Y r r ' ' ' T ' W - - I ii ' f f I fc -i , I . . t ' . -j - -7 .'" . .: f. ; - .4 ' V ' . 'r ' t . . -'tt.v;. fr ' - 1 $i!$ISfePSSr;MA SATURDAY MOBi Gi-APKIL - i . , . .. -. r s r 1 . j - ' - - - r - . .! - 5 1862. . .u;.,s -. ,'r-b: ,.t .NO;28-i vote SEMI-WEEKLY.: AKD. ; WEEtLT, . , j"' jsirrojft rnoFEHW. ; -vt .1 Etta wUcripOoa; yer P. . S WESKtY REGISTER I puUUhed erery 1 qur iU month, . , 4, 4 AJfe: 1 1 vu ri4 0 tbte I twelve jnonthi, including paper. in the Weeklr ,Bfirterji m f l 0 H 25 .1 Aral inMrtion. j.irv-.. f-rj-- ... not nthetwiM dlresti, wul 6e inserted in the Semi-WWy, Md chrg wo?dingly .InHrteOJB i at linw, trill ! ! m,mthVfor $5 00, or twelve month for $10- bot ! ? S$S.50 for .ix monthly $UfortweW montjt. W&ntracUeanbe made at th otte for lon BUSINESS GAM)S. i fi. if a 4M fa -Ceasat of North Caroliaa.' , Reported hy ike Secretary of jhi State Convert. "jranCSli MEDICINES r c ' .l'-' JC ? tj'.: i, s K'.- -ANDTOILET, ARTICXESr t Xn BBDscriher haf th pieaaom w anniiuncus w Ji! friend an the publie generally, that after much delay trouble, and expense; fwing to- the war, anduu termptlon of trade, he h's proenred a freah supply of Medicfne; TeileU and other article In 9 line, which he ha been unable: to furnish : forborne fcnne past. He ba to pay IDAlItor aU l bny, and hope that tuch f hi pairons ai do not pay promptly, will take the bin and that all in arrears, who bT. not gone to 4h eeat ef 'vat tb lieht for out independenca. and Uie.tt intcrmtii. will nav xiv their arrearage or a part at least, o that he may be abJar te; meet pressiBg uo- i ay All order from .the i country (nnless from prompUni'rellabl parties,) wM go unnoticed, if, not acoooipaoied with the CASU'orit equlTalent. r. .-r. ; f !anl7-tt v )V" j ;rugUaleigh, IS; Ci EOK BBAtTTIFYIIIG ANDIIHPKOVINti THE HAJIt I have reoeired the foUowing :fatorlte'arttelesk'vit '- -rK;r.v-IIIts, Allen's) Restorer and ZylabaJsaraum, j ii i . Wood's and Ezeldal's Restorer, U j Burnett's Cocoaiae and Cociit, K k , U llosemarr ana juasior wu, i Lowe's and PiTer's Pomades, Demerson, Petit 4t CoIIygieniqne SoCiete, i j and Monpelas Pomades, : i Tricopnerons, Kathairon, I " J Essence Bay Leaves, Snyne's Hair Tonic, i i Philecome, and ! Pescud's Hair Tonic. Also, the most approved Hair Dyes known in this iOoantry. I " ' i For sale at I PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. Baleih, Ma 1 8, 18.0. ma 30 V. DeCARTERET A ARMSTRONG, BOOK BINDERS, i '.I'-. AND " ! BLAH Z BOOK M A NUF ACT U EE KS RALEIGH, H. C. 00 15 tf. ; .. " , I . ; JOHN W, COSBY, ' - " ; AROHDTEOY.-: . I RALEIGH N. C. ' Sept. 16 1860. . ' , . A, CPULMAM, R. P. PULLIAM, P U LLIAM & CO. I AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE OfInESROES, OUd-Fellows' Hall, Franklin St., It I C II M O N D, VA DKlLt SALES Public asd pRitAte. VTe pledge our strictest attention to the busineiss en trustedNto us, and will, answer all com-; i munications promptly i I'ORfER ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOjT iy v it. , , . h i BUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CROP TUR i NIP SEED. CONSISTING OP THE FOLLOWING VARIE tiesi j Early Large Flat Duch, Early Red Tp, Ruta Basra, (a superior variety.) Large White Norfolk, " Large Yellow Norfolk, Large White Globe. Also, Altrlngham Carrot, Mangel Wortzel Beet, and large Winter Drumhead Cabbage Seed. For Sale in quantities to suit purchasers nt june 18 tfJ P. F. PESCUD'g- GIIISMAJS'S YEAST POWDERS. MY Materials are to hand, and Mr. Chisman has put mp a large quantity, all who have been waiting for sup. plies can send in their orders. If you doubt that these great Pwwders are not su perior to any w known, you can find testimonials from the mo&t respectable families in Raleigh, at my store, where yu can be supplied at wholesale or re tail. I P. F. PESCUD. 1 . may 23 " 1 NOTIIER BRILLIANT VICTORY !