & C O. AUCTIONEERS ' FOR SALE OF NEGROES. Odd-Fellows' Sail, Franklin St., R I CAM OND.VA. D AILY BALKS PniLic ahd Pbitatb. We pledge our strictest attention to the business en- . trusted to ns, and "VU1, answer all "com munications promptly. PORTER ALWAYS KT EACH DEPOT. lyO tf. TO THE FRIENDS OF HOME MANUFACTURES. .THE KINS TON- SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. ORDERS for negro BROQANS and BOOTS are solicited J. 0: CARPENTER, Agent. Kiaston, N; C, June 24, 1880. aug 4 tf. NOTICE.--THE SUBSCRIBERS GIVE their personal attention to all consignments madr them from the country, particularly Tobacco, Cotton, and Wheat They keep a large stock of Uroeenes, uosmo, i Ac, on hand, which they oner for sale on tne most reasonable terms. . To cash and punctual buyers on the usual time. DONNANS A JOHNSTON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, 1 ly Petersburg;. Va. WATCHES, JEWELRY, c. TH E SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO CALL the attention of those in want of Fine Watch es, Jewelry, silver ana ruuea rrare, c, to his extensive Stock, which has been selected with great care, and which has only to be seen to be ad mired. His stock embraces Fine Gold,' Silver and Enameled Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, SUver Ware and Albata Ware, Table and. Pocket Cutlery, Spectacles to suit all eyes, Clocks, a beautiful ass rtment, Doable and Single Guns, Rifles. Pistols. Bowie Knives. Ac, To an examination of which ha earnestly invites all who mav be in want, feeling confident that he can , please the most fastidious, botn in quality ana price. v. a. ftuur, Fevetteville Street, P. S. Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner. nov 9 RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD, 1 Change of Schedule ! Ralcioh. November 1st, 1859. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE THE MAIL Train on tha Raleigh and .Weston Railroad will run as follows : Leave Raleigh daily at 7.10, A. M. Arrive at Weldon daily at 12 M. Leave Weldoa daily at 11, A. M. Arrive at Raleigh daily at 3.40, P. M. THE FREIGHT TRAINS will run as follows : Portsmouth Freight leaves Raleigh Monday, Wed- nesdav and Friday ; Arrives at Raleigh Tuesday, Thursday and batur- I dav. Petersburg Freight leaves Kaieign xaesoay, Xburs day and Saturday ; Arrives at Kaleign Monday, vr eanesaay ana ir dav. P. A. DUNN, Supt. November 8, 1858. icq ia iy. AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE Having qualified at the present Term of Wake County Court, as Auctioneer, I am prepared to re ceive in Store on Commission, or for Auction 8ales, all Merchandise,'Goods and Wares, which shallbe faithful ly accounted for, on Sale. Consignments from any part of the State and else where solicited. My Store is conveniently situated and arranged for the business with fireproof ware Room attached. JAMES M. TOWLES, Genl Agt Auctioneer and Commitiion Merchant. August 22nd, 1R60. v ang 2ft. ATTENTION FARMERS ! LOOK' TO .YOUR INTERESTS 1 We have for yen the Largest Stock of KERSEYS, BROQAN SHOES, BLANKETS AND PLAID HOMESPUNS, we have ever offered to you, and at prices lower than ever. Call and see for yourselves. - - - se22f W. H. A R. S. TUCK.JE.tt COTTON GINS. IN STORE AT MANU- I i FACTURER'S prices, W. G. Clemens, Drown A Co's., and Sam'l. Oris wold's Georgia Gins. Also, Agent for Pratts oelebrated Alabama Gnu. September 3rd, 1860 . . . sept 5 TWTEW AND - 8PLENDID EXTRACTS .131 Consisting of . ' 1 THIS WOUU V1ULJST. ' ' f - BUTTERFLY VIOLET, PATCUUTL Y MUSK, . . ; PINK JOCKY CLUB, FRANGIPANI BOSK, &c.j! Also, Frangip&ni, Veroena, Cologne aad other Toilet I waters. . All ot wbicti are of the finest aualitv and put up m eiegant siyie. -. . t i For sale at r , .. j ;.. PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. . Raleigh. My 18. 18 AO. t .ma J3 tt jXTEW BOOKS-Revolutions in English His- A.N tory By Robert Vangban, D..D. , Volume 1st now ready. - i, ' A Narrative of the. Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions By CsptU'Clintook, R. N, L. L. D.v With Maps and JilastraUons M--' Notes en Nersing, What It Is and What It Is Not By Florence Nightingale r sr t -,.- -i-;, 4 t Forualeby . W.I POMSROY. h Bauuou,N C i areh,l mar 14. miscellaneous; DonU deaert an old friend for a new face. COL. SAM. COIT'S RETOLVINGFI REAR1K8 . pistols, Rifles, Carbines and ; Shot Gans. PAnim, or 1850; . 