4; Pi 5 ' . . , ? .- 't. ;' " .-. i - - .T ' 7-?."i "v K .-1' f- . -:4 . , t - ; i ' - , ' :'',"'.:" "'.?"'VV "tlC .7j;;t- ' ";':-r ' ' ;' .." ' i j'", . ' ' j j U .'I ' ' ' J if ' ! j ! U ; - : '!' ."V ' J"' . j'- It- 'iH .I'm; ,' - V.-, --.. . . - - 1; '' i ; V, f. . 11: t Si ,;:-t Li- ,1 .1 i ; . '11 1. 'it'. T I- ' If. il' "!. l. .1. -. i - :; a. t ... . - . . i 3 I- ; i,-,, af i 'in WEDNESDAY MOItNlHG, APBlL.SOj, 1 A. th morn .oLPdm Bona.!, i ifand,1 drlne c: : ' . i u5. i .t bt th the pew u w w-a nsrr' 1862. . Yetrnel f oder If to thai . m JWT" : . w.. kv rnllar in inowT IDS tiVO4 Thj pasiionlaM forehead, thy cfeintoujr serejne, Aad ft t!ot of ringieU, Alexandf fnef- I U , Aleitndrine! j tv i 4.a iiA-hnw I think of it now I ? And ipeeklv I te r-jL. I ! 1 AH, THB POOR BOUOB drine Alez&ndr)ne) .. ... 4 . Like t, blast from the lunga of tha Demon i- FrTSe5 eooriao iorge of a raihleJriti" Potb Iboa hear , PRINK ! when I call th Alexa&drin j n.. KAn kind to me. dearest, I know, ins hvj - - i; SAt the sub is a spy lo these TaNeya peldWi . aVihnht hath not compassed, ; andiey : hath . q ' ' lf : i f 1 ' if not seen '.' ' i s n . , ?be Kingdom I'm banished, from.-i Alexan j drlhel Alexandrine! li In thy orUons, still, I would ask to remain,. Though for me there is no retrreetion again ; vn th tn in their course have cttrted me. , my Ai$ I've lost thee forever, Alexandrine I : i Alexandrine!! tfRMANENT CONGRESS OF THE CON i FEDERATE STATES- i. , "The following i a complete lMt ot tha members eif the Permanent Congress of the . Confederate Btate of America, wbiQU was orgaaizeo. ai iwcn- mondon the 18th of .February;: , , , ; . SENATE. : .! !. -- ' l ;Missotrai.: i tJohn B. Clark m ALABAMA. Clflment C. Clay William L. Yancey .RKA8AS. f Robert "W. Johnson Charles B. Mitchell j, TLORIDa. Jamee M. Baker f A. E. Maxwell ; ' oiorQia. R. 8. T, Peyton JJOBTH CAROLINA. George DaviB Wm. Ti Dortch ; south Carolina. R6bert W.; Barnwell f James L.;Orr ! ! S tENKKSSlK.: Langdon 0. Haynos Gustavur A. IHenry I -.t!TXABi .-- W.S. Oldham 1 fLouis T. Wigfall j VIROIKIA. ' R. M. T. Hunter Wm. Ballard Preston. Benl. H. Hill f Bobert Toombs j KENTUUKX, H..C. Burnett j fWm. E. Simms ! i LOTJISIAKA Thomas S. Semmes Edward Sparrow I MISSISSIPPI. fAlbert G. Brown Jsmea Phelan J Those having the f prefixed hfcve served in the United States Congrnss. The .number of old Congressmen in the Sonate will Wfoiirtean ; new Cjongressmen.'twelve ; total twenty -six.j . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. t Alabama!. , ImiUoubi. s Disi. i 1. TbomM J. Foster 3. Casper W. Boll 2. Wm. R. Smith 3. John P. Ralls 4. A. H. Conrow 5. Geo., G. Vtest 4. j. L. M.Curry Francii S. Lyon 6. Thot.W. Freeman 6. 7. John Uyer NORTH CAROLINA. J. tW N. II. Smith. 6. 7. 8. 9. "WP. Chilton ! David Clopton James L. Pugh ( E. L. Dargan ARKANSAS. Felix J. Batson G. 1. Royston A. H. Garland TbOB. B. Hanly FLORIDA! J. B. Dawkifis R, B.Hilton qrorqiaL J. Hartridge C. J. MunneTlyn Hines Holt 2. Robert R Bridgcra 3. Owen K. Xehan 4. T D. jMci)owell 6. Tbos. Si Ashe 6. A. H.Arrington 7. Robert McLean 8. Wrn. lewder ! 1- ! 2. 1-8. 4. i i. . 9. B. S. Gaither 10. A.T.pv3doa 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. SOUTH CAROLINA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. tJJobri McQueen tWrP'.; Miles LL M.iAj-er M. L.; Bonham Janmesi Farrow fW. W. Boyce A; H. Kenan David W. Ijewis 5. CWrn. W. Mark. 7. tRobt. P. Trlppe ! 1 TXNNKSSJCK. 1. j: T. Heiskell 2 '. W. G. Swann I 3. W. H. Tebbs ; 4. E. L.j Gardenfihiro 5. fli: S. Foote i C. M. P. Gentry .i 1 ;7J f G.! W Jones j i 8. Thomas Menees' i). J.D.0.i Atkins 10. J. V, Wright. 11. David M. Currin ' TEXAS. 1. fjolni A. Wilcox 2. Pel eT W. Gray ; 3. C. Ci Herbert f 4. 11; F Sexton ; 5. Malcolm Graham 6. Wml.B. Wright; VIRGINIA, 1. M. R. H. Garnott 2. Jobn-R. Chambliss i 8. L. J. Gartrell i 9. Hardy Strickland 10. fA. R. "Wright j ; KKNTrcKY.' i 1. Alfred Boyd i 2. J. W. Crockett 3. H. E. Read jv4. G. W. Ewing I 5. J. S. Chrisman j 6; T. L. Burnett 7. H. W: Bruce It 30. 'in. 12. 8. S. Scott E. M. Bruce J.W.Mooie R. J. Breckinridge J. M. Elliott. LOUISIANA. Chas. J. Villere Chas, M. Conrad Duncan -F. Kenner Lueien J. Dupro John F. Lewis 1 fl.' 12. j 3. I 6. 3. Jamr's Lyfns. 4. 