- ft THE KTEST Telegraphs for the JtK TeUhtfijCXu wiar-ritac at.-bateb bxeeoted a W official disn&tch trom Oen.ynn porn dted, tioa.vLW wr.tiltblH f ol, , nU of Corlnlh.. Tbt eaeiny UuddW ?th flowp, oa ooar exUme left trjfngto feold pofioo. (Th Philtdeiphi noiorw ot 8rd, cotlinpj adlipftlcb from touUtliWofth 2od, whicMy4 SmjdrWn ; VP o- UtU ItjM COGUESSIOIf AL. i J. . .. 4 i. . if'- l.- r.4'- :.H-,,r ! fHftv: of AU. . tobmitudft preatobl n4 res olution for WioppOihUnen of ooaomUuoijf 13 to Uke or am w be tka iUmony i rUtofe a !'' -1..', ii1'.-' t-2 -j : Qt Of ctmti of lMructon, wu pawed. AUo Houle biu 5o-orgMixe i iledioi ,Pepwtentoftlse ProtWoA fry, Md tbet. biH to puni aad IreproM the lmporutloa b the eaenaj Of counlerfeit CooledermU Trefcaory notes. ft The report of the Committee ot Gonferepce op the ExempUon bUt was agreed to, and'aent to the Hoiwe for concurrence. ; We ehall bublwh the Execnption1Ul io full in ur next paper, , ( ; In lha HQUIl ine Dill WU UCUMCU w V v Mf. the paymentof bounties due to deceased opera-R n -i, 1 & rtnr.anrio.tion bill fj)If DuC&Qi" thA fnrkl ADDroprUtion tT bill waj further considered until a4.l . . . . ' i. . i- . 0iT. 4. .In the Senate,! tha House WU order ing the payment of decease soldier'a boohtiet pass ed; allso house bill authorizing, the Preaident to impbrt duty free att machinery to be -uaed in the manufactare of clothing, shoee, arms, &o., also the ' Senate bill to provida for refunding ta ixwisUna, excess of war tax paid: into the Treasury; aUo bouse bill amendatory of the act for the organiWr Uon of the Staff Department. The IIous bill aife borizing men between 35 and 45 U roluntoer.disp ciosed at great iengtb, and! was finally! laid npon the table. A resolution was adopted postponing adjournment until the 13tb intt. ! i ; ; In the House, a bill wm passed for the enrcjlr ment of persons subject to miliUry duty,, without the limiu of their State of residence; also the Sen ate bill to provide for the organization ol MiUtkr jy Courts to attend the army in the field. Th r. portof Committee of Conference tn the Etemp- uon bill was agreed to, also the Senate resolu tion; extending the session to 13th inst. j , j ' ANOTHER REPULSE OP THE' FEDE-i RALS NEAR SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 4.--The RcpuMican, of , tbia morning, has a dispatch from llaldwin,Fl dated 3d Inst., which says that the enemy attacked our batter on St. Johns', on the 1st fnsti, aod after hi hour's engagement Were repulied.U ; . ; The enemy snbsequenily landed at Oreenville Foint iu force, and mar6hed a mile to ! the rear of our battery, where a fight commenced at10 o'clock A.M. Wo particular received. ' 'I '! .i 4 r -' ; it From the Richmond Dispatch of Monday. FROM THE ARMY IN NORTHERN jVlR -I ; G1NIA ; j IJhe information from our army on the border, received since Saturday morning, 1$ rather con- tradiclcry, and such a to lead to ferious-doubtla to tie movements In operation there. , j From itl that hu (rannpired for a week past,' ail reported to ut, we indulged tbe belief jj that a greeit battle was imminent, but our reports for the past two days rather incline us. to the opinion vhat theienemy does not mean to risk an engagement in the low er Valley. JSarly in .th day 'yesterday it was hsserted that a fight was commenced near Mar Unsburgi on Saturday afternoon; but kfter dili gent inquiry we were satisfied that the Report had : to foundation in fact' ' ' J U .-1 I I t Lieut. McQruder, of the Puroell Battery, who left our army on Thursday, states that no attack by the enemy had been made, up to, thai time A cavalry skirmish bad occurred near iartiasburg the day previous, in .which tha enemy jcame oat, as J usual, second best.. The. bulk. ii out army occupied the same position Jeld. by it tat thai lat week. Our men were In good fpfrita, and-awaJt . ad tbeenemy'a advance, i.- .nv. ;. ,.V,j-f A passenger by the Central traiin ! wjbo: left Wlchetter on Friday and arrived here! yesterday afternoon, says that all was quiet on? the border when be left,' and that a general fight was; pot deemed imminent. It was not believe that any large force of the enemy had crossed the,Potomao except at Harper's Ferry, and the impression .pre-, vailed that not more than fifteen thousand ficeti pied that place. Their pickets extended some five or six miles up the road in the 'direction of 'Cbarlealewn, but no force bad visited; that plioe up; to Thursday.' On Wednesday they came near eaOugh to throw some shell Into tbeitovn. bjit soon returned in the direction of the Ferry, imd on Thursday morntag it;waa reported! UKt tbey bed recroesed the rlvex'i into Maryland. Jhe re lort that a.)arg body bad crowed at Shepherds town, our informant thinks is i not well founded, FROM NEW ORLEANS. j ; :' MoBILX, Oct. 3i A pcial dUpatch'ta the Advertiser & Regi t't, dated Jackson, 2d Inat flays; : i j Butlerhas israed n order Ny requiring all persons in New Orleana.maleand temaie,trotn IS years of age and upwards, :wbo fympaihiie with, the Coniederates,to report themseWea by he first of October, with a "descriptive lit of their Property, real and persanai w - f If