vMlallly jiJ$hvP livyu lilt I? prt3 'uAr- cH 1 I ty tH t-;1 7llE U l,ElGIi UEGIST3I ry MB"5..Z IS DO. if DVIMBt ta imte' Of AdTertisiBff ! the emiweeKjri dguare (19 very aoccet idinfc'lMertioWf 'IS 00 . -Six . in.. 'V-'..L i-f.i- ii' -'M i!' 1 gquare toi the firat insertion; ; ' ' . JJ j AUaawJtiM'mesU not lothenris directed, mm, be lnerted inU Semi-WeeWy, and charged aooofdin fit. t t,..: . Ird mat exeeedinff eignt uae, ,w iu . modtba frj$5 00,. or twelve months for ' J i d en mnnl.k nr SIS for twelve months. .ar Cftrttracts can be made at tlw offle for; longer advertisenointo. j ".j '' .'f ' : I I BUSINESS OAllDa DeCAUTKRET ARM8TRONG, BOOK BINDERS, -i--: -"AND' ' y-- BLANK BOOKMANUF ACTTTREES , ,T RA.LKIUU, h. c. 15 tt . .-' -... : t, -. " JOHN W. COSBY, 0 5 KALEIGH N pept. 45 1860. ; ' ' I C. A. .rt'LLKAK,' R. P.rDbLIAV, ' D. K.WErsiGKJl. P U LLIAM & OO. f AUCTIONEERS FOa SALE OF NEQROEt?, Odd-Fellows' Hall, Franklin St., 1 U ICIIMONI), V A . f ' - DAILY SALES I'ublio asd ' PbjtatI I : We pledge our strictest' attention to the business en trusted to us, and iwill, answer all m- rir'iij nxunicatiolii promptly. l'ORTEU ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOT. ly 9 tn i u f PJUUMMER & CO., f j 1(r0RMERLT PHKBLKS A WWlTB.) - VOMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GROCERY, 1 No. 42,. Old Street, Petersburg Va. J PROMPT and diligent personal attention given to the sale of all eonsiemments of Produce Alwavs on hand si full supply of standard quality; Groceries, sujmcj to ui wants of Farmers and f snnilie. ; j LEMt KIBLK8; V jKp. J. THOMPSON hksrt x. PLtmwBH, jf, late of the firm ofN. M. Martin, Brother A QcC ' h .. j;;- . ; ! a"8ole Agents for Reese's Phospb Peruvian, or Manipulated Gnatio-. jutte 27itR.r OAK CITY HAVI1MGS BANK. S DM. dJ'IIPGG, Preiden Y ' ' -I Johk G. WrLfclAHS, Cathtr. 1 j DIBKCTOBS. ' t ' , Dr. T. D. IIogg, 3 II. S. Smith, 4 Burhee, , k, John tS. (.Williami This Eank is now reieiving deposiU,! nt tbs x ctiange Office of John Gj. Williams A CoU Discount day Tuesday; , . . feb 1ft tf., ; TO THE PKIEND8 OP HOME MANUP ACPUltES. 1 THE KlNSTON I -1" .IS Now JLN 5 i SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. ORDERS for negro iBROGANS and B00T8 urt JT solicited. KinstcJn, N: J C.sCARPENTER, Aacnt. G., June 24. 180. aujr 4 tf. PETEilSBUItG, Yui. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALISIlMEST, j OAT4!OjBaH REC1STLT FITTKn UP AfP iUPPUlD j JflTH iLl. JfODERS COHTEHIEHCitl, ' i Now offers to Travellers Attractions ! Unsurpassed by any Hotel ". ' f ' . I in the Country. mar 5- JOHN JARRATT & BRO. ; : :l . . . -d, : ; 'A ! "i rtrtvviva lb TrtnwflTiw GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCIIANXS, , t-eiertDurg, t . ja Wly. j . i 3 DONNAN Ar. m.. V COMMISSION MERCHANTS -i- Richmond. V' t INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAL LETf OF VIRGlNlI, Wiuche.ter, Vir"la, Capital t SaOO.000.il 'BOorporatl -March, 1852. Charter per j lual. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid ' 1 Fire Uises paid.ia ft joara J idj86Dl, 538;29s'l9 J. nauraflce againit lol bj damagejfey tirej' on as favor- able terms as other responsible Companies. ap'I 0-CTdy';a Perabargfy WANTED ! -WAKTEm INXMITABI.1: WHITAlTER'S. 4 CONTENT Ell " MAN f vFOHI W IIHJ lir ! hi offer a pre mi b of FrV.OALLONS f d,4 lreH'ry' Celeb rated ' Southampton T : ; wu-""- ii llJUllf Y?iXj ctJ3 speaking ef the above OLD-Ha ANDx', CrtrxV-- ;l r inimitablb''WHIxakerm; . hag bnhand'.'l,? e AJnaiYR a. seta TIS.rALES' lALESQLD APPL& BKA!mrT ana many other choice BR ANUS. i 'TV'712L A f"' ThajatoBU4 mmm aa tie iNIiirT AT Zfirrr a;llTgett SV. . bett een the hours anl Ii tf. :TT'v,,-?J. it .. ' ,V J - . -; - . -m 2U: -Ja u- MEDIOINUS;" if? 4 -U1" riXflESB'.DELlCIOUa. i.NI JAE-Fi.MED: BIT- jIEB&are ppmjBjede4yb FIKSXJ11X'- prie re lea8ah M ! xUct4 'Ufte,kd ite proDoiweed th OBST TONIC HlV