- ' ' ' j . ' . t v. r' : i- - J?.'- AM -,Xlt W-.-'-- !-; ' H,--'i,4.'; RALEIGH, SATUEDAY. MORNING JANUARY 11 4,aVf!44 - . . '' - .1-.' ill sit m w i i n hviii-j v M :. . , : a ifii ' :Ri f.t. i ... t vv lit j - mmmMmPiM i", 'i- v . ... 4 i , 4 : H ' 4i . 4- - '. " " r' i - 4 . ' 1 ;- 4 ' 4 . - -.... . . .v " """" v ! ':'--r;r - S'4l -id xod. iJ.r--! ' i 1 JSC) 4. 4:4 4 V T. ." 4: t 4-! fllB U IaBIGH UEGISTiatt. coin WTCtcitT.V llEQlSTE'k TiliIil4 L. y it... m1h on Jnsertlon. i SI- I08 Tery; guoeeding insertion, ;-x C- : ; r 1 tquare sU monfni, " , .,! ' v tkpi ' 'I. f- 2 tareo (..". ' . . . -;-t j . . 2 H six " : ' .'.' twehe mont!ns, Including paper, V j ( Iu the Weekly Register 1 (itar f(r the first ,lnertiot, ; , . ' . . ' and fbr ererj aaeeeoding, insertion, 25 1 8 10ft U loo 8 jOO : ' 15 Ids i 25 JOO $1 00 -I i H 25S 10 00 10-00, 1 gaare welye montns, ' AUftdtfrUwmenU nt)t otheMse directed, Trill be lasemd W the Semi-WeeWy, nk eharge d ooordngly. Boatneii Cards, not sM M Sf ij n.erUd Itt either the Weekly f'g month for $5 00, or tweWe moihs for $10-Jn both ppr t$50 for aix inonai8,or tlSfortweWe montka. Contracts can be made althe office fo longer adTrtliec4ents. ..! .'' . A ' '. ; -' " BUSINESS CARDS. DeCARTERET fe ARMSTRONG, BO OK BINDERS, i' AND BOOK MANUFACTURERS ! f BALlfiIGH, . O. ;i ooUtfi".1 - r - :u ; JOHPf W. COSBY. ; -. I'm a T, n'Ti - v . r;'. , ( ! . I V? Bpi iuai:. :.. ; t 1 . : ;v ! Tfr ; ':"! 1 A, C.rVtUXU, K. f.TVLllkJtf D. K. WEISIKt. i .; j pjllLIsI'lAJVI & GO. t AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE OF-NEGROE?, S t OddFellows' Hail, FranLtia St., 4 ' RICHMOND, VA. j, . r' 1 , j ; - DAILY SALES Poatlc and Privatb. TTe pledge our strietest attention to the business en . ! trusted to us, and will, answer all com ; ' ? I munications promptly. PORTER ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOT. ly r-tf. j -PEEBLES, PLUMMER A CO., 1 iT". fTOBHXULT h WHITB.) " COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND, QXQCERS, '. No. 22, Old Street, Petersbury Ta. f EROMPT and-diligent personal attention giren'to the sale of all consignments of Produce. Alwayk on baud a full supply of standard quality Orooeries, iuUdjto the wanu of Farniers AndFanulies. : j LKirli PEBBLES, , J.NO. Ji T0OBpSOW. f r hbnbt x4 p.otib:eb jr., latejof the; firm ojf M. Martin, Brdther Jk Co ff'Sle Aeents for Reese Phodpho Peruvian june 27 tf.; or Manipulated Guano OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK. ' ;Db T. D. HOOa, Pjftident. ! i ! Jqhw Q-. WrLLiAMB, (tosKlr, r !" 4. U directors. ,: , Dr. T. D. Hogg, IL S. Smithy Q. Bbee; . . Join S. William! ,; This Bank js now receiving deoosits, at the Ei-i change; .Office jof John Q. Williams A Co. Discount day Tuesday, i i feb 18 tf. I i "TO THE FRIRND3 OF ! ROME MANUFACTURES. I: 4-'-- --" 4 THE K I N S TON i' SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. ORDERS Tor negro BROQANS std BOOTS aire solicited. . J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. . Kinston,' r- va, uae . ioqu. , aug4 tf.i '3 EKjsFliki j jPETEKSBURG, VA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALlfellMENT, ; tfATIBtf BBBHI!CBBTLT FITTED ' Vf A.ND BVPPLIED f $ iriTBt Aftl. MODBRS CONVEBIENCES, ' Now offer to Travellers-Attractions U f - Uasurpassed by any Hotel ! i;! i; isHlie Count rr. i... ... i jmaj I- JOUP JARRATT A BRQ. DONNANS & JOHNSTON, T URilCERS AND -COMMISSION MERCHANTS, a ,f,,:. -' Petersburg, ,. f 4 - .f .4 ;. I DONNAN & CO., "" : L -! 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j;y - li : Richmond, Vsu ) ,jall7 '-4; I- INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAL LEY OF VIRGINIA, Winchester, Virginia, Cspital $300,000.; ilnoorpOrated March, 18524 Charter per tual s Losses equiUbly adjusted and promptly paid,; Fire Losses paid in 8 years to July, 18oB, t538,292.1&. Insurance against loss or damage by fire, on as favor able terms' as other responsible Companies. , j ' JOS. 8. CARSON. Pres'ti WmI. L-Bebt, Seo' j ! : vi. D. oi.i5if SON, Ag1! ! : Petersburg, Va. I .1 WANTED t WANTED 11 '' I ' AT TQI v" r i INTJVnTABlaE WHITAKER'S, A CONTENTED MAN; FOR WHICH V U offers a premium of FJVB GALLONS of Drewry'B "Celebrated Southatopton ( Va.) BRANDY.' Speaking of the above OLD BRANDY, the THE I INIMITABLE WHITAKERi has on hand ' ! V DREWRY'S OLD APPLS BRANDT BETH JONES OLD APPLE BRANDY; i , TISDALE3' OLD APPLE BRANDY, ? and many Other choice BRANDS, i ' - I !; P. fl. The contented man ean find Ihe INIMITA BLE at bis Store, oa Hargatt St., between the kourt of 6, a. sou and 10 p. m. ' Call oa hutu VTedflSd&y morning, M $2 OOpw annual, payW a i ..... - - '-p medicines! &0: 'A'.