- laiii. i mil 'in M'M"H 4 . it j. . . RALEIGH SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 7 186L NO 98- VOL. LXI 1 if.it fill ii . xv 1 v h n n , t4 ti r s ka i i ... i ii 1 11 1 1 1 111 ' .. . j ; , i. '.'.V u,'--' 11 i " . i .I. : V- , .. - THE R I.EIGII REGISTER SEMI-WEEKLY AKD WEEKLY, BY JOHN W. SYME,. 7 -.nmns im PUPUROI. AAAAVOT Ml.- THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER U -Tery Wednesday and Saturday morninfct 80 jet lanYm; Pyble in advance, or $5 00, if pay-entu annum. ...v.rtn x-air hai expired. - THE WEEKLY REGISTER pnbhW every Wedday morning, at $ 00 per mum, payable in variably in advance. ? Bate of Advertiin te Semi-Weely iquBxe (16 lines or leBs) one insertion, very succeeding insertion, 1 gauare six months, H twelve " 2 three " 2 twelve months, including paper, In the Weekly Registers 1 gquare for the first insertion, q and for every suceeed.ng insert.on, 1 square twelyi months, SI 8 14 8 15 25 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 25. 10 00 10 00 2" six - ; , lit- -l.,' WW1 rTUT ?0 00 " twelve Bonuwi iuvmv 6 ' r-r . tltAvwiatt will be It- All advertisemenw """" """" . ; . Inserted in the Semi-Weekly, and charged aecoraingly Business Cards, not exceeding eight line., will In . . . - ... xi. .lr 11. a- fiainLWuaklv fill be six months for $5 00, or twelve month for $10 m both papers at$8.50 for six months, or $15fortwelve month jB-Contract can be made at the office for longer advertisements. BUSINESS CARDS. A a- 2 tr-t m Q H 8 M J i in 2J o DeCARTERET k ARMSTRONG, BOOK BINDERS, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS .RALEIGH, N. C. oo 15 tf. JOHN W. COSBY, - AlrU!H!lT!IT0 RALEIGH N. C. Sept. 26 1860. , f A. C. PULLIAM, R. P.PULLIAK, D. K. WKTSIGER. PULLIAM & CO. AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE OF NEGROES, Odd-Fellows' Hall, Franklin St., RICHMO N D, VA. DAILY SALES Public and Pritatb. " We pledge our strictest attention to the business en trusted to us, and will, answer all com munications promptly. PORTER ALWAYS AT ACH DEPOT. It 9 tf. j PEEBLES, PLUMMER & CO., (formerly pzeblks a white.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, No. 22, Old Street, Petersbnry Ya. PROMPT and diligent personal attention given to the sale of all consignments of Produce Always on hand a full $upplv ef standard quality Groceries, suited to the wants of Farmers and Families. LEM'L PEEBLES, Jxo. J. THOMPSON. henrt l, plcmmer, jr., late of the firm of ST. M. Martin, Brother t Go. s Sole Agents for Reese's Phospho Peruvian, or Manipulated Guano. june; 27 tf. OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK. Ds. T. D. HOGG, Pretident, Johh G. Williams, Gather. ' DIRECTORS. Dr. T. D. Hogs;, H. S. Smith, Q. Busbee, John G. Williams. This Bank is now receiving deposits, at the Ex change Office of John G. Williams fc Co. Discount day Tuesday, " feb 18 tf. TO THE FRIENDS OP HOMti MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON IS SOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION o RDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS are ' solicited. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston, N: C, June 24, 1860. aug 4 tf. PETERSBURG, Y A. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALISHMENT, HAViNfl BEEN RECENTLT TITTED CP AMD SUPPLIED WITH ALL MODEM COHVXXTEMCES, Now offers to Travellers Attractions Unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Country, mar 5 JOHN JARRATT A BRO. DONNANS & JOHNSTON, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Ysu ja 1 ly. DONNAN & CO., 0 3MMISSI0N MERCHANTS, Kicnmond, a Jal-ly INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAL J,LEY OF VIRGINIA, Winchester, Virginia, Capital ouu,iuu. incorporated Maroh,1852. Charter per tual. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid, Fire Losses naidin 8 Tears tnJnlv. 