jBTIMli fcANT EVEIt ory EKED v TO -THE PU1I. v pr4ir Cttratiy Jower J sIb', of GjJfEIl AI. DEWLITYi I.OS8 m APPETITE, CON- . I ' ,: ' i " - ' ' STIPATICJN, eU:., are Vnfarra'TIeled,' and a gdarantee that we foel warranted in claiining what we do, we beg leave tu atate that vutaastrtionaAre eadors-- ... Prof. S1LL,i.tiak,oI Yale College., j Vrof. .HAYES, of Massachusetts, 4 hundreds' of others. ' " . ' 1 : an fVr ;aaleb Grocers, Vine Merchants, lund Drag gf sta generally. , if . i Principal Depot, 145 Water St,, New York. . deel lj ; I7RES1I MED1C1NKS - JC - AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Subscriber has the pleasure of announcing to hjs friends and the public generally, that after much delay trouble, and expense, owing to the war, and in terruption of trado, ho has procured a fresh supply ot Medicines, Toilets and other articles in his line, which he has been unable to furnish for some time past.- He has to pay CASH for all be buys, and hopes that such of his patrons as do net pay promptly, will take the hint, and that all in arrears, who hare cot gone to the seat of war to fight for our independence and dearest interests, will pay up their arrearages or a part at least, so that he may be able to meet pressing de mands, and keep his Stock replenished. ja!fAll orders from the country (unless from prompt and reliable parties,) will go unnoticed, if not accompanied with the CASH or its equivalent. P. P. PESCUD, au 17 tf Druggist, Raleigh, N. C. FOR BEAUTIFYING AND IMPROVING THE II AIR.--I have received the following favorite articles, viz : Mrs. Allen's Restorer and Zylabaisamnm. Wood's and Ezekial's Restorer, j Burnett's Cocoaine andCocin, i 1 v Rosemary and Castor Oil, I Lowe's and Fiver's Pomades, Demcrson, Petit & Co., Hygienique Soeiete, and Monpelas Pomades, , , Tricopherons, Ivathairon, Essence Bay Leaves, Sayue's Hair Tonic, j. i u Philecome, and Pescnd',Hair Tonic. Also, the most approved Hair Dyes known in this Country. for sale at t ! , . PESCUD S DKUG STORE j Raleigh, May 18,.I80. - ma 30 tf. BUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CROP TUR. ' NIP SEED. i ! CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING VARIE tio: . j Early Large Flat Duch, 1 j ; Early Red Top, ' 1 Ruta Baga, fa' superior variety.) j 1 ! Large White Norfolk, : ? Large Yellow Norfolk, 4'' Liarge White Globe. Also, Altringliam Carrot, Mangel Wortael Beet, and large Winter Drumhead Cabbage Seed. I ' For Sale in quantities to suit purchasers t June 18 tf. P. E. PESCUD'g-" - 1 u .' 1 - eIIISMAN'8 YEAST POHT)Ehs.--MY Materials are to band, and Mr. Chisman has put up a large quantity, all who have been waiting for sup plies can send In their orders. I If you doulit that these great Powders axe -not su perior to any now known, you can find testimonials from the most respectable families in Raleigh, at my tore, where you can be supplied at wholesale ot re tail. P. F. PESCUD. ! may 23 A' hadt NOTIIER BRILLIANT VICTORY! While on my recent visit to the Old Dominion, I the good fostune to procure from an eld iriend a demijohn of Rose Cordial of the most detectable fla-ivor-a splendid and invigorating artielCiir the sick. Call, by all means, and get some beforeit is goae; 'price 25 cents a bottle. Among the choice variety of other things too tedious to mention, tc which the at tention of the public is respectfully called, I have a fine lot f the best Hair Brushes. If you" want to feel good and poetical in these gloomy times, just call around, procure a brush and a bottle of cordial, and I will guarantee a fine flow of the most Itiyhfalutin jaheelinn. ': P. F. PESCUD, Druggist. NEW AND SPLENDID EXTACTsT. Consisting of , THE WOOD VIOLET, 1 , j HUMMING.BIRD. I BUTTERFLY VIOLET, -t PATCHUTLY MUSK, PINK JOCKY CLUB, i FRANGIPANI ROSE. &c. Also, Frangipani, Verbena, Cologne and other Toilet waters. All of which, are of the finest quality ana put i up iq elegant style. 