till; VOL. LaI It A LEIGH SATURDAY MOltNING AUGUST 10; 1861. "C & . THE RtTEIGH REGISTKU w pdbubhk . . SEMI-TVEEKLY AND WEEKLY, BY SYME fc HALL, IDIT0E3 AKD PROFHttOBS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER is published very Wednesday and Saturday morning, at f 4 60 per .hnum. payable in advance, or $5 00, if oavment is delayed till the subscription year has expired. THE WEEKLY -REGISTER is published every Wednesday morning, at $2 00 per annum, payable in- variably in advance, , Rates of Advertising in the Semi-Weekly Uegister: square (lft lines or less) one insertion, very succeeding insertion, 1 square six mouths, " twelve " 2 three " 2 ' six " tl 00 8 00 14 00 8 00 15 00 25 00 utoertisements to be inserted on the intide of ie patter altogether, will be charged 50 cents per square tor every insertion after the first. Annual advertisers-; will be charged 50 per cent more than the above rates when their advertisements are directed to be inserted ; on the Inside. In the WeeUr Register : 1 square for the first insertion, and for every succeeding insertion, 1 square twelve months, f. " six " $1 00 25 10 00 10 00 2 " twelve months, includ'g Weekly paper 20 00 - All advertisements not otherwise directed, will be inserted in the Scmi-Weekly, and charged accordingly. Business Cards, not exceeding eight lines, will, be nerted in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly six months for $5 00, or twelve months for $10 in both papers at $8.50 for six months, or $15 for twelve months. jzg- Contracts can be made at the office for longer advertisements. " . ' , BUSINESS CARDS. CO 5 C CO a ? Q W K o ' s o -a 8 . - 1 "3 4 J a 2 s ft A.C.PCLLIAK, R. P.PUU.IAIT, . CWXISIQEK. PULLIAM & CO. AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE OF NEGROES, Odd-Fellows' Kail, Franklin St., HICflJIOND, VA. '' DAILY SALES Public . asd Privatb. We pledge our strictest attention to the business en trusted to us, and will, answer all com munications promptly. 1'ORTEK ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOT. ; ly 9 tf. : . OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK. Dr. T. D. HOGG, President. Jobs G. Williams, Cather. DIRECTORS. . Dr. T. D. Hog, II. S. Smith, Q. Bu;bee, Jflhn G. Williams. This Bank is bow receiving deposits, at the Ex change Office of John G. Williams 4 Co. Discount day Tuesday, - feb 18 tf. PETERSBURG, VA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALISHMENT, SAVING BEKN BBCENTLV FITTED OP AKD 8CPPLIBD WITH Ati MODERJC COTVXKIBHCKS, Now otters to j Travellers Attractions Unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Country. mar 5 JOHN JARRATT & PRO. WILLSON & ALFRIEND, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, And dealers in Chevtiealt, Paint, Dye Stuff", Oil, &e. Sycamore, opposite Bollingbrook Street, PETERSBURG, VA. i r W. D. WILLSOH. JOHS ALFHIXXS. . au 5 McILWAINE SON & Co., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Sycamore eatd Tabb Street; a. g. mcilwaibb, ") Petersburg, Va. j R. D. MCILWAINE, l r. r. hill.- J an t 4 DONNANS & JOHNSTON, V jQROCERS AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Jjal-ly. DONNAS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, mcumond, va, ja 1-ly. liruOLESALE DRY GOODS TRADE. T T SPRING IMPORTATION, 1861. WILjLIAM C. JAMES Would invite the attention of Virginia, North Car- "'"" aua xenaessee mercnants to bis large' and vari ed stock of English, Irish,- Scotch, French. German and merican Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, which is now complete and ready for examination, feeling con tinent that he can and will offer as great inducements to purchasers as any other house in'his line, North or South. Many of his Foreign. Goods are of his own uireci importation, and. his American Goods were ob tained early in the season on the most favorable terms. i'rom the various manufactories in this country. I his stock will be found Maryland, Virginia, Nort Carolina, booth Carolina and Georgia Osnabnrgs fprou them Planters and family use - together with great variety of small wares, notions, 4c , Cash and strictly prompt six months' buyers, will find it greatly to their interest to give him a oali be- jore making their purchases. - , WM. C. JAMES, t - No. 105 Sycamore street, -mar 27 tf - Petersburg, Va. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAIL ROAD. THROUGH PREIgIBBTWEENRICH MOND AND NORTH CAROLINA. 17 ROM THE 9TH DAYDF MARCH UN- A til he 1 st of September next, the Freight and Accommodation trains on this i road will leave Rich mond and Petersburg on Monday, Wednesday and "ujy, at eight o'clock, A.M., instead of nine o'cleck, s before. - - -Arrangements have been made by this company fat oe prompt and punctual forwarding and delivery- of produce, goods, or other articles of freight designed or trsnsportation either way,.betwiBen Richmond and IH'ints between Petersburg and Raleigh, Ridgeway, ireensboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, North Carolina, low rates, without any charge, fa forwarding, stor e, to. All such articles eemt to Richmond, should consigned and plainly marked " To the careof the height A gent f the Richmond and Petersburg Bail i, T ' i eter8bBrS.T by whom they wiU be promptly i rwarded. As to rates of tolls on the roads southed h -llT (,which thy rc1uu to be prepaid as far as aieign.) information may be had at the Depot of this ""pany at Richmond. OffipT, T. H. WYNNE, 8upV ; 0ffiee R. & p.R. r. Co., Jniy 35, 1850. -fijfa k GYTnnwm.V..