-- ijL While on niy recent visit to the Old Dominion, I had the good fortune to procure from an old iriend a demijohn of Rose Cordial of the most delectable fla vora splendid and Invigorating article for the sick. Call, bv all means, and get some before it is goae: price 25 cents a bottle. Among the choice variety of other things tod tedious to mention, tc which the at tention of the public is respectfully called, I have a fine lot of too best Hair Urusnes. it you want to ieei good and poetical in these gloomy times, just call around, procure; a brush and a bottle of cordial, and I will guarantee a fine flow of- the most highfalutin V. JT. i-JliSUUli, vruggist. L r PEEBLES, PLUMJIER Ac CO., (rOBVERLT PEIBLX8 WHITS.) ' . COMMISSION MERCHANTS AN& iQ BO CE MS, No. 22, Old Street, Petersbary Vn. PROMPT and diligent personal attention given to the sale of all consignments of Produce AXwitys on hand a full supply of standard auaatv Groceries, suitid to the. wants of f armers and Families. LRU L PREBLE8. S i JMO. J, TH0MP8QS HENf(r i, plcmmer, jr. .late of the firm of N. hL Martini Brother 4 Co. f, i ; ( ar Sole Agents fo Reese's Phospbo Peruvian, ar Manipulated Guano. June 27 tf. OAK CITY SAVINGS BANK, j Dn.'T. D. HOGG, Pretidetit. ' j ! 'Joan G. Williams, Cosher, j . I DIRECTORS. j ' j Dr. T. D. Hpgg, II. S. Smith, ' . ! Q.Burbee,! '! j John G. WflliamB. This! Bank is now receiving deposits, at the Ex change! Office of John G. Williams A Co. Discount liay Tuesday, ; i" : feb 8I tf. 7T TO THE FRIKND8-OP ' -j " HOME MANUFACTURES. I THE KIN8TON . l! ! SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. ORDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS are solicited. ' J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. t Kiaston,' N: C, June 24, 1860. f. ang4 tf. i PETEjISBUHG, VA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALISHMENT,! IAVIM BtfBr RKCEIITLT FITTED UP AHD 8UPPLIBD f WITQ AIL M0DBRS CONTCXriHCXS, ! J .' Now offers to Travellers Attractions Unsurpassed by any Hotel T j i ; in the Country. .?,-' ': . mar 5w ; f JO UN JARRATT & BRO. t i. . -i - t DONNANS & JOHNSTON, I ! GROCERS 'AND "COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petersburg, Vm . ja 1-ly. . I.' 'I. EW AND SPLENDID EXTRACTS. Consisting of TI1E WOOD VIOLET, HUMMING BIRD, I BUTTERFLY VIOLET, TATCHUTLY MUSK, PINK JOCKY CLUB, i FRANGirANI ROSE.&c. Also, Frangipani, Verbena, Cologne and other Toilet waters. All of jwhiclfare of the finest qualify and put up in elegant style. For sale at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. Raleigh, May 18,- 1860. ma 23 tf. JUST RECEIVED AT PESCUDS DRUG STORE. , A VERY FINE LOT OF TOILET SOAPS. AKERS PREMIUM BITTERS. (3 A new supply of these celebrated Bitters on hand ; At lJ!iSUUiJ cs wrug Dtore. Jl-iy DONNAN & CO ;' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, n i i , v . i . lukuiuuuu, fa . .- ....... ; v) . .. .. . -l P USTARD. A freshi supply just received . At PESCUD'S Drug Store. I HAIR IN VIGOR ATOR. 1IALONS Barrys Tricopherous, Eiekials Hair Restorer, Pavsona1 Indellible Ink. At I PESCUD'S Drug Store, an 14 tf Raleigh, N.C. FT Confederate Cloth just received frpm tte Crenshaw Woolen Company, Richmond, Va. AVING PURCHASED FROM THE auction sale a large invoice of Grey and Blue Jlothsand Cassimeres, we are preparod to make uni forms in the best manner. Also, a large invoice of Maryland Cloths' and Cassimeres; Cadet Grey, very fine: do. North Carolina Uassimere Grey, large quau tity for Uniforms and Military Overcoats, ready made or made to measure-. We have now in our cut ting department two Cutters that cannot be beat -in the art ot cuttlngboth military and citizens dreis. Black French Cloths Cassimeres and Vestings; Velvet Vesting, black and Fancy; 50 Cassimere Suits, all sizes, just received ; 50 dozen Merino and Lambs' Wool-Shirts and Drawers ; India Rubber Overcoats and Leggini ; fine Shirts, Drawers, Socks, Collars, Gloves, Cravats, Suspenders, Shawls, Blankets, Gai ters, Gsmbatefs, Ac. T. W. ROYSf ON A CO., feb 26 j Petersburg, Va. Call and Settle. . INDEBTED TO THE COfTHTlES. Alamanee, Alteander, . ' Anson, : Alleghany, . Ashe, , Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, BunCombe, Barke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Cleaveland, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Edgecombe, Foray the, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, ... Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison,. Martin, McDowell, Mecklenbnrg, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Richmond, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Union, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, WHITX. 