I THE RtiEIGHMlEGISTCTl A SEMI-WEEKLY v AND WEEKLY, BY JOII W. 8T5IEV ' TnB SEJII-MrBEKLT REGISTER y puWil4 Terr Wednesday and Saturday morning, at $4 M Pr annum, payable in advanee, tn; $5 CO, ,if payment U delayed till the ubseriptidaB3reat ha pirV.--hw,e THE WEEKLY BEGIBTElt to fuWiMtod wrery Wednesday mdrninft at $2 0 per annnnv payaWa in variably in 'adance.'f : fr -: Bates or Advertising in iie SteWi-Weeldy; iqnare (15 line or less) one insertion, wry succeeding insertion, ,r- f- 1 square six months, ,m .-- twelve :.--. 2 .r three " - - 1 BIX 00 1 8 00 14 00' 8 00 15 00 Si 00 $ i 10 00 10 00 twelre months, inclnding paper, In the Weekly Register t 1 square for the first insertion, - and for erery iwcMMB lBlrttos, 1 square twelve -bsoo&s, . it mi-r'-' "-- 44 ' ' 1. " twerve months, inelnd'g Weeklypaper 20 00 f All advertisements not otbenris directed, will be inserted in the Semi-Weekly, and charged accordingly Business Cards, sot exceeding , eight lines,, will, be iiserted in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly Six months for $5 00, r twelre months for $l-ia both papers at $8.60 for six months, or $15 for twelve months: ar-Contracts can be made at the offie for longer advertisements. BUSINESS CARDS. . : s: 5T- ""'5 ' r : a , ?w?-U 't73 --m 3 ? DeCARTERET & ARMSTRONG, . BOOK BINDER S , AND -.- : BLArTKBOOK MANXJFACTTIEEE3 RALEIGH, C. 00 15 tft' , ' JOHN VV. COSBY, .0. 1. . RALEIGH N. C. Sept 26 1860. MEDICINES?:&C BOOKS STATIONERY &C. OLD SACHEM BITTERS , u;s -u ahd; s : ' WIGWAM TON IV. - fftflBSE DELICIOUS AND FAR-FAMED BIT JL, TIOS.. recommended, by the FIRST PHV SICIANS C&ttTHE fVVTUy, on account o tkeb itIRITx' A WD GREAT MEDIClNAlY VIRTUE. : r . ,v They are pleasant a neotar to the taste, and are pronooaeed the BEST TONIC AND STIMU LANT EVER OFFERED TO; TilE PUB LIC of GENEIIAL Their enrative powers.' in 'cases STIPATION, et&, are nnparralleled,' and aa a gnaran tee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, we beg leave to state that our assertions are endors ed by f ; I A -l-ijt Jlj . t V , :j "O 1 : ? !v v irtf;'HAYES,'ftf Jrtassachusetts, and kaadreds of others. J -. ' . " ; 4Pot sale by grocers,' "Wine Merchants, and Drag rists mnerallr. ' " J " :---'-'-' . '"- ' Principal Depot, 145 Wafer St; New Tork. deci-iy . . -..vr:;---;,"' esu mEmctNEs1.. -. . t-; v . AND TOILET ARTICLES. 1 The Subscriber has ' the pleasure tf announcing to his friends and the public generally, that after much delay trouble, and expense, owing to the war, and in terruption ef trade,' he has procured a fresh supply of Medicines Toilets and other articles in. his line, which be has been finable to furnish : for some time past He has to. pay CASH for all he buys, and hopes that such of his patrons as do not pay promptly, will take the hint, pud that all in arrears, who have not gone to the seat jof war to fight for our independence and' dearest interests, will pay up their arrearages or a part at lesst, so that he may be able to meet pressing de mands, and keep his Stock replenished, s ; " ' . u , ! fAtt orders from the country - (unless from; prompt and reliable parties,) will go unnoticed, if not accompanied with the CASH or its equivalent. . 1 t v nnn rtfr au 17 tf Druggist, Ealeigh, N; C..., EOR BEAUTIFYING AND IMPROVING T11EHATR.-I have received the following favorite articles, vis : Mrs Allen's Restorer and ' Zylabalsamnm. vrood's and jszeiaai's Restorer. Burnett's Cocoaine and Cocin, i Rosemary and Castor Oil, Lowe's and Fiver's Pomades, Demerson Petit & Co., Hygienique Societe, ! 1 andfflonpelas Pomades, Tricopherons, Kathairon, ' -Essence Bay Leaves, i Sayne's Hair Tonic, ; I Philecome, and - Pescnd's Hair Tonic. 1 f Also, the most approved Hair Dyes known in this eountry. ' - 1 For sale at . ! PESCtJD'S DRUG STORE. Raleigh, May IS, 18 a. ma 30 tf. Q C.PVhhlXM, . R. P. PUUiIAK, J. K. WEISIOER. PU LI I AM & CO. i AUCTI0NEERS4F0RVSAU,- OF.-NEGROES, Odd-Fellows' Hall, Franklin St., RICH M OND, VA. ; DAILY; SALES-Poauc iaxb Piuvam. We pledge our strictest attention to the business en trusted to ns,' and will, answer all com--munieations promptly., PORTER ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOT. ly 0 tf. - , : PEEBLES, PLUMMER & CO., (rORKERLT PEEBLES k WHRC.