- - isa i7 1 . .JICLE OP CHEW. ia "Tobaeon." TV T a .1. . . Supply of the abo,eiu7t VXZSTT. " TURNER'S in tf pleas ecpy, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ! TI1EO. II. I1IL.L, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , . Ralkiqe, N. C. Especial attention given to the collection of claims. . .; ' ; '- . , " jan 25 ly. . ;. y THOMAS J. BAG8Y. . Agent and CoBtmission Merchant, No. 8 Wall-st., under St. Cbarles Hotel, - RICHMOND, .VA, , . HIRES out TTegroes, Rents out Uouses, and seils Tobacco, TVlieat, Corn, Flour, and other Country Produce , ' ; , 5S Pays strict attention to business, and prompt remittanees made; -" ga Consignments respectrally solicited. Befora to Messrs- Cha. T. Wortham k Co. ; Tins ley. Tardy A Williams ; Hunt A Brother, and Henry K. fillyson, of Biehmond. September 2, 1859. tf TOTHEraiEJiDSOP u ... HQMK.aiANJJFAOrUKES, SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. o RDERS for ne,iro BROGANS and BOOTS are solicited. J. C. CARPENTER, Aqent Kinaton, N: C, June 24. 1860. aug4 tf. , WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO CALL the attention: of those in want of Fine Watch es, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, dec., to his extensive Stock, which has been selected with great care, and which has only to be seen to bo ad mired. His stock embraces Fine Gold.LPUver and Enameled Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, Stiver Ware, and Albata Ware, j Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spectacles to suit all eyes, Clocks, a beautiful assortment, Double and Single Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Bowie Knives, Ac., To an examination of which he earnestly invites all who may beiin want, feeling confident that he can please the most fastidious, both in quality and price. . C. B. ROOT,- i i Fayetteville Street P. S. Watches and Jewelry repaired ia the best manner. . t nov 9ti RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD ! Change of Schednle f M,Baxsi8h, November 1st, 1859. OEAND: AFTER THIS DATE THE MAIL Train on the Kaleigh and Gaston Railroad, will run as follows : ' i Leave Raleigh daily at 7.10, A. M. Arrive at Weldon daily at 12 M. Leave Weldon daily at 11, A. M. Arrive at Raleigh daily at 3.4 0, P. M. THE FREIGHT TRAINS will run as follows : Portsmouth Freight leaves Raleigh Monday, Wed nesday and Friday j Arrives at Raleigh Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, i Petersburc Fretght Leaves Raleigh Tuesdav. Thurs day and Saturday ; Arrives at Raleigh Monday. Wednesday and Fri day. S P. A. DUNN, Sunt.; November 8, 1859. . feb 18 ly. FINE ASPARAGUS ROOTS, ft PER HUNDRED. THOMAS CARTER. jan 19 tf ' Raleigh, N. C. AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE.. Having! qualified at the present Term of Wake (Joanty Court, as Auctioneer, I am prepared to re ceive in Store on Commission, or for Auction Sales, all Merchandise, Goods and Wares, which shallbe faithful ly accounted for, on Sale. Consignments from any part of the State and else where solicited, j My Store ia conveniently titaated and arranged for the business with- fire-proof, ware Room attached. : JAMES M, TOWLES, Gen'l Agt. Aucfoer and Commission Merchant. August 22nd, 1860. aug 26 NEW ANDi SPLENDID EXTRACTS Consisting of THE WUOD VIOLET, HTJMMING BIRD, ! BUTTERFLY VIOLET. PATCHUTLY MUSK, PINS JOCKY'CLUB, j PRANGIPANI ROSE. &. Also, Frangipani, Vernena, Cologne and other Toilet waters. All of which are of the finest quality and put up in elegant style. rot sale at j IPESCUD'S DRUG STORE. . Raleigh. Mar 18, 18- n 2tf. NEW BOOKS. Revolutions in English His tory Ry Robert Vaughan, D. D. Volume 1st now ready. I " A Narrative of tL Discovery of the Fate of St John Franklin and bis Companions By Capt. M'Clintock, R. N., L. L. D. With Maps and Illusrrations. Notes on Nursing, What It Is and What It Is Not. By Florence Nightingale. i'or sale by W. U. fOMBKOK. Balxish, N C arch,'! mar 14. IIESPER: ! . AND i by r . i' THEO. U. HILL. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW IN PRlfSS, a volume" of poems bearing the above title. Mr. Hill is well-known in this community, as the author of many fugitive poems, which published anonymously have "gone the rounds of the press" sparkling, as pure gems, wherever get.. ' Having now reclaimed these wandering waifs, he presents them to the public with others hitherto un published and his publisher would only ask for them a cordial reception impartial criticism. The volume -ajheat 12 mo7 will be sent by mail, free of pottage.. Ipriee $t per copy. Orders should be forwarded at once to the subscriber, as but a small edition will be published. liberal discount -to the Trade. j HENRY D. TURNER. jan 9 tf ' j N. C. Book Store. GREAT BARGAINS IN FJNE CLOTHING. ENTIRE STOCK AT COST FOB CASH! . IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR LARGE and attractive stock of -"t --s ; FtNB CLOTHING, . - we have concluded - to- offer our entire sto6k at ' COST FOR CA83FOR 1 HE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. ? Our goods are entirely of SOUTHERN MANUFACTURE, and are warranteeUequal to any in the market in L every respect ; Great bargains may now be expected. N. WALKER k CO., jan tf 1- 45 Sycamore Street " SEVENTY-FIVE NEGROES WANTED. r DESIRE TCH PITRCHASE FROM FIFTY TO seventy five Likely Young1 Negroes, of both sexes, ranging from eight to thirty years old such as will be saleable n the Southern Market No unsound negro wanted. I will pay Richmond priees for such I want , Any information, either in person or by letter, leading to the purchase of negroes, will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. I can be found"at the Yarborough Hdnse, in Raleigh. '- V . ' p. W. KING ' July 27th, I860.' - ang 1 tf. FRESH MINERAL WATERS.--CON-gress, Rockbridge Alum, and Green Brier Va., White Sulpher Water, also Sock Bridge Alum Mass. ' ' 4 Forsaleat" ' " ' . may 23--"" j PESCTJrS DRtJG STORE. N C. B ACONA small lot of Prime, on sale, v HogrOund, or joinU by themselves. - . ... v' JAMES M.' TOWLES, Agt . AugnstMrJ. 18ft0 . C . . A WH;i TAKERS a"j- Larrest and best selected Groceries In the City, - r.. ; SO Bartela of Beaton Apples, r., SO Boxen of gheeae, j , KEEPS VHE Stock of Family,' MISCELLANEOUS. LOOK OUT1 BRFAKERS AHEAD!! FORT SUMTER TAKEN ! ! I II. L. EVANS AT IIOilE, AND GOODS CH EAP. NOW REC?EIVING, A; LARGE AND ' well Assorted Stock of ' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BONNETS, a great variety; Minxes and Ladies' Bloomers, trimmed and untrioimed, latest fctyles and cheaper than lever saw thorn; DRESS GOODS' of all tbe new fabrics SHOES of all kinds. I keep a general Stock of evnry thing in the DRY GOODS. LIME, and deem it useless to enumerate articles. I was the last to go on, and bought goods at a great sacrifice, many artieles at my w pri;- rv-- ,; I could, go on and wy crat many thmgsbut what's the use t ; There Ire so many things in the pa pers that tarn out! fo'be false these critical times my adviee to you is nat to believe all you see and hear. No, but be sure to eall and be -convinced of the fact that you can save money at the well known establish ment of No. 29, cheap place. ap'l 20 -tf j H L. EVANS. J. E. ROUTH, Partner of the late E. P. NASH, and successor to E. P. NASH & Co., PETERSBURG, VA. THE OLDEST BOOK AND PIANO HOUSE , SOUTH. THE BUSINESS FOR YEARS HAS been under my supervision, and will be contin ued in all its branches as heretofore. REFERENCES; ,L MoIlwin Son 4 Co., Smyth, Stone k Banks, Venable k Morton, D'Aiey Paul, j Cogbill Allen, Brkton, Todd A Co., Stnrdivant, Hart, Gee & Cu Peebles, Plummer CoV Martin, Tannahill k ,Ca.-fJattJ JT. Martin, Bra A Co '. -i' ) apl 18 ri ASRCASU!! CASH III I SELL MY GOODS FOR CASH I I DON'T do a Credit Business ! Therefore I hope every person that sees this advertisement will not ask me for CREDITbecause l am not able to do a credit business ;. and have to pay CASH myself. I have called on every peroon that owts me aDOL- I LAR, and have not been able to collect the first j tiCifl i . - i wisn you wouia eau on some one tnai is ableto credit- J. U. FRANKLIN. ap'l 17 tf - INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAL LEY OF VIRGINIA, Winchester, Virginia, Capital $300,008. Incorporated March, 1852. Charter per tual. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid, Fire Losses paid in 8 years to July, 1860, $538,292.19. Insurance against loss or damage by fire, on as favor able terms as other responsible Companies. ' .-. JOS. S. CARSON, Pres't. Wm. L. Beht, Seo'y. , ' i ' ' W.S.STMPSON, Ag"t ap'l 10 tf Petersburg, Va. AIL ROAD IRON AT CITY POINT. S00 tons Rail Road Iron, T Pattern, 52 pounds to the yard, For sale by JAMES DUtJLOP, Stan ilar d copy. Petersburg, Va. IE W OODS. 1861. SPR1NU, 1861. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS A Large Lot of Ladies Dress Goods, suitable for the Season, Mozambique, Plain and Striped, Broche and Plain Lavella, Ottoman Poplin, Mohair, Black Silk, Organdy and De Laines. . Als , a fine Assortment of Fancy Silk and Black Ve' vet Trimings, : BlacK Mitts, Kid Gloves, Ac, Ac Call and examine for yourselves. mar 6 tf : H. L. EVANS. NORTH CAROLINA GOODS. ROCK ISLAND CASSIMERES. 