PJiTEEfiBURO AlVKM'TSi ERSQN LIVINCJ IN TUB COHNTRl i WISHING TO PURCHASE ' i; PIANOS DIRECT FROM OUtt V7ARER00M, - 1 J Cn do to by describing the quality of tauch, tone Ad', they de-tiro, j . Il These" Pianos occupy a high position in the Scien ;.' tifWMiisical World, and can be relied on to give ENTIK1J SATISFACTION, fur We are willing t" garantee them for . . FIVE YEARS. , . t 4 "iTlie Piano you bought of us delights the who 1 neighborhood," is-the constant news we hare from those who purchase of us.; .Such TESTIMONIALS as these e 1m . ditfi, and thy far outweigh erf ry tpeeiee of praite that can be beetfwed in faior uf their intrinric value We take pride in advertising that noon has receive ed mure numerous and nattering assurances of satis-' factum from purchasers thn oursel vos. se2 -". - ; K. P. N KSU k CO. 'i F ALL 8T0CK! OF SHOES. ' , ,. WILSON, McILWAIME fc COn WHOLESALE DEALER!) IS ROOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, AC, i 06 Sycamore St,, Petersburg, Va., In vite attention to their Fall Stock, which- is very large and complete, and unsurpassed in variety. Their' - own make of Btiteb-Down Brogans are not excelled in style and durability. " Close bayers, whether for cash or on time, will find it advantageous to examineihi -i stock wEem in market. Prices and terms will be fonnd at least as favorable as can be had elsewhere. Orders will meet with prompt attention. jeptll tf ' i i i v -if- 1 LEXANDER OIKiAJVS IN ADDITION am. ottT Pio:Furte Business, we have now . ' , I THE CELEBRATED ALEXANDER ORGAN, i -' the most perfect instrument of its kind ever offered. ' The attention rof clergymen is respectfully solicited to thlii new and wonderful invention, lately patented i. tiit United States, It ts well suited for mid -lie : larger sized- ciurehes, seminaries, Sunday Sohwl a 1 the parlor. It supplies a want whinh has long bee felt, and combines, by its various stops, (representing Ow flute, clarinet, lite, Hantnoy, hasson. ciarion, boiir- - d6, oonanglais, sourdine, fortes and the grand jeu of tut! oigan, with tnje expression,) the most tieliuious e trains and effects to falufy any true lover of music. I Is A large and varied assortment of the best Pianos fog sale on our usual accomodating terms, i i ; E. P. NASH A CO., eeptT - Petersburg, Va. LOOK! : TO YQfJR INTEREST I AHD D0!'t SPY Watches, Jewelry, Silver, or Plated Ware, r ! BEFORE KSAlflNIHu J-NOWLAS'S STOCK ! -35i . TTE HAS . JUST RETURNED FROM TUB XI Northern Manufactories with a ' Large and Beautiful Assortment ' of fashionable goods, selected -with great care in ref erence to style and quality, and i BOUGHT Wlin THE READY CASH! Whereby he gets an advantage of 25 per cent, over tame buyers, which enables him to sell his goods ' At 25 Per Cent. Less! . . Than the same quality of goods can be bought else . where. It is -worth a visit to his Store to see the Patent ifagic) American Lever Watch, or the Watch that wiittU and $eti without a K'eg, And the beautiful little Watch that mas 8 days; Also, the Fountain Pen, That when once filled with Ink, will write 10 hours. 'r Call early at THOS. NOWLAN'3. Sign of the Eagle, 34 Sycamore 8U. sep 29 lm Petersburg. Va. m TrlLWAINE, SON Ac C,lpTERS x BtJRO,Va., have noin store and are receiving tc --if t ALii supply oi unuui!.tiifc,s, consisting it ; pv.rt.-f , , iiOO bbls. crn.'hed, powdered and Coffee Sugars,' 20 half boxes of Soap, ; gOO bags Rio Laguira and Java Coffee, 3000 Bides hemlock Sole Leather, 1000 kegs of Nails, assorted, ' 800 boxes Adamantine, Spurni and Tallow Candles, i. 50 bales Gunny Bagging, ;300 coiln of Rope, assorted, SO- ona Iron; riw - Us, English and American, Ac, : i ?.00 packages of Snaff, "J and H.," EgerUin V atd ! Mrs. MUler1.;." " r Also, various other articles, to which we invite the - attention of the trade and others in want of goods in ' bur line. Special per tonal attention paid to the sale oi jiroduee. I , Petersburg,; August 5. JOHN MORRISON, MANUFACTURER AN1 DEALER IN - At No. 17 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. f J ATRESSES kent on hun.l n.I mo, . - - f- u u.w.V -uVaWVl, S Wl miil.ur tJt Hair 0.ltr.. ,..k . n.. j gjhnck. - . FISK'S METALIC BL RIAL .CASES, Mahogany and Poplar Coffins, always on hand. Hearses kept in good order to supply all orders for the same. Also,: the fndtitnirtible Terra Cotta Jlurinl Cane, which can- not corrode ori rot by its position in the gronnd. Spring. Beds, a new artiele; durable, pleasant and cheap. A variety of Mantle and Toilet Glasses. Please caU and examine my large stock of Furniture fcr-yonrselvea at the above number. t ' mar 5 "WHERE PID YOU B II YOURPIANO!' 1 "AT N A 8 H ' 8 !" . Q. "And why?" " Firytly, because it is aD established house, and . for amity oda) years have sold Hanos from Virginia to Texas, with1 unqualified satisfaction." ' 2ndly. " Because they buy very largely for cah, ami hd mora inereiore to sen. at lour rales, as has been proved by many persons who have purchased of them after having take A their prUetand eoruitnyed them with the Northern." - ; 3rdly. "BeCa se I prefer trading -in a reipoimible heme, esoeciallv when f find tl." Kuv. a,.rr,-.;.i : ! udenoein their own articles towarrant them in "SELLING UPON TRIAL, ' f ARANTEEINQ SATrSFACTldN." i V.. 1 HASir rn , .i. . . Blhetwc maguificent stores in the NEJV LIBRARY1 HUlLDINUSi comer of Syi-araore and Bollingbrooki streets, Peterghnrg, Va. iy j3 J GRAND PIANOS. Tl WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED SEVERAL more of these FULL SEVEN OCTAVE NEW IMPROVED I SCALE -f I Piauo-Fortes, wnnxoe jjtou frame. Thew beautiful Instruments; rivL in tone jand power, the clumsy and costly tfrand iPlano. i ' : f We have now a full and complete fclock. ALL jrBOUGHT FOR CASH, and selected with great care I . may 2 j E. r. NASH A CO. . IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE, No. 121 Sycamore st , Petersburg i? GILUAM & DUN LOP ijurg. Va. c -''!? 