- i i v ' I 1 I I W v V . ii RALEIGH WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 23, 1861. . N) .85- VOL. LXI .. - tin. pWS 1 I 4 lx; ;r rvH I i i ; . i i mm MP Ay THE RXiEIGH REGISTER V 18 FTJBUSH ! v , SEMI-WEEKLY AND 17EEKLT, 11 Yt J O H N WV S YME , , IDITOH AHD PnOPEtWOB. THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER is published every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at $4 80 per nnum, payable in advance, or $500, if payment is delayed till the subscription year ha1 expired. ; . v THE WEEKLY REGISTER ia published erery Wednesday morning, at $2 00 per annum, payable in variably in advance. , j Rates of Advertising in thei Semi-Weekly Register: : square (16 lines orless) one insertion, very succeeding insertion, j 1 square six months, " twelve 2 ' " three " I 2 " six " i ' twelve months, including paper. In the Weekly Register 1 square for the first insertion, ' ' , , and for erery racaeeding InsertlOB, 1 square twelve months, 9 air $1 00 25 ,8 00 14 00 8 00 15 00 25 00 Si 00 7 ty 10 00 10 00 it Mlra mnnffll in M nil" IP WftP.klv lUTWr 20 00 lTT?l I V ftBWU q ' ' J X 1 All advertisements not otherwise directed, will be inserted in the Semi-Weekly, and charged accordingly. Business Cards, not exceeding eight lines, will be nserted in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly six months for $5 00, or twelve months for $10 in both papers at$8.50 for six months, or $15 for twelve months. jST" Contracts can be made at the office for longer advertisements. BUSINESS CARDS. m H Q OS 1 1 i 3- 1? DeCAKTERET & ARMSTRONG, BOOK BINDERS, AND -i BLAoTE BOOK MANUFACTURERS KAI.EIGH, N. G. oe 15 tf. JOHN W. COSBY. RALEIGH N. C. Sept 26 1860. ' . A. C. PULL I AH, K. P.PULLIAM, D. K. WKI8I6EB. PULLIAM & CO. AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE dF NEGROES, Odd-Fellows' Hall, Franklin St., RICHMOND, VA. DAILY SALES Public asd Private. "We pledge our strictest attention te the business en trusted to us, and will, answer all' com munications promptly. PORTER ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOT. PEEBLES, PIjUMMER & CO., (FORMERLY PEEBLES WHITE.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, No. 22, Old Street, Petersbury Va. PROMPT and diligent personal attention given to the sale of aU consignments of Produce- Always on hand a full supply of standard quality Groceries, "suited to the wants of Farmers and Families. LEM'L PEEBLES, JlfO. J. THOMPSON. henry l. plummer, jr., late of the firm of N. M. Martin, Brother & Co. Sole Agents for Reese's Phospho Peruvian, or Manipulated Guano. j june 27 tf. OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK. Dr. T. D. HOGG, PrendenU JohnG. Williams, Caaher. DIRECTORS, i Dr. T. D. Hogg, H. S. Smith, Q. Busbee, John G. Williams. This , Bank is now receiving deposits, at the Ex change Office of John G. Williams A Co. Discount day Tuesday, - feb 18 tf. TO THE FRIENDS OF HOME MANUFACTURES.! THE KIUSTflN L 3 SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. ORDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS are solicited. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston, N: C, June 24, I860, j ! aug 4 tf. MlEtaWS BHD'S'fl&lb. PKTEjlSBUltG, VA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALISHMENT, HAVING BEES R4ECETLT FITTED VT AlfD SUPPLIED . WITH ALL MODERU COKVEHIENCES, Now offers to Travellers Attractions : Unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Country. . mar 5- JOHN JARRATT &BRO. DONNANS & JOHNSTON, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, jal-ly. DONNAN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, menmona, a jal-ly INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAL- JLLEY OF VIRGINIA, Winchester, Virginia, Capiul juu,uu(. Incorporated March, 1852. : Charter per tual. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid, Fire Losses paid iu 8 years to July, 1860, $538,292.19 Insurance against loss or damage by fire, on as favor able terms as other responsible Companies. r ' JOS. 8. CARSON, Pres't. Wm.: L. Best, Secy. ? W. S.SIMPSON, Ag't apHO tf ! Petersburg, Va. WANTED! WANTED!! AT THE INIMITABLE WHIT AKER' S, A CONTENTED MAN i FOR WHICH he offers a premium of FIVE GALLONS ofQ urewry's Celebrated Southampton (Va.) . BRANDY. Speaking of the above OLD BRANDY, the THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER has on hand i - ; t DREWRY'S OLD APPLE BRANDY. SETH JONES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, TISO AXES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, and many other choice BRANDS. P. S. The contented majs e&n find the INIMTTA. BLE at his Store, on Hargett'SW between the hours m o, . m. and 10 p. m. Call on him. ap'l 13-tf. MEDICINES, &C. OLD SACHEM BITTERS WIGWAM TONIC. THESE DELICIOUS .AND FAR-FAMED BIT TERS are recommended by the FIRST PHY SICIANS OF THE COUNTRY, on account o their PURITY AND GREAT MEDICINAX VIRTUE. - They are pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the BEST TONIC AND STIMU LANT EVER OFFERED tTO THE PUB LIC. . . . Their curative powers in cases of GENERAIj DEBILITY, 1LOSS OF APPETITE,' CON STIPATION, ate,, are anparralleled, and as a guarantee that we feel warranfed indaiming what we do, we beg leave to state that our assertions are endors ed by Prof. SILLLttAN, of Yale College, Prof. HAYES, of Massachusetts, and huadreds of others. , For sale by Grocers, Wine Merchants, and Drug gists generally. Principal Depot, 145 Water St, New York, dee 1 ly FRESH MEDICINES AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Subscriber has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the public generally, that after much delay trouble, and expense, owing to the war, and in terruption of trade, he has procured a fresh supply of Medicines, Toilets and other articles iu his line, which he has been unable to furnish for some time past. He-has to pay CASH for all he buys, and hopes that such of his patrons as do not pay promptly, will take the hint, and that all in arrears, who have not gone to the seat of war to fight for our independence and dearest interests, will pay up their arrearages or a part at least, so that he may be able to meet pressing de mands, and keep his Stock replenished. .ay-All orders from the bountry (unless from prompt and reliable parties,) will go unnoticed, if not accompanied with the CASH or its equivalent. 4 ,. P. F. PESCTJD, au 17 tf Druggist, Raleigh, N. C. FOR BEAUTIFYING AND IMPROVING THE HAIR. I have received the following favorite article;, vis : Mrs. Allen's Restorer and Zylabalsamum. Wood's and Ezekial's Restorer, Burnett's Cocoaine andCocin, Rosemary and Castor Oil, Lowe's and Piver's Pomades, Demerson, Petit & Co., Hygienique Societe, and Monpelas Pomades, Tricopherons, Kathairon, ' Essence Bay Leaves, Sayne's Hair Tonic, Philecome, and Pescud's Hair Tonic. C Also, the most approved Hair Dyes known in this country. For sale at PESCUD'S DKUG STORE. Raleigh, May 18, 180. ma 30 V. BUISTS FRESH AND NEW CROP TUR NIP SEED. gi OJTSISTL&I G OF THE FOLLOWING YARIE-. J ties : Early Large Flat Ducb, Early Red Top, Ruta Baga, fa superior variety.) Large White Norfolk, , Large Yellow Norfolk, Large White Globe. Also, Altringham Carrot, Mangel Wortzel Beet, and large VViuter Drumhead Cabbage Seed. For bale in, quantities to suit purchasers at june 18 tf. P. F. PEScUD'g- C II ISM API'S YEAST POWDERS. MY Materials are to hand, and Mr. Chisman has put up a large quantity, -all who have been waiting for sup plies can send in their orders. If you doubt that these great Puwders are not su perior to any now known, you can find testimonials from the most respectable families in Raleigh, at my store, where you can be supplied at wholesale or re tail. P. F. PESCUD. may 23 ANOTHER BRILLIANT VICTORY !--While on my recent visit to the Old Dominion, I had the good fortune to procure from an old triend a demijohn of Rose Cordial of the most delectable fla vor a splendid and invigorating article for the sick. Call, by all means, and get some before it is goae; price 25 cents a bottle. Among the choice vviety of other things too tedious to mention, tc which the at tention of the public is respectfully called, I have a fine lot of the best Hair Brushes. If you want to feel good and poetical in these gloomy times, just call around, procure a brush and a bottle of cordial, and I will guarantee a fine flow of the most highfalutin pheelina. P. F. PESCTJD, Druggist. TsTTEW AND SPLENDID EXTRACTS J3I Consisting of ? THIS WOUJJ VIUIjJUT, ' HUMMING BIRD, BUTTERFLY VIOLET, PATCHUTLY MUSK, i PINK JOCKY CLUB, FRANGIPANI ROSE.