:.e . ft ' i ' in i " ' i 1 1 '" i in n in i " iMMwMwwiriiiiigaiaa mm Ma a I - r- -r r '1 it ill A ,to 55 . ::v iiasyla::!: .. .. . . . . r.rivtlstr: ', 1$ tl-:ired frc i j . it- : t .1 - y . ' Up' t - t- - umis,ot t -fajir. " . - - . . ' TnC . " ; I . -3 -t understood bj ouri inU V -"H'' 'ii'. v;i cod jactuxcd, i aV ltut L. 3 v ' " - cn. thj $Uj;.i pthert tUia flat ca Tiur: y ;..ormn the Wor L,-' n cf it, -c v . 1 io ! the direction of IIar?rs Un. . , .! -;'nii "Tfca 3 slate that oue soldier ererecetV; log CT7 VUnOon.frotnttbe ple'c;re4t;iek. pi tbd - fio:borhbod,r' : rllcli; werinld ym tt tc ieemed. MtbohMttjstx1pWVoGa Pre4 wi the high, r lbey Ae ted isf pejr la YUglDi AtTf ederick, hundred! -of foldiert porcbuej boe et if t JSO t $5 nd biW. article bwgtt y lbert irr'jrcit! eboodince et 25cnti per -pbandr :.v : : --''i-Tl '7 f': -': 4if4 -1 'A recraitinfi; ofElcd wm opened in Frederic! Inf- iitj, nd thelsier vend43? were flung ; the brees' Up to the 10th intt., eboiit llfteen-i'on 1 dred gHnt M ir jlendere, 'rotn! P rederjck an jtontgomery coantW Md enrolled toenseltei In "iU lerrioe oC the Oonfedrete. Stitee.1 -j ' f-- j j Th condliton bfAhe arpijt is aaid: to' he fiee! lent, and Itbe epfrit if the mert buojanU Thi' Bairersel deeijre.of the toldiert wee to moiee n i fen wjlveniii wlih tohete e apt otto ni ty to Tipit wm pf the effect of wer upodfthose wbo brro benh clnmoroQ for' the. tubjaeiion of tbfl Bontb. -'Tbe conduct of oar men et Frejeridlr 1 hid treettj itrenjtbened feeling la oar favor e I jiAry lend, end it Wm believed that the Unionism f bleb has heretofore existed in the Stale oulS. ! mttertall subside Io that "part of it occupied bjr- joor irmy TbUnionism has 1 not maoUested itwtl in any ffentite from since our forces ros- i ad tbe Potoniac. ; vi . : - tv-l j Penengers jby. tbe Central train state that a m nor . preeild at Oordonstille that a boily of I; Yankee caralry were 'advancing from Alexan dria, ia the direction of Warrenion ; bat tbls rn mor jias of s6 indelloite e characier that IrtUe t I tmition was ttven to it. It ia by no i means un likely tbat Yknkee raids' will be attempted j but we presune ine.irisaom ana pruaeoca i vr 1 militarj auinorHiea oave-maae ampi4pepBfumu for inch contlageacieSw i , . , -3 , LATEST-NOItTIlEUN NEWS. Jtbe Klchniohd pepera have Northern date to the lltb. jlpe news is interesUng. - Amog the items glean ei from the ' papers is a report n the 5ew York ; Herald, of the lltb. that Secretary i Seward is about 'to resign, and take a mission to Kurope. Tbis news m giren the benefit of very Urge type heading In the dispatches of thatfpaper. The Staio !0eoiocratic Conrention of Kew Tork has nominatd Hon Horatio Bet moor for OoVelr : nor by acclamation. He made a 'Stirring sppech'. I denouncing the "radical legislation," of Congress. Clement I Yallandigham has been notnina'ted by the Democracy of the 3d district of Ohio' for. re-election tq Uongrws. I The very ijatestlBlelligenco in the NdrtL-rn papers represents the Confederates as moving from Fredcralck In the direction 'of Middetown and BoonsboroY A letter from Lancaster says that the "rebels" are at Hanover, in York! coun ty, Ta.. EirPr?ident Buchanan had left horns and gone further North to prevent being captur ed. Tbert) gestae greatest excitement tbirough out Pennsylvania, and everybody wbo" could do j to were leaving the couLties ordering on Mary- , land, carrying their horseA, cattio, oecto toe mte rlor. :.;( ,! Tbe news . Confederates 1,000 cavalry rom the West is important The numbering about 3,000 inlahtrv and .arrived in sight of Covingtoh.'Ky.,, n the LOth.t Business was again suspended - in Cincinnati, and military companiea were ordered to report for jduty at 8 o'clock on Uie morning of the lltb. ; Tpree thousand laborers were ordered to commence work on the trenches, i , . !j- The Confiaderatee under Kirby Smith were re presented toj I e approaching Covington '.in two columns, numbering some 16,000, and Humphrey Marshall, with 4000 troops and Col. Morgan With Lie cavalry jffrcf were said to be taking possesion (f numerous jtoans in Kentucky. , . i ,- - .j rALLYiNOtroiioi r::o4;''cuii NELipNiLKr.i: 01 :CQ;iFEDEBixj: PniSONEES A V aCKSBUKi-A FIGHT IN fcOTJlSP -I llorsnX Sepletnber iiA'lpecial dkpalcfi; t6 uie Advertiser, oaiea linoxviUa, yesterday, t aja 5 M fi'tmdef"? arri ed ' thia labrninjr i a charcf Yankea staje.brlByri three prison-; era, ceptnfea. py.iorga.n, oa ihim, at voran-H 1 ' t He reports that the JKentutiians, are yinto ilcraa by .h'undreda-r' general v;p rising of the ( pecpieu. iriiuwt txmjt U;l8 tnzt ta ei8 jsaaa-. vilre,Ui4ng the iwgefleld j?! to ,Uo wuns ureea-: QetuJBragg Is in full chase, of, kimi z v 4 Tha JUgmer, (extra) cf to-dsy. contains a letter from lrgan'ftoommandivin glerious aocooBts ejf te prograsa ot oar cause. Horgan is arresting prominent Union citiz9ns,ed taking tbeiri bonds, conditibned that tbey -are- to be exchanged; for, Soathraers.'and ropork as jjxlaoners oC ,war ' ' J Louisville dates of the 3d contala Ball NeUoa'i , fetter Jo tbe Ciccinatti QazciU, edmiUiug a total rpul at-Kiehmendi- He'ceBauree Geni-Kajnson for iria gins; on battle in, violaUoa of bis order, j AH the Govern meat stores were removed from JxingtAn before its captorev if :'':' - . w r -: Tbeh Legislatore ia now ia session at Louisa Vilie. nit bla passed resolutions calling put 50,000 fbe .fa tblriy -deja. : v.wv-' :: .tr) .'