'n ire a weU assorted Uck uf IRON an b IKIiL, which they offer la lots. to suit puxobe i tne lowest prices. 1 " ' ' ' I English and best refined IRON all sites. I I Swedes and Hammered IRuN ? Wide Plough IR0N-6 to 1 0 inches. - , Nail rods and Horse shoe IRON best brands. I ; Band, Hoop, Oval and Half Round IRON ! I, bTEEL Car Blister, Gertnan, Round, MaebtMl' and bpnng. . . ,lS j Also, bHERT IRON. TfN T. 12 An V j MUKT1.R AND ALEh. 30 CASKS BEST brands London Porter. lennanf s XX Ale. For sale by angl tf.U PEEBLES, PLUMMER A CO. SUAR.i-ldo BBLS. COFFEE, CRUSHED, cdt loaf, powdered, and granulated Surars. in store granulated Sugars, in store : ana tor sale by aug 1 ttl PEEBLES. PLUMMRR CO- ; BUli YOUR CLOTHING. I I OP : : VJ' RING are now complete, and we are prepared j to sell yon , r- GREAT BARGAINS IN SUPERIOR READY j MADE CLOTHING FOR CASH. Home mann facto re, WBare eneonrageing, and wHl "ll fu Wlit 6t Muler c--' (Culpepper eoonty, 0"ftr C.aSimerM8t qaality, for $ lb, Sad qaality Mii?iry Coata f Bin Beaver Cloth, for $ I2.&A. these Ovdr cwtf are of Superior. qoaHty, and with cnangeot nttons Make a oomplete eitixeos Dress . v.u joau and see at - I i - t. w. royston: a co, Byeaseore Street, jan 2 tf . P.t.rW V. NOTICE.--THE SUBSCRIBERS GIVE their personal attMtian to .n j. o, - them from the eountrr.iartiMU,l. TL. 7IT. I milU Unr I r ,r the most ' Qroe Commistion Merchants, LATE PUBLIC ATIUNS. SEVEN YEARS- IHE SEVEN TEARS OF UNBIVALLED SffC- X CESS attending the "COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION." have made it a household word throughout eery quar ter oi tbeuountrr. Under the auspiees cf this popular Institution, over three hundt ed thousand homes have- learned to appre ciate by beautiful works of art oa their walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great benefits de rived from becoming a subscriber. : Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio nn paralelled with that ef any previous year. TERMS OF. SUBSCRIPTION. .Any person can become a member by subscribing three dollar, or which sum they will receive t. the large and superb steel engraving, 30x38 ... inches, entitled, "FALSTAFF MUSTERING. HIS RECRUITS " 2d. One copy, one year' of that elegantly illustrated . , .magazine, "THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL." L Foar admissions, during the season, to "The Gallery of Paintings, 548 Broadway, - New York." In addition to the above benefits, there will be given w suDscnoers, as gi atuitous premiums, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art ! comprising saluable paintings, marbles, purians, out lines, Ac, forming a truly national benefit. Tbk Scpnaii Esgrvino, which every subscriber will receive, entitled, "FAi.siAfr Mustering his Re cruits, is one of the most beautiful and popular en gravings ever issned in this country. It is done on steeL in fine- lime and ntippU, and is printed on heavj plate paper, 30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either the library, narloror offioe. 1ts sabioct is the celebrated scene ot Sir John Falgtaff receiving, in Justice Shallow' office. the recruits which hr ve been gathered for bis "ragged regiment " It could not be furnished by the trade for less th an five dollars. The Art Journal is too well known to the whole country to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustrated magazine of Art, containing Essays, Sto ries, Poems, Gossip,- 4c, by the ve y best writers in America. . The Engraving is sent to any past of the country by mail, with safety, being packed ia a cylinder, postage prepaid. 'f- " Subscriptions will be received until (he Evening of the Slit of January,' 1351, at which time the books will close and the premiums be given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting $15, are entitled to five memberships and to one extra Engraving for their trouble, i Address, . C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., L 549 Broadway, New-York. ; N. B. Subscriptions received and forwarded by Thomas Carter, Agent for Raleigh and vicinity, where specimen Engravings and Art Jonrnal can be, seen. (IVIL PRACTICE IN NORTH CARO-j J LINA. One vol, 8vo. Containing nearly five hun dred pages. : Pri-e reduced w $3. With the North Carolina Form Book, Cantwell'M Justitse, and bis volume, showing the actual practice iu court, the mere citixen, the functionary, or the lawyer, have easy aefcess to holiness forma. Porsale by U. D. TURNER, Postage 8$ cents. JV. ?. liookstore. Raleigh, Augnst, 1860. aug 18tf (NEW BOOKS. ARCTIC ADVENTURE, BY SEA AND Land, from the earliest date to the last expe ditions in search of Sir John Franklini Edited by ,EpeB Sargent With Maps and Illustrations. EDGAR POE. AND CRITICS. BY SARAH Helen Whitman. 1 rTUIE MARBLE FAUN,, OR THE RO X mance of Monte Beni ; in two vols. By Nathaniel Hawthorne ; Anthor of " The Scarlet Letter." etc. H AWKSVIEW: A HISTORY OF OUR Ow n Times.- B v Holme Lee .