4 Roger Aj Pryor 6. T. SJBocock . G. Jbhti Gpode, Jr 7. J. Pi Holcombo '8. fD. Ci pejJametie i 0. tWiJliam Smith: 10. j Aletxl RBoteler 11. Johri B.'Maldwm l2.SV; R. Btaples j 13. "Wilier Preston 14. Albert Gi Jenkins vl5. Robti Johnson . r 16. Chas' W. Russell fj. Perkins, Jr. MlbSISSIPPI. J.W.Clapp Reuben Davis Israel Welch " j H. 0. Chambers li lt 5. fO. R. Singleton 6 E. Barksdale 7. fjohn J. McRae j ; . ... MISSOURI. 1. WM. Cook 2. Tbos. A. Harris Those marked with the have been ; members of the United States Coneressi The number oi ft& '.Congressmen will be. thirty .three. New Congresimeni seventy-three. Total,; one hon dred and six.- - . j " r TOTICE OTi AND AFTER THE 5th IK day of January,' 1862, all; Freight between Weldon and Columbiv will b taken at local rale. Charges' will follow as t present, oi oollectiocs nude at points of delivery, n - !; , I J7, W. J. HAW KIPS, Pres't Rj 4. Q. R. r. ! j P. C. CAMERON, .i NJ C. V . WM. JOHNSTON, CJ4SC: ; Raleigh, N C., Dee. 23rd, 180L : 1 Nora. .All QQvenimest Freight will be shipped as heretofore, . ( ! J ' i ' dec 25 tf ' 1 : : -r-i Tfr-T ' I COMPANY SHOPS, April 14 1862. IVI 'JtlUK IS HKRlfnVi flTVKW t. TIT AT Tni! ill BANK O? COMMRRftlC kl W.wWn h. engaged an office 1 at tbte plac, where all !bnsine will WeondwUdaeforaerty- J. a. QUION, , ; CashUr.1 4 other H 4,withrUer be sold at ooat witk freight added. . j . . 7 --- wu renew, and wOl AddrM Sditor !i in Bfntant. March T,18J. tnaar S-Jia : r ;TJlSCELLAlfEQTTS. - - MTTTnir. w tow N'SUBANCB COJIPANT At the ; aanal timing jew s 4 IBBCTORS.! flenry D. Turner, Rlolgh John R. Williams, , do. T. H. Belby, -C. W. D. Hatehings, - Kemp. P. Battle, . Qeorge Little, James M. To wles, ' do. do do. do. -d James E. HoyV Washington, y Alexander Mitchell, N-whern. Jos. O. Wright, Wilmington. Joan M. Jones, Bdenton. ! ' George W. Charles, Elizabeth City Joa. Ramsay, Plymouth. ; J.W. Harrell,Marfreesborough H.B. William, Charlotte. Samuel Watkim, Milton. A- W. Steel, FayetteyUle. Joseph White, Anson county Josh. Boner, Salem. - A. K Summy, Asheville, ! OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY T. H. Selby, president. Henry D. Turner,' Vice do. ' John II. Bryan, Attorney. Hamden R. Smith, Secretary and 1 reaenrer T. H. Selby, ex-officio, John R. Williams, Ex. Commxttte. C. W. D. HntehiBgs, J This Company has- been in successful operation over 13 years, and continues to take risks upon an riiutgea of Dronertv in tne BUie, leicepi owm and Turpentine Distilleries) upon favorable terms. Its Policies now OJpver property amounwn w inj $4,000,000, a large portion of which is in country risks; and its present capital is over Four Hundred Thousand Dollar, in bond properly secured. All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, postpaid. HAMDBN S. SMITH, See'y. January 18th, 1862. jan 22 Plantation Wanted ! - . m m w m wrx w w m.T w- en rS OR NEAK Uf xsiii A.iini V of Railroad, with accommodations for fifty to seventy-five negroes. Persons owning and desirous of selling such, will please address the subscriber, describing the place, nualitv of soil, the nrodaction. location, price 01 uuru nrl itiaoI in th nmcrhborbooa. Drice ana tenuis ui -- : ' - . . . t sale, and all particulars important to-a purchaser. mar 19 tf Raleigh, N. C. 13 OANOKE ROUGH RIDERS. KE- . CRUITS are wanted for the above named Troop, now being raised in theJCounty of Halifax, as part of " EDMOtfDSTON'S LIGHT HORSE BATTAL ION." Over $300 per year will be paid for ican and horse, with rations for .eaoh,together with clothing, equipments, Ac, Ac, also $100 Bounty on being mustered into service. Each man to bring with him such arms as he can procure until, a general arm can be nrovided. No aDDeals are deemed necessary to men of the right ttamp, and no other sort are" wanted. My address is Brinkley viile, P. O., Halifax Co., N. C. apr 9 tf J- CAMERON. N. R. Those sending in their names will be ap prized of the rendeivons t the proper time. 11 ui. 1 1 1 u ' JVI Graus man's . LARGE CIVIL AND MILITARY CLOTHING MANUFACTORY, RALEIGH, N. C T HAVE NOW ON HAND. AND-AM CON- I atantly receiving from all parts of the country, a large stock of all sorts of North Carolina Gray Casimeres, . Confederate Gray Cloth, Confederate Blue Cloth, Confederate Sky Blue Cloth very fine. All sorts of Trimmings for Cavalry and Artillery Uniforms. Gold Lace, any size. Confederate Buttons. Fine North Carolina State Buttons, and a good lot of Over-Coating. Having in my employment the best Military Cut ter, ut-der whose supervision all work is done by reg ular journeymen Tailors, I am able to guarantee to arty oflBcor who wishes any military garment, full at- tsfactioh in Price, Beauty, Durability and Workman- shin. An Agent" of my stoblishment is constantly trav elling, and ready to take measures at any Camp, and the Koods will be sent to oustomers by the Southern Express. Please address, M. GRAUSMAN, Merchant Tailor. Raleigh, January 15th, 1862. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. mHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO CALL I the attention of those in want of Fine Watch' es, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, &c, to his extensive Stock, which has been selected with great care, and which has only to be seen tq be ad- 2 j tt: i l 1 ' Uireu. ilia block, eiuuracea , Fine Gold, Silver and Enameled Watches, - Fine Gold Jewelry, Silver Ware and Albata Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spectacles to suit all eyes, Clocks, a beautiful assortment, Double and Single Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Bowie Knives, Ac, . To an examination of which he earnestly invites-All who may be in want, feeling confident that he can . please the most fastidious, both in quality and price. U. 15. ROOT, Fayetteville Street. P. S, Watches and Jewelry srepaired in the best manner, nov 9 A TTENTION VOLUNTEERS. Freeh LOBSTERS, " SALMON, " PEACHES, PINEAPPLES, " STRAWBERRIES. BLACKBERRIES, " WHORTLEBERRIES, " APRICOTS, &c, ; Hermetically Sealed, for sale at J. B. FRANKLIN'S Variety Store, may 4 - tf ' aStandard copy. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, FOR. Making Bread, Tea Cakes, sc, stc. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN IS THE result of careful chemical research. All its in gredients are prepared in the highest state of pari- ty, and compounded with & yiew to produce bread of a far better quality, and in much less time than by any otoer process, and 1 submit it with enure confidence to the judgment of -discriminating housekeepers, ba kers, Ac., Ac. Bread of all kinds made by using Concentrated Leaven Is lighter, m re digestible and nutritious; has an agreeable, natural taste; is less liable to soar; will retain its moisture longer than by any other pro- ces, and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten minutes. Call and get a box from no 3 tf E. A. WHITAKER. HIIDS. SUGAR ; 20 BBLS. DO. J & do. Molasses; 10 " do. , 30 boxes Adamantine Candles at , WHITAKER'S. 50 boxes Tallow Candies at ; WHITAKER'S. 50 sacks Family Flour at s WHITAKER'S. 20 boxeMtooice Tobacco at WHITAKER'S. 10 bbls Crackers at WHITAKER'S. 10 chests Green and Black Tea at WHITAKER'S. 5 bbls Old Apple Brandy at WHITAKER'S. 4 6 Hogsheads Molasses at WHITAKER'S. Salted Pork and Turnips at WHITAKER'S. CASH I CASH 1 1 NO MORE CREDIT! On and after the J3th of this month, I shall sell for Cash. The balanoe of my . Stock will be sold chean. Matters over which I have no control, compel me to do so. H- L. EVANS. 1 may 8 tf jg8rAge and Advocate copy. : TVf B. PART. OR'S GREAT WORK. XTA First Volume Ready. The Life of Andrew Jac&con, by James Parton, 3 vela. 8 to., 650 Paces woawiia pveei ronraua, ror bale by HENRY p. TURNER, , v - . N..C. Bookstore. Raleigh, February, 180. feb 22 UOOT8 AND SHOES. Z JLf - JUST RECEIVED, By Express, a good assortment of GenU'i Boots. Ladles aad Misses Goat and Moroco Boots. ALSO, Ladies Oaitora, Manufactured at.Thomaa- vflle, North Carolina. Prioei very Lira, eall aad IL L. IVANS. aufc tf - . - : PETERSBURG ADTRM'TS TfcttV GOODS AT VYHOIJS3AI.E. " SPRING TBAJSe 1861. STEVENSON, WEDDELL & CO IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, PETERSBURG, VA., HAVBHOW IN STORC A J.ARGI3 AND "WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants of the Virginia and North CaroliHa Trade. THE MOST FAVORABLE INDUCEMENTS WILL BK OFFERED TO PARTIES BUYING FOR CASH, OR, THE USUAL CREDIT of Six Months, will toe Continued to THE PROMPT AND RESPONSIBLE TRADE ORDERS SHALL HAVE OUR VERY BEST ATTET ION. STEVENSON, WEDDELL A CO.. mar 23 3m I860. AU' i860. Hamilton liranam, - IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE-DEALERS IN . - Staple and Fancy Dry Urooas, PETERSBURG, VA.,; Lnrite the attention of Southern dealers to their large and extensive stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, now in store and ready for exhibition, coinrising a full and handsome range of . Diess Goods- Also