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, No. 22, Old Street, Petersbnry Va. PROMPT and diligent' personal attention given to the sale of all consignments of Produce - Always on hand a full supply of standard quality Groceries, suited to the wants of Farmers and Families. LSH'L PEEBLES, JhO. J. THOMPSOK. henry ii. plummer, jr., late of the firm of N. M. Martin, Brother & Co. Sole Agents for Reese's Phospho Peruvian, or Manipulated Guano. june 27 tf. OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK. Dr. T. D. HOGG, President. JoHir G. Williams, Gather. , DIRECTORS. Dr. T.D. Hogg, " v H. S. Smith, Q. Busbee, John G. Williams. This Bank is now receiving deposits, at the Ex change Office of John G. Williams A Co. Discount day TueBday, . feb 18 tf. TO THE FRIENDS OF HOME MANUFACTURES. THE KINS TON SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. RDERS for nesrro BROQANS and BOOTS are solicited. , J. C. CARPENTER, Aowit. Kinston, Nr C, June 24, 1860. aug4 tf. PETERSBIFRG, VA. THIS "WELL KNOWN ESTALISHMENT, B A VINO BKBH BE CE5tLT FITTED VT AKD SUPPLIED WITH ALL ICODBUa- COHVEWIirCES, Now oners to Travellers Attractions Unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Country. marS JOHN JARRATTL& BRO. DONNANS & JOHNSTON, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ... Petersburg, 1 ly. y DONNAN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Richmond, V, jal-ly INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAL LEY 0FVIRG1NIA, Winchester, VlrgWiia, Capital $300,000. Incorporated March, 1852 Charter! per tuaL Losses equitably adjusted and. promptly paid, Fire Losses paid in 8 years to July, 18ei(f, $53892-19. Insurance against loss or damage by fire, on as favor able terms as other responsible. Companies. JOS. 8. CARSON, Pres't, Wm.-L. Bxkt, Seoy. - W. S. SIMPSON, Agt apHO tf , getersbnr& ya, . WANTED 1 WANTED 1 1 AT THS INIMITABKE WHITAKER'S, ACpNTENTED MAN J FOR WHICH - he offers a premium of FJYE GALLONS of Drewrys Celebrated Southampton ( Va. ' BRANDY. ' ' Speaking of the above t)LD BRANDYl the THE, INIMITABLE WHITAKER has en hand . . . ' DREWRY'S OLD APPiE BRANDY. ? . t , SETH JONES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, TIS DALES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, i and many ether ehoiee BRANDS, u AatTu : P. 8. The contented man can find the INIMITA BLE at his Store; on Hargett St, between the hour f 6, a. m. and 10 p. m. Call on him. v - ; ap'l 18 tf. BUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CROP TUR. j NIP SEED. CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING VARIE-ties: Early "Xarflre CTatDuiJbT" ' ftiariyKedrop,'? :t vy' r ''; Ruta Baca, (a superior variety.) Xarge White Norfolk, 1 - Larsre Yellow Norfolk, Large White Globe. Also, Altrlueham Carrot, Mangel Wortzel; Beet, and large Winter Brumnead Cabbage Seed. For Sale in quantities to' suit purchasers at j June 18 tf. P. F. PESCULVg- .PlHISMAN'st YEAST POWDERS. MY J Materials are to hand, and Mr. Chisman has put up a large quantity, all who have been waiting for sup. plies can send in their orders. L If you doubt that these great Pvwders are not su perior to any now known, you can find testimonials from the most respectable families in Raleigh, at my store, where you can be supplied at wholesale or re tail. - P. Jf. PJS8CUD. i may 23 A NOTHER BRILLIANT VICTORY !-- While on my recent visit to the Old Dominion, I had the good fortune to procure from an old triend a demijohn of Rose Cordial of the most delectable fla vora splendid and invigorating article for the sick. Call, by all means, and get some before it is gone; price 25 cents a bottle. Among the choice variety of other things too tedious to mention, tc which the at tention of the public is respectfully called, I have a fine lot of the best Hair Brushes. If you want to reel good and poetical in these gloomy times, just call around, procure a brush and a bottle of cordial, and I will guarantee a fine flow of the most higkfalutin pheetw: P. Jr. PiSSCUir, Druggist TEW AND , SPLENDID EXTRACTS 131 Consisting of , . THE WOOD VIOLET, HUMMING BIRD, BUTTERFLY VIOLET, PATCHtJTLY MUSK, PINK JOCKY CLUB, FRANGIPANI ROSE, &c. Also, Frangipani, Verbena, Cologne and other Toilet waters.) All of which are of the finest quality and put up in elegant style.. For sale at PESCUDS DRUG STORE. Raleigh,' May 18, 18o0 , ma 13 tf. JUST RECRtVED AT PESCUDS DRUG STORE. A VERY FINE LOT, OF TOILEX SOAPS. B AKERS PREMIUM BITTERS. A new supply of these celebr'ated Bitters on hand . i At xxxavvu a rrug oiore. lilSTARD. JjJL A fresh supply just received At PE5CULMS Drug Store. kHALONS HAIR IN VIGOR AT OR. Barrys Tricopherous, EzeKials Hair Kestorer, Paysens Iadellible Ink. , . , At PESCTJD'Sf Drug Store, i auU--tf . ,J Raleigh,N.