r .' ft S aleig Register. RALEIGH. Wi C ; ! V'Y.-- ' " Our are the plans of fair delightful peace, ' Uawarp'dby party rage to lire like brothers' . WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1861 THE CONVENTION OF NORTH CARO i ; L1NA. This body the moet important that has should be united as one man in the! defence rate States will be aoknowledeed by Euro. WHAT WILL ENGLAND Dot n .' x V. - : ' 1 ' t.":' i . i-i.li.i-l The followinsr extract from the London rorrM- oi aw tney noia aear. xney.aro toiu in so wea powers, it is py no meuu vropapie . . -- . . . " . J ; , 4 ,, -ir ''" ' 4 lr Vit ' j Y.-J i xt ' pondenoe of IheJfewYork ma most be erf many words that publw awmma-. ,tkt the independency of North; Cajoljfta B!gck- j-jr, lt eWS aged ; that injustice i8'4oiie;ibtt.Tonte separate nation1 would ever'be reoognized, . plainly that England win undoubtedly take sides without merit are singled out and honored, either by, the J-aropean powers or by toe with the Confederate States, and that at no distant while the honest and worthy are kept in the Black Republican Administration, unless her date. ranks." .- This untrue statement was made, in I independence were achieved through the aid I Londok, Saturday, May 4, 1861. onr belief, solely he purpose of gratifyr of the men with whom she had refused to tSSt,! iog the vindictive feelings entertained by the unite in a government. British Government with regard to American editor, of the Raleigh Standard I towards In conclusion, there is another reason why " M a?n -f4.! rAohl z8.?8?11 Governor Ellis, y It js impossible . for all to f Worth Carolina should go ont to-day and be- believe I am in a position to inform you of what convened in Uib 8Ute since the one which set be officers, and it mayebeithat , some ho oome a member of the government of the nJffx' forth the famous Declaration of 1775, met have applied for.office and been disappointed Confederate States. On Thursday the vote jjeraia of yesterday, you will find the views of hn Monday last at 11 o'clock, A. M.f in the have become dissatisfied : but, taking the is to be taken in Virginia on the ratification the conservative opposition very plainly stated in nu mvux j , , . .. . t. ' . . ... . . . . ... the second leading article. In that article, it m Commons Hall of the Capitol. Ccnsideiing "-t of snph appointments as Governor lllis ot her ordinances of secession and union witn staUd that war betiveen England and the Federal tint the election of delegates took olace so I has yet made, we beliete that it is a fair and -the Confederate States, and the prompt and Government, is now inevitable a less evil Hum a lliae O r A . ' - - I . . . . I nunvniMn A -oAmi ilrifi'i. Mid mimtinii iinnt t recently, there was a remarkably fuli-atten- J-at one. harmonious action of JSorth Carolina to-day, tQ (he Goveu dance of member,s, there being present 111 The idea that a superhuman effort is to be communicated by telegraph to the ditterent to send out at once armed vessels to Lake Onta outnfl20 ehctedrThe bodyisaremarkaUy made to cru,A the editor of the Kaleigh portions of the State, will exert a most pow- 05 fn(1 lookine and intelligent assemblaee, and Standard reminds us forcibly of an anecdote erful and beneficial effect upon our friends that the steamer conveying this letter bears dis- of Beau BrummeU. After the Beau had ana neighbors ot the Uid dominion. k--- ?;r "1 ZITt u 1: quiring him at once to detach one or more vessels trom the fleet for that service. From the Quarter THE IfE in it may be fonnd a good deal of the first talent in the oountry. Before the hour of meeting the gallery was densely crowded by jadies and gentlemen, and every place on the floor' without the bar of the House crammed with male spectators. It will be seen that the venerable Weldon N. Edwards, who was bred at the fact" of iNatbaniel Macon, was chosen to preside ever the deliberations of I the body, and Walter L. Steele and L. C. left Great Britain and bis creditors and betaken himself to Calais, he met an old English acquaintance on the pier or wharf of the latter place, when the following colloquy ensued. The acquaintance said to the Beau, " Why, Mr. 'Brummell, I am exceedingly : glad, as well as surprised, to see you ; for I had heard ' that you were dead. : To this ! remark the Beau promptly-replied : "Pooh! Edwards ehosen as Principal and Assistant Si the report was only the trick of some Secretaries' Our report of the prooeedinga stock-jobber to effect the British funds."- will ahow. that while there wassome diver- Wo do know, as between Beau Brummell . gitvofopinioa as to the mode of North Car- and the editor of the Raleigh Standard. olina'ssevermgher connection with the Fed- which has exhibited the most supreme and al Government, there was but one opinion ridiculo&s self-complaisance. We hope that to her duty to do so. and do so that day. crush " of the editor of the Raleigh So, after a good deal of debate as to the mode she should adopt, a vote was taken about six o'cloek, Pi M. by whioh it was unanimously declared that all connection between North Carolina' and the Federal Government, is and ought to be, forever and totally dissolved. When the President, in his solemn . and Tcrt pressiye way announced the vote, there arose from the House, lobbies and galleries, loud and prolonged, cheers. The Ellis Light Artillery, in anticipation of the prompt passage of the Ordinance of SccesRion, had, at an early hour of the day, brought down from the Camp of Instruction their splendid battery, consisting of six brass field pieces, and ranged them on the Capitol Fquaro, in front of the Western portico of the Capitol. . j AS soon as the