7,98f . r 5,392" ,562 '3,357 '7,423 8,172 5,84ft 6,235 4,515 10,623 . 6,647 7,402 6,297 2,940 6,064 6,581 9,038 12,555 8,609 2,978 10,103 5,779 8,795 9,561 4,671 13,378 6,001 8,286 6,880 10,716 6,490 7,009 11,189 2,826 15,738 6,642 5,351 5,488 8,981 3,948 4,682 11,141 5,241 10,548 2,210 4,903 6,000 5,370 5,G93 5,435 5,542 10,543 6,781 8,725 6,319 10,617 5,912 5,198 11,318 4,473 3,287 5,70S 7,480 3,317 5,211 14,768 8,584: 10,021 10,522 9,060 9,106 6,5.90 7,847 '8,949 3,203 8,903 16,470 4,923 3,596 4,771 8,721 1 3,280 5,944 9,110 8,229 TBI col'jed. 421 .if- 19" ' 151 -. "27" 142 729 , 279 435 260 100 219 104 114 276 152 ?79 - 128- 304 .38 i5i 109 " 355 . 1,238 9J8 221 147 101 374 388 211 541 102 362 1,121 152 693 2,450 104 . 85 1,111 259 29 6 193 107 177 80 115 2 451 273 290 . 45 184 688 .766 656 159 522 1,484 392 318 127 106 345 380 1,450 407 135 122 489 42 86 184 143 53 1,424 402 29 82 734 261 280 168 64 N ; BLAV'B. V 3,445 611 6,951 206 - 391 5,878. . 8,186 5,327 3,621 1,931 2,371 8,040 1,088 2,127 1,969 9,355 . 1,664 . 6,2 2,131 2,463 6,10 5,8:m 2,524 3,076 2,392 7,126 10,108' 1,764 7,079 2,199 3,902 11,086 3,947 3,625 10,349 2,584 313 . 1,382 4,445 ' 2,793 4,177 281 4,916 3,413 5,131 2,115 519 2J3 4,303 1,305 6,541 1,823 2,518 4,681 10,332 6,808 3,499 5,109 2,983 3,569 5,195 8,473 620 5,453 1,645 ' 5,456 6,313 3,929 2,391 7,023 1,169 v 2,469 1,246 1,597 2,246 10,733 10,401 2,465 164 5,451 1,20S 3,41)6 1,433 362 TOTAL. 11,53 - 6,022 13,664 3,590 7,956 14,779 14,311 11,995 8,406 12,654 9,237 10,546 7,499 5,343 8,185 16,215 10,730 19,105 9,166 6,842 12,348 8,597 J,278 16,369 . 7,416 16,601 8,494 15,786 17,376 12,691 14,110 9,310 8,444 2396 7,925 20,056 19,441 8,039 5,801 - 10,448 9,504 7,734 15,347 5,528 15,657 5,730 10,211 8,195 6,004 5,908 10,189 7,120 17,374 7,649 11,427 11,688 21,715 13,376 8,856 16,949. 8,940 7,248 11,221 16,793 4,043 11,009 16,798 15,490 16,746 14,586 11,573 16,623 7,801 10,402 10,37,9 4,943 11,202 28,627 15,726 6,357 4,957 1 1,906 11,749 9.720 ia,7ii i,655 Ji f i I at the tie) of Fayetteville St. and Market Square Si20,Ot 9 orth of MEN S ISU H' Ready Made Cf thfag; Boots, Shoes, Hats, and many other articles J ewish it distinctly understood that then Goods w3-fe Jtouehtin tunes of peace, and eonsequwat- ly( at mt$k wer prices than they oould be bought for now. JUev? will be sold again at the ..f :. . . ' ;LD RETAIL PRICES, have 1 particular fancy for. saying much. All I askff t!ipnblie is to 'give me a calL They ' irilS certainly not bo disappointed - . . . s J t in Jbe quantity, quality or . ":r:' . f , in the prices of my -' ' 'JI.r : i- GOODS. " 1 " .. Rem ( 4b4 r,' corner ft Fayettevitle Street and Mar- Squareforjatterly occupied by Mr. PooL) . . t -I ' j Respectfully, au 31tffi! .- i ISAAC OETTINGER. r-t. j-. : i.v.i ' r 1 ' 1 : 631,489 30,097 331,081. 992,667 BOOKS, STATIONERY. &C. M IL1TARY BOOKS for CASH ONLY. ALL J ber will please call and settle their accounts. 3TNSURANCE COMPANY OP THE VAL LLEY OF VIRGINIA, Winchester, Virginia, Capital J00009. ' Incorporated March, 18521 Charter per tuai; Losses equitably adjusted and promptly! paid, ! I Fif Losses paid in 8years to July, I860, t533,292.I9j n surano agamss toss or aamage by fire, on as favor- able terms a other responsible Companies, W. L. Bbrt, Sec. ap'iitf ' JOS. S.CARSOW. WiS.SIMlSON, -;fS;- Petersburg, Va, r.Prep't. - 'f-r. VAg't ' I WANTED t WANTED! V w r--AT THi"---wJfl!: INIMIT ABIB WHITAKER'S, Ai; CONTENTED B1AN?- FOR WUHjII 3 he offers a premium of FJVK GALLONS of t ;i inewry's Celebrated Sonthampton (Va.) ! .1 'UIWBUlt-rn.,' i Speaking of the above OLD BRANDT," the r THE INIMITABLE WHITAKER has en hand- !' 15 A:"; i- -;A?.. DREWRY'S OLD APPLE BRAND Yi M 8ETH JONES' OLD APPLE BRAKD, TIS DALES' OLDAtPr.TC RHAwnv J aid tnaBtathv aWaIaa ltn aWna'- r-l ', ' Pi S. The i eontented man can Cnd the INIMITA- at nis More, on uargett St, between the f; u. u p. m. . vaii on nun. SUBSCRI- II you can't pay the money now, give your notes. My books must bej closed. U. h. EVANS. January 9th, 1862. Negro Girl for Hire. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS FOR HIRE a Negro Girl belonging to the Jefferson estate, a first rate hand. jan 11 tf Apply to M. GRAUSMAN. Asm Cash ii cash!?! I SELL MY GOODS FOR CASn ! I DON'T do a Credit Business ! Therefore I hope every person that sees this1 advertisement, will not ask me for CREDIT--because lam not able to do a credit business ; and have to pay CASH myself. I have called on every person that owes me a DOL LAR, and have not been able to collect the first CENT. I wish you would call on some one that is able to credit.! J. u. aAmaJuIN, ap'l 17 tf iTkLD DOMINION "TOBACCO." AN- J OTHER Lot of Old Dominion Smoking "To- 1 baoco," Jnst Hoot store, jan & td apll3r-tf. hours 4-' m received at "Turner's" North Carolina Said to be Superior to the former. UAKDEES' TACTICS., Complete Edition; Revised by and published under tne personal super vision of the Author in 2 Volumes. Price $2.50 , When sent by mail, 2.70 VOLUNTEERS MANUAL of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, with Honors paid by the troops; Inspections, Reviews, Duties of Captains, Companies, Duties in Camp, and Garrison, Soldiers ItAtions and Mode of cooking them Abrie-ed and compiled by Lieut. Colonel WM. II. RICHARDSON, graduate and formerly As sistant Instructor of tactics, Virginia wniiry Institute. Price $1.50 W hen sent by mail, 1-70 THE VOLUNTEERS HAND BOOK, an abridgement of Hardee's'Infantry tactic, by Capt. .1. K. 1.EE. Prife $00.50 When sent by mail, 00.60 THE HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt. JOSEP lJL ROBERTS. Price $00.75 When sent by mail, 00.85 ON INFANTRY CAMP DUTY, FIELD FORTIFICATION and Coast defence, by CaDtaln L. V. BUCKUOLTZ, author of the Science of Wa-. Price $00.50 When sent bv mail. 00.60 Instructions for Ofiieers and non-commissioned Offi cers of Cavalry on out post duty, by Lieutenant Colonel VON ARENTSCHILDT, first Huz- zars. Kin it's German Legion, with an abridgment of them, bv Lieutenant Colonel, the Hon. F, - t- . r r FONSOWU1C. rncejiuu.au When sent bv mail. 00.60 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING by Troop in Camn and Hospital, prepared for the Army of Virginia, and published by order of ihe Sur geon General, with Essays on Taking food and what food, by FLORENCE NIGHTIN GALE. ' Price $00,25 When sent by mail, 00.30 ALSO a complete New Pocket Map of VIR GIN I A. ' Price $00.75 When sent by mail, 0.80 BAYONET EXERCISE and Skil Bushel's Drill by R. MILTON CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. .Price f.i.oo When sent by mail, 1.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ARTIL LERY Extracted from GILIIAM'S MAN NUAL ior Volunteers and Militia. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi cal Soldiery Illustrated with 28 Engrav ings, and designed for the use of the Militia of the Confederate States, Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.06 MAHAM'S OUT POST DUTY, ah Element nry treatise on Advanced G-nard, out post, and Detachment Service of Troops, and the manner of pos-iing and handling them in pres ence of an Eneny. i P-'$1.00 When sent by mail, .1.12 GILHAM'S. MANUAL for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. Price$2.50 When sent by mail, - 3.00 For sale by W. L. POMEROY. se 11 tf Raleigh, N. C. JJLOTHINGK &C. -tV y ' r- : Ef l lJOTHING STORE 1 1 ; i i rt TimrfiwnT'iTiT-r ll 111 I ll.Ul 111 II II I r I HMD inn URl IlliUDR SATURDAY -MORNING, APRIL' 5, 1862. tha government f the Confederate State -was t sufflcientimportjioee tne roqarro the overture now maae to mm, lt-was oi equal consequence that it should b made in more regular manner. His Excellency,' 1 Mj wo understand, at once summoned iboetlig the Cabinet, and the maiier was placed in the naads or be Secretary of .State,, Mr. Bunter, trbo has bef n. appointed i loepiaceoi in.B. ,XDomb. It waisoen determined tbat Uyngreaa iibould bk: Invited to iasufti) series SPRING TRADE ! Gr OTLEMEN AND BOYS 1 " TN V ANT OF CI iTlIING. HATS. SHOES. BOOTS. Ac. of every 4 sedition, will find me prepared this SPRING to mrnr h jtim with 1JETTEIC uOUDS, at more ; Reasonable Prices than h eofote; and I most cordially invite them to examin ,uiy? -w. GOODS AND PRICES before f trohaaiug. - Not tltstading the crisis, I have been NORTH andpu thased, to great advantage, a most BEAUTI FUL d VARIED STOCK of ANX ? GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and mj friends can be furnished, at short notice, from head U toot. Havi lg a splendid Stock of the most fashionable and aj