-;4v;4i:-..4-'..; WIGlM"ONC. 44 rilHESE DELICIOUS. AND FAR-EAMED BIT- iX TERS are wommended bj the FIRST PHY SICIANS OP THE COUNTRY on account 0 their PURIT Y AND "GREAT MEDICINAX virtue., V;-- - -J 4"-rl ' ,4''4 . '..4 I They are pleasant m nectar U the taste, and are pronounced tho.pEST.TONIcl AND !STIMU L ANT EVER OFFERED TO THE PUB LIC - St' '-4i44r-:'444"4. " . 4 i Their curative pouisrs;in casei jof dENERAX pEBiLiTy,xbss of Appetite, coN- ;STIPATIOI, ete., 1 are unpairkllelei, and as a guarantee that we feel warranted ia claiming what we do, we beg leave to state that our assertions are endora- dby; ;j. . ! Prof. SILl.IMAN,of YAle CoUese. . Prof. HAYES, of Massachusetts, and hundreds of others. - ) ' '! For sale by Grocers, Wine Merchants, and Dnig- gists generally. 3 - Principal Depot, 145 Water.St, New York. ;; deo 1 ly ' . ' . i : H1RESH MEDICINES I JU AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Subscriber has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the .public generally, that after much delay trouble, and expense, , awing to the war, and in terruption of trade, he has procured a fresh supply of IMedicicos, Toilets and other articles in his line, which he has been unable to furnish for !some time. past. lie has to pay CASH for all he buys, and hopes that such of hia patrons as do not pay promptly, will take the hint, and that all in arrears, whe have not gone to the seat of war to fizht for our independence and jdearest interests, wilt pay up their arrearages or a part at least, so that he may be able to - meet pressing de I tnands, and keep his Stock replenished. ; jp?sA oraers trom tne country (aniess irom prompt and reliable parties,) will go unnoticed, if not accompanied with the CASH or its equivalent. : RF. PESCUD, i au 17 tf Druggist, Raleigh, N. C- FORJ1EAUTIFYING AND IMPROVING THE HAIR. I have received the following Itavorite articles, viz : ' i . Mrs. Allen's Restorer and Zylabalsamum, Wood's and Ezekiars Restorer, j- Burnett's Cocoaine and Cocin, ( Rosemary and Castor Oil, I LoAve's and Pi?er's Pomades. ; IDemerson, Petit & Co., Hygienique Societe, f and Monpelas Pomades, Tricopherousj Kathairon, ; . Essence Hay Leaves, ! Sayne's Hair Tonic, u 1 Philecome, and r Peseud's Hair Tonic. ; ' Also, the moat approved Hair Dyes known in this country. ) For sale At . . . . . PESCUD'S DliUG STORE. , Raleigh, May 18, 180. ma 30 1. BUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CROP TUB. NIP SEED. CONSISTING OF TIIE FOLLOWING VAHIE ties: 1 Early Large Flat Duch, I 3 Early Red Top, Ruta Baga, ( superior variety.) , L,arge White Norfolk, Liarcc Yellow Norfolk, .Large White Globe. Also, Altringham Carrot, Mangel JWortzei; Beet, and large Winter lrumhead Cabbage Seed. ; For Sale in quantities to suit purchasers At ?i june 18 tf. f . F. PESCUD'g- SHISMANs" YEAST POWDERS, MY :,J Materials are to hand, and Mr. phigman has put up a largo-quantity, all who have been waiting for sup jpties cansend in their orders. If you 'doubt that these great Powders are not su perior to any now known, you can; find testimonials from the most respectable families in Raleigh, at my store, where you can be supplied at wholesale or re tail. . ; P'F. PESCUD. ; may 23 . j, f ' AN OTHER BRILLIANT VICTORY! j. While on my recent visit to the Old Dominion, I hud the good fortune to procure from an old Iriend a demijohn of Rose Cordial of the most deleetable fla vora splendid and invigorating article for the sick. Call, by all means, and get some before it is gone; price 25 cents a bottle. Among the. chore variety of other things too tedious to mention, tc which the at tention of the public is respectfully called, I have a fine let of the best II air Brushes. If you want to feel good 'and poetical in these gloomy times, just call around, procure a brush and a bottle of cordial, and I Will guarantee a fine flow of the most highfalutin pheelins. P. F. PESCUD, Druggist. 1 "YJ-EW AND SPLENDID EXTRACTS Jl Consisting of THE WOOD VIOLET, ! HUMMING BIRD, BUTTERFLY VIOLET, ; rATCHUTLY MUSK, M PINK JOCKY CLUB, ; ; FRANGIPANI HOSE,&c. : Also, Frangipani, Verbena, Cologne and other Toilet waters. All of which are of the finest quality ana put Up in elegant style. 