1855 157 1858. , f . T it S Ev'arms have no equals in qaality and finish i are adopted -by tiio. Army and Navy of the United States, afed theprlnelpal governments of Enr ope ; are anlform In all their parts, are simple, safesore, serviceable, and can be had la one hundred varieties, as well as C a r t r i d g e s of p o w d e r , ball and 9 h o t, and all small parts for re pairs, from all respect able gun dealers, and the Hardware trade gen erally. Addrkis. Skcrktart COLTS PATENT FIRE ARMS MAN'fG CO., apr 2) ly. T HABtroaw, Cohm. rfJIOR COUGHS, COLDS, &C.,--Ayers Cher M: ry Pectoral, WisUr's Balsam WUd Cherry, Ty lers Syrup Gum Arabic, Brown's Troches, Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, Mrs. Holt's Cousjh Syrup, Wistar's LbseOges, - .The genuine at ! PESCUD'S Drug Store. FOR BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Try Eaton's In fan tile CordiL Dalby'a Carminative, Valpeaux's Remedy, Jaynes' Carminative, Mr J. W inflow's Sooth ing Syrup, Pescud's Diarrhoea Cordial j any of which kinds are deservedly popular, and for sale , At PESCUD'S. CHEROKEE REMEDY. Thorn' Extract Cnbebs and Coniaba, Tarrant's Extract Cnbebs and Copiaba, and Capsules ef all kinds, At FJ&SVVWB Vrng Btore. TOILET ARTI CLES For all who love a full and luxuriant growth of hair, they must try the following Restoratives?. Etekiel's Wood's, Mrs. Allen's, Phalon s, Barry s Tncophorus, Kathairon, Uocoalne, Cocio, Ess. Bay Leaves, Jaynes' Hair Tonic and an indefinite variety of Pomades, Balsams and Oils of Foreign and American manufacture, at rltsUllU t) urug store. THE MOST SPLENDID AND DESIRA BLE assortment of Cosmetics, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Toilet Extracts, Colognes, and Toilet Articles of all kinds u now on exhibition, and will be sold very cheap At PESCUD'S SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW AND Worth trying, vis : Phalou's Snow White Orien tal Cream for beautifying the complexion. For sale at PESCUD'S Drag Store. lafRS. WISSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP JjfJL for children teething At PESCUD'S. S WAIM'S PANACEA, At PESCUD'S. RESTORATIVE is i 1HT1 rOOD'S HAIR W y great demand, At PESCUD'S. fpARTATIC ACID, 1. JgAKING SODA, PESCUD'S. PESCUD'S. At At 1KeAa Or- TAKTAK, PESCUD'S. PESCUD'S CITRATE Or MAUflCMA, is the best PiSUUD'S is the place to get mar tresn lrrugs and Medicines cheap. - f BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. At PESCUD'S. rllOOTB BRUSHES, X At PESCUD'S. IREESH ARROW-KOOT, At PESCUD'S. WISTERS BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY and Oxygenated Bitters. At PESCUD'S. BURNETTS SUPERIOP ARTICLES, Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Raliston, Burnett's Florarel, At PESCUD'S. SUPERIOR SHOULDER BRACES, At PESCUD'S. H OBSE ANU CA r I JL.K fUWUBBS, At PESCUD'S. F OR QUANTITY, Quality, and Low Prices, Go to PESCUD'S. A LITTLE MORE RAT POISON, 7 At PESCUD'S Ti EST PEARL STARCH, tj ' At PESCUD'S. T ET THERE BE LIGHT! I A - Let there be good light ! Let there be cheap Light I PES CUD introduced some time ago a new Lamp with a new Oil to burn in it .Shortly after their in troduction the Oil was thrown into market so bad that it was useless to try to burn it ince that time there has been a steady improvement; and now PESCUD has the pleasure of offering the purest, best burning and cheapest Kerosene ever sold here. It is warran ted to burn one third longer than the best Oil sold by parties heretofore pronouncing the whole thing a hum bug. . It barns free of smoke or smell. It only costs a little over one-fourth cent an hour. It is a better light for the eyes, and better for all purposes than any other light It is sold at $1 25 per gallon, or 35 cents a quart. At i-jmuuu b. lir DKM raisuium.9.-r.Fnne8tocKS, Jiar if dotfs .Sugar Drops, Comstock's, MoLane's, Janes' Specific for Tape Worm, Hobensack's Worm Killer, Perry's vead Shot, Jayner Vermifuge.. At FKSCUIJ'S. TNRESH AND PURE GROUND SPICES. Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Allspice, Nutmegs, Cavenne Pepper, Blr.ek Pepper, African Pepper, Jam aica Ginger, At PiSSUUD'B - Drugstore. BLACK AND YELLOW HU8TAKU, At PESCUD'S At PESCUD'S. FAKfJX boasts, Highly Perfumed, At PESCUD'S. SW ALU'S KAn AUI5A, Sand's Barsaparuia, Stafford's Invigorator, HofBand's German Bit'ers, Hostetter's Bitters, Ayer's Medicines, Wistar's WUd Cherry, Brown's Troches. At PESCUD'B Drug Store. TV O 100 Bales Standard and Extra Heavy Bagging. . 