&c. Also, Frangipani, Verbena, Cologne and other Toilet waters. All of which are of the finest quality and put up in elegant style. For sale at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. Raleigh, May 18, 1860. ma 23 tf. JUST RECEIVED AT PESCUDS DRUG STORE. A VERY-FINK LOT OF TOILET SOAPS. BAKBBS rnBWWWBrmTTBUBt A new supply of these celebrated Bitters on hand At tr esuud'B urug Btore. "AfTUSTARD. A fresh supply just received At PESCUD'S Drug Store. PHALONS HAIR IN VIGOR AT OR. Barrys Tricopherous, Ezekials Hair Restorer, Parsons Indellible Ink. At PESCUD'S Drug Store. aul4 tf Raleigh, N.C. I ASH! CASH!! CASH!!! I SELL MY GOODS FOR CASH ! I DON'T do a Credit Business ! Therefore I hope every person that sees "this advertisement will not ask me for CREDIT--because lam not able to do a credit business ; and have to pay CASH myself. I have called on every person that owes me a DOL LAR, and have not been able to oollect the first CENT. I wiBh you wculd call on tome one that is able to credit. J. B. FRANKLIN. apl 17 tf ' h - . ' OLD DOMINION TOBACCOSAN OTHER Lot of Old Dominion Smoking "To bacco," Just received at "Turner's' North Carolina Book Store. Said to be Superior to the former. Jan 6 td : fXTHITAKER'S IS THE PLACE TO ff BUY. Goods delivered free of Charge, to any part of the City. 1 ! " mar 6 tf. i - . RES H MINERAL WATERS. CON. eress, Rockbridge Alum, and Green Brier Va-, Whit Sulpher Water, also Rook Bridge Alum Mass. For sale at i mav33 PESCUDfa DRUG STORE. BOOKS. STATIONERY. &C. 1 M 1L1TARY BOOKS for CASH ONLY4 UAttDEES' TACTICS, Complete Edition I - Revised by and published ander the personal super-, vision of the Author in 2 Volumes. . Price $2.50, When sent by mail, 2.70j VOLUNTEERS -MANUAL of Infantry an! Rifle Tactics, with Honors paid by the troops ; Inspections, Reviews, Duties of . Captains,; Companies, Duties in Camp, and Garrison Soldiers Rations and Mode of cooking them; Abriged and compiled by Lieut. Colonel WM4 H. RICHARDSON, graduate and formerly Aa-i sistant Instructor of tactics, Virginia Military! Institute. Price ' If hen sent by mail, r 1.7R THE VOLUNTEERS HAND BOOK, an! abridgement of Hardee's;Infan try tactics, by Capt.i J. K. LEE. Price $00.60 When sent bv mail. 00.60 THE HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, byj Capt. JOSEP3 ROBERTS. Price $00,7$ 'j ap" a , Whententby msil, . t . ON INFANTRY CAMP DUTY, FIELD IFORTIF1CATION and Coast defence, by' Captain L. V. BUCKIIOLTZ, author of the! Science of Wa-. . - Price $00,501 When sent bv mail, 00.6& Instructions for Officers and non-commissioned Offi-; -cers of Cavalry on out post duty, by Lieutenant Colonel VON ARENTSCHILDT, first Huz-j zars, King's German Legion, with an abridgment of them, by Lieutenant Colonel, the Hon. F. PONSONBY. Price $00.50! When sent by mail, 00.60! DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING by Troopsj ia Camp and Hospital, prepared for - the Army: of Virginia, and published by order of the Sur geon General, with Essay s on Taking food; and what food, by FLORENCE NIGHTIN-! GALE. Price $00.25; When sent by mail, 00.30; ALSO a complete New Pocket Map of VIR-! GIN I A. Prioe $00.75 When sent by mail, 00.80; BAYONET EXERCISE and Skiimishers Drill by R. MILTON CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. Price $1.00; When sent by mail, 1.10: INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ART1L-I LERY Extracted from GILHAM'S MAN- NUAL for Volunteers and Militia. Price $100 When sent by mail, 1.08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi-i cat Soldier, Illustrated with 28 Engrav ings, and designed for the use of the Militia of the Confederate States. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, ' 1.06 ; MAHAM'S OUT POST DUTY, an Element j ry treatise on Advanced Guard, out post,; and Detachment Service of Troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in pres-: ence of an Enemy. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.1 2 GILHAM'S MANUAL for the Volunteers! and Militia cf the Confederate States. r Price $2.50 j When sent by mail, s 3.00 ; For sale by W. L. POMEROY. se 11 tf Raleigh, N. C. ' THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK.! THI8 DAT RECEIVED, BY H. D. TURNBit, . A NEW AND COMPLETE EDITION OT THE j NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK; MPROVED AND GREATLY ENLARGED,! containing 344 pages, royal 12m0, embracing ma ny forms not lound in former editions, pnntedon good pacer and substantially bound in law calf. It con tains Forms of all those Legal Instruments which peo-' pie have occasion to use : and furnishing, also a guide to Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks, Constables, Coroners, School Committees, etc. Compiled from the best sourees, being an improvement on all work's of the kind formerly in use, and intended as a Compan.' ion to Cantwell s Justice. To which are added the Constitution of North Carolina, and of he United States ; an account of the principal Officers of the State, and of the Counties ; Titles of address, Ac. Furnished at the unparalleled low price of One Dol lar, (being the cheapest book ever offered for sale.) When sent by mail an extra charge of 20 cents will be required to cover the postage. A liberal discount to those who buy to sell again. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by H. D. TURNER, dec 26 tf at the North Carolina Book Store, SW AIM'S JUSTICE--REVISED. THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practi cal guide to the Laws of the State, and the decisions of the Supreme Court, defining the duties and jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, under the Revised Code of 1854 '55, together with full -instructions and num erous forms and precedents. By EDWARD CANTWELL, Esq., LL. B., Cvumtllor at Law. One vol. 8vo , containing nearly 60Q pages, hand somely printed on good paper, and well bound in law binding. Price $3 50. Postage 3fi cents. Published and for sale by HENRY l). TURNER, an. 21 at the North Carolina Bookstore. MILITARY BOOKS. VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL of Infanty and Rifle Tactics, with honors paid by the troops , Inspec tion,'Reviews, Ac , by Lieut. Col. Wm. H. Richardson. HARDEE'S TACTICS, Rifle and Light Infantry, School of the Soldier, Company and Battalion, com plete. HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt Joseph Roberts. VOLUNTEER'S HAND BOOK, by Captain J. K. Lee. INSTRUCTIONS ON OUx POST DUTY, by Arentschild A Ponsonby. TROOPER'S MANUAL, OR TACTICS for Light Draeoons and Mounted Riflemen, by Col. J. Lucius Davis. . RIFLE'S AND RIFLE PRACTICE. An Elemen-i itary Treatise upon me tnoory or tune x iring, c, Dy WHooz. For Sale by H. D. TURNER, N, C. Book Store. ja 31 if NEW BOOKS FOR SEPTEMBER. j The True Path, or The Young Man Invited to the Saviour. ! In a Series of Lectures. By The Rev. Joseph Mi Atkinson, , ! Raleig, N. C. I WILKINS WYLDER, OR THE SUCCESSFUL; MAN. ' . ; By Stephen F. Miller, j Author of 'i The Bench and Bar of Georgia." THE BLACK GAUNTLET, A Tale of Plantation Life in South Carolina. By Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft, SCIENCE, A WITNESS FOR THE BIBLE. , By Rev. W. N. Pendleton, D. D. THE ROBBIN B Y, OR HOW NAT GOT HIS; LEARNING. An Example For Youth. Bv Wm. M. Thayer. LICHEN TUFTS, FROM THE ALLEGHANIES. By Elizabeth C. Wright. ! NEMESIS. . I j By Marion Harlan d. THREE PER CENT A MONTH, OR THE PERILS OF FAST LIVING. By Charles Burdett. For Sale by . i HENRY t. TURNER, ! North Carolina Bookstore, j Raleigh, N. C, September, 1880. sept 11 tf j A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CHEW-! ING "Tobacco," The Pure Southern Quid. ; A Supply of the above just received at . . ' TURNER'S N. C Book' Store. jan 9 tf feJLga plaate eopy, CLOTHING. &C. jEW CLOTHING STORE JUST OPENED BY ISAAC OETTINGER 5 at the corner of Fayetteville St. and Market Square ZU,UUO worth of MEM'S and HOYS' Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, i and many other articles, I wish it distinctly understood that these Goods were bought in times of peace, and consequent ly at much lower prices than they could be bought for now.' They will be sold again at the OLD RETAIL PRICES. I have no particular fancy for saying much. All I ask of the public is to give me a. call. They will certainly not be disappointed in the quantity, quality or in the prices of my GOODS. Rem ember, corner rf Fayettevitie Street and Mar Square, (formerly occupied by Mr. PooL) ' - , Respectfully, F . au 31 tf , ISAAC OETTINtt KB. 1861. SPRING TRADE! JggJ GFNTLEMEN AND BOYS IN WANT OF CLOTHING, II ATS, SHOES, BOOTS, Ac., of erery description, will find me prepared this SPRING to furnish tht in with BETTER GOODS, at more Reasonable Prices than heretofore; and I most cordially invite them to examine my GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing. Notwithstanding the crisis, I hare been NORTH and purchased, to great