1- IvfiH'll I'll .4 ' 1 - . -I ' i -' - 1 1 1 ri US', VOKXXI NO 81- a nnv 7 HnnV." i m v.sr . - w- -ii l .... . I I I ... 1 I , II 1 I, ! 1 I - I f III 11,11111 X - ! 'V ? ill .ii ii w : 1 rrtL m m, .: i - - .. . : - - -; v 7 u . x: t s THE ; RTjEIGH REGISTER J u munn SEMI-WEKKLT AD BY JOHirWi SYME, S drok An riuPBinM4 : THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER l pubBihd erery Wedoeday sad Sturdy atoraia(, sft $4 00 pa annum. vfcjaUe in adrsnoa, r $5 00, if ptynentlf delayed till th lubsorlptloa jmr It kxplrod. , THE' WEEKLY REGISTER ii pobliW erery VTednesday morning, at $2 00 per annum, payable la. variably in advance. . " f . Rates of Advertising ia the Semi Weekly Register: aqmare (16 lines or leu) one insertion, Terr raoeeeding insertion, 1 tqoare six months, twelve - . S three " ' ' - si " M twelve months, inolading paper, $1 o . J5 8 00 14 00 v 00 1 00 15 00 AdrertisemenU to fee inserted e tb iicU tU paper altogether, will be charged 60 eeats per sqoare for every inmrtion after the tnU- Amal advertiaers will be charged (0 per eeni. more than the above rates when their advertisements are directed to be inserted on the inside. - - V-,"5?; - "-..-' Ib the Weekly Register I 1 square for the first insertion, and for every succeeding insertion, 1 square twelve months, six - $1 00 25 10 00 10 00 J twelve months, inolud'g Weekly paper 20 00. : All advertisements not otherwise directed, will be inserted in the Semi-Weekly, and charged accordingly. ' Business Cards, not exceeding eight lines, will be nserted in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly six months for $5 00, or twelve months for $10 in both papers at $8.50 for six months, or $I5fortwelve months. Contracts can be made at the offioe for longer advertisements. . BUSINESS CARDS. T S m Q (4 8 m a a. c. PULLXA.V, k. r.rcLuiK, d. K.'wnisraxn. P tJ I I I A M & CO. AUCTIONEERS fDR SAliiflF NEGROES, Odd-Fellows' Hall, FraskllB St RICHMOND, V A. - DAILY SALES Public ajtd PrfAT. We pledge ear strictest attention to the business en trusted to as, and will, answer all com munications promptly. PORTER ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOT. lyV tf. OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK. 1 Dr. T. D. fiOGG, President. -' Johh G. Williams, Cosher. DIRECTORS. Dr. X. D. Hogg, . H. 8. Smith, Q. Bufbea, , John G. Williams. This Bank is now receiving deposits, at the Ex change Offioe of John G. Williams A Co.; Discount day Tuesday, - feb 18 tf. PETEjiSBURG, VA. THIS WELITKUOWN estalishment, hatixs Bxxir; hxcshtlt rrrato; u ahb sppfuxb WITH ALL HODlEir COirVXHIXNCSS, Now offers to Travellers AttraeUons ; Uasarpassed by amy Hotel is the Country. mar 5 JOHN JARRATT A BBO. DONNANS JOHNSTON, GR0CEHS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Peter sbarr Vev jal-ly. ; DONNAN A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, iticnmona, vsk ja 1-ly 1861. SPRING .1861. GIRTHING. AND SUMMER I WALKER & CO, SOUTHERN MANUPACTUEERS OP READY MADE CLOTHING, 43 SYCAMORE STREET, TTAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND WELL X assorted stock of Ready Made Clotai Jig, adapted to th want of the Virginia and North Carolina Markets. THEIR STOCK IS PURELY OF SO UTHERN MANUFACTURE, . And they guarantee their prices to be as low as simi lar Goods can be purchased in. any of the Northern markets. . . - GREAT INDUCEMENTS orruLXD-fo Cash Trade or to Prompt Six Months Cnstomers. . , An examination of their stock is respectfully invited. N. WALKER & CO., 45 Sycamore st Petersbnrg, Va. mar 27 1 m RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAIL ROAD. THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN RICH MOND AND NORTH CAROLINA. FROM THE 9TH DAY OF. MARCH UN til the' 1st of September next, the Freight and Accommodation trains oa this. road will leave Rich mond and Petersburg on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at eight o'clock, A.M., instead of nine o'clock, as before. Arrangements have been made by this company for the prompt and punctual forwarding and delivery of all produce, goods, or other articles of freight designed for transportation either way, between Richmond and points between Petersburg and Raleigh, Ridgeway, Greensboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, North Carolina, at low rates, without any charge, for forwarding, stor age, Ac. All such articles sent to Richmond, should be consigned and plainly marked f To the care of the Freight A gent of the Richmond and Petersburg RaU rd, at Petersburg," by whom they will be promptly forwarded. ' As to raCea of jtolla n the roads aeuta of Petersburg (which they require to be prepaid as far as Raleigh,) information may be had at the Depot of this Company at Riohmend. T. H. WYNNE, Sup't Offioe K.4P.K.K. Co., July 25, 1859. t jnly-XOtf. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CHEW ING "Tobaoco. The Pure Southern Quid. A Supply of the abovejust received at TURNER'S NCL Book Store. & s i-Q .f 1:; a ,,.--S . .-.g.-B Vi tf teauAys please eepy, . CHISILAN'S YlkAOT-rX)WDEES i PJROPESSIONAL CABBS. THEO. H. HILL, i' w ATTORNEY AT LAW, - " - t Ralxikx, N. C Especial attentioa given to the oollectton of - THOMAS- J. 6AGBY. Ageat and Commission Merchant v No. s wan-su.nnier-St.