'-.) ...7 : i-.-.ir-. r . 1 register. p LATEST. HEWS ?vW! v. huaibag wea Btmfial lhalclty.on 5T u.t, l being' reported thetMiniiUre Zi and were arranging tnr pwtrnmarw. Jo of tbeixwtt" wu.thafcoaetfurday -dent was pf fora-tlnie to Wiunrttation LbdarateUotniniasionw. iut .riJlency nileMg,Ut U was tbut !ld but mtWpg lh IdanUty or lha Confeda 'TLreUry of Legation, pteittmad ymip JV tJl PAmmiasioner: and eate the priumptio FROM TBNIJESSEllJ.f 1 ?t a inecial dispatch to the ilrfer aad Reg it into effect: in Emt Jennewe tojay; ano L rigidly enroroed. ' 1 '' f -V ' ' Kirby Smith broueht an ' immense Uarn .r-rtvcaDtuMdin Kentackr by hit force." rJL. i, n Cheatham't diUion. kill,1 woun- Jgod miaiing, in three brigade, teached 1,450. bore the brunt of the battle or Lvville, and captured three batteries. Major i i : n r77 . rRV)f THB NOKTM MUtlUAJS O- iiAOA ftfl J.V iil X V UilAlil wav . jr J G REIT ADA, Oct. 26. ;,. liisville dates oi the 2d,sajJ Jkloreaa made luccessful raid into LexingtonKy., on the 21st, g.itj.- lie encampea ror ne nigoj near w -in. niDB iiO, Beoerwoa rt-oni on jneuarasiown pitte wu wwv, tulso captured another tralo late In theevearngr Lumber of wajcons not known. tHe made the Jire circuit of iiuell's army and joined Bragg Bur H AXABA21A A YANKEE - JDESCKIP-) t TblAZi5iraa:baIlt a Oyerpool,Tp'JiWK. r TTftir rilf ft ANft HT;r tlntt m AH nn .1 enheacand jeft the Jattar -port ia Aiigort latla i tona burthen. xraagat apouv i iw l4ird-fc8ona- or3kaBa4,"182.,-r- If Wv rJJi&&U SkkZi She U a wooden Teaseiropeuea ny a -tri ??S --L C rT irr:0, i;.v"?l petbm,abou4l0 Teel jon rawrvwj three Yankee Ctnlaini" ha iiO.bfteiicaDtured 1 Wafe oiitlde. anddrabnuide; has a round ana feteasea ot v;aDtain -tsemtata.,oitne u Oil stem, uuiukticwYw ---- ---- Cl 1: . THE DUEL?Jt!D CHARLESTON. UagariitiftthaMbamaviIUmot f mail wacK, ooai orer wVnd With, orptured aTestroTadbeeoin;tha-terror. pr sparT tonaUowa between thtfbrtJgeaa of :,Har.tWappert.ta ba nneqoalied f?!.- vnerteamwa lauuewamnguauue.,, SSXSm3daM has a iooi wienorwawaiUMnoTSOwwpeeaojina-woww i y. Tv..v-k. a of uri ateamera UlhjaaTy, and 4der.iteam J poana nua ptrot gnn !T'"Z X"bZZZ aadaWas comfeineditwjU uke,tha Vanderbihiag-ppand pltot on. :or.Tesle!l of aimilar ua td.do Anything i0x I laidfonrard, for;a pitot bow ff? B Ja ttae;Het,Utte iafo .tqtul to manrf on. -crew aioopaHf-war of ibe Ute on Wrd JSfSSS or. our guns are or weiiaeirr" , 7 rrC. V. Wogly I by Wealey Bresto?; trpoolol8r Sheis f I bark rigged.- Phe;wa buu exnr'J ; equal to: many aecond;claa, -and yaitlyanperioe imalleressela. iSher -ls in all jespccU duatoiaar and onfc that fwUl deitroT millions property bafore eh ia eaoght. if ahe is caught at alL-Atl-.i3.i;f t k. i T4: Itt mllf aea 3wher: OapC Seanfoa captures- a" tesself he aends an armed -boat on ooata ana or ders the antortunate capUln. on , board the Ai- t ! S.- V:-' ' " 1,1. mmi Y.m i. ..aHJ red iDw,U presence or pirata oeinjneaj wno ie 5rea him in the. moat pompoua. ana orar oearing -v.. t r.hor nrmononi mav we., oas nnw)1..'.rnimAnt and crew ana mos. oi nerw board near Terceirs, Western: Islands, from an English vessel. Her crew are principal iir.nHah. th offiear fchivalry of the Sauib. All the water consumed on board is oondensed &k.k..U.,i1t mrintha-nroThions, beeidca what it UUD U Vlfcf I BhiD.iwberefrom. wberebouBa.anattecnraacter ot i oi coai on ouaru. his cago, .'Capw Hagar, In reply to the Uttfir ojies- ; LTERFKOJt EUROPE. ; . ; ' QBIJfADa, Oct. 26. Tbe Jlpmphis "Wtftn of the2&th contains the Allowing : ' '; t Ar Race, Oct. 20. Thq London Times says Hut me proclamation of Lincolu is a political con- ikit thfl Coniiitutongave no right to thePresi- j dent or to Congress to free the slaves. Kmauci ati.)D was the thunderbolt in the hands of the hsident to destroy the social organization of. the; Sw.h at a blow. Lincoln hts assumed the riht icilauneh, without the power to enforce, hto de-. crep. The Ncjrth must conquer erery square mile , 0f ube South before it can make the proclama tinn f more eflectj than merely a waste of paper.; The Commercial News from New York says there la a strong impression among the mercbantsl that iter ml nation of the war will ultimately oc-t cur from a financial crisis and contusion in the North. ' i ' ' 1 ' ' ; - i r FIGHT AT FRANKLIN. i At an early hour yesterday morning the city wu tilled with rumors of a severe fight at Frank? Southampton 'bounty, Va. These rumors givd it that the Confederates had been badly Worsted ia the Hfriir.; Having been so frequently deceived by rumor, we applied to Headquarters for correct information,! but were t61d that nothing could be ir.iJe wblic. It was conceded, however, that there had been an engagement, and, as it a as. not considered discreet to cite the result Dublicitrthe irrftisiibtoiriference is Tnat rnmor for once.at least, has told the truth, and that we have been soundly ttrauiej. Tbe public eo construe it, ana will con tinue to so construe all attempts on the part of t n . f a.. 