-.vr i f Gov EobiosoVs proclamation calls' tho people tb arnw, and appniaia rendeavooa at Paris, Loaa Yiirev BowUngi Green,!.' and JPadueab. -A perfect nlepieva41a.-,.V.f: -Z.'i.r.-r J'J'ivO hundred negroes freed by Curtis arrived at St. Louis on 31 si uit., and 200 more were ea pected ; ,,v . . 1 ' x .. f" jOurlIenare rallying ia MlssoorL'vtf - Ja.cKaoirrSept.la.-.Foar thousand Confederate prisoners arrived at Vicksbarg yesterdiy, prlnci ialty fbow captured at -Fort-Dooelsonr v They cvmpiaiQ tit barbarous ; treatmeat by theYan keea.a-;l v;-v4 ifv:-i irv'- ::!3,-i.' r. Uffleial information has feen received thatGen. PratL with a forcer, of Texana and .Louisianiana, aitavaM lu "vul7 -k hyw wbiuj, fining 40 arid cptoring 144,' with a battery of field pie rtaaJ Our loai 1. , flip". . 1 I ! ! , - f Richmond, Sept. 12. In the Senate to-day a bill! was reported to increase the number of field ind staff pfflcers . Nearly tbe entire session was occbpled in the dissuasion ot a resolution for tbe appointment of a select committee to inquire f bether certain soldiers in the Confederate army ave'been executed without trial. Before it was disponed of the Senate ' went into Executive ses sion.;. ; r; . ' ' ' j,' In, the House two: resolutions, reported from ihe CommiUee on Military Affairs, were discuss ed all day, and finally adopted. The first tender jnihe thanks of Congress to Gent Lee, and the ptScers and men' under his command, for. their late brilliant victory, which was unanimously adbpttdL Tbe second, expressing profound satis faction at the triumphant , crossing of the Potomac py our victorious army, and favoring the advance of bait standard into the territory of the enemy, was pietopiea yeas dj, nays - 10. jo, mouou vo strike out the clause relative to the advance nto the enemy's territory elicited a long debate, nd iwaa negatived yeaa 29, nays 62. ' RteHMOMD, Sept. 13. In the Senate to-day tfliaa siSat! ttt inn srv fnwT i rrv iKa 4 v nnn I inn r f B. r federate soldiers by Gen. Bragg, without trial, was further- discussed. A substitute was finally .adopted requesting the President to inform the jSenate whether any soldiers in the army of the Confederate States have been shot by order of any General officer, without trial according to the rulesiand regulations for the government of tbe 'land forces, and if so. thfct he will lay before the ;Senate all the information he has upon the sub-, ijectj and whether any steps have been taken by the .Executive in the matter. The House Bill passed to create the rank of Lieut. General in the Confederate army ; to in crease the signal corps ; to provide for the pay ment of certain claims against Confederate States ; inj Missouri ; and the Bill to increase the pay of ? ; 1 a- f . I. non-com misaionea omcers ana privatea in me artqy, were severally passed yeas 76 j nays 6. This bill increases tbe pay of non-commissioned olJlcerB and privates $4 per month. he Conscript but was further discussed. fcuhkera?- The 'Jtoidd.'M beautif4o,,wen af ici corvette of great' speed. - J2dr 'armament co5siits of. eight gnns.IL5rl daah'throagh' the tlbckadersVwitli 'a aickew of only thlrtean en, ia broad daylight, is one of the most daring taval cxsloiU of the war. The 1'toruirdidaot fir a Cct. as hef crew weretiabie W matt even a single now lies belowjjhe cUy la qaarantifte.' ;trj. . a Prom tha'Bavihnah. Bepublican. .'- HOW-TO JalAEnfi SCOAST SALT ':i:w;:v:.-MEAT.5Ayiu.:1-- v, 1 (. , .' lilK EDiToiYbur. correspond tKf Westpha lUisheai Uobs for ' earingjmeaboives tiehtiUi-j . very discxnireguglmprcuion about oij? tea-coast v After eeaang'his article; the pablicwill be apt te think thai UbeifferenV Jdndsjof, Salt be men tions (as M verpeoi; Tark'a.xslaob!, sea-coast,) , are eaeemiall aO. while jthey . are cne mi te same iall. 'tmlv mare ar fcaa immtrfc Chemistry, has I. ; ;-.'., .... .. . ...i.-'i Jurnisbea us wila an exact aoaijsLw w "(in 1000 lbs. of it-21 Ibs CbJeride of Sodium wt common sau, nfxvmti vaiwwo ,ui jttgHvs vf B'tUertC-z lbs.oi Sulphate et;Magnesia or Epsom Sattv l Ibn'Sulphate ot Lime or Plaster of Per ii, and traces ol fttber aubstancea tbat need not be mentioned,) and pointed, out tbat the presence of ihe tkbly hogrrecopic (or water at tractors) Chorideef Wagnecium (Bittem) in the salt toanufacAured from sea-water is the impurity so injarlous in curing meat. The Chloride of Mag nesium attracts constantly the moisture from tho atmosphere, and imparts it to the meat, and thus eventually polls ;tt. -:It would not be of much use to, take double the quantity of the pure salt, because, at the same time; double the quantity of, tbe bygroscopio substance would be added. The only way to succeed, is to take only the purest salt, and if you Have not got that, to purify it. The following process is at once simple and effective f It is apparent tbat, if there was a fluid .that would net touch the pure ialt, but readily dis solve tfte' Chloride of Magnesium, it would be the