1 lack. Golden, Mixed, Dark Mixed, and Cadet, a superior quality, ALSO, 4-4 Brown Sheeting, 4-4 Brown Jeans, Alamance Plaids and Stripes, Misses and Ladies' Shoes, Help Home Folks, mar 6 tf H. L. EVANS. BON NETS, FLATS, &C. SPRING, 1861. This day, by Express, a good Assortment of Bon nets, Ladies and Misses Flats. Also, Artificial Flowers and Ruches. XL L. EVANS. mar 18 tf - BALED OATS. 20 Bales very fine, (old crop) in good order, just received at Depot june2f tf JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag REFRIGERATORS AND WATER COOLER. In Store the celebrated Arctic and Parlor Refrigerators with filler and water cooler com bined. Also, Ice Water coolers, mos' approved makes, june 26 tf JAMES M. TOWLES, Agt AfC BARRELS O F FINEl WHITE XUU MEAL. n Store, and for sale by the Bag, a lot of White Meal, ground from newly clean ed corn. Families supplied weekly at lowest market price. - JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag't feb tf FINE OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. A SELECTED STOCK "OF FIN OLD PORT, Sherry and Madeira Wines, also Otard, Dupuy A Co.'s standard Brandies, direct from the Custom House. For sale by ang 1 tf. . PEEBLES, PLUMMER k CO. BAGGING AND ROPE. 100 Bales Standard and Extra Heavy Bagging. 200 coils Rope for sale at the lowest market rates by R. A.. YOUNG A BRO., 93 ; Sycamore street, 8ep 14 tf :j Petersburg, Va. CROP OF I960 TURNIP SEED, TUR NIP SEED. Flat Dutch Turnip; Red Top Tur nip , Large Norfolk Turnip Large Globe Turnip ; Yellow Aberdeen Turnip; Ruta Baga Turnip. Also, Drumhead and Flat Dutch Cabbage Seed. Warrant ed fresh and genuine ; for sale by - , H. D. TURNER, At the N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, N.C., July l?th, I860. , jnly IS tf. rINE GOLD JEWELRY.-'-THE SUM SCRIBER has in store a splendid assortment of FINE GOLD JEWELRY, embracing a variety of styles of patterns of Brooches, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies anl Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, e. Call and examine. ' nov 9 C B. ROOT. OLD DOMINION TOBACCO."--AN-OTHER Lot of Old Dominion Smoking "Tobacco,"-Just received at "Turner's'' North Carolina Book Store. Said to be Superior to the former, jan & td , TRY THE CHEROKEE REMEDY. The demand is- inoreasirg" and the effects are truly vronderful. A third supIy Just received, , , At PESCUD'S. Raleigh. N. C ept .1S . . WHITAKER'S IS THE PLACE TO BUY. Goods delivered free of Charge, to any part of t e City. mar 6 tf. . :' -. .- - . : :; ORN-MEAL. NICE AND WHITE and fresh very week Families regularly sup plied. 5V JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag't : . majr 20tf -,. - .-s ;-.'. - C' ORN FIELD PEAS ONj CONSIGN MENT, a new variety making two erupt ha tha year. Planted on Wheat Stabblo will mature before Frost .-; i-v . JAMES M. XOWLE, Ag .marjlfttfu-.- . . : . -.M : -nTANTED. A GOODt .) 0OJC; AID ' WW Waaaar, for which, n raataJla prtea wUl W! MEDICINES, &G. US. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP jfJL Jr cnuaren leetning- At ruiouuJJ a. m QWAIK'S PANACEA, 0 At PEFCUD'S. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE is in great demand, At PESCUD'S. fllARTATIC ACID, L At PESCUDS. BAKING SODA, At PESCUD'S. 11 REAM OP TARTAR, J At PESCUD'S. PESCUD'S CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, i the best. ' PESCUD'S is the place to get your fresh Drugs and Medicines cheap- BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, At PESCUD'S. r SMOOTH BRUSHES, 1 . At PESCUD'S. FREES II ARROW-ROOT, . . At PESCUD'S: llflSTEKS BALSAM OF WILD CHER If. RY and Oxgenated Bitters." r. -; i At , PESCUD'S. B' URNETTS SUPERIOP ARTICLES, Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett s Rauston, Burnett's Flo'arel, At PESCUD'S QUPERIOR SHOULDER BRACES, O At PE.CfD'S. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, At PESCUD'S. 1SOR QUANTITY, Quality, al Low Prices, 1 . - Geto PEaOUD'S. A LITTLE MORE RAT POISOX, At PESCUD'S BEST PEARL STARCH, !i At PESCUD'S. LET THEREfBE LIGHT! r Let there be god ligbt ! t Let there be chenp Liht! PESCUD introduced some time ago a ucw Lump Vtth a new Oil to burn in it. iS'borlly after their in troduction the Oil wikS thrown into market so bad that it was useless to try to burn it .Since that time there has been a steady improvement; and now PESCUD has the pleasure of offering tbe purest, best burning and cheapest Kerosene ever sold here. It is warran ted to burn one third lenger than tbe best Oil sold by parties heretofore pronouncing the whole thing a Lum bus. It burns free, of smoke or smell- 1 1 only costs a little over One-fourth cent an hour. It is a better light for the eyes, and better for all purposes than any other light It is sold at $1 25 per gallon, or 35 cents a quart At 1'K.SCUD S. iw ORM MEDICINES."F"ahne8tock's. Bar- dott's iS'ugar Drops, Comtock's, McLane's, j Jay nes' Specific for Tape Worm, Hobensack's Worm j Killer, Perry's Dead Shot, Jaynes' Vermifuge. At PESCUD'S. FRESH AND PURE GROUND SPICES. Cinnamon, Cloves, Mfcc, Allspice, Nutmegs, Cayenne Pepper, Blr.ck Pepper, African Pepper. -Jamaica Ginger, At PESCUD'S Drug .Store. BLACK AND YELLOW MUSTARD, At PESCUD'S IftRESH KEROSENE. 