't military omciais to aeep irum toe people reauita of ehgaeRinieats which have transpired, and the mppre9ion of which cannot in any possible way mbserve thO public good. j Wo have: good roaaon for believing that the Yankee forcei are now on this side ot Blackwater. Their ultimate aim is Weldon, of course, where therein effectually cut off the Confederate Gov ernmoni from the use of the great lines of railway aic! concentrate at tnat point. . i- Petersburg Express CAPTURE OF GALVESTON, TEXAS, UY ' . THE FEDERALS. ! The Federal fleet off Galveston, Texas, attack- i that citji on the 4th ihst. A Federal steamer npast tbb battery' at Fort Point under a heavy e, and laid te at the central wharf. The batte ry wb then destroyed by the Confederate troogs who riiarcbod to, Virginia Poiat. The troops in Galveston loft and went to the same Point. The r'eiWal stohmers lying off Galveston, five in nam Wr, gavo t;ho authorities of the town foir? days to reinov) thjj jwomen and children from the place, t thiMtpiratioQ of which time they would ahiell the j.lftee if it was not surrendered. The cause of thesitftcktor rather the initiation of the assault, ! the! tiring into the steamer Harriet Lane by the guns at Fort Point. The Harriet Lane teamed in under a flag of truce, buf went too far, nd was fired into. The latest telegram from Gal testrtn is dated the 6th inst., and speaking of the movements' of the Federals says : They landed yesterday again at the Point, but lave iot pofmanenly becupied it, having a whole fme loar of a cavalry dash; ' There are a sufli tiert'nuiabvr 0f troops on the Island to'repel any "lum?. iv nue tne enemy occupy their tion, laid that some of his cargo" was. on Engliaa aocouni. I On his riving this reply Semmes scowl ed af him and remarked, "Do - you. take tne for a id d fool 7 . Where are the, proofs that part of your jcargO U on .Engliah account." j The Papers, unfortunately, not having the Con sular 'seal attached, ware -not. considered proof, and the Brilliant and her- .cargo ward in conse- quencejseizaa ny .oemmea as a prize. . PCRaoKAIr AFPXAKAVCX OT BKMMIS. ; ac: Hagar aays that, however much Semanes I mayjhiave had the appearence of a gentleman I whan an nrBrw of the United States Navy, be has injtirely changed now. He sports a huge ,A.1iti.kA tha. ndm of which are waxed in a man Mr to throw that of Victor Emanuel entire ly in the shade, and it is evident that it occupiea much 'of his attention. HU steward wakes it very day carefully, and so prominent is it that the sailors Of the Alabama term him "Old Bees wax,'" j His whole appearance is that of a coreair, and the tranformatiou appears to be complete from jCommander, Ralphael Semmes, United StateetNavy, to a combination of LafUte, Kidd, and iGibba. the three most notorious pirates the wortd'has ever known. The! officer of the Alabama are -reported as very dainty gentlemen. In plundering a ship they take nothine but articles that suit them. If replenishing their stores, they Invariably reject brown sugar, taking nothing but tbe beat loaf. With; kid gloves it is the samethey refuse colors and: Will have nothing but pure white. And so it isfwith them all the way through. They ap propriate everything they find worth having. and dies troy the rest, and are pirates in every sense of the word, except that they do not take life or rather, they have not yet done so. When Gantain Ha?ar left the Alabama there were ibetwen forty and fifty of the crews of the different vessels she had destroyed still on board. Theyi were confined below in iron3, in tbe most miserable condition. They were wnere every drop ! of rain fell on them, and every sea that came! aboard the vessels washed over them, and .J i . v:ta i r ma poor ieuows were in a terriDie pugui, oaving losr e!verything with the vessels they belonged to, the! pirates permitting no baggage, except the veryjsmaiiesb quanuiy, o oe urougot wv iruui the prizes before they were destroyed. They had the satisfaction of knowing, however, that it coul4 not be long before they would be released, for; Semmes could not afford to have his ship nlled up! wjith prisoners. The plan that Semmes has adopted to bring fisfa to his net is as follows : It will be seen at a gUnce. that the podition he was last reported in was in the track of many vessels bound to and from Europe. This is the position he has chosen to do the greatest possible amount of destruction, anjd he certainly has been rao.4 successful. When ever he captures a ship, after taking from her all tbiat he and his officers want, he lays by her until dark, and then sets her en fire. The light of the burning ship can bo seen many miles, and every other ship within seeing distance stands towards the light thinking to rescue a number of poor feillpwB from destruction4. The pirate keeps in the immediate victnitv. awaitine prey that is sure to come, and the next morning the poor fol lows who have, to Berve the cause of humanity, 1 gone many miles out of their course, finds them selves under the guns of the Alabama, with the certjamty that before another