- A Wind and Tide," etc. liiiR: FARM OF FOUR ACRES. AND Tb Money we ouade by it With an Introduc tion. By Peter B. Mead, Editor of the Horticultu rist "1 rptiK CAVALIERS OF FORTUNE, OR i British Heroes, in Foreign War j. By Janiv HE Brii OF ureisi Grant, Author of ' ihe Kom9iice of ar." etc. M EMOIRS OF J AMES MARQUIS, OF 1.TX Montrose, K. G., Captain General of Scotland. By James Grant, Author of '.' The Romance nf War." etc. ; THE MILL ON THE FLOS S BY George' -Elliott; Author of "Scenes of Clerical Life," Ac. I For Sale by W. L. POMEROY. Raleigh, tf. ft, 16-0. ang istf. NEW BOOKS FOR SEPTEMBER. The Trne Path, or The Young Man Invited to the Saviour. In a Series of Lectures. By The Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson, Raleigh, N. C. WILKINS i WYLDER, OR THE SUCCESSFUL MAN. j By Stephen F. Miller, Author of The Bench and Bar of Geonria." - THE BLACK GAUNTLET. A Talepf Plantation Life in Sonth Carolina. By Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft, SCIENCE, A WITNESS FOR THE BIBLE. ; By Rev. W. N. Pendleton, D. D. TUB ROBBIN IiiY, OR HOW NAT GOT HIS LKARNING. An Example For Youth. Bv Wm. M. Thaver LICHEN TUFTS, FROM THE ALLEUHANH2S. By Elirabeth C. Wright. NEMESIS, i - By Marion Harlan, 1 THREE PER CENT A MONTH, Oi'i THE PERILS ur j-asi -iii visfG. By Charles Burdett. i - For Sale by I HENRY D. TURNER, i North Carolina Bookstore. Raleigh, N. C. Septuiber, ISfiO. sept 11 tf I NEW BOOKS. SUNDAY ENJOYMENTS. OR RELIC;. I ONaMade Pleasant to Children. The Scrinture History of oirr Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in-unf ed to Illustrate his Divinity, Doctrine and Mission. -r- uy M. u. sterling Clark. rpHE CAVERLY X Linden's Teachings. FAMILY, By H. H. H. OR MRS. OLD AND NEW. BY THE REV. JAS. Craik, D. D., Rector of Christ Church, Louis ville. A CHURCH HISTORY OF THE FIRST f Three Centuries, from the thirteenth to the three hundred and twenty -third year of the Christian Era. Dy Milo Mahan, D. D mWENTY-FIVE TUNES, ADAPTED X. to Psalms and Hymns, in the book of Common Prayer. Edited by the Rev. Albeit Wood, A. M. BYMNS FOR CHILDREN, COMPILED and set to appropriate Music. By the Rev. J. Freeman Young. A COLLECTION OF SACRED SONGS, Being an Eclectic ' compilation for the use of Cburchea,Families and Schools. To which aer appended a special department containing appropriate Mnsic for Ordinations, Dedications, Fast days, Funerals, Etc. Edited by Charles, Jerome Hopkins.. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. Raleigh,.. C, August, 1860 aug J2 tf SPAULDING'S PREPARED GLe7 S PAULDING'S PRK?ARED GLUE, THE same that Van Amburgh glued his lion together with, idoing wonders hereabouts. A boy jip town glued his play wagon together, ''wrong side ap,-f-and the glue did its duty so well that the wagon bad to be broken again before it could be made right, j ; :i . ' ,If Mr. Spaulding desires to become a candidate for .?.resndenpy' "d hu friends stick like his Glue, he will be sure of an election. , To Architects and Draftsmen who have occasion to spring on paper for drawings, this Glue will save a very considerable amoout of time and labor. Damaged book-covers, loosened leaves, dilapidated map, and herbariums, will remind the student of Its value. - Nobodyhould be withonwit. Ask for Spaalding'g Prepared filue. Tor sale by P4 I H. D. TURNER. MARION HAH LANDS NEW BOOK, Nemesis. Bv Marion Herlend Amli ..mil " Hidden path," ! Mom eide," Ete. ' Thia dav received. Price $1 24 . . Sale by ' ' W- L. POMEROY. .- Raleigh, Augaat, 80. Ug $' "I D rv coops AT WHOLESALE. SPRING TRADE 1861. STEVENSON; WEDDELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, PETERSBURG, VA,, HAVE NOTV IN STORE A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK 6b STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOOjDS, - adapted to the wants of the Virginia and North Carolina Trade. THE MOST FAVORABLE INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED TO PARTIES BUYING FOR CASH, OR, THE USUAL CREDIT K of Six Months, will be Continued to THE PROMPT AND RESPONSIBLE TRADE ORDERS . SHALL HAVE OUR VERY BEST AT TE T ION . . STEVENSON WEDDELL A CO. mar 23 3m f . JOR BEAUTIFYING AND IMPROVING THE HAIR I ham. received the following favorite articles, vix : , Mrs. Allen's Restorer and Zylabalsamam, . . , Wood's and Ezekial's Restorer, Burnett's Cocoaine and Cocin, Rosemary and Castor Oil, ' Lowe's and Piyer's Pomades, Demerson, Petit & Co., Hygienique Sociote, andMonpelas Pomades, Tricophcrous, Kathairon, t . Essence Bay Leaves, Sayne's Hair Tonic, Philecome. and Pescud's Hair Tonic. Also, the most approved Hair Dyes known in this couutry. ' For sale at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. Roleigh, May 18, 180. ma 30 tf. BUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CROP TUR NIP SEED. CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING VARIE- J tiesr Early Large Flat Duch, Early Red Top, Ruta Baa, fa superior variety.) Large White Norfolk, Large Yellow Norfolk, Large White Globe. Alsa, Altringham Carrot, Mangel Wortzel Beet, and large winter Drumnead Cabbage S,eed. For Sale in quantities to suit pnrchasei s at june 18 tf. " P. F. PESCUD'S- DRUGS AND MEDICINES. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW RECEIVING their Spring and Summer supplies of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, &c, which has been carefully selected of the Importers and manufacturers, to whieh. they invite an examination from their friends, and thle public generally, feeling as sured they can please both in price and quality. , h v WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD, apr 18 tf. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. TlERFUMERY AND FANCY AR- TICLES.--A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL st'ck of Extracts, Colognes, Pomatums, Hair Oils, Toilet Powder, SoapsTeeth, Hair and Nail Brushes, Dressing and fine Combs, Purses, Pocket Books. Satcholls, Toilet Boxes, Segar Cases, and many other une iaocy goods irom tne celebrated factories of Lubin, Piver, Hygienieqne Society, Lowe A Sons, Caudray, Monpelas, Glenn Basin, and others, which we will take great pleasure in showing our friends, particularly the ladies. WILLIAMS A HAYWOODL NOTICETO WHOM FT MAY CONCERN.