advantage, a most BEAUTI FUL and VARIED STOCK of CLOTHING AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and my friends1 can be furnished, at short notice, from head to loot. Having a.spleadid Stock of the most fashionable and approved French CLOTH, DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS of all kinds, Ac, the moBt ACCOMPLISHED AMD SUPE RIOR CUTTER AND WORKMEN in my-TAYLORING ESTABLISHMENT, I am ready to compete with any one in the old North State in making any Garment or Clothing to order, in the most superb and artistic manner. The liberal encouragement , I have received and oontinued indications of increasing confidence, inspire me with the hope that I shall be more liberally patron ized than ever; to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to the wants of all who favor we with a call. M. GRAUSMAN. ap'l 13 tf MILITARY GOODS! rf SUP. GREY AND DRAB MILITARY O Lf Overcoats with large capes, price 16, 18, 20 and 22 dollars, all home made. JSOO Merino Shirts, Grey and White, for camp life. oOU Fairs Merino and Shaker Drawers, all sizes, Grey and White, jst to hand. 50 Pair Grey, Blue, Drab and Mixed colored Cloth and CassimereB, made to measure or sold by the pair or single pattern to suit purchasers. Overcoatings in Beaver, Pilot and Petersham. 40 Dozen sup. White Shirts. TO Dozen Cassimere, Gingham and Calico fatigue Shirts. Blankets and Shawls for Soldier's use. Oil Cloth Overcoats, Leggins and Cap Covers Gilt Buttons by the gross. Gold Braids by the pair. Haversacks by the hundred. 00 Fair Drill Gaiters. Heavy' Socks by the dozen. Gloves and Gauntletts. Pants, Vests and Dress Clothing ; a complete assort ment at T. W. ROYSTON & CO.'S. oct 9 Petersburg, Va. 1861. 1861. AUGUST lTth, MILITARY GOODS! NO. 5H SYCAMORE, PETERSBURG, VA. T. W, ROYSTON, & Co,, Can furnish Military Companies with the following named goods at short notice : Oil Cloih Over Coats, Oil Cloth Oaps, Oil Cloth Haverlocks, Oil Cloth Haversacks, Oil Cloth Leggins, Fatigue Jackets, Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. Gingham and Calico Shirts. Mirino under Shirts (White and Grey.) Merino Drawers, (White and Grey,) Velvet and flannel Zouave Capg, Heavy Grey Over Coats, ALSO, ON HAND, Grey and Blue Satinet, Grey Gasimere, Grey Flannel which they will make up to order and warren t satisfaction in every instance. T. W. ROYSTON, A CO., No, 51 i Sycamore St., au 21 tf Petersburg, Va. WHITAKER'S ! WHITAKER'S ! 1 WHITAKERS ! ! t SPRING GOODS ! SPRING STOCK!! E, A, WHITAKER 3 THE INIMITABLE. THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER. 50 Boxes Oranges, $4 00 ) 10 boxes French Can- 50 do Lemons, 4 00 ) dy, 45c 50 Bbls. Apples, 4 00 20 boxes Webb A Whit- 10 do Potatoes, 4 00 ( ted's celebrated T 0- - -i. ru ) t 4 nnn 100 lbs..) 32c. ! ZU ,wnr nmn -XT- 40 boxes Common5 ( GARS. Candy, 16c. ( 20 Cases Crackers. 10 boxes Fancy Can- ( SO Bbls. Crackers. dy, 20c. ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Dailv exnected at the INIMITABLE WHITA KER'S a ereat variety of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! Herrings, Mullets, Mackerel, Salmon, White Fish, and Shad are daily expected at WHITAKER'S CITY EMPORIUM. . apl 6 tf. NEWSlUCTION HOUSE- NOTICE. THE FIRM OF PULLIAM k BETTS having this day ceased. WM H. BETTS will continue in the NEGRO AUCTION BUSINESS, and has taken into co-partnership with him J. Gregory. They will conduct the business under the firm of Beits it Gregory, at their sales-room on Franklin street, four doors below Wall street, and about one square below the former office of Pulliam Betts, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage which was so liberally extended to Wm. H. Betts while in the firm of Pulliam & Betts, They have obtained the services of Mr. Busbrod W. Elmore as Clerk, who has an interest ia the business. WM. H. BETTS, E. J. GREGORY. Richxoitd, Va., May lthf 185. ma 13 ly. USE - ICHISlIAlfS YEAST POWDERS Register. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 23, 1861. AN INCIDENT OF NAPOLEON'S TIME. The French army lay encamped only about a day's march irom Berlin. It was on the 23d of October.- The sentinels were doubled and the most strict orders given, for the Prussian and. Austrian spies were plenty and troublesome. At midnight, Pierre Sancoin was stationed at one of the outsposts. He was a stout, bold, shrewd man, and a good soldier. The colonel of the regiment was -with the sergeant on this 'bont, having requested to be called at midnight, that he might visit the outposts. . 