twenty-four nours they will share the fate of the ship they came to. serve. L This plan will enable him to destroy an im mense amount of property without much cruising. He can lay in one position and gather the ships aruunj him during the night ready for opera tion on the coming day for weeks to come ; for it will he a long time before his depredations can be madefcndwn,so that our unsuspecting merchant men will be on the lookout for him. ' Again he will be enabled to cruise for an inde finite length of time , for he uses no coal, depend. Jngupon his canvas entirely, which, it seems, is iallj sufficient for his purpose. He carries stores jfov eight months, and can always replenish from the prizes be may take. He will be here to-day, there to-morrow, and will be certain to be found wfyero there is no one looking for him. . Looking ;fo him will be like "looking for'a needle in a altra a An1 1 f 4 K a rMBiaairtf eP tinnnnln m n The Herald, Tir commentingupon the daring famim n.t tliA 29U." 8XT8 1 A very unusual excitement prpyaiieu iu uur n . n M 1 1 A I D Till II II. I II I 111 ..11 Vj I I. V. . v w I . M uuuiiuwiiin ... . , .Li . - r consequence of the news of thelemble woik of the destruction commences oy ii ' the Alabama, or "290," among ouf 'whahng and merchant vessels on the high seas. The inteili f itiofcanredationa. hdwever, so close be hind the warning inai, wu rvu road, vui very; naturally .calc sensation."' " It adds that the VanderbUt sr had taken to the lated to produce a the fastest U. S ship afloat, is to be sent after the 28-V 1 TCwEMTi or the United Btatbs." The teleeraphic report from Jackson, Miss:, in regard to the number of persona in New Orleans, who have "taken the cath as enemies or the United States," may need a little explanation to make it intelligible. It will be remembered that same time ago Butler issued an order requiring all per sons in the city above the age of eighteen years to report themselves to the Yankee officers of hia ap pointment, and to register their names in a book prepared for the purpose, together with a list of all real and personal property. Those who ac knowledged their allegiance to tbe Yankee Gov ernment and took the oath to support it, were to be regarded as repentant rebels far whose pardon an effort was to be made.- Those who were still determined to adlre to the Government of their choice, were to be regarded as altogether beyond the reach of mercy, and they were to have their names registered as the "enemies of the United States." Their property was to be confiscated, and they themselves, are to be declared liable to imprisonment. It appears according to this re port that sbmetblng like tetf thousand have had the moral courage "to adhere to their convictions, and to take the risk of impri&onmont and confis cation of property. ihgtnHheath'bf qoL Wi It Calhounforih Begh iSi QjckxpSOuji i at the hands f-Js$ fyed JUiV.bf thej aiwg tata much publicity Hhrpugh , th papera of ; that city ; A corrwpondontbf the M.obiSAdvetHer writing from Charleston, says U is ta be the sub- Ject df '.legal vetfUgatidiithe.' first case of that jaina in tne, city courts for; twenty years. " The letter 9ays :,fl " ' ' :, Resides the: principals and their surgeon it is said there Wert six gentlemen present at the meet. ing-Frturee. State Senators, the Spsakerfof the House of Representatives of North Carolina, a leading member of the Bute Convention; and a Captain. - Twoof the Senators also bold commis sions as officers of the army. The arrangements ot tne meeting were conducted throughout with the nicest regard for the etiqoette of the "eode," ana I have heard orseveral of those who wc- on sua grouna wno express tneir Deuet mat a mora fairly-fought duel never occurred. Major Rbett the challenged party, waived the "drop shot, -which he preferred, and shot tbe "rise." He was dressed in full uniform; Col; Calhoun in citizen's dress. Both fired almost simultaneously, Major Rbett in an instant after Col. Calhoun. The latter missed and fell with a ball through the midole of his body. He survived only about an hour. The quarrel which led to this unfortunate result : is said to have had its origin as long tgo as April, 1861, at the time of the bombardment of Fort Sumter, in .what Major Rbett considered repeat ed official trespasses of his inferior officer. These led to the. use, on his part, of offensive language; and the repetition since of these alleged trespasses, and the offensive words by which they were met, have aggravated and complicated the affair. No explanation was asked or given. The immediate cause of meeting was a recent duel between Maj. Rhett and a friend of Col. Calhoun, who though aware of the existing difficulty, had enlogized Col. Calhoun in the presence of Maj. Rhett. Therefore. Maj ; Rhett repeated his previous denuftciation of Uoi. uainoun, w.hicn tne menu of the latter re sented as an insult ta hTmseU, and demanded sat isfaction. In this fit st duel Maj. Rhett received two fires of his adversary, he himself firing his second shot in the air. Here the meeting ended. In both duels Major Rhett was' peremptorily challenged. It is said that in tbe latter affair it was proposed on the part of the challenger mat firing rn the air should not be allowed. . M.CttBfy-ottrtoTluity;rftl T-rm7l82w .. 