1 At PESCUD'S. 17IANCY SOAPS, Highly Perfumed, y . At PESCUD'S. QWAIJl'S PANACEA, Sand's Sarsaparilla, Stafford's Invigorator, llotiiaud'd German Bit ers, Hosteller's Bitters, Ayer's Medicines, Wistar's Wild Cherry, Brown's Troches. At PESCUD'S ' Drag Store. TT OTIC E.-.WE TAKE PLEASURE IN J3( announcing to our friend?, that we have removed trom the temporary location we had on Old Street, to our NewBuildinr, No 1 L Sycamore it. These.pramiset have.beea recently fitted up exprwasly for the Apothe cary and Drug business, and we are now in receipt of unusually large supplies of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Sperm Machinery, Linseed, Lard and Tanner's Oils ; Haie, Nail and Tooth Brushes ; Window Glass, Patty, Patent Me dicines, .Fancy Articles, etc., ii endless vane ties These Goods have been purchased in the best mar kets with great care, and we respectfully ask an ex amination from all in want of such articles. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS Call at No. 11 Sycamore Street, where you will find every article in our line of business, of the best quality and latest style.: Prescriptions carefully compounded. All orders attended to with despatch, - Particular attention pa d to packing and for warding. P.S. We return thanks to our numerous friends for their very liberal patronage extended to us, and hope, by promptness and personal attention to business to have a continuance of the same. WILSON A ALFRIEND, sen 3 No. 11 Sycamore st Petersburg, Va. EMERY.--600 POUNDS ASSORTED NUM. bers, of best English Emery. For sale by, ' WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. January 24th, 1860. jan 25 FINE WINES, BRANDIES, &C--THE subscribers keep constantly on hand for Family and Medicinal purposes, a pure and reliable article of French Brandy, Old Rye Whisky, Jamaica Rum, Sherry Wine, , . Cooking Wino, London Porter, apr 18 Apple Brandy, Old London Dock Gin, Madeira Wine, Port Wine, J Scuppernong Wino, Scotch Ale. WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. GLENCOVE STARCH. -THE WHITEST, purest and best article ever made, may be found at our store. Send for a sample. apr 18 ; WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. POTASHj IN SIX POUNDS CANS for Soap making; also, a large supply of Concen trated Lye, just received at the Drug Store of apr 18 WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. PAINTS.--WE HAVE A LARGE SUP PLY of White Lead,iinseed Oil, and every des cription of Paint, suitable for" House Painting, which we are selling ery low. Those having painting to do had better get our prices before they buy. apr WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. Jj of this justly celebrated Cologne just received; also. Farina Cologne in long and wickered bottles, Bazin'8 quart size family Cologne, and many others of superior quality, in store and for sale cheap, by apr WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. CONGRESS WATER, CONGRESS WA TER. A constant supply, which is kept replen ished front the Fountain head, by frequent arrivals at i11; PESCUD'S Drugstore. f CASKS VERY SUPERIOR LONDON ALE IN PINT BOT- O AND SCOTCH tles and Jugs, just received, and for sale by, P. F. PESCUTV- ANOTHER SUPPLY OF RED CLOVER SEED, just received, and for sale at . PESCUD'S Drugstore. . ANOTHER LOT OP THOSE SPLEND id Mercer Potatoes expected this week, at t PESCUD'S Drugstore. MY SECOND SUPPLY OF BDIST'S Garden Seed, is daily expected, at P. F. PESCUD. ONE QUARTER PIPE EACH OF OLD Madeir Wine, and London Dock Brandy, just received at PESCUD'S Drugstore, feb 8 Raleigh, N. C. KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS. A Won derfnl Improvement in Kerosene Oil and La.mp8.--I have ;made arrangemenU te keep a constant supply of Kerosno Oil; which is as dear as spring water, has but little smell, does not smeks, and very cheap. . Also tha new style Burner, which, can be attached to any Fluid, or old Kerosene Lamp it a trill iageost; ' ; ""' . rs:'L. ' ' I have alto, a beautifbl assortment ef Lamps V lso, Chimneys, wick, and Lamp Scissors, iWy low. r - f P. F. ' PESCUDs Druggist CHIS1LAFS YEAST P0WDERS MISCELLANEOUS MILITARY GOODS ! M. 1 DAVIS & DO. PETERSBURG, 5 Virginia, H AVE RECEIVED iMAYIlth.) VI RGIKt CASSIMERE, VIRGINIA CASSIMERE, GREY, HOMESPUN. , CULPEPPER CASSIMERE,. 3 - :" BLUE CASSIMERE, BUTE SATINETT, f'- GREY SATINETT, OIL, CLOTH FOR KNAPPACK.S,. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, MILITARY SHAWLS, &e.t &c, &c , &c, Parties desiring to purchase are advised to call ear ly, as from the rapid sales of MILITARY GOODS, It is imposible to know about supplies ahead. Tho Military Shawl for Officers is of Che best material. 1YI. M. DAVIS & CO. Alo, received, TWILLED BLUE FLANNEL. M. M. D. & Co. may 15 lot WANTED 1 WANTED ! I AT THK ' INIMITABLE WHITAKER'S, A CONTENTED MAN ;vFOR WHICH he offers a premium of FJVfi GALLONS of Drewry's Celebrated Southampton (Va.) BRANDY. Speaking of the above OLD BRANDY, tbe .THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER has on hand DREWRY'S OLD APPLE BRANDY SETH JONES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, T1S ALES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, and many other choice BRANDS. P. 8. The contented man can find the INIMITA BLE at his Store, on Hargett St-, between the hours of 6, a. in. and 10 p. m. Call on him. apl 13 tf. 1861. SPRING TRADE! 