1 For sale at '". . PESCUD S DRUG BTORE.l i RaUigit, May 18, 18ft0. ma 23 tf. JUST RECEIVED AT PESCUDS DRUG STORE. A VERY FINE LOT OF TOILET SOAPS, j BAKER $ PREMIUM BITTERS. ' A new supply of these celebrated Bitiers on hand At PESCUD'S Drug Store. mTUSTARDr If JL. A fresh supply just received At PESCUD'S Drug Store. PHALONS HAIR INVIGORATOR. Barrys Tricopberous, .T Eitkials Hair Restorer, ! Pa sens Indellible Ink. At PESCUD'S Drug Store. aul4tf - Raleigh, N. C. ASH! CASH! I CASH!!! ' I BELL" MY .GOODS FOR CASH I DON'T do a Credit Business 1 Therefore 1 hope every person that sees this advertisement will not , ask me for CREDIT4becaiue !I am not able to fdo A credit business j and have to pay CASH myself: I I have called on every person that owes pie a DOL LAR, nd jhave not been able to collect the first L WIBQ tou wen d civil nit unttKi Ann that f able to crediu iap'l 17 tf, fLD DOMINION "TOHAC OO.".. AW. 1 OTHER Lot of Old nnmin'win Sranltini T. aeo,' Just received at "TurnerV J5irth Carolina .4Kllr, j..' t be Superior to ttc ToriMttP Book I 3 ... . ----- j 3a H M THE PLACE Trt delivered free of CbargVto any 1 iaar 6-tfc TTlItESII iMINEUAJ.. wiTRRRn hSt res2 RoekWdsAlam, ad Gre Brier Wh Salpher Wati, also, Rock Bridga Alan MaaZ .!i-.K.,fri' AaJieported ly jA$ Secretary of . the State XXmvcn-: ' f-i. woa, "WHITK. -COL'KD." SLAY'S, TOTAL. Alamanoe' - 3,445 :v 611 ? 6,951 -V1 206 - 391 ; 6,878 8,186 , 5,327 y 3,621 1,931 , 2,371 3,040 " 1,088 2,127 1,969 9,355 1,664 6.246 519 3,713 2,131 2,463 6,190 "5,S30 2,524 3,06 ; 2,392 7,126 7,079 2,199 3,902 11,086 3,947 3,625 10,349 2,584 313 1,382 4,445 2,7b3 4,177 281 4,916 3,413 5,131 2,115 519 213 4,303 1,305 6,541 1,823 " 2,518 4,681 10,332 6,808 3,499 5.109 2,983 3,569 5,195 8,473 620 5,453 1,R45 5,455 6,318 3,929 2,391 7,028 1,169 2,469 1,246 1,597 2,246 10,733 10,401 9m 5,451 1,208 3,496 1,433' . 362 lI,85S -1 90 19 6,022 ausuD, . ' V. 151 - 27 ,142 . 729 279 435 260 100 219 104 114 ' 276 152 279. 28 :i04 88 151 109 355 1,288 978 221 147 101 374 388 211 541 102 362 1,121 152 693 2,450 104 85 1,111 259 29 6 193 107 177 . 80 115 2 451 273 290 45 184 688 766 656 159 522 1,484 392 318 127 106 345 380 1,450 407 135 122 489 42 86 184 143 5.". 1,421 402 T 734 261 280 168 64' 18,664 Alleghany, "- ' 1 8,357 3,59 7,95d Ashe,- v i y,423 Beaufort - t Bertie, ' . ; . 5,84o Bladen r i 635 Brunswick, : , i 4,51a Buncombe, v ,10, G23 Burke, ; 6,647 Cabarrus, V 7,402 Caldwell, " , 6,297 Camden, ' J 2,940 Carteret, 6,064 Caswell, 6.&31 Catawba, ' ,038 Chatham - 12,555 Cherokee, j 8,609 Chowan, ,2,978 Cleaveland, .10,108 Columbus, ( 5,779 14,771 14,311 11,99a - 8,406 12,654 9,237 10,546 7,499 5,343 8,185 116,215 110,730 1 19,105 9,166 6,842 112,348 I 8,597 ! 16,273 Craven, 8,795 Cumberland, 9,561 Currituck, ' 4,671 Davidson, 13,378 Davie, 6,001 Duplin, 8,28ft Edgecombe, ; 6,880 Forsythe, 10,716 Franklin, 6,400 Gaston, 7,009 Gates, 4,130 Granville, 11,189 Greene, .2,826 GuQford, 15,738 Halifax, 6,642 Harnett, ' . 5,351 Haywood, 5,488 Henderson, 8,981 Hertford, 3,948 Hyde, 4,682 Iredell, 11,141 Jackson, 5,241 Johnston; 10,548 Jones, 2,210 Lenoir, 4,903 Lincoln, . r.,000 Macon. .5,370 Madison, 5, 693 Martin, 5,435 McDowell, 5,542 Mecklenburg, 10,543 Montgomery, 6,781 ! 16,369 j 7,416 ! 16,661 ! 8,494 15,786 17,376 12,691 14,1 10 9,310 8,444 23,396 7,925 20,056 19,441 8,039 5,801 10,448 i 9,504 ! 7,734 -15,347 5,528 15,657 5,730 ?10,211 I 8,195 6,004 I 5,908 110,189 j 7,120 ! 17,374 I '7,649 11,427 11,688 21,715 13,376 j 8,856 16,949 i 8,940 i 7,248 11,221 16,793 4,043 1 1,109 16,798 15,490 10,746 14,586 11,573 16,623 7,901 ! 10,402 10,379 4,943 11,202 28,627 15,726 14,906 14,749 9,720 10,711 j 8,655 Moore, 8,725 Nash, 6,319 New Hanover, 10,617 Northampton, 5.912 Onslow, Orange, , Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Richmond, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan. Rutherford, 5,198 11,318 4,473 3,2R7 5,708 7,480 3,317 5,211 14.7CS 8,584 10,021 10,522 9,060 9,106 6,590 7.847 8,949 3,203 8,903 16,470 4,923 a...