--HAVING LOCATED IN THE CITY o( Raleigh, I take this opportunity to inform the Pub lic generally, that I am prepared to make contracts for public or private Buildings, in any part of the State, on the most favoable terms. -I am slso prepared to to furnish Granite in its rough state for Building or other purposes, or dressed to order in any shape re quired, at reasonable rates. Orders for Ptone addressed to me through the Post Offlne, Box 249, will meet with prompt attention. All bills payable to i me individually. I will not be re sponsible for any debts made by any men in my em ployment without an order from me. jan 1 6m THOMAS COATES. Standard copy till July 1st. CIIISMAN'S YEAST POWDERS MY Materials are to hand, and Mr. Chisman has put up a larg-e quantity, all who have been waiting for sup plies can send in their orders. If you doubt that these great Powders are not su perior to any now known, you can find testimonials from the most respectable families in Raleigh, at my store, where you can be supplied at wholesale or re- P. F. PESCUD. may 23 4 TTENTION VOLUNTEERS. Fresh LOBSTERS, " SALMON, " PEACHES, " PINEAPPLES, " STRAWBERRIES. " BLACKBERRIES, " "WHORTLEBERRIES, " APRICOTS, &c, Hermetically Sealed, for sale at J. B. FRANKLIN'S Variety Store. ' may 4 - tf jrStandardopy. IRISH POTATOES! ! By the JBbl. At E. mar 5 " A. WHITAKER'S RISH POTATOES--V E R Y FINE, IN Store. JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag't. feb27 tf (ASH ! CASH I T J .NO MORE CREDIT! On and after the 13th of this month, I shall sell for Cash. The balance of my Stock will be sold cheap. Matters over which I have no control, compel me to do so. H L. EVANS, may 8 tf , SsfAge and Advocate copy. NORTH CAROLINA SHOES. A GOOD assortment of Gentlemen's wear. and heavy negro Broiritns. from tbe Manufatnrir f 7iM.i. a- v . Thoniasville, on sale at their prices. ' a mongtnem are several varieties suitable for Camp Shoes. , r The.attention of our Dealers and Farmers are re spectfully called to this work, as it will compare favor ably in appearance with any, and will prove far more serviceable than Yankee Shoes. Orders will be taken for Fall supplies. may 18 tf JAMES M. TOWLES. Atr'L ICE! ICEII.-OUR ICE HOUSE WILL be opened for the delivery of Ice on the 1st day of May. honr of delivery from 6 to 7 o'clock, A. al and from 6 to 7 P. M., ' ap'l 30 4t WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. 9n.l BUS"PLSRUFFM5DOATS..ON ofuioHprtg g f Di;ely C,eDed febl6-tf JAMES M. TOWLES. Ae't VI?Fr ":kEnijie apple vine- J tt i, ' m up the """ntryon sale at the Farm-m.ii-tf ' JAMES A' T0WLES. At CORN MEAlT-WTFliEiHANb fine, received every week. A lso on hand a few Barrels of fine family flour mayll-tf JAMES M. TOWLRsT, WHEAT THRESHER AND POWER , , . . p of rmclair'e best open Cylinder Thrwk FatAt0 . brSgMJSrriaal CrfebralSwW8' iIont8omery' and Burnett celebrated Wheat Fan, on sale at the Farmer's Hall jne ltf -James M. TOWLEs! Agt MR. PART N S GREAT WORK -. First Volume Ready; The Le of JSrw JaohBon, by James PartoB. S vols. 8 V.. 7D ach, with Steel Portrays? ' ' For Bah 'by HENRY D. TURNER, Raleigh, February, iSoQ. K' C B1f Efh?Et ,,Sf AND GUANO.--300 BAGS Ehde Island Guaao, in store and for aaleby aug 20 Petersburg . Ve. O HOES! SHOES!! SlIOEn!!l. -a KJ iarre assortment A large assortment 'At TUCKER'S. WATER COOLERSKEEPS COOL ALL Day with 5 noundo ir Water Coolers ! Water Coolers I ! Raleigh, May 18th, 180. A I - Water tooWi 111 TUCKER'S. . Kay IH tf. MISOBLL ANEOXIS. ! t' ' i '' ' ' t NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL F IRE INSURANCE COMPANY. "At tbe annuel meeting of tbe North Carolina Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held en the 10th January. 1861, the follow ing persons were elected Directors and Officers for the ensuing year :i i I ' DIRECTORS. Uenry D. Turner, Raleigh ' John K. Williams, do. ' T. H. Selby,! do. , C. W.D. Hutchings. do Kemp. P. Battle, do. George Little,1 'do.4 James M. Tories, de. James E. Hoyt, Washington, Alexander Mitchell, Newbern. Jo. O. Wright, Wilmington, . John M. Jones, Edenton. George W. Charles, Elixabeth City. Jos Ramsay, Plymeuth. J. W. Harrell, Murfreesborongh H. B. Williams, Charlotte. m Samuel Watkins, Milton. A. W. Steel, Fayetteville. Joseph White, Anson county Josh. Boner, Salem. , . A. P. Sommy, Ashe ville, OFFICERS OF .THE COMPANY T. H. Selby, Prerident. Henry D. Turner, TTee do. John H. Bryan, Attorney. Hamdeo S. Smith, Secretary and Treamtrer T. H. Selby, er-offino, John R, Williams, V Ex. Committee. C. W. D. Hutchings, J This Company has been in successful operation over 12 years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries) upon favorable terms. Its Policies now coyer property amounting to nearly $4,000,000, a large portion . of which is in country risks ; and its present capital is over Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. All communications inTeferenoe to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, postpaid. HAMDSN S, SMITH, Sec'y. January 19th, 1861. jan 19 7vTORTI1 CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IX INSURANCE COMPANY .--OFFICE RALEIGH, N. C THIS COMPANY takes risks upon ail- healthy: lives betweon the ages of 14 and 60 years for one year, for seven years, for life the atturert for life participating in the pro nts ot the Company, blaves between the ages of 10 an and 60 years, are insured for one or five years, for iwo-tniras tneir market value. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfactory proot is presented. DIRECTORS FOR 1860 AND 1861. t Charles E. Johnson, Wm. H. Jones, Wm. W. Holden, H. W. Husted, J. G. Williams! P. F. Pescud, Quentin Bu4e, K. P. Battle, Wm. H. McKee, J. M. Love joy, Charles B. Roo Everard Hall, - Rich'd H. Battle. OFFICERS. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President. W: W. Holden, Vice President. H. W. Husted, Attorney. Win. H. Jones, Treasurer. R. H. Battle, Secretary. W. H. McKee, Medical Examiner. ; W. H. McKee, ) Charles B. Root, Executive Committee. Q. Busbee, J for farther information, the public is referred to the pamphlets and fiTrms of proposal, which may be omainea at tne Utnce of the Company, or any of its Agencies. Adaress '" . H. BATTLE, Sec'y. Raleigh, Aug. 4th, 1860. ang 18 MISCELLANEOUS. ROCKERY ! CROCKERY!! CROC KE J ERY ! ! ! We have arain renleniahed nur anlr of China and Earthenware, and have now the lareest ow-a v. ui. auvtq ui uip cuj. we nave Glass Ware, Cnt and Pressed, Dinner Sets, rtlJ . . Tea SeU a,d Odd Pieces of China to match broken sets, besides a large toe oi iron btone China, in PLATES, CUPS Ajyjj m liU WLS AND PlTCIlERS.fcc - tY . il. a K, d. TUCKER. 