200 coils Rope for sale at the lowest market rates by R. A. YOUNG A BRO.; wo sycamore aowet, -eep 14 tf Petersburg, Va GROP OF I860 TURNIP SEED, TUR NIP SEED. Flat Dutch Turnip,- Red Top Tur nip, Large H on ol it Turnip ; Large ttlobe Turnip ; Yellow Aberdeen Turnip; Rata Baga Turnip. Also, Drumhead and iriat Uuton Cabbage Seed, warrant ed fresh and genuine ; for sale by .- v , At the N. C. Bookstore. , ,'JuieigVlJ. CC, July lUh, I860. July 18 tf. rMNE GOLD JEWELRY. THE SUB- m " SCRD3ER has In store a splendid assortment of ,, , - FINE QOLD JE WELRx, -; embracing a variety ef styles of patterns ef Brooches, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies and Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Ac Call and examine, ; . . w r . ' nov 9 ' ' " . C. Bl ROOT. ATS rOR YOUNG MEN. Superb Meleskia HaU at $3 60 worth 4 60 - oo Call- aooe and get fits, as they are going eff every day. . w. a. a a. b, tuvsjiin. HATS 1 1 HATS 111 KJEEP i it ia the beads ef the ' people that TUCKRRThas -the, larsMst and- best- assortment- of HATS tor their heads-- : ; 'x.;j ."V, r"-imi -yi - sa l W.Tl. A R. S TUCKER MiscELiiAHjeoirs.. e. i- tilPR SALK-A SUGAR PLANTATION l H.' Sitaated. on Aba . MiasiasinsL JLimr. amm, naiMind and aixty flre mUos above the cits of New Orleans. .a.Ai "! . f w . ' ' ' T - . ' rtj eignieen jaunorea ana sixty arpents (ttenen acresVof land: Seven hundred aerea cleared: two hon- ared and fifty acres of plant cane, and one hundred of fir' Zer' rtoonsj Thirty head of Males, Oxen, Cows, nd Cata 'sufficient, with sTgoedjebyk' of hogs. Land pweuga ioresiarge uotton piacef most ox which is eieais I -TKRMS,Eighty.are;thoeand4ollars85,000;) twenty thoasaad Dollars (2a,W)0; cash, an4bal buipe in four equal paymeateiwith six per cent inter-, bat, All the improvements ou the , above place areJn fio'24-ilni J. A, AlLAJLW, ;or ,,.:Newj0rleans,,- snore stock in Vde of JMesgrs.. DoD pcHXTB, having been assigned to me in payment of neeis, are now onered for Sale at co(. The Stock con sists of an extensive assortment of Pant Qovdt an( TeiMb'sdsa;'CbMi:Jis:.rirfSi: Senar. k. "' f Also, for sale an teeKaetei and apparatus xor masang ianay. . . jBMtte ,-:., i All persons indebted to DoleVScbeib. are ed to make immediate paywo lme, or to-MrWn a. Dodd, my only , anthemed agent; KEMP Pt BATTLE, TacsTsa. ang 28 tf. Standard and Spirit of the Age copy it. SEVENTY-FIVE NEGROES WANTED, ;W" DESIRE TO PURCHASE FROM FIFTY TO ll, seventy five Likely Young .Negroes, of both sexes ranging from eight to thirty years old such as wUl be saleablei n the Southern MarkeL' No unsound negro wanted. I will pay Richmond prioes for such . T w.nt . n tAvM-...IKK .2.1 X. ... 1 . ternin7V ur-nul be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. I can be found at the Yarborough House, in Raleigh. ' F. W. KING July 27th, 1860. . aug 1 tf. JTEW AUCTION HOUSE. NOTICE. THE FIRM OF PCLLIAM A BETTS having this day ceased, WM H. BETTS will continue In the NEGRO AUCTION BUSINESS, and has taken into co-partnership with him E. J. Gregory. They will conduct the business under the firm of Betts & Gregory, at their sales-room on Franklin street, four doors below Wall street, and about one square below the former office of Pnlliatn a. Betts, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage which was so liberally extended to Win. H. Betts while in the firm of Pulliam A Betts, They have obtained the services of Mr. Bushrod W. Elmore as Clerk, who has an interest in the business. WM. II. BETTS, E. J. GREGORY. Richmond, Va., May lntb, 1889. ma 23 ly. FALL TRADE, 1859. AM NOW; RECEIVING MY FALL AND Winter supply of Boots,-Shoes and Gaiters, ef all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen, selected by mV?elf, all of which are warranted to wear well. H. A. DEPKIN. A LSO, RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND a. beet assortment of French and American Calf Skins, all of which will,be made up into Boots and Shoes, in the best style, for my patrons. Thank ful for past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same. sep 17 tf II A. DEPKIN. V. . STROTHSR. J. C. HARCOU. BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, Raleigh, N. C. ' IHK Public are respectfully informed that we are X now prepared to print Books, Pamphlets, Cata logues for Schools, Cards, Bill-Heading, Letter-llead-ing, Blanks of every description, Posters, Party and Ball Tickets, and in fact, everything thatcan be printed with moveable types, iu pUin and fancy styles, with neatness, at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Our materials are entirely new. Our office may be iound, for the present, over SsK Chaplins' Book Bi dery, in the old Star office, opposite tie Presbyterian Church. biuvi tiers. aiAKWJi. April 18th, 1860. apr 25 ly. NEW VOL.U3IES OF THE FOUR REVIEWS AND BLACKWOOD, COMMENCE Jakt., 1860. TERMS. Per annum. For any one of the Reviews, $3 00 For any two of the four Keviewa, 5 U0 For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 5 00 For Blackwoord and two Rjeviews, 7 00 For Blackwood and three .Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and Four Reviews, 10 00 Afosey Current in the State where teemed will be re ceived at par. ' JLt 1 IIS 111 u. A discount of twenty five cent from the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more oopiet of any one or more of the1 above works. Thus : Four copies of Blackwood or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9 ; four I copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ! land so on. Remittances should always be addressed to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT, CO., mar 18 tf. No. 54 Gold Street, New York. BUY YOUR CIsOTHINQ AT ROYSTON'S. BUY YOUR BOY'S CLOTHING AT ROYSTON'S. BUY YOUR SERVANT'S CLOTHING AT ROISTON'S. As I am now SELLING OFF my ENTIRE and LARGE STOCK of SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING to make a change of my BUSINESS and FIRM the 1st of January 1861. YOU CAN.BUY GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH AT T. W. ROYSTON'S, 61J Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. dec 5 ly ff U AN O . WE ARE PREPARED TO T take orders for the various kinds of Fertiluers, which we will furnish to oar friends on the best terms the market will 'afford. The Manipulated Guano prepared by the " Peters burg Fertilizer Monufacturing Co ," will be ready for delivery on or before the first September, and we would direct the particular attention oi taose wno use uuano to this article. McILWAINE, SON A CO. nglO Petersburg, Va. CbNCENTRATED LEAVEN, FOR Makiner Bread, Tea Cakes, tc, &c. f CONCENTRATED LEAVEN IS THE I result of careful ctemical research. All its in gredients are prepared in the highest state of pari ty, and compounded with a yiew to produce bread of a far better quality, and In much less time than by any other process, and I submit it with entire confidence to the judgment of discriminating housekeepers, ba kers, Ac, Ac. ... Bread of all kinds made by using Concentrated Leaven is lighter, nrre digestible and nutritious; has an agreeable, natural taste; is less liable to sour; will retain its moisture longer than by aay other pro cess, and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten minntes. Call and get a box from bo 3 tf - . E. A. WHITAKER. - "hTEW INVOICE BY EXPRESS. lN( Brocade Silks with Magenta andSolferino Col ors in black, 4 Embroidered Ropps, , Orientals, China - - Maids. for Children, - -Sbpfa26, 1860. a W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. IMPO RTANT TEW BOOK t THE LOST Prinoiple or The Sectional Equflibrium. How it was created: How Destroyed ; How it Maybe Restor ed.'' ,,: By.i ' : M "Rarbarosssw" Htm- ' -Mi For sale by ;,. .-.'..-.-. - , sWcf TURNER-,. Ralbich, September, I860. :iix --seplf 11 tt C BACONA Small lot Of Prime, ea sale; . 1 uf i Hoirround. or teints bv themselves, .,.?: JAMES M. TOWLES,1 Agt : t August 23rd, 1800 . :. r . . v aa 1W w i" - H. WOECESTKE'S- TMhnAnrjrt'nf a TaT"a-SCTfT rrno " ;,ilANTJFACTORY AND SALESROOM " FOURTEENTH STREET, rv . T7I0R a qnarter of a century the InStraments Maaa JL factored at the above Establishment have ranked i among the first in the country .ToeirYdarebilitT, ktrengthanddelioaiEy of ftont and tenoh., are highly appreciated by all wha have given them a thorough trial. The proprietor, by citwc his persons suen. tion te the manufacture of each instrument, in all iU &etaiis,lsenabled te guarantee Superior excellence anf 1 ! reliability in every rSpast . . -0 10--$m 1 kirTftWHOHltTRATiOl ' r ? SHHRJf H A VXHa LOCATED IN- THE CITY-4 p. 1,4 n "7? .... . . . . - 1 1 uegenerauy, Uat x anipreparM io maxe.eonvaDts.ior i bnblie er private Buildings, ia anj part- of the State, I on iae most lavoaote.ierms.. a am tjso pjreparov to furnish Granite in iU: rough stete for Raildinger Other purposes, or dressed to order la any snape fe atured, at reasonable rates. ' . j Orders for Stone addressed .to nis tbrongh the Pest JOSce, Box 249, or left in care of James Puttick, will taeet with prompt attention All bills payable tajme inuivianauy. ' - - . .. . . j junelO tf.