tooved French CLOTH, DOESKINS, CASS JHEUES, VESTINGS of all kindsAo, the m U ACCOMPLISHED AMD SUPE- RIOB ? OmttflR AND WORKMEN in my i AXI30RING ESTABLISHMENT, I am readj to com;tjste-wth;any one in the olw North State in making any Gatment or Clothing to order, in the most superb nd artistic manner. The rlherat encouragement I have received 'and contintwd indications of increasing confidence, inspire me with tl;e hope that I shall be more liberally patron ised thin iver; to merit which I will give my undivi ded attention to the wants of all who favor we with a call. ' r . M. GRAUSMAN. ap'UUtfc CLOTHING From the Charleston Mercury.. ASSENT OF THE ' CONFEDJERATE STATES TO THE DKOLARATION OF resolutions, by which the second, third, and- PARIS. i i i . , I(,"u Article ox tne ;peelaratloa of the Trotty 1 . . .. m x-.rw snou.p oe accepted by the Confederat i 1 ' i M.ai a - s f-,aar MAinitAMa - . 'j T.t.,,mm .. -a :n k. Kn I r: . . r"r1 "u.ru. wWe passea on me . VH.:.UV mu.w,,.., 13sn mstaot, approvecl on th same day bt the . w,unu, UH uaTo u nonor io enclose nere- assent of me Confederato Government was for raally givpn by the Provisional Congress 16 the articles cf the piclaration of Paris, excepting that by which the j abolition of privateering is recog nized. It wa Well understood at the time that with to vourf lordship ihs conv of lhomJ wblnh has bpen entsto Mr. 4 by the Secret of Your lordsbio will oiberve thatbt tb2N toaa this action of oigrfiss was taken at the instance, iutiona, the CopfrtderU Slates accept the sjeoond. State' to be delivered U Moos.de BelUgny and TnJif i ' ' ! - ;r j- . . . . oib unofficially received, of the Governments of Franoe and Great Britain j and it, wa j also inti mated, and generally believed, that the ' reedgni tion by the Confederate Govern ment Of the sec ond, third and fburth articles of the Declaration, would be speedily followed by the refusal of the French and English Governments to submit longer to tbe blockade of our ports, then, and ever"since, ineffective and illegal. We all know that this t expectation has been disappointed. The official papers recently laid before the British Parliament include, among ihe "Correspondence respecting International Maritime Law,"" the following despatches, which are interesting, as showing tbe character of the ! "delicate and difficult negotia tion" by which the' "60f called" Confederate third and fourth Article .l the Doclar.tinn f,f Paris, but by bfeir fMIiins declare. wltttrefAr- ence to the firt Article, that they "maintain the riguwM privatising, as n nas oeen long estab lished by the braclicd ind wcognixed by the law of nations," ;.: f .. v.U . With respect to lb is resolution, I ber to remark that the wishes fi Her Msieatv'a Goverinmant would seem to :have ben fully met, for as no rtro- posal was made that the Confederate Govern ment should abolish prSvateerin. it could inot be expected that they j would do so of their own ac cord, particularly s it4s the arm uponjjwhich they nvst reyMthe injury of the extended commerce of their enemy. But the Secretary of State bas placed in th3 band of Mr. , for communication to up, the inclosed copy of the in- sirucuon?, usipea tor tjne (ruidanoe of privateers. ana appeals t toern, lis well as to the character of the Goverhfcienti for a nroof-.of thei dilermi. nation, that the privateers shall conformlthem- iliLlTARY GOODS! , . KAr 8PF, GREY AND. DRAB MILITARY O J rXvircosts with large capes, price 16, 18, 20 and . -ii Jollare, all home made. 5O0 Ttfefirio Shirts, Grey and White, for camp life. 50O ?ft'fs Meiuro and Shaker Drawers, all sizes, slr'y and White, just to hand. 50 Ja f Grey, Blue, Drab and Mixed colored Cloth Citfisimeres, made to measure or sold by the a: r ot single pattern to. suit purchasers. Overco itiags in; Beaver, Pilot and Petersham. 4U J ven sup. W bite Shirts, 70 1 ',er4 Cassimere, Gingham and Calico fatigue Iftfts- ' . Blanket ihd Shawls for Soldier's use. Oil CloiK Ovrcoat8, Leggins and Cap Coverp. Gilt Bi rns by the gross. uoia vp las, by tne pair,. Havcra; ts by the hundred. 00 r I?rill Gaiters. HeavyJS cki by the dozen. GloveslsJ d Qauntletts. Pants, V W.hd D"ress Clothing; a complete assort- m ntt , T. W. ROYSTON & CO.'S. . oct 9 f I Petersburg, Va. -J iJr , Jt j , ! . 