1861. GFNTI.EMEN AND BOYS I N WANT OF CLOTHING. HVTS, SHOES. BOOTS. Ac. of ererj description, will And me prepared this SPRINti to furnish th.ui with BET TEH GOODS, at mors Reasonable Prices lb an heretofore; and I most cordially Invite tliem to examine my GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing. Notwithstanding the crisis, I have been NORTH and purchased, to great advantage, a most BEAUTI FUL and VARIED STOCK of CLOTHING AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and my friends can be furnUhed, at short notice, from head to toot Having a splendid Stock of tbe most fashionable and approved French CLOTH, DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS of all kinds, ke , the most ACCOMPLISHED AND SUPE RIOR CUTTER AND WORKMEN in my TAYLORING ESTABLISHMENT, I am ready to compete with any one in the ole North State in makiDg any Garment or Clothing to order, in the most supero ana irasuo manner. The liberal encouragement I have received and continued indications of increasing confidence, inspire me with the hope that I shall be more liberally patron ised than ever; to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to the wants of all who favor we with a call. M. GRAUSMAN. ap'l 13 tf - THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK. THIS DAT BKCHVBD, BT H. D. TURNER, A NEW AND COMPLETE EDITION OF TflE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK ; IMPROVED AND' GREATLY ENLARGED, containing 344 pages,' royal 12mo, embracing ma ny forms not found in former editions, printed on good pacer and substantially bound in law cal, It eon tains Forms of all those Legal Instruments which peo ple have occasion 'to use : and furnishing, also a guide to Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks, Constables, Coroners, Sohool Committees, etc. Compiled from the best Bourses, being an improvement on all works of the kind formerly" in use, and intended as a Compan ion to CantweU's Justice. To which are added the Constitution of North Carolina, and of he United States ; an account of the principal Officers of the State, and of the Counties; Titles of, address, Ac. Furnished at the unparalleled low price of One Dol lar, (being the cheapest book ever offered for sale.) When 'sent by mail an extra charge of 20 cents will be required to over tbe postage. A liberal discount to thtwe'who any to sell again. Published and sold, wboteari&and retail, by ' ..-v :w, H. D. TURNER, de26-f-tf at the North Carolina Book Store, S V AIM'S JDSTICE--REVISED. THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practi cal guide to the Laws of the State, and the decisions of the Supreme Curt, defining the duties and jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, under the Revised Code of 1854 '55, together with full instructions and num erous forms and precedents. By EDWARD CANTWELL; Eao.., LL. B., Counsellor at Law. 1 - One vol. 8vo , containing nearly 600 pages, hand somely printed on good paper, and well pound in law binding. - Price $3 50. Postage 3A cent. ' Published and for sale by w HENRY j). TURNER, an. 21 at the North Carolina Bookstore NEW VO ttTMES v---: OF THE F O U R . RE VLETFS, , AND , ....... BIIXLKWOODt - . .. COMMENCE JawtIMJ. '- - -r-Y- TERMS :rl'--f, wu- Per annum. - For any one of the Reviews, y M For aay two of the four Reviews, 00 For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood's Magaiine, 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 6 00 For Bleekwoerd and two Reviews, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, y ' f 00 For Blackwood and Foar Reviews, 10 00 loey Current in th StaU where inued will be re. eeioed at par. . , CLUBBING. A discount of twenty fro cent, from the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or moreeopiea of any one or more, of the above works. Taae ; Four copies of Blackwood or of one Review, wiU be sent to one address for f 9 four .oopies of the foar Reviewa and Blackwood for $30 1 and to on. sf Remittance should always be addressed, to the Publiahen. '". '.'- . - LEONARD SCOTT, A CO, ; mar 13 tf. No. 54 Bold Street, New York. I TtMf Jwrtweelwd ' A aaar U, rTHTTAKXJl'SV M ISOELLANKOUS-.: RALEIGH REGISTER sTEpoynsii press BOOR AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. HAVING RECENTLY" SlfPPLI ED our Office with one of Hoe' Patent Single Large Cylinder Printing Machines, which for neat printing cannot be surpassed, and having also added to the out fit of our Office many of the latest styles of material necessary to Job and Book Printing, including a su. perior assortment ef Libor-Saving Bole, for rule and figure work, and having in our employment one of the best Pressmen and one of the best Job Printer In the country, we flatter ourselves -that we are-prepared to offer as great, if not greater- inducements to oustou ft than any other Printing Office in tbe States 1 ' TWfl are prepared to print in the neatest style and at prices as low as any ,othet establishment iff the JCity,. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, O01riiyLAirll AM LAIEUI, CARDS AND BILL-HEAPS, , POSTERS AND HANDBILLS, &c, Ac, Ac, Ac, and will guarantee satisfaction. ' Having the Fastest Prese in the City, we are able to do Job Work with tbe greatest dispatch, and we re spectfully soKcitfthe patronage ot all having Job Work to give out SYME k HALL. SPRING GOODS. SPRING GOODS. HAMILTON I GRAHAM, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FORElONl AND DOMES TIC DRY GOODS, PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA, INVITE THE ATTENTION j OF THE TRADE to their large and desirable t-tock of FRESH SPRING; QOODS! now in store and ready fer exhibition, consisting of tbe usual variety and embracing the NEWEST AND MOST DESIRABLE STYLES of the season, which the; are prepared Co offer on the most favorable terms to Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee merchants. Owing to the unsettled condition ot commercial mat ters, their sales will be strictly confined to .CASH, and prompt six months buyers. To such the greatest inducements will be offered. i Orders are respectfully solicited, which shall always heve their prompt and careful attention. mar 16 6w HAMILTON & GRAHAM. 1 1861. 1861. SPRING AND SUMMEtt CLOTHING. N. WALKIflll CO, SOUTHERN MANUFACTURERS OF - READY MADE CLOTHING, 45 SYCAMOBE STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND WELL assorted etock cf Heady Made Clothi 15, ! Virginia and North Carolina Markets. - THEIR STOCK IS PURELY OF SO UTHERN MANUFACTURE, Aad they guarantee their prices to be as low as simi lar Qood can be purchased in aay of the Northern markets. . GREAT INDUCEMENTS . OFFERED TO . ot to Prompt Customers. Cash Trade Six Months ' examination of their stock is respectfully invited. 1 - . . N. WALKER & CO., 45 Sycamore at., Petersburg, Va. mar 37 lm 1 VfORTH CAROLINA WRAPPING PA 1 PER. AS (1ENERAL AOENTr OF E. B. I Sater, proprietor of the Crabtree Paper Mills, I am ready to settle his accounts for ; Paper, to purehi stock, and to sell Wrapping Paper of all descriptions, on favorable terms. Ordtr for suoh paper solid "- and executed with promptness and dispatch. ' Address, J. J.! LITCHFORD, febl : Raleigh, N. C Standard copy. Johs S. Dakcv, Jon H. Hrnan, Late of Tarboro', N.G. Late of Scotland Neck, N. C F. M. Htm am, ' Late of WarrentOHfl N. C. DANCY, HYMAN &. CO.. , - GROCBiSAND . COMMISSIDN MERCHANTS,- 14 rean street, - r, NEW YORK. r HYMANj DANCY & CO ,: COMMISSION MERCHANTS. " NORFOLK, yA. . , Tho New York House will be conducted by Jxo 8. Daj(ct, aided1yl .K. Hthajt. V The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jso. H. Htmab and F-M. Htmav. ' y Particular attention, gifven to the sale of Cot ton, Corn, Wheat, Naval Stores, Ao. - ... . September 11, 1860. . sept 14 tf. NEW AUCTION HOUSE NOTICE. THE FIRM t)F -PULLIAM k BETTS having this day ceased. WM B. BETTS will continue in the NEGRO, AUCTION BUSINESS, and has taken into co-partnership with. Jiim E. J. Gregory. . They wilLepndnet. the business under the firm of Betts Gregory, at their sales-rov-aa oa Franklin stet, four doors below Waif street and about one square below the former Office otPdlliam BetU, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage whfoh was soliberally extended to Wm.H.Bett while in the firm of PaRiash BottaV -5 j " " f : r ' ' ' They nave obtained the Serviees of Mr. Bashrod W. Elmore as Clerk, who has an interest in the bnsiaeas. ' ' -;WI..H. BETTrt. , ' . EJ J. GRFGORY. f Ricbkoxb, Va., May lth, I860.! " : ' ' ma23 ly. 1861. SPRING 1861. SAlVris STEVENS .,. XMPORTER." ASTrT)EALfiR IN CHINA, GLASS, CARTER N WARE, . f .FSrSKSBURG, VIBAIlilA. I' HATE 1N-8TORIS A GOOD STOCK of China, Earthemware, Olaas, Faaey Goods, , te which I respectfully aolioit the attention ef purchasers. Tae largest part of my Stock ia of my o a direct importation, and I am eaabled to offer goods low to CASH or punetual paying; customers. ' Goods carefully packed for transportation, mar 16 tf SAML STEVENS. a. r. xvakb. a. wiuiAsra E V ANS" & W I Ii ria I A MS ... AUCTlOflRERS OKNKHAL AOE2HTS 4 For the Sale A Hire of Negroes Land. Mer v- ehandlee, Goods, e.V , J . GREENSBORO,' ALABAMA. ' : After the Brat of November Mr. Williaaaa will be fa Mobileaad McXvaaa at Greensboro. : r, - -- ' 1 jary 25 ly. NORM AND COTTON P LAHTBR S .4- Sinelaira oalebrated Corn Plaatera, Vith ot witk- t Veatnra and Lesreatara Patent Cotton Planters, all creai aead, aaar time, aawere; aad thereby saeney makera oa aaUat tka FaraMr'a RaQ. " '. apl t a JAMES M. TOWLES, Agt-v COUNTING-HOUSE CALENDAR, 1861. W T iF , i. 41'flj 6 II 12 II 18 1928 iff 5 1 i 0 Hill! 1819 U IS 12 35)36 u 25 227 31 J. : 1 8 r 6 - 11;I2 13; 7 4 si err: ll!12 13 14 14 15,16 H to t) i-H a, W w M O Hi o 21 22,23 13 19'25t 4VI 22'23 24 23 25 2;27t28l2ir30'3l 1 f 14 1 8 5 1 2 3 4' '5! , 1 is is'u 19 2421 12; IS 15:16 8 IVtll 18 l 20 25 3687 21 22 2;( I5il6jl7 18 23 2m 222V24 226'27!2S 4 29130' "I--! .' 