- m 4,771 8,721 13,280 5,944 .9,110 8,229 Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Union, Wake, Warren, - Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, 631,489 30,097 331,081 992,667 BOOKS. STATIONERY' &C. M I L IT Alt Y BOOKS for CASH ONLY. JIARDEES? TACTICS, Complete Edition; Revised by and published under the personal super vision of the Author in 2 Volumes. Price $2.50 1 When sent by mail, 2.70 VOLUNTEERS MANUAL of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, with Honors paid by the troops ; Inspections, Reviews, Duties of Captains, Companies, Dnties in Camp, and Garrison, Soldiers Rations and Mode of cooking them Abriged and compiled by Lieut. Colonel WM. H. RICHARDSON, graduate and formerly As sistant Instructor of tactics, Virginia Military Institute.: Price $1.50 When sent by mail, . 1.70 THE VOLUNTEERS HAND BOOK, an abridgement of Hardee' s.Infantry tactic, by Capt. J. K. LEE. Price $00.50 When sent by mail, . 00.60 TIIE HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt. JOSEPH ROBERTS. Price $00.75 When sent by mail, 00.85 ON INFANTRY CAMP DUTY, FIELD FORTIFICATION and Coast defence, by Captain L. V. BUCKHOLTZ, author of the Science of Wa-. Price $00.50 When sent by mail, ' 00.60 Instructions for Officers and non-commissioned Offi cers of Cavalry on out post duty, by Llentenant Colonel VON ARENTSCHILDT, -first Hus zars. King's German Legion, with an abridgment of them, by Lieutenant Colonel, the Hen. F. PONSONBY. Price $00.50 When sent by mail, j 00 60 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING by Troops in Camp and Hospital, prepared for the Army of Virginia, and published by order of (he Sur geon General, with Essays on Taking food and what food, by FLORENCE NIGHTIN GALE. - Price $00.2& When sent by mail, 08.30 ALSO a complete New Pocket Map of VIR GINIA. ' Price $00.75 When sent by mail, 00.80 BAYONET EXERCISE and Skiimishersj Drill by R. MILTON CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. , . Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR . FIELD ARTIL LERY Extracted from GILHAM'S MAN NUAL for Volunteers and Militia. i Price $1 00 When sent by mail, 1.08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi cal Soldier, Illustrated with 28 Engrav ings, and designed for the use of the Militia of the Confederate States. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, l.6 MAHAM'jS OUT POST DUTY, an llenient iry treatise on Advanced Guard, out post, and Detachment Service of Troops, j and the : manner of porting and handling them in pres ence of an Kneay. p-fJl.0O t n stfbea seat by mail, - i GILHAM'S MANUAL for the Volunteers and Militia ef the Confederate State. ' . -';. . ..vj -v - - ;. vj;4.-. j ,,,, . Priee$.2.60. ;,-When sent by mail, . . v. .. 18.00 JForalo by , W. L. POMEROYi: - H-tfL.,;:' .." ". Balelgh,N. c. A SUPERIOR ARTICXE5 OF CHEW ,VlNQ Tobaceo. The Pare Sonthera Qaii; A Sapplj of tho above just received atJ Zr SX.Are please eopy, : , i, WATER AND SUGAR CBACR 8 dox. Jan of Pickle lu-- na IS CLOTHING JUST OPENED BY at the corner of Fayettevine St. and Market Square worth of MENS"aur BOYS Ready Alade Clothiag, BeoU, 8hoeA HaU, aid many other artielee.: I wiehl U' diatiaetlt vnderatood that theee ttooda were boaght In times ofpeace, and eoBtequent ly at much lower prioe than tbky ooald.be bought for now. They will bj eold against the . ;:J 4?LH RETAIL PRICES. , I have no partioular fancy for .Wing mueh. AU I - ask of the pablio i to give me a calL They . will eertaiuly not be disappointed in. the quantity, quality or t Via the prices of my ' . GOODS. Remember, corner t Yayettevitle, Street and Mar Square,; (formerly occupied by Mr. Peol.) Respect! ally, - auSl tf ISAAC