18ft Li AUGUST lTth, 1861. NOi rP - VI 9 I: r -MILITARY GOODS! 1 i HiSYCAM0R2, PETERSBURG, VA. 0 ROYSTON, & Co, Can! .j. ft IIU1U1U11I W) vvn rnih Military Companies with the following toon at short notice : . 1 Clovh Over Coats, . f Oil Cloth Oaps, i (?il Cloth Haverlocks, fi v Oil Cloth Haversacks, ': : Oil Cloth Leggins, : ; f Fatigue Jackets, , ; I ' Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. 'ngham and Calico Shirts. ' Mirlno under Shirts (White and Grey.) Merino Drawers, (White and Grey,) - Velvet and flannel Zouave Caps, - ; ?s ; Heavy Grey Over Coats, - 1 1 ALSO, ON HAND, - '" . : f Grey and Blue Satinet, -' i f Grey Gasimere, GrejrV flafinej which they 'will make up to -order af 4 wrrent satisfaction in every instance. I f- J T. W. ROYSTON, A CO., No. 51 Sycamore St, . 8elvea to tne ptdinary pracUces sanctioned by the u luirsnumvu, . i law oi naiion. v e ininK in at we may rely on were studiously shunning all official Intercourse I the assuranc( thu9 givjen, supported, as they are, with the accredited representatives of oar de facto VJ ,",Kua? 01 wei resoiuuon. . . ,j , Government : -I ! 1 Lord Lyons io Consul Bunch." . I WAsgiKqfoK, July 5, 1861. Sir: Tbe course of events having invested the States assuming tbe title - of the Confederate States of America with the character of bellige rents, it has become necessary lor her Majesty's Government to obtain from the existing Govern ment in those' States securities concerning tbe proper treatment of neutrals.' 1 am authorized by Lord John Russell to con fide the negotiation on this -matter to you, and I hava great satisfaction in doing so. In order to make you acquainted with the views of her Maj esty's Government, 1 transmit to you a dupli caie of a despatch to me, in which they are fully stated. It is essential, under present circumstances, that you should act with great caution, in order to avoid raising tbe question of the recognition of T.he -.new Confederation by Great Britain. On this account,I think it unadvisable that you should go to rticnmono, or piace yourseit in direct com mucication with the central authority which is established there. The most convenient course will probably be for you to take advantage of tbe intercourse which you naturally noid witn air. jricKens, tne Gover nor of the state ot Soutn uarolma. I cannct doiiblJJiaUf yoaexplain TBrballv ta Mr." Pickens tne views ot Tier Majestya Govern - merit, he will have no difficulty In inducing the Government at Kiehmoed to recognize, by an offi cial act, the' rights secured to neutrals by the se cond and third Articles of the Declaration of Paris, and to admit its own responsibility for the acts of nrivateers sailine under its letters of marque. , The most- perfect accord on this question exists between H. M.'s Government and the Govern ment of the Emperor of tbe French, and instruc tions corresponding to these are sent to-day by the Emperor s Minister here to the French (Jon ful at Charleston. You will accordingly enter into the frankest communication with your French colleague on the subject, and will be care ful to act in strict concert with him, I have. &c The fact is. jthat tbo President and tbe Govern ment are. a gobd deal annoyed at the refusal of France, England, and olber nations, to! allow prize to be cotidemned in their ports, which they consider as somewhat Of a departure from la strict neutrality, and which they still hope man be re considered as the contest advances. They also confidently expect that the samo anxiety for the miugauon 01 ino eyu consequences or tne present war. which has rendered tbe anoAiuion nf th Confederate Spates io Ibe Declaration of Paris a matter of mterest to France and England, will induce thess nations to insist npon the rigorous fulfillment by ;the United States of the principle contained inifh ,foiurth articb, vie : fThi effec tiveness of te blockade instituted by that jpower. . j. -x -y ' ; l ' The nogoUaition having been brought to a close the President expressed to Mr. . bis b pe that the existence of those extended relations of commercial itltercoarse, which have rendered the ir .X Li s 1 .a l. applications row maao 10 mm oy tne Aiovern- meDH ot trance and ingland a necessity In tbe view of those nation would- materially contri bute to hasten1 the formal recognition of the new Confederacy, -I'lwbick-.was disposed on it part to rbow its full appreciatipn of a cordial and friendly understanding between itself and the other na- uons 01 me eartD, witn woicn it was prepared vo enter into association in terms of equality. - x oniy rentains tor una to express my nopetuai ti. , --rwnim; mi i ttrtrviaTioitnwrtiiewu conducted may meet Iwith the approval of your mon with myf French colleague, I am fully sen sible of tho oblizationa under which wei are to - Mr. , ho basjearried out what we con ceived to be the views; of our respective Govern ments. 