easiest thing in the world to wash and cleaoso tbe salt. ' Now there is such a fluid and it scarcely costs anything it is a tot saturated solution of the very salt that has to be punfi 'd. Let us suppose that 100 lbs. of salt had to be purified. To do this 9 lbs. of the salt have to be dissolved in 25 lbe. or 2 gallons of boiling wa ter, (making thus a saturated solution, i. one that cannot dissolve' any more salt,) and this hot solution has to be poured upon tbe 100 lbs, of salt. Tbe salt to be purified may remain in the sack, or better yet, in a conical filtering bag of some coarse stuff, but the bag must be-put into a funnel shaped box, that may easily e made from old boards nailed together. It is better to pour on the bt solution gradually, or in several in stalments, and not to move or disturb lbe Salt until the whole of tbe solu ion nas completely dripped off. It is also 'well not to consider the lowest layer of salt(i. e., tbat nearest to the point oi the funnel,) as perfectly pure, and act accordingly1. Aftewards the salt has to be dried in the sun or in an oven. . The longer a sample of salt, exposed to the air, keeps dry k the purer it is; and such samples (as were on your round table) that dissolve complete ly during damp weather, need purifying badly indeed. Yours, NATRIUM. bet loss la; believed tb bo lesiVa they loaght tin .dsw conrv .n ,4'.- . vti-..---.'.- ' General Uaaks barhed his own baggage train, end destroy edlbree other, train loaded with aup tlis.; One, thousand" surgeona liad arrived at Washington volanteerins their services , - r'--'"-. ? The; wJ)9nAtir'00tBinerdal iayaihatrBull Nelion, who was wouded in the thigh at. the Rich mond, Ky. battle waa carried sixteen: milea to a fence corner; where he waa dropped 4 bat. escaped finally with difilcolty. He succeeded- in getting to CSncinnaQ. ' . r J -The steamboats, and Street cars in Cincinnati had stopped running, and all business was suspended. Humphrey Marshall was approaching Cynthi ana from Piketon, Ky. General. Smith's forces were variously estimated at from 12,000 to 25, 009. , v - -; - ; ' ' ', ; ' SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FIELD. Prom an approximate estimate of the strength of J the South Carolina, regiments, battalions and companies, now in the Confederate service, ap pended to the Report of the Chief of the M iliiary Department of this State, we make tbe following muE 8UBSCRIRF.RV iras 3 pniOTim JL aad'effera for sal 0a xtra eopies ot the Orii- JlinaSUt Convention. As the Convention enlv had 50 oopiea printed, it is expected that tko extra nam ber we have printed will b quickly disposed of, aad, therefore,' those wishing to procure copies would do wU to order tbam .at once. All ordera miut be ae eompanied with the eash. - Prica er.eopy, . $1.75 ' When sent by mail, $2.00 ; JNOt SYME, '' Printer to tbe State Convention. Standard, State Journal and Spirit of th Age copy three times. r. . ; Infantry,.. Artillery, Cavalry, Conscripts, 32,286 4,873 4,714. 1,100 THE ENEMY'S LOSSES IN THE LATE OPERATIONS. - """ TbUl, 42,973 We learn from the Report of the Assisatt Ad utant General, C. D. Melton, Esq., that this forces is distributed among the different arms of the ser vice as follows : Infantry. Twenty -eight regiments, two le gions,' eight battalions, and two companies. .. Artillery.--Two regiments, one bat.alion, and eighteen; companies. Cavalry. Two regiments, five battalions and seven companies. TotaL- Thirtytwo regiment, two legions, fourteen battalions, and twenty-seven companies. In glancing over the report, we notice that in the list of artillery companies, the name of the Brooks Artillery is omitted. ... Charleston Mercury. TUB MEMBERS OF COMPANY F, 8th N. C. T., are Ordered to report at Camp Man gum, without delay. C. J. JONES, Sept. 10, 1861 tftpd Captain. Wilmington Journal copy 5 times. $16,000 se 10 3t IN N. C. STATE BONOS FOR SALE old issue 6 per cents. Wj H. JDNES. Medical College of Virginia, at - Richmond. SESSION 1862-63. . PIGHT IN TENNESSEE, r V ; KNoxviiia Sept.- 13. Lieut. Colonel Hart's ravalry, belonging; to Col. J. Smith's Georgia Lftnon. have just arrived from Cumberland Mountains.! They encountered CoU Cliff bjrig- ado of renegale Tennesseeans near Jamestown, where a desperate fight look place. Fifty of thej enemy wtTU', killed, and 20 prisoners ind 30 horses) raptured without loss to tbe Confederates. Col. Cliff is a prisoner. t: ' INTERESTING FKOM EUROPE; il.CLELIJAN'S CAMPAIGN DECLARED! A FAlLURE-rTHE! TIME FQR A COM4 ; PROMISE DECLARED TO HAVE AR KIVED4-DEFEAT AND CAPTURE OP "OArH'B'4LDI,&c. "j flt ' '4 I. L - T " . f ..k . iiirougo;ino iortnern papers ct tne win wp hav e suioo later ad vice from Europe.-The Steam fhip Au-ttalaiians bad arrived off jCape Race; with Liverpool dates to the 31st of August, H i.