1860S538.292.lfi Insurance against loss or damage by fire, on as favor- auie lerma as otner responsible Companies. JOS. S. CARSON, Pres't. Wm. L. Best, Seo'y. W. S. SIMPSON, Agt ap'110 tf Petersburg, Va. WANTED ! WANTED ! ! AT THI Inimitable whitaker's. A CONTENTED IAN 5 FOR WHICH Xlw he offers a premium of FIVE GALLONS of Drewry's Celebrated Southampton (Va.) BRANDY. Speaking of the above OLD BRANDY, the THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER has on hand . -. , . DREWRY'S OLD APPLE BRANDY SETH JONES' OLD APPLE BRANDY. TISDA.LES' OLD APPLE BRANDY, andmanv AthirATin!Mt11RANrftSL " P. S. The eontented roaa esA find the INIMITA BLE at his Store, on Hargett St, between the hours s 9 it A A A a a v, . m. ana iv p. m. . uau on bub. apH3 tf. - - i a g S I s -a MEDICINES, &C. OLD SACHEM BITTERS r . ajtj . WIGWAM TONIC. THESE DELICIOUS AND PAR OPAMED BIT TIBS are recommended by the FIRST PHY SICIANS OF . THE COUNTRY, on account o their PURITY AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. They are -pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the BEST TONIC AND STIMU LANT EVER OFFERED TO THE PUB LIC. Their curative powers in cases of GENERAL DEBILITY, LOSS OF APPETITE, CON STIPATION, etc, are nnparralleled, and as guarantee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, we beg leave to state that our assertions are endors ed by Prof; SILLIMAN, of Yale College. Prof. HAYES, of Massachusetts, and hundreds of others. For sale by Grocers, Wine Merchants, and Drug gists generally. Principal Depot, 145 Water St, New York, dee 1 ly FRESH MEDICINES AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Subscriber has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the public generally, that after much delay trouble, and expense, owing to the war, and in terruption of trade, he has procured a fresh supply of Medicines, Toilets and other articles in his line, which he has been unable to furnish for some time past. He has to pay CASH for all he buys, and hopes that such of his patrons as do not pay promptly, will take the hint, and that all in arrears, who have not gone to the seat of war to fight for our independence and dearest interests, will pay up their arrearages or a part at least, so that he may be able to meet pressing de mands, and keep his Stock replenished. .flgr-AU orders from the country (unless lrom prompt and reliable parties,) will go unnoticed, if not accompanied with the CASH or its equivalent. i. jr. i'js&uuiJ, au 17 tf Druggist, Raleigh, N. C. FOR BEAUTIFYING AND IMPROVING THE HAIR. I have received the following .favorite articles, vix : v Mrs. Allen's Restorer and Zylabalsamum. Wood's and Ezekial's Restorer, Burnett's Cocoaine andCocin, Rosemary and Castor Oil, Lowe's and Fiver's Pomades. Demerson, Petit & Co., Hygienique Societe, and Monpelas Pomades, Tricopherons, Kathalron, Essence Bay Leaves, Saynd's Hair Tonic, Philecome, and Pescnd's Hair Tonic. Also, the most approved Hair Dyes known in this country. Dor sale at PESCTJD'S DRUG STORE. Raleigh, May 18, 180. ma 30 V. BUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CROP TUR NIP SEED. CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING VARIE ties: Early Large Flat Duch, Early Red Top, Ruta Baga, (a superior variety.) Large White Norfolk, Large Yellow Norfolk, ;M Large White Globe. Also, Altrinsrham Carrot. Maiieel Wortzel Beet, and large Winter Drumhead Cabbage Seed. For Sale in quantities to suit purcnaseis at june 18 tf. P. F. PESCUD'g- CHISMAN'S YEAST POWDERS. MY Materials are to hand, and Mr. Chisman has put up a large quantity, all who have been waiting for sup plies can send in their orders. If you doubt that these great Puwders are not su perior to any now known, you can find testimonials from the most respectable families in Raleigh," at my store, where you can be supplied at wholesale or re tail. P. F. PES CUD. may 23 ANOTHER BRILLIANT VICTORY !--While on my recent visit to the Old Dominion, I had the good fortune to procure from an old triend a demijohn of Rose Cordial of the most delectable fla vor a splendid and invigorating article for the sick. Call, by all means, and get some before it is gone: price 25 cents a bottle. Among the choice variety of other things too tedious to mention, tc which the at tention of the public is respectfully called, I have a fine lot of the best Hair Brushes. If you want to feel good and poetical in these gloomy times, just call J around, procure a brush and a bottle of cordial, and I will guarantee a fine now of the most htghaluhn pheelina. P. F. PESCUD, Druggist. NEW AND SPLENDID EXTRACTS Consisting of THE WOOD VIOLET, HUMMING BIRD, BUTTERFLY VIOLET, i PATCHUTLY MUSK, PINK JOCKY CLUB, FRAN GIPANI ROSE,&c. Also, Frangipanl, Verbena, .Cologne and other Toilet waters. All of which are of the finest quality and put up in elegant style. For sale at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. Raleigh. May 18, 1860. ma 23 tf. JUST RECEIVED AT PESCUDS DRUG STORE. A VERY FINE LOT OF TOILET SOAPS. 