4. :mr. Cotton nd otter ..JtZJzx ' " 4. n; cARdx-isTATraQ 7NQW "E,EM)Y!E :' ; rXi'd offara fer sale 5 00 extras copies, et tha OrdJ- iMjiuiuuont. aatpta tj vm Xtorth Caro lina State Convention: As thCoavaatiott-oolyTuid 500, copies printed, it ii exjeated - that tit extra abnv ber he has printed will be qnicjkly duposad Of. and, therefore, thos wuhiiag itK rMori-oplaswMld d ell to order ther atonce; AU arderijmuil be ae oompaniedwitTerths 1 caah." ' ' .Prioa pet opy,;-; v ti.i& - : " . . When sontbrmail ' - , . . Printat tathe Stata Convention. t Vof sale also at the Bookstores of HK2JRY D i UAXKn and W. 1 FOMHROY, Noticed A N ADJOURNEJJ MEKTING OP! JLJL. Stockholders of ihe Roanoke f tion Company will be held at Halifax TJoar House, virgiaw, neaaeaaay, t&e lZtn day of Wovambor, 186 C. H. CABANISS, , oe 25 4t , ' ' ' - . . SecwUry. AT WHITAKER'S, OCT? SI. 1862. TUST RECEIVED-- l.T-Umn P. Cotton'nd otter - eaUtlodcaao of Lsrsr p.; Cdttttn, and tW- tha vTHr'1 JttMtw.j will.proeeed to sell V tha land and Premises laiha -kUkAi h. t and deacrlbed, q h3 9lh day Not.mbor aaxtTIt VV . xna Howana-x.orara located la th City d BsJ-e . eigh, on NwBras strwV aW a Iralf infla from tha baaiooM part of tWtyt and i. of Sa most disj! ' " 7 ?$? dwelling boose is lirge.an4 oommodioui, eon. talning thirteen Teoma, with abomt 1 aerw tf' laad ' attaehedV havlag the neoeaaaryjouthovaoaVaaA a wolllf of thoit water. There iaalioa fiao -stablo lot aada waU of water n ft. Pmwi0jV wDl ba fiv iamadiately, n. , ,-7't. The sale wHt taxo nlaM on ti nrmnii. AU. 1 .'1.MP,wada nCpua yeac: for ona-third a t Prw Mf jaars ror another third : and three . - Pj ' THE 1 7' f the rasidae of th piuh4sinonay;th pur-Jiaviga-1 ohr in iato hoad with,!to abU tatkal, Ha IT..... I 1 :i nntrn . -i-T 20AOet;,18x; LEWIS, C. M.'K. ''-i!i-oe:z5v-w8wtd ' Wanted. - A GOOD NUKSC FOR Till: BALANCE xjl of the yer. Apply to - Maj. W. M. Q0RP0N, oc 25 tf Hillsboro', N. C. 10 A 20 1UOU lbs.' Wax Candles at the .INDISPENSABLE WHITAKER'S. BARRELS NO. 1 RICE : f At the ENERGETIC WHITAKiER'S. 1?EVV BARRELS SUGAR - At the INIMITABLE JVR (TAKER'S. BOXES TOBACCoJ- E. A. WI1ITAKER: D 12 Reanis Blotting Paper, 20 Cajea St. Julieo Wine, li Boxes Pure Starch. AIL Y EXPECTED--IOOQ lbs. Snoff. - IOOO Cakes Toilet Soap, oe 25 At R. A. WHIT A 1 a NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COCNTY Court, of Equity-FaU Term, 1862. jr uium w uecree oi um uoort r Eqaity of Wake County, in .the aso. of "James S. Parefov against Wm. R. Watkins and wlfe, and others" the" undersigned; Clerk and Master In ' Baultv of County will proceed to sell at publio auction the tract of land in the pleadings mentioned and dsscribadoa the 13th day of November 1W2. ; : 1 ne iract or Lianff contains about 700 acres is the Land formerly owned by Dempsey Powell 5 U looated on or near Forestville Depot, ion the Raleigh and Gas ton Railroad, and has good hoases and water on tha ' premise. Tne sale will takfplaoe on tha Premises. oommeneng at 12 M..-- ;J - - . The Land will be sold an aj credit of nine moa tha, and the puachaser will be required to enter Into bond with approved, surety . for the price, or he may pay "' Cask if he prefeta. , R, :0. LEWIS, C. M. E. . 20th October, 1882. J v oe 25--waswtd ' PROSPECTUS ER'S. Wanted, DAILY STATE JOURNAL, rpOUR OR SIX ABLE BODIED NEGRO JL Mxwx, to chop wood, for which good Waaes will be paid. Apply to W. L. POMEROY. ENG- received, and W. t. POMEROY'S. INKBLACK, BLUE AND RED; lish and Confederate make, this day recti tor sate lor casn only, at oc 25 ENVELOPES, OF tiB, for cash only, at VARIOUS QUAL1- ! POMEROY'S. Masonic THE OFFICERS, MEMBERS ANDRE presentatives of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of .North Carolina, are hereby -in formed that the Annual. Communication of their Ma sonic Body will be held in this. City on Monday even ing, tbe first bf December next, at 7 o'clock, for the transaction of such business aa may be submitted for its consideration. ' :. The Officers of-Subordinate Lodges are requested to attend in person, or cause proper delegates to be appointed in obedience with the Constitution and general. regulations, of the Grand Lodge. WILLIAM I. BAiN, Grand .Secretary. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 17, 1862. 00 18 td INK WHITE NOTEPAPERrj8UITA- able for Ladies' use, for sale for cash bnly. at oc-25 POMEROY'S. F Cl AP PAPER A GOOD SUPPLY, AND J excellent quality, just received and for sale, for . RALEIGH MARKET. . Repoktkd bt M. H. BRO WN, - October 28th, 18G2. COTTON Verv Little offerine. Price 20 cents. ' FLOUR Selling from $23.00 to $C4.00. BACON In demand. Selling at 50 cents bog roudd. LARD The market well supplied price 35 cents per lb. MEAL Wanted at from $1.50 to $1.60 por Bushel. CORN Selling from $1.30 to $1.40. FODDER From $1.50 to $1.75. OATd Comes in slowlv and sells from $1.60 to $1.75 per hundred. BUTTER Quite scarce and sells from 75 cents to $1.00 per lb. EGGS Sells from 40 to 45 per dozen. SALT Very little to be had in this market. Price from $18 to $20.00. PORK Selling at 25 cents per lb. . DRY HIDES Good Bf Hides 50 cents per lb. ' TALLOW In demand, selling from 50 to 60 cents per lb.