1 For sale at t . PESCUD'S DRUG STORE.1 Raleigh, May 18, 1860. ma 23 tf. JUST RECKIVED AT I PESCUDS DRUG STORE. A VERY FINE LOT OF TOILET SOAPS. ? ) AKERS PREMIUM BITTERS. : 3 A new supply of these celebifated Bitters on hand : I. At ! PESCUD'S Drug Store. M USTARD. I 4 -J A fresh supply just received1 At PESCUD'S Drug Store. P HALONS HAIR INVIGORATOR. Barrys Tricopberous, ! Ezekials Hair Restorer, Papons Indellible Ink. -i , At PESCUD'S Drug Store, au 14 tf r. - Raleigh, N. C. I ASH I CASH II CASH!!! I SELL MY GOODS FOR CASH ! I DON'T do a Credit Business ! Therefore ; I iope every person that sees this advertisement Will! not , ask me for CREDIT because I am not table to do a credit busittess ; and have to: pay CASH myseHV I have called Oil evrr norann flint. Kw.. a a 1tOT. and tavel uot been! able t4 collect the firs ML.n i . i wisn. you would call oa some one that is able to credit. . J. E FRANKLIN. ap'l 17 tf 1 : t OU DOMINION TOBACCO.--AN-OTHER Lot of ,01d Dominion Smoking "To bacco,' Jost received at Turner". North Carolina Book Store. Said to be Superior to the former. jan 5td ; : . WiXAliKUS IS THE PLACE TO B UY. Goods delivered free of Charge, to any parii.vi turn viijr . . , tOMX t tt FItESH MINERAL WATERS. CONl gross, Rockbridge Alum, and Green Brier VaJ. White Sulpher Water, also Rook Bridge Alum JMast. ;:l t; Torsaleat . '. -: 7 PISCUD'b DRUG STORE. Census of North Cafollna. ? ! 1 As jtepoii by ihe Secrary of the Slate Qmvm . 4 ' "tiarL '. j .' KRKX countixs; SLAT'S." 3,44S 611 6,951 206 391 5,878 8,186 5,327 3,621 1,931 2,371 3,040 . 1,088 2,127 1,96 9,355 1,664 6,246 519 3,713 2,131 2,463 6,180 5,830 2,524 ' 3,076 2,392 7,126 10,108 1,764 7,079 2,199 . 3,902 11,086 3,947 3,625 10,349 2,584 313 1,382 4,445 2,793 4,177 281 '4,916 3,413 5,131 2,115 519 213 4,30:1 1,305 6,541 1,823 ! 9 2,518 1 4,681 10,332 ; 6,803- ' 3,499 5,109 i 2,98X 3,569 - 5,195 8,473 620 i 5,453 1,645 5,456 6,318 ' 3,929 2,391 7,023 . 1,169 2,469 1,246 1,597 ' 2,246 10,733 10,401 2,465 104 5,451 1 1,208 3,496 1.433 362 TOTAL. 11,853 6,022 13,664 3,590 7,956 14,779 14,311 11,995 8,406 12,654 9,237 10,546 7,499 5,343 8,185 16,215 10,730 19,105 9,166 6,84J 12,348 8,597 16,273 .16,369 7,41 16,601 J8,494 . 15,786 17,376 12,691 14,110 9,310 . 8,444 Alamance, Alexander, -Anson, -Alleghany, Ashe, -Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, .- Cabarrus, . Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee,""" Chowan, Cleaveland, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Edgecombe Forsythe, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, Hajwood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow,; Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, , Richmond, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Union, Wake, Warren, Washington,-' Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, 7,987 ! 5,S82 6,562 3,357 7,423 . 8,172 5,846 6,235 4,515 , 10,623 6,647 ; 7,402 ! 6,297 2,940 6,064 6,581 9,038 12,555 8,609 2,?r 10,108 5,779 8,75 9,561 4,671 13,878 6,001 8,286 6,880 10,716 6,490 7,009 2,826 15738 6,642 5,31 5,438 ' ' 8,9 SI 3,948 4,682 11,141 5,241 10,548 2,210 4,903 6,000 5,370 5,693 5,435 5,542 10,543 6,781 8,725 6,319 421 a 151 -' t37 - 11142 729 1279 435 iioo 318 104 " 114 , 276 152 St7 1 128 . ao4 138 151 . OlOtf 55 1,888 S78 21 S47 poi 374 S8g 211 541 102 862 1,IH21 1152 093 2,450 104 23,396 4 7,925 20,050 19,441 8,039 5,801 10,448 9,504 7,734 15i47 5,5281 15,657 5,730 10,211 195 6,004 5,903. l lb 859 I j29 . iF ki93 11307 1T7 ilbO 115 iili 2!T3 290 : i4 ' icjsa If.6 : B$6' U $22 , 1,4 H4 ;3is 127 ; ip6 35 30 Vo !407 i 2 4f9 42 46 " U4 143 53 1,434 402 296 : $2 !7.t4 2Sl 2$0 18 64 10,189 7,120 17,374 7,649 11,427 1 1,688 21,715 13,376 8,856 16,949 8,940 ; 7,248 J 11,221 r 16,793 4,043 1I,C09 16,798 15,490 . 16,746 14,586 11,573 16,623 7,801 1Q,402 10,379 4,943 21,202 28,627 15,726 6,357 4,957 14,906 14,749 9,720 10,711 8,655 10,617 5,912 5,198 11,318 4,473 3,287 5,708 7,4'8a 3,317., 5,211 14,768 8,584 10,021 10,522 y,oeo 9,106 6,590 7,847 8,949 3,203 8,903 16,470 4,923 3,596 , 4,771 8,721 13,2S0 5,944 9,110 . 8,229 Yadkin, Yance, 631,489 30,0917 .331,081 . 