-Cbarles Hotel, ; v EICHMON D, VA, HIRES oat Negroes, Rents out Houses, and seOs Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Row, and other Country Prodttoe. A " ": ' - - - , h- Pays strict attention to business, and prompt remittances made. , i ' Consignments respectfully solicited. . Refers to Messrs. Chan. T. Wortham Co. Tins ley. Tardy A- WiUiasu, Hani A Brother, and Henry K. Ellyson, of Richmond. . ..,. ; September 9, 1859. tf TO THE FRIENDS OP HOME MANUFACTURES. .;, r,. u- .-vT.H B , K , hi g TON - SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. ORDERS for negro BROG ANS and BOOTS are solicited. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kiniton, N: O, Juno 24. I860. sag 4 tf. WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO CALL the attention of those in want of Fine Watch es, Jewelry, Silver and' Plated Ware, dec, to his extensive Stock, which has been selected with great eare, and which has only to be seen to be ad mired. His stock embraces Pine Gold, Silver and Enameled Watches, : Pino Gold Jewelry, Silver Ware and Albata Ware, , Table and Pocket Cutlery, . Spectacle to suit all eyes, , Clocks, a beautiful assortment. Double and Single Guns, Biles, Pistols, Bowie Knives, Ac, ... ; To an examination of which he earnestly invites all who may be in want, feeling confident that he can please the most fastidious, both in quality and price. - a B. ROOT, i- Fayetteville Street. P. S. Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, nov 9 RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD I Change of Schedule t ' " ' - -'Ralkioh, November 1st, 1859. :. ON AND AFTER THI8 DATE THE MAIL Train on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad will run as follows : Leave Raleigh daily at 7.10, A. M. , Arrive at WsJdon daily at 12 M. Leave Weldoa daily at 11, A. M. Arrive at Raleix-h daily at 3.40, P. M. TBS FREIGHT TRAINS wiU run as follows : . Portsmouth Freight leaves Raleigh Monday, Wed nesday and Friday ; i , Arrives-at Raleigh Tuesday. Thursday and Satur day. . , -r Petersburg Freight Leaves Raleigh Taesday, Thurs day and Saturday ; . Arrives at Raleigh Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. t P. A. DUNN, Supt. November 8, 1859. feb 18 ly. ASH t CASH!! CASH!!! I SELL MY GOODS FOR CASH ! I DON'T do a Credit Business 1 Therefore I hope every person that sees this advertisement will not ask me for CREDITbeeause I am not able to do a credit business ; and have to pay CASH myself. I have called on every person that owes me a D OL LAR, and hare not been able to eoUect the first CENT. I wish you would call on some one that is able to credit. - J. B.' FRANKLIN. apH7 tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAL LEY OP VIRGINIA, Winchester, Virginia, Capital $300,000. Incorporated March, 1852. Charter per-tuaL- Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid, Fire Losses paid in 8 years to July, 1860, $538,292.19. Inauranoe against loss or damage by fire, on as favor able terms as other responsible Companies, ' - J Ola. B. CA&SOiN, Preset. Wn. L. Bsst, Sec'y. W. S. SIMPSON, Agt apllO tf Petersburg, Va. AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE.. Having qualified at the present Term oWake County Court, as Auctioneer, I am prepared to re ceive in Store on Commission, or for Auction Sales, all MerchandiseGood and Warns, which shallbe faithful-. ly accounted for, on Sale. . Consignments from any part of the State and else where solicited.' My Store is conveniently situated and arranged for the business with fire-proef ware Room attached. - JAMES M, TOWLES, Gen'l Agt. ' ' - Auctioneer and CommUtion Merchant. August 22nd, 1860. - " ang 2 - NEW AND - SPLENDID EXTRACTS Consisting of . TiiJS yWV VXUXtJliT, HUMMING BIED, . - ' BUTTEBPLY VIOLET, PATCHUTLY MTJSK,;? - - 1 PINK JOCKY CLUB, - - FBAKQtPANI EOSE, &a Also, Frangipani, Verbena, Cologne and other Toilet waters. - All of which are. of the finest quality and put up in elegant style. j . for sale at . - PESCTJLVS DRUG STOEE. Raleigh, May 18. 1860. ma 23 tf. TVTEWT BOOKS-Revolutions in Knglish His- 'toryi By Robert Vaughan, D. D. Volume 1st now ready. ' - - t. A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions. ' By Cspt. M'Clintock, R. N.. L. L. D. With Maps and Illustrations. Notes on Nursing, What It Is and What It Is Not By Florence Nightingale. . For sale by W. L. POMEROY. Ralsioh, N C arch, 1 mar 14. HESPER: AND IfffllIE IPODlBillSe, ? BY THEO. H. HILL. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW IN PRESS, a volume of poems bearing the above title. Mr. Hill is well-known in this community, as the author of many fugitive poems, which published anonymously have. "gone the rounds of the press" sparkling, as nnra Mmt. wharavef set. .' Havins! now reclaimed these wandering waifs, he presents them to the public with others hitherto un- published and mspubjuner would oeiy ass ror tnem .... - ... m ' . . 