- BEES WAX Sella from 50 to 75 cents. SWEET POTATOES From $1.00 to $1.25. IRIH POTATOES From $1.25 to $1.50 per bushel. cash only, by W. L. POMEROY. ua ihajve cruising at the present time, s.ould one of them be unfortunate enough to see him, all we shall beinent thereby wijl be a look, and so it will con tihue to be until we have ships of greater speed than we now possess or expeotsoon to nave. STATEMENT OF A SKIPPJCR. The following is the statement of one of the un- UBIf 1BC- ' IT , .11 1 Sit .1 L 1 . . nt position! Col. Cook is engaged under orders f nfPPJ I8nKW aaippers.wmcu wmsnownow me i thino- tfl donq : f . a ivnjwimig auvu uiavu uoi jr 1 : o "a foulry works as can be got off, and it is not probableht the enemy will find much on tbetlu Orders h-ve also been issued to inform the peo- i P-Mhanb.uld our troops leave the island coin- 3 arncat!n will at once be cut off, and those who! femuir, will be compelled to depend on their. own j man f slibiistence, as ho supplies will be allow w teenier the city. ; MeukureB are already on fJ0t for a kgid police! ; tiio bayj and active cavalry force will continue iy fcour the mam land opposite the island and: coifttrjy along Buffalo bayoa. the Trinity 4. hw.ardSabinV. , . ; Ttiadetjrrainatlon of tha miliUry authpritiei "'" tA to confine the enemy to the bay Oontif fJous to the island. The force before the city; uuo not very formidable aa a fleet, is vet suffix c'ent to, itijlicate the future movements of the ene "7 on oul coast, and warn the people residing u. qnasi 01 me danger, should the hays and r"wbe,.ft unguarded. 1; ! ; : f TAU.iv CANDLES EQUAL TO STAR:; LETTERS REMAIN IN C UN- in the Raleish Post Office, October 27 th, 1862 : Adkin8, Jno Hutchings, Wm R Brown, Mrs Jno M Harrington, Josiah Hobby, aimeon Harries, CM Hunter, Frank Jones, Miss Willie T 1ST OF Ij called for Beadis, Alex Bais, L H Britt, Thos B Barham, CAW Bower, Marew or Jan thus Jeffrays, H G to Editors: It may be of soma interest ui'r numerous readers to kn.ivr that, with not can a .-: ' i. made fully equal in point of merit to the com TtrlCHnd,e- y ! i wrong ley, from wood ashes, and 'simmer a. siow flre; when a greasy scum will float on hL" ""au7;.as long ill contlnueato rUe?r- U'Jrk.' i- 1 b usual, HiiUflK wo a llttln inia!U. ' . x.' ' j. 1. J AaJh la rriM . . " oneiK.7lH' worth kfiong )9W to make, and iMrU mTrni M 'onkTi'and gives a lie i l The cnmlst?y dennstrates- . w . w. ut-tnwHK win in m bl mm nia ronn 1 a light equal to A.JX tu'n tT, tna , wick, to: spirit. wrh uk purn tr ongnter, 4 j Capt, S. B. Tihon, master of the late bark Vir ginia, of New Bedford, reports that on September If. when in latitude 30 10, longitude 34 20, at 9 A. M., sighted a sail on the weather bowteering fpr the Virginia, the wind from the southwest and the bark heading east southeast. At 11 fiheset the St. George's cross .being about two miles distant, we answering it with our colors, and backing my mala yards, thinking her to be an English stea mer. When distant one fourth, ot a mile, she set tihe Confederate flag, and boarded me with an armed crew, saying I was a prize to the Confed erate steamer Alabama, and that 1 must take mv papers and go on board tae steamer. After ar riving mere tne captain asKea me wnere 1 was from, aad how long eut ? first demanding my papers. He said to the first Liutenant to goon poard, with me, and allow me to take a small punk and the crew a bag of clothing each. After getting on board, everything being in condition, they hurried me into my boat, with a few cloth ing, and ordered me on board the steamer again. I They then commenced taking the stores, chro Dometer, and all nautical instruments in their boats, and at four p. m.; they set fire to the bark, and in two-hours she was burned to the water's edge. On arriving on board the steamer the first time I asked the Captain to release me, as I was-doing no one any harm. Hit answer was, You Northerners are destroying our property. and New Bedford people are having their war meetings,, offering two hundred dollars bounty for volunteers, and jent out their stone fleet to block up our harbors,and that he was going to retaliate' I went on the Quarter deck with my son, when lie ordered me in tha lee waist, with my crew, and all of us were put in v-ons, with the exception of .two Y boys; (cook and steward.) I asked him if I was to be put ' in irons, a ne repiy was ioai nis pur ser waa out inirona and his head shaved by us, and that he waa going to retaliate. We were put in the lee. Waiat, Kith an old sale over ua and Baker, Mrs James Bandy, Mrs Zilphia . Barnes, Baxter