3 41 & AM 4 5 6, 12,13. 19.20: 1 8 10 11 L6 7 U40 11.12 15,16 17 18 14 a 1 16 17 18,19 23 2125 30l31r 22123:24 25 26 27 20,21 29 80 - arts w 1 8 ! 45! .' 1! 2 '7 81- f t 8 9 lelllh 6 ISt 14 If 181 fsTKrtaltit: israelii 22 1819: XI X3 23 23 2V a 30131 ,0 1; S 2 9 5 ! 1 12,13 14 19,2l)j2l 2;27'23 5ilillil2 1415 lfi;i7jl8'U20 ai 12 18,29 b w 22 23 29' 30 OLD SACHEM BITTERS AKD WIGWAM TOXIC. rpHESE DELICIOUS AND FAR-FAMKD BIT-JL- TSPSarereeommeBded by the FIRST PHY. SICIANS OP THE COUNTRV,co,unt 0 their PURltf AND GREAT MEDICINAL Virtue.-' - They are pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the BEST TONIC AND KTIMIU L ANT EVER OFFERED TO THE PUB LIC. -: " ,t .Their curative powers in esises of GENERAL DEBILITY LOSS OF APPETITE, COX. STIPATIOV, etc., are unparralleled,.nd,as a gaarantee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, we beg leave to state ihat our assertions are endors ed by- , : - . PnL SILLIMA N. of Yale ColleCe. ; Pror. 11AYES, of Massachusetts, and huadseds of others. . For self by . Greeers, Wine Merchants, and Drug, gist generally. " Principal Depot, 146 Water St.. New York. ' dee 1 ly '1 , ' WALTON HOUSE. AS THE-LEASE OF THE PRESENT" Proprietor will terminate on the 28th of May next, the subscribers will rent, ror 'a term of years', this popular Hotel, to a man who ean give such references, (no other meed apply.) t will satisfy the owners that it will be so kept as not to deiraet from the repu tation which it sustains as a first class Hotel. The Patronage of the House is large and increasing. From it central position, aadestabUshed eaaraoter, it cannot fail of- uoeesa, if properly . contuoted. , Any farther information in detail will be given by address- i"R. - T. O.k W. M WLT0N. jan 36 t26may' ,Morgant.)n,"N,G." N. C. Standard, Newborn' Progress,1. WHmlagton Herald, and Charlotte Whig eopy, and forward ac coont to me for payment T. Q. WALTON. ' PEACE DECLARED I f Good News for the People I ! aVEKY BODY WILL Bt DELIGHTED : TO LEARN THAT HA (J KIEV POOLE, mKTHO IT -WILL . B REMEMBERED NOT fF , long slnoe sld oat his entire etoek of old goods to Mr. J, P. NevilL has 4 us t returned from the North and opened at his old stand, eorner of Fayette ville street aad Market Square. j . A CHOICE AND ELEGANT 1 . ' HTOCK OF Spring and' Surnrner Beady-Made' Clothmgand Gentlemen's Fur ; nbhing Goods, Together w!th a Superior Assortment of HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. ... Alitt tilTIRELY NEW I Not olt GanRenf in the whole stock ! .: -He cordially Invites his friends and the public gen erally to eall and examine his stock, as everything is entirely new, and made up in the latesbefcrle, As for the prim at his goods, he i IdetermiuL Jfo be un derbid by anybody. ,.. pTT; : CalLand examine I , HACKNXZ POOLE, , -: ' Corner Fayetteville St and Market Square. ' apT . - .. . - JUST AS I EXPECTEDtW CONSE quencef the great increase in hi j business, tb subscriber baa been 00 m pel led to procure the serrict of aq assistant, aad U pleaaed -to inform th publi that he.haa associated with him, JNO. Q. BAR HAM well known aa. an efficient business man, hav ing little enough conscience to. be a good auctioneer. Hereafter the business will be conducted under tbe : firm and style of MOORE A BAR II AM, at the stand formerly occupied by myself, two door east, of . H. Poole! Clothing Store, on Market Square. , ' , - - JOHN C. M00RE. Ir,!- v.'- 1 j MOORE . BAUIIAM, A action and Commission Merchants will attend promptly te .all business entrusted 4o them. They will attend Sales in this, and the adjoining counties. They can offer no better pledge of satisfaction, than a referenee to those whom they have.eerved. ; iv Standard eopy; .. dee 1 tf WHITAKER'S! ' ' - WHITAKER'S t tT ' " WHITAKERS ! ! 1 SPRINGGOODS! - V SPRING STOCK!! 1. A. WOITAKKR, TOE IMINITABLEV , THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER. SO Boxes Oranges, ti 00 ; 10 boxea Freneh Can SO . do j Lemoos, 400; dy, -. ... . : . v 4oc 20 boxes Webb k Wbiu . ted's celebrated T 0- BACO. 20 ,000 Havana Cl- AHh.' 90 Cases Cracker. 20 Bbls. Crackers. 5 O Bbls. . Apples. . 4 0 10 do Potatoes, 4 00 40 Boxes Candles (B 100 Its.,) 16. 40 boxes Conrmen Candy, '' let 10 boxes Faaey Can dy, ' . WOOD ANLV ; WILLOW WARE. Dafly expeetfHl at the ISIMTTABLV WHITA EERS a great vari of WOOD AMD WILLOW WAKE..'. , .... . : ' ' I Fisai ) fisHM,.;FisH in l T' . XIevrng.Maietai ' MaekereL Salmon, White Fish, and Shad are daOy expected at . a I iWAITAkER'S CITY EMPORIUM,. - ' " 58 - 1 ' '-" 'l 1 - I' akLD VIRGINIA III y ' -L U ,eM lbs Baasage from DiewTysrnia, Ja re. 1 eeired at WHITAKERt, mar a tr SUPERIOR V1RG1MIA. 9MOKINO TO BACCOl, received this day at 8t Mix. "f a! a a s FiSh s M 1 Hr15 21 22 23 2J 1. 4

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