1 a cordial reception impartial ennoismv The volume a neat r2 m will be sent by mail, free of postage. Price $1 per copy. Orders should be forwarded at once to the subscriber, as but a small edition will be published. A liberal discount to the Trade. HENRY D. -TURNER, jan 9 tf N. C Book Store; SEVENTY-FIVE 1 NEGROES WANTED. T DE-SIRE TO PURCHASE FROM FIFTY TO seventy five Likely Youne Nejrroes, of both sexes, ranging from eight to thirty years old such as will be saleable n the Southern Market. - No unsound neero wanted. . I will pay Richmond prices for such as I want - Any information, either In person or by letter, leading to the purchase of negroes, will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. I can be found at the Yarborough House, in Raleigh. F. W. KING - July 7th, 1860. . sag 1 tf. FRESH MINERAL WATER8.CON gress, Rockbridge Alum, and Green Brier Va., White Bulpher Water, also Book Bridge Alum Mass. - For sale at -j - may 22 t -- ' PBSCTJPn. DRUG STORK. N. C. B ACONA small lot of Prime, on sale, Hoground, or joint by themselves. . . JAMES M. TOWLES, Agt. AugustZSsd, isss ' nag ONNETS, FLATS, AC. ia dav.br steod saseiliaent of ,Bon- nets, Ladiee aad Flata.Als ArtiSoul Flowers nELLANEQira M IL1TARY BOOKS for CASH ONLY. HARDBES TACTICS, Complete Edition j itensea by and published under the personal super vision of tho Author in X Tames. 'Price $2.50 ,?w-?-.l v -When sent by auO, ?ft i..t3!l VOLUNTEERS MANUAL of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, with Honors paid by the troops ; Inspections, Reviews, Dntlef of Captains, Companies, Duties in Camp, end Garrison, Soldiers Rations and Mode of cooking then Abriged and compiled by Lieut. Colonel WM. mx. KivtiJUtusun, graduate and rormeny as sistant Instructor of tactics, Virginia Military Institute. Price $t30 ' - " "When sent by mail, !:; v L70 THE VOLUNTEERS HAND BOOK, an abridgement of Hardee'sllniaatry taeties, by CSpt. JT. K. LEE, ' Price $80.50 f ' : When seat by asaiL : 00.60 THE HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt. JOSEP H ROBERTS. Price $00.75 ' When sent by msil, ! 006 OK ' INFANTRY CAMP DUTY FIELD FORTIFICATION and Coast defense, by Cantata L. V. BUCKHOLTZ, author of the Scienoe of Wa". . v - t Price $00.60 - When sent by mail,, 00.60 Instructions for Officers and non-commissioned Offi cers of Cavalry on out post duty, by Lieutenant Colonel VON ARENTSCHILDT, first Hus sars, King's German Legion, with an abridgment of them, by Lieutenant Colonel, the Hon. F. FONSONBY. Price $00.50 When sent by mail, 00.60 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING by Troops in Camp and Hospital,, prepared for the Army of Virginia, and published by order of i he Sur geon General, with Essavs on Taking food and what food, by FLORENCE NIGHTIN GALE. Price $00.25 When sent by mail, . 00.30 ALSO a complete New Pocket Map of VIR uuiia. jetfc seo.7& When sent by mail, 00.80 BAYONET EXERCISE and Skiimishera DriU by R. MILTON CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. Price $1.00 : When sent by mail, 1.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ARTIL LERY Extracted from GILHAM'S MAN NUAI for Volnnteers and Militia. ' - Price $1 00 i j; When sent by mail, 1.08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi cal Soldiery Illustrated with 28 Engrav ings, and designed for the use of the Militia of the Confederate States. . Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.06 MAHAM'g OUT POST DUTY, an Element sry treatise on Advanced : Guard, ont post, and Detachment Service of Troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in pres ence of an Enemy. . Pries $L00 When sent by tuaiL 1.12 GILHAM'S MANUAL for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. Price $2.50 . When sent by mail, 5.08 For sale by W. L. POMERQY. se 11 tf Raleigh, N. C. WHITAKER'S! WHITAKER'S 1 ! WHITAKERS ! ! 1 SPRING GOODS! i SPRING STOCK ! ! E. A. WHITARBR THE INIMITABLE. 5 THE INIMITABLE WHITAKEB. SO Boxes Oranges, $4 00 , lO boxes Frenoh Can dy, 45c. 20 boxes Webb A Whit ted's celebrated T 0 BACCO. 20,000 Havana CI GARS. 20 Cases Crackers. 230 Bbls. Crackers. 50 do Lemons, 4 00 , 50 Bbls. Apples, 4 00 10 do Potatoes, 4 00 40 Boxes Candles 100 lbs.,) 22c. 40 boxes Common Candy, - 16c 1 10 boxes Fancy Can- dr. ; zvo. WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE. Dailv expected at the INIMITABLE WHITA KER'S a great variety ef WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. FISH! FISH! ! FISH!!! nervines. Mullets, Mackerel, Salmon,. White Fish, and Shad are daily expected at WHITAKJSB8 ULTX JUfUUUJO. aplO tf. . NEW GOODS, 1861. misa' 1861. XCST BE CEIVED Bl KI PRESS A aj Large Let of Ladies Dress Goods, suitable for the Season, Mosambique, flam and &tnpea, urocne and Plain Lavella, Ottoman Poplin, Mohair, Black Silk, Organdy and De Laines. . -' . r ff Also, a fine Assortment of Fancy Silk and Black Velvet Trimings, Black Mitts, Kid Gloves, Ac, Ac Call and examine for yourselves. mar 6 tf it. Lu juvajnh. , 7 r II A LED OATS. fn 20 Bales very fine, (old crop) In good order, j ustj received at Depot. -june 2R tf JAMJS8 JS. xuwjL.no, Agu Tl EF RIG ERATO KS AMU WA1JSK rk COOLER. In Store the celebrated Arctic and Parlor Refrigerators with filler and water cooler com. bined. Also, Ice Water coolers, mos approved makes, June 26 tf JAMES M. TQWLBS, Ag't. s BARRELS O F FINE WHITE I II I MEAL. In Store, and for sale by the Baff. a lot of White MeaL ground from newly clean ed corn. Families supplied weekly at lowest market price. JAMisa M. XUWl,Ji, Agt feb 6 u FINE OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. A SELECTED STOCK OF FIN OLD POtt'l, J Sherry and Madeira Wines, also Otard, Dupuy A Uo.'s standard Brandies, direct irom uie vanom House. For sale by aug 1 tt PEEBLES, PLUMMER A CO. AROPOF I860 TURNIP SEED, TUR- 1 I NIP SEED. Flat Dutch Turnip; Red Top Tur nip, JUarge .nonoiK xurnip; xiargv urtuuv j.uuiy. Yellow Aberdeen Turnip: Ruta Baga Turnip. Also, rtrnmhiiad and Flat Dutch Cabbage Seed. Warrant ed fresh and genuine ; for sale by m At the N. C Bookstore. Raleigh, NC, July Hth,1860. July 18 tf. niNE GOLD JEWELRYTHE SUB- Ij SCRIBER has in store a splendid assortment of . . FINE GOLD JEWMLKX, embracing a variety of styles of patterns of Brooches, Breast, Fins. Ear Rings. Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies ant Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens, On If Pins. . Miniature Lockets, ttoid xnimDlea, e. Call and examine. - fho'-f ' ih' v C. B, ROOT. r-WT.U DOMINION "TOBACCO." AN - 1 OTHER Lot of Old Dominion Smoking To bacco." Just received at fTnrnerV North" Carolina Book Store. Said to he Superior to tho former, jan S td ' " -fsTTHITAKER'S IS THE PLACE TO f - BUY. Goods delivered free of Charge, to any part of tte City. ORN MEAL. NICE AND WHITE and fresh every week. Families regular lj sup plied. , JAMES M. XOWJUKS, AgU - mar 20 tf ' . . . . ' ORN FIELD PEAS-ON : CONSIGN J MENT, a new variety making two crops ia the yeas. .Planted on Wheat Stubble ,wiU mature before Frest. , ... JAME3M-TOWLES Ag . marSO tf . . h :,. LENCOTB VTARCH. THE WHITK8T, tkite Mr aaad-aaar a fn :HEijic?raEs, &a; OLD SACHEiT :BITTEBS CTvvM: TOXIC, j THESE DELICIOUS AND FAR-FAMED BIT TERS are recommended by the FIRST PHY SICIANS OF THE COUNTRY, on account o thekPURfrx AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. r- They are pleasant as' nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the BEST TONIC AND STIMU LANTEVER OFFERED TO THE PUB LIC -; - ' - j . - - Their curative powers "in eases of GENERAL DEBILITY, LOSS OF APPETITE CON STIPATION, etc., are unparralleled, and as a guarantee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, we beg leave to stats that ear assertions are endors ed by ; : . - f- rrou S1L.JLU1A.M, or val College. Prof. HAYES, of Massachusetts and hundreds of others. . . . 'J f For sale by i Grocers, - Wine Merchants, and Drug gists generally. . - " Principal Depot, 145 Water St, New York. ' dee 1 ly r . l -f . fTTRESH MEDICINES J - . AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Subscriber has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the publio generally, that after much delay trouble, and expense, awing to the war. and in terruption of trade, he has procured a fresh supply of Medicines, Toilets and other articles in his line, which he has been unable to furnish for some time oast. He has to pay CASH for all he buys, and hones that such of his patrons as do not pay promptly, will take the hint, and that all in arrears, who have not gone to the seat of war to fight for our independence and dearest interests, will pay up their arrearages or a part at least, so that he may be able to meet pressing de mands, and keep his Stock replenished. 3aff"Ail orders from the country m unless from prompt and reliable parties,) will go unnoticed, if not accompanied with the CASH or its equivalent. r. Jr. PJSBCUD, an 17 tf Druggist, Raleigh, N. C. JUST RECEIVED AT PESCUDS DRUG STORE. A VERY FINE LOT OF TOILET SOAPS. BAKERS PREMIUM BITTERS. A new supply of these celebrated Bitters on hand At PESCUD'S Drug Store. T CUSTARD. JLt A A fresh supply just received At PESCUD'S Drug Store. PHALONS HAIR INVIGORATOR. Barrys Tricopherous, Esekials Hair Restorer, Pavsons Indellible Ink. At PESCUD'S Drug Store. aul4 tf , , Raleigh, N.C. M' IL1TARY BOOKS. VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL of Iafanty and Rifie Tactics, with honors paid by the troops, Inspec tionReviews, Ac , by Lieut. Col. Wm. H, Richardson. HARDEE'S TACTICS, Rifle and Light Infantry. Sohool of the Soldier, Company and Battalion, com plete. ' llAfll) BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt Joseph Roberts. VOLUNTEER'S HAND BOOK, by Captain J. K. Lee. ! INSTRUCTIONS ON OUT POST DUTY, by Arentschild A Ponsonby. TROOPER'S MANUAL, OR TACTICS for Light Dragoons and Mounted Riflemen, by CoL J. Lucius Davis. RIFLE'S AND RIFLE PRACTICE. An Elemen tary Treatise upon the theory of Rifle Firing, Ac, by U. Ja. wiioox. For Sale by , H. D. TURNER, ju 31 tf N. C. Book Store. T THE INDISPENSABLE WHTA L KER'S just received July 31st, 1861. 10 Boxes Colgate's Pale Soap, 10 " Osoeola Starch, 5 Kegs Soda, - 30 Boxes Candles, 5 Hhds Molasses. 10 Dozen Brooms, 40 Sacks Salt, 20 and ) Boxes Raisons, TO Drums Fig, 10 Boxes Fancy Toilet Soaps, S 20 Bbls A Sugar. 3000 Lbs N. C. Bacon, 10 Bbls cut N. C. Herrings, i 10 Rbls Family RoeHer-ings, 5 Bbls Mackerel, 5 Bbls N. C. Mullets, 5 Bbls White Shad, 2 Bbls Salmon, 10 Bbls Crackers, . Peaches and Apples, ju $1 tf I - TKOR THE DEFENCE OF THE CON- V FEDERATE STATES. The undersigned is appointed an Agent for the re ception of subscriptions, of such portions ' of their crops, as the patriotic eitisens of North Carolina may beabfe to invest in the bonds of the Confederate States. ! These bends have twenty years to run, and bea eight per cent interest payable semi-annually. Among the advantages to the country from this ar rangement may be stated the following : . - 1st. It offers the best investment in publio securities, either North or South. T 2nd. It obviates any necessity that may arise for a War Tax. 3rd. It will prove to Europe and the world, not only our determination to support the Government of the Confederate States, but our ability to do so, Ac. Ac. The undersigned earnestly requests those to whom he has distributed subscription papers to use every exertion to get them filled as soon as possible and re turned to him at Kaiaigh, JN . v., where he will De glad to receive other subscriptions and 'to give further in formation, if necessary. H. K. BURGWYN, Raleigh, North Carolina. Papers thoughtout the State wiB perform a duty of patriotism by copying the above, or its sub stance. NORTH CAROLINA GAITERS. Gentlemen's Fine Calf and Patent Leather, Manufactured at Thomasville, in 8 tore. JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag't, au 7 tf IV. for MILLER A FOSTER. aTEW FLOUR. 