992,667 BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C. mILlTARY BQOKSj for CASH ONLY. 1IA.RD EES TACTICsJ Complete Edition ; Revised by arid published Undefthe personal super vision of the Author in 2 Volumes. Price $2.50 When sent 4 mail, 2.70 VOLUNTEERS JttANUAL of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, with Honors p&id by the troops Inspections, Reviews.iDnties of Captains, Companies, Duties in Camp, and Garrison, Soldiers Rations and Mode of cooking them Abriged and compiled by Lieut. Colonel WM. IE RICHARDSON, graduate and formerly As sistant Instructor 'of tactics, Virginia Military Institute... ; Price $1.50 Tf hen sent by mail, l.0 THE VOLUNTEERS i HAND BOOK, an abridgement of H&rdee'sIInfantry tactic, by Capt. J. K. LEE. l j Price $00.50 When sent by; mail, ; 00.60 TIIE HAND BOOK Of ARTILLERY, by Capt. JOSEP 3' ROBERTS. Price$00.75 When sent by mail, ! 00.85 ON INFANTRY CAMP DUTY, FIELD FORTIFICATION and Coast defence,-by Captain L. V.BUCKHOLTZ, author of the Science of Wa-. j j Frice $00.50 When sent by maU, 00.60 Instructions for Officers and! non-oommiBsioned Offi cers of Cavalry o out post! duty, by Lieutenant Colonel VON ARENTSCHILDT. first Hui- tars. Kine's German LeeioU, with an abridgment of them," by Lieutenant Colonel, the Hon. FY PONSONBY. Price $00.50 ' When sent by jmail, ! 00.60 DIRECTIONS FOR C0OKING by Troops in Camn and Hospital, prepared for the Army of Virginia, and published by order of t he Sur geon General, witn jessars on i attiug ioou , and what food, by FLORENCE NltiHTIN GALE. I. Price $00.25 When sent by mail, . j 00.30 ALSO a complete Kew Picket Map of -VIRGINIA, j . Price $00.75 When sent byj mail, j O0.80 BAYONET EXERCISE and Skiimishers Drill by R. MILTON CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. Frice Ji.ou When sent by mail, 1.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ART1L- LERY NUAL Extracted from! GILHAM'S MAN for Volunteers) and Militia. ; Price $1.00 Wheu sent by! maiL 1-08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi cal Soldier, Illustrated with 28 Engrav ings, and designed for the) use of the Militia of the Confederate State. Price $1.00 When sent by mafl, g, j 1.Q6 MAllAM'S OU? POST DUTY, an Element ary treatise on Advanced Guard, out .post, and Detachment Service of Troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in pres ence of an Enemy, P-!,$1.00 WlheU sent by mait, j 1.12 GILHAM'S ; MANUAL for the Volunteers and Militia if the Conlederate States. 1 '! " Price $2.50 Wben sent by mail, 3.00 For sale by ; f W. L. POMEROY. sell-tf ! ; p Raleigh, N. C. SUPERIOR ARTICLE OP CHEW ING "Tobacoo.w Th Pure Southern Quid. A Supply of the above just received at I p TURNER'S N. C, Book Store.' iaa ttf iSAgefpleaso copy, QODA, WATER AND SUGAR CRACK- VJ n; dos. Jam of Piekhss, at now - WHITAKER'i. CLOTHING- &C. W ' CLOTHING STORE II li V JUST OPENED BY ii ! at th oorner of Fayetteville St. and Market Square $2O,U00 wrthof MEN'S and BOYS Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes; Hats, and many other articles. I wish it distinctly understood that thee Gooda were bought in times of peace, and eonseqnent ly'at inuch lower prices than they could be bought for now. $ Thex;iill be sold again at the :tt OLD RETAIL PRICES. I have no (particular fancy for saying much. All I ask of the public is to give me a call. They will certainly '"not be disappointed in the quantity, quality or ' ? in the prices of my . ' GOODS. Rem embcrj corner of Fayettcvitle Street and Mar- Square, (formerly occupied by Mr. Pool.) , i fiespecutuiy, au31 tf; I ISAAC GETTING ER. 1861. SPRING TRADE I 1861. ' GFNTLEMEN AND BOYS IN WANT OF CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOOTS, Ac, of every description, will find me prepared this SPRING to furfciah thm with BETTER GOODS, at more : Reasonable Prices than heretofore; audi most cordially invite them to examine inyi . ; : GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing. ' j Notwithstanding the crisis; I have been NORTH and purchased, to great advantage, a most BEAUTI FUL and VARIED .STOCK of ' .: CLOTHING AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, 'and, my friends can, be furnished, at short notice, from head to too$ Having a splendid Stock of the most ' fashionable and approved Fren CLOTH, DOESKINS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS of all kinds, Ac, the most ACCOMPLISHED AND SUPE RIOR I I j CUTTER AND WORKMEN in my TAYLQ'RING ESTABLISHMENT, I