convention had adopted the Ordinance, the loud-mouthed cannon proclaimed the joyful tidings to the whole city and surrounding country, and instantly large numbers of our citizens might have been seen hurrying from every direc tion towards the Capitol. In a few minutes the Capitol bell and the bells of all the churches united their voices in proclaiming the joyful news. The Artillery, Vter firing one hundred guns in honor of the passage of the Ordinance, rested a few minutes. Then ten guns, one for each of the other seceded States, were fired, followed by three Cheers far each of those States ; then a whole bat tery and niqe cheers for North Carolina; and then, the fact that the Convention had adopt ed the Constitution of the Confederate States being ascertained, twenty guns were fired in honor of that event. The enthusiasm of the large crowd that had gathered on the square was beyond our pow ers of. description. At night; the mansion of the Governor and the residenb s of Beveral of our private citi zens were .brilliantly illuminated. After which all hands went to bed and slept soundly in the Confederate States of America. Few people outside of North Carolina can say that they have been in one day the citizens of three distinct Governments. Until six, P. M., on Monday, they were citizens of the . Federal Union. Frpin that time till 7, P. M., they were citizens of the independent Republic of North Carolina;, and after that ' became citizens of the Confederate States of America, a Government which, we trust in God, will exist in peace, prosperity, great ness and liberty until the last syllable of re corded time. Standard, if he shall be " crushed," will not materially depreciate State Stocks in North Carolina. Q The following article appeared in an extra issued from this office on Monday morning : THE IMPORTANCE OF PROMPT AC TION BY THE CONVENTION. A VIRGINIA PATRIOT. The Danville Register, of Thursday, says : We noticed some weeks ago the fact, that James C. Bruce, Esq., of Halifax, had pledged bis whole fortune to the defence of the State of Virginia and the cause of the Southern Confederacy. Most nobly is he redeemtr.g that pledge. We learn from an intelligent gentleman from Haliiax, that Air. Bruce, although in wretched toaltb, is active ly engaged in canvassing the county, for the pur pose of enlisting a company of volunteers to bo commanded by one of his sons. And that he pro poses to fully equip the company for service, at his individual expense. Our informant also mentioned another fact which shows that Mr. Bruce is setting a noble ex ample toother gentlemen of groat wealth, through out our country. - A citizen of the county and a member of the Blackwalnut Troop of Cavalry, visited Mr; Bruce and informed him that he greatly desired to go with this Cavalry company to which be was at tached whenever they should be called into ser vice, but that he was mounted on a Sorrowed horse whose owner was unwilling that be should carry him off with him, and he asked Mr. B. to aid him in procuring a suitable steed ; whoreup nnj this liberal and patriotic gentleman had all his horses brought together anil told the volun teer to select the one that he thought would suit him besc All honor to James C. Bruce, and all like him, if any moi such can be found. The above narrated condaot of James C. In the present imminent crisis, when the Bruce, Esq., is no more nor less than what action of this State will be looked to with intense interest at home and abroad, we have deemed it best so far to anticipate our usual day of publication as to lay the editorial ar ticles Which will appear in the Raleigh Reg ister in itB issue of Wednesday, the 22d, on the desks of the members of the Convention to-day. In doing so, we trust we shall not be deemed presumptuous. It is. our lot to be the editors of the oldest paper in the State, and one which was de voted to the maintenance of what was once the Union of the States, as long as it could with honor be preserved. That time has passed. The Union has been! destroyed by the folly and wickedness of a Northern and intensely sectional Administration. ' This we would have expected from a man of his big and patriotic heart. In what striking contrast does this conduct Btand with that of some individuals of whom we wot ! There are men," we learn, in this county, of large estates, who not only have refused to sub scribe a cent to the common cause, but it is said, have actually bought all the bacon and other provisions which they could purchase for the purpose of making a speculation up on the necessities of the State. In referenoe to what these men may do with their money in the way of voluntary subscriptions, we claim no right to interfere ; but, if they persevere in their attempts to forestall the market, at the expense of humanity, we will give them that gibbet iu the Register whioh whence this information reaches me, I feel assur ed that it may be received with implicit confi dence, and I regret to add, that unless your affairs have now taken a mora pacific turu,.that Eng land will shortly be either with the Northern States or against them. Jn Hie higlteal official circles, J assurk you, war is already regarded as all but unavoidable, anil such being ttte case, it may not be difficult to provoke. The question of a blockade is, I need not say, where the shoe will first pinch. It is alleged, whether correctly or incorrectly you will be best able to say, that Mr. Buchanau's Administration played fast and loose with the Paris declarations of the Great Powers at the close of the Buseian war. The doctrine held by you in 1812, that free ships made free goods,, was assented to by Lord Clarendon, on