GETTING ER. 1801; w 1801. OFlSPritEMEN AND BOYS Iff WANT OP CLOTKJNG, HTS, SHOES, BOOTS, Ac, of every descrfption, will find me prepared this SPRING to furnish tm with BETTER GOODS, at more Reasonable Prices than heretofore; and I mosr cordially invite them to examine my" GO 0 D S AND PRICES i before purchasing, - Notwithstandinjg the crisis, I have been NORTH and purchased, tot great advantage, a most BEAUTI- -FUL and. VARIED STOCK of : : a t fn u Txr n i hjjju in in u AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and my friends, can be furnished, at short notice, from head to io ot. '', Having a splihdid Stock of the most fashionable and apro?ftdjFren-h CLOTH. DOESKINS. CASSIMERES, VESTINGS of all kinda. A the most RIO It ACCOMPLISHED 0 UTTER AND WORKMEN in my TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, i am ready to compete wiK any one in the old North fitate in making any; Garment or Clothing to order, ia the most superb and artitic manner. The liberal encouragement I have received and continued indicAtibns of increasing confidence, inspire me with the hop bat I shall be more liberally patron ised than e'ter; I to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to.Jhe wants of all who favor we with a oll. .: M.GRAUSMAN. ap'I 13 If q MILITARY GOODS! rf SUP ilREY AND DRAB MILITARY U J Overboatl with large capes, price 16, 18, 20 and 32 dollar, all home made. SOO Merino Shirts, Qrey and White, for camp life. 50O Pairs Merino and Shaker Drawers, all sixes, Greandhite, just to hand. 50 Pair Orey, Bine, Drab and Mixed colored Cloth and Cassim'eres, made to measure or sold by the i pair or sinale pattern to suit purchasers. Overcoatings in Beaver, Pilot and Petersham. 4U Dosen sup. White Shirts. 70 Dozen Cassimere, Gingham and Calico fatigue - Shirts, V. Blankets and Shawls for Soldier's use. Od Cloth Overeiats, Leegins and 'Cap Covers. Gilt Buttons by the gross. Haversacks by the nundrod. " 200 .Pair Drill Gaiters. Heavy Socks bt the dozen. Gloves and Gauntletts. Pants, Vests and Dress Clothing ; a complete assort- . mental? X W. ROYSTON A CO.'S. xct9 ,;?-.. i Petersburg; Va. 18611 1861. ' AUGUST 17th. MILITARY GOODS! NO. 51 1 SYCAMORE, PETERSBURG, VA. T. W, ROYSTON, & Co,, Can furnish Military Companies with the following named goods a7 short notice : Oil CloJ Over Coats, Oil Clth Gaps, Oil tJloth Haveriocks. Cw Cloth Haversacks, ', , - Oil Cloth Leggins, '' : Fatigue Jackets, , i Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. Gingham and Calico Shirts. MirinA under Shirts (White and Grey.) Mefino Drawers, (White and Grey,) VcBiTci uu nsnnw zouave vaps, . tHeavy Grey Over Coats, ALSO, ON HAND, .Grey and Blue Satinet, t 4' j H Grey Gasimere, Grey FljinneM which they will make up to order and warrtot satisfaction in every instance. K T. W. ROYSTON, A CO., . 3-. . No. 61J Sycamore St, au 21 tf f Petersburg, Va. HIICAReR'S ! ' ! W HIT AKER'S t! WHITjAKERS I ! ! SPR11M6 GOODS! SPRING STOCK ! ! W HI TAKER, INIMITABLE. 1,11 TlfE the ik;mitable whitaker. 50 Boxes OraUges, $4 00 10 boxes French Can 50 do : Lemons, 4 00 dy, 45c 50 Bbls. Appfea, 4 00 )20 boxes Webb A WkiU 10 do Potafbes, 4 00 ? ted's celebrated T O 40 Boxes Cam ilea ( ..- BACCO. . lOfrlbs., p 32o.(20,000 -Havana CI 40. boxes Coi amen I GARS. Candy, ' N 16c. 20 Cases Crackers. 10 boxes Fany Can- (20 Bbls. Crackers. dy, . ::. 20c': . . WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. DaUy'expeStk at the INIMITABLE W11ITA KER'S a grt variety of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. ' :'- . FIfHl FISH II FISH!! 1 Herrings, Mallets, Mackerel, Salmon, WhiU Fish, and Shad'are ally expected at - t7RITAKER'8 CITY EMPORIUM. apT6-itt " , ' .t TT JUST RECEIVED AT FRANKLIN'S. Strong fresh and Salty Snuff, and all to be had in the SOUTCERN CONFEDERACY. Also, a Large i'ot of Every eoneeiveable article known , . , .IJ-Aatradei Come one, eomo alL to . . : sa 7 tf.