131 No. 1 Family Flour of the sew crop in sacks. Also, fine Corn MeaL fresh from the mill. Families supplied regularly. ' an 7 tf JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag't. RICHMOND PLOW S AND PLOW CASTINGS A good supply in Store of all kutds, also. Harrows of different makes and siaeS at the Farmers HaB.: JAMES TO WLE 3, Ag't. .. s28 tf BOOTS AND SHOES. - - v JUST RECEIVED, By Express, a good assortment of Gents's Boots, Ladies and Misses Goat and Moroeo Boots ALSO, Ladies Gaitors, Manufactured at Thomas villa, North Carolina. Prices very high, cell and see. ' , .'.,,. .... H. L. EVANS. : , au? tf. , .. . 1 t 1 CARD. - ' .. 3 WILLIAM T. BAIN will be much pleased to see his 'bid friends' and patrons.-1 Bis Boarding House is near the Standard' Offioe, Sad he will also be prepared to accommodate a fewimambers ef the ap proaching Legislature witn eomrarteMe eoard i, ju27 4t ";) - .!ra...'5.'.- E A.' WHITAKER m-' Largest and best selected Groceries in the City. , : aO Barrels of Boston Apples, KEEPS' a HE Stock of Tamily, :: t-.i. SO Beaea ot Chi sss. OUS. 1861. SPRING TRADE! foFnTistnaEN1 BOYS' TN 'WjLSrt OF X .CL0THINGB4TS, SHOES, BOOTS, Ac., of every description, will find ue prepared this SPRING to furnyh thtm with BETTER GOODS, at more ReasonaDle Prices .than heretofore: and I most cordially invite thua to xamineniy - x i B D 0 u S An D P R l C t S before purchasing. ' ' . . - ? aotwithstanaing the crisis, 1 nave bees NORTH and purchased, to great ad ran tare, a most BEAUTI FUL and VARIED STOCK ef - ; CLOTHING ') AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and hiy friends end be furnished, at short notice,1 from MUttOMO. ' - -. Having a splendid Stoek ef the most fashionable and approved French CLOTH. DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, VE8TINGS ef all kinds, Ac , th saost ACCOMPLISHEIv AMD SUPE RIOR - . v - CUTTEK AND WORKMEN in my TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, I am ready to compete wl'.h any one in the ole North State m making any Garment or Clothing to order, in the most superb and artistic manner. The liberal encouragement I have reoeived and continued indications of increasing confidence, inspire me with the hope that I shall be more liberally patron ised than ever; to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to the wants of all who favor we with a call. M. GRAUSMAN. ap'113-tf THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK. THIS DA.Y KXCBiyCD, BT H. D. TURNER, A NEW AND COMPLETE EDITION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK; IMPROVED AND GREATLY ENLARGED, containing 344 pages, royal 12mo, embracing ma ny forms , not round in former editions, printed on good paper and substantially bound in law calf. It con tains Forms of all those Legal Instruments which peo ple have occasion to use : and furnishing, also a guide to Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks, Constables, Coroners, School Committees, etc. Compiled from the best sources, being an improvement on all works of the kind formerly in use, and intended as a Compan ion to Cantwell s Justice. To which are added the Constitution of North Carolina, and of he United States an account of the principal Officers of the State, and of the Counties; Titles of address, Ac Furnished at the unparalleled low price of One Dol lar, (being the cheapest book ever offered for sale.) When sent by mail an extra charge of 20 cents will be required to cover the postage. A liberal discount to those who buy to sell again. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by ' H. D. TURNER, dec 26 tf ' at the North Carolina Book Store, SWAIMS JUSTICE REVISED. THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practi cal guide to the Laws of the State, and the decisions of the Supreme Court, defining the duties and jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, under the Revised Code of 1854 together with full instructions and num erous forms and precedents. Bt EDWARD CANT WELL, Esq., LL. B, Countellor at Law. One vol. 8vo , containing nearly 600- pages, hand, somely printed on good paper, and well bound in law binding. Price $3 50. Postage 36 cento. Published and for sale by HENRY 0. TURNER, an. 21 at the North Carolina Bookstore. ! WANTED X WANTED II AT THS -,; " nnMTTABlE WHITAKER'S, A CONTENTED MAN; FOR WHICH he offers a premium of FIVE GALLONS of Drewry's Celebrated Southampton (Va.) BRANDY. Speaking of the above OLD BRANDY, the THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER has on hand DREWBY'S OLD APPLE BRANDY SETH JONES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, TISO ALES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, and many other choice BRANDS. P. S. The contented man can find the INIMITA BLE at his Store, on Hargett St, between the hours of 6, a. m. and. 10 p. m. Call on him. apl 13 tf. ,. 1861. 