the express understanding thaUtlie United States were to accede to what on other questions was agreed to by the other Powers ; but it is sard that you have broken off entirely from that engagement, and are now to put In force those octrinesi which this country has discarded buu gaiuv wuicn yvutougni. xms is pronounced unprincipled, as It will unquestionably prove in consistent ana embarrassing. To warn off ships approaching the Southern seaboard, and to cap ture thom if they persist in going in, will, as a matter of course, upset all calculations of mer chants and shipowners, not to say' that it will com pletely cut off the supply of cotton. An early howl is, therefore, to be looked for from our ship owners, and, smarting under the interruption of the Cotton trade, as all classes will do, high words must follow the first authenticated act of warn ing, and should there be any seizure, a collision will not easily be warded off. It is a pity that a resort to blockade has been deemed necessary, as, but for that, trouble with this country would not only have been prevented, but President Lin coln would have had the sympany of a large sec tion of the British people. Perhaps he may have seen his way to make a blockade a mere matter of form to British vessels, and, in that case, I believe no harm will come of a powerful fleet being' in the Chesapeake, in perhaps a week or ten days after you receivo this. Foreign Mikutkrs at Washimotow. It i8 stated in the New York Herald's Washington correspondence that President Lincoln ha notili ed the foreign diplomatic corps that if any Euro pean powor shall receive any Commissioner or Minister from he Confederate Slates, all inter course with such power will be broken off, and the Minister representing it at Washington dismissed. Wa-'A. Lenoir," of Caldwell Couty, comimVl tee suicide by shooting himself in the head on the 15tinst. He was subjects to fit of melan choly. ' - .'" N'-.. ' Two men by the name ot Triplett and Cook caught a bear in a pen on South Fork of Elk Creek Watauga County, on the 28 th ult. The bear weighed 200 pounds. , J. W. Pipes, of Wilkes County, was bitten by a large rattle-snake on theth inst. The Cunard steamship Africa, unloading at the wharf in Jersey City has on board 10,000'En field rifles for the United States Government. Major W. H, C. Whiting having been ordered to Harper's Ferry, has resigned his position as Inspector General of Coast Defences in North Carolina. Hon. A. E. II. Stuart recommend an undi vided vote unou the part of Virginia in favor of the ratification of the Ordinance of Secession. A citizen of Charlotte, N. C, who has invent- ed a gun which will fire 120 balls per minute, has gone to Montgomery to have it patented and accepted. It is stated that Commissioners, from Havana have gone to Montgomery to confer with the Con federate Government concerning Southern ship ping at Cuban ports. The interruption of travel on tho Baltimore and Ohio Kail road, reported by a telegraphic despatch from Wheeling, Is entirely unfounded. The pas senger trains are running regularly. Tbe'steaming Live Yankee, of the blockading squadron at Old Point, was passed on Thursday going toward New York with three prizes in tow. The noted yacht Wanderer, at Iy West, has been taken for Government service. ' t Major J. A. Wagoner, of Charleston, S. C.j has invented an improved rifle cannon which has been tested and found to throw a shell seven miles. Preparations are on foot toeomplimenttbe Niagara with a few. THE FIGHT COMMENCED f CANNO ADIKG BETWEEN A NORFOLK BATTERY ANDA fcUMPSTEAMEK f -i' NojltotxMav t;' I . . . v . i .. Ton, THR'lSarsx-, Wu4.tua' 8tq Chatham pa4'-Kf' ; :WiCTeaa,Thtfiaurbed require great viguanee. ott tae panw nerciuxeoB, we therefore SHTOoarWfein a opapny UBa. The steamer Kahokee. with laborers" to complete j the Home Guard, for tb better protection of our our sacred honor, to aupp and carry -OCVith6 the Battery on SeweH' Point, was fired into yes terday by the U. S. steamer MonticeUoi but no damage was done. -The steamer fired about thirty shot and shell at the battery, but killing nobody, i 1st. The company shall hate all the officer of following resolution! : Several hundred troora moved down last night to delend ths.works there, but the attack wa not renewed. To-day more guns were mounted on the works, and at tbis time (6 p. m.) a spirited cannonade has been kept up with the steamer for several hours. The result is not yfet known. . The Monticello, Mvme'adta, Citmberlandi.Engi nter and Yankee are in the Roads. Thus far the Monticello. is the only one engaged. A consider able movement of troops is now going on, but their destination is unknown Col. Weiseger's command has been in readiness all day to move at a moment's notice, but ip to this time they have received no orders. ' Pryor i ip command at the Xaval Hospital. The Petersburg Cavalry left to day for service in Norfolk county, about 14 miles from Ports mouth. Ho comoany that ha arnvod here has excited much admiration. 'SECOND DESPATCH. XoaroLK, May IS.