am ready to compete. wLh any ,one in the old North State in making any Garment or Clothing to order, in the most superb and artistic manner. The liberal encouragement I have received and continued indications of increasing confidence, inspire me with the hope that I shall be morejiberally patron ized than ever ; to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to the wants of air who favor we with a call. ,j M. GRAUSMAN. ap'llS-tf MILITARY GOODS I Zf SUP. GREY AND DRAB MILITARY OU. Overcoats with large capes, price 16, 18,20 and "22 dollars, all home made. 5O0. Merino Shirts, Grey-end White, for camp life. 500 Pairs Merino and 'Shaker Drawers, all sizes, Grey and White, just to hand. 50 : Pait Grey,.Blue, Drab and Mixed colored Cloth aad CaesimereSj made to measure or sold by the paiB or single pattern to 'suit purchasers. Overcoatings in Beaver, Pilot and Petersham. 40 Dentin sup. White Shirts. 70 Dozon Ca88imere, Gingham and Calico fatigue - Shifts. : . , Blankets aud Shawls for Soldier' use. Oil Cloth Overcoat, Leggins and CajrCovero. Gilt Buttons by the gross. Gold Braids by the pair. Haversacks 3y the huadred. 200 Pair Dr ll Gaiters. . . Hea,vy Socks i;y the dozen. Gloves and Gauntletta, Pantsj Vests and Dress Clothing ; a complete assort ment ,at T. W. ROYSTON A CO.'S. oct 9 ' ; Petersburg, Va. 1861 1861. AUGUST 17th, MILITARY GOODS I NO, 511 SYCAMORE, PETERSBURG, VA. T, W. HOISTON,! Co,, Can furnish Military Companies with the following named goods at short notice : ' Oil .Cloihtlver Coats, Oif Cloth Oaps, Oil Cloth Haverlocks, , ; . Oil Cloth Haversacks,' i Oil Cloth Leggins, , Fatigue Jackets, "- Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. Ginghamand Calico Shirts; ' Mirino under Sfrirts (White and Grey.) , Merino Drawers, (White and Grey,) ' 'Yelvetand flannel Zouave Caps, Heavy Grey Over Coats, : ; ALSO, ON HAND, ".' i Grey and Blue Satinet, : s i Grey Gasimere, v . Grey Flannel which they will make up to , order and warrent satisfaction in every instance. : ),) T. W- ROYSTON, t CO., ; - ; 5 1 No. 51J Sycamore St, .au 21 tf i Petersburg, Va. Wf, IH TAKER'S ! VV WHITAKER'S 1 1 WHIT AKERS 1 1 1 SPRING GOODS ! , i SPRING STOCK!! , WHITAKER, THE INIMITABLE. THE INIMITABLE -WHITAKER. I li 50 Boxes Oranges, $4 00 5G do ! Lemons, 4 00 50 Bbls. ApploB, 4 00 10 do Potatoes, 4 00 40 Boxes Candles lOOIbsi,) 22c '1-0 boxes Common Candy, K. 16o. 10 boxes fancy Can ; 10 boxes French Can dy, 45c. ( 20 boxes Webb A Whit- ted'B celebrated T 0- BACCO. (20,000 Havana CI- GARS. s 20 Cases Crackers. ( 20 Bbls. Crackers. dy, tV - 20c YOod '&ni) willow ware. Daily etpected at the INIMITABLE WHITA KER'S a great variety of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. ITISHI FISHIt FISH!!! Herringi, Mullets, Mackerel, Salmon, White Fish, and giad are daily expected at .i WHiTAKER'S CITY EMPORIUM. apl 6 tf. , ' : ! . '. . . JUST RECEIVED AT FRANKLIN'S. StrogyFresh and Salty Snuff, and all to be had in.ths SOUTEERN CONFEDERACY. Also, a Large lot cf Ertry conceiveable article known ,- to the trade. Come one, come all, to se 7 tf , FRANKLIN'S Call. jfflBStlwidard and Spirit of the Age copy, F INE GOLD JEWELRY. THE SUJ1- SCRtBER has in store a splendid assortment of FINE GOLD JJS WULKX. embracing a variety of atylea of patterns of Brooches, Breast Pina,tEar Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, La dies and Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, ' .Miniature Lockets, ,Gold Thimbles, Ac. Call and examine, nov ' i 1 C. B. ROOT. USE ! YEAST ISAAC OETTINGBR E. I CfflSHANS POWDERS Register. f t SATUBpAlT MORNING, JAN. 11,1862.. . NOTES OF THE WAR. The Northern raters report the arrival of "Hon." Mr J Ely at Washington. It will be re collected that Mr. Ely wai exchanged by our government for Mr. Faulkner. ; As it may be in teresting to know what Mr Ely has to say of the "rebels," we take thel following from the North ern papers :; 'j . j ' "HON." MR. EIY IN BALTIMORE WHAT HE HAS TO SAY OF THE "REB ELS." ' " ; -j Hon. Alfred ElylarriTed in BalUqiore Ibis morniDg in the steamer from Fortress Monroe, direct' from Richmond. He is in excellent health and spirits, knd looks as fat and plump as a Nor folk oyster, ille proceeded immediately to WaslS- ' ington, in order to lay before the President and Cabinet a statement of facts of the greatest im. portance. Mr. Ely's conficement hasbaeQ by