- :ri;.' FRAV8XIH9 Calt" Jr SUadard and Spirit of ike Age eopy; FINE GOLD JEWELRY. THE SUB SCRIBER has in store a splendid aseortmett of . if. FINE GOLD. JE WELRY, V ,'., embracmg a variety of stylos of patterns of BrooelMev Breast Pins, JEsx Rinrgt, 3raoele a, Finger Rings, La. dies aa4 Oentlamen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens, Caff Pins, MiniAtore Lockets; Gold Thimbles, - te. Call ui avaxainei'.'- i!-'? r.".iic-'i"y : ii . i i. I. ii i .. i. . i i i . i .iiiil J ii . WEDNESDAY MORKlHO; FKBj ?e, 186J. PUBLICATIONS OP ! THE - GENERAL TRACT AGENCY. . jOv x. .Aj V otcafrom HeaTen, i 4 " 2. Don't Put It Off. ; 4 pagw. 4. 4 v 44 3. Self-Dedication to God, 4 it (i -4. Private Devotion.; v j 4 5. Th All Sufficiericy of Christ. 4 o. Jjie am or j aitn, 7. Motives Id Early Piety, 8. The SentineL ; - ! 9. Come to Jesus', by N. Hall 10. Casting Our Burden on the Lord, by Key. Joaeph M. Atkinson, 11. Are Yiou Prepared ? 12. Prepare Jto Meet Thy God, 13. An Appeal to the Young, by 4 4 4 8 4 4 xev. d aa jacureaay, Come land Rest, by Rev. J .Ct Byle. The Soldier, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 4 8 16 4 8 4 4 8 4 Your Soul Is It Safe! The New Year, A Moiher'e Parting Words to u er Soldier Boy, 19. The Great Gathering, 20. Lovest Thou Me! 21. Individual Effort, 22. The French Soldier, Z3 Call to Prayer, by Rev. J. C. 16 24. Christ, In You, by Rev C. F. : JLeem3, v. D., 25. Christls Gracious Invitation! 8 8 4 4 ii ii " zo. Are louKeady! " 27. The Life-preserver, " 28, The Precious Blood of Christ, i or How a Soldier was saved, " 29. My Spirit Shall Nofe Al. ways Suive," by Rev. J. H. Fowles, f S. 0., r " 80, Why Will Ye Die ? by Rev!. A. $1. Poindexter, D. D.; of Va., I 4 8 " Hyrnna for the Camp," 120 Since June lit, 1861, wa have published of the above tracts over five million ot pages, over half of which wo have given away, mostly to the soldiers, and the other we sold ait about the cost of getting them out, 1,600 pages for one dollar; Come to 'Jesus, Call to Prayer, Your Soul Is It Safe, 8 cents each, which is as cheap as we heretofore got them from the North. Hymns for the Camp, 10. 12$ and 16 cento a copy. ! Each publication is approved by all the Pas tors of this citv. , i , W. J. W. CEOWDER, . Raleigh, N. C. ! Agent r. S. I also have a supply of the Pock Testament, printed at Nashville, Tenn. WHAT IS TO BE DONE WITH THE SOUTH WHEITIS CONQUERED. Ths New York Herald has the following ; This a very important question. What is not to be done with them was decided by the flat re buke received by Senator Sumner, whose resolu tion?,oni Tuesday, were laid on the table bra ta lJ2ljo5.TJhjMeesluUo only I wnicn nas maraea tne career or tne fanatical faction to which Senator Sumner belongs. The man who proposed to send. ambassadors to the black republics of Hay ti and Liberia, now pro poses to pot the black race over the white race at the South, wherever the blacks are more numer ous than the whites. By some unnatural idiosyncracy, all Senator Sumner's sympathies aro lavished upon negroes, in antagonism to the interests of the race to which he is supposed to belong. Such is bis passion for the negro that he would lay the train for St. Do mingo massacres from Susquehanna to the' Rio Grande, and he would blight the Christian civili zation of the Caucasian race in order to substitute the cannibalism! and fetishism of the King of Da homey. Having played his part in breaking tip the American republic of white men, this fanatic is now engaged in the work of preventing its re union, j j . 