-i-SV- m. An express from Sewell's has jnst arrived. He reports that the Monticello drew off after sunset to a crippled con dition. On our side only one man was slightly wounded; Heavy guns are being taken down there to-night A passenger by Monday night's train, from Petersburg via Goldsboro, reports that before he left Petersburg .a despatch bad been received stating that two armed ships had engaged the battery at Sewell's Point, and the cowAa was then raging. The telegraph office at Norfolk is in the hands of the Government of Virginia, and none but authentic dispatches are allowed to be sent from there. The Government of Virginia has also taken temporary possession of the Sea board and Roanoke Railroad, for the purpose, no doubt, of using it for the transportation of troops from the interior for the relief of "Norfolk ar.d the surrounding country. . , TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Moxtqomert, Mav 17, Congress passed a company, and a court maltial far the tranrfacUdu of business. , , --j 1 2d. The company shall meet once a month, 4M as much oftener aa cirou instances may require. i.W 3d. Any member., who may fail to attend any uk atiing of the company shall render his excuse to v be court martial, and by be lined er. acquitted ' according to the martial tew. J 4th. Any member who may know any person or persons to use - language of" an incendiary or ' unfriendly character, shall report the same to the : captain, or any of the officers, iwho shall call a meeting . of the company if thought neoasaary, to take the case into consideration. . 5th. Every member, is required to , keep., vig- ilant watch over his own "premises 'and alatlure nn his nurt kii hinsta hifntn .- 'Una: "-- -'i-.-V. ' i - . - A. MORING, O. S. HOLLE MAN. Cbmmitte. E. COLE. , M. D. WILLIAMS, j SPECIAL, NOTICES. MAKER'S PREMIUM BITTERS.' - f Hkjtsjco Cocktt, Oct, l.UCO. E. Baker, Esq : T Tv S- Dar Sir My wifo has beta smfftring with Dypp- ; sia and Nerroue tfoction for several JWl, doriag which tine she was as ill as possible be slivs ; all : hopes of Ufa, by hr physioian, as wall ashy her re la- tivas and frisndi, were blasted. Finally she pobb- aseaoed, in small qoaBtlties, the Use of BAKER' ' PREMIUM BITTERS, which, in theeeane ef sight weeks, (by daily Using them,) restored her to perfect health: I am eqaaMy gratified to statelet my child, aSout eight years old, was loaf saffering witbtt- Diarrha, attended dally by aablpaysi elan, without sMnft any relief; bat the ase of oas bottle of these INESTIMABLE BITTJ5R8 re stored biia entirely to health and vigor. ' It is my firm opinion, substantiated by that of my family phy icianV, thetBAKEU'S PREMIUM BITTERS is the bes medicine now before the pnblio tot ' above-mentioned diseases. Years mest trmly, , P. W.-J. UUABLES." These Bitters ean be had ot WIXIIAM3 A HAY WOOD, Raleigh, N. C., and by aU the principal Dra- a l ne jonieaeraie otaws ass weea. receivwi tea i number of bills to day for organizing a Patent 1 Kew aorta vereuna aae v irgiua J"J" - ' thousand stand of arms, imported from Belgium. Office : regulating the sale of prizes : regulating I x ru rr...- , , T , - , j , j- V..li serving with the second Mississippi regiment, now stationed at Lynchburg, "Va. Tho Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune, under date of May 14th, writes : 'The heat to-uight is simply intolerable. Men. and beasts suffer torments most unpalatable, the water of the city is vile beyond belief." Let him wait until July and August. Self-Protectors. A traveler who has just reached Philadelphia from Huntsvillc, Ala., re ports that The Mississippi regiments are all frmed with Colt's navy revolvers. Each man in the South ern armv is provided with a bowie-knife thirteen inches lone and two inches wide. . One of them was iust rhown me, and upon the blade were the word?, ' Self-Protector." They cost twenty-five dollars each, and are terrible weapons. The Northern people are evidently beginning to find out some things. able in twenty years, at a rnte of interest not ex ceeding 8 per cent. or, in lieu of bonds, to issue 520,000,000 in treasury notes, m small sums, without interest. , . "MoxfrohMKRT. Mav 18.- Arkansas was admit ted one of the Confederate States to-day. The following delegates are present : 11. W, Johnson, A. Rust, A. H.. Garland and W. W. Watkins. H. F. Thomasson, another delegate, will be here to-morrow. . Chicago, May 18. Hon. Stephen A. Douglas is severely in or toe lyphoia lever, ana a is feared that he will not recover. Auousta, Ga, May 12.---Wo learn, on au thority, that the Southern stockholders of Adam8 Express Company have taken possession of aU the property, privileges and interests in the com- ' ' at r-3 J . i . . . panv in xnc jonieat-'racy, uriu inui h new niuir panv will be organized in a few days and the business4continued here without interruption. New Terk. Orders promptly filled by addressmg - . . 2AKXS, Proprietor, : . noU-lu Kiohmend, Va HOK. Picaycnk Bdtlsr. Gen. B. F. TtutW. h Administration has issued its decree (one I they should have at the hands of the Sheriff. I Massachusetts paper hero, has been superceded in which it will never be able to execute) that the South shall be subjugated, and that bo attain this end, all the laws of civilized war fare shall be violated that neither men,' nor wo.men, nor children shall be spared in an indiscriminate warfare. This threat in itself should inspire the heart and nerve the arm of every citizen of his native land. Can, therefore, the sovereign Convention of the people of a State on whose soil the first de claration of the rights of man to liberty and self-government- was proclaimed this day eighty-six years ago, hesitate a moment as to its course? Can North Carolina, represent ed in a sovereign Convention, permit this We will proclaim their names, and hold them up to public indignation. SUPREME COURT Will commence its Summer Term, in this city, on Monday, the 10th day of June. Causes will be called as follows : June 12, those from the I Circuit. 