6 AKERS PREMIUM BITTERS. A new supply of these celebrated Bitters on hand i At PESCUD'S Drug Store. TtJ-USTARD. jjf J. A fresh supply just received At PESCUD'S Drug Store. PIIALONS HAIR- INVIGOR ATO R. Barry s Tricopherous, Etekials Hair Restorer, Parsons Indellible Ink. At PESCUD'S Drug Store, au 14 tf Raleigh, N. C. I ASH! CASH 1 1 CASH!! I I SELL MY GOODS FOR CASH ! I DON'T do a Credit Business 1 Therefore I hope every person that sees this advertisement will not ask me for CREDIT because I am not able to do a credit business j and have to pay CASH myself. I have called on every person that owes me a DOL LAR, and have not been able to collect the first CENT. I wish you would call on some one that is able to credit J. B. FRANKLIN. ap'l 17 tf OLD DOMINION "TOBACCO." AN OTHER Lot of Old Dominion Smoking To bacco," Just received at "Turner's" Korth Carolina. Book Store. Said to be Superior to the former. janStd ,. WHITAKER'S IS THE PLACE TO BUY. Goods delivered free of Charge, to any part of tte City. . mar t tf. . F RESH MINERAL WATERS. CON- gress, Rockbridre Alum. and Green Brier Va- White Sulphar Water, also Rook Bridge Alum Mass. For sale at , may 25 PESCUDS DRUG STORE. BOOKS. STATIONERY. &C. M 1L1TARY BOOKS for CASH ONLY. HARDEES TACTICS, Complete Edition; Revised by and published under the personal super-, vision of the Author in 2 Volumes. Price $2.50 When sent by mail, 2.70 VOLUNTEERS MANUAL of Infantry and Rifle Tactics with Honors paid by the troops ; Inspections, Reviews, Dnties of Captains, Companies, Duties in Camp, and Garrison, Soldiers Rations and Mode of cooking them Abriged and compiled by Lieut. Colonel WM. H. RICHARDSON, graduate and formerly As sistant Instructor of tactics, Virginia Military Institute. rfV Price $1.50 When sent by mail, 1-70 THE VOLUNTEERS HAND BOOK, an abridgement of Hardee's'Infantry tactic", by Capt. J. K. LEE. Price $00.60 When sent by mail, 00.60 THE HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt. JOSEPH ROBERTS. Price $00.75 When sent by mail, 00.85 ON INFANTRY CAMP DUTY, FIELD FORTIFICATION and Coast defence, by Captain L. V. BUCKHOLTZ, author of the Science of Wa- Price $00.50 When sent by mail, 00.60 Instructions for Officers and non-commissioned Offi cers of Cavalry on out post duty, by Lieutenant Colonel VON ARENTSCIIILDT, first Hox sars, King's German Legion,, with an abridgment of them, by Lieutenant Colonel, the Hon. F. PONSONBY. Price $00.50 Whensent by mail, 00 60 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING by Troops in Camp and Hospital, prepared for the Army of Virginia, and published by order of ihe Sur geon General, with Essars on Taking food and what food, by FLORENCE NIGHTIN GALE. Price $00.25 When sent by mail, 00.30 ALSO a complete New Pocket Map of VIR GINIA. Price $00.75 When sent by mail, 00.80 BAYONET EXERCISE and Skiimishers Drill by R. MILTON CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ARTIL LERY Extracted from GILIIAM'S MAN "NUAL for Volunteers and Militia. Price $1 00 When sent by mail, 1.08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi cal Soldier, Illustrated with 28 Engrav ings, and designed for the use of the Militia of the Confederate States. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.06 MAUAM'S OUT POST DUTY, an Element , ii ry treatise on Advanced Guard, out post, " and Detachment Service of Troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in pres ence of an Eneay. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.12 GILIIAM'S MANUAL for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. Price $2.50 When sent by mail, 3.00 For sale by W. L. POMEROY. sell tf Raleigh, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK. THI8 DAY RECKIVJCD, BY H. D. TURNER, A NEW AND COMPLETE EDITION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK; IMPROVED AND GREATLY ENLARGED, containing 344 pages, royal 12mo, embracing ma ny forms not found in former editions, printed on good parer and substantially bound in law calf. It con tains Forms of all those Legal Instruments which peo ple have occasion to use : and furnishing, also a guide to Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks, Constables, Coroners,- School Committees, etc. Compiled from the best sourees, being an improvement on all works of the kind formerly in use, and intended as a Compan ion to Cantwell'8 Justice. To which are added: the CoHstitution of North Carolina, and of he United States ; an account of the principal Officers of the State, and of the Counties ; Titles of address, &c. Furnished at the unparalleled low price of One Dol lar, (being the cheapest book ever offered for sale.) When sent by mail an extra charge of 20 cents will be required to cover the postage. A liberal discount to those who buy to sell again. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, -by H. D. TURNER, dec 26 tf at the North Carolina Book Store, S1 WAIM'S JUSTICE REVISED. THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practi cal guide to the Laws of the State, and the decisions oi the Supreme Cturt, defining the duties and jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, under the Revised Code of 1854 '55, together with full instructions and num erous forms and precedents. ' Br EDWARD CANT WELL, Esq., LL. B., s Counsellor at Law. One vol. 8vo , containing nearly 600 pages, hand somely printed on good paper, and well bound in law binding. Price $3 60. Postage 3fl cent. Published and for sale by HENRY O. TURNER, an. 21 at the North Carolina Bookstore MILITARY BOOKS. VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL of Infanty and Rifle Tactics, with honors paid by the troops, lnspec tion,JReviews, Ac , by Lieut Col. Wm. H. Richardson. HARDEE'S TACTICS, Rifle and Light Infantry, School of the Soldier, Company and Battalion, com plete. HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt Joseph Roberts. VOLUNTEER'S HAND BOOR, by Captain J. K. Lee. ' INSTRUCTIONS ON QUr POST DUTY, by Arentsehild A Ponsonby. ' TROOPER'S MANUAL, OR TACTICS for Light Dragoons and Mounted Kinemen, by Col. J. Lucius Davis. RIFLE'S AND RIFLE PRACTICE. An Elemen tary Treatise upon the theory of Rifle Firing, Ac, by C. M. Wilcox. For Sale by H. D. TURNER, ju 31 tf ' N. C. Book Store. N1 EW BOOKS FOR SEPTEMBER. The True Path, or The Young Man Invited to the Saviour. In a Series of Lectures. By The Rev. J oseph M. Atkinson, Raleigh, N. C. WILKINS WYLDER, OR THE SUCCESSFUL MAN. By Stephen F. Miller, : Author of " The Beneh and Bar of Georgia." THE BLACK GAUNTLET, A Tale of Plantation Life in South Carolina. By Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft, SCIENCE, A WITNESS FOR THE BIBLE. By Rev. W. N. Pendleton, D. D. THE ROBBIN BOY, OR HOW NAT GOT HIS LEARNING. An Example For Youth. Bv Wm. M. Thayer. LICHEN TUFTS, FROM THE ALLEGHANIKS. By-Elizabeth C. Wright NEMESIS. By Marion Harland. THREE PER CENT A MONTH, OR THE PERILS OF FAST LIVING. By Charles Burdett For Sale by -HENRY D. TURNER, North Carolina Bookstore. Raleigh, N. C September, 1860. sept 11 tf SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CUEW ING "Tobacco.' The Pure Southern Quid. A Supply of the above just received at TURNER'S . N. a Book Store, iaa 1 tf JLge please copy, CLOTHING. &0. N EW CLOTHING STORE ! ! JUST OPENED BY ISAAC OETTINGER, at the corner of Fayetteville St. and Market Square $20,000 worth of MEN'S and BOYS' Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and many other articles. I wish it distinctly understood that theie Goods were bought in times of peaee,. and'eonsequont ly at much lower prices than they could be bought for how. They will be sold again at the OLD RETAIL PRICES. I have no particular fancy for saying much. All I ask of the public is to give me a call. They will certainly not be disappointed -in the quantity quality or in the prices of my GOODS. a v Rem ember, corner pf Fayettevitle Street, and Mar Square, (formerly occupied by Mr. Pool.) 4 Respectfully, au 31--tf ISAAC OETTINGER. 1861. 8?JLRADEl 1861. GFNTLiEMEN AND BOYS IN WANT OF . ' CLOTHING. HAT3, SHOES, BOOTS, Ac, of every description, will find me prepared this SPRING to furnish thm with UEuTER GOODS, at more Reasonable Prices than heretofore and I most cordially iuvite them to examine my -., GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing. Notwithstanding the crisis, I have been NORTH and purchased, to great advantage, a most BEAUTI FUL and VARIED STOCK of CLOTHING AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and my friends can be furnished, at short notice, from head to loot. - . Having a splendid Stock of the most fashionable and approved French CLOTH, DOESKINS, V IS STINGS of all kinds, Ac, the most ACCOMPLISHED AND SUPE RIOR CUTTER AND WORKMEN in my TA YLORING ESTABLISHMENT, I am ready to compete wih any one in the old North State in making any Garment or Clothing to order, in the most superb and artistic manner. The liberal encouragement I have received and continued indications of increasing confidence, inspire me with the hope that I shall be more liberally patron ized than ever; to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to the wants of all who favor we with a call. M. GRAUSMAN. ap'l 13 tf MILITARY GOODS! rfV SUP. GREY AND DRAB MILITARY OL Overcoats with large capes, price 16, IS, 20 and 22 dollars, all home made. 5O0 Merino Shirts, Grey and White, for camp life. 50O Pairs Merino and Shaker Drawers, all sizes, Grey and White, just to hand. 50 Pair Grey, Blue, Drab and Mixed colored Cloth and Cassimeres, made to measure or old by the pair or single pattern to suit purchasers. Overcoatings in Beaver, Pilot and Petersham. 40 Dozen sup. White Shirts. . 70 Dozen Cassimere, Gingham and Calico fatigue Shirts. Blankets and Shawl for Soldier's use. Oil Cloth Overeoats, Leggins and Cap Covers. Gilt Buttons by the gross. Gold Braid by the pair. Haversacks by the hundred. 20 O Pair Drill Gaiters. Heavy Socks by the dozen. Gloves and Gauntlets. Pants, Vests and Dress Clothing; a complete assort ment at T. W. ROYSTON A CO.'S. oct 9 Petersburg, Va. 1861. 18G1. AUGUST lTth, MILITARY GOODS! NO. 511 SYCAMORE, PETERSBURG, VA. rn v N, & Cc, l, it. Can furnish Military Companies with the following named goods at short notice : OU Clo.h Over Coats, Oil Cloth Oaps, Oil Cloth Haveflocks, Oil Cloth Haversacks, Oil Cloth Leggins, Fatigue Jackets, Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. Gingham and Calico Shirts. Alirino under Shirts (White and Grey.) Merino Drawers, (White and Grey,) el vet and flannel Zouave Caps, i Heavy Grey Over Coats, ALSO, ON HAND, Grey and Blue Satinet, Grey Gasimere, Grey Flannel which they will make up to order and warrent satisfaction in every instance. T. W. ROYSTON, A CO., No. 51i Sycamore St., au 21 tf Petersburg, Va. W IIITAKER'S ! WHITAKER'S ! ! WHIT AKERS !!! SPRING GOODS! SPRING STOCK!! 1. A, WHITAKER 3 THE INIMITABLE. THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER. 50 Boxes Oranges, $4 00 10 boxes French Can- 50 do Lemons, 4 00 ) dy, ; 45o. 50 Bbls. Apples, 4 00 ) 20 boxes Webb A Whit lO do Potatoes, 4 00 ted's celebrated T O- 40 Boxes Candles m ( BACCO. 100 lbs.,) 22c. '20,OO0 Havana CI '2 0,000 Havana GARS. ( SO Cases Crackers. 20Bbls. Crackers. 40 boxes Common Candy, 16c. 10 boxes Fancy Can dy, 20c. ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Daily expected at the INIMITABLE WHITA KER S a great variety of W001 AND WILLOW WARE. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! Herrings, Mullets, Mackerel, Salmon, White Fish, and Shad are daily expected at WHITAKER'S CITY EMPORIUM. apl 6 tf. JUST RECEIVED AT FRANKLIN'S. Strong Fresh and Salty Snuff, and all to be had in the SOUTEERN CONFEDERACY. Also, a Large lot of Every coaeeiveable article known to the trade. Come one, come all, to se 7 tf FRANKLIN'S Call, fif-Standard and Spirit of the Age copy. F INE GOLD JEWELRY. THE SUB SCRIBER has in store a splendid assortment of FINE GOLD JEWELRY, embracing a variety of styles of patterns of Brooches, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies an i Gentlemen's Watch. Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Ac Call and examine. . nov 9 C. B. BOOT. USE CHMIAN'S YEAST POWDERS RQYSTO idtij! ittgislcr. SATURDAY MOBNING, DEC, 7, 1861. FOR THI REGISTKR. CONTRIBUTION, FOB THE SOLDIERS. The following Contributions have been received by the Soldiers and Committee in Guliey's Dis tricted forwarded to the Clayton Yellow Jackets in the 14th Reg. N. C. Volunteers, by S. H. Hood, Eq : Mrs. Amanda Tharp, 3 blankets, 1 pair socks; mrs. Martha Tomlinson, 1 blanket ; mrs. W. W. Goxf 2 blanket?, 11 pair rocks ; miss Nancy Ho cut, 2 pair socks ; miss Ella . McCullers, (little girl,) 1 pair socks ; mrs. W. H. McCul".er8, Sen'f, 2 blanket, 2 flannel shirts,2 pair flannel drawers,2 pair yarn socks ; Rev. J. F. Ellington, $2 (ap propriated for cotton, &c ;) mrs. Jas H. Bryan, 2 pair socks ; mrs. J. M. Smith, 2 pair socks, 4 flannel sh?rts ; mrs. L. P. Phillips, 2 blankets, 1 flinnel shirt, and a lot of pepperJbr the Hospital ; mrs. Dr. W. J. Jones, 2 blankets, 1 pair 9ocks ; 3lrs. N. G. Gulley, 16 lbs soap, 2 pair socks ; mrs. Jas Slalliiigs, 1 flannel shirt and drawers, 1 pair sks; miss Martha Brannm, 1 cotton shirt, and drawers; miss Nannie T. Gulley, 2 fbinnel shirts, 2 pair flannel di a wers, 1 pair sock?, 1 towel; miss Zilpba Gulley, 2 flannel shirts, 2 pair flannel drawers, 2 towels, and a lot of pepper, a bundle of sage and a quantity of rags for Hospital ; miss Nannie A. Bunn, 1 cotton Bhirt and drawers ; miss Salinda Ellis, 1 pair drawers,2 pair sock ;miss Elizabeth Johnson, I fl annul shirt, 1 cotton shirt, 2 pair sock?, 1 pair gloves, 1 vest, 1 hankerchief; mrs. Elzabeth Stephens, 2 pair cotton socks ; mrs. Elizabeth Durham, 1 flannel shirt, 1 pair flannel drawer?, "2 pair socks; mrs. Daniel Gardner, 3 pair socks, 2 flannel shirts, 2 pair flannel drawers ; miss Martha O'Neal, 1 pair socka ; mrs. Griswold, 1 pair glove?, L flannel shirt; miss Slary Hix, 1 pair gloves , mrs. Redick. Adams, 2 pair yarn socks, 1 cotton shirt ; mrs. Simon Jones, 1 flannel shirt, 1 pair flannel drawers, 1 pair yarn socks ; mrs. E. J. Stalling?, 1 pair socks; mrs. G. W. Crot'ket, 2 pair flannel drawers, 2 cotton shirts, 3 pair socks ; miss Nannie W. Gulley, 2 blankets, 8 pair socks, 3 towels, and a lot of pep per and sage for Hospitals; miss Julia E. Flowers, 8 pair socks, 1 blanket, 3 towels, I shawl, 1 pair gloves; mrs. Nathan Gulley, 2 pair drawers, 3 pair socks, and a quantity of linen rags for Hos pital; mrs. Charles W.?Loe, 1 pair socks, I vest 1 towel, and a quantity of linen rags and bushol dried fruii;for Hospital ; miss Cornelia F. Lee, 1 pair seeks mrs. Willi3 Ferrell, 1 shirt, 1 pair drawers, i pair socks ; mra. Bartley Honeycutt, 1 pair pants, 2 pair socks ; misij Bittie Young, 2 pair sotks , miss E. Hopkins, 6 pair socks, 1 blankets ; mrs. Wm. Michel, 1 pair socks; mrs. A. Hood, 3 pairBocks, 2 pair flannel drawers ; mrs. S. H. Hood, 4 flannel shirts, 2 pair socks, and J bushe dried fruit for Hospital ; miss M. C. Hood, 1 quilt for Hospital; mUs R. J. Hood, 2 pair socks ; mrs. VV. O. Banks, 2 blankets, 10 pair socks, 1 towel; mrs. K. Rand, 1 blanket, 2 pair flannel drawers, 1 pair socks, 1 towel ; mrs. "Win. II. McCullers, Jr, 6 flannel shirts, 7 pair fl innel drawers, 2 domestic blankets, 3 pair socks, 2 towels, and a quantity of pepper and sage for Hospital ; mrs. Loais Fool, 5 flannel shirts; mre. Joseph Penny, 3 pair yarn socks, 1 pair cotton socks ; miss Sarah Jones, 3 pair cotton socks ; miss Bettie Sanders, 1 pair yarn socks ; mrs Sarah Saunders,2 pair yarn socks; -mrs. Laura W. Long, 1 pair y urn sock3; mrs. Wiley Jones, 1 pair cotton socks ; mrs.T. R. Youngblood, 4 pair yarn socks ; miss Julia A. Elliugton, 2 pair cotton socks; Joseph M.Smith, a largo quantity of white elm bark for Hospital. MRS. WM. H. McCULLERS, JR. M1SSZILPUA GULLEY, MRS. SARAH SANDERS. For the Rkgistkr. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OF CONTRIBU TIONS. Statement of articles fent by Relief Committee, for Edgecombe County, to Military Companies from said County, viz: To Capt F. G. Pitts Company, 30th Regiment N. C. Volunteers, Oct. 15lh, 30 blankets ; 65 pair socks. To Capt. J. H. Hy man's Company, 30th Regi ment, N. C. Volunteers, Oct. 1, 34 blankets ; 2 pair shoes; 69 pair socks; 2 overcoats; 3 under coats ; 9 shirts ; 3 pair drawers ; 4 pair pants ; 7 sacks, tor uiHttre&seg. To Capt. F. H. Jenkins's Company Slate Troop?, in Hjde County, Oct. 7th, 40 blankets. JNO. NORFLET, Clerk. Ubndbrsoi;, Oct. 23rd, 1861. M. A. Bledsoe, sj., Quarter Master : Dear Sir : Below I send yoo a list of Cloth ing sent by the Soldiers Aid Society of this place- to Capt, C. C. Blacknall's Company, Manassas, (Company G) 37 p&ir pants; 17 coats ; 38 cot ton shirts; 17 flannel shirts ; 44 pair cotton drawers ; 6 flannel drawers ; 205 pair locks : 7 pair shoes ; 2 pair boots ; 4 vesta ; 6 bats ; 8 pair gloves; 12 neck comforts; 34 blankets ; 11 red comforts; 7 pillows; 14 piliow cases; 4 sheets; 8 towels. There was a good many other things out side of the clothing for the benefit ol the sick, &c., making 2370 lbs. Respectfully, Your?, C. BETTS, Agt. R. & G. H. R. Co. Troy's Stork, Randolph Cotthtt, Oct. 14th, 1861. J Deaveaux, Esq., A. Q. M. Sib: I send you herewith a list of contributions for the soldiers, for publication, if yon think proper so to do. Rest eitfully yonrs. - J. W BKOWER, Agt. Ph. Sh'f. Stkd. Miss Annie Long,! knit shirt; mu? Annie Holt, 2 paif socks, 1 knit shirt, 1 pair gloves; miss S it bra R. Long, 3 pair gloves ; miss I.' Long, 2 pair gloves ; miss Margaret Taylor, 3 pair socks ; miss Lizzie Long, 1 comfort ; miss Sally Holt, 1 knit shirt; mra. Mary Long, 1 knit shirt; mrs; Mary Kivett, 2 vests, 1 pair drawers, 2 flannel shirts; mrsMerry J..KJvett, 1 comfort, 3 pair drawers, 1 silk handkerchief j lsham Pagh, 1 coat, 1 towel; Augusta Sellons, (a small girl) I pair socks ; C. F. Campbell, 1 keg soap, ,1 j ug brandy ; mrs. Emily "Wright, 1 pair gloves ; mrs;" 'Williams, 1 blanket, 1 vestal pair drawers; 1 flan nel shirt, 1 pair gloves, cloak, some paper ; Martin Stanley, 1 blanket, 4 pair socks, 1 pair pants, 1 pair drawers, jl cotton shirt, 1 flannel shirt, 2 pair gloves ; mrs. Morrilla Troy, 1 blanket, some soap ; mrs. Sylvina Palmer, 2 blankets, 2 neck comforts, 4 knit shirts ; mrs, Lydia Hutton, 4 pair gloves ; miss America Curtis, 4 pair socks ; mrs. Dr. Long, 1 pair flannel drawers, 1 flannel shirt; Mrs. I. Wright, 1 pair socks; miss Martha Wright, 2 pair s-icks, some soap and pepper; Adam Brown, 2 pair socks, 1 flannel shirt ; Frank Ooletaue, 1 blanket, 2 pair socks, 1 cotton shirt, 1 knit shirt, 1 towel and some soap; miss Martilia Brown, 1 pair Debs; mrs. Jesse Devineyjr., 1 pair gloves; mrs Sjphia Deviney, 1 pair socks; mrs. Ailsey Bur row, 1 blanket, 1 pir sock?, 2 pair pants, 1 vest I cotton shirt ; Dr. J. M. Jordan, 1 blanket, 1 pair socks; miss Martha A. Steel, 1 pair socks; miss E. Lutterloh, 2 neck comforts, 2 pair drawers, 1 pair gloves ; Peter and Rachael Kivett, 1 gallon cbesnuts ; mrs. Ann Kivett, 6 cotton shirla'; miss Rachael C. Kivett, 1 pair socks, 2 pair gloves; mrs. Peter Stanly, I blanket) tors. Isabella Kivett. 1 blanket ; Zimri Langley, 2 sair socks, 2 pair drawers, 2 co. shirts, 1 pair gloves; miss Ester Ki vett, 1 pair gloves ; rare. Isaac Yeargin, 1 pair pants, 1 pair drawers, 1 wool hat ; mrs. Polly Kinn, 1 pair socks; mrs. Mary Long, 1 box (sundries;) H. Jones and neighbors, I bbl. dog wood bark, 1 bbl. cherry bark ; mr9. Lydia Kivett, 1 pair drawers, 3 co. shirts, 1 flannel shirt, 1 pair gloves; mps Lucy A. Scotton, some cake; mrs Palmer, 4 pair co. drawers, 2 over coats. THE PIKETON AFFAIR. The Louisville Courier, on the authority of two gentlemen, who were present, gives the following particulars of the fight, which the Yankees her alded as a great victory : The scene, in the "Narrows" during the fight is represented as having been awful. The dead men filled the road f I mmmv -WW vuuuuvi OK l CQ MAA ed terrifically. The enemy was repulsed and iairiy anven dbck twice, ana it was only wheu the flanking movement was attempted that Cant. aiay wuoarew nis command. Tbe blood of the killed and wounded ran in streams into the rivir, and in the panic and fright many of the Hessians were crowded off the