3 s ! J ; Lohl Lyon v to Karl Russell. Vashi!oto2, September 2, 18t. . ; j, ; Extract. . ' i. . I am confinmedmrny opinion that the negotia tion, which via? difficult and delicate, wa man aged with grieat tact and good judgment! by lb iwo cJonsuwjJ i : . : ..,v (Signed) LYONS. NORFOLK DAY BOOK. -au 2.1 -t&; Petersburg, Va. I TAKER'S ! WHITAKER'S 1 1 i WHITAKETRS !!! 1'RiiNG GOODS! . I . SPRING STOCK!! MM WHITAKER Ml TBfl 5 THE INIMITABLE. INIMITABLE WHITAKEft. 50 B es Oranges, $4 00 ; IO boxes French Can 50 itf Lemons, 4 00 dy, 45c 50 B Hi. Apples, 4 00 ) 20 boxes Webb A WhiU Consul Bunch io Lord Lyons British Consulate, CgARLESTOK, An gust 26, 1861. Extract: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt on the lULu ultimo, of your lordship's despatch' of the 5th of July, together with its enclosure, viz: a despatch from Lord John Russell, of. the 17th of May last, of! the subject of the proposed adhesion of the Confederate States of America to th8 four articles of the Declaration Paris and of the rights ot neutrals in tne contest now this country. 1 fproceod The if J - - . ' -. i - . rl :4. . very Latest Nortnern and ! T i . i. ' . j. .- : "jf V WAW V NOW IS fUE TIME l '.I If- TO SU1ISCIHDE. DAILY; One "fear, $& OS " Six Months, - 5 00 One Month, v . 1 00 WEEKLY, One Year; ! l it THE i)AX B0O tTuAS NOW BECOME th newspaper jof the South,- The very latest Northern anJ tiuropBan! News appears In its eolumns, roinntr in t.nin rnuntrv. 1 mroflpM tri rnnlr tr your lordship's communication. one, two, andhree 4ajk advaneeof all other pa v r. jr. i Kin )t n.iaiir. .A I pers in th Confederacy. vi V' 'f h in t.n n n v ev to 3i the W. subuut fc..fowjinC .xMta from what ether. hut 7HITAKEBS IS THE PLACE TO ;J f BUY.f-Goods delivered free of Charge, to any pari of tLe City. j ' f mar eVtf. RES H i; MINERAL v WATERS. CON rress. Rockbridjre Alum, and Oraan Bri, V. White Surphar Water, also Rock Bridge Alum Mass. xoraaiea -paay Js ... JTJKiUUWT DRUG STORK A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OP CHEW- ING "Tobacco." The Pure Southern Quid. A Sapply of the above just received at -V TURNER'S N. C.. Book Store. ian 9 tf . gi.Aire pleane copy. SODA, WATER AND SUGAR CRACK rsj. dos. Jar of Pickles, at ' -no 13 - : ' t ' wiixtakkbs. IO f ii Potatoes, 4 00 40B ixcs Candles 1W lbs.,) ': 52c. 40 ? oses Oommen Ca dy, V'f 16c. IO hi ks Fancy Can dy, - ' 20c. ted's celebrated T 0 BACCO. 20,000 Havana CI GARS. 20 Cases Crackers. 2Q Bbls. Crackers. WCfD fND WILLOW WARE. Dali- exploted at the INIMITABLE WHITA- L.ER. S a great varjety of WOOD AND WILLOW i f lail f 1S1XI : XTISII XII . lie Jigs, JMnllets, Mackerel, Salmon, White Fish, and f h vd are daily expected at . . r !; VHITAKER'S CITY EMPORIUM. apt t,jtu ; t - JL&F" ;Srot RECEIVED AT FRANKLIN'S. on Fresh and Salty SnufL and all to be had in tbS roUTEERN CONFEDERACY, Also. Large tot of Every condeiveable article known ' -"IS - f to the trade.-1 ' me,i!ome au, 10. r UAIKKJilR'S Call. .Jtandvd and Spirit of -the Age copy; ion of my sincere gratitude for the honor which he bas been pleased to confer upon mo by select ing mo as the organ of her Majesty's Govern 'ment in the; negotiation u which your "lord ship's despatch and its enclosure have reference. I beg leave, Also, to offer to your lordship, my grateful acknowledgments for the kind manner in which you have placed the matter in my hands. ' ' Immediately upon the receipt of your lordship's dispatch, I proceeded to put myself into commu nication with my French colldague. Mon. de Beligny, who, as I found, had received instruc tions from Mons. Mercier, of character precisely similar to those with which I was honored. After the fullest and