1861. AUGUST ITth, MILITARY GOODS t NO. 511 SYCAMORE, PETERSBURG, VA. T. W. ROYSTON, & Co., Can furnish Military Companies with the following named goods at short notice : Oil CkKh Over Coats, Oil Cloth Oaps, ' Oil Cloth Hsverlocks, Oil Cloth Haversacks, Oil Cloth Leggins, Fatigue Jackets, Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. Gingham and Calico Shirts. Mirino under Shirts (White and Grey.) 4 Merino Drawers, (White and Grey,) Velvet and flannel Zouave Caps, Heavy Grey Over Coats, ALSO, ON HAND, Grey and Blue Satinet, Grey. Gasimere, Grey Flannel which they will make up to order and warrant satisfaction in every instance. T. W. ROYSTON, A CO., No. 51J Sycamore St, au 21 tf Petersburg, Va. NORTH CAROLINA GOODS. II OCK ISLAND CASSIMERES. I lack, Golden, Mixed, Dark Mixed, HUVl vauet, auLrvrtur luuALjr. ALSO, 4-4 Brown Sheeting, 4-4 Brown Jeans, Alamance Plaids and Stripes, Misses and Ladies' Shoes, Help Home Folks, mar 6 tf H. L. EVANS. TURNIP SEED. TURNIP SEED. Large Flat Dutch Turnip seed, Red Top Turnip, ' 4 Large Norfolk. Large Mammoth (from this county,) And other kinds of Turnip teed, For sale at PESCUD'S Drugstore, auir tf JIB' "Spirit of the Ago" and Journal eepy. s. r. xvaxs. j. s. vaum For the Sale Ac Hire of Negroes, Laad, Mer- - ebandise, Goods, c, dke-" ;at JJ .-. GREEN8BORO, ALABAMA 5 After the first of November Mr. Williams will be ia Mobile, and Mr. EvsassA Greensboro. te-iltyi t. . -i ; . . : -. 'july2A ly. FINE LOT OF SPONGE. , , L SaladOiL 5 r. .:.-eN","i"( . Bakers Bitters, .. lfmXZm -HUliA ' .: '-t i & ' r ...EngUsh Mastard,,,, j -.-ri; . Alargs stock; of Fancy Soaps, ik jMviesivedat . Y;r. rxscvirsi ' aalT tf: -. v - R Drugstore. - . . Staadard,? 'Spirit of Age and Journal copy. TIOTA8 n . IN SIX POUNDS CANS. rr Seep ssaktng) also, a large supply ef Ooaesa- trated Lye, Just 'apf ia-itfa? h wad at the Drag Store of WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. -tOBBtAWD COTTON PCAHTEBli Smraairs eelebratXrn Plantars, with orwhb- enf uan-Attaehntents.4-"'' v5 -'' :-- ? Fostersd Inesstsrr Psieat Cotton Planters, SPRING GOODS.' -mi SPRING GOODS. r- -IMPORTERS ANIr WHOLES ALS r ; DEALERS IN FOREIGN "AND DOMES TIC DRY GOODS, PETERSBURG, "VIRGINIA, - INVITE THE ATTENTION JOF THE TRADE to their large and desirable stock of FRESH SPRING QpODSt now In stor and ready for exhibition, "consisting of theusual variety and embracing the NEWEST AND MOST DESIRABLE STYLES of the season, which they are prepared to offer on the most favorable terms to Virginia, North Carolina sad Tennessee merchants. . .Owing to the unsettled eondition ot eommereiel mat ters, their sales will be strictly confined to CASH, ana prompt six months buyers. To seen the greatest inducements will be offered. ... Orders are respectfully solicited, which shall always here their prompt and careful attention. mar 16 6w HAMILTON A GRAHAM. JUST AS I EXPECTED IN CONSE qnenee of the great increase in his business, the subscriber has been compelled to procure the services ot an assistant, and is pleased to Inform th.publii, that he has associated with him, JNO. Q. BAR. HAM, well knows at an efficient business man, hav ing little enough conscience to be a good auctioneer. Hereafter the business will be conducted under the firm and style of MOORE & BARHAM, at the stand formerly occupied by myself, two doors east of H. Poole's Clothing Store, on Market Square. JOHN C. MOORE. MOORE dc BARHAM, Auction and Commission Merchants, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to them. . They will attend sales in this, add the adjoining counties. They can oner no better pledge of satisfaction, than a reference to those whom they have served. Standard, copy. dec 1 tf THE VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLI NA IRREPRESSIBLES. JvNCTies P. 0. Hanover County, Va., ) r July 29, 1861. J Under this name it proposed to get up a regiment of ten companies of 100 men each, inoluding officers, making 1,000 men. - We are to wear citi sens' elothes and to use such arms as we can furnish ourselves. A pair of Coifs pistols, a.howie knife and a double barrel gun, with a Minnie ball or a good rifle ; to pledge ourselves to serve during the war wherever the President may choose to place us; to serve without pay. The main object of this organization is to avenge 'the death of General Robert S. Garnett, of Virginia, and Colonel Charles F. Fisher, of Nort Carolina. Those who wish to form such a regiment, will sig nify their assent by writing to . me at the above post office and when we have 500 men we will report our selves for duty, and go on increasing the number until Mt amounts to 1,000. The design is, that the number shall always be kept up by new enlistments whenever vacancies occur by death or inability, and no other cause shall release a man from his obligation. . I will act as private, or in any capacity the regiment may direct When our number reaches 500, we will request the President to appoint a Colonel of his ewn selection, and muster us into service at Richmond I will advertise the time of meeting there as soon as I receive the names of 500 men. Each company will choose its own Captain and i .a - nr- Buooruiuaw viucern. THEODORE S. GARNETT. , "The newspapers in Virginia and North Caroli na will doubtless publish the above without obarge, twice a week for three weeks. LOOK OUT 1 BRFAKERS AHEAD!! FORT SUMTER TAKEN ! ! ! II. L, PANS AT HOME, AND GOODS O H EAP, TWTOW RECEIVING, A LARGE AND 11 well Assorted Stock df STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BONNETS, a