17. V II u HI IV " VI and VII Circuits. July ( 17, 24, 1, 8, 15. his command at Baltimore by Gen. Cadwallader. Butler, it is said, has been promoted) Major General, and will go to Portrws Monroe. Fort Pickexs. The Savannah Republican of! Thursday, says : President Davis left Montgomery on Tuesday for Pensacola, with the view of inspecting the fortifications. If all was found right, it is high ly probable; our batteries opened on Fort Pick ens yesterday. It may require a week to subdue it, but the work is bound to fall or surrender. Another Skssation Story Spoiled. The Alexandria Gazette says: . In publishing a paragraph under the head of V irgima JNews, in yesterday's ttazette. giving a report from tne Staunton spectator, mat me re mains of Gen. Washington have been removed from Mount Vernon to Liezington, it should have been added that the statement is entirely incor rect. ' . . The arrest of Mr. Ross Winans, an aged and eminent citizen of Baltimore, by the day's sun to go down before she declares ner authority of the Lincoln government, was connection with the old Union dissolved, and J an oatrage which the gallant people of that her determination to join herself in a cordial I gtate wm on forget, and one for which Union with the Confederate States of Amer- tbey at 80me future day hold the Nor- lca f w e cannot ana wiu noi oeneve mat tern hirelings to a fearful account. Mr she will. Her interests, her safety, and winana was released on Fridav last on his pa above all, her bonorrequire . her to say roje 0f honor. promptly to the Confederate StateB of Amer- Tbe Nashville, Tenn., Banner of May 8 says . "We learn that a vessel arrived at New Orleans from Europe on Monday, with 250,000 stand of arms for the Confederate States. This is the vesscl-wbicb the blockaders have been anxious about, and which the New York papers have been urging government to watch for and seize. They awoke too late About fifty boxes of guns andalargeamountof powder and other munitions of war reached this city by railroad last evening from the South. There will bo no scarcity of arms." MAJOR MORDECAI. We find the following statement in reference to this accomplished officer in the Albany Evenin Journal: .; "Major Mordecai, who has had charge of the Watervhet Arsenal, has resigned his commission His position has enabled him to become acquain ted with all the uovemment improvements in the manufacture of arms, bullets, percussion caps, cartridges, c.. and it is auegej tnatne bad re cently made patterns of these improvements. "He ia a Southerner by birth, and he has been looked upon with suspicion since the first out break of the rebellion. "When ordered to visit a Southern fort a few weeks! since, he took occasion to request the au thorities at Washington to transfer him to some other post, as it was not agreeable to him to be engaged in superintending the manufacture of ordnance to ba used, perhaps, against bis own relatives in North Carolina. But hi? request was not complied with, and his resignation is the result his purpose being, it is said, not to join the Southern Confederacy, but to retire to private life in Philadelphia" THE RALEIGH STANDARD. Were the editor of the above mentioned paper! in any other position , than that of publio journalist, we should, after what has recently taken place between him and , the writer ofl this, in future decline to take any sort of notice of him. But he is the editor . of a newspaper published at the capital o: the State, and it is onr duty to hold him up to a just public censure whenever he is guilty of what We may .believe to be mischievous conduct.! Indoingthis, we shall, as heretofore. nse language befitting a gentleman, however undeserving the editor of the Standard may be of. such treatment. There is a portion of the leading editorial in - the last number of the Standard well calculated, and. we-verily believe designed, to make mis chief, in order that the editor might -vent his spleen against an individual. We italicise the objectionable language to which we refer : " Party has been used to crush us, but we haye no disposition, in a crisis like the present, to retal iate. We shall not pause to criminate' when the country is in danger. War is upon us, and the war must be fought out. Let the party hack be marked and remembered, but let us not spare the nine, r, wis juucujrv, iu fmraut? uiui . J I jruvim affair are mismanaged ; i f injustice is done ; if fav'prttei without merit are singled out and hon ored, while the honest and worthy are kept in the ranks ; land if party is substituted fori country even in the midst of civil toar, let us either bear it , like meh, or rise above it for the sake of our State. Sofar as we are concerned, our course is plain. We shall strike back, when assailed, and we shall expose falsehood, whether uUered against our friends or ourself ;. but we shall not be diverted from the great business of encouraging the people of ;all parties to resist the aggression of the com mon enemy. He who thinks chiefly of himself or jof bis party in this crisis, i3 unworthy of North Carolina." " : 1 We leave it to a candid public to say if the language . which we have quoted and italieised ia not well calculated to produoe disaffection in the xa&ka of soldiers, who ica, "your interest and my interest are iden tical ; my safety and my honor is indissolu- bly connected with yours, and we will fight shoulder to shoulder "Til the last armed foe expires,' under our glorious flag." Men of the Convention f we tell you that not only your constituents, but the whole South, expect the promptest action from you. There may be members of your body (few, we trust, they will be) who will doubt and hesitate as to what should be North Caroli na's destination when she' has declared her disconnection with the old Government.