- THOMAS COATE&y : Standard copy till January Isfc " Johh S. Damct, ' Joan H. Htxax,' ' Late of Tarboro', N. C. Late of Scotland Neck, N, U F. M. Htmah, r Late of Warrenton, N.vC. DANCY, HYMAN & CO., GROG GKS AND C 0 U MI SSI0N MERCHANTS, 124 Pearl Street, NEW TORSI. HYMAN. DANCY & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORFOLK, VA. Tho New York Home will be Danct, aided by R. conducted by Jso 8. W. Htmah. The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jso. H. Htmajt and F. M. Htmax. Particular attention given to the sale of Cot ton, Corn, Wheat, Naval Stores, Ac September 11, I860. sept 14 tf. NEW ARRIVALS. TIY RECENT ARRIVALS MY FALL 3 and Winter Stock of Ready-made Clothing and ttentlemen s furnishing uoods has been largely re plenished, and I am now prepared to defy competi tion, either as to the quality or price of my goods. By these arrivals I have received a large and beauti ful assortment of Gentlemen's Business Suits ; Gentlemen's Overcoats, of every style and quality ; Woolen and Merino Undershirts aad Drawers; Together with an indefinite number of other articles, too numerous to mention, but consisting in part of Vests, Pants, Cravats, bocks, Suspenders, Ac, Ac ALSO, A 1 lnHA A . S T ah 1 a 1SOOTS and SllOKS, UMUKKIiAiAS, KC, to all which I earnestly invite the examination of the public generally. Those who buy of me once never buy from any one else, frr it is admitted on all hands that I sell better Clothing at chea per prices than any other establishment iu the country. This is no boasting, but the simple trutn, as thousand' are willing to testify who hare purchased Clotbing ol me. For GREAT BARGAINS IN WINTER i ni.iU) rau - HACKNEY POOLE-S, Corner of Fayetteville St and Market Square no 17 tf ' 1860. 1860. Hardware! Hardware!! EDWARD C. BEL.VIN, Dealer in English and American Hardware, House tnimisning uooas, ssiacasmuns, Carpenter and Joyners Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Bolting Cloths, Fine Cutlery, Wooden Ware, dec, ahd agest roa FAIRBANKS PLATFORM SCALES, Has iust returned from the Northern, cities, and is now receiving direct from the Importers and Manu facturers the largest and most complete assortment of English and American Hardware of every description that he has ever had the pleasure ef offering to the public Be sure and call at the old established Hard. ware Store, at R. Smith's Corner, as I intend to sell goods as low as any house in the State. E. C. BEL YIN, Hardware Corner, Fayetteville Street, se 22 Sm Raleigh, N. C. Standard and Spirit of the Age copy 3 months. MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAB LISHMENT. I beg leave respectfully to inform yea that in addition to my full stock of Cloth ing and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, I have secured the services of Mr. Burrmann, just from one of the largest and best Establishments in New York, who will attend entirely to the cutting aad fitting department ; and from the high recommenda tion which I have received, I take pleasure in stating that he can please tha most fastidious and give gene ral satisfaction to all. I have selected the very best of French Cloths, Cassinieres, Doeskins, Silks, Cashmeres, Velvet Vest. ices, and other articles pertaining to a tailoring es tablishment, and hope that I will receive a share of the public patronage. All I ask is a trial. M. GRAUSMAN. Raleigh, N. C , Sept 29th, 1860. I71ALL AND WINTER CLOTHING FOR J? I860. N. WALKER & C0. Wholesale and Retail Clothiers, 45 SYCAMORE ST., PETERSBURG, VA MAHUrACTOBT "WAS HINQTON BUILIB6S,"BALT1.. MP. We are now receiving oar Fall and winter Stock of Clothing, imported and manufactured by Ourselves, un der the most favorable circumstances, embracing all the latest styles now worn, and iu point ef material and worksmanship, cannot be surpassed if equaled by any other establishment in the Union. Our stock will be found unusually large and attrac tive, and our prices as low as Bimuar goods can be purchased in any of the Northern States. r We pledge ourselves not to be undersold. ' - We have also on hand an endless variety of dents' Furnishing Goods, of the latest importations. Merchants and others are invited to call and exam ine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. N. WAliKKK a uv. sept 4 lm. No. 45 Sycamore Street FINE OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. A SELECTED STOCK OF FIN OLD PORT, Sherry ahd Madeira Wines, -.also Qtard, Dupuy A Co.'s standard Brandies, direct from, the Custom House -For sale by -angl tf. . PEEBLES, PLUMMER A Ca . 