( ASH! CASHirCASHHX ft I SELL MY GOODS FOR CASH ! I D0X?T do a Credit Business ! Therefore I hope every . person that aees this : advertisement will not ask me for CREDIT because lam not able to do a credit hmrinAK nd ftAVB to DAT CASH mVSelf. i I have called on every person that owes me a DOL- LAR. and have not been able to collect the first CENT. I wish you would call oniome one that is able to credit J. o. if itArt a.lujm ap'l IT tf . j M 1L1TARY BOOKS for CASH ONtY. UARDEE81 TACTICS, Complete Edition ; Revised by and published under the personal super vision of the Author in Volumes. , r.. Price $2.50 - When sent by mail, P ; . .2-70 VOLUNTEERS' MANUAL of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, with Honors paid by Ute Ltroops ? Iiispectieus, Reviews, Duties of Captains Companies, Duties in Camp and Garrison , Soldiers Rations and Mode of cooking them Abriged and compiled brXtJeuW Colonel WM. H. RICHARDSON, graduate and formerly As-. sistant Instructor of tactics; Virginia Military lnatitu.'":"Kir,i::.a7?''Wee fLM THE VOLPNTEBRS HAND .'BOO v an ; abridgement of HardeeVWanfiy tactic, by vapt. K. LEE. ' Price $00.60 . , .rt- .. when sentby matt,-'''' - j0-. THE HAND BOOK OF ARTILLEKX, by CapU JOSEP2 JIOBERTS., Price ' ; .Wheu sent by mail, ' r 00.85 ON l8FASTRir CAMP DUTl r rIELD FORTIFICATION and; coast oeieiwev uy Captain L. V. BUCKHOIVTZ, author ef the Science of Wa-. Price $ 000 ' When sent br mail, 1 8a.60 InSLTnctions for Officers and non-commissioned Offi cers ef Cavalry oil ont post duty, by iaentetnaut Colonel VON A1U5NT SCHELDT, firslj Hus sars, King's German Legion, with an abridgment of them, by Lieutenant Colonel, -the Hon. F. PONSONBY. - t p. -nceooo OLD DOMINION TOBACCO."--ANOTHER Lot of Old Dominion Sntoklng "To bacco," Just reoeived xU "Turner's' North Carolina Book Store.- Said to be Superior to the former. s? jan.5-.td.- , . . ... - a . i Vj-JHITAKER'S IS THE P LACK TO Jf, j BUY. Goods delivered free of Charge, to any partof the City, ':. . " . ' ' V mar eV-tf. tK.t . FRESH MINERAL - WATERS.i-CON-gressfc Bockbridgr A)um, and Green Brier Vs., White Sulpher. Water, also Rook Bridie Alum Mass. If - j- i For sale at f.; : V" - a " 1 PISCUlVb DBTia BIORKV;: When sent by mail. i 00.60 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING by Troops in Camp and Hospital, prepared for the: Army of Virginia? and published by order of J he Sur geon General, with Essays on Taking food and what food, by FLORENCE NIGHTIN GALE. - ' ; Price S00.28 . , , . When sent by mail, , . 00.30 ALSO a complete New Pocket Map ol VIK- When sentby mail, . ; ; I 00.80 BAYONET EXERCISE and Skit mishers Drill by R - MILTON ?CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. - Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ARTIL LERY Extracted from GILHAM'S BIAN NUAL" for Volunteers and Militia. I ' Price $1 00 When sent by mail, - 1.08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi cal Soldier. Illustrated with 28 Enrrav- ings, and designed for the use of the Miltia of the Confederate States. Price f 1.00 - When sent by mail, 1.06 MAHAM'S OUT POST DUTY, an Element ii ry treatise on Advanced Guard, out jpost, and Detachment Service of Troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in pres ence of an Enemy. . Price $1.00 . When sent by mail, J 1.T2 GILHAM'S MANUAL for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States; Pric$2.50 When sent by mail, : 3.00 For sale by W. L. POMEROY. sell-tf Raleigh, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK. THIS DAT RECEIVED, BY j h. d. turner; i A NEW AND COMPLETE EDITION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK; IMPROVED AND GREATLY ENLARGED, " containing 344 pasres, royal 12mo, embracing ma ny forms not round, m forme editions, prtpsaon good paper and substantially bound in law calf. ;It con tains Forms of all those Legal Instruments which peo ple have occasion to use : and furnishing, also