- Let the counsels of these men, no matter what may have been their past ; reputation, be promptly discountenanced. The South ern State that "doubts now, is damned ' Give us an Ordinanceiof Secession, or what Avnr alne von mav nlease to term it, from the old Union, and an ordinance making common cause with the Confederate States of Ameri ca, to-day, and let a salute of "red" Artillery" flash forth from the capitol f Square of the Old North State. Do this, and you will meet the. public expectation The more we reflect upon this subject, the more thoroughly are. we convinced that this is the true course for North Carolina. In deed, we cannot see any other course which she can pursue which will not lead to disas ter and ruin. Virginia and Tennessee, be- o - yond a doubt, are already provisionally, and will be permanently, members of the South ern Confederacy. Nowj if North Carolina stood alone, what would be her position ; On the North would be Virginia ; en the South, South Carolina ; on the West, Tennessee ; and on the East, the Atlantis Ocean. .What a perilous position would this .be for North t; ,- Carolina, were she to set np as KF" We aro indebted to the Agent of the Adams Express Company in this oity, Mr. Ehrman, for Baltimore papers in advance of the mail. DEPARTURE OF TROOPS. On Saturday last the following Companies, be- ing a portion oi tne mrsi jtegimem oi ixvna Carolina Volunteers, left this city for Richmond, Va., viz : The Fayetteville Independent Light-Infantry, Capt. Wright Huske. The Southern otars, uapi. w. J. iiose. The Burke Rifles, Capt. C. M. Avery. On Tuesday (yesterday) morning, the follow ing Companies, which, together with the three companies which left on Saturday, constitute the First Regiment entire, took their departure for Richmond, viz : The Edgecombe Guards.'Capt. Jno L. Bndgors. The Enfield Blues, Capt. D. B. Bel!. The Hornet's Nest Rifles, Capt. Lewis S. Wil liams. The Buncombe Rifles, Capt. W. W. McDow ell. Tho Lafayette Light lofantry, Capt. J.B. Star. The Orango Light Infantry, Capt. Rich'd J. Asbe. The Charlotte Greys, Capt. E. A. Ross. These ten Companies average about 1 00 men to the Company TukClayton Ykllow Jackets. Wo learn that a Company by this name from Johnston County, have tendered their services to the Gov- ernor and been accepted. The Company is now encamped at Clayton, and numbeis 71 men. The following are the officers: Captain, George VV. Crockett ; 1st Lieut , William B. ttulley ; na Lieut., E. J. Stallings; 3rd Lieut., James H. Young ; Orderly Sergeant, D. H. Hunnicutt. THE WESTERN VIRGINIA CONVEN TION. The adjournment of this body without carry ing out the extreme views of Carlisle & Co., may be accepted as indicative of the total failure ofl the movement which had its origin m Washing ton, whither Carlisle repairedimmediateiy after APPOINTMENTS BY THE GOVERNOR, BY AND WITH THE ADVICE AND CONSENT OF T HE MILITARY BOARD. ' Commissary General. Wm. Johnston, with rank of Colonel. - Quartermaster and Paymaster General. L. O'B. Branch, rank Colonel. : Assistant Adjutant General. R. H. Riddick, rank, Lieutenant Colonel - Commissary of Subsistence. Daniel G. Fowle, Rank Captain. Colonels of Infantry. C. C. Tew, 2nd Regt. lofantry ; Gaston H. Meaies, 3d Infantry; George B Anderson, 4th Infantry, .' ; Lieut. Colonel of Infantry. Wm. P. Bynam. , First Major of Cavalry. e John W. Woodfln. Captains of Infantry. Peter 3. Mallett, George S- Lovejoy, T. 8. Gal loway, Henry K. Burgwin, Jr. . Captains of Cavalry. T. N. Grumpier, J. M. Miller, George W, Hayes. : Captains of Artillery. Gabriel n. Hill, Alex. D.Moore, Thoa. H. Brera. ' .. Surgeons. Peter E. Hinep, 1st Regiment Volunteers, John Johnson!, 2nd Regiment Volunteers. ; Assistant Surgeoiis. Joseph H. Baker, 1st Regiment Volunteers, John Gv Hardyt 1st Regiment Volunteers. John F. Miller, 2nd Regiment Volunteers, Wm. S. Moody, xnd Regiment Volunteers. Captain. Edwin A. Yates, 1st Regiment Volunteers. A letter in tho Richmond Dispatch, dated Portsmouth, 14th instant, says : Another sad accident, resulting in the death of an estimable officer, occurred on Sunday night, near Norfolk. Lieut. Richard Henry Storrs, jof the Third Alabama Regiment, was returning to bis camp from the city, about 9 P. M. He was hailed by the sentinel, whose gun was accidental ly discharged, and in au hour or so the victim was a corpse. He was from Weturapka, Ala. ' : FROM WASHINGTON. Wasulsjoton, May 1?. It is supposed the New York oeventh Kegiment will return Norjtn next week. , , i The Administration has accepted three Kansas regiments. i Eighteen privates of the New York Fifth Reg iment were drummed out yesterday .because tbey refused to take the oath. - . , A large number of additional troops are to be collected here. - i Orders have been issued that the rapid firing of three euns and the ringing or bells in, the night, shall be the signal for the encamped regiments to L . -1 . - marcn to too cuy. AxsAPOLia, May IS. Brigadier General But ler nas been promoted to major uenerai, anu or dered to report to Washington. Brevet Major General Cadwallader has been appointed to the Department or Annapolis. It is uncertain waere he will establish his headquarters. Col. Pratt, of the Twentieth New York Regi ment, reports his men as guarding the railroad, all well and contented... - The presence of Ross Winans here yesterday created a deep impression. The troops uncovered as he passed between the lines. Active duties are doubtless to be sesigned Maj. Gen. Butler. THOS. L. CLINGMAN HIS RECEP TION AT MONTGOMERY. We append the special Message of President Davis, to the Confederate States, announcing the arrival of Hon. Thos. L. Clingman, the accredited commissioner of North Carolina, near the seat of the Government of the Confederate Stales. The cordiality with which he was received by the President, and the distinguished marks ot favor conferred '" on him by Congress cannot well be overlooked by the most casual observer of passing events : Ti the Congress of the Con federate States of Amer' ica .