Bob'bitt, Henry Brown, Jos H Bell, Mrs Susan Burch, Albert E Cooper, Miss Lucy F Churchill, W Crump, Richard Crawford, W J Chrismon, R D Cook, Henry H Cary, Capt P F Crisp, B F Collier, Jno A Cooley, Edward Carpenter, J B Davis, Mrs E Dixon, 0 Daltoa, JnO W Dillard, Miss Eliza N Davis, Mrs Mary Edwards, F Edwards, William Felton, William Fnnk, Jesse W Falkner, Jno Flake, H J Fount, Mrs Caroline Falkner, Wiley Forniduval, C L Jones, Allen Johnston, J D Jones, Rouben Luerps, Miss- Narcissa Lee, Mrs Mary A Lipscombe, Jno W Myers, Maj Paymaster Mehegan, Walter Morrison, J A W mil, W A Neal, J J Norman, Henry O'Brian, Jno Ormond, W T Oldham, Misa L'M PegTam, Misses I A Z Peacock. Mrs R-J Ross, J J L Reynolds, Jas T Smith, Miss M A Stuart, Mrs Louisa ' Smith, Capt Thomas Sutton, Lt L E Smith, Capt M T Simmonds, Miss Holly Saunders, Miss Lucy Spring, J M Sowers, Jas Starman, Ellis B Smith, J W Staples, Shepard Turner, Mrs C A Grandy, Capt C W, A Q M Townsend, J Gray, N M L Grief, A P Godwin, L H Hill, Miss Bettie Howell, Miss Sophia Harriss, Chas W Hunter, W Wallace White, Capt J W Welch, Orran Warren, William Wombald, Jonathan Walton, Miss Annie Wain, Robert Watson, Rev A A Wane, Capt E W SOLDIERS' LETTERS. Anthony, Jas G Ayscue, J Batie, Codsworth Busb, M M Bernhardt, Alex Britt, H W Culbreth, L D Clark, B W Deal, Miles Deaton, Levi Dickson, MB. Dobbins, Jas Gamble, N F Gillis, MB Garris,WN . Gillis, David Glasscock, Wm H Gillis, M B Heron, W S , Honeycntt, B L Hilliand, Reuben He,M Joyee, Jno W Long, Adam Lowes, James Loin, L Marvin, Geo A Moore, J W Moore, H H Miller, Rufus 2 McKay, Wm McLemore, Jno R Moore, Lt B F Marler, HF, Manor, J B -Marshall, Joseph W W Price, Amos Paschal, Henry C Ragood, Alex Sessoms, Daniel B Small, Jas ' Safirta, David Self, Wm Simmons, ML Talbot, Josiah Taylor, W H Wadkins, Geo W Wynn, 'George Wilson, Jamea I Yeug, Samuel T OFFICE&W.IL. & WELDON R. R. CO.. ) Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 18th, 1832. J milE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X Stockholders of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road Company, will be held in Wilmington on the 13th day of November next. d. D. WALLACE, 00 18 td ' President pro tern. Long Handle Shovels ! WE ARE NOW PREPARFD TO FILL orders for Long Handle Shovels at our Manufactory in. Kinston, Lenoir Co. iariners.R. K.. Companies and Miners attention ace called to ex amine a sample at James M. lowies , naieign. ocl8 lm M. W. CAMPBELL, CO. Wanted, IN LARGE QUANTITIES, THE FOL lowing articles, for which the annexed prices will be paid, on delivery at the N. C. Military Instit te, Charlotte, N. C: Arum' Tryph ilium Indian Turnip, root, 25 cents per lb. Asclepias Taberdsa PI urisy Root, 30 " " " Aristoloehia Serpentaria Va. Snake Root, $1.00 " " Acorus Calamus Sweet Flag Root, 25 " " " Asarum Canadense--Wild Ginger, root, i - 50 " ' " Cornus Fiorida Dogwood, inner bark, 30 " " Cassia Marilandica Wild Senna, leaves, - 50 " " Cimicit'uga Racemosa Black Snake Root, 60 " " " Chimaphilla Umbel' ata Pipsissewa or Princess Pine, 50 " " Cjtisus Scoparius Scotch Broom, tops of stems, " . " 60 " " " Capsicum Cayenne Pepper Pod, $1.00 " ' " Diospyros Yirginiana Persimmon Bark, from root, j 30 ' " Datura Stramonium Jamestown Weed, seed and leaf, 30 " ' " Euphorbia Cor rolata Blooming Spurge, root, 50 ' " " Euphorbia Ipecacuanhae American Iicac,root, $1.00 " Eupatorium Perfaliatum Boneset, leaves, 20 " " " Frasera Walteri American Columbo, root, 50 " " Gilienia Trifoliata 1 Indian Physic, ' StipulaoiaJ root, 40 " " " Geranium Mawulatum granesbill, reoV 30 " " ' Gentiana Catesbei American Gentian, root, 30 " " ' Gaultheria Procumbens Wintergreen, leaves, 60 ' ' Hamulus Lupuluf Hops, $1.25 " , " Hyos"ciamua Niger Henbane, leaves : and seed, 75 " " ' Juniper Cofnmunis Juniper Berry, 25 " " ' Leontodon Tarsixicum Dandelion, root. , 30 " " ' Lint Semen Flax Seed, $2.00 per buaheL Lauras Saasafcas Sassafras, bark of root, 30 cents per lb, Laurus Sassafras, pith, $5.00 Lavandula Lavender, flowers and stems, 30 Monarda Punctata Horsemint, leaves, 25 ' Mentha Piperita Peppermint, leaves, 25 Mentha Viridls Spearmint, leaves, 25 ' Polynia Senejra Seneca Snake roct, 75 Papaver Poppy heads, $1.00 Panax Quinquefohum- Ginseng, root, 00 Pinckneya Pubens, bark, oO Rubus Tn valla Dewberry, smaller Rahus Triv alia Blackberry, s mallar branches of root, 20 branches of root, 20 Statice Caroliniana Marsh Rosemary, root,, 20 Spiraea Tormentosa Meadow Sweet, root, 3 Salvia Saee, leaves, 30 Sabbataa Angularis Centaury, herb, 25 Solanum Drlcamara Woody Night Shade, extreme twigs, 59 Sjfcplocarpus Foetidus Skunk Cab- bage, root, 30 Spigelia Marilandica--Prnk Root, - 50 StuMlngia Sylvatica Queena Root, 50 Sesamum Indioum Benne Leaf, 75 Cucurbita Citrullus Watermelon, seed, 20 Cucurbita Pepo -Pumpkin," seed, . 