4 Pierre," be said, after the man had been tost ed, "you must keep' your eyes open. Don't let vcn a stray haraa pa in or out wt.but a pas. Do you understand ?" Ay, mon, colonel, I shall be prompt." "Tho dogs are around us," continued the officer, "and you cannot be too careful. Don't trust men, nor brutes, without good proof." "Never fear, sir," was Pierre's answer, as he brought his firelock to his shoulder and moved back a pace. After this they moved on to tho next point, and Pierre Sancoin was loft alone. Pierre's post was one of the most important in the camp, or rather around it, aud he had been placed there for that reason. Iho ground over which he had to walk 783 a long knoll, bounded at one end by a huge rock, and t the ether sloping away in to a narrow ravine, in which was a copseof willows. Beyond this copse the ground was low and boggy, to that amu could not puss it. The rock was to tho westward, and Pierre's walk was to its outer side. The night was quite dark, huge masses of clouds floating overhead, and shutting out the stars: and a sort of foe seemed to be rising al most from the marsh. The winds moaned through the copse in the ravine, and the air was damp and chilly ; with a slow, steady tread, the soldier paced his ground, ever and anon stopping to listen, as tne willows in the ravine rattled their leavep, or some night bird flew out witn its quick flapping. An hour bad passed away, and tbe sentinel bad seen nothing to excite his suspicion, lie had stopped for a moment close by the rock, when he was startled bv a quick, wild screech trom tbe woods ; and in a moment more a large bird flew over his head. "Parbleu !" he uttered, after the nisrht bird had down over ; "could mortal man have stopped that tellow from passing?" lie satisfied himself that he had done nothing in suffering the bird to pass. He had walked the engtn ot bis way two or three times, when he was sure he saw a dark object just crossing tbe line toward the corpse. ' Hold 1 be cried, bringing tbe musket quick to his shoulder : "Hold or I fire 1" And, with his piece at aim, he advanced to- wards the spot where the object had stopped ; as he came to within a few yards of it, it started again toward tbe camp. "Diable!" cried rierre; "move any further and I fire. What, Pardieu ? Le Prince. Ho 1 ho ! why, Prince !'' The animal turned and made a motion as though he would leap up on to tbe sentinel's bo som, but he motioned him off. "Bravo, Prirce 1" Pierre cried, reaching forth his hand and patting tbe head of the shaggy beast, which bad now sat upon bis haunches. Pierre recognized the intruder now as a great dog, of the breed of St. Bernard, which had been owned in the regiment for over a year, and which bad now oeen missing ior over a wees, neoaaouap- i rearea one meat irom tne pickets, ana au searcn ior mm naa oeen unavailing. i tl 4 UIUU Kt ClUW JL . .UVTO 1 ft?, ft V Ull7ft W, I as mouga me aog coma unaersiana every wora, -.1 I. .t. IJ 3 . J J l "the men will be clad to see you. Where have you been for so long ?" The dog made no answer to tb is, save a low whine, and familiar nodding of the head. "Now, mon ami, you just keep your sitting there till the guard comes, and then we will go to the camp together. Mind that, will you r And witn these words, uttered with solemn em Dhasis and due meanine. Pierre started on his route again. He had got half way to the rock, when tbe idea of looking around struck him, and he did so. Le Prince was rtfoving toward the camp again. "Ha ! Prince, tbat won't do. Stopfli8top, or I'll shoot ! Diable 1 the colonel was positive in his orders. I was to let nothing pass my post with out the countersign. A dog is something; you cant so, Prince, so now lie down. Down! Down ! I say P' With this the dog lay flat down on his belly, and stretched out bis fore paws. Pierre patted him upon the head again, and, having duly urged upon him the necessity of remaining where be was, he resumed his march once more. During tbe next fifteen minutes tbe animal lay Erefectly quiet, and ever and anon the sentinel, y way of being sociable, would speak to him. But at length the dog made another attempt to go to tbe camp. Pierre had nearly reached the rock, when he heard the movement, and, on turn ing, could