- It is with sincere pleasure that I inform you that the Government of North Carolina has ac credited the Hon. Thomas L. Clingman as Com missioner to represent that Commonwealth near the Government of the Confederate States. Mr. Clingman presented to me this day his letters of credence, and I received him in a man ner corresponding to his station and the high purpose of his mission. It afforded me much gratification to receive from Mr. Clingman the assurance which he was instructed by his government to convey to me, of tho determination of his State "to link her fortunes with the Confederate States, and " to draw the sword in defence of our common liber ties." This proof of North Carolina's sympathy, and the promise of her early union with the Confed erate States, are the more signal because conveyed by one of such high station and reputation as Mr. lJingman. After the reading of this message the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Hon. Thos. L. Clingman, a commissioner from the State of North Carolina, have the privilege of the floor in secret as well as public session, and be invited to participate in the discussions and delibei ations of Congress. HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYEV I1AJR DYE1 WM. A. BATCIIELOR'8 HAIR DYE I .. ' The only nannies and Reliable Dye Known 1 ALL OTHERS ARK MKRB IMITATIONS " and should be avoided, if you wwh to escape ridi cule. ' . Ortv. Red or Putty Hair Dyed instantly to a bean- tiful and Natural Brown or Black, without hyury to the Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medal t and Diplot have been awarded te , Wm. A Betchelor since 18,39, aad over 200,000 appli cations have been made to the Hair of the Patron of his famom Dye. Wm. A. Batchelor'g Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, knd is warraated.net ' to injare in the leas', however long it nay be ?onlin aed.and the ill-effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated foi Life by this Splendid Dye, whtohte properly applied at No. IS Bond Street, New York. , Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Good Dealers. ; . The Genuine has the name "Wttiiin A. Bitcna-" lor," and address upon a steel plate engraving oa the four sides nf each Box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay Street, . apll3 ly , Late 3S3 Broadway, New York. TO TUB VOTER8 OF.TIIE-BRIGADE, composed of the counties of Haluax, Northamp ton, Edgecombe and Martin. . Let mereeoauaend our oountyman, D AVIDJCLARK, for the Office of Brigadier General. JjWe aU know he is well qualified for it. Ia these perr ileus times, we should select the man for the offioe, and not the office for the man. From his seal and liberal pontriButtons to the vol unteer eanse, we may safely say that his time and means will be devoted te the service of the country whenever required. HALIFAX. may 22 lfr XTO- 11 tbe discontinuance of the North Carolina Mi- nine, I have concluded to suspend business for the present. All orders for printing will be promptly fill ed if addressed to me at the Register c ffice, Baleigh. may 18 tf . J. B. NEATHKRT. SHOT AND SHELLCANISTERS FIX ED for Field Pieces, Gun Carriage, Axlea.aad Boxes made to order, at short notice, at oar Foundry TAPPET k LTJMSDESr, mav 11 2m Petersburg, Va.- bi jgV-Wilmiagtoa Pspers will pleeee copy and send ills to T. and L. -, Wm. NAVAL APPOINTMENTS. Commander. T. Muse. I Lieutenants. Y. TJ). Murphy, W. N. . Boudinot, Thomas M. Crossan, Wm. W. Roberts, David Coletnanjf Rob't C Jmval. i Midshipman. W. T. Moore. '. - " , Paymaster. John Johnston. .' ' ... - Chief Engineer, J. W. Parks. ' Kavat Agents. - i i Oliver S. Dewey, Newbern. Marshall Farks, Suraeons. '' Edward Warren, Wyatt M FROM ALEXANDRIA. Alexandria. Mav 17. The Picket Guard was driven in last night by the Administration forces. The Long Bridge, as far as the north end of the draw, is occupied by Jrederal troops to-nignt. A lot of tobacco, .from Lynchburg, bound North, was stopped here last night by the military aotnonties. . I. his presence beecame no longer agreeable or ne cessary - In Richmond. The scheme (Knoocted a separate by Carlisle with Blair and Chase was nothing N folk ya. . - a- ei.a- jiaanAWKvvnA t u in i w m wrrs n M l government, witfc no claima upon the aympa- ess tnan me - ' 7 " , T.ot m Innlr fnr a mnmnnt at a single eonse- I ; .. .. .L ii.iv. v.- - -r' -o-- ' i was discovered in time. ana. nas ueeu ueitnieu bj nDnu niDTnoa vrosv quenoe which would ensue from this position, the action of soch Union men as Jackson and I i ? 1 ; XT - --iwf . i-iil . , . . .:.,'-iJT:2. th,.. -hrt. abmflaed toobev the voice of HiBrra's Frnnr, May 1?.-An attack is dalli It is tow HO Qwy,prooant9t out wmo ear- ' ft M u be on the 23rd I eipected, : Virginian am arriving in Hmw tain, that the independence of the uonieae-1 inst. avirj nu - REPORTED OBSTRUCTION OP THE BAL TIMOBE AND OHIO RAILROAD NEAR -HARPER'S FERRY. , '- i i Whikltko. Marie. Passeneers have return ed"Iiere front an attempt to reach Baltimore, smd report that the culverts on the railroad near iiar ner's Eerrv have been blown' up and the rail re moved from the track. The rebel troops there were hourly expecting an attack. The force new there numbered threerthbttsead - ; r, ' X)L. ANDERSON. OR THK EKQISTER. Camp of In8tbu6tio5t, ) Raleigh, N. C, May 1?, 1861. At a civil meeting of the LsPayette Light In fantry, held this day, it was unanimously " Resolved, . 