the largest and most attractive stock tbe'y have ever presented to the trade, of Cloths, Cassimeres, 3-4 and 6-4 Fulled Cloths, Satinets, Kentucky. Je.ans, Blankets, Kersey, Linseys, And leading DOMESTIC GOODS, purcuased in large quantities on the most favofablo terms, from various manufacturers, and especially adapted to the wants of the Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee Mercnants. They feel assured that purchasers visiting this city will find their stock both extensive and desirable, em bracing the newest and la'est designs of the seaso n, in , - .ll of which will be offered to punctual customers on terms to compete with any House, .North or boutn. A call is solicited. - - All orders shall bave their personal attention. 33" Agents for Coiton Yarns and Shoe Threads sep 15 2m 1861. SPRING 1861. SAIYI'L STEVENS. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN . ' CHINA, GLASS, EARTERNYVAKE, &c, &c, &c, PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA.' I HAVE IN STORE A GOOD STOCK of China, Earihemware, Glass, Fancy Goods, Ac, to which I respectfully solicit the attention of purchasers. The largest part of my Stock it of my o n direct importation, and I am enabled to offer goods low to CASH or punctual paying customers. Goods carefully packed for transportation. mar 16 tf SAM'L STEVENS. KETTLE WELL'S MANIFULATO GUANO HIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BEEN appointed Agents in this place for the sale of this celebrated Fertilizer, beg leave to say that they will be constantly supplied, and all orders will be filled with promptness, at the lowest rates. f or the past fivo yean this Uuano has been thorough ly tested in several States and various soils, with uni versal satisfaction, as far as we know. For sale in lots ,to suit, by DONNANS A JOHNSTON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, Aug. 6 .Petersburg, Vu. JOHN MORRISON, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER . IK FURNITURE, At No. 127 "Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. M ATRESSES kept on hand and made to order, either of Hair, CottoD, Shuck, or Cotton . and Shuck. FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES, Mahogany and Poplar Coffins, always 'on hand. Hearses kept itf .f good order to supply all orders for the same. Also,, the Indentructible Terra Coita Burial Case, which can not corrode or rot by its position in the ground." Spring Beds, a new article; durable, pleasant and. , cheap. A variety of Mantle and Toilet Glasses. . Please ca'l and examine my large stock of Furniture for yourselves, at the above number. mar 5 SPAULDING'S PREPARED GLUE! s PAULDING'S PREPARED GLUE, THE same that Van Amburgh glued his lion together with, is doing wonders hereabouts. A boy up town glued. hU play wagon together, "wrong side up," and the glue did its duty so well that the wagou had to be broken again before it could be made right. If Mr. Spaulding desires to become a candidate for the Presidency, and, his friends stick like his Glue, he will be sure of an election. To Architects and Draftsmen who have occasion to spring on paper tor drawings, this Glue will save i. yoij cuuaiucrauie nmuuui, vi uujo auu uuur. ui . f j ii -fe Damaged book-covers, loosened leaves, dilapidated maps and herbariums, will remind the student of its value. Nobody should be without it. Ask for Spaulding'i Prepared Glue. For sale by 4pr 4 H. D. TURNER. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS! IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE, . jVo. 121, SyCaviore Street, , H Petersburg, Va. 1 GILLIAM A DUNLOP invite the attention of wholesale dealers, manfactorers and railways to their well assorted stockof Iron and Steel, comprising : Iron. Swedes, Hammered, Refined, English, Ovalf and Carriage, Horse Shoe, Hoop and Band. Stcel.-Cast, German, Machine, Spring, English and Swedes Blister. Nail Rods, Sheet Iron, Pie and Bar Lead. Importing direct aad dealing exclusively Wi metal 1 wicjr icei cuuuueui or giving satisiacuon, ana respectr fully solicit a call. jan 4 GUANO FOR FALL SALES. 7' WE are daily expecting a cargo of rebss's uavipv- lated quamo, and will keep a.full supply of the article throughout the season. We shall also be con. stantlj suppled with "A No. 1 Peruviaji Guano." Planters ordering their supplies from us may rely upon receiving the best article that is sold. PEEBLES, PLUMMER A CO. aug 1 22 Old street NOTICE.