great variety; Misses and Ladies Bloomers, trimmed and untrimmed, latest styles and cheaper than lever saw them; DRESS GOODS' of all the new fabrics ; SHOES of all kinds. I keep a general Stock of every thing in the DRY GOODS LINE, and deem it useless to enumerate articles. I was the last to go on, sad bought goods at a great sacrifice, many articles at my own price. I could go on and say a great many things, but what's the use ? There ire so many things in the pa pers that turn out to be false these critical times my advice to you is not to believe all you see and hear. No, but be sure to call and be convinced of the fact that you can save money at the well known establish' men i. of No. 29, cheap place, apl 20 tf H. L. EVANS. NEW ATJCTIOX HOUSE- NOTICE. THE FIRM OF PULLIAM A BETTS having this dav oeased. WM H. BETTS will continue in the NEGRO AUCTION BUSINESS, and has taken into co-partnership with him E. J. Gregory. They will conduct the business under the firm of Betts Si Gregory, at their sales-room on Franklin street, four doors below Wall street, and about one square below the former office ef Pulliam Betts, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage whfeh was so liberally extended to Wm. H.BetU whUs in the firm of Pulliam A Betts, Thev have obtained the services of Mr. Bushrod W Elmore as Clerk, who has an interest in the business. WM. 11. BJiXXS, ; E. J. GREGORY. Richmond, Va., May l'Hh, i860. ma 25 ly. 1861. SPRING 1861. SAIVTL STEVENS. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS, EARTERNWARE, dec, dec., dec, PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA. TH AVE - IN STORK AGOOD STOCK of China. Earthernware, Glass, Fancy Goods, Ac to which I respectfully solicit the attention of purchasers. The largest part of my Stoek is of my orn direct importation, and I am enabled to offer goods low to CASH or punctual paying customers. Goods carefully nacked for transportation. mar 16 tf ' 8AMX STEVENS. 5 aTORTH CAROLINA WRAPPING PA- Vi PER. AS GENERAI AGENT- OF X. B. gate, proprietor of the Crabtree Paper Mills, I am ready to settle hie aeeoaats for Paper, b purehase stoek, and to sell Wrapping Paper of all descriptions, on favorable terms. , Orders for. such paper solid V and executed witn promptness ana uispawn. ' ; Address, : J..X. LITCHFORD, feb I ' 1 ' BAUisa, N. O ' SgT-Standard copy. .' " - a-- -" ' i. ; - i- .i ' CYPRESS 1 8HINGLES.--65,00O BEST quaHty, 21x6, at reduced price. They are depos ited in the Railroad sad can be forwarded in any di rection. - : JAMES M. TOWLES. i.'SSBSfi :' - -; "i" Agent, . TNOR HIRE. - A FIRST RATE CARPENTER- ORSALE - I.;,vi;, i . i ATERYJUM IOUN MARK, - ?.APPly't.V'-r-i- - '?"'t; - j 4., apllO waswtf . -B-yBPRKE: HAY WOOD. PPESERVED PEACHE8-CROP. I860, Rare and nice, in one gslloB" cans,, hermetically sealsdf-iasrreemvsd.tt wAMVi 9r . se 21-C. v , JAMES M. TOWLES, 4g"t , TNAMILV FLO UB - ANOTUEUJ LOT P. of Extra Superfine. ths same as , the last,) re- 1 eeived fresh thiJ morning. . -v fTYiJRNIP SEED, y-t .- -a - I -. OI an excellent oasHry fresh front th country, a aal a the Farmers HaU. . t "tl-tf ; : , ; JAMES M. TOWLES, Agft. MS lbS Ihvwrysvule; Ya, JustT. Mw A. lnUTAUaVB. f ea4ve4aS;-a TO AN OAK BLOWN DOWN 'BY THE " wind. ;JU - j 'ANDOLPH,OFJnAAjros:... . Thou fc uampved has hessrd the juutvind CU1UO a J'ull many a winter round thy craggy bed ; f And like an earth born piant haul Autinrad Thy hundred arms, and Heaven's own holts de- ed, r . . v ... Now liest along thy native mountain side : . U ptor n; yet deem not that I aome to (bed . The idle drops of pity o'er thy head ! .. ; Or basely to insult thy blasted pride. o sun -us mine, tno" tauen, lmpenatoax. i To teach this lesson to the wise and brave, lost 'tis much better, overthrown and broke n freedom's cause, to sink into tbs grave,, . , Than in submission to a tyrant's yoke, Ldko the vile reed bow and be a slave. THE VARIOUS STYLES OF UNIFORMS THE DRESS OF A SOLDIER. Now that the war has become s serious, prac tical business of hard fighting, exposure, lone marches and bivouacking, the equipment and clothing of our soldiers should be regulated with more regard to durability and sorvlcoableness than has heretofore been observed. The New Orleans Delta indulges in the following excellent and apposite remarks on the subjret of uniforms : It is quite obvious ihat a too great regard has been given by us to parade and the gratification of personal vanity in the styles of our uniforms. We nave tnoughi too much of the appearance of our soldiers on the streets and in public pi aces , and perhaps have thu3 led oar young men to in- dulge a vanity, which whilst innocuous lh peace times, would be very inappropriate and Impru dent in the seriou8 exigencies of the present fierce war. We dress our soldiers too snowiiy and flashily. Their red caps and pants, and their richly embroidered gold coats, may delight un reflecting young girls and children, but they are far less pleasing to sober, thoughtful people, who consider how little such ornamental styles contri bute to mil itary efficiency how, indeed, they may impede the action and expose the live of our gallant soldiers. Far more impressive and en couraging is the sturdy aspect of those dusky columns of gray linsny-woolsey-clad warriors, in heavy brogues, that nock to the scene Of war from North Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee. JNot that they are