-wa is quite interesting. '" 1 j . Thn: English journals continue to caovdss lh ( this m America. ik'st.rit8,(oneral The Army and Natv Qazetht McClellan u camnaikn as the most signaj failure seen in this country. ;'Tbie l-onJon Tunes reiterates its arguments that the North cannot conquer the South, and:. Bays that the. time fur compromise of some kind has arrived "'id that tfe worst settlement of the desparait con ti'xt caning be so fatal as the continuance' of the v'ur. Tha Times then draws an analbev between the ixtiiun of England during the Revolutiona ry warrifr the present position of the North, arid uiy that; if is time the North followed thecxam plo .of Eolabd. , ; f , : j The London Titnes has an article on the exlrs ''fdinaryj position of the Democratic party in .America! J It says that they are fighting in (a cause forlh.ch tbey feel the' most bouftdles devp thfji, but; at the same lime in bh alt; of a policy aia a party which tbey detest. It rgarda Mr. Vallithdjgham's recent speech as an exposition jof Hie teclitig of the Democrats, and. thinks their do- niunstratibn in every' way important, as it 'serves; to show that, w addition to other difficulties! t leeident Lincoln will have to struggle 'againstj the legiticite effects of the war a violent reac- ; ti'n agaibst his own army and arbitrary acls; i .Lord Brougham had made a speech! urging thej necessity jof absolute neutrality and nOB-inlervin- lion in every sense pf the word as the only eeCun miy lor the .peace of England, and the beat bop "I securing tbe end. of tbe unhappy quarrel. 1 ! The Iiverpool. Post d'aws attention to Sec' rttary Seward's late circular to encourage eittii ; grant, jp.pd urgcst.the distrpiicdoperaUves of Lan-! tashire and the Irish poor to follow Mr. Sewards - advice and emigrate. ; -; ' j j The news from Italy is unimportant. Garikali had been defeated and captured, and tbe at rug ? in Italy was considered to have trminataj. FREDERICK CITY. - 'rederick City, where General Lee had bis head quarters as Lite as to the 7tb, is the third city in Maryland. It is situated on Carroll's Creek, a branch of the Monocacy, from which latter it is only three miles distant, on its Western side. Thej Baltimore and Ohio Railroad passes a little South of Frederick City, but a branch road three mies long, places them in connection. The great turnpike from Baltimore to Wheeling pas es through Frederick, . The distance to Baltimore is C2 miles ; to Annapolis 75 miles ; to Washing ton City 43. Tbe country around Frederick is exceedingly fertile and well cultivated. The pop ulation in 18S0 was 6,028. ( j From Frederick City the Road to Harrisburg is nearly northeast through EmmeUburg, Mary .liaid: and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: distance about 65 miles. Emmettsburg is 75 miles from Frederick; Gettysburg is 10 miles from Emmets burg, and 36 miles from Harrisburg. ;, Frederick county Maryland, has an area ol 5 GO square milea, soil fertile. In 185a its livestock wsi valued at $813,585. Wheat, 731,684 busb- elihi rye, 49,878 busheu jcdian corn, 782,603bush- Uf;j oats 180,922 bushel?; potatoes, 53,004 bush el; tobacco, 170,494 pounds; wool, 32, 'Aii pounds It haB 72 flouring mills, 13 saw mills. Popula tion 40,987. ; Adams.cbunty Pennsylvania, on the road to jtlarrisbure; area 528 square miles fertile soil; capital, Oettysburg. in 1850 live stock valued at ; $559,996. Wheat, 318,842 bushel?: Indian corn,, 293,979 bushels; oab, 261,779 bushels; pota toes, 37,689 bushels; wool, 23,697 pounds. Forty two flouring mills, 13 saw mills, 2 wool factories and 2s tanneiies. I York county, Penn.,Js contiguous to the road to Harrisburg area, 864 square miles. The live stock in 1850, was valued at 1,186,715; wheat, 78,828 bushed; Indian corn, 707,151; oats, 582, 817; wools 13,193 pounds; 26 flour and grist mills; 37 tanneries. ! Cumberland county, Penn., capital, Carlisle area, 544 square miles. In 1850, tivestock,$72l, 8113, Wheat, 487,182 bushels; Inaian corn, 361, 166joaU 422,100; potatoes, 48,546001, 26,363 pounds; 40 flouring and gmt mills. I Richmond Enquirer. THE CONFEDERATE WAR STEAMER AT MOBILE. The enemy admit a loss, down to Friday night, of 17,000 men, Pope officially stating his loss on that day to have been 8,000. In one of the Bal timore papers it is said that the entire Yankee loss, inducing that of Saturday, is 32,000 men killed, wounded, and prisoners. Tais statement allows 15,000 for the -loss on Saturday. That the loss of tbat particular day was vestly greater than the enemy admit, we take to be certain. They-are not tho persons to overestimate their own losses, and, in the meantime, Gen. Leo tells us that over 7,000 of them were taken and paroled on the field. If they fought the battle with anything like the desperation they pretend .considering that it lasted five hours, they certainly, had more than 8,000 killed and wounded. Tbe let'terof Dr. Coolidge is conclusive upon this point. He says that four days after the battle there were still three thou sand wounded Yankee , uncared for, within the lines of Gen. Lee. It is very certain, if they were not. cared for. it WES because the number of wounded was so great that their, turn bad not come. Our own wounaeo, not exceeding, it is said.. 3.000, could very well be attended, to in a day.and then the turn of the Yankees would come. .1 ir Yet so numerous were tney, tnai & me ena 01 four days three thousand of them had not received sureical assistance. I his indicates an enormous list of woundeu, and connrms ine report 01 one officer, who puts down their killed at 5,000, and their wounded at three times that figuie making 20,-. 000 killed and wonudedfarid of others who say that their killed and wounded were to us in the propor tion of fi v eix ,and even seven to one.Asmany pris oners were taken, who were not ibcluded in the 7,000 psroled men mentioned by General Lee, we do not think we make an overestimate-when we set down the whole Yankee loss at 30,000 in round numbers. Tbeir lots on Friday, estimated by Pope himself at 8,000, added to their lo5s on Sat urday, makes 38,000. Previous operations, in cluding the battle of Cedar Run, tbe several ex peditions of Seward, and tho various skirmishes in which we were almost uniformly victorious, we should think, would fairly bring tho tot 1 loss of the enemv leaving out of the account the victo ry of A. P. Hill on Sunday, of which we havo not tbe particulars to 50,000 men, since our forces brut crossed the Rapidan. This a result al most unequalled in the history of modern cam paigns. Napolvion describes his manoeuvres in the com mencement of the German campaign of 18C9 as the attest he ever executed. J.n one day he broke through the centre ot tho Austrian army,-which was scattered over a vast extent ol country, and placed bim9dlf between tho two wing9. On the second, he fell upon the left, which be almost an nihilated at Landstreet, seizing its communica tions and cutting it off from ier.na. On the tbirJ, he attacked the rijjht, under tho Archduke Charles, at Eckmiehl, and totally routed it: for cine it off upon the Danube in a lateral direction, exactly like McClellan's change of base to West over and B3rkely. On the fourth, he attacked the rear as it was endeavoring to pass the UanuDe at Ratisbon, and annihilated tho rear gurrd. Tbe result, according to his statement, was, a loss to the enemy of 50,000 men. We know not enough of Gen. Lee's strategy to conpare it with the strategy of the French Emperor on tbat occasion; but the result have b'eon equally brilliant and equally indicative of the resources of a great mili tary genius. Day after day the enemy were bea ten, until his disasters culminated on the Plains 0 Manassas. Day after day our officers and. men manifested their superiority to the enemy. The sum total is glorious for all parties concerned, and most auspicious for the country. Kicnmotta jjispaicn. THE NEXT ANNUAL COURSE OF LEC TURES will commence on tbe first Monday in November, 1862, and continue until the 1st of March ensuing. It is not intended by the Faculty to aban don permanently the customary session of five months, but it has seemed to them advisable, in consideration of the state of the country, and the increased expense of living, to reduce it for the present to four month. Tbe coarse will be conducted on the same plan, and with the same advantages to tbe student as heretofore. FACULTY : Chas. Bell Gibson, M. D.', Professor of Surgery. David H. Tucker, M. D., Prof, of Theory and Prac tice of Medicine. Beverly R. Wellsford, M. D., Prof, of Materia Med- ica and Therapeutics. A. E. Peticolas, M. D;,' Prof, of Anatomy. L. S. Joynes, M. D., Prof, of Institute of Medicines, Ac. James' If. Conway, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics, tc. James B ., McCaw, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Marion Howard, M. D-, Demonstrator of Anatomy. FEES : Professors' Tiokets, each, $ 1 5 Demonstrator of Anatomy, 10 Matriculation, . 5 "Graduation, 25 For further information, or a copy of the catalogue, Address ' L. S. JOYNES, M. D., sep 14 tit Dean of Faculty, Jtich mond, Va. k: Ordmancfis'andT Ji-SI'i-. " o rag K CAROLINA STATIC COPiyEIfTIONj RTCATlYt NOW Blacksmith for Hire. FIRST-RATE BLACKSMITH FOR HIRE. Apply at this Office. se 10 3tpd Headq's 48th Regt., Centreville Road, , ,' ' . September 3rd, 1862. , milEM OLLOtVISG NAMED MEN ARE L Deserters from this Regiment, and $20 reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery of each te this Regiment, or (he Commandant of either Camp of Instruction at Raleigh or IStatesvillo : D. P. Yoakley,'o. K, Capt. Atwood, Fomythe C'ty. Jen. xoKeiey, Enoch Reese, " ,e " " " " Thos. W. Drall, " " " " " " Amos Crotts, G, Chatham Co., Capt. Jones. Alex. Russell, " " " " " " Franklin Toman, Co. H, Davidson Co., Capt. Michael. B. Malofie, - " R. B. Stewart, , Wm. Pool, " Jno. W. Freeman, " B. B. Johnson, " J. Williamr, " J. P. Williams,- 1 " A. West, u W. B. Teague, " H. &..Young. Otho C. Bean, " Peter Carrall, " By order of Col. D, Moore County. i " Davidson County, ii ii B, Capt. Hill, Davidson County. ii i ii RiC Hill: II. J. Sept. 12, 1862. GASTON, Adjutant, se 14 4t Wanted to Hire. A n ABLE-BOOIKU MKM, AT THE GULF, iU in Chatham county, for the banre of the year. Apply to GeToagk Washiwqton, on the premises, or to the subscriber at Kinston or Raleigh. J. C. WASHINGTON. Sept. 12th, 1862. se 14 tf Headquarters District of North Caroliha, Raleigh, September 9th, ,1862. J Gkheral Orders, ) No. 2. . j I ALL PERSONS LIABLE: TO MILITA- RY duty under the Conscription law are hereby required to come to the Camp of Instruction, near this eity, at on-e Those doing so, will be. allowed to se lect the Infantry Regiments they wish to join, and, unless full, thej will be assigned accordingly. II. The Regiments of Infantry and Artillery on duty in this State are authorized to enl'stt Conscripts to increase each Company of Infantry and Heavy Artillery to one hundred men, lut not exceeding it ; and Light Batteries to one hundred and ifty men. By command of Brig. Gen. J. G. Martin. A. GORDON, se 14 4t Asa't Adj't Qaneral. WAR DEPARTMENT, ) " Adjutast ahd Inspector General's Office,' V Richmond, May ljth, 1362. j General Orders, ) No. 36. J " nlN AI.L CASES WHERE PROMO . tion ia due from seniority, and the competency of the parties entitled by position to promotion is questionable, a Board of Examiners shall be convened by Brigade Commanders to determine the candidate's capabilities of instructing and controlling the com mand commensurate with tbe grade to which promo tion is expected, as alno their efficiency and perfect sobriety. All newly eheted omcers will be examined before similar Boards of Examiners to determine their competency and the confirmation of their election. By command of the Secretary of War. S. COOPER, se 10 3t Adjutant, and Inspector General. BLANTON DUNCAN", COLUMBIA, S. C, FORMERLY OF KENTUCKY, IS PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS TO any extent in Engraviug and Printing Bank Notes, Bills of Exchange, Ac. Engraving upon Steel or Stone.: Large supplies of Bank Note and other paper will be kept. au 20-i-3m To the Members of the Next House of Commons. flENTLEJHEN;..! SHALL BE A CAN- IT didate for re-election to the oQce of PRINCI PAL CLERK OF THE HOUSE 'OF COMMONS at the approaching session of the General Assembly. Former experience in that and similar positions in duces me to believe that I shall be able to give satis faction, if elected. Respectfully, j Se 10 -2m JAMES II. MOORE. Cash for Beeswax and Tallow. IV M RS. ALBERT JOHNSON WILL PAY 1 V A. the highest market price for the above-named articles, delivered at her residence, ttr at the Grocery Store of W . rl. Andrews, on Jayetteville street. Raleigh, Sept. 2d, 1862. , se 3 1m Substitutes ! Substitutes ! trnrtv wisiiim: 'lit fMCif:!' I themselves as Substitutes, and those desiring to employ Substitutes, will do well to call on or address me by letter. Native North CarahniaBS, over 45 years old, preferred for Substitutes; FRANK I. WILSON, se3 5t i Raleigh, N. C. Damaged Cotton. rnilE NEUSE MANUFACTURING COM JL FAfly vUlpayfor DAM A (i IS D CUITGiS all it is worth ; also, for RAGd. Address, K. W. HOSTED, Treasurer. Raleigh, August 27, 1862. au 30 4w Standard, State Journal, Greensboro' Patriot and Charlotte Democrat each copy 4 weeks. University Virginia. milE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTI- JL tutien will commence on the 1st of Oct.. 1862, and end on the ensuing 4th of July. The exercises in all the department? of instruction, Academic, uaw and Medical, will be conducted as heretofore, it being the fixed purpose of the Board of lsitors and tbe Faculty not to relax in their efforts to maintain the stand ins; which the Institution has acquired as a seat cf learning. JZ f or catalogue, 4c, address, 8. MAUPIN, au 20 3m Chairman of the Faculty. p. P. PESCUD, DRUGGIST, RALEIGH, N. C., AVI NO PURCHASED 5 THE STOCK of Medicines lately held by him as Medical Pur veyor of North Carolina, and largo supplies at auc tion in Southern cities and other source1', is prepared to execute orders from merchants,.' druggists, physi cians and the public generally, with neatness and dis patch. My terms are caA on delivery. se 10 Wxx6n T7fcito,6Tj3phur and Cha .' lybeate Sprlc&r for Sals. HAYING IIEACIICIII THA AGE IN life when all men' renairia quiet and raft, I have concluded to sail this Vaiuafcla watg place, lwjateu in on of the healthiest regions ia the world, pTOvsr bbU not only for its health, bat aire for its goed socia The buildinga are all ia excellent order aad eoa Altion, aad capable of aocotnmodatbjr two haadrad and IftT w thre hnndrad person ,T- - '! Jhare la connected with taia establlshsaant 1200 acres of land of excellent qaality, which prodaoes well all the 'crop esually t grbwa la this teetion of country, earn, eats, wheat, tobaooo and eottoa. Tee low groands are very riea and have all baea oaaallad, and with a small ezpeaditare for hill-side ditehine, might all be put pa ealtivation daring tb eoiaiag year. Some of the heavieit eropa of tobacco I ever made were grown on these bottoma, yielding over $140 par acre. The tobacco let are la ezoallant condition for a crop, and cultivation but tobaooo U earning year would prodaoe on-fourth as much at present prices as the whole property might new; be parehased at, to say nothing of other prodaoe eonvaaed by the estab lishment, and received back ia the way ef board. I have supplied my house almost entirely tram tha farm, and at the same time made much larger eropa ef to bacco and wheat than I did Wore those Springs were discovered. I am, therefore, driven to the coaoluslo that this property, in the hands of an energetio man, . would be the most valuable property now known to me. My address Is Warrentoo, N. v. aug 24 4w 1 WM. D. JONES. Richmond Enquirer and Examiner, and Pe tersburg Express copy 4 weeks and send bills to Jos, S. Jones, Henderson. N. C. ii , 50 Bales Cotton for Sale, WELL BALED, IRON-HOOPED AND Tar-roped, and in good orde at Tarboro. I ALSO, 300 BALES, in like order, which will be delivered at Wilson, Tarboro', or Moseley Hall. Confederate Bonds taken in part paymeuL j W. II. J0NE3. Raleigh, August lft, 1862. ! an 20 lm Notice. f WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH L PRICE for Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, also for Ba con, Lard, Eggs, Poultry of every description, partic ularly Geese and Ducks, delivered to me at my farm, 7 nilea west of Raleigh, formerly belonging to Hinton Franklin, Esq. B. D. SMITH. Raleigh, 14th Jane, 1862. i junel8 6mpd "SADDLE TREES. '. SADDLE TREES. SADDLE TREES. Of all descriptions and styles, oan be made on reason able terms, at shortest notice at TUELM FRAPS' Factory, maris tf Raleigh, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. At the annual meeting of the North Carolina Mutual I ire Insurance Company, held on tbe 14th January, 1862, the follow ing persons were elected Directors and Omcers for the ensuing year: ' DIRECTORS Henry D. Turner, Raleigh; John R. Williams, j do. T. H. Selby, i. ! do. C. W. D. Hutehings, ' do Kemp. P. Battlo, , do. George Little,, do. .lames M. Towles, 1 do. James E. Hoyt, Washington, Alexander Mitchell, Newbern. J08. .G. Wright, Wilmington. John M. Jones, Edentbn. George W. Charles, Elizabeth City -Jos ttamsay, Plymouth, J. W.-Harrell, Murfreosboroub. J H. B. Williams CharhUte. Samuel Watkin,s, Milton. A. W. Steel, tFajyetUville. Joseph White, Anson County' Josh. Boner, Salem. ; A. P. Summy, Asheville, FFICEES OF THE COMPANY T, H. Selby,iPri2enf. j . Henry D. Turner, rice rfo. John n. Bryan, Attorney . Hamden . Smith, Secretary and Treaiumr T. H. Selby,, ex-ojUie ) -John R. Williams, ; Ex. Committee. C. W. D. Hatchings, j J This Company has been in successful operation over 13 years, and; continues to take risks uon all Masses of property iin the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries) upon favorable terms. Its Policies now cover property amounting to nearly $4,000,000, a largiB portion of which is . in country risks; and its present capital is over Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, an bonds properly secured. All communicatitans in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, postpaid. ! HAM DUN S. SMITH, Sc'y. January 18th, 1$62. , jan 22 1 , 1 , 1 1 NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE RALEIGH, N. C. THIS COMPANY takes risks upon ail healthy lives between the ages. of 14 and 60 years for one year, for seven years, or for life the atturert for life participating in the pro fits of the Company. Slaves between' the ages of 10 and and 60 years, are: insured for one or five years, for two-thirds their market vaJue. All losses are pid withia 80 days after satisfactory proof is presented!. DIRECTORS FOR 1861 AND 1862. Charles E. Johnson, Wm. W. Holden, J. G. WiirianM, , 1 Quentin Busbee, Wm. H. McKee, Charles B. Root, , Rich'd It Wm. H. Jones, II. W. Hasted, P. F. Pescud, K; P. Battle, W. S. Mason, Kverard Hall, Battle. II i ' Tbe Augusta and Atlanta papers publish a des patch from Mobile, announcing the arrival of "an iron -clad man-of war" at that port. The state ment is incorrect. A special correspondent at Mobile furnishes us with some autbentic informa tion in regard to the arrival referred to. The veseelis tbe steam corvette Oreio, now called the Florida, and is not an iron-clad. Our readers are aware of the difficulties which the commander of this ship encountered at Nassau, ewing to the rig or of the British neutrality regulations. Having finally escaped from the clutches of the Court of Admiralty, Capt. Maffit steamed away to the Gulf, and boldly ran the gauntlet of the blocka dersat the mouth of Mobile Bay, in broad day light, on, the ,4th inst. The Captain was at tbe time sick with fever, as was most of her small crew of thirteen men. The Florida ran within sixty yards of tbe Yankee vessels, and ber sides are DeoDered all over with shrapnel and grape shot. Oae eleven inch shell went through her side a fodt above the water line, and lodged in tbe "coal EVACUATION OF CORINTH EXCITE MENT AT CINCINATI, &c. Mobile, Sept. 10. The Yankees have evacu ated Corinth, burning every house to the ground before they left. Tbey are retreating Northward, laying the whole country waste and burning houses. The St. Louis "Democrat" of the 3d inst. says that General Bluunt is to march from Fort Scott immediately to invade North-west Arkansas. The Confederates ar concentrated at Cross Hol lows, near Elkhorn battle Held, awaiting his ap pearance. Quantrell encountered the Union forces at La mar, killing and wounding 22 men and 2 offi cers. k The Washington correspondent of the New' York. "Tribune" sUtea the losses in all the bat tles, including Satuiday, at 12,000, and call Pope a liar for over estimating his loss. The re . Administrator's Notice. I WAVING QUALIFIED AS ADM1N1S- rl TRATOR upon the estate of the late George S. LoVejoyi I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make payment ; and to those having claims against the estate to bring forward their claims for settlement within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. DAVID HIJN lUiN, goli-ljiu Administrator. Notice. fTUIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE .1. Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company have de clared a divided of 6 per cent on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 1st Monday in October next. W. W. .V Aba, Areas r. Raleigh, Sept 11, 1862. se 13 lm North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. THE NEXT SESSION WILL COMMENC E on MONDAY, the 1st of September; Pupils should be sen.t in promptly at the commencement of the Session. Parents will be expected, as fares pos sible, to furnish tne necesiary winter clothing, especi ally shoes.. , Any person, knowing of Deaf-mute or blind children, between the ages of eight and twenty one, will please communicate the fact to the Principal, in order that the necessary steps may be taken to have them sent to the Institution. Any information as to the method of admission of pupils, Ac-, will be given upon application to me by letter or otherwise. WILLIE J. PALMER, aug!6--lm Principal. SPLENDID GREEN TEA--ONE CHEST SO lbs, for sale at a small advance, in lots to suit purchasers. P.;F. PESCUD, se 10 uruggisr, n-aieign. C HICKORY FIVE BAGS, 700 POUNDS, Chickory a wholesome, and;the bast substitute for Coffee known to our people. iJu6t received nd for sale by P. F. PESCUD, se 10 Druggist, Raleigh. IOOTS AND SIIOES--2S0 PAIRS MISS 3 es and Children's Shoes, andi40 pair Gents' Calf boots, just received, and will be sold to a dealer at small advance, if early application is made to se 10 IP. F. PESCUD. ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES, HAIR Brushes, Combs, Lubin's genuine Extracts, gen uine German Cologne, and other Toilet articles, just received and for sale by if. F. KAoUUl. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE 40 bbls. Superfine FLOUR. 500 lbs. N. a Bacon; 5 sacks .Coffee. 40 cases Claret Wine. 5; " Pure Cognac Brandy. 50 bushels Meal. ' 10 cases Choice Champagne. DAILY EXPECTED. 10 bbls Nfcfe Wilinu' Whisky. 10 " Brow n tS near. 20 kegs Nails. X 6- " Bicarbonate Soda. 2 hag Black Pepper. A small lot of Crockery left. ' 1 cask Sweet Flowers Win. A very delicious atticla. Call at E. A. WttlTAKER'8. Just Received at Whitaker's SEPTEMBER 13th1862 s BUSHELS SALT. 20 boxes Tobacco, 3 bbls Smoking Tobacco. 10 "i No. 1 Flour. Snnprfinfl TTIrmr. 100 r HAVE JUST RECEIVED PER EX- press 10 dozen assorted Wine Glasses. 4 " Finger Bowls. 2 " Looking Glasses, se 14 E. A. WHITAKER. 01 Daily Expected. BARRELS RICE. 5 " Syrup. J " Nick Williams' Whuky. 5 " Old Rye se 14 At WHITAKER'S. O OAA LBS. POWDERED AND WHITE 0.iCJJ Clarified SUGAR, vry dry anJ beautiful for sale in hhds. or bbls., by P. F. PESCUX Druggist, se 1 4 Raleigh, N. C. LI) LONDON DOCK anl Vhiskev. zecuine Port and Madeira me, lor sale at rtazuuva. rLD J Wl SMOKING AND CHEWING niGARS, y Tobacco, just received at ge 14 PESCUD'S Drag Siore. n CASES CALCINED AND 2 DO. CAR- O bonate Magnesia, and one chest Powdered Khu barb of superior quality, in store and for sale by se 14 P. P. PESCUD. OFFICERS. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President. W. W Holden,, Vice President. H. Wi Husted, Attorney. . Wm. II. Jonws, Treasurer. R. H. Battle, Secretary. W. Ii. MoKee,JMedieal Examiner. W. JJ. McKee, y Charles B. Root, Executive Committee. Q. Busbee, J For further information, the publio is referred a the pamphlets aad forms of proposal, which maybe obtained at the Office of jibe Company, or any ef Its Agencies. Address ; Raleigh, Jan. 8th, 1862. jan 11 CRACKER BAKERY. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BUILT A large HARD-BREAD and CRACKER BAKE - RY, and fitted it up with the most improved machin ery, are now prepared to! furnish the cititens of Ral eigh and the Stjate, witfi fresh Crackers of tbe best quality, such as SUAJA UftAt'llKllh, BUTTER 1 " . WATER ; " SUGAR i " 4c, Ac. We are also prepared to fore is h he Army and Na vy with NAVY BREAD, PILOT " WINE BISCUIT, etc., At the owest .market rates. Ca:h orders securely nacked-and promptly attended to. jad. DiiarDWH a, ova. THE FAKIi.An jjr.Aur.n, a nuvax, and an Apocalypse of the Origin and Struggles Conlederacy. ay Juage xwverly Originally pablished la 1836. of the Southern Tucker, of Virginia. Price, When sent by mail, For sale by H W. L. $1.50 S1.75 POMEROY. OA PAIR CHILDREN AND MIHSES Q) SHOES and 40 pair splendid BOOTS. WU1 be sold in a lump to a dealer at a small advance by P. F. PESCDD, Druggist, se 14 : , Raleigh, N. C. OUNCES MORPHINE IN 1 DRACHM bottles, just received and for sale by se 14 P. F. PJEsCUD. 36 S Just Received, A SPLENDID SUBSTITUTE FOR COF FEE. Price 60 cents per pound. 3-tf P. F. PESCDD. UPERIOR TOILET SOAP.--300 LBS. English Palm fc'pap for the toilet, Just received aad for sale at ,e 14 P- r. PESCTJD'8. HE FIRST YEAR OF THE WAR. By Edward A. PoiLAnn, Anthor of "Black Di- o .nf.rt Am " An. Ml Price, ! When sent by mail, se 3 $2.00 $.50 W. L. POMEROY. B IDLES, TESTAMENTS. KR BOOKS, joat neeived at se 3 AND PRAY- rCMEROY'd. . .-; h ) m ' ": I .A Si t m fv ' iv 1 A- ii i -I; t r V j it i .f -i