1st, That the sincere thanks of the Company be tendered to Capt. . Harry K. Bur gwnn for the admirable lessons in drill which he has given the Company for many days past, and we hereby assure him that we folly appreciate nts generous labors for our instruction. Resolved, 2nd. xnat tne great Kindness and consideration with which the officers and mem bers of the Company have been treated by Mrs. Bnrgwynn, Miss M. E. Stronach, Miss Partridge, Mrs. Uolburn, Mrs. BoDDltt, JUrs. f. Jft. uaio, Mrs, Henry, H. C. Ligon, Mrs. Williams and Jeff. Utley, during their sojourn at this place, have conferred upon us lasting obligations which are duly recognized but can never be discharged. Resolved, 3rd. That to our townsmen and wo men. Col. Thomas Waddell, A. N. McDonald, 0. O. Bnrbee & Co., Eph. Page and Mrs. Thomas McDaniel, we are . indebted for many favors re ceived both before and since our departure from Fayetteville, and that the lecol lections thereof wifi long be cherished. - G. B. Atkikb, Secretary. A Skksiblx View. -The Daily Empire, one of the ablest papers of Ohio, says : The South is able to bring and maintain in the field, for immediate defensive operations, one mil lien two hundred thousand men ;. and that is more than the North can ever march and support In the South for offensive warfare. For any, pur pose the South can keep vp ' an army at home of 500,000 any length of time that may be needed, and this, aa every student of military history knows, is nearly equal to twice the number wag ing an aggressive warfare ia an enemy's country. Jgrthe election of field onloen of the 2nd Reriment.eamoofl at the camp, atGarysburg, on Tuesday, Cent. Sol. Williams, late. of the U. S. A, was elected Ool ; Ed. Cant well, of Raleigh, Lieut. Col. ; and A. W. Burton, Capt. ot the Cleveland Guards, Major.' All of these are ex cellent selections. Col. Willliams has already proved himself worthy of the old North Stale, by his promptly resigning his posiUon in the late IT. j a. army ana coming QUARTER MASTER GINERAL'S OFFICE. ) RaraieH, May 18th, 1801. 1- 1 BAILORS AND OTUBBS WUHIHG TO . contract for making Uniterm Clothing for the North Carolina Troops, are requested to make Imme diate application at the Quarter Master General's Of- -floe in Raleigh. , Tbe material will he delivered to Contrators at any Rail Road Depot In the State. Applicants will please stats, as early as possible, how many coats and pantaloons can be delivered each week. may 23 Sw N . ARB COUNTY COURT MAY TERM, 186l0r4erd that pubMeeUea be made In the Raleigh Regiiter, North Carolina Staadard and State Journal, for all the Justice ef thePeaee t wake County te appear at tbe Court Boose in Raleigh,' on Saturday, the 1 5 th day of this neath, Jt betag the last day of this Term, at 12o'clock, for the perpose ef laying a Tax for the support of famUWef all Volun teer Soldier in tho rreaent war, aad f the transec tion of other publio business. i " ' may THOMAS J UTLEY, Clerk, ' OST-ON THE EXPREOT TRAIX. which easso dowa from Greeniboro' Fridav morning, the' 17th last, a small Trunk, a small card tacked on it marked "Webb," Oaks. Any laformatioa will be tnankfsUy received. w Ac8. WEBB, may 2t - . 0aka,,C.;, . TTENTIOM HOME (iUAKD. 1 7 Attend a socetiog of your Cosapasry t the ' Court House on Tuesday night next, at 8 o'clock.' Every member is expected to b presetit, as baxiaev of groat importaaee elahns their kraediate attention. By order of the Captain, v v- -mayaa It ' 1. H. BN0W, O. 8 dz home - to. conaUor or die in her deunoe ; ana sne nas snqwea. oerseit wortny ofeuch a son and capable of apwreciatine his dis interested patriotism, bv tbe distinguished honor Locisvillk. Mav 16 Street rumors say that which sha haa confer rext .unan him. lieutenant there is likely to be adifflcuHy beret between! the CoL CantweU and -Mnjort Burtoo, are just the UrMsnscu n l UESUAI AaOWalHlKs. ' DAT. 21st and 22nd, - 77. ISOOGrey and 0O Blue Fatlgae Caps. mayis tr w. H. iH. p. TFCgEtt. ThTOTICE-JAW. H. MURRAY, EtQ jli TigronopoMoi ux eeueetor wot the -oity of Raleigh, I have been appointed te his place. As I am bow enraged in collecting tbe taxes, I ho W taecitUetu will hold themselves in readiness to settle-' up whenever may call on them. ' " may 18 3 1 J. J. C'HRISTOFinfRa, RAGg I KAGSM-TUEFORESTlIiLK Manufacturing Company will disco ntinoe the purchasiag of Ragsifor a few weeks AH ef our Agent who have Rags oa hand will please send them In lm-' mediately, aad aet purchase any more until forth notice. 5 W. B. REID, SoYC ' .sT-Caeriotte Bulletin, Greensboro' TimeSr Oxford . Loitnro Hour, and Standard copy 3 thnes each. .'. . , t DeCARTERET ABMSTROK ? l . - - ivn . ILillBOO RA oc 16 tC F OR HIRE A FIRST RATE CAR- fENTBR. .'f-i-:- Brown. State Journal; opposing artiesbn the advent of Col. Anderson.' , , PRI?BS CAPTURED A . fe , Mobile, May 17.--Tne, privateer steamer lyj captured as a prise the ship Marshall, of Provi dence, Rhode Island, this morning, off the bar. Another prise was captured bat the name is on-known. men for the times and place ; and, we predict that thf, gallant men,, who, elected them wilL never have any cause, tov regret the choice Jthey bate Tu Ghat unis. ints-tea.ots&ip is now leading with grain and. flour and will leave on tne uota instant wita ireignt ana psytsengers. FOR SALE. 'Mere.--'- mpl 10wAewtf A VERY FINE YOUNQ ' Apply to" t. r : - BtntMHAnrota; BASK OF NORTH CAROIJN A-A VIDEN of towr per ceatoe tbCepitai (sWk7 ofUUaBaaktof thproetrfortblastUwb4v has been deelared this day payaMe at the tMneq ' Bank Braaehea and Ages niia, en 4he tot Monday 1a Janonext. ' ; ? C. DBWET, Caoawi may 4 td ... - t :.'v- ..'-" -) i : .. - ...

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