1860 FALL STOCK ! 1860. TTa DIES AND MISSES r j DRESS GOODS AND LACES, Largest stock ever purchased. . ' . ' ' -Handsomer,.: -a - Richer, ,. . - - . ; . Better and.. s - . Cheaper, by .-4 m 15 - W. H. R. S. TUCKER. - rvuRY THE CHEROKEE REMEDY. The a demand is increasing ana tne euecm are wuiy wonderfnL A third snnplvlustreeeived. , .Atv-PESCUIVS. CL- Sept ;28, 1860 : . 1TTHEAT DRILL- WITH GUANO AT ff taohment, On sale- at reduced" price aad ao freight One of Peaaoks best - with tieene attach- ( oBeat eomplete, left (rem the last Fauv . t. . . -; ,-i s- 1 Mfil-tf: - JAMES M-TOWLES, Ag"t.- i XTEW WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER t SJL ANDlPLATEPi WARE j" GOLD. SILVERWARE. Gentletnens. Leefs.i Cum and Gebletsv n.- Luer Afevers, fc.a Silver Levers, - Salt SeUrt,Napki Rings, Preserve Sugar Spoons, Ladies', Watch dalna. Bagae Sifters and Urame f amm SI iisrss Test and Neck Chains. Setts of4 Breast PinS and abb vrestm rn abitw, . t Sar.Rlnva. - Butter and Cake Knives, - Bracelets and Breast Pins . .i . v.. ... ..... . f Children'sKnives A Forks, Card eases A Pepperboxes, kst ana jsmger Kings w Puff anRkivC'ltiMfAM tJ Z8lI tSSSf Frait and Pickle Knives, 1 Table and Desert Spoons Thimbles and Tea Spoons, Armlets .and Pencils, J Soup and Cwam Ladles,! Spectacles n Thimples, Oravy A Mustard rpeens, Pencils and Peas, , Spectacles, As,-.,-,,, grosses ana, Bnaps,, .4 vt a f-r-n .iv . laAiAaaifi ee Pitchers and Spoons, Psstorad,Waitisrs M Table and Desert Knives, Cake Baskets" ftnA Fotks. Pocket and Penknives, Teserye- A-Rutter Staadsji lasors and Rasors, ... , able ,andb leeert Knl vaa MisceUaueosu. r and- Tooth; Brushes, yswr ena. engar JuaeMea utter and Fruit Knives. . Cmbs and Guards,. Pocket Books and Wallets,' 1 ladies' Traveling Fallals, Work Boxes;'-' ' Steel Spectacles, Raaor Strops and Brushes French A Yankee Clocks Salt SeUer,-" Candlesticks, - Molasses Hngs, . Tea Sette pieosav ,s !8pectacleacu.i t&4 tt&i ' I wish tha Members ef tha Legislature and others. to eaU at my store And; see fer themselves. My Stock of Goods H large , and iashlonable. ; Mf priextare eheaper. I will a arrant every article sold to be what ifs sold for; no Plated Jetcelry acid for Gold. Watches ana utoeas repaired and warranted tor iz morons.. no 17 tt JOHN C. PALMER. i . A RARE CHANCE. ; rflE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO emigrate i to the South, offers for sale-' TWO VALUABLE TRACTS pF LAND. One lying1 two miles South of Holly Springs, on Buekhorn Stream in Wake county, containing 230 Acres of first class farming land, on which there Is a new seat of Mills, just . completed a nrst-rate riour Hill, not to be aurpassed also, a corn 'and Circular Saw Mill, with aay amount or amber convenient, and with ample water power at all tunes. Also, one tract lying . five miles Northwest of Har nett Court House, on Campbell Creek, within one mile of the river, containing 414 acres, on which tract there is also a good seat of Mills, Flour, Corn and Saw, which hare been completed within the last 12 months, and are in good order, with water power and custom as good as any. The land is well adapted to the cul tivation of both grain and Cotton. - " 1 will sell one or both of these places, together with the stock of Hogs and -Cattle, ' Wagons aad Imple ments ou the premises. ;-. ' Terms will be made easy to suit the purchaser if re quired. . ::- . ' i.x-: - Any person desiring to purchase such property will do well to call soon, as I em determined to sell. -. ; HENDERSON THOMAS, ,,. no 29 tf ( Mill- le, N. C. , , Press will please copy. ' ' ' . , -" STOVES, TIN WARE, &c. : m HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO n , uwonm vi tne eiuawe ui mwiga ana viounty l that he has just received a fine assortment of OP KICK, PAKliUU and COOKING STOVJJS, I . .i :,L . i K.z.l l . e r . i I logemec wno a uvmuliiiu iwauriiueu m vrrwna, auu he offers them at such prices as will defy competition. He has also opened a fine assortment of Tin Ware, to which he invites the attention of the public All orders for stoves, stove pipes, or anything else in his line, promptly attended to, and