a guide to Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks, Constables, Coroners, School Committees, etc. Compiled from the best Bourses, beinir an improvement on all works of the kind formerly in use, and intended as a Compan ion to Cant well's Justice. To which are added the Constitution of North Carolina, and of he j United States; an account of the principal Officers of the State, and of the Counties : Titles of address, Ac Furnished at the unparalleled low price of One Dol lar, (being the cheapest book ever offered for sale.) When sent by mail an extra charge of 20 cents will be required to cover the postage. A liberal discount to those who buy to sell again. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by ! Hj D. TURNER, dec 26 tf at the North Carolina Book Store, riWAIM'S JUSTICE REVISED. THE T NORTH CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practi cal guide to the Laws of the State, and the decisions of the Supreme Court, defining the duties and jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, under the Revised Code of 1854 55, together with full instructions and num erous forms and precedents. By EDWARD CANT WELL, Esq., LL. B. Counsellor at Law. One vol. 8vo , containing nearly 600 pages, hand somely printed on good paper, and well bound in law j binding. 1 Price $3 50. Postage 3ft cents. Published and for sale by - HENRY i. TURNER, an. 21 at the North Carolina Bookstore. f : CLOTHING &C CLOTHING STORK 1 ! . t ' . a jDST -OPENED BY if araw isHfl'-nOTPiNKim - 1 Din 11 irii 1 liiiuuiu at tbeeornerof Fayetteville St- and Market. Square $20,000 worth of MEJS end- BOYS' Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes; Hats, 1 and many ether articles.'' X' wish it dlstinotiy anderstoodithat thee Goods were bought ia times ef peace, and eoBsequeaC ly at much lower prioes than they could be bought for tfetP. ThefiriUbe soldi; agam as tas ftwtti OLRETAIX? PRICESt f-. I have no particular fancy for paying 'much, , All I ask of the public isto give me a ealL' They" - : i will certainly -not be disappointed" - ' ' ti .'.-1 -ivv'thf!fajaiyr.f usAity. "or' tS: a . ' in thanrinftanf mw j :;.- : - GOODS. ' - ' - Rem ember, corner ef Fayettevitle Street and Mar- Square, (formerly occupied by Mr. P00L; - ,. 3 , , . Respeotfully,' , " au 31 tf - ' ISAAO OETTINGER. ' klTVTl E3N- AND BOYS ; GFMTIs TK WANT OF ! ' 4M 'X CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOOTS, Ac," of every description, Will find me prepared this SPRING to furnish them withBETTER GOODS, at more ReasbnaZleJ Prioes than heretofore; and I most cordially invite them to examine my :'i i' -Sjiftr.:v'i. .' GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing. ' ,r .,t. Notwithstanding the crisis, I have been NORTH and purchased, to great advantage, a most BEAUTI FUL and VARIED STOCK of CLOTHING AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and my friends can be furnished, at short notice, from head to ioofc. Having a splendid Stock of the mpst. fashionable and approved French CLOTH, -DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS of all kinds, Ac , the most ACCOMPLISHED AND SUPE RIOR CUTTER AND WORKMEN in my TAYLORING ESTABLISHMENT, I am ready to compete with any one in the 'old North State in making any Garment of Clothing to order, in the most superb and artistic manner. The liberal encouragement I have received and continued indications of increasing confidence, inspire me with the hope that I shall be more liberally patron ised than ever; to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to the wants of all who favor we with a caD. . M. GRAUSMAN. ap'l 13 tf i MILITARY GOODS! K SUP. GREY AND DRAB MILITARY O J Overcoats with large capes, price 16, 18, 20 and 22 dollars, all home made. -;5O0 Merino Shirts, Grey and White, for camp life. 50O Pairs Merino and Shaker Drawers, all sizes, Grey and White, just to hand. 50 Pair Grey, Blue, Drab and Mixed colored Cloth and Cassimeres, made to measure or sold by the pair or single pattern to Suit purchasers. Overooatings in Beaver, Pilot and Petersham. 40 Dozen sup. White Shirts. 70 Dozen Cassimere, Gingham and Calico fatigue Shirts. 1 Blankets and Shawls for Soldier's use. Oil Cloth Overcoats, Leggins and Cup Covers. Gilt Buttons by the gross. Gold Braids by the pair. HaversackS'by the hundred. 200 Pair Drill Gaiters. Heavy Socks by the doxen. Gloves and Gauntletts. Pants, Vests and Dress Clothing ; a complete assort ment at T. W. ROYSTON A CO.'S. oct 9 Petersburg, Va. MILITARY BOOKS. VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL of Infanty and Rifle Tactics, with honors paid by the troops; Inspec tionJReview8, Ac , by Lieut CoL Wm. H. Richardson. HARDEE'S TACTICS, Rifle and Light Infantry, School of the Soldier, Company and Battalion, com plete. ! HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt Joseph Roberts. ' ! VOLUNTEER'S HAND BOOK, by Captain J. K. Lee. ' INSTRUCTIONS ON OUx POST DUTY, by ArentscMl J A Ponsonby. TROOPER'S MANUAL, OR TACTICS for Light Dragoons and Mounted Riflemen, by CoL J. Lucius Davis. RIFLE'S AND RIFLE PRACTICE. An Elemen tary Treatise upon the theory of Rifle Firing, Ac, by C. M. Wilcox. For Sale by 4 H. D. TURNER, "' ju31 tf - Nt C. Book Store. . N EW BOOKS FOR SEPTEMBER. The True Path, or The Young Man Invited to the Saviour. In a Series of Lectures. By -' The Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson, Raleigh, N. C. WILKINS WYLDER, OR THE SUCCESSFUL MAN. . - By Stephen F.Jdiller, Author of " The Bench and Bar of Georgia.'' THE BLACK GAUNTLET? - i A Tale of Plantation Life in South Carolina. By Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft SCIENCE, A WITNESS FOR THE BIBLE. By Rev. W. N.Pendleton, D. D. THE BOBBIN BOY, OR HOW NAT GOT HIS LEARNING. An Example For Youth. . Bt Wm. M. Thayer. LICHEN TUFTS, FROM THE ALLEGHANIES. By Elizabeth C. Wright. j NEMESIS. - By Marion Harland. 1 THREE PER CENT A MONTH, OR THE PERILS OF FAST LIVING. , ,. By Charles Burdett. f . For Sale by , " j HENRY D. TURNER, North Carolina Bookstore. ' Raleigh; N. C, Septomber, 1860. sept 11 tf -A-i SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CHEW A. DJG "Tobaeeo. The Pure Southern Quid. . A Supply of the above just received at - ; TURNER'S , A N. O. 3eek Store. ' Jan -tf )fAAgs please sopy f ; 1861. AUGUST lTth, 1861. MILITARY GOODS! NO. 51J SYCAMORE, PETERSBURG, VA. T, W, ROYSTON, & Cc, Can furnish Military Companies with the following named goods at short notice : Oil CI0J1 Over Coats, Oil Cloth Oaps, Oil Cloth Haverlocks, Oil Cloth Haversacks, Oil Cloth Legging, Fatigue Jackets, Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. Gingham and Calico Shirts. Mirino under Shirts (White and Grey.) Merino Drawers, (( White and Grey,) elvet and flannel Zouave Caps, Heavy Grey Oyer Coats, ALSO, ON HAND, Grey and Bine Satinet, ' Grey Gasimere, Grey Flannel which they will make up to order and warrent satisfaction in every instance, t T. W. ROYSTON, A CO., No. 51 9 Sycamore St., au21 tf Petersburg, Va. WHITAKER'S! WHITAKER'S X t WHITAKERS !!! SPRING GOODS ! SPRING STOCK!! E, A, WHITAKER THE THE INIMITABLE. INIMITABLE WHITAKER. 10 boxes French Can dy, 45c 1 20 boxes Webb A Whit- ted's celebrated T O-BACCO. 20,000 Havana CI GARS. SO Cases Crackers. , 20 Bbls. Crackers. 50 Boxes Oranges, $4 00 50 do Lemons, 4 00 50 Bbls. Apples, 4 00 10 do Potatoes, 4 00 40 Boxes Candles 100 lbs) 22c 40 boxes Common Candy, 16c 10 boxes Fancy Can- dv, 20c WOOD AND W1XLOW WABE. Daily expected at the INIMITABLE WHTTA KER'S a great 'variety of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! Herrings, Mullets, Mackerel, Salmon, White Fish, and Shad are daily expected at ' ' WHITAKER'S CITY EMPORIUM. ap!6 tf. " ' JUST RECEIVED AT FRANKLIN'S. Strong Fresh and Salty Snuff, and all to be had in the SOUTEERN CONFEDERACY. Also, a Large lot of Every eonceiveable article known to the trade Come one, come all, to ' se7 tf FRANKLIN'S CalL "Standard and Spirit of the Age copy. FINE. GOLD JEWELRY. THE SUB SCRIBER has in store a splendid assortment of FINE GOLD JEWELRY, embracing a variety of styles of patterns of Brooches, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies ani Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Miniature Lockets, Gold? Thimbles, Ac Call and examine, nov 9 - t C. B. ROOT. -niTE A NO. 1 TAILORS WANTED.-- JTj None but the very best workmen need apply. asp 28 tf M. GRAUSMAN. WEDfti$DAY: MOKNlNfe; OCT. S0,! 186U ARTEB1TJS WARD !SEErHK.FttIHCE . wm- tptfLEON.: - : r9twitUtanlbjdnVrte muchr lor ftbe pa pers oflste, ,,nobody, needn't AaUerrtbeiraelve. that 4he boerslned Is ded.' On the wiitrj, "! j staifivebichrordi was spoken :by Danyil 'Webstervwtto was an ab'a. man.. Even ud, Une ;whigs of Boston wilt admit that. Webster Is ded flowj-bowsatrer, and bis mantle has probjj fallen Into the bands , of soma deakr in 24 bani closer who can't sell it, Leastways, bobody peers ,lo bo goift round wearin U to any petticler extent nor ' B- ' 'A ; 1 '..The regiment of .whom. I f was. kurnel finer ly concluded tboy was better adapted as' Home Guards; which accounts for yoor not" hearllr of rne.ere thL, where the balls is . the. thickest and -where the canon doth roar. But as an Ajneri- Ican citizen, I 'shall never cease toadmtrS the inas terlr advance oaf troops rnade l ob Washlnton from Ball's Rub, a short time agoi 4ll was well dun. 1 spoke to my wife 'boat it at the time. My wife said it was well dun. It hating tbere4 bin determined to purtect Baldinsvilldnt allbaxzurds; and sn there was iw apprenension of any immejit danger, I thought I would go orf onto a pleasure tower. According Ij I put' on' a clean' biled shut and started for Washinton. I went there tq see the Prints Na poleon, and not to see the place, which I will here take occasion to obsarve is about as uninterostin 4 locality as there is this side J. Davis's fuf r borne, if ever bo does die, and where I reckon they'll make it so warm for him that he will si for his summer close. It is easy enough to see why a man goes to the poor-house or the" penitentiary. It's bo caws he casi'thelp it. But why he should wolun tarily go and live in Washinton is entirely be yond my comprehension, and I can't say no fairer nor that. I put up to a leadin hotel. I saw the landlord and sed, "How d'ye do," Square ?" . "Fifty cents; sir," wasihis reply. "Sir?" ' v - - -: 'v, ; "Half a dollar. We charge twenty-five cents for lookiri at the landlord and fifty cents for speak in to him. If you want feupper a boy will show you to the dinin room for twenty-five cents. Your room beih In the tenth story, it will cost you a dollar to be shown up there." "How much do you ax a man for broathin in this equinomikal tavurn ?" sed I. 'Ten cents a breth," was Lis reply. Washinton hotels is very reasonable in their charges. N. B. This. is Sarksssum I sent my kred to the Prints, and was immejit ly ushered before him. He received me kindly, and axed me to sit down. , "X hve cum to pay my respecka to you, ilkter Napoleon, hopin I see you hale and hearty. & "I am quite well," he sed. "Air you well, sir?" "Gund as a cuss I" I answered. He Beetned to be pleased with my ways, and we entered into conversation to enct. "How's Lewis?" I axed, and be sed the Em peror was well. Eugeny was likewise well he sed. Then I axed him was Lewis a good provi der? Did he cum home arly nitesj did he per foom her bed room at a onseasonable hour with gin and tanzy? Did he go to tLe "Lodge" on nites when there wasn't any Lodge ? Did he of ten hav a extensiy acquaintance among poor young widders whose huebans was in Californy ? To all of which questions the Prints perlitely re plide, given me to understand that the Emperor was behavin well. ' "I ax these question?, my royal duke, and roost noble highness and imperials, becaws I'm anxious to know how he-stands as a mans I know he's smart ; he is cunnfn, he's long-hedded, be is dope be i9 grate I But onless he is good, he'll come down with a crash one of these days, and the Bony parts will be bustid up agin. Bet yer life !" "Air you a preacher, sir ?" be inquired, slitely farkasticul. "No, ir. But I bleeve in morality, I likewise bleeve in Meetin Houses. Show me a place where there isn't any- Meetin Houses, and where preach ers is never seen, and I'll show you a place where old hais air stuffed into, broken winders, whire the children air dirty and ragged, where gates have no hinges, where the wimin air slip-shod, and where maps of the devel's 'wild' lands- are painted upon men's shirt bosoms with tobacco jooce! That's what I'll show you. Let us consid er what the pfeachers do for us before we aboose 'em." He sed he didn't mean to aboose the clergy. Not at all, and he was happy to see that I was in terested in the Bony part family. 'Its a great family," sed I. "But they scooped the old man in." "How, sir?" "Napoleon the Grand. The Britishers scooped him at Waterloo. He wanted to do too much, and he did it. They scooped him in at Waterloo, and he subsequently died at bt. Heleny. There's where the greatest military man the world ever produced pegged out. It was rather bard to con aina nnh a man as him to St. Helen v. to srjend bis larst days in catchin mackeril, and walkin up and down the dreary beacn in a muitary cloak, drawn tightly round him, (see picter books ;) but so it was. iea ot ine atuxj v xnem was his larst words. So he had bin. jHe was great ! Don't I wish we had a pair of his old boots to command some of our brigades V This pleased Jerome, and he took me warmly by the hand. "Alixander the Grate was pun kins," I contin nered, "but Napoleon was punkinser I Alic wept becaws there was no more worlds to scoop, and then took to drinkin. He drowned his sdrrers in the flowin bole, and the flowin bole was too much for him. It generally is. He undertook to give a snake exhibition in bis boots, but it killed him. That was a bad joke for Alic ! "Since you are so solicitous about France, and the Emperor, may lass you now your own country is getting along?" sed Jerome, in a pleas ed voice. "It's mixed," I sed. "But I think we shall cum out all right." "Columbus, when he diskivered this magnifi cent continent, could have bad no idee of the rrandeur it would one day assocm." sed the Prints. .- "It cost Columbus twenty thousand dollars to fit out bis explorin' expedition," says I. "If he had bin a sensible man he'd ' have have put the money in boss railroad or a gass comppany, ami left this magmficent continent to the intelligent savages, who, when they got bold of a good thing knew en off to keep it, and who wouldn't have se- ced'd nor rebelled, nor knockt Liberty in the bed with a slung-ehct. Columbus wasn't much of a fel ler after all It wvuld have bin money in ray pocket if he'd staid at home. Chris, ment well, but be put his foot in it when he sailed for Amencer. We talked sum more aDout ui alters ana tnings, and at lust I ris to go. I will tow say govd bye to" you, noble sir, and good lock to you. ' Like wise the same to Clotildy. Alo, to the gorgeoas peroru whkh cmnposeyouroot. If f)e Empe ror's bov-de'-t like living at the Tooleries,wbea be gits oldir, and would like to imbaik in the show bizines, let him come with me and IH make a man ofBrmr You find us somewhat mixed, as I before oU arrrlutetfmts ginger! yrir, andyourt flod us clearer aor ever, llind what I say. You've heard the shownasl" .X i' .. s Then advisin'bim to -keen awav from the Peter uFunk suctions oTtne East, and? the" proprietors of corner iou la ustnoi, a dm nttn . iaiwwei ana went away. ;. . ilV.? :i ;; There was a levee at Senator what's-his-name s and I thought F4 Jine in the fesiirrjlies for spell. Who should 1 see but she that was Sarah Watklas , now the wife of our, Ongresser. . trinnin in the dance, dress-d up to kill in her store close.' Sa rah's father need to keep a little grocery store in our town. 4 anl she used - to clerk ' in i t lor him, in busy Umes. 1 was rushing up to shake nanus wun her, when She turned ou her heel, and tossing ner oradin a contain ptuow manner, walked away from me very rapid. Halk, Sal.' I ol ierod, Jcan't you measure me a ouart of them best molasses ? I may want- a codfish, also I guess this reminde.1 her of the lid red store, and the days of her happy childhood. lint ifell in with Akse little gar after that Who was much sweeter than Sally's - father's: mo Usee?, and axed her if we shouldn't glide in' the merry danesx - She sed we should, and We glode. I intended to make this letter very. sen,. but a few sroaks inay lave aocidently crept in. Never mind. Besides, I think it improve a while.' Yours Muchly. WARD, (ARTE'HUS.) A GOOD ONE ON GENERAL M AGEUDElt . Everybody on the Ouachita river, and espe cially in Hon roe and Trenton, Louisiana, knows fCed Phelpir, former clerk ' of . the magnificeut steamer, "Pargoud," NedU a private in .com pany A, of the the "Cresent H fle." First Louie-. tana Battalion, better known as the 'Charley Dreux Battalion." This battalion wa, and Uon the peninsula, under Gen. Magruder. . For a'. while Gen. Magruder used ' to take 'the troops- under his command, and carry them oq kmg and wearisome marcnes through the peninsula. On one of these expedition he bad marched 0 the i boys say the Dreux iiattauon - sixteen hours. through a drenching rain, when finally, rooming came, with the "boys" broken down and nesriy famished. . No particular hardship in tbujkt it is occasionally theate of all soldiers so to supper. Gen. Magruder, being "GeneraT," went to a farm ' bouse, near bis encampment, and ordered a : hot - breakfast. It was . soon forthcoming, and the General had just begun to enjoy it, when Ned Phelps walked in and, without saying a word to the General or anybody else, commenced eating very heartily. The General ' leaned back amazed. as st him gazed," and ISid down his knife and fork, with jus breath enough to ask :" Sir,do you - know whom von are eatin? with ?" No 1 renlied " Ned Phelps, stilt helping himelf. No, I don't know who I am eating with, Since J came soldier ing I hav n't been at all particular whom I ale wi th so the victuals were clean GLOOMY FfJTUBE FOB. ENGLAND. A short cotton supply in England is contem plated with gloomy forebodings. The London CJironicle, of the 19th ult., sSys : The bountiful harvest has saved thousands from utter want, and it would be impossible to over es- tim.tA fha arfvAntAcraa it will Ha I ha nipnni nf nn ferringon th? poorer classes daring the remain der of this and the greater partof next year. But for this we might well shrink from con tem plat, ing the future. For, let our home demand be what it may, it cannot bring trade to the flourish ing position it occupied prior to the outbreak ot hostilities in America. The many thousands who depend upon iron and cotton manufactures for their daily bread must inevitably undergo many hardships next winter, and unless we can by Some means obtain supplies of cotton, still greater ca lamities will surely overtake us. We do not perceive any means by which this end can be gained unless, indeed, the Confeder ates chsnge their determination, and all impedi ments to our commerce be removed. It is need less for us to point out the extreme unlikelihood of any such change being made : but it is upon a slender foundation such a) this, that we must build our hapes, or accept this alternative of looking forward to a 'cotton famine," abstodoned mills, and starved opera ors. SHOETSG INVBHTIOir. The Columbus (Ga.) Sun, of the 18th, says : Mr. A. D. Brown, Sr., of this city, has inven ted and put into practical operation a machine for manufacturing shoe pegs,. another article which the Hessians thought the blockade would deprive us of. The machine can be worked at any re quisite guage and the pegs can therefore be made of any size and the points any desired ; angle. At present, about a barrel of pegs or more can be successfully turned out in a day by the aid of this machine. Ca.ta.lkt Deill axd Bevikw. Col. Ran som's splendid regiment of North Carolina Car airy was out on the field aojacent to Hollywood, Sunday morning, for the purpose of drill. The movements were finely executed," particularly the order to "charge," which was a sight worth go ing a long way to see. The regiment was reviewed yesterday afternoon by President Davie, wbo expressed himself high ly pleased with the efficiency and unexceptiona ble appearance of the command. A large th roe g of persons, including many ladies, took advan tags of this opportunity, to witness . one of the most imposing of military spectacles. ' The-horses of the regiment are not : onlj remarkable for their quality and condition, bat their training is excellent. To North Carolina belongs the honor ol sending forth the finest body of cavalry now in the service of the coustry-rAteAmon Dis patch. ' t , . . COUNtlNG-HOUgE CALENDAH, YSSli 9 A 13 IT 10 17 1 10 It 34 31 14i 21 2o1 14 21 23 4f5 12 W.T Is 53 30 i 1 13 19 '20 1122 278 5 12 18119 20 251627 16117 23 24 3 29 30! t 6f7i 12U31tl W20 21'22 2?124 25 126427 133;a0BJ. IS. 1112) 13 U 19 19 241 Ii3 . n 28125 IS 1 23 2 16 23 301 3 19120 26!27 li 4 16!11 urn 20:21 27!2S'29 1; a H OQ S3 Q t 'i A W o o A : o i T 14 21 23 4 11 16 23 1 6 16 22 29 6 2e 27 3 It 17 T 3 16 &2 1 29! iTrwi 29 4 12 19 26 2' 9 1 23 30 7 14 2412s 9 16 23 30 2 9 16 2 30 6 13 20 27 j 3 10 24 1 3 16 21TO23 29 It 26: 31 10 17 24125 31 1 t 15 Il 12 1349 1 14 21 23 4 11 Utlt 227 8 4 13 20 2 16 2223 29139 252;27!23 joii 6 13 19120 "31 10 17 2703129 4 13 20 24:25 3f6 1213 1920 24!2526,2Ti2i 31 3 10 IT 24 31 14 21 5 12 19 26 1 '6 15 22123 It 30 7 14 21 V CHISIIAN'S YEAST. POWDERS' -5?-