4Qf4 VERY GREATFUL FOR lO" A the patronage heretofore s hown me, I would assure my friends, that with renewed dili gence, 1 offer them my services for 'the New Year. My Agricultural1 Department will at all times be wen supplied wvth tbe most approved Implements in use, and orders for any articles not in Store will be at tended to forthwith, and sold at Manufacturers' prices with freight only added. . ' I also continue mv Acencv fnr the, sui. r t ...-. Excelsior admitted to be not only cheaper, but better than No. 1 Pernvian Guano, when used by itself for wmsr boiwii, n neat, or uorn. Baogh's celebrated Raw Bone Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. Hydraulic Cement, Lime and Plaster, jan 5 tf JAMES M. TOWLES, Agent. TiEBATES IN CONVENTION PRO MJ CKEDINGS and Debates of the Convention of North Carolina, called w amehd the Constitution of ine otate, wnicn assembled at Raleigh, June 4, 1835 lownic&are subjoined the Convention Act and the amenaments to the Constitution, together with the votes oi me people. A tew copies (only) of the above work unsold, ; For sale by remaining HENRY D. TURNER, jan 12 tf North Carolina Book Store. 1860. FALL. man STEVENSON, WEDDtLL & CO., IMPORTERS AND .TflWUB-oa b I A f L U A JN D FANCY am a -s "w- -w . - DRY GOODS. No. 78 and HO Sycamore Street. PETERSBURG, VA. PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. English, French,- and a m e r l c a iu t--"'n. oiw-a AH LI GREAT VARIETY . PLANTATION GOODS, In large Assortment. A, . a ""I line of Notions. Together with every fr-, o-viiwuu i uooqs to he found in Wholesale Houses North or South- . The trade of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. - ..wv w u cAiuninaucn ot the Goods Store. - i now in Weekly additions soni i will be added during 'he Sea- Orders promptly Execnted. sept 8 tf CONCENTRATED LEAVEN FOR ' GJir'XX? Bread Tea Cakes, c, &c. ONCElfrRATED LEAVEN IS THE result of careful chemical research. All its in gredients are prepared in the highest state of puri ty, and compounded with a view to produce bread of a far better quality, and in much less time than by any other process, and L submit it with enure confidence kers Ac" I c0611' i discrimil,in aousekeepers, ba t I.knds made by using Concentrated Leaven is lighter, m re digestible and nutritious; has an agreeable, natural taste; is less liable to sour; will retain its moisture longer than by any other pro! cess, and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ton minutes, Call and get a box from no 3 tf j E. A. WH1TAKER, CORN AND COTTON PLANTERS SINCLAIR'S CELEBRATED CORN PLANTS -Winchesters and Lancaster's Cotton Seed Planters, onTyaddeA dc&t f anufacterer, with freight These great laborer saving machines will not only save in seed and laborer, but insure better stands of Crops than any other way of Planting. A word to the wise ought to be, c." p l i yut v JAMES. M. TOWLES, Agt Raleigh, March l 'th, I860. mlu 21. OIL! OIL!! OIL!!! 12 A WB;""AKER, KEEP ON HAND jL Linseed Oil, . . Tanners OU, i Train Oil, - Elephant Lamp Oil. !Cod Liver Oil,- . Axle Grease in Boxes. 'r ' no 28 tf i , rpURNERS NORTH CAROLINA ALMA XjUac, for the year of our Lord 1861. rii" old, wholesale and retail, by II. D. itaielgh, oc 27 WHEAT DRILL tachment, On sale WITH GUANO AT- ireigbt. One ef PennokV b VtTw., " "a.? ent complete, left from the lastFair. " a7tf JAMES M. TOWLES. A A BOXES; SUPERIOR XVT For sale at o STARCH... may 53 PISCTJD'S DRUG STOJll. 1860:; I860, Hamilton & Graham, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEA LERS IN . : 'f Staple and Fancy Dry Goads. PETERSBURG, VA.,' Invite the attention of Southern dealers. to their large and extensive stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, now in store and ready for exhibition, corrising a full and handsome range of D x e s s G o o d s . Also, the largest and most- attractive stock- they have ever presented to the trade, of ' Cloths, Cassimeres, 3-4 and 6-1 Fulled Cloths, ' Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Blankets, 1 Kersey, Linseys, And leading DOMESTIC GOODS, purchased in large quantities on the most favorable terms, from various manufacturers, and especially adapted to the wants of the Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee Merchants. They feel assured that purchasers visiting this city will find their stock both extensive and desirable, em bracing the newest and la 'est designs of the season, all of which will be offered to punctual customers on terms to compete with any House, North or South. A call is solicited. A.11 orders shall have their personal attention. ' Agents for Coiton Yarns and Shoe Threads sep 15 2m F ALL AND WINTER STOCK FOR 1860. CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS. Am: THOMAS W. ROYSTONS. 51i SYCAMORE STREET, PE1ERSBURG, VA. Having just returned from the city of New York, I am prepared to offer one of the best stocks that I have ever before presented to the trade of Virginia and North Carolina, embracing all the most desirable siyies now worn. Dress and Frock Coats, all made to order for my sales. Business Suits in the greatest variety, to match. Black French Doeskin Cassimere Frocks, all sues. Fancy Cassimere Sacks and Frocks, something really nice, all colors and sizes. ' Overcoats and Sacks, the most desirable stock to be found, all new and well made. Vests by the hundreds, all kinds and sizes, some extra large sizes. Five hundred pairs superior Black Cassimere Pants . lduu makes of Doeskin. Fancy and Plain styles Cassimere Pants 1500 pairs or more lor uenu and Boys wear. 150 Boy 8 Over Sacks and Raglans, all new. Children's Clothing in great variety. Gents' ' Furnishing Goods the best stock in the country far retail sales, embracing everything belong ing to wents' wearing Apparel. Call and examine my stock, and oblige se 22 ! T. W. ROYSTON. PEEBLES, PLUMMER & CO., (FORMERLY1 PEBBLES ft WHITE.