just see bi uneasy companion making off. "Diable 1" the honest fellow uttered; "I must obey orders. The colonel's word was plain. Heie, Parbleu! Come here! Here, Prince 1 Mon Dieu ! You must die if you don't." With a few quick bounds the soldjer had got near enough to the dog to fire, and as the lattor stopped he stopped. ' "Moncber ami, you must stay with me! Come back I I must shoot if you, don't. Parbleu I what a thins to start a whole camp for. to shoot a dear." him He down once more. Ana m us mauers rest ed till the tramp of the coming guard was heard. "Ah, now, Prince, he'll be relieved," tne sol dier said, stopping near the dog. "xou shall go and see von old friends." XUu Iruup v til a wiuuig ua i ub uion uv.i , and Pierre was preparing to hail them when the dog took a new start, and in a new direction, this time starting towards the copse. "Here, here, Prince! Parbleu, don't you run off aeain." But the dog took no other notice of the call thao to quicken bis speed. 41 Back ! back 1 here!" "Grand dieu !" This last expression was forced from Pierre's lies, bv seeing tbe doer leap to his bind Jens and ran thus ! In aa instant the troth hnrat nnon him. Quick as thoueht be claoDed his gun to his shoulder and took aim. He could just distinguish the outlines now, and then he fired. There was a sharp cry, and Pierre had to turn, for1 .the guards were approaching. "Qui est la?" ("Whoia there ??) He cried. "Relief guard," was the answer: And having obtained tbe countersign be la formed the officer of what bad happened. "A dog?" cried the officer. "Prince, did you say?" . '. - .: "He looked like Ptinee, bet Diable, yon should have teen him ran off on his bind legs r "h7 bind legs!" - ; 'Then come : show as where he was With thU the officer of the mounted, guard pulled bis lantern from p breast, and having re tnuved the shade, tie started on. '.Pierre lea the way to the copse, arid there (he dog, wai found in the last struggles of , death. The officer stooped down and turned him oyer. ;i i Vf j r.- "Grand dieu !" he cried ; "what iegs for a dojr " eh !" ? And no wonder he said so. The hind legs of the dog were booted, and had every appearance of the pedal extremiiies pf the gentleman. But all doubts were removed very quickly, far as the officer turned, the words lGod take meP In the Prussian tongue, followed. "Diablo ! here's an advectuiel" ottered the officer, and he made Pierre hold the lantern while he ripped open enough of the dogs skin to find the face. But they concluded not to stop thare to investigate; so they formed a litter -by cresting their musket, .;and, ' having; liftt d the strange animal upon, i they prvceeded on .their way. When they reached the campthey found ' half the soldiers up, waiting to find out why the gun was tired." ""' Lrtgfeto wre broogbt, and the body placed up. on the ground. The dog's skin, was removed , and within was found a j Prussian drummer. He was a small fellow, thourh annarentlT soma twenty years of age, but he was dead Pierre's ball baving touched his heart, or somewhere very near it. uis pockets were overhauled, and in one of them was found a cipher, but no one-of them could make anything out of it. The colonel took it, abd directed that the body he placed out of eight for burial on the morrow. . But this was not the end. About four o'clock. iust before daylight, another gun was tired on the same post where Pierre had been : and this time a man was was shot who was trying to make his ' escape trom camp, lie was sboi through the Dead, w nen uie uoay was brought into camD. it was found to bs that of a Bavarian trooper, who had been suspected of treachery, though no proof had erer been found against him. On bis person was found the key to the Cipher which had been taken from the person of the drummer : and now that the colonel bud them botb, he could trans late the mystic scroll. It proved to be adireu ion . to the Bavarian to lay his plans for keeping as nearUNanoieon a person as possible, after he should eutcr Berlin, and then wail for further orders. The mystery was explained. The Ba.arian had contrived to call the great dog away from the regiment, ana deliver bim op to the enemy, and his Ekiu was to be made the cover for a spy to en ter the camp, and the spy would have got in, too, but tor the sportive oraer or the colonel, and the willfully faithful obedience of Pierre Sanooin. - On the