29 TrioBteum Perfoliatnm Fever Root, 30 Uva Ursi Bear berry Leaves, 50 Hydrastis Conadensis Yellow Root, 50 Beautiful Farm for Sale. ONE OP THE HANDSOMEST FARMS in North Carolina located lets than a mile from Hillsboro, and the Depot on the Central - Road, in the midst of "good sooiety, good schools ana churches. Contains 205 acres of fine wheat, oats, (clover and tobacco laud ; seventy acres good wood land, 12 mead ow land. Choice fruit. I s Good dwelling well planned and most j beautifully situated on a commanding eminence in j a splendid grove. Large Barn and other oat houses; all good. Possession immediately given. Cashl or credit, credit preferred. Apply to L. P. OLDS. oot8 tf . To ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OP NOVEMBER NEXT, the STATE JOURNAL will be published. : . 0Iko 4t -., DaUy, Tri-Weekljr. and Weekly,,. The DAILY STATE : JfJURN At wUX xonlaln klr the news received up to tha' latest hour before mail ing, and will consist of TWO - EDITIONS DAILY. The MORNING EDITION will contain the news hv the evening mails, and all .TELEGRAPHIC NEWS up. to 10 e'clock the previous night, and will be sup- . plied to city subscribers ana sent by the morning mails North and East; the T EVENING EDITION-will ba printed at 3 o'olock-p. m.r .and will conuin the addl- . tional news by Telegraph up to 2 o'clock p. m., and ' will be sent to subscribere ;bj tbe trains west and by the Fayettevillo mail. Thca subscribers, no matter in what direction they may live, will have the news up to the departure of the mails. . . Arrangements have been made to procure TELE GRAPHIC NEWS FROM! ALL-PARTS OF THB CONFEDERACY, expressly for the State Journal. GENERAL NEWS BY MAIL will be promptly pub lished. The MARKETS 1 will be fully reported. RELIABLE CORRESPONDENTS will ba saeured in the Army and elsewhere. The LEGISLATIVE 1 PROCEEDINGS will be reported daily by competent . reporters. xne state journal will be easentially a NEWSPAPER. ..; . ' r . r... . TERMS: For the DAILY 12 months, $0 ; 0 months, $3.60; 3 months, $2 ; 1 month, $1. "... ... For the TRI-WEEKLY-f-1 2 months, $4; .0 months, sa.ou; 3 montni, ai.su. the Members of the Next House of Commons. riENTLEMEN:I SHALL UK A CAN- JT didate for re-electiou to the oCice oif PRINCI PAL CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS at the approaching session of the General Assembly. Former experience in that and similar positions in duces me to believe that I shall be able to give satis faction, if elected. , I Respectfully, i sel0-2in . JAMES II4 MOORE. For the $1.50. WEEKLY 12 j months, $2:0 months, 1 square, 1 do 1 do x do 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, Advertising Rates: $0 .0 1 l 5Q 75 00 2$ 1 square, 5 days, 1 do 1 week, . 1 do 2 weeks, : 1 do 1 month. $1 50 ; 1 16 . 3 00 5 00 .AOUM), IN THC STREETS iOF RAL- eigh, a COUPON which has been detached from a rtortn uaronna iona, wmcn tne owner can nave on application at the Public Treasurer's Qffioe, by de scribing the No. and amount of said Coupon, and by paying for this advertisement. f 00 1 tf Save Your Scraps SHAY, WILLIAMSON GO., AT THE NORTH. STATE IRON AND BRASS WORKS, formerly Burns' Foundry,) will pay for scrap Cast Iron 3 cts. per lb. For Wrought Iron; scraps, scrap Brass, scrap Ziok and scrap Copper the highest cash price will be paid. They will pay the ihigest market price for a large quantity of Charcoal." Will also re ceive proposals for delivering two hundred cords of Wood. ' se20 3mpd Ten lines make a aqua e. j&- Advertisements for the Daily will be inserted in the Tri-Weekly ree of charge. This is an induce ment which eanuot fail f attract the attention of Advertisera. j : - The above rates apply only to the daily paper.' Advertisements will be inserted in the Weekly paper at tne usual regular rateBt vis : una dollar per square for the first insertion, and 'twenty -five cents for eaoh subsequent insertion, . : j ! s- Address, " ' ' ' ; JNO. SPELMAN; 00 15 5tpd 0N. Editor and Proprietor, RaleighN. C. Notice TOCK OF TON RAILROAD For Sale. j THE RALElGlti AND few' Shares.; THE 17th HAY OF DECEMBER 1 next, on the-premise, I, aa Administrator of John T. Taylor, deo'd, at publio auetion. will oCer for ,ale the Tract of Land hpop which he resided at tha ' time of bis ueath sitnated in Warren county, and tha State of North Carolina,! adjoining the lands of Rioh- . ard Bullock, Sr., John' T. Thomas and myself, and containing about one thousand and eighty. acres,. of whioh there are some 150 or 175 of fine bottom land. . At'tho .ft Tin A timA ahil nl.A T khn.11 ntTr f.il apl GAS- I about 500 barrels Corn,; about 50 stacks of Fodder. W. W Raleigh, Sopt, 11, 1862. VASS, Attorney, se 14 tf BLANTON DUNCAN, - COLUMBIA, S. C, I FORMERLY OF KBlfTOCKt, IS PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS TO any extent in Engraving and Printing Bank JNotes, Bills of Exchange, Ac. Engraving upon Steel or Stone. Large Supplies of Bank Note and Other paper will be kept. an 20 3m the ages of 14 seven years, or or 'five 7 ears, fox after satisfactory it t NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE' COMPANY .OFFICE RALEIGH. N. C. THIS COMPANY takes risks upon ail healthy lives between and 00 years-for one year, for