1 Mr. Sumner maintains that the Southern States cease to belong to the Union, And therefore wa of the North; may treat them as we please they are beyond the pale ot the constitution. Territorial Governments must be established, and we will rule them with a rod of iron. Now, if the Sou tbern States are not legally within j the Unioni what are we waging war with them for ? Has not the war been set on foot to "execute the laws of the Union V Why did we not establish a terriorial Government for Mexico when we con quered her1? And why have we not annexed all trio neighboring nations around us and made them Territories? The colonial system of tht old country is unknown to American laws. We do not believe in the folly of enslaving the white men of jour own race foe the purposa of emancipating negroes. The moment we attempt anything of thus kind we absolve the Southern population from all allegiance to the United vJtates, an 3 we have-no longer, any cause of war against tnem, j This is either a war for the main tenance of the! Constitution or it is not. If it be a war for the Constitution, then it must be car ried on according to the principles of tha Consti tution. If it be not a war for tha Constitution, what is it for 7 Sorely not for a mere abolition theory, a fanatical abstraction, is this great nation to pour out it blood and treasure like water. 'If the old Union: Is not to be restored by tha war, then we have no mora to do with the Southern States than we have to do witis Mexico, Central America, or Canada. Bat if the object of tha war be to rettore tha Union, it may be necessary daring the; struggle to place under provisional government thoea Southern states which are sub jected to our arms. That has been done to soma extent already. , ' . , ; NEW BREEECH-LOADING .GUN. Mr. C. W Alexander, of Hardy county, has invented a breech-loading rifle which Is a deci ded improvement upon Sharpes, and Is remarka bly simple and easily made, whUe it is at eflciont as any other gaa. A gun has beeni tnada under the surperintendence of Captaia Burton, of the O. S. Armory, according to tha patent of , Mr Alexander, which ba received tha approval of Maj. Gorgaa, as well as that of Capt. B. and other competent judges, vMsJ. i Oorgas commends ? it, especiaJly for mounted riflemen. I lean be loaded with the greatest assa, and cuto the cartridge itf self in the act of loading. It elpgs no mora than other guns,! and. thus hag an advantage pver Sharpe'.-- Persoos ara ready to vSndertaka tha maeuiactani of; this gait upon m r considarabla scala, If their smieTprisa ada favor with, the G9T , !a portio 'of tha grotind 'Aelocbsd for'Cia grand industrial exhiblUon or 1862,at LorUon, has been sat apart for the Confederata States, , What wa will ha va to exhibit that will" eom pi eta' ltlr Eu ropean maaufactora 'ta not ' said, bat1 it la- olnificant - fact .that i this apropriatioo to th ooquius cereioiora peea trrantad oniy to racog- tp - .-I - ...i. ... ..... ... m f v .."ir- t v mhut moninr trvin .i ; wnd dollar, rorib cf "drv .TVI.Tr pnv xo M delivbrad la Efchmorid In Ml AKODH Another U tald to ka tm nn. JZ?3 gapping him $ tlni back 5aai'Afr jj ::.j.:.ir"'" ""w i.i wat you said oouia .v luvjupu you r 'IB we nave no doubt man itmiii... j ,co "F 01 reached our mono. Examiner! j i i aara-iZicA. CACKR.?-Oot Usory, of tha parish of DaSoto. Louuiana, informs the editor of the Oaddo Ga utte that he tested remedy for this troblesoue disease, recom mended to him by a Spanish wo SlfV!?' 4'thaoounliry. The remadv U thU: Take an eg and broalc It, than Zt the white, rsutai tha yolk 1. fZStS mU I-M ,0D- "ill rlioelva U, sur them togjsthr until tha salve ia ft . m a portion of IthU on stlcklnc plaster, and Sup' canoen twice a oay. Ha has made the experiment twie In his oVn family, wUh com- ' 8 1 "' 1 I I 'l l'l I " SCHEDULE dF MAJL A RRANGCJIEffTtf JUI RALEIGH, N. C. Northern Mail i rrires daijy, Do jcioses Mi Eastern Mail arrives 44 ? m Do cloees r Western Mail a rives Do closes i i Fayetteville arrives "1 srv ' L eat44Sp.m '.00 p. ta -H4.A0p.sn. " t OOp, m. "6 30 a. m. - M40p;imk t-0 a. m. 00 p.m. causes j voce oours ritora T a. la. to 6 p. n., and from o . m.uBiD. ca. Sandays.fromt to 9 a. as. and ironi 6 to 7 p. ml brsXJSBVL NOTICXi -All irranna win K. ..11 , I . T i ' "- ww swviatr9 sVl Ia I aneA U.. V . : f . t v m a aa.aavaJ bUDlf UairH WUOia UQC4) bni t. VnimKa. 