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, No. 22, Old Street, Petersbnry Va. PROMPT and diligent personal attention given to the sale of all consignments of Produce Always on nana a iuu supply oi standard quaiity Groceries, suited to the wants of Farmers and Families. lkm'l pebbles, ' JnOv j. thompsok. hksrv l. plummer, jr., late of the firm of N. M. Martin, Brother A Co. Sole Agents for Reese's Phospho Peruvian, or Manipulated Guano. j june 27 tf. TO THE CITIZENS OF RALEIGH AND VICINITY. ESTABLISHED IN 1 8 36. BEFORE purchasing an article so highly to be priz ed as a good Piano Forte, there are some guides worth knowing. Flattering ourselves that we kmow h'wTO test and judge between Instruments, therefore it is that our Pianos Are Doubly Guaranteed, first, by ourselves, and secondly, by the manufactu rers For Five Years. We chaUenge any one to produce au Instrument, which, upon fair and equal grounds, will be pronounced (by competent and impartial critics) superior to one of like size and value of those we have been selling for the last 24 years. E. P. NASH A CO. june 6 tf . Petersburg, Va. DIRECT TRADE. I860. Fall! Fall !! Fall !! ! i860. 1AM now receiving by ship Susan Kinks, of my own Importation, direct irom Liverpool to City Point, Va.. and bv Shin W. L Lint fm Liverpool to New York, a large Stock of Earthen. ware,'.China, Parian Ware. dec. and a m faaaiv. ing from the Eastern and Western Factories. Glass Ware of all descriptions, Cut and Pressed. My stock is large, embracing all eoods found in Croc iron 'ai... .-j if c ... , . -"-"-"" luruieumg estaoiisnments. I am prepared, luuucemeuiB io punctual paying and cash customers, and askj of all an examination of my gooas ana prices before purchasing. BAM U IS Li STEVENS No. 55 Sycamore St. , . Petersburg, Va. cesjfxjaiamore and Uity made Stone-Ware on hand; oepiemoer ist, isoo. i wq 4 tf Standard copy. KETTLEWELL'S MANIFULATO GUANO fllHE SUBSCRIBERS H 4.VING R KFS JL appointea Agents in this place for the sale of this urawarenuiier, Deg leave to say that they will be constantly supplied, and all orders will be filled with piuuijjiuess, ai me lowest rates. For the past five years this Guano has been thorough ly tested in several States and versai sawstaction, as far as we know. For sale in lote , . - n IVU Ulil """i"? UUvtsxAISo & JOHNSTON Grocers and Commission Merchants, Ag-t f Peteretturg, Va. N K1 1VK,J""MK- HENRY L. PLUMMER, Je, 1 has this day withdrawn from tli . ir ' wiV000:' RichmonL d N. M. Marti; December 31, 1859. w " wm . U Wt, E J UI MT l ' 1 l x" -Tl K It , JR., OFFERS - . oujuvk u GlCIIll ed to the firms, from which he now withdraws, anc takes the opportunity to solicit the further encourage ment of his friends in the new business connexioi which he has formed. BL "M Binovre tnanKS lor th lihoral ... J December 31st, 1859. DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF PEEBLES & WHITE IS this day dissolved by mutual consent We de sire to close up tbe business promptly, and, to this end, request those indebted to us by bond or open ac count to arrange for the settlement of the same. The style of the firm will be continued for the pur pose of closing the business. LEMUEL PEEBLES, - 4 . T THOMAS WHITE. Petersburg, January 2d, 1860. . ! CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY t,t r.orx?p"t.ne"iP?nder th 8tyle of PEE- jruujumaxi. a, vu, tor tbe purpose of eon ducting a General Commission and Gro cery Business, at the old stand of Peebles k White, No. 22 Old street, and resDectfuEv anlfoit. i.lta n.lw.. age of their friends. LEMUEL PEEBLES Late of the firm of Peebles k White. HUNRY L, PLUMMER, Jr.. Late of the firm of N. M. Martin, Bro. A Co . , T ,JN01 J-- THOMPSON. Petersburg, January 2d, 1860. A CARD. In retiring from the firm of Peebles ""U11' 1 delre to express my sincere thanks to my friends and the public generally for their liberal support, and to solicit a continuation to th fi. reebles, Plummer & Co.. .b. way worthy of their patronage. m , , THOMAS WHITE. Petersburg, January 2d, 1860. . jan 7tt DIRECT IMPORTATIONS I IRON AND. STEEL! WAREHOUSE No. I2 Sycamore Street, ' GILLIAM A DUNLOP L VITA fna m. -4,ffA.; " wholesale dealers, manfacturers and railways to their wfrfrted .took of Iron and SteeLmJSsingr iron. Swedes. IImmrt T?fi . 6 . and Carriage, Horse Shoe, Hop Baiaf JCasGerman, M, chine, Spring, English Kail Rods, Sheet Iron, Pig and Bar Lead. Importuirdireet a.-ii i , , . thevfeel eonl!d.l .T Zr?" urmeHU, fully wlkitrcaU. PW- GUANO Fon Pa tt. WB are daily expeeUngacargo of uaac's MAiiim LATEB snim. uJ viil nY .,.1. . ftiele threngheat tie season. We shall also "be l- suppled with "A No. I Paainxui Guaeo.' P'antera ordarin w thr mmlia "ly apoe receiving the beat article thai ia old. v ?, i-KJtiSLEtj, PLUMMER A CO. "L- nOU street. "'I VoRTir AKOLlNAf TIME OF. HOLDING TIIK COURTS. The United 8tat4 Circuit Court for the Dis trict of JNorth Carolina is j held semi-annually at Raleigh on the 1st Mondarof Junoand last Mon day in November, i- Judges Hon. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia ; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge aa'ary, $2000. i - , Robert P. Dick, District Attorney: Wesley Jones, Marshal. -1 The United States District Courts are held at Edenton 3rd Monday in April and October, J. M. Jones, Clerk ; NewberjB. 4th Monday irh April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilming ton 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and October, John L. Caotwell, Clerk. THE SUPREME COURT. The 'Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually on the second Monday in J une, and the 30th day of December. It is also held once a year at Morgantdh," Burke county, on the first Monday- in Lugust, J. It. Dodge, Clerk. The officers are as follows : Chief Justice, Richmond M. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Justices, M. E. Manly, of Alamance, and William H. Battle, of Orange, salary of each $2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of - Warrenton, Attorney General ; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reportea: Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk; Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk : James Litch ford, of Wake, Marshal. i superiobTcourts. The Superior Courts are Jield in seven Circuits, by the following officers ; Judges R. R. Heath, of Chowan; George Howard Jr., of Wilson; John M. Dick, of Guilford; Jj W. Osborne, of Meck lenburg ; John L. Baily, of Orange ; Jesse G. Shepherd, of Cumberland and R mulqs M. Saun ders, of Wake. Solicitors Elias C. Hines, of HiOenton, rides the First Circuit ; George S. Ste venson, of Crater, rides the Second Circuit: William A. Jenkins, the Attorney General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. Baffin, of Orange, rides ma jouna wircur; KODt. Strange, of Cumber land, rides the Fifth Circuit ; William Lander, of Lincoln, rides the Sixth Circuit ; Marcus3rwin.of T? ... ; . 1 . i ' ""'"i rmramuoevemfl rrcurt. The Uourtsare neia as louows: FIRST CIRCUIT. Tyrrell, first Monday ini March and September. Washington, second " Bertie, third " j Hertford, fourth J i Gates, first Monday after the fourth Monday in M'ch and Sept. (Jhowan, second " i Perquimans, third Pasquotank, fourth, " c uamaen, nith u Currituck, sixth " (I SECOND ciacrrT. Diiplin, fourth Monday in' March and September. Wane, firstMonday afte the fourth Monday in Mc'h and Sept. Greene, second " Lenoir, third " Craven, fourth " , Jones, Wednesday nextiafter the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in M'ch andSjpt. Onslow, sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. Carteret, seventh Monday after the fourth Mon- - day in M'ch and Sept. Beauforfy eighth f " Hyde, ninth Monday after the fourth Monday in Marth and September.! Wilson, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September THIRD ctRCTJIT. Martin, on the Monday before the first Monday in March and September, Pitt, the first Monday in; March and September. Edgecombe, second " " Nash, third .! Johnston, fourth "j i Wake, the first Monday after the fourth Monday , - , ! in Mc'h and Sept. r ranklin, second " ; " u Warren,, third " Halifax, fourth u Northampton, fifth " h i FOURTH circuit. Granville, first Monday in March and September. Orange, second . " ; Chatham, third u Randolph, fourth u Davidson, first Monday after the fourth Monday n , , ; n March and Sept. Forsythe, second " Stokes, third " i Guilford, fourth " , Rockingham, fifth " Caswell, sixth " Person, seventh " Alamance, eighth " FIFTH CIRCUIT. Moore, Monday before the last in February and Montgomery, the last August, Monday in February and Stanly, first Monday in March and September Anson, second " ; Richmond, third . n Robescn. fourth u Bladen, first Monday after the fourth Monday in , , r L" and Sept. Columbus, second " i " Brunswick, third " " " New Hanover, 4th " ; . Sampson, fifth " " Cumberland, seventh " ! " SIXTH CIRCUIT. Surry, fourth Monday in .February and August. Yadkin, first after the fourth Monday in February and August. Ashe, second u Wilkes, third " Alexander, 4th " : Davie, fifth " , Iredell, sixth ' Catawba, seventh Lincoln, eighth 44 44 Gaston, ninth 44 i 44 . Union, tenth after the fourth Monday in Febru ry and August. Mecklenburg, 11th Cabarrus, twelfth Rowan, thirteenth, 8RVKHTH CIRCUIT. Cherokee, first Monday fn March and September. Macon, second, . " ) , i Jackson, third 44 ' Haywood, fourth Henderson, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in I &rfy.ll on1 )J-.n4 Buncombe, second 44 - P Madison, third 44 u ii Yancy, fourth u McDowell, fifth 44 ;i ii Caldwell, sixth Watauga, seventh 44 n Burke, eighth 44 ' Rrtherford, ninth 44 Jroik, tenth ' it Cleveland, 11th 44 ;i i PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS. e Anson county, on the seeond Monday in January April, July and October. Ashe, fourth Monday in February, May, August and November. . Alexander, first Tffonday in March, June, Sep tember ard December. Alamance, first Monday after the fourth Monday - xw.uaijr, ja..J August BUU XI O VCIU JOT. Beaufort, third Monday in March! and September and the first Monday in June and Decembm ' Bertie, second Monday in February, May. Amrust and November. Brunswick, first Monday' in tember and December. March, June, Sep- Bancombe, .econd Monday after the fourth-Monday in March. Juiia. San(in.k n Burke eighth Monday after the fourth Monday CafeB Monkj '"nary, April, July Caldwell, sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March. Jane. SeniMnh.T nA r J Camden, eecond Monday In March, June, Sei teraber and December - - I ' Carteret, the third Monday in Fehrnarv: af August and November. Caswell first Monday after tha fcarth Monday of March. Jllna fiuimk.. -J r . . Catawba, third M.ondy in Januarv , and gwond Mwday after ffl MonH1"' March and September. Monday itl Chatham.-eecond Monday in Fehmrv tw gust and November. 7 '""J.May, An. Chowan, nret Monday ia February Mav a and JNovember. y' 7 A"gust Cleveland tenth Monday after the fourth Mn. n.. larch' J,lne' September and i daj Columbus, second Monday in February u gust and November. 