no means rigourous. He was not . confined in the commoneceptacle for prisoners. On giving his parole of hohour not to-taave the cityr from day to day, he was permitted to go anywhere teitAin the limits of the city of Richmond, and; to take his: meals at any hotel or other place where he pleased. When he was first captured his impris onment, however, was quite as strict as that of the other prisoners. It was understood at Richmond, and stated in the. papers there, that he had gone an the battle field of Bull' Run to witness the defeat and dis comfiture ofc the Confederate Army, and to gloat ovdr its antibirjated ". reverses, and consequently the most bitter feelings were excited against him. He, took every' occasion, however, to demy this-i statement id the most emphatic language, and gradually the hatred of the people towards him entirely disappeared The Richmond papers, of December 23, in Bpeakag of his probable release in exchange for Mr. Faulkner, say that they would not object to it if he would use his. in flu en Je in Congress to jjersuade that body to put a termination to the war, aad in convincing old Abe of the impossibility of conquering the South ; but they aay that they have little hope that he;can succeed in that. Mr. Ely, of course, ha9 made no such promise. His release is uncondi tional, and he is trammelled by no pledges what ever a to his future course. It is very evident, however, from his i dnversation, that his feelings have undergone a radical change since this cap ture. " : He declares that he is not an abolitionist, and never was one, that he was not elected to Con gress by abolition votes, and that if any aboli tionists voted for him, it was without his knowl edge and against his wishe?. He states that he bad every opportunity, while at Richmond, of going every where In the city, of seeing every thing and conversing with all kind3 of people. Also that at the hotels he met gentlemen from all .parts of the Southern States, with wbom be con versed freely. He says Jie.is convinced -that the entire South is a unit on the subject of the war, and t hat the y; are determined to fight till the last man falls, or till the achieve their indepjendence. That the utmost cheerfulness prevails there, and: that the people are satisfied with what has been done so tar. He states that so lar as ms own ac tion is concerned, that, convinced of the imprac ticability ofjSUbduing the South, he is willing to lot the Southern States go. ME. ELYi'S STAY AT WASHINGTON. Hon. Alfred Ely arrived in Washington this evening from' Baltimore, and gives an interesting acconntof his imprisonment in Richmond, not different materially, however, from statements previously made. Wheu first taken to Richmond toe was put into a room in a tobacco factory with forjy-faur Federal officers, with- no furniture or bedding. They U3pd some wooden blocks for pillows, and lay upon the bare floor for several days. ' It was ten days. before any conveniences for ;eatlng or sleeping were furnished them. Their food was brought in a large cauldron, and coffee in a similar vessel, and placed in the mid dle of the floor, and they helped themselves as they might. After a time they purchased ! cots and necessary articles, so that now the place is comparatively comfortable, barring the vermin, which infests the building. The prisoners after a while got used to their condition, and contrived to pass some of their hours in comfort. Some days after they, were confined, a prisoner was put among tham who caused- them some trouble An officer came one evening, and pretended, that he 'wa3 suspected of designing to escape. He brought handcuffs, and was about to put them on Rossvally, and then made a show of relenting, saying that, for old acquaintance sake, he would not handcuff him, if he would pledge himself not to attemptfto escape. The farce was overacted and confirmed Mr. Ely in his suspicions,, apd he told the office: the man must be got out of! their company. Soon atter this Roasvally was taken to General Winder's office and the next day tha prisoners were drawn out in line, and found them selves in the presence of five Baltimore detectives. They were told that they were armed, and they were subject to a personal search. The building was also searched. Only one small dirk was found. Rossvally had written an anonymous let ter to General Winder, accusing the