for life the a$urer$ for life, participating in thepro' fits oF the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and and 60 years, are insured for one two-thirds their market value. All losses are paid within 90 days of oof is presented. DIRECTORS. FOis-1861 AND 1S62. Charles E. Johnson, WmH. Jonee, Wm. W. Holden, H. W. Husted, J. G. Williams, P. it Pescud, Quentin Busbee, K. P. Battle, Wm. H. McKee, W. Mason, Charles B. Root, Ever ard HalL . Rich'd H. Batde. I OFFICERS, j" Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President. W. W. Holden, Vica President H. W. Hasted, Attorney! Win. H. Jones, Treasurer. R. H-Battle, Secretary. W. H. McKee, Medical Examiner.: W. H. McKee, ) I Charles B. Root, V Executive pommitte. Q. Buabee, ' 3 i For farther information, the publio is referred the pamphlets and forms of proposal, which may be obtained at the Office of the Company, or any ef its Agencies. Address n. 11. ifATxLtJfi, Bat' y. Raleigh, Jan. 8th, 1862. . . jan 11 University Virgini8. mUE NEXT SESSION OP THIS INSTI- X tutien will commence on the 1st of Oct., 1862, and. end on the ensuing 4th of July. The exeraises in all the departments of instruction, Academic, Law and 'Medical, will be conducted as heretofore, n betng tne nxea parpoee 01 tne, rtoara 01. Visitors and tho Faculty not to relax in their efforts to mainUih the standing which tbe Institution nas acquired as a eeatcf learning, j For catalogue, Ac, aadress, ' j 8. MATJPIN, au 20 3m Chairman of the Faculty. U 44 44 44 Call for Advertised Letters, and give the date Telsimimom Semporrirem Yellow Jes- amine Koot, u Veratrsm Viride American Helle bore, root, ' 0 Xanthoxylon Prickly Aal, inner These artiolea moat ba thoronehly clean aad per feetly dry. ;- The rception of which will continue nntll rortner notioa. , , i. THE FIRST YEAR Op THE WAR. By Edwaxo A. Pollard, Author of ""Black Di amonds, "Ac. . . ,t Price, 4 $2.00 When sent by mail, $2.a..-,- ie 3 W. L. POMEROY. .' 44 SUPERIOR TOILET S0AP. 300 LBS. English Palm Soap for the toilet, jost reoeived and for sale at . i T ETTKR PAHEH-A LAIUiK U)T, Or1 JLi superior quality, Jast Uk hand, and for aaUfot and Oats, 15 or 20 thousand pounds of Tobacco, 8 large Mules, 2 Colts and 2 Mares, 2 yokes of Oxen, . stock of Cattle, most of which are Bcevei, 12 or 15 thousand pounds of Pork and a fine stock of out Hogs, 2 Wagons, and alii Plantation Utensils of eve-.' rv description ; also, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, and other artiolea too fadious to mention. " The land will be sold join a credit of 12 months, with interest from date, and the other property on a credit of six months with interest from date. Fox all sums under ten dollars cash .will be required ; for all over that amount the purchaser will be required to give bond with good security for the payment of the par- ' chase money. The title to the land will not be made unil the payment of the whole of tha purchase Xnon ey. lhe sale will commence on the day above-named, and continue from day to" day until all - the property -is. sold. -f i i . WM, H. BOYD, " . oc 8 tds ' ' . i j ' Administrator. 1 "1 m 1 11 t 1 11 . . . Notice. I VILX PAY THE HIGHEST; CASH PRICE for Cattle,! Sheep, and Hogs, also for Ba con, Lard, Eggs, Poultry of every description, partic ularly Geese and Ducks, delivered to ma at my farm, ' 7 niles west of Raleigh formerly belonging to Hinton Franklin, Esq. ji B. D. SMITH. Raleigh, 14th Jane, 1.862. jnnelS 0mpd S ADD 3LE TREES. SADDLE TREES. . . SADDLE TREES. Of all descrtptiona'and styles, can be made on reason- -able terms, at shortest notice, at THEIM A FRAPS' Factory, mar 10 -u h ' . naieign, a. v. Just Ruq the Blockade! GOODS OP ALL KINDS . SHOES. GENTS AND LADIES NEW est styles. . . '-J.- CLOTHS, CAPSIMERES AKD VEStTiraS. 2,000 patterns, all fmh and desirable. 2,000 yards North Carolina Casaimere jost to hand. 19 pieoea bast English Cloths, Blue Navy, ffi MAAaa Kiaiir uvaarin savin : mmHrai naaaww A V ajivwv auavaa arvwaMM wwaMaweva 4wm 1 j 50 pieoea CrenshaW Cloths and Other makes for tha Artay. 600 dosen ) English Collart for Gents, latest style. 50 dotett fiaeWhiU Shirt.? 20 doaen Gents Black and Colored Kid Gloves. . 100 pieces Brown Linen for Soldiers' Shirt. 10O pieces English Prints and.Glnghama. . 1 case line Blaek Press SUks, the bast la the Con faderacy. -1500 yards very fine Lustre. 10 pieces Black Pad and 6 pSeoM White. Batin ror uonnet.i . . . - Clothing of aU kinds. 'jL'm. '- j II T. W. ROYSTON A. CO. Petersburg, Va:? 1! ta'4 rrOIB PARTISAN LEADER, AvNOVEL X and an Apooalyp of the Origin aad Jltrugglei f ft., o.ii.ra Confederacy. Bv Jadra Beverlv Tnckar. of Vh-gink! -Origiaalry pabliahed to' llJd.- Priee, ... . ' .hit i. h When sent ny : 4t in For salaby &kU WLi MOllXBOT; or A PAIR r CHILDREN AND MIOSES CUV SHOES, and 40 pair splendid BOOTS. Will . e sold tt a lump to a dealer at a small advance by , , If. HOWARD, ot 15 laa J " " Cars, and Had, Par. C. 8. A. law planka to lie opoa. aahealy.bj W. U POMKHQY Ralatgav X. IV . I eezY-