they renew their i, allegiance they are to be recommended lor pardon,, but If not tpey wil be fined and imprls6ned,ajna their property con fisca- , i.Vt I ( i N J,' ''f'i;' The tolice of the'eitr are charted tilth the du ty of seeing that every . housholder. enrolls hit pro- iTiy m tneir resaecuvtawtrict, i ti' THESCORKOF HUMANITlH. - We have WM It -rnnruiA fh&i I TMrmiMlon has been obtained bY SDeculatine partiea to ibid flour from Richmond to Wilmington, otf tha score eumamty. , DJow we .beK.ta- aay .thajt if. per. Elision has been iol rfvent it has beta bbfained n fahe pretensw." ? No Hour Baa aold here blany -o ootainjng nj excopi aime nauai apecui iMive price. None under thirty dollar rer barr JWi whereas it could have .been, i6njthei score of ?nity,- sold for eight to len dollarjileisa. iWa y hat we do.know'4 ':';'Hi M i4i-1 i 'f .tbis thing is to ba done,let the peneia&jon e iked for by the puUiC aothoritWiof towa "oi by speculators, who weuld ooia naoaey oat of ?v- ocn mings he marked and etoppevj. ' e ; : j Wilmington Journal? bannock in Anguat last. Pwiel UUmao, formerly' a ai-ioir jo-' lDf Politician in NewYorkfaiw fin tifch ttond as a 'prisoner of 'wir. 'ile waCoionef ot i -w regiment, ted was captured en tha Kam yuimiiiiia, tub t enqlish J'Ott Ilif-t I 4 VtfnvnwTTnwjfrTTw C V xf wn xr V Sw 1 ' lilt: LfThit'laierwttoe-ttiia tgfipK Mia thai bdef 'tha itom'lipn eommltt' & -othe abip, bolldeza y4a ?ebel patinnt;wh wlth'all jpble&itcliii.laj.se iwnkteTamr juaiuj kvyaki uvwi yu M -vT" rr-Ji v y-v 0ni anyattem'pl iMag tnada JaA tcealaientr-- i journal ia lyinr at UvexpooL 4axlag tea argoci iron pUtei; destined for plating a1 Southern Veeael; i'la'aValtlneiarrlTai bwpottettnU ilWClyde-tb .Trbsav tha Giraffei and j tha ClydaacTalahaTt heen aold'td lheonyederate OeternmanTha 'ItttetaQaCf f, Since the arrival o( the news of! tha first battle at Bull Run, there iu not been ao much excite- Hnent eauaeLby dispatchee from the United StateaJ as waa tha result of those which reached Here on Saturday evening, up to tha Mth .of September. We werajUhopea at JIrstibatAbaai6jaJlyi)een tba case; for ,lba-paat'year.the first; dispatches might have been of an. exaggerated character.Hd be Jrery much modified by aubaequent one aad by the eztracta from the journals. , We have had, this time, newt that our troops have been arjven in ou WaahingtonconfirnQed by the journals which have tinoe arrived. Upon re ceiving it ilr. Slldell immedxaiely sought and ob "Udntdan interview oUK M. Ttowenel, in which he again urged opon him immediate recognition of the South, and probably took: the occasion to communicate to-bim the aabstanoe of the propo sals of which Mr. 3eorge N Sanders is .said to be tha bearer. The news has raited the recogni tion cry again in the secession semiofficial gov ernment organs, which for some time pastnave kept very quiet on the subject.. : The Patrie looks upon the war as about over upon. the capture of Washington as certain. 'And it expresses the hope thafrhen this is ac complished "President Davis will act With mag nanimity." 1 ' - ' The Oonstituiionnel of this morning, in its bul letin, after summing up the news,' which it con siders an evidence of the defeat of the Northern forces, cloaea with the following paragraph : "From the point of view of European interacts, should the present situation be prolonged? We think not. . Tie separate existence of the Confed erate States is a fact as well as a necessity the impossibility of reducing tbem is demonstrated. Can Europe wait any' longer before recognizing them? Will she require that tbey, shall have taken Washington t That will , be asking of them what was not asked of the Greeks, the Belgians, or the Italians. . It sufficed for the re cognition of the independence of these peoples that they were masters of Athens, Brussels, and Milan. We did not wait till tbey had .taken Constantinople, the Hague, and Vienna, Tbey had driven away tha enemy. - That was enough." THX MILITAKT ACHIJCTKHINTS Or TBC COXTID KRATKS RECOGNITION TO BE WON BY THEM SELVES. , From the London Times, Sept. 1G The people of the Confederate Sta es have made themselves famous. If the renown of bril liant courage, stern devotion to a cause, and mil itary achievements almost without a parallel, can compensate men for the toil and privations of the hour, then the countrymen of Lee and Jackson may be consoled amid their, sufferings. L from aU parts of Europe, from their enemies as veil as ineir irienas, trom inose woo conaemn, their acts as well as those who sympathise 'with them, comes the tribute of admit ation. When the history of this war ia written the admiration will dbabtlesa r become deeper and stronger for the veil which -hat covered the South will be drawn away and disci oat a picture of patriotism, of Unanimous self sacrifice, of wise and firm ad ministration, which we can now only see indis tinctly. -Tho derails, ot that extraordinary na tional effort which baa- led to the repulse and al most to the destruction of an invading force of more than half a million men, will then become known to the world, and whatever may be the fate of the new nationality, ot ita subsequent claims to the respect of mankind, it will asso redly begin ita career with a reputation for genius and valor which the most famous nations may envy With in a period of eighteen months a scattered popu lation, hitherto living exclusively by agriculture, and accustomed to trust for every . product f art and manufactures to the North, has been turned into a self-sufficing State, able to raise an immense armyrand conduct what ia now an offensive war. 4 I t is satisfactory to find that are not aloce in our opinions, that we did right ia refusmr to meddle in . American affairs, and that, the people most deeply interested namely, the Confederates themselvea-Ktre quite of tha-A&me opinion. .There ia nothing in the paragraph from the Richmond Dispatch, , which- we published yesterday, but what may be thoroughly agreed to by every Englishman The design of the writer, seeming, ly, is to, show that the European nationa must either carry on a war with all their strength against the Federal States or refrain entirely from interference. If .England and France isill land a hundred thousand.men each, dnd drive back the FederaL. armies, of invasion, it will.be well enough.-bu ieea than., this ill ocly prolong the strife, and add to. tba difficulties of the South by rousing all the passions andjvhai remains of the patriotism ox in? j:meimm.i. c.f " 4 i l-'f -It i. i ' i This is urodsel v tha reasoning which has -caus ed every' legible maoJn' England to reject ' thea) idea of breaking the blockade,or making any other weak and- halz-and; hair demonstration or dislike to the continuance of the war. The name of Eng 1 ana especial it wouw nn inereerniuneomcers of the North better than all the eloquence of an Ev-' erett, or the military fame of a Corcoran. The war, whtcn may now at any- lime come to an end through' the returning good tense of the. FeoV erals, : would, probably," become more desperate than ever, the chief enemy being no longer the Confederate, but the Britisher.' Then the multi tude 01 men wno wouia oeinrown into idleness and warn by the breaking up of commerce would add to the military lorce ol the Federal States. MIC tha Northern seacoast -was blockaded' says me Doumern' paper, ana ine eeaport clues cap- lurea, ine nonn wouia nave more soldiers tor ner armies and few 4dlers to support. ' If the North was without a nayy and without a .mercantile marina, several' hundred thousand men would be Ulsengaged from 'their accustomed ' pursuits,' he Without employ men t,and bttrning with revenge and indignation against tha enemiea who had thrown them helpless on the world." On the other hand, the writer remarks that "it it chiefly because the South has been blockaded that ahe hat exhibited such wonderful power. If the Southern blockade -were raised half-the" people would bef diverted from the industrial pursuits necessary for conduct ing the war to selline tobacco and cotton and money making." : -f - - -i- ' ivitmav be ausnecled that in the case of the Southern writer the erapet of European Inter ven tion are tour; i bat, whatever may be hit motive, ne naa uttered good tense on tnis great question. An armed interference In the quarrel -would be a fatal mistake for any i Eul-ODeanPower. ' When the South has expelled the erlemy frortiits soil it may be entitled to ask fer recognition t but Us frontiers must be both wonjand kept by Us own exertion' ' A DXtfAKD' Tpn;,roaxid. iktxrmbence the B10CKaJK0UQH BJB, BAXBIDt Front the-London Herald,' (Derby organ,) Sept I 'There ia a desraa oflnhumanltv in tha altitude f on this Question assumed by the European Po wera r DTf. POPE'S !DEF2LATW0A1J i-rmsRnTTrtr A'rZTZim tt fUgaiia at ail that tbo spirit of. . the . cottntrj ! 4Tn255AE2 thould be brokent' whota generaUon tt youni I'fiS-1 men afainedortnainSedM tGhMWwttiU 'Tha newt fcy the; Anglo S4X0, ttUftt1- txmedfora eeniurvt LMut do Momeihina ayiae An Thia,raar will ba f tha xiuietfoTbireiimra I which aeeito nVto clor lheateJneat we. are standi with: folded arms and a-rlacid expression' on ouarfacea." hileAmerici" Dein made a dert, and AnericansV cmalaatljrt ara hacklnfiMiaa another. j, to pieces- jrWHrifrf Ad- are Christian men. vit does not" matter wnat they call it . Term it deration? intervention avpiamsme acuon. remonstrance wiin j ine jxorvi, friendly interference iQr-whaleTer form or shape our actioa may at. Some jtetna do something to . stop this carnage 1 For each year of this war at ,least.2W,oO0 jnen are slain 4n battle Millions may be said to-be wounded or atricken. with disease r and for: every one killed woua4ebV aick,a family is ia mourai lag,". ;A tWfUory: Jargcrihan JEoropa it given up tahorrort that might have figured i.n Dante'l InfarnQ, w Over fair Virginianvvplantatibnt, and homestead in old. Kentucky by , the rivers of Tdnnesaee,on the prairies iof tissouri and Arkanaat among thtcanesand rice-fields of Louisiana and Georgia red handed war itr ides. Uiamph&nt. . Whaljhave all- those people done that they should be aa. directly viaitedl. -The cause of this wax ia a chimera, a fatal infatuation. ...Let ut not b9 son-; tent with muttering tbia; tO; ourselves ; let os tell tha Americana what wejhinkf it, and .cry -i boldLwhile. somethiug yet remains for Americans to: fight about v-f eeT Qotcrnmeht .wUl not do this we must hold them iripart responsible for the continuance of ' this plague ofeivUwar4his stand ing outrage and aggression against Qod and rnan. The1 same' paper aayt that the blockade' hat not inflicted anything more severe than tempora ry privations on tbe South, as it is a self-support-' ipgaectioe, ahd adds This ii not the case of the New Enttand States. '.I. To them a blockade would be ruinous, and the interruption ,of foreign trade, would destroy the chief, if not the sole, source of their prosperity But we do not believe that even this would be ne cessary if France aad England were now to insist on peace, and to threaten interference if their me j&ation were refused , A' year ago it might have been otherwise; the prije of the North , might have induced it to endure ruin rather than accept defeat' and - disgrace, without striking another blow either for the Union or' for honor. But e year of hard suffering may well have taugbt them humility; a year of hard fighting the hardest fighting,' with few exceptions, that tEe world has ever seen has ampty redeemed their military character, and they need, no longer feel ashamed when confronted by overwhelming force to con sent to a parley, and capitulate on honorable terms A people defending its hearths and homes may and must fight Co the last; but in a war of aggres sion perse erance alter success has become hope less is the part not of bravery but of madness. LATEST FROM EUROPE. TheEuropa has arrived, with Liverpool dates to the 2 1st ult., j - . The London Times earnestly denounces, the policy of the abolitionistsoftheNortb in seeking to raise the negroes of the South against their mas ters. It says that the idea of the Abolitionisms is to organize a series of Cawnpore massacres as le gitimate devices of warfare, but it thinks they will not be sucessful in the attempt. It adds : "In deed, it is difficult to see how a aproclamation by a besieged or fugitive President can hare any greater effect than the documents issued by such Generals at Hunter and iPheips inciting the ne groes to revolt." It trusts that President Lincoln willpefrain from an act which will be at once a crime and a blunder, which will in no way advance, the Federal cause, but only deepen and make .eternal the lwtred between the ftjpo sections. The, Economist, the bankers' organ, is opposed to it in toto, while the Saturday Review, the lead ing literary authority, cannot find words strong, enough to express its setise of the atrocity of sud denly freeing the negrK).' .There may be,it says, a small anti-slavery, faction whom this proclama tion will please, but th are as a babbie to the ocean of English public ppinion. The New York correspondent of the London Times is of the opinion that Europe need not fear that the North will unite to - repel foreign inter vention. Its courage is gone. Tbe game is lost Washsngton knows, If New York dope not, that the Abolitionists are destroying the Union by their fanatic efforts to save it. ' The Chamber of commerce (Liverpool or Man-. Chester?) had presented an address to Mr.Xaing, . who made a lengthy address on Indian affairs, in . which he said we could 'not expect more than a million and a quarter bales of cotton from India i during the next twelve months. If therefore,, it should be impossible to get tbe cotton raised in the Southern States, the present crisis must go on with augmenting evils for the next twelve months. But he believed xrnany months would not elapse before tbe termination of -the struggle and the recognition between England and the other great poweis of tbe SouthernConfederacy v LIST OF CASUALTIES OF THE 4TH REG IMENT N. O. STATE TROOPS IN ;BAT. TLB OF WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 1862. r H - ' ..J-3J ' COL. BRTAlt.GaiMES, CoMUANSIVa. Co. A Wounded-4-Pvts T A Baily, js-B; M unlock, J M Plylerj slightly, David Kaiser, seriously. in shoulder, B M Osborne, L Smith, J S Anglin, slightly. :t! - Missing Oorpl .Eli 0 Rumple. r . 7 Co B Wounded Lt J F Stansill, slightly in shoulder, . Pvt J no Ii Alexander, R A Mills, slightly above left eye y Missing W A Besyer. .. i S .u Co C--Wounded Pvts J P Campbell, J ,F.: Harbin, X! S Sharps variously -r G W, Hendren; slightly in head ; NiA Murdock, slightly, in bead and nand.' ? t .; ; - " - '- . , Co D Killed Lt aaC Cotton. ' Woundedr Sergt Q L Howell,alightly in leg; Pvt J J Ellis, sertouslf in hand. r:T ? , Missing Ord Sergi'S A Best, left in Maryland; sick ; Richard May, 1 .-,. . , -j Co E Killed Pvt W J Merry. - . ... i. Wounded--L't DanP Latham, badly wound ed ia hip; Thee M i Allen, .badly wounded- in thigh Sergt M F Yt 4liamson, sBghtly-in harfd and head : jfvt if ifi 1 jobles, slightly in shoulder. Missing S. P -W4ly, R L Leggetl, Jaa M Patricks 2 ' . . . -' - Co P Wouoded-r-TiFt Jno L Burton, serious ly in side ; Langiy Nion, slightly in arm ? BefiJ Lancaster, slightly in boulder. Missing rvu Vttt Jackson, Joseph Lavlfl. Jfidwa XAncaster, tSdvfi JTiore. - . .;., List of CistiitTiEsSr thk 4th Bwt. N.ifJ. Tboops iw Batm. Sdhdat, Sxptkmbkr liist, 1 po AWounded Pvt CD Murdock; seriously In hip f WB Summers flesh wound. in thigh; E u xsost, nesu wound in thigh ; is nyler, slightly In instep. v . ' . " . .vo x vy ounuea xvi ireier oairev, arm pro- ken ; J no W Keisler. flneerof left band shot Off. juissing j k uurt. .. , r t. ' Co CWounded'-iCDl J A Holmes, siiehtlr i Pyts W S Beardi do., D F Carpenterj C L Jbhnr son. Missing Pvts J A Feithster, F A Shuford,"E May, H L Loiler, ATurnerJ C Turner, W H Holder, j T Kobb, W J SUkeleather, y iirotber ton. 3 "' H ; - - 7 " : ';' , Co D-KiUed-Pvt' R W'Joi'ner.r-!; ;fV .Co E-4-Wounded Pvt Kedman Condon, slight ly on hrm; David Y" Koas, seriously., . ' v ' . '. Missine "Joseph Bo we. ; r! Co H Wounded Copl Thomas Ball, alightlvr ; Co T Wounded Pvt Zack7 Brantlyi ilightly od hand," "1 1 "': " . ' -vMuaingeo WDaw. Casaell Jones. ' : ously In hand: A W MWer etiotftly in thigh .honlderr- ;'- -'T:- and .4 " : Co G "Wounded Lt R T Browhl aUghlhr on I heaarOorpI W T Hanea, aeriously in leg; Pvt 1 f N ChaUaVler broken. : ' : ! red U KUIed-Lt F II ' Veavar: PvrlEl?ia iWonh4ed-Cpt B A OsboxiMc.badly' wounded Graham Pvt WmDillontJa Dobaonj F FWoo ten, jWUey Ed.wardi.;- m;? ?-pi' &rJ&frit& it Co I Wounded Cart "W JP; ilartn, mortally, died f25thrSergt jal LHerrlngtohr slightly in ahOuldetfTJorpl S R Rota, badly wounded ; Pvt J W-JbindelLaUff-htl: m i x-ifxx tsemawOorpi BJ Peed, Pvt Joshua White. Wounaed Corpl'.J O-lrvin; very aHghrty aeadf xvt Jj U Colly mortally in shoulder;; J A Eddleman. alhrhtlvia aacl'ja i kv I ;MUsing-Pvtt A Casper, R F"M.Carter, flea. ry M Uaater, J no Caster, li A Eller, Al M ilold showser, O Holehouser, 3 A HeitlgV "Wallace Jo aey," J B Lockert, 0 Miller 'A McDaniel J P O'Neal, W Page, WParkerjW.D Q PeaV erO DSnuggv U p.Beyart,BiTrou.tman. ? UXUle4LieutenanU S ; Prlvatea ,3. , Total 5. AVounded-r-Caplaina" 2 ; 'Ueutenaa ts 4 : Ser geants 3 j Corporals 3 ; Privates 25. Total 37.' ?J 1 aiiislilg SergeanU a , Oorportl3 ; Pri rates 34, .Totalised f vTotal killed, wounded, and missing, 81. . . The .Yankees are rapidly hojlding a powerful iron-clad fleet to be used In capturing and destroy ing Southern ciUeV They ar" Jmilding ha Weehawken, the Camanche the Mon tauk", the Kaatakill, the Pasalc, the Onondago, the Puritan, (tba latter an Immense vessef, three timet as lar as the. others,) tbe Dictator, the'Moodna, tha Fort Henry, tba Choctaw, tha Osage, the Winnebago, the Chickasaw, the Milwaukee, and an immense Iron-clad ramTof 700Q tons' nujfthern? not yet nam- eo. oeverai 91 tnese vesseii are nearly compietea. Over ten thousand men are engaged at work upon this tteat-v v '':. : -WMi .-i Ordlnanoes and Resolutions " 1 i or Tax. i N. CAROLINA STATIC ONVElfTIO, THE SUBSCRIBER If AS PRINTED and offers for sale eOO extra eepies of the Ordi naaoea and Resolutions -adopted by the North Caro lina Stat Convention. At the Conrentionj.only had 500 copies printed, it is expected that tbe extra num ber he hat printed will be cxty disposed Of, and, therefore, those wishing to-proenre eopies would do wall to order tham at. enea. 411. orders moat ba ae oompanied with the cash.' " ;: ?' '. vPrioe per copy; - - $1.75" Whesusent by malL ' j .- I . , $149 : JNa W. SYMB, ! Printer to the State Convention. -for sale, also at tha Bookstores of HKNRY JX TDRSER aad W. L. PDMER.0Y. ,-: . - Notloe.i . ' - - : , OFFICE If.- C. R. R CO ) -: ; - 7. Coup amt Shops, Sept. 24, J82, - VfOTICE IS UEREBY GIT EN TO SHIP 1 T PBRS and others interested that the tariff of Freight rates oa this Read will be raised tWeatr-five per oent, and the rates of Passengers to fire eents per mile, on aad after the fiat day of October. : f T. J. SUMNER, ; so 17 tf . Engineer and Sap'L . Notioel . - THE ANNUAL, MEETING OP THE Stockholders of the Roanoke Navigation Compa ny will be held at Halifax Court House. Va. on Thus. day, the 9th of October next. 1 f 1 " ". ' C. IL OABASISSSee'y.' . September 17th, 1862. g 24 td To the) Members the Next House of Commons. GENTLEMEN I 8H4IX BE A CAN didaie for re-eleotion to th oQee of FRINCI4 PAL CLERK OP THE HOUE OF COMMONS at the approaching session of ; t(a General Assembly. Former experience in that andsimilar positiens ta duoas ma to believe that I shall 5e able to rive eatis-' faetlon, If elected. i Kespectfolly, Z le 10 2m JAMES H. MOORE. 04 FOUND, IN THE STREETS OF RAL . eieh, a COUPON whioh has beeA detached from a North Carolina Bond, which tha owner aan have on application at tha Pablio Treaearer's OtBoaf byr3e scribing the No and amount of Said Coupon, and by paying for this advertisement. I r oe l tf - ; Scotch Snuff. '- ? '., THE SUBSCRIBERS. ARE .NOW Bf AN nfaetaring and offer for sale1 (at wholesale only) a superior article pf suuxti; SN.yfF, to be sold in eis to son purchasers. For sale at the store of J. K. Maanii. and at the Factory, Washington street, near Sycamore. - - "I'- HSLSON A MUNNI8, oe l Jw ! 7 Petersburg, Va. ' - MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, ) . , c, .CaintOTTB N. C, Sept. JS, 18 8, J. r VTOf ICE UNONE OF4THB FOLLOW 11 Ins artioles will hereafter be received by this Department ..Jl Ltv- . ' , ' yk, ; American .Qcntian,' . Horsemint, . r. Indian Tobacco Leaves and ' -Plant,- : " Jamestown Weed Leaves, . Lavender;' - Pueeoon or Blood Roet, ' fiaaaafrasPith, r Sooteh Broom. . ' Anise Seed, Bcmetet, Calamus, Centaary, Dandelion, Fleabane, r ... : Hemlock Reaves, Henbane Leaves and Seed, Spear MlnV i v . -U Of remainine articles on former anvartlsement. the prices of the following will be ebanged i r . x Vetratriam VWde-''American Hellebore " . . nuut,. .. .. , out. pr w. Oeraniam Maeutalom Cranesbill, 60 " LoUlialhflata Indian Tobacco Seed, 125 " " Dyospyros yirginiana Persimmon i Bark from oot r-t-f so " " " Xahthoxylon Fraxineum Priokley . , . 1 i i . . Ash Bark, . . , , . .30 " PjaekneyaPubens-iBark: 1 'f'" ' ' 30v: " . iJ. a;hesa artioles, mast ha clean aad perfectly dry. These prices will be paid for the above named artioTeSj and theri together with su6h artioles on for mer advaruBemant r.taa reeepuoa of waioh.: baa sot baan adfertised to eaaaa, will be received at the N.4C, xajatece, vnanotte, a. v., uu rartner nouca. M.j HOWARD, Surgeon - 00 1 2sr T . and Medical Purvey or. . AOmiiilBitatbraBale. r fTUIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUAL X iffed at f August : Court, 1853, as - Administrators of the estate of Peter D. PewelL deceased. 1 will aall at Pablio Auction,n Taesday," the 7th day of Octo ber, at the late residence of said deceased, all the per ishable property belonging to said estates consisting Tools, a Carriage aAd Harness, Wagons and CarU, stock of Cattle, (many ef shear good Beef Cate,) uoks, torses, htnles, .vera, jroader, Uets, Wheat, Tebaooo, and many other-artioles nnnecessary te en sunerate. J. Among tha Horses are. six. theronga-bred, or the most approved Jtaeiag stock one ai -them young Stallion, six years oldjsext Spring, of fine site ana action, ana unsurpassea lor beaaxy ,ot form and color j two. very fine, Brood .'Mares, and three Colts, all vry fine and thorough-brad., .Terms made known on da iv or sale. a. JOHN WHITE, 1 wwxm vi asaaaif WAT. R JO-VEfl f AuuuraM-f j Warren County, N. CSept. 4, 1882: ;v7 oe 1 td OR SALE AT WOJTAtiER'S, : 3 iv r ON JTAUt TERMS 6MAXJ4 ADVANCE ON O0ST OCT. 4th, 1862. 2 sacks' St Dominro Coffee. ' 10 boxes Wax Caadka.1' ,::-." 11 " : Fine and Common Tobaceo. 30 " ' Claret Wine. 10 -Champagne Cider: 1 3 " Assorted Cordial. . .1. 1 D hurral. RIiu. - 1 10,000 (N.C, made) fjigart artielel'' 0 s HAND CONSTANTLY . ' , . ''(wmk can aa rxoouHn) - ; v ' k-ee 4y tov'T rAt; .Ir.A jf v .j. V WH1TAKEB O. iy i BUSHELS IRISH POTATOES WANT! yj BPst .. ; .WBiiAoira: M DAttREJUa SUPERFINE FLOUR ! Family r "v.; Dairy expected at WHItAJOa'S. In leg; P,f t R, byno.-aiightly U WshyupdU Wm.Speee, seriously in hrnst.if '-r'A i :Missihff O-SerefJno i Stocktoii."1tI 'S'W rA w.T-Tfif- t tit y i fad. t WftA --"Ki afb IIB SUDS CRIBER OFFERS POtt hat.to IL - the fhlltfwiag lands' id Ihe tjovatrf QraavUle, lately UtoaHirjr te Jaaeph XL&eh, JjifW. v vn iraesu unatsd about two miles waUr of tlj sows or Oxford eontaina' XMtx ahoaffestiilrd f which is ia weeds, and on whinh iiitiifttd ion. Qae thr tract u sitoated .about jtwaTnflfl Swti Wef Oxtod, and eontaini Ull 'avw, ahoutro-" thhfds r whieh Is ia Weods. T' lSt one undivided-half ef tract, abeot U i&ii tRSffSf wMsaTS which tTaSE ?S"W -Wm raceway as the p. Also, bneeventh .tiS2J traet l.waters ef JLaapp of .Seeds io. f5v -ww, mun uww 9aonpa as oewer. dt Mn. Barah'Borterj . v,V3; -. ."m"1 4 IheseUads may; ba jrrxAurMd( printer, ef tha raWiber, aad f ;aot sir uispwwdor; wilL kea day th:4th day; ef fforamber next, be exposed fbr sale at publia aocUon, at tha Court House door, in the town af Oxford.' f' ? -T1" "kZVJ TaaMaCash, or.wejl soured: bonds,' UariaV tn4 Urt from the aay rf gale. . - JOHN . Jf. HAYS, Ti.!' -4Weaa aad.aartav Satsionavii.-- f Willim H. Boyd, Aimiaistrator of John T, Tay lofj vi. Oliver P.-Taytor and EUsa J; Taylor.1 "U - . : i; t . Petltlan tat a. caJa at r.rf ' ,1 ' I AJh Plaiatitl having filed Lis petition la tha Clark's vwaa w aaw uoun, ana u appeariar ta-tae tnnrftff3 uon-er vne subscriber, the , Clerk of said. Court, thai yur r. xayior, -one or ue dareadantf, reatoat be bayond tha limit rf tbia guta, I do taaraforaaraar publication to be made for six weeks la tbe 'Balelxb Register, notifyibg the said defendant of the filing of this petitioned informing hlxn that i ahlasfha ap- pears at the next term of said Court to be held at the Csmrt Bouse ia Waxranton on the fourth. Monday la Neveabar next, then, and there to pleaaV answer or danrax, the aaid patition will b takaa pro coafesso aa tohandJheajdaocrdingly4li. fj cVf ,, Vl .4 . Witness, WUHam A White, Clerk of said Court, at offloe la Warrentwi, this ttoh ? day af BaptambarA; ' saa-woW Jf i T : u . fi'r " fa 0. Clerkll" : ; Winter Oats Wanted. 1 FTn BUSHELS OP THE ABOVE WiNT- xw V ea to flu an order, for whioh the hii nriee will aa said for imnaduiji ui.. t fill an order, for whioh tha highest cash iu w paia ic : TaYNN; ADAMS, ' seJ4-r-3tpdf U Raleigh. Standard edpy. 4- J. Wanted to Hire.. ,t, i A ABEE-BODIED NEGRO MEN, AT J at tie Gulf ;ia Chatham county; for the balance of the year. ; ;f,,v -..j. &j K-l K& .'Apply to QtdRQi WAsttisaroii, on tie preiaiset. Or w iBi saosenoer ajkivinsionor oateign. i ?. ai 1 f ' TWt ... J . - w . : J. V. WASHINGTON 8epc. 12thl883r r- v "riaVi-tf' Save Ybiir Sorabi SHAY, WfLXt AMSOff? b GO.f'AT THE .NORTH STATE IRON JLND EEA83,W0RKS formerly hrhs'lFoundry,) will pay for scrap Cast Iron A eta. par-Jb.! , Fer Wreaghi Irost sarapsy scrap Brass, scrap Zink and scrap Copper the highest cash price will be paid; They will pay the higest market price for a larceuantity of CbjasoaJ.bWill abo re eaive proposals for delirenng two handrad,'eords ef WooxL ? -: - iir-rr . i ia zu "gaapu ' o'ust Run the'Blobkade ! 7 GOODS OP ALL KINDS I 1 1: x SHOES, GENTS est styles.' . . AND LADIES NEW CLOTHS, CAfSIMERES AND "VESTTNO'Si V' 2.OO0 patterns, aU fresh and desirable. 2MQ yards North Carolina) Caasimere just to hand. 10 piaoaa beet jcngUsh Clettaa Sme Navy' -!" " si zu piaoesjsiaes uoesxm and Uaeslmere, heavy. , , 50 pieces Crenshaw Cloths"and other makes for tbe Army. 600 doien Engliih-. Collars for Gents, latest style. ,60 doxen fine White Shirts. 20 dosen Goats Blaett ahd Colored Sdd Oloves. 100 pieces Brown Liaea for Soldiers Shirts. 100 pieces Enrllab Prints and Ginghams. " 1 ease fine Black Dress Bilks, the best la the Con- federacy. 1500 yards very fine Lustre. II pieces Black Satin' aad 3 pieces White.'' ' 1 Satin for Bonnets.. - .. Clothingof all kinds. ' Lj T. W. ROTSTON A' CO, Petersburg, Va. v u , t. ... . aa24 Desirable City Jr op prty for Sale.; THE BRICK DWELLING ON McDOtV ELL STREET", opposite the resldsnoe'of Henry D. Turner, Esg and former, residenoe of Rev. JJ James, Is ofierei, at: private sale, i- The buildings are au eotaparatavery new, and in good repair. Possession given January ls 1863. r- x x r wrai, appiy w-,. se l7 lm . MoOSE A WILLIAMS. for Sale. i'iiw ei jsct f S TOCK OF TUE RAlEltU AND GAS T0N,RAILR0AD- .W. W. VASS, : i. if . cAttbneyU- Raleigh, gapt, 11, 1862. , . ae 14 tf -1 BIjANTON:DUNOAN .5i J--rI i) IS PREPARED TO F1XX ORDERS T& anv'exuntf in Enerarinz and Prlntins Rank ) engraving npon steet or Stone. Large 'supplies of Bank Not and enher paper w&l be kept. . , iis fjw; tiaA 2043ni , Cash for JBeoswax and Talldxz. Af A e nignest marxet. price tor tbe above-named arUeies.daUTared at-aaMsidencW orat th Qrooarr 1 ! 1 ArlTTtirSiftfrnfni-'a tJnf ?nir EAVINGt QUALlFiED 'AS ADMlWlsV ,TRAT0R upon tit .estate-of'xW Ute AenrgeA.' liorajoy, x hereby aire notice te all persons indebted to said aetata 4 eome for ward.and snake tavment ? aedto those haring elaima, against, the easatf t bring ivrwara uietr siaisa tor sauiemeni mum ana uma prescribed by1 la,1 or h is notice will be pleadedihhar of their recovery. . vhVID HINT.ONDJI': sela lm u Aamlnistrator. ". 1 ' II M I I; ' TiliE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Op THE i Raleigh aad Gaston BAiiroaoHJonipany Tiate de clared a divided of 6 per cent on the Capital Stoefc of the vompaay, payable1 on and axtet the 1st Monday in vctooer nexb 01 w , Wri v ABCt-atea, aa lS--lm hit mar . u' HAVINGr PURCHASED ' THE' STOCK 1 af Medtoiaes lately heldW ldniai Medical Par veyor of ZfArUi-Carolina .aadrge .supplies At aao tioa in Sodthern aities and other Sonfees. Is toranared to exeeutef orders fro4merchwta,.uruggispphysjq cians and the public generally, with neatness and dia- path.J ATy1 terms are eaiA cm ttelivtrv. 'O' H U V Price, ! When sent by saaiL.u : it:f- - ;t7-' V,2Jt r't; U W.-L JPOMBROY.f I HAVE JUST ' RECEIVED ' PER: EXW presar-WTiHi-'j?-- n .s vds . I ; 10 dotea assorted Wme Glasses. .. 7;,. -.''ii- SiltagerSawU. - t'1 ?t GUICKORY FIVE BAGS, TOO POUNDS, CfiTokory A wholesomv and. the best substitute for COffee known to' oar people. Jast received and for, aala by . ;, SJP'F.-PESCUD,j!' .,t " SO la.,. '1 'a ; ' W.ja'Draggist, Ralelsrh. 3O A A LBS. POWDERED AWTJ ITHITE Clarified SUGAR, Very dry nasi beautiful, f or sale In hhdaToa bbli.;by- -vv.tj Jtc,q I : tu. y:5 p.p. rSSOTJPJDrsjgijeti i ?'-aa 14 li-i' rtW V&'bv' sBatetgavaf hT?' -JOHN ANDERSON dr CO,3 CELEDRA oe- aVI UU SJX1 AS A3 U UUA1N P AiT ratsa. ae4V 7't- WJUTAJUtn : -cLs-iU' h.Jiai -a-ii- i--ii ii rjuixs srixtST. iJSA.Kur. Tuis v ajk- tA xh rowest;taarKes .rates, usja erdert aeurely jLi Jy. JsiDwaao a. cATLuajii, asmor pi ctacx i- r pacxeoj aa.e jrompuy atmaaea w-. w. v amends,! Act;hO tin tas.jWKy ifmloiy i,r:T,"7 'W '--.VJAS. SHfTSOlf A .SON. 7, 7- - ) aa aa a a 1 1 I t" m ,M . . ... . - . te:l!ACc::eic fori mi? Initi0 iTOttSx!A ia oTambr,18ai, and continue unffl tie lrt o Jiarthy La&aaln. ft tA.A v.w vnw .v--T a persBSinen tly t eustouury session Of five monthty . fw Msaaejned to them.adrissble.ta eonslderation fae or the eountr,and the Increased axpense or living, to tadoea irfor the present to four months, v . TteejBTwmumdojBtcAonllJiB : f fI" to the ttudeat as heretofore. y,, Oiat BtB ClWa; U' D., Profeaso? & Vary.' ' Bevvly RTTeILfrd M; D. Prof.'ttf Katsria? Had- hu, tea and Therapeailoa . vwi; j ' Adfc'lUoola.. It tt,1Prot af Aaatamy.t XS$ L,S..Jeyta,M;pPrcfijpf InaUtnte eUto4ieiaae4 Jamea H.TCoaway. lL Pi Prut of Obttetrietnata, I !- fwwM uDiiti,; A4t ou .iu 'vaaauisry a4 aianon xLoward, U. Dn Damoastrator ef Anatomy. I , Prefastora" Tickets, each, ,w,f II j Detaontlratovaf AflatAmr. lfl .4 itMstWasuatleav' l&h m& i . uradaatton.; , . . , - ; ,f " ia J nr larthar inforaau; or tf ef aaUta i aaplellt Dean of racoltyt Kichmoad, Va." itJxxivxlty& VixfjlnJai 1 4 fTOZE NEXT 1 ESt ION OP TJII3 lNSTX.i SL txdeu will eommaaee ea the 1st ef Oct 1802, a odea the tnxaiag 4th af Jaly i-- : ' ' The exarcisei ia all the departaestt ef instruetioa, . t Aoademlo. Law1 aad Medical, wiU be eondnctad' as haretoforej) tt bamg tha fixad purposa of tha Board af Yititort and the Faeultv not td relax In their efforts Ito saalataaaHh Staodinc wbiaa the Institotioa has J' aoqairad as a seat ef,laarnlng. w.iit . ii I i fS Tor eaialofua, aVe address, ; Chafrmad Of thrfaealtyV i H. i J. If; XMOUOe. .. :t "II XSU W : i.U ..as . . ' ..... I fTIL. PAT 'TUB HIGESSTCASil t PBlCE for Cattle, Shatp,an4 Hog, alto lor Baf v con, Lard; Eggs; poultry of every description partio. ularlyjSaese and Ducks, daHrarad td ne at ay farm, -v miles west of Ralaigh, formerly belonging to Hintea r PraakHh.'sii ' - -b. SMITH.'' ' " i Raleigh; 14th' Jane, 1863. Jan18 flmpd' SADDLE TREES. :i 0 iMi-ttH',.fHii iWit.;;-l n if SADDLE-TREES: ;t .vt!K'r.'i' i 'SADDLE-TREES.- :RS Of sdt.deariptosig andstylea, aajKbatoadWon reaseav able terns, at shortest notice, at . ' i.r.r' .. -a i -r v- xhjii uu riurs jc aotory, V V Raleigh, N. ; 0.! 'XTORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL PIRB ' JLsJ INSURANCE QOMPANYAt , the annaal meeQagf the North Carolina Mains! IHreXnsuranoe Company, held aa the 14th Januarr, 1862, the follow lag parsons were elected Directors and Officers for the V.! I IHflWi -IWIUIi: . Jeha B-WCliams. .Is Cdov . , ,r Kemp. Pi Battle, x do. . ; George Little, . do, i -cjamaa M.Towiar- de ' "-. James E.3oyVWMhington Alexandar Mitchell, Newbera. W-i i Vf j l 1 Wi a . dona nes, jsaenton. . . George W. ChariaaiEIiaaetfrOityj ; J.-W. HsMurtraeiboxoojh. t xs. a w utuuaa, i;aanotte u Samuel Watkms, MUtoa, i . ; AWSMrPaytteville. 1' ' . A JosephWhite, Anson, eoanty v Joah. Boner, Salem. , U Ai V8amhtv. Ashevffle. - . OFFICERS Of THE COMPANTr? Ti H. Selbyl'Preafifaia. 7 Henry D. Turner, FTea aV. ' ' - V John H. Bryan,-Attorney. , r ; ' . . Hamden 8. Smithy orsrory aad 2aarr ' Ti H. SelbV. x-offiauK i . 1 ! . r ? t, d Jehn'R. Wmiama, V A7. Camstftira. ' . , 1 a wD;notMngv,i This .Company; has been: suooesifnl pert!tt pter 13 years' and continues to take riakt apea all oiawea oi mrosezw ur ui onisw; laxaanc Ktiua ju.uia C.i I. :it'' - !: .r pi.;' - " f-r 7t 4:. ,V."i'"U"' - nd Terpentine. Diitilleries) upon favorable tjnaa -lUPoUdasneweovarprcTarv,amcuntina' to nearlv' ' 1 $4,000,00, aIargeportion ;ef; whicA U. to entntnr.vi risks : and its present capital Is "over Four nundred -. ThoaaanooIUraimbadtnreperiyte f K AU cosamunications in.reiereuce to tnsuraace sheuld; be addWised to lie Bacretary, postpaid. ' " ' ' . , " ; : fU'i-RAMDJi aC8MZm-4ew 1 aanuary l&ta, iBox jaa 22 wTORTlI CAROLINA . MUTUAL LIFE 11 INSURANCE C 02XPAN Y.OFIICa RALEIGH.' N. C THIS COMPANY takes riska npoa ail healthy 'lives batwaen the acr of 14- uilfi JWM Wi'VIW WVIVI JtWI W for lifetae etasavaiit far. life .wartisfpatmr la the pro-' fits of the Company ivva. between thakgas ef 10 and and oa years, are insured ror(ena or avf year, Cosy twsthJnU thelr.aarketvalua.; ni -.: -t'-el Alt lossei are palo) witaOdayi a4ljtt)sft4tarj. Pteof li toreeented.-,. -7 l; ' :-.; W W-iL---. t chane b. Johnson;". , -Iwm. U-wenss, WtsV RJMeKea4' ' cEaaHtrd CalL? J i i..L-i fllcVd ILattlajatii ww; .j.il "-; 1 "i,- Z'--' .:- i":- , vvr'r, Dr. Chaew S. Johnron, jtetAnim'. u. "Wni.lL Jones; Treasurer. ',i;'.vUt4..T :BaBeereUryV., . , , .MutA ft w tt arv tr v.tu i; W.I Charles B. . Root, V Aace Cbw-nfeasi T V f N Q. .'BaaKaa "ii : '-; - I - j-- . ' 7 ' for furthers hJbrmatioa. fhd wablia it iWetred ; .a! pAaphletaand- fhrmt itt,vTovmtafriwU;i oouinegi. at a usoa K thsrCc5ipaxy or aay ef UA a aaaaWftAlASi a )lAaaaa . W.mi.':. jriiA fnriTR damery: TV fiTjBseStBEfR1: II AVtN It 1maIAE."n.RRKATt an CRACtfTCR TIATTTC- eryj arataew prepared t ftofhish the eitisens ef RaL ' nil ana-nkisw 19 vp.wiw ui moss unprovea,macainf BUTTER 44 WATER 8UQAR aW, "f'TTe are alio Prepared tor Wrtliht Ahoy tia Va , rTttlE PARTIZAN LEADER. A NOVEL. I X i and anpeealyps of tha-Origia and ' Struggles " os vne , Doainern-' vpaxeaeTaey ,y " aflge jMrreny. : ttker;bf .Ykginla. 'OriginaUy pohllshed ia 183d. When asat bv malL . 7'.. .fl.Tr. '-7 av va. inawav ; PAIR CHILDREN AND WSf IIO?3i aad IB Mia Mbadid OOI&MWjll be' soM in a lamp to a dealer at a small Anax hj ( . r : i .?B .1V -py f ESCUD, prarriirt,- - 3ft lotUes,jst , MWTad aad Cor aala BT " Arv JTi AiSyUlA."' SUPERIOR-TOILET SOAP. SOO LXW. ' EniliPaimSoato "f ROOTS. AND SHOES 30 ?AAW Juxsa as and ChSldren's Shaaa. andd pair Gentf, Catf : v L bootal ftutrtoeirad. and willaa said to a dealer eA a ' nnaQ airaaca, tf sexly ajpUcaticab, aaaoa tj- y - .i ,.4 f. i : . t is 1 t::fciS-7:f7-'i-,: M - -1- - K -1 ... ' 1 i-i-'if 7,7 .'7:- sr r, . '