officers, and his perfidy was so apparent tbathe was putia close confinement, and there remains. - Mr. Ely says that his health was very good through all his imprisonment, and that he was treated kindly, and many people in Richmond be stowed gratefut favour$ upon him. He has been Visited by thousands of people, and never received an insult from them. ' ' fjNine officers and twohundredand fifty privates having ; been released from Fort Warren, a corresponding number were on their way from Richmond prison, who would probably arrive in Baltimore tp-day. Mr. Ely was caljed upon to se lect the nine offioers to be released, and be named those who were suffering from wounds and sick ness! The seven hostages at Richmond--Colon-els Wood, Lee and Cogs Well, Major Reve, and Captains Bowman, Kepper, and Rockwell are confined in a room ten feet by thirteen, with, two small windows, from which the light is nearly ex cluded by flat iron bars. Small cots are placed in the room at nignt, and taken oat in the morn ing. ! Tfate hostages at Richmond and Charleston will certainly behung if the Savannah privateers--men are executed. i Mr- Ely is strongly impressed with the impor tance of 'making a regular exchange of prisoners, although! he disclaims any intention of criticising the polioy ot the administration in that , matter. He says that tha rebels are well informed of our strength! and movements much better than we are of theirs. He left Richmond at fir e o'clock in the morning, and was surprised and somewhat alarmed at'seeinz an immense crowd at the derxt. He was assured by Mx. Sage, el Louisiana, a. cen-J tieman conneciea wiiu ue reoei government, tnat ha shonld not be injured. The morning paper at Petersburg bad announced his expected irrivaal, which dtew the crowd together. . At .Korfollk ail immense crowd was gathered around the Atlantic Hotel to look at him as he passed, bu t he passed unobserved, with an officer, to General Huger'a office. General Eager treated him politely, and ordered fteamboat to be mendea to convey "im ww not trom rortress Monroe, waa placed in the charge ot Colonel jMalRraa. whocoflductedhimtotheboat. Beforegolnl on boar.hw baggage wai examined by detectives. trunk, .plain woodea box, wa red for a false bottom oonceahng dlspatchea, but nothing i was discovered, and be was sent along. When -i ilt7v ! PProcing from the fortress: with he stars and stripei floating, he could not help exclaimlne as be stood son the deck of the It .Lmeir' "l WeM Gad that X see Once more that briUiaot banner." Captain Prettonloomman- 1 der of l the rebel steamer, told hiia baPoooid not 'I Name him for expressing such a sentiment. I Mr.; Ely brings with him several present from citizens of Richmond, among which la a hand- ' some writing case, given him; by a young ladr. The Rjchmond Prison Asaociallop; of which Mr J Ely was President, refused to elect successor and isi left under the charge of iu Vice-Presl- 1 dent, j ' TRAITORS IN RICHMOND-WHAT WE GET BY RELEASING YANKEE PRISO. jjers. ,j ,.; James H. Hurlbttrt. belonvi S?tD tiCQt I"e6iDDen who,was taken prisoner at f Bull Run, was unconditionally released at Rich-1 mond in , consequence of the services he rendered after, the battje to some of . the wounded rebels. ue nas returned home and brought with him a number of maps of the oounlry and of defenoos ' of Richmond, which were drawmby aTTnion man iti that city. He had them concealed in the lin ing oijnia panuioons. WOOD AND FREM( A correspondent of the Atlanta them Cbtt- jtaercupy, wno ha seen New Yofk paoers of quite a recent date, writes as follows of- Fernando1" Wood: and John C. Fremont: , ' 1 Fremont and Fernando Wood are still Intrigu ing fo their respective schemes for the dismem berment of what remains of the United States. If England engages in war with the United States Government, its speedy destruction is highly probable.; ; The whole. North' would in. stinctively- perceive thei folly of trying to stand up under the burden of a double war .with Eng. land and the Confederate States. The- almost certain overthrow that would. stare them in the face would greatly facilitate Fremont's schemes for a Western empire- It would also add powers fully to thv strength of Wood's intrigues in New York. i Wood's recent defeat for Mayor of New York! city should not betaken as evidence of his falling; influence. There was a triangular