perpendicular bank and fell into the water. Gen. Bull Nelson intended to surround and cut off Col. Williams, as he despatched be tuid done, but nis plans msed. He divided his forced into two column?, one of which was to march on " Piketon by way of the Sandy, and the other up , John's Creek. The fight took place at Gaulev urtuge uvtjr ivy vreeK. . Capt. May had with him, all told, only 260 men, who were taken from the several companies of Col. Williams' command. The force of the Hesaians it was supposed amounted to 1,500 to 3,000, wi li one battery of artillery. Messrs. Richards and Grimes assure us that there could not have been less than 400 to 500 of the Yankees killed and 150 wounded in iHa flo-ht The Kentucky boys were in ambush on the nill side overhanging the narrow pass which the Yan- t, i . i i . iwoea mieu, aiiu wueii vney opened nre tney were not distant from the enemv mora than fmm uv. - J - a m uj tmy-five to one hundred and fifty yards. Every uiau too, guou ou ueuoeraie aim ana every shot told. The fire was kept up for nearly an hour, and so earnest and determined were our men, that it was exceedingly difficult to cause them to obey the order, of retreat, although they knew the Yankees were attempting to cut them off by a tiauk movement. Peach Leaf Ykast. Hops cost $2 per j.ound, leaves cost nothing, and peach leaves make better ; yeast than hups. Make it thus : Take three large peach leaves and three medium sized, potatoes, boil them in two quarts of water until the pota toes are done; take out the leaves and throw them away, peehthe potatoes, and rub them up with a pint of flour, adding cool water sufficient to make a paste, then pour on the hot peach leaf tea, and scald tor about 5 minutes. If you add to this a little old yftist, it will be ready for use in three . hours. If you add none, it will require to stand a day and night oefore use. Leaves dried in the shade are as good as fresh ones. As this is strong er than hop yeast, loss should be used in . making up the dough. Commissary Genera) Whitaker, of Georgia, has seized in that State during the past week 1,540 sacks of salt, for which he paid a heretofore di rected by Governor Brown. COUNTING-HOUSE CALENDAR, 1861. r, s 5 6 12 13 19 26 2 9 20 27 3 1ft 17 16 W 23 24 30 31 7 6 12.13 14 21 28 at 19 20 26,27 3 10 4 11 18 25 t 8 15 22 29 17 19 26 24 31 7 14 If 23 30 7 14 21 28 21 28 5 6 25 P 12 13 19! 20 26 27 r S MjT WTFS; , 8 M T W 1 2 3 4 5j 1 2 3 7; 8 9 161112 7 8 9 10 13 14'16 15?17 18 19 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 B 2122 22 24 27 23 29 30.11 ' 28 29 30 31 I 2 ' t 34567891. .4567 10 1112 13 1415 16! 3 II 121 13' 14 1718 19 20 2122 23 t 18 19201 24 25!26 2728 ! g 25 26 27 21 34567,89, 1434 19 11 12 13 14 15 IS 8 9 10 11 17 1819 30; Jl 22 23 fj 15 16 17 18 24 25 26 27128 29(30 ; W 22 23 24 25 tl J 29 30 12 3 4 5 i 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l g 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 3 13 14 15 15 21 22,23 24 25 26 27 g 20 21 22 23 23 29 30 j 5 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 12 IS 14 15 li 17 18 0? 10 II 12 18 19 20 21 22 2? 24 25 17 18 19 20 26 27.28 29 30 3? g 24 25 25 27 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 1 2 8 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (4 8 9 10 11 16 17 13119 20 21 22 j 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 26 27 WW'S 22 23 24 25 301 - ' -'29130 Jir PROCLAMATION, BY IMS EXCEL LENCY, HENRY TV CLARK, Governor of North Carolina .. , ., . , Exxonnva DxFABTMwrT. 1 -" ' Stleigb, Nov. 7,1861. J la pursuance of the power vested In soe by the lth section of the Constitution, and by aad with the ad vice of the Couneil of State, I do hereby prohibit the exportation beyond the limits of this State of all Ba con, Pork, Beef, Leather, Men's Bfeeee, Woolen Goods, Jsa Uasojs d Blanket Ae, Ae eieept throusjh the orders of the proper oficers of the Con federal government, or of the Sta governjoeoU. The Adjutant General will employ the necessary means to carry into full effect this order. AU A rents to purchase for the State are required to have written uthority. HENRY T. CLABE, no 13 ft Governor ex-offieio. v . )