--THE SUBSCRIBERS IVE their personal attention to all apnsignments madf them from the country, particularly Tobacco, Cotton, a,nd Wheat. .They keep a large stock of Groceries, Guano, Ac, on hand, which they offer for sale on the most' easonable terms. To cash and punctual buyers on the usual time. DONNANS A JOHNSTON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, mar 14 ly Petersburg, Va, FINE OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. A SELECTED STOCK OF -FIN OLD PORT Sherry and Madeira Wines, also Otard, Dupuy A Co.'s standard Brandies, direct from the Custom House. For sale by aug 1 tf. H PEEBLES, PLUMMER A CO. f7 L1DE ISLAND GUANO.--300 ltA- Ei Elide Island Guaao, in store and for sale by . DONNANS A JOHNSTON, aug 20 p IORTEK AND CASKS. BEST brands London Porter. 10 do. Tennanf s XX Ale. For taleVv aag l-4f. PEEBLES, PLUMMFR A. WHITAKER KEEPS a HE Largest and best selected Stock of Fasnily Groceries iB the City. ' "V 20 Barrels of Boston Apples, 20 Boxes of Cheesa, Jastreeoivad. 1 XtOIf AND STEEI. WAREHOUSE, I X t ' ' Ne HI Sycamore at, Petersburg. Y "ltir4iS hTT.T.TAM Ac DI7NLOP " - SIEl4 which they offer ialots to suit purehaac?; lAwnsi nriM. iiglish and best refined IRON all dxea. wedeaand Rammered DION -t " ? : t " s- inna.W. TRON 6 to 10 inches. ' - Jail rods and-Horse hoelRON-best .brand. ,TEEL Car Blister, lennai oTa,Jianm I 1 ;i.ranitTCT TRON. TIN LEADi af-. t IWVI fc , II ' - -J -1 ' " - NEW BOUND ttn IV ' K JOV3IENTS. t OR BELIG. msaiB v -1 " " . a-e a . fsnv jwvr fkW Xfma Pleasant t unuareB- 1 1 Children- The Seriptur Hi ory -If4 d Saviour Jeaua Cbrist, rig ed to niuatrato his Divinity, Doctrme ad Miarion.-. BjtM. B. Sterling Clara. til e; Mirvni.V FAMILY. SJ U. nuat FAMILY, OB By H. H, H. . ; i i Linden's Teachings. T.T1 AND NEW, BY TIUS UKV, jab. Rector of Christ, Church, Louis- vile. I , r . !. . t :"" b CHURCH HISTORY OFTIIE FIItST rk- Three Centuries, from the thirteenth to the three hwdred and twenty-third year of thChrisUan Era. D Milo Mahan, D. D - t- fTiWENTY-FiVE TUNES, ADAPTED X to Psalms and Hymns, in the book of Common Prayer. Edited by the Rev. Albert Wood, A. M. O YMNS FOR CHILDREN, COMPILED Jj. and set to appropriate Music. By the Rev. J Freeman Young. A COLLECTION OF SACRED SONGS, fein 'j an Eclectic compilation for the 'use of ciirches,Families and Schools. To which aer appended a roecial department containing appropriate JMusio lor 0f5intions, Dedications, Fast days. Funerals, Etc. Edited by Charles Jerome Hopkins. :fi :': ' Foreale by W. L. POMEROY. 'Raleigh, V. C, August, 1860 aug 32 tf ' NEW BOOKS. U RCTIC ADVENTURE, BY SEA AND f. Land, Trom the earliest date to the last expe r.- , 1. ..e e: ti t? 1,1:.. T?:j u Hpes Sargent. With Maps and Illustrations. DGAR POE, AND CRITICS BY SARAn Ci Helen Whitman. irmE MARBLE FAUN. OR THE RO-1 L- mance of Monte Beni ; in two vols. By Nathaniel tiawthorne 5 Author of " The Scarlet Letter." etc. WJAW 4QL Own Viiid and AWKSVIEW: A HISTORY OF OUR Times. By Holme Lee ; Author of "Against Tideretc. b OF FOUR ACRES, AND The-Money we made by it. With an Introduc tion. By Peter B. Mead, Editor of the Horticuitu- ' nst. ' THE CAVALIERS OF FORTUNE, OK k British Heroes, in Foreign War... By James Gant, Author of " The Romance of War,1' etc. TiTEMOIRS OF JAMES MAQUIS, OF AxjL Montrose, K. G., Captain General of Scotland. By James Grant, Author of The Romance of War," etc. iTTVHE. MILL ON THE FLOS S.--BY i?X George Elliott; Author of "Scenes of Clerical --lafe," Ac For Sale by ; KaleigK, N. I'., laou. . , aug i ti. ,000 ill. WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES, . JUST RECE1 VED A T L. IVANS' 5 ; i FOR GENTS. J. 'MILES A SON'S PUMP BOOTS, STITCHED BOOTS, " DOUBLE SOLED BOOTS, 4 " HfcAVY CHEAP BOOTS, ' CALF A KID CONGRESS b -i GAITERS. ', " " CLOTH CONGRESS GAI- ; - TERS, f GENT'S BROGANS, I NEGRO - " ! FOR THE LADIES. J.jMILES A SON'S GONG Ji ESS GAITERS' '. " -PLAIN GAITERS, ' " KID AND MOBOCVO BOOTEES, " " CALF BOOTEES, " ". KID AND MOROCCO BUSKINS, " " KID AND JIO RO CCO SLIPPERS, " " WHITE KID AND' SAT- it ? j IN SLIPPERS, I- COMMON AND FINE PEG BOOTEES, VEAVY DUTCH BOOTEES FOR SERVANTS, ? J FOR MISSES. , I J. MILES Ar SON'S PLAIN A CONGRESS X. 3 ' GAITERS, " " " KID AND MOROCCO I BOOTEES, - 11 ' " KID AND MOROCCO V SLIPPERS, CALF AND MOROCCO PEG BOTTOM'S. FOR BOYS AND CHILDREN. ' . A very large Assortment too numerous to mention. Come one ' ' and all, and supply yjarselves . ' . for the WINTER. . Sold on as reasonable terms as can be afforded ' FOR CASH! Don't forget the last sentence. so ? , ILL. EVANS. f ?' J RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD ! V . j-if Change of Schedule! Ralkigh, November 1st, 1859. AND AFTER THIS DATE THE MATT. in. Train on the Raleieh and Gaston Railroad will run at toiiows : ; ; j-Bearw lUleia daily at 7.10, A. M. I ' ' ; j Arrive at Weldon daily at 12 M. i. , Leave Weldon daily at-11, A. M. ' . ' Arrive At Raleigh daily at 3.40, P. M. TH S FREIGHT TRAINS wUl run as follows : .Portomouth Freight leaves Raleigh Mouday, Wed nesday and Friday ; - Arrives at Raleigh Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. : . -Petersburg Freight avts Raleigh Tuesday, Thurs ufty and Saturday ; vi Arrives at Raleigh Monday, Wednesday and Fr-dfty- P. A. DUNN, Supt. .i Noyember 8, 1858. - . feb is iy, Vj, . DIRECT TRADE. 18GO. FaU! Fall I ! Fall!!! 18CO. I AM now receiving by ship Susan Kinks, of my oym Importation, direct from Liverpool to City Pobit, Va., and by Ship W. L. LindseyTfrom Puuiv w xom, a large atock of Earthen. tr rc. c., and am receiv- ink from the Eastern and Western Factories, Glass Wire of aU descriptions, Cut and Pressed. Mytock wrga, embracing all goods found in CrockeryGlass, and Housefurnishihg establishments. I am pre'iwSS' and wjU offer great-inducements to punctual paying rfd cash customers, and ask) of all an examination of my goods and prices before purchasing. 'f ' ,j f SAMUEL STEVENS ; V No. 55 Sycamore St. 1 Pktkrsbcko Va Best Baltimore and City made Stone-Ware on hand. eptemoer 1st, 1860. Bept 4 tf. Standard copy. NA1R. NOTICE THE SUBSCRIBER JL having this day sold out bis entire Clothing Es tablishment, finds himself under the necescity of call ing upon all those endebted to him, either by note aeopunt to-eome forward and settle p without delay, as farther indulgeace cannot be eiyen. Those haying ebiimi againat me will pleas present them at once for aojasunens. au 51 tf - " HACKNEY POOL. - Hfk BOXES SUPERIOR STARCH ,X" : Foxaalaat ; aaay PESCUiyS DRUG STORE. r - TTME OP rHOLDINOlTim COURTS. f - "T . i, ...7- i-, -.T.-- - .-' l THE; SUPREME' COTJMV 4' -. Th a SwiTremA Oawrt ot xfortbr , Carolina lacela T at Raleigh aemi-annttally, on-the aeoondJIonday J lifild ohoe VyeArst lloreanton m ;the; Jirst Mondajrrjn Aas ILBrpodge, I Cleric. H yne tiacera.r as iouows :; vmei 4 usuob, 1 FJehmdndMiPearwrtu of Yadkin iJOBUce& MK.l Manly; of Alamance, and7 Wuliam 1L i5atue, oi 1 Oing - alary of each" $1,500 jer-iumam.r I General Hamiltoft O. Jones, of Bowan; Reported Ji, Jferry, oi w axe, awpuiy ytists. j ames juiicu 1 ford. of WaM MarshaL f; y I 1 'The wpmor curu svre ceia in seven vnrcoiu. toy" the following- offloers : O adge-K. B Heath, of XJbowan; George Howard Jr of "Wilson r John M. Dick, of Guilford J. usDOrne.. of Mecfc lenbure : John LC Baily, of Orf nee ; Jesse G. Shepherd, of Cumberland, and R. inulus M. Saun- ders,of Wake Solicitoji EJiMiC. -Hines, -on Eden top, rides too Jf irst Circuit i. George 0. bte- venson, of Craver, -tide the 4 second Ciroi"; William A; Jenkina, thottoxneV General, rides tne xnira Vircuu; -. xcosgruiao, oi vrange, riaes theFourth. Circuit Kobt. StraBge, of ; Cumber- land, rides the JiftL CirCnit ; William" Lander, of Lincoln, ridea the Sixth Circuit ; "ilarcUs ErwW. of Burke, rides the Seven th'Circuit: ' The CourAre held as follows : . , FIRST CIRCUIT. , Tyrrell, first Monday in March and September, w asmngton, secona Bertie, third . Hertford, fourth . m Gates, first Monday after the fcurth Monday in M'ch and Sept. Chowan, second " - Perquimans, tbifd " , " Pasquotank, fourth, . " 4 Camden, fifth '' , ; Currituck, sixth " 11 8ECOND CIRCTJIT. Duplin, fourth Monday in March and September. Wane, first Monday after the fourth Mondly in Mc'h and Sept. Greene, second " " " Lenoir, tird " " Craven, fourth . Jones, Wednesday next after the fifth Monday , after the fourth Monday in M'ch and Spt. Onslow, sixth Monday after the fourth. Monday in March and September. Carteret, seventh Monday after the fourth Mon- day in M'ch and Sept. Beaufort, eighth " ' Hyde, ninth Monday after the fourth Monday in .1 Marth and September. Wilson, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in juarcn ana oeptemDer. THIRD CIRCUIT. Martin7 onthe Monday before the first Monday in Jiiarcn ana eptemDef, Pitt, the first Monday in March and September. jcjagecomoe, eocona " Nash, third Johnston, fourth . Wake, the first Monday after the foiurth Monday in Ale n and Sept Franklin, second Warren, third 11 Halifax, fourth Northampton, fifth ti 11 11 i it FOURTH CIRCUIT. Granville, first Monday in March and September Orange, second " " " Chatham, third 11 u Randolph, fourth " " Davidson, first Mohday after the fourth Monday Lin March and Sept. Porsythe, second " M Stoke3, third " r " Guilford, fourth " . Rockingham, fifth " " Caswell, sixth ' Person, seventh Alamance, eighth (4 u FlfTH CIRCUIT Moore, Monday before tho last in February and AUgUSt. Montgomery tho last Monday in February and AUgU8t, Stanly, first Monday in March and September Anson, second " v . Richmond, third " " RobesGn, fourth " Bladen, first Monday after the fourth Monday in LMarcn and bept. Columbus, second " . " Brunswick, third " " New Hanover, 4th " M Sampson, fifth " " Cumberland, seventh " " . SIXTH CIRCUIT. Surry, fourth Monday in February and August. Tadkin, first after the fourth Monday in February jana August ft-sue. s - jona Wilkea, third Alexander, 4th Davie, fifth . Iredell, sixth Catawba, seventh Lincoln, eighth Gaston, ninth it u ( ti : ic Union, tenth after the fourth Monday in Febru and August -oAot.h.icuuurg, urn it Cabarrus, twelfth " Rowan, thirteenth, " SKVBNTH CIRCUIT. Cherokee, firt Monday in March and September, Macon, second, a Jackson, third . Haywood, fourth . " Henderson, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in Lfticn and Sept. Buncombe, second Madison, third Yancy, fourth McDowell, fifth Caldwell, sixth Watauga, seventh Burke, eighth Rutherford, ninth Polk, tenth Cleveland, 11th 11 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS. Anson county, on tho second Monday in January April, July and October. Ashe, fourth Monday in February, May, August and November. " Alexander, first Monday in March, June, Sep tember ard December. Alamance, first Monday after the fourth Monday of February, May, August and November. Beaufort, third Monday in March and September, and the flret Monday in June and December. Bertie, second Monday, in February, May, August and November. Bladen, first Mopday in February, May, August and November. Brunswick,- first Monday in March, June, Sep tember and December. Buncombe, second Monday after the fourth Mon- day in March June, September and December. Burke, eighth Monday after the; fourth Monday in March, June, September and December. Cabarrus, third Monday in January, ApriL July and October. - . f r. J Caldwell, sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March, Jane, September and December. Camden, second Monday in March, June, Sep tember and December. ! Carteret, the third 'Monday in February. May, August and November. CaswelVfirst Monday iafterfliekiJaTtn Monday of March, Jane, September and December.- CaUwba, third Monday in . January and July, and second Monday after the fourth- Monday in March and September. : ' Chatham, aecorKl Monday in Pebruary, May, Au gust and November. Hwoitrn Carolina "gttft ClTelaad, tenth .Monday after the fourth m ;.n MinMl Jnttn'MAnlkmKn...J Tv ru"US ft J bruary, Mav 4 .. nrkTmfiMnad Mondv in xt t . 4 Decoinber. , plem. Y JuMSei: Cnrritack the last Monday in , Augtfit una liovember. " "J JUt T nd December . ; uue ptem. papUnVlhlrd Monday in January a fil, J. idsbn. aeooid Moh'day in Pebrn.'. LhiTlo fourth Jlonday in Pebrnsv Mdl November. -1 fX "ary, May, A Franklin, tecohd Monday in Ma rch Jun, Sep. .,t" - - " i. ane- Sopteri-. ucr wiu xecwu yer. Gajtea, third Monday iaPebruarv i ; : .; and November. . J eoruap , May, A uguu GranlIeflr8 Monday in Februarv xt I guw ana November. -wi-y, iraene, . second AlonJay ia Februarv . I ' guslt;an6rifa?ember. . , ur7. May umiiorn. tnirri ii hurt., xn.i ,..-4i. . I. gust; and November. " J' Mai' An. TT w t- T ill x (iiirii.i-r. Ma Gastort, third Monday in February - 1 l nd fourth .Monday after the tZrfht Mairlch and SeptemU r. " - Uh in Halifax, third Monday in Februnrv gusfe. and November. ? h MaJ'- Af. Harnett, seoona Monday in March In 11 0. ISeninm Haywlod, fourth Monday in M. 1. temW and December. Junt,.Sei,. June, Hertfd, fotrrtlh Monday in February M.. a gust and November. y lav AU- Hyde, Second Monday in February Mr 1 and ovetnfcr. y' u5 Aug'H Henderson, flr Monday after the fourth Bjkih,rd Monday in February m '7 dfNovem'fcer. ' Mi A"gu.4 Johnsfon, fourth Monday in February m . iruslL'and NoiyAry.K J coruary, May.Au. Jc-nea, fifth -Monday after tho fourth M i uu FMjmoer : and on the last mi in January and Julv. .( H MonJ Jackson thirdlMonday in March. JunP. s.,J.. uer ana secern ocr. ' Kr' Lenoir, first Monday in January and .tu 1 third Mondayin March and Sulv niber. " Trrrrr. n January and .it. k after tbo fourth Monday in March and SeDtetnhAr V -i"1. Martiii second Monday in January. Anrii. .,,- McDowell flftl Monday after tbe fourth Mondw ' lll'J0Urih Monday in Janu.ry7j, Madison, thirdlMonday after the fourth MonJHT in jajarcn, j une, aeptember and December. Nash Second Monday in February, May. August and November. ; New Hanover;second Monday in March, Juno September and December. Northampton, first Mondayin March, June Set, temper and December. Onslow, first Monday in March, June, September and pecember. - Orang fourth Monday ia February, May, Au gust and Nov anber. , Pasquotank firs; Monday in March, Juno, So,,, tern her ard December. Perquimans, second Mouday in February, May August and November. Person third Unr -j of March, June, Septem ber ahd Decembo . , 1 Pitt, first Monday in February, May, Augistand November. Rockingham, fciurtM Monday in February, Mav, August and November. Polk, t0nth Monday after the fourth Mondayin March, Jane,! September and December. Randolph, first jMonday in February, May, Au gust and November. Richmond, third Mondayin January, April, July and October. ' Rowan j first Monday in February, Mav, August and November. Robeson, fourth! Monday in February, May, Au gust And Noyember. j t Rutherford, ninth Monday after tho fourth Holi day In March, Juno, September and December Sampson, third Monday in February, May. Auguii and (November. f Stokes; second Monday in March, June, Septem ber ad Deceijnber. - Surry, second Monday lh February, May, August and November. ; Stanly econdMonday in February, May, Au gust and November. . Tyrellfot-rth Monday of January, April, July and October. j ? Union j first Monday in January, April, July, and October.' . i Wake,! third Monday in January, May, August and November. Warren fourth Monday in February, May, Au gust tod November. Washington, third Monday in; February, May, August and November. Watauga, third lUfnndav in Fehruarv.- Mav. Au- . & 1- J ' gust and November. Wayne! third Monday in February, May, Augu't and ifovember. Wilkes,) first Monday after the" fourth Monday . January, April, July, and October. Wilson,! fourth Monday In January; April, July and October, j Yancey! fourth .Monday after the fourth Monday in March, Jun September and December. in. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE! UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a Copartnership under the style of Pb BLES, IfLUMMKR A CO-for the purpose of con ducting a General Commission aud tf cery RasinesSy at the old stand of Peebles A w nit, No. 22 CW street,; and -respectfully' solicit thpatron age of thieir friendk. LEMUEL PEEBLES, -ih Late of the firm of Peebles 4 Whit. U ' iHTfNRY L. PLUMMER, JR. , Love ofthe firm of N. M. Martia, Bro. A Co. J JNO. J. THOMPSON. Petersburg, January 2d, 1860. A CARD. In retiring from the firm of P""tl. A White, I desire to express my sincere thank, to y friends and the public generally for their litr; support, and to solicit a continuation to the firm Peebles, Plummer & .Co who are in way workhy ot t Petersburg, January 2d, 1860. f DEBATES ilN CONVENTION.-H"0' , CEEDLNOS! and Debates of the Convention 1., tj aa.mnl the CoDfititutwoi. the Statai which assembled at Raleigh, June 4, 1 . To whichlare subjoined the Contention Act an J "s amendmenU to the Couititution, together wita j votea of the people. . t A fewHopiea, (only) or the above fwork rem'B)D 1 unsold,-I ; : For sale by vt.p f 1 UMRrw. luRi'- jan 12441 L North Carolina Bookji M GO OLDS. 1861: rijf lb vf)HilwBn :Wwrm&' W V M It t& H S A Large Letof LaiM Drew Goods, suitable for beaaoii, hf oiarabiquef' Plain and Striped, Brocbe " Plain Lawslla, Ottoman Ppliar Mohair, Blaek bu , 1 Crgandy and De Lalnes. . . ji wk X AUa, a' ftna Assortment of Paney1 SUk and BU VelyetTrunings, Blaer RiUs, Kid 5 GloTes, c, Call and MamiM for jcarselTas. h VAjs. mare-i-tr. --f. t : .... ' u. "v 4 r 10 BBLS. NCv ai , : 1 8UQA& at WBIXAKJSR s 11 i hi r H ) n ' r'; - i

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