more devoted, bravo or gallant than our troops, but their style of equipment looks more Iika real, practical war, and is far bettor adapted to its demands than the shining, glossy and brilliant costumes of red cape and pants. In battle these caps and pants will expose our troops to the enemy in almost any position. They will be seen afar off, and the enemy will always find them a target for his artillery and his long range Mimes. His own experience on this subject should be a lesson to ue. The Fire Zouaves of New York, who had red caps, and the Brooklyn 14th, who wore red pants, of whom there are many prisoners in our nanus, complain mat throughout the battle of the 21st July they were always the principal objects of the enemy's bat teries and volleys, and that thus they were far more exposed and guttered more than tne otner troops. JHo wonder we had to run," said one, 'when these cursed red breecnes drew upon us tne whole fire of the Cbnfeds." Now,- whilst oar boys will always be ready to take more than their share of the dangers of the battles that may be fought, and will never ask any other protection but their strong arms and brave hearts, we do not thins it wise or pontic that they should bear the whole bmnt of the battles, merely to gratify a taste for showy uni forms and enable them to make a grand display on parade. Off, then, with the red caps and red pants. Better right bare-headed ana in their drawers, than ini those glaring red 'caps and breeches. Let our boys go in to fight and to slay in the most effective manner, and give up display Until the war is over, ana tney'Bnau soon come home with their trophies te lay them St the ' feet of their lady toves. Let them wear dark.gray .dus ky uniforms, which will enable them to get as close up to the foe as the linsey-woolsey Alabama boys at Manassas, who were not seen by the enemy until they had got within eighty yard4 of them. Our battles are to be won by close lighting and the enemy, withrhis long range guns, will have to be enticed hear to enable our soldiers to grap ple him. ' Red caps snd red pants won't draw, him. He will prefor to take them at long taw. Besides the red caps and psats, the blue uni forms in extensive use are objectionable, as they cannot be distinguished from the enemy's. The uniforms of our State troops, Gladden's and. Ful ler's Regiments, is identical with that of the enemy- At the battle of Manassas a great number of our men were killed by our 'own troops, who mistook them for the enemy on account of the uniforms. Wheat's Battalion, especially, suffer ed from this cause. We trust that this subject will receive, the early attention of those who are charged with tho equipment and uniforming of bur State troops. RESOURCES OF NQBTH CAROLINA We commend to our readers .the perusal of ibe "Geological Report on the Midland Counties of North Carolina," made to ibe Assembly oHhat State in 1856, by Prof. Emmons. This volume will supply large deficiencies in the popular know ledge, with regard to the physical and material resources of North Carolina We reviewed the Work, in terms of high commendation, mere than two years ago. The present junctors,' however, suggests to os the propriety of farther recalling-the attention of -our public to the resources et our elder sister resources to be made available fn the future, as well in war as ia peace. Though con fined simply to the midland oountiesj-wklon a two years' survey has failed to cover, we are astound ed at the developments of natural wealth la North Carolina. The coal-fields are ample for all the South j the mining interests are of incalculable extent. ' The suriferous ores are of wonderful richness. The silver lead mines are not surpassed in value by tbose'of any country, and yield sine, lead, cooper, silver; and gold. To th geologist, th study of this volume will provs eminently in teresting, not only as embodying th geologica 1 history of North Carolina, but as suggestive of new facts, somewhat calculated to disturb old and settled convictions. For example, Professor Em moas tells as that the fact ie igard to-the coal fields of Deep River do not sustain the prevalent belief ; that workable coal-seams belong to the posh termed the carboniferous nor that coal ts the product of a peculiar vegetation, which is also geological belief. He teUs us, also, that th dis covery of fossils in Montgomery county Carries back the evidence of HfeaponAhe globe ton much more remote peri id thenes the totaal beliafc even among geologists. So ancient sreHhe evidences that Ue excellent Professor indicates -a claim for North Carolina as the birthplace of the oldest in habitants of the glob. But oar P aafier-snek a review as this work deserves. 3 We nwMt it tA 4.ha Annaidaration of Professor Bow.Eseogh. if we draw, public auenuon to the vast and various resources Sute CUorfesfott Meraerv of the Old North FAIR jTOTICE.--THE SUBSCRIBER rhaving this dyld oat his entire Clothing Es tablissmenaidbiaJnd jsR. iogBpou all tboM endebted to him, either by note aeeeaat to eosae forward and aettie up witaeat delay, Ss fartter iadalgeace cannot be given. ' These having ahtisss sgsisst sm will plsss presest them at enee for Ms--; , 4 V and Ruches. - , tX. 1m, xvahs. ste(itor. Bend for Sasaplav - r - - v -s ' . : WIXL1AM3 A HAYWOOD. ' I II tf apr 18 MlS tf aa .- . . . JAMES M. TOWLES, Ag HACJCNBY FOOL. apis tf

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