3 J!e,,ruapyMayl Au. Craven, second Monday in March Tn c beMtad December. mJa&rcl1' June. Septem. Cumberiand, first Monday in Marr-h t tember and December ' Jun Ser Currituck' the last Monday in Februarv nr August and November m J eDruary. May, L M.June,Septem. Ocfobe0"10 JJ.-April, July Dgand8N Davie, fourth Monday in Februa: rJ. May, Augu8t Edgecombe, fourth Monday August and November. in Februarv. M. x raumm, second Monday tember and Decern W in March. JUn Fythe.J vird Mond-ay in March Ju ber and TWomKa. ' "v-u, oa iv; ( t y --"-'WtrCUi Granville, first Monday in wii..... . guat and November av' Aa- Gaston, third Mondav in and fourth Monda? aftlth " AUg,lgl' March and Septemlx r Monda.v Halifax, third Mondav in p.k gust and November7 1D """T, av, An- dTecer1" JAX in March' fldvemiDFe Hand STet? " HtndAfrSODi fiT3t Monday after the fo"rt Monday TrH Jf &t.h'Jn. September and December " lT?nttod&' inFeb 7. May, AugU6t JiTZlhe iDFebrU Au Jones, fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September : and on the last Monda! m. January and July. ' "onoaj JftbSTndthDeiday " MarCb' JT e' LTi!Sf 5rr8tODday in January and July and third Monday in March and September ' ,nv.'-8f,ndJMond8y in January and Julr .MsSLSr the. fourth Mand OctoS Mnday iD JaDUary McDowell fifth Monday after the fourth Mondar m March, June, September and December ' and Oer MDday Jn JanUa' rt Montgomery, first Mondav J uly and October. in January. A nri! Moore, fourth Monday in January and October. April, July riTeeem M&rCh' June' Madison, third Monday after the fourth Monday in March June, September and December d NTvembtr-' " FebrUary' New Hanover, second Monday in March, Juns, September and December. ' Northampton, first Monday in March, June, Sep- -tember and December. andWDiembernd,,y MrCh' Jun6' SePtflmber Orange, fourth Monday in' February, May, Au gust and November, J iaJ'AU Pasquotank, first Monday in March, June, Sen. tember and December. Perquimans, second Monday in February May August and November. Person, tiiird Jlonday of March, June, Septem ber and December. Pitt, first Monday in February, May, AugvrtM November. Rockingham, fourth Monday in February, Mav, August and November. folk, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in March, June, September and December. Randolph, first Monday in February, May, Au gust and November. Richmond, third Monday in January, April, July RoWan, first Monday in February, May, August aim xiovemoer. Robeson, fourth Monday in February, May, Au'. gust and November. Rutherford, ninth Monday after the fourth Mon- day in March, June, September and December. Sampson, third Monday in February, May, August and November. Stokes, second Monday in March, June, Septem- berand December. Surry, second Monday in February, May, August and November. Stanly, second Monday in February, May, Au- g ist and November. -Tyrell, foi.rth Monday of January, April, July and October. Unidh, first Monday in January, April, July, and October. Wake, third Monday in January, May, August and November. j Warren, fourth Monday in February, Mav, Au gust and November. Washington, third Monday in February, May, August and November. Watauga, third Monday in February, May, Au gust and November, j - Wayne, third Monday in February, May, August and November. i Wilkes, first Monday after the fourth Monday January, April- July, and October. Wilson, fourth Monday in January, April, July and October. .. . " . Yancey, fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in March, June, September and December. CHISMAN'S YEAST OR BAKING POWDERS rHESE EXCELLENT POWDERS ARE DAILY growing in public favor, and the demand for them H ts become so 'great that it i.s with difficulty the manu- Jtarer can keep the market supplied. Another large ipply just ready and for sale by aw 17 p. P. FE8CUD. MONUMENT TO DR. MITCHELL. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING DURING THE past summer heard many express a wish that monument should be. placed over the gnveof frr Dr. Mitchell, upon the High Peak of the Black Moun tain, end regret that it had not already been done, bm determined to give his personal attention to the ai tr, and trusts that, by the aid of the thoacinds of pupils and friends of that venerable man, he m&7 1 enabled to erect it. The undersigned proposes to erect a plain, subtao tial structure, with the rock found on the spot, and to build it in such a manner that it may also b used as an Observatory. He pledges himself to all contribu tors that no pains shkll be snared nnnn his cart to have the structure firm, and a fit monument to one, whose moral, intellectual and physical character, w se fit a simile to the granite on which his body rest The undersigned will give his personal attention to the work, and trusts that his knowledge of the country and its people, will enaHe him to have it constructed as cheaply as is possible to have it done by any one else.- - . Means will be taken to d reserve the names of those who contribute-. The undersigned is determined that the monument shall be erected if any amount nesr sufficient is obtained. Kemp P. Battle. Esq.. of Raleieh. will receive eon. tributions and Messrs. Litchford and Finch, reporter in the House and Senate of the Legislature will receive any contributions from members of those bodies L1 ters addressed to me containing contributions will he promptly acknowledged. HENRY E. COLTON, Wilmineton. a. BPaperg ef the State please copy. COTTON GINS. IN STORE AT MANU FACTURER'S prices, W. G. Clemons, Brown Co's., aod Saml. Griswold's Gooruria Gins: Also, -Agent for Pratt' celebrated Alabama Gins, JAMES M. TOW LJcx September 3rd, 1860 sept 5 IMPORTANT NEW BOOK! THE LOST Principle, or Tbe Sectional Equilibrium. How it was ci en ted; How Destroyed ; How it May be Reetnr ed. By ,- ".BarWofma." For sale by' ' ' - 1L D. TURNEB, f JT. C Bookstore- Bjun September, 1869. sept 11 tf. 1 ,vjpwmwa kiu -LfuuemDex.