1 A 1 Oat I t , A 1 , NORFOLK DAY BOOIC. The very Latesi Northern and ElLTODea.n InfAllio-An -ia IS THE TIMK TO ariRannv nif TERMS: , One Tsar. OasMdnthi WEEKLY, One ear, fTUIE DAY HOOK HAS NOW DECOHQ JL taa newspaper of the South. The very latest Noitaern an4 Eajropaan News appears ia it llamas, one, two, and thra days la advanee ef all other a- j w -ue vouieaeraey. D. T. BiSaia. Esq! who has latelv retarmad faa Europe, wUk important dispatokes to the Ceafederata SUUs Goverameat, fays ia a reeeat letter (l "While in Londoa and Paris, I saw several qaeta. tions from the NoaroLk Dar Boas:, and sir ea my' retora I have also noticed extraeu from the sassa sprightly journal! in the newspapers of Vow York, Charleston, and thereities j The Soffelk(Va.) Christian Sua says i The Norfolk Da, Book, iwhleh is so fast gaining popularity; hroaghont the Soatkern Coafederaoy, comes to as greatly eolargoA and improved, and gives as Northern and Foreign News in advanee of any ef our other exchanges; and is, therefore, perased with avidity," ffj j; The Wilmington (N. C ) pally Journal says i 1 "The Norfolk pay Book has beeosae the most vat uable exehaore We treeeive -as it eoataias the very the Runan Goverameat aa- well aa u 1 ': r latest news from Foreign News." The Frederieksbarg (Va.jf Herald says T The Norfolk bay Bookaoatais the latest news from the North; sad its editorials are always of aa Interesting eharaeter."!-' - ! , ' SubseHbere te the; DAT Book may rely apes aav lag their papers seat promptly by mall. , ) Address, with amount of sabserlptloa aadosed,""' 4 ' JOHN R. HATHAWAY,: jaa If - r - j - 1 1 Editor and Proprietor. , NORTH CAROLINA I MUTUAL F lOB INSURANCE COMPANY. A the anaaal meetiag or tne oru varo&aa Jaataai ire insuraaea Company, held en tho 14th Jaaoary, 1862, the follow lag persons were eleosed. Directors and 0 fleers for tha. ensuing fear: 1 ! M ' ; f ' J WRECTORS. Benry D. Tadnor, Raleigh JohnBffllaneV i do.- i T.H.Serty,I ' ' l do. C. W.1X UatakUifS,! - 4e r - Eemp. PJBataeb - f. V. Ae. George Little, M f da. , James KjTrtriskS' da. Jasaea B-fHoyt, Waihlagtcev Alaxandar IstoheJL N-nrbera. Jos. G. Wright,iWQmlagtea. jS Joha M. Jonee, Edantoa. S George f. Charles, Elisabeth City Js Uasasaj. Plymouth. J. W, UamrLMarfSMesbororngk H. B.Waiiaau, Ckailotta, Samoel WaUiss, MUtoa. A. W. SteeL rayettele. . JoeephWhius, AasQieeaaty . Josh. Boaer, Salem.J A. F- SaaBaty,! Ashavtua, OFflCIsA P THJB COMPAST Eonry ParBor Fm aV. John RV Brysui,N45rf . Hamdoa $. BmRh, AsrrW ary mnd Trmemrw T.H.Wby.Mo,) Joha R. WUllama, I Em. Commit-. ' C W.D.Ratchfcyv J Titla Uoanasv aas been m aannaatfal ' i.rt over II Taartv aadjoontinaaa to take risks ipsa all ilaaes of property la the State, fexoent Steam MEls and Torpentiaa Distaiertes) mpoa taverabla terns. Its FoUciea new ievver propertT aaaowmtiac Uaearlv ti.000.SSe, a larca aartien of whteh Is la eautrv riakiy and Us reeawfj eapdtal le aver Fear Oaadrad Taoasaad OoBars,ta noaas properly soaarsa. AH corniDBn toartoas lajraCarsaaa ta fasnraaes ahaald braddroassi ta Itha Semwtary, postrald. I - t i tt a u nviv s iurrriLsar. rJsattsrytStailSAll'r! QUARTERMASTER'S DEPART 111 T xa narw 1 vDAILT TlRnFOSALa triLL Bsl HECETVEU AT IT afSaa far fnreiAiar the IJarth Carolina .Tracpa-- uh HATS. v rpasal ssass be eeoem parked Jhv a aapl of tha Cw ad a)ae(AetaVrte bar whiok an be dhvredper week, aaa siso as whatv ttoa iaa aiv-tt &yti ' ' ' ?i eet a tf U -S f JDSVSCX A..q U wrxax-tXttXZZE5.jUA& .FOR JUTJt gxst rate Laac blaase sae jcareoB asure u CO 00 r r- Va lift --n H- MV 1 . ;. ; ' t ' - ' ! x . ' - I & . 1 . MVj .-. : ' 5 ; -r- . ' .'. 'if- 4- -no; $ "i 1 1 'ntif? it- "T t w3 7 J . 9 .a . i , ' - .. 4L. . . '. a . i i