contest, each candidate receiving nearly tbesanie number of votes. Wood was- left out by a few ,votes. Opdyke received a plurality, though the actual majority against him iwas 2u,000. This majority Wood can command for his new! scheme. Id a similar way Wood was defeated in 1857 ; but, for the two years he was Out of office, he: was as potent as if he had been at the head of - the city government. COUNTING-HOUSE CALENDAR, I862i M J T W TvF S 1 2 3 i T! 8 !10 11 14115 16 17 IB 2122 23124 25 28 29 30 31 'I . i i i 4 b 6 7 8 11 !l2l2 1415 18,19;28 21 2 25.26 278 ' .! h 1 4 5; 6 7 8 Ill2!13!l4 15 18 19 20.21 22 , S M T Wit f -B ': , 1 2 8 4 5 !t 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20, 27 28 29 30 31 J I .. i, 1 2! 3 4 5 1 7 8 9 jlOll 12 13 14 It 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 2t 2829 30 ,31 I 1 2 SJ 4 5 I 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 2J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 8 4 5 0 7 a V 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 20 80 31 1 2 3 4 5i 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ' 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 2027 23 29 30 if I 1 ' 1 2 3 4 5 ' 0 ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 10 17jI8 10 20 21 12 33-24:29 2027 28 29130 311 I 5 jl2 lis 26 2 9 16 H la o PS in w CO pi (4 o H O o h 23 2 0 o L6 23 SO 25'26 1 2, 8 9 l&i 16 22 23 29j30 ; 7 13 14 20 21 3 10 17 4 11 18 6 13 20 27 4 11 IB Cm 24 25 li 8, 15 2 9 22t2f 25 27 3 10 17 29.30 12 13 1 B 14 15J16 19 20 21 22 29 23 24 301 , 25j26j27 28 ST. MAJRYS SCHOOL, RALIIQH, N. C. Right Rev. THOS. ATKINSON, D. D., Visitor. Rev. ALDERT SMEDES, D. D., Rector. THE NEXT TERM OF THIS SCHOOL . will open January 6th, 1862i il J : For a Circular containing fall particulars, appy to the Rector. ,i dee I4--4w t i HKAXQUARTKR8! N- C. TROOPS. AdjiSttamt Gknbkal's OrricB. - ' , Raleigh, Dec. 17, 1861. Uksbral Ordbr 1 1 No. 24. All military officers Or a tents having in their pos session money or property belong ins ti the State, particularly quartermaster stores, clothing, eampand garrison equipage, oommissary and or da an oe stores, are required to make a fall and complete return of it to the Adjutant General, according to the forms required by the regulations, showing the amount received, issued and remaining on band at the end of the pres ent and each subsequent quarter. - ,.' j " General Order No. 17 not having been compiled with, all officers failing to comply with this order irlll be reported to the Governor to be dismissed from the service as the following extracts of the law direct By order of the Commander-in-Chief; , - , ; x J. G. MARTIN, Adjt. Gen. Extract from the 'IBiU,'? approved Sept. 20th, 18 IL , " 8ko. 78. All military offioers having the charge of money or property belonging to the State shall make a quarterly return of the same to the Adjutant Gene ral, in Bach form as h my prerib, ead also any other returns or reports which h may require. ' ( All said returns shall be made within l twenty days after the expiration of the quarter, and any officer failing to make the same in one month after -the expi ration of such quarter, or to settle up jihls accounts when required io-dojto, aad pay any balance due by him on account H any property for -which he ought to aecount, shall be dismissed by the Governor, uolesa sufficient excuse! is rendered, for : such failure or de fault ., ju, (; .j, . v: - M Sac. 80 All farmer disbursing officers who shall not have closed their accounts and had the same set tled prior to the 20th of August, 1881, shall make th settlement of the same with the Adjatant General : 1 and all offieert;having public property of every kind and description which shall be, IS hi hands, who shall go out of offlee en the 20th. of Angat or before or after that time, shell account for nd deliver sueb property to the Adjutant General, and faff so shill be Uabk to be sued In the name of the State ahdall aults at 4aw whichj It may be eeesaxy to proseeete under this act for the State, ny be trough in the Superior enrtr Wake County dee 21 3t ."JAfA JELLY. TNRESIJ -MU8TABO, J? Pepper Sauce, A MnilkER'S. no IS t " ?-v r : ' "i wnrstlES. BRANDIES, Gil1, "TUNE J? Rom, Wi d 0?dit' WHTTAKER'8. no IS " ' ' 11 27 28 29 10 9BL8. NO. .1 SlJwAJS as WBItAXJR'0. BO IS "irl .1 in. 1 ft V 4 ' 6, . ::f if. 1 I ! .- i; t! 'fl 1 A:.: