IrtTvTllI WEIGH ItEGISTEtt . jr. ' anrroa ao ywwttmf .y fa V) LU sisMI-WEEKLY RfcfllSTEjU U 'published! J Wednesday and Saturday xnoraig at J4 90 ; rery " ... . ov.nM. tf S5 00. IT MTraent la KSStUl nbscription year ha. ptotAM4 Jnn WEEKLY REGISTER Is punjjsnea iprtryl; Tim " ' . . t, r Wednesday morning, at OOperMn.., payama n-j Rates of Advertising in in nesuiv fi !, Registers .auare (16 Un le8) one ia?ertton very sucoeeuiug "- i Iquare tlx aionlha, ; , S M twelve j 'i tliree . " twelve moatba,iicluding"pap(p,,j lathe Weekly IXegistrf: .r. far the firit Insertion, ' and for every suceeedin g insertion,' 1 iqear twelve months. 1 I ! IX VieP J 5 4 - if r si.ttu 25 00 14 oo DO f0 it ! " twelve monvn, lbciuu g " w1!'"" t -jr .j. ai atta iVA:aii ArnttA' will ha Inserted W the Seml-Weeklr, and eharged eor4idy. Business Cards, not exceeding ciguv uuw, f I nseried in either the Weekly or 8ctm-Weekl$r Six. r ... - . A m Aft . iu.1M..MAM(lvafn ftl All tuNth ppfi at$8.60 for alt mouths.or $15fortwelve months. iSsT Contracts can be made at the dJ5oe Ifor lbnger ' y ... i ., if " i . 1 - i 3 4tfArt.!iiimiiBUL . n f i W " .f ' BUSINESS CARDS. L '; -co,1 .,-! sfs) : Qi!j .2! L i u ; M i ' DeCARTEKET At AI13ISTRONU, f - BOOKBINDERS, !. . " AND-- h i J ' BLAKE BOOK MANUFACTURERS I KALEIOU, C. , . ; i petS tf. ! '.' , ; j, j JOHN W, COSBY, 1 1 ! ,j . ATOlHlQlrQT. ' i 1 ! 1- RALEIGH N. C.!' I ' j ! i SetL 28 186. .. i : i . iff . p . , , , ; ;. i. , i , 1 A. C. buiAU, ft! P.rULLIAK, D. K WKISIBBR ! PULLI AM & C O!, f ! AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE OF? NE6RJe UUd-Felloivs' Hall, Frankltu St., RliSSil MEDICIKES a31 -; JC--. ' t ,v AND'TOLLET ARTICLES. The Sabacriber hat the pleasure of annonncujg to bis friends and h pablio generaHy that after much delay trouble, eapenae, ewfng to the war, and in terrnptlon of, trade, ha has procured afreah supply of Sledioines, Toileu and other articles in bis line, which he has been, unable to furnish for some time past. He ha to pay CASH for all he buys, and hopes that such of his natrons as do not pay pronipljy, will take f the, hiaC and that all in arrears, who have not gone to the seat of war to fight for our tnaepenaeuce ..and dearest interests, will pay op their arrearages or a part at least, so that be may be 'able to meet presng de ' mauds, and keep bis Stock replenished. JT fSMl orders; from - the eonntry. (unless" from prompt and reliable parties, will go unnoticed, if not accompanied with this CASH or its-equivalent. P. F. PBSCUD, ; an jr tf , Druggist, Raleigh, N; C. Oll IIEAUTIFx'INGJLNDIMPROVINCJ THE IIAIR.--I nave received the foUowing tavorite'' article, fit : . Mrs. AUen9 Restorer and Zylaalsamnra, Wood's and Ezekial's Restorer, . Burnett's Cocoaine and Cociu, Rosemary and Castor Oil, ; Lowe's and l'iver's Pomades, Demersonr Petit & Co Ilygieniquc Societe, and JSlonpclas Pomades, TricopheroHS, Katbairon, I Essence Bay Leaves, Sayne's Hair Tonic, Philecorae, and Pescad's Hair Tonic. Also, tho.most approved Hair Dyes known in this country. For eal o at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. Roleigh, May 13, 18"0. . ma30 t'. IIUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CHOP TUR NIP SHED. CONSISTING OF T11E FOLLOWING VARIE ties: , Eariy Larc Flat Ducb, Early Red Top, ' . r Kuta Ilna, (a. superior variety.) Large White Norfolk, Large Yellow Norfolk, Large White Globe. Also, Altringham Carrot, Mangel Wortzel Reet, and large Winter Drumhead Cabbage Seed. For Sale in quantities to suit purchasers r-t . jiune 18 tf. P. F. PESCUD's- CIIIS MAN'S YEAST POWDERS. MY Materials are to hand, and Mr. Chiduian has put up a large quantity, all who have been waiting for sup plies can send in their orders. If you doult that these great Powders are not su perior to any now known, yon can find testimonials from the mott respoctablo families in Raleigh, at my store, where you can be supplied at wholesale or re tail. P. F. PESCUD. may 23 N OTHER R III L LI ANT VICTORY !-- Whilo on my recent visit to the Old Dominion, I had the good fortune to procure from an old iriend a demijohn of Rose Cordial of the most delectable fla Ter a splendid and invigorating article for the sick. Cull, by all means, and get some before it is goue; price 25 cents a bottle. Among the choi-o variety of other things too tedious to mention, tc which the at teution of the public is respectfully called, I have a fiuo lot of the best Hair Crushes. If you want to feel good and poetical in tbeeo gloomy times, just call around, procure a brush and a bottle of cordial, and I will guarantee a fine flow of the most hijJifa(utin pheclin. P.: F. PESCUD, Druggist. EXTRACTS RICHMOND, VA, 1 - DAILY SALES Public 1 and Prjvatb; j ' Te nledre our strictest attention to the "busioess en-i - - - ;-(' j. trusted to us, and will, answer alii com 1 municutions promptly.' : i i POUTER ALWAYS AT EACH DEPOT. ' ly-tf. ! j 1 ..Li , , , , . . j j,, , j j PEEULES, PLUJIMEIl &! CO., I ! (rORMSRLT PEEBLES WHITE.) 1 i COMMISSION MER CHANTS AND s ORQ CBES, No. 22, Old Street, Petersburg Yai IJR'OMPT and diligent personal attention given to . the sale of all consignment of Produce ' Always wn hknd a full supply of standard -quality; Orvcerios, suited to the wants of Farmers and families; j LEM'L PEEBLES, JllO. J. THOMTSO!.! Mr u plumm e a, jr., late of the firm of f . M. Martjin, Brother Co. , -'.ftii ' fr Sole Agents for Reese's Phospho Peruvian, ur Manipulated Guano. . , ' f June 27 tf. THE EW AND SPLENDID onsistin of WOOD VIOLET. HUMMING BIRD, BUTTERFLY VIOLET, PATCIIUTLY MUrfK, 4 TINK JOCKY CLUB, FRANGIPAN'I ROSE, &-C. Also, Frangipani, Verocna, Cologne and othr Toilet waters. All of whicli are of the finest quality ana put up in elegant style. For salo at ; PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. Raleigh. May 13, S0. ma 23 tf. JUST RECKIVED AT PESCUDS DRUG STORE. A VERY FINE LOT OF TOILET S0AP3. j OAK CITY SAVINGS RANK . j '. Dr. T. D. HOGG, PretidfH.i I ) j Jobs G. Williams, Cutheir. i DIRECTORS. ; ; ' . I : br. T. D. Hog?, H. S.: Smitb, J j : U. Duibee, ' . John iO. Williainsi j Thits Bank is now receiving deposits, at the Rx-j caangw Office of John G. Williams A Co. : Diaeovnt day Tuesday, fob 18H-tf, 1. T AKERS PREMIUM HITTERS. U A now supply of these celebrated Bitter on band At TESCUD'S Drug Store. M USTARD. TO THE FRIENDS OF i IUOME MANUPAGr0KE8i . THE KIN8TON M i SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. ORDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS ard solicited: J. C. CARPENTER, A&nt. Kjnstoa, N: C, June 24, 1860. I augi-ktfi. rETEjtSBURG, YA. i I ! THIS WELL KNOWN ESTALISHMENT, ? BAVINS Bill BBCERTLT FITTED UP A.HD 8CPUE ' WITH ALL MODBKB COM VEKIENCKS, f I Now offers to Travellers Attractions? i Unsurpassed by any Hotel 1 .."in the Conntry: ' ! ; mar 5- JOHN JARRATT & BRQ. - n '. i " . . .. . ' . i , . k ( DONNAN8 Ac JOHNSTON, i ! U ROGERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, I'etersDurg, jal-ly COMMISSION . MERCHANTS. I NSURANCE COMPANY OF TIIR VAI.. LLKY OF VIRG INIA, Winchester, Virginia, Copital iv,uv. luwrpwruu ranrcn,i80J. voarter iper tu ill Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid, 1 Filre Losses naid in 8 vears to Julv. 160L tsas iaot tfl naranee against loss or damago y Are, 6n as fmvori able Uriaa a other responsible VompaniesL -(; 4 u. a. vKu, i'reaTt. A fresh supply just received At PESCUD'S Drug Store. 1JIIALONS HAIR INVIGOK A TOR. fParrys Tricopberous, Ezekials liair Hestorer, ' Parsons Indellible Ink. At . PESCUD'S Drug Store, an 14 tf Raleigh, N. C. Confederate Cloth just received from the CreDshaw Woolen Company, Richmond, Va. HAVING PURCHASED FROM THE auction sale a large invoice of Grey, and Blue Cloths and Cassimeres, we are prepared to make uni forms in the best manner. Also, a large invoice of Maryland Cloths and Cassimeres; Cadet Grey, very fine; do. North Carolina Cassimcre Grey, large quan tity for Uniforms and Military Overcoats, ready made or made to measure. We have now in our cut ting department two Cutters that cannot be boat in the artt cutting both military and citizens drets. Black French Cloths, Cassimeres and est in eg : Velvet Vesting, black and Fancy; 50 Cagaimere Suits, all sizes, just received ; 50 dozen Merino and Lambs Wool Shirts ana Drawers; India Kub.bcr Overcoats and LeggiiiJ ; fine Shirts, Drawers, Sucks. Ou11e, Glove, Cravats, Suspenders. Shawls, Blankets, Gai ttrs, Gambaters, Ac. T. W. ROYSTON & CO., feb 28 Petersburg, Va. Call and Settle. V LL INDEBTED TO THE SURSCItl x ber will please call and settle their accounts.- II you can't pay the money now, give your notes. 'My books must be closed. H. L. EVANS.' January 9th, 1862. t . 4 : - . Censnt of North Carolina. : . At Reported by tkk Secretory of the Siatt Convert- COUNTIES. WHITE. Alamanee, 7,9S7 Alexander, 5,392 Anson, 6,&62 Alleghany, 3,357 Ashe, 7,423 Beaufort, 8,172 I Bertie,. 5,8-1 Bladen, 6,235 Brunswick, 415 Buncombe, 10,623 I Burke, ,647 Cabarrus, 7402 Caldwell, ,27 ; Camden, 2,940 Carteret, 6,064 CasweU, 6,581 Catawba, 9,038 Chatham, 12,555 Cherokee, 8,609 Chowan, 2,78 Cleaveland, 10,108 Columbus, 5,779 Craven, 8,795 Cumberland, 9,561 ! Currituck, 4,67 1 Davidson, 13,378 Davie, 6,001 Duplin, 8,286 Edgecombe, 6,880 Forsythe, 10,716 Franklin, 6,490 Gaston, 7,009 Gates, 4,180 Granville, 11,189 Greene, 2,826 Guilford, 15,738 Halifax, 6,642 Harnett, 5,351 Haywood, 5,488, Henderson, " 8,931 Hertford, 3,948 Hyde, 4,682 Iredell, 11,141 Jackson, 5,241 Johnston, 10,548 Jones, 2.210 Lenoir, 4,903 Lincoln, 6,000 Macon, 5,370 Madison, 5,693 Martin, 5,435 McDowell, 5,542 Mecklenburg, 10,543 Montgomery, ' 6,781 Mooro, 8,725 Nash, 6,319 New Hanover, 10,617 Northampton, 5,912 Onslow, 5,198 Orange, 11,318 Pasquotank, 4,473 Perquimans, " 3,287 Person, 5,708 Pitt, 7,480 Polk, 3,317 Richmond, 5,211 Randolph, 14,768 Robeson, 8,584 Rockingham, 10,021 Rowan. 10,522 Rutherford, 9,060 Sampson, 9,106 Stanly, 6,590 Stokes, ' 7,847 Surry, 8,949 Tyrrell, 3,203 Union, 8,903 Wake, 16,470 Warren, 4,923 Washington, 3,596 Watauga, 4,771 Wayne, , 8,721 Wiikes, 13,280 Wilson, 5,944 Yadkin, 9,110 Yancey, 8,229 iwn. TRIK col'jcd. 421 19 151 27 142 729 279 435 260 100 219 104 114 276 152 279 28 304 . 38 151 109 '355 1,288 . 978 221 147 101 374 388 211 541 102 362 1,121 152 693 2,450 .104 85 . 1,111 . 259 29 6 193 '107 177 80 115 2 451 . 273 290 45 184 688 t 766 656 159 522 1,484 392 318 127 106 345 380 1,450 407 135 122 489 42 86 1S4 143 53 1,424 402 296 82 734 261 280 16S 64 fiLATft 3,445 611 6,95 206 39 h 5,878 8,186 ' 5,327 3,621 1,931 2,371 3,040 1,088 2,127 1,969 9,355 .1,664 6,246 . 619 3,713 2,131 2,463 6,190 5,830 2,524 3,076 2,392 7,126 10,108 1,764 7,079 2,199 3,902 11,086 3,947 3,625 10,349 2,584 3lS 1,382 4,445 2,793 . 4,177 281 4.9161 3,413 5,131 2,115 519 213 4,303 1,305 6,541 1,823 2,518 4,681 ' 10,332 6,808 3,499 5,109 2,983 3,569 5,195 8,473 620 5,453 1,645 5,456 -6,'318 3,929 2,391 7,028 1,169 2,469 1,216 1,597 2,248 10,733 10,401 2,465 104 5,451 1,208 3,496 1,433 362 TOTAL. 11,853 6,022 13,664 3,590 7,956 14,77V 14,311 11,995 8,406 12,654 9,237 10,546 7,499 5,343 8,185 16,215 10,730 19,105 9,166 6,842 12,348 8,597 16,273 16,369 7,416 16,601 8,494 15,786 17,37.6 127691 14,110 9,310 8,444 23,396 . 7,925 20,056 19,441 8,039 5,801 10,448 9,504 7,734 15,347 5,528 15,657 5,730 10,211 -8,195 C.004 5,908 10,189 7,120 17,374 7,649 11,427 11,688' 21,715 13,376 8,856 16,949 8,940 7,248 U,221 , 16,793 4,043 1 1,t09 -16,798 15,490 16,746 16,623 7,801 10,402 10,379 4,943 llr303 i 28,627 15,726 6,357 4,957 14,906 14,749 9,720 10,711 8,655 631,489 30,097 331,081 992,667 BOOKS' STATIONERY &C. M IL1TARY ROOKS for, CASH ONLY. Negro Girl for Hire. mllE SURSCRIRER HAS FOR HIRE 1 a Negro Girl beh nging to the Jefferson estate, a first rate hand. Apply to jnll tf M. GRAUSMAN. AS II I CASH!! CASH!!! m. L; Bkmt, See'1 ap'l to tf Vf. S. SIMPSON, Ag't! j .. 4 peteriburg, Va. I . ! 1 WASTE Di" WANTED X I AT Turn .? : i INIMITABLE WHITAKER'S, A CONTENTED MAN ; VQ RvWAlt till IV he offers a premium of VJVX GALLONS of ! Drewry's Celebrated 8ontbaipton(Vriu) .. URANDY. U-'ilH Speaking of the abore OLD BRANDT, tbf THE INIMITABLE I WittlTAKER has on hand v :-'-;.M". .-4-t-t ).vk';'4' l x' PREWRY'S OLD APPLE BRAND SETH JONES' OLD A?PLK BRANDY TISO ALES' OLD APPLE BRANDT,;1 ana many ether eholce BRANDS. V r . j ilVM r.-B. xh contented man ean-fini tb INEttlTAr Us at his fitore. on tfirratt St tk. p . 7 "w mmitm or b, a. m. and v I BELL MY GOODS FOR CASH ! I DON'T do a Credit Business ! Therefore 1 hope every person that sees this advertisement will, not ask mo for CREDIT--because I am not able to do a credit business ; and have to pay CASH, myself. I have called on every person that owes me a D O L LAR, ,and have not been able to collect the first CEN T. I wish you would call on some one that is aide to credit. J. 1. Jf KAN KLIN. apH7 V ; ALU DOMINION "TOBACCO."--AN - J OTHER Lot of Old Dominion Smoking "To bacco," Just received at "Turner's'' Lorth Carolina Book Store. Said to be Superior to the former. Jan 5 td 'Vr- ;CLOTHINGr &C HEW CLOTHING STORE it , JUST OPENED 1 ISMC uBTTlNuBR 5 athe'eproer of Fayetteville St. and MarkefSquare $'),OaO worth of MEN'S aod BOYS' Ready M?4e Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Bats, and masty other areles, I wish it distinctly understood that Ihene GQds wer bought ia times of peaee,nd eonsequeot ly At mucWlower prices than, they eonld be bought for no K Tbxy will be sold again at the a ' ''old retail prices.' 1 1 Ve no particular fancy for saying much. All I ;'ak of -the publio is to givemeaealL They : '.will-certainly not be disappointed . in the quantity, quality or . f , in the prices of my : ; j ' GOODS. ive me inner, corner rf Fayettevitle Street and Mar- Sqftarertgrmerly oocapied by Mr. PooL) i ' Respectfully, v sa314Lf ISAAC OETTINGER. Z. ' ; T'u 1 1 ' SATURDAY MOfiiaN$ MAT 10, mi. iacL SPRING TRADE! iGFfMTIsElVIEN AND BOYS Iff W&fT'OF ; fjLOtHING, HATS, SHOES, BOOTS, &c, of cvef description, will find me prepared this SPRING to fumisk thtm with BETTER GOODS, at more r h Reasonable Prices than heretofore; and most cordially invite them to examine lay - V -fl.QODS AND PRICES before.purehasing. I . NotwittiUnding the crisis, I have been NORTH andpurcbaiea, to great advantage, a most BEAUTI FUL aadiVARIED STOCK of r. i ; CLOTHING AND fEPJTS FURNISHING GOODS, anyny friends can be furnished, at short notice, from heaJifto jot. 1 HinK .4 splendid Stock of the, most fashionable and .approved. Fren-h CLOTH, DOESKINS, CASI31EHES, VESTINGS of all kinds, 4o , the tnost ACCOMPLISH EI AND SUPE Rl JR ; V OifTTER AND WORKMEN in m TAYLORINCf ESTABLISHMENT, I am ready to cmJJele wih any one In the old North State in maf &g ny Garment or Clothing to order, in the mot supf -'b a4d artistic manner. .Ti4 i liberal encouragement I nave received and cor4aue indications of increasing confidence, inspire me 1 1th tft bope that I shall be more liberally patron ized than Ver; to merit which I will give my undivi ded'' attention to the wants of all who favor we with a call. ' M. GRAUSMAN. aiyi3rtf . ' ; MimTAItY GOODS! rA ; UP. GREY AND DRAB- MILITARY QVJ Overcoats with large capes, price 16, 18, 20 and - - V dollars, all homemade. SO Merino Shirts, Grey and White, for camp life. 5 OQ pairs Merino and Shaker 'Drawers, all sices, Grey and White, jast to hand. 50 PCir Grey, Blue, Drab and Mixed colored Cloth '. aSd Cassimeres, made to measure or sold by the ' p&ir or single pattern to s ni t purchasers. OveSoalSngs in Beaver, Pilot and Petersham. 44 Djyen sup. White Shirts. 7 Dten Cassimere, Gingham and Calico fatigue T S lfi - - Blafliett and Shawls for Soldier's use. Oil ClotiiQrereoats, Leggins and Cap Covers. Gilt Buttons by the gross. Gold BrMds by the pair. HavrsaAs by the hundred. 300 Pa Drill Gaiters. - Heay Scks by the dozen. Glares aAd Gauntlelts. ' Pantl, Vesta and Dress Clothing ; a complete assort i mat at T. W. ROYSTON St CO.'S. OC 9 .' Petersburg, Va. Ml. AUGUST Wth, 1861. HARDEES' TACTICS, Complete Edition; Revised by and published under the personal super vision of the Author in 2 Volumes. Price $2.50 When sent by mail, 2.70 VOLUNTEERS MANUAL of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, withlfouors paid by the troops; Inspections, Reviews, Duties of Captains, Companies, Duties in Camp, and Garrison, Soldiers Rations and Mode of ooking them Abriged and compiled by Lieut. Colonel WM. II. RICHARDSON, graduate and formerly As sistant Instructor of tactics, Virginia Military Institute. Pce L6 ": hen sent by mail, L70 THE VOLUNTEERS HAND BOOH., an abridgement of Hardee's Infantry tactic, by Capt. J. K. l.EE. " Price $00.60 When scut by mail, 00.60 THE HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY, by Capt. JOSEPH ROBERTS. Price $00.75 When sent by mail, 00.85 ON INFANTRY CAMP DUTY, FIELD FORTIFICATION and Coast defence, by Captain L. V. BUCKHOLTZ, author of the Science of Wa-. Price $00.50 When sent by mail, 00.60 Instructions for Officers and non-commissioned Offi cers of Cavalry on out post duty, by Lieutenant Colonel VON ARENTSCU1LDT, first flus zars, King's" German Legion, with an abridgment of them, by Lieutenant Colonel, the Hon. p. PONSONBY. Frioe $00.50 When sent by mail, 00 60 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING by Troops in Camp and Hospital, prepared for he Army of Virginia, and published by order of Ihe Snr- . . j :,!. Jiauiu 't'atkitlK food fnd wht fo?d FLolmNCE NIGHTIN GALE. Price $00.25 When sent by mail, 00.30 ALSO a complete New Pocket Map or VIK- GINIA. . rnou.i When sent by mail, . 00.80 B tYONET EXERCISE and Skiimisliers Drill by R. MILTON CARY, Lieutenant Colonel Provisional Army of Virginia. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, 1.10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ARTIL LERY Extracted from GILUAM'S M AN NUAL for Volunteers and Militia Price $1 00 When sent by mail, L08 SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, or the Practi cal Soldier, Illustrated with 28 Engrav ings, and designed for the use of the Militia of the Confederate States. Price $1.00 When sent by mail, L06 MAHAM'S OUT POST DUTY, an Element ry treatise ou Advanced Guard, out post, and Detachment Service of Troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in pres ence of an Eneay. Pr'Sl.OO .When, sent by mail, LI 2 GILHAM'S MANUAL for tie Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. Price $2,50 When sent by mail, S.00 For sale by . W. L. POMfiROY. se 11-tf Raleigh, N- C MILITARY GOODS! i'O.'Mli SYCAMORE, PETERSBURG, VA, Tl W. ROYSTON, & Co,, O il ffcJ-nish Military Companies with the following nanfd gi ods at short notice : ?! Oi Clo.h Over Coats, , l) Cloth Oaps, Oil aoth Haverlocks. Oil Cloth Haversacks, 4 - Oil Cloth Leggins, Fatigue Jackets,: ij Plain and fancy fatigue Shirts. Q igbam and Calico Shirts, rlirino under Shirts (White and Grey.) V Merino Drawers, (White and Grey,) ' " elvet and flannel Zouave Caps, j Heavy Grey Over Coats, - ALSO, ON HAND, ' i Grey and Blue Satinet, i Grey Gasimere, G y Fiannel -whreh hey will make up to order ' und warren t satisfaction in every instance. ) , ' T. W. ROYSTON, A CO., ri 1 I No. 51$ Sycamore St. '21 .f i - Petersburg, V. i-.-St. -t..i.-. - .- -r't -.ft Cr:?,' f: it i nc nff maA" TAIiiiK'S IS TUfc! PLACE TO .f fi'-BUI Goods delivered free of Charge, to any pari ox wm , mar 6 -tC - . ; ; , . 11ES II. MINERAL ,-. WATERS CON- rress. Rockbridge Alum, and. Green Brier Va WhiU Sulpher Water, also Rock Bridge Alans Mass F A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CHEW- x ING 4Tobaooo. The Pare Southern Quid. ' A Supply of the above just received at - . TURNER'S .. ; T - N.'O.Bok Store, ias 9 tf " '- -' eUAge please copy, " H " s ODA. WATER AND SUGAR CRACK- i'-i Prom thaChatlei?on Mercury, 4 1 ' THE 80LDIERSVDREAM.. : "IN BIS BLASKCT OK TBX aBOrrHD." Weary, weary lie tb toldie - T In hit blanker on the ground, ' With no tweet "Good night? to chaer him, And no tender voice's sound Making music in the darknes, " Making ligbt his toilaoma hours,' Like a sunbeam in the forest, Or a tomb wreathed o'er with flowers. Thoughtful, hushed he lies and tearful, ' As bis memories sadly roam T To the "way little parlor" f And the loved ones of his borne, And bis waking and his dreaming ... Softly braid themselves in one, As the twilight is the mingling Of the starlight and the sue . And when sleep descends upon him, Siill his thought within his dream Is of h'ime, and friends, and loved ones, And bis busy fancies seem ' To bo real as they wander : . To a mother's cherished form, As the gently said in parting "Thine in sunshine and in storm, Thino in helpless childhood's morning, And in boyhood'sjoyous time, -Thou must leave me now- Oo-J watch thee In thy manhood's ripened prime." Or, mayhap amid the phantoms Teeming thick within his brain, - His dear father's locks o'er silvered Come to greet. his view again, And he hears his trembling accents Like a clarion ringing high, "Since not mine are youth and strength, hoy, Thou must victor prove, or die." " Or perchance be hears a whisper Of the faintest, faintest sigh, Something deeper than word spoken, Something breathing of a tie Near his soul as bounding heart-blood ; ,. It is hers, that patient wife, And again that parting seemeth - Like a taking leave of life; And her lust kiss he remembers, And the agonizing thrill. And the "Mtwt you go 7" and answer 'I but know My Country's teiW." Or the little children gather, Half in wonder, round his knees, And the faithful dog, mute, watchful,' In the mystic glass be sees ; And the voice of song, and pictures, And the simplest homestead flowers -Unforgotten crowd before him In the solemn, midnighk hours. . " Then his thoughts in Dreamland wander To a sitor's sweet caress, And he feels her dear lips quiver As his own they fondly press ; And he bears her proudly saying, (Though sad tears are in her eyes), "Bravo men fall, but live in Story, For the Hero never dies " Or perhaps his brown cheek flushes And his heart beats quicker now, -As he thinks of one who gavebim Hira, the lovedone, love's sweet vow. ; . Ard, ab, fondly be remembers He is still her dearest care, E'en in his star-watched slumber That she pleads for him in prayer. Oh, the soldier will be dreaming, Dreaming often of us all, (When the damp earth 's his pillow, And the snow and cold sleet fall), Of the dear familiar faces, Of the cozy, curtained room, Of the flitting f the shadows In the twilight's pensive gloom. Or when summer suns burn o'er dim, Bringing drought and dread disease, And the throes of wasting fever Come his woary tramo to seize, In the res' less sleep of sickness Doomed, perchance, to martyr-deatb, Hear him whisper "Home" sweet cadence, With his quickened, labored breath. Then Ood bless him, bless the soldier, And Ood nerve him for the light, May he lend his arm new prowess To do battle for the right : Let htm feel that while he's dreaming In his fitful slumber bound, That we're prayicg God voatthfer him In his blanket on the ground. Charleston, S. O. C. H. G. INVESTMENT OF RICHMOND. Some months ago, a Northern paper staled that it was the purppsa of the Yankees to put into ex petition Nanoleon's tajAica-iog-tb 'H"" M TPTBnndHRjduce Richmond by investing it; and without a battle. All the avenue to it were to occupied, ' aH supplies: cut efT, so that It would 1e compel tea to ian wunoui a oiow, or n mngni. took plac t all,"onthair own ternis. "Ib purau- ance or tnu programme uurnsiae was to iaae pos session of the Koflh Carolina iailroad"i tbePenin sula to be strongly occupied J the Rappahannock to be held in the same way; Banks to advance up the Yallev and to threaten the Orange Kailroao, and the Canal at soma point above Scottsville ; the Cheat Mountain arm v to advance upoD fiocs bridge and North River, and Lynchburg. These various advances being established snd maintained; the onlv remainine avenue would be tne Danvme Road which, of course, wruld speedily follow the . Hit rs r tun w l T rwo I . . .-- - - .1 - r '- ox nwv aiiv niuuun oi laS rCSU This was the substance of the statement. W art glad to know that our Governmerit Is fully adviaed of it, and rppared to baffle the desigta of the enemy. Especially, with reference . to the meditated Vjp atlscki on' tte Canal ";frpti Staunton and through Riekbridge, the asnplest preparations havo been . made. At the yojnta threatened by greater forces; bopa our author ities are equally ready. ' Tne coil of tha anaeoo da mutt bebroken, and it cannot be dona , too jBtmneTUMkAXi Westera MaU arrives Da Fayette v) Do le arrivjsa clcees i dat1yiW!ti.!m. IMail arrives t cSosea arrives. .L.1IJ " , f-iaoeeu rMtSAai. I.ou pvn l.QO a, m. OOca houts from T la. m. to & atui hm f Pm'!M P "Ml ndtyMromBUraaa, nd from t4if nm.,p 4-- . vri v -- ,-, - fiPKCUt NotlCav-pLU paranoa will U requir ed to transact.their buiinees within Oflea bouts r - u GEORGE T. COOKE, P. il. Novfimhrl. ial. . fee- t.rL.t,- r - . COUNfiffG-TloUSB CALENDAR LS03 , 'i : , -- - . HITAKER'S! I W HITAKER'S ! ! WHIT AKERS III SP51NG GOODS' ' SPRING STOCK!! .1. wfliTAjyyt TTHTITA'HIE," THE ILLIMITABLE WHITAKER. 50-TJoxes' Oranges, i 00 j 10 boxes French Can- ' . 50 do Lemons, 4 00 ) dy, " ' 45e. 50 Bbls. Apples, 4 00 ) 20 boxes Webb k Whit- 10' do Potatoes, 4 00) ted's celebrated TO- 40Bokes Candles ( BACCO. 100 lba.,1 jJc(ao,UWJ Havana vi- 40 boxes Common t GARS. Candy,. , 16o. ( 20 Cases Crackers. lfKoics Fancy Can- ( 20 Bbls. Crackers. WOP AND WILLOW WARE. fJaUv emected at the INIMITABLE WHITA- KlR'S 1 WARE. ; FISH I 17ISHII FISH!!? X herrings, Mullets, Mackerel, Salmon, White Fish, an1 Shad are daily expected at ' ' , W HITAKER'S C WHITAKER'S CITY EMPORIUM. T;UST?JttECEIVED AT FRANKLIN'S, sill: Str&g Fresh and Salty Enufl; and all to be had i;ie SOUTEKRN CONFEDERACY. AS a Large lot of Every conceiveable article knowa -'Yi - to the trade. ff ome rtie, come alL to ; ATMt FRAKKLIN'8 CalL ISjandard and Spirit of the Aga copy. . . jftttidS -boLD aEWBLJlYTllB 8TJ1I .JCi SCliBKR has ta store a splwidid aasortment ef iiAFIJmOLD JEWELRY, X em bracia r a variety of styles ef patterns of Breeches, Bt laat Pine, Rex Kings, BraeeleU, iBger Binge, La diii and eutieaaea'a Wateh Chains, Peaeils and Pena, Ou t Pinv ' Miniatare Lockets, Gold TbimbUay- o. 5 ' A ft O 3 8 WTr 8 -i l lit A e T 8 10I1 12 IS H IS H 17 18 t 30 f 1 22 23 24 26 15 27 2S 29 30 21 . .11 .,1 t s 4 ir 9 10 n 12.1s u is 16 17 13 19 2& 23 22 23 24 25 2!27 IS . i : 2 S 4 5 8! 7 8 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 10f20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 " I . !! tl 2 S 4 6 7 IS 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 16,17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ( 1 2 3 4 : f 8 910 11 12X3 14 15 If 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 5 4 C 7 8 S.19 11 12 IS 14 15 18 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30t; j I ,;. j! -' . 1 i s a i i tH 8 9 10 II II thg; t3 14 15 1817 18 19 30 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 25 29 30 31 . " A i -3- ' I ,.S 8 4 '8 8 1 8. t ; g 10 U 1213 1416)18 U 17 M 19 20 21 22 23 g 24 25 26 27 28 29 38 , SJ ji- r. . i -1 2 8 4 8 8 . S 7 8 9 19 11 12 1S 2 14 16 18 17 18 19120 S ' 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 1 fj , 12 8 4 3- 5 .8 7 8 91811 12 U 14 16 18 17 13 g 19 28 21 22 23 24 26 5 . 26 27 28 29 SO 31 . , 2 3 4 5 8 7 3 f4 - 9 10 11 121S14;1 18 17 IS 19 SO 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 ."', 30, 1 2 8 4 6 8 Pi 1 8 1011 12 IS b 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 g 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 M 23(29 30 31 J I I 1ST OF LETTERS REGAINING UN- ealledforia the Raleigh Post -Office, May 6th, 1862: W " . : Allen, Ira N j; Allen, Capt Jas E : Austin, B P' ' :! Alexander J Al Brownine; AM :! Brtnkley, Miss Susan Britton, MUs Lonka Brown, Hr Wyatt Mi 2 Barber, Miss Laciada Brady, John Bailv, S C i Botemoa, W J 1 Butler, Mrs Elisabeth Byrum, Mr Martha Ballree, Jehu R ;! Barrette, D 8 Bostiek, Thomas 1 ;l Byrde, Meses ;, . Carpenter, i) B ; i Chisenhalli Mrs Jane Courch, Miss Ssariah -Cooper, MUs Lucy If Carpenter! Miss H M CarrcOLS IR .' i il , . Crocker, Wm I Cawthom Misa Lucy A Oole, CaptlUugjaJU; 3 Eele, A P! 1 ' , i! ' Ely, Cbas. R j j, . Estia, Miss Laora ; Falls, Cap() Dixon Faxier, Jaob.... Glenn. Anaersoa Glover, Mils Sarah King, Mrs Mary A M Lynch, Lemon Lane, Win ; Lanier, Joha C 1 Latham,'. Wm A Louis, Miss Maria Lawson, James : -Lewis, J)r Pan? W Moore, D R A Moore, J E 5 MeGehee, Beaj MeGulre, Mr ' Maiaard, G J ' Mitchell, MUs Faanie Myatt, Alfred ParrUh, Patn Paryear, BO Vd, Joha 1 . Powl, S4ie L Pally, Addtsea v Pool, Jno . ; - . Porter, Robert Pertln, Mis Aan E - Powell, Miss Rebecca Ramseur, John Rawley, JohnW. Sudderth, Ifi M. 8ulivaa, James a 8mithr ThoSC .':.,...., Smith; Gaston B Segraves, JCrs Jaae S graves, Mrs Ishasa Shield, Dr KU k Smith,8idaey A : Smith, Misa Willie Sanders, Miss Mary UM1UHI anunvu ;lvw -If MM -- ,,. . 1. Hester, Mrf Sarah; ! Huffstiekler, Henry Hiaes, AD HU1. Mrs KliaaJaetH Ranter, WK HUL A G Hall, MUs Josephine 2 llnod. Thomas HiUiard, Mrsdaafta Heire. EL Howard, MUs Liseri M Hester, Thos N Harris, George Hanks, KF Hinson, Adam Johnson. Dr Suss Johnson, .Miss Ueilie Jones, Mrs B '; . Jones, James ' '! Jones, Neal A , - Jones, Henry Johnson, Mr M V Jones, Bea... ,i Taylor, fm B i. 1 - Thompson, Washiagton Teany, N B " 1 " Terrell, Jas II :'' Taylor, Lewis N j Thompson, Miss 8 F ' Taylor, CW ". '-.'. n-ii'v Tbomasoa, "Walker F Thoaia,Capt Ohai Hi 1 ' Vaugbaa, Mrf LigilUa .. WeddallWB ' ' 1 Willlamsv Simon !j-l (1 WalUy, Capt Joseph ' ; , Warren, Jamas : -' ' ' WilsoarMr 8ephTonla?ii Wiagaba, Miss Maggie j ii WombUv W" H ' ' Ws0kerA Mrs Tom (for; L . '"' harityy " -x T.f, Westuald,i4rs Usui - i WOllams, Dsvld A ., . Whlukar. Misa Molli I Call for Advertised Letters, and give thevdate of the Lis. 'it ." GEO. T. COOKE, PM.:. T - 8wnttTVT.lo So-rA lady of Fluvanna tj.Ud4U8 ba 2sHV.iftS. tot Ita benefit ofoaskeepers xs. ;? uk f To the ashes of corn cobs add little baUleg va ter. AftaraJlwinglt-toslad for avfew minutes poor off the lyawhich tin be used at 000a with an acid, (sour milk or vinegar.) -Ita aoakea the bread as light alraoal MMOdaExchaHg , , -1 Oar ladf readers ia tb cooxtry; should cat this l out suid.ramtunjber, iL-They can avail .them aehrea of corn cabs, it. will be perceived, at any moment, and vitkacaroaly any (roabla at aH, if NORFOLK DAY BOCTK. The Tfcfexy Latest IT orthern And - ')' ' j ji . -1 . . European IntelUgenoe- MOW lis Wxl TiajTO SUR8CRIDE. DAILY, One Tesri . U $iMoaths,.v t.-n 'f : OneSloath, ., , - 1 ' WKEltLt,OBaYar, .f '"111, .fj . .. 'U ' '-i- . 'KvV ' fTHIE PAY BOOK HAS NO W BECOME X . tae atwspapeT-of tb South. The irery latest ' Northern and European News appears ia Its sol jmasy ooe, two, had three days la advaaee ef all ether pa pera.isi ihjk OosOaeaay t ;'sif. : Wa lahflHt tbalillowlBg extraeta Iresn what etkWs have siy .f as ij 4 :, j ,4 yUh: r T. fc BisaiavEsq, who has lately returned from fiurope: wih tsaporsaat dispatefiei to th Confederate ? Statesoverniaeai says la a reefn ff, " While ia London ani Pari, I saw several quota- r keas froai the BoaroLc DAT Boaay aad aleee say; rmturn I nave ausui aww aunwiafuwi; um hm sprighUy jouraal Charleston, and ; The Saielk I Yaii The Koffblk :Da Eook; whlh Is so fast gaining mopulariry areagheui the Soathevn Confederaey; oeae to as greatly ealargrd had topreved, aad glvei as Wortberu. and loreiga News la advaaee of y ear other exehan-w, and U, taatarore, pvraaee w- ? WtrtmiitiinfC) Paflaawal aaysrj t riaa arfblk Day Book has f'rifii aabUexohange jwa-wlva. ffS latest aaws IroWtha EaP fn?!&!J r FoirtgnjHawa.":Hf-i kT Vp !7'e'i'wlrfaTly'-BeeS eoatalas .the latssinawa,.; tatsresting wnfs, IX! r$.p in the newspapers of ITew Terk itiereitlel-r-':tv!!f:tl , lac their jpapars pwat yroteptly ky..jaaiU wUh acaoaat of sabsesfpUon neieM , 1 '"U-r J02X3. Jl.-lIAXJXvr' tdUeraadPreprietot. u f'V 3 i 1 1 i '4 il ;1 1:1 - ' w It; 91 10 p.m. Call on bin. $ doa, Jars ! Piekles, at yr- - apTIS tt PaajB V PESCTJlVb ETJO 8T0BX. 4I4 I ..... i. flf . -: J. S fr