frankest interchange of our respec tive fviews, we determined Upon the! line of ac tion Which I am now about to report io y our lord ship.! ' !;' i . -- Our attention was first directed to, the sugges tion contained in your lordship's despatch that, as it would be inexpedient for us to go to Rich mond, our negotiation might probably be advan tageously conducted through - Mr. Pickens, tbe Governor of South. Carolina, with j whom 'you naturally supposed tbat we were in frequent com munication. I But, notwithstanding our earnest desire to meet in everv way the desire, of -our t chiefs, we were forced to the conclusion .that it would be inexpedient to approach him, for several reasons, amongst which it may suffice to mention hi3 absence fj-om Charleston. He ha. 'been fVr some;: weeks past on his plantation in tne interior of tbe SlateL j " a . ' , But we wore so far fortunate as to secure the valuable service of an agent in the person of Mr. 1, who is wellknown to your Urdship, and whose position seemed admirably to adapt him for the dutie which he was so obliging1 as to un dertake. - ! ;- ' ' - ' Mr. left lor. Richmond on the 20th -of JnlyL Arriving on the 2 2d, be found that tbe Fresident was;wtt& tne army, wanner, jui.- USE followed bim.!but meeting him halt war between Richmond and Manassas, returned, with bimito to saypl.n j D. T. BisbIe, Esq., who ha lately returned from Europe, with important dinpatehea to the Confederate States Governmeot,ays in a recent letter : j . ' "While in' tiohdoa add Paris, I saw several quoU tions from the! Nonfoic Dat Book, aad airoe my return I have also noticed extracts from the sam sprightly jourial io the newspapers ,of New York, 4 Charleston, a4d ether cities." j - v"; , - j . TheSufflk.)tChTun S aysV J The Norfolk Da Book, which is .0 fast galamg popularity . hrougboul the Southern Confederacy, come to us greatly enllaxgd and improved, and give ns Northern stud Foreign News in advance 0 any of our other exeaakge," and is, therefore, perused with avidity." U;. J ; , ' ' The WamtogtotiII.!C.) XHlly jowisal eay. ir'' ' "The Norfolk Day Book has beeome the most val- . nable exchange' we receive, a it contains the very latest news frm the Romp Government a welk a Foreign JNewa,l;i--- t-v- .: . . 4; Fredeifcksbarg iVa.) Herald says t " .:! ' j Norfolk Day Book eonUin the latest now. ForeignNew" The . "The: from the North; and itis editorial arsl always of an interesting character. . ... " ;;- .,.',.-.;, '. i 'SubsoHWsfto the Djir Book may rely cpon nar" lag. their papers enl promptly by maiL' J. :: v.-'. i Address, with ameualt of ubscriptin ncloaecL uun xw. uaiuivtai, jan M jr .'j Editor and Proprietor. Candles at WHITAKER'S. WHITAKER'S.. , WHITAiER'S rll GOLD JEWELRY.--THE 8UB- Mj ; RXB2R baa in store a splendid assortment of : III tlNE GOLD JEWELRY. embri tag aariety of styles of patterns of Brooches, Ureas dies Cuff Call nov r;r-- I ; , C. B. BOOT. CHjffllAN'Sr YEAOT T07DERS 'tt . Z9 boxes Adam an tin 50 boxes Tujlow Candles at 50 sacks Faintly Flour at ' a 1 ' 1 I.; ', . 20 bexe choice Tobacco at 1 WHITAKER'S. : 10 bbl Crwktrs at f -. ".'-' WHITAKER'S. 10 chest Gnu and Black. Tea at WHITAKER'S. h A bbla tldipplol Brandy ai s WHITAKER'v nogshead MoIsbws WHITAKER'S.. h Salted PorH and Tornip. at j- WHITAKER'S. r"iaily i Expected !l'ins,rar Kings, UraceleU, JTinrer lungs, xa- ! theOanitalontnez3a. nmenexiaay Jir.- - s Gentlemen's Watch Chains, Pencils and Pens,! bad an interview with his Excellency, and com-" llv llhiiatate LckeU, Gold Tbirables,? 4c. man?cated to him the mission with which he W.i iHlejrjwdne.i l . i - -. - . " ' , I h.,ul Mri Davis ArnrmaAif A'iinW1ll,n;M ted. t Mr Davu expressed no anwillineroi to entertain the matter, although he signiflad bb reeret that it should not have been more for mall v brought before him, as U seemed io hiiu that if C UnD8. U(.AR ; 0 BBLS. DO.f i c . .,-va--:--...- da.. -i 'oO bushel fern Nit t "0 basbht,5alt ; 10 btTTel . Vetar-.Tt---i :.ft t4'7- ... -Th above will bo 141 Bl1t advance at lli and lH iaehen wide, fceaniue 8 weto. fat M Jan t i i vi f J ft TV r n u 1 V it?l Ft r 1 'II t ; 111 N1 4 M T 1 V 11 r !. .1 ill . .'i-i- I 1 'j . hi it 4! '11 M5 1 V ) J ii i 1 it; ft r n 1 . : 1 .1 J.:

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