satisfaction guarantied. H. J. HESSELBACH N. B. I will continue to carry on my DOl FKlt SMITH business in all its brancb.es. H. J. H no 14 3m 'YJ N ED BUNTLINE'S NEW BOOKS. NEW YORK MERCURY STORIES. Full of illustrations. jrgT PUBLISHER. And for sale at Retail or Wholesale, at the cheap Book Store of FREDERIC A. BRADY, 24 Ana St, N. Y. FRICB TWKSTr-riVB CEWT8 XACH. lOr any five tor one Dollar," 'OR TUB WHOLB BLBVXX VOB TWO POLLAR3."TE I. The White Wizard: or, Uie Great Prophet of the Seminole Indians. By Ned Buntline. Price 25 cents. II. Sea Waif; or, the Terror of the Coast A tale of Privateering in 1776. By Ned Buntline Price 25 cents. " '. HI. Saul Sabberday ; or, the Idiot Spy. A tale of the Men and Deeds of 1776 By Ned Buntline Price 25 cents. IV. Elf ride, Or, The Red Rover's Daughter. A New Mystery of New York. By Ned Buntline. Price 25 cents. - V. The Man-o'-War's-Man's Grudge:' A Romance of the Revolution. By Ned Buntline. Price 26 eents. VI. Oar Mess ; Or, The Pirate Hunters ot the Gulf. A tale of Naval Heroism and wild adventure iu the Tropics. By Ned Buntline. Price 25 cents. Vll. Luona Prescott : Or, The Corse Fulfilled. A tale of the American Revolution. By Ned Buntline Price 26 eents. - .- vm. Thayendaaegea, the Scourge ; Or, The War Eagle of the Mohawk. A tale of Mystery, Ruth and Wrong. By Ned Bnntline. Price 26 eents. : JUL I . Stella Delorme : Or, the Cemaache'a Dream. A wild and fanciful story of Savage Chivalry. By Ned Bunt line. Price 25 cents. . - ' x. The Rift and The Spray. A tale of the smugglers in the English Channel. Beautifully Illustrated. By Malcolm J. Errym. Price 25 cents. XI. v Pathaway i Or, The Mountain Outlaws. A tale of Northern Trapping Grounds. By Dr. J. H. Robinson. Price 25 cents. All of the above Books are full of Beautiful Illustra tive Engravings, by Darley. Booksellers, rJ ews Agents, and all otners, wui please send on their orders at once. Cosies of an v or all the above will be sent free of post-age, per mail, to any one, on receipt 01 price. Call or send, or address an orders to FREDERIC A. BRADY sept 11 w3m. ' . 24AnnStN.Y. J ERY 1 ! 1 We have again replenished our stock. of China and Earthenware, and have now the largest stock of the above in the city, we nave ' Glass Ware, Cut and Pressed, Aiinner sets. Tea Sets, and Odd Pieces of China to match broken . sets, besides a large lot of Iron Stone China, in PLATES, CUPS AND SAUCERS, BOWLS AND PITCHERS, so 22 WH. A R. S. TUCKER. FIN E LIQUORS-AND HAVANA CIGARS. E. A. WHITAKER keeps oa hand, the largest Stock or liquors, unewing xooaoeo, ana Jfine vigars, BA. WHITAKER -KEEPS iHE . Largest and. best selected Stock, of , Family, Groceries in the Cityi . 30 Barrebaf Boston Apples, r ' , HO Boxes of Cheese, ' ' -"Jastreeoive-; ' -STTKLYET ANDCLOFH CLOAKS Y": aoaks, Cloaks and Mantles. . . ,v 5 FaU length Velvet Cloaks ,t , , - Cloth , -Arab Cloaks in Colors and Blacks. " ( . i..- Saeques and Caps for Misses 4 . Aiuperb assortment at 1 TUCKER'S, 46.21. - ' SUPERIOR, VIRGINIA SMOKING. TO BACCO, received thUday at V., . . , , , HENRY D. TURNER'S RalelgVae21-Af ' .''BaaR.tMws, MOKED BEFF, AND BOLOGNA SAU BASE, At .S. A. WHITAKER'S. . . A I. t. 1. ,-.'- 1 , - Tl I". . : it MISCELLAN EO U jf T . " ITBAllpWBBpsg AVINO RUCENTLY . BUPPLIED 01' K OF. PICE with one of R. HOE Co's SINGLE IGE CYLINDER PRINT I N ti HA. CHINES, which are admitted te have ae .mverior in the world, we natter ourselves that ws can s-y. Vlthont fear of 1 contradiction, that we have H moe ' In the State and one that has no Superior us the ; Soon after purchasing our new Power Press, finding that wo could not employ a man who understood the management of it in the State, we seat on to New York, where w engaged the services of one who has served a regular apprenticeship in the city of Pari to the has. boss, and who has been engaged at it alone all hts'Hfe. e is a aamber one Pressman, and we do not hesitate say that we now have i BEST PRESS in the State, and one without a superior anywhere. And in order td show that we are as welL if not better, prepared to do good Job Work as any other establish- -ment in the state, we do not hesitate to say that we have in oar employ ' THU BEST JOB PRINTER in the City, and one who is equal at least to the best - 5 in the State. . Finding that we could not do by hand power the large amount of Job and Newspaper work which our unusual facilities is daily attracting to or office, we have purchased a and our splendid Power Press will hereafter U driven by Steami Mr . V. It will thus be seen that Our facilities for doing JOB WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CANNOT BE SURPASSED, and we respeotfuly solicit a liberal there of the pa tronage of our friends and the public generally. We , will in every instance Warrant our Work to give Satisfaction. SYME A HALL. Raleigh, N. C. Oct 27th. 1860. ' HO! FOR CHRISTMAS. PLEASE THE CHILDREN 1 PLEASE THE CHILDREN It : CHRISTMAS TOYS! CHRISTMAS T0Y8 A " At cost, At cost, , . Fine Cigars, Good Smoking Tobacco. -wjin-- ALSO, f i. . 1 - . : A LOT OF FINE SHOW CASES. ' a for Cost, at the old Stand of I deal tf DODD A SCBEIB. NSAN'E ASYLUM. APPLICATIONS or the admission of Male Patients i,-to the Ay- - I I um should be made te the undersigned, before their removal from home, in consequence of the crowded condition of that department of the. Institution. y. . . . ED. C. FISHER, deel--8t ' Phys'aASup't C1 H O I C E FOREIGN AND NA T I V E Wine and Brandies. Also Cigars, Ac Pary ear's best North Carolina Whiskey will be sold if wanted by the quart or gallon. Apply, E. E. HARRIS. .n.. i n i , , . , : Tt ..in tin i bo 28 lm. Office N. CM. F. Ins. Co Raleigh, Dec 10th, 1860. fnilE ANNUAL MEETIN G?OF THE rki fL Members of the North Carolina Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will be held at the Office ef the Company in this City, on Thursday, the 10th day of January next, ' ,- . H. 8. SMITH, dec 16 td. . , Secretary. nOYS AND GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS. 1 chijtadoj CHINA T0ILETT SETTS, VASES, PERIURMB DOTTLES, AC. ;tr , W. H. R. 8. TUCKER. EL TING, BELTINGINDIA RUBBER Belting for Saw Mills, Gins, Ac, c' . sises, for sale at the Hardware Store of E. O.BMLIN, Raleigh, o 27 2m Fayetteville St S&-Standard and Spirit of the Age copy 1 months. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ' ' t . JENNINGS PIG O XT, Attorkbt at Law asd Soucrroa or Patshts, ; . (Late of North Carolina,) IS permanently sitaated at Washington, 1). C, where he will attend to Claims against the Govern ment, and especiallto obtaining Patents for Inven tions. ' ' . July 25 wfcswly. NORTH CAROLINA WRAPPING PA PERAS GENERAL AGENT OF B. B. Sater, proprietor ef the Crabtree Paper Mills, I am ready to settle his accounte for Paper, to purchase stock, and to sell Wrapping Paper of all descriptions, on favorable terms. .Orders for suen paper aeueuea and executed with promptness and dispatch. Address, J. J. LITCHFQRD, fob 1 RAuuea, N, C fmT" Standard copy. ' , DRESS-MAKINGiV : MRS. W. W. PERKINSON, FASHION ABLE Dressmaker, wiU be pleased to receive from the Ladies of Raleigh a liberal share of patron age She flatters herself that she is capable ef giving the most perfect satisfaction to all who may favor her with their patronage, and sho assures the Ladies that her prioes shall be as moderate as those of an other Dressmaker. "' .Residenoe on Wilmington street, opposite the vacant lot of Mrs. Htewan, on ayeiievme sueew no 17 3m JUST AS I EXPECTED.-! N CONSE auence of the great increase in his business, the '. the great increase in nis ousmess, ue i been compelled to procure the services L and is pleased t inform tb pnbli-, ssociated with him, JNO. Q. BAR- subscriber has I ef an assistant, . H AM, ell knqwn as an efficient business man, baV- Jng little enough conscience to be a good "oa- tr.rtfW the business will be conducted aider the firm and style ef MOORE & BABHAM, atthe stand formerly occupied by myself, two doors east of H. Poole's Clothing Store, on rkuara. Till! STEAM lull MOORE & BARIIAM,, Aaclion and Commission Merchants, 'win attend promptly to all business entrusted to them. They will attend sales in this, and the Sdjoinlog mnthswst Thev can offer no better pledge of satiafactioa, than ' . . ' - 1.1 Lama eAeaail V-. ? . 'reference t40M wnom -n7 -ww-j- deel tfr OIL! omiCHXi!!! ?X Ea A WHITAKER, KEEPa ON HANI Linseed Oil, ' t Tanners Oil.' ; .Train Oil, . , Elephant Lamp Oil, , Ced Liver Oil, :r . Axle Gresfe in Boxes. no 28 tf . , .... ' ;. . . -w t-r-v A TT CI J - FOR THJfi iHULiii o. LADIES FUR CA AND CUFFS'. . . - -MISSES FJCSETTS. - , ,- . ' yf- a." R. fl. TUCKER. : - -w-. ' " -M-wvr ., A HO HTlAvAf nn a y". zr .T "... T ' Soanlv ef the Arctic ana rw' ,. . iaRyTo seca-e aU tbdviteg TsaemiS. in tte -use tZ? T f haw 64. Sold at m-ufacwere Ct"pT III - 130. with ftsilht. a-! - - . Jury Jfith, I860. .... -m nmr T - r- ItAIT AO UU -