next day Jf lerre was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and the Emperor said to him, as he bestowed the boon ; "If you only make as taitniui an o nicer as you have proved yourself , faithful as a sentinel, I ask no more." SHIBTS TO FIGHT W ITH A DEdERTER. The Fairfax correspondent of the Bichmond Dispatch, speaking of the contribution by . the ladies of Warrenton, Va., of a box of wearing apparel to the 17th Virginia regiment, which greatly elated the "boys," and elicited many patri-. otic expressions fiom them, says : The other day I beard a story verv similar in one of the Louisiana camps. Sitting around the rire an omcer read a letter from home which said that flannel was scarce, and very dear.- Oonsid ering this, the ladies, who- would remain in the - the warm South, had determined to cut up their flannel skirts to make warm shirts for their "dear ; boys" in Virginia. The thought that they were so kindly remembered at home, caused pleasant emotions, and many an eye was moistened as the m.ind reverted to the generous sacrifice. "Who wouldn't fight with such a shirt on ?'' wai the remark of a listener. With or without a shirt. tnose men will never prove cowards: lor the thoueht thai the ladies of their Stat rmmW them so kindly, is a sufficient talisman to-snide I, II Mill LO L fl H THJKL ill QQIW. - - Last week an Irishman deserted from the Fed eral Dragoons, while on picket duly, and came into our lines. He says he has long desired to escape, but has never before had an opportunity. : uis orower is in loe lunieaerate army, and he wished to join him : but where he was. or In what State he enlisted, tbe deserter did not know. He was detained a prisoner until tbe authorities found time to examine into his case, and meanwhile was i sent to Manassa. On arriving there he was taken . to the guard-house, and tbe first sight that, met his eye was his brother lying on the floor, sleep- . ing off a drunken spree, which caused hit arrest. He was not too drunk to recognize bis brother. and for half an hour the old. building resounded with their "be gorras," and "arrabs," and fairly trembled at the violence of their handshaking. liotn men are no w on duty, ia our ranks: SULPHUB QUESTION SOLVED. Professor John Darby,' of Auburn, Alabama; fa vorably known, says the Charjeston Courier, to many readers as a naturalist and teacher of repu tation, has succeeded in making an lphur ic add : from the sulphur of pyrites, which can be found in any quantities along the West Point and At- : 1 an ta Railroad. Prof. Darby. writes; "I have completed my experiments, and have been perfectly successful, and last week made pure sulphuric acid from iron pyrites, and there is no difficulty in making nitric acid, muriatic Add, bleaching powders for papers, chloroform, sal soda. Ac." ' - We congratulate the country bn this result, and hope he will soon be enabled to put in operation, under property authority, a laboratory for be sup- - ply of sulphur and aulphoric add.' . p ...... COUNT1NG-HOU8E CALENDAR, , 1861. 8UGAIU 100 BBLS. C0WI2, CBUSIIED, ctrr loaf, powdered, aad graaalatad 6agar U fVet aadfornMby -.- ' ' - 6MjTWT JjBjS "j 8MT wT S ' 6 TlfaiM h T8"9ioni2iI IS 14:15116 17 1819 4 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 20J1122!23M25 26! ? 21 22 23 2425 26 2T 27 23129130 31 4 28 29 30 31 1 2! ' : 1 2 I" 3 4 5 4 1 8 9 . 4 5 8 7 8 111'- p j 10 Il;i2:13 14 16 16 ; g ll 12 13 1415 16 17 17 18;1920 21 22 23 j 18 19 20 II 22,23 . -g 24 25 26 27 28 - 2 25 26 27 23 29136 IT j 3 4 -5 6 7 8 i - , 1 2 2 4 5 8 - f... g 10 11,12 1314 15 16, 8 910 11121314 17 18:l!20 21 22 23 1 15f16 17 18 19 20 21 24 2536i27,28 29 30 i 22 23 24 25 26 27!28 23 3i ' ; ; 2930 ' . .1 2 3 4 5! 6 . I 2 3 4 ' ' A 7 8 911011 1213 r S 6 7 8 910 1112 S 14 15 16 17 18 19:20 1314 15 16 17118 19 31 22:23 24 25 28;27 f g 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 28 29130 I S 27 28 29 3031 ? 1 2 Si 4 0,.: : u "J -l.Jt.rt , ft 6j 7 8, 9 1011 : , - 3 4 i 6 7 3 u N 12 13 14 15 lt 17118 i (4 10 11 12 13 14 ttll ? 19 J0!21 22 tf 24 25 . . . i 17 18 19.20 21 22,23 36,27128 29 30I3J 24!25J26 27i28 2?t30X I I . . . . " t ' , . 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 , , 1 2 3 4 5 6 ts ' 9 Mill 1313 14 16 p5 S 9 10 11 13 13 14 35 16 17!18 19 30l2l!32 15 16 17 18 19i20 21- g- 23 242526 27128,29 , 22 23 24 25 28 27 U'H l30l 1 1 1 1 )- Q 293Qj31 yvi iA V